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VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT CASH POSITION FEBRUARY 131 1981 Balance per Disbursements Last Report (per attached Fund 1/30/81 Receipts List of Bills) Balances General Fund $592,597.27 $462,384.71 $320,228.46 $734,753.52 Revenue Sharing Fund 115,345.38 25,254.60 901090.78 Motor Fuel 'Tax Fund 188,566.83 14,943.50 13,955.38 189,554.95 Community Development Block Grant 486,393.00 482,948.31 31444.69 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (81,586.89) 1,513.88 15,487.22 (95,560.23) Waterworks & Sewerage Maintenance & Operations 467,652.16 74,132.93 36,871.37 504f913.72 Depreciation, Improvement & Extension 192,043.70 - 37,963.64 154,080.06 Parking System Revenue Fund 136,407.52 51279.69 4,535.18 137,152.03 Corporate Purposes Construction Fund 1973 651,6$3.00 5f342.47 1,992.07 655,033.40 Library ,Building 1961 21,284.81 100.37 14,312.50 7f072.68 Trust Fund 511,755.59 11021.99 21486.22 510,291.36 Total Disbursements Attached $956,034.95 A C C U T S Sl B L T TY AtjTi' T t'C -j bODY R [Z- U Tf L n E S S C A T T B T N F T F -ICUT C Od I'A L L I t- 1 Ji r 11 nAVI S IR UIEN S L) F P E rl S I U, F U FOUR S-: A SES N S IM A I N T FN AN E. TU A R F T I RF il`i F NT COR? P ILLINOIS L)FP4RTMEiNT OF R�VEINNJE TLLINQTS MUNICIPAL RETTRFMIFINT FUND MOUNT PRnSPECT PUBLIC LIRRARY MOUNT PROSPECT STATE BANK NORTHWEST (-:p0VRNMNETS FEDERAL CREDIT PAYROLL ACCOUNT V I L L A C, FE: I IM T P R nS D E C T AC&IUMTS PAYAQLF A0PRUVAL REPORT P. Y 'I E: NT DA T 2 /1 P,/cq I L- k, T I iNl i-4 A S rj Q T P LJ' --",)Y PErATR ')P,*CAR f-e'l i'VIDY EPA I P,` Pn.ICF VEHICLF D'--'OUCTINS PAY F-V)VIIG 2/5/81 S D I T A L 17 A T I 't� IN PREl. _-•ASF SIGIINI?°'ENT PAY LIDTNri P 5 R I FTkFj'vj,r-'fS C'-"JTRF),UTl9MNS OAY FNDINIG 215 l V PUIS) T NIF S S L I (-, ENS -- r- "R R, EPUND 01-:FFr%PEn INCO"It" PAY c- DT 2/5/81 S T A T E �l I T t 4 A rl L n I NIC; T A X PAY ENDF 0 2/5/8 S T A T E- W T T H H f7i Llr) IM G T A X PAY ENDED 2/5/8 �j Li _STA T C WIT . �lLnING TAX PAY ENDED 2/5/8 ST A TE W 1 TH10L n I NG TAX PAY rENDFD 2/5/6 STATE qITHFIOLnING TAX STATE WfITHHOLDING TAX 1 6-1 R F- ',IONTH nF JAN, 19,111 I 'iRF 'A, 0 N T H C) F- i A -N 1981 `RF NIONTH CIP JAN 1981 IIRF vQNTH nF JANG 1931 APVA'K E F F OF: ll-', A L W T T H'-1 f-) Ll�) I N G TAX PAY ENDED 2/5 FEE _kA L WITHHOLDING TAX PAY ENDED 2/5 FFE)FRAL WTTHH0LnlNG TAX PAY ENDFD 2/5 FEDERAL WTTHHOLF)ING TAX PAY ENDED 2/5 F F - r) E' R A L IN TTHlinLr) I NG TAX F E D F, R. (- W I TH�mLn I NG T A X F F LD F R A L w I T FE IH OL 0 1 NG TAX 1\!CqL--r)IT UNION CONTRInt, PAY ENDED 2/5/8 UEOJT UNTON CDNTPliY ENDEED 2/5/8 PAY E rl D TN G 2/5/Pl P 4 Y E N F) I N G 5/191 PAY ENDTNC, 2/5/81 P A Y r) T N 215/8 1 SrCK LEE PAY 2/12/81 SICK LEAVF DAY ?112181 $ �6 7 0, ',-) $1 jn24 ?2 S 1 134 ") 1,.)' I 155 a,00 I i 86 I 1 5 ci $ 12 7 581 R $ 2 5 0 192 4 19 5 4, S47Ra45 $4a 54 1 ? 9 98 L 7 4 6 * 56 $57,40 133b 'T 44 , f-) 3 S4 665 , 14 $ 13 494 * 2 5 $3 1 r ooh . oo $ 3 3 5 7 3 a 2 9 $3 527 a 13 S Ila 44 119 5 . 51't $187a 52 $247, 36 S 1 4 5 0 * 00 1124 2 85 3 7 $6,013034 12,177 3 4 I 1 0 2 3 44 TF24t436.71 1-1,074 P A (, E' I VNOR CLFARIING ACCOLJr,,ITS POLICEMEN'S PENSIG`4 FU"`�D PROSPECT AtJTrl, �0�Y JAPES no SF-LLERGREN CLEARIN!k"i ACCO -NTS GlFiNFRAL Fl,-ji\lO W 4 1-F- R W 0 R KS f -JF-, 'At E ',-'% A GE E` t�li TRUST Fl,lNn PUl.!LTC RFPRLSENTATION �ilVlSli)N VT'LLA(',E OF kljll,',J r"i"'VISPECT i ACC(ILJNTS PAYAPL�- PP )VAL f0--'PClQT PAY NILENT DATE 2 / 13 / �111 it PURC.HASE DESC QIPTTJ.@•J 11,1VOICE AlOUNT POLICEMENS PENSION) FUNO $416)41*21 CAR TOW X35. 0 0 METFR RENTAL REFUND $90000 METFR RENTAL REFUND $90floo METER RENTAL REFUND s90 00 $ r--G,vl'�,"J�,4TTY f.EVE-Lu`lPi'-lFNT �IVKK G2'6v4'-?3*81 T R $18t365*35 P AQl< y S T �'-m FVFNtJE F1,1ND T,29486*2? A TOTAL 4,T,5 4 1 .21 135.00 $270oOO s 21 "10 T 8 61065 1 71#32 230.5 PETTY CASH — KILICE `)LPARPIENT TRAVELt SUPPLIES i>3.33 X3.33:. TRKLA, PFTTICiFw? ALLEN' F, P;NYI",,JF COMPRF-HFNc)IV4. PLAN r)F-P UK)ATE 11 13 4 v ttzt S2o331t*44 PU9LIC RFPG'ESEl,4T4TI0N 7)IVISION .,.T!71 T A L,-*,- $2t377*77 VILLA( -,F t,4ANAC-ERIS OFFICE CHICAGri TURi:) TURF—TRR.l!7?ATI,0Nt INC. CLASS CJNJ T -OP -3 FOR 3 T,75*00 X75 * 00 LITTLEJOHNt ("iLASS F. YUWELLi LTf)* R C: Nil L: PROFrSSIJNAL SE E 1) DLi L c- - CLEC a $1 1403*00 $11403*00 NIOErll% SCHMTOT PAPER, CO EMPLOYEE HANDRUnKS $47 948 S 4 2 ell'+ i`� HCR CORVIR4TTONI PLASTTC 31INDINGS T, 5 0 0 40 150* 40 v OR v I tl A NA E R S PETTY CASH PnLICF- nErPART,"'IENT r, POST" IASTFR '.IT PRn-,,)n,-,L,r.-T ROSS HAR ASS3)CTATES THF TRAF�Irt-1 TNSTIT!jT- 3tl COMPAN,11Y P'14F 9731 VILLA OF MANACiER'S O(FrFICE GFW�RAL FlYlf) rRx D ENT SFRVICES E'ART MENT OP NWIIA-71- � VILLAC,E OF 11P T P r�,n F T ACCOUINITS PAYARLF- A P P R I'l V A L R [-, F" T c- 2 /9 1 PA` !-I'- N T DATE T LE P U R C 1-i A f-'-] IF r) E S C R I P I I t--) N! INVOICIF kIJ NT T!'T A L TRAVEL SUPPLIES -10 POSTAGE METFR MACHINE t 10 0 0 0 10 0 0 SERVICES RENIDERFD FOR Mn-INTH OP DEC. $7 v 332 20 T,7„332.22-TRAFFTC TRANl'-.3*SFblTNAR FFE Do VALENT $500. ou- t500100 FILM DUPL*i FI'-HANDL.LM PROC* ANDLe $21 11.5 FILM DUPLet FILM Pk9C , i HANnL* $32,719 S 54 a 65 T n TA L '4, eExt,4q5f)5*7 i CONN7-CTICUT GtENIEERAL LIFE INISURAI CE HOSPI TALI ZATI ON PRP -Nle FF 2,9 ic9,i J. T 217724 3 7P-4. 9 3 (7, E 1 R AL 174 L) I N G- SALES C' 'OR P'-) R A T T 0 N RFNIFWAL CO{ -TRACT rll"DT!0- �•%Art-T F 600 102 *01) I.'. cnRP'L') �Z A T I ri DATA RECORDER SUPPOR T A'� 0 4 5 PRIlNTF-R,? IS 10 L I A I y STAT!;-)'lj 011 S K rl P7 INTIFRq niSi3 LA Y S T A TT 61 0J 5; 4 2 5 9 TLLINOTS BF -0- TELL-HONE-rl-'0* TELF-PHONE SFRVICt-- T 4 5 6 6 TELEONESFRVIC� 4 9 4 0 8 2 5 19 7 4 p ci 'I'l PRII-ISPECT P 10 S T A C, E M F T F - ',I A C' ;-4 T E %9 0” 0 u -ST.P,---R TH LIABLE Cr-,RPJ7,,`,Tlr)f< 1081 CALENDAR p rF 1\4 s i 1 19 T 3 5 STATE 0F ILLI', ,IS DEPT. `"',F LAB OK B E NF -FITS PA ID I (-l/ 1 96- 12 31 3�q 1.-389 `17 BENEFITS PATS 10/ 1 t 2 0 (-)1 51- 7 TAS k D JC T S C I- Pct 7 SHAr�,-IPPTNG CH5' ,� RF -r a -�4- 1 P 1 3 4 n E r) ART�llf-.INJT [if- "IANA�'-Y'-NIENT SERVICES T n T , A L 12-3w5q3*97 GFPqFkAL FUND $289583o97 V F �i n op, VILLAGE CLcRK S T A, C 0 P P L E (C n A D I C K C'` IM P A NI Y P,0r)TMASTF- R '-,iT PROSPECT THF RELIABLE CnRPORAT Irij,� VI! LAGF CLF ii'<". K I S nr'-- F ICE I)OLICE DFPAkTMPN-r V I L L A (7- E_ 0 F H ij1Cj N T r -`'SPS - F, T ACCMYN!T,c') PAYAPLF A',-' P P U V A t- Q EP I P T j , PAYMENT DATF 2/IP/01 L S c rl I p T r) \t ATTENOANCF TAKING T?,,All.jSCRTPTS CLEANED � CHECKECHINE- WASHt OFFSET INK POSTAGE MFTER MACHIkHrE POST BINDERS p INVnICE Ak'CjljrST TnTAL $355,10 1,395910 $ x.76 F I L Ni P R11 C FF S S a4 G t9996-0 5109o36 0p'l G :p2q0#87 T,7 9 40 +6E a4a .fie T 0 T A L SPARK PLUG -Si LADES WE6T'7-311PTI�R Am n c o �� I L- Cc 1, 1 p 4..,\i y GFAR LUF�E-p CRFASEv PLIII'D 0 2 52.92? 01 A R L IN G T ij'�4 H -F CA L' Q A F I L Ni P R11 C FF S S a4 G 0p'l G 1 3 *no T,7 9 40 I LT! 0`? E T TRF- CO I -,!C SPARK PLUG -Si LADES WE6T'7-311PTI�R T, 7 4 d it 0 (3 3 C C PRODUCTS, 1(\iCu--PPf�Rj%lTFD Pl--NF DRY -P F1,R4KE KILEF"t 17*87 FTHF N T C 0 E C.0'JSTAR,,L'-. F:JjllIr:l- C I8md E SOCKETSi P;Jelll-`S 5 4 FIRST AID KTTS S4A% ?0 $102v5() n ATA WI C F'I",4'T S- I N1, r, f -I P UP A T E- F) PARK111IG TICKETS L279900 4'(? 7 10 0 Jo L A TRU K A R �T DIST, AS "I T, 5 0 11) F TE,RS, FUI�E �3��X I L 2 1 0C) 7 5 RT R Y !,A� 01 T k_7 PA R T '7 U 17 FTL F I L T ' R s 45 1 Q C. ' 9 TED r, -JD SK Ib R E A T H A L 1 7 'r- - I C NJ S T,-, I- b p 7 8 7 GREATER DISTP 15 U TI T CR APG 1 C 1 F TT Y DY R A F R 2 s4( -),32 1 L L I "J 0 1 li f- L L TE I _E r-l?,N CL-) TFLEP T P H 0 fll E s k v I CC: T FL F PHONE S E: R V ICE T, 3I nj 2 lito 15 K A L E- UNIT OR p OL I C F nF PT PATCHLE e- $651 7 o 5 1 7 5 LATTnF .,lnT 0 R SAL' S CO, LCICK $2266 -122*66 N'OPTHWFST STATTONERS INjr. MT. C9 (I)FF'TCF S'UPP.IFS t77A.6 03 $73 #03 nFPICE FURNITURE CLEARHOUSE CABINET 9 CSA 10- T F T LF CAplI NET $2 39 * 50 5239 * 510 PETTY CASH — Pf9LllCC- DE"'ARTtIENT TR VEL SUPPLTES $249Q9 V E T M F N T S T,11 A S T K "I S p k n s r) E- r T A T m1") Y PA GIE 0 R E S T E T R TjRJ_ CnNNECTT Nic It\,( A ND Y T T IS ATL)Q re 1,40M)F:1FLO FUr�Dv, TNce POLICE OFPAkT:-1(--tv G F, VILL ASE JF "iUN'k _O T ACCOU"Ji'S' PAYAPLF AOPRS V R'EPCJRT F .SCR ')T INVnICE A"AlOUNT TnT,4L TRAVEL, SUPPLT-S $7*37 b 3 2 3 6, POST C, METFR MACHINE -f Q r, * 0 0 0 0 DO C A R T',� W1:1 3 ).no 1135000 COM!'10 SVC, OFFICErS, TPATNITNPkrIG T34 , r.1 9 50 BREATHAL17t'__'R RELICENIS1,V7, $4.00 0 AL 1 GN FRONT SYS TE T, 161 . 0c, T) 1. 6 0 0 BR E A TL4AL17ER pL-j_jrE,, 'S T =I 4 00 CRT MAINTFNANCE FOR j�As 19 Q 1 2 q 5 GO 1:3 A S T 1"A IN K R E P A T T3? 50 13a 50 POLTCF VEHICILES T, 2 5 3 0 0 ? 0 2 5 3 0 0 T rl TA 2 3382L $205* ::f ;:z 11: F- I RE 'EMER("F" CY KjjTECTT O'\1 D EE Piz ill =MFRc: ")H '71 P F I L ORO '-"SS IN -1-33 420 , 76 F 1 L! R 10 s I N T34 , r.1 F 1 LM P kr1C F S i t 5 * I 11 n1 N J W E A L T♦ n L -L .-, , J A FELEC T-1 I C A L V T C F t HECT? IC A L S V T ,-, F E L E C TZ I C A L S E R "I I C 7 1 9 9 4 3 4 8 H AR P k C L L E E T1 J I T I kr"N N C S LLr12'001 T, �t ci 0 0 f 4 5 0 T LL 1 S0 T S BF L L T LL Fin i%,j T F L rr--' P. U., ii 'S F A V 98 T E-, L F P H 0N! E SF R V I C $26*93 T E L E- PIAONc 3 FR V I C $129.39 T E- L F P H ONI E SF R V I CE T E L CE P H 0 NEE- S E: R V I r GFNf---kAL FUND $133*25 V 1 L L S tF-- J NA 0, It `-Nl T P R P r-, C T p ACCOUNTS P Av, Al�'LF APP "-,)VAL , T PW,1ENT DA. ?/Icl/q V N rP 0 P t I R 4 f E- C 1) 1 r-1 '71 T 1-1) N IC— AMMJII�T TnTAL t: I L L 11,10 1 S F p T �j C C T U S S S 0 C T A TT n I S p T S NPERSHIP rlljF'- T 2 r, *0 5 0 KALE U N! I fP OPm r UNIFORM CLOT�JF It U N I F 0 PM C t-'J-1 T H P $ 2 6 it UN I FOR M CILOTHFS i 1 7 5 1 , 7 C 542,95 l<N. ' SHOES 6 4i I , 7 B Tbql 7R f-, C UN N T J "I AT T .111 E D I C A L S U L T A T F F EL: C n 3 01 - 0 0 T N1 A 0 N A L F I R F 0,s(,'--) T C T I A S S N1 DUSTRTAL H4Z."ARn s H A N 1-'B 7 0 K 0 C) ci 0 0 r) NIA T 1',-)N A L SAF't-7 TY r�JUNC I L- SAFFTY NEWSLE-TTFR� P9STEPS S 30 9 Us 0 6 9 NORTHWFS)T r-i�t`!,-lJJNTTY IAG�PTTAL NIl"R(-N0Xt N, D x y C lNi 5450m,0�: TU IT If N E-oMe To -D J v r HA I R 9 . an L A 'q NO C F A I i 1 r 7 F-7 0 U S f T 1) F A TTf- N I Y S li C Ml T'-'"' L CPH --RLY 3TLLP,11-7 1 14 QUA R T r -7 6 r, I rC I NJ I C F T T 1, r� P, D J P T A 1- 0 T A T R T D S A F T 7- P 9 S T-g}.a-n P F), S To G LE F T F C 1-1 10 0 01 $ 15 C) C, r-) PRF,k\j-r,Ir,E HAsLL T E F11 L P 2 — — 64 4 6 5 C H M� I !s] C F iN A T FiN 1) NA 0 f-1 �jl n so ? 0 L T 1 ON E P T T L -IJ L 1 97`31` a33 U 41 Ir v I c ti!ti Y ifE f €irfffx .11 JI .11 T F L F Q V 3 a 2 S C F 0 V Tr ENIT P A L 0 1 S P A T C H T n T A L t%133* GFNf---kAL FUND $133*25 V M f_N T S F R V R A T L T r4 T AT S I L L A A K LLQ C T G k -1A,4 S T F: 9R "T PROSPLE A L I A Li L F L L F r) F F AC Y A F S 1- 111- i 1 L L 4 1 L 4 flEAiLTiJ I i . J, D j A '' � V T L L F P -4C) 1 7 I L 1!�l T A f7 A L L I P Y tel IF N AS p n T 0, 1 T 0 A T E " I � S 6 A P LF` S T F S T_ E :-) RECYCL I N G C Ftp T E- R F) P F RA R F C YC le. I NG C FNTER 19 P F Re A T f7, R RECYCLING CFNTtR OPF" , ATOR PSTAG, E MFTET�, MACHP,itz STAPLES9 fE V L C L 1P S) 12 LIf:'T—OFF _rAPI-S RFCYCLP413 CF!,,JER' rlPFRA 7,' -11 T v H 1, 'A 0 D IR I v LF: p I -IN (Z T 00 H M� !- i I o Li ni age) or) ILI M 0 '7Z T V Q, 0 I V R 0 1 v E R, cs H r) t1l Lu R v E 0 t 9 oc, H 0 D R I V Ei g_'S E "D L L l0 000 HO, M D R i V f? R F 91 j.K s E 1- 0 3 *0 ril D IN"ll D T A S T "IT G H D M D R I V C? S T M& Ile 3 0 0 $3 on 0 A L5 I I— IZI NJ T J 13 o 00 �7; 0 14 ID 1 V S 00 T 3 a 0 0 G F 14 FT R A L. F y4 rn 4: 4: 4::ji: 4z 4:;):, 4:4:;) 4r:ji: 4:4:4:4:4; 4::) 4::, 4:4t 4:4t:j 4: 4-- C 0 M MPJ NT T!' 711: V E L 0!-"I t�,l F 'v T E Irl A P T �' E N T VILLA( --E OF '%Hi',jT `R(DISIDEU KF: S NQ r! Y (,A,vjf7 Ea C 7 S S I N6 A c: C: F) U N IT A Y,4,, il L F D P P 10 V A L E 0 T SIMUC-HAS17 CE"40714,4140, SUMIN q 1 q A: 7 'r47q?7 P A Y -1 E N T 0 A 1- F STMA,,7)cvl-- R 0 0 P E: P T Y it P N F) D A? 0 0 T L L I T S 0 i to 1 L T P ", L R F- T T F Mi t-- t,,' T F LJ 11 D j j� C t4 A S F 5 E T T jNV)jCE AIAOUNAT T n T A L SENlIOR CTTTZ;7NlS DTVTSTC,",! i 0 T I C3 N! 2 / I 1 /,`3 1 14 4 7 1 zt * 7 T F? K L A P T T 1 f7, �� 7 A L L fl ',! - , P A Y 11 EF P P H Y L L I S I E- L P -A HDM DRIVEPS C 0M, UN 1 T Y f) L L r),Al -� 1%r i E: ff T! E e T 3 0 c JAN NITASEM .:' 4 v 9 1 a 9 9 HOM DRIVERS T, 2 9) 4 a if 14 CU�h"MUNI-Ty r3fj\qj,y3p4cvjir 0 C-11 b 0 0) Rj�r'i'ERT PLOCT7 HnM DPIVEQS 4) 1 to, 1, 3 Or) 0 S T A T F k 1 T Rn S P C T P0,STAnE "IFTER. MAGMA'-- 4:500126 S 5 0 () () -*, R E 'A, R S I L L -4 L L wi n m wo 1 VFRS R F I ` 11 j IR' S C E NT S6 00 it o'- 0 r, L (I I S E P k t. LL HT M D R I V E S 1 !`,4, i iR E- Ili E-- !'JT A 0 cli 00 F: 0 1 A 17; 14 FRI pi r) &4 Ll pk I V E R S F I k.� NNT 0 t 3 0 Ci W 1 ITT T T Y W) M OR I V!:- m F `l T n cl SENIOR C, 1T ZF—,s; "S L) T V T S C^ N, T 17 T k L i 7 3 i (0 G F 14 FT R A L. F y4 rn 4: 4: 4::ji: 4z 4:;):, 4:4:;) 4r:ji: 4:4:4:4:4; 4::) 4::, 4:4t 4:4t:j 4: 4-- C 0 M MPJ NT T!' 711: V E L 0!-"I t�,l F 'v T E Irl A P T �' E N T KF: S NQ r! Y (,A,vjf7 F I L C 7 S S I N6 CER,AAK PLA7.`,,p jr,-IC. SIMUC-HAS17 CE"40714,4140, SUMIN q 1 q A: 7 'r47q?7 C C �-`, ii NJ Y P E C C 14 D F R D 7) E E L) S) REVE114 STMA,,7)cvl-- R 0 0 P E: P T Y Z 0 0 T L L I T S 0 i to 1 L T P ", L R F- T T F Mi t-- t,,' T F LJ 11 D 1, lk F 3 N T , i #1 F .1 A 1 7 ) 2 ?P A D D D C K Li Ph L. T C A T I J I&S S i B SS C i 0 T I C3 N! 2 / I 1 /,`3 1 14 4 7 1 zt * 7 T F? K L A P T T 1 f7, �� 7 A L L fl ',! - , P A Y 11 EF P L 0) ! j Sj P -A 1 1 A -7 0 ? AJ v 1 -7 . 2 ? C 0M, UN 1 T Y f) L L r),Al -� 1%r i E: ff T! E e T z iT -'-) Ts L - s'-, * .:' 4 v 9 1 a 9 9 WAY= FUNCO T, 2 9) 4 a if 14 CU�h"MUNI-Ty r3fj\qj,y3p4cvjir FALTICS COT s4alv�,76*1:�9 V F N D f) IN T PT D -PAS JM= T A A T F NR .D T S E S it 1 C 1 C S I -4 I i ALL I ED AA " LT SP'PAV TN'? A!11 �`; C I L C'.3� t,� p LOCK C, 011 P A N Y Arr'J,P,JW STAR I t,dC, AUTJ C L U T (1 1-1 T S) V Q E R y E: A P, T 7 C, J 0 -N H A IR D A P, C_ I F P I S U L Y C -1 _ F I I I I TCS 1 C tf j- P M A 7 , P R 0 Di JC I T T i. -f" T F D U T S C y C U _T I J. F) 0 T?< Pf T r A r S S T. L i V F I I L K N -1 T f I rZ P A R, R y E' T L f PL I r E UPFz 41, GENERAL ;.ARINGCO. A C,,.. T S J `vA p AV kA r'! fi, T N - P'J k CH A S F r) L S L' `Q I P T I i L W T NO 0 C L FANI NIG S F P, V I C t! Wj TODD Ct FAN I NG S F R V I C IL W TNDOW CLFAS F V C NING.7 A, T P A V?__ ITS A S P H fAk L GEAR LUR' G A S E L U 7 G L r-: R F A �� P I i T rN E_ A IR U 9'� J 1� CAM LOCKS ANC) i3r'LTS 1 1 L Bl--NRACK F1 AA CLtJTCH PLIM-_ A, S v J, L Y H E F L G_, F 6 F A R I MG1 0 01 0 c r7 v s F T L T r--- R H � `3 L nF: TFC TH L P E N 0 R Y 13 RAKES SLI 1—- J H Y E,�, v IF) U ki P I— DUST AM For) (_�HFPI C 1_ A"i E A GLASS CL I I F T A 0 VAC POLY LIT :'4 L R (71 A '14 A T F L SS TISSUE n1 S P F T UT 1 L I T I E IS S V I F G. v TA't, F A r I il T '7 F T L TIF 1) S _IX GVERIA FAD 19 T H E S & F F T F U R" A E f- T LT E P S S ,IF r F T L TE U R A FURNACE FTLTE: S FURNAC F FT TE S, 4 B El , A R I P, I C I IN! V r i I I C U IN T t`)l 39 1 T, 317 7 I V T L L, !G F F T f-3 E C CC,-jt_lNcrq P Y E NT 0 AT F 2 1 c: n H A f) T P T t\i V J NT IZ T W MOTrR 6 9 S AW BLADES DR I LL I N G HAMINII':Q, ;f S i L R 2 5 tj DRY CHARGF 5ATTFRY $46 P H A? T VNI! MANHOLE COVER 2 a 6 C. H, L L a L Vi E r, '4000t DRY!A'ALL HARnB`)ARD. 27 P 6 DRYWALL9 NAAILSf C 'I M P 0 lJ N 15 7 7 14 T I tj T f) A L I" 1 !11 Ll I S- F"N" K' C, t7- JT k"" M P NIT — F RE I G +T T 9 n a 2 5 F-; I I T 'VI T P' V I y T r2 p U 3 r t--, DT Ev �77e4O T I-Ij Tki- T ON S -rT F Y gl F T4 A T R I N T l NL T I NITN' 1 L V, C Ml: - H T,p H F K 3 Oul L Y Y,'IKF EVIS L 3 T i� n i C40 00 L NU 1C L S 0" A 1" E: S C F A N E I T Ti n I) P A JR, T S T C DI ETZ L�i P 1 -7 T 11 L�;,,. IIA 0 !Q, A J �F C,') 1 J I P F C-R P R h T T Cj A T R 3 A K E r 0 N Vi U Q� T:l L T 17 P AN Y TH 7 1�: Q 1 1,4( Y S A L T N V Ll I - UT F PRS T SAI AUIIF��r) PARTS S A N E R P S P E. C T L "k v ll A' F 1H. ROTARY IlLkDF T '1 , 0 T9 G IR 0 V E IJ T 1 TIS F T-9 UC K S T A R T P 3 5 Nil A T, L A F F '91' V f- 1' 1j' r' T I P S T E R F R A L"P7TAC,.- t'l L A T U i T I G A 13 T E P A ILL 1141-1 1 7 A GAS SRI ` V G' A S S F R, V I CCE F GAS SFRVICE S I L�l T I" A' 4 1 J i A IN L F 5 c I"C -jJ'VAK f-1 H ! AT 'i I F F F L T S L! S T C T T L I p y 11 L k P s 3 R V E L N, C, LI T grl T ' E A E R I Fn.{ E i t 46. �' r -7 P E T -rl Y A U T RA V E L c -J u TP A V E L S J P P L T S 0 7 TP ALL S t 1P P L IL S 1 )q TRAVELt SUPPLTES 3 5) TRAVEL Sl IP PL I E S $2 a 2 5 TRAVELv SUPPLIES TRAVELS SUPPLTES F= L 77. Al f. my 1 } = sr T .. r OU Jv e. --`40A s L r, r `. -, s R r - V o S UP P T I s) SPA A T T p SIT; 'D RT9 p T p C 1 T - , a g # P I P - S TT + - S Y L ) A S, 1 `. PR t MP _ .: a = _ ®1 i4T'l °. l� L P A T --t (I T T T= a IC 4 °z e �¢ RKI - i , _ . . A C C n U N T S I? A Y,,% 5 1%.- F AV A t- L T J P 1 Al P, C ri A S IF IF) PT 7 r k lzZ ANNsi- -i - I -M T t A D I S, n, N PUTI f I N G ATERT"L CCO TW I N E STIEEL LFTTE:R S'_T9 ALLIED ASPHALT P A VI., -, PAWE-RITE ASPHALT AMOCrl F)IL CU141P4NY GEAR LU5Ev GREASEv ?-_LUI0 R, F. H INnUSTR I F S EPA SE -Q STR I P S AD USTABLE TR I Al"NrMF r A ir�G ER M F T R I N WATFR 4 FT F'S R KF H,' F - Y CA M A S l P F I L iki P R 0, C F S S I N PHOTO FINISHING F. C T NJC U R Pll R T HA CK SA' b L A r, E 'T P TH W CHFM RITF P,:ZDD'lJCT3 (lnMPi0NlY R�I, 4AUR ARY ` COOK CnU",,Ty 0 Ll C: T LRFAL 7STATE T�kX F_ I) I S ELECTRI�AL. SE, V T C CONNFCT I C U Tji LIPE I"SI.JRANCE T HIDSP IT A L 7 I n I CUE -ST TNcl L E, C, T R LA N IC P P 4 T t< (_,W�TIS VNI'DIJ�'Til TVTNYL E PFt ClYkC, A L TtkTT JOS ')L E H 001 K P. PALPH Fo GRIISS F, S 1-1 N A S Sq C I NC,& F S A T -7 E -NG, SERV TC ',,I E L L u JA"ES F, GUL'"'ITHE"? T01 L A L L 0,,]A NIC_ r'7_ r)(JLP CF)AST LAt3qkAl',,'VTE 100 LRS TIL U X I v C F) R P °_ I;? A T I c) i, A �l DATA _1 p p n,��, T PR I ;TFC p I S P L A Y F, T T T It,' I I I -�l I T LL INOT S ��f:L L T-:- L L 10 IN r 0 T L F7 P II A 0; Ili 1E S t" V I C E: T L E P 1-4 0 IN, E F R V 1 C E T P-_ L IF p °_4 0 S V I T -I.-- L E P H 0 NE S "VH_�: L L I N 0) T S M J l\j I C I P L P', FTTr�" FNT FUND F k I r 0 N T H P F J 4 N LAT*rf,.IF S�NL! -S NT L E Y E R T E I t, L C TORPEDO SAP.D T A '\V') A'') i o F n-c;:Q i o SAFETY S-1 'i Ff E A L L W A N' E NT Pkn S Du" C T 100OUE' SALE AUTO PART S S A N r) E R IV O'TON G R CJV E A U TOM OT I V F TPUCK STAPTFR ALT ORT ILLINOIS GAS CO, GAS SERVICE V 0 T $67* 51 G $209a22 t 9 3 1 00 19 v0 - c. L 7 8 -3 T, 7 6 55 13 4 2 ? -7 7 53 7 9 C- 7 'D 4 45 • ? , If 9 5 o 97 1 66) 1 11) 921 1, 3 6 F; 6 B 11100600 � 3 n 0 0 0 $43.00 r0) T, I B 04 T Vit£`€ THII J-- T fqC q r v Lj A L I rC A C T C- 0 P L t Z7 T r F y T C TFY f- 0 UT L P E N T �Tm A N Y NJ C A L L 1 4k L -1 . T Q AS I V N"- R A U i P E- PqT 1C. 19 ul T S Y i`P;-l- I P A T T i fie, E r -r T N, f- T I r g4 i prj T A T r D! �- 7 S T 1�4 T IS E L L ,ALL I A"F'l T Nt LTA'IS ' T T lj 4 K L A 'C7j A L 0 r r "ll T L l N 1 T C zD C C U I P A V D A T v I A s G,4 S R V T r t R V T r c. L- A zi SFRVILCCE V r GAS in n K F F 1 P T T C-1 PJ I A v L y iD T A=e f? L -J S P A K A S A T S A F tF T Y 'S '— rc- -z ��A f7 - Q 'T L 0 L V- P K I 'Yg L T P j R c A 1 r� AL T F) P L v P A V T ,' , ) T A L T (� T A L -7 C, j, S147 i ?, 15 oo 4r) 3 5 $ ? '3 141' 5 2 I U, 2 5 C n 9 0 r� ')96 1 r — 4 T � — I -- RAG 'E' — DElov! 4� - ' F R A Gl- E — D I $ 3 7 1 6 r! T F R K S SE 1 1 4 $137506*02 F� K, N �N` L V Tl L L A G (7, 0 pe 1D v L� o n T, H� A V 4 '11- L A k A r:' I y V F N U PURf r'ARKTW-, SY'-)TFf' DTVT 10' 1 20 LEBp PLtSTFIP, MIT -X PLASSTFR MIXt 'VMSH �NDEP%SOf� L9CK UTAPANY DnOR CHP-CKS H I ? ` V E t-iij F T C A C, F) K TQA�J'SPORTATION COMPA YPARKINC FACTLITY �HFM RIT' 1 -7 Q R 71 D t I C, T S C 0 M P A N Y T OW E L C A 3 IN E T U T T Y C L, C 0 M F 9 R T S IUD P L IFS, T [14 C , CTRCULATI�IG PUMP -i F S `4 L f CONTO A711' �'J,JILDFRC$ IIS IIIDWAP�E, INC* HEAVY DUTY DUOR T� ) r�U'U,RTEY Hrit-IF- rF,`NTF---R Af)APTFkl Fl(-JTL,r--T PLUG, I T CONVERTF—kv cpnxyy Cr,,VF'-�j ROUSf-, CONVERTFRi -PPnXY O�A,Ti,J HARDNFR, FPFI,','Yf i�Qf�jl�HF-S T L L I �, 1 C T "S' M �-,j I C T P L T T K F M F N T F U N D IMRF MONIMi P A R K r- Y 'S T F I T V'- N SY S T( U !,Jf - N F R V [j 7� Nl S A D, T Lj T N1 A s f- p j S W-- H t7- OM L L 'A I 1 1 fl rl N L T T 0 I A, RALPH GROA S) I-) c 7 1 N FLI I L L SSC T QTY far- cl R, rl Ez % G T N E E: R S N C MF N41- S -S c A L - � i p r L T A f -I P L TI F- S C T P A T) r)C K P UP L T r- A T I uN S I I T t C- (7 Pl""ISPLC T A!- r' T F, p A G r- ; c- I LT � 1 Cs A 'A U U NT T rIT A L -7 iL 14 39 P 7 6 6 4R � j 90 T, 1 062 '37 T 1 ;': 13 3 16 16 3 1 �) 132 1 ;1 121 1 9 20 12 Ifn S1 7 It %1*74 T 7 q 12 $ 6 16 r 3 r) Pl_ 2 4 3 6 4 14 22 222 9 08, Tr l TSL _ X2,2 9,, A- 9 0 L yJ 20 I I I 9'� 2 6, 7 9 r) 0 P 5 0,7) i 61 0 9 $ 417' 0 6 $ 6 16 s 2 2 5- 2 4 . V T R APAD —) E i:-,, .. L Le L _— V. i `- _ - BU £,_- a 4 a 05 I - � T 3 3 is __ 1� T �' I � S T NJ AT! t i k , : _ _ _ �j o l 3 �e gra i General & Related Funds I.M.R.F. Revenue Sharing Fund Waterworks & Sewerage Fund: Operation & Maintenance Depr., Impr., & Ext. Bond & Interest Reserve Bond Account Surplus Revenue Water Deposit Fund Contractors Surety & Sidewalk Fund Trust Accounts Capital Improvements Fund Parking System Revenue Motor Fuel Tax Fund Community Development Block Grant G. O. Bond & Interest Funds: Municipal Building 1961 Library Building 1961 Fire Station 1964 Public Works Building 1964 Fire Equipment 1964 Corporate Purposes 1973 --,Corporate Purposes 1974 Special Service Area #1 Special Service Area #2 Construction Funds: VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT FINANCIAL REPORT - JANUARY 31, 1981 SUMMARY OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS Cash & Invest. 