HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 23-70 10/20/1970 RESOLU~ION NO. 23-70 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING 'l'HE. VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT TO PARTICIPATE IN A CEt-TI'RAL POLICE RADIO DISPATCH PROGRJ\M vJBEREAS, there exists a Public Administration Hequirements Study for Lake r~chigan Metropolitan Area Law Enforcement communications Networks by Intergovernrrental Technolo~~ Research Associates~ in cooperation with the Associated Public-Safety Communications Officers, Incorporated and the Federal Communications Commission; and i,lTrJEREAS, the study is knmm as Proj ect III APCO Proj ect Series Foundation and is supported by Grant NY 69-003 awarded by the National Institute of Law Enforcerrent and Criminal Justice; and ~VHEREAS, the Lake fllichigan Metropolitan Area Law Enforcement ComrTLh~ica- tions Networks encompasses an area from Mihraukee, VTisconsL'1, to ~chigan City, Indiana, inclusively; and, the overall goal of the program is to develop communications network plans for the study area, which consists of thirteen counties at the southwest corner of Lake Michig;an, and the cities of Chicago, Gary, and fulwaukee and sorre 300 other municipalities; and vJHEREAS, the Villages of Ji.:rlir,gton Heights, Elk Grove, and Mount Prospect are within the project study area; and 1:JBREAS, there now exists a plan. for Central Dispatching for these three communities, based on a Preposal (No. 70-309E) prepared by the Illinois Institute of Technology Hesearch Institute i'lhich is compatible with the aforementioned study, and the plan is in accordance I'd th the trend of the recolTIl'TEndations of the study group; NOV.!, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT l\ND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PHOSPECT: SECTION ONE: That the President of the Village of Mount Prospect be authorized to sign and the Clerk of the Village of Mount Prospect be authorized to attest the agreement between the Villages of Prlington Heights, Elk Grove, and Mount Prospect ; lHhich agreement is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exibit A. SECTION T\j.JO: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and- after its passage and approval in the manner provided by law. AYES: 5 NAYS: 0 PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 20thDAY OF OCTOBER, 1970. c~~/~..>:.. <~~~/ ~t<~...-&..-L:::~:,_~~....~-,.~....L::.~., ~^". Village President ~/ ...",",'j'''- _---'.Y" ..,r" ATTEST: J~'<C)' t'7t.---r:::'.:r; ,{ [7 ,.;_~/x!.,..-;y/;'-{~q/:..____ Village Clerk EXHIBIT A AGPEEIVIEI\Ji' AN AGREEr/fBIT' TO PARTICIPATE IN A CEt\JTML POLICE RADIO DISPATCH PROGRAM l^THEREAS, there exists a Public Administration Hequirements Study for Lake Michigan Metropolitan Area Law Enforcement Communications Networks by Intergovernmental Technology Hesearch Associates, in cooperation with the Associated Public-Safety Communications Officers>> Incorporated and the Federal Communications COrDrf1ission; and vllfEREAS, the study is knovm as Project III APCO Project Series Founda- tion and is supported by Grant NI 69-003 awarded by the National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice; ffi~d 1.'\lHEREAS, the Lake IVlichigan Metropolitan Area Law Enforcement Corrmurd- cations Networks encompasses an area from ff;ilvm'lJkee, Wisconsin, to MichigaY1 City, Indiana, inclusively; and~ the overall goal of the program is to develop communications,. network plans for the study area, which consists of thirteen counties at the southwest corner of Lake Michigan, and cit~es of Chicago~ Gary, and ~lilwaukee and some 300 other municipalities; and WHEREAS, the Villages of Arlington Heig.,hts, Elk Grove s and Mount Prospect (hereinafter referred to as lithe parties") are within the project study area; and l/ftJEREAS, there no"" exists a plan for Central Dispatching for these three communities, based on a Proposal (No. 70-309E) prepared by the Illinois Institute of Technology Research Institute which is compatible v.rith the aforementioned study, and the plan is in accordance with the trend of the recommendations of the study group; NO~'J, THEHEFORE, il' IS !'![UTUALLY AGHEED between the parties 3 as follo'VjS: 1. Authorization. Each rr:ember of the parties, being a municipality, does hereby authorize its Police Chief or the officer commanning in his absence to participate to the full extent of the test period for central dispatChing and to replace and/or rr:odify communications equipment in accordance with the Federal Grant approved for this purpose. 2. Compensation. Each member municipality shall be responsible for the compensation to its own personnel for the "in kind II services required by their participation in accordance with the Federal Grant. 