HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 22-77 06/07/1977 II II il II. . I '. . .. . }\ RESOLUTION NO, 22-c 77 I II I I A RESOLUTION TO RENEW THE TRAFFIC CONTROL AGREEMENT WITH. RANDJ-rGRST CORPOT1ATION HEREAS, RANDHURST CORPORATION, owner and operator of Randhurst, a egional shopping center located in Mount Prospect. Illinois, on the real estate egally described on Exhibit "A" hereto, and the VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ook County, Illinois, a municipal corporation entered into an Ag-reement dated I uly 18, 1972, providing for regulation of traffic on the parking area of Rand- urst pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-209 of Chapter 95-1/2 of Illinois evised Statutes; and HEREAS, the Agreement was for a term of five (5) years from the date of its xecution and provided that it was renewable for additional periods of like dura- tion; and FHEREAS, Randhurst Corporation and the Village desire to renew the Agreement; ! NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES I 'F THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: i ECTION ONE: That the President of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount I . rospect is hereby authorized to sign ;md the Village Clerk of the Village of Mount I . rospect is hereby authorized to attest the Notice of Renewal attached hereto and i I lereby made a part hereof as Exhibit A, which shall extend the aforesaid Agreement I Ijdated July 18, 1972, for a term commencing July 18, 1977 and expiring July 1'1, 1982! !~n the same terms and conditions. I I 'ECTION TWO: That the said Notice of Renewal and said Agreement shall be binding, I 'pon the successor owners of the above Randhurst Corporation and upon successor ! nunicipal authorities of this Village of lI.-fount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois; and ! I ~aid Notice of Renewal shall be registered with the Cook County Recorder of Deeds, I I~ECTlON THREE, That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and afte. Il'ts passage, approval, and publication in the manner provided by law, I~YES: 5 I JAYS: o ASSED this 7th day of June , 1977, PPROVED this 7th day of June , 1977. I Ii IlTTEST: II II II. 11ut~--~ !Village Clerk ! vil{Z~n;<LA:~ 23984754 N01'ICB O:C HEl'l]S'>JIU, WHEREAS f RANDHURST CO:RPORA'I'ION f ovmer and operator of ndhurst, a regional shopping center located in Mount Prospect I ..linois on the real esta.te legally described on Exhibit: "7\11 reto t and the VILLAGE OE' HOlHJ'l' PROSPECT, Cook County 1 Illinois f corporation (hereainfter referred to as llVil1ageH) 18, 1972 providing for reglJ'- t.ion of traffic on the parking area of Randhurst pursuant i:o :.e provisions of Sec'cion 11-209 of Chapter 95--1/2 of Illinois Statutes (hereinaft:er referred to as the "Aqrc~ement") anc. WHEREAS 1 the Agreement \vc~s :Eor a term of five (I:;) ye""l""" ..... I -(..... _.:..:J' date of its execution and prov~ded that it was renewabls f 'I' acld:i.ticnal periods or like duration., and WHEREAS, Randhurst Corporation and the Village desire v .1,''e'Jyew the,. AgTā‚¬'emerrLr NOW, THEREFORE, Randhux:st Corpor.ation and t.he V:Ll1age - ree that the Agreement shall -.be extended for a rene\.val term mme:ncing July 18, 1977 and expiring July 17, 1982 on the same rms and conditions. IN WITNESS 'VV'rIEREOF tIle parties have set th.eir hands t.his 7ti! day o~' 1977. VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT A TEST: ~. // By:. ,If /C~ Hayor ~. ~.,~u_th~ "lillage Clerk RANDBURST CORPORATION A TEST: BY:._/~~~.:!.A~/ _. P res i(~t~--=---r- ~ ,~, ,~ 22401b\..J A G R E E M, E'N T WHEREAS, RAND HURST CORPORATION (hereinafter ..referred to as "RANDHURST"), owner and operator of Randhurst. Shpppin~ Center, Mount Prospect, Illinois (hereinafter referred to as "CENTER"), and the VILLAGE OF MOUNT, PROSPECT, Cook County, Illinois, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "ViLLAGE"), desire to enter into an agreement for the regula- tion of traffic on the parking area of the CENTER and the en- forcement of traffic regulations applicable thereto by the traffic law enforcement personnel of the VILLAGE~ and WHEREAS, the CEN'l'ER is located wi. thin the corpora te - limits of the VILLAGE; and WHEREAS, Section 11-209 of Chapter 95-1/2 of the Illinois Revised Statutes (1971) provides for such agreement between the corporate authorities of a':municipality and the lawful owner or lessee of a shopping center and the statutory authority enumer- ates those matters which may be included in such an agreement: NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE AFORE- MENTIONED PARTIES HERETO, as follows: 1. The VILLAGE shall enforce all posted traffic regu- lations on the parking area of the CENTER and RANDHURST hereby consents to the issuance of traffic citations for any and all violations thereof. 2. The VILLAGE, by its Chief of Police or his legally designated representative, shall make an inspection of the parking area of the CEN'l'ER with the M.anager of the CENTER, or his desig- nated representative, to determine what traffic sig))s or markings are necessary for the safe and efficient movement of traffic and to plan for the implementation of such other regulati.ons enumerated in the said Section 11-209 of Chapter 95-1/2 of the r1linois Revised "~t.."t"~-,r ';,11(,1 , i:11 i ';!I '0 !! !r ~. ~ Statutes. 3. It is understood that RANDHURST shall bear the cost of installation of such additional signs and markings on the parking area of the CENTER as are determined to be required pursuant to the terms hereof. The VILLAGE shall not install or contract for the installation of any such signs or markings or of any other equipment or items of any nature (other than those necessary for the safe and effi- cient movement of traffic) without the prior written permis- sion of RANDHURST. 4. The authorization contaLned under the terms of this agreement shall be in addition to any other author- ity of the VILLAGE existing by reason of any other Statute of the State of Illinois. and such additional authorizations shall not be construed to ,be in lieu of any such other Statute. 5. This agreement shall continue in full force and effect for a period of five (5) years from the date of its execution and may be renewed for additional periods of like duration; provided, however, that either party may can- cel this agreement at any time during the initial or any renewal periOd upon ten (10) days' prior written notice to the other, which notice of cancellation"shall be recorded in the same manner as this agreement. 6. A fully executed copy of this agreement shall be recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of the County of Cook, as provided by Statute. -2- "f: .'1~.' v~' ,.",""1 'J!~. ~"l , ~ :i\ , ~:I ; .r I; J " ~, IN WITNESS WHEREOF hands and seals this ' It the parties hereto have ~'~i- day of ,.--., set their , 1972. VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ATTEd{LL/~L VJ.llage Cler , ATTEST: c;\ - ( 'G) \{J/ elk t;::.,"O '..,tt\.:. tv ; ):J.}t' . "'- a.\l.1I~- Secrv=ary -3- '~:'~;Ji nf " : l. , :11 ' , By:~~L_:/!