6,544.00 Disbursements 659,982.14 Cash & Invest. Balance Receipts for 11r645.00 6,168.52 Advance to Balance Dec. 31, 1980 January, 1981 January, 1981 Transfers Library Jan. 31, 1981 AN- 3,426,447.57 30,661.00 8,973.00 $ 829,902.56 $ 604,984.00 $ 588,315.00 $ $50,000.00 $ 796,571.56 (63,085.82) 1r514.00 18,501.00 $ 11146r109.00 (80r072.82) 108r164.84 99,999.00 85,341.00 122,822.84 283r025.01 218,003.00 136,332.00 (26,928.00) 337,768.01 208,800.00 - 45,220.00 35r127.67 198,707.67 172,429.25 26,321.00 - 21,823.00 220,578.25 348,499.70 13,012.00 1,700.00 363,211.70 31,727.67 - (31r727-67) - 79,547.50 - 80.00 79,467.50 88,091.68 400.00 1r780.00 86,711.68 453,551.12 12,741.00 1,802.00 464,490.11 287,342.79 2,313.00 28,024.00 262r631.79 145,490.96 9,846.00 16,568.00 138,768.96 586r037.51 48,440.00 26,648.00 607r829.51 502,647.03 12,615.00 490r032.03 4r597-62 123.00 - 41720.62 21,132.26 203.00 - 21,335.26 6,418-56 1f049.00 - 7,467.56 61234.30 11144.00 - 7,378.30 8,433.00 578.00 - 91011.00 64,126.62 8,413.00 - 72,539.62 139,451.49 22,618.00 - 162F069.49 20r033.95 161.00 71700.00 12,494.95 1r348.45 7.00 - 1r355.45 Corporate Purposes Construction 1973 6,53,438.14 6,544.00 659,982.14 Special Service Area Construction #2 17r813.52 - 11r645.00 6,168.52 Public Benefit 3,221.21 -- Police Pension Fund 3,426,447.57 30,661.00 8,973.00 31221.21 31448,135.57 Firemen's Pension Fund - 31830r488.89 37,035. 0-0- 15,949.57 3,851,574.32 TOTAL $12,265,357.37 $ 11146r109.00 1,005,493.57 $ $50,000.00 $12,355,972.80 DATE RUN 2/13/81 TIME RUN 15.24.01 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ESTIMATED REVENUE REPORT ACCOUNTING PERIOD 09 ENDING 1/31/81 1981-82 Y -T-0 Y -T-0 CUR mo KI 7) G F: T P 4ZT T F4ATC A r "r PAGE 1 u .1% L ACTUAL _--------__--_--------------- UNRECID VAQ IANCE TAX REVENUE SAL ANCE BAL 2249535- 2249535- 1-000-00-4001 TAXES GENRL CORP-CURRE14T 2249535 109940 4 496,08- 1-000-00-4002 TAXES GENRL CORP-PRPV. 25P, v 465 2589465 2699405 6,5203 1-000-00-4CO3 TAXES GENRL CORP -PRIOR 259000 259000 23,392 4v593- 1-000-00-4004 TAXES GARPAGE - CURRENT 430,610 595- 595- 595- 1-000-00-4005 TAXES GARPAGE-PREVIOUS 359090 359090 374P562 4,065 1-000-00-4006 TAXES GARBAGE ALL PRIOR 10,0002 10,000 69170 39433- 1-03010-0103-40029 TAXES ST E BRAG. - PRIOR 9949408- 994,408- 595- 829- 1-000-00-4010 TAXES ROAD C BRIDGE CURR 34v650 9FJA_ q89- q89- 1-000-00-4011 TAXES ROAD E BRIDGE PREV 9,5501 9,550 1069445 1v421 1-000-00-4012 TAXES RD E BRIDGE PRIOR 800 Bon 701 76- 1-000-00-4013 RETAILERS OCCUPATION TAX 3#1509000 2t1929415 291557592 271,622 1 -000 -On -4014 STATE INCOME TAX 100001000 752.660 719,818 91,925 1-000-00-4015 FOREIGN FIRE INS TAX 16900103 169000 15,012 33 1-000-00-4064 PERSONAL PROP REPL TAX ___zfmQQ2 ___z'aQQc _31-1-051 3ZA TOTAL TAX PEVENUE 595449000 3v6499300 3v7019463 3719979 FEE REVENUE 39415 5 127415- 16, 415- 16015- 1-000-00-4101 BIJILDING PERMIT FEES 150#000 112,500 579737 2,310 1-000-00-4102 ELECTPICAL PERMIT FEES 41,000 309-744 lPv260 190226 1-000-00-4104 PLUM-3ING PEIMIT FEES 26v000 199494 109426 312 1-000-00-4105 PLAN EXAMINATION FEES 159000 119250 4,665 340 1-000-00-4106 STREET OPFNING FEES 1.100 819 200 3,F50- 1-000-00-4107 VEHICLE LICENSE FEES 3509000 216,000 2529747 123,737 1-000-00-4108 DnG LICENSES 189500 l?v685 179184 101120 1-000-00-4109 LIOUOq LICENSES 609000 60,000 62IQ50 3 ip 15 0 1-000-00-4110 BUSINESS LICENSES 659000 64,4201 689415 548 1-000-00-4112 PUBLIC IMPR INSPECTIONS 181000 139500 17085 30 1-000-00-4113 RENTAL PEES 211000 15,750 16,730 29119 1-000--00-4114 FEES-BCARD OF APPEALS l41500 10,872 3,875 1-000-00-4115 TELEPHONE FRANCHISE FEES 12Y000 129003 11,238 5*609 1-000-00-4119 ELEVATOR INSPECTIONS 5,00 0} 39775 .2 x925 125 1-000-00-4120 FALSE ALARM FEES ------ ------ TOTAL FEE REVENUE 7979 TO 5839809 5309107 1499711 GRANTS REVENUE 1-000-00-4151 GRANT -SENIOR CITIZENS 10,000 79497 149570 1-000-00-4152 GRANT -ILEO POLICE TRN 24,000 249010}0 20vI20 1-000-00-4153 GRANT -STATE FIRE TRAING __IQ_tQ.Q2 TOTAL GRANTS REVENUE 44,000 419497 439686 SERVICE CHARGE REVENUE 1-000-00-4176 MOUNT PROSPECT RURAL FPD 7,000 5,247 6000 PAGE 1 ID-VGL245 UNRECID VAQ IANCE BALANCE SAL ANCE BAL 2249535- 2249535- 100- 10,940 10,940 109940 4 496,08- 4950q- 49609- 18- 430,610- 4309610- 100- 15,172 15.172 15,172 4 3#830- 3,630- 39 4930- 33- 595- 595- 595- 0 34,650- 34v650- 100- 96,895 96ir895 969395 15 99- 9q- 99- 12- 36,823- 9949408- 994,408- 32- 32,962- 2809182- 2809182- 29- 9FJA_ q89- q89- 6- P1321 52,163 lie42,9117- 198429517- 33- 54,763- 92,263- 929?63- 62- 129484- 22,740- 22,740- 55- 990'68- 159574- 15,574- 60- 69585- 10035- 109335- 69- 619- 900- 900- 87- 369747 979253- 97,253- 28- 4,499 1.P316- 1,316- 7- 2,q50 2,950 2,450 5 3,995 3,415 39415 5 127415- 16, 415- 16015- 94- 960 49270- 4,270- 20- 69997- 109625- 109625- 73- 762- 762- 762- 6- 850- 29075- 29075- 42- 539702- 2669993- 266,493- 33- 79073 49570 4,570 46 3,F50- 3,980- 3,860- 16- 2,189 314- 314- 1- 753 1,000- 1,000- 14- DATE RUN 2113/61 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 2 TIME RUN 15.24-031 ESTIMATED REVENUE REPORT ID-VGL25 c ACCOUNTING PERIOD 019 ENDING 11311$1 1981-82 - -D -T-D CUR MO UNRECID,F �S BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE BALANCE nAL SERVICE CHARGE REVENUE 1-0100-0101-4177 ELK GROVE RURAL FPC} 1-0010-00-4178 FOREST RIVER RURAL FPD 195030 5t,000 19030303 190 0- I 0-` 19 50 - 1030- 1-0010-010,-4160 W E S SERVICE CHARGE --__ i g4 4.500 �` 3950}0) S2 1,§000- 19500- 19500- 30- 'a TOTAL SERVICE CHARGE REVENUE 10119500 76#744 759500 _ 79333--------*244-� 269000- 269000- 26- 01HER REVENUE 1-000-00-4231 SALE OF CODE ROOKS 60101 450 421 50 29- 179- 1-000-00-4232 ORDINANCE FINES 3409000 254t997 2109 771 28.450 44v226- 129v229- 1 79- 129v229- 0- 38- 1-000®00-4�1-33 RECYCLING PPOGRAM 14 9 010101 109494 109392 1t841 1032- 39608- 39603- 2 6g -000-00-4234 PRO -RATA SHARE SAg�70 2,1603 29lbo 3!243 I#083 190183 1!083 50 1-000-00-4236 FED [DISASTER ASST FUNDS 1690180 169080 16*OaO- 16.080- 169080- 00- 1-®000-00-4239 PUBLIC P HEF T SURPLUS 19010103 19000- 1!000- 1-000-00-42401 G.I.E. DEPOSIT RETURN 00- 1-000-00-4248 INTEREST 1 014E 1509000 112!500 3889254 419814 759754 389254 39,254 0 26 -000-001-4249 MISCELLAWFOUS INCOME 50#000 379494 369879 398016 615- 139121- 3t121- 26- 1-000-00-4250 RAUENHORST STUDY 15,01001 159000 1.59000 15.000 0 1- UOO-00-42 56 POLICE TRAINING R E 1 M UR TOTAL OTHER REVENUE 5739840 4349175 468,0)35 759961 3398600 105005- 0�t�05- 18a TOTAL GENERAL FUND 790609440 497859525 49413#911 6049984 33,286 2t241962 Q- 2.241,629- 32� tl- a� T — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — OTHER REVENUE 21-000-00-4241 FEDERAL ALLOT ENT 400tOOO 2999093 2979879 99,311 19219- 10129121- 1x29121- 26- 21-000-00-4248 INTEREST INCOME7 TOTAL OTHER PEVENUE ----1X __---_ -__ l __®�_ ® ___lls. 31 _ �► A __l�t.��� � _ ��.I...�.m. g� 4019000 2999845 3099697 999999 9,p852 9i93G3- 919303- _gid 23 - -TOTAL TOTAL REVE`UE SHARING FUND 401 000 2999945 309,697 99099 99852 919303- 91,303- 23- ll MIR-E M.F.T. REVENUE 2-03003-030-4221 ALLOCATION FROM STATE 22-000-00-4222 REIMBURSE T ON 735,0)0}0 5519250 4929954 449486 589296- 2 9046- 24290)46- 33- PROJECTS 22-000-00-4248 INTEREST INCOME 50900101 379494 7w124 39954 30070- 429876- 429876- 66- TOTAL M.F.T. REVENUE __-150-LQQ4 8459000 ___�t-tQQQ ___3cmRo 6339744 530}9898 � 489440 10129846 - 149102- 3149102- - TOTAL MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND 8459000 6339744 5309898489440 1(329846- 314.102- 31491012- 37 - GRANTS REVENUE 23-0300-003-4155 GRANT TOTAL GRANTS REVENUE _ 8539630 8239630 54090100 283#630- 3139630- 31396301- 37- 7-TOT TOTAL L COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GT 85396301 8239630 5409000 2839630- 313#630- 313,6303- 37- P.S.R.F. REVENUE _ a ` DATE RUN 2113181 £ VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT TIME RUN 15.24.41 ESTIMATED REVENUE REPORT PAGE 3 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 04 ENDING 1131/81 ID— GL 45 1981— —T—D Y—T—O CUR MO UNREC• % BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE BALANCE BBL TAX REVENUE 74-000-}00-4055 TAXES — CURRENT 123t420 24-000-00-4056 TAXES — PREVIOUS 881143 809143 919868 2.223 39725 1231420— 31725 1239420— 100- 2 —OCC -00-4057 TAXES — ALL PRIOR 29200 29200 1,454 709— 746— 746— 39725 4 24-000-00-4064 PERSONAL PROP REPS TAX 24t0OO 24tO00 159480 89520— 9e520— 746— 34- 24-000-00-4248 INTEREST INCOME 81520— 36- TOTAL TAX REVENUE2 237.763 114.343 104960 1.514 5,541— 123,961— 9 128v 961— 54— TOTAL ILL. MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND 27t73 1149343 109,502 1.524 59541— 1299961— 1289961— 54— A__g® __—____-------gi FEE REVENUE 41-000-00-4117 INSPECTION FEES 31000 29250 29250— 39000— 41-000-00-4118 WATER FEES 11000 747 10 737_ 440— 31 OOC— 100— 41-000-00-4201 WATER COLLECTIONS 1,7509000 It3409000 1/3069318 2069056 33168?— 4439682— 990— 443v682— 99- 41-000--00-4202 SEWER CHARGES 19110 306 19110 lvllo 11110 25- 41-000-00-4203 WATER PENALTIES 41-000-00-4204 "IFTER RENTAL 3090100 221525 23t368 31464 543 69632— 61632— 0 22- 1-000-0C-4205 WATER £ SE Ek TAWS 209000 709000 149994 529497 12964q 47,309 186 21345— 7,351— 79351-- 37- 41-000-00-4204 MATER SALES CLEARING ACT 250— 51138— 221641— 2 2169 1— 32- 41-000-00-4248 INTEREST INCOME 41-000—OC-4-749 MISCELLANEOUS 29,600 229194 87131E 49537 651122 57,716 57v7 16 0 145 TOTAL FEE REVENUE —3,1-t 1,9331600 ___ 19477,707 _ 1948�,F73 � — __— 7 —___ -A1166 ? — _------- __ 218,003 4529727— 452,727— 23— TOTAL WATERWORKS E SEWERAGE — OEM 114339600 19477:707 114b01873 2181003 31I(> 452t727— 4521.27— 23— SEPVICE CHARGE REVENUE 42-000-00-4207 TRANS. FROM WWE S 42-000-00-4208 TRANS. FROM SUR P. REV. 30.600 69800 3C�. 600 30,600 309 600 O TOTAL SERVICE CH�tRGE REVENUE ------ — __®__ _— ___1g�3�,3 -- * -i-3A. __ � _ __�, 12�� 1694 269143 5161945 516.445 516,`145 0 TOTAL WATERWORKS L SEWERAGE —D I E E 516,'45 261143 5169945 5161445 5169945 0 —wA I SERVICE CHARGE REVENUE 44-000-00-4207 TRANS FROM WWCS 4-000-00-4248 INTEREST INCOME 1969448 43t655 146,448 196944E 1969448 0 TOTAL SERVICE CHARGE REVENUE 5,400 4.050 2029342 439149 1989242 1969942 1969942 647 TOTAL WATERWORKS L SEWERAGE BD.L INT 5t400 49050 2029342 489149 1489292 I96,442 1969042 647 P.S.R.F. REVENUE 74 DATE RUN 2/13/81 TIME RUN 15*24.01 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 4 ESTIMATED REVENUE REPORT ACCOUNTING PERIOD 09 ENDING 1/31/81 ID-VGL245 0 1981-82 Y-T-D Y-T-D CUR MO UNREC*D BUDGET ESTIt-ATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VAPIANCE BALANCE BALANCE SAL 46-000-OC-4211 METER COLLECT I CN UNIT 171 46-000-00-4212 METER COLLECT ICN-UN IT'72 42tOOC 31*500 34*CO6 41697 2*506 71994- 79994- 19- 46-000-OC-4213 SPACE RENT WILLF ST.LO"T 38,000 415OO 281494 31375 201915 3-tOI3 7e579— 179085- 17,085- 49- F.TOTAL 46-000-00-4248 INTEREST INCO'4E P.S,R.F, --�tiLIZ2 4?102 —12x3tA 611 727 398- 398- REVENUE qOtOOO 671491 69#387 9v94619996 - - - - 201613- TOTAL PARKINS SYSTEM REVENUE FUNIC} 901OOO 67v491 69,387 9. 946 1 v P96 201613- 20w613- 23- 2 Ov613- 23- ---------- TAX REVENUE 51-000-CO-4016 TAXES CURRENT 529793 51-000-00-4017 TAXES PREVIOUS 51-000-00-4018 TAXES 57,835 579935 601295 1v459 21460 52,793- 29460 529793- 100- ALL PRIOR TOTAL TAX REVENUE ---- ------ 5 !1!5 - ------ 153-5 ------- t!3-5- 2P460 4 1129328 509535 61v360 903 11825 5n-9968- 50v968- -2i- 45- OTHER REVENUE 51-000-00-4238 SALE OF EQUIPMENT 51-000-00-4248 INTEREST TNCOIAE 109000 79497 1,692 -j 1805- 89 309— 8v 308- 83- TOTAL OTHER REVENUE S ---- J-�Qo 159500 __- Zi 11*619 19,611 19410 70092 41 Ill 41111 27 TOTAL CAP. I"PR.vREPR.PEPLACEMENT 127.828 71,154 809971 2.313 P 17 451957- 461857- 37- GRANTS RcVENUE 52-000-00-4154 EPA GRANT 500v000 2009000 52-000-00-4Z48 INTEREST EARNED TOTAL GRANTS kEVFNUE _550 27.L�t3�t 200,000- 500g000- soovoco- 100- 000 2379494 439493 69544 —1194,0031---50 9507- 5069507- TOTAL COPP. URP. CO'IST. FUND 1973 550vC30 237,494 43,493 6,544 194v0'o1- 'c,0615O7- 92- 5061507- 92- r p TAX REVE14UE 60-000-00-4019 TAXES - CURRENT 871125 60-000-00-4020 TAXES - PREVIOUS 66,000 66t'-'00 71 v 737 lt736 59737 971125- 87#125- 100- 60-000-00-4021 TAXES - ALL PRIOR 21090 7, 090 11312 670- 778- 59737 59737 9 60-000-00-4064 PERSONAL PROP REPL TAX 60-000-00-4248 INTEREST INCOME 15,558 10#424 61763 6,w 7 6 3 3f661- 778- 8 -P 7 95 - 778- 8095- 3T- 57- TOTAL TAX REVENUE 1789773 3415018 849685 89413 177 949088- 941O88- 53- TOTAL CORPORATE PURPOSES 1973 1789773 84v508 849685 99413 177 94*088- 9413388- 53- --------------- TAX REVENUE 61-000-00-4022 TAXES - CURRENT 20nt3l8 61-000-00-4023 TAXES - POEVIOUS 162*290 1629290 1769399 49269 14.109 2009318- 200018- 100- 149109c 9 Al DATE RUN 2/13/81 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT TIME RUN 15.24.01 ESTIMATED REVENUE REPORT ACCOUNTING PERIOD 09 ENDING 1/31/81 if Ak BALANCE BAL lx 8 51- 36- 209F40- 57- 2139776- 50- 1-04 T- I -iy Y-1-0 CUR MO U, CO 51748- 100- BUDGET CSTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE 395 395 395 8 0 64-OGO-00-4033 TAXES - ALL PRIOR 240 240 0 96 50- 144- 144- 144- 60- 64-000-00-4064 PERSONAL PROP REPL TAX 19071 TAX REVENUE 466 466 230- 605- 605- 56- 61-000-00-4024 TAXES - ALL PRIOR 59200 59200 39349 1.x744- 19951- 19851- C,w 61-000-00-4064 PERSONAL PROP REPS TAX 3 x66 2 4,v 700 16*026 169026 8w674- 209840- 183- 61-OOC-00-4248 INTEREST INCOME ---I4a!2QQ 52 - TOTAL FIRE EQUIPMENT 1964 739461®__21 69041 511858 TOTAL TAX REVENUE 4239674 2069437 20qV89B 221P618 94612139776- x - TOTA TOTAL CORPORATE PURPOSES 1974 4239674 206v437 2099898 229618 39461 2139776- 0 C; P C ------------ TAX REVENUE C) TAX REVENUE 64 -000 -nn -4011 TA ES - f-"DDr:l,[T 65-000-00-4034 TAXES - CURRENT if Ak BALANCE BAL lx 8 51- 36- 209F40- 57- 2139776- 50- TAX REVENUE 67-000-00-4040 TAXES CURRENT 0 �i9748 5974B- 51748- 100- 64-000-00-4032 TAXES - PREVIOUS 49700 49700 59095 123 395 395 395 8 0 64-OGO-00-4033 TAXES - ALL PRIOR 240 240 0 96 50- 144- 144- 144- 60- 64-000-00-4064 PERSONAL PROP REPL TAX 19071 696 466 466 230- 605- 605- 56- 64-000-00-4248 INTEREST It C0 �150 i��-4 ------ ------- 29- ------ ZQ� ------- 4 q - ' "' 1 3 Q T OTAL TAX ENUE REV 12 v 3 0 9 6 # 0 4 1 59958 578 183- 69 51- ; 6v451- 52 - TOTAL FIRE EQUIPMENT 1964 129309 69041 511858 578 133- 69451- 6,.451® 52- -------------- C; TAX REVENUE 65-000-00-4034 TAXES - CURRENT 1495O4 149504- 149504- 100- 65-000-00-4035 TAXES - PREVIOUS 7#655 7v655 89326 202 671 671 671 q 65-000-00-4036 TAXES - ALL PRIOR 180 180 114 59- 66- 66- 66- 37- 65-000-00-4064 PERSONAL PROP REPL TAX 2*239 19500 973 973 527- 19266- 19266- 57- 65-000-00-4248 INTEREST INCOME ------ 229 - ------ Z12 _______z ...... t4l- 928- pl- TOTAL TAX REVENUE 259718 109190 9,1625 IvI44 565- 169093- 16v093- 63 1 - rt TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS BUILDINGS 1964 259718 109190 97625 19144 565- 169093- 169093- 63 - TAX REVENUE * 66-000-00-4037 TAXES - CURRENT 16, 196 169196- 16, 196- 100- 66-000-00-4038 TAXES - PREVIOUS 59175 59175 5,p 62 2 136 447 447 447 9 66-000-00-4039 TAXES - ALL PRIOR 165 165 106 55- 59- 59- 59- 36' * 66-000-00-4064 PERSONAL PROP REPL TAX 2058 19445 938 938 507- 1x22 - 1,220- 57- 66-000-00-4248,INTEREST INCOME 9?9- 4- TOTAL TAX REVENUE 24x804 7,r613 6,847 lv049 766-----179957- 179957- 72 - 0 TOTAL FIRE STATION 1964 249604 79613 6,847 19 04 766- 1,79957- 17v957- 72- TAX REVENUE 67-000-00-4040 TAXES CURRENT 0 4 "° s - DATE RUN 2%13181 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT TI E U 5.24. ESTIMATED REVENUE REPORT PAGE 6 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 04 ENDING 1131/81 ID-VGL245 _ 1'181-82 Y -T-0 Y -T -D CUR MQ UNREC*D % BUDGET ESTTMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE BALANCE BAL TAX REVENUE 67-000-00-4041 TAXES - PREVIOUS 67-000-00-4042 TAXES - ALL PRIOR 69546 158 6,546 6.546 6#54 540 6 0 67-000-00-4064 PERSONAL PROP REPL TAX 130 58- 130 130 130 r 67 -000 -OC -4248 INTEREST INCOME TOTAL TAX REVENUE 1QQ 100 _ __ � _-__ ®� __�� �21 _�_.-� 0 214 72 69986 203 b, 914 69886 61886 886 TOTAL LIBRARY BUILDING 1961 100 72 69986 203 69914 69886 69886 896 TAX REVENUE 68-000-00-4043 TAXES - CURRENT 68-000-00-4044 TAXES - PREVIOUS 79024 17{} 79024 71024 68 -000 -OC -4045 TAMES - ALL PRIOR 131 68- 131 131 79024 0 68-000-00-4064 PERSONAL PROP REPL TAX 131 0 ` 68-000-00-4248 INTEREST INCO EQQ ? 0 TOTAL TAX REVENUE 100 72 79330 123 ------ 79258 ------- 79230 7 - 79230 7 230 C) TOTAL MUNICIPAL BUILDING 1961 1003 72 7030 123 79259 79?30 7.230 230 TAX REVENUE 69-000-00-4048 TAXES - ALL PRIOR 57 27- 57 64--0003-0C1--x,248 INTEREST FN4CME -_ 57 57 0 TOTAL TAX REVENUE -_- ---__--------- 9 ------ 9 -_ 66 27- 66 66 66 0 TOTAL FOREST RIVER FIRE PROTECT 1965 66 27_ 66 66 66 0 QLI�F__pFSI4�__FLl�4_-_`_____.____---_ TAX REVENUE 71-000-00-4044 TAXES - CURRENT 118t238 7I-0300-00-4050 TAXES - PREVIOUS 1299230 1249230 134,702 39260 59472 1181238- 59472 II@tZ38- 100- 71-000-00-4051 TAXES - ALL PRIOR 71-000-00-4064 PERSONAL PROP REPL 3#500 39500 2047 19118- 19153- 1.153- 59472 19153- 4 33- TAX 71-000-00-4243 POLICEMENS CONTRIBUTIONS 289000 122,5GO 289000 919872 17,773 941324 g 109227- 109227- 109227- 37- _.� 71- {100-00-4244 BICYCLE SALE 9247 29452 2A917b- 2@9176- 23- 71-00€1-00-4245 DONATIONS I9881 11881 11381 19881 0 ct 71-000-00-4248 INTEREST INCOME 71-400-013-4244 OTHER 220,000 1649997 2239673 19t272' 59,676 39673 39673 0 2 ----IXDQQ T(}TAL TAX REVENUE 6249468 419v849 4749700 309661 549851 1499768- 149,763-- 24 - TOTAL POLICE PENSION FUND 624#468 4149849 4749700 309661 54*851 1499768- 1449768- 4- 24- _-_______________- ------------------ TAX TAX REVENUE Jr TOTAL ALL FUNDS 49160vO89 9,7609254 1119825 191679732 351*571 49C499263- 490489263- 97- e DATE RUN 2113/81 VILLAGE OP MoUNT PROSPECT TIME RUN 15.24.01 ESTIMATED REVENUE REPORT PAGE 7 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 09 ENDING 1/31/81 1981-82 -T-O Y -T -Q CUR MO UNREC9 BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE BALANCE BAL 72-000-00-4052 TAXES - CURRENT 1559786 72-000-00-4053 TAXES - PREVIOUS 1709295 1709295 1779471 49245 79I76 1559786- 7.176 1559786- 100- 2-000-00-4054 TAXES - ALL PRIOR 49600 49600 39080 194931- I9520- 19520-1.520- 79 176 4 33- 72-000-00-4064 PERSONAL PROP REPL TAX 72-000-00-4243 FIREMEN'S CONTRIBUTIONS 389000 399000 249079 139921- 139921- 139421- 37- � 72-000-00-4245 DnNATIONS 1259600 949347 94 9 P4 8 99520 501 309952- 309452- 25- 72 -000 -OC -4248 INTEREST TNCOME 2709000 202,500 725 299v156 249576 ZZ5 969656 225 249156 225 299156 0 11 72-000-00-4249 OTHER 72-000-00-4646 DISCOUNT ON INVESTMENT ],FOOD 747 125 125 622- 875- 875-- 88- TOTAL TAX REVENUE �__--_--- ?659481 ----------- 5109489 ----4_t1Z`_ 6039104 37035 929620 1629372- 162,372- -Q 21 - TOTAL FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 7659481 5109489 6039109 379U35 92,620 1629 2-- 1629372- 21 - TOTAL ALL FUNDS 49160vO89 9,7609254 1119825 191679732 351*571 49C499263- 490489263- 97- e x DATE RUN 2/13/81 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECTPAGE °a TIME RUN 15.20.58 BUDGET EXPENSE RCPORT IC�_VGL246 — —- ACCOUNTING PERIOD 09 ENDING 1/31181 1981-82 Y—T—D Y—T—D CUR MO UNEXPENDED UNENCUM % BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE B&LANCE ENCUM5ERED BALANCE PAL PUBLIC Kt—kESENTATIJN DIVISION -- TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 119200 89388 139400 934 12— 298010 291300? 25 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 189500 139860 189427 152— 49567— 73 73 0 <' TOTAL C0%'MQDITIES TOTAL MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES 31,700 23.742 289731 19059 29970 29969 9 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 519450 313v 565 301,937 119350 7.628 209513 209513 40 TOTAL COMMODITIES ---___44 ______Z� ______114 ---119352 __► _79662 ____ ---209603 TOTAL ADVISORY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 519650 389709 31.047 —�-- ____� —~209603 40 TOTAL PUBLIC REPRESENTATION DIVISION 839350 629451 549778 12,411 2,673 23,573 239572 28 VILLAGE MANAGER*S OFFICE TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 75,635 569709 5E'9978 69108 29269-- 161657 169657 2 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 39350 29502 3,744 747— 19292— 444— 444— 13— TOTAL COMMODITIES 1,550 19161 19321 13 160— 229 224 15 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ------ `.QQ ______!z15 ______��� TOTAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT 819435 619047 649925 59672 3987 — 16,5101 1595101 — 0 g GENLL_Cid'JNaEL ___—_________________---_- TOTAL CONTACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL GENERAL COUNSEL 9390010 699750 679363 542 29387 259637 259637 28 z ___________________—___—___—__ TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ----- 4j—a12 ____ tHQ+_s—_— _ --49300 TOTAL PROSECUTOR 13,100 901919 8,800 459 19019 _ 493OO 33 E-U2LIL_ZN"EQ m-AIZ0N__________________ _ TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES � TOTAL PU3LIC INFOR"ATICON 159500 119610 129623 19626 1.013— 291#77 29477 19 REREQdlEL_t'ANAGE �EJI�_____________ _.