HomeMy WebLinkAbout2627_001NEXT ORDINANCE NO. 2589 NEXT RESOLUTION NO. 29-754, O R D E R O F B U S I N E S S VILLAGE BOARD OCTOBER 7, 1975 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT TUESDAY, 8;00 PM 4 11, CALL TO ORDER 2 . INVOCATION — TRUSTEE FLOROS 3. ROLL CALL MAYOR ROBERT D. TEICEERT TRUSTEE ELOROS TRUSTEE RHEA TRUSTEE HENDRICK.S TRUSTEE RICHARDSON TRUSTEE MINTON TRUSTEE WATTEEBERG 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 1975 5. 'APPROVAL OF BILLS 6., COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS — CITIZENS TO BE HEARD 1. HUNTINGTON COMMONS ASSN. RE DEDICATION OF HUNTINgTON COMMONS AND HUNT CLUB ROADS -TO THE VILLAGE 2, PETITIONS FOR COMPLETION OF STREETS IE WINDSOR ESTATES 3. DONNA FAY TNT 4—H CLUB 7. MANAGER'S REPORT 1. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR HATLEN HEIGHTS STORM SEWER 42—SS—CS 2. SE. EMILY'S RESEB. & THE FIRST ADDITION TO ST. EMILY'S RESUB. 3. 1975 MFT MAINTENANCE PROGRAM 8'. MAYOR'S REPORT 1. APPOINTMENTS 2. PROCLAMATION — NATIONAL BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL WOMEN'S WEEK — OCTOBER 19 TO 25, 1975 3. PROCLAMATION — LAW ENFORCEMENT WEEK — OCTOBER 19 TO 251 1975 40STATE FIRE MARSHALL AWARD TO MOUNT PROSPECT FIRE DEPT. 5. PROCLAMATION RE SMOKING 9. COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN REPORTS A. BUILDING COMMITTEE 1. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE GRANTING VARIATION FOR. ANTENNA — ST. EMILY'S CHURCH ZBA-23—V-75 (SEE EXHIBIT "A") 2. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE GRANTING VARIATION FOR ANTENNA — ST. RAYMOND'S CHURCH ZBA-24—E- 75 (SEE EXHIBIT "B") 3. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE GRANTING VARIATION TO REMODEL EXISTING APARTMENT -302 E. NORTHWEST RWY. ZBA-17—V-75 (SEE EXHIBIT "C") 4. VARIATION FOR ZBA-40—V-75 JAMES GILLISON, 304 W. MEMORY LA. FRONT YARD SETBACK (SEE EXHIBIT "D".) B. FINANCE COMMITTEE C. FIRE AND POLICE COMMITTEE, e D. JUDICIARY COMMITTEE A$ E. PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE F., PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE 1, STATUS REPORT - VARIOUS MATTERS IN CO 10. OTHER. BUSINESS 1. ZBA-29-Z-75 & ZBA-30-Z-75 CONTINUATION FROM SEPTEMBER 16s 1975 PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNE ATIONA ND REZONING FROM RX TO B-3 AND B-4 - PROPERTY AT NORTHEAST CORNER OF BHSSE AND GOLF , a) RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE ANNEX- ATION AGREEMENT REGARDING THE ABOVE ANNEXATION "E" b) ORDINANCE ANNEXING THE ABOVE PROPERTY 1711 c)" ORDINANCE AMENDING MAP 23-S OF THE MT. PROSPECT ZONING ORDINANCE 1-' "G11 d) ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE FOR PROPERTY, COMMONLY HNOW14 AS 1606 W. GOLF Rb. (PART OF THE ABOVE PROPERTIES) "H'r 2, GEORGE L. BUSSE RESUBDIVISION PLAT 11. ITEMS TO BE REFERRED 12. COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS 13. FOR. INFOMATION ONLY 14. ADJOURNMENT µ SERGEANT -AT -ARMS: OFFICER, C. LAUREYS y MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING 'OF THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 16, 1975 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Teichert called the meeting to order at 8:10 PM. INVOCATION Trustee Minton gave the invocation. ROLL CALL Present upon roll call: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Wattenberg Teichert APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 2, 1975 Under Public Works, Committee, regarding the need for water, add to the sentence "Trustee Wattenberg suggested the need was urgent and 'Immediate, action should be taken" regarding La,k,e Mi,ch:iganwater. Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee H�n_,dric'ks, moved for approval of the minutes of the regular Board, Meeting of September 2, 1975 as amended. Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Wattenberg Teichert Motion carried. APPROVAL OF BILLS Trustee Rhea-, seconded by Trustee Hendricks, moved for approval of bills in the following amounts., General ........................ $190,779.63 Parking System Revenue......... 11010.64 Motor Fuel 19o901.13 Corporate Purposes Constr. 1974 820,939.08 Waterworks & Sewerage Depr., Impr., & Ext.......... 32.18 Operation & Maintenance...,.,. 27,943.00 $1)'0600,6 1 1. 0 11 5 . .66 Upon roll call: Ayes:, Floros. Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. Trustee Rhea, seconded 'by Trustee Hendricks, moved for approval of the 'Pi-I"-,i-ian,6",*ia'l""�Re,por't foi�,thC-.,­'ui0T1t11 Of Augu.s,t, 1975) subject to audit. M', Rhea Rs I '-3-nton '(JPon roll 1 Ayes 171 o' BA"chardso-n Wattenberg mobion" ,.carr -Led . MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Teichert: vrelcome'd Prospect High School AFS': Fo-Y,70L.gri Exchange Students, ".1"."helmo p La -Pena- f rom- Cuen:aa,, Ecttador Beth Meredith who spent the suT=ex 'in Qulil:o� 'Ecuador, Spa , Jane Magnus, who spent the summer In L.ea-ming-ton, England, and J6hn, Holm- "whho sPe,nt the s'uhuner Napa, Valley, C all f °"brn ila",.. 'Mayor Telchert proclalimed. Saturd.-Ly Se, tembez, 27, 19715 as ay 'h �shilftg�',D t :Lng-, and, i Fi mou.nL Prb,spec 111 51 - oetobe, Mayor, I" ei.­Chert, proc,ladmed,-- the,, week b,egiinnning, 1975 A cc; Fir'e', Prevent,, on,,, W, eek, I :Lgil'don regar'dd:ki�; t b, e 'T cher-t­ dilscu8sed 'the 1 t Mayor, 3.ori s true t i on - on 'entral. p,ost Of f Lce c Elmhur�st and, C S ndicated, the building will 'be con The Village Attorney -L I cI'd, 'i"' such, a manner as to assure the safe the the s truc t e n the Board to waive communit'��,­Ahd 3L t wotild be' prop,,ci.-k fjor I rnto an aaree - , s a P. � n, d to enter 3- varlous rules and procecit-i- ment'.. ,;,te-,e liendricks, seconded 'by Trustee RiLdhardson, 'moved to e,ct the Vi'llage Attorney to procd, with the roper I action 'bf before th6,,�:Zbn" ing, Board o'Appea,'Ls, to- rezo,,n,P e property of' the -U,,- S. Postal Service limmed.liately o th of the prop�ert'y ' identif 'led as U'., S. 'post, off 11ce Resubdi,v Ce ­ from R-1 to B-,3,,, ision on W. ntral Rd., r 0 S Iff 0 1 S Iti on 'Rhea Upon rol-1. call., Ay e s, -,.-!Tidr' A M t Watte'nber&, R.11C`hardson Motion carrie.d. Trustee Hendricks Seconded 'by Trustee RI-chard.son,, �r.lioved in that the petition the Village Attorney w 1 present 'behalf 6'f the V31-11a,ge will include tii.e approprlate at16ns to plac,e the buiiding 'to I be con,structed 1n coma, pliance with the Village building codes. I p. 2 9/"IL6/75 Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhe2 I Richardson Wattenberg Trustee Wattenberg, seconded by Trustee Hendricks, moved to waive building permit fees for the U. S. Postal Service and Herbert Swanson, with the understanding the waiver does not constitute sewer and water tap -on fees. Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Hendricks, moved to waive the rules to consider a matter not on the agenda— Resolution 27-75 - exempting some persons from vehicle sticker fees. The Bicentennial Commission had been omitted. Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Hendricks, moved to amend Resolution 27-75 to include members of the Bicentennial Commission and for passage of Resolution #28-75: A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION #27-75 Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. BUILDING COMMITTEE Case ZBA-14-Z-75 Cheker Oil Co. Rand & Central: The Committee voted to concur with the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals to grant requested rezoning from RX to B-4 to bring an existing service station in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. Trustee Hendricks, seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved to concur with the recommendations of the Building Committee and Zoning Board of Appeals to re- zone the above property from RX to B-4. Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Wattenberg p. 3 9/16/75 Trustee Hendricks, seconded 'by Trustee RIchardsonp moved to waive the rules requiring two readings of 10 an, ordinance in the matter of ZBA-14-Z-75. Upon roll call-, Ayes:Floros Hendricks Minton Trustee Hendricks, seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved for passage of Ordinance No. 2586: AN ORDINANCE REZONING MAP 10-S OF THE MOUNT PROSPECT ZONING ORDINANCE Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhei9j. Richardson 'Wattenberg Case ZBA-17-V-75 - 302 E. Northwes 2ER* Trustee HendriEk—,s, seconded by Trustee'Wattenberg, moved, ith the recommenclation of the Zoning Board of to concur wi Appeals and the Building Committee to grant a variation 0 to remodel an existing apartment above a service station. Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros; Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Wattenberg An ordinance was presented for first reading and the Clerk was requested to place it on the October 7th agenda for final passage. Case ZBA-31-V-75 J. Emil Anderson & Son - Randhurst Twin Ice,Arena -he Conmitteet the Village By way of a status report) t it attoill meet again Attoi.-ney and the petitioner s rney wl to further , refine the ordinance that had been drafted for review. Case ZBA-23-V-75 - St. Emi-111's Church - closed circuit �et-:Ftlon for varia -ion foi, 6,0 antenna for television for educational purposes. The Committee recom- mends concurrence with the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals to grant the variation. Trustee Hendricks, seconded by Trustee Floros, moved to concurw31-th the rec- ommendation of the Building Committee and Zoning Board of Appeals to grant the requested variation. p. 4 9/16/75 o"' call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Pon-_roll Richardson Wattenberg An ordinance was read for first reading and the Clerk was requested to place it on the agenda of the October 7th meeting. Case ZBA-24-V-75 St. Raymond's Church PetifFI–o—nfor var. atiom dor 60� antenna for closed circuit television for educational purposes. The Committee recom- mends concurrence with the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals to grant the variation. Trustee Hendricks, seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved to concur with the recommendation oft Building Committee and Zoning Board of Appeals to grant the requested variation. Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. An ordinance was read for first reading and the Clerk was requested to place it on the agenda of the October 7th meeting. Case ZBA-34-V-75 - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Linder 910 Greenfield Petition for variation. to construct r oma ition.wl n 6'4" of the east line of the subject property. The Com- mittee recommended concurrence with the Zoning Board of Appeals. Trustee Hendricks, seconded by Trustee Floros, moved to concur with the recommendation of the Building Committee and Zoning Board of Appeals to grant the re- quested variation. Upon roll call-, Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. Trustee Hendricks, seconded by Trustee Floros, moved to waive the rules requiring two readings of an ordinance relating to 34-V-75. Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. p. 5 9/16/75 Trustee Hendri cks, seconded by Trustee F loros, move for passage of Ordinance No. 2587: I AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A 'VARIATION FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 910 GREENFIELD COURT I Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Wattenberg FIRE AND POLICE COMMITTEE A resume of a public hearing on the "S" curve on Route 83 was presented by Trustee Floros. Mr. Thomas Heilter, of M/E, Alstot, March & Guillou, Inc. answered questions regarding the proposed improvement. Traffic signals are warranted and two recommendations ' were made: A signal at Shabonee plus improvement of the "S" curve, and 2) iMike Pekala, Village or a signal at Lincoln at Route 83. Traffic Engineer, recommended the signal be placed at Shabonee Tra 0 Interested citizens were invited to express their opinions. p. 6 9/16/75 A letter was read from Thomas Cooper, Director of Parks and Recreation stating, the Board of