HomeMy WebLinkAbout2465_001NEXT ORDINANCE NO. 2439 NEXT RESOLUTION NO. 24-73 ORDER OF BUSINESS Village Board Tuesday, 8:00 P. M. Village of Mount Prospect '1111v 17, 1973 I. Call to order 11ILDING DEPARTMENT 2. Invocation - Trustee Hendricks 3. Roll call all Mayor Robert D. Teichert Trustee Anderson Trustee Link Trustee Furst Trustee Richardson Trustee Hendricks Trustee Scholten 4, Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held July 3, 1973 5., Approval of bills Approval of financial report for June, 1973 6. Communications and petitions - Prospect Heights H omeowners Assn. 7. Manager's Report 1. Installation of water main and sanitary sewer in Marcella -Westgate Rd. area 84, Mayor's Report 91 Committee Chairmen Reports A. Building Committee 1. Case 72-17P - Standard Oil petition for rezoning from B-3 to B-4 First reading of ordinance (SEE EXHIBIT A) 2. Case 114-73 - Randhurst - Boar's Head Restaurant B. Finance Committee 1. Garbage contract 2. First reading of an ordinance creating a liquor license C. Fire and 'Police Committee 1. Second reading of an ordinance covering designation of J, collector streets (SEE EXHIBIT B) 2. Safety Commission report on various recommendations by the Police Department D. Judiciary Committee E. Public Health and Safety Committee F. Public Works Committee 1. First reading of an ordinance regarding Wedgewood Terrace Special Assessment #72 (SEE EXHIBIT C) 10. Other Business I. An ordinance annexing property generally located at the southeast corner of Lincoln Street and Douglas Avenue (SEE EXHIBIT D) 2. An ordinance amending Map (10 -A -S) of the Zoning Ordinance (SEE EXHIBIT E) An ordinance repealing Ordinances 2428 and 2429 (SEE EXHIBIT F) ,,�,3. , ,f 4. Kamysz' Subdivision - Rand Road 5. Olson' s Subdivision - N. Main St. and Judith Ann Dr. 11. Items to be referred 1. Expansion of Twin Links Miniature Golf Course (Case No. 63-S-31546) Charles Bartmann - (Refer to Judiciary Committee) 12. Committee announcements 13. For information only 14. Adjournment Sergeant -at -arms: Sgt. William Broderick ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING MAP 9-N OF THE MOUNT PROSPECT ZONING ORDINANCE WHEREAS, on September 159 1972, and October 20, 1972, at the hour of 8:00 P.M., the Plan Commission of the Village of Mount Prospect conducted public hearings under Case No. 72-17P, requesting zoning classification changes from B-1 (Business - Shopping Center District) and B-3 (Business - Retail and Service District) to B-4 (Busines - Retail and Service District) of certain parcels of property hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, notice of the aforesaid public hearings were made in the manner provided by law; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has recommended to the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect that the requested amendment be made and granted; and WHEREAS, the Building Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect did meet on July 11, 1973, and did review Case No. 72-17P and has recommended that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Pros- pect concur in the recommendation of the Plan Commission and reclassify the subject property as requested; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Pros- pect have determined that the best interests of the Village of Mount Prospect will be attained by the adoption of the Building Committee and the Plan Com- mission recommendations on Case No. 72-17P regarding the subject property; NOWl THEREFORE9 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT9 COOK COUI-TTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: That Map 9-N of the Zoning Ordinance of Mount Prospect, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by reclassifying the fol- lowing described property to B-4 (Business - Retail and Service