__..�. TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 39732 29799 291361 287 62- 871 871 23 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 19200 E141 29830 953 19939- 19630- 19630- 136- TOTAL COMMODITIES Q -_ ------_5-QIN _59821 ------- 22 ------3zQ ------�I4 __- � PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 59532 49140 19279 19681- 289- � 289- —1-2TOTAL 5- —_—___—__--__TOTAL ------------ TOTALPERSONAL SERVICES 29479 19854 1,1907 191 53— 572 572 23 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES— 9 4 n 7 R I TOTAL TRAINING 22029 9 169447 129794 19342 397013 99235 - _ 99235 42 lLBEiI"_'I� ------ -------------------- - TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 159400 119538 119697 19185 154— 39703 39703 24 x DATE RU 2/13/81 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 4 TIME RUN/5.20.58 PUDGET EXPENSE REPORT I03-VGL246 a ACCOUNTING PERIOD 04 ENDING 1/3118/ 1 9ll 1 -8 - T -D Y-1 -D CUR MO UNEXPENDFO U, ENCU BODGET ESTIMATE -ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE ENCUMREREn GALANC PAL VILLAGE MANAGER'S OFFICE -0jrR E1Lm1-UL-___-_______________________ TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,750 49302 59369 1 wool 1,0167- 381 381 7 TOTAL C OMMOU I T I E S `�Z` �iSZ� TOTAL 'MICROFILMING 27tO75 209269 2091213 3.163 140 6.947 6,947 26 TOTAL VILLAGE MANAGER'S OFFICE 2579671 1931131 1829454 149683 677 65,217 65,217 25 DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES TDTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 68,988 529018 40.650 495017 21368 141339 199338 2 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7,350 591499 59765 165- 286- 1,565 19565 21 TOTAL COMMODITIES 492070 31741 3,#699 41 43 5012 502 12 , TOTAL CAPITAL EXPE'NDITURFS ____ZxQQQ ____Ii494 ---- 1x3,5- f ______Z19 ___�� _-_--_a�t2 --------- -----_ TOTAL ADMINISTRATICON AND SUPPORT 829538 629752 609241 49692 2,461 229247 229247 _�ty 27 CUI --------- ---_--_--_-t-___-___- OTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 509545 37,899 36,967 3,814 912 139556 139558 27 TU T A L CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,2501 1,683 639 19044 19611 1,611 72 TOTAL COMMODITIES _ ___� _ -53929 ___�� _ _®_399951 __- ___ ______154- - I- - TOTAL ACCOUNTING 389149 39814 19902 159146 _________ _______ 15046 -4 28 AR L-___-e___a----------------- ec--- TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 49,300 91225 9,434 447 209- 39t966 39,866 81 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5501 405 616 211- 66- 66- 12 - TOTAL COMMODITIES 55-______ R 4. TOTAL PAYROLL 50,075 09792 10,267 947 475- 399,308 399808 79 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 1091607 79614 E3r001 7B2 387- 2,159 29159 21 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2890156 219780 12,608 390703 99181 16,448 161 448 57 TOTAL COMMODITIES ?i�QQ ----1x2ZZ ----�t.LJ2 Z�41I-Zx��°- ___z U- _� TOTAL ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING 41,716 31,275 259398 39785 5,577 16.318 16.319 39 � _--------------- --_----__ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 17,4907 13,113 1498201 19397 19707- 29670 29670 15 � TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 197501 19305 898 139 407 852 852 49 o TOTAL COMM`IO I T I E S120 ___199340 ____-__17 _______` 1 TaTAL WATER BILLING 149490 151809 1.536 19319- 39531 3,531 18 ULL-ELIiQJS-____________________________g TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 119230 81415 89666 873 251- 2.564 29564 23 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 59050 39780 490)25 417- 245- 19025 19025 201 TOTAL COMMDDITIES 5D !`-�_���� 3l-_______1°- --------- __-- -a!- TOTAL COLLECTIONS 169330 129231 129760 456 524- 3,570 39570 22 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 109677 89154 7,569 766 585 393018 3930 301 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES _-_31XQQQ ___Z?xZ�Z ___ ZxZZ ZxZZ� °xgL-ZZ5- --------- - C11 TOTAL TELEPHONE SERVICE 479877 359901 459244 39540 99343- 29583 - 29583 ._._Z 5 LS�LL___-_--____.�____________�__� + TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 6,955 51211 59332 535 121- 19623 19623 23 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 464,369 3489264 4129P43 759407 641579- 519526 511526 11 a s r E DATE RUN 2/13/81 E VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT TIME RUN 15.20.58 BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT PAGE 10 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 09 ENDING 1131181 ID—VGL246 — 1981-82 BUDGET Y—T-0 ESTIMATE Y—T—Ca CUR MC} UNEXPENDED UNENCUM ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE ENCU!A3EPED BALANCE 3AL TOTAL INSURANCE---__-_ 4719324 --------- 353*475 418.175 25,942 649700- 539149 � - 531149 11 TOTAL OEPARTmENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES 7821445 559.867 6261143 449622 669276— 156052 4 VILLAGE CLERK*S OFFICE 1569352 20 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES T TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 32.932 24*776 251656 29524 980— 79276 7.276 22 TOTAL COMMODITIES 9*60)0 s 7,132 8960}3 19009 11421— 997 497 10 T07AL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT _ _ 45,032 33193{} 37*237 6 4*259 _ _ _2s14'2-------�7p— --------- _._._.__ 412— _19- 3,r 407— 7,795 7,795 17 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 390)50 2*286 2,337 235 51— 713 713 23 TOTAL COMMODITIESIES 29700 21025 1.440 585 It260 19260 47 TOTAL RECORDS CONTROL ------1QQ 5*850 -------lz --------- 49383 39777 --------- 235 —_____? � 605 —___2.073 __IQQ ____ ___— -_____IQQ lQQ 29073 35 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 39050 2.286 2*337 235 51— 713 713 23 TOTAL LEGAL NOTICES 5 ----�iQQ 89050 7 —__— z_ �S ?� 2� � ----Z:tz2t— 69030 91961 313 3.931— 1*411— 19811— `�2_ 24— TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 49230 3.204 3.281 324 7T— 9c 949 23 TOTAL COMMODITIES T_ 19650 1.224 ''� 14 1*210 1*636 19636 q TOTAL BUSINESS LICENSES — —______S�g 6,830 ______ _---Is 5*103 s� 4.585 —�--�—a__ 329 — ------ 1------- 3 32Q --------- ___ 2_ 2— —3 518 29245 29245 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 490166 39042 39120 313 78— 9 4 6 946 23 TOTAL ELECTIONS AND VOTER REGISTRATION ----IIQ44 590)66 -----_�S� ____ 397934 39152 �2 7 --- _ +19414 g�5 _2 345 63T 11914 3E QE E TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL. COMMODITIES 5.350 4,005 49319 395 4 31' 1* Cl 1 3 i o OFF—SET PRINTING OPERATION _----1x QQ _---- 8*850 69624 89717 33—� 9031 14 _2�—TOTAL 395 2.093, 133 133 2 TOTAL VILLAGE CLERK*S OFFICE 749678 59*759 679424 59876 79670— 121249 POLICE DEPARTMENT 121249 15 ,.. TOTAL. PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2969913 2249993 231,099 2310)88 6*106— 65*814 659614 22 TOTAL COMMODITIES 54,900 411849 35:663 21378 69186 149237 19,x237 35 TOTAL CAPITAL E PENOITURES 61900 6016 9 1 5535 814 481 19365 1,365 20 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION AND SPPRT 3619213 2759358 273#491 271381 _—�_- 29861 87*716 87*716 24 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 11134910?0 8599045 889957E 89.721 30*533— 2441522 2441522 22 � TOTAL COMMODITIES 29100 19602 249139 19510 229947 113 g2 590 590 28 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 29300 29300 19898 11015 19191 21403 2'940}3 II 92 4012 402 40)Z 17 r� P GATE RUN 2/13/81 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE IT TIME RUN 15.20.58 BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT ICI-VGL246 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 09 ENDING 2131181 1951-82 Y -T -D Y -T-0 CUR MID UNEXPENDED tJNFNCI[ P(A Ir.F [;FPARTMFNT BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL e ACTUAL VARIANCE 3ALANCE ENCUMBERED 3ALANCE SAL TOTAL PATROL AND TRAFFIC ENFOIkCEMLNT 191649350 887,#085 -----_ 9159933 --------- 909941 --------- 289848- --------- 2489417 � 2489417 -21 TOTAL PE Sn,iAL SERVICES TOTAL 759475 57#001 51,4001 49046 59601 24,PO752.907"5 32 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 19750 19402 890 97 512 860 160 49 TOTAL COMMODITIES TOTAL TOTAL CR ME PREV•9 PUBLIC AND YOUTH SE 7(39525 549692 53,258 -__ _®®259267-�$-��-� _ _-� ------ _ 92 69434 259267 32 TnvAL n. RSnNA1, SFRVIC[S TOTAL 2389613 iaovl;5y 1549 919 169433 ,26,0? 40 839694 839 34 35 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2#0503 19478 313 112 191 5 1#737 11737 85 TOTAL COMMODITIES TOTAL --_--AaA ---- m� ----ZxLt2 3 �1 INVESTIGATIVE AND JUVENILE PROGRAM 2449063 1859537 15799031 17#053 279936 869162 8 6, 9 16 2 _2z 35 C; ---4:..,_-__------__----__--- TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 5039397 35.381 359152 31812 ZZ9 159245 151245 30� TOTAL COMMODITIES TOTAL CROSSING GUARDS ___�®_ 5-09897 ------259 _____- `� ______+ _- � fit -21 35974C 35.546 49019 194 15,351 159351 30 EDUCE .EQ IE"EK' x E IS TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 339867 259398 169317 21159 9t0 17,550 179550 52 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 11#000 99244 39983 190162 4 v 2 6 1 79017 79017 64 COMMODITIES 14690OO 11C9077 609588 19504 499489 859412 859412 59 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES f a' -- � _-- � i _- ---2 � aD Q,7? TOTAL POLICE EQUIPME Tt MTC. L OPERATION 2961967 2499814 15 9911 4.725 8994073 ---� ------ 1379057 -1379' 5 !46 TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT 2,1969015 I *N939 5 6 1. 95969046 148v333 97v480 5999970 5999969 2 FIRE C EMEQGENCY PROTECTION DEPT. `__�I---------------- TOTAL PER ORAL SERVICES 1139676 86tO85 879153 88589 11,068- 26t523 269523 23 TOTAL CONTPACTUAL SERVICES 139950 119574 994078 680 29166 49542 49542 33 cj TOTAL CD'AMODI TIES 199300 179073 119497 19021 59576 79,303 79 803 403 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Zi �� ls 19ZQ5.�� �$ 52.5 595 TOTAL ADMINISTPATION AND SUPPORT 1489726 1169476 1099263 109290 79213 _ 399463-�- _-399463 27 EI -RE- ' RRESS1QN--_- -- TOTAL PERS0NAL SERVICES TOTAL 9779139 7399878 7209916 739377 18,962 2569223 2.56,223 26 Q CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1190700 89244 89640 108 396- 29360 29360 21 TOTAL COMMODITIES 21000 11494 263 19231 1,737 1#737 87 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 12125-Q ----22za.Q1zZ�Z s.2�._ Q TOTAL FIRE SUPPRESSION 19009,389 767t0)91 7399049 74,777 289042 _12.t4?. 270040 270,340 27 i CODE-E�EQELEMEN1 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2249354 169,079 1739448 18#017 9#369- 450016 45,906 20 TOTAL COMMODITIES lOtl80? 49790 7t875 3,573 69811 2#755 278 12 1064 3,364 39369 33 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES l_r�7� 1x211 _ _24�_- ilfz 818 290336 29035 47n 42 TOTAL CODE ENFORCEMENT 240)t699 1819544 1881919 ___189823 -___—_112 ?#375- ___ _'912 519781 _____�®_ ��-51,7 07 �4 Z � 22- { E"ERCHNC1_!!E2 ICA L_SERYICES -------------- TOJTAL PERSO;44L SERVICES 5v2t718 448t684 4839604 47#212 3499201- 109014 l0)Qtll4 1R E 3 . DATE RUN 2/13/81 VILLAGE OF 5 MOUNT PROSPECT TIME .2 BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT PAGE 1 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 09 ENDING 1%31/82 IQ-VGL24 - L 1481-82 BUDGET Y -T-0 Y -T -D CUR MO U`IEXPENQEQ UNENCIlM X FIREr EMERGENCY PROTECTION DEPT. ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE-- BALANCE ENCUM3ERED BALANCE eAL TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL CC!'MOUITIES 51900 49419 39144 19225 29706 97 06 46 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES12sQ44 49250 39177 I�s�gQ 2.487 3 691 19764 9763 41 TOTAL EMERGcfllCY MEDICAL SERVICES 6149869 4679080 490970}0} 47t243 23,619- 124,265+ 1249163 20 ' E �-y TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 279843 27,843 48t988 49771 22.145- 219145- 21t245- 76 -- TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 149310 $s25Q- 101,728 79356 �Zl� 937 1i��1` 39372 69954 69954 49 g TOTAL COMMUNICATIONS 4 9 0 449286 � 629562 79233 �-1,22 -----_ _ 189276- l�Z 149C'59- 13� � - �zF 149059- 2_ `!I"_�?_MI34?�RI�? ----------- TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 391918 29,925 309544 39071 66'x- 993249?24 2 CA TOTAL COMMODITIES 31,000 209600 239247 159687 201395 11,312 39427 29552 109605 109605 34 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 49375 99288 q,288 5 TOTAL EQUIPMENT MTC. C OPERATIONS 142,11A 747910 639346 6.498 6064 73t772 � 739772 52 _____.- TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES - 19500 11125 11125 125 375 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,050 21602 11211 5828 391 839 375 25 TOTAL C04MOOITIES 360 261 300 68 9- 603 839 41 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES -t -_-_ .t�t1 ____ ilQg 60 17 TOTAL EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS q 9210? 7,474 ------l5t2 51744 19147 __ls ----Zml2z ?�1 _* 19735 39466 3,466 38 TOTAL FIRE E EMERGENCY PROTECTION DEPT. 292139513 1:6589866 1,6649583 1669011 59716- 5459932 X499930 25 0 CENTRAL DISPATCH SERVICE 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL COMMUNICATIONS 17q#000 1339497 122,759 329578 119738 56t241 569?41 _32 32 TOTAL CENTRAL DISPATCH SERVICE 178701010 133.497 221,759 321578 119739 561241 569241 32 HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT y TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 19,778 149814 159274 19547 460}- 4,50_ 49504 23 TOTAL COMMODITIES 29966 1z4� 292015 21458 362 253- 508 508 17 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT -- _-_- 23!749 ______ ______ 17,757 Q? _______ 13,539 19953 __-_-__-Z -______12 781- ��- g � - I4 ?.Q S,ZII 5,210 22 ?QQ11- GENE RAL- BEAL -` TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES<� TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 19,018 141247 14,061 19385 186 4,957 41957 26 ct TOTAL COMMODITIES 380 279 27q 380i 380 1€10 TUTAL F0009 POOL9 GENERAL HEALTH INSP. ______460 191858 _ 14,868 _____Z 149314 19455 ------- 2q _ZDl -_ ?Q? 45 554 59544 59544 28 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1.951 19449 2,028 157 574- 70 77- 4- - TOTAL CO'�MC1pITIES Zt270 1 9 701 1 929fl 417 411 98{1 9'80 43_ ANIMAL CONTROL ------Q 0 -------54 ------- ,204 3940}9 - __TOTAL _ A- - - 574 205- P92 892 21 L MATE RUN 2/13/811 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE TIME RUN 15.211.58 4- BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT ID-VGL246 - ACCOUNTING PERIOD Opt ENDING 1131/81 1981-82 Y -T -D Y -T -D CUR MCI UNEXPENDED UNENCUM BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VAPIANCE BALANCE ENCUMBERED BALANCE RAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT U TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 422 306 322 33 16- 100 100 24 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 200 144 62 82 138 138 69 TOTAL COMMODITIES -------! Q ------- t' --------- _�-_ � ------- S _��� - - _ 14 ` TOTAL WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 682 445 384 33 111 298 298 44 5LODQ_QQNV _F8Q�zRAM_________________ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 1,451 1,G30 11090 120 10- 361 36125 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL. SERVICES 19600 19188 19749 131 561- 149- 149- 9 TOTAL COMMODITIES ______425 ______alb ______ ______266 �® __=_-_684-_-____2-09 _ ------ _-___-209 _ - TOTAL BLOOD DONOR PROGRAM 39476 29983 39267 �- �6 -_ 5DLIQ_VA5IE_Q15RQi9L------------ --- -^ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 7v 275 59436 595.33 556 597- 19743 19742 24 TOTAL. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES _ _ s __ -_6772 __125sL�9�t 0 TOTAL SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 8159405 6119523 6939035 1369150 710512- 1329371 � 132.370 16 RELYELIt!S,_EE�!IER__________________ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 19771 19305 29P95 321 19590- 19124- 1.124- 63 - TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 13,514 109116 109740 19156 624- 29774 29774 21 TOTAL COMMODITIES 500 ?6 444 78 5- 56 56 1 o TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ------ ------ _-_____ ____-___ ____ 427 r7,7 7 RECYCLING CENTER 16,385 12929th 149102 19558 19,36?- ---_F------ _-____ 29283 -TOTAL 20283 14 Cj VLIE3_A I LY5I�i-----------------------____- TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 754 558 572 60 14- 183 182 24 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ---- 1E3 -925 TOTAL WATER ANALYSIS 39243 29421 19497 60 924 19747 19746 5 TOTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT 3879 99 665.091 7399547 14Z9O49 739455- 1489555 14°9552 17 SENIOR CITIZEN'S DIVISION IE9�_?EEERc?L z_AN_E4! �E�-I"---------- o TOTAL PERsnNAL SERVICES 22.495 16.845 17.267 19687 419- 59228 59228 23 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES I9300 972 1.257 142 285- 43 43 3 TOTAL COMMODITIES PZ5 --249620 ------212 ---- 11-11a - __-____-B- TOTAL INFO, REFERRALS AND COUNSELING 189432 179206 19821 19226 79414 79414 30 REEBFAIIQN_ANS2_EDUCA1 9N--____-__-�___ TDTAL< PERSONAL SERVICES 99 897 79407 79392 713 15 29505 29505 25 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 19100 AID 317 10- 494 784 783 71 TOTAL COMMODITIES ------114 ------- DI ------- 13 -------�tZ -------�R _______3? 13.$ TOTAL RECREATION AND EDUCATION 11,007 89298 79722 745 577 39386 _--____97 39385 30 UQMENUND_11;EgYIL_- ---- TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 159623 119700 119847 19171 147- 3,777 39776 24 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 20S48O 159354 15.831 29059 471- 49649 49649 23 { TOTAL COMMODITIES ------ 110 -------$I --------- --------- ------- al ------ Ila ���_»� I1� 1Q^ TOTAL HOMEBOUND SERVICES 369213 279135 279678 39230 543- 89536 89535 24 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 19662 19251 1,304 132 53- 378 378 22 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 161 lop lO8 161 161 100 3 DATE RUN 2%13/81 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 14 �® TIME RUN 15.20-59 BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT 10-VGL246 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 09 ENDING 1/31/81 1981-62 Y-T-U Y-T-D CUR Mia UNEXPENDED UNENCU`3 % BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE ENCUMiEPED BALANCE FAL TOTAL COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES 19843 19354 19304 132 55 539 534 29 TOTAL SENIOR CITIZENS DIVISION 731783 5"9224 539910 59928 19315 19#675 199873 27 COMAUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 299151 21 •843 221721 29129 87P- 69430 6,430 22 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 59825 49431 39582 849 29243 29243 39 TOTAL COMMODITIES 19600 19197 945 1C8 252 655 655 41 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ___--1��Q; lslls� ------ 741- TOTAL ADMINISTRATI;IN AND SUPPORT 38vO76 2Et.587 279621 29237 966 109455 10.455 27 ZQ'V j'V�_�M�NjTR AZIv------__--_--_---____- TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES ����QZ 7 7 6 5 4Q TOTAL ZONING ADMINISTkATION 36t5O2 271734 269513 2.840 19221 999 99989 -.Z2 27 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL PLANNING AND RESEARCH 14#792 149832 129678 19358 21154 79114 79114 36 ---------------- TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 189828 141103 159453 2.633 19350- 3,375 39375 18 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,925 49419 29745 341 1,674 39180 39180 54 TOTAL COMMODITIES 300 300 324 24- 24- 24- 8- TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES __az5x5ll __lzlxtIZ -_-_2x5-2b __ `2az __ 2m 1�. �_ --a. TOTAL COMM DEVELOP BLOCK GRANT 853t630 7409239 469684 129615 6939956 -F-� _ 8069947 � A06,Q46 95 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 94890100 8119392 113,496 199050 697t897 8349505 834,5G4 88 STREET DEPARTMENT TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 769971 571717 639916 6#226 6#199- 1390156 139055 17 TJT:.L CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1, 3007 972 19011 204 39- 289 289 22 TOTAL. COMMODITIES 99250 69930 3#726 795 31204 59524 5.524 60 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ____IAQ4Q ------ ?4-1 --------a _����� ______?' __--as? ` 97 ID-Q TpTAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT 88#521 66t366 689656 71225 21290-- __�� _�� 149866 _ 109865 22 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 879067 659277 107,156 111637 41#879- 209089- 2090189- 23- TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 69750 5#044 109032 474 41483- 39282- 31282- 419- TOTAL COMMODITIES 67,675 509706 57#791 79348 7,085- 99884 99884 15 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TtUTAL MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS 2599242 1989328 2759286 229442 769458- 161044- 169044- 6- --_______a_-- ---------- - - TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES -- 351841 329406 409381 19225 79975- 41540- 4,5401- 13- TOTAL COMMODITIES 59250 5t180 11229 36 39951 49021 41021 77 4 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ______ ___-__ -- __-� TOTAL MAINTENANCE OF GROUNDS 411441 371936 411960 11261 49024- ����� 519- 519- -c 1- 5I EEI_M°INIENAUCE__________________-- TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 519529 48t250 569252 11392 890102- 49723- 49723- 9- TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7,500 79125 5t°57 19698 19168 lt543 lt543 21 �._ - �71R a a GATE RUN 2/13/81 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT � � TIME RUN 15.24.58 BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT PAGE 15 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 04 ENDING I/31181 _ 1481-82 -T-1) -T-D CUR MO UNEXPENDED UNENC.UM STREET DEPARTMENT BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE ENCUMIERED BALANCE BAL �IELLT McI�1��b�GE TOTAL COMMODITIES --� TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 6t�900C1 559482 529977 2,671 29605 79123 79123 12 TOTAL STREET MAINTENANCE 180;9829 __-! ttxA 4 ___ 1579657 1all 1729859 __-5-txo!i2 r_._I4Jtg 73 -____At!24�4ZI ���� 7 619810 1592+12- 7997(3 7 970 5�-j2±i_acmnyAL-- ------------- ci TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 60+9159 59800 4591030 16,805 9#152 28.245 43,354 43,9354 72 TOTAL COMMODITIES T 5 5 _-_=4_44 49000 ---1E�`�Q5 150 15© _x__1221 39850 59650 596503 47 $N04+1 kcM03VAL 116,454 93,600 3593601 10)9533 -__ZLi95TOTAL 589240 819044 8190199 70 ---------------------------_ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 379269 371269 26,821 19067 1019448 109448 101944E 28 TOTAL COMMODITIES3,221 395030+ 4.600 39500 ,+960101 279 39062 39221. 