HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 13-21 03/16/2021 To approve a collective barganining agreement between the Village of Mount Prospect, Il and the Metropolitan Alliance of Police. Mount Prospect Sergeants Chapter #85. Term 01/01/2020-12/31/2022I Oki
WHEREAS, the duly authorized representatives of the Village of Mount Prospect in good faith have negotiated a three-
year collective bargaining agreement ("Agreement") with the Metropolitan Alliance of Police Mount Prospect Sergeants
Chapter #85 concerning wages, hours, terms, and other conditions of employment for the term January 1, 2020 through
December 31, 2022; and
WHEREAS, the agreement has been lawfully and properly ratified by the membership of the Metropolitan Alliance of
Police Mount Prospect Sergeants Chapter #85; and
WHEREAS, the corporate authorities of the Village of Mount Prospect determined that it was in the best interests of the
Village of Mount Prospect to authorize the "Agreement" between the Village of Mount Prospect and the Metropolitan
Alliance of Police Mount Prospect Sergeants Chapter #85 and made part of this resolution as Exhibit "A".
SECTION - ON E�: That the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois, have
reviewed and approved the "Agreement" between the Village of Mount Prospect and the Metropolitan Alliance of Police
Mount Prospect Sergeants Chapter #85 attached as Exhibit "A" and made part of this Resolution.
The Village Clerk shall transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the President of the Metropolitan
Alliance of Police Mount Prospect Sergeants Chapter #85.
SECTION THREE: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval in the
manner provided by the law.
AYES: Grassi, Hatzis, Hoefert, Rogers, Saccotelli, Zadel
NAYS: None
PASSED and APPROVED this 16th day of March, 2021
I umo
Arlene A. Juraceu
Karen M. Agoranos
Village Clerk
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January 2020
December 31,2022
ARTICLE I No RECOGNITION ..me a Now a *Nose WON ova age NOON we ammeallow we**;* ##wA**
Section 1.1 Recognition & Representation* 0 a W*adlff NOW #wwjwa *011*4
Section 1.2 Fair Representation,110,*##
jill 42
Section 1.3 Gender 1. Wool*#* #16 jb * W* 41* WJPw**l 1104* #****# We * 0 Col 0 W*Wlf w* ** **0,*** 641i A #A Ol No #*um ON,* ow j1doo
Section 1.4 Chapter Sergeants.
ARTICLEMANAGEMENT RIGHTS , will '01A, * 0 ova lil *** 474, Now 4 am W qw, 141141lw# *66* waloo 0 *##*4* W*l **v 4 **'m 10 03
Section 2.1 Management Rights:
ARTICLE Ill ad LAYOFF wwlwilk &64,4449SAM w**4 #0 *Owoew 04
Section 3.1 Reduction In Force and Reinstatement: O'Alm# We# #0 wlWW**u* Ol ol 0 0*4104 *w*0*4
Section 4.1 No Strike Clause: ...... a 1046mood NOON weemomago mamma Mae wood mom 05
Section 4.2 No Lozkout:, #30 w*wWv am, Ad #041t W *5
Section 4.3 Judicial Restraint: .... a was some a a No WP'wwm 00l *##**# Ww**jml**105
Section 4.4 Discipline of Strikers:
slill I oU
Section 6.1 Dues Deductions:.......#.......*
Section 6.2 Indemnity. *w's** ***0 a moose Mugu a offmom add No mom a Nose ON ON ad a oil am
a a & a d 0 a
Section 6.3 Bulletin
Section 6.4 Labor -Management Meetings:
ARTICLE Vil we VACATION,,*,,,@. 0,0*6400iii'm to *00*0* *,a o*'** *W*A******** Ndltiddl 61INIA41t 4#40*ve 413
Section7.1 Vacation Program: do Kansas ones Kansas an anon son **I*** am mesa **In moo**
Section 7.2 Vacation Schedule:
Section 7.3 Vacation Cash -in Payment:......... 14
ARTICLE Vill — HOLIDAY AND PERSONAL TIME .... 01#164*liom�Rivr****JA)om***Wgklt*#*VmIxgloEwowfpp,gjwpfqfwofpmfg*wf#fol**,*,#**Www**MPIW*i 5
Section8. 1 Holiday: ........... 101116#** 044111 am *** on 0 ***** an 601 4, main A, W me 0 On a **4i'm #**a *l** two 11I as 1....*a*@ #4164 15
Section8.2 Personal Time:.. Osamu an seems**#** 0,041i **0l OCCO's tim## KIM** *m*,0,* man tamomwom 0**#*Im *,#*** mama 4 wm,* 15
Section 8.3. Personal Time Cash -in Payment:
Section9.1 Absence from Work: **40#10#104*0 *W164*60i wimi........................1 6
Section9.2 Sick Leave: #66,646044 #*Omml#mtn #*01#101m 0 0(0, jjj4 * 0, 1* 0 mil S, a 40 M, a # 0, # 10 a a a 4 10 a # A MI 0, * * a 0 * 10 of 41, is 10 of I #I,, *m# # if As, d, a, 4W, 0 0 * *,a 1 01 6
Section 9.3 Funeral Leave: .............. R'llili,WIN wake mmjFoWq...... M at ............ 17
Section 9.4 Military Leave: semen 4101 Wwo*1#4**Wo4 MIKE an ................................r.1 7
Section9.5 Jury Duty: ............. *Nava wwwo simmummi **@l iiiiii &,a woo wkwl 7
ARTICLE X — EDUCATION BENEFITS....... ... was Sam usage a mesa Read ***is me**#** a a **@ 60 0 toaol ****.*.. 4 #*a** 01041 18
Section 10.1 Travel and Meeting Expense Allowances:.... it 0 a 0 a 10,04),00 #011 # Asia's *#*Aid NSA a 4,*Wo#**m N'##18
ARTICLE X1-- GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE01,044i a # 0,1610 04,60,0IM4,1mmi 4 0 #* 6 INOANI titib it ass, Alfilift Emma* a*'* 41*04im **IAIMI19
Section11.1 Definition:........ am Manassas an Mason out** m a waNife m*# 00,0*'s .. w.l 0 two* 01*44'" WRI 0#11 #101**101114 19
Section 11.2 Procedure for Grievance: ................. 9
Section 11.3 Fees and Expenses of Arbitration: ..............
Section11.4 General Rules....... 'a"N'- "Isam -, aa"a ""a 4, A 0 ",a a `0 a # 1. 10 'a a ass ""00i of. '"I'mi.i..20
Section 11.5 Notice of UnionRepresentation:..,#,, mi a O'nWoo moo man 0
Section11.6 Definitions: Kansans ass*#***A 10,411w*Al Role* a IN A **#MI#*dA bilill Emma m 021
Section 11.7 Miscellaneous Grievance Provision:
ARTICLE X11 - DISCIPLINE ........ moo amass 0#4(111116144441
Section 12.1 Procedure of Discipline:.......... a man
Section 12.2 Discipline and
Section 12.3 Written Reprimand.,
Section 12.4 Purge of Personnel File: ...awns a a Nassau son 0#111m a
Section12.5 Personnel File: 01.1,41, *141PIP 41#1 wl #,***,* moo an made soon 0 man me sell as a 0 an 0 a was a Ila 0 a a as me wmmwm23
Section 13.1 Right to Investigate:. a ads" a was a a gang a a a 0 d 0 a 0 0 *14 M101014mm m#m*,m*01Rm*wE Nljm#m
Section 13.2 Right to Representation:..... aaa.Some so add amounts a noun ones some so mammas me a oil so Ila owe mmm24
Section 13.3 Review of Recorded Media,,,,, AI # #tdi *#,*,** 0 #*m'm mp##***#*** 0 a 6 mls�p,uo, If mmo#24
ARTICLE XIV — MEDICAL AND LIFE INSURANCE0 #6 4*401 all *I**#* *#* M **,*,* to *1l 4#01 am Kim, #,,* am m **** ***1#** 025
Section 14.1 Medical Insurance: ... wages a Ensue Nana 9 a noun wasonowns on 464l &a 0,44*0*411
Section 14.2 Life Insurance:........... was" was ****,a 0*41,414 at** m#*11PE ANI14##0 111114110#1# Oil** ollp*
Section14.3 Continuation of Benefit: ...... a It * Ito 0 4 Wow a 4 #501 1 Ol * **#*4 WFAIWAilk 0 Ol F *1 1,11 AI **10 a * 6,4 IN, ml #29
Section 14.4 Retiree Health Insurance Program:....... on now No ads owasso w*ql *'* now
Section 14.5 Retiree Health Savings Plan: owns snow ***I***@ Iml am #0410 aR129
Section 14.6 Retiree Health Savings Plan — Annual Contribution: ....