Commissioners re- quested that stop lights be installed at Shabonee Trail and Elmhurst Ave., Rte. 83. Jill Berger, 506 S. Wille, talked about the location of "no left turn" signs. Mr. Michael Carosielli, read a letter directed to the Mayor and Board of Trustees summarizing information gleaned through hearings and research, weighing benefits and suggesting proposed changes to Alternative I to eliminate the cul de sac on Elmhurst Ave. allowing it to accommodate vehicle traffic, and (2) the marking of a second cross walk at Main and Rte. 83, the location of the second signal in Alternative I. The benefits listed were: 1) school crossing demand-, 2) East/ est;, Collector Street at Lincoln; 3) Protection, for St. Raymond's school children; 4) the two traffic sI I ignals on Rte. at Lincoln and Main will restrict the flow and speed of traffic on Rte. 83; 5) Project cost; 6) State warriants; and 7) Loss of trees, of which the majority are, elms and subject to disease, and lastly, the possibility of work done by the State to the exclusion of approval by the Village. A petition containing approximately 160 signatures was presented which read: "Support Alternative I in Alstott, March and Gillou's report with the proposed changes: (1) eliminate the cul de sac on Elmhurst Avenue, allowing it to accommodate vehicle traffic, and (2) marking of a second cross walk at Main and Rte. 83, the location of the second traffic signal in Alternative I. Jane Stevo, 208 S. Pine, stated Shabonee does not satisfy people residing at Pine Street because it is not a safe crossing and suggested the light be placed at Lincoln. Mrs. Barbara Kerner, 401 S. Main, questioned the cost of both alternatives. Mr. Randall Wilkli, 420 S. WaPella, stated Alternative I as stated in the above petition, was a more advantageous solution. Randall Knudsen, 503 S. Elmhurst, stated he does not see the advantages of installation of a light at Shabonee. He suggested an impact study be conducted in neighborhoods adjacent to Rte. 83. p. 7 9/16/75 Mr. Joseph Valso 6,08 Candotal stated younger children attending St. Raymond's will have to walk down Shabonee and it is a hazardous street. Mrs. Bernice Ward, 400 S. Main., was in favor of Proposal #1 and felt the "S" curve should be widened. Mr. Joe Kerr, 418 S. 'H1*,Lu,s3"- urged that a decision on I neetiH location of the light be voted on at this m ad vivocated installatlionat Lincoln because �ing. e t would ser- dng Lincolnn S�chool, Lions Park, i a, ce the children tteni3- and St. Raymonds. Mr. Al DiPietro, 419 S. I -Oka,, stated he was opposed to a light placed at Shabonee. Mrs. Helen Granzeier, 314 S. Wille, supported Alternate IP1. Mr. Larry Frake, 505 Gowando, spoke in favor of a light at Lincoln. 'Mr. Art Coy, a member of the Mount Prospect Safety commission, gave a, background synopsis of the studies I taken, over a period, of five years. The Safety Commission recommended, a st,o, p light to be placed at Lincoln because It, had been de&ignated as a collector street Mr. John Thebault, 500 S. I -Oka, was opposed to the in- stallation of a light at Shabonee and concurred with one being placed at Lincoln and 83, which would provide a continuous East/West route. Mrs. Connie Carosielli, 403 W. Shabonee, stated the only safe crossing would be at LirLCOln- Mr. Kerner, 401 S. Main, stated if the parkway trees were removed to widen Rte. 83 the sidewalks would be next to the rig -way of the highway and snow plowing would be a problem. Mrs. Ermie Ullrich suggested the use of the courtyard at St. Raymond is School rather than the playground would be safer for the children. Is ch, 502 S. I -Oka, spoke in favor of a light at doe Lapcewi Lincoln. p. 8 9/16/75 Trustee Floros, seconded by Trustee Hendricks, moved discussion from the floor be terminated. Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Watten'berR Trustee Floros, seconded by Trustee Rhea, moved to in- stall a traffic signal at Shabonee and Rte. 83. Under discussion, Trustee Rhea, seconded by Trustee Minton, moved to amend the motion to contain "no left turn" restrictions from Rte. 83 onto Shabonee east and west at each signalized intersection. Mayor Teichert urged "no left hand turns" not be approved. The traffic light would be ineffective. He encouraged a vote for a light to be installed at Lincoln and Rte. 83, and stated barricades could be placed at peak pedestrian hours. Trustee Hendricks concurred with the Mayor's comments. Trustee Minton was opposed to a light at Lincoln and Rte. 83 because it would not assure the safety of the children. In his opinion, the best interest would be a traffic con- trol device at Shabonee. The question was called. Roll call: Upon the amendment to the main motion: Ayes: Floros Minton Rhea Richardson Nays: Hendricks Wattenberg Motion carried. Roll call upon the main motion as amended: Ayes: Floros Minton Rhea Nays: Hendricks Richardson Wattenberg Teichert Motion defeated. Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Wattenberg, moved for signallization at Lincoln and Route 83, for the improve- ment of Rte. 83 and replacement of trees as much as practical. Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Rhea Richardson Wattenberg Nays: Minton Motion carried. P. 9 9/16/75 The Manager was instructed to seek the appropriate engineer i Jng drawings to 'Implement the polI*ci es of . the Board, RECESS The meeting was recessed at 11:45 P. M. and reconvened at 12:10 A. M. Present upon roll call: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Wattenberg Teichert JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Trustee Minton read a letter J-_-rom Samuel Morgan., attorney for Salvatore DiMucci) dated September 9, 1975 stating he and Mr. Tuchow have consented to every suggestion made with regard to litigation at Palm and Tamarack. However, they cannot undertake the additional burden of paying for the of Grove Street at a cost estimated ' wing of one-half at $45,000. because it would desbroy the economic feasi. bility of the undertaking. It was Mr. Morgan's contention it is the obligation of the Village. The Village Attorney and Mr. DiMuccills attorney were to review the Consent.Decree further to consider an amendment satisfactory to the Board. PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Hendricks, moved for passage of Ordinance #2588: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 21.1011 OF THE MOUNT PROSPECT BUILDING CODE (AIR CONDITIONERS) Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. OTHER BUSINESS ZBA-29-Z-75 & ZBA.30-Z-75 Put ",lie hearing on annexation op and rezonip rom RX to B-3 1Md B,-4 -pro erty -+- CLU, _&' . I '7n6 northeast corner 6"f Busse a Golf Richardson, moved Trustee _He_nd_r�icks., seconded toy Trustee R, ch i to concur with the recommendc-Ition of the Building Committee and the Zoning Board of Appeals to grant the requested rezoning. Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. P. 10 9/16/75 The Elk Grove Fire District had not been notified of the proposed annexation. Trustee Hendricks, seconded by Trustee Wattenberg, moved to continue the public hearing of the pre -annexation agreement to the next regular Board Meeting held October 71 1975. Upon roll call: Ayes: Floros Hendricks Minton Rhea Richardson Wattenberg Motion carried. COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS PUBLIC WORKS - September 18, 1975 FINANCE - September 30, 1975 JUDICIARY - October 8, 1975 - Jos. Vais, President of Mt. Prospect Jaycees - discussion of issuance of permits for carnivals in the Village ADJOURNMENT Trustee Hendricks, seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved the meeting be adjourned. Time: 1:00 A. M. Unanimous. V1114gom of M*#Ant Proopect Cowncil-MBnsger 13overnment 118 E. Northwest Highway Mount Prospect. Illinois 150056 312-3E32-13000 M E M 0 R A N D U M TO: Mayor & Board of Trustees FROM: Trustee Leo Floropr Chairman, Fire & Police Committee SUBJECT: Fire & Police Committee Meeting 9-4-75 DATE: September 8, 1975 Present: Chairman L. Floros; Trustees