August 6, 1997 Meeting Page 4
Mr. Hoffman then introduced Debbie Carlson from River Trails Park District. She spoke of their
activities of the past five years at Burning Bush Trails, Evergreen Trails and Sycamore Trails Parks.
They have moved their administration to the Prospect Heights City Hall. Ms. Carlson pointed out
the River Trails Park District boundaries, about three square miles serving 15,500 people. They have
not yet formulated a comprehensive plan. They would like to provide more recreational parks to the
Boxwood area. Frank Boege remarked that the Boxwood area has been much improved under their
jurisdiction. River Trails Park District also finds the C-R zoning to be restrictive.
NEW BUS1NEk15;`3:-
C.D.B.G. - Mr. Hoffman opened the Community Development Block Grant Public Hearing at 8:32
p.m. Mr. Sims assured Mr. Hoffman that Notice of Public Hearing had been published.
Mr. Sims explained that this hearing was being conducted in order to receive comments and
proposals for the Village's Consolidated Plan, which includes the Village's C.D.B.G. applications
and proposals for 1998. Along with publishing notice in the newspaper, we solicited comments and
applications from staff and mailings to various agencies who have participated in the past. Michael
Hoffman asked if the amount of estimated funds for 1998 was $373,000, the approximate amount
received last year. Mike Sims said yes, we hope to have a firm figure by budget time. Mr. Boege
reminded staff of his objections to using loan repayment funds on paving streets in low income
areas. Much discussion followed, on that subject, ending with Mr. Sims assuring the commission
that no subsidized home loans had been turned down as a result of that program.
Mr. Hoffman announced he wanted to give each agency representative some time to explain how
they utilized C.D.B.G. funds in the past, what they would like to accomplish with future anticipated
funds and to describe the activities conducted by their groups. Speakers included:
Linnea Pioro
Victoria Bigelow
Nancy Corry
Jackie Hinaber/Thomas Garviln
Carol Wargo,
Ron Jordan
Kris Perry/Judy Studtmann
Ann Norberg/Barb Burke
Camp Fire Boys & Girls
Access to Care
Girl Scouts of America
Mount Prospect Public Library
Resource Center for the Elderly
CERA Northwest
Northwest Suburban PADS
Mount Prospect Historical Society
All the speakers very capably explained the Rinction of their groups and demonstrated their need for
future funds to continue their admirable service to the community. Michael Hoffinan asked Michael
Sims to prepare a spreadsheet of all the agencies and their respective requested funds and forward
that to the commission.
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iUG- I a- 19971 11: 29 S 17 SCHOFF MAUR 11 DES & SUABO P. 0
percent (5%) of the purcl'iase price; the costs; of d-faft'-.1'r1q, filing
and reco3Tding tho, deed; —ea�j' dLL71Y SUrVt2:y
Coste l
reated to ar I
.y p at of Con8ol 4 dation or Siabdivision; ci any,
other development costs whaLt5,De-1,re3---
5. PUrCjja5e;- 511all PdLy t(D C'WilleLb, di� -:i price for
the Parcel, the greater of the fQllowing
(a 11 The appraised value of the ='PaAlcel as detei-mined by
taking the average of two appraisals pertormed by mi
certified 0-r#praise-.*_-s, one selected by the. Owners, and one
selected by the purchaser, for a developed 10-t in Mount
Prospect of the approxinia-t--p. size and Incation of the
Parcel with no discount -or "ccK. of access or trontage
and without -any discount for the -VAost� of roadway
or dedication; QIR
improvemen4k-s .. f
(b) The price per sqaare foot paid for t, -,he Western Property
by the purchaser{ OR
The Village of Mount Prospect aha'l have might to
enforce the terms and conditions hereof or purr ase the Parcel on
the terms and conditions contained herein at any time .
7. The vaiidi�y . performance, constria-C.,tion, venue and af f ect
of" this Agreement small be governed hy� ansa coniatrv_ed under the lace
of the State of 1111ino' .
G. Each of the cove tante, provileions and terms of this
Agreement shall inure to the bene."wit of and sha4A. be obligatory
I s,irrPssnrr, nd A'c4signr'
upon the rp,spective agen"s,
of the parties hereto.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the -oarties hereto havr,-%, Caused th-4L s
Agreoment to be ,executed the date and46 f-J.-t-st above writ' -wen.
ER 01i OOT IN' KSI d T'`ffKe I d
*13L.nsl.cl Mluopisol �d XITMj 01SUIS 1- 01 IOL.nslc[ ImlUoplsod4luejoIBUTS X --d uioij
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X -U U104 1004S UIOOUT.rI A 9ZZZ Su!UOZ0-H
L661 'V Alnf ""MId
8100911 6SOMO IdsQCI
Uq.olzo IOJIH
L661 ltPZ Xlnf :0WG BulmaH
:SaIJLHVCI Galsauai"Suolaafflo
:jwasaua sndamaw
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Sivadav do C[2 VOfI f)NUMOZ laaasoud INa0w
Case No. ZBA- 18-97 Page 2
The property in question is located on the south side of West Lincoln Street, approximately 115' west
of Helena Avenue. Two of the lots, Lots 1 and 3, are proposed to be 75' wide by 145' deep. The
proposed Lot 2 would be "T" shaped with 65.52' of frontage on Lincoln Street and .962 acre in size.
There are many trees on the site, including a row of evergreens on the east property line next to the
adjacent homes on Craig Court. Although a landscaping plan is not required for single-family
residential developments, staff recommends that these trees be saved as part of the development
of these properties.
The neighborhood was originally placed Within the R -X Single Family Residence District when it
was annexed in 1980. Since then, the trend has been to redevelop the area in compliance with the
bulk requirements of the R-1 Single Family Residence District. The petitioner's request is consistent
with this trend. The petitioner's Lot 2 provides for future development opportunities on the adjacent
property to the west by creating a 38' x 150.49' parcel with a "must sell" covenant. This parcel,
when developed with the property to the west will provide for new lots off Helena Avenue that will
meet the bulk requirements of an R-1 zoning district and provide sufficient right-of-way for Helena
Avenue to be completed as required by the Village's Development Code.
Staff s review of this rezoning included good land use planning practice and the seven standards
necessary for the Zoning Board of Appeals to make a finding in fact. The proposed rezoning is
compatible with existing land uses and area zoning: is suitable for the subject property, and is in
conformance with the current Comprehensive Plan.
Therefore, staff recommends approval of a rezoning from R -X Single Family Residence District,
to R-1 Single Family Residence District, for Pine Hill Subdivision, Case No. ZBA- 18-97, subject
to the following condition:
Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the petitioner shall submit a plat of subdivision to the
Village for review and approval. The plat will be accompanied with an executed "must sell"
covenant for the west parcel of Lot 2. The covenant will be recorded with the Pine Hill
Subdivision plat.
Several Board members asked what the "must sell" covenant was. Mr. Loethen explained that the
covenant was still being finalized with Community Development staff but would be included on the
deed of the property. Mr. Loethen also answered questions the Board had regarding the site plan.
Walter Powers, 402 Craig Court, Mount Prospect, was sworn in. He explained that the back of his
property is adjacent to the property. He asked that a covenant be placed on the deed that the pine
trees not be removed. Mr. Loethen said they have no intentions of removing the trees but would
prefer not to have a covenant on the deed.
Lloyd Moore, 2237 West Lincoln, asked about the grade level of the property. Michael Sims
explained the code on drainage requirements and said Engineering would study and approve the
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191d 'Jlmojddrl pug of JOJ 02-911,10A,
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-e xW I -
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. pjo solnu!,L
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.q ol mold solum IleuOjj!ppe Su
AIIUO.IMO Sl J! mall 10JUM AU -9 QAT0301 01 POiinboi oq p1nom Auadoid si
q,,.ioqqS!ou/.ia)Wads jouuoj
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suP SIOOJ OH -Apodaid uqQlzo auk.uo jjo sura Oslv .10MA s,Aljodoid sT.q pup. Auadoid uylolzo
otpjo ignos otp al si Auodoid s!H -pmAuoj sumo Iloodsaid junoW "OnuQAV VUOIOH I IV V1114V 00f
quouilmdo(I 2uuoOUj2ug oT41 ql!Mdn-Molloj 01 PQSIAP'B SUM QH Jo
-unj s Xljodoid srqOUIAIO3Q-TXjjuosoid siXIndoid uqolzo aqj plus oiooW *xW -su-eld Ouip 'BiB mug
L6- 8 1 -V9Z *ON QSVD
SqVaddV jo craVog DNJMOZ lDadSO"*dd INflOW
TITLE: 2225 West Lincoln Street/Pine Hill Subdivision
Rezoning from R -X Single Family Residence to
R- I Single Family Residence
Prepared By-, Community Development Department - Planning Division
,jItily 15, 1.997
L661 '81 �Inf
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Case No. ZBA- 18-97 Page 2
The petitioner is seeking to rezone a property in order to create a three lot subdivision. The property
in question is located on the south side of West Lincoln Street, approximately 115' west of Helena
Avenue. Two of the lots, Lots 1 and 3, are proposed to be 75' wide by 145' deep. The proposed Lot
2 would be "T" shaped with 65.52' of frontage on Lincoln Street and .962 acre in size. The
developer plans to utilize the narrow leg at Lincoln Street as an access drive to his home, which
would be built on the south section of the lot. Lot 2 has two parcels. The west parcel is a separate
38'x 150.49'leg,,Cd parcel with a "must sell" covenant. This parcel will be discussed below. There
are many trees on the site, including a row of evergreens on the east property line next to the adjacent
homes on Craig Court. Although a landscaping plan is not required for single-family residential
developments, staff recommends that these trees be saved as part of the development of these
urroun"din ey ZowhaefLand U
North: IR'. -X (Single Family Residence)
East: F.-1 Lincoln Circle Subdivision (Single Family Residence)
South: B1,1 Leslie Subdivision (Single Family Residence)
West: Fl, -X Lincoln Square Subdivision (Single Family Residence)
The neighborhood was originally placed within the R -X Single Family Residence District when it
was annexed in 1980. Since then, the trend has been to redevelop the area in compliance with the
bulk requirements of the R-1 Single Family Residence District. The petitioner's request is consistent
with this trend. The petitioner's Lot 2 provides for future development opportunities on the adjacent
property to the ,Fest by creating a 38'x 150.49' parcel with a "must sell" covenant. This parcel,
when developed with the property to the west, will provide for new lots off Helena Avenue that will
meet the bulk requirements, of an R-1 zoning district and provide sufficient right-of-way for Helena
Avenue to be completed as required by the Village's Development Code (Section 16.403.A. Le).
See Attachment'. 1.
mendment Standards:
Staff s review of this rezoning included good land use planning practice and the seven standards
necessary for the Zoning Board of Appeals to make a finding in fact. The proposed rezoning is
compatible with existing land uses and area zoning, is suitable for the subject property, and is in
conformance with the current Comprehensive Plan.