39221 92 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES - 110 ----_-_ L 253 19538 1x538 1.538 33 TOTAL LEAF REMOVAL 459619 ------Z�Q ---- 459619 ----- - 3019162 ------ 19320 I�S�-__r__I�fi ------z�Q lQn 159457 159457 159457 34 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL COmMODITFES 99025 69759 179024 19102 109265- 7*444= 79994- 890 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES - 39500 29 619 19334 19285 29 166 29166 166 6 TOTAL STORM SEWER AND 3ASI.4 MAINTENANCE ------------------ 129525 --------- 9,378 189358 ���_ 19101 _ ��.� E19980-���-5,933- __ __ � � �5833- -47- EQEE51SY______-_____-______rr_r_--_-_-__ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTR CTUAL SERVICES 899072 679356 1069046 5#683 38,6901- 169974- 169974- 19 - TOTAL COMMODITIES 11C1901Qo 99500 8?9485 79119 64.656 5v697 96 179829 45,344 45,3 44 41 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES - 4x 44 101 19422 398Q 39344 40 TOTAL FORESTRY ___-- 21810)72 r___7XI12 --------- 16490}79 1769399 5,789 ___r ---- X112 2 � _—_ �' `�.L� Q4 129320— 419673 419673 19 (# jj T T1( ({]} +/E �(*jy jy{ �{{ E�ljF {jam TRS itEE jC-5+YU_Vd AINIEN��8#E---------------- __-w "' _s.-.- _.. _------ TOTAL TOTAL PERS` %AL SERVICES TOTAL COMMODITIES 2' 9499 1?v116 249090 29265 49974- 19409 19409 i 6 TOTAL TRAFFIC SIGN MAINTENANCE 1?z4g 439099 339467 � .329292 39348 69175-- 4,P632 49632 11 IL_QR�Q Q5_11EAUIIE14aIIgNr_____r____ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL COMMODITIES 189499 159683 249186 550 E19503- 5#687- 5 687- : 1- TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 29600 ___�-219 4 19944 ___§ s� 19666 1�II 11 34$ 278 1sI�4 934 434 36 TOTAL PUBLIC GROUNDS BEAUTIFICATION 0 9 119858 11�4� r_21�L _ZZ a 94 69885- 69852 6,852 9 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 9,390 99390 197032 71688 79668 TOTAL COMMDDITIES ___-__ ZQQ _-____244 7 b8 g2 ,. TOTAL LIBRARY GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 49590 ___---240 9,590 1002 ______Z.QQ 2030 79688 7v688 � 7,P688 801 ---------- . TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6190155 459783 549419 49672 39636- 69636 69636 11 TOTAL COMMODITIES 39000 1119300 29250 839466 426 559142 44 49150 19824 29574 2,574 _ 86 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES _14s�QQ __1'909255 28,324 569158 569158 503 TOTAL EQUIP'�47NT9 MTC. AND OPERATIONS _1115al_ls�Iss 1439040 __125,186 __r_�_ 9943 _ �- 1799{14+_--65rC}bQ- - 65,tO69 34 ,e DATE RUN 2/13/81 0 TIME RUN 15-20.58 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT PAGE 16 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 09 ENDING 1/31/81 ID-VGL246 0 STREET DEPARTMENT 1961-82 BUDGET Y-T-D ESTIMATE Y-T-O ACTUAL CUR Mg ACTUAL VAOIANCE UNEXPENDED UNENCUM _PQ_QL_YEHI[LE_MTCx_4NQ Pp BALANCE ENCUMBERED BALANCE BAL TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL COMM901TIES 3*738 2099 IP351 140 1t448 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES I Ip 000 q9244 59712 414 2vS32 29387 59288 2v387 64 TOTAL POOL VEHICLE MTC. AND OPERATIONS 6xC0Q 2CP738 17-PO43 ....... _ ------ 15Q ------ 7 91288 7U 40 TOTAL STREET DEPARTMENT 129313 55489425- 49730 8,p425 -1. a 41 19300v489 ItC359340 19O64*155 136*394 289815- 2369335 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT 2369334 18 ON TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10 O,t 0 9 2 1-56t831 759051 77#385 79045 29334- 2 2 7 0 7 TOTAL COMMODITIES llt600 2679570 278v615 21t307 llv045- v 7e9216 229707 23 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 99676 6%,166 778 2#510 5 4 3 4- 789216 22 O TOTAL AMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT ------ 5_QQ 4699 9'.23 ------ 2!�_q 3519666 ------ 36?1411 29or375 ------ ------ t 55 59434 --------- 47 109745- 1069612 106v612 23 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES I TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 51758 4v6OO 49311 79035 840 29724- 19277- TOTAL COMMODITIES 3w438 29957 481 19643 19277- 22- TOTAL MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC BUILOINGS 17,#358 12,9137 15,r630 49321 - - - - - - - 4D 2 - - - - - 19 !LZ lj643 - - ------ ---- 36 -MAI N I E NAN C E_ DE-LaD LIN 291543- 19728 19728 _12 10 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES k TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2'?t397 5,000 24,278 109203 492 149075 10t194 TOTAL COMMODITIES 2Y500 39744 �9199 600 5,45 19301 19,P194 65 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES IvP63 1 9718 478 145 782 1,1801 36 4. TOTAL MAINTENANCE OF GROUNDS ------ 2DQ 379 197 ------ ZZ5 ------ IQ: --------- ---------- 782 31 - 30iollO 15.4 2 0 1,570 14,690 219777 -------- ------- — 21*777 59 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL CO"IMIDITIES 85007 293809 1 639963 2201338 459636 ?121397 69449 3v747 18027 39v671 399671 47 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 36ilOO 27tO72 30, q16 29566 79'941 3x744- 811403 5,284 819403 28 TOTAL WELL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR --IAr-U2_QQ __IQ4x29�t 5551207 ... IZ_tltl Ell!�ll 5,P284 15 416,067 306v210 29ip 354 110#157 248,997 ANQ_pEpR&__ 2469997 45 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 98*464 73v!345 28-PO40 6 3 4 5 v 459805 70,P424 TOTAL COMMODITIES 4POOD 29997 364 21628 3*631 70#424 72 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 27,200 209385 109963 345 99422 16#237 3,P631 91 TOTAL WATER DISTRIBUTION MTC. AND REPR. 1309664 ------ Iftl --- 16Y237 60 97,974 39072 6#690 58v6_02 911292 919292 70 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES r- TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 319403 23,9544 IST105 825 59439 13t299 TOTAL COMMODITIES 500 0 0 305 195 195 13,298 42 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 139100 loto9i 302 7,v 033 109042 195 39 TOTAL WATER VALVE AND HYDRANT MTC. ____9lQQQ ---- 56,003 3a2!��t ____4j!jj 37#879 269282 109042 77 �A 124- HIER_ I NSI A L xR EE RAL-R 19 12711t)97 231721 231721 47 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 549724 22,r5OO 42-w231 16v875 39040 49159 39491 159984 15084 29 fi� 2 9 F 3 5 295 14040 1991-65 191665 87 3 DATE RUN 2113181 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE ` 17 . TIME RUN 15.20*58 BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT ID—VGL246 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 09 ENDING 1131181 91— Y——D Y—T_D CUR MO UNEXPENDED UNENCUM _ BUDGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE ENGUMRERED BALANCE EAL MATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT TOTAL COMMODITIES ___Z4X722 _—_13s�3� �ta5Al ----?s35-4 ___15.99623 _ _47 TOTAL WATER METER INSTAL.REPR.0 REPL, 11019224 839829 58v948 89995 249881 519276 519276 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 739512 559125 469876 49374 8,249 269636 269636 36 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 390001 2.250 297 19953 2.703 2,003 90 TOTAL COMMODITIES 779000 579726 44.620 5.870 1391016 329380 329380 42 TOTAL P T L EXPENDITURES _-32salI ____ -tgt�t ____5jL5U T _ __ TOTAL EQUIPMENT MTC. AND OPERATIONS 221.512 1300459 1549206 439136 269252 67 v306 67006 30 _Ai_PF�I_—___—____ TOTAL PERSONAL SEKVICES 4196c36 319257 23.878 19834 7,379 179808 17#808 3 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 49500 3+366 29610 756 19990 19890 42 TOTAL COMMODITIES ---lx2ilA _17 TOTAL SANITARY SEWER MTC. AND REPAIR 549186 409608 373, 104 39365 79504 2loCI32 ZIs0 2 39 a1 E S Y 5 1E-- M E LJ 15 --------------- TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 59658 59658— 5,#658— 5.658— 0 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENUITURES _—,L32 1 —_ t __ X11 ___ zz2 __12ax _— 8zE��� ���� _® i � _ TOT TER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 6329500 6329500 509,608 28962 1229692 1229692 1229692 19 '� l _ TOTAL PERSONAL SF ICES ____ __--Z: ____ aa____ ____—_ ____ _------__ TOTAL SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS 391 1 2.365 19414 971 197 7 19767 56 TOTAL N SEWER DEPARTMENT 292819055 198869763 1952298035 156,261 1639958 7589250 7559250 33 PARKING SYASTEpM� DIVISION _. AL2"�I�ISZ Ey_Q _____--^ ----- TOTAL CONTRACTUALA SERVICES 199200 1494091 69577 19211 5782 10 1096 TOTAL COMMODITIES ___—_—lQ --_____l �___ ��������� __ �' 2 ____ ___���� ______ TOTAL App TNI STRATTON AND SUPPOPT' 199300 149472 e 77 19211 59695 109723 109723 6 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 92 9897 39475 400 422 19725 19725 TOTAL COMMODITIES 290300 lv494 275 24 19219 19725 19725 ��. TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Q 2 �. s�; � - 4 _ _. _� �- _ TOTAL COLLECTION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE 797070 59760 19064 424 Zp 604- 64- 664- 9— TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 39616 29709 39478 19432 769- 138 138 4 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 119907 11.753 11007- 1999917- 11007- 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES 200 144 144 2010 200 1010 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES __lL5i54Q __12 x114 -_la2xl�L2 ____ljd ___ _ — --q— TOTAL PARKING LOT MAINTENANCE TOTAL 1699316 126063 1159528 149933 689565— 269212— 269212— 15— —TOTAL TOTAL PARKING SYSTEM DIVISION 1969316 1479195 2129469 169568 659274— 169153-- 169153— 8 - �§ ENGINEERING DIVISION TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 471498 369166 409012 49255 39646-- 79486 79486 16 ' TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 39750 29799 19753 211 19047 19948 1.997 53 .ter k -DATE RU 2/13181 = VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 28 TIME RUN 15=20.58 BUDGET EXPENSE REPORT ID-VGL246 � _ m ACCOUNTING PERIOD 09 ENDING 1981-82 Y -T -D Y -T-01 1/31/81 CUR MO t m UNEXPEFlQ UNENCUM ENGINEERING DIVISIONEUDGET ESTIMATF ACTUAL. ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE ENCUM4ERED BALANCE BAL TOTAL COMMODITIES 29000 19494 29105 386 1 105- 5® - - TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT 1 544 549748 1sI2� 41e564 lsZg? 459167 49854 3 95 82 990382 9,P581 18 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 44,322 34.1001 289424 3.014 59 672 15 159893 36 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 100 72 219470 22.399- 19 2193707- 70 - TOTAL COMMODITIES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 2001 144 322 176- 122- 122- 61 - TOTAL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PLANNING 449622 -349316 _ _?5-221+ 3049037 ---149659 --2699720- 2589414- _2599415- 561 - TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 209470 159723 169994 19613 19271- 3997 39976 19 ` TOTAL COMMODITIES___ 100 72 72 17 100 100 100 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT INSPECTIONS 219170 159867 � 179049 ����19b13 i 119162-__-_49121 45 --_----- - 49221 49 TGTAL 19 FC.QQ'_C0 N1 a2L_A2_ 2 R A I NASE ----------- TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ~- 4019000 3009744 49316 2959923 3969184 396v 184 99 TOTAL CAPITAL EXOENDITURES 1 �Q2Q _-fzi? Q ? Ljr- TOTAL FLOOD CONTROL ANO DRAINAGE 1911990001 9189741 1P#141 90019600 1910CPS59 __7 1910109859 98 lEA EE Q_E Q1 tllig rOTAL< PERSONAL SERVICES _ 201903 159021 59241 190180 99780 149794 149794 74 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL COM O TIE 50 36 19900 19664- 19850- 19850- 700 - TOTAL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING G MAINTENANCE ------1 209185 -------?f- 15,12c) ------- 79141 190801 -------z------Io 79983 --------- ------ la2 1- Q 1390144 139044 65 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 859000 639747 519656 12,091 33044 339 344 39 � TOTAL STREET LIGHTING __QQsQQQ Z85#000-;_639747 ���S956 _���� � ___ __� _"1CtQ91 �. � 2339344 _ _ ---_-2339?44 82 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 49193 39141 3.327 613 186- 1366 866 21 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 50 36 36 507 TOTAL COMM[IDITIES 1001 72 72 1010 50 100 -, TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL ----i9xDQQ ---Z,tioQO 100 100 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR 539343 279249 409275 613 139026- 1390168 13068 24 r` TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 219407 169047 149'399 393 19648 79008 79{10}8 33 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10701,000 709750 969235 496.93 16*485- 39765 39765 4 r TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL MOTOR FUEL. TAX CONSTRUCTION __t!40sQQ4 7619407 __!LJCIQQQ __4g7t2i.t 7359797 13.tIIQ __.Zj2j.?.j!j __Z3?s?31 � 72Zs23� �fz 5179900 239736 2179#343 24395*018 243v 507 32 TOTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 29359,475 19952*430 IvOC119366 4696015 851#067 193589112 193589109 59 f O-OMMJNITY AND CIVIC SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL COMMUNITY GROUPS ____1� Q4 ____lsilft -�� - ----- 195010 19116 365 751 19135 1.135 76 F DATE RUN2/13/81 TIME RUN iS.ZC�.58 VILLAGE OF' MOUNT PROSPECTt. E � , E BUDGETEXPENSE REPO PAGE 19 ACCOUNTING PERIOD 09 ENDING 1/31/81 Id-VGL246 _. 1981- -T-O Y -T -D CUR MO UNEXPENDED, C011MUNITY AND CIVIC SERVICES 8UOGET ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE ENCUMBERED BALANCE ARE-��_�I►�_g�_t�L -CFL$°8Z`��-_-��y� BAL TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 129150 9,483 89447 19036 39703 _ TOTAL CORMDDITIES 3900{} 2 241 3 O 759- 97 30 TOTAL SHARE OF 4TH OF J JULY CELEBRATION __-___ 15 •450 _____- 3QQ 12rC}24 _- �__ -$�--- 1ie447 __-___� ___--- t} 5 77 49034-P003 26 _ TuT.iL PERSONAL SERVICES.._________-_�__ TOTAL 3.O66 39066 8t} c!TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES COMMODITIES 4.330 4.330 1.45 v 29381 AL CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS ------- � 7.596 T--___- lft!� ______$ - -�a_�-�� - 2938�1 � 2380 55T TOTAL COMMUNITY AND CIVIC SERVICES 24,546 1540 3rO67 34 4 49530 4 _ 60 20v6B0 14.879 34 57902 9*668 'P9667 TRUST AND DEBTS 34 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS CORATIONS --�-----_- _ - --____ -- IQ` s- �-- 5- �- 109.255- 109,255- 1099255- 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL POLICE PENSION 318.400 2389797_ IE``'�__��Z►I�__z R 797 318$400 318,400 100 -. ----------------- TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES _�L2915H5� TOTAL FIREMEN•S PFNSION4 0 X500 --__-�---_-- 3159369 ------��� __ 31 5v 36Q 420500 4209500 100 TOTAL CONTRALTI L SERVICES TOTAL, 1,M.R.Fe cl)_ 2289500 171 1600 7 1 9501 119090 ___ 1�21 _ 68 30 TOTAL CDNT ACTS AL SERVICES TOTAL 0&0 BOND -_ ¢ --------- S �79 396 654v701 6 9 07 622 7031 7 0 # 3 17 10 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL. REVENUEON __21$s2�� -__-- 13 2181275 21.638 219E38 __ 1963 L_��FE.T_-�-_ 196.637 90 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL RUPLIC BENEFIT ___.�.t� _�_2� §� -3 fz----.3 Z$ - 23,479 23*479 80,766 37,286- 379286- __- 152 TOTAL TRUST AND DEBTS 1, E�89, 554 1.425.353 961.017 18 7Z 7- - = �= 9503. 464, 338 92 535 92T, 533 49 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL PUBLIC B F N E F I T ------ 481454 29750 8:454_-- 49.454- 4 48.54- 0 TOTAL TRUST 4NE) DEBTS 48,454 2.750 48.454- 48.454- 489454- 0 f Village""'�. Mount'Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Board of Trustees FROM: Trustee Ed Miller DATE: February 10, 1981 Re: Long - Term Library Financing Plan Over the past few months we have been considering the long- term financial needs of the Library and the various alternatives for meeting those needs. On Saturday, January 24, 1981, 1 met with Judy Bennett and Mr. Weary of the Library, and Terrance Burghard and Martha Peppler of the Village Staff to discuss the situation and to suggest a long-term plan for alleviating the Library's chronic cash-flow problem. While there were areas of continued differences, the meeting was productive and provided all of us with a common ground upon which to build a solution. Attached to this memo is a three-year cash flow projection. The Library expenses will increase slowly because of the anticipated slow -growth of the assessed valuation and -the $.23 ceiling on their operating tax levy. The revenue cash flow is based on the maximum amount being levied for operations, I.M.R.F.,, and a $.05 Working Cash levy for two years.'^'Even with conservative spending and a working cash levy, the Library will havecontinuing cash-flow diffi- culties for the next two years. The condition will be especially severe next fiscal year when for nine out of the twelve months the fund will be in a cash deficit position. The greatest cumulative cash deficit of approximately $217FO00 will occur in August, 1981, just before the fall taxes are received. Also, in February, 1982 a deficit of approximately $151,000 will be incurred: Fall, 1982 will be the last period of substantial cash-flow deficits, approxi- mating $192,000. After that tax period, sufficient bal,a-nces should be on hand to meet the cash-flow needs of the Library. The question now becomes how to best fund this cash flow deficit. Since December, the Village has advanced the Library all of their cash needs on an interest-free basis, and we can continue to do so until the end of the fiscal year. The Library is still requesting an outright grant of $103,000. As shown by the cash-flow analysis, this amount would not solve the Library's problems and it would adversely affect the Village's own cash position. For these obvious reasons, I cannot support a grant because it does not solve the Library problem, and exacexbates the Village problem, 2 - An immediate option for generating operating cash appears to be limited to the Library borrowing for its needs from the bank with tax anticipation warrants or notes. The actual structure of their loans would depend on the rates quoted by the bank, (probably 2/3-3/4 of Prime Rate), and by the investment market which prevails over the periods of the loans. The details of this structure would best be left to be worked out by the Library and the Village Staff with the bank. In the meeting on January 24, the Library represen- tatives agreed in principle with the idea of Tax Anticipation Warrants. Subsequently on February 10, the Finance Committee had its regular monthly meeting and Library financing was on the agenda. In addition to Trustee Richardson and me; Sally Viger, Martha Hopkins, John Parsons, Bill Blaine and Harold Weary from the Library; Trustee Farley, Terrance Burghard, Martha Peppler and Vito Colucci were present. Judy Bennett had informally discussed the January 24, meeting with the Library Board and it appears the Library has tentatively agreed to: 1) establish a $.05 Working Cash Levy and, 2) sell tax anticipation warrants to meet immediate working cash needs. That leaves the matter of the $103,000 Library revenue short- fall for resolution. During the meeting Library representatives indi- cated that while they would like to receive the full $103,000 from the Village, that a compromise at the $50,000 level was probably more realistic. As you will note from the Finance Committee report, Trustee Richardson indicated that he would support a $50,000 grant for the Library while I continue to believe that the Village should not make a grant. It will make an interesting Board discussion. Because the grant would not solve the Library's problem and they will have to seek loans anyway, I do not think that it would be advisable for the Village to grant any amount to the Library at this time. Rather I would recommend that: 1. The Village Staff assist the Library with their planning, banking and investment strategies. 