HomeMy WebLinkAboutCannabis e-mails 11-27From:
Sent: Wednesday, October 9, 2019 7:33 AM
To: Ilk 1 0
Subject: rwcj: Mariam
From: -
plate, 0ctober 9, 2019 at 6:5 9:5 6 AM t.:i) f
Subject: Marijuana
Good Morning,
I arn not, nor have I ever been, a "Pot smoker". However, I feel the use of marij'uana is common
and should not be stigmatized and and should not be treated as criminal unless people who use it
do so in a negligent way.
I understand that the issue of having a manj I uana dispensary in our Village was discussed last
night. It appears that the issue remains unsettled. I hope that you will be in favor of the
dispensary as the Village could use some financial relief from the taxes generated. I also belileve
that some of those fands should be earmarked to allow for law enforcement and public
education. Our police department Will be settled with dealing with potentially impAired
individuals whether we allow marijuana sales in our conununity or not, It makes sense to me that
the Village should take advantage of the opportunity,
. . . . . . . . . . .
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Sent. Thursday, October 10, 2019 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: Mar"auna Sales In MP
> On Oct 10, 2019, at 12-,10 PIVII
> Hello Mayor Juracek.
> I wanted to share my thoughts with you are the rest of the board on Marijuana sales in MP.
> While I personally do not use marijuana, it 15 being legalized In 11 in January 2020, 1 am sure you know this and have
seen numerous studies etc, rnarijuana is used by people from all demographics from ages 18 - 80 and beyond. People
partake In marijuana similar to any other pleasures in life and marijuana also has many healing properties,
> Legalization is fantastic, because 1, It will keep people safe, rather than buying something from an unknown,
unscrupulous source, 2. Taxes can be collected on the sales of marijuana. 3, It will bring tax dollars in to our community,
If we opt to sell it here In the 56.
> We need to opt in to have marijuana dispensaries in MP. Just like we want residents to spend their money in our
community for everyday essentials and entertainment, this would be another way to keep funds in our community, Also,
we can use these fund to increase awareness and treatment of underage drug use,
> I remember a question on the ballot a bit ago asking our opinion on sales of marijuana in MP and the results were
overwhelmingly yes, this is what the people have said they wanted when they voted, Marijauna usage Is not going to go
away, IVIP can be forward looking and opt in or once again be seen as an archaic town, not ready to move into the
> As a person raising a family, unfortunately taxes relief is something that I look,forward to, I cannot imagine keeping up
with double digit property tax Increases and marijuana sales In the vIllage, has potiential to give us relief.
> Please share with the board. Thank you,
> Regards,
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From-. (TI>
Date: Fri, Oct 11, 2 019, 96,2 1 AM
Subject: Support of recreational dispensaries
Good morning Mount Prospect Trustees—
Thank you for the time and effort you have recently offered our village regarding
the potential establishment of recreational man'Juana dispensaries in our town, I
especially appreciate the several opportunities that the community has had to
share our opinions, including by email, which is why Iam writing to you today,
I support recreational dispensaries in Mount Prospect provided that zoning is
carefully considered as for other establishments such as gun vendors, nape
stores, and bars. This is an opportunity for significant new tax revenue, some of
which (approx, 20%) which will go to drug treatment and fighting the opioid
crisis in Illinois,
A potential opt -out from our village would not mitigate any potential problems
that may arise from residents under the influence, but rather would simply
eliminate the financial advantages that could be used to address any negative
consequences. Residents who are seeking to legally purchase marijuana will
have the option to go to nearby Des Plaines.
I encourage you to vote in favor of allowing dispensaries in Mount Prospect
Thank you for your consideration. Have a nice weekend!
Resident at 0
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Thursday, October 17, 2019 8-137 AM
Cannabis Discussion
Selling in MP
Legalize it! I can't imagine the board being so short sighted as to vote against selling recreational cannabis,
People use it now, and use will increase when it becomes legal next year. MP is not so' isolated that it will be
dIffilcul't flv,people to go to ay,,-ioither town to purella. e 'it, and bring it homv, to use it, Lots of''people already shofi,
and woi"k in Arfington Heights, DesPla.ines, E(TV, Palatine, etc. Theidea, that we will somehow lowerthe
Jriipact ofthlis chan e by, re" t sales)"s. ridicullotus., Rather, we will just get all of the challenges without the,
9 1 e
Cannabis i's not a gateway dru anv more than Hquor is a gateway drug, Long ten -n alcohol use causes liv•r
issues and depression just to start. In the short term, overconsumption can cause risky behavior, including dru
d6ving. And yet, it is socially sanctioned in moderation. I hope if the board votes against se ling recreational
cannabis, that they will make their next mission to rid Mount Prospect of the evils of liquor sales. Perhaps you
should go after venerated old institutions such as Mrs, P and Me and Emersons and shut them down. Someone
could drive away drunk after all, While you're at it, shut down Walgreens far intentionally overselling o!iolds,
Allow sales, and take advantage of the revenue while we have the opportunity. The sky will not fall.
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%- U., r I 1>
Thursday, October 17, 2019 11:39 AM
Cannabis Discussion
Recreational Cannabis Discussion
Mayor Juracek and members of the Mt. Prospect village board:
In my opinion it is in our best interest to allow the sate of legat marijuana products here in Mt. Prospect. Come January
1st, many M.P. residents will be purchasing and consuming these products. Prohibiting their sale within village borders
will have NO effect on either the level of consumption or the degree of potential negative social impact here. The
primary effect that such a prohibition would have is to deny this village the tax revenue that will be generated by sales.
Instead, the money spent by M,P. residents will benefit out neighboring communities,
To be perfectly frank, I don't just support allowing the sale of legal marijuana products here. It's my belief that a decision
to prohibit it and forego this additional revenue would constitute a dereliction of your duty to do what Is best for the
entirety of Mt. Prospect.
I hope those of you who favor prohibition will re -think your position and that this board will make the right decision.