KM* L6-tivuzvuz\E)Ni&AgaKo3m3sa\:x
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oxp oi uoi i i qns jo pald u 11tups lleqs jouoi d aqj 611twod 2m aqj 1 .1
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pue Aiesseolau S1 19,9 1, 5;zc Aluo, jzqj uojl,deoxa 9t4j qla"quel gig aq j of pieBgj qj!M U,olssfWWOO
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qI!M luaweeibe ul Gie em pue .els Aqp9MOIA9J ueaq Se4 UEld 91!Sp9SIAGJ Siq I 'J94
jabol pq�ioffii
aq p1nom e9je jjo-dojp pue tiae3PU1 veld leubsepauel 9JU 941 MOql But 1 91!S *p9SIA9J e S1 P9q3ej4V
.,I . . d
*eigie jjo-dojp aq.1 alepoww000e oil pazil,,pneq U LEO 9,3U919glp 10,01
-00�aqj -buipl!nqgqlpunojeauelai4jelol,lolealgzeAluos;gjinbeiapo O aq I -tiolleti6pap, cruel
GJU 10 1991 gZtr JOI JeAoiddeGAef) UOISSIWWOO �49jeS aq I "E)po' gql Aq paimbei uo*Jetibisapauel
eiglolunoweeqlolseluewaajbesipawossemaigi4i'suoissnosipuoissiw*oofi4 isleSe'"
w L41 bujinn
'SallfAlloe oml aqj, jo ButddefJOA01 ue jnoqjjm
palepowwwoe aq Ueo e9je go-dojp aqj pue suoj
petibisap auej;, aig pailinbai, aqj, je4j, pautuijaijap
9APq; 9M "qoinqO is,,�iqy *is uioij samlejueseidej qjjM 19AOI UeJS e le'JOIJEW S1
'mG,l ' ASM �001, uOtsSIPwoo Alples i94,1 jet4j, e1qepuelsiaptin srjj
"awli Aue ie bed jo f5uptiels tuiddols, ou aq plinoqs, anqj, Wej Aq 'ejaqm;auel aig pialeuDs'"
e Ulql!M fi4!A1jOe,4o,-doi1p pue dn-)Io(jd BUIMq uj pigum juaiedde aq; sem je5pqp , jol aleuot ej
9,qjL -paivap sem jjo-doipaq), iqj Isenbai aInq peAoidde sem uojjau5is,,qp qu'ej 9, ig aqj jol Isainbai
eqi 16ugaaw tiolssluiwoo A49j:eS,9qj IV' 'Aem-jo;-jq6u aqj, uj ala WIN! go-doip uPpIsaped eglean WW
Isanb9i aiq�j se 11pam se sauel aj,,g, se qAjais ol s4qqjjs u evao jo, tioileubmap jol qojnqo s,�,jeN� -IS Aq
Isanbai aqj Bumigotioo tiasspwoo, Ajejes aqj, wojl ji'od'eu eqj si bujuaAa siql ja�oed pieoe j,noA ul
Ho*d nHO S,AJVV4 'IS 103rans
L66� '6G isnE)nv :31VC
U3OVNVV1 30V -1-11A :"0C _4
S:331smji jo mivoe(1NV AM�JVJ *1 (11V83E) �JOAVH :01
SIOU1111'33adsold iunoK
aoadsojd:tunoVj jo ai5ej,j!,A,
08/19/97 12:21 FAX 8473811579 D.F.SCHILTZ ASS4
*ePU96V 6ul.199A PJeOe 95ell!A 14161, IsnbnV eqj uo sit4j apnioui ase9ld
-squel ej!j
-buileaVV uoissiwwoo AjajeS IsnBnV eqj le passnosip aq p1nom
Isanbei sit4l 1eqj paLwolui ajam sjuapsai pajoajp IIV -cruel eig ol Buiumped sluawaiinbei
opoo aj!j aLp t4pm Aldwoo ol sleeils oilqnd jo asn aL41 pajap!suoo uoissiwwoo A49jeS eqjL
-jejaid qojnt4o )peV4 -IS jet4j uoi*do at4i st siqjL -sauel eig se any U99J6J9A3 PUB
IS GIRM 'IS 9U.1d jo Aem-jo-jq6u oilqnd eqj uiql!m qojnqo eqj Buole seeie ejeubsep of st uoildo
pj#qaq -jeopeidw4Alleo0sAqd PUB Alieo.
19.lsee qloq PUB Allsoo uoildo siql pajapsuoo osle
qojnqo eqj_ -uoilippe mau PUB ainjonils qojnqo Builsixe oul uaaffi4eq auil looi 9t4l t3Aoqe ,q
-,Z spuaixe jet4j Ilene eig e pl!nq ol si uoildo puoo;as eqj *(000'09Z$ J9AO sem uoijejonb Isamol)
qojnqo at4l Aq Allsoo ool pajap!suoo st uoildo sit4i 6uim uoijeonpa pue e9je aoWo '14oinp
eqj of welsAs i9lNuuds e ppe of st uoildo Isig aq 1 *Iuawejinbei uoissaiddns eig 9t4j sseipps
oz suoildo 99jqj aie ejaq.L -juawaiinbei uoissaiddns eig at4i joew buippq qojnqo ajilue
eqj jeLp saimbei apoo ajig abell!A 9qJL *Ile ol elq!ssaooe ajow Buippq j19t4j aNew phone le(41
uoil!ppe ue ppe of pappap qojnt4o uejet4in-1 NieVV *IS '901AJes 10 sje9A og jiaql alvicIalao ojL
(911!M JO ISOM ggg 1, 01 ajI!M LUOJJ) GAV UOGJB.JOAa J09pjsLjjnoS
(U8QJ6JOA3 10 qjnos 09 ti 01 UaaJ5JOA3 W04) IS 0111M JO OPISISOM
:(6u.lmeJP PNOelle 9t4l 99s) S9UBI 9JU S8 SI99AS
6U1M0II0j 9LIJ 6U[JEU61SOP GAoidde of uoilepuawwooei itat4i sipsusil uoissiwwoo Ajejes eqj_
qojnt4o NjeA *IS AS jsanba�aue-j jjo-dojC] va que-1 9ji4
uoijepuawwooa}j uoissiwwo:D AjajeS Isn6nV joafqnS
L66 I, 'j71, IS'nbnV 4-9jec]
J99ulbuEl 1091`0 10 :WoJ_j d
S.IuOuer -3 IM4311AI JabeueA 96eII!A :OJL
juaLul-jeda(3 sAioM c)ilqnd joadsWd junoVM
Page two ...
August Safety (Dommission Meeting
August 14, 1997
The Safety Commission transm*ts their recommendation to deny the drop-off lane request on
Wille St (see the attached drawing):
St. Mark Church requested this drop off lane to reduce the distance between the drop off area
and the church. This design will move the drop off area 12 ft closer to the church. The drop
off lane will be located within the existing parkway of the Wille Street right-of-way.
Currently, the drop off activity occurs along the existing curb of Wille Street. Wille Street is 24'
wide from edge of pavement to edge of pavement. Allowing 9' along the curb for drop off
vehicles, this leaves adequate mom (15') for through traffic.
The proposed drop off area is 12' wide and approximately 84' long. This drop off zone could
accommodate approximately 3 - 4 cars. The drop off area is proposed to be located only 25'
from the intersection. Any backup of vehicles waiting to use this area may interfere with traffic
on Evergreen Ave.
The major issue, to consider is the use of public right-of-way to create drop off areas. Even
though there are existing school & church locations where this type of drop off lane exists,
Village policy in recent years has been to discourage this use and require the location of the
drop off activities to be on private property.
The Safety Commission felt that the Village would send a wrong message to residents, if both
a fire lane and a drop-off lane are approved at the same location.
By a vote of 5-4, the Safety Commission recommends to deny drop-off lane request on
Wille St.
Please include ithis on the August 19th Village Board Meeting Agenda.
Enclosed are the Safety Commission Minutes from that meeting for reference
c: Village Clerk Carol Fields
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opues xonqo
sainE3 InEd
vore ueor
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-aoueipne 94101 SaAJOSU.191.41 peonpoijui jaqwaVq uoissiwwoo AjajeS pea 'ileo ljoi uodn
Tivo -1-10�q
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JPIPUV *H uals
Mr. Steve Polet, 601' Wilshire, said that 1) there is a no -left -tum sign on Highland Ave at Rand
Road for the eastbound traffic, 2) Highland Ave is not a continuous through street at Rand Road,
3) The east leg of Highland Ave is approximately 80" north of the west leg;, ) drivers on, the west
leg of Highland Ave who want to continue on the east leg of Highland Ave are, making left turns
at the intersection, even though the left turn is prohibited, and 5) these drivers claim that they are
not making left turns. They claim that they are going straight. Mr. Polet said that a right tum
only sign should be installed instead of the existing no left turn on Highland Ave at Rand Road.
There was no old business .o discuss.
a) Background Information
To celebrate their 50 years of service, St. Mark Lutheran Church decided to add
an addition that would make their building more accessible to all. St. Mark
Lutheran Church requested approval for the following two features of the
proposed design:
1. On Street Drop Off Lane Request (see attached map)
2. Fire. Lane Designation Request (see attached map)
Westside of Wille St
(from Evergreen to 160' south of Evergreen)
Southside of Evergreen Ave
(from Wille to 165' west of Wille)
Eastside of Pine St
(from Evergreen to 100' south of Evergreen)
Church Observations:
Drop Off Lane
The purpose of this drop off lane is to reduce the distance
between the drop off area and the church. This design will
move the drop off area 12 ft closer to the church. The drop off
lane will be located within the existing parkway of the Wille
Street right-of-way.