2. The Village Board support and assist the Library in issuing tax anticipation warrants to meet all of their cash-flow needs. 3. The Library levy a Working Cash Fund of $.05 to build up their own cash balances over the next two to three years. -YEAR, gP ECTCN__ 12 13 — Y 1, Y_ _SEPT NOV DEC JAN MAR APR TOTAL - — _ -__ i - . 4�_.1 CASH-BALANCE -30-81 _ s _ _ j € E[ r g s , HF 'o ) 1) ,W) ) ,ora) k001 FY 1981-82 EXPENSES 8- I — - I �_ a 0 0 ` 000 2 ��o � , 00 2 066 t,C C� ,t} , MISC. CASH $24,000 �� � 2 � 004: flt� f, � 2C6 X55 _ '57 .� 669 82 € _ - TAXES - OPERATING_ _ �� TT r 1 131e o _ TAXES - WORKING CASH g 4,E _ _ 5, 1 .51F241 — , _ _ a-_FJT- .- _ - _ I _ �3 E t _ � 6 1 2 t _ I _- i 7 , I 2 { 93, 49 1 49 € 5 1 4 ,� =, 2 7 cumuLATME NET 143'000)1 15,� _ _ - , c r € _-_ - t - IT • - H BICE 4-3fi-82 � 9 � 264 _ - t x s- - 1GC 1� 6C - {61 ,_J611,00 00c 1 CC 6G83) �! �`Y 2982-83 EXPENSES - � X61, � �� � -� __ F E e Y s�- �. .... _ =3- B 3 3, . 3 D . r� - , . , E 3 -, -, 0;. _ _ _�3 -��3CD _.� I SC. _ CASH____$36,00 - _.•.__ _ , _ _ € t = X26 22 [ X2391 9 239 9 3 ` -- - OPERATING & IMRF I _ ; e - - TAXES �.,.:�. A -F - - - i - _ _ , _ u a_ _ ' 1 1 G _ i 6 2- } 6 �_ _ -r_ _�� �a 48 I2 48,130 ` ...` 34 SC — 34 5i 65 25 € l , S - WORKING CASH - - ITAXE - 2, - - i - m - E 51 ` 5 93 5 5° SDS ! E 4 5 267.509� = 101, 5t} 1 _ ..,_ 85, i 4, 7 1 3 , X36 13- ?36 ('192,736) 3T€38 _ _ .a =e _. = a -, TI _ NET 18 _ ., , _ _. #- t e_, _ [ 4 TF - _ 334,751t CASH LANCE - 1 000 _FY_1983-84__EXPENSES _ _ , � X61,000 1° f�D �C61 ) � t61,,D � �{61 � � ,., 1, , _ � c 3,000 36000 3-D 3,0003,00, . IA M C._-CASH $3fi 000 _£., .,. _�.. e:71 - �(_ - - } F § 2 3 E a � _ 23,229 0 TAXES OPERATING IMRF _ — , _ 40 t T S woRx ► � �soq a x - __ AXE WORKING CASH _�. � � �- ���� _� ��_. � a _� � -� ,� - _ d x �< 165 0 51 j®"a t x s 3 76 5__:e -02 _ zc MMULATMUMR_ ,,�� 4 _ — s --1276At I Ift tj it 'kli .............. ... ....... Villagef Mount prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Village Manager FROM: Village Engineer DATE: January 30, 1981 FEB, 3 SUBJECT: 1975 MFT Maintenance Program 0. . ^ 0% .0 . - _. In 1975, the Village Board passed a resolution authorizing ex- penditures of $282,392.09 for a MFT Maintenance Program and our total costs amounted to $282,898.15. The Illinois Department of Transportation has requested that the Village adopt a supplemental resolution appropriating an additional $506.06 to make up this difference. I concur with their request and recommend that the Village Board adopt the attached supplemental resolution appropriating an additional $506.06 for the above program so that we may close the 1975 MFT Account. C f i Ifurd C. Scherer C C S j v c CC: Director Public Works r .... �Vm w n m dl P 1A x n w SLP. IENTAL STAVE OF ILLINOIS1975Me "ance, Program, RES011"UTION FOR MAINTENANCE OF STREETS AND HIGHWAYS BY MUNICIPALITY UNDER THE ILLINOIS HIGHWAYI.CODE President and. Board Qf Trustees RE IT RESOL'VET.i, by thy, � the tcouncnorPraghicat vWdTnaw. m Village mount Prospect I].iin'Ois, that there is hereby (CluT Two W VMW) (Name) 506.-06 appropriated the'sum of _ f'Motor Fuel Tax funds for the purpose,ofmaintafffiing stmts and highways under the applicableprovIsions of the Blinols, Highway Code, from ;anu , to December 1, 19 7-5 . RE IT FURTH . R RESOLVED, that only those streets, highways, and operations as listed and described on the approved Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costa, including supplemental or revised estimates ap- proved in connection with this resolution, are eligible far -maintenance with Motor Fuel Tax funds during the period asspecified above. BE IT FUR.T'HER. RESOLVED, .that the Clerk shall, as soon as practicable after the close of Mthe period as given above, submit to the Department of Transportation, on forms furnished by said Department, a 'certified statement showing expenditures from and balances remaining in the account(s) for this period; and BE 17FURTHER. RESOLVED; that the Clerk shall immediately transmit, two certified copies of this resolution to the district ciffice of .the Department of Transportation, at 5 cbaunburc , Illinois. a �I&,-Carol Pis Village (rva;)(c ) V"i . Clerk in and for e Zuntr Pros ect Count7 0 CCSC1k u R hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete Department of TransportvtionM a or- & Beard of Tiust copy of a resolution adapted by (Council, or Preddent cud BWd es Te wUm) at a meetin81g IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my band p and aml th, u Engineer . .A.D. 19 v z (SEAL) a , s u Village Foga, OLN 361 (Rev. 1-72) THW' >'T §UBURBA'N NqATER F @YSTEM S 901 WELLINGTON AVENUE 2 981 ELK GROVE VILLAGE, ILLINOIS 60007 TELEPHONE 312 / 439-3900 ir January 21., 1981 TO: Board of Directors �JP FROM: "ares A. Willis,Chairman Executive Committee SUBJECT: Agreement for Water Agency Last summer, VENTURE lobbied for the passage of a State Statute which would strengthen our Intergovernmental basis to plan, finance and operate a joint water transmission pipeline. Such legislation was recommended by our Consultants and the Executive Committee and efforts to secure its passage were approved by the Board of Directors. In September, HB 3,385 was signed into law. Using the new Statute, the existing VENTURE Agreement was revised by our Legal Counsel. Drafts have been -reviewed by the Executive Committee. on January 19, the Executive Committee approved a final draft. As of this time., a full and clean copy of the Agreement has been transmitted to your Manager. He also received a model ordinance which your municipality can use to approve the new Agreement. The Board of Directors (on October 9., 1980) and the Executive Committee (on January 19, 1981) took specific action to recommend that Member Municipal ties approve the new Agreement which (in turn) will create a Northwest Suburban Municipal Joint Action Water Agency as a successor to the Northwest Suburban Water System VENTURE. Your municipality now has a full copy of that new Agree- ment and the purpose of this communication is to request favorable consideration and approval (byOrdinance) of that Agreement prior. to March 16f 1981. New By -Laws i,�hich reflect the new Statute and Agreement were also prepared, reviewed, and approved by the Executive Committee. A full clean copy has been transmitted to your Manager for your municipalit y. The -By -Laws need not be approved by your municipality; they are to be approved by the Board of Directors. Your favorable consideration of the Agreement will be appreciated. If you have questions please feel .free to discuss them with your Manager, or call me at 439-3900. Thank you. ...continued SCAU MBURG ELK GROVE VILLAGE MOUNT PROSPECT OFF AN ESTATES BUFFALO GROVE HANOVER PARK ROLLING MEADOWS STREAMWOOD Ma Board of Directors January 21, 1981 ti (The next meeting of the Board of Directors is presently scheduled for Thursday evening, February 26, 1981. PHAsE I -Ti Reports; proposed professional service contracts for final design, and other matters will be on the February 26 Agenda for the Board of Directors.) CAW: mw c.,-� Citizens Utilities Company of -Tllinois Executive Committee Consultants ORDINANCE APPROVING NORTHWEST SUBURBAN MUNICIPAL JOINT ACTION WATER AGENCY AGREEMENT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF COOK COUNTY/ ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: Section I. Findings. It is found and declared that. - (a) The Village of (the "Village") is in need of additional supplies of water for its municipal water system users. It is necessary that the Village obtain a source of Lake Michigan water to meet the needs of its municipal water system users. (b) To obtain a source of Lake Michigan water, it is necessary for the purposes of economy and adequacy of water supply that the Village, together with other municipalities in the northwest suburban area, provide and operate a joint waterworks or water supply system to obtain Lake Michigan water. (c) The Village, together with other munici- palities in the northwest suburban area, has prepared a Northwest Suburban Municipal Joint Action Water Agency Agreement, a copy of which is attached to and made a part of this Ordinance (the "Agreement"). By the Agreement, member municipalities establish a Municipal Joint Action Water Agency in order to provide adequate supplies of water on an economical and efficient basis for the member municipalities. The name of the agency -2 - so to be established shall be the Northwest Suburban Municipal Joint Action Water Agency (the "Agency"). (d) The Village and the other member municipali- ties are authorized by the Intergovernmental Coopera- tion Clause of the Constitution of the State of Illi- nois [Article VII, Section 10] and by the Intergovern- mental Cooperation Act, as amended [Ill. Rev. Stat., ch. 127, §741 et se .] to enter into the Agreement. (e) It is necessary and in the best interests of the Village that it enter into the Agreement establish- ing the Agency. Section 2. A royal. The Village shall enter into the Agreement establishing the Agency, and by thus executing the Agreement, the Village shall be a member of the Agency. The President of the Village is authorized and directed to execute the Agreement on its behalf in substan- tially the form attached to and made part of this Ordinance. Upon the Agreement becoming effective, all assets of the Northwest Suburban Water System Venture (the "Ven- ture"), of which the Village is a member, and all of Ven- ture's contracts shall be assigned to the Agency. There- after, the Venture shall not exercise any powers nor take any actions pursuant to the Northwest Suburban Water Sys- tem Agreement establishing the Venture. Section 3. Desi nation of Members of Board of Directors and Executive Committee. The Village appoints zs its Director • the Board of -3 - Directors of the Agency [and appoints as its Alternate Director, in each case] for a term expir- ing April 30, 1983. The Village designates as its member on the Executive Committee of the Agency its Village Manager from time to time. Section 4. Costs. The Village shall, from time to time, appropriate funds and use its credit, revenues and other resources to pay its proportionate share of the costs of the Agency as provided in the Agreement and as provided by law. Section 5. Officers' Power. The Clerk of the Village is authorized and directed to send a certified copy of this Ordinance to each other municipality listed on the signature page of the Agreement. The President, Clerk and Manager of the Village are authorized and directed to take whatever additional steps are necessary for the Village to enter into the Agreement and to be a member of the Agency. Section 6. Effectiveness. This Ordinance is effective upon its adoption. Adopted -1 1981, by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of and approved by the Village President 1971. AYES: k -4- NAYS: Approved: President Attest.- Village ttest: Village Clerk __ NORTHWEST SUBURBAN MUNICIPAL JOINT ACTION WATER AGENCY AGREEMENT Section No. Title 1 Definitions 3 2 Establishment 4 3 Purposes 5 4 Duration 5 5 Membership 5 6 Participants 6 7 Withdrawal, Termination and Dissolution 7 8 Powers 9 9 Governance 12 10 Rights and Responsibilities of Municipalities 16 11 By -Laws 22 12 Amendment 22 13 Enforcement 22 14 Ordinance Authorizing Agreement 23 15 Effective Date 23 16 Filing with Secretary of State 23 17 Severability 23 NORTHWEST SUBURBAN MUNICIPAL JOINT ACTION WATER AGENCY AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by and among the follow- ing municipalities -- Village of Buffalo Grove, Village of Elk Grove Village, Village of Hanover Park, Village of Hoffman Estates, Village of Mount Prospect, City of Rolling Meadows, Village of Schaumburg and Village of Streamwood -- which execute this Agreement on or before its effective 01UNAMNS-M WHEREAS, Article VII, Section 10 of the Constitution of the State of Illinois authorizes units of local government to contract and associate among themselves to obtain or share services and to exercise, combine, or transfer any power or function, in any manner not prohibited by law or ordinance; and WHEREAS, under that Constitutional provision partici- pating units of local government may use their credit, revenues, and other resources to pay costs and to service debt related to intergovernmental activities; and WHEREAS, the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, as amended [Ill. Rev. Stat., ch. 127, §741 et se%qv.], also authorizes units of local government to exercise and enjoy jointly their powers, privileges or authority, and to enter into intergovernmental agreements for that purpose; and -2 - WHEREAS, the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, as amended, authorizes any two or more municipalities to establish by an intergovernmental agreement, a Municipal Joint Action Water Agency to provide adequate supplies of water on an economical and efficient basis for member muni- cipalities, and for the agency to be itself a municipal corporation and public body politic and corporate; and WHEREAS, the municipalities which are a party to this Agreement have determined that they are in need of addi- tional supplies of water and they desire to obtain Lake Michigan water; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for purposes of economy and adequacy of water supply that the municipalities which are a party to this Agreement jointly provide and operate a joint waterworks or water supply system to obtain Lake Michigan water for the use of the respective municipalities; and WHEREAS, the municipalities which are a party to this Agreement have determined that it is necessary and in their best interests to establish a Municipal Joint Action Water Agency in order to provide adequate supplies of water on an economical and efficient basis for the municipalities indi- vidually, including without limitation to provide a joint water supply system to obtain Lake Michigan water for use as provided in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, THE MUNICIPALITIES LISTED ABOVE AGREE AS FOLLOWS: -3 - Section 1. Definitions. For the purposes of this Agreement each of the following words and phrases shall have the meaning set forth following the word or phrase, unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning. (a) The word "Act" shall mean the Intergovern- mental Cooperation Act (Ill. Rev. Stat., ch. 127, §741 et seg.), as it has been and as it may be amended from time to time. (b) The phrase "Additional Member" shall mean any city or village which becomes a member of the Agency pursuant to this Agreement, other than an original Member. An Original Member which withdraws from the Agency pursuant to this Agreement may, however, become a member of the Agency again in the manner provided for Additional Members. (c) The word "Agency" shall mean the Northwest Suburban Municipal Joint Action Water Agency estab- lished by this Agreement. (d) The phrase "Board of Directors" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Agency. (e) The word "By-laws" shall mean By-laws of the Agency as adopted and as amended from time to time by the Board of Directors. (f) The phrase "Executive Committee" shall mean the Executive Committee of the Agency. (g) The word "Municipalities" shall mean all cities and villages which are original Members or which -4 - become Additional Members of the Agency pursuant to this Agreement. The word "Municipalities" does not, however, include cities and villages which, pursuant to this Agreement, shall have withdrawn from the Agency. The word "Municipality" shall mean one of the Munici- rM��� (h) The phrase "Original Members" shall mean the villages and city listed on page 1 of this Agreement which villages and city approve and execute this Agree- ment on or before its effective date. (i) The word "Participant" shall mean any person, corporation, or Public Agency which shall enter into an agreement with the Agency pursuant to Section 6 of this Agreement to participate in activities of the Agencyl (j) The phrase "Public Agency" shall mean the State of Illinois, any agency of the State, and any unit of local government as defined in the Illinois Constitution of 1970 including, without limitation, any city, village, water district, water commission or municipal joint action water agency. (k) The word "System" shall mean the waterworks or water supply system of the Agency. Section 2. Establishment. A Municipal Joint Action Water Agency is established by this intergovernmental agree- ment among the Municipalities. The corporate name of the Agency so established is the "Northwest Suburban Municipal Joint Action Water Agency". The Agency shall be a municipal corporation and a public body politic and corporate. 6z C: Section 3. Purges. The Agency is established for the purpose of providing adequate supplies of water on an economical and efficient basis for the Municipalities, all as provided in this Agreement. In order to reduce the cost of providing water for the Municipalities, the Agency may also provide water for other persons, including, without limitation, Participants, all as provided in this Agreement. Section 4. Duration. The Agency shall have perpetual duration unless dissolved and terminated as provided in Section 7 of this Agreement. Section 5. Membership. (a) The members of the Agency shall be the Origi- nal Members, plus any Additional Members, excluding, however, any Original Members or Additional Members which shall have withdrawn from the Agency pursuant to this Agreement. (b) Any Illinois city or village which is not an Original Member of the Agency and any Original Member which shall have withdrawn from the Agency as provided in this Agreement, may join the Agency as an Additional Member upon the adoption of an ordinance by the corpor- ate authorities of the joining municipality determining so to become a member and upon the consents of the Board of Directors and of all of the then Municipali- ties. The consent of each such Municipality shall be effected by an ordinance adopted by the corporate authorities of the consenting Municipality, a certified -6 - copy of which shall be filed with the Secretary of the Agency. The Board of Directors of the Agency may establish any reasonable conditions with respect to any I city or village becoming an Additional Member. These conditions may include, without limitation, the making of a capital contribution to the Agency and the assump- tion of all or a portion of contracts, debts and obli- gations of the Agency, or of Municipalities with respect to the Agency. (c) Promptly upon any city or village becoming an Additional Member, that fact shall be certified by the Secretary of the Agency to the Secretary of State of Illinois. Section 6,. Partici ants. The Agency may enter into agreements with any person, corporation or Public Agency which is a water supplier to participate in activities of the Agency. Each agreement with such a Participant shall contain provisions governing all aspects of such person's participation, including, without limitation, the rights and obligations of the Participant with respect to any required capital contribution and sharing of costs and liabilities. Any such agreement may provide for a Participant to appoint a delegate to participate in the meetings of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee of the Agency, but a Participant and its delegate shall have no voting privileges. No such agreement with a Participant shall become effective unless and until the corporate authorities of each Munici- -7- pality shall have approved the agreement by an ordinance, a certified copy of which shall have been filed with the Secretary of the Agency. Section 7. Withdrawal, Termination and Dissolution. (a) Any Municipality may at any time withdraw as a member of the Agency but only upon the consent of the Board of Directors and upon the consent of each other Municipality. Any Municipality may withdraw as a member of the Agency without the consent of the Board of Directors or of other Municipalities, but any such withdrawal without such consents shall be made only prior to the date on which the Board of Directors authorizes the preparation of final engineering plans and documents for a joint waterworks or water supply system for the Agency. The Board of Directors shall give each Municipality not less than 30 days written notice before authorizing the preparation of such final engineering plans and documents. Any such notice to Municipalities given by the Board of Directors of the Northwest Suburban Water System Venture, a previous joint and cooperative undertaking established by the Northwest Suburban Water System Agreement, as amended, shall be deemed to constitute notice for the purpose of this paragraph (a). (b) Any Municipality may withdraw pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section only upon filing with the Secretary of the Agency a certified copy of an ordinance -8 - of the Municipality determining so to withdraw. Any consent by any Municipality to withdrawal by any other