Sent from my Wad
WhihiAwi WN I , R
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From. -
Thursday, October 17, 2019 12:52 PM
Cannabis Discussion
ain I i- a dispen'sat-y i,n, Mount Prospect',. If people WM1,1 it they will get it from surounding communittes. Wh
givetImt reve.,nue 1!,o atiother oni. 1, 11"CiYve heard people woji,*ry the
an e I in ar e.
will be ill ga j, ', k, t but lets b
hMlest. itis* al.ready here a,nd wic can't tax it Or timil't"or who they i
arselling to, Want to get n' d of the undergrounc
market, that also exposes people to other drugs? Support the legal one. How many bootleggers are there in Moun
Prospect.? None because alcohol 'is legal.
Sc-.n'i froni Yalioo,Maj] on,Atidro,'d
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Thursday, October 17, 2019 8-40
AM Cannabis Discussion YESI
I'd like to voice my opinion that YES Mount Prospect should allow marijuana dispensaries, The science is in and the clear
answer is that this is the correct answer. Let's remove the black market from aur streets and provide a legal service to our
=--o 0,
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Sent: Friday, October 18, 2019 6:51 PM
To: Cannabis DIscussion
Subject: I am in favor of the sale of cannabis in Mt. Prospect
I was not, able to cattend the meet!"Ing last Tuesday, but I amin I*avor of the sales of cannabis in Mt. Prospect.
P 0
Maquan,.a will belegal to consunic in IL next year despite whether Mt. Pro'spect decides to allow sates. Why
H t
not allow tho sales, and benefit, ftom the tax?
Additionally, with all of the "high-end" apartments being construoted downtown caten-ng to a younger
commuter crowd, this may be another reason for them to move to, Mt. Prospecti,
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Jarosz, Doreen
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From: ----- -- M11111111111111111111111
Sent: Friday, November 8,2019 2:50 PM
To: Cannabis Discussion
Subject: Cannabis
Good day,
As a long-standing resident of Mount Prospect, I believe the tax revenue generated by the allowance of
marijuana sales in the Village is a benefit that cannot be overlooked. It would be foolhardy to bypass this
opportunity. Alcohol intake is a much greater risk to our community yet is readily accessible.
As long as offenders are held to the same accountability as abusers of alcohol, the risk to our children should be
no greater. I believe funds that can be dedicated to police training and mental health will also be of great benefit
to our community.
Don't put your heads in the sand on this issue. Cannabis will be used in our Village regardless of the trustees'
decision. We might as well accept that fact and get the revenue.
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Jarosz, Doreen
Sent: Mo6dby�, Noveml�,er 11 � 2019 1Q.44- AM
-P o. Cannabis Discussion
C 0
C# Juracek, Arlene; Cassady, Michael
imbject: Resident comment on cannabis dispensary
Hello village leadership,
Thanks for encouraging public commentary on whether a marijuana dispensary should be permitted in Mount
Prospect. I am very much in favor of Mount Prospect leveraging this new funding stream for the village. I do
not view a regulated, safe environment for adults to purchase cannabis as a bad thing; in fact, the responsible
use of cannabis is safer and less addictive than other "vices" that are legal and permitted in Mount Prospect,
including alcohol, nicotine, and video gambling.
I have watched in horror as the opioid crisis has impacted Americans from all backgrounds, including member4,;,,,
of my extended family. Many people suffer from chronic pain and illness, and the forms of relief provided by
the pharmaceutical companies - addictions and dependencies that have led to seeking out illicit drugs - have
only wrecked havoc on communities and families. As many Mount Prospect citizens ae, it is imperative
remove the stigma of using marijuana/cannabis/THC to manage pain.
If a dispensary is somehow viewed as a dangerous, shameful service in our community, many people who could
benefit from seeking alternative pain relief won't seek it out. If the message is "we don't want this in our
village," you will have those who use cannabis spending their money n other towns, and you will have people
who could benefit from trying it deciding that it must truly be something unsafe. I am not concerned about my
daughter growing up in a town where adults are allowed to purchase and use cannabis-, we often discuss how
children, teenagers and adults have differences in their bodies and brains, and that she will not be able to choose
to use alcohol until she is an adult so that she can stay healthy and safe. We have the same conversations about
Beyond the medicinal use of maro '
ijuana and its soon -to -be -legal recreational use, allowing for a cannabis
dispensary in Mount Prospect is a new revenue stream. I predict that if this current board of trustees does not
approve one at this time, a future board will after it sees the increased revenue and no negative impact that
allowing a dispensary has had on the community. I don't want to live in a village where our police pensions
aren't fully funded, our tax base is limited, and the schools have to go to referendum every decade to maintain or
replace outdated buildings. I don't think a cannabis dispensary or two will solve all revenue concerns, but I
certainly think that Mount Prospect citizens - and those from area towns - will spend their money in the villages
that f dispensaries.
Thank you for asking for public comment. It would be a shame to see this unique opportunity go to waste out of
fear of misconceptions about what a dispensary, and the services that they provide, would somehow tarnish
Mount Prospect's reputation or put its citizens at risk. Cannabis will be legal whether the village allows a
dispensary or not; this is a prime opportunity to be strategic.
Jarosz, Doreen
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2019 12:45 AM
To: Cannabis Discussion
Subject, Vote Yes on Recreational Cannabis Sales in Mount Prospect
I was the President of my high school's chapter of the Students Against Drunk Driving.
I was nationally selected to intern for the Walt Disney Corporation.
I graduated on the Dean's List with honors.
I am an entrepreneur who owns a successful corporation that annually generates 6 figures.
I am trusted with photographing the most important moments in people's lives.
I have been in business for 15 years, I work 7 days a week and I have never missed a client's event.
I am proud to have received all 5/5 star reviews for the quality of my customer service.
I have been prescribed medical cannabis to provide relief from auto -immune diseases that attack my joints and
I use cannabis and am a productive member of the local and business community.