Section 14.7 Personal Physical Fitness Testing: .......... do MEN MEMO MEN an 0 ONES am w** ww#**** #a** wwo#**1w* 30
Section 14.8 Section 125/Flex Plan Participation: ....
Section 15ml Drug and Alcohol Testing:... a go a No so soon aeon Rd ONES Mol 84440M WRI0004 all
SectionDrug and Alcohol Testing Following an Officer Involved
Shooting: ............. a a ad ONES am a am wow, a a ONES an an ass a awe a a am a a am a a ONE an Nam a am on a a am d a Ed an I I** w#q* *#I* ***#31
ARTICLE XVI — DISABILITY AND RETIREMENT BENEFITS ...a wo"Amod as Noonan snood ass4l'b4alml sel ***#**1***'*33
Section 16.1 Employee Disability/PEDA: ........... won Monona awe Mason on a W'W** no 33
w411*ection 17.1 Bene34fits,
0% A
Section 17.2 Protective Vests:
ARTICLE XVIII — OFF DUTY EMPLOYMENT ...... do am manse NEWER 4 WON essom madman NNE 0 a ones a owes now sale Moons #041111*041 **l d35
Section 18.1 Employment Outside Department: ........ d was now mono NNE ON demon o"1040 M035
ARTICLE XIX — SENIORITY.... was now so woo WIN
Sectlon19.1 Se,nior, 10 owwwAl *Wl ml'w*W* 0 **** ANI 10 we *I
Section19.2 Probationary Period: mango 0*40 **04,41 ml 440 al *** 010 saw IN 1***** 41 *l WIJ I***# A #40 4#041 WW @*l*****#****36
Section 19.3 Maintenance of Seniority List:■
Section 20.1 Board of Fire and Police Commissioners. 43
SectionMaternPaternReasonable Accommodation.
Section 22.1 Family Medical Leave
Section 23.1 Savings Clause... Ol ONIMI0*4 win WA1*01A 6660 6100AM #**4 Ol)
Section 23.1 Entire Agreement:10,*
ARTICLE XXV - TERMINATION .............. no ago now4*1014 ffli Ww*# 0"Jol 4 44#440410 W# #44'Wom www42
Section 24.1 Termination: o##lw 4 1114,000 0040 0#41 a**,#, # ##### wo#w1i @ Ol Ol ***Olil *##1&* 0,0 *0#0wilill a 042
Supervisor Incentive Pay.: *,a a'*** afNi aiwil
Midnight Supervisor Shift Differential Pay: ..................
Appendix B — Protective Vest Replacement Schedule... W.... 16 0 #44 10i 'a fw 4*41w's wiplism wpm d. as a woloof ## M A'Ai # **,* @4 0 *W#44
Appendix C — Maximum Out of Pocket Rates 2020 as 2022 Wilillilklit A ## *ill # wwoii owl v# iiii w##* 0 0# 0 # 0 4 # M ## W# 11111 45
This Agreement entered into by the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois,
hereinafter referred to as the Empioyer, and the Metropolitan Alliance of Police Mount Prospect
Sergeants Chapter #85, hereinafter referred to as the Chapter, to promote mutually beneficial relations
between the Employer and the Chapter, and is set forth herein the full agreement between the parties
concerning rates of pay, wages and other conditions of employment for bargaining unit members of
the Village of Mount Prospect, as defined herein below and hereinafter referred to as "Sergeants" or
Iferriployees", or when the context requires a singular noun, as "Sergeant" or "employee."
Section, 1.1
'Rocnall"lon & Repres�I � � �t
The Village recognizes the Chapter as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent with respect to
wages, hours and other conditions of employment for all fall time sworn police officers in the rank of
sergeant employed by the Village of Mount Prospect. Excluded are all supervisory, managerial and
confidential employees as defined by the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act; all sworn police officers
above and below the rank of sergeant; all employees excluded from the def mition of "peace officer"
in Section 3(k) of the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act; and all other employees of the Village of
Mount Prospect.
Section 1.2 Fair a,,, I tion
�11'ww 00 1'* iN
The Union recognizes its responsibility as bargaining agent and agrees to fairly represent all
employees in the bargaining unit.
Sectioti 1.3, Gendtj:i
Wherever the male gender is used in this Agreement, it shall be construed to include both
males and females equally.
S,ection 1*4 Cha ,,r 'e,
j)te,r So p ants.#
For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Chapter Officers" shall refer to the Chapter's duly
elected: 1) President/Secretary and 2) Vice-President/Treasurer.
Section 2.1 Manaegmen.1 -Rijdit.1i:
Nothing in this Article shall abrogate or alter any other Article of this Agreement.
esti 3.1 Reduction In, Force and, Rel"Astatement
a #
The Village in its discretion shall determine when and whether a reduction in force or
reinstatement are necessary. If the Village so determines that these conditions exist, employees
covered by this Agreement will be reduced or reinstated in accordance with their length of service
with the Village as provided in Illinois Compiled Statutes, 65 ILCS 5/10-2.1-18. All affected
Sergeants shall receive notice in writing of the layoff at least fifteen (15) calendar days in advance of
the effective date of such layoffs. Any sergeants laid off pursuant to this section shall be placed into
a patrol officer status by reverse length of service seniority. If the reassignment causes a surplus of
authorized positions in the patrol rank, then «« officer may w off in reverse length of service
seniority to make space for the laid off sergeant.
Section 4.1 No Stri.ke Clause:
........................... ,,
Neither the Chapter nor any officers, agents or employees will instigate, promote,, sponsor
engage in or condone any strike, sympathy strike, secondary boycott, slowdown, speed-up, sit-down
concerted stoppage of work, concerted refusal to perform overtime, concerted, abnormal an(
unapproved enforcement procedures or policies or work to the rule situation, mass resignations, mas'.
absenteeism, or picketing which in any way results in the interruption or disruption of the operationi
of the Village, regardless of the reason for so doing. Each employee who holds the position of office.
or steward of the Chapter occupies a position of special trust and responsibility in maintaining an(
bringing about compliance with the provisions of this Article. In addition, in the event of a violatioi
of this Section of this Article, the Chapter agrees to inform its members of their obligations under thl
Agreement and to direct them to return to work.
S,ection, 4.2 No Lockottt#
The Village will not lock out any employees during the term of this Agreement as a result of
a labor dispute with the Chapter.
Section 43 Judicial Restraint.
Nothing contained herein shall preclude the Village or the Chapter from obtaining judicial
restraint and damae
es in the event th
gother party violates this Article.
actio ,A D'I"SA'12fitte of Strikers:
Any Sergeant who violates the provisions of Section 4.1 of this Article shall be subject to
disciplinary action and statutory penalties, Any action taken by the Employer against any Sergeant
who participates in any action prohibited by Section 4.1 above shall not be considered as a violation
of this Agreement and shall not be subject to the provisions of the grievance procedure.
Section ,. 1 ffi
5Co, ng!''Isation,
4 l
Compensation of the Sergeants covered by this Agreement of the Village of Mount Prospect
shall be paid according to Appendix A attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein. Said
compensation shall include base pay, longevity pay and supervisory incentive pay. Said compensation
shall be effective January 1, 2020 and any and all retroactive pay shall be distributed to the Sergeants
in a lump sum on or before 30 days after the date of execution of this Agreement. The retroactive pay
lump sum is less any deductions (i.e. health applicable plicable per the collective bargaining
Seesti on 51.2 Dut Shifts and Patrol Work Schedulv-
A patrol Sergeant's standard duty schedule is four (4) ten (10) hour days followed by three
(3) days off. Each Sergeant shall take a paid forty-five (45) minute break each duty shift whether
or not the period is used for food consumption. A Sergeant who completes a full shift will be
credited with ten (10) hours of "time worked" for purposes of calculating premium overtime as
required under the Fair Labor Standards Act. If a Sergeant works a double shift, said Sergeant will
be compensated an additional full eight (8) hours if he/she works the entire second shift. A
Sergeant called in to work a short shift will be compensated for a full ten (10) hours if the entire
shift is worked. "I
The Sergeants shifts shall be defined as follows: A -Shift is 2200 hours to 0800 hours; B -
Shift is 0600 to 1600 hours; and C -Shift is 1400 hours to 0000 hours.
