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P i ma0 m MINUTES OF THE REGULA THE: MAYOR AND0ARTI February 17 1 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Krause called the meeting; to order at INVOCATION The invocation was given by Trustee Wattenl ROLL CALL Present upon roll call. Mayer Kraus IIllle;r Mura- Wattpnber APPROVAL OF DAINUTES TrusteeWattenberg, seconded by Trustee R approve the minutes of the regular meeting c Board of 'Trustees held February 3, 1981. Upon roll ell: ayes* Farley Florc Richardson h a y s : None Pass: 'Trustee Mil Motion carried. APPROVAL OF BILLS AND FINANCIAL REPOR Trustee PJ11ler, seconded by Trustee Watteul ,approire the following list of bills. General Fund Revenue Sharing Fund Motor Fuel Tax Fund Community it Development Block Ctrant Illinoi's Municipal Retirement :fund Waterworks & Sewerage Maintenance & Operation Dep. , lmpr. , & Ext. Parking System Revenue Fund Corporate Purposes Construction, 1973 Library Building 1961 Frust Fund Upon roll. call: Ayes Farl.e r F loro Richardson l Nays -0 Ione Motion carried. M�...m....rm..... VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT CASH POSITION FEBRUARY 27, 1981 Balance per Disbursements Last Report (per attached Fund 2/13/81 RLceiptsL_ List of Bills) Balancegeneral s Punct $734,753.52 $167r785.15 $318r418.35 $584r120.32 Revenue Sharing Fund 90,090.78 9,905.02 87,185.76 Mot -or Fuel Tax and 189r554.95 10,283.56 179f271.39 C-ommunity Degel opmen. t Block Grant 31444.69 2F496.82 947.87 So---c--4-al Sewer Fund -1- - 249, 789 . 14 249,789.14 Wa'Cervjorks ;-Lc-- Sewerage 0 -pe -rat --Lon & Main-Cenan'ce 504,913.72 134,724.20 601618.95 579FO18.97 Depreciation, Irmproveme.n--- & ]E'xtension 154,080.06 89®8 153f990.26 Parking System Revenue Fund 137, 52.03 2,8 31 2y479.39 137r476.12 Trust Fund 510r291.36 1,399.10 251.24 511r439.22 Total Disbursements Attached $647,332.27 VILLAGE Of: MOUNT PRf7)SPFCT PAr,E I ACCOUNTS PAYARLF APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 3/04/91 V F N jr) OR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL rL" �INJG ACCOUNTS ABit-ITY AUTij-- �3noy R E '-I U I L ERS, I NiC RFPLACE0 PUMPFR 'IN POLICE CAR $16S ? 4 5165*24 4M�9CPI OIL COMPANY GASILINF $9, 5 4 ? 6 COM61NF-D COUNTIE POLICE AcS,�CIAT11,9 LP4r) r -REE lrl-?4SnLT'4f: I CnN TkIl1lJTTtq�jSq PAY i\4,-) 1 2 $C)1756,90 1, 13 v 7 1 Io I C-ONTR- TR UTTS %,q PA V FNr)ING 2/19/91 11 9 12 3 0 ID $159900 119273.0n-:= JACK Re DAVIS '-:IRL':--'AEt4'S W.AGF ASSIG-NMENT9 PAY F,"4�INRS 211--)Iq1 sI 3 o 74 !'1 ')8 PENSION r-UND 1; 1! - C9— NTRT9�IT IONS ♦ PAY r --N 1%IG 21191pl $4, 59()* ?9 .74::-- T,4 5 0 0 , �A DF;� 1 1 NIL OFFSET RFC. Ll,)UOD L I C E N S F $763 0 .90 9 t 763, 6 0::: LOUP ",7UST J�?* FFLJN-) rl-� UINUSE"-) :30R TTJf�.,' r)F LCA�E-WTL 11 , 42 4 TC. RFTIRP:MFNT f--ORPs L DFf-)UC'rl,"-,�4S,# PAY h1l b T �49 8 1 1 2.72 ;:-, I"��DNT �F `V,jJ LLITS DEPART' ;kF"JE -TATE WTTHHrLqINill TAX, OAY P - r' NDE 144 54' -'$* Pg STATE WITWHnLr)ING T A XPAY FADen I j 2/19 tc;24o 7)5 STAT_ W I T H H n L ) I N- TAXA D A Y N1 r)r--n �/ 19 i4a 9 _is_STATE THF ',INTRO* S 4 N TTA,',Y PISTQIr-T OF CHT �L viITHHnLrINS T X DAY P1% nL ATRANSOCER FUNDS I e 9 6 5 J a it 0 L 0 "1 E Y S OPF�ET PEC, LTQ1-!9Q LICENSF ,;17r,9123,69 Ocn , 00 7 1. 59 '-10UNT PRnSPEir-T PUBLIC LPIRARY Ar)VA%CE r)'l*,N4qn00*0O 1?49J' MOUNT PR9SPECT STATE [1jAiNK FEREDAL ATTHH9Lr�I�,G TAX PAY 2 $3'�i07Q*24 F E R P P A L 41THHr3LDING TAX PAY 2 1q 51 $49069025 FEDFRAL 4TTHHqL-)INN TAX PAY 21'1Q 3 13 a 44 'a` NIORTHWC-ST GU-VRNANTL FlEnERAL rRCDIT FF FRAL. WTTHHP-L-)INJG TAX NDFDUCTIONSq PAY ENDINr-, 't95 a 54 $42v2'-7s47'.- ? ICY 81 I v 44 9 * 13 Me VAUGHN PFDERSEN DF-DUCTIONS9 PAY ENDTq(-, ? 19 81I79 OFFSET RECEIPTS9 WATER COLLFCTIONS 'Te28 T 9 2 0 91L ACCOUNT PAY PERTOPL P-NnINS 2/19/pi $3000 i133t992*21 $ 3 0 r) `•- D PAY PERIOF. G 2/19/91 616 74, 8 8 PAY PFR TOP ENDING Al? -/19/9 1 1 t 6 0 8 R I PETTY CASH MANAGFMFNT SERVICES PAY P.F:RTOD ENDING 2/19/91 TRAVEL SUPPLIE S, $19023944 #143,9199,344® POLIrE"ENfS PENSTON FUND CrINTR I BUT I ONS PAY "-,NnI"JG 2 19 P 1 $133*11 $49625*51 S 13 3 * 3 1 PPOSPECT AUTO 900Y TnW T-22 AN'') P-9 $70*00 $70 Or) STe JOHN EPISCr)PAL CHURCH PERmIT FEF REFUND $80000 a TIRE CONNECTIONS INC. PERMIT FEF REFUND ALIGN FRONT SYSTEM" X15 a 00 595*00 SILBERT TOSCH WATER DFPoSIT REFUNn $16o00 616080 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPFCT .................................... . . . ....... I ADDITIONAL CASH REGISTER DR4WFR $200*00 $16*80-4 VENDOR CLEARING ACCOUNTS CLFARINIG ACCIDUNTS GENFRAL FUND SPECIAL SEWER FUNr) PARKING SYSTEM REVENUF FUND VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 3/04/81 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION MSD MAINTENANCE INVOICE AMOUNT `V74?669445 T 0 T A L PAGE 2 $74,v365a45` $505v670#86 $240t524oO5 CO"IMUNITY DEVEL UPMFNT PL9CK fk--7T $19131*96 $2499789*14 WATEPWORKS L SLcWF-R � A GE — 0, & M $129?37*?6 $1v637*21 TRUST cUND 'It �-. 1- 6, ... J-- s, -#- ", -., ,� -1, --, .*. --� -. .I.. -f< A. Jr _. , ". .� a.. .-- -I- ., �#. �-- -8. -#� �1, 'I. - -,� -I- �*, ..� -, -6- 0- .1� .4. ..- •'t . I # k. , -#� A- �4- A- �&, .� ., �- .,� �., �4. -., -., -- ,, .� -,� - -,- ;:c )It It- 141 10, il J. J. PU911C RFPRESESION SCHFPO E t SONS COFFEE MATE, COFFEE 't72 27 b72s27 VERN9N COMPANY CAREER EMPLOYEE SFRVICE AWARDS $66,80 16603n, PUBLIC REPRESENTATION DIVISION T 0 T A L 139* D7 GENERAL FUND $139o07 4-� A. -2, J. -4- ,� �-� �#. .4. -8, -1, -,� �4. -� -.� ... -'- -1, �*. �#. I- --, �.- --- 0. A. 'A' �#. A� -0. 1, A. �*. #- ,& Awn 1- 9, -.� �*� .I_ _#, �*, 4� W. _ VILLAGE MANAGER'S OFFICE GLEN R. ANDLER TRAVEL EXPENSES $200*00 $200 RALPH Jo DONFY SEMINAR ON LABOR TRAINING $613, 00 *00 $613*00 IFS CORPORATION ELECTRONIC TYPEWRITER CHG $375 DD S375*00 TNT ASSOC OF CHIEFS OF POLICE POLICE LAPOR RELo TRAINING PROGRA" 3/ $375*00 $375 On DAVID Mo JACOBSON FE'B# 081 NEWSLETTER $500*00 $5004�00 LITTLEJOHN9 GLASS YOWELL9 LTD* PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR JA I 1 9 2 2 2 w 00 S1t222*00 MOUNT PROSPECT WHOLESALE AUTO PARTS MISC. CAR PARTS $3 74 $3*74 PARADISE TOURS INC FARE TO CHICAGO/BALTIMORE $320*00 $320*00 V F till OR V 1_1--I,A GEAGER I S rl F F I E JD CASH — FIRE DEPA(ZTMENT PETTY CASH - MANAo`FMF-NT SERV ICES PETTY CASH — PfJ3Llr,- O?KS PEDES SF F, HPUPT Th7 PELIABLE C9RPURATInN < " I i R ' C 1-4 E L TTT W 1 L L I A 0.4 i TANK'�R l-Jrv1VF-R.'3ITY ' PPTNT�7RS 1�1C* VILLG-F -IF HES' FRT Lo .4FEK'S yp,:,L)X rop k- P9RATIG',] VILLAf-F- 'IANAGPR*S OFFICE�-7 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT P A G LE 3 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 3/04/91 PURCHASE DESCPIPTTUN INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL TRAViE-L? SUPPLTES $1?0-90 S 12 * 0 0 TRAV,EiL? S UP P L I E S IES. 53 MASTERMAKER TRAVEL9 SlJPDLTFS Tf-',AVEL,p S 1 J P P L I %E S S36o 95 -°- TOAVEL9 SUPPL IE S 3 0 $244*50 TRAVEL 'JUP-OLTES 10000 iq4*68 Tr�AVEL, SUPPLTES $196*96 6TS n..- SERVICES QEKl4'DFkFD FSR DFC.—�AqLF TV 119?0010 0 �19200*00 Ocr:lCc SUPLIEST,23* 30 L23*30 ATTF-'JD C3PF-14CF 0�: F")'LSF' $606s00 $ 6 Cl 6 0 I TIJITI-qit�l RFIv, :3 1 )!� S E v E6,J T "'TRATT-iNj 1156 . 00 1 0 n Sc"AINAR !�FCIT 161; a 00 $3e3l S T-12 975 %120 75 V, A (`4 A R S T R A T,\J I& SE S S T 0 t 81� * 10 AA SN'Flrl- 2 0-S 5 MnNTHLY CH4PGF F C3plFR X554982 .594 3 T7jTAL 79 3p 9 c? Gr -NERAL FUND S59793*99 rTmENT OF YANAGEMENT SERVICES "SICK C 0 14 P A N Y 1*9*Ms CORPOPATID1l MASTERMAKER S1 211.00 $1 211 00 FFBe CHARGE FOR MACHINES— PRINTER $225*95 INTERNATIONAL 90SINESS MAC-iINES CO FEB**91 CHARGE FJR MACHINES PRIBRON FOR SYSTF'l 34 $244*50 5470645 TLLI'401S BELL TELEPHONE CO* TELEPHONE SERVICE $186 96 $196*96 NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL SAFE WORKER BOOKLETC, $2v494s08 $21o494*08," ",JCR CORPORATION TILL DRAWER WTTH COVER $19000 $44e26 119moo NORTHWEST STATTO"4ERS INICe GEM CLIPS $44*26 PETTY CASH MANAGEMFNT SERVICES TRAVEL, SUPPLIES X3 31 $3e3l X11 31 11 * 36 -le VENDOR DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES POLYTECHNIC DATA CORPORATION POSTMASTER MT PROSPECT DEPARTkIENT OF MANAGEMENT SFRVICES GENERAL FUND .!:.fr wtr air ai: uir wrs air atr air air .tr wf, af� �. air at:.f. air a4 air .4 f rf+. r, :. + iia ria .t.. , w,w !w i "tom ra ! i ria 'f• +ta .t , �,+ r,a VILLAGE CLFRKIS OFFICE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 3/04/81 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION COPY CONTROLLER f KEY MASTER POSTAGE PERMIT WATER PILLS CY# 31 S4v5F1 94 INVOICE AMOUNT $13 00 $98o52 T 0 T A L" .r. -r .a TOTAL 113.00 598.52" 149 55l 94 A B !SICK COMPANY TONER S-37.35 I B. '. CORPORATION OFFSET IAK v PUMP, TONFR MAG CARD TYPEWRITER— k"ONTHLY CHARGE S160o 35 $197.70 JOURNAL NEWS PUBLICATIONS ORDINANCE t�308D $206*60 $20 6080 MO!JNT PROSPECT ELEMENTARY ;CHL ACT U20 ROPES WHITE PAOERt 20—XEROGRAPHIC 753325 753.25 X100 50 5 BOXES XEROGRAPHIC PAPER $67 flO PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS XEROX PAPER ORDINANCE 3079 � 308I $598.50 $1v418.75 BETTY MASH — MANAGEMENT SERVICES TRAVEL, SUPPLIES �8i.55 X81.55 THE RELIABLE CORPORATION MTSCa OFFICE SUPPLIES $31.20 131*20;: XERUX CORPORATION$32:08 MONTHLY CHARGE FOR COPIER $32908 �6b730 $667.30 VILLAGE CLERKS OFFICE 4-TOTAL:t� $29735.9 GENERAL FUND $2973598 1..lt. A. .i. J..y .4 J. d. J..t. tar ,+� .t. rr 1p, Jr atr J..r..