HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 17-70 09/01/1970 RESOLlJI'ION NO. 17-70 A RESOLlJI'ION AUTHORIZU1G rUlE VILLAGE OF' MOUNT PROSPECT TO PARTICIPA1~ IN A CF~TRPL POLICE R!~IO DISPATC}1 PROGP~~ ~ ~ HHEBEAS, there exists a Public Ac:irrril1.istration Requirerr:ents Study for LaY~e Michigan Metropolitan P~ea IXLw Enforcerrent Communications ~1etworks by Intergovernmental Technolog-i Research Associates, in cooperation with the Associated Pu.blic-Safety Communications Officers, Incorporated and the Federal CorrmtlY1ications Comrrission; and ~\jrlliREAS!'i the study is ImovJn as Proj ect 111 ArCO Proj ect Series Foundation aDd is supported by Grant 1'11 69-003 awarded by the National TI:1stitute of Law E'1forcerrent and Criminal Justice; and hlllEREAS, the Lake jVLichigan r.iletropoli taD Area L3.\'J h'nforcement Com- munications Networks encompasses an area frorr 1\'Iilvraukee, Hisconsin" to ~ichigan City, Indiana, inclusively; and, the overall goal of the prol2~am. is to develop communications network plans for the study area, which consists of thirteen counties at the south\'rest corDer of Lake Flichip;an, and the cities of Chicago, Gary, and. I''Iilwaukee and sorre 300 other municipa.lities; and Itm:EPEAS, the Villages of J\rlington Heights, Elk Grove sand rvTount Prospect are within the pro,ject study area; and vJ1-JEREAS, there now exists a plan for Central Dispatching for these three communities, based on a Proposal ( No. 70-309E) pr~pared by the Illinois L'1.stitute of Technology Research Lnstitute vfhich is compatible with the aforementioned study, and the plan is in accordance with the trend of the recomrr:endations of the study group; NOVJ, 'l1JEREFORE, BE IT PESOLVED BY TBE PRESIDENT AND BOAED OF TRUSTEES OF T.HE VILLAGE OP f10UNT PROSPEGr: SECTION ONE: That the President of the Village of r,1ount Prospect be authorized to sign and the Clerk of the Village of MOlLDt P"!'ospect be authorized to attest the agreement between the Villages of Arlington Heights, Elk Grove, and r/[ount Prospect; which agreement is attached hereto a."ld made a part hereof as Exhibit A. SECTION TdO: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval in the rrann.er provided by law, and it supercedes any resolution related to central dispatch . AYES: 6 NAYS: 0 P.4SSED AJID APPRO\!ED this 1st day of September, 1970. .);'";~:---,.~~' ... Village President ATIEST~. <. i fI . V/ j) .. // Ii v I ~t""/~_~ Village Clerk - E,'CHIBIT A AGREEMENr AN AGREHiffiNT 10 PARTICIPATE IN A CENTP,AL POLICE MI'JIO DISPATCH PRDGRAM WHEREPS, there exists a Public Administration Requirements Study for Lake rfidligan ~1etropo1i tan Area 1m'! RTlforcernent Communications Networks by Intergovenunental Technology Researcb i\ssiciates, in cooperation with the Associated Public-Safety Cormnunications Officers~ Incorporated cmd the Federal Connnunications Commission; alld ~HEREAS, the study is known as Project III JPCO Project Series Founda- tion and is supported by Grant NI 69-003 avlarded by the National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Jl.lstice; and WHEREAS, the Lake Michigal1 ~'1etropolitan Area Law Enforcement Communi- cations Networks encompasses an a1'ea from Hilwaukee, Wisconsin, to )\1ichigan City, Indicma, inclusively; and, the overall goal of t.~e progr2TIl is to develop corrnnunications network plcms for tb.e study area, which consists of thirteen counties at t.."he southwest comer of Lake r.fichigan, and cities of Chicago, Gary, and ?/lilwaukee GL."rld some 300 other municipalities; and WI--IERJ1\S, the Villages of Arlington Heights, Elk Grove, and [.lount Prospect (hereinafter referred to as i1t.'1e parties1i) are within the project study area; and l'rflJ3.j?.EfS, then; mY;l exists a plan for Central Dispatching for these three communities, based on a Proposal (No. 70-309E) prepared by the Illinois Institute of Teclmology Research Institute whic."h is compatible with the aforementioned study ~ 0L.'1d t.,.~e plan is in accordance with the trend of the recommendations of the study group; NOW, THEHEFOHE, IT IS I'/!U11JALLY AGREED betl'Jeen the parties, as follows: 1. Authorization. Ead1 member of the parties, being a municipali ty ~ does hereby authorize its Police Chief or the officer comma~ding in his absence to participate to the full extent of the test period fOT central dispatching and to replace and/or modify corrnnunications equipment in accordance with the Fe&0ral Grant approved for this purpose. 