HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 2075 05/21/1968
ORDINANCE, NO. ~ () 7 ~
, "
WHEREAS" 1 he Fire and Police Committee of theiVillageo,f, Mount ProS$~t
~retoforeon Apri); 26" 1968 did conduct a Public Hea.r1fig concer.nihgan , , '. ",'
entirely new. traffic. code to replCice the present Chapter 18.of. the MuniciPal
Code' of 1957 of thlaVillage of Mount Prospect ; and
WHEREASl,theFir'e and Police Ccmn1ttee of the Village, of Mount Prospect
haveCletertn1n~ ,that a new. Chapter 18 replac:!ng the ensting'I'r'af'fic Code. of
the Village of Mouht; Prospect would be in the best interests of the Village
of Mount ProsPect! and
~tthe ,President an9-.Boa,rd of Trustees of tl'1e Village of Mount
Prospect haved.etetminedthat"the best.interests .ofthe Vil~age of.Momt ,
rrospect Will be' a~ta.ined by the adoption of the Fire arid Pbiice C6tmdttee
recbntnel1datiOh regB.rdingthe traffio code;
SECTION 1: '!hat, cnCipter 18 of the Municipal Code of MoUhtProspect
of 1957 as " ~dedbe and is' hereby repealed and that anew Chapter 18 be
substituted. therefore which new Chapter 18 shall be and read as follows:
Article I
A.rtic1e II
Article In
Article Dr
Article VII
Article VIII
Article IX
Article X
Article XI
Article XII
Article XIII
Article XDl
Article Y0l
Article XVI
GeneraJ. Prd\d..Si6ns
Traffic Signs ~ Signals and Markings
. .
Accidents ; Transporting Alcoholic Liquor;
Dri ving While Intoxicated; Reckless
Dr! ving and Drag Racing
Speed Restrictions
Turning and Starting; Signals on Stopping
and Turning; Driving on Right Side of
Roadway; and OVertaking and Passing
Right-of -tvay
Stopping~ 8tanding and Parking
Size, Weight, and Load
Abandoned Vehicles
Pedestrians Rights and Duties
Miscellaneous Provisions; Arrests; Penalties
and Disposition of Fines
Article 1. , Definitions
Section 18 .101. Definitions of Words and PhraS~s. Whenever in this
Chapter the following words and plFases a.!'e used~t~eysha11~ for the purposes
of this Chapter~ have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this Article"
except When'the context otherwise indicateS~
Section 18.102. Alley. A public w~wj.thih ablock; generally giving
access to the rear of lots of buildings and riot Used for general traffic circulation.
Section 18a03'iArea. The geographical boUhda.!'ies within \'Jhich an operat-
ing motorcycle or Qperating 'motor-driven cycle can .be heard.
Section 18.10.4. iJ.ti.cy.cle~ Every device propelled by human power upon which
any person may ride, MVirig two tandem wheels either of' Which is more than 16
inches in diameter.
Section 18.105. Districts. The word "distri6tll may be used with reference
(a) Business District. The territoI"J of the Village contiguous to and
including a highway when within any 600 feet along such highway there are
buildings in use for. business or industrial purposes, . including but not
limited .to. hotels, banks, or office buildings, railroad stations, and
public buildings which occupy at least 300 feet of frontage on' one side
or 300 feet collectively on both sides of the highway.
.(b).. Residence District. The territory of the Village contiguous, to and
including a highway' not conprising a business district when the property
on such highway for a distance of 300 feet or more is in the main irrproved
with residences or residences and buildings in use for business.
(c) Suburban District. That portion of the Village other than the
business and residence districts.
(d) Urban District. The territory contiguous to and including any street
which is built up with structures devoted to business, industry or mlelling
houses situated at intervals of less than 100 feet for a distance of a
quarter of' a mile or more.
Section 18.106. Drag Racing. The act of 2 or more individuals competing or
racing on any street or highway in this Village in a situation in which one of
the motor, vehicles is beside or to the rear of a' motor vehicle operated by a
carrpeting driver and the one driver attempts to prevent the competing driver
:f'ran passing or overtaking him, either by acceleration or maneuver, or one or more
individuals competing in a race against time on any street or highway in this
Section 18.107. Explosives. Any chemical compound or mechanical mixture
that. is ccmnonly used or intended for the purpose of producing an explosion and
which contains SJ1Y oxidizing and combustive units or other ingredients in such
proportions, quantities, or packing that an ignition by fire, by friction, by
concussion, by percussion, or by detonator of any part of the compound mixture
may cause such a sudden generation of highly heated gases that the resultant
gaseous pressures are capable of producing' destructible e~fects on contiguous
objects or of destroying life or limb.