+. -L .0...r. A . ,t. •L. ,t 4 4 a,..t:.•.. .F..J. -+r .i4 �4 1.. .ar :4 .+5. t..�..4 ,tr .4 �4 .rr a..i{. at{. J. J4 Jf. a+4 Jr d4 .i4 rta ry. h. ha ri. yw ha ..ya .ta r,. r,. r4. r,. ya .,a ti. ria >,"` :,. f` _ta ti. ,ya Y ria ry. rt. rt. rta 'M if•'Y` h• '!..ya .t. ri• ' " rta h. i. ,.i. ri.. rt..y. Y alf` ri• 'Y• ih y '1r• "'i. . 11"s h• y` ry. dr +As rY` rta M rta � POLICE DEPARTMENT A--AAGO ENTERPRISES, INC. LOCKS KEYS $49*48 9 VILLAGE OF MOUiNT PROSPECT PAGE 5 ACCOUNTS PAYA9LF APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 3/04/81 VENDOR PURCHASF DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL PorE DEPARTMENT AL_ STAR CAR WASH AM9CO OIL COMPANY FPBo, WASH PLAN $95*00 $q5*00 AMFRICAN PUBLIC WDRKS ASSOC IATTON GASOLINE Me BOTH Jo GUFNTHFR APWA SEMINAR $19*26 119026 ARLINGTON AMC/JEEP & RENAULT, INC. PARKING LENS $?20o0o $220*00 ARLINGTON AUTO PARTS Mlf-'-)Co CAR PARTS $4*13 $4o13 't5r).32 LANCF BESTHOFF MTSCe CAR PARTS RECRUIT TRAINING COOK CNTYeSHERIFF $;t508 9 195*40 PURE. UREAU OF NATIONAL AFFAIRS RENEWAL —LAW OFFICERS 3ULLETIN $291 48 $55*00 1291*48 PO MA DISTRIBUTION CENTCR MISC* METAL PARTS. FITTINGS $227932 155 00 THc__: C041STA,9LF ECJtJIPMFNT CO3 ALLPY LTG_HTSj SrICKETS $227e3? COOK & RTLE-Y INCORPORATEr) RAGS $120015 $120*15 DOUGLAS TRUCK PARTS CTRCUTT BREAKER $1�8o,33 $138,33 TIM OOYLE UNIFORM R EI 4BURS EVENT $22*20 1?2,o2r PUROPEAN DOMESTIC- CAR SERVICF FLYWHCELi DIST* L CAP RcPLACEn $13-1,97 $163*00 $118o97 C,ALAYY INDUSTRIES9 INCe DRILL BIT JObnERS $16 300 , r- ,RPATER t_','ISTRI9UTINGt INC* DRY �3ATTEQ_Y $11 56 $11 5b HARPS-R, CO ECS TUITION We GESICKT 1'r'LLC129001 $45*19 $20*00 145*19 HONE Y BEE SNACK SHOP T PRISONER FOOD FOR JAN* 1981 $65 4U oBamo CORPORATION CqPIER BILLING FOR PED*#81 $555o65 $65940 ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. COPIER BILLTNG FOR FE1,981 TELEPHONE SERVICE ik 17 1, o 70 $727935 $29*65 TFLEPHONE SERVICE S21*72 TELEPHONE SERVICE $13e77 TELEPHONE S E R V I C r'_-: ill F MOTOR SALES CO* TELEPHONE SERVICE CLOCKS HOSE $23o,53 53 $228*41 $42*48 JOHN LAWSON DOOR HANDLES UNIFORM REIMBURSEMENT $82e8O 12 5 a 2 R STFVFN Go LEONARD CAR ALLOWANCE $144 19 $144o19 MORRISON ASSOCIATES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FOR JA $40*00 $312 00 $40*00' MOUNT PROSPECT WHOLESALE AUTO PARTS MISC. CAR PARTS $312,00 MOUNT-PROSPECT ELEMENTARY SCHL ACT U5 BOXES XEROGRAPHIC PAPER $437o32 $437*32 NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL SAFE WORKER BOOKLETS $67*00 $67*00 PARADISE TOURS INC FARE TO CHICAGO/CLEVELAND $71. Z5 $71e25 PETTY CASH — MANAGEMENT SERVICES TRAVEL, SOPPLTES $314*00 $314v,00 $090 TRAVEL SUPPLIES $15eOO $15o90.,. VENDOR POLICE DFPARTMENT TRIC Eo PIES PROSPECT ANINIAL L4USPITAL INC PROSPECT AUTO 1 00Y RAN9HURST ENG,7RAV INGWOPLD THF RELIABLE CORPORATInN RELY ABLE OFFICE YACHINES RUc)S BUS SALES TERRACE SUPPLY C9MPANY TIRE Cr)NNECTIONIS INC. �-,IESTFRN )ANTON ',,!ESTFRN UNION VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 3/04/91 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION RADIOS REPAIRFO ATENNAS RPPAIrr"Z RAT)AR9 RADIOS C3 REPAIR RAr)ARj RADT09 C3 STRAYS FOR �110NTHS OF ')ECo80vJAN 81 REAR WINDOW RFPAIR SIGN-'--) & DFSK PLATFS MISC. OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC. OFFICE SUPPLIES EN.,lVFLnPFS OFFICE SUPPLIFS OFFTCF SUPPLIES OPFTCF SJPPLIFS OFFICE SJPPLI�S OFFICE SUPPLIES OPFICF SUPPLIFS RIBP,ON--') ESSEX SOLF-MOID PRIMER ALIGN FRONT SYSTE4 FACTLTTIES CLlJlARCES—FE3 1981 CRT MAINTENANCE CHG. FOR FERo'81 PAGE 6 INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL $121.50 $1600 51 130*00 $164*00 $476* 01 $425*00 14?5*00 $45*00 $45900 $43,60 $43*60 x5116.01 t5. 5 1 $46*60 t64*50— $.98 $15e25 $77.66 $8*25 T-13*86 S219962 T10090 $10*80 1182*50 $182.50 $38*68 t38 68 $16*00 $16*00 $173*40 $173*49 $285*00 $215*00 *TOTAL-*--*- 0 $ 6 v 18 0 s 18 GPNFRAL FUND $69180&19 �4, -A. A. 't, IV, -It- �1- -w, •lt� -41 -f. -q-1. .0. -A. t. .4. . e Z.- ft. -.- -4- -*'- h..•a -e- FIRE L EMERGENCY PROTECTION DEPT* gapilpillaam SER KEY CAMERA SHOP REDUCER9 PRIMER9 TAPE9 HOSE GAUGE FILM PROCESSING $139.65 $16*35 $156*00 $c).83 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 7 ACCOUNTS PAYARLF APPROVAL REPORT .1 PAYmENT DATE 3/0-4/81 VENDOR PURCHASE OESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL EMERGENCY PROTECTION DEPT* RARBARA BOYLF9 RoNe FILM PROCFSSING INSTRUCTOR—MED. SELF HELP CLASSES $36 14 $280000 $45097 PURKF COMMUNICATIONS E SECURITY CON RINSTALLATION $300*00 T280*00 C-ENTRAL EP ONE OF ILLTNnis TELEPHONE SFRVICF S75*96 $300*00 r)OUGLAS TRUCK PARTS BRAKE VALVES, U BOLTS $93o?4 $75o96 TS COCOw PC��)NqMY FIRE SAFETY PRODJC435 PSI GAUGES $93o24 *00 FOALST CTT V FIRE FXTov PAIL FORAY CHEM* 14 SFALA"NIT-t CHAULKT' Gv OUCT TAPE $136*54 k $b 21.54 PREDS IKSEN & SONS BLADES MASr-)AARY CUT—OFF RPICHG EXT(�av REPL* SAFETY DISC* 25 3 $8*04 $33*67 4e W4 GRAINGER INCe ADD, COLUMNS, BASF $41*70 $41*70 HAL COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATIr)N DE40OULATnR $139*74 $139974 T o q e 4, COR P13RA COPIER '�ILLING FOS FEP-9981 1239*00 $124*00 $2'�9*00 ILLINOTS BELL EP NF CO* COPIER 3ILLINN FOR FE' *181 TELF-PHONE SERVICE $58*04 $182e04 TNDUSTRIAL GAS EDU ENS NT PRESSURE CYLINDER $89*15 IkP5*15 KAR PRDDUCTS INC* DRILL BITSt FTTTINC-7Sv METAL PARTS* FT 6. 50 1306*20 S6*50 $306*20 KNAPP SHOES SHOES $3? 70 SHOES $4 1, 7 0 F, R Q A r) I A TnR INC. WORK S H 0 S S LINE SAS TANK REPAIR SAS TANK 1-41 •70 $116010 C-ONNIE Jo MATTFRA 'IC SERVICES RENIDERFD FOR MPDTCAL CONSULT' $46*00 $130000 $46oOO $180000 JIM CARTY FIRE EQUI-0-11F NT Rii:---PAIR TUR80JFT NOZZLE $66a8l $66o81 MEANS SERVICE INC. N APA AUTO PARTS SERVICES RENDERED FOR MONTH OF JANa'8 $357*68 5357*68 11 BREAKER T20 16 PADSi SEALS. �RAKF OUIETv LABOR $41*60 COIL $40o71 NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL BATTERYt MANUAL. BULBS SAFE WORKER BOOKLETS $342o02 $453049 NORTHEASTERN IL FIRE ICHI,FFS ASSOCo ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP—L*PAI RITZ $19*00 $19000 NORTHSTDF INTERNATTONAL VALVEv KNnB $10*00 $10400 NORTHWEST COMMUNITY HOSPITAL NITRONOX BLENOERv No OXIDEv OXYGEN $23o5l $39000000 $23o5l $39000 00 NORTHWEST FORD TRUCK SALES INC* PETTY STEERING GEAR BOX 5487 b1 $487*61 CASH — FTRF DEPARTMENT TRAVELt SUPPLIES. $3vOO i; TRAVELv SUPPLIES $30*00 TRAVEL, SUPPLIES $86*65 VENDOR PIRE & EMERGENCY PROTECTION DEPT. VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 3/04/81 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION) TRAVEL SUPPI.TFS TRAVEL, SUPPLIES PETTY CASH MANAGF-MFNT SERVICES TRAVELt SUPPLI—S TRAVEL, SUPPLIES PIC CJ` lMlJNICATI0\JSv INr. MAINTENA`dCE ON RASE & Vi C71L RADIO POLYTECHNIC DATA COR PORATION Cgpy rONTROJLLERi KEY mASTFR PRO SPORTS CFNTER PHYSICAL CONDITIONING EOUTPMENT RANDIA URST FNGRAVING WORLD NVlc PLATES HJLJFR.S SASLETY KLEEN COR PORATION CLE4l"4TNG SERVTCFS RENDEREn SU9URBAN EIJILDIIN'51 OFPICIALS CONFrt:RF C1981 ME'A9FRSHIP DUES FIRE & EMERGENCY PROTECTTON DEPT* $6t837*13 qEVENUF c)HARTNr-1 FUND INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL $2#11 $4*56 S126*32." $2*40 Slls85 $14e25, -s191 10 $191400 $6,w50 S6*50 $48.85 $48 85 $17*50 $17,50 '1133eOO 133*00 T,25900 12-3*00 T r) T A L S79829*53 1942*40 ':z i.:,.:+::+: . y , . . . . . -.z :': -1. 11 -.: :" --' --- e CENTRAL DISPATCH SERVICE NORTHWEST CENTRAL DISPATCH SYSTEM EXPENSES TNCURRFO FOR JAN. •+21 $9 T 7 0 9 91 $8.7 09 91 CENTRAL DISPATCH SERVICE 0 T A L = = 8v709*9' GENERAL FUND $89709991 -A' 4 s4 .*. .' -.4. -4. %As -I- .t..f. .4. #4 'p, .9. .. '� A- 's. a*' .4' .0, �*' a- .0. -.- 'o' .' .§� .4- --#- --, -0. -0. A. "� .. ", '4' i8- �1: -1. .4. I. J. .. -P- A- 't. '1' A. "k. .4. .#. #. .41 .4. -t- --- j, .4, 1- 1-'- :6. -9, .4. A. .a.. t.. ok. .0, -*, .1. .0. 's. 's, 1*, 14, A. � IV, ft, N, ft, -1� �e #- e -.- -0, , 4% moi..'. A. 1., %, -.- -#- "*I IV, 11, 'e -4' -0, '1' '1' '1' '#- 'o, '�' -4, HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT JUNF F. KPRSTFTN r A o n OA vv N /A X35,v 00 PHONE REIMBURSEMENT $26o4-2 ,*+ .- .4. .6- -, ., -A- 's. .