3. Liability. All wage and aisability payments, pension and workmenis compensation claims, damage to equipment and clothing, and medical expense shall be paid by the municipality regularly employing such police officer or employee. In addition to the foregoing, each municipality regularly employing such police officer or employee pursuant to the provisions of Section 1-4-6 of the Illinois MUY1icipal Code. 4. Financial Participation. All additional costs as to maintenance, labor, or other charges shall be borne by the parties hereto on a pro-rata share based on population. It is understood that the shares of the respective Villages shall be as follows: Arlington Heights - 53.1% Elk Grove - 17.7% Mount Prospect - 29.2% 5. vlaiver. Every participant herein waives as to each and evepy other participant hereto, any and all claims against the other participant for compensation for any loss, damage, personal injury, or death, that shall arise in consequence of the performance u'1der this Agreement. - 2 - 6. Rules and Regulations. The police chiefs of the member municipali- ties shall establish uniform rules and regulations for the opera- tion of the Central Dispatch location in accordance with the Federal Grant awarded for such purpose. A copy thereof shall be filed with the clerk of each member municipality. The rules and regulations may be revised and amended from time to time by the police chiefs upon their unanimous agreement~ and a copy of each revision or amendment shall be filed with the clerk of each member municipality. 7. Effective Date of Agreement. The clerk of each member municipality shall furnish each of the member municipalities with a certified copy of its resolution approving the police central dispatch ser- vice. This Agreement shall become effective as and between the parties hereto upon the date of receipt of approval of ~ Federal Grant to support the three-community Central Dispatching Syst8ffi Project known as IIT-RI No. 70-309E. The application for this Federal Grant is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit I. The adoption and filing of the resolutions shall constitute notice that this Agreement has been entered into by and betweerr all member municipalities for Central Dispatching Service. 8. Termination. The Agreement evidenced by the filing of certified copies of resolutions with the clerk of each municipality shall remain in full force and effect until such time as a municipality files with other member municipalities a certified copy of the resolution terminating this Agreement: which date of termination shall be not less than thirty (30) days after the date of filing a certified copy of such terminating resolution with the clerk of each member municipality after the termination of the first ., eighteen (18) months of the Grant. (n) It is understood that upon the termination of this Agree- ment by any party hereto each member municipality with- drawing from the Central Dispatching Sys tem shall be Iur'- nished its own radio console from funds made part of the Grant, and further that any and all equipment assigned to the respective Villages shall remain in the custody of that party, upon the termination of this Agreement as provided herein. (B) Upon termination of this Agreement as provided herein 6'21ch municipality withdrawing from the Central Dispatching System shall have the right at its option to utilize the radio frequency issued under this Grant as part of the Central Dispatching Network or to return to the use of its former radio frequency(ies) that had been used prior to the initiation of the Central Dispatching System containc6 herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF? this Agreement has been duly executed by the Officials of the following municipalities: ATTES~~7 t /) />~~-') VILL E F rLIjTONa HEJGHTS "~l f~-t.~ L:. 0l / ~ e:F" ~ d~ ",,---{e, ,If ~ /,~I ___~_~ {.-. Village Cl~tk ./ Vill~ Preside~t ATTEST: .,.. ,./VIL~AGE O~ ELK~~. 'l-l1j g:'{/:5f/-/~ ~)'~;l!{~.t;(a!f Date' ATT~fiT; .I I VI.trl1AGE OF~ MOUNT", PROSP~CT. j)/JL(.l L1/_/(!h,'-/-/l~v~,- By~#L,L~ate Village Clerk Village President '/.;:.' ....,~, }" 'r -~-- /;'] " ,,(.;'C,t-~2c~ . I~ Je --/-,../- A RESOI:UTIOI\! JUJTHOJU2;)J--JG THE VLLL1K;r~ OF ARLINGTON Bt:IGHTS .1::0 PfhEl'I (iLEA 'lJ~l N lLC E 1:lJB1~1_E_QIl~ C lLE21DI Q.Dlc'?EI\1'C II PH OG RAM \VHEREAS I there eL'Zsts a Public Administration Requirements Study for Lake Michigan Metropolitan Area Law Enforcement Communications Net\vorks by Intergov8rnmen'cul Technology Research Associates I in ooop8ration with the Associate? Public-Safety Communications Officers I Incorporated und the Federal Communications Commission; and VIHEHEAS, the study is known as Project III APCO Project Series Foundation and is supported by Grant NI 69- 003 awarded by the National Institute of Law Enforce- ment and Criminal Justice; and '-.