HomeMy WebLinkAbout1576_001.. . . ...... ... ................ . .................... ... ....... . . . . . . . ....... . MEETING OF THE TRUSTEES 182 CALL TO ORDER order at 8-000 P.M*, INVOCATION Floros. ROLL CALL .se Trustees Arthur oras Miller Wattenberg APPROVE MINUTES: .stee Miller, 3/2/82 Meeting regular meeting held March 2, 1982, flect Trustees iosed the ordinance ros Miller Wattenberg ORT APPROVE BILLS Wattenberg, bills: $ 360,689.18 51656.03 209,112.46 ant 21657.,09 Fund 18,582.05 111,691.14 27,561.22 2fO25.52 750.00 35,845.00 41319.5U $ 778.,969.25 ley Floros auskis Wattenberg Arthur, moved APPROVE FIN ANCIA1 d February 28, 1982, REPORT: 2/28/82 ey Floros uskis Wattenberg ENS TO BE HEARD aspect Park MOUNT PROSPECT with a Resolution PARK DISTRICT ngratulating the PRESENTATION introduced INTRODUCTION age Manager, JAY HEDGES/ , to take a Manager's Asst. Manager March 16, 1982 . . . .. ..... moved for passage of Resolution No. 29-82 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT AND THE MOUNT PROSPECT AND ARLINGTON HEIGHTS PARK DISTRICTS Upon roll call: Ayes.- Arthur Farley Floros Miller Murauskis Wattenberg Nays: None Motion carried. ZBA 31-V-81, Text Amendment ZBA 31-A-81 Mayor Krause presented an ordinance amending RESIDENTIAL CAR] C.,hapter 14, which amendment would create regulations HOMES for residential care homes. AMEND CH. 14 The following people spoke on this subject - Eileen Mageligett, from Life Span- Mrs. Reuddipresented petitions against the ordinance; Virginia Mazzallotti, 510 S. Maple St. Donald Harrigan, volunteer with the State's Attorney Drug Abuse Program; Bill Barco, 334 S. Maple St. Jim Conner-, Matt Reis,, 1403 W. Busse Ave. Charles Capagnia, 414 S. Maple St. Walter Klenknia, 1600 Dogwood Richard Ranseen, 714 See GNvun Robert Magan, Alcoholism Treatment Expert frora Maine Township; R. C. Stein; Richard Rupect, Louis St. Steve Harder,* Bill Blaine, 119 N. Emerson St. Lucille Spakl; Bob Anderson, 202 S. Mount Prospect Road; Mr. Nolan; John Pope, 400 S. Maple St. George Van Geem, 1306 Quail Walk; Gil Basnik, Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals Many residents expressed concern regarding rehabilitation homes within the single family districts. Trustees Arthur and Murauskis e_xpressed their opposition to the proposed ordinance stating they would like the Board to take additional time to review the proposals and make various changes to the proposed ordinance. Trustee Floros, seconded by Trustee Murauskis, moved to table the matter " until the April 6th meeting in order to review the various comments made by residents. Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur Floros Murauskis Nays: Farley Miller Wattenberg Krause Motion failed. Trustee Arthurr seconded by Trustee Murauskis, moved to delete wording "rehabilitation homes" from the proposed ordinance on residential care homes. I Upon roll call.- Ayes-, Arthur Murauskis Nays: Farley Miller Wattenberg Krause Pass.- Floros Motion failed. Page Three March 16, 1982 40. 30-82 CH. 18 AVE. ng verte, - CABLE T.V. INTE RGOVERNMENT at COUNCIL sed March 16, 1982 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT CASH POSITION APRIL 2, 1982 Balance ger Disbursements Last Report (ger attached 3/12/82 Receipts List of Bills) Fund Balance General Fund $ 299,079.78 $ 785,115.01 353,975.34 $ 730,219.45 Revenue Sharing Fund 61,385.97 12,692.77 481693.20 Motor Fuel max Fund 506,608.54 41,635.99 13,473.82 534,770.71 Community Development Block Grant 32,656.31 - 3,415.01 29,241.90 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund 21,250.42 27,677.08 17,469.16 31,858.34 Waterworks & Sewerage Fund: Operations & Maintenance 634,457.87 71,894.79 44,133.65 662,219.01 Depreciation, Improvement & Extension 6,438.78 - 47,156.60 (40,717.82) Parking System Revenue Fund 66j268.53 61343.32 11063.50 71, 548.35 Contractor's Surety & Sidewalk 89,128.00 1,000.00 400.00 89,728.00 Trust Fund 317,328.00 61695.92 5,141.23 318,882.69 $ 498,521.08 VENDOR Ct 'RING ACCOUNTS ABILITY AUTO BODY REBUTLDERSv INC* AMOCO OIL COMPANY BARRY DOLIN G & V CONSTRUCTION CO* K—MART CORPORATICaul: STORE 7070 MAPLECREST HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION NEENAH FOUNDRY COMPANY PAYROLL ACCOUNT PETTY CASH — MANAGEMENT SERVICES As PEDERSEN BUILDING CnRPe PRIDE HOME IMPROVEMENT PROSPECT AUTO BODY RAMA BUILDERS CLEARING ACCOUNTS I GENERAL FUND WATERWORKS & SEWERAGE — OEM CONTRACTOR'S SURETY &SIDEWALK VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 4/07182 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION REPAIR P-239 LABOR F, PARTS OIL OIL GASOLINE GASOLINE REFUND OVERPAYMENT WATER 9 -ILL SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT REFUND LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION MAPLECREST ESCROW RETURN TREE GRATES PAY PERIOD ENDING 3118/ 32 PAY PERIOD ENDING 3/19/82 PAY PERIOD ENDING 3/19/82 PAY PFRIOD FNDINLl­7 3/19/82 TRAVEL SUPPLIES TRAVEL, SUPPLIES TRAVEL, SUPPLIES BOND REFUND A-9721 BOND REFUND A-9700 REPAIR 1-18 BOND REFUND A-9746 INVOICE AMOUNT $29322*72 $19290w0o $386*50 $8v297*49 S7#626s95 $18*48 $451*86 $19250*00 $500000 1 t 6 9 2 * 3 5 $2159401*71 $16,840*43 1200*00 $1 v 309* 77 $10000 S5*00 $35*00 S200000 $100000 $174 *30 30 11100000 -V-*1- 1.11 If- ` "' T 0 T A L — PAGE 1 TOTAL $2022e72 $17-P600994" $18.48 i * 48 $451*86 1 9 2 5 U * 0 0 $500*00 $lv692*35 $233,v750s91, $500001, $200000 S100000 $174930 $00000 $258tZ11*56 $234v302s65 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GT $1008*77 $169858*91 PARKING SYSTEM' REVENUE FUND $200*00 5400s00 TRUST FUND $5841*23 0, .t: .06 A. J- 4, -A. PHRI TC- RF-P-ftPrPMTATTC!ht rAT*ivirr,-a.. A -j A tj tV CLEARBROOK CENTER MEETING EXPENSE S70*00 $70-900 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 4/07/82 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION PUBLIC REPRESENTATION DIVISION To A* COPPLE & CO* TRANSCRIPT* ATTENDANCE TAKING PADDOCK PUP3LICATIONS WELLER LANE NOTICE TO BIDDERS PUB* PARA INCORPORATED SERVICES RENDERED --DATA SURVEY PETTY CASH — MANAGEMENT SERVICES TRAVEL9 SUPPLIES TRAVEZI-v SUPPLIES PETTY CASH — POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAVEL9 SUPPLIES TRAVELt SUPPLIES PUBLIC REPRESENTATION DIVISION GENFRAL FUND $ 1 v 6 8 0 e 10 INVOICE AMOUNT $632o 20 $41.04 $900000 $18.00 $12*76 $3e66 S2o44 14, It, j"" TOT A L-#1 " PAGE 2 TOTAL $632 20 14ls04 $900000 $6.1 OJ* $19680*10 VILLAGE MANAGERIS OFFICE r .,LFN Re ANDLER SEMINAR EXPENSE $472*00 %472e00 JOHN BOWMAN TRAINING COURSE REIMbURSEMENT $49e,00 $49*,00 9URKE C BURKE LTO* LEGAL SERVICES RENDERED $549*00 $549 00 DEPT* OF COMMERCE G COMMUNITY AFFAI ECONOMIC WORKSHOP—HEDSTROMtJESSE $50o00 d. $90000I" T*R*Mo CORPORATION TYPEWRITER APRIL'82 PAYMENT $751,44 $75944 ISM TYPEWRITER APRIL 982 CHGo, $35e00 $35*00 ILLINOIS CRIME PREVENTION OFFICERS 1982 MEMBERSHIP—KOLANOWSKTiSALATINO $30400 630o00 SERVICES ILLINOIS EMERGENCY SERVICES MGMT9 A CONFERENCE REGISTRATION—Po WATKINS $36e00 $36900 NORTHWEST STATIONERS INC, OFFICE SUPPLIES 1;27o96 $27*96 PARADISE TOURS INC BALANCE DUE S8047 $8*47 PETTY CASH — FIRE DEPARTMENT TRAVEL9 SUPPLIES $19*25 $19*254. PETTY CASH — MANAGEMENT SERVICES TRAVEL9 SUPPLIES $6487 TRAVELt SUPPLIES $16,*00 TRAVEL9 SUPPLIES $29*30 TRAVEL9 SUPPLIES $23*27 TRAVEL9 SUPPLIES S25*90 TRAVEL9 SUPPLIES $6e7O ti TRAVEL9 SUPPLIES $77*79 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 3 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 4/07/82 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL VI P MANAGER'S OFFICE TRAVELS SUPPLIES $10000 TRAVELS SUPPLIES $20oOO %273.8��= 3 PETTY CASH — POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAVEL# SUPPLTES $76.15 4!`- TRAVEL, SUPPL TES X24. 13 10028= PEDERSEN HOUPT LEGAL SERVICES RENDERER Sl1500900 $1.5Q0C}0 V G PRINTERS INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES $58.50 $58 50 VON BRIESEN C REDMOND, SeCo PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDEREt? X553 50 $553.5i PAUL H. WATKINS TRAVEL EXPENSES $118x50 $118.50 XEROx CORPORATION XEROX CNG. FEBe I82 $303.00 $303*00 VILLAGF MANAGER'S OFFICETfITAL�=w-4,25.73 GENFRAL FUND $4 259*73 •tom •.+, t .,4 .•. r .t. d..•..•. +... 4 d..•..+. ■..: • .+....ti. .r..+..•.+..41_ .4 .•..4 J ..•..+ .■. ry .• .+..•.:•..■. +..•. ,y..+. t. e .4 e..*. ry. �... g:.•. ,.•..r., •. .4 1..•. A ■:.+..+. R. .•. DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES ..+ .4 :: 4 ..4 .+..+....4 .+..4 .■..t .4 • .4 +.... ...4 .4 +1..•..t. ,+..+..e .• ,. .. .t..■..+. �..+..� .■. •. ey..a..■. r•..*..:■..•..+..+.: ry. 'tr 'y. 4..t..•. y.:■..+...+..•. r■..,t..■. h..•. M :•. h. �. �. si. +. 14,. �..■ a..•e .+..•. .r. 4 .H J.:. • .J. 4 .4 .■.. .� .+...■. a..r. 'Y` .►. M M '•" 't"` i:.e. 4� .+..... +..+. d..t..s..t. ..e....b ti..+....r..+...:y..•..+..t. ;y`a .■..y ANCHOR HOSPITAL INS. APRIL' 82 $217.46 $217.46" CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE INSURANCE HOSPITAL INS. APRIL'82 $22,563.61 $229563.61 ARTHUR J GALLAGHER & CO PUBLIC OFFICIAL BONDS $1.227#00 $lv227.00 I.R.M. CORPORATION TYPEWRITER APRIL182 PAYMENT $162*77 $162 77 I.R CORPORATION PRINTFR•DISPLAY STNS.DI SKFT JAN.'82 $245.50 MARCH982 COMPUTER SERVICE PGMw $108.50 MARCH'82 DISPLAY STATTONS.DISKET SYS $245050 $599.50 IBM COPIER II APRIL*82 $884600 $88600 ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO* TELEPHONE SERVICE $61.87 $61.87 INTERGOVERNMENTAL RISK MGMT AGENCY MONTHLY BILLING JAN.'82 $866*08 $866 08 THF MUNROE/STEWART COMPANIES, INC. REFERENCE MATERIAL $47.00 $47 00 OFFICE FURNITURE CLEAR. HOUSE 2. DRAWER FILE $110.00 $110000 PETTY CASH — MANAGEMENT SERVICES TRAVEL* SUPPLIES 52.50 /'RAVEL t SUPPLIES $ 15.68,;_ TRAVEL, SUPPLIES $5*00 - TRAVEL9 SUPPLIES $4.30 $27.48"= VENDOR DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES PITNEY 8OWF'-,-) POLYTECHNIC DATA CORPORATION PRUCARF OF ILLINOIS RANDHURST ENGRAVING WORLD THE RELIABLE CORPORATION RELY ABLF OFFICE MACHINES SCHWAABt INC. DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES GENERAL FUND f....+ . f. j- J - le `.- -r .- -$-- lo!l VILLAGE CLERK'S OFFICE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 4/07/82 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION POSTAGE METER MACHINE THRU 8/15/82 COPY CONTROL MASTER HOSPITAL INS* APR TLO82 NAME PLATE & HOLDER OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES PAPER ROLLS DURA DATER STAMP $2bv501923 INVOICE AMOUNT %89e50 $13900 $21746 $11000 $43.20 $9150 $37.80 $31-00 PAGE 4 TOTAL $85*50 $13*00 $21.7 46 111600 $134w70 $37*80 $31*UO S26v501923 A B DICK COMPANY GLAZE REMOVER $14*85 NORTHWEST STATIONERS INC. MACHINE REPAIR PARTS OFFICE SUPPLIES $70 49 $85*34 THE RELIABLE CORPORATinN OFFICE SUPPLIES $18*35 $18935 $138*02 %.I XEROX rORPORkTTON OFFICE SUPPLIES FEB '82 COPIER CHG. $42*15 180.17 X647.29 S647.29 VILLAGE CLERK'S OFFICE "'-TOTAL*-'*- $931*15 GENERAL FUND $931e15 ..k. .-. 'o. +4 J- .4. A. *w A, �'. A, .4. J. #- -t. 4, -A. .0. --� $� .0. &, -.4. --. &, -A. ws� *. qk. -4- '-, -4- .A. A. '.4. -� m" 4� .06. �-� �1- s. �-- .*. te4. A, -6. -'1- J. 'A. �4. -0. �q. .4. .4. J. .4- -%. ..' '%. .-- -I- .-. .4. .-. J, <t...4 -4 It, IN, 1., 19% -*1 "a, 'I' -%. '01 14, 't' ft. '1� N, 'f' I%- 'I' "W' 'I' 'o- 't' -%I le -i% 'V' '0' • POLICE DEPARTMENT ADDISON BUILDING MATERTAL CO* BUILDING SUPPLIES 57*72 $7972 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 5 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 4/07/82 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTTUN INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL E DEPARTMENT AMtRTCAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION—MELVYN SNOW CONFERENCE REGe BOTH $110000 ARLINGTON AMC/JEEP RENAULT9 INC* HANDLE $2F3.84 ARLINGTON HTS CAMERA FILM PROCESSING $14996 $14996 MELVYN BOTH TRAINING EXPENSFS $190000 $190000 BOWMAN DISTRIBUTION CENTER REPAIR PARTS $673o90 $673*90 COMMERCIAL EMBLEM CQ* POLICE EMBLEMS $62*50 $62*50 THE CONSTABLE EQUIPMENT Cow SQUAD LIGHTS $29*68 CURTIS 1000 TNCORPORATFD SQUAD LIGHTS INTER—DEPT, ENVELOPES $349*00 $377e63 DOUGLAS TRUCK PARTS FUSEE HOLDERS, FLASHERS $40953 $36 7Q $40 53 $36e70 DRS* GARFINKLE—SPOFRL,LTD* EYE EXAM !948e00 $48,00 GREATER DISTRIBUTINGv TINIC-.0 DRY BITTER IFS 'S91 * 67 $91e67 HARPER COLLEGE DIESEL ENGeMAIN*GFSTCKI9CASTk09F-ISEN $60*00 $60000 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CDR LIFT—OFF TAPE9 TONLRt RIBFION $262e75 526,2*79 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES COR MARCH962 COPIER CHGe $16*71 $16o71 T*B*M* CORPORATION APRIL'82 CODIER CNG. $275.89 IBM GOP IER III MARCH' 82 PAYMENT $175* 69 $451*58 COPIER SERV ICF FOR APRIL' 82 $270* 00 JAN*192 COPIER CHG. $33e29 LDP TER IIT MARCH' 82 CHG. $235*00 MEMORY TYPEWRITER SERVICE 3/8-4/30 t71qi 56 $609*89 ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE Coo TELEPHONE SERVICE $139o74 TELFPHONE SERVICE $13*77 TELEPHONE SERVICE $55*22 TELEPHONE SERVICE $41*86 TELEPHONE SERVICE $9e13 $259e72 I ",)ITY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION REFERENCE MATFRIAL $38*25 $38*25 TH_ JOHN JAY PRESS EVIDENCE TECH. PROGRAM'MANUAL $3*20 $3 20 LATTOF MOTOR SALES LO v CAR REPAIR PARTS $40,008 $40*08 MINUTEMAN PRESS COURT FILE FOLDERS $41*80 *41e80 MOTOROLA9 INC* MOBILE RADIO 51087*00 $1,387 00 MOUNT PROSPECT WHOLESALE AUTO PARTS AUTO REPAIR PARTS $387*17 $397*17 MULTI—REGIONAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION MGMTe— NASTEK $127 00 $127*QO FDWARD NASTEK TRAVEL EXPENSE $67.52 $67952 NORTHWEST STATIONERS INC* OFFICE SUPPLIES $25e98 OFFICE SUPPLIES $ 2 3 * 10 $49s08 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 4/07/82 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION POLICE DEPARTMENT PETTY CASH MANAGEMENT SERVICES PETTY CASH POLICE DEPARTMENT PETTY CASH - PUBLIC WORKS ERIC E. PIES PROSPECT ANIMAL HOSPITAL INC PROSPECT AUTO BODY R ANUHUR ST ENGRAVING WORLD THE RELIABLE CORPORATION SAFETY KLEEN CORPORATInN GAIL THOMPSON TIRE CONNECTIONS INC. WASHINGTON RUBBER CO WESTERN ENGINE COMPANY WESTERN UNION XEROX CORPORATION 3M BUSINESS PRODUCTS SALES 9781 POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAVEL, SUPPLIES TRAVEL, SUPPLIES TRAVEL, SUPPLIES TRAVEL, SUPPLIES TRAVELl SUPPLIES TRAVEL, SUPPLIES TRAVEL, SUPPLIES TRAVEL, SUPPLIES RADIO REPAIRS RADIO REPAIRS RADIUS REPAIREU RADIOS REPAIRED RADIO REPAIRS STRAYS FOR JAN, 9 8 Z STRAYS FOR FES,*82 TOW SERVICE ENGRAVING OFFICF SuPPLIFS CLEAN & SERVICE PARTS CLEANr R INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES RENDERED ALIGNMENTS FILTERS MT 600 OVERHAUL CLASS-RORAYvEISEN 8.2L OVERHAUL-GASTR09GU!ENTHERtGESIC .I 8.2L PREVENTIVE MAINT.CASTRO,GESICKI TUNE UP & ANALYSIS CLASS-C.SCRIVEN 53 OVERHAUL CLASS-G.SCRIVFN FACILITIES CHG. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT. MARCH*82 CNG. FILM PROCESSING INVOICE AMOUNT S.75 $2074 $294 $11008 $4.89 $38.97 $6.3b x.50 $15.00 $335.00 $12000 $677.00 $144.50 $114.00 $373*00 $35*00 'I3.SD 5334.45 $47. 8l V 000 0 $32900 $24.88 $150900 $135.00 $30900 $60 o OO $75.00 $255.00 $9955 $34o58 ---.1.*.^ T 0 T A L .. ,.. e-- ry. -0 .0. 0 iMi TOTAL $.75'- S6698ti; $*501%- $19291.50 $487.00 �fy 4 S 1 3 * 5 y.f $334445 -47694 ft00000 $32.00 $24.38 $450* 0'0 $255.00 $99.55 X3458 589757.74 GENERAL FUND $7902.2.74 REVENUF SNARING FUND $19735.00 VILLAGE OF MOULT PROSPECT PAGE 7 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 4107/82 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL ry. q: a. ry. . ��..r..•. y. *. .*.. �! #a ?.:. M ... .4 4 �4 .4 .r 1. 4 •. # 1 #.. '..b •. A. #:.• d4 1 #. �4 .+ 4. 4.4 JL 4 dl..•. .4 .�. • A .4 #.'.:..4 t. A. #..4. #..4 ` 1 '` h` A f` •r •M` r` M M 'N •` �` '►" ry` '.i h` •.+ h• �` '►` 1` h` ti� M '�` ".� 'Y` M 'Y` •r M •r: "F` "�` Y 's" 'Y` h �^'rr ..�..+..,r .r '►" * '�..r 'yf` "t" 1" 4. "r. h. '4. 4' h'" ti..�. ry. 'M 'y` 'k t` M '4" M +` .r 1` �. M '*` 4. "M` M � •a` M h. ry. '�. ry..�. y. ti. ,.�_ +yam FIRE & EMERGENCY PROTECTION !SEPT. ABLE FIRE SAFETY EQUIP AMERICAN MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATIONS AMERICAN LAFRANCE R & B OVERHEAD DOOR BERKEY CAMERA SHOP BOCA INTERNATIONAL INC. BRUCO !BATTERY COO BUDGET 1 HOUR SIGN SHOP BURKE AUDIO VISUAL C AR -X 'MUFFLER SHOP CENTRAL TELEPHONE OF ILLINOIS FIRE SYSTEMS-LHEMETRON CORP* CHT AGO HOSPITAL SUPPLY CG jNWEALTH EDI SON W. S. DARLEY COMPANY R E. DAVIS CHEMICAL CORPORATION DAMN SALES EMERGENCY TRAINING ESSENTIAL SERVICES SALES9 INC. FOREST CITY JOHN GIBSON REPAIR PARTS FUR 9REATHING APPARATUS LENS MISC. PARTS FOR BREATHING APPARATUS TRAINING EXPENSES-HILLIGER,KOEPPEN SEAL KITS9 O -RINGS FIRE STATIONS DOUR OPERATDRS/RADIOS FILM PROCESSING FILM PROCESSING TOOLS FIRE PREVENTION APPLICATION PERMITS BATTERY MAGNETIC EMERGENCY SERVICE SIGNS PROJECTOR/CARAMATE PROJECTOR/CARAMATE MUFFLER & TAIL PIPE INSTALLED Ir'523 MUFFLER ASSY. ;r'508 MUFFLFRv PIPE. CLAMPS TELEPHONE SERVICE LATCH ASSY. FOR VEHICLE lf,546 MEDICAL SUPPLIES MEDICAL SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL SERVICE VALVE REPAIR KITS LABORATORY SERVICFS VEHICLE STATUS BOARD MASS CASUALTY PROGRAM 25 FT CHINE f HOLDER GATE VALVE TASK FORCE TIPS FRAME MATERIALS TRAINING SEMINAR EXPENSES 55221 $134921 524406 $430.48 $1 9 390 00 $19390s00 $96.33 $96.33 $3t750#00 $31750 00 $14.35 $11.72 $26 07 $22s00 $60e00 $82.00 $155.16 5155*16 $130.00 $130.00 $300.00 $232*50 $532 50 $85*65 $6060 $60.75 $207.00 $123.53 $123.53 $230.39 $23039 $421.97 $170000 $591.97 $1.90 $1090 $208959 12.08*59 $92.00 X92 00 $52*00 $52.00 $110000 $110000 $26.51 3,785.07 $19391a07 $2.20265 $13 36 $13.36 $53 63 $53.63 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 8 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE - 4/07/82 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL FIRE & EMERGENCY PROTECTION DEPT* We We GRAINGER INC. GEAR MOTOR X28 12 $28*12 JAMES HILLTGER TRAINING SEMINAR EXPENSES $63.63 $63*63 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES COR MARCH982 COPIER CHG. $220000 ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONF CO* MARCH982 COPIER CHG. TELEPHONE SERVICE $479*00 $699*00 TELEPHONE SERVICE $1540 54 569*62 TELEPHONE SERVICE $23 15 TELEPHONE SERVICE $19000 TNTN"L ASSOC. OF ARSON INVESTIGATOR TELEPHONE SERVICE MEMBERSHIP DUES—LONNIE JACKSON $100* 72 525*00 1367*03 INDUSTRIAL GAS & EOUIPMENT MGH/LOW PRESSURE CYLINDERS $7 00 $25*00 $7,600 KAR PRODUCTS INC. MISCe AUTO REPAIR PARTS $440*35 5440*35 THFREb-SA KILFOY DRAPES FOR FIRE STATION rL2 $517*00 S517s00 Re KORnECKT TRAINING SEMINAR EXPENSES'r $53e63 $53*63 KREST CUSTOM TAILORS9 INC* UNIFORM CLOTHING $?9953*55 UNIFORM CLOTHING S105*00 UNIFORM CLOTHING $390,44 LAMP AND LIGHTING STUDIO GLOVES W/LINERS LAMP SHADES. GLOBF $242 15 $31601o14 MARCONI ENGINEERING CO* PROGRAMMABLE TRANSCEIVER %72 00 $379*50 $72*00 $379*50 JIM MC CARTY FIRE FQUIPMFNT FOLDING STEPS 187*12 $87*12 MEANS SERVICE INC* CLEANING SERVICFS $393*51 $393 51 MOTOROLA COMYUNICATInNS C ELECTRONT ALERT MONITOR RFCFIVERS $39940 00 739940900 HEIGHTS AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY WIPER BLADES. ARMS $20*02 CYLINDER fjr'543 $17 10 AUTO SUPPLIES $23*99 WASHERS9 BULBS, FLASHERS $19*70 U—JOINT $11085 SWITCHES, OTLv GASKET $69*49 6ELTSv NOSE, BY—PASS $25*93 STARTER FOR VEHICLE 9543 $40*67 NELSON MARINE INC* CAR REPAIR PARTS JUMP SEAT COVER FOR ENGINE 517 $52 81 $165*00 $281 56 NOVAK C PARKER INC. VACUUM $165*00 OLYMPIA DODGE OF DES PLATNES9 INC* CLAMP $55*00 $55,00 PETTY CASH — FIRE DEPARTMENT TRAVELt SUPPLIES.41. $3e07 S53*07 $3a07 VENDOR F' EMERGENCY PROTECTION DEPT* PETTY CASH — MANAGEMENT SERVICES PIC COMMUNICATIONS. INC* POLYTECHNIC DATA CORPORATION POWER CROUP TRUST THF RELIABLE CORPORATION RICHARD'S LIGHTHOUSE SAFETY KLEEN CORPORATION SCHAUMqURG MATTRESS PACTnRY9 INC* SCHOLASTIC ATHLETIC SUPPLY INC* SEARS9 ROEBUCK AND COMPANY SONY INDUSTRIES DENNIS Re THTLL THOMPSON ELEVATOR INSPECTION SERV' V E G PRINTERS INC* VILLAGE OF ELK GROVE MONTGOMERY WARD FIRE EMERGENCY PROTECTION DEPT* GFNFRAL FUND VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 4/07/82 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION TRAVEL: SUPPLIES TRAVELi SUPPLIES TRAVEL, SUPPLIES TRAVEL* SUPPLIES TRAVEL9 SUPPLIES MARCH*82 RADIO MAINTENANCE COPY CONTROL MASTER BATTERY COMPUTER CLOCKS LAMPS L SHADES CLEANING SERVICE BOX SPRINGS PHYSICAL TRAINING MATFRTALS CLOTHING RECORDER REPATRF-D TRAINING SEMINAR EXPENSES ELEVATOR INSPECTIONS PLATES. SHEETS PLATES—TORNADO SAFETY PLATES—TORNADO SAFETY REPORTING PROGRAM SOFTWARE PACKAGE BLANKETS Sl8v189*24 REVENUE SHARING FUND INVOICE AMOUNT $2*50 $7o9U Sl Be 8 7 $7s20 $4e35 $141.00 $6e50 $575*15 S39*20 $90000 S37*75 $672*00 $733*79 $2.5 8 * 14 T,2 0 o 00 $53*63 $80000 $51e35 $28000 S10*70 $1 9500.00 $224* 85 -"* Trl T A L -*- PAGE 9 TOTAL $82934—,- $11 o 554- $141.00 5650 $575* 15 S39sZO $90000 $37 75 $672 '00 S733*79 $258*14 120*00 $53*63 590000 $90,05 $1*500400 $224o85 526.364.17 $89174*93 CENTRAL DISPATCH SERVICE NORTHWEST CENTRAL DISPATCH SYSTEM SERVICE FOR APRIL982 $179338*93 SERVICE FOR MARCH 982 $17,338 83 $34v677o664l' VENDOR CENTRAL DISPATCH SERVICE GENERAL FUND HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION WY4AN Co CAREY THE HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL HEALTH PADDOCK PU5LTCATTONS PETTY CASH - MANAGEMENT SERVICFS PDR SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS XEROX CORPORATION HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 4/07/82 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION $34*677*66 INVOICE AMOUNT T 0 T A L WF-.Tdlmmwo $34v677966 ANNUAL MEMBERSHTP-PAT LUEHRTNG2 $50*00 s,5 o. Qty HEART PINS FOR BLOOD PGM* $176*00 $176*00 1 YFAR SU9SCkTPTION $12*00 $12*00 SUBSCRIPTTON 524*05 $24m05 TRAVEL? SUPPLTES t19.00 TRAVEL SUPPLIES $1,00 TRAVEL. SUPPLIES $62 81 TRAVELt SUPPLIES $23975 TRAVEL9 SUPPLIES $75*99 5132* 55h - DESK REFLE-RENCE $17 95 $17*95 F*D*Ao CONSUMER S5*00 $5*00 DEVELOPER 541*28 $41*28 T n T A L.4. $50b*83 $508*83 .+r .4 #. I.. A. .-..+..•... . ." -00 %. .4. Qo. .- .. .6. * -0, -*# .16 -*. -*� '4. .0. .1, '#' .1. -4, �*. .6. %. '.. �4. -.. .'. .. .�. �4. -'+ * �. �#' 'A. '.. 4. .1k. �%. #' A. .6� p.* .4. r..+4 * 4. * Ar J. 0, .0, J. .4. A. F. 0. 0. .11 .4a ft. ft * s. p. #- -#. �#' 't. -.. A. 4, 4. # .- -.- -.- -e- -.- -i- -.- -t- -w- -e- -v- V -e- -e -.v- -w- 110, "a, N, 1%, --fl IV, -y' It, -e •lil -V�- -'.. -t- -6- 1- .41 1*1 "e '4- -'o. -il -y� -4- low ne. -il '-w- -k- N* lil -il '�� It, ft, SENIOR CTTIZFN*S DIVISION 9ADE PAPER PRODUCTS INC CUPS9 STIR STICKS S68 43 $68*43 DIRKS TRANSPORTATION CIMPANY SENIOR CITIZEN CAr3 RIDES $378. DC SENIOR CITIZEN CAB RIDES $378*00 VFNDOR S R CITIZEN'S DIVISION ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COv SCHWEPPE L SONS SENIOR CITIZEN'S DIVISION m -*, .,- .-. ".*, -4, .4. �-� .6, -, It, 1-1 1- 1., -.. -.- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMFNT DEPARTMENT VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 4/07/82 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION SENIOR CITIZEN CAB RIDES TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SFRV.ICE COFFEE allmsullimm PAGE 11 INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL $365 85 $19121s85 %15*91 $133*65 $149 56 $150*36 1150*36 .......TOTAL..... ,4ll.iftlil,.,. $19490*20 APA PLANNERS BOOKSTORE REFERENCE BOOK $21080 1;21*80 9 & H INDUSTRIES SEPIAS $14900 $14 00 9ERKFY CAMERA SHOP FILM PROCESSING $14a04 ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETTRFMIFNT FUND FILM PROCESSING IMRF PAYMFNT FOR MARCH182 $6975 $319*06 $20*79 KATHERINE KLEIN WEATHERTZATTON PGM# REIMBURSEmENT $88*20 $319*08--44-- $88020 NORTHWEST OPPORTUNITY CENTER INC O FEB '82 SUPPORTIVE SERVICES $625*00 $625*00 PADDOCK PU-RLTCATTONS COMMUNITY DEV. LEGAL PAGE PUB* $34 20 $34 PETTY CASH — MANAGEMENT SERVICES TRAVELS SUPPLIES.4. $48e87 *20 $ M 'IN SCHOENBECK TRAVEL9 SUPPLTES WEATHFRTZATION PGM. REIMBURSEMENT - $7 85 $955*00 -$56972,-4*e-! $955*00 T'. JR9AN LAND INSTITUTE REFERENCE HANDBOOK $27o50 $27o50 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT "'p -TOTAL -A $2TI62o29 GENERAL FUND $56,905 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GT $29106*24 VENDOR STREET DEPARTMENT ADDISON BUILDING MATERIAL CO. ALLIED ASPHALT PAVING ANDERSON LOCK COMPANY ARLINGTON AUTO PARTS B C 9 OVERHEAD DOOR 3 E H INDUSTRIES BERNARDI CARTAGE# TNCs BETTER ROADS MAGAZINE MELVYN BOTH BOWMAN DISTRIBUTION CENTER BRUCF MUNICIPAL FQUIPMENT Re I* �USSE RW INDUSTRIES tINC & CARDA PROD'S INC. CHEM RITE PRODUCTS COMPANY COLFAX WELDING FABRICATING COLORAMIC TILE COURTESY HOME CENTER CITIZENS UTILITIES COO OF ILLINOIS DECKER SUPPLY CO., INC, DOUGLAS TRUCK PARTS BARRY EISEN ENGINES FLOLD ELFCTRTC COMPANY SANDY FORGACS FOSCO FABRICATORS INC* WALLACE Eo GES.ICKI VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 4/07/82 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION BUILDING SUPPLIES BUILDING SUPPLIES PAVERTTF LOCKS DOOR - CLOSER SUCTinti HOSF FIRE STATIONS DOOR OPERATORS/RADIOS OVERHEAD DOOR REPAIR FIXATIVE CHARGES FOR HAULING SNOW BETTER ROADS SEMINAR—MoROTH SAFETY SHOE ALLOWANCE TPATNTNG EXPENSES REPAIR PARTS TRANSMISSTON9 PARTS. LABOR HAUL SNOW CNG* HYD. PUMP HYD* FITTINGS HYD o PUMPSt FILTERS STEEL DIES CLEANING SUPPLIES CLEANING SUPPLIES MOP HEADS WELDMENTS COUNTER TOP bUILDTNG- SUPPLIES UTILITIES SERVICE SIGN POSTS HOLDERS TOOL REIM9URSEMENT GASKETS FURNACE OVERLOAD FURNACE HEATER ELEMENT TRAINING EXPENSES STEEL BANDING L CLIPS TOOL REIMBURSEMENT INVOICE AMOUNT 513.44 $41 09 $51*20 103. X30 $12*40 $135#00 $44*00 134.00 $4*40 $1 •356x00 $55 00 $24* 33 $155*00 $673*89 $708.22 t151 *66 $132*24 5113* 50 $493.69 S 1 9 2 9 6 * 0 0 $16*44 S194*95 $40*67 $9*87 $44900 $33. 12 $48*05 $960* 00 $5*90 $180000 tloolo $13.51 $7937 $130oOO $5547 $77*81 PAGE 12 TOTAL S54*53 $51*20 $116020 $135*00 $7800 54.40 $lv356eOO $55*00 5179.33 S673*89 %708w2? $151*66 S739*43 S I v 296 * 00 $252*06 $9087 $44*0' $33*1 $46*05 $960oOO $5090 $180000 $10010 $20*88 $1300-00 555.47 $77 8l VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE- 13 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 4/07/82 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL S-- "�-;T DEPARTMENT We We GRAINGER INC* PULLEY $37944 HEAT GUN 557o30 $94*74 GREATER DISTRIBUTIN69 TNCo DRY BATTERIES $48e29 348.29 JAMES Ea GUENTHER TOOL RETMRURSFMENT $63e4U $63*40 HARPER COLLEGE CLASS–MURPHY90ARLINGiGRANDT,STARK $32.*00 CLASS–DOOLITTLEtNEURURERgVALENTINE 580*00 $112.0{ HERSCHRERGER TRUCK L EQUIPMENT CO. FILTERS $27*04 $27*04 TLLINOTS FWD TRU',-,K & EDUIPMENT Co HINGE ASSYovPLOW BLADES 3529o18 REPLACEMENT PARTS $19148*51 %19677e69 LATTOF MOTOR SALES CO* CAR REPAIR PARTS $29*69 CAR RFPAIR PARTS $7*42 333o11 LEWIS INTERNATIONAL INC. MACHINE REPAIR CHARGE $41*34 341984 J.G. LICHT PAINT SUPPLIES $70*05 PAINT SUPPLIES $14*75 $94*80 MCMASTER–CARR SUPPLY Cpm DRIFT PINS X68.27 $68,927 BEN MEADOWS CO. ROPE $124*05 $124*05 METROCOM SERVICE DEPOT RADIO REPAIRED $80954 MICROPHONE $156*55 $237909 MOUNT PROSPECT WHOLESALE AUTO PARTS AUTO REPAIR PARTS $1050 AUTO REPAIR PARTS $210*17 AUTO REPAIR PARTS $28*59 $240*26 MOUNT PROSPECT CAR WASH CAR WASHES $7*50 CAR WASHES $7950 $15,00 MOUNT PROSPECT'STATE 6ANK STORAGE UNIT APRIL#82 RENTAL $262*50 $262*50 ROMAN MRYCZKO SNOW REMOVAL $650*00 $65OoOO QTS AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY HOSE $9*85 $9e85 N ANAL SAFETY COUNCIL INSTRUCTOR CHAPTER $8060 DOL INSTRUCTOR CHAPTER $8*60 $17,20 NEENAH FOUNDRY COMPANY TREE GRATES $2,177 65 $29177*65 NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS CQ. GAS SERVICE $845*03 GAS SERVICE $34063 GAS SERVICE S337e75 $19217*41 NORTHSIDE INTERNATIONAL LONTROLS9 LINK -I�E-EC .