*, �*. -*, --� --� _.i .aa-- .Q.0, �4, *, �*, .1- w'. ".a. 9 -,.. .r..1- ", "..,..y. %, ,, 1.1 -, 14- -0- -s- -,, 's. .1. -I. ,, 4 . .4� ..r. -.., SENIOR CITTZFNIS DIVISION KIRKS TRANSPORTATI')N CIMPANY VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 9 ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONF C04 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT $301 05 $411*75 $712*80 PAYMENT DATE 3/04/81 515091 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL HE, '-T. SEERVIEES DEPARTMENT 14" DTAMe CLOCK $50*00 $5000011 - OR EXTERMINAT13N COMPANY SERVICES RENDFRED FOR FEB m 181$162*00 0a $23.8O PETTY CASH — MANAGEMENT SERVTCFS TRAVEL! SUPPLIES I 540*00 $162*00 SENIOR CITIZEN'S DIVISION 7RAVEL9 SUPPLIES XEROX CORPORATION JANUARY RENTAL PLAN X66* ?5: $96e427' -.GENERAL FUND $19001*38 $191*04 t191*04 'EALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT Qt. J, -0. -0. �*w -P. _46 A. le -I- le ni. le HANNAH HORWITZ NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERV REIMBURSEMENT FO'R C.D.G.B.PROGRAM CPUBLICATION T q T A L t510*73 GFNERAL F(JNn $510e73 $12*50 $12,50 ,*+ .- .4. .6- -, ., -A- 's. .*, �*. -*, --� --� _.i .aa-- .Q.0, �4, *, �*, .1- w'. ".a. 9 -,.. .r..1- ", "..,..y. %, ,, 1.1 -, 14- -0- -s- -,, 's. .1. -I. ,, 4 . .4� ..r. -.., SENIOR CITTZFNIS DIVISION KIRKS TRANSPORTATI')N CIMPANY SFNTOR CITIZEN CAR RIDES ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONF C04 SENIOR CITIZEN CAR RIDES TELEPHONE SERVICE $301 05 $411*75 $712*80 TELEPHONE SERVICE 515091 CHARLES J* LA PLANTS CAR ALLOWANCE $158*87 $174*78 THE RELIABLE CORPORATION 14" DTAMe CLOCK $50*00 $5000011 - JANET JANET TRAPANI CAR ALLOWANCE 123080 $23.8O I 540*00 S40*00-4 SENIOR CITIZEN'S DIVISION 'TOTAL"' -.GENERAL FUND $19001*38 *. A- .....�#. �#. .0- .. .0. A. .41- _-_ .4- 4� �� _-_ -9- .11. .0. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Qt. J, -0. -0. �*w -P. _46 A. le -I- le ni. le HANNAH HORWITZ NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERV REIMBURSEMENT FO'R C.D.G.B.PROGRAM CPUBLICATION $325*33 S325o33 NIORTHWFST OPPORTUNITY CENTER INC* —DOCUMENT HU r)001669 HOUSING COUNSELING $12*50 $12,50 $1*001*83 $1001 83 3TREFT DFP' RTMEIAT ALLIED ASPHALT PAVlf%',-, VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 10 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT $156e75 ANDERS9N LqCK COMPANY PAYMENT DATE 3/04/81 $119*63 t27bo3P VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIOTIDN INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMFNT DEPARTMENT MISCO CAR PARTS S120*60 $158960 PADDOCK PU9LICATIONS, CURB RAMPS NOTICE $1*30 $119*60 THE RELIABLE CORPORATION MISC. OFFTCF SUPPLIFS $25 20 $25*2t-j MISC. CAR PARTS $5*00 t5000 COMMUNITY DEVELOPM,zWT OEPAPTYENIT HYDRAULIC HOSE $151.47 ARLINGTON ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO* CAR PARTS LIGHT FIXTURE TOTAL"' S1,9369986 GFNERAL FUND $ 5 * 0 0 COMMUNTTY PEVELOPIENT 3LnCK GT $li,30'4*86 3TREFT DFP' RTMEIAT ALLIED ASPHALT PAVlf%',-, PAVPRTF A - T $156e75 ANDERS9N LqCK COMPANY PAVFRITE REKEY CD\JFERENCE ROAM AT POLICE DEPT. $119*63 t27bo3P YALE CLOSERS $39*00 ARLINCiTON AUTO PARTS MISCO CAR PARTS S120*60 $158960 MISC. CAR PARTS $1*30 $119*60 Mrsc* CAR PARTS 1 t029.90 MISC. CAR PARTS $22*92 HYDRAULIC HOSE $151.47 ARLINGTON ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO* CAR PARTS LIGHT FIXTURE $793.39 129118918 ;�ENSFNVILLF TRUCK FA TIRE SERVICE FLAT REPAIRED $186*00 $196*00 BERRY REARING CJ SEAL 510000 $1010( BOWMAN DISTRIBUTION CENTER MISC* METAL PARTSv FITTIN177S $3*14 $227*32 S3*14 BRUCE MUNICIPAL FQUIPMENT MISCe METAL PARTS, FITTINGS CLUTCH, BRAKE $227*33 $454o69 RUSSE HARDWARE PLUG $36934 $36-034 CUBE TAP $095 CADS INDUSTRIES CARPET PADS $3w49 S4*44 5303s50 MOP BUCKFTv WRINGER $91#40 CENTURY SUPPLY COMPANY FURNITURE PAIL ISH, BAF IX TILE, GLUE $94e00 $488*90 $71-2 * 12 $712.12 VENDOR STRE,FT DEPARTMENT CF RITE PRODUCTS COMPANY CHICA"139 TORO TURF—IRRIqATI9N? INC, CENTRAL ACOUSTICAL SUPr`LY HOUSE COMFORT SUPPLIFSv TNCo I �- '—"0NWEALTH EDI SON COOK fA RTLF-:Y INCORPORATED COURTESY F CENTFR r)OUGLAS TRUCK PARTS DRFISILK MOTORS r,ALAXY INDUSTRTES9 INC* Wo Wo CRAINGER INC* ;3 J HARTMANN COMPANY HELL.F--R LUMBER, CO. HILLSMAN EQUIPMENT COO, FDS RCS HIS LUMRER COO HL'- --R PNEUMATIC TOOLv INC* I. SON HFATING COO MELS Jo JOHNSON LATTOF MOTOR SALES COO LEWIS INTERNATIONAL INC. J.C. LICHT VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 11 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 3/04/81 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL CLEANING SUPPLIES $113*95 CLEANING SUPPLIES $57o,30 ICE MELT AIR CLEANER ASSY* $406*50 $577*75 MAINS TILE "AOULDING, SrRFWS, TILE $97e93 $285. b0 $97*93 CEILING TILE 552*00 CEILING TILE BEARING A S S Y $52 003'771 t399*60 ELECTRICAL SERVTCF $94*60 $94960 RAGS $4 68 $4*68 PANELING, MOULOTNr, $138.34 $138*34 SPARK PLUGS, FILTERS $70,*54 $70e54 FILTERS V --BELT X20 1 5 4, 22 DRILL BIT JBIQERS-) n- $22*40 1 �n ;21( olt 11 DRILL BIT JOBBERS $11's 56 ADAPTER "OTORS 511o57 S 2 3 0, 13 DRILLTNG HAMMFR I 114 . I MANHOLE COVER $8o 89 $123tOl CASI,NV--,,v PTNF WOOD, HINGES, NAILS $36o33 $172.25 $36,,33 $172*229 CROW RARS9 ASPHALT CUTTER $67900 $8 00 SHELF BRACKETS, PLUGS, SCREWS $23960 CAULKINI'137 & CAULK GUNS 59*07 CASTNGv cnRNER BEAD $19178 HARDWARES PINE CARBIDE ROCK BITS, 9L40CSt POINTS $42 43 $90080 REDUCIPRi ELBOWS9 PIPE.* WALL CAPS $201*50 $100090 $201950 LENNOX FURNACE $32500 PIPE, PARTS DEBRIS DISPOSAL, TREE PRUNING $27o60 $21t775*25 $453*50 LEVER $219775*25-1i-- 5 MAIN BROOMS $3.70 $3 70 5 MAIN BROOMS $680s,00 PAINT ROLLERS 5360 00 $19040*00 PAINTS ROLLER COVERS? STA—DRI $15000 $46w09 PAINT. BRUSHES, PUTTY, SANDPAPERv ETC X81 02 $142a 11 STREET DEPARTMENT L NOR CLEANERS `lEYER MATERIAL CO. MONARCH ASPHALT CO. '10QTON S4,LT COMPANY MIOUNT ' PROSPECT WHOLESALE AUTO PARTS MOUNT PROSPECT STATE BANK MURRAY AND TRETTEL I`NC* OFPICE FURNITURE CLEAR. HOUSF '-)F'710E 01-- THF STATE FIRE klARSHAL OLYMPIA DOnGE OF DES PLAI'\4c-Sv INC PETTY CASH � FIR" DEDARTMEN7 PETTY CASH — MANAG:7MENT SERVTCFS PETTY CASH � PUBLIC WORKS THE RELIABLE CORPORATION THE ROSCOE COMPANY ROSS BIDS SALFS SAFETY EOUTPMENT COMPANY STANDARD PIPE & SUPPLY INC* TERRACE SUPPLY COMPANY TIRE CONNECTIONS INC* TRI STATE ELECTRONIC CORPORATION XEROX CORPORATION VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 3/04/91 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION DRAPERY CLEANED FOR ANNEX 3LDG LIMESTONE SYLVAX ASPHALT HIGHWAY ROCK SALT MISC. CAR PARTS MISC*_CAR PARTS MI SC. CAR PARTS STORAGE UNITS FEB, $Rl RENTAL CHf7,o SNOW -ICE STn;�M . j WARINING SERVICE WASTE9ASKFTS 139ILEP INSPECTION FAIR R,/R STATION KNOBS, HANDLE C,9NTR')Lt CA9LFq TURIN SIGNAL SW17CLA TRAVEL, SUPPLIES TRAVEL, SUPPLIES TRAVELiSUPPLIES TRAVELjSUPPLIES TRAVEL,SUPPLIES TRAVELqSUPPLIE.S TRAVELvSUPPLIFS TRAVEL, SUPPLIES TRAVEL, SUPPLIES TRAVEL, SUPPLIES MISC. OFFICE SUPPLIES PARKAS LITE PILOT PARKAS, OVERALLS YELLOW SAFETY BOOTS MISC. PLUMBING PARTS MISC. PLUMBING PARTS MI SC. PLUMBING PARTS OXYGEN CYL* PRIMER, TIHI-NNERv LUCITE ALIGN FRONT SYSTEM ELECTRONIC PARTS JANUARY RENTAL PLAN INVOICE AMOUNT $169420 $363*15 $80*32 l4v714*63 $2 33.22 $7*98 $64955 $175 OO $750*00 $33,00 $20000 $18*83 $26*24 $13*80 T10*00 $4000 $5,50 $20*00 $7*18 $4942 1183 $7eOO $26011 $61*88 $33.00 $21*51 $74 95 $50.90 '111.12 $57.92 S39.*82 $19 69 $53.99 $16.00 $23*03 $90000 PAGE 12 TOTAL $169*20 $363*15 $PO*32 $49714a63 $395*79 $175e00 $750*00 $33.00 $20,00 $45,07 $ �= $122eO4'4' $61*88 $ 3 3,w OC $21*5 $125s85' $108.86 $73*68 $16*00 $23.03 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAGE 13 ,- PAYMENT DATE 3/04/81 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCPIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL STREET DEPARTMENT IM —�-JMPANY PWF 9781 DFCFM9ER RENTAL PLAN SCOTCHCAL LETTERS $ 9 0 L $180000 SCOTCHCAL LETTERS X64 83 $1249 83 $199*66 STREET DEPARTMENT '=ti -=TOTAL *--- 1171732*90 GENERAL FUND m9TnR FUEL TAX FUND $309893*90 REVENUF SHARING FUND $1062o62 $41 871 38 -Af -*I -A, 14. --. 4..J. A..*r al..+.j, -1. j, -1, 4 AT E- R AN() SEWER DEPARTMENT A, 4. .1- ALFXANDER CHEMICALS LIQUID CHLORINE 4LL SITAR CAR WASHFEB* WASH PLAN' $684e38 16,94*39 ARLINGTON AUTO PARTS MISCs CAR PARTS $45*00 t45*00 CAR PARTS ' T79#82 ARROW EQUIPMENT COMPANY HANDY RAM BREAKER POINTS $793o39 $373*21 BENSENVILLE TRUCK TIRE SERVICE FLAT REPAIRED $278*00 $278oOo REQKFY CAMERA SHOP PHOTO FINISHING $10,00 $1-0000 FIL'� PROCESSING $33975 BOWMAN DISTRIBUTION! CENTER MISC. METAL PARTS. FITTINGS$30o50 $64*25 CENTRAL TELEPHONE OF ILLINOIS TELEPHONE SERVICE $227e33 $227*33 CHF' RITE PRODUCTS COMPANY CLEANING SUPPL I FSS T19*76 Sl9e76 C WELDING FABRICATING 2 TOOL BOXES W1 DOORS $76o8o $76980 C NWEA LTH EDI SON$290000 COOK & RILEY INCORPORATED ELECTRICAL ENERGY FOR WELL PUMPS RAGS $34,710. g0 $290*00 $34v7lCa90 DOUGLAS TRUCK PARTS SPARK PLUGS, FILTERS $138*33 $138 33 DREISILK MOTORS MOTOR, BASE & CLIP $33*62 $33962 JOSEPH Do FOREMAN Coo STAINLESS STEEL REPAIR CLAMPS$57*92 $57 92 GALAXY .INDUSTRIESt INC* 411 RING WEDGE SLEEVFS DRILL BIT X288 24 X298 32 $596956 We We GRAINGER INC* JOBBERS— HEATER $11*57 $11*57 -GREATER DISTRIBUTING9 -INC, DRY BATTERY $214*26 $214o26 ........................................... 