~ WI:IEREAS I the Lake Michigan Metropolitan Area law Enforcement Communications Netv.'Orks encompasses an area from Milwaukee I Wisconsin I to Michigan City I Indiana inclusively; and I the overall gOell of the program is to develop corr:munications netvvork plans for the study area I which consists of thirteen counties at the southwest corner of Lake Michigan I and the cities of Chicago I Gary and Milwaukee and some 300 other Hll1nicipalities; and WHEREAS I the Val1ages of Arlington Heights I Elk Grove I and Mount Prospect are within the project study area; and VvHEREAS I there now exists a plan for Central Dispatching for these three communities I based on a PfOposal (No. 70-3 09E) prepared by the Illinois Institute of Technology Research Institute which is compatible with the aforementioned study I and the plan is in accordance with the trend of the recommendations of the study group; NO'iN I THEREFORE 1 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD or TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF ARLINGTON HEIGHTS S:r:;CTIOY:L9NJ~.: That th;2 President of the Village of Arlington Heights be authorized to sign and the Clerk of the Village of Arlington Heights be authorized to attest the agTec::;ment bet'vveen the VHJ.C::I.9GS of Arlington Heigh-;:s I Elk Grove I and :Mount Pl-ospect; which agreement is attached here':o and made a part hereof as Exhibit A. _$E_QTIOj\J ':J:'yY~g: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its pas sage and approval in the manner provided by law. AYES: ? NAYS: 0 . ~.~- ) - ) PASSED AI'JD APPROVED this___~___day of_..Lf/OV...v~;~ ____..___, 1970. /1/1 1/ / hfL1 .i /. , . .." .~*LLL4't-- i Tillpe President j ATTEST; .-- ~ .-___--..~_:;;.. _h~~~ ~~_l-"-4._.....,i...."~:,_ ~,~_."_ Vi J 1 ~jrJE,iGc~J; e'.'." "". ..1., ~ .' . .t..r.. EXHIBIT A l\G'~_"'?.B ~ENT AN AGnEH.rENT riD rPJ(TICIP;':l'E IN f\ CErrl'PAL POLICE RADIO DIS1WfCII P~DC;R\?',i WHElUlt\S) there exists a Public Adn'inistration Reqt1irements Study for Lake Mic15gan NetropolitcU1 Area Law E,'1foTcc];lGnt CommtTI1ications Net'/I01'ks by Intcn'governmental Technology RescClTc~l liSsiciates, in cooperation with the .t'\Ssociated Public-Sc:.fety COlmmmications Officers, Incorporated nnd the Federal Communications Commission; and " !_.'" 'WHEREAS, the study is knmm. as Pl^oject III i\PCD Project Serios Founda- tion ChYJ.d is supported by Grant NT 69-003 al'larded by the National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice; and l'i1-IERTIAS, the Lake l1icrd.gan Hetropolitan ltroa La\'! Enforccm:mt Cormnuni- cations Nctwor1~s enco::-npasscs an area from Hilw21Lkee ~ Wiscoll;5in. to Michigan City, IndicUJ,a. inclusively; and, the overall goal of the program is to devclop cornmunications net'\'iork plans for tho study aroa: vlhich consists of thirteen counties at the southwest conler of Lake Hi dli $!an , and cities of Chicago, Gary, and I"!tilldaukee and some 300 other IDlmicipaii ties; and '\'tlH8REAS, the Villages of Arlington Heights ~ Elk Grove. and ?'lOlltlt Prospect Olereinafter referred to as "tho parties?l) are l'lithin the project stuc1y area; and Wi-lEPJ3!\S. th01'O neM exists a plan foy Central Dispatching for these three cormnunities, b8;sed on a Pr-oposal (no. 70-309E) prcpan~cl by tJl0 Illinois Institute of Tedmology Rese2..ych Institute 1'lhich is compatible v!ith the aforementioned study, and the plan is in accol'dnncc vi tll tho trend of the TOCOTIU0nclations of tile study group; NOW" rl1ffiREPORE, IT IS l,lUTUALLY AGJ<LED b2t\'Jeen the partios, as follows: 1. Authorizatiun. BaG"1. TI':\.;moer of the pa~(ties, being a TITLmicipali ty, does"^hercby authorize its Police Chief or the officer c00.lnancling in his absence to paTticipate to tho full oxt~n.t of tho tost pcriod for central dispatching and to repl2.ce and/or modify cCf!1rm..mications equipn:cnt in acco1^Clffil.ce \'.ri tll the Federal GTc.iTt approved for this pUl'puse, 2. CO~iE~T~~~-::.tiC?..~. Each member 1:1Unicipality shall be responsiblc for the compensation to its O'lffi personnel for t~lG "in kind" sOTvices required by their participation in accordance \'1i tll the :Federal Gra'1t. 3. Li2bi1i ty, All wage and disability pa)lnonts, pension ar..c1110rkmen I S cOITI(::e-iisaEion clai.ms, d21T\::lOC to couipIlent ~:md clot.hinq, and mc;dic.~l _ - " . 0 J. '-'" expense shall be paid by tho Fttmicipality regularly cr;~ploying SUdl. police officer O"L' ;:;:mployeo. In addition to the for8going, each municip;)Jlty regularly erlployin,3 slxl1 police office,r or employee pursuant to the provisions of Section ]-4-6 of the Illinois 11tmidpal Coc1'J 1I 4. FinanciaJ ~\:n'tici-rc:tio-n, All 8{J_~=L tio~Hl costs ::15 to Fl'}inteE?:Jl.cC:; htboy, ()}~--o:-cllDl~'--C~).~~l:gc5---s}i-2-1~1~'b3 box-n8 by t.:hc p::J.J,tie:s 112T8to Ol1 a. pr0-r~ata s r-~'~ 1 rr0. ; on YI'~'-l}' "1.4-- r It is 1._~rl.'J(~~(stcoc1 tll,:'.t". t}:c sI"}aros (If ~t:}18 ~~~;J~;Cl;j~~:~6Vi:t1~~~h~'l ;}~~}'~. be 25 follO;Js: Arlington EJights Elk G~COY'::; l'1ount Prospc:ct 53.1% 17.7% 2902% r' ...) .. 1,r~:'1-j\~;~~,~ F.'\TOT\T r)':)-'''-;-ic-i;}'-"'';1- ~1.;.r;.-il1 ":'r:yi'\,l":s [LS to C2.C1l 2J'1-(1 e\TC1; Ot1~Cl" r;;:~d'~'ip:-:nt h~"r~.t~~< -- 2]~>' -~1';d-;,:ti~~1 ~;';~:s .. ~ tll:; o~ r' ,J._ -- -- r r . 1" _ ~ I ...,[i._)'~.~..~.,l ~.i., nC);"':l.l.~.l. l.".-L~"ll :.'_~..~,;.>...~f'O~..')." (l(\.....~;~,.-~.,.,:lll:..l,r~ fo~c cOj":T~.)':)n.sn.t1.ort fOl" ~.-rll\l Jo:.;s., r1::.::~z~\~~-o<l - '--, ' -' ~<. ~~"'... .l. ,,,....' ~ lrl'-Lt S1i::}] (~l'j_5::::; j~'l cor~SC~0;:-,~';'tC() of ~.1;f; t~ci"[ori:~~,,~lc'~ It-:~:~:.