Fire Lane
Due to the Village Fire Code, the church has three options to
address the fire suppression requirement. The first option is to
add a sprinkler system to the church, office area and education
wing. This option is considered too costly by the church (lowest
quotation was over $250,000). The second option is to build a
fire wall that extends 2'-8" above the roof line between the
og jiaql;alejqalao of {Z 'qojnqo NielN -IS jo aall!wwoo Buippq AJMOAIUUV
4109 gql jo uewjieqo si aq (� leql pies p3 josunS M £OZl. jo jsw3 wo i jVy
uoissnosi(i (q
-sauel aj!j of Buiuievad
sluawaiinbei apoo uiql!m Aldwoo of spalls o!lqnd 10 asn aqj
si uoilejaplsuoo jofew aql'panbai auel ljo doip aqj ol jel!wiS
-laoilS looqoS uo qojnqo In8d -IS 18 sIs'xa Alluaiino uoijenps
S141 *3NV'l 3MIJ '31N111KNV ONIAWd ON pa}sod aq ll!m
suo!leool aseqj Ile 'sauel ai!j se POIBU61sap aie segie qsqqj JI
PLUI-1 6u'.)IjBd jnOH Oml :IS Auld
11wil 6U!)PBd jnOH Omi. :any U99J6JQA:q
GLUI.J. AuV 6ul.vBd ON :IS 9lltAA
:smolloj se aie
qojnqo aqj Aq palsanbai seaje jol suoipplsai 6upped juaiino
quel ail -A
'8AljB.UJ8jj8 pauajoid s jou
si sl4.L -aoiAq �jemaps ueulsaped a4l sson ol sauel jjo doip aqj
6uisneo Ino4ilm p94sjjduj000e eq jou UM Sj4j'JclA;9MOq'area
sly ui -Apadoid 8113Aud uo aq 01 S811!AIPB jjo doip aLlI jo uollsool
aql;ajtnbai pue asn siql a6sinoosip of uaaq se4 sjeaA jua:Dai
ul Aoilod a68ll!A 'slsixa auel j;o dojp si4l aia4m suoileool ping
v loo4os aie away; L16no4i UaA3 -seaJe.4o doip aleajo of Aem-jo
-lq6u oilqnd jo asn aqj si 'JOAaMO14 'jap!suo3 of anssi jofew aqjL
'9AV U99J6J9A3 UO 0L;JBJI ql!m
ajajjalui stew eaie stql asn 01 BUIJIBM S9131qaA jo dnNoeq AuV
-wipasialui eql wojj SZ Aluo paleool aq of pasodoid sl eaje jjo
doip aqjL *sjeo k - C Alalewixojdde alepoww000e p1noo auoz
jjo dojpsiqi *6uol,tFgAlalewixojddepue aplm,Z�sieaje,jo
doip pasodoid aqj, oL4eil qBnOJql JOJ q 6 S9Aecli S!ql S%910149A
go doip jol qjno 941 BUO18,6 6U.'MO11V *)UaWOAEd jo,96pa
01 jUaLU9Aed jo a6pa wojj;aplm,tpZ si lagilS all!AA *IaajlS all!M
jo cpno Builsixe aqj 6uole sin000 ApA1138 go doip aql 'Alluauno
aue-1 110 dojC]
:suoiletuasqo jjsjS
-ja;ajd qc)jnqC) Veld
'is jsqj uoildo aqj si siq I 'SOUBI 9J6 SB GAV U99J6J9A3 PUB IS
911!AA'IS Guld jo Aem-lo-lqbu oilqnd eqj uiqllm qojnqo aqj 6uole
i UO.
sPJ!qj aq I
segie 91BU61sap of . lj�o * :Ieotpeidwi AlleoisAqd
pue Alleoilaqlsae qjoq pue Allsoo uoildo s!ql pajapsuoo
Osle qojnqo aq-L -uoil!ppe mou PUB ainpruls qojnqo 6upsixe
years of service, the church decided to add an addition that would make their
building more accessible to all, 3) the church has been working on the project for
the last several years, 4) the church also has been working with the Village to
meet the Village Fire Code, 5) there are three options to address the fire
suppression requirement per the code, 6) the first option is to add a sprinkler
system to the church, office area and education wing, 7) this option is too costly
(lowest quotation was over $250,000), 8) the second option is to build a fire wall
that extends 2-8" above the roof line between the existing church structure and
hew addition, 9) this option is also costly and both aesthetically and physically
impractical, and 10) the third option is to designate areas along the church within
the public right-of-way of Pine St, Wille St and Evergreen Ave as fire lanes.
This is the option that St. Mark Church prefer
Mr. Ernst added that new addition was designed to better serve aging
communities and parishioners. The proposed drop off area was designed to
help physically challenged parishioners. The new curb of this drop off area will
be depressed curb that would help physically challenged parishioners.
Ms. Carol Tortorello of 223 S. Elmhurst Ave said that 1) she owned the property
next to St. Mark Church for 23 years, 2) no surveys were performed for this
request, 3) a letter to inform residents about the request was sent out without the
proposed fire lane and drop off area map, 4) she sent the letter to a preschool
director conceming the parking problem on Pine St in November of 1993, 5)
designating fire lanes on public property is a dangerous precedent, 6) the Village
has to buy private properties, if the Village wants to use any private properties
(i.e., Unneman Rd Project), 7) she, then, questioned why the church is allowed
to use public property, 8) if she is remodeling her house, she has to resolve all
her problems without using public property.
Chairman Beening said that 1) he has seen fire lanes in front of stores such as
Randhurst or Walmart, not on public streets, and 2) he understands that St. Paul
School has a fire lane on School St. Chairman Beening asked Paul Valentine
what designating fire lane means. Paul Valentine said that designating fire lane
means installing NO PARKING FIRE LANE signs only, no physical change to
streets or curbs.
Ms. Carol Tortorello said again that the Village is establishing a precedent by
designating fire lanes on public property. Mr. Leo Floros of 111 N. Emerson said
that a precedent already has been established by St. Paul Lutheran School and
St. Mark Church is not establishing a precedent.
Paul Valentine said that the BOCA Building Code allows expanding the existing
building without requiring a sprinkler system, if an open perimeter of the building
is accessib'e to fire fighters. That is the reason that Wille/Pine/Evergreen
streets are needed to be designated as fire lanes to meet the BCCA Building
Code. Mr. Todd Carlson of David Schultz Associates said that the proposed
drop off area will make the church more accessible to physically challenged
persons wHle providing good traffic flow on Wille St.
Chairman Beening said that the proposed drop off area is large enough for only
2 or 3 cars and, if this drop off area is filled, any back up would block the
-UOjjOUJ 941 JOI Paton 6UlUaeG UBLUJ1814C)
PUB 119431!Vy JOUOISSIUJUJOC) UOjS5UjAlj znq 'seine In8d VZOLUEN Pal
-V-q 10 ajOA e Aq PaAoidde sem uoilow aqj,
(all!M 10 ISM .996 01811 ' IM UJOJJ) 8AV U88A.18A3 10 ap!sqlnoS
(UOOJ6JOA3 10 t4inos 00 � of lJ89J6J8A3 W04) IS auld 10 OPISPE3
(lU88J6JaA3 10 tilnos 09 ! 01 U188.163GA3 UJOJJ) IS QIHM JO QP!sIsaM
:GUIBI OJU se S;lU8LU68S S;DOJIS 6UIM0110) 8141 OAoidde
01 paAOLU'6UllUl8aq ueuuieqo f paptiooes'llawpW JqUOlSs!WWO3
-uoissiwwoo aql of Isanbai auel aig pasodoid aqj pauieldxa Buivaaq uewjleqo
,qluow Ixau Isanbai siql japsumaj of pasodoid zoimaN!qoS mois'sluiwoo
'ajojajaqi juisilsum awil e of anp auop aiam sAaAins ou leql pes uoM ueas
*Isanbei siql jol quop aiam sAa/uns ou (Z pue leaje go doip PUB auel aig eqj
miedes of jaUaq si j! (L leql p!es mimaNpog jauoissiwwoo *OAV U9al6JOA3
uo BuiVed wjal:poqs spaau qojnqo aqj ley I Ales sojoIj oa-1 •iVy *a61all!A aql
of ejqejd9ooe S1. I! 18ql P!BS aul.lualBA InEd *a6Bll!A eqj of alqeldaooe si Isanbai
GUBJ 9Jg aqj 01 UOISIAGJ SM A gullualEA InEd P9Ns8 01OU98 J9uO.lsslUJUJO3
'PapaaU J! 'POSIA9.1 aq Am Isanbei auel Gig ilaqj 1841 pies IsLU3 Wi 'BaJB
.4o doip se AjpAlsnjoxa pasn aq p1noo IS all!M IBqI 4 uaql'p!es 6UlUqaG UeWileqO
(auld 01 GIHAA UJOJJ) OAV U99JEUGA3 10 aplsqjnoS
(Ua9J5JaA*4 10 q1nos,00 L 01 UaaJbJaA:q UJOJJ) IS GUM 'to 10 9P!SIS83 'k I
(all!M JO IS9M,99 1 01 811M LUOJJ) OAV UaaJ6J9A3 10 aplsqlnoS
(UaOJ6JaA3 JO qlnos 00 L 01 UaeJ6JaAq UJOJJ) IS auld 10 OPISIS83
(UaaJ6J9A3)Oqlnos,pg �0JU9aJEUaA3wOJJ)lSaii!AAJOaP!sls9M :11104
:smolloj se Isenbai auel aiU
J1041 GS!AOJol sluem qojnqo eqj j! paNse 6uivaaa ueuuieqo uotleool owes aql
18 PaAoidde aie saie jjo doip PUB auel aig aqj j! 'sjuapsai of 96essaw 6uoim e
Buipuas aq ll!m 9681HA 041 Ml P!8S 6UlUaaG UeWJ!840 -uoippisai BuiVed inoq
Z 8 aABq 1ps ll!m any ugaj6jaA3 JO ISOJ 941 (v PUB 'auel aj!j jo qlbual paiinbai
aqj 19OW 01 Papa9U Sl any U88J6JaA3 J0,991, flux (C',qZt, Alalewixoidde sl
uoil!ppe pasodoid aqj jol auel aig jo ql6ual paiinbai aqj (Z %uiNied alqnop e si
away; ssalun uoileool awes aqj le me po dojp pue auel aJU 9Aeq of 9jqejd003e
S.1 1! (1, INI P!es 9ullu9leA Ined *auel aig se paleu6isap jou SBM any u;)aj6jaA:;
eillua, aqj Aqm 9URU918A InBd passe 3101J99 JOUOISSIWWOO u011e3ol awes aqj
le paleubisap aq ueo me po doip e pue auel aig e j! 9ullu9leA InEd pay se voce
iaUOlss!wWo3 -Is elpm UO mou O!Ijejl 941 amequa 11!m ljo doip pasodoid aqj
leql pes Isuj3 -jVy *sjau,oiqsued paddeoipueq ZL - 9 aie ajaqj (t, PUB 'joadsO-ld
junoVy ui saqojnqo uejaqln-l!e Inoqe aie ajaql (C `aouuas Aepuns euo ui
e9je do Noid siql asn p1nom sjeo ZL of t, Alalewixoidde (Z 'siauoit4sijed do Noid of
pasn Alluauno si IS all!AA jo uoipod siql (L 1841 P!eS IsuJ3 WO I iVV *uOJ3@sJalu!
Commissioners Bencic, Bjork, Moliere and Bobikewicz voted against the motion.
Commissioner Mitchell, seconded by Commissioner Bjork, moved to
approve the on street drop off area request on Wille St:
The motion was denied by a vote of 4-5.
Ted Adamczyk, Paul Bures, Buz Livingston, Commissioner Mitchell and
Chairman Beening voted for the motion.
Chairman Beening, Commissioner Bencic, Commissioner Bobikewicz, Paul
Bures, Ted Adamczyk voted against the motion.
a',) Background Information
• Fairview School, originally, requested parking restrictions near the school in
April of 1996.
• The Safety Commission discussed the proposed parking restriction on July
8, 1996.
• Due to residents' objection, the Safety Commission decided to study the
proposed restriction further.
• Fairview School & the Village Engineering Staff met in September and
December of 1996 to discuss parking restrictions near Fairview School and
were in agreement with the revised parking restriction.
• The Safety Commission discussed the revised parking restriction on
February 10, 1997 and sent a recommendation to the Village Board.