District): 0 SECTION TWO: That Map 9-N contained in SECTION ONE of Ordinance No. 2410 passed, and approved March 20, 1973, shall be deemed amended so as to con- form with the reclassifications of the subject property herein contained in SECTION ONE above. SECTION THREE- That this Ordinance shall be null and void and of no force 0 and effect whatsoever until after its passage , approval, publication, and such time as an accurate plat resubdividing the said parcel described 'in SECTION ONE herem*above is recorded with the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, 1111- ihed hereto and hereby nois; a copy of which plat of resubdivision shall be attac made a part hereof. COASSED and APPROVED this day of �'.2 1973. Village Clerk Village President M PROVII)ING 1701t, Till", DICARING OF A T,O(IAL ))I 1"ROVE,11 E,?IT IN ANP 11"t THIG 9'JLLA6 11 Oil 11011W PROSPECT, (',00K (10UNTYo ILLINOIS FIT! TF ORDATNEl) by the President and Board of Trustees of the iVillnw:p (,( " 1(,mnt Prospect, Cook County, Illinois: S , V CT1017I l- That a local Improvc1nient shall be niade In the RUvive' sof Alnunt Prospect, (Cook County", Illi W%- the nature, ebaracteq locality and dwcripUon of unhich Improvement Is as follows: Przbt (8) Inch Internal (Uni-noter sanitary sewer from in-nd en.nnecting %%Uh tsar rNIqIl"g twcnty (20) Incli Internal dinmeter sewer tri Elmhurst ) Rrnrl v,c;IvrI3% nni-Wivs1erly, nud linrlhrrly ori rtline tw?lvr (1:5 001 �IsWhmln snuithwWorly and ivesleily of the north, norlhiniNt niml wul( ; rKht-ob"Py n"P of Mendnw Tone to a point seventeen (17) feet northerly -if the mmth right-ofny line of Ehicild Avenue; nko, art eight (8) Inch intrrilIvi diameter Printi.nry sorer line seventeen (17) feet northerly of the snuIll r1whookwny line of WIP1 Avenue from n point Ilirev-hundred- thirly feet elislorly of the east z1ght-or-wny line of Moriflow Lane to n Writ spwrinhundred-11wrnty (720) fret wrst. or the west right-or-wny Unc tlf I1-mdf�%v 1,"np, onid line rominecting Join the atorrdescribed JWQ no lblend1mv T'n"n 1 :wise, all vh:ht (8) Inch hilernril (11nmelor sn.n1inry sewrr )Mo tell (10) feet nor1hrily of the south righbof-way line or Stral,rord Plnr°(! from a point twelve "21 feet westerly of the enst, right-of-way line or Mrn(low J.rine In 11 Writ 1-n (10) feet westerly of, the rust rICATof-way line of Wedgew(W Inn, sn& line connecting into the nforedescribed We on Meadow Larte-, also„ Pit 00il (8) inch Internal dkineter snnlkry sewer line. ten (10) fent WrOvily of thp east, right-of-wny line of WerIgewocul Wnts Inmi a Tinint 12051 Net qoollivirly of the no"Ih dire of Sli-niftird Place ttw n pohil ime-l"indird-rQ51rive (185) feet northerly of the north ]hit! of Sir S -offord Pinve, snid Chip enrincelIng Into this rifi-irrilemerlbW line Oil Strilt- ,Jord Vince: n1sn; an eight (R) Inch Internal d1nmeter nwilOry newer line hvrlvp 112) fret linriliest the snutw henst right -of -ay line of Wrthus 1wof 1V�(,(Id from a point I%volv# (12) feet southwest of the iwwthcrisl rKhOnAv ny Do or Wndnw Wrie to a nobit Wteen 116) Pert sn"Iliwen! of the rinr1hr,rist rlpht-of-wny line of linivit ljorul, iiinlit One Into the ahwi,desprilwd ][me In Mendow Larne: mist'', an eight (81 Inch Injoyrnnl d1nmeler snnitnry sewer line qlxlevii (1A) feet southwest of the northenst property line of Ilzind Road from a point six buyulred (600) feet snulliessferly of the son(lienst right-of-way line of Wedgeivood Lane to a point thIrteen-liundred-twenty (3320) feet norili. westerly of the northwest right-of-way line of Wedgewood Lane, sold line crinnectIng Into the nforcdescribed line In Wedgewood Lane; also, nn Ort -it (S) Inch Internal (1hirricter snulinry sewer line from turd connectInf, %w I I It the 4,x Is I In R twenty (20) Inch fill Pruitt 411 imieter Ftewer In E'l In hurtrf F',omi, ou an line lvn (MI Wit iiinnMerly of tire ntirlh Ike or 001=1 floor to it poWt Isro-htnidred-sixty (2,60) rpvt wpolprly of the wait fetor tit 1111l"Imrst 110ml. Is il , zo, mi cls -,ht (8) Well Intermit dinmeter snnHnry sewer Ike fen (10) forl, qnsterly nir the Nvest richt-of-way line ret Elmhurst Road fi,orn, a imint, two. "tau ncirrI-xrvenmy-five (270) feet Wherly of the smith right-of-%vay Itne, of ON"fr1rd, rinr-o 16t o a Point fivaWingidere" d -ton, (110) feet northerly of 014 nor(hl, miki line conneelMig It= We nDwe eirsertheel I%, In Oxfml TWO; nod aWm an elf0"It, (8) tntlit Iri1erivtV dkimetri, smilinry sewer from nnd connecting QIo UIC eXIMIng tWenly (201 InK Intra -nail diameter sewer In Elmhurst Road, WCql.crly oil. a Unel I'Ve (51 fret northerly of the south line of f1uclld Avenue to a. point tWo- hundred.nve (205) feet westerly of the west right-of-way line of Elmhurst Ron& 'Fnpclhrr mAth sanitary sewer services to subdivided lots, manholes and sppiwirnnnt construction, all nn showrt an the detnHed pinnn here -1 lnhvN,ry i1mvillimi, The 0,*rq, locnihmn ruid extrnt of the wnfer mnln InsinlInUcin shall be ris follom" to Ivit., Six 00 Inch IntvrnnI diurrivier water main from and connectIng w1th the exisling twelve (12) inch Internal dIsmeLer water main In Elmhurst Fro and, westerly, northwesterly, and northerly to a point five (6) feet rwrthrOy of the south right -o -"Ty line of Euelld Avenue, also, a six (6) inch horl-nni diameter water nink from and connecting with this p0millng IsIxtern t 111 Inch InIrriml d1nniviler water ninlyi In Elmhurst Rond ,V(,wj- erly ou it Unr, five (5) ((,(,( northerly of the mouth r1sht-or-wiry Hoio stf Avv",w to n pohit wIN4 ... Irrd On 1110, Ire', wp"Iv,ly of 11, 1 rMh1wif " oy Hue of ]Nlemlow Immo, lk-mve confinmInK on the siono 111110. H" it On I,10) InvIi intoner! dinnietirt' wMer itink, tel p n nhil, sevenvIvinth-whAl Wvnty-hve (r: it,) feet westerly of the west dight -of -way line of Allendow Anne; pko, iin rlr.lit (9) krh Intvrnnl (Ilrinioter whirr ninin from rind connreling ilii, vx0"ling elylit (8) W01 W&I-ilril 11hinicki. writer plain At 1011d J,Rorel on n thin Owen (3) fail sintiltwvsterly of Me ncwthenist, righnof-wny IQ or iinnil amici to n wint six.hunorvahnety (m) Feet soullivnWrly of Me so0hrnst r1old-ofavny line of Wvdgmynod lainp, M~t% cqlnIhiuI"1k �Pu the snimp line from Me Inst, dt,serlhed point whh n len (in) Irish h0ci-nol diwiWer water mak, in n Point Live lvisl i un (I red -six I y (1260) feet noNh"TMvQ of the northnnest rliglit-of-wn.y line of Wedgewood We, ,else, n Icn (10) Inch Internal dlnrn(?trr water rnnk from nil rl'olineciQ U,Io the riforctivsrribmi line nn llnnd TRoarl on a line ten (10) feet nn0h- I" rsl-1 11 PC the northwest Imem of Lairs 10 and 't or file Ilayne Dell V111a ;Nnruv\aIh,n In null connecting with the afniredescribed line on Encild .Avrvtly-� GRA n sly W NO Inteninl flIntmetor wslor ninhi from and rnrinrOlnu to theNWsthig sN!Pvn (18) Inch Intenin'! dinnieter water main In EmAld ventio nn a Hne three (3) feet en~y of the west rlght-of-wav line rd Wuhri-I Rond in and cminectIng wilh the existing twelve (12) Inch Jhie in l.n"v: nisn, t"i right (8) inch Internal dinmeter writer Trinlil 'houn en(l ronliec1hig to the existing Wive (12) hash Inlerntil (homeW iintcr nvfln In twig id"tv lame tin a !Inv three (1) feel, inswrly of the wvNI vinho of \iny 11mv, ref Plinkirnt Ilond to a point (210) [cut snullicrly or the wiloll r4olm?"My line of Alptiolow 1,1111p; Ilk(), 11 IcIl t 10 Inch hAvIrn"I dim"cler inter rnnln from oriel vonnecting, if) the fitorv- Opsurlhvil I% on PAnihimst Bond on a line five (R) Act noulheasterly of the smilliprist lines of bots 7 slid 8 of Ellock 5 of Vvedgorwo,rvl Tenmer Sihr`1410-n In mid connevIlng with the ornredesr0hpil lil�ie In Rinul 11rind; aW, n six 101 Wh httermol dinineler