545*20 $45,20 VENDOR WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT 'SIULF COAST LABORATORIES HELLER LUMBER CO. EDWARD HTNFS LUMBER CO. HOMELITE DIVISION OF TFXTR91N INCA. IBI-30TSON HEATIN- Cgo CORPORATION ILLIN119TS BELL TELEPHONE COO KELi3URN) FNGINEE-RING., C10"PANY LATT'3F MOTOR SALTS COO J.C. LICHT "ARMION MILITARY ACADEMY MEYER "ATERIAL CO, k4OTOROLA9 INC* MOUNT PROSPECT WHOLESALE AUTO PARTS MOUNT PRn__SPECT LAWNMOWER MORTON GROVE AUTOMOTIVE NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL NCR CORPORATION NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS COO VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 3/04/Sl PURCHASE DESCRIPTION 25 100 L3Ss TRI—LUX SPRUCE WOOD STUD INSULATION19 STAPLES Roop rEMENT CASTERS* HARDWA7E-_ ROOF VENT GENERATOR REPAIREr) SHEET METAL t -AN COVER FF3o CHAR SE FOR MACHINES— PRINTFR FF?.' 31 CHARGE FOR MACHINES TELEPHONE SFRVICE TELEPHONE- SERVICE TELEPHONE S F R V I r E TELFPHONE SERVICE TFLEPHONE SFRvICE TELEPHONE SERVICE 4 �-- Tr!7- L E R H 0% r- SERVICE VALVE MDTOR TURN SIGNAL SWITCH HEADLIGHT SWITCH PAINT, BRUSI-IES LAND LEASE FERRUARYt 1991 99 TONS SAND SAND SAND SAND REMOTE DESK TOP CONTRDLLERS MISCO CAR PARTS MISC* CAR PARTS 1 N 4 E E f) L F REBUILT STARTER SAFE WORKER BOOKLETS RECFIPT ROLL GAS SERVICE GAS SERVICE GAS SERVICE INVOICE AMOUNT 11 075* 00 $30.*96 $10*94 $13eQ5 i,4e 56 $3*24 $91025 $35*00 $225. 95 $244*50 $7i 64 $847 `tl4*2i 19eg4 $432920 S23931 T13.77 $?37*00 $14,49 t17 92 $55a06 $300100 593988 $446*04 $271 90 $275*07 $976e00 S22* 00 S257s34 10 $90900 $52e25 $55*77 $75027 $34 35 $77 29 PAGE 14 TOTAL $19075eOO $30.96 S 3 2 * 6 9 ;91 25 $35*00 $470,45 $51 *44 $237*00 $32*41 T -55o OF) 3 0 0 a () 0 8 3 2 7 8 7 6 0 $279 34 $2010 $Q0*0_0 $52*25 $55 77 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYA9LE APPROVAL REPORT PAGE 15 PAYMENT DA -TE 3/04/81 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT STATIONERS INC. RING 9INDERS 't35e92 n'LEARYS CONTRACTORS EOMT* SUPPLY INDFX CARDS LEGAL PADS M TREPAIR AIR HAS' $11 48 S47*40 OLYMPIA DODGE OF DES PLATN'---Sv INC, CONTR'�L* CABLF9 TIJkN SIGNAL SWITCH $293*75 $293,75 PALATINE WELDING CO* Rr:PAIR 2 FIRE HYDRANT CASTINGS $26e24 $26*24 D ETTY CASH --PUBLIC WORKS TPAVELt 'SUPPLIES 1379*00 S379*00 TRAVELt SUPPLIES %4*75 TRAVI--Lt SUPPLIES $3090 POSTYASTFR MT PROSPECT TOF POSTAGE PERMIT WATER SILLS CY* 31 $37*30 $194938 S45*95-1. 0 RELIABLE CORPORATION LPGAL PADS 5194e3 61 RELY ABLE OFFICE MACHINES PAPER ROLLS Tl3e0o $13,00 THE ROSCOE CqMPANY PARKAS SIP080 t 19, 80 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 11-19MPANY PARKAS? OVERALLS X33 DO $33*01) TRT STATE ELECTRONIC CORPORATION ELECTRONIC DAPT- T74*q5 $74*95 V 'S PRINTERS INCeVILLACE ENVFL0P;7s $13*60 X13*60 STEWART WARNER ALE" ITE SALES C0*v I CCHASSTS LtJ.3FRv ATF- LJ5ERv DRAIN PAN $204*00 $750e3l S204*00 XEROX CORPORATION JANUARY RENTAL PLAN $75U*31 ZIFBPLL WATER SERV ICF PRODUCTS INC OFCF-MRER RENTAL PLAN HYDRANT BARREL ASSY. PAPTS lt9olvoo $9D. CSD $180000 COUPLING, HYDRANT EXTFNSInNS $466* 65 $Q69015 TRUSS PIPE t89*PO Sl?5?496n WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT T 0 T A L $489421*4q WATFRWORKS SEWERAGE OEM $48v33le69 WATERWORKS SFWF-RAGE E s a 9 P 0 PARKING SYSTEM DIVISION J- -0- .0 A. .1. -+L -01 't, - 16 A. BROWNING FERRIS INDUSTRIES COMM3NWEAL.TH EDISON TRASH PICK --UP AT DEPOT I/l/81-1/31/91 $2Fte4l $28*41 ELECTRICAL SERVICE 3 r;11 ELECTRICAL SERVTCF $* 88 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 16 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 3/04/81 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL PARKING SYSTEM DIVISION GLIDDEN 'ATNT ELECTRICAL SERVICE PAINTv SOLVENT, BRUSHES, PAIL, COVER $11e37 115e76 PAINT BRUSHES, R13LLER $188o22 EDWARD HINTS LUM3ER CO* PLASTER MIX $10*42 1198 64 CEMENTt KNIr-Et PUTTY KNIFE $19*17 $18,s83 J.C. LICHT PLASTIC ATXv SPACKLING 7 rOMPOUN01p TAPE 37 C)9 $75*09 PLASTIC DRJPv SEAL, PAINT* PANS, BRUS $62955 LADDER PAINT. ROLLERS,PANS? PLASTIC $171,28 PAINTS), CLOTH $53o03 MOUNT PROSPECT WHOLESALE A'-ITO PARTS SANDPAPER, SCRAPERS MTSC* %'-.AR PARTS X 14* 18 $331*04 T MOUNPR*�)SPT LOCK SHOP EC 7 KEYS S61 o 80 $61*80 NORTHERN ILLIN915 GAS CG o GAS SFRVIC- $700 * $7 40 PETTY rASH PUBLIC WOQKSTRAVEL9 SUPPLIES $11162 m111962 $ $12s82 PARKIN; SYSTEM DIVTSIOIj T 7.1 T A L 842. 18 PARKING SYSTEM REVENUF f`--UND S842*19 FNGINEFRTN'Sy DIVISION 9 C H INDUSTRIES COMMONWEP LTH EDI SON PINNER ELECTRIC CO POLYTECHNIC DATA CORPORATION FNGI-NEFRING DIVISION VILLAGE MAP BLOW—UPS LFCTRA—SETS ELECTRICAL Str--.RVTr,.E MUNICIPAL STREET LIGHTING FOR J14N, ELECTRICAL SERVICE TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE COPY CONTROLLER, KEY MASTER $284w50 $20 13 -$29462eO9 $6,472* 56 $234.31 $51412.18 $6 50 $304*63 $99168 96 $59412.18 $6*50 $14-9892*27 GENFRAL FUND $9#480*09 MOTOR F-UEL TAX FUND l91412*18 ALL DEPARTMENTS TOTAL 647,332.27 EXHIBIT "A" WILL BE DISTRIBUTED ON OR BEFORE THE MEETING DATE rcPoei Village Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Village Manager f4�1� Y3 FROM: Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Contract for Curb Ramps for the Handicapped DATE: February 27, 1981 Attached is the bid tabulation as prepared by our Village Engineer, Cliff Scherer. I concur with his recommendation to accept the lowest bid of $14,816.1© as submitted by the Lake Park'Construction Company. The contract- or has indicated that construction can begin on or about April 1, 1981. HW: lf Attachment H rb rt L. Weeks Director of Public Works Village Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois W . ............ .......... TO: Terrance L. Burghard, Village Manager FROM: Clifford C. Scherer, Village Engineer DATE: February 27, 1981 SUBJECT: Contract for Curb Ramps for the"I"Handicapped] On February 27, 1981, proposals were received and opened for the Curb Ramps for the Handicapped. Notices were sent to nineteen contractors on February 13, 1981, and an advertisement was published in the Prospect Herald and Dodge Report on February 13, 1981. Proposals were received from the following contractors SFN Construction Co. $30,854.00 Alliance Contractors 28,689.65 Tri -On Concrete 28,400.24 Johnson Paving 25,639.75 JR & V Construction 23,181.25 American Curbs 22,394.75 C & F Construction 15,702.36 D'Addosio Construction 15,608.50 M &� A Cement 15,388.18 Lake Park Construction 14,816.10 I recommend that Lake Park Constuction, 14 N 400 Fairway Drive, Itasca, Illinois, bid proposal for $14,816.10 be accepted. . . ........ . ... .. . tv CCS/m attachments V11111agi, I Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM lob To: TERRANCE L. BURGHARD FROM: R.J. DONEY, CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: REPLACEMENT OF SQUAD CAR (TOTALLED) BY THE INSURANCE CO. DATE: 25 FEBRUARY 81 Recently Squad Car P-8 (1980 Chevrolet Mailbu) was involved in a traffic accident and Gallagher Bassett determined the needed repairs to be greater than the value of the vehicle. The vehicle was totalled and settlement was set in the amount of $5,100. The accident in question was the fault of the other motorist and Gallagher Bassett will seek subrogation for damages. I am requesting that the Village Board authorize the purchase of one (1) new squad car to replace the aforementioned vehicle, using the insurance reimbursement mentioned above. The balance of funds would also come from the I.R.M.A. Insurance reimbursement account, in which the Police Depart- ment has accrued a sufficient amount from a prior vehicle total. Presently we have a squad order with Woodfield Ford for two (2) 1981 Ford Fairmont police cars (front line units). On contacting a representative of Woodfield Ford 'it was learned that said units have not yet been manufactured. The projected 1, ine start up, Is I Apri, 1 81 for squad car production and it i s possible, to add a unit �t�o the existing o�rder. Woodfield Ford was given the order as they were "low bidder. The tin it price for the front line squad car was $7,517.00-9, however, since the placement of the original order the unit price has increased $126.00 to a, total' of $7,643-00. I was also advised that the Ford Motor Company is offering a direct factory rebate of $600.00 on any Ford vehicle ordered between 19 February 81 and 21 March 81, and delivered by 30 June 81. The district office of Ford indicated that it would be very unlikely that the unit, If ordered, would not be delivered by 30 June 81. As the loss of this squad effects the overall operation of the Department and considering the rebate offer I suggest that the Village Board waive bids and order one (1) 1981 Ford Fairmont, 4 door, V-8 squad car from Woodfield Ford in Schaumburg, Illinois. The unit price including the $600.00 rebate would