• At that time, the School Board did not agree with the recommendation and
requested to pull the recommendation from the Village Board agenda for
further review.
• Per the school request, Fairview School and the Village personnel met again
in the summer of 1997 to observe the traffic near Fairview School.
Fairview School and the Village agreed to pursue the following:
1. No Parking during School Hours for the following streets (see the
attached map):
• Southside of Isabella St between Fairview Ave and Oak St (Location
0 Northside of Isabella St between drop-off driveways
(Location B)
• Westside of Forest Ave between Isabella St and Thayer St (Location
&96ell!A aqj of pawnlai ajam sAaAjns Z L *uo!u!do s,luap!saj aqj
GzAlBue Pus 1001100 011-66 1 'Aeyy ui Ino juas ajam sAaAjns 6 L JO le)OI V
&snopiezeq Alnpun si alni Henn-lo-IqBp leLwou aql jo uo!leoildde
ajaqm peoi u!ew e ql!m peoi uoi ssal o jo luepodwi asjaiui
9 1p
Buimollol eqj slaaw IS elloqesl Is GAV JSaJO_quo u6iS dols Aem-quo aq.L
- -Mou oweil
041 GAoidwi ll!m IS Isajoj jo opls auo uo sinoq looqos
6uunp uoipulsaJ 6U!VRd Wlslsam 041 UO IOU 'U91PNO
jiaql mo dojp of is ellaqesl pus IS jaAeqjL uaamlaq
GAV JSaJOA 10 ap!spea aqj uo siao iia4l)ped of sluaied
'any )SaJOJ 10 ap!SI!S89 aql UO AJUO )IIBM9p!S 8 Sl aJgqj. :0 U011830-1
*osle sinoq looqos 6uunp
pappisai aq p1noqs IS ellaqesl jo uoi:pod siql uo 6ul.VBd
-IS ellaqesl uo o!jjejl punoqlsam aql aas 01 SlaAUP
6uil!xa joj llnoW!p st 1! 'SAEMaAUP jjo-dojp aqj uaanqaq
is ellaqesl :to ap!sqljou aqj uo pa)ped We Sal0lqaA 11 :EJ U011830-1
-sinoq looqos 6uunp
papplsai aq of spaau IS ISO PUB any Mal/U!Bj uaamlaq
IS ellaqesl ;o aplsqlnos aqj uo 6upped 'ajojajeqjL
-ap!sqlnos aqj uo IOU 'IS ellaqesl 10 aplsqpou aqj uo
uajpllqo itaqj go dojp of sluaied smolle Allu&uno looqoe
MaIAJIB4 'UaJpllqO 10040S 10 A19JES 941 gAoidwi of :v U011800-1
:suoijeAj9sqo j4ele
'UO!PMGIUI 041 IS AjajBS 941 GAoidwi
of pus San jjo-dojp aqj 6UljjX9 SJGAUP aqj JOI AeM-10-146U
10 AIP813 Gp!Aojd of u6is dols slql palsenbei loo4oS maimlej
:)S ellaqesl Is GAV ISOJO_A uo u6ie dolS V
-mog O!Ijejl 941 PUB uaipl!qo 10040S )o Alojes aql
GAoidw! of suoippisai BuiNjedaqj paMnbai looqoS malmie:g
jsonba� uotIop1sall 6UPPEd
:suoile/uasqo looqoS
olsil Isenbei
J19141 LUOJJ 13 UOIJUDO-1 8A0LUGJ of lsonbei ll!m loo4:)s malmied lejolaiatljL
10 a UOIIB30-1 uo uoilopisai 6uilied Aue ;uem jou scop looq:)S maimie-A
;Bqj pa;B3lpul 08:4!wwo:) ApIES M81AJleJ 841. -L661 it jsn6nV uo law
GOWWWO3 A18JES M8l.AJ.lB:J 844 PuUMBIS 6u.'JgQu.l6u3 86BI1!%10141 ZE41 810N
IS ellaqesl IS any ISOJOJ UO u61S dolS V z
I Parking Restrictions for Locations A, B and C
9 residents favored and 3 residents were against the proposed
parking restriction.
2. A Stop Sign on Forest Ave at Isabella St
9 residents favored and 2 residents were against the proposed
stop sign. Note that one resident did not provide a opinion.
Recommendations. -
The proposed parking restrictions and a stop sign will improve the safety
of children and the traffic flow. Additionally, the residents support the
proposed change:
Therefore, the Village Traffic Engineer recommends-,
1. No Parking during School Hours for the following streets
(see the attached map):
• Southside of Isabella St between Fairview Ave and Oak St
(Location A)
• Northside of Isabella St between drop-off driveways
(Location B)
• Westside of Forest Ave between Isabella St and Thayer St
(Location C)
2. A Stop Sign on Forest Ave at Isabella St
Fairview School Principal Geni DelBoccio said that 1) Location B should be
removed from the school request list, 2) parking on Location B needs to be
allowed, 3) mostly kindergarden parents and children will use the front door on
Isabella St, 4) approximately 109 kindergarden children will attend Fairview
Schhol, 5) about 70 children will be at the morning class, and 6) about 40
children, will be at the afternoon class. Principal DelBoccio and Renee Anderson
of 709 Forest Ave said that parking on Location B is needed for the kindergarden
Mr. Philip Alexandrov of 217 Forest Ave said that only 4 - 5 cars will use this
Location B, 2) drop off area should be used as short term parking, and 3)
Location B should be a no parking area. Mr. Alexandrov said that this was
discussed twice already. Ms. Gloria Celler of 301 Autumn said that Location B is
a short term parking zone. Mr. Dick Reital of 303 N. Fairview said that 1)
Location B should be no parking per the original design, 2) there is enough
parking on Oak St near Fairview Park, and 3) there are 97 parking spaces in the
L. -I
uo paseq pajapsuwai aq Isanbai u6is dols jiaql pue (L66 aunt) jawwns peau
euop aq slunoo oWeil mau jeqj palsenbai JauuDd 'SAN 2 *Jn 9UJ.'I 1841 IV *966 z
tjaqwaoaC3 ut uopsiwwoC) AjajeS aqj Aq pajap1swo Alleu!6po sum Isanbai situ
uoijewiolul punoj6peq
IS N3AVHI V IS -100HOS :40 N0110=1S�19INI "AHl IV LAOIS d01S S AVM -t (0
-0-6 10 OJOA 9 Aq PaAoidde sum uotlow atU
01 P8A0UJlz:ojma4!qoe jauoissiwwo:) Aq papuo:)as vore jauoiss,wwoo
-eap! pooh e si ellaqesl is
Isajo.A uo u6is dols Aem auo ay; leql pes IS ellaqesl -AA I og jo allay{ UOS1.11v *Svy
•0-610 OJOA e Aq PQAoidde sum uoilow 9LI.L
00 NOlIV301 U10 Wd
oo:v ox wv ove sunOH lOOH3S ONiNnaDNINIM ON 8Aoidde
0; PaA0UJ Isainja InEd Aq pepwoes Iz:3ima)i!qo8 jeuoissiwwoo •
.0-610 810A B Aq PBAoidde sum uopowatiI
'S NOlIV30-1 UO Wd
oo:v of wv ove sidnoH iooHos E)NiNnaDNfM'8Vd ONaAojddE,
01 P9A0LU'4Azowupv pe.L Aq pepuo:)as :)i:)uee jaUoisstwwoC) •
*0-6 10 810A e Aq PBAoidde sum uopow et4jL
*V NOlIV30l UO Wd 004 01
wv ovs smnOH lOOH3S!DN12 naDNlNldVd ON BAoidde 01 P;DA0UJ
'zo!ma5j!qoe j9Uoissiwwo:) Aq papuo:)as 14jofe JaU0lsslwwO3 •
-IS ellaqesl uo ogled
punoqlsam eqj eas 01 SJ9AIJP Buipxa jo; llnog;!p si I! 'SAeM9AUP.4o-dojp uaampq
IS ellaqesl jo ap!sqljou aqj uo pa)ped 9JB SaI3140A ;! '18qj P!8S UOM U89S
*jol 6upped Lwal:poqs e se pasn s! S uolleowl (Z pue'sooeds buiVed Lwal
boys qBnoua aAB14 IOU SaOp jOOq3S MOIAJIBJ (L l8qj Plus 6UIU999 UBLUJ1840,
-aouapadxa jo sjeaA omI Isel aqj uo paseq
6upped joj pasn UJOP19S SIGAV ISaJO-4 18ql PES JaBEH uaajneIN luepualupadnS
jOOq3S 'awil Buol e joj lsajoj uo pa�jed IOU aie sin loops leql p!es opooglaCl
led'.0UPd -sluejpAq aj!j pue AEMOAUP Slq 6uiNoolq aJB S9101q9A 1841 P!0S
GAV'ISOJOJ Loz jo uosiapuv dl.l!qd 'JA -salnup 9 L ui Noeq awoo 01 GAlaq aoilod
aql asneoaq;njolue of llnc)!;I!p si 6ui�jed alnup
9 L 9411841 P!es NAzowepv
pal *e uoileowl joj 6upped alnup 9 L joj passe uosilIV *sV4 *uajpl!qo pue
sluejed U@PJ86JaPUN JOI IOOPS aql LUOJJ JBJ 001 IOU WE NJEd ma'AJIEJ uo saoeds
BuiNjed eqj leqlp!es IS ellaqesl -AA Log jo A119N uosilIV *sVV :10l. fti�ljed uiew
the new counts. The traffic volume taken in October, 1996 was only 11% of the
stop sign warrants.
Resident (Mr. Arnie Penner, 203 N. School Street) Observations:
• Witnessed several near collisions
Configuration of School Street
• (slight curve through the intersection)
• Speeding at this intersection
Children riding their bicycles on Thayer Street.
Staff Observations:
Due to the offset of School St, chevrons were installed at the
New traffic counts were collected in June, 1997. The Engineering Staff
performed a new stop sign study based on the new traffic counts. The
findings are as follows:
1) Accidents
A search of the accident reports indicated:
No Accidents at this intersection since 1992
The above accident records do not meet the stop sign warrant
(minimum five accidents per year) for Multi -Way Stop Signs.
2) Speeding Problem
The following speed surveys were performed in October, 1996
and June, 1997. Note that the speed limits of School St &
Thayer St are 25 mph:
• 85th Percentile Speed between 10/8/96 and 10/10/96 on
Thayer St West of School St:
The eastbound speed was 30 - 31 mph.
The westbound speed was 30 - 31 mph.
• 85th Percentile Speed between 6/9/97 and 6/1 V97 on
Thayer St West of School St and on School St North of
Thayer St:
The eastbound speed was 33 - 34 mph.
The westbound speed was 29 - 30 mph.
The northbound speed was 25 -26 mph.
The southbound speed was under 20 mph.