~r -eJ1j.s j\~~~c,:'-::I'-.:;rLt.. 2 - 6. Rules and Regulc:d::ions. The i)C>IJ.ce chiefs of the member municipali- tfes.~s11arrcs-fa])T::Csll-u-nifoI'm :rules and regulations for the opera- tion of the CelJ.t:ral Dispatch location in accordance wi th the Federal Grant awarded for such ptirposo. A copy thereof shall be filed 'with the clerk of each member municipali ty. The rules and regulations may be revised and amended from time to time by tho police chiefs upon their unanimous agreement, and a copy of each revision or amendment shall be filed with the clerk of each member muni.c;:jp ali ty . 7. Effective Date of Agl'eemcn t. The clerk of each memb er municipali tv shali-furnlsll- each of the member mu.niciI>ali ties wi th a certified . copy of its resolution approving the police centr~J dispatch ser- vice. This Agreement shall become effective asa~d between the parties hereto upon the date of receipt of approval of a Federal Grant to support the three-community Central Dispatching Syst~m Project known as IIT-RI No. 70-309E. The application for this Federal Grant is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit I. The adoption and filing of the resolutions shall constitute notice that this Agreement has been entered into by and between all member municipalities for Central Dispatching Service, 8. Termination. The Agreement evidenced by the filing of certified copies of-ye-solutions with the clerk of each municipality shall remain in full force and effect until such time as a m~nicipality files wi th other member municipali ties a certin cd copy of the resolution terminating this Agreement, which date of termination shall be not less than thirty (30) days after the elate of filing a certified copy of such terminating resolution with the clerk of each member municipality after the termination of the first ." eighteen ~~8) months of the Grant. (1\)' I t is unders tood that upon. the termina tion of this Agree- ment by any party hereto each member municipality with- drawing from the Central Dispatching System shall be fur- nished its own radio console from funds made part of the Grant, and further that any and all equipment assigned r to the respective Villages shall remain in the custody of that party, upon the terr11ination of this Agreement a.s provided herein. I I . , l (B) Upon termination of this Agreement as provided herein e~:.:,: municipality wi thdl'cn'Iing from the Central Dispatching System shall have the right at its option to utilize the radio frequency issued under this Grant as part of the Central Dispatching Network or to return to the use of its former radio frequency(ies) that had been used prior to the initiation of the Central Dispatching $ystem contained herein. I IN tnTNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed by the or'f" . 1 C 1 f 11' . . ~. . :r -lClcLS Or tne .0_ OI'nng mun::LC:LpaJ.l tJ.es : ATTEST: VILLA9f. OE) A!1lJING'~ON ~ HE GHTS ~~<-i~:-~~~ t ~_.__._Da te /1-~~z..~_B '//'1" ..._ChO .~G -, , N;p:?'IJLi\GE. ~'r ELK lRO\/l~ 1/ B /.- .. ~, /. . .. 'B.'B ~-'-----;l----------------------~.- ViJ 1 age CIe rk ATTEST: Vi.tlag2 CleTk. A~rI'}~srr : _._-~-------,-,- -'~----~~~~~--,""-_..._-'-- -^-- -,-...- _.--- ~.L --_ -----______B_B___ --B___.____________._~i'::..1.:E'.:...___BB__._.___ Village President VI LLf\.GE OF ~;IOUN1' PROSPECT V ~-J-;- f.~,:: -:,~-'-r:B -J---;:]:"---.---. ----- ------- .t . ,.,- Ci... b C -.J _. c .... ~\. BL_;'_~;.B__U_________n___-=-______;_______l?_a t ~_ _________ VIllage Prcsld2n~ JACK D. PAHL President 666 lcmdmeier Road Elk Grove Village, illinois 60007 Area Code 312 439-3900 RONALD L. CHERNICK EUGENE V. KEITH EDWARD G. KENNA RICHARD A. McGRENERA JAMES G. O'BRIEN CHARLES J. ZETTEK Trustees MARGRETHE SCHWELLENBACH Acting Village Clerk CHARLES A. WILLIS Manager 8~[/<Li,:r_~: u~: JJYI~1::; /J:J.":~) 't ; ) j)~.:rl.:'/~-~''-:' ) Q(-' \"):_J COt :;:J1:i .:.,;':.) 0: CO:.'!}:< _:)c_.~ :~') C:'-;='t-:.r_~l~i Ti"-:.(~,_: r~':" C~~~ C.c',., ~i :n:I. ;:~ :~. F. .:., {'I cc~t\. J. .1'" .'-;; :>i~:."" ~; ~ ,~ '", ",-,,,'.-, ,;::.: ~_.): < C',-.i ;., ) 'v ~ . ,~_, ~L ~~ ", ,'-l , c,; , t>~"e , . .LJ. '1 2: 'VJ) JJ~ ::~ r; CJ.<~T", O::L _,. "'i ~~ -.:;(-: -; "} - ~J " -,~-. '.' '-' .,~ 5.;!.;-' (~X' . .... , ~ .~ o- f ~, V J._~l ;._,''''''' ;, C>,)~::~".: r; . \: < n~ C Ul;)=. J~, ~~. ~; ~~ IJ~,J:i:;.\r)j_r') ::.r',~ 0 c' .~:".c}". c")-"~:,~-; c::'i.J'.J "t,:l 'l ":..-I.;:::~i.~C\(f:L'~'~-; -::. ~l 1_:,'.'; -' ,:,..-, i oj~' ;::l'- ,-1 c~~ -i/j, '~~_.:i..,r:\ =:;'.:' ; n_~i, t,}:L: ~ ~ (n E .;'."~~::"4 (~: ....._ ' , t c:rid ( . ;. -~ :.:,~, \.. ;~ c ':;--:::':-' C.!. B~,s{);Lu"c:i()!l..;J,?~.. $8-70 7.' ~:, r; .J ,_ tl.~~, .:: t l ~ ~- ':'::'~:'" . c] '~~l.(~_ ":".J',.. :. '\,,' ".' ~. l i~' . ~ .....: Ci ......,;-l(~ "f J \ G~,;._~ [;,/) E. .1."....-"'- """';') j~ '~, J. l,-~ C, J:",: -(: ~'-',. ~: 3.~_9:".._ CI.:: ~i" (1 .c' :November JS7 0 \,/~'2:_C..~_. Resolution ~': E', r~ [,': " . \.~ t.y" '.~ ""I .... >', ~. ,,::. .:. '..J~~ ,s..---' I): c:::~: j_.j.-:;j:~,~.J; 2],,1 (~. ;~~ (~:":~, ,:: .'_.r i..-.:': ,', ~-. ~ .. '':'''; ":: 0.,. ~I- .~:.