E. Rhea, E.F.Richardson; Director of Engineering B. Hemmeter, Thomas J. Heiter, M/E, Alstot, March & Guillou, Inc. Also present were more than 100 residents of the Village. The meeting was in the form of a public hearing on the 'IS" curve project. Thomas Heiter, of the consulting engineers, made a full-scale presentation on a proposal that would: (a) improve the 'IS" curve itself; (b) limit the widening necessary to improve the roadway to 11 ft. lanes instead of the 12 ft. lanes normally required by the State; (c) signalize the intersection of Route 83 and Shabonee; (d) install 9 in. high curbs throughout the 'IS" curve; (e) install a pedestriaA flasher at the Pine Street crossing on Route 83. Residents in the audience once again objected to any widening of the 'IS" curve on the basis that it would only encourage speeding and thereby add to the safety problem rather than improve it. Another group of residents objected to a singal at Route 83 and Shabonee on the basis that it would encourage increased traffic westward on Shabonee and thereby destroy the residential character of the neighborhood. A petition opposing the installation of traffic signals and left -turn lane at Shabonee & Route 83 was presented with more than 200 signatures. The petitioners urged placement of the signal at Lincoln and Route 83. After more than two,and-a-half hours of discussion and questions and comments from the floor, the Committee voted 2 (Floros & Rhea) to 1 (Richardson) to recommend the installation of a stop light at Shabonee and Route 83, without left -turn lanes, and that "No Left Turn" signs be posted to prevent motorists from entering Shabonee from Route 83. Widening of Shabonee will be minimal; it will occur mostly east of Route 83 where the roadway is extremely narrow. Trustee Richardson opposed the recommendation because he believes the signal should be placed elsewhere on Route 83, namely at Lincoln and 83. Fire & Police Committee Meeting 9"4075 Estimated cost of the proposed project is $120,000 and it is expected that most of the money would come from the State with the Village portion to be provided from MFT funds. Although it was not part of the recommendation, the Chairman will request that the Village Board include as part of the im- provement: (a) the installation of pedestrian flashers at Pine and Route 83, as proposed by the engineers; and, (b) improvement I of the island at the south end of the curve; the island bounded by Lincoln, Route 83 and Elmhurst Avenue. LF:msw Leo Floros Chairman *** Additional comments from the Chairman: As all of you know, the "S" curve has,been something of an issue for two or three years now or longer. The recommendation of the Fire & Police Committee does not satisfy everyone, and I am sure there will be objections voiced from the audience. Nonetheless, it seems to me that the recommendation does satisfy most.of the needs: (1) It provides a safe crossing on Route 83, something that everyone agrees we should have. (2) By providing "No Left Turn" lanes on Route 83 at Shabonee—and by banning left turns onto Shabonee-- we will greatly reduce the amount of traffic on Shabonee. This should satisfy most of the objections of the residents residing west of 83 who are concerned about increasing the flow of traffic into their residential neighborhood. (3) It accommodates the wishes of St. Raymond parents who objected to the original recommendation for a signalized "T" intersection at 83 and Lincoln, feeling that this would produce increased traffic in the school area. (4) It accommodates those in the area who objected vigorously to any widening of Route 83 for the reasons previously mentioned. (5) It minimizes the loss of tre-es. I hope all members of the Village Board will try to familiarize themselves with this issue to the greatest extent possible between now and the next Village Board meeting. Hopefully, a final vote can be taken at that time. If you have any questions before then, please direct them to members of the Committee. Leo Floros Chairman