actually cost in the area of $7,043.00 which is $474.00 less than our purchase price of several months ago, Respectful I y, EXHIBIT D Pry- STEP 2 DESIGN VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT Cl? 2238--02 RESOLUTION * RESOLUTION iNG UNIFORM RELOCATION ASSISTANCE AND REAL PROPERTY ACQUISITION •. ,_ Whereas regulations of the U. S. Environmental Protection Agent'y regarding grants for construction of sewage treatment works, 40 CFR 35 V require that the Village of Mount Prospect comply with 40 CFR 4; therefore, be it-reso'lved that: regarding real rty acquisitio A) the project will not require the acqusition of any real prop-erty, including easements, on or after January 2, . displacementII) regarding the A) the project will not result in the displacement of any person from his home, business or farm on or after January 2, 1971. Name Title EXHIBIT E VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT RESOLUTION NO. f RESOLUTION OF INTENT SEWER SYSTEM REHABILITATION Proi e, STEP 2 DE'SIG C17 2238-2 Single Municipal FPA Whereas, regulations of the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency regarding grants for construction of sewage,, treatment, works 40 CFR 35 E. re- quire' that the. Village of Mount Prospect must demonstrate that each sewer collection system discharging to the treatment works for which application for Step 2 and Step 3 grant assistance is mane., is not or will not be subject to excessive or possible excessive infiltration/inflow: Therefore, be it reso-1ved by the Village of Mount Prospect that, inasmuch as the sewer system evaluation survey(s) of the. Village of Mount Prospect sewer system(s) has (have) been completed, and inasmuch as the results of the survey(s) define .further rehabilitation work whish'must be completed, and inasmuch as some of the rehabilitation work may not be eligible for treatment works grant assistance, the Village of Mount Prospect herewith provides assurance that the (design arid) construction of the rehabilitation work, including any grant ineligible rehabilitation work, shall be completed, in accordance with the following schedule.- Item chedule:Item Schedule* design of rehabilitation work NOVEMBER, 1981 construction of rehabilitation work DECEMBER, 1982 Resolved this day of 19 Name: Title: (Mayor) Name: Title (Village Clerk) In accordance with 40 CFR 35.935-16, not more than eighty percent (80%) of a Step 3 grant will be paid unless the schedule for completion of the sewer system rehabilitation is being complied with. EXHIBIT F Project STEP 2 DESIGN VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT C17 2338-02 Aff RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF INTENT REGARDING INITIATION OF DESIGN (STEP 2) WORK Whereas, regulations of the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency for grants for construction of sewage treatment works, 40 CFR 35 E require that design work. (preparation of final plans and specifications) not be initiated after November 1, 1974 prior to approval of a facilities plan and require that design work not be initiated after June 30, 1975 prior to approval of a Step 2 grant; therefore, be it resolved by the Village of Mount Prospect that initiation of design work will be in compliance with said conditions and that it is fully understood that non --compliance with these requirements for prior approval prior to initiation of design work will result in previously incurred costs being ineligible for grant assistance (40 CFR 35.925-18). Resolved this day of 19 Name: Title: (Mayor) Certified to be a true and accurate copy, passed and adopted on the above date. Name: (SEAT,) Title: (Village Clergy) Village i Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, 1111nois SL,-* INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM a. TOO Mayor and Board of Trustees FROM: Trustee Leo Floros, Building Committee Chairman SUBJECT: MINUTES OF AUGUST 11, 1980 BUILDING COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: August 21, 1980 NIA The meeting was called to order at 7,-.45 p.m. by Chairman Floros., Present were: Trustees Floras, and Murauskis. Staff present were: Kenneth Fritz, Director of Community Development, Stephen Park, Village Planner and Helen Giordano, AGENDA'ITEMS ZBA-23-2-79 Bulk Oil Corporation, 7.05.E.- Rand Rd. (Map 9-N) Petitioner is requesting a rezoning, from R-1 to B-4, of a triangular parcel of property bounded by Rand Road and Louis St. which was automatically zoned R-1 upon annexation, and operated as a gasoline station both before and after annexation. This case was continued from the August 13, 1979 Building Committee Meeting in order to allow the petitioner to consider reducing the request to B-3 with a 16 foot dedication to allow for street widening, Mr. Dillon, attorney for petitioner, felt a B-3 classification unconstitutional when conditioned with a right-of-way donation. He felt the dedication of 16 feet plus the required setbacks would render this property unbuilldable and unmarketable, and therefore could not comply with the Village's reconunendation, Mr. Dillon said his client could accept the B-3 zoning but not the condition of a 16 foot dedication. He requested " ted the Committe to make a recommendation to the 'TillageBoard as this case has been pending for over a gear. Two objectors were present. The Building Committe voted 2-0 to deny the request to rezone to B-4 or B-3 without the 16 foot dedication. f Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, 111 *1 noir INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM To. Mayor and Board of Trustees FROM: Trustee Leo Floras, Building Committee Chairman SUBJECT.- MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 9r 1981 BUILDING COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: February 12, 1981 "CALL - TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m.. by Chairman Leo Floras. Present were Chairman Floros and Trustees Richardson and M-urauskis. Also present were Kenneth Fritz , DI* rector of Community Development, Stephen Park, Village Planner, Teresa Zogby, Assistant Planner, and Helen Giordano. ZBA . 5 '=V-'8 0 Carl a c3 Aritolriett`6 mg! ri rii � ?CSS E., ` Rand Rd. (Ms 9 ) s m Petitioner has revised his original site plan to accommodate the Village's recommendation of a 16 :foot right--cif--way dedication on Louis Street, and relieve the neighboring residents' concerns With this revised plan, he is now requesting variations to permit more than one main use on a lot (4 uses requested) 4 foot setback along Louis street instead of 20 feet as required; 3„ foot setback along the south property line instead of 10 feet~ as required; to provide a truck loading space 10' x 25' instead of 101 x 501; to permit a 9' x 201 parking stall .instead of the required 10' x 201 stall, and to permit parking in the required yard along Louis Street. A resident, (Louis Velasco, 202 N. Louis) , speaking in behalf of residents of Louis Street, stated that they have no objection to this new s ' to plan provided the driveway and access onto Louis is elimi-- n.,ated. The petitioner has agreed to comply with this request. Fames Viger, Zoning Board member, voiced his concern about the omission of the variation on the teras tional front yard and the resolving of the Rand Read dedication. A legal opinion will be obtained from Village counsel to clarify the definition of yards in order to de- termine whether an additional variation on the transitional yard is necessary in this case. Chairman Leo Floras directed that the matter of the Rand Road de- dication be resolved at the time the property is�proposed for sub- division noting that the Plan Commission anal Village Board would have to act prier to the issuance of permits for construction. �,nA...Y. .Q. .......... . -wuw. .............. . ,.a,....P-1111,11'l000Y""Ill"olw--—-,,�,,I .... Page Two Building Committee February 9, 1981 The 'issue of the rezoning to a Business District classification, which is being held in the Building Committee pending dedication of a 16 foot right-of-way, will be reported out to the Village Board and considered for action --before- the variations as petitioned by Mr. Magnini are Presented. The Building Corrunittee recommended approval of,the variations by a vote of 2-0 with one abstention. Mr. Richardson refrained from voting because he felt the petiti on for rezoning should be acted upon by the Village Board before considering the petitloo by Mr. Magnini for variations from a Business District classification. Z, T o"d 'Curt Avenue '(map 7-S) B"usse Petitioner, wishing to expand his restaurant operation into existing whJLc, 4,,, beau �shop establishment, is requesting o y a, i t parking spaces instead,,of the 2 required for this expansion. Mr. Curtis stated that he has no space for any additional