Municipality shall be made only by filing with the Secretary of the Agency a certified copy of an ordi- nance so consenting to the withdrawal. (c) Upon the withdrawal of one or more Municipal- ities so as to reduce the number of Municipalities to less than three, the Agency will be dissolved and terminated. Upon the filing with the Secretary of the Agency of certified copies of ordinances of the major- ity of Municipalities determining to dissolve and terminate the Agency, then the Agency shall be so dissolved and terminated. (d) Promptly upon any Muncipality withdrawing from the Agency, or upon action having been taken to dissolve and terminate the Agency, that fact shall be submitted by the Secretary of the Agency to the Secre- tary of State of.Illinois. (e) Notwithstanding any provision of this Agree- ment, while and as long as any bonds or notes of the Agency are outstanding and unpaid, the Agency shall not terminate and dissolve in whole or in part and, except as permitted by the resolution or resolutions authoriz- ing the issuance of any such bonds or notes, no Munici- pality may withdraw from the Agency. -9 - Section 8. Powers. (a) The Agency shall have the following powers, in addition to any powers set forth elsewhere in the Agreement: To sue or be sued; To apply for and accept gifts or grants or loans of funds or property or financial or other aid from any public agency or private entity; (iii) To invest available funds; (iv) To employ agents and employees and to retain attorneys, engineers and such other consultants as the Board of Directors shall determine; (v) To acquire, hold, sell, lease, as lessor or lessee, transfer or (subject to paragraph (a) of Section 10 of this Agreement) dispose of real or per- sonal property, or interests in property, as it deems appropriate, which property may be located within or without the corporate limits of any Municipality, and to provide for the use of any such property by any Municipality or Participant; (vi) To plan, construct, improve, extend, finance (including the issuance of revenue bonds or notes as provided in the Act), acquire, operate, main- tain and contract for a joint waterworks or water supply system which may include, or may consist of, without limitation, facilities (including land and interests in land) for receiving, treating, storing and _10 - transmitting water from Lake Michigan for supplying water to the Municipalities and their water users or to other Public Agencies, persons or corporations, includ- ing Participants; (vii) To buy water and to enter into contracts with any person, corporation or Public Agency (includ- ing any Municipality) for that purpose, in accordance with the Act; (viii) To sell or provide water to Municipali- ties and Participants at rates, fees and charges as determined by the Board of Directors and to enter into contracts for such sale or provision of water, all in accordance with the Act; (ix) To sell water not required for use by Municipalities to any person, corporation, or Public Agency which is a water supplier at rates, fees and charges as determined by the Board of Directors and to enter into contracts for that purpose, all in accord- ance with the Act, but only to the extent allowed by zpplicable State water allocations; (x) To sell water not required for use by Municipalities to any person, corporation or Public Agency which is not a water supplier for its own use at rates, fees and charges as determined by the Board of Directors and to enter into contracts for that purpose, all in accordance with the Act, but only when such sales and contracts are approved by ordinance adopted by the corporate authorities of each Municipality, certified copies of which are filed with the Secretary of the Agency, and only to the extent allowed by appli- cable State water allocations; (xi) To adopt and enforce rules and regula- tions for Lake Michigan water use by Municipalities, Participants or other purchasers of water from the Agency as may be necessary or advantageous to ensure adequate supplies of Lake Michigan water and to comply with State or Federal laws and regulations- (xii) To establish rates, fees and charges for the sale of water by the Agency or for the use of its facilities; (xiii) To apply for State water allocations for use by the Municipalities and/or Participants and the Agency and to utilize, pursuant to this Agreement, any water allocations assigned to the Agency; (xiv) To borrow money and, in evidence of its obligation to repay the borrowing, issue its bonds or notes, all as provided in the Act; (xv) To exercise any or all powers specific- ally granted to Muncipal Joint Action Water Agencies by the Act; (xvi) To make and execute all contracts and other instruments necessary or convenient to the exer- cise of its powers or the accomplishment of the pur- poses of the Agency; and -12- (xvii) To exercise all other powers incident to the purposes and objectives of the Agency and the powers listed above. Y (b) The Agency shall have the same privileges with respect to exemption from Illinois Commerce Com- mission regulation as is accorded the Municipalities. The Agency and its Directors, officers, employees, and agents shall have the same privileges with respect to limitations against and immunity from suit as have the Municipalities and their officers and employees. All property, income and receipts of or transactions by the Agency shall be exempt from all taxation, the same as if it were the property, income or receipt of or trans- actions by the Municipalities. (c) The Agency shall have no taxing power. (d) Municipalities may, for the purposes of, and upon request by, the Agency, exercise the power of eminent domain available to them, convey property so acquired to the Agency for the cost of the acquisition, and be reimbursed for all expenses related to this exercise of eminent domain 'Power on behalf of the Agency. Section 9. Governance. The Agency shall be governed and administered as provided in this Section and the By -Laws. (a) The governing body of the Agency shall be the Board of Directors. There shall be one Director for each Municipality, appointed by the Municipality. Each -13- Director shall be the Mayor or President, an elected member of the corporate authorities or other elected official of that appointing,Municipality. The terms of the first Directors shall begin when they are appointed and shall run until April 30, 1983. Thereafter, all Directors shall be appointed for two-year terms expir- ing on April 30 of odd numbered years. Persons serving as Directors shall serve until their terms expire and thereafter until their respective successors are ap- pointed. Should any Director cease to be an elected member of the corporate authorities or other official of the appointing Municipality, that person shall simulaneously cease to be a Director, and that position shall be vacant. Any vacancy in the office of Director, whether because the Director ceases to be an elected official of the appointing Municipality or otherwise, shall be filled by appointment by the Municipality with respect to which the vacancy exists. Each Director shall have one vote on the Board of Directors. (b) Any Municipality may appoint an Alternate Director who may attend any meeting of the Board of Directors and may vote as the Director in the absence of the Director from that Municipality or if there is a vacancy in the position of Director from that Munici- pality. Each Alternate Director shall have the same qualifications as required of a Director. The term of an Alternate Director shall be the same as the term of the Director from the appointing Municipality. Persons serving as Alternate Directors shall serve until their term expires and thereafter until their respective successors are appointed. Should any Alternate Director cease to be an elected member of the corporate author- ities or other official of the appointing Municipality, that person shall simulaneously cease to be an Alter- nate Director and that position shall be vacant. Any vacancy in an office of an Alternate Director shall be filled by appointment by the Municipality with respect to which the vacancy exists. (c) All appointments of Directors and Alternate Directors shall be by an ordinance of the corporate authorities of the appointing Municipality, a certified copy of which shall be filed with the Secretary of the Agency. (d) The Board of Directors shall elect one Director to serve as Chairman and another Director to serve as Vice -Chairman. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors. The Vice -Chairman shall preside over meetings of the Board of Directors in the Chairman's absence. The Board of Directors shall select other persons, who need not be Directors, to the positions of Secretary and Treasurer. The Secretary shall be the keeper of the books and records of the Agency; and the Treasurer shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securi- ties of the Agency (other than funds and securities held by a corporate trustee or paying agent with res- pect to bonds or notes of the Agency). The duties of I the officers of the Agency shall be prescribed in further detail in the By -Laws. The terms of office and manner of selection of the officers shall also be r• •-• in the By -Laws. (e) The Board of Directors shall determine the general policy of the Agency, shall approve the annual budget, shall make all appropriations (which may include appropriations made at any time in addition to those made in any annual appropriation document), shall approve all contracts for the purchase or sale of water, shall adopt any resolutions providing for the issuance of bonds or notes by the Agency, shall adopt its By-laws, rules and regulations, and shall exercise such powers of the Agency and perform such duties as may be prescribed in this Agreement or the By -Laws. (f) There is established an Executive Committee of the Agency. The Executive Committee shall consist of the municipal manager or other appointed official of each municipality, as designated by the Municipality. Each Municipality shall be entitled to one seat on the Executive Committee. Each member of the Executive Committee shall be entitled to one vote on the Commit- tee. The By -Laws may provide for the appointment by each Municipality of an appointed official of the -16 - municipality as an alternate member of the Executive Committee to serve from time to time in the absence of the member from that Municipality. (g) The daily operation of the Agency shall be conducted under the direction and supervision of the Executive Committee, subject to the general policy decisions made by the Board of Directors from time to time, all as may be set forth in further detail in the By -Laws. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for carrying out the policy decisions of the Board of Directors. Section 10. Rights and Responsibilities of Munici alities. (a) The Board of Directors may, by vote of not less than 75% of the Directors, sell or dispose of any real or tangible personal property owned by the Agency upon a determination by the Board that the property is no longer useful or necessary for the Agency. No property shall be sold or disposed of if to do so would deprive any Municipality from continued service by or through the Agency, unless the corporate authorities of that Municipality consent by ordinance. Any proceeds of such sale or disposition shall either be applied to the purposes of the Agency or shall be returned to the Municipalities in their respective proportionate shares of capital contribution to the Agency, as the Board of Directors shall determine. -17- (b) Each Municipality shall pay its proportionate share of the costs of the Agency as provided in this paragraph. (i) The Board of Directors shall determine the costs to be paid by the respective Municipalities as provided in this Agreement and the By -Laws. (ii) Municipalities shall appropriate their funds and shall use their credit, revenues and other resources, including the power to borrow money, to incur debt and to issue and sell bonds, if necessary, to pay their shares of the costs of the Agency and to service their debt related to the Agency as they indi- vidually determine. (iii) With respect to capital costs of planning, constructing and acquiring the system (or improvements or extensions to the System), the Agency may itself finance these costs from borrowed money or retained amounts from the sale of water or it may require Muni- cipalities to make capital contributions and payments to the Agency (at the times specified by the Board of Directors and in proportionate shares as provided in this paragraph.) The proportionate share of each Municipality in the capital costs of the Agency shall be determined by the Board of Directors according to the various Municipalities' estimated water usage or demand from the System or System segment or the capa- city of the System or System segment requested by the various Municipalities or any combination of those factors as to the waterworks or water supply system or System segment then being provided during the estimated useful life of the System or System segment. The manner of carrying out this method of apportioning of capital costs shall be determined by the Board of Directors. (iv) With respect to annual costs of opera- tion and maintenance not paid from amounts received from sales of water or from other revenues of the Agency, the Board of Directors shall establish the cost-sharing charges for all Municipalities in an amount sufficient to provide the funds required by the annual budget. All such cost-sharing will be appor- tioned according to the estimated or actual metered water usage or demand by the Municipality for such year or the capacity of the System or System segment con- structed and acquired upon the request of the various Municipalities or any combination of those factors, all as determined by the Board of Directors. The estimated or actual water usage or demand of the various Munici- palities from the waterworks or water supply system or the capacity of the System or System segment constructed and acquired upon the request of the various Munici- palities or any combination of those factors (or, for periods before the System begins to operate, their estimated water usage or demand from the System or the capacity of the System or System segment requested by the various Municipalities or any combination of those factors) shall be used as the basis for cost-sharing of the annual costs of operation and maintenance. How- ever, the Board of Directors may establish from time to time, a minimum annual charge with respect to all Municipalities for the Agency's annual costs of opera- tion and maintenance, such minimum charge to be payable regardless of actual or estimated use. (c) The Agency may decline to provide water to any Municipality whose charges have not been paid within sixty days after billing by the Agency. Further, a reasonable penalty charge for late payments may be established and imposed by the Executive Committee. (d) The Agency shall not be liable for any liabil- ity or obligation incurred by any Municipality except as agreed by the Board of Directors or except pursuant to paragraph (d) of Section 7. (e) Any withdrawing Municipality shall be respon- sible for its share of any unpaid contracts, debts and obligations of the Agency incurred prior to the date of withdrawal or removal in proportion to its respective share or cost-sharing, as the case may be, all as provided in paragraph (b) of this Section 10. (f) If withdrawal of one or more Municipality results in dissolution and termination of the Agency as required by Section 6, then the withdrawing Municipal- -20- ity shall participate in the dissolution of the Agency as set forth in paragraph (g) of this Section. (g) Upon the termination and dissolution of the r Agency: (i) The contracts, debts and obliga- tions of the Agency remaining unpaid after such dissolution and termination shall be the several obligations of the respective Municipalities and/or Participants in the respective proportions established for capital and operating costs, as applicable, in accordance with paragraph (b) of this Section 10. (ii) The assets of the Agency remaining after dissolution shall be distributed among the Municipalities and/or Participants who had par- ticipated in the Agency within one year prior to such dissolution and termination in proportion to their respective proportionate share of capital costs as established in accordance with paragraph (b) of this Section 101, after any setoff with respect to the provision for payment of that Municipality's and/or Participant's share of the contracts, debts and obligations of the Agency. (h) The Agency shall be responsible for and assumes in full all contracts, debts, liabilities and obligations of the Northwest Suburban Water System, a previous joint and cooperative undertaking established by the Northwest Suburban Water System Agreement, as U 117-3 $TO = I The allocation of Lake Michigan water by the State of Illinois for each Municipality may be assigned to the Agency subject to the terms of such water allo- cation. The Agency shall monitor the water usage of each Municipality to ensure compliance with their respective water allocations. Each Municipality shall keep on file with the Agency an emergency water usage plan. That plan shall be implemented whenever declared necessary by the Board of Directors for the good of L..L.L-1 Agency and its members. An emergency usage plan will be developed for the Agency by the Executive Committee and approved by the Board of Directors. No Municipality's water allocation assigned to the Agency shall be used for any purpose without its consent except for service for that Municipality. The plan developed by the Agency shall be subject to the consent of the State of Illinois, if required by the terms of the State's water allocations for the Municipalities. Upon withdrawal or removal of a Municipality from the Agency, a water allocation assigned to the Agency by that Municipality will be reassigned to the withdrawing Municipality by the Agency. Upon dissolution and termination of the Agency, all water allocations assigned to the Agency by Municipalities shall be reassigned by the Agency to the respective Municipalities. I t -22- Section 11. By -Laws. The Board of Directors shall adopt By -Laws for the Agency which shall, among other mat- ters, set forth provisions for the holding, notice, call and conduct of meetings of the Board of Directors and the Execu- tive Committee, the adoption of annual budgets and appropria- tions, and the entering into of contracts and purchase by the Agency. The By -Laws may be adopted only upon the concur- rence of members of the Board of Directors equal in number to at least three-fourths of all of the Municipalities and may be amended only upon such a vote. The By -Laws may provide additional requirements and procedures with respect to amendment of the By -Laws. Section 12. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended by written agreement of all Municipalities, authorized by ordinances adopted by their respective corporate authori- ties, certified copies of which shall be filed with the Secretary of the Agency. Promptly upon there being any amendment to this Agreement, the Secretary of the Agency shall cause a copy of the amendment to be filed in the office of the Secretary of State of Illinois. Section 13. Enforcement. The Agency shall have the right to enforce this Agreement, the By -Laws or any agree- ment among or between the Agency and any one or more Munici- palities, against any municipality and to compel payment of rate fees and charges as provided in this Agreement, the By -Laws or any such other agreements. If suit is necessary to compel enforcement of provisions of this Agreement, the -23 - By -Laws or any such other agreement or to compel payment of fees and charges of the Agency, the defaulting Municipality shall pay the Agency's reasonable legal fees and costs per- taining to the suit, in such amount as determined by the court. 