writer nit0n, frorn suit connectillf/ lo Me Wri4fiverilm-i'll tine fir h1vothAv Lnne imi n line Ivii (in) hal, PinnivA, ilf Hjtv 1111v of Wrdnvwolo IA"n In rino rol-Invethip M111h 11M "f ;Nit 4CIA!"A kilo In FAIVIld Avvil"V; iOso. it pd\ Wo hwh InIpIriml tllnnivlvr wnirr ronin from ro"I riminerlhir to the vfi"wk rill"ol 11hip In Menthow Imre on as Ike ten (IM Put, iv"dhoTly 'of tho nw1h i1ahloWny line of MrolAwd, Phare to and ennnWhig whit the "I'meth,st-ribed We lh Wedgeworal 1,11ne: also, it six (6) fil,ch Internal (WuuvI,r \\n1vr innin from and conneethig to the aroredeserlbod line Io \&Q1uri\(41d Wine on ri Ow lwvlvv (12) feet northerly of the soidli 000. of "o, Vine of 00(mil fitter In illul connPIcIlur %Vljh the PX1.011my irn (10) W&I KIP11111 ilhinielpr minim In 101inhitirnt In"& "hah nn vlrh (NI It"Ill InipmW illacriulcr "nIvr Iniiin front tilid ("nuiNihm or the exhimm virm 1R, Wi Laic nvil dhimvh- mnler innin In Me nouthmust sIdu of lbind E al to anal unrileclini: "11h this nforedenerlbed Ileo in the northeast sId( l0nd Radii, Wnthor i0h wnfor srrvler, IInvm to rnibdIvIded Ints, vnlveq and j\,n,iWz, 11tidr,,inln and npin"Apnit"I ilmnilriietlon, all un shown on thvl(Iv- jimlind Qum Itereintirforl. 11pisvill"41, WEDGEWOOD TERRACE Datum! Tile DRbira" estnblWhed Or the Wedzewood Trrrnr�, SprKA!" A,ssessment DlMdrt shall be that est b0zlip(l by the United Stslos C', W Survey us elevation above Menn Sea Leval, 11in rip% -11v �ny� :sre cstablished by a series of benchmark,,; related to an -X- chic-lri lqli'" file southeast bolt of the fire hydrant on the squthweqt cornmr of ljo h intersection of Ilmhu"t Road and Wadow Lane. Said brr-hmark &1 establish(W its on ele-vnitleml ot stx huroked slxty� nlny and Pevvniphrey F (6691-73) hundred.ths That the owner or owsers of prnpi,,�I-Iy, rt,i?�Aed fe)r, this 'shall have the right to connect to snid Impmveniprits F01jFr1 v4 th,��j reasontible �of the V111411"n" of *%1q"r1jnt Thqt an easement ill -rd pnrpetuni rljzht,, prh,11r,i4n rind A•vlhroWy and innintiln as ivaler mqtn over, unorr and virin It - property shn1l be oblWned by mrid emnaUnn: Northw(,st(irly ten (10) feet of Int I of Rand-FArnhurs! TRAJOWn, 1-1 a SUbdiVISIOn of part of the East half of the SnuthrTst quprtpr rr 8 27, Townshiii 42 )Torth. Tinnge, 11 East of the Third Principal Mcril0n. hil the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook Cnun!31 11iinnis, l SECTION 2: Thnt the recommendation of the Board of local Inol' prilvements of the Village of Mount Prospect, prnvldlng for the rnirnk rand they rMirrinte nf the cost thereof mnde by Ilia Prp,410-rit of tt- !Ronrd or Dwnl linproverrierils, hr4h hPrWo attached anti mr r Ido linr of, be, iind We mar -rip rarer hprehy ripliroved, 14111TION 3: That wild Irnprovement shall be made end flit, v.hQ1 cost thereof, together with an amount not Pxr!eedlng six per rcrif it)", I ')(' Vim; v1stininted cost, to -wit: 11711RITE litUNDREI]i SEVENTY 171%'F. TH01-' SAND SEVEN 11UNDIZE17 1APTY AND Foiw) 1>1 OLI.ARS ,,vhlrfi, Is hereby provided for to npply Mal -0 the cost pnj cNVrnqv WHWI; levy Ing ni"I (WircUng said WeHl" ligs-ssilim"t ppil n1i W -r r v, lar isem nHowed by Inw, bring the anvnmL Inviudrd In tho volninin it 'r, 0ifill be P"Id hY sPvclnl linsessmvirk In Prrwarirp voth tin 1tWNrr W Munic1pid (Wrim ArlWhis 0, Division 2, and amendrrif!nIiii therc,tep Hisit7riON 4: That the aggregate amount hr!r(!In or-Pred tq be P-1, nesse() in pay the cost of said Improvement avR.Inst the prr)pl?rly in d: Agninst the municipality, If any, and Wso the assessment on etif7h Int and ,parrY of land herein assessed, shall be divided as follrnvs: I Sn rnurh of Me axyregnte amount of the innsegnment nx ropr"vewrlsi Pie MR of the ennstn"Wan and nWhig of the tier' einj" qn-nviled for shnil he MOW MW ten (10) Installments In, lb" minn-rj, provided