Communities that accept recreational dispensaries stand to increase their budgets by $400,000 annually per
As other communities surrounding Mount Prospect are choosing to opt out, Mount Prospect stands to receive
a significant financial boost.
It's time we stop subscribing to the outdated stereotype associated with cannabis users.
It's time we stop being afraid of the nonsensical dangers created by cannabis sales in our communities.
Recreational cannabis has been approved in the state of Illinois... It's time we accept it and embrace the tax
revenue it will generate in Mount Prospect.
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.4-arosz, Doreen ..... . ..... ..... .. .. ... . . . . ..... .......
----- ... ...
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2019 1:59 AM
To: cannabisdiscussion@mountpropect.org; Cannabis Discussion
Subject: Fwd: Of course I'm for marijuana in Mount Prospect
Sent from my iPhone
Date: 0
To:,ca�nn,abis(,I,*ts,cuss,il'o,ti�t,n tint propectorg
Subject: Of course I'm for marijuana in Mount Prospect
To me, it's about being on the cutting edge of a revenue source, allowing for a legal way to bring
pot sales to our town.
Imagine our town being the place that welcomes this new business opportunity,.
While not a pot smoker myself, I know many, successful, well -adjusted individuals that have
been doing it for years. They would love to be able to visit our town and spend money at our
restaurants, heck they might even be willing to move into Maple Street Lofts.
The opposition is strong, and provide much anecdotal evidence and invoke the fear of addiction,
hooligans and general mayhem if we allow cannabis into our town, While, I have no statistical
data (they don't either) my experience With addiction both personal and familial emphatically
denies that such a link exists.
My guess is that there will be pushback on any decision you make, but if you choose to Opt In,
the 'impact to our town will be much more positive than negative.
Thank you for your time and commitment to our town.
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Jaron't Doreen
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Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2019 5.55 AM
To: Cannabis Discussion
Subject, Opt -In
The voters in Elk Grove and Wheeling township voted nearly 60% in favor of legalizing cannabis. Please respect the will
of the voters. Please vote to Opt In.
M, R
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Jarosz, Doreen
Sent, Thursd,day, Novem er 4,,, 2019 6,*,41
To: Juracek, Arlene; Hoefert, Paul; Grossi, William; Hatzis, Eleni; Zadel, Michael; Rogers,
Richard; Saccotelli, Colleen
Cc: Cannabis Discussion
Subject: Opt -in
Upon reviewing the agenda for the discussion on Recreational Cannabis, I did not see any of the emails I sent (dated Oct
10th- prior to the creation of the special cannabis discussion email address).
I sent an email to each trustee individually as well as the mayor regarding my support to Opt -in.
I hope you will remember there are many Mount Prospect residents who are in support of Opting In. The public
comments in the agenda are not indicative of everyone who► has reached out to you and the trustees.
Voters voted nearly 60% in favor of legalizing cannabis. We are doing a disservice to our village and the tax payers if the
vote is anything other than Opt -in.
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Jarosz, Doreen
.................... ....
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Sent, Thursday, November 14,2019 8:04 AM
To: Cannabis Discussion
Cc: Hoefert, Paul* Rogers, Richard; Grossi, William; Juracek, Arlene; Saccotelli, Colleen;
Hatzis, Eleni
Subject: Fwd: Support of recreational dispensaries
Good morning Trustees --
Upon reviewing the documentation for the upcoming meeting regarding cannabis dispensaries in MP, I was disappointed to find
that my comments had not been included in the public comment document, despite the fact that I emailed during the dates
included (forwarded email below) and was not yet aware that a separate email account had been created for this discussion. I
am concerned that other emails that were sent directly to our Trustees were also not included, which would imply a
misrepresentation of public sentiment. Can you please clarify that all public comment was included in the Board Docs and that
my individual case was the only omission?
Thank you and I look forward to the continued discussion.
Forwarded message ---------
oate,.,, tri, uct, i I Z V I Y,, Y IF 21 AM
Subject: Support of recreational dispensaries
W 01
To .5a, �. r' g > < >
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<c cwtelli mount �ro�se�ctpr,>, <inicag�sgd�,� a 1Ln_12:Los too,W,
Good morning Mount Prospect Trustees --
Thank you for the time and effort you have recently offered our village regarding the potential establishment of
recreational marijuana dispensaries in our town. I especially appreciate the several opportunities that the
community has had to share our opinions, including by email, which is why I am writing to you today.
I support recreational dispensaries in Mount Prospect provided that zoning is carefully considered as for other
establishments such as gun vendors, vape stores, and bars. This is an opportunity for significant new tax
revenue, some of which (approx. 20%) which will go to drug treatment and fighting the opioid crisis in
A potential opt -out from our village would not mitigate any potential problems that may arise from residents
under the influence, but rather would simply eliminate the financial advantages that could be used to address
any negative consequences. Residents who are seeking to legally purchase marijuana will have the option to go
to nearby Des Plaines.
encourage you to vote in favor of allowing des in n Mount Prospect.
Thank you for your consideration. Have a nice weekend[
. ....... . . . .... ....... - -------- . . . . . ........ .
by Symantec a
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Jarosz, Doreen
................................ . ... . .................................... . . . . . . . .....................
From: I
Sent: InurTsa -N,-- er
,Y,, lovemb ''14 2019--830-AM
To: Cannabis Discussion
Subject: Vote YES
Good morning, I really hope this passes and the trustees aren't swayed by a radical religious group who's supporters
don't live in Mount Prospect. I hear this has been happening in neighboring towns. Look at the results of the vote last
year. I did and the people of this town think it should be recreationally legal. Ask the people standing and speaking
against it where they five. A lot of them are coming from outside of town. They should really be fighting the big
pharmaceutical companies. Not fighting a movement for people to have access to a natural way to cure illness. If the
first vote wasn't enough, and this is even considered to be knocked down, I think you should let the people of Mount
Prospect vote.