'Section 14. Ordinance Authorizinq Aqreement. Prior to executing this Agreement, this Agreement shall be approved by ordinance adopted by the corporate authorities of each Original member, and each Original Member shall have deli- vered to each other original Member a certified copy of such ordinance, which ordinance shall also specifically authorize and direct the execution of this Agreement on behalf of such original Member. Section 15. Effective Date. This Agreement shall become effective on March 16, 1981, or on the date when it is executed by all the villages and city listed on page 1 of this Agreement, whichever is earlier. Section 16. Filin with Secretary of State. Promptly upon this Agreement becoming effective, a copy of this Agreement shall be filed by the Secretary of the Agency with the Secretary of the State of Illinois. .,,S'ection 17. Severability. If any part of this Agree- ment shall be held invalid for any reason, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain valid to the maximum extent possible. BY - LAWS NORTHWEST SUBURBAN MUNICIPAL JOINT ACTION WATER AGENCY Article I GENERAL These By -Laws, together with the Northwest Suburban Municipal Joint Action Water Agency Agreement (which Agree- ment, together with amendments to it from it from time to time, is referred to as the "Agreement") govern the function and operation of the Northwest Suburban Municipal Joint Action Water Agency (the "Agency"). Article II Board of Directors 1. Members and Powers. The Board of Directors of the Agency shall be comprised as provided in the Agreement and the By -Laws and shall exercise those powers specified in the Agreement and the By -Laws. If any Director ceases to be an elected officer of the Municipality which appointed such person, or becomes incapacitated, that seat on the Board of Directors shall, subject to the provision for participation by Alternate Directors contained in Section 10 of this Article, be vacant until a successor is appointed by that -2 - Municipality. [For purposes of the By -Laws, "Municipality" shall have the same meaning as in the Agreement.] 2. Alternate Directors. The corporate authorities of any Municipality may, from time to time, select an Alternate Director, who shall be an elected official of that Municipality. Any Municipality selecting an Alternate Director shall file with the Secretary of the Agency a designation of its Alternate Director. In the absence of any Director at any meeting of the Board of Directors, the Alternate Director from the same Municipality may serve for all purposes as the Director from such Municipality. 3. VotingVotes on the Board of Directors may be cast only by the Directors in physical attendance at Board meetings. No proxy votes or absentee voting shall be permitted. 4. Election of Officers. (a) The Board of Directors shall elect from among the Directors a Chairman of the Board of Directors and a Vice -Chairman of the Board of Directors. Such officers shall serve until the end of their term and thereafter until their respective successors are elected. The term of office for those positions shall be two years. The term of the first persons elected as such officer will expire on April 30, 1983. In the absence of the Chairman of the Board of Directors or in the event of the Chairman's inability to act, the Vice -Chairman of the Board of Directors shall perform the duties of the Chairman, and when so acting, ...... . .. ............. . . - - ------- ... ............ ...... _3" rP shall have all the powers of the Chairman. Upon the resignation or incapacity of any such officer or upon such person ceasing to be a Director, the Board of Directors shall elect 0 one of the Directors to complete the term of office for that position. (b) The Board of Directors shall select other persons, who need not be Directors, to the positions of Treasurer and Secretary. Such officers shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors. The Treasurer, should he or she not be a director, shall be an ex -officer member of the Board of Directors but shall have no vote. (c) The Board of Directors may also, from time to time, by resolution create (and may subsequently discontinue) officer positions for the Agency in addition to those provided by the By -Laws. The Board of Directors shall determine the duties of such additional officers, which* shall not conflict with the duties specifically given by the BY -Laws to other officers. The Board of Directors shall determine the term of office and the method of election of such additional officers. 5. Rules. The Board of Directors may establish rules governing its own conduct and procedure. Questions of procedure for meetings of the Board of Directors which are not determined by its rules shall be governed by Robert's Rules of order. -4- 6. Com ensation. No Director shall receive any compensation from the Agency for service as a Director (or as Chairman or Vice -Chairman of the Board of Directors) but Directors may be reimbursed for their actual expenses incurred with regard to Agency business and meetings. 7. Meetings., (a) Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held according to a schedule of meetings which the Board of Directors shall, from time to time, adopt. Regular meetings shall be held at least two times a year. One of the regular meetings in each year shall be held in November. The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall cause an agenda for the meeting to be given each of the other Directors and to each member of the Executive Committee. The business at the regular meetings may, pursuant to the rules governing the conduct and procedure of the Board of Directors, include items not specified in the agenda. At each regular meeting of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee shall present a full report of its activities and shall report on budget status and financial transactions occurring since the previous regular meeting. (b) Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by its Chairman, by any two Directors (but not Alternate Directors), or by the Executive Committee. Written notice of special meetings shall be given at least two business days prior to such meetings to each Director and each member of the Executive Committee. The Notice shall include the time, date and location of the special meeting as well as an agenda specifying the subjects to be covered at the special meeting. The Notice shall be given by the person or persons calling the special meeting or, in the case of a meeting called by the Executive Committee, either by its Chairman or the Secretary. Business conducted at special meetings shall be limited to those items specified in the agenda, except upon the consent of all the Directors then holding office (or in lieu of the consent of a Director absent at a meeting, the consent of the Alternate Director from that Municipality). (c) All regular and special meetings shall be open to the public and public notice of such meetings shall be given, in each case in the manner (and with such exceptions) as provided by "An Act in relation to meetings" [Ill. Rev. Stat. Ch. 102, §41, et sea.]. 8. Quorum and Passes e. A quorum for the trans- action of all business by the Board -.of Directors, shall consist of a majority of the Directors then holding office. No resolution or other substantive matter shall be passed or approved by the Board of Directors except upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the Directors then holding office unless a greater majority is required pursuant to the Agreement or these By -Laws. 9. The Chairman of the Board of Directors. The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall preside at meetings of the Board of Directors. The Chairman shall also perform -6 - all duties specified for the Chairman in the By -Laws, all duties incident to the office of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors from time to time, consistent with the Agreement and the By -Laws. IU. The Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities of the Agency and receive and give receipts for monies due and payable to the Agency from any source whatsoever. The Treasurer shall deposit all such monies in the name of the Agency in such banks, trust companies or other depositaries as shall be approved as deposiltaries by the Board of Directors and may make investments of funds not immediately required. No Director or officer of the Agency shall be liable for any loss of money so deposited which loss occurs,. -by reason of any failure or default of the depositary. All deposits and investments shall be subject to the supervision of the Executive Committee. The Treasurer may receive compensation for service as Treasurer, as authorized by the annual budget. The Treasurer shall give a bond for the faithful discharge of his or her duties, in such amount and with such surety or sureties as are approved by the Board of Directors. 11. The secretar The Secretary shall be the keeper of the boods and records of the Agency and shall be responsible for the preparation and retention of minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee. The Secretary may receive compensation for -7 - service as Secretary, as authorized by the annual budget. ARTICLE III Executive Committee lo Members and Powers. The Executive Committee shall be comprised as provided in the Agreement and the By -Laws and shall exercise those powers specified in the Agreement and the BY -Laws. If any member of the Executive Committee ceases to be the Municipal Manager or other appointed official of the Municipality which appointed such person, or becomes incapacitated, that seat on the Executive Committee shall, subject to the provision for participation by alternate members contained in Section 10 of this Article, be vacant until a successor is appointed by that Municipality. 1 2. Alternate Members. The corporate authorities of any municipality may, from time.to time, select an alternate member, who shall be an appointed official of that Municipality. Any Municipality selecting an alternate member shall file with the Secretary of the Agency a designation of its alternate member. In the absence of any member at any meeting of the Executive Committee, the alternate member from the same Municipality may serve for all purposes as the voting member from such Municipality. 3. VotingVotes on the Executive Committee may be cast only by the members of the Committee in physical attendance at its meetings. No proxy votes or absentee voting shall be permitted. 4. Officers of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall elect from among its members a Chairman and Vice -Chairman of the Executive Committee. Such officers shall serve until the end of their term and thereafter until their respective successors are elected. The term of office for those positions shall be three years. The term of the first persons elected as such officers will expire . Upon the resignation or incapacity of any such officer or upon such person ceasing to be a voting member of the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee shall elect one of its voting members to complete the term of office for that position. 5. Rules. The Executive Committee may establish rules governing its own conduct and procedure. Questions of procedure for meetings of the Executive Committee which are not determined by its rules shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order. 6., Compensation. No one serving on the Executive Committee (other than the Treasurer, as provided in Section 9 of this Article, or the Secretary,) shall receive compensation from the Agency for that service or for service as Chairman or Vice -Chairman of the Executive Committee. Members and officers may be reimbursed for their actual expenses incurred with regard to Agency business and meetings. 7. Meetings. (a) Regular meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held according to a schedule of meetings which the .... . . ......... -9- 4 Po Executive Committee shall, from time to time, adopt. The Executive Committee shall meet at least monthly. (b) Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by its Chairman or ]y an two members (but not alternate members) of the Executive Committee. Written notice of special meetings shall be given at least two business days prior to such meeting to each member of the Executive Committee. The notice shall include the time, date and location of the special meeting as well as an agenda specifying the subjects to be covered at the special meeting. The notice shall be given by the person or persons calling the meeting or by the Secretary of the Agency. Business conducted at special meetings shall be limited to those items specified in the agenda, except upon the consent of all thervoting members of the Executive Committee then holding office (or in lieu of the consent of a member absent at a meeting, the consent of the alternate member from that Municipality) . (c) All regular and special meetings of the Agency shall be open to the public and public notice of such meetings shall be given, in each case in the manner (and with such exceptions) as provided by "An Act in relation to meetings" [Ill. Rev. Stat., Ch. 102, §41 et seg.] 8. Quorum and Passage. A quorum for the trans- action of all business by the Executive Committee shall consist of a majority of the voting members then holding office. No resolution or other substantive matter shall be passed or _10 - approved by the Executive Committee except upon the affirma- .ti've vote of a majority of the voting members then holding office. 9. The Chairman of the Executive Committee. The Chairman of the Executive Committee shall preside at meetings of the Executive Committee and shall serve as the liaison between the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee. The Chairman of the Executive Committee shall also perform all duties specified for the Chairman in the By -Laws, all duties incident to the office of the Chairman and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Committee consistent with the Agreement and the By -Laws. In the absence of the Chairman of the Executive Committee or in the event of the Chairman's inability to act, the Vice -Chairman of the Executive Committee shall perform the duties of the Chairman of the Executive Committee, and when so acting, shall have all the powers of the Chairman. ARTICLE IV Operations Manager and Employees 1. Mana3er. The Operations Manager (the "Manager") shall be the administrative head of the Agency and shall be directly responsible to the Executive Committee for the administration of the Agency. The Manager shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and shall serve at its pleasure. The Manager shall be chosen on the basis of administrative and executive qualifications with reference to the duties of the office. 6D@44TUMIOD GATqnoaxa aqq Aq PaAojddP sp qdaoxa OqUT paaaqua aq TTpqs qopjquoo quourAolduia ON -Aoua5V aqq go allIT4 Oq @UITq tUOaj qaBpnq Tpnuup aqq Aq PGZTaoqqnp sp Aouaf)v aq-4 go sa@A'oTduia aAOWOa PUP qUToddp ol (q) -040A OU OAPq TTPqs qnq JSaO409aTQ JO PaPOa @q4 PUP 004qTUMIOD GATqnooxa aqq aaojaq BuTMOD Sa94qPm TIP go uoTssnosTp aqq uT qapd a�,(Pq oq 4qbTl 9q4 DAPq TTPqS a@572UPW_aql -saoqoajTa go papog a4q PUP aa4qTUlMOD GATqnDGXa aqq go 'TpToads a v aO aPTnBaa 'SBUT4@@Ul TIP JO DDT40U U0AT5 aq TTPqs a@BPuPW aql *POSnDx@ ss@Tun 'SJ0q39aT,G 90 PjPoa aq4 pup aaqqTuruoD aATqTID@Xa aqq a 90 SBuT.4GOul TIP PuGq4P Ol (P) : aq Tlpqs J05pupw aqq go saTqnp pup saamod 9qj os�amod ss *@0qqTUD.UO3 @ATqnoaxa aqq ,�q AU P 4e PaAOW@a aq ,Pul ;[@BpupW TPAUIT7 a A4TTTqPsTp o aouasqp aq-4 BuTinp aaBPuPw aqq go saTqnp aq-4 =ogaod oq uosaad P @qPUBTSOP 'PUI a04qTWWO3 aATqnOaXa aqq JaaSpUpN aqq go AqTT,TqpsTp jo aouasqp go aspo aqq u, -ADUPOPA aqq JO, aqpp aATqO@Jja aqq aaqjp& SAPP A4auTu utg4TM PaTTTJ aq TTPqs aaBPUPw aq4 90 @3TJJ0 aqq u -r Aoupo-eA AUV -' X_0UP0PA -aa5pupw aqq SP OA Jas OSTP TTPqS AqTlpdToTunw 4up go quaBP JO aGO1.990 laaKolduia use SP BUTAa@S alTqm UOsaad olq 10 ON lop, . . . . . . . . . ............................ -12- (c) To recommend for adoption by the Executive Committee such measures as the Manager may deem necessary or expedient for the efficient operation of the Agency. (d) To enforce, administer, and carry out the policies of the Agency as established by the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee. (e) To prepare and to submit to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors a monthly report of the activities under the Manager's jurisdiction. (f) To prepare a proposed annual budget, including a report of estimated revenues in order to determine the estimated funds necessary to defray the expenses of the Agency for each fiscal year; and to present the proposed budget to the Executive Committee in the manner set forth under Article V of the By -Laws. (g) To make forecasts of future needs for System improvements and additions and of System revenues. (h) To perform such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Executive Committee. F. CoLnpejnsation. The Manager shall receive such compensation as the Executive Committee shall from time to time determine. The Manager and all employees shall be subject to personnel policies, benefits and obligations as determined from time to time by the Executive Committee. -13 - ARTICLE V Budget and Purchases 1. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Agency shall begin January 1 and end December 31. 2. Annual Budget. The Manager of the Agency shall prepare a proposed annual budget for the Agency for submission to the Executive Committee. Prior to September 10 of each year copies of the budget as prepared by the Manager shall be sent to the municipal manager or other chief administrative officer of each Municipality. No later than its. -regular October meeting., the Executive Committee shall review the proposed annual budget and make recomme'nda- tions as to the budget to the Board of Directors. Copies of the recommendations shall be sent to each Director. Follow- ing approval of the recommended budget by the Executive Committee, the recommended budget shall be submitted to the Board of Directors. The annual budget shall be adopted by the Board of Directors at its regular November meeting each year. 3.Expenditures. After adoption of the annual budget by the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee and the Manager shall make only those expenditures which are authorized by the budget and shall not contravene the provisions of the budget without the approval of the Board of Directors. _14_ .ARTICLE VI Audit The Board of Directors shall provide for an F annual audit of the Agency to be made by an independent certified public accountant within 120 days after the end of each fiscal year. The books of the Agency shall be kept in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A copy of the annual audit report shall be delivered to each Municipality promptly upon its receipt by the Agency. ARTICLE VII Contracts and Purchases, Loans and Check 1. Contracts and Purchases. The Board of Directors may authorize any officer or officers of the Agency (including any officer of the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee) or agent or agents to enter into any contract or to execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Agency. Such authority may be general or confined to specific instances, consistent in each case with the By -Laws and the Agreement. The I Board of Directors shall by resolution provide procedures for the entering into of contracts and making purchases of services, goods, equipment, supplies and facilities. The procedures shall provide authority for officers of the Agency or for the Executive Committee to approve contracts and purchases and shall make such provision as the Board of Directors deems appropriate for public bidding for contracts and purchases. 2. Loans. The Agency may borrow money only upon the approval of the Board of Directors. 3. Checks. All checks, drafts or other orders for the payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebted- ness in the name of the Agency, shall be signed by such officer or officers (including any officer of the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee) or agent or agents of the Agency and in such manner as shall be provided by resolution of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE VIII Notices Any notice or document required to be given under the Agreement or the By -Laws shall be deemed to be given, with respect to a Municipality, an officer, of a Municipality, a Director or a member of the Executive Committee appointed by a Municipality, if it is delivered or mailed to the principal office of that Municipality or the Municipality which appointed such person; and with respect to any other officer of the Agency if delivered or mailed to the principal office of the Agency. For notices required to be given under the Agreement or the By -Laws whre the notice period is less than ten days, three additional days in which mail is delivered shall be added to the notice period if the notice is given by mail. All notices shall be in writing. Any person or Municipality may waive any notice. Attendance by any person at a meeting is a waiver of notice of the meeting. -16 - ARTICLE IX Amendments to the By -Laws may be proposed by any Director or by any member of the Executive Committee. The amendment shall be submitted to each Director at least thirty days prior to the meeting of the Board of Directors at which the amendment is to be considered. The proposed amendment and the reason for it shall be considered by the Board of Directors, along with the recommendations of the Executive Committee and any officer of the Agency. Con- currence of Directors equal to not less than three-fourths vote of all Municipalities shall be required to adopt any amendment to the By -Laws. No amendment shall cause the By - Laws to conflict with the Agreement. ARTICLE X Effective Date The By -Laws shall become effective upon approval by the Board of Directors. Any amendment to the By -Laws shall take effect immediately upon its approval by the Board of Directors, unless the terms of the amendment other- wise provide. 