$98015 $96015 LY— RD $351*12 ELECTRICAL PARTS $208a16 ELECTRICAL PARTS 3467 VENDOR STREET DEPARTMENT OFFICE FURNITURE CLEAR* HOUSE OLYMPIA nODGE OF DF -S PLAINFSv INC& PATTEN INDUSTRIES INC* PETTY CASH — FIRE DEPARTMENT PETTY CASH — MANAGEMENT SERVICES PETTY CASH — PUBLIC WORKS DERMA—LINE C0RPo9F AMERICA OERMALAWN INC RIKER DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, INC* ROUTE 12 RENTAL SAFETY KLEEN CORPORATION SEARS, ROEBUCK AND COMPANY STANDARD PIPE & SUPPLY INC* TERRACE SUPPLY COMPANY TIRE CONNECTIONS 14C* VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 14 ACC-OUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 4/07/82 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL ELECTRICAL PARTS $65*36 ELECTRICAL PARTS $37im, 17 ELECTRICAL PARTS $13*65 ELECTRICAL PARTS $49.69 LIGHT BULBS $15*72 $745*54 STORAGE CABINET $125 00 RUBBER CASTERS 515000 %140900 LENS $19.18 $19018 4506—ADJUSTMENTS, REPLACEMENT PARTS $606*48 TRAVELS SUPPLIES $8*00 TRAVEL9 SUPPLIES $11*00 TRAVELi SUPPLIES $1*48 TRAVELt SUPPLIES $70 OO $82 48' TRAVEL* SUPPLIES $36957 TRAVEL* SUPPLIE:S $24*00 TRAVEL, SUPPLIES $1690 TRAVEL, SUPPLIES $16986 TRAVEL9 SUPPLIES $15*38 TRAVEL, SUPPLIES $19 71 TRAVEL SUPPLIES $4eOO PAVEMENT STRIPPING $39344*88 $3v344*88 CHATNSAWS REPAIRED $151,75 TOOLS $176097 $32.8872 FITTINGS $18000 $18*00 TOOL RENTAL CHG* $22*50 CLEAN & SERVICE PARTS CLEANER $47*83 CLEAN & SERVICE PARTS CLEANER S47*83 $95s6t,., MTSCs TOOLS $575035 $575.35 PLUMBING SUPPLIES $17.79 PLUMBING SUPPLIES $17*79 PLUMBING SUPPLIES $17*80 PLUGS $8* 2.6 PLUMBING SUPPLIES $120*08 $181*72 OXYGENS ACETYLENE CYLINDER $57.23 $57*23 TIRE REPAIR* TUBE $37*00 TIRE REPAIR %10s50 $47e50 VENDOR 7T DEPARTMENT TRT STATE ELECTRONIC CORPORATION MICHAEL WAGNER & SONSt INC* WASHINGTON RUBBER CO. WATER ENGINEFRING E MGMT WEST SIDE TRACTOR SALES R.K. WTLKIN JR* R.K. WILKIN SRO HENRY WOJTANFK XEROX CORPORATION STREET DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUND MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND R AND Si -WER DEPARTMENT VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 15 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 4/07/82 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL BATTERIFS9 BULBS $13 71 $13s71 FAUCET ASSY. $12*19 $12019 DISTRIBUTOR REBUILT $27e85 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION BACK LIP ALARMS $462*50 517*24 REGULATORS $72e80 $481-000 FILTERS $24e88 $588 03 3 YEAR SUFSCRTPTION $38*00 S38sQ0 REPAIR PARTS $285e59 REPAIR PARTS $172e36 $11e52 wFIGHTS $25 3.22 HEARING BUSHING9 STRAPS ROLLER $31*21 $742*38 PARKWAY TREE REPLACEMENT $54*75 $54 75 PARKWAY TREE REPLACEMENT $109*50 $109*50 SAFETY SHOE ALLOWANCE $,50*00 $9uOo0 COPY MACHINE RENTAL FEB*092 $80*00 $80000 T 0 T A L $22980bo6g $179284*15 REVENUF SHARING FUND $?077965 53.344988 ADDISON BUILDING MATERIAL CO. BUILDING SUPPLIES $68*13 $68*13 AMOCO OIL COMPANY GASOLINE $13*76 S13*76 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION P*W*WEEK POSTERS $17e24 517*24 GLEN R. ANDLFR SEMI NAR,,EXPFNSE $481-000 548 00 ASSOCIATED TECHNICAL SERVICES LTDo, LEAK DETECTION SERVICES S19500o00 $1v500 00 BERKEY CAMERA SHOP FILM PROCESSING $34 86 FILM PROCESSING $11e52 $46*38 9ERRY BEARING CO HEARING $926*00 $926000 9W INDUSTRIESONCO HYD* PUMP $132*25 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT JOSE GASTRO CENTER VIDEO CENTER CLIMBING SALES COMPANY COLFAX WELDING FABRICATING CUNNFCTICUT GENERAL LIFE INSURANCE FARNTES TIRE REPAIR EVERHOT9 MANUFACTURING CO. SANDY FORGACS ri&O THERMAL SUPPLY CO. We We GRAINGER INC- C,REATER DISTRI9UTI;Gg INC* HERSCH9ERGFR TRUCK ► EQUTPMENT CO. NYRE ELECTRIC CO. loBo4o CORPORATION ILLINOIS bFLL TELEPHnNF COO ILLINOIS FWD TRUCK & EQUIPMENT CO ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND INTERGOVERNMENTAL RISK MGMT AGENCY LEE JENSEN SALES COO vINL* LAYNE—WESTERN COMPANY, INC* DONALD LEHNERT LEWIS INTERNATIONAL INC* JC o LICHT METROCOM SERVICE mEYER MATERIAL CO. VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 4/07/82 PURCHASE DESCRIPTION HYD. PUMPS9 FILTERS TOOL REIMBURSEMENT REPAIR OF VIDEO EQUIPMENT SERVICE ON ADAPTER FOR TRUCK EXT* PLANKI STEPLADDER WELDMENTS HOSPITAL INS. APRTL982 TIRE MOUNTS9 CHLORIDEv VALVE PROPANE BRANDER TRAINING EXPENSES THERM9STATS9 COUPLINGS THERM CABLE DRY 3ATTERIES FILTERS ELECTRIC CONTROLLER. OVERLOAD ASSY* PRINTFRiDTSPLAY STNS*DISKFT JAN*982 MARCH982 COMPUTER SERVICE PGM. MARCH982 DISPLAY STATTONStDTSKET SYS TFLEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE HINGE ASSY*vPLOW BLADES IMRF PAYMENT FOR MARCH#82 MONTHLY BILLING JAN* 182 CHAINS, SLING9 SLING HOOKS CHAINS, SLING9 SLING HOOKS 'WORK nN WELL ljft17 SAFETY SHOE ALLOWANCE PINS PAINT SUPPLIES DEPOT RADIO REPAIRED SANG* LIMESTONE INVOICE AMOUNT $493o69 $180000 $75*00 $105a00 $16109 59.87 $?t859*?9 $136* 31 $86*95 $200*00 $175*97 $98.05 $63*20 $27*04 $64*00 $245*50 $108*50 $245* 50 $13*62 $*97 S13*77 X6426. 22 S13*62 $13*62 $6*99 $700* Q0 $4077901 $65*,00 Sl1284*10 $250*43 $43,066o 50 $50000 5109 16 $267951 $8 0 s54 $33924 PAGE 16 TOTAL ME= $190000 $161*09 $9e87 $29859929- t136*31 $196095 $200000 5175.97 $98*05 $63*20 $27*04 564.00 S5 99 * 50 $488.8" $7Ott. C $49377*01, $65*00 $19534*53 $43*066*50 $50900 $109*16 $267e5l $80954 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 17 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 4/07/82 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTIDN INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL ,-rpR AND SEWER DEPARTMENT MIDWEST RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT SERV MACHINE LIMESTONE MACHINE REPAIR $866*56 $1v205*80 PISHER—CALD CHEMICALS SOLVENTS CO LIQUID CHLORINE $91*50 $ 91-950 MOTOROLA COMMUNICATIONS ELECTRONI MOBILE RADIO $875900 $675*00 MOUNT PROSPECT WHOLESALE AUTO PARTS AUTO REPAIR PARTS $19880000 $19830000 $8*30 NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS CO. AUTO REPAIR PARTS GAS SERVICE $117s69 S125o99 11 .?9 GAS SERVICE $197olO GAS SERVICE $127e2Z GAS SERVICE $630e43 GAS SERVICE $199*70 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUPPLY GAS SERVICE ELECTRICAL PARTS $67*40 S1v341*64 $43e33 NORTHWFST STATIONERS 14C* ELECTRICAL PARTS OFFICE SUPPLIES $23o33 $66*66 $29*56 OFFICE SUPPLIES S4e78 PAGEL SAFETY PRODUCTS INC. POSTER BOARDS STORAGE CABINETS, STEPLADDERS X2.88$2*88 $37o22 STORAGE CABINETS, STEPLADDERS $220*00 $168* 14 STORAGE CASTNFTS9 STEPLADDERS $104.80 STORAGE CA31NFTS9 STEPLADDERS 5295. 00 STORAGE CABINETS, STEPLADDERS $504*80 PATTFN INDUSTRIES INC. STORAGE CABINETS, STEPLADDERS 2732—IN.SPECTIONSv"ATI�TENANCEtPAINTED $180400 $1t472*74 PETTY CASH — MANAU'-EMFNT SERVICES TRAVELi SUPPLIES $595 00 $595.00 7-11 Y CASH --PUBLIC WORKS TRAVEL9 SUPPLIES $33900 $ 3 3 0 0 4", TRAVEL, SUPPLIES S1*65 $20,00 TRAVEL, SUPPLIES $4*97 TRAVEL SUPPLIES $53987 TRAVEL9 SUPPLIES $978 POSTMASTER MT PROSPECT TRAVEL9 SUPPLIES POSTAGE DUE ACCOUNT $161e494' $29000$80*22 *00 POSTAGE FOR METER READING CARnS $349.34 THE RELIABLE CORPORATION POSTAGE PERMIT FOR WATER BILLS OFFICE SUPPLIES S404e19 $2,v753*53* $30 23 OFFICE SUPPLIES 540e30 $71*03 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 18 ACCOUNTS PARABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 4/07/82 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT JAMES RORAY TOOL REIM9URSEMENT $180.00 1180.00 SEVENTEEN SPECIALTIES TNCa PENS $68.32 $68.32 JOHN SEXTON SAND GRAVEL SAND* GRAVEL $244*30 5244*30 SNAP—ON TOOLS CORPORATION WRENCH SET $82 61 582.61 TERRACE SUPPLY COMPANY TORCH REPAIR $31.50 CLIFFORD THIELITZ BRAZING SAFETY SHOE ALLOWANCE $35010 X50*00 $66964 s50.0fl WARNING LITES OF ILLINOIS REPLACEMENT PARTS $284w50 SZ84.50 WASHINGTON RUBBER COa DISTRIBUTOR REBUILT $27a96 WATER PRODUCTS COMPANY BACK UP ALARMS HYDRANT• VALVE, VALVE BOX $462o 50 $1 94QQ.QQ $440.36 XEROX CORPORATION HYDRANT. VALUE! VALVE BOX COPY MACHINE RENTAL FEB, 982 $118000 S 1 f 518.04 ZIEBELL WATER SERVICE PRODUGTS9 INC WEDGE VALVES $80.00 $19572.00 $80000 CLAMPS $25927 S1t33027 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT ='..._.-TfITAL-'.-._ $74f43I.34 WATERWORKS E SEWERAGE OEM $279274.74 WATERWORKS SEWERAGE --D I L E t479156o6U ...f..h +..+. .. , - .l... , .0..9..6 A #. *. J .r. t. A.S.. .+. A. .. A : A .+. J..t d. 1. -A. . -A, A. .y. h` y+r .tw .r. . M h• ti 't . '+ �t:.t. M .tw .y..y. h` '+' •f� •+ . h..t..y- y. y. 4� .tw y: h. w- h PARKING SYSTEM DIVISION -y wt. w1. w+ t. 4 -M -t. -.. -b .r. w+r A R. .r. . .r.:!..r. •t. i w .y.:�: Jy:.-;� .t..r..t. ti .t.r h" .t. "r• •t"r• •P et- i- • h :;..y ' �..r- tet- :�..t. +:.+. "+` ti L .+4 -t..+a .t. 1. 4 .a..r. •t- •r• .r..r..iw h .t r 'y '+ .t 4 'Y e CA'DE INDUSTRIES GLEANING SUPPLIES $364.50 %364.50 W. W. GRAINGER INC. DUCT FAN $25*89 $25.89 HEIGHTS GLASS AND MIRROR CCI. REGLAZED GLASS AT R/R DEPOT $52.00 $52 00 ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND IMRF PAYMENT FOR MARCH 82 $68926 $68.264 - JC. LICHT PAINT SUPPLIES X5.11 $5011 NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS CO. GAS SERVICE $195.97 $195.97 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUPPLY ELECTRICAL PARTS $3.78 $3+78 STANDARD -PIPE SUPPLY INC. VALVE_♦ TIMER ASSY. $133050 PINES $14049 $147.99 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PAGE 19 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 4/07/82 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL PA. .LNG SYSTEM DIVISION PARKING SYSTEM REVENUE FUND $863*50 T 0 T A L $863 50 -I. ... :-, .4. �*- J. .. �4. .6, A� o� A. hz .. . 0- — .y.ryF it, , w. J. :, -f FNGINEFRING DIVISION R E H INDUSTRIES PAPER Pnp BLUEPRINT 'MACHINE $1,+1. a5 LETRASET, OVERLAY $37*70 DRAFTING SUPPLIES $41*48 ENG. SUPPLIES CUMMONWEALTH EDISON MUNICIPAL STREET LIGHTING $69358o85 #So CURVE STREET LIGHTING $208947 TRAFFIC LIGHTING FOR FEB* 082 PNG/SURVP-YORS SERVICE LFVEL ROD I- '%-1) & V CONSTRUCTION CO* SIDEWALK REPLACFMPNT STATE TREASURER9 IL DEPT. TRANSP9kT MAINT9TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNALS NICJRTHWFST STATIONERS INC* OFFICE SUPPLIES $4*08 OFFICE SUPPLIES PADDICK PUBLICATIONS SUBSCRIPTION PETTY CASH — MANAGEMENT SERVICES TRAVELt SUPPLIES $28.31 TRAVEL* SUPPLIES DT' FR ELECTRIC CO REPAIR STREET LIGHT $113*17 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE P(i-.-,,TECHNIC DATA LORPORATION COPY CONTROL MASTER THE RELIABLE CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIFS V & G PRINTERS INLs BUSINESS CARDS ENGINEERING DIVISION $22.95 GENERAL FUND $79027*45 REVENUF SHARING FUND $1,+1. a5 $37*70 $41*48 $31.80 $252*93 $69358o85 $208947 $29860*02 $99427*34 $104*50 $104,.50 $451*86 $491986 $788 4O $798*40 $4*08 $35e54 $39-e62 $24e05 S24905 $28.31 $11.13 $39*44" $113*17 $69480*52 %69593 64 $6.50 $6.5O SlOw30 $10930 $22*95 $22.95 "T 1) T A L $177 7 6 1.58 $605*19 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PRO, -SPECT PAGE 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 'APPROVAL REPORT PAYMENT DATE 4/07/82 VENDOR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND $10v128*94 A. .14..4 P. A. .0. .0 -0. .0, A. A. * A, -. 0, .*. .0. .4, t. -A, -A. -0. -*� 4, .16 1..i..4 ow 0, p. 'A' .06 ',. 0, %6.... "I. J- v— .0t. A. .0t. -,o- V -.- V -e -,- ft: NZ V ft- -.- I%- It, 14, -r 11.1 Ir ft- * I#, %, IV- IV, It, I.,- -w. -.- ft. -e %-h. ni. �4- le COMMUNITY AND CIVIC SERVICES NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUPPLY ELECTRICAL PARTS S44*16 $44*16 COMMUNITY AND CIVIC SERVICES TOTAL, $44* 16, GENERAL FUND $44416 TRUST AND DEBTS ILLINOIS ,MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND IMRF PAYMENT FOR MARCH182 5179069o16 $17v069#16* TRUST AND DEBTS T 0 T AL. $17v069*16 ILL. MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND $17v069*16 ALL DEPARTMENTS TOTAL -$49FI v 521 *0, WHEREAS, medical progress now being made against cancer already has helped to restore many of the citizens of Mount Prospect to soundness and health; and WHEREAS, the citizens of the Village of Mount Prospect are becoming increasingly aware of the ways in which they can minimize the threat of cancer to themselves; and WHEREAS, in spite of these advances much yet remains to be done in the areas of research, public and progressional education, service to cancer patients, and patient rehabilitation,- and WHEREAS, during the month of April, which is observed by Act of Congress and Presidential Proclamation as CANCER CONTROL MONTH, public attention is focused on the cancer problem in every state of the Union; and WHEREAS, it is during CANCER CONTROL MONTH that the American Cancer Society conducts its annual educational and fund raising Cancer Crusade; and WHEREAS, this lifesaving effort of the society is joined each year by thousands of volunteers from the State of Illinois. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Carolyn H. Krause, Mayor of the Village of Mount Prospect, do hereby proclaim the month of Apr1982, as CANCER CONTROL MONTH in the Village of Mount Prospect, and in so doing, urge all citizens to heed cancer's early warning signs and respond generously to the American Cancer Society's Cancer Crusade appeal. Carolyn H. Krause Mayor Dated this 6th day of April, 1982. 