I honestly have no stake in this at all other than I live here and I want to see Mount Prospect and my kids benefit from
the money it would generate for our community. No more talk of trailers in schoolsl! No more talk of cutting subjects
I i ke art, gym, and music! l No more talks of bigger class sizes! 1 No more talk of raising taxes just to keep up with
neighboring communities. All of these problems can be solved with the tax revenue from these recreational shop would
The key is it just needs to be well thought out and zoned correctly to keep it away from schools, parks, and the
downtown area, Limit the number of ships allowed if that's a concern, raise the age to 21 if that's a concern, and tax the
heck out of them. These aren't places people can smoke or loiter. It's way less of a concern than something like a bar
selling alcohol to consume to people driving off.
Please think logically about this and think about how much we could use the money for the community. Some may say
it's too progressive of an 'Idea to allow this, or it sends a bad message to kids, but it's really not. Cannabis has a ton of
untapped potential to help fight a number of illnesses that's going to be unlocked over the next decade. It's going to be
legal in a little over a month, and a majority of the community thinks it's the right thing to do. Lets be leaders to positive
change in the world vs. standing in the way.
Mount Prospect resident
Sent from my Whone
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Jarosx, Doreen
U'51-- W -
Sent: I hUr-S"-dia—y, NOVMDer T4t--,ZUT19 A
To: Cannabis Discussion
Subject: Vote yes to bring cannabis to everybody in Mt. Prospect
Please do the right and rational thing for everybody. Cannabis needs to be legal for everybody. It has changed my life
and has saved my wife. She would not be here without it. Cannabis is truly one of the only safe and beneficial products
on the earth with zero negatives. Please make the right decision and vote to allow cannabis in our wonderful
Sent from my'lPhone
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Jarosz, Doreen
. ..... . ....... ..........
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2019 12:02 PIVI
To: Cannabis Discussion
Subject: Recreational Cannabis Discussion- Opt In!!!
Please Opt In. The village needs the revenue.
I am a resident of Mount Prospect (specifically D57), though I am not personally a cannabis user. I would rather
those who need or want this legal substance have access locally. Those who chose to consume these goods will
find access either way. To opt out is to reject much needed funds.
Local, legal sales will also deter illegal sales. This means greater regulation and safety of the product.
'!'-lease do not allow the loud lobbying groups and fear mongering to sway your decision.
Thank you for your consideration,
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Jarosz, Doreen
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2019 1:47 PIVI
To: Cannabis Discussion
Subject: Opt In
Dear Mt. Prospect Village Trustees, and Zoning and Planning Commission,
Thank you for taking the time to carefully consider the new Cannabis Regulation going into effect in January,
2020. It is an important, and complex situation, considering the health and community impacts it may have -
both positive and negative. And, there will be financial impacts as well - positive, or, negative.
I bring two personal perspectives to this issue. First, I am the parent of two teenagers. Second, my professional
4 4
work is in the social services field, where I see the impact of addiction, on individuals and families.
Facts that have influenced my opinion:
1. Prohibition has not worked. Cannabis usage is mainstream - 22 million Americans use it, and 100 million
have tried. 4 out of 5 teens report that cannabis is fairly, or very easy to access it.
2. Regulation will hold all partners in legalizing cannabis accountable to very clear standards. Currently, teens
are buying street cannabis which is laced with other pharmaceuticals and chemicals. ER admissions and deaths
are a result. Will our village have a black market created, if regulated cannabis is not obtainable here? Why
would we even want to take a chance?
3. At the Police Beat meeting this week, an officer passionately spoke about the challenges that will occur
when this legislation is implemented on Jan. 1st. Please understand, I respect his experience viewpoint. But th(,�r
police can still pull people over for reckless driving. Hundreds of thousands of Illinoisans already use cannabis
(medically and illegally), and they are already driving on the roads. I don't believe we will see a significant
increase in dangerous driving. Also, tests like the soliva litmus strips are being developed. There is a pilot
program in Carol Stream. There will be a test developed in the near future, that police can use. Kudos to our
MP Police department for having already two officers who have advanced training in druia detection. It would
be a good idea to use the 8% of taxes coming from cannabis sales to put toward local law enforcement and
prevention. We could use additional tax revenue from Mt. Prospect sales to bolster our own local law
enforcement. Statistics show that usage rates do not increase following legalization. In Colorado, there have
been mixed findings on traffic deaths, and these have stabilized as they have been fine tuning the law, -
The cat is out of the bag. Illinoisans will be driving under the influence of cannabis, as they have of other
drugs, alcohol, etc. I urge, our village to realize the reality that we are in, and use it to our advantage. The
advantage of opting in, will benefit the safety of our community, as well as our tax base. Banning this will
deprive MP of tax revenues and businesses.. Nothing else. Legalization has already happened.
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--Jarosz, Do-reen-
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Sent: Thursday, November 14, 201 2:45 PM
To: Cannabis Discussion
Subject: Yes to IVIP dispensaries
I think Mount Prospect should approve cannabis dispensaries in the village. With pot becoming legal, the only real
question is will our village gain financially from it.
I know there are real concerns about driving under the 'Influence and teenagers using irresponsibly. However, these will
be concerns whether or not MP has a dispensary since people will not hesitate to drive 5 minutes to the next town.
The only consideration I see as relevant is the potential tax windfall.
Thank you,
. . . ............................................ . . . . . . .
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TOO Cannabis Discussion
Subject: I am absolutely in favor of allowing the sale
Our community would benefit from the tax dollars. The law has passed and people will be purchasing so there is no way
to avoid this Issue. We need to lead the way and benefit from the tax dollars. To do anything else is short sighted.