1 of 2 ORD INANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE APPROVING NORTHWEST SUBURBAN MUNICIPAL JOINT ACTION WATER AGENCY AGREEMENT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF Tfurlb VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: I SECTION ONE: The Village of Mount Prospect finds and declares as follows: A,# The Village of Mount Prospect is in need of additional supplies of water for its municipal water system users. It is necessary that the Village obtain a source of Lake Michigan water to meet the needs of its municipal water system users. B,,. To obtain a source of Lake Michigan water,necessary for the purposes of economy and adequacy of water supply that the Village of Mount Prospect, together with other municipalities in the northwest suburban area, jointly provide and operate a Joint waterworks or water supply system to obtain Lake Michigan water. C . The Village of Mount Prospect, together with other municipalities in the northwest suburban area, has prepared a Northwest Suburban Municipal Joint Action Water Agency Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof, hereinafter referred to as "Agreement". By the Agreement, participating municipalities establish a Municipal Joint Action Water Agency in order to provide adequate supplies of water on an economical and efficient basis for the respective municipalities individually The name of the agency so established is Northwest Suburban Municipal Joint Action Water Agency, hereinafter referred to as "Agency". D. The Village of Mount Prospect and the other participating municipalities are authorized by the Intergovernmental Cooperation Clause of the Constitution of the State of Illinois (Article VII, Section 10) and by the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act (Ill. Rev. Stat. Ch. 127, Section 741 et seq.) to enter into the Agreement and jointly to exercise their powers, privileges and authority as provided in the Agreement. 13. It is necessary and in the best interests of the Village of Mount Prospect that it enter into the Agreement and the Agency provided by the Agreement. SECTION TWO: The Village of Mount Prospect shall enter into the Agreement and the Agency. The President of the Village of Mount Prospect is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Agreement on its behalf in substantially the form attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof. SECTION THREE: The Village of Mount Prospect desimates as its men ber on the Board of Directors of the Agency the President of said Village of Munt Prospect from time to time and as its member on the Executive Co M-mittee of the Agency the Village Manager of the Village of Mount Prospect from time to time. The Village of Mount Prospect may at any time , upon adoption of an C��� C/12/81 2 of 2 Ordinance or Resolution of the President and Poard of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect, designate some other elected official to serve as the Village's member on the Board of Directors of the Agency and/or some other appointed official as the Village's member on the Executive Committee of the Agency. The Village of Mount Prospect may from time to time, upon adoption of an Ordinance or Resolution of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect, select an alternate elected official to serve on the Board of Directors and/or an alternate appointed official to serve on the Executive Committee in the absence of its designated member. SECTION FOUR: The Village of Alount Prospect shall, from time to time, appropriate funds and use its credit, revenues and other resources to pay its proportionate share of the costs of the Agency as provided in the Agreement and as provided by law. SECTIO' ' N FIVE-. The Village Clerk of the Village of 7�lount Prospect is'hereby authorized and directed to send a certified copy of this Ordinance to each other municipality listed ►on the signature page of the Agreement. The President, Clerk and Manager of the Village of Mount Prospect are hereby authorized and directed to take whatever additional steps are necessary for the Village of Mount Prospect to enter into the Agreement and to participate in the Agency. SECTION SIX: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and #""W#0*WftWNWW"� after its passage, approval and publication in the manner provided by law. PASSED this day of 1981. AYES: APPROVED this day of 1, 1981. Village President Village Clerk Village,__,.1 Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO*- Village Manager T,'ROM: Director Public Works DATE: February 12, 1981 SUBJECT: Contractual Water Main Repair On February 5, 1981, an 8 inch water main going under Weller Creek at School Street broke and -it was necessary to hire a contractor to make the repairs. As the break was underneath the creek bank, access was very difficult andwe did not have equipment of sufficient size to do the excavation work. Water was being lost plus there was .-a. potential danger of con- tamination to the water supply so an emergency repair order had to be issued with your permission. Carlo Santucci contractors were hired for this work and their labor and equipment charges R amounted to $2,775.70. Iepair materials were furnished by the Village. Funds for this emergency repair work are available in the budget under the well maintenance and repair account, ffiRff 1=716- Herbert L. Weeks PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the Mount Prospect Nurses' Club was established on this February 17, 1956 and Is celebrating its 25th Anniversary Tn1S year; and WHEREAS, the Mount Prospect Nurses' Club has increased its membership from 22 to over 46 active members during those 25 year; and WHEREAS,the Mount Prospect Nurses' Club solicits contributions and conducts fund raising events with the proceeds to benefit residents of the Village of Mount Prospect; and 'WHEREAS , through the efforts of the Mount Prospect Nurses' Club convalescent equipment, such as hospital beds, crutches, wheelchairs, etc... are made available to residents of the Village of Mount Prospect as a public service; and WHEREAS, the Mount Prospect Nurses' Club offers two $500 scholarships along with another $500 scholarship offered by Mr. Blazek in memory of his wife who was a member of the Mount Prospect Nurses' Club, to local high school graduates pursuing a career in nursing; and. 1WHEREAS , the Village acknowledges the many fine contributions made 1by the Mount Prospect Nurses' Club to all the residents of the Village of I 110 -bunt Prospect. NOW., THEREFORE.. 1, Carolyn H. Krause, Mayor of the Village of Mount Prospect, do take this opportunity on behalf of the Village to congratulate the Yount Prospect Nurses' Club on this their 25th Anniversary and express our ,sincere appreciation for the many benefits offered to the residents by this fine organii,zation. Carolyn H. Krause Mayor Dated this 17th day of February, 1981. Chantic 2/11/81 ORDINANCE NO. I AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 13 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTIONONE: Subsection A of Section 13.107 of Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Mount Prospect be, and the same is hereby amended to increase the number of Class "F" licenses by one (1) by deleting herefrom the language "Nineteen (19)" as it appears in said Section 13.107A and by substituting berefor the language "Twenty (20)11; so that Section 13.107A shall hereafter be and read as follows: it Six (6) Class A Licenses Twenty (20) Class B Licenses Nine (9) Class C Licenses Two (2) Class D Licenses One (1) Class E Licenses Two (2) Class L Licenses One (1) Class AT Licenses One (1) Class P Licenses Nine (9) Class R Licenses One (1) Class V Licenses Four (4) Class W Licenses ty SECTION TWO: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in the manner provided by law. PASSED and APPROVED this day of 1981. AYES: NAYS: FIA ATTEST: Village President A Butch MeGuires, Ken's Den, Midwest Liquors, Cowboys, Mrs. P & me, lVille Liquors B Carons's Meat IN' Place, Charlie Club, Chanticleer, Dover Inn, El Sombero, Evans, Flaming Torch, Four Seasons, Gapers, Jakes Pizza, Kenpai Steak House, Montery Whaling Village,, Pizza Hut, Red Lobster, Second Dynasty, Striking Lane, Shogun, Thunderbird, Ye Olde Town Inn, The Reunion C Alvee Liquors, Balzarno Liquors, Dominicks, Cold Eagle Liquors, Liquor Shoppe, Osco, Mount Prospect Liquorst Walgreen's (Plaza), Walgreen's (Golf & Elmhurst) D Moose Lodge #660, VFW E Mr. Peters L Captains Steak Joynt, Kallen's Restaurant M Holiday Inn P Arlington Club Beverage R Artemis, Fellinils, Honey Bee, i0jos, Pepe's Tacos, Romance Restaurant, Sakura, Sue Mee, Torishin V Koyotoya Corp. W Carl's Pizzeria, Sizzler Steak House, Mount Prospect Pizzeria, Wag's Restaurant J) P at i* s s 2/11/81 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 13 OF TME MUNICIPAL CODE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF TH VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: i SECTION ONE: Subsection A of Section 13.107 of Chapter 13 of the Munp Code of the Village of Mount Prospect be , and the same is hereby amended t 0 increase the number of Class 11RII licenses by one (1) by deleting herefrom the language "Nine (9)" as it appears in said Section 13.107 A and by substituting herefor the language "Ten (10)11; so that Section 13.107 A shall hereafter be and read as follows: I If Six (6) Class A Licenses Twenty (20) Class B Licenses Nine (9) Class C Licenses Two (2) Class D Licenses One (1) Class E Licenses Two (2) Class L Licenses One (1) Class M Licenses One (1) Class P Licenses Ten (10) Class R Licenses One (1) Class V Licenses Four (4) Class W Licenses SECTION TWO: This Ordinance shall be Iin full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in the manner provided by law. PALS SED and APPROVED this day of 1981. AYES.- hz' � +i 41, 1.1111 - Village President Village Clerk * * *1 * * * * * * * * * *- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A Butch McGuires, Ken's Den, Midwest Liquors, Cowboys, Mrs. P & Me, Wille Liquors Carons's Meat IN' Place) Charlie Club )Chanticleer, Dover Inn , El Sombero, Evans, Flaming Torch, Four Seasons, Gapers, Jakes Pizza, Kanpai Steak House, Montery Whaling Village, Pizza Hut, Red Lobster, Second Dynasty, Striking Lane, Shogun, Thunderbird, Ye Olde Town Inn, The Reunion C Alvee Liquors, Balzamo Liquors, Domimicks, Cold Eagle Liquors Liquor Shoppe, Osco , Mount Pr*ip4at Liquors, Walgreen't (Plaza) Walgreen's (Golf & Elmhurst) D Moose Lodge #660, VFW E Mr. Peters L Captains Steak Joynt, Kallen's Restaurant M Holiday Inn P Arlington Club Beverage R Artemis, Fellinlills, Honey Bee, iplos,jPatisserie Pepe's Tacos, Romance Restaurant, Sakuraq Sue Mee, Tors in V Koyotoya Corp. W Carl's Pizzeria, sizzler I I izz er -Steak House, Mount Prospect Pizzeria, Wag's Restaurant TCS Mayor & Board of Trustees FROM; Trustee Ed Miller, Chairman Finance Committee DATE: February 12, 1981 Re,- Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting, February 10, 1981 The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. in the Village Manager's office. Present were: Trustee Ed Miller, Trustee E. F. FLichardson, Trustee Gerald Farley, Village Manager Terrance Burghard, Director of Management Ser i0 0 ceg Martha H. Peppler, Members of the Library Board, Mr. 'Tito Colucci, and Mr. Edmond Ellis of Moloney's. tiquor j;icen C, S6,1 i, ation Mclone. Mr. Edmond Ellis, President of Moloney's at 1904 Elmhurst Road was present to apply for a Class W license - beer and wine only -'at dining tables only. Mr. Ellis explained that. "Moloney.'s was revising the food portion of its menu to attract more lunch customers. They:plan to emphasize deli -type sandwiches and think that beer and wine is 'a necessary compliment to this change in menu. Mrs. Peppler noted that the Health Department had conducted an inspection of the premises and reported no serious problems. Moloney's-has agreed to work with the Health Department in developing good liquor handling procedures. Mrs. Peppler also reported that all of the Police checks,were,not completed but nothing damaging had been discovered so far. Trustee Richardson expressed some concern another liquor license being issued in this area of Elmhurst Road, He noted that the new Charlie Club, The Red Lobster, and Kampai Japanese Steak House, all held licenses along this section of Elmhurst Road. Mr. Ellis stated that Moloney's feels that the liquor license is necessary to compete in this area, Mr. Miller said that absent any strong objections he would agree to create a license for Moloney's. Mr. Richardson concrrred. The Committee will report to the Board to recommend that a Class W license be created for Moloney's contingent upon satisfactory completion of all Police checks. 2 Library Long -Term Financing Plan Mr. Miller began a discussion with the members of the Library Board about their long-term financing needs. He presented a cash-flow plan which was developed to depict the next two years revenues and expenses for the Library. The members of the Library Board reiterated their position that the Village had always been the Library's cash-flow buffer. They observed that there had been a misunderstanding at the time their budget & levy was submitted concerning 'their expectation of a subsidy of $103,000. Mrs. Viqer suggested that a compromise figure of $50,000 might be more realistic. There was also agreement that the Library would levy the,Working Cash Fund and get Tax Anticipation Warrants from the bank to cover the cash-flow needs. Mr. Miller expressed' his feeling that the Library must hold the line on expenses- he stated that he would not support a subsidy of any amount be- cause it would not solve the Library'.s problem and would have a negative effect on the Village's own cash-flow position. He does favor a_: clinger loan repayment plan for the funds currently advanced to the Library. Mr. Miller announced that he will submit a report of his own to the Board on February 17, 1981. Mr. Richardson stated that he agrees with the concept of a subsidy. Audit Arrangement Letter - Lester Witte & Mrs. Peppler presented the arrangement letter for the audit for the year ending April 30, 1981. This would be the third year for Lester Witte & Company. The proposal includes special provisions for an in-depth look at the new computer system.- this special look at the "Internal controls of the computer would only he,requ"Ired this year. Last year's cost was $14,000; this year's quote is $18,000 $1,700 of which is directly attributable to the computer study. The Committee asked the staff to secure a quotation from Lester Witte for the audit of the Library. This would alleviate the problem that was caused last year with the two separate auditing firms. The staff agreed to work closely with the auditors and the Library staff to ensure that the Library receives the in-depth'audit that'they have requested. The Committee agreed to,recommend to the Board that Lester Witte bd engaged to perform the audit for the Village for the year ending April 30, 1981. Clarification of Budlet,officer Provisions of Vill ,.Code,, The Committee discussed the possible clar3i-fication, of the Budget officer provisions of the Village Code. Mr. Burghard reported that certain por- tio'ns of the code concerning amending the budget was inadvertently deleted when another section was amended. This ommission causes the Village to be . ..... ....... . . .... . ....... . . . .... . ...... . . . . . ..... Village of Mount Proscact -151F) Aj MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES TRUSTEE E. F. RICHARDSONI CHAIRMAN LEGISLATIVE/ JUD IC MARY. COMMITTEE LEGISLATIVE/JUDICIARY COMMITTEE MEETING JANUARY 29, 1981 Lardson called y thbl,� tieeting to order at �8�0,0 p.m. were: Mayor Cadto'l,,'n Krause, Trustee G6,k,`�'ald _ sentative Roland, Meyer Representat I ive, Robert sistantVillage , '11an,/,,,a,,,ger Edward Geick. .Ab'sent Wattenberg, and Donald L. Totten,, f this meeting was to permit the Mayor and Board n opportunity to get acquainted with the newly Legislators from the 3rd and 4th Districts. cussed an item on the agenda titled Frivolous y other items of interest to Mount Prospect r_ s lige Manager Geick reported that no Information Ross, Hardies regarding these suits. Such a acted before the Committee'snext meeting. 'The ad the most common types of suits and the basis have in the State Statutes for seeking to costs and attorneys' fees. Representatives --ra felt that some changes to clarify the State I be of assistance to municipal governments. L report back to the Committee in February on lies information and any recommendations on this )f Discussion S',,ed during the meeting were-, r K e a t e s Legalese Bill ful Ur 0 Rb ta_L x- rec'e'd, Wffi� regional shopping centers, p, f 'you people), juvnie problems e, State's assistance wil- 1-h t ate, mandated programs, tax 'On" t ,§41e of public' chools, mainta*n* I I ng .rticularly golf courses) and the Uniform System Bill coming up in the next `es ..or of the ORDINANCE NO. ..loom AN ORDINANCE RENAMING BUSINESS CENTER DRIVE SOUTH TO FEEHANVILLE DRIVE NOW 9 THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY. ILLINOIS: SECTION" ONE: That pursuant to the authority granted to the Village of S Mount Prospect. Cook County. Illinois, under the Illinois Revised Statute Chapter 24, Section 11-80-19, the name of the following street in Township 42., Range 11 , East of the Third Principal Meridian in Cook County, Illinois, is hereby changed as follows: FROM: TO SECTION 0mow Business Center Drive, out Feehanville Drive 35-42-11 SECTION TWO: The Village Clerk is hereby directed to notify the landowners of such to by letter and inform them oftheir new street name. SE ,CTION THREE: The Village Clerk is hereby directed for forward a certified copy of this Ordinance by Registered 'Alail or Certified Mail to the proper U. S. Postal Branch and proper election authorities. SECTION FOUR: The Village Clerk is hereby directed to record a 0' certified copy of this Ordinance with the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County. SECTION FIVE: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in the manner provided by law. PASSED this day of 1981. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: RPPROVED this dav of 9 1981. . ......... Village Clerk Village President CHARGES BY THE VILLAGE BOARD TO � Chairman --COMMITTEES , COMMISSIONS AND INDIVIDUALS 8/21/79 February 17, 1981 5/15/79 BUILDING COMMITTEE - Trustee Floros, Chairman 5/15/79 ZBA 12-Z-79 308 W. Rand Road 4/4/79 ZBA 13-Z- 79 310-314 W. Rand Road 6/5/79 ZBA 23-Z-79 705 East Rand Road 10/7/80 ZBA 52-V-80 705 East Rand Road 10/7/80 ZBA 22 -SU -80 422 East Northwest Highway 6/3/80 ZBA 40-A-80 Village of Mount Prospect 9/2/80 ZEA 43-A- 80 Village of Mount Prospect 9/2/80 ZBA 57-V-80 18 West Busse Avenue 2/3/81 ZBA 1-A-81 101 East Rand Road 2/3/81 ZBA 2-A-81 101 East Rand Road 2/3/81 Review Zoning procedures & process Wille/Busse Improvement FINANCE COMMITTEE - Trustee Miller, Chairman Business License fees 5/1/79 Cash and Fiscal Policy Review 8/21/79 Water billing process 12/8/79 Budget preparation process 3/4/80 Proposed amendments to Chapter 13 - Liquor Mount Prospect Public Library - Financial position ,FIRE AND POLICE GOMMITTEE - Trustee Murauskis, Chairman Development Code 8/7/79 Emergency Connection - Citizens Utilities . Northwest area 1/6/81 LEGISLATIVE /JUDICIARY COMMITTEE - Trustee Richardson, Chairman Rob Roy Zoning Suit - ----- ----- 12/5/80 Di Mucci Water Bills 12/5/78 Liaison with State Representatives Legislative Report Woodview Homeowners Association request for reimbursement of $2,500 in legal fees (Brickman) 7/1/80 Village of Mount Prospect Street Lighting Program 7/1/80 Licensing Not For Profit Corporations - Raffles & Chances 8/19/80 Frivolous Law Suits 11/16/80 Northwest Highway Beautification - East of Main Street 1/6/81 Pending Litigation - Monthly Update PUBLIC 'HEALTH AND SAFETYI COMP!ITTEE - Trustee Wattenberg � Chairman IRNIA 8/21/79 Bicycle Safety for Commuters 5/15/79 NORTRAN Membership 5/15/79 Police Facility Study 8/5/80 Highland and Road Road (To be reviewed in February, 1981) 8/5/80 Site Distance review 10/7/80 Legalease 10/7/80 Civil Rights Law Suit - Fanslow vs. Mount Prospect 11/18/80 Review existing STOP signs within the Village 12/16/80 Sale of adult X-rated video tapes in local stores 2/3/81 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - Trustee Farley, Chairman For Continuing Study*- 9*00"W MFT Projects 1/7/78 Lake Briarwood drainage problem 6/5/79 Explanation of Recapture Ordinances 6/5/79 Water billing process 12/8/79 Acquisition of Lake Michigan water & monitor rates Future use of Central/Busse detention basin (ATSD) 3/4/80 For Board Report. Cable T.V. 6/5/79 Stabilization of Weller Creek 12/16/80