by OPIAde In such case made and provided, So rriuc,-h oil tbe, asz,veregnlo antrotont of filo, nssoitsmomt An repr,,-,W4 the cnrril,ii,ensation ftiir rn"oporty takerit or darri�aged. ea,,;e ,nisi in el m,q , (Alt.101her with ThP rost of nialdrig ond crillecting Ifle !rPer'-I'M 01191 fill Wvnxeg 011inved by InW. 010111 be ti,o., foal 'In,., p,inlinirtit of the snld speciril assessment, The first kstnllrncwnf rhnil hrl, idno lint Iiiiysibir mv-)n delivery, of the, winri-nni by tho (Ir»r): or rt,., f 'I -r*i In "Thil Wn jWl"'PtAl"K IN P101 Thn Rourp"d I"iqnl""Pqj "f 1h I I OMNUMIM'"I "h"11 IM Ohio "d " 11"; phlo Iml 00 Qmd 1 0 ok 0 '7 1 11W allpr the dote nt thf, fIrmt, vriurWr Wlwd on "n,emi, of t"ok voy if the unmillected ImrHnn of the first Installment Rhall hriva boo r0�tmf?'i r: e,„ in the Whrirized rounly officer it,,,; purovIdod, by 1q,.v. lvtt it q,rtirnp shrill riot have been rettirried, deffnifuen't. tjv?n tt1,7 tj7o-ri,qjd st;,111111ent s11"4111, brconne, due and payalfle one ili year griar FQ1 ssrW (2nd) Way (if' Jsinttnr�-,, 'The thfird and resit eAlvoly ni, ""nTolit prrintiA ottrr V -W g- frvl, Ifi,Wiiltint,ift tuieriiiri,wq dim to,vt fm)°;,0g10, "Ad j)r,rjr jmtr;qq!st i1rijil pap, pt tho tv Ht 0511 per orinunt heing the rotc, rtrry Herrn 4ttoti b,:,-vlwv- ;'rsfCr-,.t Win In run In aenrdtmce w1th the 111hu4s blunjoppi Cid, Ar,pt 9 Division 2, and einendinienis therelo. Interert on izu�,h, first irF,Ia;1F Ph qhInO he duu and, poyabli! and On,11 be WreWd at the samn tore not v RW InslanniciriL InterM ort 1ho spirand nnl 1)r, tliw ittirl i-aynble a"d shnu he COMAK001 w0h tho In. Wrly n! In 5tild (Aptle rul"thrin In nlwtlnl hrrrby junHP Ilse ollity t,q thr 11"ard of Wrijill tfrltile, In the ninve of Kv rAerk of fir co'surr'l, 11"I %414'h such assess, e"t Iva$ voriffrnlyd Itace, Secretary of the Board of 1/i0d, Impirrvempritt; of the V1L[,AGF'.' f")F k10,11INT' 11`1,1013PEXT of the Hate Of thie (161: Voucher and the ,f file nold voticber, %vkhtn thlrtY, (301 day x after thol tss%vqw,,r of pil F�iijlj,, NU,X,TION 5: "nrtt t'or Me pns'r)o,,iP of wVlrIpnttmR Ihq rrji,,#+rkq n! lh-� Of Ardfl, anvmwmOnt for Wo --I Wild Inivivivemeribi, the VTTIA(;Fl ()F' fJDjjtTFT jip.0,Spl-,r- ,1, rhmil I-liiq bonds payable out of said bearIng Interest rat the We of ,seven pOr cent (70) per arvwni, OnK by the President of the B-PTd Of (Trustees or the VILLAGE W 1101.00 PROSPE(7T, rind n1jr0ji try by kht, Villoinn (Jerk of snld Villaize. Said bonds shad Inc, loru-1 In P-r-r- idninT whh and shnil In PH rospWs crinhorn In the prW4 mi of the Thnnis RImikilml Chir!, ArtiOn I( Wivisinn 2, end ornendrnriii i Q�W) I simmix 11: That the lhvNklpnt of Me Bunt -d ref Ili-Inni rif Ihoio lViHolp! pr Mount llrnsrred, ho rind he 1,; horr!by d1rr?cIe-1 1r) Wn a jl,.11tl,n I" the themilt (Amr! 4 Ank flovaity, tIVO, ':"71 1114 to! uAwn to ascrrrtrifrit fhfr jkist, to be, nvilt* for taken or drininued and easements to be ncquIre"I fw'jr livin J,jr� iment and to oseerloin, v0iat property tvill bil benrUlrd by FR4 hrprnre-, rnent and the onrinvint of sudi hetiiefit, and sl.,zm tont steps be inky n, b, levy a speriini ossessnient fnr muld hlipirnivennent, in pl.-r-n1ircls with IlWtp, provkdo,ri,s, or owls Ordinance, rind In the rinniner presrit'll,pnd by law. SIX'AAON 7, That all ordinance% or parts of WInrinm In conWrat with thk ordinance, be, slid the same are hereby repealed. SEcimm o: That this onikance shall be In Nil force and effect fromm and after Its passage and approval thereof according to inw. PASSED: This day of 197 3. ThtaAYS: ARREWT, JAI1Pft0VE0, --------- d ny of 19r~9, I-Irf,rdf1prit tit this flourd of Trlyqf(,,,# of Ibe Vilinge (it Mount ProApf.