'hails jeAeq.L PUB laoilS looqoS le uB.m
dols item -t aqj Isuieft oiam juappoi 9 PUB P9JOABj SIUOP!SaJ
LL '06elliAoqlolpawnlaj;ajamsAaAjnsgL *uquidosjuapisai
eql;azAleue PUB 1391100 04 9661 4jaqoloo ui Ino jugs siam
sf%aAjns CZ jo jejol e 'AjsnOlAaJd b1no juas aiam sKaAjns mau ON
slinseN AaAjnS (9
uolprulsqo lq6ls jueseud jou op S;D.Ojl Amped OS941'JOAOMOH
U01POSialul 841 le P918001 aie saajl Aamped jo jaqwnu V
uoipnjsqo lqrxs
oslumuem u6js doW
041)0%ZLAluoillissiluno.oc)Ujejlat4jL *pou9djnoqqatjjjoj
sm ov 10 aseanul UB sl amyl &sjunoo oL49.4 mou aqj uo poseI3
*Iue.uem u6is dols aqj jo %Z
Alolowixoidde sl (siq 9/sin t60 ouin[OA 3L4ell 941
:L61 L V9 - L6/6/9 U99MI913 •
*jue.uem u6is dols eqj jo % 1 1
Alaiewixoidde si (SJ14 9/sim Ett) aLunlOA 0!.48JI OLLL
:96/0 UO l - 96/9/0 � UOGMIOS 0
:SMolloj se We uo!pasja)ul
stql le sawnJOA 3L4eJj 94JL
(Siq 9/sin 000t — a x oos�
spouad inoq jq6ia jol jnot4/saj0lqaA 005 St
lue.uem u6is dols Aem-illnw aqj jol ownlOA 0L4eJj wnwluiw aqjL
ewnloA o_WpjjL (S
uo o!jjejl punoqlsea;Dql jo poods eqj Inoqe waouoo e sl ajaqj.
-IS JaAeq.L uo asoqj Isqj jamol aq of IS
ioo4os uo speeds sasneo uoiloosiolui 941 le IS looqoS jo lesjjo
9q.L -umop)uamoLjjejlpunoqlsama4ljo; leqlal!4mdnluam
o!jjejl punoqjsBa 941 joj paeds 941 leql smogs Aa/uns p9ads MON
Because the intersection of School Street and Thayer Street does not
meet the multi -way stop sign warrants,
The Village Traffic Engineer recommends:
4 -way stop signs at the intersection of School Street and Thayer
Street not be installed.
b) Discussion
Chairman Beening discussed the 4 -way stop sign request. Commissioner
Mitchell said that the Village installed several chevrons and several speed limit
signs after the last meeting.
Commissioner Mitchell, seconded by Commissioner Moliere, moved to
deny the 4 -way stop sign request at School/Thayer.
The motion was approved by a vote of 9-0.
This request was originally considered by the Safety Commission in February, 1997. At
the March 4th Village Board Meeting, the Board instructed the Engineering Staff to do
Pedestrian counts during the summer and bring the request back to the Board.
Therefore, pedestrian counts and new traffic counts were taken in June, 1997.
Resident (Mr. Greg Lenski, 911 S. Louis St) Observations:
Speeding at this intersection
• Adjacent Sunset Park Tot -lot
Staff Observations:
Per instructions from the Village Board, the Engineering Staff performed
pedestrian counts in June, 1997. New traffic counts were also
performed ' in June, 1997. The Engineering Staff prepared a new stop
sign study based on the new traffic counts. The findings are as follows:
1) Pedestrian Count
Pedestrian counts were done on Saturday 06/21/97 and on
Sunday 06/22/97 from 10 AM to 12 AM and from 2 PM to 4 PM
because of the heavy park use for games during these times.
The total pedestrian counts using this intersection were 6 on
Saturday 06/21/97 and 10 on Sunday 06/22/97. The foot traffic
volume is low and does not meet the stop sign warrant.
*slue.uem u61s dols
04110 %9 Aluo 11gs si junoo ogled qqj *pouad no 9 aql joj
SJe3 6910 OSBOJOU., us sl ajaql'lunoo olpil mau qqj uo pries
*lue.uem u6is do,p a,,Lll jo
%9 Alojewixoidde sl (SJ4 S/sJeO 61CZ) ownJOA 0WE4 841
:L6/SZ/9 - L6/SZ/9 Uaamlaq
'lue.uem u6js dols, aql jo
%t Alojewixojdde sl (SJ4 8/SJe3 OL 0 awnlOA OL41'
oil aq I
:MIM PUB L6194 ugamlOS 0
Se aie u0nomam sita is sawnJOA 0148JI a4l. '(Siq 9/Sjeo
000tp -- 9 x oos) spoped inoq jq6p jo; ino4/,Saj0jq;D,A 0,09 Sl
lue.uem u6is dols Aem-,tlln,w, aql jol awnJOA O!j;BJI wnwtutw a"
. v
ownloA o!4ej1 4p
-uO.'109sJ9lU'. aql is waouoo e sl BuipeadS
'Umop Juam oL4eij punoq
Isamsea 941 jol Spaods aql leql smogs AaAjns paods mou atU
*qdw OC - 6Z sem poods punoqlsam aq i
*4dw Ze - �s sem peads punoqlsea aql
:L6/9Z/9 PUB L6/CZ/9 U;D8Aqae poodS 0111U90JOd 4199
*qdw SC - tC Sem poads punoqlsam, oqjL
'qdw Le - 9C sem paads, punoqlse,a;aq.L
:L6194 PUB L6/94 UaaN4aq paodS al!lua3J9d 4198
:40W qz ajs
is stno"I V pal lesunS;o sl!wil ands a4.L •-Iaajls s1no-1 to isom
PEON jasunS UO pawjojjad ajam sAaAjns paods Buimollol aqjL
walqOJd 6uipaaft
-suft dolS AeM-jjjnjN jol (JeaA .gad sjuappoe GA!j wnwiuiw)
lUeJJEM u6is dols aqj, laaw jou OP SPJO'Oa,,J JU9P!308 aAoqe0-41.
Z66 � eouls UOII39SJalUl S141 le SWOM33V ON
:Paleolpui spodai juaplooe 941 jo qojeas V
Sluappov (z
r ))
I Sight Obstruction
A number of parkway trees are located at the intersection.
However, these parkway trees do not present sight obstruction
6) Survey Results
No new surveys were sent out. Previously, A total of 10 surveys
were sent out in December, 1996 to collect and analyze the
resident's opinion. 7 surveys were returned to the Village. 5
residents favored and 2 residents were against the 3 -way stop
sign at Sunset Rd and Louis Street.
Because the intersection of Sunset Road and Louis Street does not meet
the multi -way stop sign warrants,
The Village Traffic Engineer recommends:
3 -way stop signs at the intersection of Sunset Road and Louis,,
Street not be installed.
t) Discussion
Chairman Beening said that 1) Louis St is a dead end street, 2) one resident
passed his car when he was driving on Louis St several months ago, 3) most of
the speeding drivers are local residents. Commissioner Bjork said that there are
not many pedestrians using the intersection. Ted Adamczyz said that the smart
cart was placed at the intersection several months ago to monitor traffic.
Commissioner Mitchell, seconded by Commissioner Bencic, moved to
deny the 3 -way stop sign request at Louis/Sunset.
The motion was approved by a vote of 9-0.
With no further business to discuss, the Safety Commission voted 9-0 to adjourn at 10:04 P.M.,
upon the motion of Commissioner Bobikewicz. Commissioner Bjork seconded the motion.
Respectfully submitted,
Sean Won
Project Engineer
ellaqest *M Log
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166 1, jo Aep I X -j r
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SI! Jelp pue woj; joe.49 pue 9ojo; 11n; ui aq lleqs goueuipio siqj jet4I :XIS NOIiOqS
-japp!q lnjss000ns aqj of A:padoid icuosied pes jo eliq jolsuejl of pazijoqlne
Aqajeq SI JG6eueVq 06ell!A GqI 'uoijejapsuoo Mons jo idpoei uodn pue palclGooe pq eqj ui
paipoeds uoijejapsuoo eqj loadsOJd junoVq ;o 06811!A eL41 01 J9PUGI lleqs Jappq lnjsseoons
aqj 'pajdame si pq Injss000ns aqj jejje sAep C0 �) ual uiql!m jeqI .9AH NOlI0:IS
-uoijone eqj jo awil eqj le sazijot4lne os jebeuen 06ell!A 9LI1 10 @Gubls,910
9qI JO J9beu8Y\l 96ell!A at4l ssalun 'paqoelle eqj uo qljoj jas anleAwnwiuiw eqj u8qj
SSGI s' t401t4m wal! Cue jo ales 9L41 jo; pelcl000e eq lleL4s pq ou jeL41 :ijnOJ N0110:1S
-uoijelnojio lejaue5
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901jou 0iiand e asneo ll!m aouejapoo jeclioiunN IS9/v\q)JON 9qI IeL41 :9:RJHI NOIIO'qS
MY 00: 1, 1,
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oilqnd e jonpuoo liet4s eouejoluoo ledioiunVq IsM41JON Gt4I IeLl I .0 ,1 NO110,BS,
-japp!q ls;Dt46it4 aqj of eoueuipio sit4l jo joefqns aqj buiaq
uoijone oilqnd le Aliedoid leuosiod pes builles Aq pe/u9s eq ll!m eOBII!A OW 40 slsWelul
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814110 t7 -9L- l, l,/9 99 U01138S 10 SUOISIAOid 9t4j qj!m eouepj000e ui jeqjL :AI 0 N011035
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junolN 9L41 le TTV 00:11. 18 L66 1, 'g jE)qw9ldeS 'AepinleS uo plaq aq ll!m uoijone t4oiqAA
eouejapoo ledioiunVq IsOmL41JON at4i Aq polonpuoo uoijone oilqnd e le Aliedoid leuosied
aqj jo ales aL41 Aq pa/ues aq pinom 95ell!A eL41 10 slsWalui Iseq 9L41 jeL41 joedsOJd junoVq jo
96ell!A 9L41 10 s99jsnjjL jo pjeog pue lueP!s9Jd eqj Aq paupialop uaeq seq j! 'SV3E]HAA
pue 'uiejet4 paipoeds Aliedoid leuosied
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q eqj ui jo 'InjE)sn 'Aiesseoeu
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9L41 jo seilpotlIne alejodjoo at4l jo st4jjnoj-99jqj Iseal le jo uoiuido eL41 ui ISV:q�JAHAA
103cISMId INnoNJO 30VIIIA 3HI A13 C13NMO AIH3clO�cl'
Serial Number
i. D. No.
Chevrolet Pick -Up
$ 500.00
Chevrolet Caprice
1 GI BL5175KA1 35313
$ 500.00
Chevrolet Cavalier
1 G1 JC8117JJ237106
$ 500.00
Ford LN 8000
1 F DYR80 U 1 EVA3931 1
International Harvester
2HTAA1 952CCAI 4295
Chevrolet Blazer
1 GNDT1 3W3N2201151
P-1 3A
$ 500.00
Chevrolet Caprice
1 G1 BL52POSR1 79719
P -8A
$ 500.00
Chevrolet Caprice
1 G1 BL52P9SR1 79654
P -9A
$ 500.00
Chevrolet Caprice
1 G1 BL52P9SR1 86930
P-1 2A
$ 500.00
Chevrolet Caprice
1 G1 BL52P2SR1 85957
P -19A
$ 500.00
� JEQ E)6ell!A'sPIE)IJ V IOJE30
IUOP!SOJd 05elI!A'A8lJeJ I PICJ99 isDliv
166 1111, jo Aep 0
S fhb'
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SI! J@Ue pue W04 Page pue aojol llnj ui aq Ilet4s aoueuipjo sIqj jeqI .