For purposes of calculating the accrual and use of paid time off, the parties agree each day
shall consist of ten (10) hours, in keeping with the previous conduct of the parties, (i.e. vacation,
personal, time due, sick time of any other authorized and paid time off).
Patrol Sergeants shall have weekends off every other twenty-eight (28) day work cycle
which will consist of days off being Sat/Sun/Mon or Fri/Sat/Sun. The parties agree that the
provisions of this paragraph may be avoided only to accomplish the reasonable operational needs
of the Department.
The following shall be the procedure followed for the annual assignment of Patrol
Sergeants to Patrol shifts:
1. In the annual shift bid process no Sergeant shall receive his/her last choice more
than two (2) years in a row.
2. After a Sergeant has seven (7) full years of time in rank, that Sergeant shall not
receive his/her last shift assignment choice. In the event, as a result of this
section, there is a necessity to order a Sergeant to a particular short shift, then
that order shall be accomplished by reverse seniority (time in rank).
3 After a sergeant has twelve (12) full years of time in rank, that sergeant shall
receive his/her first choice preference of shift assignment by seniority (time in
.Secti.on 53 Call Ba
.Any Sergeant covered by this Agreement who is called back to work on an assignment which
does not continuously follow a Sergeant's regularly scheduled working hours shall be compensated a
minimum of two (2) hours for each call back from the time when the Sergeant receives notice to
return to work or the actual time worked, whichever amount is greater.
In the event that an employee is off duty and is called back to duty, said employee shall be
paid at the hourly rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times the employee's regular hourly rate of pay, and
shall be paid a minimum of two (2) hours of compensation. There shall be no pyramiding in
calculating premium pay.
S'e.eti Ertlmto
Consistent with Section 5.2 above, each Sergeant covered by this Agreement shall be compensated
for all hours worked in excess of the Sergeant's scheduled shift per work day at the rate of time and
one-half 0 1/2) the regular hourly rate of pay. Overtime is paid in quarter (1/4) hour increments with
seven (7) minutes being rounded down and eight (8) minutes rounded up. For purposes of this Section,
every Sergeant covered by this Agreement shalt begin to earn overtime pay after working in excess
of 7.5 minutes after the end of his/her shift.
)"en overtime assignments for full "SHORT SHIFTS" (defined as a full duty shift which is
below minimum manpower standards and requires the continuation of an on -duty Police Sergeant
covered by this Agreement) are not filled on a voluntary basis and it becomes necessary to order an
on -duty Sergeant to work,the on -duty Sergeant shall be chosen by reverse seniority in rank and shall
be ordered to work a full eight (8) hour shift. If it becomes necessary to order an off-duty Sergeant to
work, the off-duty Sergeant shall be chosen by reverse seniority in rank and shall be ordered to work
a full ten (10) hour shift. No Sergeant shall be ordered to work more than one (1) shift holdover
within three (3) consecutive calendar days unless the Sergeant agrees to do so. It is also agreed that
the Chief of Police or his designee may deviate from these standards when they believe unusual
circumstances exist or particularly qualified Sergeants are necessary.
Section 5.5 Hours Worked:
"Hours worked" for purposes of calculatina overtime or any other benefit shall include all
hours actually worked and any paid leave of absence which shall include but shall not be limited to
Sick Leave, Vacation Leave, Holiday Leave, Compensatory Time Off and any other authorized paid
time off.
Elective medical, procedures that would require sick leave off dun*ng the key recognized
holiday periods of Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Day will not be granted
unless sufficient supervisory staffing is available to cover these periods on a regular duty basis where
no overtime costs are incurred.
Section 5.6 Court Time:
Employees shall receive time and one-half (1 1/2) for all Court time, and shall be paid for a
minimum of three (3) hours per Court call; once in the morning and once in the afternoon if so
scheduled. A Sergeant assigned to a specific Court call that continues on into another scheduled Court
call will be paid at the time and one-half (1 1/2) rate for actual time in Court but shall not be entitled
to an additional three (3) hour minimum. If a morning Court is continued to the afternoon call for a
lunch break, the Sergeant will be paid overtime through the lunch break until completion of the
original call. If a morning case is reassigned to the afternoon call by the Judge, a second three (3)
hour minimum will be paid.
Sergeants working the day shift who are in Court when, and after, their shift ends shall
receive overtime and not a three (3) hour minimum.
Midnight shift Sergeants attending court will receive the three (3) hour minimum court
time benefit unless they are required to return to responsibilities connected to his/her duty shift
responsibilities, afternoon shift Sergeants attending court will receive the three (3) hour minimum
court time benefit.
Sergeants reporting to a Court location other than the location normally assigned, shall
have paid time computed when they sign out at the police headquarters if they are using a Villa6k,
provided vehicle; further they shall be eligible for necessary and reasonable out of pocket expenses
(i.e. parking, mileage) to travel to such different courts (e.g., Chicago). It is understood the Rolling
Meadows Court is deemed a normal assignment. At remote court locations, overtime starts at sign
in, just as at the Rolling Meadows court location, unless a Village provided vehicle was utilized
by the affected Sergeant.
1!p men
Special assignments shall be compensated at the rate of $45 per hour effective on the date of
ratification of this Agreement or Award. Any change in payment amount will be applied at the time
of the actual work performed and not eligible for any retroactive pay calculations. Special assigm-nents
shall be equalized. The Village agrees that should it decide to charge an administrative fee in
connection with these special assignments said fee shall be reasonable.
Section 5.8 Travel Time CoMpeosation.
1, 01#0*
As to travel time, the Village agrees to compensate members for travet required by the
department, which shall require travel ie
point in excess of 150 miles from Mount Prospect (to
include Champaign, Urbana) or those instances where the member is required to remain away
secti"On 509 3071, e,/ClomjR,clnsatory,,,,Ttme",,
Employees may opt to have overtime and/or Court time placed on the individual Time Due
Records at the rate of time and one-half (1 1/2) in lieu of monetary payment on the payroll check.
Exception: Outside details in which the Village is receiving reimbursement at a flat rate or actual
time and one-halfrate must be taken by the individual as monetary compensation on the
payroll check.
The Department will allow a maximum of fifty (50) hours to be carried over to the next
calendar year without loss. Sergeants in excess of fifty (50) hours oil the Time Due Book as of
November 15 each year will receive cash payment for all hours in excess of the fifty (50) hour
maximum, said payment shall be included in the Sergeant's last payroll in December. Commanders
will take the steps necessary to ensure adequate manpower for their shift prior to approving time due.
Sect,*ftp Am*
Sergeants requesting to switch days off or switch duty tours with other Sergeants must submit
written requests to the shift commander at least forty eight (48) hours in advance of the first scheduled
change, absent emergency conons. Emergency switches must carry the authorization of the Chief
of Police or Deputy Chief or his designee. Sergeants may elect up to six (6) duty trade/switches
during a calendar year that result in a double shift without any repayment obligation of the two (2)
hour shift overlap. The requests shall not be honored if granting such a request would adversely affect
police department operations.
Section 5.11 Meetins.
Any Sergeant required to be at a mandatory meeting which immediately proceeds or follows
his regularly assigned duty shift shall be compensated for a minimum of two (2) hours at time and
one-half the Sergeant's hourly rate of pay. Any Sergeant covered by this Agreement required to be at
a mandatory meetm*g on his/her day off shall be compensated for a minimum of two (2) hours at time
and 1/2 the Sergeant's hourly rate of pay or five (5) hours straight time due. Said compensation
payment or time to be at the Sergeant's discretion.
S,ectio,n 5.12 Work HivaksO:
The Break period is considered on -duty time and personnel are considered to be available for
any assignment during any break period.
