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MINUTES COMMITTEE OF THE'WHOLE DECEMBER 1, 1994 L . ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 7:33 p.m. Present at ` the meeting were: Mayor Carolyn Alyn Krause; Trustees Ralph Arthur Gerald Farley, Leo Floros , Norma Murauskis, George Van Geem and Theodore Wattenberg. Also Present at the meeting were "I loge Manager Terrance Burgher , assistant to the Village Manager r Mic a l Janonis, Director of Public Works Herbert Weeks, Deputy Director of Public Works Glen Andler, Village Engineer, Chuck Renck , Prc .l ect Engineer Fred Tennyson , Village Planner Steve Park, Jerry Kipp of Donohue ,end Associates, Inc,, and, Dolores Haugh of the Mount Prospect Chamber of Commerce. There were also two Persons from the print media in attendance. I L 0► "M I NUT S The Minutes of the Committee mince cif the Whole meeting of November 2, 1984 were accepted and filed. III . CITIZENS TO BE HEARD There being no `itizens present at the meeting desiring to make any presentations before the Committee ittee cf the Wholet the Mayor mov d on to the next items of business, IV, SEWED CONNECTION ANALYSIS I Mayor Krause and the Beard cif Trustees engaged in a d is,. ussion of the Village's, legal role in identifying 'Illegal sanitary sewer connections within the Village and developing plan for their removal as per Metropolitan Sanitary District Order . Administrative staff recommended that the Village retain the :firm of Donohue and Associates to conduct a three-phase 'inspection program to identify illegal sanitary connections in the Village. Phase one of the inspection program would be completed at a cost of $34,500 to the 'pillage. Director of Public WoIrks Herbl4eeks explained, to the Mayor and Board of Trustees that the three-phase inspection program would be conducted over a three --year period ata cost of approximately 835,000 per year. These 'inspections would be conducted by a team cons isting of a man and a, woman with engineering backgrounds (most likely engineering students) who would make 'both an internal and external 0 inspection of Indivildlual homes to determine 'if an "illegal connection existed and, 3* -f' so, what type of connectiono A legal opin'Lon, mtt,ted, bIy Llegal counsel Pedersen and H 1 V th,6Villlage,, had the power and atithor't,a te, to, establils"h 'the'' for e1ilmifnatinp, sewer coInnections I S lish necessary dl to a1ccomp and to r"uall're.' copnectioti wqtk ami.,Olr "'reatb�fpenaltyifrof-,14q:rks,� Herb�ert Weeks and the legal opinion submitted by Pedersen, I a , n I d Houp I tcated that, the home inspections would be the most sensitive area that the Village would have to face 'in attempting to comply with 1 0 ents, it 'I's 'in this Metropol'itan Sanitary District requirem area that Donohue and Associates would be called, upon to use their expertise and past experience in completing the iVP nspection program* ,A general discussion among the Committee of the Whole resulted 'in a, consensus that this was a hl*g,hlv sensitive issue, which 'is likely to create great animosity and mis-understanding among citizens. It was noted that an ive, pi,,,�(b`lic, I uld agg,res,s, q e inf ormat I on program sho ions so nspectl as to l''Or"M-tion about the situation as a I t, '0 some tvpe of Village-spionsored Thhio I"," iass if,s,t, ae,, to 1�el,p, homeowners,, complete requ 11red it was indicated that dis-connections was also discussed and I staff was currently looking into.those possibilliftles. It was the consensus of' the Committee of the Whole to follow the recommendations of staff to retain the firm of Donohue and Associates to conduct phase one of the *inspection, program. This item will appear -,,on the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees. V MINI --COMPUTER. PURCHASE The Department of Public 'Works, of which Enginegring is a D311.vilslon thereof, su,bmlitted proposals to 'the ClomMittee of the Whole r eg arid Lng the purchase of milni-Compute''rsifor both J the Public Works bul''Ading and, the Engineering Divsion ,. The supporting memos and presentat:lLons presented .by staff indicated that the coyriputers were necessary in order to keep better maintenance records, tighten, inventory control, provide more ace,urate f igures on operating and maintenance H, costs, speed inforyi:iation retrieva11. c-i.nd provide the Engineer- ing Division With a technical evaluation aid, Is I I- a OW Staff indicated that they chose the Dilgli.tal Minif Computer because o 'Its high resolution, 1-arge memorya . ' software availability, flexibililtv and the stabillity of t1ie manufacturer.Staff indicated thatether computer brands with comparable capabli-l'ities that were resez.3.rched were Victor) I n Zen � . * Staff �'e t u4 comparing, I.OTIabil'ity anci costh D, al was the 'best. product Dil.scussion amonge Committee of 'the Whole r.sthe question. of the need for a comprehensive 'SDP stludy of the needs of the Village.Co-r,,icern was also voiLced over the fact that IBM had of been chosen, as the brand of m ini-c . u ' to be used the Village,, It was noted that IBM's . mut r was the industry s,it-andard and that a va,st ma,jority of cmcatertwa s I,.. m a -A Staff ff assured he Committee of the Whole that software t likely, to be used by the Village was available for the "n i t e r 'was the c's s of the Committee of t. Whole to proceed t the staff recommendationwalive the irement of bids and purchase th.je Diliziltal Mini- C_ tate This item will appear on next regularly &Cheduled meeting e Board of Trustees., 'VI. TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS Villiage Planner Steve Park updated the Mayor and Board o T'ruistees on the progress o staff' e :. timetable r 11miplementation of TIF fi.nancing, The 'target schiedule adoption IOrdinances a Jun o � � � 10 � �` �'and ' the ;June target date, staff wou lproceed with the idjentifli- catlLon ' data oma' ata preparingdeed_ nt plan. A 'large ma, .ity f this work would be completed by Villagestaff with the overall assistance of Trkla, Pett 1grew, Allen and Payne. As_ part of 'the proposed schedule, shaft i1ndicatied that ` they would be meeting w l t th ' Maylor and Board of Trustees at regular intervals to -upidate them on , rogress and to conduct the Public er i g , VI I, MT. PROSPECTPLAZA Mayor Krause ecu s with t o m, t of the Whole recent discussions she had haid with the lowners, of the Mt. Prospect Plat regarding efforts u p a� e quality � the center v ' of arils o � � linter e to be u�wlesubsequently. or Krause reported that the owners had indicated a will'ingniess to work wil.th the V11,11agre and seta l improvement of the shopping center. As a f irst step, t ia t. e s hiad agreed to a w 3oint market anialysis of theshopping� �� � identify the dan t er s e potential, a„ t�types u mpro e eats that _ a �� e n necessary on � the required m d th e, Cdrkt: it t�� in,,,e b, DILS, cl-kills'll"I's-4 :4m,, iqng, "k 6f etith,.0 on th pa Of t he l§h lac tc t -'t di. L,( _6 f centex# tpp, th,O, p �re's' i ,,,,,n ,,bn r es s A n"It d 1` 1 p F d t P'n, xvrqu, t3l,� t e Vill", A, el, o 1 "M it u et thxj�t,te,,,ver wa-, ", i"ry" -e ,n e b,d,,Atl,,, t -he im ;efn, Pl,acl.' orn., 'the Villageass, ,a,, vhblt Vis,; t�he c 'i,Ic, "th'", mt "tt"o-6, Oif ''Wlh 10 e ,e,,, 'd e, n-ts a "k ib V 1, 6 ec, rleg, a" A thiI6, 'LAKE WATER ;ptp, IT g 'a"'S ai in u -ed uce, I-' c - �tll, i4k,"ir k w c,,,,o i �'ierrab tuarg:,` r,,d, _prit"' Ln 7 n bf clh�b,,, 1,o If" ll�, el Ic bl,p t J n y tp d alsp $Orghax At er'a,,t 1"�M of,� 'T,,AX'l'ltl,8`,�,: jJi,-,,,nr tbhl� TrOOS -Y th le',, ,lL`n-v`es t lio''lln, Aw 'Im"is, an rr tll:v,",,e,.: h e mmw i, t 6f t Vf-,, 61 e rd L D 1,1SM'S I l,S,`T T Kit h tha. n t�hi?, a ual SSP-' '"i ,-ftl z,e sft, and, t n Tr, Va,,� n, G',",el o. 11. 11 , " �e th;a y, ��r-lelll, ,,e �propqs, or I "TI, he, w 'h -m' 011f, h -e V,,L 1 p.,pIv,,ernm'6,nt, to a f 0, IFSl, - R n wAt�A sp§tem. X* ADJO,"U 'mil, f t,tlfrter- b u "i "heles, tt""'], TT'hl,e, roximately I Tj RA=K Lo Bj3R( ART),� Vill'at O Amo MINUTES, THE REGULAR, MEETING OF MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT DECEMBER 4. 1984 CALL TO ORDER CALL TO ORDER Mayer Krause called the meeting to order at 8:01 P.M. INVOCATION INVOCATION The invocation was given by Trustee Wattenberg. ROLL CALL ROLL n CALL Present upon roll call.- Mayor Carolyn Krause Triistee Ralph Arthur Trustee Gerald Farley Trustee Leo Floros, Trustee Norma Murauskis Trustee Gelorge Van Geem Trustee Theodore Wattenberg APPROVAL OF MINUTES APPROVE Trustee Arthur, seconded by Trustee Wattenberg, moved to MINUTES approve the minutes - of the regular meeting of 'the Mayor and Board of Trustees held November 20,, 1984. Upon roll call.: Ayes.- Arthur, Farley, Floros, Murauskis,, Van Geem, Wattlenberg Nays: None Motion carried. APPROVAL OF,BILLS APPROVE BILLS Trustee Floros, seconded by Trustee Van Geem.. moved to approve the f.ollowling list of bills: General Fund $406f994 Revenue Sharing Fund A 21327 Motor Fuel Tax 48,192 Community Development Block Grant 9r103 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund 5f823 Waterworks & Sewerage 115,032 Parking System Revenue 915 Risk Management 81276 Capital Improvement, Replacement or'Repair 16,232 Special Service Area #5 204,760 Trust Fund 21450 $820 ,1 Upon roll call,: Ayes: Arthur, Farley, Floros, Murauskis, 'Van Geem, Wattenbleriq Nays.- None Motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS - CITIZENS TO BE HEARD None. MAYOR'S REPORT "OFFICER OF Mayor Krause and Police Chief Pavlock presented awards THE YEAR" to Officer of the Year and runners-up, as follows. - Officer of the Year Gary Helfenbein Runners -Up Investigator Robert Gibson Officer Ted Gorski 0 1 fflcer Robert Riordan Officer William Roscop Mayor Krause noted that all these men did an excellent job i 'n their ploisiti 1 ions and had many fine accomplishments in order to be considered for this recognition. ...... ..... . . .... ...... . . . ...... 9 ZBA 50-V-84 ZBA 50-V-84, 1608-10 Algonquin Road 1608 ALGONQUIN The petitioner in this case has asked for a variation p,OAD to permit posts 27 inches high with a single linked I i is the petitioners hope chain in the front yard. It I that this decorative type fence will reduce the damage December 4, 1984 Page 2 OLD BUSINESS TRAFFIC: The Safety Commission report was presented which included GREOGRY ST. their recommendation of a request received from the PTA ONE-WAY of Fairview School for improved traffic safety restrictions EASTBOUND around that school. It was the recommendation of the Safety Commission to grant the request to have Gregory Street, between Oak Avenue and Fairview Street, designated one-way, eastbound, on school days between 8:30 A.M. and 3:30 P.M. to 4 P.M. and to remove the existing' one-way designation for Fairview Street. Trustee Farleyr seconded by Trustee Arthur, moved to concur with the recommendation of the Safety Commission. Upon roll call:Ayes: Arthurf Farley, Floros, Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays.- None Motion carried. An Ordinance will be presented for first reading at the December 18th Village Board meeting. ZBA 46-V-84 ZBA 46-V-84, 17 S. Wa Pella An Ordinance granting a variation for a 2 foot side yard, 17'-SiWA PELLA rather than the required 5 foot distance, was presented for second reading. Trustee Florosr seconded by Trust(!�e Van Geem, moved for ORD.NO.3480 passage of Ordinance No. 3480 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A VARIATION FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 17 S. WA PELLA AVENUE IN THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT Upon roll call. - Ayes: Arthur,Farley, Floros, Murauskis, Van Geem,,'Wattenberg air' None Motion carried. ZBA 45-V-84 ZBA 45-V-84, 1762 Corktree Lane 1762 CORKTREE This case deals with a request for a side yard variation .A to permit an over -sized patio in the side yard. The petitioner stated that there was a concrete block type at in this location and he improved the area with a larger patio. The petitioner was unaware of the requirement to have a, permit to do this type of work therefore the patio is an existing improvement. The patio is located over an easement, however,staff has stated there are no public utilities located in the easement. The Zoning Board of Appeals recommended 3-1 to grant this variation. Trustee Wattenberg, seconded by Trustee Murau,skis , moved to grant the variation requested in Z 45-V-84. Upon roll call: Ayes.- Arthur, Farley, Ffor os, Murauskis, Nays : None Motion carried. An Ordinance will be presented for first reading at the December 18th meeting. 9 ZBA 50-V-84 ZBA 50-V-84, 1608-10 Algonquin Road 1608 ALGONQUIN The petitioner in this case has asked for a variation p,OAD to permit posts 27 inches high with a single linked I i is the petitioners hope chain in the front yard. It I that this decorative type fence will reduce the damage December 4, 1984 Page 2 caused to landscaping when tenants park their vehicles. It was the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals by a vote of 4-0 to grant the request under ZBA 50-V-84. Trustee ;Toros, seconded by Trustee Arthur, moved to grant the variation request in ZBA 50-V-84. Upon roll call.- Ayes.- Arthur, Farley, Floros, Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays.- None Motion carried. An Ordinance will be prepared for first reading on December 18th. ZBA 51 -SU -84 and 52-V-84, 698 East Northwest Highway This case deals with a request for a special use in a B-3 District in order to operate a facility to make minor repairs to automobiles. Also requested are variations to permit a trash container in the required rear yard, which container will be enclosed, and to eliminate the required truck loading dock. The Zoning Board of Appeals recommended 4-0 to grant the requests in ZBA 51 -SU -84 and ZBA 52-V-84. Trustee Wattenberg, seconded by Trustee Arthur, moved to concur with the recommendations of the Zoning Board of Appeals and grant the requests under ZBAX51-SU-84 and ZBA 52-V-84. Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Farley, Floros, Murauskis'. Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays.- None Motion carried. An Ordinance to abate a part of the taxes levied for corporate and municipal purposes of the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 1984 and ending April 30, 1985 was presented for first reading. This Ordinance will be presented on December 18th for 2nd reading. An Ordinance was presented for first reading that would abate a part of the taxes levied for general obligation bond and interest fund purposes and for construction cost purposes of Special Service Area Number 5 of the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 1984 and ending April 30, 1985. This Ordinance will be presented December 18th for second reading. A Resolution was presented that would amend specified accounts in the annual budget adopted for 1984-1985. Trustee Wattenberg, seconded by Trustee Floros, moved for passage of Resolution No. 56-84 A RESOLUTION MAKING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE ANNUAL BUDGET ADOPTED FOR FISCAL 1984-85 Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Farley, Floros, Mur auskis, Van Geer, Wattenberg Nays.- None An Ordinance was presented that would amend. Ordinance Nos. 984 and 2034 relative to Illinois Bell Telephone franchise. This Ordinance will be presented December 18th for 2nd reading. An Ordinance was presented for first reading that amends Article XV of Chapter 23 entitled "Tag Days". This ZBA 51 -SU -84 ZBA 52-V-84 698 E.NORTHWEST HWY. ABATE TAXES: SPECIAL SER, IC AREA #5 AMEND 1984-85 BUDGET RES.NO.56-84 nalrojec� im"Mma IT, klrwpn� December 4, 1984 AMEND CH.23 ART. XV amendment will bring our local Code into conformance with State Statutes on the subject of solicitation on streets and highway. A 2nd reading of this Ordinance w ill take place on December 18th. i AMEND CHA An Ordinance was presented for first reading, that would ART. 1 amend Article I of Chapter 4 entitled "Village Manager" of the Village Code. This Ordinance establishes the procedures involved with the Village Board waiving certain bidding procedures when specialized equipment is required. This Ordinance will be presented December 18th for 2nd reading. ANNEXATION PUBLIC HEARING HEARING This Public Hearing, called pursuant to proper legal notice, is for the,purpose of considering the annexation NORTH SIDE of a parcel of land on the north side of Kenneth Drive, KENNETH DRIVE the eastern half of that roadway. This property was the subject of an Annexation Agreement 'in 10.78, which Agreement stated that as a condition of receiving Village water in an unincorporated area, the property owner(s)would petition for annexation at such time as the property became continguous to the Village of Mount Prospect. This land *is now contiguous and the property owners have petitioned the Village to annex. There was no audience participation during this Public Hearing. "I!,", An Ordinance annexing to the Village of Mount Prospect land lying in Section 23, Township 41 North, Range 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian 'in Cook County, Illinois was presented for first reading with the 2nd reading to take place on December 18th. VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT BIDS: Village Manager Terrance L. Burghard presented the bid results on replacement vehicles for the Fire and Police Department. VEHICLES Bids were requested for 6 four -door sedans, 2 two - door sedans, and 2 station wagons. The fol,lowing bids were received.for the total package. - Bidder Total Lesley Ford $ 97,118.28* Lattoff Chevrolet 99r480.12 Jennings Chevrolet 1001-054.10 Ridge Motors (Pontiac) 104,732.58 Norton Oldsmobile 106o3O8.40 '*Lesley Ford did not meet the required specifications. There was discussion as to the fact that these vehicles are not going to be used as police squads (unless an extreme emergency arises) therefore they -do not come equipped with the police heavy duty package requirements. LATTOFF Trustee Arthur, seconded by Trustee Wattenberg, moved CHEVROLET to accept the low quall-fied bid as submitted by Lattoff Chevrolet in an amount not to exceed $99,480.12 for, a total of 10 vehicles. Upon roll call: Ayes.- Arthur, Farley, Floros, Murauskiis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays.- None Motion carried. December 4, 1984 Page Four Trustee Farley requested that future bids for police vehicles include in the specifications power locks and power windows for the front doors. He stated that with all the equipment necessary for the police in the front seat of the vehicle it is virtually impossible for the police officer to reach to the over side of his vehicle to either open the window or use the locks. The subject of sewer rehabilitation was listed on the agenda in error. Mr. Burghard presented the Public Works Contract, as discussed and approved by the Village Board at a previous meeting. Trustee Wattenberg, seconded by Trustee Arthur, moved to authorize the Mayor to sign and Village Clerk to attest her signature on the Public Works Contract for 1984-1987. Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Farley, Floros, Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays: None Village Manager Burghard, presented a request, on behalf of the Northwest-Munic1pal Conference, to conduct a public-private sector regional transportation study. The total study is estimated to cost up to $O, 0010 with funds coming from member municipalities as well"'as other taxing bodies., The amount requested from the Village of Mount Prospect is $750. Trustee Arthur, seconded by Trustee Wattenberg, moved to authorize the expenditure of $750 for the subject transportation study. me Upon roll call.- Ayes.- Arthur, Farley, Floros, Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays: None Motion carried. Mr. Burghard presented, in Resolution form, the procedures to be established for a multi -family rehabilitation program. Trustee Van Geem, seconded by Trustee Floros, moved for passage of Resolution No. 57-84 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A MULTI -FAMILY REHABILITATION PROGRAM Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Farley, Floros, Mursus kis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays.- None ANY OTHER BUSINESS It was noted that some amendments might be appropriate to strengthen the local regulations on taxi -cab operations in the Village. Administration will discuss the matter and could present proposed amendments for the Board to co'der at a future meeting. nsi Trustee attenberg asked that consideration be given to the following policy matters-. The fact that the Police Department conducted a shop lifting seminar for local businessmen and that the attendance was very poor. It was Trustee PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION STUDY MULTI -FAMILY REHABILITATION RES .NCS. 57-84 AMEND CH.11 TAXI -CABS Page Five December 4, 1984 " elr Of General & Special Revenue Funds: General Fund revenue Sharing Fund tutor Fuel Tax Fund Community Development Block Grant Fund Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Enterprise �u Funds. : Waterworks & Sewerage Fund Parking System Revenue Fund Capital Protects: Capital Improvement, Repl. or Repair Fund Corporate Purposes Construction Fund 1973 Special Service Area Construction #5 Debt Service Funds: Corporate Purposes 1973 Corporate Purposes 1974 rfommunications Equipment 1984 pecial Service Area #1 ipecial Service Area #2 Special Service Area #3 Special Service Area #4 Special Service Area #5 Special Service Area #5 Bond Reserve T ru s t and Agency Funds Trust Fund Police Pension Fund Firemen's Pension Fund Special Assessments: S/A Funds Prior to 1940 S/A Funds After 1940 - -- - ---------- -A VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT CASH POSITION DECEMBER 12, 1984 Cash & Invest. Receipts Disbursements Cash & Invest. Balance 11/29 through Per Attached Balance 1IL28/84 12/12/84 List of Bills Transfers 12/12/84 $ 1,501,702 $ 55,050 $4183,249 $ 1,138,503 69$879 497 23,816 46,560 5581,381 11,877 280 569,978 554 14,000 133,110 1,444 901,607 498 143,877 75,228 11834,383 218,249 143,245 1,909,387 61,749 4,872 827 65,794 270,394 7,023 16,583 260,834 9502793 1,038 12,945 938,886 394,467 22,126 - 416,593 11429,954 7,775 - 1,437,729 307,805 5,010 - 312,815 660,850 10,489 - 671,339 25,274 - 5,009 20,265 29,617 803 - 30,420 29,091 1,014 - 30,105 4,635 124 - 4,759 11,625 348 - 11,973 69,497 27,208 - 96,705 327,055 1,671 - 328,726 273,789 - 2,054 271,735 62861,103 7,464 6,8680567 8,525,952 8,455 8,534,407 134,931 959 1135,890 5 609 - 7,024 $241410,502 $407,159 $650,995 $24.186.1666 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 1 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 12/12/84 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL CLEARING ACCOUNTS ,JAMES ABBOTT 8-1355 REFUND BLIND 8--1355 $400eOO $4010 00 AMERICAN CREDIT COLLECTIONS INC* SERVICES RENDERED $27.41 $27.41 AMOCO OIL COMPANY FUEL $22v275 28 $22t275.28' L. B A U E R WORKMENS COMPENSATION 1201684 $862a00 $862 00=:. t ENCE BEYMER WORKMENS COMPENSATION ADJ TO IMRF $140.38 w REIMBURSEMENT WORKMENS COMPENSATION $891 v 28 $1 X031 *66 MRe ALBERT BOLDT REFUND FINAL WATER BILL $6x30 $6.30 MR5,* NORINE HOLMBERG REFUND FINAL WATER BILL $73.23 $73o23 MS9 PATRICIA JASKULKE REFUND FINAL WATER BILL $10.50 $101.50 JERRY KASPER C ASSOCIATES REFUND BOND A-9617 $250*00 $250900.= MICHAEL Jo LACORTE 8--1492 REFUND BOND B--1492 $100000 $1000001 W D. MCCARTER A-11194 REFUND BOND A-11149 $100000 $10000 JOYCE NOLAN REFUND FINAL WATER BILL $4.201 $4 20 PAYROLL ACCOUNT LONGEVITY PAY OF 12/1/$4 $749000.00 �- r LONGEVITY PAY OF 1211/84 $99900*00 ;= PAYROLL ENDING 12/6/84 $2479664.29- PAYROLL ENDING 12/6/84 $231837.13 PAYROLL ENDING 12/6/84 $777.34 =: PAYROLL ENDING 12/6/84 $29010#75 $3589189#51--*, T_ TY CASH — MANAGEMENT SERVICES TRAVEL E SUPPLIES $10-000 $101 00-- TI ZZO 8-1601 REFUND BOND 8-1601 $50)0 *00 # $50}0 *0)0) T.