-ct, • Cook Gount.y, Illinuls, ATTESTED AND PILED IN MY 0FFl(-'I',,. This --- day 6f 1973 j V11finge (','Irrk it 11011Wd In Mt, Prospor-L WnIA, June 2% 15173, N ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LINCOLN STREET AND DOUGLAS AVENUE WHEREAS, a written petition under oath signed by the owner of record of Ian hereinafter described has been filed with the Village Clerk of the Village of Mount Prospect, requesting that said land be annexed to the Village of Mount Prospect; and I boo IBM M-1 WHEREAS, the said land is not within the corporate limits of any municipality, but is contiguous to the Village of Mount Prospect; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect find and believe it to be in the best interests of the said Village that said land and territory be annexed thereto; NOWv THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTYILLINOIS: ?ECTION ONE: That all land and territory legally described as follows: That part of the West Half of Section 10, Township 41 North, Range 11,, East of the Third Principal Meridian described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the South- west Quarter of said Section 10; thence Northerly parallel with the East line of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 10, 40.0 feet; thence Westerly along a line 40.0 feet North of and parallel with the North line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 10, 363.56 feet; thence Southerly along a line 33.0 feet West of and parallel with the West line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Sec- tion 10, 743.50 feet; thence Easterly along a line 33.0 feet South of and parallel with the South line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 10, 241.0 feet; thence Northerly along a line *241.0 feet East of and parallel with the West line of said Northwest Quarter of the North- east Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 10, 33.0 feet to the South line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 10; thence Easterly along said South line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 10, 122.56 feet to the East line of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 10; thence Northerly along said East line of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 10, 710.50 feet, to the place of beginning, in Cook County, Illinois, an accurate map of is territory is attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof by this reference be and the same is hereby annexed to the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois. SECTION TWO: •That Map 10(A) -S contained *in SECTION ONE of Ordinance No. 2410, passed and, approved March 20, 19739 be amended to reflect the extention ofthe corporate limits of the Village of Mount Prospect to include the property heremi- above described and hereby annexed. SECTION THREE: That the Village Clerk of the Village of Mount Prospect is hereby directed to file i°ce of the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois. a certified copy of this Ordinance, together with an accurate map of the territory annexed. SECTION FOUR: That this Ordinance all be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in the manner provided by law. "T.W93 P t 1973. !ASSED and APPROVED this day of Village Clerk IN i OWN W.N. village President I ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING MAP 10(A) -S OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Mount Prospect did conduct a Public Hearing under Case No. 73-5P on February 16, 1973, on a request- for a zoning classification change from R -X (Single Family Residence District) to R-1 (Single Family Residence District) of certain property hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, a notice of the aforesaid Public Hearing was made and published in the manner provided by law; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has determined that the zoning change is in accord with the Comprehensive Plan in that