off-street parking'. The concept of the fee -in -lieu -of parking was generally agreed upon as an issue to be pursued in the future, hov�ever, nOt enforced at the present time. Petitioner voiced his willingness to contribute to this fund when it i's initiated. The Building Committee reco-w-mended approval of this variation by a vote of 3-0 as did the Zoning Board of Appeals, by a vote of 6-0. ZBA- l' -A-'81 "and ZBA-='2-V-'81' Rob�ertEoles,,_ "101, E. Ra'nd Rd. (Ma -o 16-N) Petitioner is requesting' an amendment to Special Use Ordinance #2789 in order to permit sales of gasoline without other merchandise sale and two variationst (1)and. to permit occupancy by three uses, (2) 0 to legalize an existing encroachment into the South side yard. The Building Committee unanimously recommended approval of the I" amendment by a vote of 3-0 as did the Zoning Board of Appeals. The petitioner submitted a revised site plan incorporating the "I proposed landscaping, 11 and the closing of only one Southeasterly driveway rather than the two recommended n by staff and condi t.ioned. dione by the Zoning Board of Appeals with their approval. TheBuilding Committee recommenced approval of these variations by a vote of 31-0 based upon the revised site plan. Nbrma,Murauskis left -,the meeting at 9:20 p.m.. Page Three Building Committee February 9, 1981 ZONING PROCEDURESAND PROCESSES Staff concurred with Colonel Arthur's recommendation of eliminating the review of zoning cases by the Building Committee and referring them directl to the Village Board, The staff report, address' y ing this 'issue was discussed, Chairman Floros raised the question of the feasibility of elimli- natIng all committees and having two Committee of the Whole meetings instead. This matter will be kept in Committee for further de- liberation. COMIUNITY' DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION 1981-82 Staff Presented a report and discussed the possible uses and needs for the Community' Development Block Grant monies. The total en- titlement amount for 1981-82 is $382,000. The proposed budget for the FY 1981-82 Block Grant Application was distributed by staff and discusseu, Chairman Floros, and Mr. Richardson endorsed the Community Develop- ment Block Grant Application for FY 1981-82. Due to the tight time frame, this matter is to be reported out to the Village Board at the February 17, 1981 Village Board Meeting. BUSSE/WILLE IMPROVEMENT PROGRA14 Kenneth Fritz reported on the status of the Busse/Wille Improvement Program, briefly discussing his meeting with three of the property owners, and citing the proposed trip to a neighboring community for all interested parties. The meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m. HG/ . ................. . .... . ..... .. . ........ Tru Chairman Richar, � ¢ I "to Mayor and Board of Trustees FROM: Public Works Committee SUBJECT: Minutes Public Meeting, Weller Creek Bank Stabiliza- tion tab lization -- February 21, 1981 IN ATTENDANCE: Mayor Krause, Chairman. Farley, Trustee Floros, Murauskis, Richardson, Miller, Village Mana er - Terry Burghard, Director of Public Works - Herbert Weeks, Deputy Director of Public Works -- Glen Andler, and the attached list, of residents. Mayor Krause called the public meeting to order at 10:03 A.M. The meeting began with a slide presentation by Herbert Weeks of the revised design and proposed area: scheduled for improvement. This area is between William Street and School, Street. The presentation included slides of the existing School Street foot bridge, existing eroded banks, the previously improved area east of William Street (which was done with the use of gabi.ons) , and the redesigned typical cross sections depicting the saving of existing plantings as Well as new plantings. The new design will now have a top of bank to top of bank dimension of 42' as opposed to 60' ,and a 12' wide bottom as opposed to the original 16' bottom. The use of mono slabs is still being proposed as well as the 50 year flood plan design which is mandated by the State of Illinois in order to obtain a permit for this proposed improvement. Mr. Weeks further stated that because of the reduction in the overall size of the proposed improvement there have been two substantial gains, 1. There will now be an additional 18 feet on the upper banks to allow for preserva- tion of existing trews and bushes as well as new plantings, and 2. The: re- duction in estimated costs from $184,000.00 to $168,000.00. This new total plus the estimated cost of $25,000-00 for the new School Street foot bridge and $11,000.00 for new plantings brings the total estimated cost to $204,000.00 for the bank stabilization and bridge replacement on Weller Creek between William Street and School Street. The meeting was then opened to the residents for their questions and comments. The following is a consensus of those statements: 11 A letter from Mr. Arthur was read by a neighbor expressing the following concern: A. Objects to the 60' width of the proposed improvement B. This design will set a precedent for future designs C. Funds should be spent to replace and/or repair all n bridges along Weller Creek starting with School St:. 2 Requests for Rodent Control before, during, and after construction. 3. Place red stakes along the entire proposed improvement area showing the new 42' width and how it relates to each property owner. It was further requested to do PW Meeting, Walle, reek Bank Stabilization- 2-21-81 this along the remaining creek area west of School Street to Elmhurst Road. Page 2 4. Suggest to increase the s-L*ze of the channel at the bend to reduce the flow velocity. Check with consulting engineer on this as well as any pooling affect that may occur because of this widening. 5. Request was made to repair t1e,Emerson Street vehicular bridge as well as the chain link. fence"aroundit. Herb Weeks stated that this was already scheduled for the summer. 6. What affect does the deep tunnel have on the future flow of Weller Creek? Herb Weeks answered this stating that the M.S.D. still utilizes Weller Creek for high flows and we have no control or jurisdiction over this. 7. Will future public meetings be held if the project is con- tinued westerly? The Mayor and the board members present assured the residents that if any future improvements were made that they would be contacted in the same manner as which they were contacted for this proposed improvement. S. Main Street foot bridge -,Request clean up and removal of concrete blocks in creek bed as well as suggest enclosing complete bridge to help discourage kids from throwing debris over the bridge and into the creek. 9.1 All residents that live along the proposed improvement area were completely in favor of the new design and are looking forward to seeing the project approved and completed. 10. A suggestion was made to use the remaining funds to make spot repairs along the remainder of the creek. Mr. Burghard said that the Village would not go along with this because they would only be temporary repairs and it was the Village's opinion that this would be a waste of time and money. 11. A resident expressed the concern that there be funds avail- able for the continued maintenance after the improvements have been made. 12. Will there be additional federal funds available for future improvements? Mr. Burghard informed the people that the $300,000.00 now in the budget were monies left from a 1973 bond issue for flood control and that there are no federal funds available at this time or that he expects in the future., 13. One resident asked if the $5,000.00 that we received from Elk Grove Township for trees in the downtown business district could be used to offset some of the beautification associated with this improvement. . . . . ..... . . . . . .... . .... .. . ...... ... ............. . . . .... . ..... . ........ ................ . .... PW Meeting, Wel ,r------Creek Bank Stabilization 2-21-81 � Pa'ge / At this point in the meeting„ Mayor Krause requested that Trustee Farley include this subject at the March 12 1981 Public Works Committee Meeting and that the final details be discussed and a recommendation made.: to the full Village Board for their consideration at the March 17, 1981 meeting, The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 A.M. r� v k NAME ADDRESS Raymond Kasper 200 W. Hiawatha Andrew Lenga 7 E. Berkshire Lane Jack. & Norma Keyser 202 W. Hiawatha Trail P. Hegel 204 W. Hiawatha Trail Mr. & Mrs. J.W. M+c 'eeley 4th? E. Berkshire Dr. & Mrs. Guzzardo 411 E. Berkshire Mr. & Mrs. Pacini 700 S. Main A.P. Dietsche 201. E. Berkshire E.J. Van Huisseling 203 E. Berkshire Leonard Dicke 606 S. Owen R.E. Anderson 104 E. Hiawatha W.E. Harris & Mrs.) 305 E. Berkshire L. Petersen 405 E. Berkshire E. Devaney 801 S. Owen Joan Lamberti 802 S. William Street Sherman Wathen 3 W. Berkshire Edgard Oravec 16 W. Hiawatha Margaret Oravec 16 W. Hiawatha Trail Raymond Krupp 4 W. Hiawatha Trail Sharon Brix 8 W. Hiawatha Frail Jack Gallas 105 W. Berkshire Andrew Munao 310 E. Hiawatha Trail T.E. Graef .505 E. Berkshire Lane Donald Miller 102 E. Hiawatha G. Graef 505 E. Berkshire Lane Mr. & Mrs. Ren O'Dell 2061 W. Hiawatha MINUTES OF MEETING T4: Mayor and Board of Trustees FROM: Public Works Committee SUBJECT: Public Works Committee Meeting of February 5 , -x.981 PRESENT: Trustees Farley, Floros and Miller, Village Manager - Terry Burgha.rd, Director of Public Works - Herbert Weeks, Deputy Director of Public Works Glen ndl+er, Prospect Heights Officials -- Mayer Richard E. Wolf, Stephen Sturgell, City Administrator, and Frank Meacham, Alderman, and residents: E. Devaney 801 S. Owen), I. Damberti (802'S. William), David Scheie, (512 NaWaTa) , Ralph Arthur (14 W. Hiawatha Tr.),, Leonard Dicke (606 S. Owen) Chairman Farley called the meeting to order at 7:5 P.M. A. P-ros ect Hei. hts_ Water _Re jest The City of Prospect Heights last appeared before the Public Works Committee in October of 1980 to discuss the feasibility of purchasing water for their proposed Rob Roy Development. At that time, the Committee deferred action until the final order on hake Michigan Water allocations had been handed down, and a legal opinion obtained concerning the sale of water„to another communityunder the New Lake Michigan 'Water Allocation Rules and Regulations-. Mr. Sturgell opened the discussion by informing the Committee that their City Attorney had contacted Mr. James Mann of Isham, Lincoln and Beale, Venture Attorneys, about any legal conflicts concerning the sale of water to another community and was assur- ed there were none. Prospect Height's present population is ll 5Co, of which approx- imately 6000 residents are serviced by Citizen's Utilities. Mr. Sturgell further stated that by allowing the Rob Roy Developer to reach an agreement with Citizen” s Utilities for water, if would only decrease their chances of ever developing a municipal water system of their own. They anticipate doing so sometime in the future. Other than Citizen's Utility Company, Prospect Heights has two alternatives for water supply; the Village of Wheeling and the Village of Mt. Prospect. With :the Village of Wheeling, it was stated their system would require upgrading in the. proposed area of connection which could change the economics of this source of supply. Prospect Height's City Engineer has estimated a: construction cast of $116,000 to construct a twelve inch water main from the m PW Committee, Meet,,1 " of February 5, 1981 Page / 2 v Village's Well #'17 facility, easterly on Camp McDonald to the Rob Roy Development, approximately 3300 lineal feet. After conslIdeiing the above financial impact,less the developers contribution of $16,000 the City of Prospect'Heights made the following proposal to purchase water from the"Village of Mount Prospect: 1. Purchase of bul'k water from the V ll,a a at a rate of $2.00 per thousand gallons. 2. Prospect Heights would pay the present $3000 tap on fee for a twelve inch lune. . Prospect Heights -wou`ld `install and maintain the master meter and, all of the water main ' from the master meter to the Rob Roy property. 40' t. Prospe't would provide treated bulk -water to the master meter and would provide storage. (Treated bulk water refers to the same quality received by Mt. Prospect citizens). 5. The City of Prospect Heights would reserve the right to disconnect from the meter at some future date. Mr. Burghard inquired if Prospect Heights would require their citizens to adhere to water conservation ordinances imposed upon Mt. Prospect residents. They indicated they would be,willing to do so. Mr. burghard further stated that should Prospect Heights, receive water from the Village, it would be necessary for the agreement to have provisions for the future when the Village is on Lake Michigan Water. At that time either Prospect Heights could con- tinue to receive water from Well #17 or,if practical, receive lake water. They would then be required to transfer a portion of their make Michigan Water allocation to the Village equal to their demand. Finally, Mr. Weeks was asked if the Village's present water supply could absorb the additional usage. He ,stated yes. Their projected maximum usage is approximately 200,000 gallons per day which is only 4 of our current demand. Maximum usage would not occur until the next 4--5 years. The Committee recommends to the Village Board, that the Village of Mount, Prospect sell water to the City of Prospect Heights; that the Village amend its ordinances to permit this at the above mentioned rates. This matter would be subject to approval of a final agreement prepared by the law firms of Ish m, Lincoln and Beale. B. Weller Creek Bank Stabilization Herb Weeks made a slide presentation of a revised plan for the g i i ....... ...: PW Committee = eeti, �if February 5, 1981 Page / . 3� �o stabilization of basks along Weller Creek. This new plan is being proposed for the area between William Street and School Street, including the: School Street bridge.. The new design would utilize the mono -block approach, but the height of the banks have been reduced to allow most existing trees to remain and add room for additional plantings. Estimated cost is: $184,000 plus approximately $25,000 for the foot bridge. Mr. Arthur objected . to a the `plan ,,a.s in his opinion, the Village " is setting ,a precedent for future projects further west along the creek. Mr. Arthur feels that the Village should address the issue of replacing th+e.,foot bridge first which, in his opinion, is a major contributor to bank erosion. Other residents present also expressed their*concern for the Village to include landscaping as well as foot bridge replacement. it is the Committee's "recommendation to hold a. second public hearing on Saturday, February 21, 1981 at 10-:00 a.m. in the Public Safety Building. This is requested to be a Committee Meet- ing of the whole and staff is instructed to notify residents con- cerned between William and Elmhurst Streets. Staff is further instructed to make the same presentation at the public 'hering and to include landscape design in conjunction with bank stabilization. C. Sewer S stem Evaluation Surve Glen. Andler presented the Committee with four resolutions and an engineering agreement required by the Illinois Environmental Protection. Agency in order to complete the Village's application for funding Phase II (design) of the sanitary sewer rehabilitation program. Similar resolutions were passed lase year but due to a change in the application format, our first application has been returned. Mr. Burghard informed the Committee there are certain changes he recommends in the agreement, but forsees no problem in negotiat- ing these with the Engineering Firm of Donahue & Associates. The Committee 'concurred with staff's recommendation and authorized the Village Manager -to prepare. the Engineering Agreement as amended for presentation to the Village Board.. D. Status Re orts 1. Cable TV There is a meeting scheduled for February 28, 1981 to re -- view various ,aspects of the proposed enabling ordinance and franchise. agreement. 2. Lake. Briarwood Drnina a Inlet. Mr. Plaza will be ' present at the next Public Works Committee Meeting, March 12, 1981, to present his proposal. mmu "vu wu nun uu %W/mmm eui.✓iyryri�m "^vm..."'awwri✓N .. /YI➢I➢IifiIWNNVHH. flhMH� v/iN/Ail. mvrcrcrcrcrcmi rry rc.,,,i, rir xv ;,i r, r ii nr., ,,,,, ii.,. ,. ii "R". Mtl /// ax Yu axi V1RfifVNP,rc r/,;nm�'e'soJrw,✓/,fi . .... .... . .. PW" Committee eeti,--- -of February 5, 1981 Page 4 . Acquisition of'lake Michigan Water Mr. $ur;ghard ad -vi ed the Committee that negotiat�cyns -have begun with the City -of Chicago, and that these negotiations will be handled by a selected Committee of Village Managers from the Venture Groups. The meeting was adjourned at 10:3;5 P.M. i i 110 o - r_ I R. Ll--% W D BRUCE J, Mr-WHIRTER WILLIAM D.SERRITELLA DAVID F_ STERLING WILLIAM H.LUKING DONALD W. GLAVES CHERYL K HACHMAN JOHN E,SURKE ROBERT C.NEWMAN WILLIAM P,O'KEEFE,JR. LARRY R_ GOLDSTEIN WILLIAM FREivOGEL WFNr)Y 11 1 AR-qEN February 25, 1981 RICHARD J. RAPPAPORT BARBARA BARAN EDWARD F. RYAN KEITH P., SCHOEI, CLIFFORD L -WEAVER CHARLES L,SIEn I OF COUNSEL CLARENCE H. ROSS M ELvi N A. HARDI CHARLES F. WHITE JOHN B. ANGELC WILLIAM P,C'KEEFE(19;29-1979) MARIANNE E GUERRINI KEVIN J. RIELLEY SUSAN B, HARMON JAMES B.RILEY,JR. DREW P, KAPLAN PHILIP A.SCHUSTER DAVID H. KISTENBROKER COLIN SMITH KEITH A. KLOPFENSTEIN, JR. DONNA K.SOCOL JEFFREY A. KRIPTON SUSAN N. STEARNS JOHN J. LAWLOR DONALD J.TRIBBETT SUSAN G_ LICHTEN FELD JOHN J.VONDRAN CLAUDIA J. LOVELETTE ROBERT G, WEXLER Mr. Terrance L. Burghard �ta 2 6 .1no-1 Village Manager Village of Mount Prospect 100 South Emer'son Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 Re: Village of Mount Prospect v. Pioneer Bank, et al. No. 75 L 15728 Dear Mr. Burghard: Enclosed are fifteen (15) copies of a proposed Settlement Agreement relative to the referenced lawsuit. I have drafted the Agreement in such a way so as to, hopefully, close the door with respect to any future claims which Mr. Di Mucci may make relative to any of his other apartment buildings located within the serviced area. I met with Arnold Karzov,'Di Mucci's attorney, Di Mucci and Judge Nelson this morning. Di Mucci agreed to all of the prove sii ,ons, n, the Agreement. 