(~'~L.r: ~/': :" t: ('j' (.~ ,::; ,', ,"' -~ ~ ,~, ~ ' " i,~~ .c.~" c\Jr,~:,:.. 1'/5. t;().f: ~ ,:; }>~;-. }~r :L,I:~.. er\.1 ..t ,~. " '-,..1,... () ~Q .~':>"j C;:: f F; Sf.'.~-. J 0: ~~ e -, r~. ',:U -, '" ~-.) "0...,'.. '-, T1-'j I'j, .~,_, :'":j C \j0i11"i.;''; 'U:.i [; 16th c'\ November . 191_-9.. ])1.1.:; '::' :) _ ~ I -. "; .7 , c-: (SC>DJ..; PJ~SOLF'l'IOX; ,.,r-, ..!.';\.} 0' 8' () r.'o _,u_=-,L__ 11 RES()LTJI;IO:LT 11\; ii CE~I\TTTi!1.I-l l:OI;!C~~ B..tLDIO l)I;)T)I'~T;CII }?'l~C<;l-~/~~,! 'Jj--[~ \rI~GI/LG=~ O~~ :EIJC Ci-:F,{fIE \rI~L:L.'\_~~7E TO }~"~.I\~.eICIPj~1;T:~ -------_._-_._----_._...~-_._---~,--~....~----- viHEIU~AS, the:ce exists a. Public AdrdnistrD/Gion Requirements study :for I;8ke [,ti Cl1i8,3..~'1 IilctroI,ol5.. tarl J~_l~ea I~c~ ~'! E21.fo::-c er.l8 11t CO~[~'llJ7.li cs.,t.i OIlS 1'': et~':or lcs b~r InteY'gol/e:rYlJJ.e.nt2.J_ l'ecb11oJ_o.:.~r I~ese2~Tch P...SSOcI2.~~es, il".l cc()~peI'ation \-'I'ith the Jissoc:ic:~ted Pv~oJ_ic"""S:;~i~'bc-t,y CC~~"lC~}llYJ,ic2tions Of'fice2"E~, Irlco:J..^lJorated ci~1d ~the Fecle=ral CO[!!2t:1J..:nicat~7_,c:].-'lS COl':l!Jissio:..r'J.; HnCL HHERE1'3, the stud~r lS Kl'lO\J::l a.s Pyoj eet III APCO ~('oj ec-L Series Foun~13.tion and is suppo:cted by G:ca::1t lIT 69-003 ll\.;arcled by the Flltion.al Institute o:f La:~-l Enfo:ccern.ent 8..r~cl Cri..1i'lirlal J-l1stic8; ctj.i.cl T'rrill:FiE.,0>..S, trl8 L8.1:;:e I/Ii C11iS3.,n r;letJ:'o.f;olit2.~'1 j';.TS2. I,,~!.~': Enfo::~c eTt:~cnt Ccnn-:-.:.1J.x1icc:. tions Net\'lo:C}~S e:ncoID.})H3SeS c'.n. a:cea fyo~r. L.IiJ_j':Erl-l..,~::ee, 1:1i.sCOY12ill, to 1\'iicb.ig2_l1 Cj_t:r, Indie.Yl8.., j~:ncJ_-Llsi'veJ_y; cLl:d., the o'vel"a.ll gODJ_ of tIle pr:)S1~2!~1 is to develo~p cOT[%u.nicat:Lons net~'!orJ.\: pl2.n.s for t:H~ stllCIj"'" 21"C2., l;.'!}JiC}l cons:~sts of tlliTtee11 cou,nti.es at .th2 S011"Llleast ccrnel') of I<~_~_';:e I/Ii.chiS2,n, ar.:.d tIle citJ.es of Chicago, Gary, ClrLd 1,:il~"121~11:ec o.n(1 SOl~:le 3C-0 otllei' I111lJici2)3.,lities; CvYlcL 1,'!}IEP2P:.S, the "\/iJ_la,ses of ...'l~::~linston }IeiC~}Tts, ED;: G=-cO"1e:> alld. 1'-"~OlJ..rrt Pf'osI)ect are '\'7itlliIl t~n.e p:coj ect s~Gl1clJr a:'C 2 e., ; al'1cL ~"lfIER~'J\S, tllere rJ,Di,'l e.:zists a. ple.n fOI~ Centrc~J~ DisI'!D.,-'ccl1.irlg IO:C trlese tb..1"ee C0111:i'J..nities, based on.. a P.rOI;OSD.l (1\;00 70-309lG) ~Yerf~recl b~r i::;.1e IJ..J_iYIOis Insti tu.-ce of TechIloJ.o2~r Rerce.rch Instit"utc '~.;hicb. i~ cC2_Lpat=_;) Le ~.!j~th trle afol~e:n.E:ntior).ecL f;""c.ud:;r, a:o(l the pJ_21'1 is in e~ccol"clan.ce ",:.'/i tll the tr811c1. of the :cecorrc'J.2IJ.d.ationc) of ~Ghe stlHJ.2,( gl"OLl~p; }\ro~'!, TEI~I\1~1~O}?l~, BE~ I~: RI~S O~LVLD BY 1}D~ THE VIIJ:,AGT~ 03' ELK GROVE VILlAGE: j\1-]) BO.P1.~~D OJ? TRU8~L~E.~J'~S OF Section Olle: TD.8.t the Pl....esid.ent of tile \!ilJJJ..[j2 of EJJ( Gro'v'e "\JilJMage be autho~ized to sj.Sn. aY1Q tIle C~eT}: of tll.8 'ViJJ.a,C2 of EJkl::.: Gro-vc Village b2 autrlo=cized to attest tl12 a.zree~J:lcl1t bct1>leen t'he \liJ_~LaG8s of llTlin.g-con HeigI1-cs" Elk Grove 'VIJ~lase, a~J.ri lIcJ1.lnt ~ProsI~cct; \.,'l-lj.ch O-&cee :lsnt is e; tt9..cr._ed h>2T'eto &-21(1 r18,Qe a ra2.~t llcreOL as E:,,:11ibit. .PtQ Sectioll 'I'>;lO: Th2.tt tt~is :reGOllx.t~io:n sl}8.1J~ be j.ll f1Jll fo~cce ar~~1. effect fTCIil a.n/l after its :98,s sage arv:l appJ.:'oval in the rl8.2'l:C1C.T T)::-"oilidecL 'oj' J.ct\J c ArBS: L} NAYS: 0 PASSED JLTD jlJ?P}~ov.!.m tlJ.is 3~~~.___ day of Hoven:b:3T 1970. //' ---~........, '....,\ / ATTEST: Vi 11;.'Se --} /' /. if:~1f ~j'f,:{:"~;f~' (~~" EXi-IIFIT i\ J\.G~~~:.; ~1.~:::, ~r jv~ j\GS?l:[.~ ~~\i"l' r>1.-'O l)l~:]-~l'ICII)~'\J E~ I:~.J I,~ CE~\rri:~.\L FOLICE F"-""L-TJIC) rJISi)_:.\rl'C:~i P;.~'C~G~?,,\~'l -------_._--_._--_.,..~--------------------_...- ---_.~_._-~ 11""r Trnr'... C' .....,. .... I' , , .. '\ '": .... , ., n" ''-'J'' f I<'-S"00 LJF'T." ('y,s[e; ~ 'l" lC :.r1F,'n1lC:+""::).",r,:" ,rYl1'J'"'-.".,."n-(T ~"l.l,TY. .0-1' . __ ,..',. ,~_.~ ,~'.-. - :.~ .J~ .(.....~"_ .,'~l~.L..L\J.l ~.,c.;'I-l__i~__',:"._J. '- "'" . -" 121..., "LtC:l,a:::1 ~'>'L:ronolll.;8 .'Y','" 7."''/ IT'IO"'CCi",'>TlC CrV'.1'CllCTt.lcns 'T"T;"OT~'S - ........ .' -(.:>~.-....;. ........... J.... "".... ...I....... \...-~ __.'~l ..... ..J.. ,.......... \...-'J_~;~'-........._ \..._ _.... __ ......... ".. __'l. bI.' "]" ~ n ,.... . y n CCygOVCTi:lTCiEcL.L CC!lllO.!.ogy l\.CS'22TC'1 j\SSlC1G tcs, Hi coOp:.:::yatlC:1 . ,. ",' " 1 P , ,. cr. r . . nrr. I ' 1 'H:l.l:n D1C j'SSOC1al~cc LD~lC-,-,Gl:Cry ~O;:l::llnlCClt10TIS _II1C21'S, ncOrpOTc:rccc d A.' T" 1 C . " ,.., ." , anr If!.e rCcLcrCl O~T=n121lccrtJ_CrlS LO;-CUSSJ.on; cuiQ l'.1-IERG\S) tho study is kr1C~';.n :1S Project III ",pea Projc~ct Sc;Yics FOUf1d~J.- tion Cl"d is Sl},)00:-tpo b)r GI'"".t ?.iT 60-003 ~',F.n'+yl 'DY the 7,htional Inst'_'.Tuf-e -.... "J.. 1 ..... ~. .... '-~~ - ... 1 __ ../...J ~ _ _.... _ _ __ ..... of L2~1 Enfo:rci:;;n::;;nt and CTir.1iTl2.1 J1~sticc; 2nd 'I'lfIEFJ:l\.S, the L::,:.kc ?liC}lig2.:i ;"etropa1i t2ii ArcCl Lre\'! Enfoyccr-'3nt Co:r~J1)ni- ~... ,... J 1 f "~OJ , 1'7" .. Call0DS r!ec:ro:r"~s CTlCOT"pC::SS8S 211 2Y82, yom r~_ W2.LI~~C,(:~, ;\lsconS1Il, to '),~'iCD'i()c:;1 r'Li1-Yn Tndl'c:~T1'l. 11'C"F:iV;;ly" ",,,,'1 t:,;: ov"-'c.,,11 a'D"'l O'.lc t0i~ n,ao-T:Jj~, 1",,",-,- --'0.