2. Compensation. Each member lTILmicipality shall be rosponsible for the compensation to its own personnel for the "in kindn services required by their participation in accordance with the Federal Gra~t. 3. Liability. All wage and disability payments~ pension and workmen1s compensation claims ~ damage to equipment and clothing ~ and. medical expense shall be paid by the municipality regularly employing such police officer or employee. In addition to tl-).e foregoing, eac.~ municipality regularly employing SUd1 police officer or employee pursuant to the provisions of Section 1-4-6 of the Illinois r1micipal Code. 4. Financial Participation. All additional costs as to maintenance, labor ~ or other charges shall be borne by t,~e parties hereto on a pro-rata share based on population. It is mdeTstood that the shares of the respective Villages shall be as follows: Arlington Heights Elk Grove M01.mt Prospect 53.1% 17.7% 29.2% 5. Waiver. Every participant herein waives as to eac.lt and every other participant hereto~ any and all claims against t~e.other participant for compensation for any loss, damage, personal lnJUT'J, or death, t.1J.at shall arise in consequence of the performance mder this Agreement. - 2 - 6. Rules and Re~ations. The police chiefs of the member municipalities shall establ1s. Ulllfonn rules and regulations for the operation of the Central Dispatch location in Elk Grove Village in accordance with the Federal Grant ffi'larded for such purpose. A copy thereof shall be filed with the clerk of each member mmicipali ty . The rules &""ld regulations may be revised and amended from time to time by the police dliefs upon their unanimous agteement~ and a copy of ead1 revision or amendment shall be filed l-ii th the clerk of each member municipality. 7. Effective Date of Agreement. The clerk of each member nnmicipality shall furnish each of the member municipalities tvith a certified copy of its resolution approving police central dispatch service ill. Elk Grove Village. This Agreement shall become effective as end between the parties hereto upon the date of receipt of approval of a Federal Gra1'lt to support the thtee-cotrnnuni ty Central Dispatching System Project known as TIT-h.I No. 70-309E. The application for this Federal Grant is attacl-}ed hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit I. Tho adoption and filing of the resolutions shall constitute notice that w~is Agreement has been entered into by and between all member municipalities for Central Dispatching Service. Tennination. The Agreement evidenced by the filing of certified copies of resolutions with t.l1e clerk of eac.h municipality shall remain in full force and. effect until such time as a municipality files ~rith other member municipalities a certified copy of the resolution tenninating this Agreement ~ which date of tennination shall be not less than thirty (30) days after the date of filing a certified copy of such tenninating resolution with the clerk of each member municipality after the tennination of the first eighteen (18) months of the Grant. 8. (A) It is understood that upon the tennination of this Agreement by any party hereto each member municipality withdrawing from the Central Dispata.l.ing System shall be furnished its- own radio console from fmds made part of the Grant ~ and further that any and all equipment" assigned to the respective Villages shall remain in the custody of that party, upon the tennination of this Agreement as provided herein. (B) Upon tennination of this Agreement as provided herein each mtmicipali ty withdrawing from the Central Dispatching System shall have the right at its option to utilize the radio frequency issued under this Grant as part of the Central Dispatching l\1etwork or to return to the use of its fonner radio frequency(ies) that had been used prior to the initiation of the Central Dispatc.."hing System contemplated herein. IN h1TNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed by the Officials of ti1C following municipalities: ATTEST: VILLAGE OF AP.LINgrON HEtGHfS By Village President Date Village Clerk ATTEST: VILLAGE OF ELK GROVE By Village President Date Village Clerk ATTEST: VILU.GJJ OF '~OUNT PROSpECT By Vl11age Presldent Date Village Clerk