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Jarosz, Doreen
Sent. Friday, November 8, 2019 2:58 PM
To: Cannabis Discussion
Subject: In favor of recreational cannabis
To those concerned,
My adult daughter has multiple medical comorbidities including Fibromyalgia, Cystic Fibrosis, and Diabetes. She is in
pain and nauseous every day. 5 h e is unable to work because of the many treatments she is required to do just to get
through every day, which is why she lives with us at the age of 30. She was losing weight and we were losing hope. She
finally was able to get her medical marijuana card a few months ago, and she is gaining weight, is in less pain, and the
nausea is under better control.
Unfortunately, the dispensary we go to is not in Mt Prospect, and the type of cannabis she uses is In a patch....which
they run out of frequently.
When cannabis becomes legal in January, we would love to be able to add to the revenue in our home town, and travel
only a few minutes instead of 30 minutes each way. Also, once it becomes legal, we are hoping that supply and demand
will improve our chances to keep our daughter's symptoms 'in Check' more consistently. When we travel to the
dispensary in Buffalo Grove, we often make other purchases in that village; We would much prefer to spend our hard
earned money on our home town.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I am hopeful that you will listen to my pleas as well as the the vote that had
showed your MP neighbors were largely in favor of legalized cannabis in our village.
Sent from my iPhone
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J-prosz, Doreen
. . . ......................................... . . . --- ------ --------
Sent: Thursday, November 14,2019 7:11 PM
To: Cannabis Discussion
SubI ect: Recreational Cannabis Discussion
Let me support my town, instead of another town, when buying these products. The argument of "kids will
have more access to it" only means that person has forgotten their childhood or never actively tried to purchase
intoxicating substances as a minor. It was always much harder to get alcohol due to stores not selling to
children outside an extreme minority of locations. Drug dealer's do not care how old you are. Marijuana was
and still remains easy to purchase for kids. Put the drug dealers out of business by selling it at a reasonable rate
and you have in fact made it harder for kids to access.,
A concerned resident
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Sent: Friday, September 20, 2019 11 -.So AM
To: Cannabis Discussion
'Subject: please consider attachment
Attachments: Marijuna appeal to youth,polf
Good morning,
I wanted to share with you the attached Information regarding the products that will be sold In villages that choose to
have recreational marijuana dispensaries. The names of these products clearly appeal to teens, High THC content
products have not been studied and we do not know the effects of these products on both youth and adults.
We are currently working with many health care professionals that can provide you with further information.
Link Together is working hard in Mount Prospect to prevent teen drug and alcohol use, Would you be willing to meet
with us to provide you with further
VISIT US online atww Inkto l now
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GMPOWer/no Vouth to Be Drug & Alcohol Fie
Vaping flavors that appeal to teens are concerning to public health officials, parents
community members ,and others. Recreational marihuana dispensaries also sell
products with "kid friendly" names that can be used In vape►,s.
The current Illinois recreational marijuana law has no THC (chemical responsible for
marijuana's psychological effects) limits for concentrates in va s that will be
pe sold in
local dispensaries. There are no long term studies on the effects of vaping THC, or
smoking highconcentrations of THC.
Question: What type of marijuana products are currently being sold that will be available in
communities who choose to have recreational dispensaries?
Answer: High concentration THC products with 'kid friendly" names will be sold in
communities with dispensaries. See examples below:
e r
Bra"18 Scout CO2 Carl 966,00
Alien orange Candy 88.20% THC GDOmI.
Banana Split Pon 78.2% THC O'nIF1Y1M1
• Blissful Berry 63.03% THC
Sunset Sherbert 83.6% THC
Girl Scout Cookie — 87.7% THC
Brownie Scout Live Sugar 65.8% THC �...�
Brownie Scout x Cookies and Cream 78.5% "THC
J I l ly boa n — 21.08°, THTCHigh School Sweetheart 1k
• Sour BananaSherbert Shake 28.9% THC � � from ,Eso untie EWt
Mild Cherry Gala •-- 24% THC 2n% High shoo_
LollyP',op 18.76% THC
• High School Sweetheart 22.6% THC ounce ADD
According to the Naflonal Institute on Drug Abuse, in the earty 199OFa the average THC content "in' �
marihuana samples was roughly 3.7%. . Researchers do not yet know the full extent of the
consequences when the body and brain are exposed to high concentrations of THC (drugabusse.gov),
+ rl�i unk Toget1w 0 LOUnk�,Together
`fMAW dA&U two =grit =maims websU $ In "MIS OW OUd". erOW loll 4,'Ok i,�l'
of I M **,
Thursday, October 17, 2019 10:37 AM
Cannabis Discussion
SUPPort MP Dispensary
Is there info on when the next steps will take place to decide on whether Mount Prospect will allow recreational
cannabis dispensaries within the village limits or not.? I'm hoping there will be feedback collected from residents
before a decision I's made.
Mount Prospect, IL 60056
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From: $1
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2019 12-23 PM
Subject: FW Cannabis
Attachments: cannabis Elk Grove,JPG; cannabis Wheeling.JPG
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2019 10:57 AM
Subject: Cannabis
Good morning Arlene and Mike,
sent an ernall yesterday evening stating that the Finance Commission may be
discussing the opt in for the cannabis legislation at tonight's commission meeting if time
allows. P
In case we don't have time to discuss the topic tonight, I wanted to share two quick
thoughts on the issue, I haven't followed the board's discussions on the toPic closely, so
If any of the below Is a repeat, my apologies.
A recent article fn the Sun Times estimates a creation of 63,000 jobs in the cannabis
industry in Illinois by 2025. If Mount Prospect opts into the cannabis legislation,, wouldn't
there be jobs created In our community? New jobs could mean new residents or at least
new consumers of goodg and services,
Here is the link to the Sun Times article -
141z t Q
1 @1 1 a-ema!"1111
f also went back to review the results of the referendum on the topic of legalization of
cannabis (March 2018 primary). rv60% of the voters In our community (Elk Grove
township and Wheeling township) supported legalization. So the community is in favor o
legalization, which one would assume means they are in favor of allowing the sale of
recreational cannabis in their town, Screenshots of the referendum results attached. I
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ol *
.. .