~ , Mayor' RANDHURST CORPORATION 1!" i II . [ Ii Ii ,- II ! II ~ ' II ,I II I ~ NOTICE OP RENEWAL 23984754 WHEREAS, RANDHURST CORPORATION, owner and operai:or of Randhurst, a regional shopping center located in Mount Prospect, Illinois on the real estate legally described on Exhibit "An hereto, and the VILLAGE OF HOUNT PROSPECT, Cook County, Illinois~ a municipal corporation (hereainfter referred to as IIVillagell) entered into an Agreement dated July 18, 1972 providing for reguT 1ation of traffic on the parking area of Randhurst pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-209 of Chapter 95-1/2.of Illinois Revised St.atutes (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreementll) and WHEREAS, the Agreement was for a term of five (5) year~ \ II from the date of its execution and provided that it was renewabl~ i I II for additional periods of like duration; and WHEREAS, Randhurst Corporation and the Village desire to renew the~Agreementi corrunencing July 18, 1977 and expiring July 17, 1982 on the same I I terms and conditions. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have set their hands and seals this ;16t day o~' 1977. VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT ATTEST: By: . {~g~ /I j{~~ i\Yayor ' ,1_~,~A1~ II Village Clerk II II iIATTEST: II ~-u~C ~ --~ I II II i I I 1 I , \ RAND HURST CORPORATION By: /~~ Presld ,...'" -. -.. ~ r . ~ Legal Description ,. PARCEL 1 ~ . Tne 't.;est half of the southeast quarter of Section 2is. Tm.mship l}2 north.) range 11 eas t of the third prin..-. . cip~1 meridia~> (except that part thereof falling. in a 100 foot strip conveyed to the. County. of Cook by deeq r~cor~ed May.6j 1941 ~s Document 12674702' and filed I,ray 6;; '1941 2S. DOCUillent LR 8956,23.1 the center. line of ~"hich is described as fol1ow~:. , Beginning at .the n~rth\vest corner of the southecst qDarter ~f Section.27 aforesaid'; thence east along the north line of said southeast quarter.;). a; distance ~ of 550 reet, to a point of curVe; thence in a. 'g2nerally easterly direction along a curved line . . tange~t.. to sa~d north line o~. the. ~outheast . ':. : ~: '>"..: .. . . . quarter., convexed northerlY:J and .having ..a radiuS ~,. of 24;;lSSS.35 feet,)'. a distance .qf.1028.S} reet!=o' _... .'- ...... ..' a point 'of. tangency;, .thence ina. generally .<..: ..:.... . '.:..: .':'.~.",'::' ,..: ... .: easterly direction' 'along a straight li~e. tar;g~nt':. .:~. ..:"::~~ . . '.' to the last,described curved ltne a distanc.e of..... " 165.03 feet to a point of curve; thence in a ., generally easterly direction along a curved line tangen:t ..LO the last des<?ribed straight line;): .......... " . . '. , :: convexed southerly',. and having a radius of..: :,.-. ':- '.......:..... :;-;-...~:..;.:.....~4;l555.35 feet..) for.2 distance of.l028..57 .I:e2t)....... .1: ... ." -. . . ; . PARCEL 2 . :..11 " .:.,. '. ". .~... . .". ,....;.:..-.:, :~.:..~:_~ '. .' . . '.." .' "' The west:. 460: fe~:t;' ~as. measured 'along'the :north,:' . line.) of the' east;: half of the south, ea$t ql,larter . of Section. 27:J . TO\'Jr1ship ls-2 'north~ range: 11 eas t:. . . of. the third. principal meridian (except ,that pa1;"t ..., thereof falling ina 100 foot strip .conveyed tq' the. ... :... County of Cook by 'deed recorde.d Oc.tober 8:J 1941 as . docUJJent 12771139:J . the. center line' ~f w~icJ::1.'. is. '_'. .'. ..,., described as. fo1lovls; , . .: ';'.. .:.... '. :; '... _ . ...... '.: . . ..: . , : i: . Beginning at', the north "yes ~ corner .ot,- the ..~ ou.the2.s t ., .-. q~.rte~:-of SectiO'.rl 27 .afores.ai.d; .the.nce. ea'st along ..'.'....' . the 'uorth..line .'or said .southeast quarter;J . a dis tance . ......- " . of 550 'feet to a point of curve; thence'iri a'generally .: .. .. easterly. direction along' a' curved line. tangent to said ".-. .north .~ine of the. southeas t ql.!art~r -,.