Section 5.43 1
1011,11,11,11- Sli"WSchedule-
Patrol Sergeants will be assigned to shifts annually based on a 4/10 schedule. Assignment to
said shifts shall be governed by Section 5.2 herein.
Upon receipt of proper written authorization from an employee, the Employer shall deduct
each month's Chapter dues in the amount certified by the Treasurer of the Chapter from the pay of all
Sergeants covered by this Agreement who, in writing, authorize such deductions. Said funds shall
then be submitted to the Metropolitan Alliance of Police at the end of each month.
Section 6.2 Indem,
The Chapter hereby indemnifies and agrees to hold the Employer harmless against any an
all claims, demands, suits or other forms of liability that may arise out of or by reason of, any actio
Laken or not taken by the Employer for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this Artiel
and shall reimburse the Village for all legal costs that shall arise out of, or by reason of action take
or not taken by the Village in compliance with the provisions of this Article, unless such action i
initiated or prosecuted by the Village, except for purposes on enforcing this Section. I
Section 6.3 Bulletin Boards:
The Village shall provide the Chapter with designated space on available bulletin board(s),
upon which the Chapter may post its official notices.
Slectitan, 6.4 Labor- ,agement Meetings-,"
40 M a, F1,
The Chapter and the Employer agree that, in the interest of efficient management and
harmonious employee relations, meetings will be held if mutually agreed between Chapter
representatives and responsible administrative representatives of the Employer. Such meetings may
be requested by either party at least seven (7) days in advance by placing in writing a request to the
other for a "labor-management conference" and expressly providing the specific agenda for such
conference. Such conferences, times and locations,, if mutually agreed upon, shall be limited to:
a. discussion on the implementation and general administration of this agreement;
b. a sharing of general information of interest to the parties, and
It is expressly understood and agreed that such conferences shall be exclusive of the grievance
procedure. Specific grievances being processed under the grievance procedure shall not be
considered at "labor-management conferences," nor shall negotiations for the purpose of altering any
or all of the terms of this Agreement be carried on at such. conferences.
Attendance at labor-management conferences shall be voluntary on the employee's part.
Attendance at such conferences shall not interfere with required duty time and attendance, if during
duty time, is permitted only upon prior approval of the employee's supervisor. The Village in its sole
discretion shall deterrni*ne its representatives at such meetinars.
C2-- -
tr #
shallFull-time employees be entitled to vacationas based
1 to six (6) months
Six (6) months to one (1) year
40 hours
One (1) year years (5)
i hours
Five (5) years
yearsSix (6) years
Seven (7) years
yearsTen (10) years
yearsEleven (11) years to twelve (12)
yearsTwelve (12) years to thirteen (13)
Thirteen eighteen years160
Eighteen (18)years years
Twenty (20) years and
Continuous service as utilized hereinabove shall be earned and calculated based on a
starting/anniversary ite # shall i any period of employmentbi
separation. normalworkday
Vacation shall takenr s# year January i
maximum (2) accrualshall allowedi calendar year
ChiefThe annual vacationi take into consideration
desiresthe ` individual and in the event of conflict in employee scheduling, seniority
considered.will be
Employees entitled to more than eighty 80 hours vacation time shall be entitled to take it
consecutively with the authority of the Chief of Police.
allowable vacation •
maximum of four (4) units
iunit ` rvacation (2) rSergeantsause vacation
addition to their four (4) splits with such time to be governed under the rules of personal time use.
More than sergeant (1) rbe on vacationsimultaneouslyi shift # +fir as r
number of supervisors (Commanders/Sants) # working . . +
requirements. #y r
S It M
ection, 7.2 Vacat",ion Schedule,*.,
Regularly Scheduled Days Off (RDOs) shall not be considered part of a Sergeant's vacatio
leave for the purpose of determining the number of Sergeants on vacation. I
S,ection 73 Vava,on Cash4n Paymen t.
Sergeants who are eligible and request vacation cash -in payment, such payment shall be
included in the Sergeant's regular payroll check with the last payroll in March and the first payroll in
Section 8.1 Holiduc u
Full-time employees shall receive the following holidays:
New Year's Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Christmas Day
In the event that an employee works on any of the above days, he shall receive hourly pay a
the rate of double time and one-halfhourly pay he would regularly receive for working. Anij
employee working in excess his/her regular duty shift on any of the above listed holidays, shall receiv
time and one-half (1 1/2) for hours worked plus one (1) hour of premium pay for every two (2) hour
in excess of ten (10) hours worked on a holiday.
In the event an employee works less than eight (8) hours on any of the above days, he sha
receive the regular hourly pay for such hours for which he does not work, which non -working hour
shall be calculated by subtracting the total hours worked from eight (8).
In the event that an employee is not scheduled to work on a day on which a holiday falls, he
shall nevertheless receive eight (8) hours pay for the holiday in addition to his time off.
Section 8.2 Personal, Tin],2101
Each full-time employee shall eam four (4) hours per month off with pay during the calendar
year. Said time shall not be charged against vacation or sick time.
To be eligible, an employee must schedule the time and receive the approval of his/her
All personal time not used may be carried over to the next calendar year without loss, up to
maximum of seventy-two (72) hours. Any hours above the maximum, shall r out in accordancl
Sergeants shall be allowed to schedule up to four (4) personal days per year to be utilized as
vacation days (can require a hire back to cover selected shift).
Section, 8.nal 1"inie,,faa h -in ient:
Sergeants who are eligible and request personal time cash -in payment, such payment shall be
included in the Sergeant's regular payroll check with the last payroll in March and the first payroll in
dSelction: 9.1 Absence from Work:
All absences from work due to illness must be reported to the Supervisor in charge at least
two (2) hours prior to assigned working shift pursuant to department policy.
Section 9.2 Sick era e.
Each full-time employee shall earn eight (8) hours per month paid sick leave to be used when
an Employee is physically unable to report to work. In the event that an Employee experiences a
family emergency the Sergeant may, with the permission. of the Chief or his designee, utilize sick
leave for the purposes of caring for the Employee's immediate family. Employees may utilize no
more than half the sick leave that would be accrued per year to care for a family member due to illness,
injury, or a medical appointment. A family member is defined as a spouse, child, stepchild, mother,
father, sibling, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandparent, or a step grandparent.. The parties further
agree that upon request of the Chief of Police or his designee the employee must provide explanation
or verification of family emergency, including proof that his/her presence was necessary. These hours
shall be earned on a monthly basis, so that beginning with January of each year each employee on
full-time active duty- shall be credited with eight (8) hours sick leave at the end of the month.
1W 9
An individual may accumulate up to four hundred eighty (480) hours of unused sick leave.
Prior to February I st of each year, the Village shall calculate how many sick hours above four
hundred eighty (480) have been credited to and remain unused by any given employee as of December
31 st of the previous year. If between December 3 1 st of the previous year and the following January
15th, the employee shall have notified the Finance Department of the Village in writing of his/her
desire to continue to accumulate in one or more groups of forty-eight (48) hours above four hundred
eighty (480x) that have remained unused during the previous year, such employees shall be allowed to
accumulate such additional time above and beyond four hundred eighty (480) hours to a maximum
of seven hundred sixtym-eight (768) hours.
In February of each year, the Village, shall compensate the employee at the rate of fifty percent
(50%) of the time accumulated above and beyond four hundred eighty (480) hours, or such other
number of hours provided the Village has been notified such additional nw-nber to be accumulated
and not compensated for as set forth hereinabove. If an employee elects to receive monetary
compensation for" sick hours above 480, the payment will be included in the employee's regular
As to questions raised concerning sick leave, employees may be required to obtain a medical
release before returning to work after being off from work for three (3) or more consecutive working
days for their personal illness. If there is a dispute about the validity of the information in the medical
release, the parties agree to follow the second and third opinion provisions of 29 CFR 825 307(b).