'I explained to the Court that the Agreement, will have to be presented to the Village Board at the next meeting, on Tuesday, March 3. 1981. The case was continued for disposition to March, 4,, 1981, at 10:00 a.m. If the Agreement is approved, please have i the ap�ropriate Village personnel sign gn three (3) copies of the Agreement. Marlin Smith can return the signed, copies to, me so they can be presented to the Court the following morning. Mr. Di Mucci will appear and sign the Agree- ment at that time. If you have any questions relative to the Agreement, please give me a call. Very truly yours, 'ellll WDS:jeb William b. Serritella Enclosures LAW OFFICES CC it# 0 1� Ross, Hardies, OKeefe Babcock &Parsons Ail ONE IBM PLAZA SUITE 3100 RICHARD F. BABCOCK ROBERT E.WAN GARD BRIAN sLACisto LINDA A. MALO N E KEITH 1. PARSONS MICHAEL H, KING CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60611 JOEL F,, BONDER FRED W,, MATTLIN WALKER WINTER ROBERT L_ LANDESS JOHN B.CAROTHERSM BETH A.MeWILLIAMS FREDERIC 0. FLOBERG JAMES K.TOOHEY TELEPHONE 312-467-9300 MONICA A, CARROLL ERIC S, PALLES DAVID N. MCBRIDE JAMES W. TALLANT ALEXANDER R. DOMANSKIS KAREN K.PHILLIPS WILLIAM J. WINGER PAUL A- LUTTER TWX 910-221-1154 JOHN J_ FITZGERALD JAMES M. PHIPPS R,, MARLIN SMITH FRED - = e% C- & E I LA A kj JOAN WEBSTER CONNOR CC=, KEVIN C,GALLAGHER FRANCES E.PRELL - r_ I R. Ll--% W D BRUCE J, Mr-WHIRTER WILLIAM D.SERRITELLA DAVID F_ STERLING WILLIAM H.LUKING DONALD W. GLAVES CHERYL K HACHMAN JOHN E,SURKE ROBERT C.NEWMAN WILLIAM P,O'KEEFE,JR. LARRY R_ GOLDSTEIN WILLIAM FREivOGEL WFNr)Y 11 1 AR-qEN February 25, 1981 RICHARD J. RAPPAPORT BARBARA BARAN EDWARD F. RYAN KEITH P., SCHOEI, CLIFFORD L -WEAVER CHARLES L,SIEn I OF COUNSEL CLARENCE H. ROSS M ELvi N A. HARDI CHARLES F. WHITE JOHN B. ANGELC WILLIAM P,C'KEEFE(19;29-1979) MARIANNE E GUERRINI KEVIN J. RIELLEY SUSAN B, HARMON JAMES B.RILEY,JR. DREW P, KAPLAN PHILIP A.SCHUSTER DAVID H. KISTENBROKER COLIN SMITH KEITH A. KLOPFENSTEIN, JR. DONNA K.SOCOL JEFFREY A. KRIPTON SUSAN N. STEARNS JOHN J. LAWLOR DONALD J.TRIBBETT SUSAN G_ LICHTEN FELD JOHN J.VONDRAN CLAUDIA J. LOVELETTE ROBERT G, WEXLER Mr. Terrance L. Burghard �ta 2 6 .1no-1 Village Manager Village of Mount Prospect 100 South Emer'son Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 Re: Village of Mount Prospect v. Pioneer Bank, et al. No. 75 L 15728 Dear Mr. Burghard: Enclosed are fifteen (15) copies of a proposed Settlement Agreement relative to the referenced lawsuit. I have drafted the Agreement in such a way so as to, hopefully, close the door with respect to any future claims which Mr. Di Mucci may make relative to any of his other apartment buildings located within the serviced area. I met with Arnold Karzov,'Di Mucci's attorney, Di Mucci and Judge Nelson this morning. Di Mucci agreed to all of the prove sii ,ons, n, the Agreement. 'I explained to the Court that the Agreement, will have to be presented to the Village Board at the next meeting, on Tuesday, March 3. 1981. The case was continued for disposition to March, 4,, 1981, at 10:00 a.m. If the Agreement is approved, please have i the ap�ropriate Village personnel sign gn three (3) copies of the Agreement. Marlin Smith can return the signed, copies to, me so they can be presented to the Court the following morning. Mr. Di Mucci will appear and sign the Agree- ment at that time. If you have any questions relative to the Agreement, please give me a call. Very truly yours, 'ellll WDS:jeb William b. Serritella Enclosures Villagc Mount Prospect, aysO,Unt ProSpect 1111no15 444m 0 -rod INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Terrance L. Burghard, Village Manager FROM: Kenneth H. Fritz, Director of Community Development Lt SUBJECT.- Plat of Dedication - Centennial Drive DATE: February 27, 1981 I The plat of dedication for Centennial Drive has been prepared by a registered land surveyor. Except for the Westerly 185 feet ±, Centennial Drive (35 feet in width) shall be dedicated as a public -roadway. The remaining 185 feet shall be dedicated as a public easement, The Planning Commission approved the plat of dedication for public roadway and easement at their February 26th meeting, MUM AGENDA MAP - .............. .. . ...... . . - CHARGES BY THE VILLAGE BOARD TO IRNIA COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS AND INDIVIDUALS Bicycle Safety for Commuters Vf Rrch 3 1981 NORTRAN AA[embership BUILDING COMMITTEE - Trustee Floras Chairman Police Facility Study ZBA 12-Z-79 308 W. Rand Road 4/4/79 ZBA 13-Z-79 310-314 W. Rand Road 6/5/79 ZBA 23-Z-79 705 East Rand Road Legalease ZBA 52-V-80 705 East Rand Road Civil Rights Law Suit - Fanslow vs. Mount Prospect ZBA 22 -SU -80 422 East Northwest Highway 6/3/80 ZBA 40-A.-80 Village of Alount Prospect 9/2/80 ZEA 43-A-80 Village of Mount Prospect 9/2/80 ZBA 57-V-80 18 West Busse Avenue 2/3/81 ZBA 1-A-81 101 Fast Rand Road 2/3/81 ZBA 2-A-81 101 East Rand Road 2/3/81 Review Zoning procedures & process Wille/Busse Improverrnent FINANCE COMMITTEL Trustee Miller, Cash and Fiscal Policy Review 8 Proposed aniendments to Chapter 1.3 - Liquor Mount Prospect Public Library - Financial position FIRE AND POLICE COMMITTEE - Trustee l Turauskis, Chairman Development Code 8/7/79 Emergency Connection - Citizens Utilities , Northwest area 1/6/81 LEGIS LATIVENUDICIARY COMI�ITTTEE - Trustee Richardson, Chairman Rob Roy Zoning Suit 12/5/80 Di Mucci Water Bills 12/5/78 Liaison with State Representatives Legislative Report Woodview Homeowners Association request for reimbursement of $2,500 in legal fees (Bricknian) 7/1/80 Village of Alount Prospect Street Lighting Program 7/1/80 Licensing Not For Profit Corporations - Raffles & Chances 8/19/80 Frivolous Law Suits 11/16/80 Northwest Highway Beautification - East of lJain Street 1/6/81 Pending Litigation - Monthly Update PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY CONWITTEE - Trustee Wattenberg, Chairman IRNIA 8/21/79 Bicycle Safety for Commuters 5/15/79 NORTRAN AA[embership 5/15/79 Police Facility Study 8/5/80 Highland and Road Road (To be reviewer! in February, 1981) 8/5/80 Site Distance review* 10/7/80 Legalease 10/7/80 Civil Rights Law Suit - Fanslow vs. Mount Prospect 11/18/80 Review existing STOP signs within the Village 12/16/80 Sale of adult X-rated video tapes ire local stores 2/3/81 PUBLIC WORKS C0�1�,'_',ITTFE - Trustee Farlev, Chair man For Continuing Study-, A--* YET Projects 1/7/78 Lake Briarwood drainage probler-!, 6/5/79 Explanation of Recapture Crdinances 6/5/79 Water billing process 12/8/79 Acquisition of Lake Michigan water & monitor rates Future use of Central/Busse detention basin ",SD) 3/4/80 For Board Report: Cable T.V. 6/5/79 Stabilization of Weller Creel,- 1.2/16/80 .......... EXHIBIT B VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT RESOLUTION T �" . RESOLUTION REGARDING FINANCIALCAPABILITIES AND PROPERTY AVAILABILITY Whereas, regulations of the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency for grants for construction of sewage treatment works, 40 CFE. 35 E, require that the Village bf Mount Prospect has agreed to pay non -grant casts and that the Village of Mount Prospect has capability to construct, operate, and maintain treatment works project C17 2238, therefore, be it resolved that: 1) the Village of Mount Prospect agrees to pay the non -,grant costs for project C17 2238$ which agreement is hereby pro- vided. 2) the Village of Mount Prospect provides a certificate of the financing which is available or will be available for con- struction of project C17 2238, which certification is attached hereto. 3) the Village of Mount Prospect provides a'certificate of the sites, rights--of-way, and easements which are available or will be available for project C17 22383, which certification is attached hereto. 4) the "village of Mount Prospect provides a certificate of the legal capability to insure adequate construction, operation, and maintenance of the treatment works project C17 2238, which certification is attached hereto. Resolved this day of 19 . Cil Name Title: Mayor Name Title: (Village Clerk)