'XIS NO1131S
-japp!q lnjss000ns aqj ol A�jadojd leuosiad pies 10 GlIp JGjsuejj ol pazuoqjne
Aqajaq S! JGbeuel/Y 95ell!A eq; suoijejapsuoo qons jo idpoei uodn pue pajdame p!q' E)qj ui
P9.11.10ads uo.11ejop!suoo eL41 loadsOJd junon jo 85elflAaL4; 01 Japue; Ilm4s jappq plisseoons
aqj 'pajdaooe,si pq lnjss;Doons aq; jalle steep (oliii,) ual ulql!m le
-uoijone GL41 Jo 9wil OL41 le sazijoqlne os jabeueN Gbcll!A aL41 10 GE)UbISGP
eq; Jo JE)C)euevq ebell!A 9141 ss@lun I PE)LIOBIle aq; uo t4liol ;as anleA wnwiuiw aqj ueqj
ssal si qoit4m wal! Aue jo ales aL41 jo; policl000e aq 11eqs pq ou leq_L
noj wio�uo3s
uoilelnojio jejeueb
jo jadedsmou e ui peqsilqnd aq ol uoijone oilqnd siqj ;nope oijqnd lejeuG5 0(44 buiWi0jul
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WV 004 � Pue "INN 00'6 10 sinoq aqj ueam;aq @;ep pue uoijeool sjqj
lei Apadoid jeuosiedet4j, MeIA Aew, pe'lisi igialu9uoAuV 's'Oullll 'Gulleled 's.'Ou'111 IsGAA et'7 liii,
`A')!j!oej S�joM oilqnd OU'Reled 941 le AY O:1' 1111. 18 Z66 li, *t qZ-joqojoO 'AepinjeS uo uoilone
ojlqnd e jonpum 1118LIS, aouejapoo ledpiunin ISM41,ON E)qI le(41. OAA
-L N; 0 11 ODS
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uoijoine oilqnd le Aliadoid jeuiosiod pies 6uillas AqP@AJE)Saq ll!m E)bell!A aq; ;0 SISGJGIUI
Iseq aqj le'41 pue Obell!A 0(41 of Aiessooeu jo Injasin jabuol ou gie 'joadsWicl junoVq 10
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Puij ioedsWicl junoVq jo a6ell I
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9qI JO t7 -9Z- Iiii, US 99 U01109S 10 SUOISIAOid eq; qj!im aouepi000e ul jeqj :AN0 N0 . ....... I
:SIONITII ',dNnoo >i000 '-L0:3dSMJcJ INnoNJO :15VIIIA DHI JO S331smu
JO MJVO8 (INV INEIGISEI�Jd 31-11 Ag GANIVMA0 -LI 38 `9?10.=13?:13H1L MON
-SIOU1111 I GuPled 'SIOU1111 -AA 8t7L 'Al!l!oej s->IjoAA oilqnd
9ulleled 9t4l le -VTV 00: 1111, 1111, le 1661. 19Z jeclopo 'AepinleS uo plaq eq Ipim uolone q31 qm
laouejejuoo ledioiunVy Is9m4PON aq; Aq pajonpum ii
uojone olqnd e le A:pedojd leuiosiad
at4l jo ales eq; Aq pa/uas aq pl nom 915el PA 9LI1 10 siseiaJul Iseqaqj Imp, joedsOJd pnoN jo
96ell!A 9L41 10 seelsnj_L jo pjeoe pue IUGPI,SGJ'd aq; Aq peuiWJ919P U99q s8q 1! `SVMJ,3HAA
pue t.ulajaq paipads Aliadoid leucsiad
9L41 Wel9iiiii! 01 loaclsWicl junoVj jo 06'el1!A 9L41 JO Isajejui Iseq @L41 ui jo 'In;E)sn 'Aiesseoeu
J96uOl Ou S' 1! leql Paulwialop ua,aq seq j! 'siouilll 'Ajuno3 �000 I loaclsWd junoN JO, 9beIPA
OL41 jo sqIj!joqjne alejodjoo E)L41 jo sqljnol-e@Jql Maj le jo uoiuido eq; ui `SV313HAA
IODdSMId INnoNJO :1 DVI I I A :1—PAIIIAIA- A8 G:qNM0, Al:13,c!M:lcl
IVNOS2:13cl NI` DJ30 JO �IIVS X1-11 0NlMJOH-Lnv:q0NVNlMA0 NV
OCTOBER 25, 1997
Serial Number
1. D. N o,,,
Chevrolet K3500
1 GBJK34M9GJ1 72789
Chevrolet K3500
Chevrolet Blazer
IGNDT1 3WZN2201240
P-1 6A
Ford E350
Chevrolet Caprice
I G1 BL52P6SR1 87713
P -6A
Chevrolet Caprice
I GI BL52P2SR1 87630
Chevrolet Caprice
I G1 BL52P3SR1 87491
P-1 5A
`diqsjE)uijed 'cliqsjolaudoid 'lenp!AIPUI UV
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suoileInOE)i 1joads0Jd junoN jo 95eil!A GLI1 JO SU9Z111'0 G141 JO GJe;IGAA
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JE)118?j aAilounful pue
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corporation, association, limited liability company, or
other legal entity of any kind.
QUALIFIED LICENSED A person licensed by the State of Illinois, any other
MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL state, the federal government, or any commonwealth,
as a medical doctor or medical osteopath or other
medical practitioner with equivalent licensure, training
and education requirements.
SEMI-PERMANENT Any ink or pigmented liquid compound designed to be
embedded or attached to the skin tissue of the human
body and not to wash off or be removed by the
normal flaking of the epidermal layer.
TATTOO Any design, imprint, scar, or fixture on the skin
created by the imprinting, attaching, imbedding, or
otherwise affixing, of any indelible or semi-permanent
ink or other permanent or semi-permanent liquid
compound, or burning, searing, or cutting the skin to
create such design, imprint, scar, or fixture.
TATTOO ARTIST A person, who applies tattoos to him or her self or to
others whether at a permanent or temporary location.
TATTOO FACILITY Any place where a person tattoos any part of his or
her own body or the body of another.
Sec. 19.703. Requirements. It shall be unlawful for any person who is not a
qualified, licensed medical professional to apply a tattoo to the
body of any person or to otherwise operate as a tattoo artist in the Village of Mount
Sec. 19.704. Penalties and Additional Legal, Equitable, and Injunctive
A. The penalty for violating any provision of this Article shall be, in addition to any
other sanctions provided, a fine of not less than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00)
or more than Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) for each offense.
Each day of violation shall be deemed a separate offense.
B. In addition to whatever penalties are applicable in this Article, if a person
violates any of the provisions of this Article, nothing shall prevent or restrict the
Village from taking such other lawful action in any court of competent jurisdiction
as is necessary to prevent or remedy any violation. Such other lawful actions
shall include, but shall not be limited to, an equitable action for injunctive relief
or an action at law for damages.
C. All remedies and penalties provided for in this Section shall be cumulative and
independently available to the Village and the Village shall be authorized to
pursue any and all remedies set forth in this Section or other applicable law to
the fullest extent allows by law.
Sec. 19.705. Severability. If any section, subsection or clause of this
Article shall be deemed to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid,
the validity of all remaining sections, subsection, and clauses shall not be effected. "
SECTION TWO: All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with the provisions
V810 Gbell!A
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6LJ21JSOHcl JL.KfIO' AO 219Vrl
August 12, 1997
Staff further reviewed M -K. Signs' proposal and found an alternative sign design that will lower the
overall expenditure of the sign while maintaining the Village's design objectives. As a result, staff
recommends the Village accept M -K Signs' proposal for a total cost of $19,986 for the downtown
entry sign.
Monies are available under account number 557703-690059 on page 270 of the 1997 budget.
Construction of the sign will be scheduled to be completed concurrently with stage I of the
downtown streetscape improvements.
William Cooney, AICP
Community Development Director
Na2lff SVH NOISSHVWOD NVrlcl 21HJL JO ONUHZW L661 'OZ LSfl-9fiV alliL
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GaSIXa—H - L661 'LkuW
alliL AO DNI1212IN HvrifiDaa aHI do S21JANIN
May 7, 1997 Meeting
NEW BUSINESS: General Land Use Map
Judy Connolly, Planner, came forward to present the General Land Use Map prepared by Mike
Sims. The content of that presentation was as follows:
f( 'rehensive Planning
The definition of a Comprehensive Plan is the plan for the long-range growth and development of
the Village, including graphic and written proposals and supporting or implementing documents as
are adopted and amended from time to time.
Mount Prospect's background/history includes three major comprehensive planning programs
undertaken since the late 1950's. These were completed during periods of rapid growth and
development within the Village and general area.
Planning strategy has a dual focus - a long range plan for guiding overall Village development and
a short range action plan for implementing specific high priority projects and programs. Long range
indicates a general framework for change over the next 20 to 25 years. It is general in nature and
open to modification and refinement. Its purpose is to establish long term targets for development
and redevelopment as interpreted at this time. It can help guide and coordinate day-to-day decisions
facing the Village, without impeding action on unforseen opportunities or possibilities. A short
range plan is specific. It designates projects and programs which can be accomplished during the
next 5 years. It is a starting point for implementation of long range recommendations. At the end
of 5 years, a second short-range action plan should be prepared, reflecting local aspirations and
priorities at that time.
111004"1 111111i`111 3 -19 1,91 of ofLIN
Local governments may undertake plans in response to a combination of local circumstances or to
the requirements of state and federal laws or regulations. A general plan becomes a useful tool for
sorting out what the community wants, whether limits should be imposed, and what interests are
being served by such action.
Some of the functions performed by a Comprehensive Plan:
1. The plan is an expression of what a community wants. It's a statement of goals, a listing of
objectives and a vision of what might be.
2. The plan, once prepared, serves as a guide to decision making. It provides the means for guiding
and influencing the many public and private decisions that create the future of the community.