.g: .
.! I
. .
. t
\ \
Send: Friday, October 18, 2019 11:00 AM
To: Cannabis Discussion
Sub0a: Recreational Cannabis Discussion
_ *0 , V 1 1. I U0' ..re very much against the sate of cannabis In Mt. Prospect for MANY reasons which I will not
elaborate on)
Sent from for windows 10
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For the file.
Sent from my Wad
From: _
Date: October 23, 2019 at 3:42:36 PM CDT
Subject: FW.- Selling recreational pot In Mt Prospect
So many good thoughts here from the Libertyville decision to maintain the Integrity of their
village, Hoping we have the same level of Integrity for our village,
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 4UItt I..L.L r
Subject: Selling recreational pot In Mt Prospect
Mayor Juracek,
Last Tuesday, I spoke for a few minutes on my thoughts on making recreational pot available
for sale In our village of Mt. Prospect, I think It a poor idea to make Mt. Prospect a contributo
to the coming problem. I
Police Chief Kozlol explained the significant challenges his department will have dealing with
people and drivers who are high from smoking or Ingesting the soon to be state legal
consumption of recreatlonal pot, There appears, as the Chief said, that the horses are out of
the barn. The state, one of the most financially broke states in the country, approved the sale
of recreational pot for really one reason, the tax revenue. If we In Mt. Prospect approve the
sale of recreational pot In our village, It will be for the same reason, the tax revenue. done
other. What other ,good reasons are there? I would hope we would not have that kind of
money on our municipal hangs.
How about we, Nit. prospect, be a leader and a more conscientious municipality, and not
contribute to the problem, but rather forgo that revenue and think of some other, more ethic l
r +d
and less dangerous method/s of raising that tax revenue' We've taken similar stances In the
past and did not go under because of them. let's do it again. Be a consclentlous village. How
about It? Let's not be part of the problem,
48 year Mt. Prospect resident
A good article Dere......
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`ty, c] oud service,
From: ie
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2019 11:17 AM
Subject: r W' Legalizing sale of marijuana in Mount Prospect
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Flagged
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2019 101:57 AM
TD: Juracek, Arlene; ccphoefert@mountprospect-org- wgrassl@moungprospect.org; ehotzls@mountporspect.org;
mzadel@mountmrospect.org; Rogers, Richard
Subject: LegalIzIng sale of marijuana In Mount Prospect
Dear Ms Juracek,
My husband and I are quite concerned about the sale of marijuana in our village. Many Villages have already
realized hat this Is not the way to go to raise additional revenue. What are we doing if we expose our
children to thi's gateway drug? it is also a matter of safety. We already have people driving while using cell
phones and it boggles the mind to think of additional hazards on our roads due to Impaired drIving while
under the Influence of drugs, Please consider objections of the many citizens of this vIllage who are roundly
opposed to the sale of marijuana here,
Scanned by the Symantec Email Security.cloud service,
From: ie
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2019 4:43 PM
Subject: Fwd -t Prohibit Sales of Recreational Cannabis or Marijuana In Mount Prospect IL
Follow Up Flag:
Follow up
Flag Status: Flagged
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
Date: October 28. 2019 at 4:40;10 PM Cry} -r
Subject: Re: Prohibit Sales of. ecreational Cannabis or Marijuana in Mount Prospect IL
Thanks for shan,ng your thoughts, on this very inaportant subject. The next steps are considerat"
01 # ion
by the PIUMIn's an'd Zonlng Com,inission, before, 11 cornes to the village board, We will alen'the
community of upcoming meetings on the subject.
Sent from my iPad
On Oct 28, 2019, at 1,-49 PM,
Dear Mayor Juracek,
My husband and I have resided in Mount Prospect, IL for over 30
years, I am respectfully writing to urge you to enact ordinances to
nr, h4bit. the sales of recreational cannabis or marijuana in Mount
Prospect, IL.
We strongly feel that the negative impact on families, children,
businesses and our village resources clearly outweigh any short
term tax advantages. In the end, we feel that residents' lives will
be severely damaged and the village would payout more than
they receive from it. It's common sense that MP Village
emergency and medical costs would be an increased and
therefore cost taxpayers more in the long run. I'm requesting you
do the prudent and right thing for the people of Mount
Prospect. Here are the facts:
1) Marijuana sales creates steep costs for society and
taxpayers that far outweigh Its tax revenues,
Marijuana use harms more than ,just the person using the
drug. Societal costs of marijuana use include paying for increased
emergency room visits, medical care, and addiction treatment for
the uninsured; more victims of drugged driving accidents;
increased crime; and a negative impact on health from
secondhand smoke.
Annual societal costs from alcohol ($223.5 billion) and tobacco
($193 billion) far exceed the $24 billion in tax revenues they
raise. Marijuana would put one moreharmful substance in our
society that costs more than the revenue it generates. According
to the Pew Research Center, "the most frequently mentioned
reason why people oppose legalization is that marijuana generally
hurts society,"
2) Distribution of marijuana Increases use by teens, with
harmful results,
3) Traffic accidents and deaths increase from marijuana
Marijuana -related traffic deaths rose 62% following the
legalization of marijuana in Colorado.
4) Marijuana Is addictive, and dependence on the drug Wil
Increase. I
Heavy users who stop using marijuana may suffer withdrawal
symptoms such as insomnia, depression, anxiety, nausea, chills,
and stomach pain. According to the National Institute on Drug
Abuse, as many as four million Americans meet the diagnostic
criteria for a marijuana use disorder, such as abuse, dependence,
or addiction,
6) The black market and organized crime benefit from
marijuana legalization,
Law enforcement says that legal marijuana has actually enhanced
opportunities for the black market.
6) Recreational marijuana leads to more marijuana -related
medicall emergencies,
After retail marijuana stores opened in Colorado, emergency room
0 IF
visits related to marijuana shot up nearly 30% and hospitalizations
related to marijuana rose 200%.