area and would in no way be detrimental to the Village of Mount Prospect; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Mount Prospect has recommended that the zoning change be granted; and I WHEREAS, the President and ■Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospec) have determined that the best interests of the Village of Mount Prospect will be attained by the adoption of the Plan Commission's recommendation on Case No. 73-5P regarding the subject property; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION 01NE: That Map 10(A) -S of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Mount Prospect, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by reclassifying from R -X (Single Family Residence District) to R-1 (Single Family Residence trict) the following described parcel of property: That part of the West Half of Section 10, Township 41 North, Range 11, East of the Third Principal Meridian described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the South- west Quarter of said Section 10; thence Northerly parallel with the East line of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 10, 40.0 feet; thence Westerly along a line 40.0 feet North of and parallel with the North line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 10, 363.56 feet; thence Southerly along a line 33.0 feet West of and parallel with the West line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Sec- tion 10, 743.50 feet; thence Easterly along a line 33.0 feet South of and parallel with the South line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 10, 241.0 feet; thence Northerly along a line 241.0 feet East of and parallel with the West line of said Northwest Quarter of the North- east Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 10, 33.0 feet to the South line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 10; thence Easterly along said South line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 10, 122.56 feet to the East line of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 10; thence Northerly along said East line of the al 117est Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest. Quarter of said Section 10, 710.50 feet, to the place of beginning, in Cook County, Illinois. E of Ordinance No. 24101 SECTION TWO: That Map 10(A) -S contained in SECTION ON passed, and approved March 20, 1973, shall be deemed amended so as to conform with the reclassification of the, subject property herein contained in SECTION ONE above. SECTION THREE: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in the manner provided by law. AYES: NAYS: PASSED and APPROVED this day of 1973. Village Clerk M . . . . ....... 11 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 2428 AND ORDINANCE NO. 2429 WHEREAS , the legal description contained in SECTION ONE of Ordinance No, 2428 and Ordinance No. 2429 was too broad and indefinite to accurately describe cer- tain property located on Map 10(A) -S of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Mount Proppect, as amended; and WHEREAS, the specific property to be rezoned is nevertheless contained within that property actually described in the aforesaid SECTION ONE of Ordinance No. 2428 and Ordinance No. 2429; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees have corrected the legal descrip- tions by the passage of Ordinance No. and Ordinance No. NOWt THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECTCOOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: That Ordinance No. 2428 and Ordinance No. 2429, both passed and approved on the fifth day of June, 1973, be and the same are hereby re- pealed. SECTION TWO: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in the manner 'provided by law. 0 PASSED and APPROVED this day of t 1973. Village President Village Clerk