- __\..0" --~- ---~.1 ---.... _~.L;__J~. ~- ) ---'--} ..___ v"".... -....... ,::,....._ _ _...._ l-'~ o-'----'.~ . t] 1 " , 1 ,.., , ,", ~S '0 G8V2_0p COlT0'.tTIHC[;t10ns netFO]'i~ P ems 10Y t!1C stu(lY an;Cl, 1'fiUUl . -L ,..,.,... ~ .. , '! "f ,r T i 't> r. "I .. COIlSJ.5 LS O::r: LElTCCeTl count1GS at 1:,le SOUt~1':[C3t COTllCT OI .1.,'::1(0 CilCllgJl1, .., ... A" r C1 .. r'l "t .. ",'" l' 1 ~Jn" .. .. .,.. .. al"lo. Cl LIes OJ.: ,l1.ca.go, b2.T)', 8J1Q r~Ll_y;aU:(C"8 2-,'1(, SOFO .). 'J Otl1CY mUiHClpaJl t185; and ~J1-IERF;\S J t}le (h . ,... "'Y"'lI'" - --'- "',-~ t;; v J.'.A-.iL,,*,,~ area; 8Jlc1 Vinagos of i'cTlingtcn Eeights) Elk G:rovc, and ?-fov.nt P1'OSp2Ct -,'of0-,_...-,'..:-.d. t-o -::,e- 71.1-;",,> P~'I".L"ir,<:::l) :lYe. "'l'-L"l':n +'1"" Dl'OJ"rv..JL.. S-L'..l"l.. J. -,-" J..v_ ...., ~ l..;._v....... -"-"-....7 __..._'0./ .,....Ll... L-_ v oK; v\...........: WrIERIJ\S, thCTC nO'd exists c_ rI2.Tl fOT Ce~lt:ral Dispatclling for these thTGO commrnitics. b8sed on a Pyo;)::s21 (no. 70-3'iClF)' 1"F"nCl,'od bv tll(> Illir101S ~ ... ~ ~ ~ ....... -- J r - i..... \.. ....~ J _..........,. _ . _ Institute of TecllI1010gy R8se::1'c11 Institute ,,';hidl is cOlrp2.tible 'l,'!ith the afoTerlontionec1 stu:ly; 2nd th::; pIau is in acconla.ncc: "-li tfl tJ10 tH;nc1. of the recoYiGc8nc1.J.tions of tllS study gYml~); NOi'l; ri1If3r~EFOI;E~ IT IS ;',l.JTU".U,LY AGJ'lE) b01..1:8211 D"!.{; pc:Ytios, as follO';Is: 1. A' .tl-, "';-''''+i~) E' ~''":\r''':\-r -C' -t~h~ ""'T~-~ _ 1-.0....,.~lr.. '17:1". r)::":.l-'-.;r _~..:.:.<::l_-:-_,:.~.tL._.o".. .RCl L,~,,,:...'v~ 0.1. Lev p~,_ LJ.OS ~ U,,-l",,:, a l1l,--.:_lC1pU_l'!'l.} > d '" ,..... D 1" C.....,... ~ rr. ~.. o~s .ncreoy 2.utnOYIZC 1 ts ... O_lCC Iller- or tn.e O.cnCST COj~::;:l(l'1GITlg h" , . " . f 11 ~ , . , IS aOSCllce to p2.YtlOp2tC to Hi,':: 1.:... cxt':;IJ.t OJ:' tn0 test p::~r10C.;. C""."J_" 1 dO e; '':11' '," n" ~11 1.L "'- 1 ~ ~ '1nrl/ ~ wn(1.i F,. ,"'.'''''''1; ~'lc"': "1 '-'1J.Llal_Ix_~CL1,-g '-J.G 1..0 YG)_.".C-..; c..J." 0.:. .,,~.l~c.y CCL1',UL~\.....,-_LCLS eOI".in."o"n. t l"'q ct~CC:O"r';:;I.lC;' ',rit11 r-'I'l" 1=7"(;"'1'.<11 r;":l)l'~ (~7J:)TOH"Cl TOI' 7-'11"S ~\"'.l.-J..-~"'"' ....- ....~"'-,....... -' ~l_ ....._~ I,... ../ - v..._.....- v-._... "'-....'-..:........... -J..-J..-...... v"-'....... ......_ pm-poso. i21 fOT 2. CO;ToenSEi.U.on. Each r;~er;ib8:2' f;l~.TliciDJ.1ity sh2.11 _..._-----~............, .- compensation to its o~';n pCTsc::me:1 foy t~l'2 !lin b t.. ~.. ~.. , "~, ~, 'iDe11" paYLICIpaLlon 1n 2cco:ruance 1'71 Wl u18 bo 1'0sDonsicJlc kin.cP suni.ces .F0(1cr~11 GT2..71t. faT the T8=luiTed 3. Li2bility. }~l 1<!2.ge 2nc~ diso.bili ty pCl}';c;,onts, P2:1sion 3.J:.d 1'IO:c};:m:m 1 S -co';;:"-'~'s"'-='::-loy) cl~1'r"r ':o;-,.CICJ<=> TO ""r;'1';T),'1'='''~ ~n(l C;07.'1':~'C ~'''c1 """riic,,', 1,:t-'......11 ____L_......;.1.. ........A. _~1:...::), 0.___.-__..:::."--'..... t.::'-I.L.._.l-.~-~,-,,11 L ___.J..__ _~. ...._ -.L~.i..o) C'..;..l..\-<- ..L~'__......... .__ exnp~11S0 s1l;:111 '}'0- p:'Jl Q' }-'\' t.~'(" T~:7tli Clp~l i hj' Y."c;-Lll ('1 '1'1 V ''''J.;.';)'''lOVl'nC SlY';l ......... v ----~ u...... -~- -../~ .......-'- ....._.~...--'- -~_ __.........~ ~ ... -'0 --"_ _" lv' ..~ J' -0 ......, police officeT or e~'Tployoo. In 2.ckli tion to the fCT8going, 82Ch .. ]" , 1 1 0 '," rr' 1 IDUllCJ.p2. .1 L)' rogu_'J:Y -y cnp_OYl~12 suel pOJ.Ice; OlllceI' 01' OF,]! oyee: pUYSU3.nt to. the, p:co,risiOIls of Sectian 1-4-6 of tile nlinois 11L1l1icipal Code. 4. FiTle;lcia1 PilTticiD?ltion, !~11 ac1(~i tiO;lRI costs ccS to m:,intcnc:ncc, 12'001', '01' c?J1CY'G1.2.1'~{c-s--ShccYl-bo born;; by the narties h8Y0'to O!1 i1 DrO-Y2~L~'. '....... ...... .... Sh :::)-{~,~ '0 r ~ "Q~ 0......1 nrY'....'...1., -:1..1.....'; O--r-'\ T ~ ,. S 1 T." ;J.-IY".... -!-. 0'- .-1 f'~-"',-,..l-. -t1-,..., S'!." ':"1 r"~ 0-'; (':J J.t..:::"..t.v )(0\...-1 1.... r"---i/_.-Ll.-..L..... ":..I.ct ..L. L....... ....;.......U.:-.'..L;:.,. L I",...h--2. \,..-..':'C-.:-L l.:...",; .....i.!..(_ \..,.~ ...L t:~~__ reSp(~cti\i,:: \lillagc.s Sl1.?J.l bo 2S follo~..;s: .t'\rliIlgton FI'2i2~1tS El1~ GTO'.'O Haunt Proscsct 53.1% 17. 70) 29.2% 5. 1':2..ivor. EYC:1Y D?-:ctidrJ?:;"!.t h'::1"2in \';Jjv,-~s :1S to o2dl end OV<J[y OLll:)}' ., ..l.. j. # -p:1I"L-:-J'.-Clj"'':''i)~' 11r:-..........~.'f~..-.. '11'....T "'"'::1(1 ..11 cl '")i..-.,c- :r,":"?_~J.!~S~ t'1'.,(; O~;I..':-;'T" "tu-'~:.l..ti.ciT).r-~:lt L~ - ---iJ--'....... .1.....'_~l.L.:~'-, 0.lJ.} c;.l_..... c!.~_ __(~_.I'l_") '-0----~ _~~ l...-.__ _'- ... fOl' co;;:)cn:; ",1.::5.cn fOT 271'1 1.0::;5 0 d"}~~:,.rc(;) 1) :-,.,., ,71 '-". { (l r ( ,',1 - 'rf., . ..:-~. ~:.-. :,r: lO;=1~".-~-~'.~_..." ;.'.,:-:; ~L~.~~.~~' .~:'TVt '-:":1101~ '1J.::\~G..~~._,.:-,~., '._.", .... that sh:::.11 ~lrjsc; in CCI";~c:r1n:;~1~8 of t;E: _' -, ..~ ., 1_ _ _::0 ' _ ~ ._" _ -- - . -- ~ ---.--- ...._--_._--~. .----- -- ,-' --- - - - -----. .~--."-.---_. -.-- ,.--.