7) Marijuana use harms the brain, and legalization will
increase mental health problems.
Cannabis use may increase the risk of developing schizophrenia,
depression, and other psychiatric disorders,
8) Marijuana harms the health of users and people around
Smoking marijuana can damage lung tissues and cause
respiratory problems; secondhand marijuana smoke is also
"Big Marijuana" is already using similar tactics to "Big Tobacco,"
which marketed cigarettes using ads that appealed to kids,
including the Joe Camel cartoon character. Marijuana food
products that are colorful, sweet, or branded with cartoons are
most likely to attract children. Marijuana is available in kid -friendly
forms such as gummy bears and lollipops, and products
sometimes resemble familiar brands, such as "Buddahfinger" or
"KeefKat" in wrappers that look like a Butterfinger or KitKat candy
10) Marijuana hurts businesses by causing preventable
accidents and lost productivity,
Workplace incidents involving employees under the influence of
marijuana increased from 6% to 20% the year after legalization in
Colorado. Employees who screened positive for marijuana use
had 55% more industrial accidents, 85% more 'injuries, and
absenteeism rates 75% higher than those who tested negative,
according to a study done on postal workers,
11) Recreational marijuana use Is opposed by major public
health organizations.
Some of the public health associations that oppose legalizing
man L j , uana for recreational use include the American Medical
Association (AMA), the American Society of Addiction Medicine
(ASAM), the American Academy of Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry, and the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Thank you for your consideration and time, Please advise me as
to what is your position and outcome regarding this issue so I can
discuss with my neighbors.
Mount Prospect, IL
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To. -
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Begin forwarded message;
uescay, October 29, 2019 2:22 PM
.el lie
Fwd: Selling recreational pot in Mt Prospect
Follow up
Date: October 29, 2019 at 1:50;01 PM CDT
Subject: FW: Selling recreational pot In Mt Prospect
Hopefully we can have a similar vlewpolnt when it comes to our voting on recreational pot. The
decislon to make pot sales okay In the village would be revenue driven. Let us continue to run a
good village, get the pot revenue from a better source. Let's not degrade the village.
IN 1-
"The residents made clear our brand and reputation shouldn't be
traded for revenue," Trustee John Scaletta said. "This i's not the best
way to increase revenue. Once we allow cannabis sales, we can't put
the genie back in the bottle."
Sent: Wednesday, October23,, 2019 3:43 rm
Subjea; FW: Selling recreauviio, VVL in Mt Prospect
Jarosz, Doreen
------- . . . . .... .....
From: Juracek, Arlene
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 201 9 1:38 PM
To: Beckner, Nellie; Jarosz, Doreen, Agoranos, Karen
Subject: Marijuana Fwd: Mar"uana in Mount Prospect
Sent from my iPad
. . . . . . . . . . .
Dear Mayor Juracek & Village Trustees,
We are writing to you regarding the State of Illinoi legislation that will take effect with the New
Year regarding the legalization of marijuana for recreational use.
Without a doubt, you have heard arguments from both sides of the issue. Our purpose in writing
to you all of you is to strongly oppose the prospect of licensing, or allowing the licensing, of a
dispensary within the village limits.
We have several reasons for our opposition, including a statistical increase in crime rates in areas
surrounding marijuana dispensaries, potential for drivers using while in the village, and the fact
that marijuana has been seen as a "gateway drug" by the National Institute of Drug Abuse. While
we,, as a society, are trying to reduce the impact of the "Opioid Crisis" on our citizens, we should
also insure that we are not actively promoting or easing the next generation of people into the
crisis. The tax revenue a dispensary might bring the village will certainly not be worth the
negative aspects to life in the village that will accompany it. If other nearby towns want a
dispensary, then so be it, however, it is clear that Arlington Heights has already recognized the
issues a dispensary would bring in their town and have decided to not allow them in their town.
In 2008, Bloomberg named Mount Prospect the "Best Place to Raise Your Kids". Our goal as a
4 0 0
village should be to reclaim that title. Adding a marijuana dispensary within our borders will not
help us achieve that goal but instead, more likely, move us further away from it.
Jarosz, Doreen
. .........
n"- ___ N
Sent, Mo M�" 6��r 8,0,54 AM
To: th A,
Subject: rkut; 11,V114T 1, Ud-",d [IV' t Prospect
To Whom It May Concern,
I was literally shocked and appalled to read an article in the Daily Herald
('h,t,�,tlps,.-,//www.dna,'Ilyho, rald,com/news/201 Rros
911 1,§1Mo,u;nt, ect-clos,er-to,-settinci-Mgu ons-46r
recre, a,,t*lo�nal-mar ,!Iga,,na,,-s,ales that said the Village of Mount Prospect was close to allowing the sales
of recreational marijuana within our community, albeit within certain "non-residential zones."
I can only imagine that this decision is based purely for financial reasons as it completely ignores the
strong, cautionary statements coming from the medical community (example from Mayo Clinic
cih 1*1 C.0rgLdrgas -,suPQ,lemen!s-m g,, na/art2
-036,4974 stating marijuana use "cana 1 ", . rou
affect your memory and cognitive function and cause harmful cardiovascular effects" and "long-term
marijuana use can worsen respiratory conditions." Does this sound like a worthwhile recreational
activity to you? While there is evidence of benefits in extreme medical situations, such as rare and
severe forms of epilepsy, the Surgeon General has already labeled it a "dangerous drug" and has
initiated a campaign to raise awareness of the risks.
My biggest concern, which is shared by many in the medical community (and the Surgeon General),
is that the legalization for use as a recreational drug poses a serious danger for our teens as they are
now more likely to try it. It's already a commonly used drug in our high schools. Frequent marijuana
use in teenagers has been found to adversely affect the parts of the brain involved with attention,
memory, decision-making, and motivation.