-p,92uvqo aq uvo j! '-ajaaouoo
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0d0tjjf! ddUOUl jVtjj JIV PUdds (fq4t 'UddOU00 ldtj Uddq pvzl jvqj UVI,)r detlsUdqdddwoD dqlfo uoliddoul
,?qj 1v jvqj p!vs, ddloA -sN, -utaouoo dw svm )vqL �dn puv;s p1nom lj,, p!vs, snuvp *jN *,, suoiszodp
dn-�jvq of mvlfo ldnoo v Ul dsn uvo nodlvqj fool v si jz puvq jaq)o dqj uo,, P!vs'uvtuffOH uvw-llvqD
-juawn2Jv pooh' v ql!4t sn apvnsjgd djcaaijvjudwn2.iv pub awoo uvo ladojqAqp duv,, ',Vnuvi, -,iN
-pad.&V dllouuoD -Elf ." �Juvm dAt lvqmfogdnloidv s;udsddd(luo 1! 'J! Sd0P 'dodqf2iqpuiq lv2dl efuv
aAVq 1, USdOp (fllVd.1 Ji uvlj aAisuaqaidtuo3 dqi of pdtfovliv slvdAvo aqj 11v qj!6t,, pvs snuv .
r uimpg
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4sNxed 'slooilos lle jo uoil-vol Isuoil-eogIssulo looils Oluilmlll pule c.U0TjUj30SSV 2UIUU'eld UVOTIOmV
m4l Xq poluuOisop, siol000m puul juiogjo zT11 of 2uipuodsoum voloo dum zseiq tpoonpoid Isig stm
d7aw Qqj OOUIS POAoiddu u;Doq;DA-eq Imll soOuqo lo d-ew juauno oill uo jsixo jvqj som pu-el opnjoui
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-sluop1sai Oill lljouoq isoq p1nom
luo-LudolOAOP JO odXl I-eilm leo aiinbo-e leo ui-eluium ol joadsoij junoW luum noX P&-Lui oqj looUoi
XIol-emove pinoT4s dvW,0Aisu;3T4oidwoD 0111 'uQP! 11P 1111m O2PITIA oqj soqovaidd-e jodojOAOP V J1
-Xs-eo X11.ressoaDu jou i42noTqjj-e - olq!ssod oq
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pule luoumRip ur aiinbOJ &gMuuld QJJUTXOT
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UT aininj gqj OUT lom Xq suoisioop, oininj 11-Luil jou soop uuld pool u jeqj puiul ui Idol oq pinoqs 11
'SOAIJOQCqo Xilununuoo pajutls uo pc)suq oju jull SUOTSTOOP OVTU 01 PUP
aojOdmoo uuqjioqj-ej;)juuipi000 ol'imai ol u-eql joqlei ol-edioT 01 6PVQIF �fOOJ 01 OSTM ST 11 'P.TO PUB
aveld xejnoi:�md noun S3ZTJOj0UJVT4:) JRqT XlTu Irm-.Ino pue JU130S O-qj 01 QAlsuodsal Oq jsllUl u-eTd pooh V
-um.iOaid Ouiuu-eld TV101 V JO IXOTU03 OT UT IM XTUO POzl. luO.I
si oouonUui I-eql.lnq taouonUui snopuowaij ose*q uleo Urld oqj 4Xoijod jo luotuOlels v su pOzill2000i
uoqAk -suoiltuidsu pule suoiluolu! XjjunlUUJ03 JO UOTSsaidxo ue 'Xoilod jo luomolvis v si 1! Ieqj
siu-ejdujoQou;DssO0qjL -2u!uu-eldjoS;)TI!AIIOUDqIJO.I;Dqlo.,Rol.2uTi?uuqoipouod-esluosoidoiuuld
olq,L -uoilnlosai 13TUuoo pue uoissnosip 'QjeqQpiqj si&uq -e olvom of - ss000ld Otp uo uo!luouu snooj
off. siuuidujoiuiodotU -uoijujudoidsilioljvuuld olqljoasnQillpuuuuld z)tllBuuedoidjoss;)ooid
0111 U10JJ P3ATJOP ST Q111VA Oqj - suopounj xaldium pule ppo.Tq -qons llglrij louuuo luoTunoopolfts V
*suoiiounj omi jsijj oil l IlUlnj Alis gosinoo jo 'uuo uuld pOj-epuuLu u tl,3nS -uoijuOijqo fuess000u
u oq Xum II 'jUOlU3JTnbai lu-Sol -e jo lu;DLull!jlnj oqj juoso.Td3i Xvtu sam autos ui weld oijj -E
0 'ulOOW L66 T 'L XPW
May 7, 1997 Meeting
Dan Ungerleider, Planning Coordinator, said the Corridor studies have done that. Mr. Velasco
stated that he thought if there were not a state law, there would be no plan. Chairman Hoffinan
asked the status of the updated plan. Dan Ungerleider said we are bringing the map to you (he
showed the 1988 ]*dand Use Map) to get this information onto aformal map similar to a zoning map.
A copy of the new map will be availablefir, distribution on request.
Judy Connolly outlined areas on the map which will require further study due to conflicts between
the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Ordinance and the existing use. Much discussion regarding
those areas ensued and a copy of those comments will be attached to the proposed revision to the
Land Use Map; a copy of the marked -up map and the commission members comments is displayed
in the Planning Division office).
After the agenda items were brought to a close, there was general discussion on the Rand Road
Corridor Study, the, Downtown Streetscape Plan, the TIF District and the United Airlines annexation.
Chairman Michael Hoffman adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.
Barbara Swiatek, Planning Seta�Y,
.... .... . . ............................. ..... .
Daniel Ungerleider, Planning Coordinator
-pouipisqu snuuf pg pup Appo-d
ll!g *O -g possud uoijoW -!Ru'lOOW L661 '9 W.WW oqljo solnuituOtp QAoidd-e of QdIOA vlo5uV, Xq popu000s
pup olloioliol loj-uD Xq Qpuw sum uogoW -Outiootu atpjo uoi:podiioql poloouvo pvq lo!j4sT(I �jnj loodsol(l
-jW atil juqj p;Dounouuu swiS u I Xq --d 9E:L lu lQPlO 01 PQIIUO OUROON
. 01M *VWJJOH IOBqOI.W uVw'.U43 w
uuurqojq uiol
.Kqd-Tnj/,i uuV W wif
SLUTS plaT431W
a23oa TM.Ij
adjOA vTg2uV
XPPQ-d =Tjjj1'A
stluBf UTM a
. P
W sodolS opIS uisug uoijualo-d
.ioj uoildooxg opo juaudOjOAO(j
W XOAMS JO 1'ell 017321SOAA,
(sjuoui: mdV
29009 rll'Noojqq3joN
"oD Xlll!qulrl polltull 711 Ue 4XI-I 'QTV,21SQAk
SalaNIN aaSlAaH
..II'A PuZ IIVH 0-'Rull!A - *w,d OE:L - L661 '61 qOIUW
alll JO ONUF121W NVqflDHW
:Ixasaud Swaqwaw
Plan Commission Meeting Minutes
March 19, 1997
Page 2
Westgate Condominiums - Plat of Survey & Development Code Exception for Retention Basin Side
Slopes & Street Lighting.
Mike Sims explained that Ralph Katz was not present to speak for Westgate so he would further
elucidate the request. Mr. Sims explained that petitioner is seeking approval of a plat of survey. The
plat shows all lot improvements and includes building setback lines. The plat needs to be presented
to the Plan Commission and Village Board for condominium conversions. The commission needs
to accept the plat of survey as property prepared by a licensed surveyor. No signature is required.
Planning and Engineering Staff have reviewed the plat and finds it acceptable.
Mr. Sims continued to explain that th& petitioner is seeking development code exceptions (same term
as a variance) for: (A.) approval of a tEffee horizontal to one vertical slope for the existing retention
facility. The petitioner will re -grade the retention pond to meet all other slope requirements. The
request is being made so the retention pond can adequately serve the storm water needs of the site.
Engineering staff feels three to one is safe, it is routinely used in other communities. The existing
fence that encircles the entire pond will remain for safety, and (B) permission for four of the street
lights to be installed at a later time when theVillage has completed a street lighting plan for Westgate
Road. The Village has no current plans to install street lights on Westgate Road, from Central to
Wildwood. Staff recommends the development code exception be approved subject to, a restrictive
covenant being signed by the owner and language added to the Westgate condominium documents
that will require the new owners to pay for the installation of four street lights when so directed by
the Village of Mount Prospect.
The applicant will be appearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals on March 27 to request a
rezoning to R-4, Multi -family Residence, as well as for parking lot curb and gutter, parking lot
landscaping screening, parking space and fence variations.
A member asked if any trees would be lost as a result of moving the fence "there are like five trees
within the fence by the retention". Mike Sims responded, there will be no trees removed as a
result of the fence relocation.
Much discussion centered on the request to forestall the installation of the four street lights. Carol
Tortorello inquiredabout the cost and Mike Sims said they would be approximately $6,000 each,
about $25,000. Several questions regarding an escrow for the lights were debated: how much to
escrow, how long could the money be escrowed. It was thought that it might be the best idea to
postpone the installation of lights until all of Westgate Rd. was done, because if they are installed
now it could create "hot spot" for drivers,, creating a difficulty on vision for night driving. It was
also stated that they should be install. -..d now rather than at a higher cost in the future.
NIW'(1 3 SIAR'H\DJ\DNIJ\A3CMO3\S-d3 Sri\: X
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oi3vd L661 461 PlIeW
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Olp JO SOInUFLU Olp ZAoiddv ol spa :Hord ounf Aq popmoos pm OOs-el;)A sinol �q op-eui spm uoi Ioua
V -0-g JO ZJOA VXqpoAoidd-e Q.Tom solnup osoili, '21 PDM L661 "6T iloivW mp Io solnulli-i
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1p l A
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PIN to cl rf
L661 'Z Xlnf
1' OISSIM03 Nyria L"'Midsoud JLNMOW
July 2, 1997 Meeting Page 2
in attending the next meeting. Planning staff will send notice of the next BDDRC meeting to the
Plan Commission. Michael Hoffman said he would like the various entities to get started relatively
soon on a substantive plan for downtown.
NEW BUSINESS: Chairman Hoffman introduced the next item on the agenda, the Annexation
Planning Study. Judy Connolly, Village Planner, said she would like to further define that as being
the South Sector Study. She had sent members a packet to read and followed that as she indicated
the S outh Sector Map. Ms. Connolly started by saying that a maj or lobj ective of the Comprehensive
Plan for the Village of Mount Prospect has been to evaluate the impacts of areas contiguous to the
Village corporate limits. One such area is at the south end of Mount Prospect bounded by
Commonwealth Edison right-of-way on the north, Busses Road on the west, Nordic Road extended
on the east, and the Bulk Petroleum Tank Farms to the south. This area contains roughly 234 acres
including public rights-of-way. These public rights-of-way account for nearly 10% of the area
leaving approximately 212 net acres in private property. From a planning standpoint, it is important
to be able to guide growth in the planning area of Mount Prospect. As change occurs, there is a need
to restudy the factors that affect development within the planning area of Mount Prospect. This
sector study is intended to develop strategies for potential action steps that can be presented to the
Mount Prospect officials for final acceptance resulting in an official plan.
She spoke on the background and development patterns of south Mount Prospect. Ms. Connolly also
pointed out the existing conditions of the area such as soil characteristics, topography and drainage,
vegetation, residential/commercial/industrial character, parcel sizes, zoning, building heights, visual
and aesthetic elements, transportation and roadway network, traffic conditions, pedestrian and
bicycle networks (both local and adjacent).