In those instances where the Village finds it necessary, based on reasonable suspicion, to,
verify an illness, they will visit the home only after making a call and getting no response. TWI,
reserve, however, the right to use other procedures to, in fact, verify the reported illness, if necess
but in so doing to attempt to recognize the dignity and rights of the parties involved. I
Section 9.3 Funeral Leave:
The Village agrees to allow any employee -up to three (3) days leave with pay in order to
attend the funeral of anyone in the immediate family or to attend to necessary related matters. Said
time off shall not be charged to an employee's accrued time off. The immediate family shall include:
father, mother, foster -father, foster -mother, step -father, step -mother, step -children, brother, sister,
step -brother, step -sister, spouse, children, grandparents, grandchildren, father-in-law, mother-in-law,
brother-in-law, sister-in-law, or grandparents -in-law and includes a person who has an established
civil union with the employee pursuant to Illinois law.
a ry
Section 9.4 Mitit Leuve
The Village will follow the minimum requirements upon applicable Federal or State laws a
cited herein including, Illinois Service Member's Employment Tenure Act under Illinois Compile
Statutes 330 ILCS 60/4. 1
fi0 Il'on Jury Duyl.l
Police Sergeants are granted regular compensation for their regularly scheduled work days
when. serving on jury duty.
. . . ....... . . ......
Section 10.1T'ravel, and,, Meetinllg E,,,,x mse Allowances,;
The Village, upon the Chiefs approval shall reimburse Sergeants for professional conference
and training seminars, providing such ftinds are available.
Conventions, seminars, workshops, and conferences, generally of a national scope or regional
(multi -state), gathering of national groups may be attended by Sergeants if the gathering of national
groups is specifically related tohis technical area. In all cases, specc approval by the Chief of Police
is necessary.
State-wide conventions, seminars, workshops and conferences may be attended by Sergeants.
Attendees may include Sergeants who can be shown to have an interest in the gathering which
directly relates to his/her area of work with specific approval of the Chief of Police.
Any Sergeant attending any conferences, meeting, seminar or convention and being
reimbursed by the Village or on Village payroll is expected to conduct themselves in a manner as if
they were still at work. Any improper conduct will be treated as if it occurred during regular working
A grievance is a difference of opinion between an employee and the Village with respect t
the meaning or application of the express terms of this Aueement excluding matters within th I
jurisdiction of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners.
Sectioti, 11.2 Procedut-e far Grievance.,
a. If the Chapter 'is not satisfied with the decision of the Village Manager, the Chapter may
appeal the grievance to arbitTation by notifying the Village Manager in writing within ten (10) days
after receipt of the Villae Manager's response in Step 4. Within ten (10) days of receipt
gof such
request the Chapter and/or the Village shall request a list of seven (7) arbitrators who shall be members
in good standing of the National Academy of Arbitrators from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation
Service (FINKS). Both the Village and the Chapter shall have the right to strike three (3) names from
the panel. The order of alternate striking shall be determined by a coin toss, with the losing party
starting by striking a name first. The person remaining shall be the arbitrator. Each party retains the
right to reject one panel in its entirety and request that a new panel be submitted. The arbitrator shall
fix the time and place of the hearing which shall be as soon as possible after his selection subject to
the reasonable availability of Chapter and Village representatives.
The Arbitrator shall be notified of his selection and shall be requested to set a time and place
for the hearing subject to the availability of Chapter and Village representatives.
The Village and Chapter shall have the right to request the Arbitrator to require the presence
of witnesses or documents. Both parties may retain the right to employ legal counsel.
b. The power of the arbitrator shall be limited to the interpretation and application of the
written terms of this Agreement. In no event may the terms and provisions of the Agreement be
deleted, modified or amended by the arbitrator. Ile shall consider and decide only the specific issue
raised by the grievance as originally submitted in writing to the Village, and shall have no authority
to make his decision on any issue not so submitted to him. The arbitrator shall submit in writing his
decision within thirty (30) calendar days following close of the hearing or submission of briefs by the
parties, whichever is later, unless the parties agree to an extension. In the event the arbitrator finds a
violation of the Agreement, he shall determine an appropriate remedy. The decision of the arbitrator
shall be final and binding on the parties. No decision or remedy of the arbitrator shall be retroactive
beyond the period specified in Step I of this grievance procedure.
Section 11.3 Fees and Expgn,se s of Arbitration:
The fee and expenses of the arbitrator and the cost of the written transcript, if requested by
both parties, shall be divided equally between the Village and the Chapter provided, however, that
each party shall fully bear the expense of preparing and presenting its own case including the costs of
witnesses and other persons (not employed by the Village) it requires to attend the arbitration. Should
only one party request a transcript, that party shall pay for the cost of the transcript.
Section 11.4 General Rules:
a. Any decision not appealed by the employee or the Chapter as provided within the time
limits specified in each step shall be considered settled on the basis of the latest decision and shall not
be subject to further appeal. Any grievance not answered within the time limits specified in each step
shall be automatically appealed to the next step. However, time limits at each step may be extended
by mutual written agreement of the Chapter and the Village.
b. No matter or action shall be treated as a grievance unless a grievance is filed in accordance
With this Article.
C. No grievance settlement made as a result of the grievance procedure shall contravene the
provisions of this Agreement.
Section 14.5 Notiie
The Chapter shall certify to the Village the names of those Sergeants who are designated as
unit representatives. These Sergeants shall be the only employees authorized to function as
representatives on each respective shift and division.
Section 11.6 Derinitions:
Days, as referred to in this Article, shall mean Monday through Friday, excluding holidays
and weekends.
Section III, Miscellaneous Grievance Provision:
All grievances shall set forth the specific grievance and contract provisions involved as well
as the relief sought. All meetings shall take place in a manner which does not interfere with Village
operations. Neither the grievant nor his representative shall be entitled to any overtime payments for
hire spent in processing or investigating a grievance.
Section 12.1 Pt-ocedureof DII*Slclit)�11 ne:
If the Village has reason to discipline an employee, it will take into consideration methods to
do so which would not unduly embarrass the employee before other fellow employees or members
of the public.
sC* 1 0 tetion 12.2 D11's I and, Dischar /Inves,figations.
Disciplinary actions instituted by the Village shall be for reasons based upon an
employee's failure to fulfill his/her responsibilities as an employee. Where the Village
believes just cause exists to institute disciplinary action it shall have the option,
consistent with the principles of timely progressive discipline imposed for the purpose
of encouraging corrective employee action, to assess an appropriate penalty which
include the following penalties:
Oral Reprimand;
Written Reprimand,
Suspension; or
Any disciplinary action or measure other than an oral and written reprimand
imposed upon an employee shall be subject to review and appeal as provided for in this
Agreement. An oral and written reprimand shall not be subject to arbitration or to review
by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners. However, an employee is entitled to
write a response to any oral or written reprimand and that response will be attached to
the corresponding discipline. The Union shall have the right to file grievances concerning
discipline covering suspension without pay, and/or termination, or an employee may
choose the hearing process by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners. Filing of a
grievance shall act as a waiver by the employee involved of the right to challenge the
same matter before the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners. A form containing such
specific waiver shall be executed by the employee prior to filing a grievance. Seeking
review by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners shall act as a waiver by the Union
and employee involved of the right to challenge the same matter in the grievance process.
Sesti on'12.3 'Written Rorltna,n d;
In cases of written reprimand, notation of such reprimand shall become a part of the
employee's personnel file and a copy given to the employee.
af'Personnel, Mile:
sectum 12.4 IMEU 11 �
Any written reprimand shall be removed from the employee's record, if, from the date of th
last reprimand, eighteen (18) months have passed from the date of the incident resulting in the writte
reprimand sought to be purged without the employee receiving any additional written reprimands o'
disciplines. The parties agree that the removal of reprimand shall be on the written notice of th
affected employee. Not -withstanding the above, record of such discipline may be introduced Whe
relevant at a disciplinary proceeding before the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners or arbitrato
whichever is applicable.
� W,",, j\» \ \\\ \: \ \ \ H
The Village agrees to abide by the lawful requirements of the "Access to Personnel Records
contained in Illinois Compiled Statutes, 820 ILCS 40/1.
S'ection 13.1 't to "Itivest tye
The Village agrees to abide by the lawful requirements of the Illinois Compiled Statutes 50
ILCS 725/1.
SZection 1, 1,2 Rieht to..Rev,,rese,,n,,,ta,,t'1"0'n,.