I am reaching out to you to voice my concerns about the decision the Village of Mount Prospect is
about to make and I strongly urge you to opt out and not allow the sale of any recreational marijuana
within the limits of our community. I say this for the benefit of our village, but most importantly, for the
safety and well-being of our teenagers. Don't make an irresponsible decision that will result in the
next medical epidemic.
Please say NO to marijuana!
Jarosz, Doreen
"I'll ililll"'-, . ......... ..... . . . ..... . ..... . ........... . ..............
Sent: Mbjidby", November 18, 2019 1:091 M,
To: Cannabis Discussion
Subject: Recreational Cannabis Discussion
I am ashamed of my village board. Park Ridge and Arlington Heights did the right thing and I was so sure'l-Ti
Prospect would follow suit as a place for family living. Greed is the only reason to bring this into our village.
hope many new people run in the next election because I will not vote for any of you. I
Scanned by the Symantec Email ecurity.cloud service.
Jarosz, Doreen
-------- - . . . ..................... ........... -
From: Juracek, Arlene
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 5:46 AM
To: Beckner, Nellie; Jarosz, Doreen; Agoranos, Karen
Subject: 11 to
Fwd-. Just say NO to recreational" marijuana on Dec. 3.
Sent from my Wad
Begin forwarded message,-,
Date: November 18, 2019 at 8:28:50 PM CST
To*# "Grossl', WINliam, A.""<MX,,ro�ssi &an�,unftros� .oj�%Y>,
"H atzis,,Etenil'
�at 7- �i!i @ o�u n �tr(�os �, �ec t. �or � >) "' F I o e f e �fe, r tQ i �no u �nt, ro
til <
Ar1enne A. aiuraAck&mg -joirp gnect.ol "Rners, R."I"chard, K"'
tin os 19
< "Saccote,11" Colleen E." <
,1 a, A.",<,,,,mzade,l(&tiiou,n,t,,t)"rolsr=t,orglIl>I
Subiect: Just say NOW "recrea,flonal" n, CCO 30,
00,00---Tquana o, D
To the Mt. Prospect Trustees:
I urge you to vote to "opt out" Tuesday, Dec. 3. Please do NOT send the message to
our young people that it is O.K. to smoke "dope." Unlike plan commissioners, elected
Trustees like yourselves are accountable to the voters at election time. I assume you
care deeply about what is best for your community, likeyour neighbor, Arlington
Even though I live near Buffalo Grove High School, your decision will affect quality of life
in all the Northwestern suburbs. My family has been shopping at Randhurst for
decades; Mt. Prospect is known as a safe and family -friendly village. This image is
invaluable to your residents.
Furthermore, in my village (and in Arlington Hts.), the individual property tax savings
from a ""recreational"" marijuana dispensary is estimated to be only $ 10 to $ 15 annually
(insignificant in comparison to social costs). And according to ILCAAAP, an anti -
addiction group in Springfield, villages that do "opt out," will still receive state revenue
from marijuana taxes for local law enforcement.
Marijuana is more dangerous than alcohol! Dr. Aaron Weiner, director of addiction
services at Linden Oaks Behavioral Health, states marijuana is metabolized at different
rates person to person. "Impairment can persist long after THC (tetrahydrocannabinol,
the mind - altering component of the cannabis plant) is no longer detectable in the
blood ...... and even after someone feels like they're no longer impaired." (front page
article, DalyH+erald 11/17/19, "Preparing for legal mari'uana in the workforce.")
Please respect the medical societies that oppose "recreational" marijuana (for public
health reasons):
American Medical Association.
American Academy of Pediatrics (and Illinois Chapter)
American Society of Addiction Medicine (and Illinois Chapter)
Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago
Illinois State Medical Society
Here is an updated list of suburbs, who have wisely chosen to "opt out," or now have
the votes to say NO to "recreational" pot shops in their village: Winnetka, Highland Park,
Park Ridge, Lake Bluff, Lake Forest, Glenview, Bloomingdale, Bolingbrook, Grayslake
(one year), Lake Barrington, Barrington, Libertyville, Naperville, Vernon Hills, Long
Grove, Lake Zurich, Oak Brook, Hinsdale, Downers Grove,Tower Lakes, Elmhurst,
Barrington Hills, Metawa, Bannockburn, Lincolnshire, Wilmette, Arlington Heights.
Please respect law enforcement groups that oppose legalizing "recreational" marijuana
(for public safety):
Illinois Police Association
Illinois Sheriffs Association
Following are two excellent videos from medical doctors warning of the dangers of
"recreational"" marijuana: Colorado ER Dr. Karen Randall, and Dr. Raymond Bertino,
member, IL Society of Addiction Medicine.
Dr. Karen Randall has been on the "front lines" dealing with marijuana emergencies in
Pueblo, Colorado, for five years. She is being interviewed on Chicago's WGN radio. She
states that just one marijuana joint can cause impairment. And the "black market" is
thriving in Colorado! Dr. Bertino, a U. of Michigan Medical School graduate, from
Peoria, is speaking at a January town meeting in Des Plaines. Dr. Bertino cites studies
regarding lasting cognitive damage done to young people UNDER age 25 using
marijuana regularly. Their brain is still developing.
m, "uanal-111,11e aliz,ation/
l.�from- ejoria
WIR, -o,osels,�-I�q a.1-1po
Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully,
Eleanor Hesse (former teacher), 787 Beechwood Rd., Buffalo Grove, ph. 8475,41-7263
Note: Where are all the professionals who work with children? Where are the teachers,
librarians, social workers, pediatricians? It takes only five minutes' research on the
internet to find studies showing the major physical and cognitive harm that would be
done, especially to those UNDER age 25, by legalizing "recreational" marijuana:
University of Montreal, 2014 Lancet Psychiatry, University of Michigan (Monitoring the
Future study), Christ Church -New Zealand, ILCAAAP, Illinois Family Institute,
Northwestern University.