- RIZZO B-1590 REFUND BOND B-1590 $500000 $500400 ROYAL BUILDERS B-1041 REFUND BOND 8-1091 $100000 $100000 MR* ERNEST SCHWEITZER REFUND—OVERPAYMENT OF FINAL DATER BIL $16*801 .$1680 TELE—COLLECTIONt INC. COLLECTIONS FOR LISTING 10/04184 $205.00 $205*00 CLIFF THIELITZ WORKMENS COMPENSATION 12/6/84 $48565 $485.65"= UNITED COFFEE SERVICE• INC. COFFEE SERVICE—INITIAL SET UP $10)3 90 $103.90 H. VON BERGEN REFUND FINAL WATER BILL $ 42 X 42 CLEARING ACCOUNTS w TOTAL---; $385 *251.86 GENERAL FUND $344,181.98 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GT $2010.75 = ILL. MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND $140038 WATER SEWER FUND -- O&M $339848.58 PARKING SYSTEM REVENUE FUND $77734 RISK MANAGEMENT FUND $2f238.93 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 2 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 12/12/84 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL TRUST FUND $2053.90 :t##):s,;c##��#=##��;='-:�t####:j####:s###-;#####=;t####''.##:'=#X=###;######',=:`�=###########fir##=.'�###.'=##=##=#;;##### PUBLIC REPRESENTATION DIVISION RUSSEIS FLOWERS C GIFTS FLOWERS—PLANTS $96e5O $96950 ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE MEMBERSHIP 1985 $19683.00 $19683a00 PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS CLASSIFIED AD $146 72 $146.72 PETTY CASH -- MANAGEMENT SERVICES TRAVEL L SUPPLIES $14 00 514900*= THELMA YOON SERVICES RENDERED $25*00 X25 00'— PUBLIC REPRESENTATION DIVISION MEMBERSHIP *4z4IV, —TOTAL* , $19965#22 GENERAL FUND $lv965.22 '�tt 'Y M'''tt �• # M J+ 0. "t• •'+r4` b` f 't' M '+N � 't• M M 'Sr• 1r 1� Y` qty # # r h 1r M ry. 1; M # d. 46 M # M M �+` Y # ' # i• 'ISI' M # �� 1i• i` 1• # h` ' �Y" 'e` M "�� M f" te- # 'Y` y"t' Zt' I�: L %: +y` 3�i�` 'Ai` 'it" # 'Yft # 't� M 't• 4` M h` �` #fir` '�` M # �� # ry� 'M` 'Y• it '+e'" VILLAGE MANAGER S OFFICE COMPREHENSIVE VIDEO SUPPLY CORP* VIDEO SUPPLIES $84 99 $84.99 CREST COMPUTER SUPPLY♦ INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES $46.64 $46.64 ImBeMs CORPORATION MEMORY TYPEWRITER $75 44 $75.*44 ILLINOIS ASSN OF CHIEFS OF POLICE CONFERENCE EXPENSE $55 00 $55 00'j= ILo INSTITUTE FOR CONTINUING LEGAL HANDBOOK $68.90 $68.90 NAT' L FEDERATION OF LOCAL CABLE PRO MEMBERSHIP $50.00 $50 ;00 EARL L• NEAL & ASSOCIATES SERVICES RENDERED $69335#25 $69335.25 NORTHWEST STATIONERS INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES $3484 $34.84 PADDEN & COMPANY♦ INC.•AGENT DEC. CHARGE EQUIPMENT $98 40 X98 40 PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS LEGAL AD $20.00 $.20,00 RONALD W. PAVLOCK CONFERENCE EXPENSE $75.00 $75 00 PETTY CASH — MANAGEMENT SERVICES TRAVEL E SUPPLIES $34 37 TRAVEL & SUPPLIES $40.20 TRAVEL & SUPPLIES $ 2 2 00 S 6.57= PETTY CASH— VILLAGE MANAGERS OFFICE TRAVEL AND SUPPLIES $50.77 IV- VENDOR VILLAGE MANAGER'S OFFICE PITT Y CASH — POLICE DEPARTMENT }RSEN E HOUPT S INTERNATIONAL SWIDERSKI ELECTRONICS VONBRIESEN f; REDMOND VILLAGE OF NORTHFIELD VILLAGE MANAGER'S OFFICE GENERAL FUND VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 12/12/84 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION TRAVEL AND SUPPLIES TRAVEL AND SUPPLIES TRAVEL & SUPPLIES SERVICES RENDERED OFFICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICES RENDERED TRAINING EXPENSE $13.056.41 INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL $22a00 .1. 4, .0. .06 .16 $4* 60 $77.37 318000 $1800010- $4v208o65 S4v208#65 $122.24 $122e24 5155*00 $155*00 $19314e12 $lv314o12 $120.00 $120*00 4'**TOTAL** X613 X056.41 .4. vo, ft. 4 a I .4. .0. -1. Us, �A. J�, A. J. 46 A. , . , . . - U4. -A- -1- 4..9r Ulk' .4. Jr .01. Jc 4, 1* .,A..90 J. Y lot V 10% a- If- 11, 141, It, .4,U Al. -e -0. ob- -11 1,- 'IV, a- -t% It- -e s ft. 'I U 'v. a, .1. 4, .0. .06 .16 FINANCE DEPARTMENT N RIBBONS INC. SUPPLIES $7162 X71`:62 TELEPHONE SERVICE $21316.12 $2,316.12 CKAIN BOOKS HANDBOOK $27*45 $27o45* DECISION DATA COMPUTER CGRP. MAINTENANCE BILLING 1211 TO 12/31 $21900 S21 00 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIA 1985 MEMBERSHIP DUES $70*00 $70m00 T*Bo Mo CORPORATION COMPUTER MAINTENANCE 12/1-12/31 $221*25 $221e25 ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO* TELEPHONE SERVICE $55*18 TELEPHONE SERVICE $39397*30 $3*452e48 KELLY SERVICESv INC* SERVICES RENDERED $328e13 $328*13 NCR CORPORATION MACHINE MAINTENANCE $260e50 3260*50 NORTHWEST MUNICIPAL DATA SYSTEM SPEC* ASSESS* PROCESSING $174*58 $174*58 PETTY CASH — MANAGEMENT SERVICES TRAVEL & SUPPLIES $10e32 TRAVEL G SUPPLIES $1041 311m73` PUBLIX OFFICE SUPPLIES INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES $47 24 $47.24 TONE COMMUNICATIONS9 INC* TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT $209375#00 $20075#00* XEROX CORPORATION MONTHLY EQUITY PLAN $103e06 $103*06 FINANCE DEPARTMENT ;*"'TOTAL** $279480*16 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 4 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 12/12/84 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL GENERAL FUND $279480e16 h` i rY. �. M M i' '1w JZ Jr aA• v#r J• a#t a#r M wt+ � aA, JL aR. �.�y�y �f� �,{t .�r �i. J: ,,y Jr ..fi�rr �+ t4r J. w4 }o 44 %4v A. w#s �. Jr "�' a� '.#Z a#r vA. v4 #r a4 der a4 J. 1s Js a4 JL 4 a#. 4 w+. 4, -4. .0a d. 4 dr a4 atr 1r Jr'As'o a4 J. 1, 4 a#� !4 .h +�► aAa h' #` �+�• 1 M "If` raw M h ''#' hw hw 'Y" M 'Y, M'4"' 4'a qtw t' M IV, 1Y� 'a, M le M h' •a• i raw hw iw ry h• h' 1 �� i 1` i` iw :,tw rt` h ra` le r# i' hw ra' M M M '''#' rr..t iw M '1P �' �#• h• hw raw iw �_ `# M h' i 'N i VILLAGE CLERK'S OFFICE A B DICK OFFSET SUPPLIES $188.40 $188.40 GENTILE E ASSOCIATES♦ INC. SERVICES RENDERED $95*00 $95*00 R T. JENKINS NEWSLETTER $1.129.75 %lvl29.75 OFFICE EQUIPMENT SALES COv OFFICE EQUIPMENT $595x00 $595*00 V C G PRINTERS INC* PRINTING $28.75 $2875 XEROX CORPORATION MONTHLY EQUITY PLAN $105 84 COPIER MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 11/84 $240 79 $346*63 VILLAGE CLERK'S OFFICE -`*-TQTAL $21383.53 GENERAL FUND $1125378 REVENUE SNARING FUND Sl♦129.75 rya 'Y' itw w.at :.Y: �y. �: 1 le .t. '►� aha. "s'a i+:.'Aya i" a� 1 10 1 �` 1� f 1` M itr` f' y: rf. �l 'A. 'W..e`r` :t` .�Aaw+ '►� MA. pw 4.' A. M � aw i ''AY= +t May+` �, .�#" �i. :yi �G A. S4. i. is y: 1C .I.,iti i+T JY. 'Y` � '4• ry` h. spa` r!" ti. N. 1 rt` M 44. l%f. b` ti itw M i` •r" ry: M I.- R Y A. RISK MANAGEMENT NORTHWEST COMMUNITY HOSPITAL PRISONER CUSTODY MEDICAL $43*00 $43 00 RADTKE INSURANCE AGENCY INSURANCE POLICY $927.80 $927.80 VILLAGE OF M.P EMPLOYEE HEALTH BENE CHECKS RELEASED BY FORT DEARBORN 11/3 $101294983 CHECKS RELEASED BY FORT DEARBORN 12/7 531078 16 $13.372 9 99* RISK MANAGEMENT *4c*TOTAL* $141343.79 RISK MANAGEMENT FUND $141343.79 :;L Y J;: �: = "v` ice' �^ 7�L ti:.''y.:;L yt ::'' L ;;: may. �;t :;; =rt w �A M :� =�.: ir` �'y: Y �.- ti %rJer - %y yt :;L ti:.Jy: ?;: ?,aL :.: C :y`! r hC •rL .w;t l ��t .4,r, %.t V. le � i# � � "hi` � `#iw � 71. r � wr �' �: a4 w#r at, w4 � ri' -� �+ INC If, rta VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 5 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 12/12/84 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT ADVANCED OFFICE SYSTEMS INC* SERVICE AGREEMENT -11/01/84 TO 10/31/8 $578*00 $578*00 ALL STAR CAR WASH DEC* WASH PLAN $131 25 $131*25 ASSOCIATED PRINTERS MISC. PRINTING $209 00 $209000 T TELEPHONE SERVICE $6.6l $6*61 .\EY CAMERA SHOP FILM PROCESSING $139.89 $139989 BOWMAN DISTRIBUTION CENTER MISC PARTS $208*39 5208*39 KEVIN Jo CONDON DEC CAR ALLOWANCE $40 00 $40900 THOMAS Fo DALEY CONFERENCE EXPENSE $50*00 $50*00 DECISION DATA COMPUTER CORPS MAINTENANCE BILLING 1211 TO 12/31 $72900 $72*00 DISTRICT 214 PRODUCTION SERVICE REPORT FORMS $102*50 $102 5th ECKHARDT AUTO GLASS C TRIM LTD* VEHICLE REPAIRS/PW $175*00 $175*00 ROBERT GIBSON CONFERENCE REIMBURSEMENT $79 40 $79*40 GARY HELFENBEIN OFFICER OF THE YEAR $250e00 $250*004 I*B*M* CORPORATION DEC. PAYMENT COPIER 3 $275*89 $275e89 IBM MAINTs AGREEMENT—COPIER AND COLLATOR $172900 x172 00 ILLINOIS ASSN OF CHIEFS OF POLICE CONFERENCE EXPENSE $55900 $55.004= ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. TELEPHONE SERVICE $14*00 TELEPHONE SERVICE $22*22 TELEPHONE SERVICE $40 29 TELEPHONE SERVICE $39.44115.95 UNIFORMS UNIFORMS $51 44 UNIFORMS 551*44 $102a88 MORTON GROVE AUTOMOTIVE VEHICLE REPAIRS/PW $110000 $110400 JOE MITCHELL BUICKv INC* TACTICAL UNIT CAR RENTAL $200*00 $200*00 MOUNT PROSPECT POLICE EXPLORERS POS UPDATE EXPLORER PROGRAM $1000000 $19000*00 MULT ICOM INC* EQUIPMENT RENTAL S133o00 $133900 NOVAK C PARKER INC* OFFICE SUPPLIES $120*00 OFFICE SUPPLIES $103*00 $223900 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUPPLY ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES $42*93 $42*93 NORTHWEST STATIONERS INC* OFFICE SUPPLIES $233*39 OFFICE SUPPLIES Sl 10*97 OFFICE SUPPLIES $105,60 $449 96 OFFICE EQUIPMENT SALES CO* OFFICE EQUIPMENT $325*00 $325*00 -----------------------OLYMPIA DODGE OF DES PLAINESt INC* PARTS $24o33 $24*33 PETTY CASH POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAVEL SUPPLIES $177 26 TRAVEL & SUPPLIES $10000 VENDOR POLICE DEPARTMENT PETTY CASH - PUBLIC WORKS STOFFEL SEALS CORP* UNIVERSITY OF NORTH FLORIDA V & G PRINTERS INC* WASHINGTON RUBBER C09 WINKELMANN SERVICE STATION, INC. WOODFIELD FORD SALES► INC* POLICE DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUND VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 6 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 12/12/84 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL TRAVEL & SUPPLIES M +t` ±+C .•� $400 .,, TRAVEL C SUPPLIES$117.56A. ADDI SON BUILDING MATERIAL CO SUPPLIES TRAVEL & SUPPLIES $11.13: AMERICAN FIRE E SAFETY BUREAU INC. TRAVEL & SUPPLIES $1284 $4700 TRAVEL & SUPPLIES X8.22 $341.01 TRAVEL & SUPPLIES $1.00 �19.00r SUPPLIES $227.14 $227.14 MANUAL $2000 $20.00 PRINTING $26.00 $Z�,.00 MIS*C PARTS $4728 SUPPLIES $17.60 $64.88 VEHICLE INSPECTIONS $9.50 $9.50 PARTS $8.50 $8*50 $130000 =�=-*i=TOTAL * $5,988.01 $5,560 01 REVENUE SHARING FUND $428800. .J6 0. d. •, 's * * d..oc .1. �,i, +M• 4, 46..•. -$..1.A. i` 4 .•• .■, #. 1 .. y .tom ■ .. A. au A.M M � �,, y i� �i Jt•L '�°' t h` ti "• �� h h� h "■..■ .•. .t. +■..•. .i..�..Y":•� 2tw s4 .•s -1. ai 1..1..x..4 Jl. 1y 1. . 1..:� `.�i f: :i Y 0.t 'tom a • {, j' .= 4 J..1r .►# • ♦ .4 .•C .+ 5 i - I '• tet` 'ti 't` i • 'Y` 's` r .t..t..■..• ■. �" w ry� .•. �t..•..ra ,yC . L :P .■: '•` �. � M ��: • �C .r ..4 ` � ti� 1i � .+.b .t .•' 1. �..y. '■. ry .•. q y..■ .• ♦ '■ • t` FIRE & EMERGENCY PROTECTION DEPTO ABLE FIRE SAFETY EQUIP MISC PARTS $457*50 $457.50 ADDI SON BUILDING MATERIAL CO SUPPLIES $98.54 $98.54 AMERICAN FIRE E SAFETY BUREAU INC. SUPPLIES $4700 $4700 AMERICAN LAFRANCE MISC. SUPPLIES $621*42 $621.42 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE EXPENSE $5500 $5500 AT&T TELEPHONE SERVICE $2.32 BERKEY CAMERA SHOP TELEPHONE SERVICE PHOTO FINISHING $8122 $8354 $45.72 BOCA INTERNATIONAL FILM PROCESSING MEMBERSHIP 1935 $9098 $55*70 FUSS E HARDWARE SUPPLIES $180.00 $130000 $4 17 $4.17 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 7 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL_ REPORT PAYMENT DATE 12112184 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL FIRE & EMERGENCY PROTECTION DEPT CHAMP.ION SALES CORP. SUPPLIES $457.55 $457.55 CHERRY'S TRUCK PARTS PARTS $3.66 $3.66 g�^MENT COMMUNICATIONS, INCA SUPPLIES x$1.178117 SUMFRS TIRE G SUPPLY CO. INC* PARTS $20.92 $20.92 ISION DATA COMPUTER CORP. MAINTENANCE BILLING 1211 TO 12/31 $128.50 512850 DYNA MED SUPPLIES $29449.80 $29449.80 DYNA SYSTEMS MISC. SUPPLIES $25483 $254.83 ECKHARDT AUTO GLASS TRIM LTD. VEHICLE REPAIRS/PW $215.00 $215.00 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES SUBSCRIPTION $22.00 $22.00 FACEP CONFERENCE REGISTRATION $155.00 $155.00 FRANZ STATIONERY CD'. ♦ INC. SUPPLIES $26.34 $26.34 HOLY FAMILY HOSPITAL HEPATITIS B VACCINATIONS $19484.00 $1,484.00 INT. ASSOC. OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR MEMBERSHIP $2+5,00 $25*00 IBM MAINT. AGREEMENT --COPIER AND COLLATOR $220 00 $220000 ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. TELEPHONE SERVICE $22 23 TELEPHONE SERVICE $129x70 TELEPHONE SERVICE $146.19 $298x12 INTERNATIONAL ASSOC OF FIRE CHIEFS 1984 MEMBERSHIP $60a00 $60*00 INDUSTRIAL GAS £. EQUIP14ENT SUPPLIES $17.50 $17w50 PRODUCTS INC MISC PARTS $261.76 PARTS $5814 $319.90 k-ELLY SERVICES, INC. SERVICES RENDERED $848.77 $848077 KREST CUSTOM TAILORS,► INC* UNIFORMS $1055.50 $1,95550 ALAN LABBE CONFERENCE REIMBURSEMENT $33.58 $33.58 MEANS SERVICE INC. SERVICES RENDERED $454.68 $454.68 MORTON GROVE AUTOMOTIVE PARTS $120.00 $120.00 HEIGHTS AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY PARTS $6.00 PARTS $16.66 PARTS $56.64 $79.30 NAPA AUTO PARTS PARTS $16.88 $16.88 NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS FIRE CHIEFS A MEMBERSHIP $25.00 $2500 NORTHWEST STATIONERS INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES $84.80 $F34.80 OLYMPIA DODGE OF DES PLAINES, INC. PARTS $106.39 $106.39 PETTY CASH - MANAGEMENT SERVICES TRAVEL SUPPLIES $3952 $3952 PIC COMMUNICATIONS♦ INC. RADIO REPAIR $38.50 $38.50 PUBLIX OFFICE SUPPLIES INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES $105 50 $105.50 VENDOR FIRE & EMERGENCY PROTECTION DEPT* RICHARD'S LIGHTHOUSE SAFETY KLEEN CORPORATION SAFETY EQUIPMENT COMPANY TOWERS FIRE APPARATUS COo9INC* UTILITY STATIONERS XEROX CORPORATION FIRE & EMERGENCY PROTECTION DEPT* GENERAL FUND VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 12/12/84 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION OFFICE EQUIPMENT SERVICES RENDERED EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES PARTS SUPPLIES MONTHLY EQUITY PLAN $69817*34 REVENUE SHARING FUND INVOICE AMOUNT $33*00 $42 25 $881944 $1t04784 $48 95 $51934 $51*53 46 .0. .4. J. .0. 1�11 1�.l 1*1 T 0 T A L -41 It, PAGE 8 TOTAL $33 00 $42o25 $88' 4 $190969 /9 $51*34 65153 $139906*93 $79089#59 * * %A. �1. .6, -A. .0 .6. .A. .1. .1k, A. .6. * .0 * * •A, A. A. 'o. .6 JrA. A. .1k, A. .Jr. .0 . 0, , . p, 0. _ IV, I%- If'- 1., 11*1 '1, 1%, N, I'l .,. ,c * * - -,a- �%- 1%, 1%, 11st 0. -P 4, A, 1* '40 A# * 'o. 1. 1.�l IN, It, 11, le If- le .. 1*1 .0 IV, 1%, Ism 1%, 1%- 14, 10, HEALTH SERVICES DIVISION BROWNING FERRIS INDUSTRIES SPECIAL SERVICE $9000 s BOWEN HARDWARE CO SUPPLIES $4 96 $4 *---y-6 JUNE Fe KERSTETN DEC CAR ALLOWANCE $40*00 DEC TELEPHONE REIMBURSEMENT $40 00 $80000 PETTY CASH — MANAGEMENT SERVICES TRAVEL C SUPPLIES S2 2 a 10 TRAVEL G SUPPLIES $25*00 TRAVEL & SUPPLIES $99000 $146*10"' PHOTO TOWNE FILM $5009 S5s09 PUBLIX OFFICE SUPPLIES INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES $8 72 $8*72 XEROX CORPORATION MONTHLY CHARGF/NOV* $175*40 $175940 HEALTH SERVICES DIVISION ***TOTAL** $429 27 GENERAL FUND $429 27 * * * Jr AV .0. .4. -A, A. *a .2. 4, qp. .1. —0. .11, A, �2, �40 40 J. J. 'I. t. j. *9, J, .1-0. -A. .4, .06 4, -4, a- A, * lKl * -Al Jr -A- -a, IN, IV, IW- ft- -r N- le Iv- ft - 10, 1 IV, ft, .4c ft- -a- I* N. ft, VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 9 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 12/12/84 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL HUMAN SERVICES DIVISION JANET ABERNETHY DEC GAR ALLOWANCE $40.00 $40.00 RITA ADAMCZYK HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT $6*00 $6.00 _FQNARD W• BAZAN HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT $1200 X1200 '_S TRANSPORTATION COMPANY SENIOR CAB RIDES $294.00 $294.x0 LLE CHMELA HDMN DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT $9.00 $9.00 COFFEE CUPBOARD CORPORATION SUPPLIES $201.50 $201#50 MICHAEL DOROSH HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT $300 $3.00 MARY DUNCAN HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT $12.00 $12.00 HAZEL FRICKE HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT $6.00 $600 MRv E MRSv BUD GOO DLING HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT $3.00 $3.00 JOE JAGUS HUM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT $12.00 $12.00 ANNE KORTH HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT $6.00 56.00 CHARLES J. LA PLANTE DEC CAR ALLOWANCE $50.00 $50.00 VIVI AN LEONARD HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT $3.00 $3*00 EARLE MATTSON HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT $9000 59.00 NANCY MORGAN DEC CAR ALLOWANCE $40.00 $40.00 MR. C MRS. PETERSON HOM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT $12900 $12.00 MURIEL POORE HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT $15900 x15.00 ELOISE PURCELL HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT $33*00 $33.00 REILLY HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT $6.00 $6':00 - ROSS HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT $6.00 $6.00 S-rANLEY SHARP HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT $9.00 $9.00 JEANNE SHERMAN HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT $300 $3.00 BERTHA STEIL HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT $12.00 $12.00 MERRILL VAN ZANDT HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT $6.00 $6000 HELEN WHITLOCK HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT $600 $6.00 CECELIA WINTERSTEIN HDM DRIVERS REIMBURSEMENT $3.00 $300 HUMAN SERVICES DIVISION :"TOTAL" .$817050 GENERAL FUND $817050 _. .. M '` 'b` M 't"` 1` .' q:.y ;i M M ►! r +Y` 1• :a: y' '`r- .,r. 'Y" 'y: -'�= fit` '�Y` It' .�MYt 14,yIt:is1a-0, It. It- yIt' *:.."'s,'s,e` _ -i`.It,•e.'i.4-t`i`h•'Na`'L`-` Y M 1" '4"` 1'+` jt J4. ;1* . 'fC�', '�`'1y d: -A. '` -0' ".` 1.' ` y` 'r: i... -A. '.'• .8. 1` .4. A. �t.�M VENDOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUSS E CAR WASH THE FLOWER BASKET THE HAIR STUDIO ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND INT CITY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION NORTHWEST STATIONERS INC. PADD EN & COMPANY,► INC. *AGENT PLANNING RESOURCES PROC S INTERNATIONAL REAL ESTATE INDIX GROUP COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUND VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT MATE 12112/84 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION REBATE ON FACADE PROJECT REBATE -FACADE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM REBATE -FACADE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FICA PAYMENT 11/22/84 IMRF PAYMENT 11184 HANDBOOK OFFICE SUPPLIES DEC. CHARGE EQUIPMENT SERVICES RENDERED OFFICE SUPPLIES SERVICES RENDERED INVOICE AMOUNT $10100000 $155.62 $153.37 515501 $220*89 560.00 $54.88 $98.41 $ 12 2.24 $61.00 =*t**TOTAL** PAGE 10 TOTAL $10 t 000 0 00'- 5155.62 $15-"7 $ 3 t 7 M 0 $60*00 $54.88 $98.41 5248.10 5122.24 $61x00 511 #379.52 $280065 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GT $111098.87 �� s4 +� .r 4 qtr .4 J» +r .4 .4 .4 r4 .+r � r �+e �+ w .1Sr �i �►� �4 +� �r�r �Ir �y +. �� .�y , y y .fir �4, �s 't" 1+` S�,t ht .�..y. .+. '+` aye. '+� r ', f+` M 'Y M '4t �` ry` '4' M M �s� 'Y' M +Y` # ''I�,"` 'P M h` h 'r. 'y` ::t` h` '4' 't� �y". h` h` �t�i �'Y yL iL i L '`rY� t L :�: � h�: 1.' M 'Y` S��i i+. 7 i ` i� ��.'� 'h` ` , ..i` * A. * A. � 4� .4.:Ao '.�.t A, STREET DIVISION A-AAGO LOCK SERVICE LOCKS 152.00 552.00 ACTION BUILDING MAINTENANCE CORPORA SERVICES RENDERED $11155.00 SERVICES RENDERED S1t26500 SERVICES RENDERED $577 46 SERVICES RENDERED $632,45 $39629.91 ADDI SON BUILDING MATERIAL CO. MISC SUPPLIES $12 * 33 MISC SUPPLIES $10.23 MISC SUPPLIES $18* 08 MISC SUPPLIES $11.86 $52.50 RENEE ALLESEE TREE REIMBURSEMENT $105#00 $105.00 AMERICAN ARBORIST SUPPLY, INC. SUPPLIES $479.56 TOOLS 118.34 $497.90 AMOCO OIL COMPANY CREDIT CARD PURCHASE $9982 $9 82 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 11 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 12/12184 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL STREET DIVISION ANDERSON LOCK COMPANY KEYS $1570 KEYS $8x30 LOCKS $25*10 NGTON AUTO PARTS LOCKS AUTO PARTS '39.30 $840 $16170 B E B OVERHEAD DOOR AUTO PARTS PARTS $10*12 $171.82 B H INDUSTRIES OFFICE SUPPLIES $277e25 $10.38 $277 25 $10.38 BOWEN HARDWARE CO SUPPLIES $4* 59 $4.59 BOWMAN DISTRIBUTION CENTER MISC PARTS $208*39 $208e39 BRUCE MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT PARTS $59.45$59.45 BUSSE HARDWARE SUPPLIES $1863 MISC SUPPLIES $2.52 MISC* SUPPLIES $4.97 $26.12 CAClE INDUSTRIES MISC. SUPPLIES $283x00 $283.00 CENTRAL ACOUSTICAL SUPPLY HOUSE BUILDING MATERIALS $74*64 $74.64 CENTURY SUPPLY COMPANY MISC SUPPLIES $4.4..59 $44*59 COURTESY HOME CENTER SUPPLIES $10.43 -LAS SUPPLIES $559 $16*02 TRUCK PARTS TRUCK PARTS $250.70 $250`:70 ARDT AUTO GLASS E TRIM LTD. VEHICLE REPAIRS/PW $35.00 uEPH D• FOREMAN & CO. MISC. SUPPLIES $264040 .$35.00 $264.40 HELLER LUMBER CO* MISC. SUPPLIES $192.89 I BBOTSON HEATING CO. MISC SUPPLIES SERVICES RENDERED $1,806.98 $1.999.87 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES COR. COPIER II RENTAL $203.00 $99050 $203 00 $99*50 ILLINOIS FWD TRUCK C EQUIPMENT COMP VEHICLE EQUIPMENT $19182.40 $1.182.00 INPERIAL SERVICE SYSTEMS. INC SERVICES RENDERED $29031900 $2t031#00 0 J*R*Vo CONSTRUCTION SERVICES RENDERED $11500.00 $19500.00 KARL KUEMMERLINGI INC* MISC. SUPPLIES !4241 SUPPLIES $22 * 89 $65 30 LEW CONCRETE SERVICES RENDERED $9114 500 $9914 5 00 LATTOF MOTOR SALES CO. VEHICLE SAFETY TEST $10.05 $10 05 J AME S Lo LUT ICER ASSOCIATES EQUIPMENT $458.00 _. EQUIPMENT $190.00 $648x00 MAGID GLOVE SAFETY MANUFACTURING SUPPLIES $32.64 $32.64 VENDOR STREET DIVISION METROCOM SERVICE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CABLE NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUPPLY NORTHWEST FORD TRUCK SALES INC. OLYMPIA DODGE OF DES PLAINEST INC* PETTY CASH — MANAGEMENT SERVICES PETTY CASH — PUBLIC WORKS PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT INC* RAND POOL AND PATIO ROWLAND'S EQUIPMENTv INC* SCHMIDT IRON WORKS JOHN SEXTON SAND G GRAVEL SKOKIE VALLEY ASPHALT STEINER CORPORATION TECH SYN CORPORATION TERRACE SUPPLY COMPANY VALIQUET INC* WASHINGTON RUBBER CO* WINKELMANN SERVICE STATIONi INC* STREET DIVISION GENERAL FUND MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 12/12/84 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION RADIO REPAIR PARTS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES PARTS PARTS TRAVEL & SUPPLIES TRAVEL & SUPPLIES TRAVEL & SUPPLIES TRAVEL & SUPPLIES TRAVEL & SUPPLIES TRAVEL & SUPPLIES UNIFORMS CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS PARTS SUPPLIES REFUSE DISPOSAL REFUSE DISPOSAL PAVING MATERIALS SERVICES RENDERED SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICES RENDERED MIS'Co PARTS VEHICLE INSPECTIONS INVOICE AMOUNT $75*75 $95*48 $28e68 569.50 $438*09 $19019 $24o33 sil000 $57*79 1512*42 $1904 $41917 $12.15 $83 49 $183*95 $60008 $570*00 $310*35 $708.80 $25s 50 $227o5O $222*65 $1*60 $24*50 $60#51 $19000 ***TOTAL** $12v322#88 REVENUE SHARING FUND $25*50 CAPITAL IMPRVs G REPL* FUND PAGE 12 TOTAL $75*75 S95o48 S53bez7 519.19 $24#33 $11*00* J. $124o57* $83*49 $183*95 $60908 S570*00 $11010 '5 $2 22 0 $222.65 S1 60 $24* 50 $60*51 $19000 $26*46Z*76 $1,169.25 $12045e13 .0. 4, J�, 4, 4. .4, 0. .0 A. .-I, P. rt..y t. A. J A. A. J. J. .'a, .0, k. 0, It, It, I#, ft, *s* "i V, Al. "t. "o. .0. -0, "o. "I' 'w- '--o- 't- os -.rte -t- ' -e-#— VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 13 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 12/12/8+ VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL WATER AND SEWER DIVISION ADAMS ENTERPRISES EQUIPMENT $225.00 $225.04 ADDISON BUILDING MATERIAL CO. MISC SUPPLIES $143.68 $143.68 �_XANDER CHEMICAL CORP LIQUID CHOLRINE $3058.75 $3.358.75 0 OIL COMPANY CREDIT CARD PURCHASE $13.32 $13.32 ARSON LOCK COMPANY LOCKS $6.22 $6.22 ARLINGTON AUTO PARTS AUTO PARTS $276.37 $276.37 BADGER METER INC MISC. METER PARTS $29642.79 $2♦642.79 BERKEY CAMERA SHOP FILM PROCESSING $33.60 $33.60 'BOWMAN DISTRIBUTION CENTER MISC PARTS $208.39 $208.39 BUSSE CAR WASH VEHICLES WASHED $21.25 x21.25 CHERRY'S TRUCK PARTS PARTS $139.48 $139.43 CITY UNIFORM UNIFORMS $39.00 $39.00 CLARK AND BARLOW HARDWARE CO• SUPPLIES $414.58 $414 58 ECKHARDT AUTO GLASS E TRIM LTD. VEHICLE REPAIRS/PW $125.00 $125.00 JOSEPH D. FOREMAN & CO* SUPPLIES $483.45 $983.45 GCO THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY SUPPLIES $283.91 $233.91 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES COR ,COPIER II RENTAL $,94.50 $49.50 I #B. M. CORPORATION COMPUTER MAINTENANCE 12/1-12/31 $221.25 $221.25 ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. TELEPHONE SERVICE $14.00 TELEPHONE SERVICE $30721 TELEPHONE SERVICE $14.06 TELEPHONE SERVICE $13.77 $349.04 ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND FICA PAYMENT 11/22/84 $1082.70; IMRF PAYMENT 11/84 $21095.07 $3.477.7 7 R. JONES TRUCKING AND GRADING TOP SOIL $52 00 $52.00 J.R.V. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES RENDERED $500.40 $504.00 KELLY SERVICES♦ INC. SERVICES RENDERED $102.94 $102.94 LATTOF MOTOR SALES CO* VEHICLE SAFETY TEST $30.15 $30e15 MAGID GLOVE E SAFETY MANUFACTURING SUPPLIES $32.65 $32.65 METROCOM SERVICE RADIO] REPAIR $62900 RADIO REPAIRS $55.OQ $117.00 MEYER MATERIAL CO. PAVING MATERIALS $112.80 $112.80 MORTON GROVE AUTOMOTIVE VEHICLE REPAIRS/PW $33oOO $33.00 NCR CORPORATION MACHINE MAINTENANCE $260 50 $260.50 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUPPLY ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES $41.32 $41.32 NW SUB MUNICIPAL JOINT ACTION WATER ENGR. ANALYSIS OF RES. FLOW CAP. $131491.93 $131491.93-'; VENDOR WATER AND SEWER DIVISION NORTHWEST STATIONERS INC. OFFICE EQUIPMENT SALES Coo OLYMPIA DODGE OF UES PLAINES, INC* PATTEN TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT CO. PETTY CASH -- PUBLIC FORKS P -D MECHANICAL SERVICES CO* PEDERSEN C HOUPT POSTMASTER MT PROSPECT PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT INC. RADIO SHACK SEMLER INDUSTRIESf INC. SPEER FINANCIALv INC. STEINER CORPORATION TELE -TIME SYSTEMS WASHINGTON RUBBER CO. WINKELMANN SERVICE STATION• INC. WATER AND SEWER DIVISION VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 14 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 12/12/84 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL OFFICE SUPPLIES $1 *75 OFFICE SUPPLIES $40*88 $59.63 OFFICE EQUIPMENT $6b* 50 $6, - PARTS $24*34 $2 r PARTS $689*38 $689.38 TRAVEL & SUPPLIES $2.59 TRAVEL & SUPPLIES $28.56 TRAVEL & SUPPLIES $29.00 TRAVEL & SUPPLIES x2.90 TRAVEL & SUPPLIES $21.27 TRAVEL & SUPPLIES $9.95 $94.27= SERVICES RENDERED $779186o00 $77 ♦ 186.00 SERVICES RENDERED $ 186.34 $ 186.39 POSTAGE PERMIT/ WATER BILLS $290*93 5290.43' UNIFORMS $83.49 $83.49 COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT $179.90 $179.90 SUPPLIES $62.60 $62 60 a SERVICES RENDERED $500.00 $500.00 SERVICES RENDERED 5227.50 $227 ,1 COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT $19750.00 $Iv75; MIS'C4 PARTS $60.51 Sb0'� VEHICLE INSPECTIONS $98.30 $98 30 =,=*TOTAL'* $1099396o38 WATER 8 SEWER FUND O&M $109 396.38 • ds ...P -r w4 Jr .+r w►i+ :+Z J4 .ltn .1r Wb Jx 4.%..+4 x Jx v+x a+x J w+, Ay Jx A. 1r.+r is 1x .ar ++r lx Irl .r �4 1 w+s .4x w+x •4.}r �x i �x J4 J4 �. v+r 1s Jx a4 a+x was Jlr .Ax .+. J •+ +h �y �+r Jr Js .�4e •+ w+i 1 1 ads �r J4 �y wi4r .4 .JV fir wtx �4 1x Jr w+. Jx .ix d1r .!� .tr .0 wtr ,�,, • . �y �y x,. xia ..�. x+..•. h ria xi..�..•w .+..i..ya ..•. -I- I)$- s+. N, It, ��. �+. M '!s .•: h'i .fa x�....+. -41 -91 .�i. xi.: rs" 'Y` '4Z '1iw "i"' rt^ .ra "t' h`'x� x 'if `aw V` "w' Y '�` . "yrw 'y.' .�. "s`' 'Y" '1" i*" N• "sem "s: "1C 'y` 'Y' 1#` 'ice 4w M lot '!` hj rid 't` � t` M W` M re. 10 y. M .4w 4. 1` "M '"i" 'i" 4a 1t` -e V' '!c 'Y iw t+• PARKING SYSTEM DIVISION ANDERSON LOCK COMPANY KEYS $8.30 $8.30 ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND FICA PAYMENT 11/22/84 51600 �- IMRF PAYMENT 11/84 $25.46 $41.46* VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 15 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 12/12184 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL PARKING SYSTEM DIVISION 4,**TOTALht4t $49*76 PARKING SYSTEM REVENUE FUND $49.76 le Y'Y r. . .+i V. a4 ..��i.. w+r .4 ��!J J. J...4 .+..+s .� .lir Je �+r rtr �4 � .4 a+r .�. r aM 1 +fie +4 w4 -+.r hj '• M rr` tii V` M '•t M h+` i` ri` ha ht i' Y t" 'Y' � h h' Y` i` �` M .+t .y. h` '�` 'Y .+r w+ 1r .t A. . u w++w a* .4 J� str .+..+� y :+� :+r aP. +t. aN, . r It- .+r +.4 .+y �.l+c it •as "t` '.t 'a" M ^Y i` it '+• 'a h` h` '+ h^ . +` M h` '+ tet' + a� '+' T �r h' 'Y` 'a` M r` �t` 1 ~ h' it` i` 7 � w+; �+i Vv* .+: 16, .4 atr .fir .ar +Jt . Jt `9r '+c �C `4 J4 � Jtr ..Ar + '• + ry ti `+` ry+` h' •y` •r• 'Y` a 'Y M '+ • i` �P i Y` M 'f` i i' `+t '\' Y 'e` 'Y+ Y M 'Yt ENGINEERING DIVISION 8 H INDUSTRIES OFFICE SUPPLIES $125084 $125.84 COMMONWEALTH EDISON ELECTRIC SERVICE— S CURVE $22008 $220.08-+= GENERAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO, SUPPLIES $470.00 $470.00 NOVAK• DEMPSEY ASSOCIATES, INC. SERVICES RENDERED $1400000 $14,000.00 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUPPLY ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES $254.17 $254.17 NORTHWEST STATIONERS INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES $304 OFFICE SUPPLIES $60.21 $63.25 PETTY CASH — MANAGEMENT SERVICES TRAVEL. & SUPPLIES $18*60 TRAVEL & SUPPLIES $7.54 $26* 14* =� SNEERING DIVISION *"'*TOTAL** $15.15948 GENERAL FUN© $905.31 REVENUE SHARING FUND $1490OOo OO MOTOR FUEL TAX 'FUND $254x17 .4 .A. Jr 2+. .�a-r .01 .1, Jt J J. J. Jr J. a+s . - + wir .+ �+ + �• + .t. 4 air +Rr aa. a4 . Jr a+. Jr +14..4 tar .a..A. a4 Js 1. • J. t d. Yt .• .aL raa .+..y..1. h. �t..y: 4 J..A..A .A. : Jt y.4 . J. +fir . t `t: : • .+. .• J. . r .A. .t. J+..r. 1..+..t J. Jr a4 .+ .a .• ..�. s+. •+. ht .t..+..1..•. y..y� .t..� 'S. ".� s� r .+. +w 'Y` i .+ .+ "i"` � i..•..+i .+ y. f+..+..+. +� r+t .+..+a 4. �{. �:.e. i. y..yr .+• 4a •'+L •.a ti if` ..+..+w . ti..+...y..+..aw .•.:� �C .+a r,..y:.1� .+t ^+. '1t 'Si" M .eS 4. h. ry. a. 4..-+c :+...c+• M h,. �. COMMUNITY AND CIVIC SERVICES FOLDERS OUTDOOR DECORATING 1984 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS $29295*00 $2,295 00 COMMUNITY AND CIVIC SERVICES *=`'*TOTAL-"* $2,29500 GENERAL FUND .883.22 ILL. MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND $14,73676 ALL DEPARTMENTS TOTAL $65099506 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE lb► ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 12/12/84 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL GENERAL FUND $2,295 DO 1%, 1*- rt♦ �i .� tRr v4 ��yy d, .+s .1L .L �y .lt,. Y" .y. � C '�� ` i` M M �` it 'P �� 't` M 't• i` � 'Ya � ;i � a,"t +, y d', It, ay J � .h .4t � 1, a "h4 at 'V• �` � � -t` rt,a 'M` .t,C yt ,�. .t' of reL .,. ,.�' 1,171 �` ti� M 1^ �t ,,,,. 'Y• 'yrC 9z 'Yt '1• rY'' i` � ' f► � yMt M 'N y� Sy� 4k, J� 'S��S i� hL '4L 'Y` i� DEBT SERVICE FUNDS r` MOUNT PROSPECT STATE BANK COMM EQ NOTE PR IN DUE 12/1/84 $3 v 576* 30 COMMvEQo NOTE INT. DUE 12/1/84 $19433 20 $5009#50* DEBT SERVICE FUNDS=TOTAL S5 , OD9.50 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT BEI $59 009 50 % % .4 .4 le, 1%, 11, Y ` �. It..;... Il+..t. ti` "Pit` �1- •fi+ '1f` �.� -t+ �,r � 4• .tom *� h M •t• .i� �f� 'iia 'ice .ta rt• it` 'ta +ta a• M 't. i♦ "P '1rt to 1. ..+. a. 11, It, i� �f .�. i�r a. .►r Y� 10. a, .a, I.- v, le 19, Ir._•/ � i" si" itv 'fa .�a 11, It, .�a Jfa rtw rti a7t� ri" :ts fta y. ny :ta rta .t .'i. 'ha ita hi i♦ *a �' !o 't"' M � "t 'Y^ a1♦ .�..i♦ i �V � iryr Vf' %�' {sf `�1 +pr �� � � -1- � ;.� -i- � '1'' .y. i ar ' � �a + .�� rl ti M .1. 1/ ri "5r ti\ PENSION FUNDS ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND FICA PAYMENT 11/22/84 $59747.21 � IMRF PAYMENT 11/84 $8089.55 S141P73 CHARLES Wo NICK DEC* PENSION $883o22 $88`. PENSION FUNDS ***TOTAL** $15 ,9 619 98 GENERAL FUND .883.22 ILL. MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND $14,73676 ALL DEPARTMENTS TOTAL $65099506 General & SDe;-- 1 l Revenue Funds,: Geer, Fund Revenue Sharing Fund Motor Fuel Tax Fund C unity 0evel pi t Block Grant Fund Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Enterprise Funds: Waterworks & Seerae Fund Parking System Revenue Fund internal Service Fund: Risk Man a eme t Fared Llai tl Pr-ects C pital Improvement, Repl. or Reg it Fuad Corporate Purposes Construction Fund 1973 Special Service Area Construction #5 Debt Service Funds: Corporate Purposes 1973 Corporate Purposes 197 Communications Equipment 1964 Special Service Area #1 Special Service Area #2 Special Service Area #3 Special Service Area Special Service Area #5 Special Service rea #5 Bond Reserve Tryst ec Funds Trust Foy Police Pension Fund Firemen's Pension Fund Sped al sessmetsa SA Funds - Prig to 1940 S s - Auer 1940 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT FINANCIAL REPO - NOVEMBER 30, 1984 SUMMARY OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS Cash & Invest. Receipts Balance for 0ctobere 31, 1984 November, 1904 1,801,970 561,931 84,707 952 529,645 89,920 2,524 40,000 94,378 2,550 1,726,613 435,638 64,010 11,601 239845 86,042 912,772 67,25 394,356 22,912- 2,9121,468,140 1,468,140 62,614 310,393 15,781 666,582 33,871 29,993 291 29,693 961 29,258 1,003 4,593 16 11,554 419 272,226 30,70 327,055 445 285,784 20,57 6,745.937 141,982 Bj317,308 207,29 134,494 1,49 ,37 4 $24,483,209 $1.837,281 Disbursements for November. 1984 817,866 T5,23 266,166 11,708 '51 17,456 1,222 79,534 5,010 204,760 15,335 21,498 5,042 103 Cash & 1 nvest secs v e D r n, '984 1,546,035 70,377 583,041 555 91,105 a9 3,93 273,695 962,601 416,046 1,451,220 326, 179 $�; 9 70,453 25,274 30,654 30,251 4,:59 11,973 93,171 327,500 291,025 6,866,421 ,519,562 135,890 61IS 124729,200 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE s ESTIMATED REVENUE REPORT ACCOUNTING PERIOD 07 ENDING 11/30/84 1984-85 Y -T -D Y -T -D CUR MO UNREC'D _ BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL BALANCE BALD GENERAL FUND TAX REVENUE 1-000-00-4001 PROPERTY TAXES -CORPORATE 749,F200 437 031 7499200- 1-000-00-4002 TAXES GENRL CORP -PREY 1.1189700 6529575 1#0709688 1{1.376 48#012- 749,200- 100- 1-000-00-4004 PROPERTY TAXES -GARBAGE 5079700 296#256 507,700® 48,012- 4- 1-000-00-4005 TAXES GARBAGE -PR MOUS 618P225 3609626 591,696 5.734 269529- 5078700- 100- 1-000-00-4008 CROSSING GUARD TAX 45,#000 26 250 459000 26,529- 4- 1-000-00-4010 PROPERTY TAXES -RD E BRDG 109000 5 831 109000- 45,000- 100- 1-000-00-4011 TAXES ROAD E BRIOGUE PREY 500 287 23 10#000- 100- 1-000-00-4013 RETAILERS OCCUPATION TA 3 95090001 293049162 2.2649694 305#926 477- 19685,P306- 477- 196859306- 95- 1-0001-00-4014 STATE INCOME TAX lv150,000 6709831 733#169 81 072 416.831- 416*831- 43- 36- 1-000-00-®4015 FOREIGN FIRE INS TAX Z1900C 12V250 15.833 159833 5#167- 59167- 25- -000-00-4064 PERSONAL PROP R PL TAX 82#225 47#964 68.472 139753- 139753- 17- 1-000-00-4065 PERSONAL PROP REPL RCB 29200 lv281 915 1 r 285- 192c35- f TOTAL TAX REVENUE 892541750 418 59244 4.745,490 4189941 3,509,260- 3#509,260® 4_ fic-F REVENUF 1-000®00-410x' BUTLDI NG PERMIT FEES 1209000 709000 1059526 5,9943 1444 I4474� to 1000-0D-4102 ELECT PERMIT FEES 20000 11662 15736 1234 4264- 4,p264- 21- 1-0 00-00-41- I04 PLUMBING PERMIT LFS 129000 7,000 109535 770 19465- 1v -465Q i2- 1-000-00-4105 PLAN EXAMINATION FEES 1 0#000 59831 109750 614 750 1-000-00-4106 STREET OPENING FEES 750 434 200 50 550- 750 8 1-000-00-41.07 VEHIrLE LICENSE FEES 485vODO 2829912 76v675 2,v888 4089326- 550® 40893 5- 73- -000 -OC -41-08 DDIG LICENSES 159000 8,9750 1*347 55 13#654- 139653- 84- 9-'- 1-000-00-4]109 LIQUOR LICFNSES 105,000 61,p250 1129630 1,680 7 qp 630 7#630 7 - 1-D00-00-4110 9USINESS LICENSES- 62#000 36,162 67#612 1#295 59612 5-v612 9 1-300-00-4112 PUBLIC !MPR INSPECTIONS 159000 � 89750 69595 8,405- 1�D0-00-4113 RENTAL FEES 600 2 100 1 800 3800- 405 56� 1a000 -00-4I14 FEES -BOARD O APPEALS 90}00 59250 5#895 191 39105- 1800 5 -- 1-000-00-4115 CENTEL FRANCHISE FEES 159000 8:750 99706 5,t294- 3,105- 35- -Aa= 1-000-00-4 1 6 BELL SYS FRANCHISE FEES 38,000 22,162 221632 39785 15 368- 5*294- 159368= 40- 1-0 00-00-41L -1 9 ELEVATOR INSPECTIONS 7,l500 49375 39670 120 3x830- 3304a 51- 1�D00®00 4120 FALSE ALARM FEES 4#5OO 2V625 ,v970 630 19530- 10530- 34- 100-00-4121 CABLE TV FRANCHISE 1209 000 701000 55,PB92 89 982 649108- 64v 1U8- 1-000-00-4122 ELLCTRONICS GAME 429500 24787 30,450 1290501- 1,29050® 53- 28- 1-000900-4123 LANDLORD TENANT FEES 41,000 239912 319864 126 9#136- TOTAL FEF RFVENUE 111259850 6569712 5729485 28-p363 5539367- 99136- 2� 55393655- 49- GRANT REVENUE 1-0 0 0-00-4=52 GRANT -TI EC PO TLE TRNG 129500 79287 21#422 89'922 1-000-00-4153 GRANT -STATE FIRE TRAING 89500 4,956 6 * 2 3 0 29270- 8 1922 7T 1-0 00--001-4154 GRANT-SR.CTTI EN TAXI 18'500 30 787 qT736 -1890 764= - 270- 2--v- 1-000-00-41-555 GRANT - HIGHWAY SAFETY 3,700 2x156 19909 1 791 8764- gi979I 47- 48- REVENUE SHARING FUND GRANT REVENUE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 2 2741OOO 1599831. 1369 516 ESTIMATED REVENUE REPORT 501- 21-0100-030-4248 INTEREST INCOME 2 9 5030 19 456 2,p 333 952 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 017 ENDING 11130184 TOTAL GRANT REVENUE 276950301 1619287 13€ 9849 952 1379651- 1984-85 Y -T -D Y -T -II CUR MO UNRFC 0 D 1389849 952 % 1379651- 501- ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL BALANCE BALANCE HAL GENERAL FUNDBUDGET GRANT REVENUE 1-00)0-04-4156 EG TWP-EMP.COUNSELOR 119871 119871 119 871 C3 TOTAL GRANT REVENUE 4392030 251186 519168 19890 79968 79968 18 SERVICE CHARGE REVENUE 1--0003-00--4178 FOREST RIVER RURAL FPD 129500 79287 89000 5,OOC '4,500- 49500- 36 - TOTAL SERVICE CHARGE REVENUE 1295010 7,287 8900(1 51000 49500- 4,5030- 36- INTERFUND TRANSFERS 1-00101-001-4220 W 6 S SERVICE CHARGE 1101900101 649162 64,167 99167 459833- 45vR33- TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 11019010301 649162 649167 99107 450833- 45,833 - OTHER REVENUE 1-0100-010-4231 SALE OF CODE BOOKS 5030 287 346 57 154- 154- 31- 1-000-00-4232 FINES -- LOCAL 5019 000 299 162 46, 392 6.866 391G8- 391018- 6- 1-000-00-4233 FINES - CIRCUIT COURT 17590DO 10129081 1199663 139566 55.337- 559337- 32- 1-000-00-42401 G.I.F. DFPOS I T RETURN 159600 99100 159600- 15.6OO- 100- 1-000-010-4242 PROSPECT AVE IMPROVEMENT 159466 15,466 159466 0 1-01001-010-4243 SENIOR CENTER REVENUE29998 �# 899 2.998 29998 0 1-0003-00-4244 SPECIAL DETAII, REVENUE 590154 29703 500154 59054.- 0 1-0001--00-4245 REIMB - VILLAGE PROPERTY 121000 7901010 119049 19629 q51- 951- E- 1-000-001-4246 REIMF - YOUTH COUNSELING 14140301 89400 51372 19546 � 99(128- 9,028- 63- 1-0001-00-4247 POLICE C FIRE REPORTS 121+000 7100)0 69266 858 59734- 59734- 48- 1-0001-003-4248 INTEREST" INCOME 110TOOO 649162 1219980 56:858 119980 119980 11 1-000-00-4249 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 269600 159512 179122 11055 9,478- 9,470?- 36- 1-000-00-42501 IRB FILING FEE 789690 39690 789690 789690 0 1--000-00-4262 MAINTENANCE OF ST HWYS 2390100 139412 179373 80845 59627- 5,627-- 24- 1-0010-00-4270 TRANSFER FROM TRUST FUND 0 1-000-00-4271 TFR FROM GONTRCTR SURETY � 1-0030-00-4272 TFR FROM S A= -PUBLIC BEN 0 1-000-00-4273 POLICE VEST DONATIONS 0 1-00103-00-4274 RESFRVF FIRE TRK REIMS. 1.90003 581 2x239 1,239 10239 1?4 1-000-00-4275 RESIDENTS SHARE SIDEWALK 1-300-00-4278 SALE OF POLICE VEHICLES 119000 6,412 119000- 11100303- 1-030303-00-42803 SALE OF PROPERTY TOTAL OTHER REVENUE 451 v lOO 2639109 45019 510 95v572 5901- 5901 - TOTAL GENERAL FUND 91997940301 593319700 598919820 5619933 4910159582- 41103515801- 41 - REVENUE SHARING FUND GRANT REVENUE 21-0030-0301-4156 FEDERAL ALLOTMENT 2741OOO 1599831. 1369 516 137.484- 1379484- 501- 21-0100-030-4248 INTEREST INCOME 2 9 5030 19 456 2,p 333 952 167- 167- 7 - TOTAL GRANT REVENUE 276950301 1619287 13€ 9849 952 1379651- 1379651- 50 - TOTAL REVENUE SHARING FUND 27695030 1+61.9287 1389849 952 1379651- 1379651- 501- VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 3 ESTIMATED REVENUE REPORT ACCOuNTING PERIOD 07 -ENDING 11/30/84 V984-85 Y -'T -D Y -T'' D, CUR MO UNREC'D % MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL BALANCE B A It- f N TAX REVENUE 22-000-00-4041 M F T ALLOCATION 8409000 4909000 4829783 619462 3579217- 3579217- TOTAL TAX REVENUE 8409000 4909000 4829783 619462 3571217- 3579217® 43 - 43- INTERFUND TRANSFERS 22-000-00-4222 REIMBURSEMT ON PROJECTS 22-000-00-4242 REIMBURSEMT ON PROJECTS 659000 37.912 17*690 4.717' 47010- 0 22-000-00-4246 INTEREST INCOME 259000 14,581 509276 239742 25.276 479310- 73- TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 90 IF 000 529493 67v966 289459 25.276 101 229034- 229034- 24 - TOTAL MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND --------------------- -------- 9309000 5424493 5509749 89021 374.251- 3799251- 41- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMFN T 9LOC K GT GRANT REQ ENUF 23-000-00-4155 URANT 23-000-00-4240 RE -MB OF 78-80 PROG COST 8359574 4879417 2279000 709000 6089574- 608v574- 73- 23-000-00-4241 PROG.INT.-BUS.REHAB-LOAN 8v516 189516 TOTAL GRANT REVENUE 8359574 4879417 2359516 709000 60'019058- 89'-16 6009058 k- TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GT 8-159574 4879417 2359516 -1,000-00 600t058- ------------ ------ -------------- 60C,058- 7 2) ILLo MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND TAX REVENUE 24-000-00-4055 TAXES - CURRENT 1099100 639637 10 99 100- 24-000-00-4056 TAXES - PREVIOUS 1479200 859862 1409878 19365 6v322- 1001100- 100- 24-000-00-4064 PERSONAL PROP REPL TAX 6*200 39612 69200- 69322- 4- 24-000-00-4248 INTEREST INCOME rl9817 184 6,p2L-)O- -00- - TOTAL TAX REVENUE 2-629500 3539111 -190 1469695 - 2v549 59 817 1159805- 59917 1151805- 44 - TOTAL !LLa MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND 2629500 1539111 1469695 2v549 1159805- 115,805- ---------------------- 44- LITBR"ARY -UND TAX REVENUE 39000-00-4031 TAXES - OPERATIONS CURR 1 085900 63 2 v 912 140ast000° 190859000- 100- 39-000-00-40-32 TAXES - OPERATIONS PRFV 5+7,t 630 5 v 3 07 5479630 5479630 39-000-00-4037 TAXES - !MRF CURRENT 80*000 46-96 & 2 80*000- 0 39-000-00-4038 TAXES - IMRF PREVIOUS 49 27 475 809000- 100- 39-000-00-4042 TAXES - BLDG.RFS.PREV 429-763 410 49tO27 49,p 027 0 39-000-00-4065 PERSONAL PROP.REPLeTAX 8 95 0 4 ---2*263 422,263 0 39-000-084-254 OTHER INCOME 124'9000 72*331 t 8050 89950 0 TOTAL TAX REVENUEF 19209t.000 7519905 1.24v000- 1.249000- 100 6479B70 69192 6419 I 30--z! 641*130- so- WATER E SEWER FUND - BEI OTHER REVENUE 44-000-00-4248 INTEREST INCOME TOTAL OTHER REVENUE TOTAL NATER E SEWER FUND - BEI ------------------------------------ PARKING SYSTEM REVENUE. FUND FEE REVENUE UNREC10 % BALANCE BALANCE BAL 6419130- 6419130- 50- 69265- 69265- 63- VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 0 8989926- 8989926- ESTIMATED REVENUE REPORT 63.414- 34- ACCOUNTING PERIOD 07 ENDING 11/30/84 47- 1x956 1984-85 Y -T -D Y -T -D CUR MO 97096Z3- BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL TOTAL LIBRARY FUND ----------------------------------------- 14289x000 7519905 6479870 6919Z MATER E SEWER FUND - OEM 14 459000 26,,250 0 FEE REVENUE 911.851- 55- 1.8825474- 1.8829474- 34- 41-000-00-4117 WATER INSPECTION FEES 10 -to o 51831 3.9735 40- 41-000-00-4119 SEWER TV INSPECTIONS 29037 39396 19232 104- 41-000-00-4201 WATER E SEWER COLLECTION299489200 197199781 290499274 2899571 41-000-00-4202 SEWER CHARGES 1859200 10189031 1219786 169996 41-000-00-4203 WATER PENALTIES 399100 22006 209644 2x612 41-000-00-4204 METER RENTAL 7x5OO 49375 99456 144 41-000-OCl-42015 WATER E SEWER TAPS 2590010 149581 389250 500 TOTAL FEE REVENUE 372159000 199759405 292449377 309.823 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 41-000-00-4221 TRANSFER FROM SSA :r5 19576t6GO 919,681 6509265 79!534 41-000-00-4248 INTEREST INCOME 699100 40006 829536 45.564 41-3010-00-4249 MISLELLANEOUS 79500 49375 89548 712 41 -000 -OC -4300 TRANSFER FROM SSA5 V, 11 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 196539200 9649362 7419349 125181 " TOTAL NATER E SEWER FUND - OEM 40689200 296391767 299859726 435.638 , WATER E SEWER FUND - BEI OTHER REVENUE 44-000-00-4248 INTEREST INCOME TOTAL OTHER REVENUE TOTAL NATER E SEWER FUND - BEI ------------------------------------ PARKING SYSTEM REVENUE. FUND FEE REVENUE UNREC10 % BALANCE BALANCE BAL 6419130- 6419130- 50- 69265- 69265- 63- 1x232 19232 0 8989926- 8989926- 30- 639414- 63.414- 34- 189456- 181456- 47- 1x956 1056 139250 139250 97096Z3- 970v623- 9269335- 9269335- 59- 139436 13.436 1q 19048 19048 14 459000 26,,250 0 9119851- 911.851- 55- 1.8825474- 1.8829474- 34- -46-0 00--00--41-1-3 R -E -N A -- ES T -- - -- -- -2-9-1-60 -1-19-260 - 1944G G -360 7ZG- q - -33- TOTAL FEE REVENUE 29160 19260 1x440 360 720- 720- 33 - PARKING REVENUE 46-000-00-4211 METER COLLECTION UNIT -1 60,1000 35*000 349641 49509 25059- 25.359- 42- 46-000-00-4212 METER COLLECTION-UNITk2 459000 26,,250 27,958 39609 179042- 179042- 38- 46-000-00-4213 SPACE RENT WILLS ST.LOT 69600 39850 39463 It 024 29638- 2x637- 40- 46-000-00-4248 INTEREST INCOME 39500 29037 39396 19899 104- 104- 3 - TOTAL PARKING REVENUE 115x100 679137 159.958 119241 45x143- 459142- 39 - TOTAL PARKING SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 11792601 68,397 719398 1.1x601 459863- 459862- 39- VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 5 ESTIMATED REVENUE REPORT ACCOUNTING PERIOD 017 ENDING 11/301184 1984-85 Y -T -D Y -T -D CUR mo UNREC'D BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL BALANCE BALANCE BAL RISK MANAGEMENT FUND INTERFUND TRANSFERS 49-000-00-4225 TRANSFER FROM GEN. FUND 620193010 3619837 3729180 6290130 2489120- 2489120- 40- 49-000-00-4226 TRANSFER FROM WATER FUND 1129200 65v450 67,320 119220 449880- 449880- 40- 49-000-00-4227 TRANSFER FROM PRKNG FUND 298D0 19631 39680 280 19120- 19120- 40- 49-000-00-4241 EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS 4095030 239625 2997101 394701 10Y790-- 1019790- 27- 49-0 00-00-4242 RETIREE CONTRIBUTIONS 32:9010 199387 209499 395015 1294011- 129401- 38- 49-000-m00-4243 LIBRARY CONTRIBUTIONS 349800 20000 17,p 65C 1791511- 179150- 49- 49-000-00--:-4245 - RE I MBUR- E .Q- -:,s" E 12vODO 79OOO 279987 3-9383- 15087 133 49-0001-00-4248 INVESTMENT INCOME 12-POOO 79000 89431 29953 39569- 39569- 30 - TOTAL INTFRFU D TRANSFERS 8679500 5069030 5459457 869841 3229043- 3229043- 37 - TOTAL RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 86795OD 50169030 5459457 869841 32290143- 32290143- 37- CAPITAL IMPRV, E REPL. FUND TAX REVENUE 51-6000-010-4016 TAXES CURRENT 144,p6OO 849350 1449600= 1449600- =00= 51-000-00-40117 TAXES PREVIOUS 589900 349356 569352 546 29548- 29548- 4- 51-000-00-4241 LOAN PROCEEDS 2509000 2509000 2509000 0 I 51-0()0®00-4248 INTEREST INCOME 259000 14,581 249853 139396 147- 147- 1- 51-000-00-4252 MAINT. OF STATE HWYS. 1190001 69412 139000- 119000- 100=- 51-000-00-4263 SALE OP P.W. EQUIPMENT 39000 19750 179229 179229 149229 149229 474 51-000-00-4266 SALE OF VILLAGE PROPERTY 5479628 369133 5479628 5479628 0 TOTAL TAX REVENUE 2429500 3419449 896,062 679284 6539562 6539562 270 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPRV. 0 REPL. FUND ----------------------------------------- 2429500 1419449 8969062 671,284 6539562 6539562 270 CORPORATE PURPOSES 1973 CONST GRANT REVENUF 52-000-00-4154 EPA GRANT 8989990 5249405 39863 8959127® 8959127- 100- 52-000-00=4248 INTEREST INCOME 309000 179500 319248 229912 1,248 19248 4 TOTAL GRANT REVENUE 92B9990 5419905 3591.1.1 229912 8939879= 8939879- 96— TOTAL CORPORATE PURPOSES 1973 ONST ------------- 9289990 5419905 359111 -229912 8939879 8939879- 96- SSA CONST. LAKE MICHo WATER TAX REVENUE 58-000-00-40_9 TAXES - CURRENT 2919700 1709156 91 7919700- 100- 00- 58-000-00-4020 5 - 00-0004000 TAXES - PREVIOUS 6579150 3839334 670v613 39I28 13x463 639463 2 5 -000-00=4248 !NTEREST INCOME 769300 44-v5O6 8090 o 599486 it -foo 39700 TOTAL TAX REVENUE 1903259150 5979996 7509613 6 9614 274153 7 2749537® 27— TOTAL SSA 5 C. ST LAKE M. . WATER 14259150 X979996 7509613 629614 274#537— 2749531— 27- VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE '6 ESTIMATED REVENUE REPORT ACCOUNTING PERIOD 07 ENDING 11/30/84 1984-85 V——D V—T—D CUR MD UNRECD BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL BALANCE BALANCE SAL CORPORATE PURPOSES 1973 — BET TAX REVENUE 60-000-00-4019 TAXES — CURRENT 479750 27,853 769175— 47,750— 471750— 100- 64-000-00-4020 TAXES — PREVIOUS 931600 54#600 89,612 86h 