Any Sergeant interviewed regarding any matter which may result in discipline against th
Sergeant shall be entitled to representation by either a Union representative or Union attorney. i
Secti',on 13.3 Review of Record,,ed-Media,
Prior to the imposition of disciplinary action, the Union will be provided an opportunity to
review the surveillance (e.g. video, audio, or other recorded medium) relevant to the discipline if the
surveillance evidence is both: (i) in the possession or control of the Employer and (ii) relied on by the
Employer in making the discipline decision at issue.
Section 14.1 Medical Insurance:
The Village agrees to maintain in full force and effect for the life of this Agreement, a health
insurance benefits program for full-time employees. .
The Village shall contimie to make health insurance benefits available to full time sergeanfi,
and their dependents. The Village reserves the right to change group health and hospitalizatiot
insurance coverage as long as coverage is substantially similar to coverage available prior to th(
signing of this Agreement. Included in the above, the Village reserves the right to maintain or institutO
cost containment measures relative to insurance coverage, change insurance carriers, plans or benefi
levels, as long as the new basic coverage and basic benefits are substantially similar. During the tern
of this Agreement, employees may elect appropriate coverage in one of the health plans offered bi
the enrollment period established by the Village.
The amount of an employee's applicable monthly medical insurance premium contributiol
during the term of this Agreement shall not exceed the amount of the applicable monthly insuranci
premium required of other regular -full-time non -represented Village employees.
Each employee, upon becoming eligible for the above coverage, shall receive a policy and
descriptive literature describing the health insurance benefits and the procedures for utilizing them.
Employee's contribution towards the insurance benefits program shall be as follows:
Mont Prem 01
Coverage Type/Co-Pay Type PPO Plan I
HMO Plan I
HMO Plan 2
................... . ........
hill ................... .......
Single Discount (10%)*
$262.20 $257.25
- — ----
1; $232.75
Single +1 Discount (20%)*$205.80
. . ............. . ....... . . . .
Family Discount (30%)* 1 IM
$222.26 WIN
Doctor Co -pay
���25.00 $25.0ii 0
Specialist Doctor Co -pay $40.00
. ..........
Emergency Room Visit Co -Pay
rote ovoi/0Pjk,fiqrj ?es wholsatisf
ble colldftlons o �inglnthe,wellness,pro
'ram., See
............. secV'on Pg!gw,
Effective January 1, 2021:
- - - -----------
Montfial� Prem,tam
Coverage Type/Co-Pay Type PPO Plan I
HMO Plan I
PPO Plan 2
HMO Plan 2
Single $168.68
Single Discount (10%)* $151.81.
Single +1 $304.29
Single +1 Discount (20%)* $243.43
$ 11 186.20
Family $370.44
Family Discount (30%)* $259.31
Doctor Co -pay $25.00
Specialist Doctor Co -pay $40.00
Emergency Room Visit Co -Pay $75.00
....... .... .
?M les,who saL,&&
Al -0y -e
the ditiorl's, 0 P_ a t0po''in
t' q Ln t�,e wellnes" o rqm, Se e
WW160 Partici ation Reword� section
Effective January ALL, 2022:
Zhe iniondd �Pprein,Lytns- ar,2022 sEiffniot exceed, rates-
. .. ..............
. . . - ---------- -
Coverage Type/Co-Pay Type PPO Plan 1
HMO Plan I
PPO Plan 2
HMO Plan 2
6116, . .....
Single $177.11
0 NNW I Wi
Single Discount (10%)* $159.40
Single +1 $319.50
Single +1 Discount (20%)* $255.60
Family $388.96
3 A
Family Discount (30%)* $272.27
Pop ........
3 30
. ..... $216.53
Doctor Co -pay $25.00 1�
1 5 .00
Specialist Doctor Co -pay $40.00
Emergency Room Visit Co -Pay $75.00
... . .................
anticpatitIg the ��11�ellllss, roorom See
Wellness Porltki
.oatiara ,Reword,`; section below,,
One-half of the employee's portion of the monthly premium costs
shall be deducted from the
employee's pay each pay period up to twenty-four
(24) times per
year. The co -pay amounts for
employees apply to both the PPO/indemnity and
HMO insurance programs. Employees who
participate in the HMO will receive insurance coverage as dictated by the HMO provider.
The Village of Mount Prospect shall be allowed to raise the maximum out-of-pocket expenses
for PPO Plans to the following:
2% of the employee's pensionable pay for single coverage and 4% of the employee's
pensionable pay for family coverage. The maximum out of pocket levels shall be established as
illustrated in Appendix C.
The Village shall offer the "biometric blood draw annually and employees may participate
in the blood draw scheduled at the Villai!e or at approved remote locations. Human Resources has
the listing of the approved remote locations, in the instances when the employee and spouse cannot
directly participate in the blood draw scheduled at the Village. Spouses must also participate in the
biometric testing and meet the criteria established below to order to qualify for the family insurance
premium discount. I
Employees and spouses participating in the Village's health insurance plans must annuall
complete the biometric blood draw and health r-isk assessment(s) to be eligible for the wellnes.
insurance premium discount. The biometric test consists of at least a 37 -panel evatuatio
(includincoronary risk assessment, blood count, and chem-scr
g profile), blood pressur
screening , waist circumference and height and weight measurements. The purpose of th
biometric test and health risk assessment is to alert participants at an early stage of possible healt
issues and to prevent the issues from becoming catastrophic illnesses, The results are strictl
Village shall not have any information as to what areas any employee or spouse may be
deemed to be in an unhealthy range nor shall the Village have any knowledge of any treatment.
The information the
e Villae will receivis only aggregate data if participa
gnts meet the healthy
range criteria.
Wellness discounts shall apply annually provided the criteria above are met. The discounts
shall be applied to monthly insurance premium charges in the following amounts:
. ......... . . .............
Effective Date Single Single +1 Family
L(Health Insurance Plan Year) Coverage Covera Cove�g
. ................................
1/1/2020 10% 20% 30%
. .....................
1/1/2021 10% 20%--- 30%
L222 10% 20% 30%
--1;-. . . . ........
If an employee has single +I or family coverage they would not be eligible for a singl
coverage discount if only the employee participated in the biometric program. i
,PPO,Pres,cri tin, D ard,-,
iW 1-1-1
The prescription co -payment amounts shall be as follows,-,
........ ........
Effective Date Generic Prescription Formulary Brand Non -Formulary
Prescription Brand Prescription
11�111/1/2020 1$20.00 $50.00$85.00
l/l/2021$20.00 $50.00 $85.00
. ............ ....................
. ....... mm
l/l/2022 $20.00 $50.00 $85.00
RMO Prescription Qrug, Card:
The prescription co -payment amounts shall be as follows,:,
Effective Date Generic PrescrWiption Formulary Brand Non -Formulary
Presc �itioj�. ..... . Brand Pres 1ption
l/l/2020 $20.00 $50.00 $85.00
1/l/2021 $20.00 $50.00 $85.00
1/1/2022$20.00 $50.00 $85.00
General Prescription Drug Card Information (applicable to both PPO and HMO plans).
Mail order drug prescriptions shall be available to employees to purchase up to a ninety (90)
day supply with the employee paying the appropriate co -pay amount that corresponds to the
classification of the prescription be it generic, non -formulary, or formulary. All mail order
prescription drugs shall be paid by the employee in an amount of two (2) times the appropriate
prescription co -pay level depending on the classification of the prescription drug ordered.
Prescription drugs that are considered Specialty drugs as determined by the prescription drug
benefits manager shall have a $350 co -payment amount. Prior to submitting a specialty drug
prescription for payment the prescription must be pre -authorized, If the prescribed drug is determined
to be a maintenance and non -elective drug the co -payments that corresponds to the classification of
the prescription be it generic, non -formulary, or formulary shall apply and not the $350 co -payment
The Employer has the discretion to select insurance carriers, provided that benefits are similar to
those benefits in effect as of execution.
Section 14.2 Life Insurance:
The Village shall supply each Sergeant covered by this Agreement with term life insurance
with a face amount equal to fifty thousand dollars ($50,000). Effective I/1/2021, the face amount
will equal to one times the employee's annual salary rounded to the next higher multiple of $ 1,000 if
not already a multiple of $ 1,000. The maximum amount is $3 00,000. Said insurance shall be at no
cost to each covered employee. If available from the life insurance provider of the Village, employees
shall have the option of purchasing up to an additional $300,000 of life insurance above the amount
provided by the Village provided the additional insurance coverage is at the employee's cost.
