HomeMy WebLinkAbout2424_001B U I L D I N'Of" DEPARTMENT a NEXT ORDINANCE NO. 2361 NEXT RESOLUTION NO. 14-72 0 R D E R 0 F 8 U S I N E S S Vi'ttage Boatd Wedne4day, 80-00 P. M. V.t'Uage plMount PAozpeco Juty 5. 1'972 1. CaU to otdet 2. Invocation - Tturtee R.1.cha&d.6on 3. Rod. t ca.t Mayo& Robett D. Tem cheAt Tturtee Ahetn Ttu/stee Link T,tu,5tee AndeA.6on Ttuz tee Richatdzon Dw4tee Futst Tturtee Schotten 4. Apptovat omi'nutez o6 /%eguta,% meeting June 20, 1972 5. App to vat o 6' b-t'ttz 6. Communicati'on.6 and petition/s 1. A. G. Btoechet - OwneA o6 No&getown SeZ4-Se/%vice Lauy;d.ty at 1722 W. Demp4tet - Ae bu4ine/ss ticen/se 6ee,5 7. Manaqetz RepoAt 8. Mayo t'z Repott 1. Amen menu to tiquot ti'cenze code (SEE EXHIBITS A., B.0 C) 2. Commi.61sion appointment 3. Specia,,t'- A/s/se/s.5meat #70 9. Committee Chaitmen Repo)Ltz A. Buitding Committee 1. Repott on windzhietd zu/%vey ohousing condition,6 w' hin Mount Pto/spect 2. Rejettat teque6t JoA vvLiation to building code oAd..?-'nance tie pte-6abticated chimneys B. Finance Committee C,. Fite and PoZice Committee I Sight di/stance mdinance - i)ut teading (SEE EXHIBIT V)) 2 Stop zign waan mdinance 3. Statuz repo &t on Caw jo�Ld, Bunte and Roden D. JudiciaAy Committee E. Pubtic Heatth and Sa4ety Committee F. Pubtic WmU Committee 1, 0. Othet Bu/sinez.6 1. Continuation o6 pte-annexatl(-'on hevLi'ng tegatding pLopvtty 4outh o� Ae-gonquin and eazt o� Notdic Rd. 2 . Re.6oZution - Met�Lopotitan Sani taty Di.6ttl(-'ct (SEE EXHIBIT E) 3. Repro t JAom EnginevL on bid opening June 28 11. Itew to be /te�evozd 1. Ca/5e 72-12P Rezone 6,tom R-1 to B-3 810-818 Rivet Rd. and ,t825-35 E. Euctid (Re es. to Judiciary Committee) 12. For in6oltmation onty 1. Attotney'/s opinion /tegatding atienation otopetty unde)L Ptanned Unit Devetopment (SEE EXHIBIT F) 2. Petition beote ICC 4ot 10% inc/teaze in pa/s/senget 4ake/5 and an ove&aU inckeaze in package exp&e.6.6 &a es - Gteyhound Linen, Inc. (SEE EXHIBIT G) 13. AdjouAnment S c -)g eant- at- a&ms Lt. Fted HedZand MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES June 20, 1972 CALL TO ORDER_ Mayor Tei chert called the meeting to order at 8:08 P. M. INVOCATION Trustee Anderson gave the invocation. ROLL CALL Present upon roll call: Ahern Anderson Furst Link Richardson Schol ten Tei chert APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JUNE 65 1972 Trustee Anderson, secoFd-6-d—by Trustee Richardson, moved the minutes of the regular meeting held June 6 , 1972 be approved as submitted. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahern Anderson Furst Li n k Richardson Scholten Motion carried. APPROVAL OF BILLS Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Schol ten, moved for approval of bills in the following amounts: General $131 ,551 . 51 Parking System Revenue 986.70 Waterworks & Sewerage Depr. Imp. & Ext. 81 ,3,845.23 Operation & Maintenance 32 1299.67 $246 ,6 83 . 11 Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Ahern, moved for approval of the Financial Report for the month of May, 1972 subject to audit. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahern Anderson Furst Link Richardson Schol ten COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS Messrs. VanMaren and Barrett of the Action Building Main- tenance Corp. 2020 E. Camp McDonald Rd. appeared before the Board regarding Case 72-9P - White Hen Pantry at Camp McDonald Rd. and River Rd. - petition to rezone from R-1 to B-3. This matter had been referred to the Judiciary Committee and will be considered July 13th. Trustee Furst, seconded by Trustee Scholten , moved to waive the fees involved at the annual carnival conducted by the Lions