39988— 39988— 4- 60-000-00-4064 PERSONAL PROP REPL TAX 59250 39059 99800 109350— 59250— 59250— 100- 60-000-00-4248 INTEREST INCOME 15:000 9,750 15:836 149912 836 536 TOTAL TAX REVENUE 1619600 949262 105t448 159780 569152— 569152— TOTAL CORPORATE ------------------------------- PURPOSES 1973 — BCI 1611600 949262 1059448 159780 569152— 569152 — CORPORATE PURPOSES 1974 — BET TAX REVENUE 61-000-00-4022 TAXES — CURRENT 769175 449424 78,806 769175— 769175— 100- 61-000-00-4023 TAXES — PREVIOUS 1989100 1159556,1899617 2029100 19838 89483— 89483— 4- 61—x}00-00-4064 PERSONAL PROP REPL TAX 10,050 69034 PERSONAL PROP REPL TAX 99800 109350— 109350 100- 61-000-00-4248 INTEREST INCOME 45,000 26,250 349260 32,034 149740— 109740— 24— TOTAL TAX REVENUE 3291625 192,2b9- 2239877 339872 - 1051748— 1059748— 32— TOTAL CORPORATE PURPOSES 1474 — BEI 329,625 142.269 223,877 339872 105,748— 105,748— 32— COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT BEI 3489580 369165 4019420— 4019420— 54- 71-000-00-4249 OTHER TAX REVENUE 0 TOTAL TAX REVENUE 67-000-00-4031 TAXES — CURRENT 709000 409831 6249197 49055 709000— 701000— 100- 67-000-00-4032 TAXES — PREVIOUS 67-000-00-4248 INTEREST INCOME 29150 291 29150 29150 TOTAL TAX REVENUE 70,000 409831 21150 291 679B5O— 679850— TOTAL COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT BEI 709000 409831 29150 291 679850— 679850— POLICE PENSION FUND TAX REVENUE 71-000-00-4049 TAXES — CURRENT 1359100 78,806 1359100— 1359100— 100- 71-000-00-4050 TAXES PREVIOUS 2029100 1179887 1939421 19875 8:679— 81679— 4- 71-000-00-4064 PERSONAL PROP REPL TAX 99800 59712 99800— 99800— 100- 71-000-00-4243 POLICEMENS CONTRIBUTIONS 1419800 829712 829196 111015 599604— 599604— 42- 71-000-00-4244 BICYCLE SALE 39500 2037 3,5OO— 39500— 100- 71-000-00-4248 INTEREST INCOME 7509000 4379500 3489580 369165 4019420— 4019420— 54- 71-000-00-4249 OTHER 0 TOTAL TAX REVENUE lo2429300 7249654 6249197 49055 6189103' 6189103— 50— VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 7 ESTIMATED REVENUE REPORT ACCOUNTING PERIOD 07 ENDING 11/30/84 1984-85 Y -T -D Y -T -D CUR MO UNREC'D BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL BALANCE BALANCE BAt TOTAL POLICE PENSION FUND 1924293003 7249654 6249197 49.055 6189103- 61891933- 50 - FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND TAX REVENUE 72-000-003-4052 TAXES - CURRENT 1119800 659 212 1119800- 111.800- 100- 72-000-00-4053 TAXES - PREVIOUS 19939450 1119090 1829276 19767 8.174- 8:174- 4- 72-0030-00-4064 PERSONAL PROP REPL TAX 129800 79462 129800- 129800- 1.00- 72-000-00-4243 FIREMEN'S CONTRIBUTIONS 15292503 889809 889099 119744 649151- 649151- 42- 72-0030-003-4248 INTEREST INCOME 85090003 4959831 4609551 79.698 3899444- 3899449- 46- 72-000-003-4249 OTHER loo 100 1003 0 TOTAL TAX REVENUE 193179300 7689404 731.026 939214 5869274- 586.274- 45 - TOTAL FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND ------------------------------------------ 193179300 7689404 7319026 939214 5869274- 5869274- 45- SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 1-48 OTHER REVENUE 84-00800-4248 INVESTMENT INCOME 109451 19499 109451 10,451 0 TOTAL OTHER REVENUE 109451 19499 109451 19451 0 TOTAL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS -48 109451 19499 109451 109451 0 SSA 3 RUSE -MLLE - BCI 3 TAX REVENUE 88-000-00-4019 TAXES - CURRENT 29140 19246 29140- 29140- 100- 88-000-00-4020 TAXES PREVIOUS 29535 19477 29460 75- 75- 3- 88-000-00-4248 INTEREST INCOME - 10 1 217 166 207 207 70 TOTAL TAX REVENUE 49685 29'723 29677 166 2,008- 29008- 43 - TOTAL SSA 3 BUSSE-MLLE - BI 49685 29723 29677 166 290308 29008- 43 - SSA 4 BUSSE-WILLE - BLI TAX REVENUE 89-000=00-4019 TAXES - CURRENT 49300 2950 6 49300- 49300® 100- 89-000-00-4020 TAXES PREVIOUS 4,000 29737 59497 6 797 797 17 89-000-00-4248 INTEREST INCOME 370 210 566 368 196 196 5 TOTAL TAX REVENUE 99370 59453 69063 374 3,307- 39307-- 35 - TOTAL SSA 4 BUSSE-T-LLE - B1 e 99370 59453 6063 374 �9307a 39307- 35- A C E 0 -IF E E S D U NT N P E R 01 0 MOUNT P R EVEN 0- P—1 D D N G 3 P A ta p,Y– D � T D 00, L 1-- R M,—: U N R _C If' tu AL A C T L) A L B A 1, A N _E BALANCE BAL SSA -0-4,5 LAKE MICHIGAN WATER BGI TAX REVENUE 92-000-00-4Of9 TArXES-CURRENT 1-189300 699006 1 i 1:8 31, �x 00- loo- & 2 0- 1 9-000-04021- TA'Kc�S- PREVIC)"U"S 130 v 40 0 769062 120v004 l#Z66 8- 92-000-00-42248 INTEREST INCOME 51 000 2-, 9 12 179799 10*0so "12 799 2-56 q2T INCOME -000-00-4249 I N T F- ' r-R,a B/R 7 -s-� 0 Z0*853 209482 0 q* 1 a 31 9 26 8- 4 -NU- TO AL TAX REVE -Z891 450 1669831 1589285 31 v 449 131916 TOTAL SSA 95 LAKE MICHIGAN WATER BEI -------------------------- 2899450 1689833 1569285 319499 13119165- 1319165- 45- TOTAL ALL FUNDS 2590649904 149760v040 41- 1496209886 lv6449187 l0v304v867- .-13049864-- VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT 9 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 07 ENDING 11130184 1984--85 Y -T -D Y-T_D CUR MO UNEXPENDED UNENCUM PUBLIC REPRESENTATIONDIVISION BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL BALANCE ENCUMBERED BALAN,rF - i¢ MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 15901001 8.750 89750 19250 692501 6x250 42 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 339150 199327 269758 69392 TOTAL COMMODITIES 198001 190143 29088 1 x0335 288- 69392 19 TOTAL MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES 499950 299120 379596 29285 129354 288- 16 - 129354 25 ADVISORY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 16,90101 9,835 89679 19443 89221 TOTAL COMMODITIES 1501 84 137 89221 49 TOTAL ADVISORY BOARDS AND COMMISSI 1790150 99919 89816 19443 13 13 9 89234 89234 48 TOTAL PUBLIC REPRESENTATION DIVISION 67x0100 399039 469412 39728 209588 209588 31 VILLAGE MANAGER'S OFFICE ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT TOTAL. PERSONAL SERVICES 949400 559048 52x140 ?9303 42x2601 429260 45 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 494501 29576 29475 674 1,075 TOTAL. COMMODITIES 195030 868 787 713 19975 44 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 2950101 1v456 528 75 1.972 19698 713 274 4 TOTAL. ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT 10120501 599046 55x9301 89052 469920 19698 459222 1 44 G= NERAL COUNSEL TOTAL CONTRACTUAL. SERVICES 759000 43x743 319275 49449 439725 439725 TOTAL GENERAL COUNSEL 759000 43x743 319275 49449 439725 439725 58- 8PROSECUTOR PROSECUTOR TOTAL. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 359250 209552 169481 29254 189769 189769 53 TOTAL. PROSECUTOR 35x250 209552 269481 29254 18769 189769 53 PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT E TRAINING,, IOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 10x5010 69118 39473 851 79027 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 159850 99212 159375 29806 475 79027 67 TOTAL COMMODITIES 200 -'112 310 52 110- 475 3 TOTAL. PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT TRAIN 26x550 19442 19x158 39709 79392 110- 79392 55® 28 TRAINING TOTAL CONTRACTUAL. SERVICES TOTAL TRAINING 0 0 SALARY ADMINISTRATION TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 109000 59859 109000 TOTAL SALARY ADMINISTRATION 10x000 5959 109000 100 1090001 10,000 100 CABLE TV TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 329 500 18x 949 I l x 323 29683 219 177 219177 65 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 19x8010 !19543 6.025 40 13x775 13x775 70 TOTAL COMMODITIES 59000 2x912 Ix542 392 39458 458 69 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 20,000 !1x662 229 12 19,w771 9 199771. 99 TOTAL CABLE TV 77x300 459066 19x!19 39127 589181 58x181 75 TOTAL VILLAGE MANAGERS OFFICE 3269950 190x610 14119963 21x591 1849987 19698 183x289 56 ------------ FINANCE DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION ArND SUPPORT TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL COMMODITIES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT ACCOUNTING TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL COMMODITIES TOTAL ACCOUNTING PAYROLL TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL PAYROLL ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING TOTAL PERSONAL, SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL COMMODITIES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING WATER BILLING TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL COMMODITIES TONAL WATER BILLING COLLECTIONS TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL COMMODITIES TOTAL COLLECTIONS TELEPHONE SERVICE TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL 'SERVICES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL TELEPHONE SERVICE INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL DEBT SERVICE EXPENSE TOTAL INSURANCE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CUSTOMER SERVICES TOTAL. PERSONAL SERVICES VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT ACCOUNTING; PERIOD 07 ENDING 11/30184 1984-85 Y T O Y -T -D CUR MO BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL 499200 289686 239744 39137 129680 7,385 69425 344 4,5001 29625 29955 123 669380 38,696 339124 39604 5794001 339481 369891 49466 3,t250 19890 19134 300 7503 434 13 63,549 61,400 35.8(35 389038 49766 35,,600 209762 239669 3915 14,6010 8,512 119515 49960 49000 29331 19970 35 270010 1,162 569200 327767 379154 89147 11060 69510 890319 170327 619000 359581 4019812 69002 1079500 6297016 997579 39266 179,660 1049797 589630 107295 189625 109857 119182 19519 62093001 3619837 3729180 629030 6389925 372,694 3839362 63,549 459650 269614 289892 3x282 UNEXPENDED IINEN .IIM BALANCE ENCUMBERED BALANCE BAL 259457 6,256 1*545 33,258 209509 2.116 737 239362 11,931 3,odg 2,030 2.000 199046 3,141 ZO9188 9797011 121,030 79444 2489120 255, 564 [ ♦ t 259456 52 6:255 49 1,545 34 0 337256 50 20)95019 29116 737 23,362 38 0 0 119931 34 370}85 21 193201 710 18 2,1100 0 373201 157726 28 0 0) 0 I 3,141 28 20,188 33 979 101 91 121,030 67 77443 40 2489120 40 2557563 403 0 0 UNEXPENOED UNENCUM BALANCE ENCUMBERED BALANCE 10,7 1- 8 2 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 49515 -4 X79382 BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT 7.738 100 A..CO,T' R10 -.07 _ENDING 11/30/84 79838 1984 8` T 70 ,, , -. CUR MO 5471724 UOET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT o_ 279 CUSTOMER SERVICE'$ ' ' =- - 0 AIL D TN!4S R TI0N AND SUPPORT 93*685 5,4 7 TOTAL -CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 12000 70O 19282 OFF -SET PRINTING SERVICE TOTAL COMMODITIES 39150 1927 TOTAL CUSTOMER SERVICES 609800 35.441 30-1174 3,0282 CASH MANAGEMENT 29980 29980 TOTAL COMMOOITEES. #000 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES l9v875 114592 129137 11618 TOTAL COMOOITIE" y 15,9000 5 8949 61 TOTAL CASH MANAGEMENT I *975 11*648 12*137 19618 E PLO EE BENEFIT PROGRAM n CONT RAE T AL StRVTCES TOTAL PERSONAL` R ICES5.7 16,#100 339250 TOTAL EPLOE'BENEFT PROGRAM 579000320 X600 lo 107 TOTAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT ------------------------------------- 14 101 30 6659 59261 5*261 VILLAGE CLERKS OFFICE 7324 109516 629361 d 62936 ADMINISTRATION AND'SUPPORT UNEXPENOED UNENCUM BALANCE ENCUMBERED BALANCE 10,7 1- 8 2 -50 03915 49515 -4 X79382 7*738 7.738 100 100 7#838 79838 57*0010 7,000 57 v 000 579000 5471724 6,564 541*157 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 584950 34*370 848 49515 24*102 .249102 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 24x985 l4v560 1017x6 1.042 119'491 90 UPTA, 0 DL- - � 765 71 10 - -OT AL CAPITAL EX,�''ENDT o_ 279 v `. =- - 0 AIL D TN!4S R TI0N AND SUPPORT 93*685 5,4 7 48 v 35 0 -3 2 - OFF -SET PRINTING SERVICE TOTAL PERSONAL SCR V I C E S 6*000 3v5U0 3t0_Z0 400 29980 29980 TOTAL COMMOOITEES. #000 5x750 5x478 219 3x522, 39522 TOTAL OF: ®SET"PRINT; ING SER V 1 C E y 15,9000 BV750 8949 61 69502 6.502 ;V_ LL_ EWSLETTE n CONT RAE T AL StRVTCES 1-7t.600 16,#100 17 07 OTL V I L L4 NEICTER - _- - X600 lo 107 { TOTAL GLACE CLRS OFFICE 1368 =d 7457 7324 109516 629361 d 62936 RIS NA N m- t c K MANAGEMENT P FV3,61R A M aZ AL C0�; I T S L � � � � T � S� � � � � 4 e 1 �� � �26 ,>. 5x61!3;91-- 5619391 _ �Ci ! RISS MANAGEMENT R Cl G R A 4 85=9500 4999030 294, 10 5*226 5619391 .' 5619391 [ RISK MANAGEMENT --------------- ---- 4,Q. 1 561,391 561 391 v € l C " DEPARTMENT' ADMIN AN.PP T S - A'f .. 3 - € RR e � � 2 � -- s - � �. - - 7 � 1 3 71099356 Q j L C" T RAS € !AU 5 �� _369632 � � 4� ���'� °SAO<_ _ . � ,_tet 100 � 3 _ 2 ,. 4v6O6 49606 £ P i $ AL T € gig( p0 g0 �J %�F ... ,_ zy, 8 62 8 120 _ _ _49372 pr- - IL 4 M _ N T A Tl._0N AND s r Ian _ e.9 _ - - _. .. t i r 62 100 45 39 100 39 00 100 47 41 57 43 100 4 50 39 4 38 38 46 6 66 66 46 62 57 62 50 VILLAGE OF MOUNTPROSPECT GE 12 BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT ACCOUNTING RF I ENDING 11/30/84 1984-85 Y-T Y-T-D LUR OL NDE- UNENC J BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL 0 ALANCE NrumaBALANCE BAL POLICE DEPARTMENT PATROL AND TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 196359085 95397649149 47 1219163 7201239 720238 44 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 29000 19162 301 19700 6Q9 85 TOTAL COMMODITIES 319300 189242 229558 1.9557 8942 89742 2 TOTAL PATROL AND TRAFFIC ENFORCE E196689385 9739168 9379706 1229720 7309681 73n- 67 q 44 CRIME PREV,9 PUBLIC AND YOUTH SERV. TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 889649 519695 529648 79146 369001 369OO1 41 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 69600 3.829 29540 52 49061 49060 62 TOTAL COMMODITIES 29250 1,302 19639 59 611 611 TOTAL CRIME PREV.9 PUBLIC AND YOUT 979499 569826 569827 79257 409673 409672 INVESTIGATIVE AND JUVENILE PROGRAM TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 2739946 1599775 1569601 219873 1 79345 1x7 345 4 1 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 59300 3908O I9921 538 39379 39370 64 TOTAL COMMODITIES 39250 19890 39044 10 2 6 TOTAL INVESTIGATIVE AND JUVENILE P 2829496 1649745 1619566 229421 1209930 1209930 43 CROSSING GUARDS TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 529240 299883° 269172 3 -# 724t 259068 259068 49 TOTAL COMMODITIES 500 287 120 380 38 � 76 TOTAL CROSSING GUARDS 51*740 309170 26v292 39726 259448 259448 49 EQUIPMENT I TE NCE C OPERATIONS TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 419784 249367 169498 2.296 259286 259286 61 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4190100 23.905 249159 9 ,428 169841 169841 41 TOTAL COMMODITIES 1149450 66,752 599879 89799 549571 549571 48 TOTAL CAa T L EXPENDITURES 1139900 69430 156 66 113v744 39497 1109247 97 TOTAL EQUIPMENT MAI TE OPER 311,134 1819454 100v692 2019591 2109442 39497 2169945 67 TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT 20219609 19587034 194399472 1979650 192829140 3 4 7 1 2789640 47 FIRE E EMERGENCY PROTECTION DEPT. ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 1569590 19322 87,,562 129420 699029 699028 r4 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL S IC 19,P130 191 7 99100 19031 10,P030 1019030 52 TOTAL C DI I 2O92Ov85O l2v159 189131 9 37 29719 39487 768- - 4- TOTAL T T L CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 19 9 129? 2 49 6983q 69839 36 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION ANDSUPPORT 2159 i1 1259713 1269995 21.337 88,F617 39487 85.129 39 FIRE SUPPRESSION TOTAL PE S0 L SERVICES 9739340 5671749 5339861 7019 5 4399479 4399479 4 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SE VICE 159490 99030119083 49407 494017 28 TOTAL CO CRI T S 19500 75 494 89 120061.006 67 TOTAL CPIT L EXPENDIIURES 269237 9 302 3954829349 229689 19270 219419 82 TOTAL FIRE SUPPRESSION 190169567 592v956 5489986 739292 4679581 1,9270 4669311 46 CODE ENFORCEMENT TOTAL E SO L SERVICES 3139895 183,P064 1729004 23-099 1419891 1419891 45 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL S I E 59 44 119281 19392 49240 49239 27 TOTAL COMMODITIES 79465 49333 4-v5II 775 29954 29954 4 TOTAL CAPEXPENDITURES 19 220 707 646 64 575574 47 UNEXPENDED UNENC€IM BALANCE ENCUMBERED BALANCE HAL 1499660 1499658 4 4599683 4599682 44 595 595 9 29433 29433 79 139045 1.39045 100 4759756 4759755 45 39998 39998 29 79343 29000 59343 68 119341 29000 99341 44 229882 229862 44 49223 49223 31 169381 169381 35 899718 459306 44#412 air 1.339204 459306 87#898 37 1.9042 19042 4 1,025 19725 58 176 176 50 19373 19373 31 49316 49316 42 19330#475 529063 19278#408 44 7990173 799913 33 137 76x 759941 196 O 89500 89500 100 164#610 759941 889669 18 14610 75,941 889669 18 179092 179092 48 29239 29239 49 857 857 64 209188 209188 49 129312 129312 40 19622 19621 62 339 339 67 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT ACCOUNTING PERIOD 07 ENDING 11/30/84 1984-8 _T—D Y—T-D CUR MO BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL FIRE L EMERGENCY PROTECTION DEPT. TOTAL CODE ENFORCEMENT 338ilOO 1979148 1889442 259330 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 190399177 606#172 5799495 779039 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6#320 39682 59725 645 TOTAL COMMODITIES *077 19785 644 250 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 139045 79609 TOTAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES 190619619 619#248 5859864 779934 COMMUNICATIONS t TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 139560 7#903 99562 19348 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 79900 4x606 557 400 TOTAL COMMUNICATIONS 219460 i2F509 I09119 1978 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE &OPERATIONS TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 51987E 309240 289994 39847 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL. SERVICES 139700 79987 99477 3x757 TOTAL COMMODITIES 469175 269929 299794 3,,504 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 125#417 739150 359699 TOTAL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE G OPER 2379168 1389306 1039964 119108 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TOTAL PERSONAL. SERVICES 29500 1IP456 19458 208 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 29950 19708 19225 232 TOTAL COMMODITIES 350 196 174 131 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 41400 29562 3#027 149 TOTAL EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 109200 59922 59884 720 TOTAL FIRE G EMERGENCY PROTECTION DEPT 299009725 19691x82 195709254 2119469 CENTRAS DISPATCH SERVICE C01MMUNIC4TTIONS TOTAL CON T ACT SAL SERVICES 2399500 1399706 1 95 7 19,941 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPEND TURES S DT E 2419500 =409875 _6� �3 193 TOTAL DEPT SERVICE EXPENSE 89500 49 956 TOTAL COMM' NKAT IONS 4899500 2859 537 3249 890 199941 TOTAL CENTRAL 01 SPA SERVICE S E 8 4 9 500 28 953 -424-?8901 19994_ SALT SERVICES 0IV1-SION ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 359551 209720 18#459 29757 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 49540 29632 2#301 10 TOTAL CLDITIES 19329 763 472 if--- 48 TOT TOTAL ADM! S T PAT ION AND 55UPP0R7 - - � # 2� �1 4 � 2c��,5 1 - 11 10 'OODo POOL 9 GENERAL HEAL T H INSP TOTAL PERSONAL V ES 30#966 18#053 X896-54 2,598 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SEPVIC-ES 2#600 . 3 1#512 9790 �- TOTAL COMMODITIES 506 294 160 lOD UNEXPENDED UNENC€IM BALANCE ENCUMBERED BALANCE HAL 1499660 1499658 4 4599683 4599682 44 595 595 9 29433 29433 79 139045 1.39045 100 4759756 4759755 45 39998 39998 29 79343 29000 59343 68 119341 29000 99341 44 229882 229862 44 49223 49223 31 169381 169381 35 899718 459306 44#412 air 1.339204 459306 87#898 37 1.9042 19042 4 1,025 19725 58 176 176 50 19373 19373 31 49316 49316 42 19330#475 529063 19278#408 44 7990173 799913 33 137 76x 759941 196 O 89500 89500 100 164#610 759941 889669 18 14610 75,941 889669 18 179092 179092 48 29239 29239 49 857 857 64 209188 209188 49 129312 129312 40 19622 19621 62 339 339 67 UNEXPENDED UE NCL VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT BALANCE B, AL BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT 149272 42 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 07 ENDING 11/30/84 19785 1984485 -T-D Y -T -D CUR mo 5 LVET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL HEALTH SERVICES DIVISION 241 241 TOTAL FOOD9 POOL9 GENERAL HEALTH I 34tC72 199859 19 800 2008 ANIMAL CONTROL 5 919 166 5919166 52 594x36'0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 836 4831 517 7 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 29800 11624 19015 2x690 TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL 39636 2v,107 IvS32 7 BLOOD DONOR PROGRAM 3 69466 6 9 TOTAL, PERSONAL SERVICES 21,084 1,211 1271 185 TEAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES9142 69732 6,46 571so 33 TITAL. COMMODITIES 450 259 209 13 TOTAL BLOOD DONOR PROGRAM 4,F676 2,716 29051 278 SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 80 80 i 59002 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 7:2 4t6O6 4,&699 700 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Ipl47vl-2-'0 669,151 5559954 989721 TOTAL SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 191559022 6739757 5609653 99v42 - TOTAL HEALTH SERVICES DIVISION ------------------------------------------ 192389826 722 554 J 05v2 1059586 HUMAN SERVICES DIVISION INFORMATIONS R.EFERRAL9 E COUNSELING TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 4 -,,*405 264453 279635 3,w 9 14 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6v5OO 317x7 3810 445 TOTAL CUTTES 39300 19918 29660 241 TOTAL INFORMATIONt REFERRALS E COU 559205 320158 34x105 69760 RECREATION AND EDUCATION TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 1315.1 79889 7tO65 991 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 11200 693 19054 TOTAL COMMODITIES i0o 5 TOTAL RECREATION AND EDUCATION 149851 8,638 89119 991 HOMEBOUND SERVICES TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 219952 129789 129919 124 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 31,630 15 1335 I275 TOTAL HOMEBOUND SERVICES 539582 31x234 2 6,p 354 3,V099 COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES TOTAL PERSONAL. SERVICES 10,p 379 ,p041 5x457 822 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 80 42 TOTAL COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES lOt459 69083 5,#457 822 TOTAL HUMAN SERVICES DIVISION ------------------------------------------ 1349097 7 v I3 74x 35 119672 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION AND PLANNING TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 88,P825 519800 49x252 4,P87 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1019325 591plol 29805 737 TOTAL COMMODITIES 39350 11953 *076 109 UNEXPENDED UE NCL BALANCE ENCUMBERED BALANCE B, AL 149273 149272 42 31 319 3 19785 1V75 64 29104 2*104 5 813 813 1572 1--571 241 241 2*626 225 Jol 3203 39203 41 5 919 166 5919166 52 594x36'0 5949369 51 6339560 6339558 51 179770 1777 0 3 2,691 2x690 41 640 640 1 219101 -?I-vloo 3 69466 6 9 146 146 1 100 i0o 69732 6a7632 33 9033 41 1*195 1 -ice 21x228 27,2}8 51 4x922 22 47 80 80 i 59002 52 4 v3 609062 45 399573 399573 4 98,SZO 989520 97 29274 29274 6 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 15 BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT ACCOUNTING PERIOD 07 ENDING 11/30/84 1984-85 Y -T -D Y -T -D CUR MO UNEXPENDED UNENCUM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL BALANCE ENCUMBERED B A I A N!: E: ADMINISTRATION AND PLANNING TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 29325 19351 19 265 19060 463 597 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION AND PLANNING 19598Z5 1149205 549398 59653 141.427 463 14099 4 26 72 CDBG ADMINISTRATION TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 439200 259186 l8o287 29666 24-P913 -2 E TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 139724 79994 89242 1-95 59482 24991 - 58 TOTAL COMMODITIES 11000 581 527 IO 59482 40 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 1069500 62*097 89355- 19077 473 1149855 29293 473 1129562 47 TOTAL CDBG ADMINISTRATION 1649424 959 858 189701 39948 1459723 29293 1437430 106 87 r-CENTIAl ---HABTI TTATION T.n0-T A'- ERcn-NA- 3SE-RV1IC'- CES 9vo0 9 h0 V991 236 T 0 T A CAP T T A L 4. EXPENDITURFS 7 1 o or, n - 9 --00 63e5iQ 146t481- 5, 109 5-7 -7 T T T 01'A 1- 1C 0 B G, RESIDENTIAL REARIL1 A 1-2 7 5r' 61 41 0 236 i s C? 1 -0 6v481 1 K5 I 1p 590 f C 69 rDn� r'-"MM'RrrA' RDHIA83— -1- L TOTAI p S ON A L SERVICE- -,'OT --GNTRArTUA 500 19456- 6v -06 9-10 9606- -06- A 1 AL SERVICES TOTAL P Tl T 59000 2 -519000 -�t CA1 A L E- X P U, R 1 TURES 819550 4 9565 3?9177 99442 49,373 4 9,v 33 3 611 T CDBi�:, r0MME-'-'rAl REHABILIATIA -L 899050 9 0- 439283 10 3- t6 2- 7 4 16 -t-'7 45 lof 51 r ri G R"- LRS. A 0 N A AREA DEVELOPMENT &TAPER SONA, -S-RV-rF-S T 'II.IAL e-9000 19162' 983 19817IsO17 L! Al CONTRAC SERVICES T 0 TA L CAPITAI '- 159000 89750 190 l4v810 149810 ?