- -,----_.._----. - 2 - 6. R~llcs.__~~~_c!.J~~.~~'..~}~~~~~.?~~..I~_~_~_ 111c :pc,licc; c:licfs of tl1C LlCL:bcl' rl~u.11ici.f:<11~_- tics s}lo..J.l cst~tbJis}l l1Il5_foTj:L Ttllcs 231(1 I'l:gLllc~tioI1S f,Cl:!"" tnr.: OlJ::~l'ocl.- tion of the Centl'21 DisDatcll locati.on in accorcIccllce i'lith the L Federal Grant aWeD'c1cci rOl' such pu:q)ose. A copy thcn::of shall be f '1 1 " , 1 1 ,.. " . . .,'. 1'h 1 ' 1 ca "t'il 1..n tne c~el'r: oJ.: C2cn monoer n:..m::!.ClpeL.LJ. ry. e ru.lCs ann regulations may be, revised and amended from tine to time by the police chiefsv.por~ their unaniEwus 2grcoElcIlt, and a copy of each revision or amondIllCnt shall bc filed Hi tll tho clerk of ee.ch IilcTHbe:r- municipality. . 7. Effe_ct:Lve_D_~j~c:.._~f f\K:cecr~er':...~,- The cleTk of each menber municipality h 1 1 L: ., ., r 1 1, " 1" . 1 . r . J S .a~ i:UrnlSll eacn OI tne memuer munlclpa_ltles Wlt~ a ccrtlIIea copy of its resolution approving the police central dispatch ser- vice. This Agreement shall become effective as and between the parties hereto upon the date of receipt of approval of a Federal GTant to su~port the three-co~rnunity Central Dispatching System Project 1.l1O\\'n as IIT-RI No. 70-309E. The application for this Federal Grant is attached hereto and made a p~rt hereof as Exhibit I. The adoption and filing of the resolution~ shall constitute notice that this Agreement has been entered into by and between all member municipccli ties for Central Dispatching Service. 8. Termination. The Agreement evidenced by the filing of certified copies olrcsoll1.tions \'Ii th the clerk of 82.ch muni.cipality shall remain in full force and effect until such time 3S a municipality files \d. th othel' memoer nnmicip21i ties a certif:i.<::;d copy of the resolution terminatin~ this A9reement. which dato of termination ~ ~ ~- shall be not less thari thirty (30) days after tho date of filing a cCTtified copy of such terminating l'esolution 1.'lith the clcrk.of each mel:,'lbel' municipe:J.ity after the te1'lnination of the first'" eighteeri (18) months of the Grant. (1\) . :1 :1 1 , .. r,. "l It 1S una8rstooo tnat upon tne termInatIon OT tnls Agree- b h l' .. 1" " ment y any party creta eacD memoer munlclpa~lty wltn- drawing from the Central Dispatching System shall be fur- nished its own radio console from funds made part of the Grant, and further that any and all equipment assigned to the respective Villages shall re8ain in the custody of that party, upon the termination of th~s Agreement as provided herein. (B) Upon tennination of this Agl"eement 2,S pTDvided l1erein c,,::.~;. municipality Vii thchawing from the Centrel Dispatching S J.. '"'1 h ",T . 1.L. .L.. -.L. +- i ~ '1- . .L.... YSLcm sna~ ave Lfi3 rlglL aL 1LS opLlon :0 uCl_lze lnc radio frequency issued under this Grant as part of the Central Dispatching Network or to return to the use of its former ro.dio freql1.Cncy(ies) that had been used prior to the initiation of the CentYe.1 Dispatching Syster;l contain,3d herein. IN 1'lIn~ESS \';HEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed by the Officials of the following municipalities: ATTEST: VILLAGE OF ARLINGTON HEIGHTS ~~._._____~_.~~ ___ _______!2.a t e_.________ Village President ./-" VI LI.AGE OF ELK GRO\TB. Vill2.ge Clerk ATTEST: /7 / .; __/.:/1 ,"/7 _ // /N/ // _r~/ I,. /),. /' [/ .ffS'c::'-:.!'.:'::J_~2::.J-;-,-::l:/ ;_'~ / >i:_~~~-;<,/.;'> }jithuce C.:ieTl~ " 'j ,-' ) /:~ ,-' />> ;:~/ ATTES.-c : /t" By',: ....:', . . :-, Date --\'[1'--1. ~~J-~::;';:;;" -}-) l:C-S-~-J-::;-:;:;-:':---------------'- _, c..~~ L, _ ..... 'i-~ L.. t... VI LLA:~~ OF HOUNT PROSPECT "-, ./ Vi JT ~;:;~:;--cI C 1:-:: ---------- ,-CO> By Date ---V: }~G~~~~-I)J:~ s-: ck:}l"t-----------.---.-------- RXHIBIT A AG:".3S\lliNI' .t'\N AGREEMENT TO PARTICIPATE IN A CENTPJ\J., POLICE RADIO DISPATCH PRDGRAM WHEREAS, t..l1ere exists a Public Adrrinistration Requirements Study for Lake rJtidligan Metropolitan Area Lal'! Eli.forcement Comnnmications NeuNorks by Intergovemmental Technology Research AssOciates ~ in cooperation with the Associated Public-Safety Communications Officers~ Incorporated and the Federal Corrnnunications COTIlIJ'l.is.sion; cmd WHEREAS~ the study is known as Project III J\PCO Project Series Founda- tion and is supported by Grallt NI 69-003 altlarded by the National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice; and WHEREAS, the La"l<e r1ichigan ~1etropoli tan Area LaT'l Enforcement Communi- cations Networks encompasses an area from 'Hilwaukee ~ Wisconsin, to l:lichigan City, Indiana~ inclusively; and, the overall goal of the program is to develop corrnmmications network plans for the study area~ which consists of thirteen counties at the sout..