Club. Upon roll call: Ayes Ahern Anderson Furst L i n k Richardson Schol ten Motion carried. Mrs. Roy Knauff!p 403 Candota Ave. appeared before the Board to request that her concrete driveway be repaired because of damage incurred during the repaving of the street. The Village Manager suggested the damaged sec- tion be removed and replaced, but if Mrs. Knauff wished the complete apron repaved for aesthetic reasons, the Village could reimburse her for the proportionate cost. Trustee Scholten, seconded by Trustee Anderson, moved that the Board concur with the recommendation of the administration in replacing only that portion of the drive that was damaged. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahern Anderson Furst Link Richardson Scholten Motion carried. Mrs. Elaine Heckel smiller requested the Board to consider construction of a sidewalk from Mount Prospect Plaza to St. Emily's School. She was advised the Board of Local Improvements would discuss the matter at the July 10th meeti ng. A petition with over 360 names was presented to the Clerk req ues ti ng the s i dewal k instal I ati on. Mr. Joseph Pargul ski and Atty. Braithwaite appeared be- fore the Board regarding Special Assessment #70. Because of the severe fl oodi ng , others from the Kapl an and Braun area were gi ven an opportuni ty to be heard. Among those di scussi ng the matter were Mr. Bob Kl i ne and Mr. Dubascia of Lawrence Lane , Mari e Sal enti , Loi s Ct. , Don Grassi . Jody Ct. Jos. Gagliano, Lawrence La. Geraldine Spianza, Lois Ct. H. Lasser, Lawrence, Lorraine Karpiak, John Tiano, Mr. DiSal va,Lawrence Lane. Others entering the discussion were Ri chard Huntzi nger, 921 Gol f Audrey Ander- son , at Rusty and Robbi e, and Cl i f f Henderson , 809 S Mai n Two suggesti ons made were to i nvesti gate the feasi bi 1 i ty of deep tunneling and to dam the farm adjoining the Kaplan and Braun subdi vi si on . Some residents in that area felt that the furrowing of the field, directed toward the sub- division caused a large part of the damage. P. 2 6/20/72 Trustee Richardson, seconded by Trustee Scholten , moved to authorize the administration to install on a temporary basis a 12" line at Meier Road, running down Mark Terrace to the east to interconnect with the storm system in the easterly direction. Trustee Scholten , seconded by Trustee Richardson, moved to amend the motion to also direct the administration to conduct a study as far as retention possibilities to the south and north on Meier Road. Upon the motion to amend: Ayes: Ahern Anderson Furst Motion carried. Link Richardson Schol ten Roll call on amended motion: Ayes: Ahern Anderson Furst Li n k Richardson Schol ten Motion carried. The Village Attorney was directed to draw a resolution to the Metropolitan Sanitary District regarding a deep tunnel to be presented at the July 5th meeting. Discussion followed regarding Weller Creek. Several members of the Board, Drainage and Clean Streams Commission and the Mayor, Manager and Engineer toured the Creek with Mr. Guillou of the Division of Waterways. The north bank has been tapered but the south bank has been left untouched. It was Mayor Teichert's suggestion that a letter be written to the Division of Waterways to clear the south bank so it can be maintained, it would double the capacity of the creek and would be aesthetically attractive. Trustee Anderson, seconded by Trustee Scholten , seconded by Trustee Scholten , moved to concur in the Mayor's recommendation and that the south bank of Weller Creek be graded out and seeded. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahern Anderson Furst Link Richardson Schol ten Motion carried. The meeting recessed at 10:30 P. M. and reconvened at 10:40 P. M. Present upon roll call: Ahern Anderson Furst Link Richardson Temporari ly absent: Schol ten MANAGER' S REPORT The 1972 amendment to the Traffic Code was presented. It is to be effective July 1, 1972 and upgrades the former code to conform with State regulations. Trustee Furst, seconded p. 3 6/20/72 by Trustee Ahern, moved to waive the rules requiring two readings of an ordinance. Upon roll call: Ayes Ahern Anderson Furst Link Richardson Schol ten Motion carried. Trustee Furst, seconded by Trustee Ahern, moved for passage of Ordinance #2357: AN ORDINANCE UPGRADING THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 1970 TRAFFIC CODE Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahern Anderson Furst Link Richardson Schol ten Motion carried. The Village Manager reported on some legislative action whereby the existing statutes are being changed and, in one instance neighboring municipalities would not have the power to approve a contiguous area proposing to in- corporate, and in another, SB 1569 pertaining to the Election Code, would remove the conducting of elections from the municipality and place operation and control under the direction of the County: The Village Manager sent telegrams eopposing these actions. The Village Manager 'reported on the progress, being made on Wel 1 #16. After 3 days of drilling the men are down 157' in rock, drilling two 10 -hour shifts. At, this time permission is needed for a 20' x 40' auger pit and license to di g in the front, yard at the house directly across the west side of Busse Road. It is anticipated t),iat this will be acceptable to the owner in return for leaving a con- necti on on the water mai n so that he coul d hook up i f he so desires. A memorandum from the Village Engineer reports that bids will be opened June 28th for steel and concrete tanks. An evalu- ation and recommendation will be made at the July 5th meet- ing for Board consideration and award of contract. It is estimated that by having the Engineering Department draw up the plans and specifica,tions about $16,000.00 was saved. A request was received from the Lutheran Church of Martha and Mary on West Gol f Road at WaPel I a Dr. to wai ve permi t fees for remodeling a residential building on the property fronting on Candota Avenue at 612 W. Golf. Trustee Scholten 5 P. 4 6/20/72 •PO LJ.A PD UO L40W Ua4LO40S UOSPJP4OLd uodn U L I q s j n j uosj@puV UIA G qV S@fiV L LIP 0 L I OJ 'UOLSLA L p q n s 10 42 Ld e 4 Lddn s s.A @uo L4 Lq ad @q4 pup t aoej An s p.Apq P q4 Lm p@AojdW L aq qsnw e@jp 6U LI-Aed aq4 ! 4uDwss@ssP LP Loads P off. 4oaCqo o4 4ou : swab. L aaaq4 o4 4o@Cqns PBAo.Adde aq 4sanbaj S IJOUOL4 j4ad aq4 pup p a u.An4.A @A 0 aq un LS LDOP s Lead dV Io pap og @44 P@AOW 'UOSP.APqDLd aa4sn.Al fiq papuooas r'uosjapuV @@4snai - 4 UDWSSD S SP Lle Loads v o4 4o@Cqo o4 4ou 4uawaajbe UP 04U L A DqUO 04 pa4sanbaj aq p[nom aq 4pqq PUP P@AojdWL aq 4snw bULPlInq @q4 PULqaq 6ULJaPd aq4 4pq4 P@WJOIUL j@q4jnj sem OH '6ULqaDW 448L fiLnp aq4 jo upuable aq4 UO J@44PW S Lq'4 @OP Ld o4 p@4 sanba.A sem jjaLo aq4 pup fijpssao@u aq L LLm UOLSLA Lpqns JO 4P Ld P Pas LAPP sem GH *DAV 4oadsO.Ad 'M CH Ve 4uaw4.ApdP uap -,AP6 P AOI UOL4P L J P A 2 6ULqUP-Ab AOj UOL4L4@d - V8 -ZZ asp) 6ULPJP6@,A pipoo aq4 ajolaq paivaddP LJSMOUSPA� J@qSaj -,AW 3111IWWOO ouaiinq SAOd3d 3311IWWOJ NNIVHJ - upuabp qxau aq; o4 apoo aonb L L aq; 0; S4UaWpUaWP 10 UOL40P POaJajap 4.Aaq3LOJ AO�PW 'P@LaaP0 UOLJOW U04LOqDS UOSpaPq3Ld JU Ll 4 s a n j uosj@puV u.A a 4V SO4V L LPD L LO -A uodn • s4uaw -4ULoddPa.A aq4 U L A OfiPW aq4 10 UO L4PPU@WWOO@J @q4 44 LM .Anouo:) 04 PDAOW 6 U04LOVS