�- N DTT s L EXPE UlK- T 0 A f-DBr "'REATYONAl. AREA IDEVE-L 669700 839700 389906 ,r 8 18 3 -3 1p 10; 349278 C1928i -7 33 v 59, 33,v595 u 499422 49v42= 9 C01 R fG M U L TT-FAMrLY REHABl"TAglu"N TOTAL PERSONAL SERVIC--� 39000 11750 11P914 1 TOTA, r;-INTRACTUAl SERVICES V. 215oo 1,456 - 90-96 19086 36 T 01T A L C-A-PITAL EXPEENDIT.Lim-F-- 132v2OO 7791-2 1-32-N9200 29500 i0o TOTAL Corar '.L M'fl-TI-FAMILY REHAB 11- 11-A 137,700 809318 E 1991-4 -3 r - r- 7 86 137200 9 1359786 100 99 (--D�aG DOWN -1- "N IMPROVEMme. NTr LE R SON AL 69000 J 1 8 -3 6 1 4=2 0 c 164 T 0" A L 0 N -11 RK A 17 UA 1- S E: 0 V I C S 'OTAL 15 q 000 8 q 7 -5 0- -'5vOOO 5-v 64 l5o00() 0-86 101- '4n�TURES CAPITAL CXpr--' 1201,900 709406 T AL C D B b- DOWNTOWN T MPROVEMENTIS 1419700 829656 7 7v 4 r cw 9 63v751 4 t 5 8 32a 6 639751- 5 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVE-1 OPMPNT DIE T 1 903-0199 60 -19 20,79933 47.6-25 733V466 2 7 5z 6 7309-11LO v 7 1 S=TREET DIVIISTION ADMAIN— A1 --' T RATTION AND SUPPORT1 Ir 0 TAIL PERSONAL SERVKE 18 o'n 68t11-0 51Z 6 1 6 97 79606 o0v103 609103 51 7- 0T -AL C"N'T" ACT UAL SERVICES 7*700 v4 -QC? 1 986. 2r- 2 6 8 3- 3 2v877 20956 -A 8 T OT A i- C.:j, k�� M n DTT I E c� T �� E lu- CAPITAL 99750 ✓�,r6-17 49618 7 -12 5 3 32 I - 7 7 7 4,P355 I- EKPENDTTURES -jTA( b 9900 olk- 50 0 59000 10 TOTAI ADIMINISTRAAr-lON AND SUPPORT 14 1 v 1 K-ir D 5v7 6 2;' 0 -960XI 89654 67v424 0 48 M A SNT 3 A NICE E 01 F P UA,13, 1 11C 8 U I I D I N G S TOTAL DERSON--Akk- -SERVICES 62t,744 3-69589 v 4 3 9 695991-13 UN E XFf c NDED UNE N1i A L ANCeCE C BAL 329003 2v195 299808 1s 34x453 -453 44 87-321 2v000 75x32- 14*19"o 1479 88-7 - BY038 11317 1 5 Q co 59n q 5,474 5v474 5,53' 5953 1q,653_ 632 211 15 71747 7-747 55 119470 =1t4 41v13 2 41v132 38 8*305 4evIO9 71 v650 788 406Z 84 3 v 55 43-958 1409675 15x123 -5x123 3_ A263 39263 8 z 2002 21001 3x072 39C 72 1 23060 1.459 31 89691 sg 56 49 587 _ 10278 10278 37 61)x038 50,038 45 709432 54 169120 - 3x638 3x638 �(o 759000 7139871 &6129 200108 1249B75 84 x 2 33 23 10 110 33 12023 1v 20243 24x243 48 3Y413 3v4I31 1097 1x997 39 VI (IF MOUNT PROSPECT BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT ACCOUNTING PERIOD 07 ENDING 11/30/1344 1984685 a ®J) Y -T -D Y--D CUR MSO BUDGET EST KATF ACTUAL ACTUAL STREET DIVISION MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 49v88C 2 179877 989 TOTAL COAMODITIES 789675 5*878 44vM 4x659 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 104*700 61x061 17x379 394S5 TOTAL MAINTENANCE OF PLUBLIC BUILDI 2 95x999 122 0 1is 3 9 9 i 715x702 MAINTENANCE OF GROUNDS TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 579600 30586sh 3 3x495 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL S R IC`S 7 v 00049081 6 9 410 1x 05CO TOTAL COMMODITIES 79750 14,508 21276 1x584 TOTAL CAPITAL. EXPENDITURES 20500 16v037 1969 -(3g am MAINTENANCE OF GROUNDS B 50212 809218 6x129 STREET I T E N A C TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 62914= 156,239 -101226 19007 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERYIEFS 14=000 89162 *251 3x642 TOTAL COMMIDITTES 30000 19,222 21g530 TOTAL STREET MAINTENANCE !4! 63x623 68, occl 5x548 NO REMOVALL TOTAL�- PERSONAL SERVICES 601130 39032 !QY829 Iv202 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SENIVILES 50800 39374 150 TOTAL CU04MODITIES 569500 32x949 12r,542 I TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 49000 20,860 6038 69471 TOTAL SNOW REMOVAL 1-710 :5C -049923 3q9255 89959 LEAF REMOVAL TOTAL PERSONAL SFR ICES 439708 20494 ZQ585 219820 TOTAL CONTRKTUAL SERVICES 4,000 20133 7117 737 TOTAL COMMODITIES 10 v 40 0 15,055 80919 459 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 11000 10000 140218 TOTAL LEAF REMOVAL 7 th 1 10 ES 44080 5 2 23x016 STORM SEWER ANIDD BASIN MAINTENANLE TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 2793Z6 15-,932 18x635 267 TOTAL CC O ITIES 99000 5v25O 4v413 114 TOTAL STORIA SEWER 40 BASIN M I `E 36x326 219182 23vO48 381 FORESTRY TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 130289 3*251 9x258 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 14 _ v 300 80566 72*866 2SY686 TOTAL COMMODITIES ,0 _EI 5v236 20 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 759000 43x750 TOTAL FORESTRY 360,589 2109280 1511 389064 TRAFFIC SIGN MAINTFNANCE TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 34tO85 199873 229765 19737 TOTAL COMMODITIES 169 20CI 99436 139277 TOTAL TRAFFIC SIGN MAINTENANCE 50vZ85 29009 269042 19737 PUBLIC GROUNDS BEAUTIFICATION TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 28V199 169436 1x775 TOTAL COMMODITIES 5100 29968 3103 103 UN E XFf c NDED UNE N1i A L ANCeCE C BAL 329003 2v195 299808 1s 34x453 -453 44 87-321 2v000 75x32- 14*19"o 1479 88-7 - BY038 11317 1 5 Q co 59n q 5,474 5v474 5,53' 5953 1q,653_ 632 211 15 71747 7-747 55 119470 =1t4 41v13 2 41v132 38 8*305 4evIO9 71 v650 788 406Z 84 3 v 55 43-958 1409675 15x123 -5x123 3_ A263 39263 8 z 2002 21001 3x072 39C 72 1 23060 1.459 31 89691 sg 56 49 587 _ 10278 10278 37 61)x038 50,038 45 709432 54 169120 - 3x638 3x638 �(o 759000 7139871 &6129 200108 1249B75 84 x 2 33 23 10 110 33 12023 1v 20243 24x243 48 3Y413 3v4I31 1097 1x997 39 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT PAGE 17 ACCOUNTING PERIOD Cil ENDING; 11/30/84 1984-85 Y -T -D Y-T_D CUR MO UNEXPENDED UNENCU STREET DIVISIONAg BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL, ACTUAL BALANCE ENCUMBERED BALANCL PUBLIC GROUNDS BEAUTIFICATION TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL. PUBLIC GROUNDS BEAUTFICAIO 339299 19,404 279889 19878 Q 59410 5410 1 MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAYS TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 59000 29905 49469 37 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 19500 88 445 53= 531 11 TOTAL COMMODITIES1.9055 19500 69285 19055 ��. _� 70 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 11,000 __.904 69412 109185 99124 =5 19500 9,7=5 5 TOTAL MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAY 349000 19,789 219384 99161 815 129a 19500 lltll6 3 UIPMENT; NANCC C OPERATIONS T 0-9 Al >' IS » ERV S s _ S �� � � � AL ° TR CTUAL SLR FE 7�9 - 3 449520 494=5 g v.548 3391 _1_49931 - TOTAL CO OD' 7.250 19302 526 4 T0TAl CP�PT A EXPENDIATURES 10 7 2 29 18 12937 489776 20910 59327 5899 9 }95 5`9924 5 TUTAL EQUIPMENT AITEACE OPER X500 207979 12191` 11823 129535 3 95994 = S PO r) VEHICLE INT L� �RATI TOS L, PERSS-�A S�_ - =- ES � T�:TA� 4 �� _ SBI 3_ SIO _- 233 21-1 COMMODITIES TOT r A 3 E C A�_ _R T T�R�080 _7- 0�9 7 1 0 1 4 43 663 798x9 7 981 ,, 4 -ER _4 g X14 14.168 1_ _ 7 03 0 13 0 6- 0 89060 s=- TOTAL S T LT DIVISION 1 48 787 9 19352 8179D4i 1329587 8319749 38899 0 6429786 39 WATER AND SEWER DIV ISTON ADMINIL'T RA"IN AND SUPPORT T OT --AL PERSONA- -SERVICES 1529463 881914 8 TUT %,T ACTUAL ER SIC S 1.73 038 � 8 ;09 1 - � 0193-7 189112 19 11 71711 869154 5-1 TOTAL CO TICS '139300 9742 69344 688 6- 7197.11 4 1 TOTAL CAP1 = AL EX, I UR 129500 - 9 - 777 69179 4 DOTALTEPSP �r ¢; SERVICE= p -AL 2229200 287 = 9 o5 1-i.v 87 e09387 r0un X09713 59000 79500 0 0 ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT 573001 3349439 3059467 479251 6 909`13 41 2�8934 59777 229257 4 MAMIN'TENANCE OF PUBLIC F3UTIDINGS TOTAL _ -OT 159231 89883 39°84 X2904-1 AL CO q T AI SERVICES 59000 2990- 29263 - 179 2 129047 7 TOTAL C OD T E r 13 000 94 - I q9 9 973, 55 _ g [ T t- r ` Z T' r' 'gyp - €-' _- eA a8L1 UIll- �3 319231 { .8920 897 ' g�3gq 98 P s -A` 22946.8 22-p468 72 MAINTENANCE T`,FL PERSONAL -S-ER�� @g 9 8 1 2V52 _ -TTI 1 S TOTAL 39550 29065 - 168 39025 0*562 39 66 CAPITAL PEN ITS RES 850 490 25 85 _ IOTA M, C E OF 0= 35 569 99 0 119132 1 X50 100 249'17 I TGTL PE ISONM� = 9 7 � � 890 8 5 � 5 9584 89347 43 963 TAS A QUAL SERVICES TOTA' 8629000 298 7 3689248 94936; pig ��p5, 4#35r 8g 635978 40 4 YID�800a 4 i 47 €8s _ _ 50vO£ O 299162 - 2 0 434 189710 g g� qg ¢pig 18010 qq - - 19 0 64v743 2391 7 879853 99795 789058 70 BAL ANC E E Nrm,QER,E D BAE ANC E BAL 64492-79 95x543 5489735 49 85,612 85961- 850 A50 7x555 f 20TOOO 17 v 2 2 752 ' I 14 9017 6 - 769 5 If --v645 16,64-- 3 21x65/- 40j 0 11 al924 83 a� 0 l - � 1 533 2557 2955-7 18V1 1 1T 1 2'1 T 399000 30 291278 9 1 27-443 * 1 45x358 453158 3 35x979 i,91 115 79026 38 03f A Lk 3128 8 594601 S- X19750 50 v 1o= 89,719 5-x438 38x281 - -v 5 .ss e38v 117 223750 61-6` T. OB 9 29 89 5 29089 50 1 0 7 x 135 1 v 7-7 9 52 43 3x259 39259 48 25x564 25x564 49 150 150 100 IEEE OF MOUNT PROSPECT BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT ACCOUNTING PERIOD 07 ENDING 11130/84 1984-5 —T=D y—lr—D EER MO BUDGET ES-TIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL WATER AND SEWER IRISIN TOTALM I TENAK AND REPAIR -F8 1 1 zi-56!E549780 -9 - e1 1 WATER DISTRIBUTION MAINT4 -E, REPR. TOTAL PERSONAE SERVICES 123082 719792 37970 _ 743 TOTAL ICON UAL SERVICES � �� v��50 �� M ITIES ,p l vll39062 TECTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES :�JO 11 TOTAL WATER DIST 'BUTIO MAINTaOv282 9993— — 50805 WATER VALVE AND HYDRANT MATANT. TOTAL PERSOJNAL SER'C-ES 3v306 2iv168 a287 I.661 v-1 TOTAL 1CN.RAC U E SERVICES C, 497 j()T,A%t COMMODITIES259 500 ? 1,212 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 709000 40,98-11 57,979 WATER METER INS T E.Er KEPI TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 64x350 3 7 v 119 4,P167 TOTALONTR C-TUE SE 'EES 1 ,,= $09724 229 m TOTAL COMMODITIES 489800. 289448 309528 7v-236 TOTA WATER METER INSTAL . E RE a 131 55 96 921;-150 11 3 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE E OPERATIONS TOTAL PERSONAE SERVICES 69x618 40,p5_79 409340 39769 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 39000 557 TOTAL COMMODITIES 89,890 5z 1 4,23 44 9 4,pT TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 43500 25x361 59574 TOTAL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE E OPER 2069006 1209113 914P003 *996 SANITARY SEWER M INT. E REPAIR T T L PERSONAE SERVICES S0 9 6 I 299519 31x242 X18 5 TOT CONTRACTUAL SE _EES 4x00 -1331 672 "'OTAL v OO 4,536 531 487 TO TA 1 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 649000 3 7,p 3 3 -1 0 TOTAL SITS SEWER 1T E 1,1 3'T 36-v6945 -*92-2 WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL CAPITAL EXPEND' ' ES 940x961- 774-383 841F93st TLIT A WATFR S STE I -EMENTS- 4 b13 -ion 940,961 7_ *38311 849934 SANT—ARY SEWER LETS TOTAL PERSONAL SE R I ES 4 2c 0 9 Zv4502020 105 TOTAL SANITARY SEWER - P VE EENTS4 - 9 209- Z9450 291201 " TE �E DIVISIONo f 2 v 418556 l -r9389630 2769706 PARKING SYSTEM DIVISION ADMINISTRATIONAND SUPPORT TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 6,P790 39955 39531 457 TOTAL LTTE SERVICES 519763 309191 269199 1 gr 282 TOTAL COMMODITIES 150 84 BAL ANC E E Nrm,QER,E D BAE ANC E BAL 64492-79 95x543 5489735 49 85,612 85961- 850 A50 7x555 f 20TOOO 17 v 2 2 752 ' I 14 9017 6 - 769 5 If --v645 16,64-- 3 21x65/- 40j 0 11 al924 83 a� 0 l - � 1 533 2557 2955-7 18V1 1 1T 1 2'1 T 399000 30 291278 9 1 27-443 * 1 45x358 453158 3 35x979 i,91 115 79026 38 03f A Lk 3128 8 594601 S- X19750 50 v 1o= 89,719 5-x438 38x281 - -v 5 .ss e38v 117 223750 61-6` T. OB 9 29 89 5 29089 50 1 0 7 x 135 1 v 7-7 9 52 43 3x259 39259 48 25x564 25x564 49 150 150 100 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 19 BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT ACCOUNTING PERIOD 07 ENDING 11/30/84 1984-85 Y -T -D -T-D CUR MO UNEXPENDED UNENCUM % BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL BALANCE ENCUMBERED BALANCE SAC PARKING SYSTEM DIVISION ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT TOTAL DEBT SERVICE EXPENSE 29800 19631 1.680 280 1,012C 19120 40 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT 619503 35.PB61 319410 29019 309093 309093 4q PARKING LOT MAINTENANCE TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 64686 3,899 59623 479 19063 I9063 16 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 29800 19631 27200 375 600 600 21 TOTAL COMMODITIES 4000 29331 19827 400 29173 29173 54 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 17v800 10v38I 89736 6,#436 99064 29293 7 69-71 38 TOTAL PARKING LOT MAINTENANCE 319286 18,@242 1 F ,386 99690 1299O0 29293 10,P607 34 TOTAL PARKING SYSTEM DIVISION -------------- ------------------ 929789 549103 49v796 119709 429993 2293 409700 44 ENGINEFRING DIVISION ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 579487 33*523 309922 49223 269566 269565 46 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 49700 29730 784 163 39917 39916 83 TOTAL COMMODITIES 49000 29331 11576 195 2924 312 2,112 5 TOTAL CAPITAL FXPENDITURES 319000 18q08I 31,000 9847 219153 6-8 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT 97*187 569665 33,282 4,581 639907 109159 53,746 PUBLIC iMPROVEMENT PLANNING TOTA!. PERSONAL SERVICES 409656 23,709 109045 2v368 21,611 219611 TOTAL PUBLIC- IMPROVEMENT PLANNING 4D9656 23*709 19,1045 2, 368 2196113 53 PUBLI-L IMPROVEMENT INSPECTIONS TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 259342 14,777 15320 29141 1-09022 10 9 0 2 40 TOTAL PUBLIC IMPROVEM-ENT INSPECTIO 259342 149777 159320 29141 109022 42' 10022 40 FLOOD CONTROL AND DRAINAGE TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 1*262,P654 736540 19522 19222 1 9 2 6 1 v 13 2 1*26 19132 IGD TOTAL FLOOD CONTROL AND DRAINAGE 192629654 7361540 1,522 19222 192619132 I -v 2614132 100 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING E MAINTENANCE TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 189629 109864 IC -9O83 19346 8*546 89546 46 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 154w500 909118 64,p eZ3 81780 899677 4373 859304 55 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 25,000 149581 319965 1,F850 6 965- 304 6v965- TOTAL TRAFFIC E.N(-yINEEkTNG E MAINTE 198,129 1159563 1069871 31=976 91 258 49.373 869885 f - 44 4G iTNG STELTL-HT — I 7 TTNG TOTAL PERSONAL SPRVICES 10.046 59859 5*100 1080 49 946 4046 4 TnT IAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 110f00o 649162 36v012 71361 73,988 7*361 66,627 61 TOTAL CO ODITTES TOTAL 69000 39500 49152 Z v 190 19848479 1v369 23 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 4-P000 29331 688 39312 2*822 490 12 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 1309046 75982 45v952 109231 849094 109662 739432 56 STDr-WALK COBS TRLICTIEluN AND R F: P AT R TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 89583 59005 5v133 6886 39450 39450 40 TOTAL CAPITA' EXPENDITURES 50v000 290162 2:59677 249328 379600 119272- 27 - TOTAL ST DE W A L K CONSTRUCTION Si -TION AND RE 589583 349167 309805 686 27,778 379600 9*822® 17- UNEXPENDED VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT BALANCE CE C CUMBERE L CE BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT ,2558 BV558 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 07 ENDING 11/30/84 -01000 1984-895 —T— —T—D CLLR MO `689041 BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 9269335 3 9269335 MOTOR FUEL TAX CONSTRUCTION 9269335 9269335 59 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 2,v 39 6 l3vO62 13t,838 19899 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SER' ICES 409000 23933' 1I15a TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 7109500 4149435 5919017 355 TOTAL MOTOR FUEL TAX CONSTRUCTION 'f7Zv896 4509828 604,P855 9-25 TOTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION ----------------- 29585*493 I*5089101 857.652 579459 SSA "S LAKE MICHIGAN WATER CONST 77 LAKE MICHIGAN WATER PROSECT TOTAL DEBT SERVICE EXPENSE 1957 v O 919-681 6509265 799534 TOTAL LAKE- MICHIGAN WATIEP PROJECT $975769600 919*661 65095 79,534 TOTAL SSA 5 LAKE MICHIGAN WATER CONST ---------------------------------------- lv57616OO 9199681 65Ov265 79x534 COMMUNITYN CLIC SERVICES COMMUNITY GROUPS TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 89200 4,P774 69670 19520 TOTAL COMMUNITY CROUPS 69200 49774 69670 1 v5 4TH CSE JULY E VILLAGE FESTIVAL TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 10,000 51824 9x420 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 69500 7 6,9500 TOTAL COMMODITIES 550 315 1-r5 TOTAL 4TH UE JULY L VILLAGE FESTIV 179 q-9926 17v585 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 3*,870 2,P254 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES *400 3731 19900 TOTAL COMMODITIES 600 350 579 579 TOTAL CHRISTMAS ErORATI N I 7� *335 29479 579 TOTAL COMMUNITY AND CIVIC SERVICES 3 120 219035 269734 C-99 LIBRARY OPERATIONS LIBRARY OPERATIONS TOTAL DEBT SERVICE EXPENSE 1 9sO O 7519905 TOTAL LIBRARY UPERTIUS 89-f- 7519905 TOTAL LIBRARY OPERATIONS ------------------------------------------ 19 7515 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS EMPLOYEE PENSION FUNDS S TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL EMPLOYEE PENSION FUNDS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS TOTAL DEBT SERVICE EXPENSE 573#225 3349355 1339895 59010 TOTAL GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS 5739225 3349355 133x895 5,010 UNEXPENDED LNCU BALANCE CE C CUMBERE L CE BAL ,2558 BV558 3 40,000 -01000 100 1I9v3 119x483 17 `689041 21 Ie7�_27943 629794 1&659047 64 9269335 3 9269335 `-= 3 t, - 9269335 9269335 59 19530 1--30 19 9 53; 0 iv530- 1 580- 580 1I15a ? I5— 203- 535— 535- 8 7Ci 1 49500 4150 0 70 I 191 8. 39 77 9,t 186 9-38 1� 19289-000 100 1*280*000 i?2899000 loo 1 gp 2 8 Qv 000 100 4399330 4399330 77 399330 4399330 7 VILLAkGE OF MOUNT BUDUSET EXPENSE REPORT ACCOUNTINGPERIOD 07 ENDING '&/3'/84 1984- ��� 6�P NEI BUDGET --TIMAT— ACTUAL ACTUAL BALANCE P ' U 4 8 E R E D BALANCE DEBT SERVICE FUNDS SPECIAL SERVICE AREA BONDS TOTAL DEBT SERVICE EXPENSE 1639183 -711984 204*760 639914_--' is DOTAL SPECIAL SERVILCE AREA BONDS 363 - 2-11,P8412999-7.70 2049760 639914 63013 IP EMPLnYEE PENSIONS TOTAL DEBT SERVICE EXPENSE TOTAL EMPLOYEE PENS TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 936v4O8 5469196 433916 5 20917700 ��_ 3 PIS FUNDS EMPLOYEE PENSIONS TOTAL DEBT SERVICE EXPENSE 29ivioo 169v8C6 1449880* �� ,�2 0 TOTAL EMPLOYEE PENSIONS �� � -,9_ ®CI 1- � g � � � 1.4 � 0 � _ 1 6 2 0 50 Q`r- PENSIONS TOTAL DEBT SERVICE_ EXPENSE -9 00 -7'-,4,-68 1v49 91,04958-2 9 TOTAL POLICE TONS i g242 v 3100 v6u-58 1 ���si 91049582 104, szd 'L, 0 FTREMENS PENSIONS TOTAL nEBT SERVICE EXPENSE 19317x300 359481- 59042 l2e16 a TOTAL FIREMENS PENSIONS01vo _ _ 28 1 16 7 TOTAL iE1 � 9 x 339246 RESOLUTION NO. 1 1-1-111 1 .. . . ........ WHEREAS, the holiday season is upon us, and it is the time of the year when, as individuals and as a community, we - become aware of man's relationship to himself, as well as others, iflect all that mankind has been, is, and will be; and WHEREAS, such a solemn but 30yous period of time should include an exchange of friendship and good will among all people. NOWr THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECTr COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS,-, SECTION ONE,4- The Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village ofMccunt Prospect do extend to the citizens of Mount Prospect ou"'" sincere wishes for a merry Christmas and Very Happy New Year, and on behalf of our community, we extend to all people everywhere, Season's Greetings, and a resolution of good faith and brotherhood to the end that there may be peace on this earth. SECTION TWO.- This Resolution shall'be in full force and ef ect rom and after its passage and approval in the manner ided by prolaw. vi AYES: NAY S ABSENT. - PASSED and APPROVED this day of 1984. Carolyn 1 1. Krause Mayor ATTEST: . .......... - Carol A. Village Clerk Village of MounLt; Prospect NIOLJII(� Prospect, 111iriois I N 1 ER.OHICE MENIORANDUM TO: MAYOR CAROLYN H. KPA'LISE ND BOAP,D OF' TR'IJS'T.EES FROM.- VIIJAGE MANAGER, DATE.- 'DECEMBER 6, 1984 SUBJECT.- SUE MEE RESTA.I.YRAN"I"' CHANGE On Thursday, December 6, the Village Manager and Lieutenant Ed Nastek. intervIewed the rig w owners of the Sue Mee Restaurant. The 0 Interview was conducted with. 'the assistance of an interpretor, msThelma Yoon, e h1ired by the Village. The Interpre'tor will be a'lable at the Village Board meeting on December 18 when this l matter is formally considered. On December 3, a new application and supporting documents were supplied to the Manager's office by the Kim -Family. Since the Kim family are not residents of the Village of Mount Prospect, t,h,ev were directed to consider forming a corporation and those Articles of Incorporation were prepared by their attorney and submitted to the Secretary of State's off ice. While some of the supporting documents need clarification and correction, the necessary administrative checks have been made and we f ind no reason to recommend against the License being issued to Sue Mee Restaurant, Inc., the principals of whi-ch are Mr. and Mrs. Kim and their daughter, Mrs. Akasaka. The Kim family and their daughter have been employees at the Sue Mee Restaurant for three years and prior to that, Mrs,. Kim had one and one-h-alf years of restaurant experience in Hawaii. Our interpretor explained the conditions by which the previous License was terminated, the functions of a Class R restaurant, the hours of operation and service to minors, Mr. and Mrs. Kim allege that they paid Dor Hedlund $1 500 for a Class R Liquor License for the year 1984-T.' 1995. The Village Manager explained that Liquor Licenses can be prorated only for those Licenses issued after January 1. The Kim family has decided to proceed with their review before the Mayor and Board of Trustees on December 18 but will not pick up the Liquor License until January 2, 1985, in order to benefit from the proration provision. No Ordinance change is required by the Mayor and Board of Trustees but as a matter of policy,with iew w you ownership e revi 1 changes. TERRANCE I.A,* BUJRGIi Village Manager TLB/rcw attachment IM V ILL E OF 14 0 U N T PR HPECT COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS LOCAL LI UOR CONTROL CC7lMISS ION APPLICATION FOR RETAIL LIOUOR DEALER'S LICENSE RENEWAL DATE Dec. 3, 1984 NEW x Honorable Carolyn H. Krause, Village President and Local Liquor Control Commissioner Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois Pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Code of Mount Prospect of '19,57, known as Section 13,103, passed by the Board of Trustees of said Village on the 15th day of January, 1957, as amended, regulating sale of' alcoholici ,11quors n the Village of Mount Prospect, County of Cook, State of Illinois: The undersigned, Sue Ifee Restaurant, Inc. hereby makes applicationfo-5—ra ass r: I -q- u —or - Tea T e—Tr _s �i 7c150003 �o�rthe period elnding April 30, 19 an tenders the sumof the prescribed fee as set fort the following: SCHEDULE OF ANNUAL FEES FOR THE VARIOUS CLASSES OF RETAIL LIQUOR DEALERS' LICENSES (Section 13.106): Annual F e e CLASS A: Retail package and consumption on premises $ 2t000.00 CLASS B: Consumption on premises only 11 500.00 CLASS C: Retail package only 11500.00 CLASS D: Nan --profit private clubs, civic or fraternal organizations; consumption on premises only 300.00 CLASS E: Caterer's license 11500.00 CLASS F: Shopping Center Cafe/Bar; consumption on premises only 22000.00 CLASS G: Park District Golf Course; beer and wine, consumption on premises only 300.00 CLASS M, Hotels, motels, motor inns, motor lodges; retail package and consumption on premises 2,500-00 CLASS P: Retail package - refrigerated and non - refrigerated beer and wine only - no consumption on premises 1,250.00 CLASS Restaurant - consumption at dining tables only 11500.00 CLASS S: Restaurant with a lounge 2S000.00 CLASS V.: Retail package - wine only 12000.00 CLASS W: Restaurant - consumption of beer or wine only and at dining tables only 1P000.00 SURETY BOND REQUIRED 12000.00 EACH LICENSE TERMINATES ON THE 30TH DAY OF APRIL, NEXT FOLL014ING DATE. Your petitioner, Sue !1ee—Restaurant Inc. doing business as Sue '.7'ee Restaurant, Inc. r'f respectfully requests permission to operate a retail liquor business at 10 Forth Main 65 .. Mount Prospect, Illinois. Description and Name of Premises: 10 N Main St . , Central Plaza Shopping Center, ground floor :More (Description must _be complete as to hoer, rontag,e , etc.) Name of owner of Premises: Cosmos Realty,Inc. If Owner of record is a land trustee, attach copy of Land Trust Agreement. If not owner, does applicant have a lease? ,yes State date applicant's lease expires: j'"j1efZ If not t;tach copy of lease hereto. Is applicant an individu.a, `, a corporation, ,a co -partnership, or an Olt association? (Circle on If an individual , state your name, date of birth, address, telephone number and Social Security Number: DNA If co -partnership, state name, date of birth, address, telephone number and Social Security Number of each person entitled to share in the profits thereof: UNA If a co -partnership, give the date -of the formation of the partnership: I"v A If a corporation, give state and date of incorporation:- IL 12 3 84 If a corporation incorporated in a state other than the State of Illinois, indicate date qualified under Illinois Business Corporation Act to transact business in. Illinois: DNA If a corporation, give names, addresses, dates of birth, telephone numbers, and Social Security Numbers of officers and directors. Also list the names addresses, dates of birth and Social Security Numbers of shareholders owning in the aggregate more than 5% of the stock of such corporation. I OFFICE and/or NAME ADDRESS PERCENT OF STOCK HE] Young Jib Kim * 310 S Beau Dr 100► o ,joint tenant T ............ - Des c" roes , —xv ivl e Date of Birth:July 97, 1.931 Social Security # 334 00 2678 Phone 593 1l Date of Birth: Social Security Phone At :10 S Beau Pr. To Eui Kim Ties Plaines, IL 10051) joint tei Date of Birth : June 7, 1039 Social Security 575 82 976 Phone 593 E N'to �V*(PIlor ............. Date of Birth: Social Security V S► R, wo Z'9 Phone f qqoi�y 1��;ec cly Oro 2 Objects for which organization is formed: To operate Sue Mee Restaurant See copy of Articles of incorporation a facTied If an individual, a co -partnership, a corporation or an association, has the applicant or any of the partners, incorporatorst directors, officers, agents, or stockholders ever been convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor? No If so, explain: If applicant is an "findividualP state age: DNA —Marital Status -- corporation Is applicant a citizen of the United States? yes —If citizen, state date and place of naturalization:—DNA. How long has applicant been a resident of Mount Prospecty continuously next prior to the filing of this application? _2,.,ta.ran1has been in operation LocaY'Affitess:10 N Main, Prospect I Telephone No. - State character or type of business of applicant heretofore: Oriental Chinese cuisine State amount of goods, wares and merchandise on hand at this - time: orators DD I cants in gorp How long has applicant been in this business.? 5 months Is the applicant an elected public official? No If so state the particulars thereof: Is any other person directly or indirectly in applicant's place of business an elected public official? No In the case of an application for the renewal of a license, has the applicant made any political contributions within the past 2 years? NO If so, state the particulars thereof: Does the applicant hold any law enforcement office? No If so, designate title:_ Does the applicant possess a current Federal Wagering or Gambling Device Stamp?,,No If so, state the reasons therefor: Has applicant ever been convicted of a gambling offense as presented by any of subsections (a) (3) through (a) (10) of Section 28-1, or -as prescribed by Section 28-3 of the "Criminal Code of 1961" as heretofore or hereafter amended? NO If so, list date (s) of said conviction(s): Has applicant ever made similar application for a similar or other license on premises other than described in this application? Ho If so, state disposition of such application: - 3 -, 04, *Is applicant qualified eceive state and fed= alcoholic era -cense to operate an alcoholic liquor businessr' s- Has applicant ever had a previous license revoked by the federal government or by any state or subdivision thereof? If so, explain: I Is applicant disqualified to receive a license by reason of any matter or thing construed by this ordinance, the laws of this state or other ordinances of this Village? -%,T Does applicant agree not to violate any of the laws of the State of Illinois, the United States of America, or any of the ordinances ofthe Village of Mount Prospect in the conduct of his place of business? 'Yes Does applicant currently carry Dram Shop Insurance coverage? Yes If "Yes," attach copy. Binder attached If applicant is not the owner of thepremises, does the owner thereof carry Dram Shop Insurance coverage? s the answer to either of the foregoing questions is "No," no license shall issue.) Policy of insurance covers owner Does surety bond required by ordinance accompany this application at the time of filing? Yes State name and address of each surety next below: 140 5 Give name, address, date of birth, telephone number and Social Security Number of manager or agent in charge of 'premises for which this application is made: Tok Hui Kim June 7, 1932 316 S Beau Drive* Des Plaines 575 82 9766 593 1263 S46W tice-4 w ;0 SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT Pj Corp rate Sea+"A, (If a,, licant corporation) Who, first being duly sworn, under, oath deposes and says that he ise the applicant for the license requested in, the fore ging —t ha t ing , to 'he Is/are of goold repute,, character and standing, and that an,sw,ers t�t,h,,e qu16st:*L,ons asked 'in the foregoing application are true and correct in every detail, STATE OF ILLINOIS SS. COUNTY OF COOK Subscribed and Sworn to before me this day of ,A. D. 19-2V APPLICATION APPROVED: -33Fj0FX1M16= F--o-caT--L1q-u or- -Co-n -tr-o-r-C o -6m -i -ss -1 -on e -r � 4 - ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 18 (TRAFFIC CODE) OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF -THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTYr ILLINOIS.- SECTION ONE: That Schedule III entitled "One -Way Streets" of Article_ - XX of Chapter 18 (Traffic Code) of theVillage Code of Mount Prospect, as amended, is hereby further amended by deleting therefrom the following wording: Name of Direction of Street Traffic Movement Description it Fairview St. Southbound School hours btw. Gregory & Isabella Sts. 11 and by adding to Schedule III of Article XX of Chapter 18 the following wordingr in proper alphabetical sequence: Name of Direction of Street Traffic Movement Description if Gregory St. Eastbound School our btw. Oak Ave. & Fairview St. go SECTION TWO.- That this Ordinance shall be in full force and k 14 effect from, and after is passage,- approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. AYES: WORW PASSED and APPROVED this day of _r 1984. Village President ATTEST: 41 Village Clerk Village of M',,,._ nt Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois The staff recomme-nded against approval of the request because of the extent of the encroachfnent into the side yard and also 'because this deck encroaches on a 5 f� utility easer(ent in which the Village has located a 6 inch water inain. The possible encroachment OTIto adjacent property will have to be rectified regardless of the action of the Village Board. so=. F I1 , G /� , ORDINANCE NO, AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A VARIATION FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 1762 CORKTREE LANE IN THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS WHEREAS,, George Samaras has filed an application for variation with respect to property commonly known as 1762 Corktreet Lane, in the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois (the "Subject Property"); and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is described as follows: Lot 334 in Brickman Manor second addition, unit number one being a subdivision of part of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 25, Township 42 North, Range 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian, Cook County, Illinois. WHEREAS, Petitioner seeks the following variation -from provisions of Chapter 14 of the Village Code of Mount Prospect, Illinois, to allow the encroachment of a patio along the east side of the residence property to occupy all but one foot of the required 8.6 foot side yard provided by Section 14.1102 of Article XI of said Chapter 14; and WHEREAS,, a public hearing was held on the variation request (designated as Case No. ZBA-45-V-84) before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Mount Prospect on the 15th day of November, 1984, pursuant to due and proper notice thereof published in the Mount ProsjRect Herald, on the 8th day of October,, 1984; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Appeals has submitted its findings and recommendation to the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect to deny the requested variation, and the President and Board of Trustees of said Village have given furthet consideration to the variation request and have determined that the same satisfies the standards set forth in Section 14.605 of Article VI of Chapter 14 of the Village Code, and this Board further finds that it would be in the best interest of the Village to grant the request for variation. NOW THEREFOREF BE IT 'ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION ONE: The recitals set forth hereinabove are incorporated herein as findings of fact by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect. SECTION TWO: The President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect hereby grant to the Subject Property the variation requested with respect to Section 14.1102 of Article XI of Chapter 14 of the Village Code of Mount Prospect, Illinois, to allow a patio to encroach upon and occupy all but one foot of the required 8.6 foot side yard, in accordance with the site plan attached hereto. SECTION THREE: Except for the variation granted herein, all other applicable Village of Mount Prospect Ordinances and Regulations shall remain in full force and effect as to the Subject Property. C#0� SECTION FOUR: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from, and after "its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. PASSED AND APPROVED th is day of 1984. AYES: NAYS ABSENT, VILLAGE PRESIDENT VILLAGE CLERK 2199S/5 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A VARIATION FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 1608-1610 ALGONQUIN ROAD IN THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT.1.11 ILLINOIS WHEREAS,r John Gianopulos has filed an application for variation with respect to property commonly known as 1608-1610 Algonquin Road in the Village of Mount Prospect., Illinois (the "Subject Property") and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is described as follows-. That part Of lot one in Friedrich Busse Jr, Division of Land in section tventy-threer township forty-one north, range eleven, east of the third principal meridian, as per the plat recorded February 20, 1911, as document no. 4709799, described as follows: commencing at a point in the west line of said lot one, 448.65 ft. South of the nor tbwest corner thereof; thence east on the south line of the north 448.65 ft. of lot one, 373.79 ft. to the southerly line of lot one, being the center line of Algonquin Road, as laid out in Friedrich Busse Jr., Division of Land: thence northwesterly along the southerly line of lot one, 1,22.35 ft. to the southwest corner of said lot oner thence north on the west line of lot one, 321.34 ft. to the place of beginning excepting therefrom that part taken for public highway, if any, all in Cook County, Illinois* YI'HEREAS, Petitioner seeks the following variation from provisions of Chapter 21 of the Vi'llage Code of Mount 'P'r'0spect,, Illinois, to allow the construction of a fence in the required f ront yard along the east and west building 11ne of the Subject Prop'erty, to a height of 27 inch with a single chal",,n lin,k for the purpose of discouraging destruction of sbrubbery from, vehicles, and pedestrian, using the nearby street and p . arkway; and S WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on the variation request (designated as Case No. ZBA-50-V-84) before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Mount Prospect on the 15th day of November, 19 4, pursuant to due and proper notice thereof published in the Mount Pr2�s e�ct Herald on the 29th day of October,, 1984; and WHEREAS., the Zoning Board of Appeals has submitted its findings and recommendation to the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect to allow the requested variation, and the President and Board of Trustees of said Village have given further consideration to the variation request and have determined that the same satisfies the standards set forth in Section 14.605 of Article VI of Chapter 14 of the Village Code, and this Board further finds that it would be in the best interest of the Village to gra,nt the request for variation, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS' FOLLOWS: SECTION ONE: The recitals. set forth hereinabove are incorporated herein as findings of fact by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect. SECTION TWO: The President and Board of Trustees of tne Village of Mount Prospect hereby grant to the Subject Property the variation 0 Nj requested with respect to Section 21.701 of Article VII of Chapter 21 of the Village Code of Mount Prospect, Illinois, to allow erection of a 27 inch high single chain link fence within the front yard area of the Subject Property,, as shown on the attached site plan. SECTION THREE: Except for the variation granted herein, all other applicable Village of Mount Prospect Ordinances and Regulations shall remain in full force and effect as to the Subject Property. SECTION FOUR: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of AYES: NAYS; ABSENT: VILLAGE CLERK W • VILLAGE PRESIDENT ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING A SPECIAL USE TO ALLOW AN AUTOMOBILE MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE CENTER ON PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 698 EAST NORTHWEST HIGHWAY IN THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, Richard Jacklow, the Petitioner herein, has made application for a special use with respect to certain property located at 698 East Northwest Highway in the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois, to authorize the use of said property for establishing and maintaining an automobile maintenance and service center specializing in quick automobile oil and lubri- cation and minor repair services,within the B-3 Business, Retail and Service District, pursuant to the provisions of Section 14.2001.0.5 of Article XX of Chapter 14 of the Village Code of Mount Prospect, Illinois- and r WHEREAS, the Subject Property is legally described as follows: Lot 10 and Lot 11 in Block 21 in the Resubdivision of Lot in Block 21, Lots 12-19 both inclusio' in Block 22, Lots 12 and 13 in Block 23 in Busse's Eastern Addition to Mount Prospect in the East 1/2 of Section 12, Township 41 North, Range 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian in Cook County, Illinois. WHEREAS, Public Hearings were held on said special use application (designated as Case No. ZBA-51-SU-84) before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Mount, Prospect, on the 15th day of November, 1984 pursuant to proper publication of due n6tice thereof in the Mount Prospect, Herald, on the 29ti da of October, 1984; and y I i WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Appeals has submitted its findings and recommednation to the Village in favor of said special use request subject the the operation being limited to oil changes, lubrication, transmission fluid changes, coolant flush and change, and subject to the inclusion of certain land- scaping improvements to be made on the site as approved by the Community Development Department of the Village; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees have considered the special use application and have determined that the subject property complies with the standards set forth in Section 14.704 of Article VII of said Chapter 14 regarding the special use, and that the best interests of the Village of Mount Prospect will be obtained by the adoption of the necessary ordinance to approve and authorize the said special use subject to compliance with the landscaping improvements approved by the Community Development Department. AOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY/ ILLINOIS: 'J e— SECTION 1: The recitals set forth hereinabove are incorporated herein as findings of fact by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect. SECTION 2- A Special use for the Subject Property described herein, to allow the operation and maintenance of an Automobile Maintenance and Service Center, limited to oil changes, lubrication, transmission fluid changes, coolant flush and changes, with the B-3 Business, Retail and Service District pursuant to Section 14.2001.04 of Article XX of said Chapter 14 is hereby approved, subject to compliance by the Petitioner with landscaping improvements as approved by the Community Development Department of the Village, as shown on the site plan attached hereto. SECTION 3.- This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED and APPROVED this day of 1984. ATTEST: Village President 2199S/8 ORDINANCE NO, AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A VARIATION FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 698 EAST NORTHWEST HIGHWAY IN THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT I PROSPECT ILLINOIS WHEREAS, Richard Jacklow has filed an application for variations with respect to property commonly known as 698 East Northwest Highway in the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois (the "Subject Property"); and I WHEREAS,, the Subject Property is described as follows: Tot 10 andLot 11 in 'Block 21, in the Resubdivision of -Lot 7 in Block 21, Lots 12-19 'both iincltve in, Block, 22, Lots 12 and 13, in Block 23 in Busse I s Eastern Addition, 'to, Mount Prospect in the East 1/2 of Section 12 shl rth Tbwn 1P 41 No R_--mge 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian in Cook County, Illinois. WHEREAS, Petitioner seeks the following variation from provisions of Chapter 14 of the Village Coue of Mount Prospect, Illinois, to allow the location of a trash enclosure within the required 20 foot rear yard area as provided in Section 14.2002.0 and to eliminate a truck loading requirement otherwise provided for in Section 14.2005.B of Article XX of said Chapter 14; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on the variation request (designated as Case No. ZBA-52-V-84) before the. Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Mount Prospect on the 15th day of November, 1984, pursuant to due and proper notice thereof published in the Mount Prospect Herald on the 29th day of October,, 1984; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Appeals has submitted its findings and recommendation to the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect to allow the requested variation, and the President and Board of Trustees of said Village have given further consideration to the variation request - and have determined-,- that the same satisfies the standards set forth in Section 14.605 of Article VI of Chapter 14 of the Village Code, and this Board further finds that it would be in the -best interest of the Village toy gr' -ant the request for variation, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION ONE: The recitals set forth hereinabove are incorporated herein as findings of fact by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect, SECTION TWO: The President and 'Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect hereby grantto-theSubject Property the variation requested with, respect to Sections 14.20020 and 14.20058 of Article XX of Chapter 14 of the Village Code of Mount Prospect, Illinois, to allow a trash enclosure to be located within the required 20 foot rear yard area and to eliminate a truck loading requirement from the subject propertyt in accordance with the site plan attached hereto. SECTION THREE: Except for the variation granted herein, all other applicable Village of Mount Prospect Ordinances and Regulations shall remain in full force and effect as to the Subject Property. M SECTION FOUR: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after 'its passage, approval and publication in pampnlet form in the manner provided by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of 1984. AYES: NAYS -. ABSENT: VILLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK 0 RD I NA N(i_" E NO AN0RDfNAN"('I`,F_.'A ANNEXIN(I '.P0 `.P.HE VILLAGII., OF MOU TliNI PRORAIJGSPECT 4 'LAND LYIN("' SECTIWJ 23, 9.`OWNSHLP 41 NOR', E IJ EAST' 1.1"IFIE" THIRD PIRINCIPAL MEYIZIDIAN IN COOK COUN'i IIJL'I'N()ISi .............. .... . WHE'R.'EASI a wri-t-ten pe-tIt " . i � , - -i- c) n, li.rri� c e �r o a. t I -i s,i gi.jecI by ia-11.... the,,owriei.-is reco-r-d1:11-i[e 1,a.nd herei n, a f t E.]� i: id, e E.; c, -x- i. b e d t, Ii, e r- E� I) e i n g, 11, o el.ecLors residinc.1 tl-iereon, has be&i,-i fi.Ied Wit.11 tl'IE? Vi.111,ag(.�, of tlie V-JA.,1ag,e of Mount— F-12 c) is, "I rec..I,i,,�estirig -thwtt said "Land, be arir.,iie.>cc.,�d -to tli�e VJ.,I_I_a,ge Mour'it P,r(,)sr)iec.L; and -hc-? c�"r- ,j--)( rat-E,� I_irriits 'oif arly WHEREAS, said Ia_rid is n c) t w, i -t h i n t D mur . I dicipali-t-I.y, bt.It is crM.t.igtiotis to 1:.h(:, Vill.age of Moun.-ft Prospect; a ri d. WHER.EAS, 1-.-Iie President z-i.r-id. B)oa_rd of 'Trustees of tlie Vi"Llaige of Mc)urit ProsPec-L', 11. 1. ill Sit fi--n,cJ, �,,ind i,ev,e i -t to 1.)e iri the best "Lnt(.,,r,est, of the Vj_1.A..a(,:Te of Mc)t�nic_ Pr,osq.)ect thi.at t:he sai d a ri cl itc �ry' I e annexed �to -t-h.e Vi_11.ace, NOW,THEREFORE, BE Irl'." ()P"DAINED BY T111'.: PRESIDE N'I. AND BOARI) OF -0LJN I I NO I S VIIAAGE 01'�` 'MOUNT F'R.0 C1('0K C TIZU S97 E F' c, HIE .1c)ws,, tc) 1i" Ism. an acct,ir'ate m[ap of wl-i,icli tierr,it.o.ry i..s attaclied liereto c_51rid macle -ie a. here0f 1)�r t"Ili-S3 I_'E`.f`(.NrenCE', be, a,nd tl]E� sail is hereby cirmexed to 1.:Tie Vil,"Iagie (.,)if P4c,)t'Int pric)sect, 31 Coo<, Cccunt-y, I]_'Ari�ois. ,S:EGT,i,1bTi TWO: 111"i.e Vil.I.age CI erk ol._ t'.hie VJ.11a.ge c�f McD-ur"i.-t Prospec-t,,-. J,s hE�14eby d3iJ-ect.'&.J t(D rE?cC)-r-c."J i.ri th,e Office of the I"Ziecorde.r, of' D le le c]. s o i Reigis�t=, o., Titles, VficheVepp r I.S �a 11. c al) 11 e, IF 0 �f J111iriois, and to file in tl-ile Of�lice of Hie (.7ounty Cle i '"Opy of this of Cook Courrty, a tog e t I.i, e r wiL-h an accurate ��,riap t1le ter�ritioil-y I v ET 11, SEC'".1"'ION' THREE Fhis shc,)I!I III)e J.ri 1��()rrc-e and, ie-.Ifiect asisiac; 1111 4 1") "E, rll� a nri e r pamph]-elL f ox''m i U J ("I e d. I) v aw, .AYES: NAY,13 ) ABSENT 47 E"111CI APPROVED S ti, b cl i ij i is J., o n c-) f t h e 1,4 o 17, th -L 0 a( �res of thE! Scm�tl"I 15 (.`-`I1CrE.IS of tlie West HaLE of tlie P4c)rt'I"Iwest Q*uiartex, of �3ect--.Iork 2.3, `I'ownsI-i.JL, 4] "Nic)'r-t1i R a n g� e East of th�e FIrd-ricipal, c." ('", p t the We.c;t 6,. 