-'convexed 'uo,rtherlY:J' and h;;'~ing ~ ~adi~ 'of 2~~,55S...35 'feet," ~.. distanc:~ox._> 1028..57' fc:~t to a point .0:2 tDng.::mcy;. thenc'2 .,iLl .a gD~~~311y 8~~terly rll~~ction sloDg a Dtr~igh~ lir.~ . t':-::.-nr-;."no}- t-o ~h<,::> ".i.;:\~y- -'l::>3f>~'rb":lr1 ~>1-;-;y"",'1 .l':.~=> ~ 'r''; :'"'Tnnr>,"; ... ,...-...-.,.o~~. .1-...". c.-4 - ._;;.,...- u_ --:--- ................. -~O'-'"J' -~--9 '-"" :..J_::J..__.......~_. '. of 155 ~ 03 'f~2t: t.o II point of cu....--v~~ ;t"h::.2nC0 in a. ,. 30n4raliy ea3tGTly di~0ction aloDJ 8'CU~led lin~ ~-. :)'r 1-0 ~~":> 1~'2~ ..:l."::l]_.......p...:':\{} ....~.-.J.-tO'h'l- 1-!n..-:> rD:r>v'>~,...:! ,-=-,,~n8~n-- - L-1.J'\.... "':'\.v_ Lt.:-.:. '\...:J._U... ...:>a.......-loo .......<CJ......c.- ___ _, _ ..:..J. ......._~__u I .co~1;:D;tn..ly;) and hnv:Lng a ~':l.di\..:i3 of- 24)) 555: 35 fC2t.., fo:r" . I a di3t.:lnC'2 vi l02iL57 fc~t; .end a.l~o i2~cep.t. t.h.~ ~ortb. I 70 f~~t: of. 'th~ l,}BS ~ . 70 f"~at of. tn.z . 30uth 110 f21.?"t of 's~irl D03~ h~lf ot ~n? noutD9a3t q~rt~~ 'of S2ction~7) .' 1~11 in'CcD~ County? Illi~pi3~ I . i . II . ! .Exhibit A The "t.;est half of the southeast quarter of Section 2i~ TOi>mship l1:2 north.) rarige 11 east of the third priri.... . cip2.l rneridia~.) (except that part thereof falling. in a 100 foot strip conveyed to the. County. of Cook by . deeq r.ecor9.ed May.6.) 1941 as Document 12674702 and filed Nay 6.). '1.941 as. Document LR 895623 -' the center' . line of which is described as follows: Beginning at .the north~yest corner of the southeast ql;3.rter ,?f. Section. 27 aforesaid'; the.nce eas t along the north line of said southeas't quarter.) . a; distance of 550 reet. to a point: of curVe.; thence in a.. I - generally e?sterly direction along a curved line. . .' I . tange~t..to s~~d north line o,~. the. ~outheast . ':..:.~: ':':'. ~.' ..' ..:1 . q~rter ~. convexed .nort~erly.) ~n~. .having '.a ;.. ~a~iui".:, .', :.. .~ I.. of 2~j555.35feet-, a d..l.stanc:q-L l02~..57<r,-e.\...}:o u' ~ '.':-'.'f' ,a pOln~ of tangency;, tnence In a, generally:',:.: .,..... ',':, :'. ,~. '...1 '~. .- easterly direction' 'along a straight line. tangent:. ::". ...~. . 'Y", . > .',' . to the'.last.described curved l5,-ne a distanc.e,of... .:":'. ':.: i.,:: . .', ......:..:11... 165.03 fe.et to a point of curve; thence in a . '. .' '..,.' . ........' ge-aerally eas terly direct~on along. a c.ur:red l~ne . , ~:.- . '1 . tangen.t.to the last descrlbed stralght llue...;.' .., ..... ....j" ::.' convexed southerly-, and 'having a radius of..: ..':.. ., . . -. ....:;~>:\ /::> : 2~,?55. 3~..feet~ for.a dis tance of .1028 ~57. '~e2t). ..... j ... 0"' .. .' .: .- '. . ." . .,1 ::C::s~~'~~o:\e~i:, :asmeasured al~ngth~~~;th'. .' .. . ..' ,,'.ll~~'.. lin2;J of th2e' east; hal~ oLf2thesth~uth., east:lql~arter of Sect.ion . 7.) . TOI.mshJ_p 1-. 'nor .~ range. . e2S t.:' . of. the third principal meridian (except.that part '. .... . thereof falling ina 100 foot strip .conveyed to' the. '.. :.... County of Cook by .deed recorded Oc.tober 83' 1941 as' j .' docu:nent 12771139-, . the' center line. of which' is.:.. ..,.... '. '.1'. described as folloi>Ts: ....; , . ........:; . :..' ".:-.. ',::-:,'.: ...., , '. .. l. .,,: . . Beginning at, the north' \leS ~ C;or~'~r .~f..' th~ ..~ ou.the2.s t ".:' j ':'. q~.~ter..-.of ~ec~.i~:r1. 2? .afores,ai.d;'the,~ce. e~~.t ~loi1g ~.'.'..' ..' .~. f.' the no~th .llne or s.::ld .,southeast q,uc..rter ~ a ?l.stance ....... '.1. of 550 feet to a pOl.Ilt of curve; tnenceln a generally :' I :ea~terly.direttion ~long.a'curvea line tangent .to said ::. I. .' .north ~~ine. o( .the. southeast qt!ayt~r-,-'convexed.no.rtherly>' I .:md. h~'~ing .; ~aclitS of 2!