~west corner of Lake ifichigan, and cities of Chicago) Gary, &"1d :Milwaukee 8.l1d some 300 other municipalities; and V.]HEREAS~ the Villages of Arlington Heights, Elk Grovc~ and MOlL'11t Prospect (hereinafter referred to as lithe parties!1) are within the project study area; and WHEREAS, there nm'l exists a plan foy. Central Dispatching for t~ese three connnunities, based on a Proposal (No. 70-309E) prepared by the Illinois Institute of Technology Research Institute 1~lich is compatible with tile aforementioned study:l &'1d the plan is in accordance 1,1i th the trend of the recommendations of the study group; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MlJTU,ALLY AGREED between the parties, as follows: 1. Authorization. EacJl member of the parties ~ being a municipality, does hereby authorize its Police Chief or the officer commanding in his absence to participate to tile ftlll extent of the test period for central dispatching and to replace 2nd/or modify communications equipment in accordance with the Federal GT8.lJ.t approved for this purpose. 2. Compensation. Each member municipality shall be responsible for the compensation to its ()1,vn personnel for the "in kind" services required by their participation in accordance with the Federal GraTlt. 3. Liabili ty. j\.11 l'lage and disability payments ~ pension and 't'lorkrnen 9 s compensation claims, damage to equipment and clot.'lJ.ing, and medical expense shall be paid by the mmicipality regularly employing such police officer or employee. In addition to the foregoing, eac.~ municipality regularly oG?loying SUC~l police officer or employee pursuant to the provisions of Section 1-4-6 of the Illinois Mtmicipal Code. 4. Financial Participation. All additional costs as to maintenance, labor, or other charges shall be borne by the parties hereto on a pro-rata share based on population. It is understood that the shares of the respective Villages shall be as follows: Arlington Heights Elk Grove Mount Prospect 53.1% 17. 7% 29.2% s. Waiver. Every particip?Jlt herein waives 85 to each and every other participant heretc ~ any and all claims aga~nst the other participant for compensation for any losss daraage, personal injuY'l, or dea't.!'1, t.1.at shall arise in ccnscqucr~ce of the perfOTIrl2:1CO undeT this Agroement. - 2 - 6. Rules and Regulations. The police chiefs of the member municipa15_- ties shall establish uniform rules and regulations for the opera- tion of the Central Dispatch location in accordance with the Federal Grant awarded for such purpose. A copy thereof shall be filed with the clerk of each member municipality. The rules and regulations may be revised and amended from time to time by the police chiefs upon their unanimous agreement? and a copy of each revision or amendment shall be filed wi th the clerk of each memhe-.r municipali ty. 7. Effective Date of Agreement. The clerk of each member municip21ity shall furnish each of the member municipalities with a certified copy of its resolution approving the police central dispatch ser- vice. This Agreement shall become effective as and between the parties hereto upon the date of receipt of approval of a Federal Grant to support the three-community Central Dispatching System Pyoject known as IIT-RI No. 70-309E. The application foy this Federal Grant is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit I. The adoption and filing of the resolutions shal~ constitute notice that this Agreement has been entered into by and between all member municipalities for Central Dispatching Service. 8. Termination. The Agreement evidenced by the filing of certified copies of resolutions with the clerk of each municipality shall remain in full force and effect until such time as a municipality files with other member municipalities a certified copy of the resolution terminating this Agreement$ which date of termination shall be not less than thirty (30) days after the date of filin5 a certified copy of such terminating resolution with the clerk of each member municipality after the termination of the first .- eighteen (18) months of the Grant. (A) It is understood that upon the termination of this Agree- ment by any party hereto each member municipality with- dYccwing from the Central Dispatching System shall be fvy- nished its own radio console from funds made part of the Grant~ and further that any and all equipment assigned to the respective Villages shall remain in the custody of that party~ upon the termination of this Agreement as provided herein. (B) Upon termination of this Agreement as provided herein c:._::: ~unicipality withdrawing from the Central Dispatching System shall have the right at its option to utilize the radio frequency issued under this Grant as part of the Central Dispatching Network or to return to the use of it5 former radio frequency(ies) that had been used prior to the initiation of the Central Dispatching System contained herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF~ this Agreement has been duly executed by the Officials of the following municipalities: ATTEST~ VILLAGE OF ARLINGTON HEIGHTS By Date Village Clerk ATTEST: Village President VILLAGE OF ELK GROVE By Date - Village Clerk ATTEST: Village Clerk Village President VI LLAGE.r~Q>~ HOUNy' P;>OSP~~ ....:;/q h;;'."/' ,',/./ .".. B /"t',::::/,~_ ;,;",:::;.~/// ,(,/ "'--;;'::P-' D. t ~ ~';M .., ~_'it,2.:-/"~;::"-'''''-;_'''';,d< .,.;, a e t>' ,. ' I~ JO Village President I