Section 14.3 Continuation of Benefit:
When an Sergeant is killed in the line of duty, the Village will pay the full premiums for th
continuance of the then current health insurance for the spouse and minor children up to the age oi
eeen (18) and shall continue to pay such premiums for a period of twe
ightnty-four months from th
Sergeant's date of death or until the spouse and minor children are covered under a separate healt
insurance plan, unless required to provide a greater benefit under state or federal law. I
Section 14.4 Retiree Health
The Village agrees to offer for purchase to all retired bargaining unit employees of the Village
of Mount Prospect Police Department, with a minimum of twenty (20) years of service to the Village,
health insurance as currently provided to members covered by this Agreement. The parties agree that
should a retired employee choose to continue his/her health insurance, he/she is eligible only for the
then current benefits provided bargaining unit employees, and that retiree is also responsible for
payment of one hundred percent (100%) of the premiums for those benefits. The parties agree that
retired employees of the Village of Mount Prospect Police Department shall be subject to changes in
coverae and benefit levels as negotiated from time to time between the Employer and the Chapte
Section Ii e 'reeflea 1th SaXH1,1L§: L'Janl*
Upon retirement., emi)loyees who meet the eligibility requirements and have accumulated
Sick Leave must participate in the Retiree Health Savings (RHS) Plan. Eligibility for participation
is defined as an employee who retires with at least twenty (20) years of service with the Village.
Provided the employee is eligible to participate, the Village shall deposit up to four hundred
and eighty (480) hours or sixty (60) days of sick leave converted to a dollar value using the
employee's regular rate of pay into the RHS for the employee's use as defined by the regulations
outlined by the RHS administrator. If an employee has accumulated sick leave hours above the
four hundred and eighty (480) hours, but below the seven hundred and sixty-eight (768) maximum
number of sick leave hours, the Village shall deposit into the employee's RHS account fifty (50)1
of the value of the sick leave hours between four hundred and eighty (480) and seven hundred and
sixty-eight (768) calculated on the employee's regular hourly rate of pay.
If an employee leaves the Village's employment, and does not meet the eligibility
requirement for convertinsick leave into the RHS, accumulated sick leave hours shall not be pa
out at time of termination of employment for any reason.
At retirement, accumulated Vacation Time and Personal Time to be paid out shall be deposited
into the employee's RES account at 100% value.
Section W.6 Retiree Health,, sal P,,Ia�n —, Ann,ual Contributio'no
Employees shall contribute forty-eight (48) hours of accumulated sick leave which shall be
converted to a cash equivalent of twenty -fours (24) hours annually into an Retiree Health Savings
(RHS) account. If the employee does not have a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours of accumulated
sick leave available for contribution into the RHS account the contribution will not be made for the
calendar year.
Sick time hours accumulated above the maximum of 768 are converted at a rate of 50% cash
equivalent per the Village's Sick Sellback Policy into the RHS account.
Section 14.7 Personal Physical Fitness Testiqy,:
The Mount Prospect Police Department will conduct bi-annual voluntary physical fitness
testing. This testing will be based on the Cooper Model, also known as the POWER Test, as used by
the State of Illinois basic training academies. Employees who meet or exceed the Cooper Fitness
Standards shall receive a one-time ten (10) hour bonus per calendar year at their straight time pay rate
as an incentive. No employee shall be subject to disciplinary action for failing to meet the standards
or goals of the physical fitness program described herein.
If necessary, a Sergeant may participate in two bi-annual voluntary physical fitness tests per year, and
who otherwise would be off duty, shall be compensated at a minimum of two (2) hours at their straight
time pay rate, or for the actual hours in attendance as a participant, whichever is greater. The
maximum payout of straight time due awarded in any calendar year will be ten (10) hours.
Section, 14.8 Section, 1.25/Flex,Plun Partlit, ation:
The Village shall maintain a Flexible Compensation Plan whereby employees will be able
to defer pre-tax earnings into individual spending accounts to be used for un -reimbursed medical
expenses, dependent care costs wo to a specified limit, and additional life insurance (provided such
is applicable under IRS regulations). Employees shall elect to participate in the program annually
and within thirty-one (3 1) days of hire for new employees.
. . . . . . . ..............
Section 15.1 DrUp, and Alcohol Testin,
The Village may require employees to submit to a un[nalysis test and/or other appropriate
drug and/or alcohol testing at a time and place designated by the Village when the Police Chief (or
designee) believes there is sufficient cause for such testing, defined for purposes of this section as
('reasonable suspicion". The primary basis of the "feasonable suspicion" shall be -verbally
identified prior to the employee's submission to the test and will be documented in writing
generally within 24 hours thereafter.
I tic age also may require emp I toyees to participate in ranctom drug testing,, provided
that any such program shall be administered by a vendor who conducts U.S. Department of
Transportation testing (i.e. the type of testing outlined in 49 CFR, Part 40). If random testing
procedures are implemented, up to fifty -percent (50%) of the employees in the bargaining unit are
tested during each calendar year.
Prohibitions. Use, sale, purchase, delivery, or possession of illegal drugs including
cannabis or c annabis- infused substances at any time and at any place, whether on or off the job;
abuse of prescribed drugs; failure to report to the Chief or his designee any known adverse side
effects of medication or prescription drug the employee is taking that is reasonably expected to
affect the employee's performance,; consumption or possession of alcohol while on duty; or being
impaired by or under the influence of alcohol while on duty is prohibited. Officers who consume
or possess prohibited substances as part of their legitimate work duties, which have been -approved
and directed by the Chief of Police (or designee) will not be subject to discipline for that reason
Assistance. Officers who believe they may have a problem with the use or abuse of
on drug
and/or alcohol are encouraed to seek assistance or a reasonable accommodatiwhen necessary
and without fear of retaliation. It is understood an after the fact request for assistance will not
excuse a prior policy, CBA provision and/or SOP violation.
V 0 11 A 0
imations. A policy violation or posve test result will be just cause for disciplina
action, including dismissal if warranted by the facts involved. 1
Sevl,bioln'115.2, Drue and,Alcohol Tesfiggfollowi,29 an Offive'r Involved Shootin
Pursuant to the Illinois Police and Community Relations Improvement Act, drug and
alcohol testing also will be required (even in the absence of reasonable suspicion) and completed
as soon as practical (but no later than the end of the shift) following an officer involved shooting
incident that results in death or injury to a person.
The Union agrees its members shall be required to abide by the Employer's General Order
that is in effect at the time of ratification of this CBA regarding "Reporting and Investigation of
Incidents Involving Subject Resistance and Officer Use of Force" and all other provisions of this
Article 15 of the CBA (collectively the "D/A Policy"). This Section 15.2 and the D/A Policy will
be construed in a manner that satisfies Public Act 100-389 (the "Act") and any other law that
Pursuant to the Act, an officer is considered "involved in" a shooting when the officer
discharged a firearm thereby causing injury or death to a person or persons. If multiple officers
discharged their firearms, and it is unclear whose bullet struck the person or persons, then all
officers who discharged their firearm in the direction of the subject shall be required to submit to
drug and alcohol testing. By contrast, the phrase "involved in" does not include officers who did
not discharge their weapon, even if they were providing other forms of support and assistance
during the call. Nor does the term "involved in" include officers who discharge their weapons
when it is undeniably clear their projectiles did not actually strike any person or persons.
The parties agree any drug or alcohol test required pursuant to the D/A Policy shall be
considered a compelled, non -voluntary drug or alcohol test under threat of disciplinary action.
Such OIS testing shall only be done by urinalysis or breathalyzer. Blood testing will not occur for
an OIS required test under this Section 15.2 unless compelled by law. This does not limit the
Employer's right to obtain test results via other available legal processes. The samples, testing,
and results shall only be used for internal administrative purposes, including disciplinary action
when appropriate and as required by law. Except as necessary to enforce the D/A Policy or when
required by law (e.g. subpoena or warrant), the Employer will not share any test samples or results
of testing with any entity or person.