6 2 0 8 feet tIie.x'-'e c.)f JT -i Cook an acct,ir'ate m[ap of wl-i,icli tierr,it.o.ry i..s attaclied liereto c_51rid macle -ie a. here0f 1)�r t"Ili-S3 I_'E`.f`(.NrenCE', be, a,nd tl]E� sail is hereby cirmexed to 1.:Tie Vil,"Iagie (.,)if P4c,)t'Int pric)sect, 31 Coo<, Cccunt-y, I]_'Ari�ois. ,S:EGT,i,1bTi TWO: 111"i.e Vil.I.age CI erk ol._ t'.hie VJ.11a.ge c�f McD-ur"i.-t Prospec-t,,-. J,s hE�14eby d3iJ-ect.'&.J t(D rE?cC)-r-c."J i.ri th,e Office of the I"Ziecorde.r, of' D le le c]. s o i Reigis�t=, o., Titles, VficheVepp r I.S �a 11. c al) 11 e, IF 0 �f J111iriois, and to file in tl-ile Of�lice of Hie (.7ounty Cle i '"Opy of this of Cook Courrty, a tog e t I.i, e r wiL-h an accurate ��,riap t1le ter�ritioil-y I v ET 11, SEC'".1"'ION' THREE Fhis shc,)I!I III)e J.ri 1��()rrc-e and, ie-.Ifiect asisiac; 1111 4 1") "E, rll� a nri e r pamph]-elL f ox''m i U J ("I e d. I) v aw, .AYES: NAY,13 ) ABSENT 47 E"111CI APPROVED ORDINANCE NO. I AN ORDINANCE TO ABATE A PART OF THE TAXES LEVIED FOR CORPORATE AND MUNICIPAL PURPOSES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING MAY 1r 1.984 AND ENDING APRIL 39,t_1985 BE Irb,ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTYr ILLINOIS: I SECTION 1: This Board finds as follows: A. That pursuant to Villaae Ordinance Number 3455 adopted September 4, 1984 there was levied for Article Police Pension Fund purposes the sum of $300,000, i,ncluding therein a levy for future pensions in the amount of $lQ0,000- B. That pur ' suant to said Village Ordiance Number 3455 ere was levied for Article XIII - Firemen's Pension Fund purposes the sum of $250,000 for both current and future pensions. C. 'That subsequent to said levies for police and for firemen's pension fund purposes this Village has received an actuarial report in1dicating that there is an excessive amount of $100,000 levied for police pension fund purposes and an excess amount of $250,000 levied for firemen's pension fund purposes, which levies are not necessary to meet Village pension fund requirements, D* That -oursuant to Village Ordinance Number 2478 adopted December 4, 1973 and authoriziftg the issuance of general obligation bonds f6r sewer system improvement I", urposes, there was levied for the fiscal year 1984-85 the sum of $161,500 for bond principal and interest payments. E. That pursuant to Village Or ' dinance Number 2541 adoptef November 19, 1974 and authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds for Library and Vill-age Hall improvement purposes there was levied for the fiscal year 1984---c85 the sum of $329,400 for bond principal and interest payments. F. That as of December 1, 1984 there has been collected, deposited to and on hand in the Article XIV - General Obligation Bond and Interest fund the sum, of $61,500 for application to bond and interest payments for the 1973 sewer system improvements, and the sum of $129,400 for application to bond and interest payments for the 1974 Library and Village Hall improvements; said amounts representing interest due on the said 1973 and 1974 improvement bonds as set forth in Village Ordinance Number 3455 adopted on September 4, 1984. G. That pursuant to Village Ordinance Number 3418 adopted April 17, 1984 and authorizing the acquisition of communications Equipment there was levied for fiscal year 1984-85 the sum of $140,266 for loan principal and interest payments. EPA H TI."iat as of Dece-i"riber, 1, 19E �4 tli.ere has been co] .1 e c -t'-'- d dev-,-)osited -Lo and other-w.ii-se on. Iiand. i..n. t h e ('33e n e r a_'],. �f`b J � WRITIlu I ',) 1 g al: i b,"', n n4J.,, zii, rl' d, fl", e.,s -t- :03. 1.-,1 d r. add]', C.-`- "l,i'cations 7�10 26 fi ',tb 1, i (e d tbWd� td t.he bf r47n',i 11 pa-yinen-t-.' of- h. d t- -j !-T SECTION' 2.- It I's an''d e President and Board of Trustees of this Village that the amount f$ levied for Police Pension and purposes pursuant to chdif 6 t J_ nce _h sant $200 '0 0 0 �.'."'a 9- that the amount of .1 V 1_1 amount levied. for such Police Pension and purposes for the r V, C. ding,1'-.,Apri,11`1 - 7 . . . . ... ......... . ... _1_1.11111��. S ECT 10 N 11 1 t J 9Rj7B6a `7d of 6 f -L-,� 11, i s V i I 'geth� -t".,- her.,� -a m oti n. t ":.Ld, i) t -, e e i�'; a t of t. , �,. ,r �S I. a 94,66 0J.- d i h, zi, t"i 10 �e ;'Nwnbort 5,, L) e wyl, in the enti re amotint of' $250,000 thiiz balance and. 7 uc F"L)_,nd no f'-cn.-ther amount to be levield f o r s h Fi,E eiT.i. en s Pension J. May,�,, 98 4,i and erid inge,, scz� y �.a. 1. rig purposes J' 1%prl.l SECTION 4.- .l t i s hereby decl a r e dli a deteirmine d,,- by ,,�,tr he President and Board of Trustees of this Village that the 6 e 'i ed -z f 6 r,,'G. amount of '$1 1' v n and Interepayment for 1973 se,i��i§i t'�78femt ijftptov erftentsj�lj c."', 0,urz 1 u4nt,�,', to,.�_,,Vil lage� Ord inance tz, e,:_; -same c mber.�-3,455,;' Number ar''a 7 'ih t'ho -ing,,a,,-Ibalan!�e of as hereb�'& ti�d, e ay. t such,�3bon:a terest payment '-1984,,and_'Len 4�1 dinic purposes f 6" t- �he f isC41, year o t n ,g,f� -T April 3 SECTION 5: It is hereby declared and determined by the f this t,_tha,t the amou, t Presiddht',i6h, r 7 of 0 In.�tere PayJient!�, R B0, d $329,400 G S v emdn puirp o s e s,,- purs 3;;an 1974 Libkdr�r-��Jid V Ji 111 e 1 'imbro" to N an, i rd'nzinceNumber agibbtdi 2 5 4 l"' d' vil I inAh, ufh.b(��r 3455 n i, e 8, at, e a s, "11 eb,"' atoll "d.- df $129 b e and, I er Y 4001 I leaving a balance of $200,000 as that amount levied, -for, -,such bond and interest payment purpohe fiscal year commen.g J A�p, 1 0'r 11; 9 8 5,w�� r IT 3 May 1��"1984 and endih,�j -the President, "'and 130'_,��,rd " 6 f T tiis t, e es', of 'I" t h i s -,:., V il 11age that ther,,,amount .�in rest payments of $140,26-6-A.&Vi6d'fbri lban',,,pri - c for Comirunications EcTuipnt purposes, pursuant to _-,_'Vi,11 1 age,.�� �,� Ord -innce Number 341.8 be and the same is hereby abated in the amount of -in g, a a s' - that,- - v �'b "" 1 A nd e $70,2 6 61 ""'1 e"a' �'470�"�000,a ._zlMount, levied for such pr a .nom 'd year commmencih,q May I f 1 -99 8 4 ni', d d-1 - n I 19 8 5 sai bly, lmalanc'e,,,��6f'' -$70�",000��"',"'��it,-,. et ewviia thesame d�, :, na. ount of $70,000 by be no abate mint wi.,1'ret` pbe''t, to tthdis,L61rCrdinazice,, Number 3455. 8,, and SECTION T*, Villag6 Ord ging '.,nc' e,,.Numb.ers4,78,1-:2541, 3 4 � 3 4 5 5--- 'ea6h,', is' to the -several tax abate m�Lfits,, de'C'1a'_i-,6,d f brth, in", -Sections: 2. through 6 of this Ordinance. SECTION 8-.— TheVill,aqe Cl,rk of this Village is hereby authorIzeT,an2E'directed to,file ,a certified copy of this Ordinance w i 't] ounty '�Clerk of -Cook County, III inot s within the time -i the r suecified by law. Or -. 9.- This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its paspagey approval and publication in pamphlet form and filing as prblvided by law. PASSED and APPROVED,Ithis day of December,, 1984. AYES NAYS,,- ABSENT. - VILLAGE CLERK 01 VILLAGE PRESIDENT C-)RDINANCE NO. ............................ 1ji-WI Di FOR, GEN' RAI'-, 0BLIGAT'T.,()N 1301�fl`) AND E E I (` ITII N I N'17 ERli']. S T I; U N D P"U1.111POSES AND FOR CON'S.11. PURPOSES 0,F SPECIAL SEF';1VICE ARIA. NU14E3P,]I-'?1,, 5 OF THE VIIJJZ-�(*1`7 OF IMOUNI. PROSPECT, ILI'J]ENOIS FOR, TTE FI.S('...AL YEAR 13EGINNING 19AY,J 19 8 I 1 4 AND EANDING APR -11, 30t 1.985 ENrp 101D BOAT?M OF TRUS".1TES BE ",I-rl' 0RD,AIT,,,4EE) BY' THE PRESIT, (")F Tf...]E VI ,I,J�LGE OF MOUNT P.OSP ECI'r.'fr, COOK (-'0i'UNT'V,, ILL]"NOIS', .1 0 ,S 1-�',C T I ON I T11is Boa -r."(.1 f-il.]'-)S,M-'Ils> Eis 1-0'.-10wS- A. That pu'l-is,il4an't, to Vil.lage 0.t.,-diriiai-ce No. 3292, ado,f,.,)ted December Gen,eral Obl:Ligat.j..on B�,,:)nds of, Special. Sel'-Vi ce T�riea Nwziber 5 of -th.e ViJ-1.a.(..,.Te of mount-. Prospect', Clook C�DUrjtVf ea..i�:-ned oT-i- tl-.i,e nioi.-i,ey in c a),,icl -.n,, the "Bond Re,.>ierve li,u:id, st-liall. t 'he Bond F" ni ..i be used for thie abat.er�-ten:t of ta-xes levied fo:r�- bon(3, prin.cipal. and J..rite,ri�:,.,stl payriae.rit.:.J.TUX,poses. B., T."o deterrti.,n,e the c i, -,)f abatem&r."vt, 0. -r, . --di I.n;,--1T1ce Ni..i.ni.ber 3292 reicpa,ilres, haA: the Bqpd, F"Und be, dep"Leted at leasl,-1 oi,,)-ce annuall..y ai.-i ain(.:)urvt not g,"r.,,'eatet, tban, ori&-twelft.h, (1/12) of -t-he then. :i n, n, u a debt serVice or,,i sa,J-d B(.-,),n.(]s,. C. 1)uri,rig t.he year leric]-j.ng Deceml.,.)er 1., 1984 t'h. e Y-- e 1) a s beir:,m co,llected, de-posi,ted to an.d ot:1,11-ier-wis(-,�, o1i b,i J J - i v e, d the Bond, -.F"ti.nd, -t:he svil.7i, Of $385,912.00 de -r b - froni. the collectio'n taxes 'Lev:Le�d for sa,icl Borids and In froin eres-1- ea-r.i-ied C)'I'jr tle Bon.d Ftind. a..i.'id, Boc:l r"..eser"ve Filnd. D. On December 1 1-984 the s= of $284 1 33- ` 0 0 vivia, s expei"ided, f r,om this Bon,d Fuiad on on princiPal. and. interest ai,l,ld i-riterest j:)ayiy,,ients le,�-.I`Ving a balay,''ice in said "I""und. 1 $101,575-00 Of whiLch aitiouint- the A 'n i- t,oi-le-tweLE'Ll') (1/12) of sunt of $24,737.00 h. e t1i e n c u i- re, n 11 a n lu a d eh S E`2" c e o n E 11I.Tliere thus rei,tiain.s -Ithe si., 0.41-11' $ 76 838.00 in t, he B,onid Fi,."ind.available it-�. abatLir)g t ax e s 1 ev,'L'(�d r s ua �n 02" to Vi..."llage ordinaylicie Nul',v�'�(wer 3,29") j-`� r'. S, e c i a, 1 S 'y:, vi, c e Area Nurnber 5 13ond prin,cil a,, I an id, I''i.,,"�[-i't.ila-res,"�",-,, payl-naienC ,I,,)-u,rposes. 4iar, d in , I 1 6 F. .%"' didL on Decembe- 1, 1-1-D.84 there �,,:.,%".`w,s 11 1 i C t (7) t", he Constri;,ic- L A t-` u 7� 1he Con,structi-,.-1 for -L at,j,-,c�n othiell,.- taxes 1, �v!,Iiic.11 C-11,11cl-111"It -1-s availa],.A.e f i use J,.n I -n � to V i. -tage (,',,)rdi,nLan ice jj- IS1 al)a,ting Nwr�ber 3411,36 adopt -led, 6S), e- r'n1c) 1-984, for Specia.1 Service Area M.,inibe'),- 5 L P6-Luction Cost Tlurposes. I- -L , C I I ( . I - f-- Iri e - lreOIV d i - I e d 1-l'y • S'.F-C1"[1I0N 2 It is he, ec, ind et le rm, j i,, F T .11 � I.- , 11- U ur"i President and Board of this tha:t +'t,�ie ::�I-o t or G.O. B,�.:),T:id and 1 n,L. e 1- e s Pay'n-eill s of (�D f $296,838.00 lel7 i e 11 f C,f Special".. Se,,y-vicie A"'r''ea N,urnber 5" to Vi 11age Ordinance Nuc(�,%Oer 3292 be ai iclsame i,s hereby abated in the wy��lotint of S"76,83a ba'a 6-00, leavinq L ncle of- �220,000.00 as a I-, �71, 7,-,rte,ct ar,r�ount levior es ed fpurTpoise,s, fo,1�7 Apr -1, 30, 1985. vear conmiencLt".icj la.y the SECTION 3 1-M It J...s Yiereby dec]..ared and. determ-i ried bw t1 -1.e President and, Boalrd, of '.11rustees of this vil...1a.ge 1�.:ha-t: the amount of' $905,500.00 leVied for 1D,,.)z1str"UCti.Or1 C"ost pay.,rr�.ents S Ser v -ice Airea Nlwzi.ber 5 of -[:.his ViA.A.-acje', pLirsLia'T'it -to V'i.,I,,I.,a,qe Ordinance UL�,i..irriber 3456 be and 'the same is he:z-,eb"v abated in tlie aniourit $1.05,500.00, 1ea.,vi,n<,-.T a, balance of $8010,000.,00 as that trnout I-ev,,.-Led for s'li-ich C"oristrtict.i.on Cost pameniptjirpoSEnS fr he fiscal Year coiTmoi. e.iic,ing May, 1., 1984 a_nd (��,!ii�din,g . Apri.].. 30, 1985. SECTION 4 Vil-li.),,ge. Ordinance 1Tkii.-r-itber 3456 enti.,-t�ler,.9 "Az -,i the Levy and. (`oJ,-'1.-(:?_c-tion of 'Taxes for t1,]Le Munic.'Ji.,pa-1 Pu -1 -poses of S, ec,ia,l Service -Area 5 of P tl-i.e Vil...1-agae of Moi.,-tnt Prospect for the F"iscal Year, Beg.i,rin.iill�j May, 1, 1984 and end,i.xiig April, 30, '1985" adopt.(--�d on Se-r-.)teinber 4, 1,984 is hereb, a -mended, with pect 'to the f -ax ab'a'.teinent id e c I a. -Y- (-z(I to ref.1ect (wi.thout a, .1oss and cost, o -.f collection factor) an an,1011,111t levield for const:ruction pi-irl.:)oses of $800,000.C��O and an arrio-Unt. levvii_eld, for General Obli.gat.ion, Bond anid ii iterest fund r.)i.i.rp<,-,)ses of $220,000.00, f'oi",-. a tol.-.-al tax. I-evy of $1,020,000.00. a, SECTION 5': Vie Village Clerk author:ized and di,,rected to f ile a ce:rtif ield copy of U -1 -is Ordl-Iro .,riance with the Cotinty Clerk of Cook Coti-nty, J.A_linois, within the 1 .,,ime spec,.ifi.,ed by laidq. '"'his 0idii-i,:-irkce shall be in fAil.[. fol-ce and., SECTION 6. effect upon, Its passage), appr-(::)vaA,.,, in piamphlet forin, ia,,ri.d filing, as, priovidrc).d IDY '..1a.w. PASSED and APPROVED th.is C . lay of' I'Dec,,,ember, 1984. . . . . ........... PRESIDE"INIA, VILLAGE CLERK ORDINANCE NO, SECTION l': Section 6 of Village Ordinance No. 984, adopted on May 26, 1964, as amended by Village Ordinance No. 2034 on November 71 1967, lis hereby further amended to read as follows. - Company agrees to proviLde annual'.1y, within a reasonable ti' iii,e from Municipality's request, tt)e names, addresses and The provisions of' thJ s Section shall. be renegotiated upon 3,0 days' written notice fron one party to the other at any time on or after June 30, 1986." 1 111 984 SECTION 2: Section 12 of I7i'--`-,aqe Cirdiria,r--ice No. adopted on May 26, 19164, as axnended by 'Vi,"Llage Ordinance No. 20,34 on, November 7, 1967, 'is hereby amend'e(,`I to read as, follo SECTION t e b� ""Ilaqe Ordinanice No. 2034, shall, Ordinance No. 984, as ani,en0ed �, v I a as pr..,ovl in remain in fu1.1 force and effect AYES .- NAYS: ABSENT: ATTEST-18 VILLAGECLERK .-2- �711,,I,AGE PRESIDE".NT SECTION 4 a I "P h, 1-L s C, r d 'i n a n c e s h a 1. 1, b e i n f ti 1' force and effect. aur n, lts pass age and .11 1 0 ordance wit -1), law app.t.,ova ,L n a c c and 'the subseque,rit wri.tten receipt ari,]) Fa,(,.ceptancei 4.:-h,(-_,,,reof by t"f,rle Co"inpany as ided provi in Section 1 1 12. PASSED and APPROVED this ...... day of 1984. AYES .- NAYS: ABSENT: ATTEST-18 VILLAGECLERK .-2- �711,,I,AGE PRESIDE".NT ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ARTICLE XV ENTITLED "TAG DAYS" OF CHAPTER 23 OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY1 ILLINOIS: SECTION 1: Article XV entitled "Tag Days" of Chapter 23 #f the Village of Code of Mount Prospect, Illinois (1981) is hereby amended by rescinding said Article XV in its entirety znd by substituting therefore a new Article XV to be entitled "Solicitation on Streets and Highways" and to read as follows: "ARTICLE XV SOLICITATION ON STREETS AND HIGHWAYS 23.1501 Street Intersections Where Solicitation Permitted 23.1502 Organizations Qualifying for Street Solicitation 23.1503 Permit Required 23.1504 Application 23.1505 Penalty Sec. 23.1501 Street Intersections Where Solicitation Permitted Solicitation of contributions for charitable or other non -for-profit purposes by certain organizations hereinafter tefined, shall be allowed upon the streets and highways within this Village only at street intersections where all traffic is required to come to a full stop. A Sec. 23.1502 Organizations Qualifying for Street Solicitation No charitable or non -for-profit organization or other persons shall conduct solicitation activities on or within any of the above designated street intersections within this Village, unless such organization shall be. - (A) Registered with the Attorney General as a charitable organization in the manner provided by law; (B) Engaged in statewide fund raising activities; (C) Liable for any injuries to any person or property during such solicitation activity which is causally related to an act of ordinary negligence of the soliciting agent; (D) Liable for any increase in the cost of,,liabi'lity insurance taken by the Village with respect to said street intersection solicitation activity; (E) -Restricted in its solicitation activities to repr6- sentatives or agents who shall be sixteen (16) years of age or more and who shall be wearing a high visibility vest, with no more than four (4) such persons being allowed to actually solicit on or within an intersection at any one time. (F) Able to first furnish a valid certificate of lia- bility insurance with an insurer approved by the Village naming the Village as an additional insured with respect to such solicitation activities. (G) Able to first execute a hold harmless and indemni- fication agreement to the Village with respect to such solicitation activities. Sec. 23.1503. Permit Required Any organization eligible to'conduct solicitation activities within those street intersections hereinabove desig- nated shall obtain a permit for such solicitation from the Village Manager, and it shall be i of the Village Manager to see that the applicant complies with the eligibility require- ments contained in Section 23.1502 of this Article. Sec. 23.1504. Application A written application, verified under oath, for a permit to conduct solicitation activities in any of the streets de nated in' this Article shall be filed with the Village Clerk at least ten (10) days prior to the date such activities are to commence. Such application shall contain the following infor- mation: (A) Name, address and telephone number of the applicant and the organization for which the permit is sought. (B) Proof that the organization is registered as a charitable organization with the Illinois Attorney General. (C) A statement of the statewide fund raising activity of which the local organization solicitation effort: is a part. (D) The day or dates and the times thereof at which suc' solicitation activities are proposed to take place.] (E) The street location or locations for which approval to solicit is being sought. (F) The number of persons proposed to solicit at each location, and the age of each person. (G) A statement as to whether the applicant or the organization represented has ever been convicted of a criminal violation, and if so, the nature of the offense and the punishment assessed therefore. (H) A statement as to whether the applicant or the 6rganization represented has ever had a street solicitation permit revoked or refused by the Village or by any other municipality, and if so, the reasons for such revocation or refusal. In addition, the application shall be accompanied by the certificate of liability insurance and the executed hold harmless and indemnification agreement provided for in Section 23.1502 of this Article. Sec. 23.1505. Penaltj Any person, firm or organization violating any provisions of this Article shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for each offense; and a separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues." SECTION TWO: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in accordance with law. 'Ir PASSED AND APPROVED this day of 1 19841 AYES: HIM.&M-0yk ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK VILLAGE PRESIDENT " 7 6V ORDINANCE NO. 1_ I ITTIsED AN ORDINANCEh' TO AMT`,A'N'D ATTICIjE I EIN'11' V Il-, LAGE MANAG'�IJR" OF" CHAPTER 4 Xf rITE 16 VI`LImA(:`;E CODE OF MOUNTI IXIIROSPEC.'I 1"' ' I NO I S BE I'T DRI")AINET) BY ".1"HIllPRESIDEW',r AND BOARD OF" "IRR I ISISAESOF 0, 1 THE VILLAGE OF MOUN.17 PROSPEC'.1'. C(')OK C(')UNTY, ILLINC)IS': IF, "V i IA a g le M a, n a g r JT I, ON _ 1:,. A, r t i c:: I e r"ii t i tl e d of Chapter 14 of the III[. 1. 1. age Code of Moi int, Prospect, Illinois (1,981.) 3Ls hereby ani�ended as follows. - By alTiending, si.ibselctii.<m H, of S�tl",,,(,,�")�i-) 4.10'3 entll',tl,E!d "Powers az,iid 11i.itles" 1:o adid a r�iew st.ibParagil.-apli 3 thereto to read as f ollows a. " 3. Noth llng lie rel 1 n, shal 1 1 im I t or Pr eiv(,,mt the Board of I'rt,,isteez, upon a vote of two-th.i.rds of sticli trustees, thlir:%,n holding off lice, ft�,ojn wa.ivil..ng the r e lq,i urement. of advei.,t:isincj for b As with respect to thle purchase of ri-iiatlerials, supplies am'.] equipment or, any, work or other public which Is not to be pal'.d for im wholLe or in 'I�art:,, by speci,al assessment or speclal, taxati.orl, When, : he opinio.in of said tr,ustlug es, t"here is a sole suppl-i-erl, or a need for star,',tdardllzatl*.on of exl.$)tA.,nq eqtiipment, or the blddinig Procedure is impi,actica.]L due to t.he x.,i-atur-e of the equipm,ent oir work, the diffi.culty of devr:loping spec, icat' n or when tirrie i's of' tl-ie essence."" SEC"'TION 20,- ",rh,lLs OrdInance shal-'I be in full. fior.',ce and ...... .. ... ...... . eft'lect, froi�-I'l ..... . and after "'its piassage, approval and pt.iibl.11[catl'on, in pampl-ilet for stmt li,ri IC: -1 -ie w,rm,nner prc)vlded by law. Pll�SSED PlND APPROVED this dl 'Cl of . ....... 19 8 4 AYES NAYS': A BS E Rr C7 r I , AT' IlHld' 1.3 1" OD vyfff _'C,_l,ERK . . .......... . . . ............ . . . ... . ........... .. . . ... . ... ... .......................... . . . ..... I' 0 Village of Mc)unt Praspec Mount Prospect, Illinois � -�!. ►' INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO Terrance L. Burghard, Village Manager FROM: Daren Guthrie Gi et , Cable Television Coordinator RE: .Sealed Bid Results - Purchase of Television Production Equipment DATE: December 13, 1984 Sealed bids for television production equipment were opened on December 7, "" 1984. The Notice to Equipment Dealers" was published in the Herald on November 20, 1984. In combination with that announcement, 'bid invitations were sent to Swi ders ki Electronics, Victor Duncan, Video Images, and Center Video Center. There were only three responses and they have been tabulated and attached. The research and development of the bid was extensive. On September 19, 1984 I attended the Midwest El ectoni cs .Show at Swi derski El ectronci s . There I was able to speak with various salesmen and see demonstrations of their products. During October and November, I met with representatives from Swi derski Electronics, Center Video Center, Victor Duncan, and Video Images. Each suggested a particular product/brand . I compiled all of their suggestions and then met with Fredrick Manetti , President of Fredrick Paul Productions. Mr. Manetti was a valuable resource person as he has built his own full production studio and has extensive knowledge of "look good" only products. After our discussions, I again went back to the salesmen for their i input. I also met with !Susan Anderson of PLUG (she ordered through Swiderski ), John Utz of Park Ridge (he ordered through Center Video Center) and the access staff of the Village of Downers Grove. Following those discussions, the bid list was prepared- The repared.The purpose of ordering this equipment is to allow the Village to make full use of it's Access Channel 63 and its institutional channels. As of today, Terrance L. Burghard December 13, 1984 Page - 2 - the Village must wait in line with all that apply for use of Cablenet facilities and equipment. This procedure has limited practability for the Village. There are also certain production guidelines that limit our access to Cablenet equipment (their own training required - can require use of Cablenet tape only). This equipment also affords the Village the opportunity to produce its own in-house training programs. If a private producer were hired, the cost could be from $16,000 to $50,000 per program based on an established guideline of $1,000 per minute of finished program. I recommend the acceptance of the lowest bid as submitted by Video Images in an amount not to exceed $22,079.85. This money will be taken from line number 1-021-09-8005 budgeted at $20,000. Currently there is $19,733.70 in that account. There are other monies available within the Cable Television budget to cover the differance between the proposed bid and the account balance. In addition, I recommend that the Village s'h,,uld not buy a service contract, but should place $1,000 in a repaiaccount. --Most of the equipment is covered by traditional dealer war anti es. war I X Ki ren G�tri e G i a KGG/mm Attachment Bid Sheet Quanity Description of Equipment List Price _ yi deo Images Swi de rskl . Victor Duncan 1 Hitachi Model Z-31 package gOgO 6790 6363 6570 Unit includes one (1 ) Hitachi Z-31 camera head with auto set-up one (1) Thermodyne carrying case - - One (1 ) AC adapter - one {1 } 1 veiwfinder one 1 } Canon d 15 X 9 BIE lens - �2 Anton Bauer DP40 Batteries 950 (2 @_3.80) 750 -_x (2 @ 3.95) 790 1 Battery Charger BC 40 70 56 56 60 1 Battery Bracket CB 31 95 _ _ 75 - _ x 76.5 * 1 Bogen Tri pod with fl uid head 3064 569.50 _ 430 x 474.75 Bogen Cine/video Dolly 3067 - Sony Model v0-6800, 3/4" portable videotape recorder 3800 2985 2977 3035.50 4 NP -1 batteries for Sony V0-6800 vIR 60 {51) 204 {51 204 213 1 = BC WA Battery Re -charger for NP -1 batteries 300 255262 _ 271 .50 4 Batteries for Sony Ecru 50 PSW Electret Condenser �. microphones 8.00 _ _... N/C r x j� @ I � i. ( l 25 aJ Bid Sheet - 2 - uanit Dscripoen of Epuipment List Price Video ILages Swi derski Victor Duncan Sony Model 110-5800, 3/4" D -Matic videotape recorder/player 4590 3290 3485 3663 Sony Model V05600 U -Matic Recorder 2395 1800 1825 1 91 3 Videotek RS -10A 10X1 Vertical Interval Swi tcher i 1285 1015 1025 1024 1 Lowell Model TQ -95, Ambi portable light kit 1350 1060 1122 1225 4 Spare lamps for Eowel � (26 56.00 TO -95 Kit 116(23} 92 (13a 27r5V ) _ (15.30) 61.20 83.50 1 NEC CT -1305A 13" Color Monitor Receiver with RCB 599 450 455 442.50 1 NEC CT -1991A 19" Color Monitor/Receiver with RGB -- 850 665 675 702.25 1 Sony Model PVM-8000, eight inch portable color video monitor with a Sony BP -80 619 rechargabl e battery 925 615 (511+108) 643 * 1 Telex HD -3 Headset 135 105 _ 90 g a1 i tyDescription of Equipment _ _ _ List Price _ � video Ir��a es - _ i ders victor Duncan 1 Electro -voice Ev635 Microphone ' . 