aa4snAi kq papuooas luos.A@puV a@4snj_L -aou@jjnDuoo pipog paqsanbai pup swam. apak @UO 10 4U@W;U.LoddPaj P Aoj UOLSSLWWOO LPjn4oa4Lqo.AV @44 jo sj@qwaw se J@40ww@H 'd -H PAPuJag PUP qDPqJ] voaqj 6loosq@l OM #9 'z4LnqoS 4pd POWPU 4J@qOL@j J04PW IdOd3d SAOAVW ',A@ L LOA;uO:) pas LA@J @q; P@J@PaO qOU PPq "SAO;DP-A4uOO 044 6L@lPd OV *9 asnpoaq PPOd LPJ4u@) PUP 4UMqbLH 4s@mq;aON 4P UOL4PZ LLPU6LS aq4 UL kPLap 42P 06 Q aq pLnom 9,Aaq4 pa4jodaj aa6puPW @6PLLLA @41 'P@L,,A,APZ) UOL40W Ua4LOqOS UOSPJP40Ld U Lq sA n j uosjapuV uja4V s@/'V :LLeo LLO-A uodn *Pa4s@nb@j se fijPW pup eq4jeW jo 4ojnq3 upja4;nj @qq joj sa@j 4Lwjad 6ULPLLnq jo bULALPM P @44 @Aoidde 04 P@AOW "UOSP.AP43Ld aa4snil fiq papuooas Trustee Anderson, seconded by Trustee Ahern, moved for passage of Ordinance No. 2358: AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A HEIGHT VARIATION FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN HUNTINGTON ESTATES (Case 72-6A) Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahern Anderson Furst Link Richardson Scholten Motion carried. Trustee Anderson, seconded by Trustee Scholten, moved for passage of Ordinance No. 2359: AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A HEIGHT VARIATION FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1500 EAST CENTRAL ROAD (Cumberland Church - Case 72-11A) Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahern Anderson Furst Li n k Richardson Scholten Motion carried. Trustee Anderson, seconded by Trustee Furst, moved for passage of Ordinance No. 2360-, AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A PARKING VARIATION FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 107-109 WEST PROSPECT AVENUE (Central Reading and Speech Clinic - Case 72-9A) Trustee Anderson, seconded by Trustee Link, moved to amend the main motion to make the ordinance effective upon a resubdivision of the property if it is required. Roll call vote on amendment to motion: Ayes: Ahern Anderson Furst Link Richardson Scholten Motion carried. Roll call vote on main motion as amended: Ayes: Ahern Anderson Furst Link Richardson Scholten Motion carried. FINANCE COMMITTEE Longevity plan will be considered the second meeting in August. p. 6 6/20/72 PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE The Committee i's consi F_ Jeri ng a proposed anti -defecation dog ordinance and will report further at a later date. Trustee Schol ten gave a status report regarding the senior citizen housing and stated 555 surveys have been received. A breakdown of the figures follows: No - 62 and over 115 No - Under 62 29 Yes - Under 62 37 Yes - Single $45500 or less 142 $45500 to $79000 39 $7,000 u p 9 Yes Married $5,000 or less 75 $55000 to $7,500 74 $7,500 - up 83 This matter will remain in committee for further study and recommendation. OTHER BUSINESS The pre -annexation hearing regarding property south of Al gonq ui n and east of Nordi c Road was conti nued to the next meeting. ITEMS TO BE REFERRED Case 72-8P Rezone from R-1 to R-4 PUD and R-2 to B-4 property located at northwest corner of Foundry Rd. and River Road was referred to the Judiciary Committee. Case 72-9P Rezone from R-1 to B-3 property located on the north side of Camp McDonald Rd. near River Rd. was referred to the Judi ci a ry Commi ttee . Case 72-10P Rezone from R-4 to R-4 PUD northwest corner of Camp McDonald Rd. and River Rd. was referred to the Judiciary Committee. It was requested that the Euclid plat of easement matter be stricken from the docket sheet under the Judiciary Committee. ADJOURNMENT 'Trustee Richardson,seconded by Trustee Link, moved the meeting be adjournment. Time: 11 :25 PM. DONALD W. GOODMAN Village Clerk