Section 16.1E,Mp1/^ isabIl DA:
.,. Di j!y/PE
Any employee injured on the job shall continue to receive his/her regular salary for up to one
(1) year, without charge to his/her sick leave days. Employees shall sign and deliver any Workers'
Compensation or similar payments to the Village while receiving the salary continuation benefits of
this Article as required by taw.
At such time as the Village feels an employee is permanently disabled, the Village may refer
the matter to the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners or a designated arbitrator depending on
which party retains authority for such determinations.
Sect"I*on 17.1 Benefits,',
The Village agrees to provide each employee with a uniform allowance as follows:
$650 shall be provided to the employee on their first regular payroll check in June of each
year of this Agreement.
The Village will determine the style and make of the prescribed uniform and equipment.
To the extent that uniforms and equipment, in the opinion of the Village, become
unserviceable in the line of duty, other than from normal wear and tear, the Village will replace the
item without any charge against the uniform. allowance.
The employee shall be required to stand inspection and perform his job in the uniform
prescribed with the equipment specified. Plainclothes Sergeants will stand inspection in the uniform
prescribed at the time they went on plainclothes detail. If the uniform is changed, the Village shall
buy the first issue (which shall not exceed one), unless the Village allows a twelve (1 2} month period
between notice and mandatory effective date in which case the employee shall bear the expense of
the change.
Guns and leather shall be treated specially. If the Village specifies a new gun or leather for
the future and specifies an effective date, it must bear the cost. If, however, no date is established, all
new employees shall buy the prescribed equipment and any employee buying a replacement gun or
leather shall buy the prescribed items.
Section 17,1 Protective Vests*
The Employer agrees that it will replace protective vests for participating Sergeants on an as -
needed basis using a five (5) year schedule based on the dates reflected in Appendix "B" attached
hereto and incorporated herein. The parties further agree that if the Village purchases aprotective vest
for an Sergeant covered by this Agreement, then that Sergeant agrees that he/she shall wear that
protective vest as part of his/her everyday uniform unless the affected Sergeant receives a written
exception from the Chief or his designee.
Sect -ton, 18.1 Em AoY �nient Outsiide'Dn)a
I ..-ww"NWN'�
The Parties agree that the current restrictions placed on outside employment shall remain in
Ul force and effect during the term of this Agreement, as provided for in Department policy ADM -
section "19.11 Sem"'orily:
A � 00 � WIN
The parties agree that they shall abide by the seniority rules as outlined under applicabl
Illinois law as amended. I
Sect'lo-n 19.2 probiatio Period.,
Officers promoted to sergeant shall serve a probationary period of one (1) year from the date
of the promotion to sergeant.
S'ectio'n, 1' 93 Maintenance of seniior" ' * ta
4 i0jil � 41 La .
A current and up-to-date seniority list showing the names and length of service, with the
department and time in rank, of each Police Sergeant shall be maintained for inspection by members
and shall be updated on a semi-annual basis and shall be utilized in assisting the assignments of shifts
pursuant to Section 5.2 of this Agreement.
- - - - - ----------- - ------
A an
Section 20.1 Board of Fire and Police Commi'ssioners.
The parties recognize that the Village of Mount Prospect Board of Fire and Polic
Commissioners has certain statutory authority over employees covered by this Areement, includin
but not limited to the right to make, after and enforce rules and regulations and impose disciplina
stions. NothinM* this Agreement is intended in any way to replace and diminish a
g ny suc
authority provided the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners is a duly authorized board by th
Village. 0 1
°tOMa!erpi /PaternjtL/Reason able Accommodation:
Sergeants who are pregnant or have a disability related to pregnancy, childbirth and/or
common medical conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth are entitled to time off and other
privileges to the same extent as officers who take time off for other non -work related medical
conditions. Time off taken under this Section and another leave policy will run concurrently when
both apply. Those Sergeants also are entitled to receive a reasonable accommodation to assist them
in the performance of the essential job functions of their position provided it does not create an undue
hardship to the Department's ordinary business operations. These issues are addressed on a case-by-
case basis according to the applicable state and federal laws. Employees who need time off following
the birth of a child also may receive time off pursuant to the Village's FMLA policy.
,S,.,,ection 22.1, Fain
BiLoMedical, Leave."'JEARLA):
It is understood by the parties that the Village must comply with the laws and applicable
regulations of the Fanui I y Medical Leave Act, as amended regardless of conflicting terms of this
Sectil'on 2.361.1�Savinas Claus.e.,
0*00''oo , !
In the event any Article, Section or portion of this Agreement should be held invalid and
unenforceable by any board, agency or Court of competentjurisdiction, such decision shall apply only
to the specific Article, Section or portion thereof specifically specified in the board, Court or agency
decision; and upon issuance of such a decision, the Village and the Chapter agree to notify one another
and to immediately begin negotiations on a substitute for the invalidated Article, Section or portion
Section 214 Enflirc..A&ree
This Agreement constitutes the complete and entire Agreement between the parties and
concluiw des collective bargaining between the parties for its term. This Agreement supersedes and
cancels all prior practices and agreements, whether written or oral, which conflict with the express
terms of this Agreement. If a past practice is not addressed in this Agreement, it may be changed by
the Employer as provided in the manaclause, Article 11. The parties acknowledge tha
gement rightst
during the negotiations which resulted in this Agreement, each had the unlimited right and opportunity
to make demands and proposals with respect to any subject or matter not removed by law or ordinance
from the area of collective baaining, and that the understanding g
and areements arrived at by the
parties after the exercise of that right and opportunity are set forth in this Agreement. The Chapter
specifically waives any right it may have to decision, impact or effects bargaining for the life of this
'T*'Ri,%11N T10N
Secti"on 24.1 "'Frrn'i nat 11on 1*0
'nits Agreement shall be effective as of the day after it is executed by both parties and sha
remain in force arid effect until December 31, 2022. It shall be aUtOnlatically renewed frorn year t
year thereafter unless either party shall notify the other in writing at least sixty (60) days prior to th
anniversary date that it destres to modify this Agreement. In the event that SUCh notice is give
negotlat i on s, an Y, sh al I begi n n o late r than 91 xty (6 0) days pr *1 o r to the expi ratt on date.
EXeCUted tills da f.................. M,� 2021
7 7,
President. Metropolita
Alliance of Police
MAPS, Chapter #85
Nip, 'Y
Arlene A. Juracek
Village Clerk
Karen Agoranos
Ain(nend,11-A — Waav%,Rates 20,20 - 2022
Sergeant Wage Schedule 2020-2021
1 -Jan
1 --Jars
1 -Jan
Top Patrol Officer Base Pay
$100 ,821
Certified Police Officer Incentive +
Sergeant Salary Calculation
Subtract Certified Police Officer
I ncentive
$ZIMO . ............. ....
Base Pay
Sergeant salaries will be twenty (20) percent above top patrolman salaries
Retroactive pay from. date of execution of award back to January 1, 2020 shall be paid within thirty
(301) days of the execution and ratification of the contract. Said retroactive pay shall include all
straight, overtime, holiday hours and compensable hours worked. This includes Sergeants who have
elected to retire during periods of negotiation after the current contract has expired. The retroactive
4 .
pay lump sum is less any deductions (i.e. health insurance) applicable per the collective bargaining
Lon 1*
gg'yjj,,"X ... k a � I't
on I e �ted Ye a rs of 'S, e ry i c e
5 years — 9 years
10 years — 14 years
15 years —19 years
20 years and beyond
Antilia ll ...ongevj,,
ly . .....
Employees shall receive longevity payments annually if their anniversary date predates December
31 and the employee is on the employer's payroll at that time. Longevity payments shall be
included with the employee's regular payroll check for the first payroll in December.
6 'Mh �� h Him WIR
$5,000 annually.
All bargaining unit employees shall be entitled to Supervisor Incentive pay immediately upon
promotion to the rank of Sergeant.
Midniahlt &Stlpervisor Shiffil-'Dliff,,erenfi a 1, fp�-,
'111111; -
$3,900 annually eligible for the Sergeant whose annual shift assignment is the Midnight Shift.
Full Name
Wh �fhlcil
Appendix C .— Maxim, um Out of Pocket Rates,.2020 - 20,22
2% 4%
e ®.ang
$L 00
$ 100
$1 A0
* PPO Plan 2 Health Insurance Plan Family Maximum Out of Pocket is $1,500.