99', 00 . _. 67,00 78.00 X7.75 Electro -Voice 4Low �'rcfi 1 e Desk Stand 20.50 16.00 15.65 -.17.45 1 Sennhei ser Shotgun Microphone Me 80/K 3u/nizw415 with Winds creen _400.55 2 Sony ECM 50 PSW Electret Condenser Laval ier , Microphone's . 215.00157 31.00 _ 158 316 •00 (166.75) 333.50 Comprehensive video/Atlas Model SB -36W, professional boom mi crophone stand , 265.15 120.00 194.00 238.75 1 Comprehensive video/Atlas Model FP --9, fi shpol e assembly 29.95 22.00 2'y2.00 (/� 26,95 1 Shure M267 Microphone Mixer 440.00 330.00 330# 0 346.00 y Innerconnect Cables for the _ " above equipment varri ed 100.00 165.00 283.56 Console for above studio equipment. Must be expandable {Custom Design} to full range studio application 1690 ��; i Bid Sheet - 4 - Dealer E uipment Specification Substitution Lest Substitution Page # 1 (Anton Bauer DP40 Batteries) (381) Hitachi Model DP40 Batteries 762 Swiderski Page # 1 (Battery Bracket CB 31) Omi ted Swiderski Page # 1 (Bogen Tripod with fluid Head #3064) Bogen tripod 3067 c 3967 Dolly 401,00 Swiderski Page, 2 Hitachi CU201UG Incld (per Dave Video Images '14 pin Camera to Videotape recorder cable Karl man 1217) :age # 2 (Telex HD -3 Headset) Bever Dynamics Model DT-48wk Headset 167.50 Swiderski Page # 3 (Sennheiser Shotgun Microphone) Electrovoice 644 Shotgun 188.00 Video Images Page # 3 Beyer Dynamics Shotgun 502.00 Swiderski 3 (Innerconnect Cable should include Hitachi CV201UG 14 pin camera to videotape recorder cable) 119.00 Swiderski Il.* '1 11 - -- Reasonable Substitution No No No Yes No Yes "ecommended Bid Vi-deo Images $22)079.85 (less $100 for cash in advance) Company Price Warranty - State period of time on each item- temVideo VideoImages Swi ders ki Video Image Swi derski PARTS LABOR Hitachi Z-31 Camera. I yr. 11 yr. 1.yr, yr. Canon 415X9 BIE Lens C mo. l 41 yr. 90 days 1 yr. BC40 Battery Charger V 1 yt�y' . 1 yr, '90 days 1 yr� Bogen Tripod with fluid head 3004 Y Sony V0E800 VTR 7 r. '� 1 yr. 1 yr. 9Q days l yr. 90 days on heads) 1 yr' 90 days 90 days BC 1WA Battery -Re -charger Sony V05800 VTR 1r. y l yr. 90 days 90 days 1 r• (90 days on heads) 1 yr. 90 days s 90 day y Sony V05500 VTR 1 yr. (90 days on heads) l yr, 90 days � 90 da S y VT deotek RS -10A Verb cl e Interval Switches . Lowel T095 Light Kit (Excluding Bulbs) 1 yr. 1 ,. 1 yr • 1 yr. 90 days NEC CT 1305A Monitor y 90 days. 1 yr. 90 days NEC CT 1991A Monitor l. r �' l yr. 90 days 5 90 days Sony DVM 8000 Monitor 1. r y l yr. • 90 days 90 days lr. y (2 yr. tube) l yr. 90 days y Telex FID -3 Headset Electro-Voice'EV635 Microphone l yr' N/A l yr. N A / . � Yrs. 90 days 2 yrs. 90 days Sennheiser Shotgun ME80/K3I.J/MZ415 N/A N/A ~ ' Warranty - Page - 2 _ " � Sony ECM 50 P3N [lectret Condensm` Shure M267 Microphone Mixer Video Images 3w1dersN PARTS l yr. l yr^ l yr. l yr. . . Training: 'DELIyERYr 30 days - Video Images 7-14 days - 3w1derokf Video Images 2 days 14 days - Victor Duncan - Sxiderskf l day . . . days prov1ded for all equipment training Locations: Service Center L -. . l. Elk Grove V1 deo Ima Phone/ ' 2. Ellk Grove Swiderski - . _ Phone: Video I ' mage '�widersk1 LABOR 90 days 90 days Village of Pv,,,,.1,_-unt Prospect Mot,int Rrosi.,)ect, 111inois . . . . . . . . . . ......... '10 I �N TE IR 0 F IIF I C E M E,"' P0 1Z A, N 1) LJ M TO Terrance I Burghard, Village Manager FROM 1) av i d C e P S 0 n i n a n c e D i r e c t o DATE -, December 13, 1-984 SUBJECT: "Fe I e [)h o Y ), e Sys:tlilem Changes The speci-H cations for a new, Village telephInn .? system provided f'or replacinig all existing telephor°ies and relate(l cables with the em.'E'.�PT.-ion of Police arid fire eirnergejinn cy 'lines, (-.1rCUit-'s "to Centiral Dispatd"i anid lines to Ynfi,ie outlying well locations. Bids wer-le o[)ened fimr', the new system on Octol-.)er 25, 1, 984 with Tor�n Comimuni ca,t:j ions , 'Inc. the ovecviall low biidder with a Ianid of $99,762. 711 e bids were evaluated by Charles Harrdy, i.tnd his recoi-rmenen dat.ion was to accept the bid from Tone A repc)rt wa,,,:;, PY"Esent,ed 'to tine Village Boarid on Noven"iber 13, 1984. arid they concurred with -0ie reclommenidation to accept the Ibid frorr,,i Tone Cminln[unications and min o proceed with the project. Since that tinrie, Palul Watkins, Mike Krucin ten and YTnyself have tev liewed the use of each VillaInn etelephone an( -.14 have net ;Pjitti Tone n,,epresenitatives ("M five, di f f eren t ocnn, asionn s to ga'i,r'i a better' of tl,ne Y'iew systern. Additionally, we haVE! nt Wi'd Charles Har dlyflon Imo occasions tio review out,, f �i n (1 i ri g �s . 13ased t.i pon the i rif ormat i on %qe have" o[Azi i�"ied, "i t, is our rem"nulEmdati on to i'riake t[iie following 0i�anges tO 't,JIEn e(�, .ju i p rr'e ri t as otri(inal pec ly sified: j 1, Add two additional telephones in Public Works. One phone will be in the general DffiC,"Eand olne in the forem&n�I's () -f 1 . i �I: : 1 e 2. Aidd one acliditional telephoneir"i tl,�e Po1i(:',,e Die�,,,)ar,'tjr,nent. This, nen In will [)e used as an , erfiiengency phor�,e for t,he f I ront desk and will be ava"lable -to i.,ise in ani OU-t,"Iet tIna t will be inn sta1led in the cell block,. 3. Ex&iange 39 sing"le-line [)lin ones with ii.itA"Iti-lir"ie phories. These. phoriies will bn sed prin�"iarfly inn the Police and Fire offices t,(�) Provide IT110re accessibillity to avai iable lines. The total cost o' the above chl,anges is; inc)-ease of $2,',112 and brings the total of the new eqUirxi-jervt Ito $1.01,8711. A copy o -f a ii�iew purcihiase agreement fro nn Tone Communications is atlt.achled. We V ai�,,e c(:)ntinufin,,ig t,',io wo,y"�,k on 'Ehe det-,ails of the chairnge and are n. - Inn rrently C 5 planning to cut ,over 'to +CIRE� new systemi on January 23, ](_), & ONE OMMUP11CATIONS NQ11 Eu"UIPMENT PURCHASE AGREEMENT TONE COMMUNICATIONS, INC. (referred to as "Seller") and TheVillage of Mt. Prospect - — -------- - - - - . . . . . .. . .......................... . .... . . ... . . ....... —"", . ...... . ............ 'referred to as "Buyer") agree to execute this Purchase Agreement as follows: 1. Seller hereby agrees to sell, and Buyer hereby agrees to purchase the following equipment ("Equipment") subject to the following terms and condibons: A. EQUIPMENT AND FEATURES TOSHIBA SYSTEMS Quantity Description 2 Perception Systems A — 80 Lines and 28 Trunks B— 80 Lines and 28 Trunks 1 - Attendant Console 8 - 20 -Button Telephones with Handsr'ree Speakerpho 4,w 9 - 10 -Button Telephones with Handsfree Speakerphon-i 60 - Single Line "TAP" Telephones and Touchtone 52 - 10 -Button Telephones with Vo-Lce Announce I 32 Stations by 12 Lines 25 - 20 -Button Telephones with Hands'free Speakerphone Strata VI System 8 Stations by 6 Lines 6 - 10 -Button Telephones with Voice Announce 1 - 2500 Single Line ,Telephone (Cadet) Strata 308 System 8 Stations by 3 Lines 5 - 10 -Button Telephones with Voice Announce System Installations First & Second Year Warranty t%-a.PURCHASEPR10E-----$-1-Q- D. TERMS OF PAYMENT a. 20% payable as a deposit upon execution of this Equipment Purchase Agreement. b. 35% payable upon commencement of cabling. c. 35% upon delivery of switch to Buyer's premises. d. 10% upon Cutoverof the System except any arnount specified in the Certificate of delivery and Acceptance which will executed by Buyer at Cutover Sellef ackncrMedges receipt of $ .......... de posit against the Pu rch ase Price. NOTE Buyer understands that Seller will be incurring substantial costs and expenses di wring the term ol the installation, and requires progress payments to be made on a MY 4, . .. ..fl Village of Mou'nt F)rospect Mo"nt Prospect, Illinoi's INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO -0 Terrance L. Burghard, Village Manager FROM: David C. Jepson, Finance Director" 7T DATE.- December 13, 1984 1� 1 SUBJECT.- Boiler and Machinery Insurance American States Ins. (Radtke) CNA Ins. Co. (Gallagher) Zurich American Ins. (Gallagher) Coverage Limit Deductible Premium $_190005000 $55,000 $6,313 13,0005M0 5,000 61,389 1050009000 25500 65280 The Zurich American Policy -is -the least .expensive of the above three proposals and also has higher maximum coverage and a lower deductible. The policy I a number of other favorable features, including broader coverage in specific area,s 11 and uniform loss prevention eingi , neeri I ng. Currently, forty-three other municipa- liti'es in the Chicago area have the Zurich American Boiler and Machinery Insurance Policy. It is my recommendation -that we ;acclept the proosal friom Arthur J. Gallagher for the Zurich American Policy. Village of Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM ....... ..... TO: MAYOR CAROLYN H. KRAHSE AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM: VILLAGE MANAGER DATE: DECEMBER 7, 1984 SUBJECT: ILLEGAL CONNECTION ANALYSIS The Village has been under th,e direction of the Metropolitan' f I San.itary District for a, number of years to remove extraneous lowS from, 'the sanitary sewer system. We have taken a number of steps in compliance with: these directives. A major portion of that compliance is, the Sewer Rehabilitation Program which was designed by Donohue and Associates and is scheduled for a bid opening on Monday, December 17, That Program will restore the integrity I, ity of some collapsed and broken sewer systems in various neighborhoods. We are receiving an Environmental Protection Agency Grant for that reconstruction. Besides increased maintenance and repair to the public sewer i system, we are required by the M,SD and the Federal EPA to remove extraneous, flows caused" by, illegal private connections to the sanitary system., Such p r o, g ram s are active in a number of communilties as well as the Citizens, 11tilli't" ol les area. Typi"'cally, it is one of the most, difficult programs to implement because of' the interactIll between the public agency and private property. Anticipating, those kinds of conflicts, we will , have to play close attention to active public relations explaining the purposes of the program and the need for voluntary compliance. The inspec- tors provided by the consulting engineer will be a male and female team especially trained to moderate conflict and to represent professionalism and sincerity. -f, It will be quite difficult for some residents to understand that their private sewer connection that was made years ago as a legal connection has now become illegal under current rules and regulations . A typical homeowner will respond, "This house was built according to the local Codes and such a connection was permitted then., why should I now have to pay money to change the connection? " This is a legitimate concern and it has been experienced in a number of comm,un*ties. Public policy, as adopted by Congress through lthe EPA regulations and subsequently through the MSD, -state in effect that improved concerns for environmental control now require us to re think the ways we dispose of storm water. It is no longer economic,al or consistent with public policy that we build large wastewater treatment plans to treat sewage dilluted by storm water. This public, policy has been substantiated through the Court system and Iis the, rule that must now be applied, Until the inspection program identifies the scope of illegal connedtions it "is premature for us to design a compli I iance response program. At the minimum, however, we should waive any building and plumbing inspection and permit fees as we did in the Citizens Utilities area. Our focus at this point should be on designing the inspections program, designing training support for 'the field inspectors and 4-17 ,P a propriate Village employees and conducting an effective publi''C I relations program to explaiLn our obJecti've and how our objective will serve the residents by reducing, sewer backups. Our options are somewhat limited in that we are under the direction of 'the Metropolitan Sanitary District and the Federal Environmental Protection Agency to proceed with an identification program. Failure to do so will lead eventually to Court action by the MSD, withdrawal of Federal Grant funds for the Sewer Rehabilitation Program and a suspension on new sewer hook-ups for new construction in Mount Prospect, TERRACE L. B''HARD, Village Manager TLB/rcw attachment F_,_`Y.4/Engr -Computers - Page 2 During our research process, the micros reviewed were Digital, Victor, Zenith, IBM, Sanyo and AT&T. The Zenith micro was the original equipment being considered for our supervisory control system. The list of acceptable micro computers for consideration was then narrowed to four,: Digitalq Victor, Zenith and IBM, and suppliers were fequested to submit a proposal per our set of specifications (see attached). Re are recommending the purchase of two Digital Rainbow 100 micro computers based on the following qualities: Higher monitor resolution, Stable company with years of computer experience, cost, and Internal memory expandable up to o 900 K. We have secured price quotes from three digital suppliers. Below is the tabulation of those quotes: lier Price .yup Executive Tech Center $-f-7-9140 Digital Business Center $179560 Computertronics Corporation $199588 Funding for these proposed purchases is "outlined in the current budget as follows: Page No. Account Number Amount Remainin,q 100 21-071-01-6014 $ 2,100 121 41-072-01-6014 5,000 135 41-072-10-8748 4,580 (Credit) 140 21-074-01-6021 TOTAL _T 4 1T ,0 I therefore recommend acceptance of the proposal as submitted by Executive Tech Center for $17,140 and request waiver of the bidding requirements . The price as quoted f rom Executive Tech Center contains a 23% special discounted price currently being offered by the company effective until December 31, 1984. LIM Herbert L Weeks Director Public Worki It �4f " 0 J* 11 IIIe o "'IF M n t P ro s e icii w odM Mount hrospect, 111iriois INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO TERRANCE L. BURGRARD, VILLAGE MANAGER FROM: KENNETH H. FRITZ., COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PLAT OF EASEMENT FOR EASTMAN COURT DATE: DECEMBER 121 1984 This plat of easement is for the North, end of Eastman Court in the Hill I 'Street Subdivision. This i,s a utility.easement, prepared in order to reloc'ate the required street 110ght at the end of the cul-de-sac. The Plian CommAssion approved the plat at t heir December 5, 1984 meeting by a vote of 5-0. 1 1� V i I la e 0 fl?-Awit Prospect— Mount Prospect, Illinois INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM IM, C C010 TO: MAYOR CAROLYN Ho 'KR, E AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM: VILLAGE MANAGER f DATE: DECEMBER 6, 1984 SUBJECT: PUBLIC WORKS AND FNGINEERING DIVISION COMPUTERS At the last discussion the Village had regarding the purcha"se of electronic data processing equipment, the administration was instructed to prepare a plan for data processing conversion and/or expansion, The Village administration has no formalized data processing plan beyond the basic policy statement adopted by the administration a number of years ago. Our centralprocessing,unit, I ni the IBM Systems 34, is to be considered a production machine to handle high volume processing. Wherever possible and within the constraints of our, budgeting funds, Departmental data processing needs will be de -centralized, under the control of the respective Department Director, and funded by their respective annual budget. In the early 1970's, the Village joined a data processing consor,tr*um made up of Park Ridge',. -Des Plaines., Arlington Heights and the Village of Mount Prospect. The purpose of the consortium was to provide a large computer and associated computer staff to perform all data processing needs of the respective member communities. This program proved beneficial to the Village in that the shared equipment and staff concept provided dollar savings as well as expert assistance that no one individual community could afford or solely support. Through the 1970's, however., dramatic improvements and changes occurred in the computing field with, equipment, software support and internal applications In 1979, the Village conducted a study that demonstrated that the Village could receive more work output for fewer dollars by purchasing its own equipment and supporting it with either public domain programs or programs that required very little change for the municipal operation. Bids were prepared and eventually a contract was executed between the Village and IBM for the purchase of a Systems 34 computer with associated terminals. This machine and the support programs were designed to do water billing ,, payroll, accounts receivable, accounts payable, general ledger, budgeting, parking tickets, business licenses and vehicle licenses. The conversion to in-house computing was demonstrated in subsequent bsequent years to produce more work with faster turn-arounds for�fewer dollars. It subsequently eliminated one full-time position. The changeover to in --house data processing was accomplished in approximately one and one-half years and remote terminals have been installed within the Finance Department, Clerk's office and Code Enforcement. Program ,additions since then include staffing analysis, EEO reporting, apartment inventories, landlord/tenant fees and 24-hour access to parking ticket information., vehicle license information and Fire Department incident analysis. In approximately, 1981, we began analyzing other Departmental needs for automated record keeping and discovered that while it was possible to add additional remote terminals to the Systems 34, the ongoing daily operational needs would inhibit ease of access on a direct on-line basis to the major computer. With forecasts, for future growth in the existing applications on the Systems 34 together with the dramatic reduction in personal computers - and the cost of its supportive software, we concluded that the Village would be better served if individual Depart- mental applications could be performed within those respective Departments. The major computer was then seen as a production machine for bulk items and the individual Departmental needs not affecfing these production requirements could be performed on personal computers. Additionally, as Departments requested new data processing formats, they would also bear the responsibility for including such expenditures within their respective budgets and not that of the Finance 'Department. This provides a better track of total Departmental expenditures, Our first experiment into this area was with the Department of Community Development and their acquisition of a mini disc driven personal computer and its own printer The machine serves to keep the records of the Department of Community Development, manipulates census data and produces the reports for HUD relative to our Community Development Block Grant program. The Police Department was able to tag on to a consortium of""N'other Police Departments with the Police' Information Management System (PIMS). This is a program that provides them 24-hour access to shared criminal data files, warrant lists) etc. Again, this is a function closely tied to one Department's 'Interest and also provides them automated tabulation of their own crime reporting statistics. The Volunteer Fire Department has purchased a "home -style" Apple computer which is available in the Fire Department office for limited programs. Earlier this year, an administrative committee was formed by the Manager's office to explore the automatic data processing needs of our clerical and secretarial staff. Memory typewriters introduced to various secretaries and clerical stations a number of years ago were reaching their limitations and while the workload continued to increase, the ability to produce and manipulate documents in an accurate and timely fashion began to diminish. As an option to hiring more personnel, we explored various forms of word processing equipment including a central processing unit with terminals and an added configuration po the existing Systems 34, These two alternatives were rejected because of cost and the fact that if the central component failed,, we would shut down too mann peripheral operations. We then chose word processing that had worked well as an experiment in the Department of Community Development and price quotes showed that the Exxon equipment met our needs both in terms of production and available budge-ts. We are phasing word processing into four existing work stations this budget year and expect to add two or three stations next budget year. The budget process in the spring of 1984 reviewed with the Mayor and Board of Trustees a continuation of this existing policy. Where functions are limited primarily of an operating Department) we will explore individual operating units; where functions are production oriented and cut across Departmental lines or impact directly the Village financing system, we would explore additions to the central processing unit; 'i.e., the Systems 34, The Department of Public Works has budgeted funds for a mini- computer in the Public Works building and a mini -computer in the Engineering Divis 'Ion. They have now completed their research in the field and are prepared to make recommendations on the purchase of two Digital Equipment Computers and their peripheral equipment. Again, we must ask the Board's patience in consider- ing the waiver of bids because of the difficulty of writing specifications f ' cations f or such equipment and, its supporting software. We prefer to purchase equipment from companies whose principal business is electronic data processing to avoid past years where we have chosen equipment from either new companies or primarily because of cost considerations only to find that the company has financial difficulties and questionable long-term support, The Department of Public Works will have available cost compari- sons for various kinds of equipment that meet our needs and we are prepared to justify those needs at the Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday, December 11. I hope that this memo can describe to the Mayor and Board of Trustees the planning and thinking that has gone into our administrative considerations for data processing conversion. We propose that the main-frame computer continue as a production machine handling high volume data processing needs. Needs oriented to a particular Department will be decentralized as much as practical and that respective Department will have to develop the justification for its application and fund the necessary expense out of their operating budget. With the growth of programs for mini--computers and their continued improvements and cost reductions we foresee the potential for added work stations within operating Departments if they can demonstrate the justifi- cation and plan for the budget expense. If any of you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call my office. e00000 TERRANCE L. BURGHARD Village Manager