3/30/ RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE PROPROSAL FOR EXPANSION AND MODERNIZATION OF HOLY FAMILY HOSPITAL WHEREAS, the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect recognize that Holy Family Hospital is an extremely important facility serving our residents; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect are aware of the current demands for additional space, considering the 99.7% average occupancy rate for 1981; and WHEREAS, the Village of Mount Prospect understands that the number of elderly residents needing health care services continues to grow each year; and WHEREAS, the increase in the number of elderly living within the area served by Holy Family Hospital, which area includes residents of the Village of Mount Prospect, has made a significant impact on hospital utilization; and WHEREAS, the addition of a Holy Family Home Care Program, Ambulatory Surgery Program and Day Care Program are important elements to the success of this proposal; and WHEREAS, accommodations for patients at Holy Family Hospital need to be improved. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: The Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect wholeheartedly support the Holy Family Hospital proposal for expansion and modernization. SECTIONTWO: The Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect urge the State of Illinois to approve the application which has been filed by Holy Family Hospital with the State of Illinois. SECTION THREE: That a certified copy of this Resolution be forwarded to Holy Family Hospital as a form of support for the application presently before the State of Illinois. SECTION FOUR: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval in the manner provided by law. AYES: NAYS: •ff 9W PASSED and APPROVED this day of It 1982. ATTEST: Mayor Village Clerk RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF PARTICIPATION IN THE HOME TOWN AWARDS PROGRAM WHEREAS, it is the goal of every municipal official in Illinois to strive to improve the quality of life in his or her community; and WHEREAS, the residents of the Village of Mount Prospect take pride in being counted among the industrious and innovative citizenry in Illinois; and WHEREAS, community needs and problems can best be determined and solved through a co-operative effort between elected officials and those citizens they represent; and WHEREAS, the purposes and plans of Illinois, Inc. are designed to identify and harness the efforts of Illinois' individual citizens, qovernments, businesses, labor organizations, and other organized groups in promoting the economic and social well being of all Illinois' residents; and WHEREAS, Illinois, Inc. through the Home Town Awards Program provides an opportunity for the Village of Mount Prospect to provide a means to recognize community improvement efforts in our community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES *F THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: That the Village of Mount Prospect does hereby go on record to support the concept of Illinois, Inc. which is designed to promote the benefits of living, working, and visiting our community for formally entering into the Home Town Awards Program for fiscal year 1982. SECTION TWO: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval in the manner provided by law. AYES .- 09W&F PASSED and APPROVED this day of —, 1982. ATTEST: Mayor village Clerk ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 13 OF THE VILLAGE CODE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: That subsection A of Section 13.107 of Chapter 13 of the Village Code of Mount Prospect be, and the same is hereby further amended by deleting one (1) Class "R" liquor license and by re-classifying specified liquor license holders and placing them under the appropriate classification; so that hereafter said subsection A of Section 13.107 shall be and read as follows: Sec. 13-107. Number of Licenses. A. There shall be issued in the Village no more than: Five (5) Class A Licenses Three ( 3 ) Class B Licenses Nine (9) Class C Licenses Two (2) Class D Licenses One (1) Class E License One (l' Class G License Two (2) Class L Licenses One (1) Class M License One (1) Class P License Eleven (11) Class R Licenses Eighteen (18) Class S Licenses One (1) Class V License Four ( 4 ) Class W Licenses SECTION TWO: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. AYES NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED and APPROVED this day of r 1982. . ......... .. . ATTEST: Village President Village Clerk 4/82 Current Liquor License Holders.: A Butch McGuiresf Ken's Den, Midwest Liquors, Mrs P & Me, Wille' s Liquors 5 B Pizza Hut, Stagger Lea's, Ye Olde Town Inn 3 C Alvee Liquors, Balzamo Liquors, Donlinicks, Golf Eagle Liquors, Liquor Shoppe,� Osco, Mount "Prospect Liquors , Walgreens (P�l,aza), walgreens (Golf & E`lmhurst Roads) 9 D Moose Lodge #660, VFW 2 E Mr. Peters 1 G Mount Prospect Park District (Golf Course) I L Captains Steak Joyntr Kallen's Restaurant M Holiday Inn (Raffles) P Arlington Beverage R Artemis, Fellini's, Honey Bee, 3030st Patisserie, Pepe's Tacos, Romance Restaurant, Sakura, Sue Meer Sunrise Pancake House, Tori shin. , Yasuke 11 S Carsons Meat N Place, Charlie club, Dover Inn, El Somberor Evans, Four Seasons, fakes Pizza, Kampai Steak House, Monterey Whaling Village, Old Orchard Country Club, Red Lobster, Sam's Place, Scotland Yard, Second Dynasty, Striking Lane, Shogun, Thunderbird Bowling Alley, The Reunion 18 V Kyotoya Corp. 1 W Grandpa's Pizzeria, Godfather, Wag's Restaurant, Wa Pa.Ghetti's Pizzeria 4 Total 59 NORTHWEST MUNICIPAL CONFERENCE 100 S EMERS ON STREET MOUNT PROS'ECT, ILLINOIS 60056 (312) 253-6323 r V,E%1BER COM OUNITIS S Arhinglon I-leigis Fla rringil,on Buffalo Grove Des Plaines Elk Grove Villade Evanston Glencoe Glenview Hanover Park Hoffman Estate, Mount Prospecl Niles Northbrook Northfield Palatine Park Ridge Prospect Heigh s Rolling Meadoo s Schaumburg Streamwood Wheeling Wilmette Winnetka Elk Grove Twp. Hanover Twp New Trier Twp Northfield Twp Palatine Twp Schaumburg TA p Wheeling Twp OFFICERS President Richard E, Wo Prospect Hei9t, Vice-Presiden Florence H, Bac Glencoe Sep rotary- TreaSt John H. Eckenri: Northfield Executive D,wec William G Grar A REGIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ILLINOIS MUNICIPALITIES AND TOWNSHIPS REPRESENTING A POPULATICN OF OVER 750.000 FOUNDED IN 1958 TO: Conference Finance Comm * t7t 7iee FROM: William G, G ams, Executive Director SUBJECT: FY 1982-83 Budget DATE: March 3 198.I, Although the Committee was one shy of a quorum at its meeting in February, many of the items concerned with the areas of the budget process were discussed and a consensus reached. This was reported to the Conference membership at the meeting in February and con- tained fundamentally the following items: --- Cost -of -Living adjustments are pegged at 6.5%. It should be noted that employees, according to the Classification Plan for Salaries must stay in grade two years before they are eligible for a merit increase. Therefore, the Committee felt that this proposal represented a conservative consensus. --- Dues would be raised l� per capita. The Committee also embraced the concept of user surcharges where appropriate on certain joint purchased items which result in significant savings to the participants. In addition, the Committee reviewed the budgets as prepared by the staff for the optional programs presently under consideration by the 0tivities, as membership. These include Cable TV, Levels I and 2 ad. well as the Solid Waste Study. The attached budget sheets reflect the various combinations that the Conference budget can take, pending the approval of the individual municipalities' participation in any particular group of programs. Because of the basic consensus shown at the full Conference meeting, Mayor William Ahrens, Finance Committee Chairman, has suggested that the Committee meet before the regular Conference meeting on March 10 to give formal approval to the various budgets in order that they may be distributed to the membership. Action on the budget is scheduled for the April Conference meeting, and municipalities have been requested to respond by March 26 as to their intentions relative to the optional programs. FY 1982-83 Budget page 2 March 3, 1982 Also attached are the monthly budget summary and the check , register for your review. Mayor Ahrens feels that these items do not necessitate a special meeting of the Committee, but can be handled at a meeting prior to the regular Conference meeting on March 10 at 7:00 P.M. in the Wheeling Township Hall. If you are unable to attend, please contact the Conference office as soon as possible. Likewise, if you should need any additional information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Conference office. pp encs. - _ - � 'NORTHWEST MUNICIPAL CONFERENCE 83 . - ^ With Cable With Cable With Cabl e With Cable Level l & 2 Al one Solid Waste & Solid Waste $1689240 l[D - Salaries $152°700 1185,470 $178,040 103A - Benefits 711,000 119000 139200 103B - Pension 13,750 159180 181,000 104 - Automobile 71,800 85000 89400 105A - Professional Services 59500 59500 59500 1-05B - Cable Professional 7,000 59000 59000 3,800 (if required) 49300 49,800 49800 201 - Office Rental ' 79500 79,500 79500 202 - Telephone 4°OOO 41400 49800 203 - Postage 5,000 59,400 89,100 204 - Printing 69000 69400 7°OOO 205 - Office Supplies 3"UOO 39300 3,500 206 - Publications & Dues 4°000 4°300 4"5UO ~Ol - Office Equipment . 1"OOO 19500 29,500 401' Meetings & Conferences M� ti n rennem 4,500 5,000 53,500 ' TOTALS^ $225°75O $247,930 $269,540 NOTES; Personnel Personnel Includes: Includes: . �2- Adm. Asst. Project $9,000 Coordinator 3/4 P.T. $19°800 Clerical Adm. Asst. �32770 $9,020 Mov,e ta ClPrical $6°54O With Cable With Cable With Solid Waste Level l Level l & 2 Al one Solid Waste & Solid Waste $1689240 $1779280 $1883,060 11,000 l3,200 14,40 152490 169,540 18,800^ 81000 81400 8,600 5,500 59500 59,500 5,000 51,000 79500 79,500 99000 41,400 4,600 51200 51,500 89000 891800 61500 7,000 7,500 3"5OO 3,800 4,OOO 49300 49,800 49800 19,500 15500 31000 45,500. 59000 59500 $245°830 $285,920 $285,960 Personnel Personnel' Personnel Includes: Includes: Inu7ude� -1-2-Adm. Amst. Adm. Asst. Project�-^ $9°000 $18,040 Coordinator Move to Full Move to $19,800 Clerical Full -1-2 Adm. Asst. $631540 Clerical $95020 $89540 Move to Full Clerical $61,540 Source Dues at 19t/Capita Metropolitan PL Investment Income Program Income Auction Paper Tickets Other Secretariats IPBC Consortium Training Program Paybacks Miscellaneous Cable Level 1 Professional Services Cable Level 2 Solid Waste TOTALS Less Expenditures Operating Sur'plus/Deficit Beginning Available Surplus (Estimated) Year Ending - Surplus/Deficit 349000 92500 11,200 6 900* 4 9, ON, 2,500 4,500 1,000 35000 2,000 $220s720 2251,750 ($ 55030) 4,452 ($ 578) NORTHWEST MUNICI-PAL CONFERENCE 1982-83 Projected Income Wi th Cable Wi th Cabl e 'Level 1 Level 1 & 2 S A M E 17,225 5,000 $242,945 — 247,930 ($ 4,985) 43,452 ($ 533) 17,225 53,000 289,780 $2719,725 - 2789560 ($ 6,335} 4,452 ($ 2083) With Solid Waste Alone A S $244s720 — 245,930 ($ 19210) 4,452 $ 31,242 Wi th Cab? e With Cable 179225 5sOOO 24sOO11 $2669945 - 265,920 $ 1,025 4,452 B A S E . 17,225 5,000 28,730 24,000 $2952725 294,980 $ 745 4,452 $ 53,197 Account ]001' 101 - Salaries 103A - Benefits 103B - Pension 104 - Automobile 105 - Professional Services 2}0 201 - Office Rental 202 - Telephone 203 - postage 204 - Printing 205 - Office Supplies 206 - publications & Dues ]00 ' 301 - Office Equipment 400� 401 - Meetings & Conferences 402 - Banquet NORTHWEST MUNICIPAL CONFERENCE --- --- ' 287'24 As of February 28, 1982 732.76 l°00.30 22'4 4"395.92 97-7 Feb. 1982 % Expended Year -To -Date % E?��n d �ed Bud Balance $129657,37 9.0 $113,518.14 80.6 $1403,855'00 �v/�8( 476.73 5.2 8°10.17 89'0 9,100-00 998-8� 11058.21 9.3 99051'23 79.4 111400'00 2°348. 7; 510.54 7.1 41870.22 67'6 7,2O0'OO ' 2°329.7E 870.00 14.5 55935.11' 98.9 69000.00 64.86 334.58 6.9 39345.80 69,0 49850.00 13,504 .2C 285.33 8.9 21600'85 72.4 35200_00 599-3E 700.66 15.8 ' 49257.04 94.5 45500'00 248'96 -- --- 51529'77 90.7 6°100.00 570.23 174.13 6.7 1,753.44 87,4 2,600'00 846.56 64.00 2.3 22048]0 .73.1 29800'00 751.90 --- --- ' 287'24 26.7 19000.00 732.76 l°00.30 22'4 4"395.92 97-7 4,500'00 104.08 --- --- 169.30 16.9 12000.00 `70 $183,139.85 8.8 $1659835.27 80.9* $2059105.00 $399269.73 *10th Month Target Figure Should Be 83.3%. 3/31/82 .. ........ ORDINANCE NO, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SCHEDULE VI OF CHAPTER 18 (TRAFFIC CODE) OF THE VILLAGE CODE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: That Schedule VI of Chapter 18, Traffic Code, of the Village Code of Mount Prospect, as amended, be further amended to include in alphabetical sequence parking be prohibited on "Helena Ave. East and West side of street,, the first 360' south of Lincoln St."; so that said Schedule VI (Section 18.2006) of Chapter 18 shall be amended to include: it Name of Street Side of Street, Description Helena Ave. East & West The first 360 feet south of Lincoln St. it SECTION TWO: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage,approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. ABSENT: PASSED and APPROVED this day of 1982. Village Clerk a Village President MINUTES OF THE MOUNT PROSPECT � G r Mare 1, 1982 CALL_ TO _ORDER There.." gular meeting of the Mount Prospect Safety Commission was called to' order at 7:0 P.,, II. ROLL CALL Present upon roll call. Andrew Mtichell, Chairman Art Coy, Vice Chairman Lee Beening, Secretary Jackie Frank Also present: James Hill iger , Fire Department Tom Daley, Police Department Brew Johanson, Engineering Division and a0pproximately seven persons (see attached) . III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ornmisioner Heenn seconded by Commissioner Coy, moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of the Safety Commission held February 1, 1-9 U Motion was passed unanimously. IV.. NEW ` BUSINESS A petit from the residents on the 400 block of HELENA AVE. Helena Avenue, to allow parking and two way, traffic on Helena Avenue was reviewed. After considering several alternatives proposed by the homeowners, Commissioner Frank, seconded by Commissioner Coy, moved to allow parking on both sides of the south half of Helena Ave. and one way traffic south -- bound to remain until the entire street is widened. Motion was passed unanimously. A request from Mrs. Henderson, 14 N. Wille St.,, WILLS BT. to designate Wille Street- as ,one way was reviewed After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Coy, seconded by Commissioner Beening that no action be taken. .Motion was passed unanimously. A request from Ms. Lois Jahn, 6 N. Maple St., to CENTRAL reverse the traffic flow in the parking lot of PLAZA Central Plaza (Centr'al/Main) was reviewed. After considering -the matter it is the Commission's opinion that changing the, traffic flow would create mm add tuna-l­prob em �in -surrounding areas. .After discussion a motion was made by Commissioner Co seconded by Commissioner Frank for the Village to request State approval of No Turn On Iced for south- bound Main St. and for the staff to contact the. 3,x`29/62 #RDINANCE NO,* AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 14 ENTITLED "ZONING" OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT WHEREAS, the Village of Mount Prospect, as Petitioner, has submitted a Petition for various text amendments to Chapter 14, entitled "Zoning" of the Village Code of Mount Prospect, Illinois; and WHEREAS, said text amendments include and pertain to the classification of restaurants into four separate classes, the designation of game rooms as a special use, certain designated business districts, the establishment of certain regulations governing use of amusement devices as an accessory use, the addition of certain survey and site plan requirements to applications for variations, special uses, or zoning amendments,,," and the amendment of use and parking regulations in various business districts with respect to restaurants, as classified, game rooms and accessory amusement devices; and WHEREAS, said zoning amendments have been forwarded to the Zoning Board of Appeals which Board has held a public hearing on the subject requests under Case No. ZBA 31-V-81 on the 25th day of February, 1982, pursuant to due and proper 1publication thereof; and WHEREAS, theZoning Board of Appeals has submitted its findings and recommendations pertaining to the various zoning amendments under Case No. ZBA 31-V-81 to the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect; and WHEREAS, it is deemed to be in the best interests of the Village of Mount Prospect that said text amendments be adopted. NOWr THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: Chapter 14, entitled "Zoning" of the Village Code of Mount Prospect, Illinois, 1981, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: A# By amending Section 14.102 thereof entitled "Incidental of Accessory Buildings and Uses" to read: Sec. 14.102. Accesso or Incidental Buildings and Uses. Unless otherwise prohibited or restricted, a permitted use allows accessory buildings, structures and uses. However, such accessory building, structure or use shall not be established or erected prior to the establishment or construction of the principal use or building. A. No more than six (6) amusement devices may be permitted, subject to the standards for parking and floor area, set forth in this Chapter, when accessory to the following principal uses. - 1. Bowling Allev 2. Hotel/Motel 3. Municipal, Park District, or Township C 0 rom unit t e r 4. Restaurani., Class, I 5. Restaurant, Class II 64 Tave--.--n or Loung--, 11 2 3/29/82 7. Temporary Carnival or Circus 3. Tneatre " B. By adding thereto a new Section 14.114 entitled "Amusement Devices" -,%-o read: 11 Sec. 14.114. Amusement Devices. No amusement device may be located within the Village of Mount Prospect unless the device, and its location, conform to the requirements of this Zoning Ordinance. A. A minimum of forty (40) square feet of floor area shall be devoted to each amusement device. Such area shall include each game and its immediate vicinity and may include aisles but shall not include office space, storage, or other areas not specifically devoted to amusement devices. B. No amusement device shall be located so as to cause any building entrance or exit to be blocked by the amusement device or by patrons. C# Floor area devoted to amusement devicest accessory to a principal use, shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the gross floor area of the building. C. By amending sub -section B of Section 14.602 thereof entitled "Application for Vairation" to add thereto new sub -paragraphs 9 and 10 to read: IV 9. A current plat of survey of the subject property, at a maximum scale of 1" = 50', which plat shall show all structures with deminsions on the lot, drives, and parking areas, all lot dimensions, and distances of structures from lot lines. 10. A site plan of the proposed improvementsr at a maximum scale of 1" = 50', which plan shall show all structures, parking areas, drives, landscaping on the lot, and those located within twenty feet (20') of all property lines; with all relevant dimensions. D. By amending sub -section B of Section 14.702 thereof, entitled "Application for Special Use" to add thereto new sub -paragraphs 7, 8, 9 and 10 to read: 7. A current plat of survey of the subject property, at a maximum scale of 1" = 50', which plat shall show all structures with dimensions on the lot, drives and parking areas, all lot dimensions, and distances of structures from lot lines. 8. Z, site plan of the proposed improvements, at a maximum scale of 1" = 50'. which plan shall show all structures, parking areas, drives, landscaping on the lot and those located within twenty feet of all property lines; with all relevant dimensions. 9. The particular benefit for the community resulting from the location of the proposed use on the requested site. 10. Any application for a game room shall also be accompanied by a building floor plan, showing all dimensions, indicating the inteded division of floor space, exits and entrances, areas for games, and common aisles. 11 E. By amending sub -section A of Section 14.704 thereof, LO 0 1E 3 3 2 entitled "Standards" to add thereto new sub -paragraphs 8 and 9 to read: 8. The location and site improvements proposed provide for adequate safety for vehicles and pedestrians. 9. Provisions has been made on the site for adequate open space and landscaping. By amending sub -section B.2 of Section 14.803 thereof, entitled "Application of Amendment" to add thereto new sub -paragraphs f and g to read: fe A current plat of survey of the subject property, at a maximum scale of lvl = 50', which plat shall show all structures on the lot, drives, and parking areas, all lot dimensions, and distances of structures from lot lines. 9- A site plan of the proposed improvements, at a maximum scale of 1" = 50', which plan shall show all structures, parking areas, drives, landscaping on the lot, and those located within twenty feet (20') on all property lines: with all relevant dimensions. By retitling Section 14.1701 thereof entitled "Permitted Uses" in a B-1 Shopping Center District to read "Permitted Uses and Special Uses" and by amending sub -section A thereof to read. - Sec. 14.1701. Permitted Uses and Special Uses. A. In the B-1 Shopping Center District, the only use which may hereafter be established is-, 1. Shopping center with adjoining paved off-street parking area to provide four (4) square feet of parking area for every one square foot of floor area in said shopping center, which shall be located on not less than two and one-half (2-1/2) acres in area. 2. Restaurant - Class I, II, III and IV. By adding sub -section C to Section 14-1701 thereof, entitled "Permitted Uses and Special Uses" in a B-1 Shopping Center District to read: C. In the B-1 Shopping Center District the following uses may be allowed by Special Use Permit in accordance with Article VII of this Chapter-, 1. Game rooms: to By amending sub -section A of Section 14-2001 thereof, entitled "Permitted Uses and Special Uses" in a B-3 Business, Retail and Service District" to read: 12. Restaurant - Class I, III III and IV or Tavern. it By adding sub -section C to Section 14.2001 thereof, entitled "Permitted Uses and Special Uses" in a B-3 Business,, Retail and Service District" to read: 1. Automobile service station 2. Game rooms to By amending sub -section A.1 of Section 14.2005 thereof, entitled "Off -Street Parking and Loading" in r Musiness, Retail Mrr r •ServiceDistrict to read: If Sec. /.2005. Off -Street Parking • o s • A. In the B-3 Business Retail and Service Distract, there shall be provided a paved off --street parking area sufficient in size to provide one (1) parking space for every 300 square feet of gross floor area used in the building in relationship to that B-3 use; except that: 1. One parking space shall be provided for each hotel unit; and 2 . One parking space shall be prodded, for each 500 square feet of gross floor area for hospitals, orphanages, homes for the aged; and 3. Parking shall be provided at the ratio of one (1) apace for each one hundred and fifty (15 U) square feet of gross floor area, or fraction thereof for a Class T Restaurant (Conventional -- Sit -Down) ; 4. Parking shall be provided at the ration of one (l) space for each one hundred. (100) square feet of gross floor area, or fraction thereof, for Class II Restaurants (Pub), Class III Restaurants (Take-out), Taverns, Game Rooms, and floor area devoted to accessory amusement devices. - 5., evices;5,. Parking shall be provided at the ratio of one (1) space for each sixty (60) square feet of gross floor area, or fraction thereof, for a Class IV Restaurant (Fast Food); 6. For any building having drive-through or drive -up facilities, stacking roam shall be provided in the ratio of seven (7) spaces for each drive -up window or station. Such stacking spaces shall be exclusive of off-street parking spaces or maneuvering aisles. Any building having drive -up facilities may reduce the required off-street .parking by ten percent (10%) . Z, By retitling Section 14.2101 thereof entitled "Permitted Uses" In a B--4 Business Retail and Service District to read "Permitted Uses and Special Uses" and by amending sub -section A. thereof to read! If Sec. 14.2101. Permitted Uses and Special Uses". A. In the B-4 Business Retail and Service District, --he only . hereafter be established,, 1 Automobile laundries with an adjoining paged off- street parking area, sufficient to provide one off-- street parking- space for each one hundred (100) square feet of grass floor area, of the building of the said automobile laundry, plus an additional number of off --street parking spaces equal in number to ten (10) times the maximum number of automobiles capable of being laundred at any one time which shall be determined by the physical characteristics of the said laundry building. 2. Automobile sales operation. 5 - 3/29,� 3. Automobile service station. 4. Automobile garage. 5. Bowling alley. 6. Bus passenger station or passenger terminal. 7. Temporary carnival or circus, operated not longer than ten (10) days. 8. Cleaning, dyeing and laundry establishments, in- cluding coin-operated cleaning, dyeing and laundry establishments. 9. Commercial swimming pools. 10. Dance halls. 11. Finance banking, including Federal Reserve Banks; Commercial and Stock Savings Banks- Mutual Savings Banks* Trust Companies- and establishments performing functions closely related to banking such as Check Cashi.-ig Agencizs and Curren -:y Exchanges, Safe Deposit Companies and Clearing House Associations; and 12. Financial institutions other than banks, including,-, Savings and Loan Associations, Rediscount and Financing Institutions for Credit Agencies other than banks, Personal Credit Institutions, and Business Credit Institutions. 13. Animal hospitals. 14. General hospitals for humans, orphanages, homes for aged and similar institutions. 15. Hotel, lodging house or motel, with sleeping rooms or units in number not exceeding one for each five hundred feet (500') of lot area. 164 Miniature golf courses, golf driving ranges. 17. Professional or business office. 18. Parking lots for private self-propelled passenger automobiles. 19. Restaurant - Class I, II? III and IV. 20. Retail sales and service establishments other than those specified herein provided such are not specific uses excluded from the B-4 District by other regulations contained in this Code. 21. Skating rinks. 22. Private music, dancing, business, vocational or other school or college. 23. Signs, insofar as they may be allowed under the Sign ordinance of the Village. 