Board members had many comments regarding the area. Michael Hoffman suggested tours of the
area, either individually or as a group. It was decided to have a group tour of the south sector in the
very near future.
Dan Ungerleider shared with the group that IDOT has been communicating with the Village in
regards to Route 83 becoming a full interchange, with the Elgin/O'Hare possibly coming in at the
same interchange. It will be to our advantage to prepare for these eventual changes.
Chairman Hoffman said it would be interesting to see aerial photos of the area. Dan Ungerleider
said we do have aerial photos taken last fall and would prepare a presentation of them soon after the
motor tour of the area.
Carol Tortorello asked if they could have the south sector document dated, not marked "draft". Dan
Ungerleider said we would format an automatic date on the last page of the document.
.IOI.UUIPJOOD A?Ufdq�a, 'JZ)DTQjJQ2Ufj Ulg(l
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-w*d gZ:8 It poujnofpe S -em sulloow
-0-g poss-ed uolloW
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-pouT -ed svm u0jIOW
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ol suopoofqo ojom algill,, `spew 1! solnUILU JO JUAwddie xaputi : Xj mjo ol pju-em oLl plus oH -OMpoua
L661 "L KPW jo sojnM'Lu0Tjj QAoA6 off. 'ssoulsnq jonpo isiTi oip poounouuu u-eu:gJOH u-euurvqD
jouu,cld 02u*gU 2uo-I 6[illouuoD Apnf
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uvuvq,Kqnpio ox p-allu-3 s7gm uolssnmol uulcl joadsoid junopq ap jo 2WIX)w nln2ai oqL
Sal, 3 KIW (laSlAaH
L661 '81 aunt
moissiwwoa mvrid laAclsoucl iNnow
June 18, 1997 Meeting
Mr. Sims reported that the proposed conversion involves four town homes that will be converted to
residential condominium units. Section 16.306 requires owners of existing property, when
intending to convert to condo ownership, submit plat of survey to the Plan Commission and Village
Board for approval and also that such conversions fall under current code and ordinances required
by the Village. The petitioner has presented a plat of survey for the conversion and also requested
a waiver for the streetlight or that the new condominium association be required to install the light.
The Village Engineer, Jeff Wulbecker, has estimated that the cost for the new streetlight is $5,000.
Most recently there was a similar request made by Westgate Apartments. This request was denied
since there was no apparent hardship and the commission did not want new owners to incur the cost
of the installation. of those lights. This is the case for the Sha Bonee request.
Mr. Simms stated that Staff has reviewed the required plat of survey and has found it to be
Jim DeVuono, the current owner of the subject property, stated that his reason for requesting the
street light exception isn't that the owners pay for the light but rather issue of the equity. He stated
that he has one other building down the street that he will be converting in the near future. His
request is that the $5,000 cost be shared with the other adjacent properties when they convert. He
asked that the Village permit him to recapture the cost rather than divide it out. As currently
required, the buildings next door don't have to pay for the streetlight when they convert.
Frank Boege stated that there is no feasible way for the Village to assist you in recapturing cost.
There is no recourse against them to make them pay that. Louis Velasco agreed. Mr. Velasco added
that it is not fair that others do not have to pay for it even though they'll benefit from the light.
The Plan Commission discussed about Westgate Condominium Conversion and why their request
was different from the Sha Bonee request. It was pointed out that the Westgate street tights would
benefit the Westgate residents. Some members felt Westgate was very dark, plus it was a big
conversion, more that four units.
Jim DeVuono requested that the commission at least arrive at some way to equalize the cost with
future owners so when they convert they don't have to pay for light.
Chairman Michael Hoffman stated that he appreciates that the fairest way would be to spread the
cost among all the people benefiting from the light. He added however that he is concernedabout
setting up that kind of system. Administration of the system would be costly, although setting up
a pro -rata systern for something this size does not make a lot of sense.
Louis Velasco remarked that from a financial standpoint he agreed but from an equity stand point
he did not.
Jim DeVuono inquired if the Village could still establish a recapture agreement.
-jUOUIOAojdtui sitIl punjLuiq djoil of uaolsAs
oin1drooi v dolOAOpol Idwour jo ons and jjvjs jutp 2uijso0�ns si puu ItI&I looils P ioj uoildooxo
Opoo luotudolgAoa v jo i-el.uop 2ul.puaww000., s, uolss!unuoD ulaid ;)ql TULIT POTIels LTuuaJJOH O'NM
-Isoo jq0ljjQQ.IjS
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jo,qjouu sind uoqeuuojuj si-qj jeTjj plus 0000g ;juvij -dy
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'JOUopliod aqj ioj s1soo oqj jo atuos omIduow off. X-em v puij off. IdLualiv 11!M jos
juq, j3ujpuujsjopun oqj qjjm uoi dooxo, opoo juoLud0jQAZ(:j OID 01 U01jolu OpuLU O2O0q:4Uvjj
POAoiddv Sum XQA.MS JO JUJj Qqj QAoidd-o of uollotu o-LLL -upilow oip popwoos snug pg -poluosoid
se XoAms jo IvId uoisjOAwo opUO3 I!VljL QQUOq MIS Oqj QA0.MaTv'off. U011OUI 18 OPPW 00suJOA ST.0-1
-uoildoox;) itl2illowis OT Ioj
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UOISSIURUOD UP1,1 OTU 'UOISIAoid omildvow uIPIM OAo.Tdd-e ojKrm.v si woql ij PONS-9 OuonAOCI Ullf
wom as o-qj jo ind sr S7310 s
.qj jj fildd-ew of poou jou p1nom nuolIllod Q-qj lap plus 03 A 1 M-T
-OjPp.IQjUj V IP -UOTRdooxo oip
joj Ajddvai uotp puu watuaw2v on-4deow aip uo podw u joB of ipm wonuoij!Iod OIU -swem Qq
IUQAo.id p1nom odAii sTqjjo uoiirnupU00 J! PolsOH
. quowooj2v ajmd7aooi u jo Qsn oip sOIj3=S1D-T
.v -e
jjvjs o1p4m ponuiluoo oq uolidooxo opoo jUOLudojQAOpoipioj isonbai oill will pols-e 03suIOA smog
*I-eqj T!m, IquItwoo
ou sum onill poirls sTm 11 -oxmdvooi joj uo-qupuounwow v tplm uoilljod o-qj Auap uvo uoissrMwoo
Oqj.jOjpQqm 2UjpM2Qj pomolloj uoissnosICI quo-mooiffe az-tv 2uTqsijqPjso ow ool p o
I �j In m oq
plus swisnquaow uooj ol powem iso suoildo possnosip,
.S oN!W -snuoll1iod ioj Xououi autos oxmd LU "
*snsuosuoo JOJ PONST OH WOO
plm XldLuoo of uoliliod oT oj!nboi jo twomajInbo.1 IqBlllQQJ4S Qqj OAI'uM 01 tpoilsilquiso aq jwtuooift
OlMduow v IsoBSns of :sooioijo QOAP S-eq uolss'uRUO:) U-91d 3111 Tozl.nufluns IMUJJJ0H 0TW
-iuoT.udojQA3p jOuoissoi2oid sj! puu poompjjA, uo uoissnosi
*POOmPII� uo 00V SIROX OTuOs luotwaift ojmduoOi v PT 02VIIIA alp juill popuodsai smiS o)I!W
2U!10,W Lf 61 '8T ;)Unf
June 18, 1997 Meeting
The Plan Commission voted 5-0 to not approve Frank Boege's motion to the Development
Code exception with the understanding that staff will attempt to find a way to recapture some of the
costs for the petitioner. Mr. Hoffman explained that the Plan Commission's action does not
approve or deny the exception.
Mr. Hoffman asked that a motion be made to recommending approval or denial of development
exception. Louis Velasco made a motion to approve the development code exception for a street
light. Frank Boege seconded the motion.
Upon Roll Call: AYES: Janus, Richards, Velasco
NAYS Boege, Hoffman
The vote was 3-2,; the motion does not carry.
Michael Hoffman stated that he dissented because he would not like to vary from the code unless
there is a particular hardship presented. In this case, there was not.
lext AMendrnent Committee: Louis Velasco suinmarized the recent text amendment regarding the
fence code and related definitions.
Mike Hoffman gave a brief report on the Downtown Redevelopment Workshop held a few weeks
ago. He shared his notes. He said that a survey was conducted with those who participated in the
workshop to get some idea of what people wanted to see in downtown Mount Prospect. He said he
had attached a copy of the results: In general, most said they wanted to see more activity, they
wanted the downtown to remain the center of government, wanted to see restaurants, nightlife. They
were supportive of additional condominiums and specialty shopping. BDDRC and Economic
Development representatives were there, several Village Board members, myself, Chamber of
Commerce,, might have been one or two others. There were also 2 developers invited to talk -
Dennis Harder of Joseph Freed & Co. spoke a little about downtown redevelopment in general and
also Jack Whistler of Brian Properties spoke. Key points were that downtown area, north of the
tracks, is in a TIF district. It has only a little bit of life in terms of TIF financing left. It expires
exactly 2008 which is only 11 years. If you're going to issue any type of bonds or things to pay for
some of the activities that occur in those areas - that's really not that much time so if anything
significant is going to happen in terms of redevelopment it really needs to get going within the next
couple of years.
L661 '81 Xillf
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u 00ull A :HlllL
L6-60-Dd :Xggwflm NSVD
I )U;atuq3ujjv
TITLE: 2225 W. Lincoln Street
Pine Hill Preliminary Plat of Subdivision
MWOMMMA'"I'll., 6-3
Prepared By-, Community Development Department - Plawling Divisloll
JULY 15, 1997
*91cield000e sl pus sjuawaiinbei lie sleaw 1! pug pus juawdOIOAOa pOfqns
941 JOI UOISIAIpqnS jO 181d keu',w'.I;DJd 8qj POAAGIAW Set4 UOISIAI(] 6u'J9au'.6u3 9141
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Eligible Activities
Acquisition of Real Property
Disposition of Real Property Acquired with CDBG Funds
Construction or Reconstruction of Public Facilities
Parks, Playgrounds or Recreational Facilities
Public Services
Payment of Non -Federal Shares of Federal Projects
Completion of Urban Renewal Projects
Removal of Architectural Barriers for the Handicapped
Rehabilitation and Preservation of Commercial and
Residential Buildings
Special Economic -Development Activities
Code Enforcement
Historic Preservation
Renovation of Closed School Buildings
Demolition and Clearance of Buildings and Improvements
Parking Facilities and Designated Areas
Fire Protection Facilities and Equipment in Certain Areas
Solid Waste Disposal, Recycling or Conversion Facilities
Fair Housing Counseling
Certain Planning Activities
CDBG Administrative Costs
Buildings Used Primarily for the General Conduct of Government
General Government Expenses
Purchase of Equipment
Purchase of Furnishings and Personal Property
The Operating, Maintenance and Repair of Public Facilities
New Housing Construction
Utility Costs
Payment of Non-CDBG Staff
Estimted Fiscal Year 1998 CDBG Grant Amount: $373,000