~,555."35 'f02t;>" ~.,. dist~D{:~ .OI..':- t l02~L57' fc.'?t to a point .oi t:Dng.~ncj; thenc~ .:tn' 3 I g.a;:-;,'~:.r311y C~1:)'t~:;rly dl:r2ct:Lon along .a [J tr.3..ight: l:tr..2. II h.. ~ 'b rJ '.1 1- d. '- . tang;-.;:n1: to t... e ..i.!~C t G83CJ:}.t 2"" CU:;:-V':::~9. 1.::'12)) it' :::LDL.::\nc.:? '. . ~ I . of 165 ;q3 'f0~t: to ,a poL~t of CLL--VD; t'b~nc0 in a. . '. r :;p:n~.:;:-.::tl1y ea3tG?rly (U.;':-'-2cti;:m. ;J.10nJ a' curved lin.~ II oJ-'. '-,n'r 1-0 ~'\..,.", I'" r, -:- d.":>:] ~,,".y }-.::'>.Q .....:>-...J. ~ !:r"h ':,- 1 -! n,.;). r~:p''''"V,')~"", ,;j t..-:-:!rJ.8- "- - '4-1..1_ ....\W_ ~.:.,...:. ~J.._U.... .:.:>......-10. __<..').....c- -_I"~_, ~ ,.:.;. ~~..""'.._u I . 1 - . r; ')1 ~ ~5 35 ~ ~. I coui::i)~r y~ and }1;;:rV:f.D~ -: ~1~l'tn\.:..3 0-::' "-"";'Sl.)~ _ J:02t.:;:> ;;:''0:. '1 a di3 !::lnc.:= of J .:re2t; end D..l~ 0 c:;:;:cep.t t.h~ ~o:r:t.n. i" 70 f0~t of.tn? west 70 f~at oft0~ 30uth 110 f2et of I . d h 1.... -, . - 40" '\. ~ S ^- - . 07) I ~~~- a~3~ ~ x OI ~D2 nDU~D9a3L qe~r~~~ .0X 2~~lon ~'I I ~11 in 'COD~< Count)'? Il1:b::oi.3; , . I I ...,. , . . . . .1. ." '.. ~ : -.::. ..:.- .. . '. .. ~~Gal _.1.2.~~CY~_~.ption PARCEL 1 ~ fI ~, '~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1 The west half of the southeast quarter of Section 27, Town- ship 42 north, Range 11 east of the Third Principal Meridian, (except that part thereof falling in a 100 foot strip con- veyed to the County of Cook by deed recorded May 6, 1941 as Document 12674702 and filed May 6, 1941 as Document LR895623, the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of the southeast quarter of Section 27 aforesaid; thence east along the north line of said southeast quarter, a distance of 550 feet to a point of curve; thence in a generally easterly direction along a curved line tangent to said north line of the southeast quarter, convexed northerly, and having a radius of 24,555.35 feet, a distance of 1028.57 feet to a point of tangency; thence in a generally easterly direction along a straight line tangent to the last described curved line a distance of 165.03 feet to a point of curve; thence in a generally easterly direction along a curved line tangent to the last described straight line, convexed southerly, and having a radius of 24,555.35 feet, for a dis- tance of 1028.57 feet). PARCEL 2 The west 460 feet, as measured along the north line, of the east half of the south east quarter of Section 27, Township 42 north, Range 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian (ex- cept that part thereof falling in a 100 foot strip conveyed to the County of Cook by deed recorded October 8, 1941 as document 12771139, the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at the north west corner of the southeast quarter of Section 27 aforesaid; thence east along the north line of said southeast quarter, a distance of 550 feet to a point of curve; thence in a generally easterly direction along a curved line tangent to said north line of the southeast quarter, con- vexed northerly, and having a radius of 24,555.35 feet, a dis- tance of 1028.57 feet to a point of tangency; thence in a generally easterly direction along a straight line tangent to the last described curved line, a distance of 165.03 feet to a point of curve; thence in a generally easterly direction along a curved line tangent to the last described straight line, con- vexed southerly, and having a radius of 24,555.35 feet, for a distance of 1028.57 feet; and also except the north 70 feet of the west 70 feet of the south 120 feet of said east half of the southeast quarter of Section 27) all in Cook County, Illinois.