6- 3/29/82 24. Lodge hall, temple (not to be confused with synagogue or private club); 25. Theatres, 26. Trampoline centers; 27. Undertaking or funeral parlor- and IF 28. Village Hall, Police or Fire Station, or other Municipal Building. M. By adding sub -section C to Section 14.2101 thereof, entitled "Permitted Uses" in a B-4 Business Retail and Service District to read: if C. In the B-4 Business Retail and Service District the following uses may be allowd by Special Use permit in accordance with Article VII of this Chapter: 1. Game Rooms; and 2. Drive-through facilities for a Class IV Restaurant. It N'. By amending sub -section A.l. of Section 14.2105 thereof, entitled "Off -Street Parking and Loading" in a B-4 Business Retail and Service District to read: 1. Parking shall be provided at the ratio of one (1) parking space for each one hundred and fifty (15 0 ) square feet of gross floor area, or fraction thereof, for a Class I Restaurant (Conventional - Sit -Down), - and at the ratio of one (1) parking space for each one hundred (10 0 ) square feet of gross floor area, or fraction thereof, for a Class II Restaurant (Pub), Class III Restaurant (Take -Out), Tavern or Game Room; and at the ratio of one (1) parking space for each fifty (50) square feet of gross floor area, or fraction thereof, for a Class IV Restaurant (Fast Food). For any use having amusement devices as an accessory use, parking therefor shall be provided at the ratio of one (1) parking space for each one hundred (10 0 ) square feet of gross floor area used for such amusement devices. For any building having drive-through or drive -up facilities, stacking room shall be provided at the ratio of seven ( 7 ) parking spaces for each drive -up window or station. Such stacking spaces shall be exclusive of off-street parking spaces or maneuverying aisles. " 0. By adding in chronological, alphabetical order the following definitions to sub -section B of Section 14.2602 thereof entitled "Rules and Definitions": ACCESSORY BUILDING, STRUCTURE OR USE: An Accessory building, structure or use is one which: (a) is subordinate and customarily incidental to a print al building or use; If (b) is subordinate in building area, intensity of use and 7- 3/29/82 purpose to the principal building or use served; and (c) contributes to the comfort, convenience, or necessity of occupants of the principal building or use served; and (d) is located on the same lot as the principal building or use served, with the single except- ion of such accessory off-street parking facilities as are per- mitted to be located elsewhere than on the same lot with the building or use served. AMUSEMENT DEVICE: Any machine, game, table or device which is designed, intended, or used as a test of skill or entertain- ment, and may be operated by the public upon the insertion of coin, or token, or the use of which is made available for any valuable consideration- and is operated by the manipulation of buttons, dials, trigger devices or electrical impulses. "Amusement device" shall include, but not be limited to, devices commonly known as pinball machines, video games, electronic games, pool table, and all games or operations similar there- to under whatever name they may be indicated. Not included within the definition of "Amusement device" are regulation bowling alleys and coin- operated music players. GA14L ROOM* Arty es-cablishment having more than six (6) amusement devices, whether or not operated as a principal use. HOTEL: An establishment which provides lodging accommodations for transient guests where less than twenty percent (20%) of the rooms are used or intended for occupancy by permanent - guests. A hotel shall provide customary services such as maid service, linen service, telephone and desk service, and the use and upkeep of furniture. A hotel shall include motel, and motor inn, but shall exclude boarding or lodging houses, and apartment hotels. RESTAURANT, A retail establishment where food and CLASS I (Conven- drink is prepared and served to be tional, Sit -Down): consumed at a table or counter on the pry ides and served prlimrarily in or upon, non-dis sa,' le contaliners. Any serving of alcoholic beverages shall be Incidental to 'the serving of food,. RESTAURANT, A retail establis,hrrient where both food CLASS II (Pub)., and liquor are prepared and served to .1 be consumed on -premises and served primarily in, or upon non-d-Isposable contai ner,s. RESTAURANT, A Retail establishment where food CLASS III is prepared and served primarily in (Take -Out) disposable containers for consumption off -premises. RESTAURANT, A retail establishment where food CLASS IV and drink is prepared and served (Fast Food: primarily in or upon non -disposable containers for consumption either on or off -premises. For the purpose of this Chapter, a drive-through facility shall be a separate use. RETAIL: Any building or use where the primary occupation is the sale USE: of merchandise and services directly to and for use by con- sumers, as opposed to sale of mer- chandise or service to institutional, commercial, and industrial consumers or for the purpose of resale. TAVERN OR LOUNGE: A building or portion thereof where alcoholic beverages are sold to be _0 consumed on the premises; but not including restaurants where the principal business is serving food. THEATRE.- Any building or structure designed for the enactment of dramatic or of musical performances and/or showing of motion pictures. For the purpose of this Chapter, a dinner theater shall be deemed a RESTAURANT, and a drive- in motion picture theatre and adult amusement or entertainment theatres are deemed separate and distinct uses. USE: Any purpose for which a structure or a tract of land may be designed, arranged, intended, maintained, or occupied,-, also, any activity, occupation, business or operation carried on, or intended to be carried on, in or on a structure or on a tract of land. USE, PRINCIPAL: The main use of land, buildings, or structures as distinguished from a subordinate or accessory use building or structure. USE, SPECIAL: A use which, because of its unique characteristics, cannot be properly classified as a permitted use in a particular district. WHOLESALE Any building or use where the primary ESTABLISHMENT* - occupation is the sale of merchandise in gross for ­es-ale f or where the primary occupation is the sale of A. . .. . . . . / 11r, ', " 9 - 3/29/8: merchandise to institutional, commercial and industrial consumers, SECTION TWO: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage,approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. NN� PASSED and APPROVED this day of 1 1982. Village President 'Village Clerk Village ark Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM Mal TO Village Manager FROM: Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Sealed Bid Results for Water Main Replacement DA'FE: March 29, 1982 Sealed bids were opened on March 26, 1982 for the proposed replacement of water main on Weller Lane. Due to "hot" soil conditions, this main has deteriorated with leaks occurring on a regular basis. It is recommended to replace this main in its entirety to protect the health and welfare of the community. To minii-Mize future deterioration, the replacement main will be of plastic materials which would not be affected by corrosive soil condi- tions. a - Funding for this project is outlined on Page 114 of the current budget. As the low bid price was substantially higher than our budget estimate, I will defer installing the water main on Willow Lane between Rbts/Busse until next fiscal year. The combined budget for the two water main projects was $111,000.00. I recommend acceptance of the lowest bid of $63,022.01 as submitted by Gerardi Water and Sewer Company, W -J& erbert L. Weeks Hw: 1 f Attachment cc: Village Engineer Vi'11a9\1._-jf Mpunt 'Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois TO: MAYOR CAROLYN H. KRAUSE AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM: VILLAGE MANAGER DATE: APRIL 2, 1982 SUBJECT: CRYSTAL TOWERS HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION REQUEST The Village has received a request from the Crystal Towers Homeowners' Association to construct a fence, gates, and a security booth along its eastern boundary on Busse Road. The Board may recall that a few years ago, we approved as a field change to the Crystal Towers PUD a security booth at their driveway on Busse. The justification for this was the need by Crystal Towers to have better control of access to their property and to limit the parking on their property by patrons from the Snuggery Pub, across the street. Since Crystal Towers was approved as a PUD with a very specific site plan, any deviations from that original site plan require the action of the Mayor and Board of Trustees. That security booth previously approved was never 'Installed for reasons that are not relative to the current decision. The present request is for the security booth together with fences and gates. The security booth is not exactly configured as previously approved and there was no prior approval for the fence on Busse. In these instances, our own Ordinances are burdensome, cumbersome and time-consuming. Their fence is allowable generally and the changes in the security booth are, in my opinion, inconsequential. I have authorized the installation of the fence and the security booth and respectfully request that the Board ratify my action on Tuesday, April 6, as a field change consistent w1i, the provisions of the Development Code. V S TER NCE L. BURRD TLB-/rcw attachment c: Director of Community Development Kenneth Fritz Fire Chief Lawrence A. Pairitz wommmmmomm N-�- �USS�= I��Q� GOTTOd JO JOILID �i3OOTAP,d aul qoTGoag Taal @sPaTd 'aG44POI STqq UO UOTqPU1aOJUT jaqq-Tnj yup paGu ni JT -SaOqOTPOad OTqpqojd SP 40P ATUO i TeAaT TPWTUTUI P 4P qda--,f 9ap saspoaDUT paqou 9Aoqp aqq ATquanbqsuo3 -,rjpss@OaU SUOT40P qU@UlaojojUa go as 19SSGT P Oq buTPPOT a-TOJaJaq4 4asuaOTT aTOTq@A aT@q4 aspqoand o4 aTcload aaoui abpanOnU9 PUP BUTa ATTP.6@TTT wOaJ aTcToad aal aaqap A TuTP4aaO PTnO3 sGuTJ uT9 . PajouT UP qpqq poo4sj@pun aq PTnoqs 41 . s -AT4uaTOTJJO aaow @spqoand PTnoqs Aaqq 'GSU;90TT OTOT'qaA GBPTTTA quaiino P qnOq4TM SPaaP 3TjqncT UT NaPd aO @BPTTTA aLT4 JO S49Ga4S aT44 UO aATap PUP GOUPqO P G�pq aabul ou UPO A@q4 azTTPaJ suazT4TO UOqM -DbPT-TPOOM PUP s4qbTaH uOqBuT.TaV sv iqons sDT4Tun umoD go @ouaTaadxa oqq uaaq svq sT ' U ?sasuGOTT GTDTq@A @qq Buispqojnd uo GOUPTTdWOD aSPOJOUT %OZ v 4sPaT 4P wOaj @U103 PTnoqs saspaaouT @nqoAaa @AT4TSod TPaa OqI -00015 aaqqoup 4SPGT 4P aO 'OSPaJDUT %OZ: P 4sP@T 4P mOlgs PTnoqs S!C04 OTS U1OJJ asPaaOul. GLII -SDUT.9 asuOOTT @TOT'49A OBPTTTA 90 as GT44 UT aq TTTm aspaaouT anuaA@a TPT4UP4sqns P 9as ATqpqojd TTTm am aa@qm as aqjj *00019VSiJ'2@A 4SPT J@AO aSPa-TOUT anUOA@a OO `OT 4SPOT 4P @q PTnoqs ajaqq laaAaMl !OSPa-TD@p APul u@44T-Tm suOT4P4TO jo as aqq 'qUajaaqqP 'e sp 40p op PUP paspaaOUT as sauTg BuTNapd j 'UOJP STq4 UT a TTTm 4TwTT P allTJ M@U P S40ajja OATqTSod go STsATPuP gaTJq PaqSTT dui000'e a puv sanuOAaa allTJ qspd pamaTAGia aAPq '4s@nbaa anoA as �786T 'T ARNI qVSOdOUd aSVaUDNI HNIJ M9N/SaSV37d3NI HONHAaU HNIA :10arl ZDII JO JaIHD 'XDOqAVd *M GqVNl = WMI a 'daE)Vmvw Elevr1i -'cpdvHE)Hf1g *rI amvudal = O'L ...... ....... . wnONV1JOW3W T)HAOS31M pkdi INN rw of file If SIM iaadswd junoW !%oe3dsoscjaunoLpjjo !BGe11M1MA Village of Mount Prospect' Mount Prospect, Illinois TO: TER NCE L. BURGHARD, VILLAGE MANAGER FROM: RONALD W. PAVLOCK, CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: FINE INCREASE RECOMMENDATIONS DATE: MARCH 30, 1982 ursu,ant to your direction, the Mount Prospect Police Department surveyed rea communities as to fine schedules. (Attached is a list of comparison iolations.) Based upon the survey results, my office worked with Carol ields, Village Clerk, and drafted ordinance changes. (See attached.) tilizing the survey and other considerations in our parking and vehicle' icense areas in the Village, the following recommendations are in order. - 1. The attached ordinances include the ability to tow on all parking citations, similar to our present snow removal procedures. This does not include towing on private property as that would require enforcement agreements with those property owners affected. This will be dealt with administratively. The ability to tow will allow the police department to give an individual citations for a one day period and then on the second day, tow the vehicle and require the owner to pay an impound and towing fee. This, with the added fines for parking violations should, hopefully, act as a positive deterrent and offset some of our parking concerns in the Village. 2. It is recommended that the Village stay with the judgment service for collecting fines as the warrant service requires additional man hours and is extremely expensive. Therefore, although many communities utilize a warrant service, we are not making any changes in this area. 3. We are recommending that all violations be increased by $5, except the handicapped violation which should be increased by $10 to $15. It should be noted that if the Mayor and Board of Trustees decide to increase fines over $20 in those areas currently $5, we would have to reprint our judgment notices at an additional expenditure of $600 to $1,0oo. March 30, 1982 Page -2- 4. We are recommending thehe vehicle license fines be changed from the current $10 under Section 17.110 to $35. Currently it can be assumed citizens feel they will take the chance and drive until they are. caught and then simply have top the $10 vehicle sticker fee. The use of a high fine on first violations for failure to display has been very successful. in other communities in increasing the vehicle sticker license compliance. Ccnseqwent ly, we are hoping that by increasing the overtime parking fines and other parking violation fines we will see a decrease in the number of violations in the Village. We have certain individuals more than willing to pay $5 for a citation for parking in a two hour zone, just because they do not want to walk the two extra blocks from Village provided parking to the train station. Also, multiple citations are generally dismissed by the courts. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. 00e Ronald W. Pavlock Chief of Police ARLINGTON HEIGHTS 5.00 5.00 5.00 1- 3.00 N/A 15.00 5-35.00 10-40.00 35-50.00 s N/A BUFFALO GROVE -- - 10.00 10.00 10.00 -- N/A 10.00 10.00 10.00 115-50-00 N/A@ /Amw- BARBINGTON 10.00 10.00 10.00 10,00 10.00 N/ A 5-10.00 10-15.00 20.00 100 + 10.00 DES PLA1 ES 5.00 5.00 5 .00 2- 5.00 5.00 5.00 5-10.00 -13,00 15,00 N/A ELK GROVE _ __- 10.00 10.00 . 1000 N/A 10.0 20.00 10.00 + + + EVANSTON V o o V. o o 1•' l L+ 3 -00�f ..... _. �j jj {�y1 }� }}�j (/may �/►{ ■y�y HANOVE R PARK 10.00 5.00 10.00 ----. N/A5.00 -... --...- 10 i OCA -25- _ HOFFMA ESTATES 10.00 10.00 10 a 04 N/A 10 , 00 1 • 5 00 - 10 15.00 - 5 35.00 35♦00 + 125 10.00 PALATINE MMMOMMW 5.0 0 5.00 5.00 J� 5.0 0 5.00 5.00 5.00 15-00 00 PARK RIDGE 10.40 10.00 - _ 10.00 3.00 10.00 15.40 - 3 -15.00 - -1/-00 1-20.00 Warrants .PROSPECT.HEIGHTS 10,40 10100 10.00 N/A 10. QO 10.00 10.00 N/A 10.00 N/A ROLLING MEADOWS 5.00 10.00- 5.00=N/A 5.00 10.00 10.00 7-55.00 15.00 Arlington Heights Village License violations have an initial fine of 35,00. Arlington Heights issues a warrant and does NOT issue a judgement against the defendant. Buffalo Grove leaves court fines and Judgement fines up to the Judge. They do net have a set policy. Des Plaines does not assign a Judgement against an individual. They have a warrant issued for arrest. + Elk Gree does not i 3/1 b_ caf ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 18 (TRAFFIC CODE) OF THE MOUNT PROSPECT VILLAGE CODE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: That Section 18.1320 of Chapter 18 be amended *9hr Zones by addiii—gt'hereto new paragraphs D,, E and F; so that hereafter paragraphs D, E and F of Section 18.1320 shall be and read *4hr Zones as follows: I I D. Vehicles parked in violation of Section 18.1320 shall be subject to being towed by the Village or any of its officers, agents, employees, servants, contractors and subcontractors, to a location designated by the Village at the expense of the owner of the vehicle towed., E. The Village shall mail written notice to the owner' of the vehicle towed advising the said owner of the location of said vehicle within seventy-two (72) hours after the vehicle towed is deposited at its designated location. The Village may also notify said owner by telephone. F. Prior to the release of a vehicle towed to its owner or a person claiming the vehicle towed on behalf of the owner, the owner shall pay whatever fees are charged by any person designated by the Village which towed the said vehicle, provided, however, that if the Village towed or stored said vehicle, the following fees shall be paid to the Village: 1. A towing fee of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) for passenger automobiles and forty dollars ($40.00) for trucks or vehicles other than passenger automobiles. 2. A fee of up to fifteen dollars ($15.00) for any necessary work perfo�med by the Village in order to permit the vehicle to be towed. 3. A fee per'day of five dollars ($5.00) for outside storage and eight dollars ($8.00) for indoor storage of the vehicle towed. The fees provided for herein shall be in addition to any fines or,penalties which may be imposed for violation of Section 18.1325 and this Section. SECTION TWO: That Section 18.1321 of Chapter 18 be amended in its.entirety; so hereafter said Section 18.1321 shall be and read as follows: Fire Lanes Sec. 18.1321. Obstructing Fire Lanes A. Whenever fire lanes are designated as provided in Section 21-509, it shall be unlawful for any person to block or obstruct, wholly or partly, any duly designated and posted fire lane described 3/18/82 2 of 4 in Schedule XIV of the Appendix to this Chapter. B. Any person convicted of a violation of this Section shall be fined no less than fifteen dollars ($15.00) nor more than fie hundred dollars ($500-00) for each offense. C. Vehicles parked in violation of this Section 18.1321 shall be subject to being towed by the Village or any of its officers.,agents, employees, servants, contractors and subcontractors, to a location designated by the Village at the expense of the owner of the vehicle towed.. - The Village shall mail written notice to the owner of the vehicle towed advising the said owner of the location of said vehicle within seventy-two (72) hours after the vehicle towed is deposited at its designated location. The Village may also notify said owner by telephone. Prior to the release of a vehicle towed to its owner or a person claiming the vehicle towed on behalf of the owner, the owner shall pay whatever fees are charged by any person designated by the Village which towed the said vehicle, provided, however, that if the Village towed or stored said vehicle, the following fees shall be paid to the Village: 1. A towing fee of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) for passenger automobiles and forty dollars ($40.00) for trucks or vehicles other than passenger automobiles. 2. A fee of up to fifteen dollars ($15-00) for any necessary work performed by the Village in order to permit the vehicle to be -31--owed. 3. A fee per day of five dollars ($5.00) for outside storage and eight dollars ($8.00) for indoor storage of the vehicle towed. The fees provided for herein shall.be in addition to any fines or. penalties which may be imposed for violation of Section 18.1325 and this Section. SECTION THREE: That subparagraph 1 under paragraph K of �ering or Sect .n 18.1,322 of Chapter 18 be amended by increasing the *Tan. Misuse of the special penalty; so said subparagraph 1 of paragraph K of CoZlection a Section 18.1322 shall hereafter be and read as follows: Box or Mete]rs of 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 18.1905 and 18.1325 of this Chapter, any person who violates 1 of K of this Section 18.1322 shall be fined not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each offense. " SECTION FOUR: That Section 18.1324 of Chapter 18 be amended *Handicapped to add thereto entirely new paragraphs G, H and I; so hereafter Zones said paragraphs G, H and I of Section 18.1324 shall be and read as follows: it G. Vehicles parked in violation of Section 18-1324 and vehicles parked so as to obstruct or prevent parking of vehicles authorized in this Section 18.1324 shall be subject to being towed by the Village or 3/18/82____'1/ 3 of 4 any of its officers, agents, employees, servants, contractors and subcontractors, to a location designated by the Village at the expense of the owner of the vehicle towed. H. The Village shall mail written notice to the -owner of the vehicle towed advising the said owner of the location of said vehicle within seventy-two (72) hours after the vehicle towed is deposited at its designated location. The Village may also notify said owner by telephone. I. Prior to the release of a vehicle towed to its owner or a person claiming the vehicle towed on behalf of the owner, the owner shall pay whatever fees are charged by any person designated by the Village which towed the said vehicle, provided, however, that if the Village towed or stored said vehicle, the following fees shall be paid to the Village: I. A towing fee of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) for passenger automobiles and forty dollars ($40.00) for trucks or vehicles other than passenger automobiles. 2. A fee of up to fifteen dollars ($15.00) for any necessary work performed by the Village in order to permit the vehicle to be towed. 3. A fee per day for five dollars ($5.00) for outside storage and eight dollars ($8.00) for indoor storage of the vehicle towed. The fees provided for herein shall be in addition to any fines or penalties which may be imposed for violation of Section 18.1325 and this Section. 11 SECTION FIVE: That paragraph E of Section 18-1325 of Chapter 18 be amena-edt'o increase specified penalty provisions; so that said paragraph E of Section 18.1325 of Chapter 18 shall here- after be and read as follows: it E. The violation claim described in said citation so to be issued pursuant to the terms of this Article, excepting subsections F and G of Section 18.1322, may be settled, compromised and paid in the respective amounts set forth in the following schedule: 1. In the event that said payment is made prior to the mailing by the Municipality or by the peace officer of a notice, the following amounts shall be accepted as settlement: *A.Z,Z a r Violations Improper Parking $10.00 2hr a 4hr Zones Overtime Parking $10.00 Park1*11 Meters and Boxes Overtime Meter Parking $ 5.00 Handica P ped Zones Improper Parking in Spaces Posted for Physically Handicapped $15.00 2. In the event that payment has not been paid prior to the mailing of such final notice, and in fact, final notice has been mailed, the, following amounts shall be accepted as settlement-, Improper Parking $20.00 , 2nd Notices for the Overtime Parking ng $20.00 abo e Listed Violations Overtime Meter Parking $20.00 Improper Parking in Spaces Posted for Physically Handicapped $20.00 3/18/82 4 of 4 3. In the event that payment is not made within the time prescribed in the final notice, and a notice to appear has been served and a complaint filed in the Circuit Court of Cook County, payment of any fine and costs shall be in such amounts as may be determined and established by the Circuit Court of Cook County pursuant to Section 18.1905 of this Chapter. SECTION SIX: That Section 18.1614 of Chapter 18 be amended to increase the penalty provision of said Article XVI, so that hereafter said Section 18.1614 shall be and read as follows: V1 Sec. 18.1614. Penalties. *Bicycle 17ioLations Any person found guilty of violating any provisions of this Article shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than twenty-five ($25.00) and/or by suspension of the bicycle license for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days. SECTION SEVEN: That paragraph A of Section 18.1813 of Chapter 18 be amended; so that said paragraph A of Section 18-1813 shall hereafter be and read as follows: Z A To be fined not less than twenty dollars ($20.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00); and SECTION EIGHT: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. I AYES: NAYS: ABSENT. PASSED and APPROVED this day of 1982. Village _Pres-ident Village Clerk AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE XV ENTITLED "FIRE PREVENTION" OF CHAPTER 21 OF THE VILLAGE CODE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: That paragraph E of Section 21.1509 by amended to increase the penalty provision.- so that said paragraph E of Section 21.1509 shall hereafter be and read as follows: E. Any person convicted of a violation of this Section 21.1509 shall be fined not less than fifteen dollars ($15.00) nor more t-han five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each offense. SECTION TWO: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in the manner provided by law. PASSED and APPROVED this day of 0, 1982. Village Clerk I Village Presi ent 82 - caf ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE XVII OF CHAPTER 17 OF THE VILLADE CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: That sub -section E of Section 17.110 of Chapter 17 •f the Village Code of Mount Prospect be amended in its entirety; so that hereafter said sub -section E of Section 17.110 shall be and read as follows: E. The volation claim described in said citiation so to be issued pursuant to the terms of this Chapter, may be settled, compromised and paid in the respective amounts set forth in the following schedule: 1. In the event that said payment is made prior to the mailing by the Municipality or by the peace officer of a final notice, thirty five dollars ($35.00) shall be accepted as payment. 2. In the event that payment has not been made prior to the mailing of such final notice, and in fact, final notice has been mailed, forty dollars ($40.00) shall be accepted -is settlement. 3. In the event that payment is not made within the time prescribed in the final notice, and a notice to appear has been served and a complaint filed in the Circuit Court of Cook County, payment of any fine and costs ,shall be in such amou,,n,t,s not less than, sixty dollars ($60-100), nor more than three hundred do:llars ($300.00) as may be determined, and established by the Circuit Court of Cook County for any such, offense, SECTION TWO: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect fro and after its passage/ approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. NAY S : PASSED and APPROVED this - day of 1982. ATTEST: Village President Village C1e_E_k________� I 3/30/82 a,f ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE XI OF CHAPTER 11 OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS,n SECTION ONE: That Section 11.1123 of Chapter 11 of the Villagt Code be amended by aeleting the expiration date of December 31 of each year for taxicab driver's license and inserting the wording "April 30 of each year"; so that said Section 11.1123 of Chapter 11 shall hereafter be and read as follows: it Sec. 11.1123. Duration and Renewal of Taxicab Driver's License. Taxicab driver's licenses issued as provided for herein shall expire on April 30 of each year and, if not revoked, shall be renewable on an annual basis. The fees for a taxicab driver's license shall be: Fee for issuance $10.00 Renewal license 7.50 of SECTION TWO: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. AYES: PASSED and APPROVED this day of 1 1982. Village Clerk Village President ORDINANCE N 0 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE III OF CHAPTER 20 OF THE VILLAGE CODE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: That subsection 1. of paragraph E of Section 20.302 of Chapter 20 be amended, so that hereafter, said subsection 1. of paragraph E of said Section 20. 302 shall be and read as follows 1. In the event that said payment is made prior to the mailing by the Municipality or by the official of a final notice, the following amounts shall be accepted as settlement: Section Violated: Section 20.101 Section 20.102 Section 20.103 Section 20.104 Section 20. 105 Section 20.201 Section 20.204 Section 20.205 $ 5 . 0 0 Sttay Animat i1 Ctuetty to AviiAat $ 15 o o Di6 ew ed Animr s 1 o o o I tieg at Sate o)t Po,6.6 s 15 o o Dang eAo u,6 Animat e tequi4ed o o De6 ecation $15 OoDog, ot Cat bite SECTION TWO: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. PASSED and APPROVED this day of Village Clerk Village President A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING ALTERNATE REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT TO THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE NORTHWEST SUBURBAN MUNICIPAL JOINT ACTION WATER AGENCY . . ........ WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect have passed Ordinance No. 3081, which Ordinance approved the Northwest Municipal Joint Action Water Agency Agreement; and WHEREAS, said Agreement requires alternates representatives to be appointed to the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of the Northwest Suburban Municipal Joint Action Water Agency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF 140UNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: That the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect hereby appoint Jay R. Hedges as the alternate representative on the Executive Committee of the Northwest Suburban Municipal Joint Action Water Agency with full authority and responsibility of a regular Board member for the purpose of participating in discussion and voting upon decisions of the Northwest Suburban Municipal Joint Action Water Agency in the absence of the Village Manager of the Village of Mount Prospect. SECTION TWO: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval in the manner provided by law. PASSED and APPROVED this day of 1982. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASS : Mayor FWAV-094fts MA c �w bd C, c 'Vilt, NTRAL a� it ,IWllMA!'" NORTHEAST SEC F l//�y_ T 10 kyr y y. "Wi. :I •w'$* ((/��■/ N^� .. 5%dd �pA'yMdpr � m M gym'"�nYfrl "., kM. er W:di Aif'dwi4 �Y�,Nrnm'M T M Iw , ii 'u i nry q 'dw n r �kd a a ♦ i 9 w Ik � � G � ^^"^�w . {. me .� � r,P � �, cG� � d' xi*wWn ,., „� +" /i �I�^ gg ,yypp y goo �'. @nd 0 uw d" ar t J nPop 'Nn a ""�" 'rhw .y, 4:l,�,rw,.,r.,y,. Mrwa���,mG «'"'� � * n r �� � rv,X, NM "uwk� •�' �ww�'"". 1i1�xn� � ,. ,'k� '�C '...�+^"` � .u„i " � A; V1 e`�' x +MA " ,_>Yw—"-�.. Ar A .y.aY=77 1+rykA i '� 1 � Y ,. u 'IT PLAZA " YATES & THAYER w WELLER LANE, C Ar Al �"... NI0 ... 2 4 M ' , ".„ - r 'w° , '� � NORTHWEST HIGHWAY LIGHTING !j X, �X Ar 16 k w P a 41 d w I,4,JI l I i I� "�r�^„nw,"" a �G �, i 400 � N m w e , DOTH EST ECT SON All 64 tit - 7" n , J m p o,B w y 1G rW w SOUTHEAST SECTION . ..... .. . M f �4)1 T F, �S- co MMI TI 1"' 1-�4 f'�' 0 1 1 11"' W I 10 1, E �4ARCH 9,,, 1982 ROLL CALL Mayor Krause called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m, in the Public Safety Building, 112 East Northwest Highway. Present at the meeting were: Mayor Krause, Trustees Ralph Arthur, Gerald Farley, Leo Floros. Trustee Ted Wattenberg arrived at 7:55 p.m. Absent from the meeting were Trustees Miller and Murauskis. Also, present at the meeting were Village Manager Terrance Burghard, Director of Management Services John Hedstrom, Director of Health Services Pat Luehring, Director of Community Development Ken Fritz, Senior Citizen Coordinator Fran Eisenman and Planner Steve Park. There were approximately seven persons in the audience. MINUTES The Minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting of February 23, 1982 were accepted and filed with the following change. Under role call, it should be noticed that Director of Management Services John Hedstrom was also in attendanc& at the meeting. III. CABLE TV INTERCONNECTION Mayor Krause presented two alternatives developed by the Cable TV Task Force of the Northwest Municipal Conference. The one propos,al, referred to as Level.I, provides basic coordination throughout the Northwest Municipal Conference of those municipalities desiring to participate regardless of the company association for Cable TV. At this Level, i it 1 is anticipated that the total program cost would be $22,200 for the first year and Mount Prospect"s share would be $1,700. The specific objective of this Level would be to coordinate communication between the various companies and the municipalities in the Northwest Municipal Conference, with special focus on system interconnection and overall programming. Additionally, at this Level, the member municipalities would spend a considerable amount of time training and fostering local program initiatives. The other alternative, referred to as Level II, would also ide an independent intergovernmental agency, but in provi this instance, the membership in that agency would be limited to those communities with the same contract and franchisee. The estimated cost of this program would be $28,750 per year with Mount Prospect's share being $3,700�. The larger proportionate share of the Village of Mount Prospect comes about because of the smaller size of the group and the fact that Mount Prospect is one of the major communities within that group. At this alternative, there would be more inter -action and the agency would also assume responsibilities for monitoring construction and disputes. After some general discussion raising �questions about the need for an agency and as to why it could not be accomplished by the individual *ties, the Village Manager was instructed to place communi I both ordinances on the subsequent Village Board Agenda. Trustee Floros indicated his favor for Level I and Trustees Arthur and Farley indicated their tendency towards Level Il. Even though Level II would cost the Village more dollars', it was the opinion of the Committee of the Whole that the Agency would do more for the local ity. Trustee Floros inquired as to the method of communi financing this participation and it was explained that our costs would be directly from our Cable TV revenue. IV. NORTHWEST MUNICIPAL CONFERENCE -TAXI CAB STUDY ... . ...... . . . ......... ­­­'. . ...... . ............ .. Director of Health Services Pat Luebriong reviewed the progress in the past year with the Northwest Municipal Conference Task Force on taxi regulations, This matter came to the Conference's attention we'll over a year ago in an attempt to respond to a Study prepared by the Chicago Area Transportation Study. This analysis of the taxi- industry showed that the number of various local regulatons were, in fact, restricting competition and the operating abilities of the various taxi companies, Through a series of meetings, sponsored by the Northwest Municipal Conference, together with member municipalities Ond representatives of the taxi industry, it 'was determined that the northwest suburban region could be broken into sub -regions and through the adoption of some standardized ordinances,,the regulations affecting the taxi industry could be greatly reduced thus increasing their operating efficiency. Additionally, through deregulation of fares, there would be greater competition and a broader service 'lable to the northwest suburban residents, Presently, aval w ith the methods required by local ordinances, a taxi - company taking a citizen from the Village of Mount Prospect into Des Plaines, for example, cannot then pick up a fare in Des Plaines and transport that ' fare elsewhere. The end result is that the taxi must "deadhead" back to the city for which it is licensed. By broadening these regulations and deregulating fares, it is felt that there would be a greater service to all of our residents and reduce some costs for the taxi companies. The Committee of the Whole -2- 1 raised some questions as to the effect of this procedure should it be enacted upon our senior citizen taxi program. Mr. Luehring responded that if we Caere. to allow a greater number of taxi companies to come in to the Village o Mount Prospect, we would bid our taxiservice periodically and that additional competition may well produce lower casts to the taxpayer. We could continue to contract for services and have our program regardless of the structure of the taxi ordinances. after some :further general discussion, the Committee of the Whole authorized the staff to continue to spend some time on this project and to report back to the Board periodically. The Northwest Municipal Conference Transportation Committee is going to review this matter at its April meeting and make a. subsequent presentation to the entire membership. We would expect that we would be returning to the Mayor and the Board of Trustees ;dor some kind of official action in June or July of 1982. V. 1982-1983 The Committee or the Whole reviewed pages 50 thru 67 of the tentative Budget, including th6 Department of Health and Community Development. The Committee discussed animal control and the results of the changes made last Budget year. Mr. Luehring, director of Health Services, reported that even though we are spending less, time and less money on the animal control program this year, through education and placing certain responsibilities on individual residents, we have actually trapped and disposed of more animals this year than we have in prior years. In the area of the Community Development Department, the staff presented tentative changes in the Community Development Block Grant program and these changes will be documented int e subsequent printing, of the Budget. The changes were a result o a reduction in the authorization from the Department of Housing, and Urban Development :dor the coming, fiscal year. The following changes were presented to the Board. On page 66, under Personnel Services, the neva total is $36,734; under Contractual Services, the new total is $12,292; and under Capital Expenditures, the new total is $820,200. The total :dor the Community Development ;Bleu. Grant program is, therefore, $869,926. These reductions, again, were necessary because of the reduced revenue anticipated through the Grant Program. - 3 ; VI. MANAGER'S REPORT 1. The Village Manager presented the Committee of the Whole with an update on the progress of negotiating with the general contractor for the improvements at WELLER CREEK. Previously, the contractor had proposed a 15% increase in the contract since the construction was delayed from the 1981 season to the 1982 season. This 15% addition was priced at $30,000. At the time that the Mayor and the Board approved the contracts for the engineer and the landscaping, the Village Manager had been instructed to continue negotiations with Nagle Excavating since his 15% proposal was higher than the other contracts. The Manager reported that the Director of Public Works was able to have Nagle reduce his price increase to 10% which is $20,000. This reduction was accomplished because Nagle was able to substantiate that his product alternative paving block did meet the performance standards as specified and reviewed by the engineering consultant. Additionally, since the Environmental Protection Agency is requiring that spoil material from the Creek be transferred to an approved landfill, that work would be accomplished by the Village. Therefore, the total estimated cost in the contract will be $26,000. Village Manager reported 'that there were sufficient funds in the Flood Control Bond account to cover this and that in fact it was still within the engineering estimate that had been projected las,t fiscal year. 2. On WELL #17, the Village Manager reported that the bailing operation was still in progress and that the contractor had another 5 feet of sand to remove. The pump has been assembled and is ready to be shipped to the Village and certain piping changes have been made. The program is still within budget as approved by the Mayor and the Board of Trustees and we expect the Well to be on line this spring. VII. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Mayor Krause suggested that the staff look into an inspection program for apartments; the cost of which ought to be paid through license fees to the apartment owners. The purpose of this inspection program would be to assist the Department of Community Development and the objectives of that program in slowing or eliminating the decline in multi -family housing. Trustee Floras discussed an article covering the Village of Schaumburg's 'Intention to develop an ordinance governing the rentai of homes for similar reasons in order to prvent or diminish decay. VIII.ADJOURLAMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:28 p.m,, TER. NCE L. BURGHARD TLB/rcw Village Manager