Section 18.108. Fire Lane. Any travel lanes reserved for fire fighting
equipment so that suchfi:re equipment can move freely thereon.
Section 18.109. Flammable Liquid. Any liquid which has a. flash point of
70 degrees F., or less, as deter.mined by a tabliabue or equivalent closed cup
test device.
Section 18.110. HOlidays. When used in' this C'napter or on official signs
authorized by this Chapter, holidays shall mean New Year.' s Day, Memorial Day,
Independence Day, Labor. Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
Section 18.111. Muffler. A device consisting of a series of chambers or
baffle plates or. other mechanical design for the purpose of receiving exhaust
gas from an internal canbustion engine and effective in reducing noise,.
Section 18.112. Official Time. Standard or day light saving time, which-
ever may be in current use in this Village.
Section 18.113. Official Traffic Control Devices. All signs, signals,
markings, and devices which conform with the state of Illinois Manual and not
inconsistent with this Chapter, placed or erected by authority of a public body
or, official 'having Jurisdiction, for the purpose of regulating,' warning, or
guilding traffic, including:
(a) Railroad Signs or Signal. Any Elign, signal, Or, device erected in
accordance with the laws gover.ning same and intended to, give notice of
the presence of railroad tracks or the, approach of a, railroad train.
(b) Traffic' Control Si,gnal. Any device, whether manually, electrically
or mechanically operated, by which traffic is alternately directed to
stop and to proceed.
Section 18.114. Park or Parking. When prohibited means the standing of
a ,vehicle, whether occupied or not, otherwise than temporarily for the purpose
of and while actually engaged in lOading or unloading.
Section 18.115. . Parking Meter. A mechanical device located upon a public
street, sidewalk, or other place designated as a parking meter zone,' which
device may be activated by the appropriate United States coins and which there-
after clocks the number of minutes of parkingprlvilegethereby extended to the
person depositing.such coin or coins.
Section 18.116. Person. Every natural person, firm, co-partnership,
association, or corporation, including:
(a) Chauffeur.
1. All persons employed by another for the principal purpose of
driving a motor vehicle, and
2. All persons who drive a school bus transporting children, and
3. All persons errployed in connection with the operation of any
school, day camp, summer camp, or nursery school, who drive . any
motor vehicle transporting children to or from any school, day
Camp, summer camp, or nursery school, and
4. All persons who drive any motor vehicle when in 'use for the
transpOrtation of persons or property' for cprrpensation;
5. Except, the term I1chauffeuril shall not include any person who
operates a road machine, a farm tractor, or a motor vehicle incidental
to some other and principal occupation where the motor vehicle is
operated solely and in furtherance of such other and principal
occupation, provided that the motor vehicle is not used for the
transportation of passengers or property for hire.
(b) CrOSSing Guard. An adult civilian authorized by the Mount Prospect
Chief of Police to supervise and expedite the crossing of pedestrians at
assigned crossings.
(c) Driver. Every person who drives or is in actual physicaJ.control of
a vehicle.
(d) Operator. Every person, other than a chauffeur, who drives or is in
actuaJ. physical control of a motor vehicle upon a highway or who is
exercising control over or steering a vehicle being towed by a motor
(e) Owner. A person who holds the legaJ. title of a vehicle or in the
event a vehicle is the subject of an agreement for the conditional sale or
lease thereof with the right of purchase upon perfonnance of the conditions
stated in the agreement and with an irr.mediate right of possession vested ,in
the conditionaJ. vendee or lessee, or in the event a mortgager of a vehicle
is entitled to possession, then such conditional vendee or lessee or
mortgager shaJ.l be deemed the owner for the purpose of this Chapter.
(f) Pedestrian. Any person afoot.
(g) Police Officer. Every officer authorized to direct or regulate
traffic or to make arrests for violation of traffic regulations.
(h) Secretary of State. The Secretary of. the State of Illinois.
Section 18.117. Property.. Any reaJ. property within the Village of Mount
Prospect which is not a street or highway.
Section 18.118. Property Line. The line of demarcation between a public
way and private 'property abutting thereon.e
Section 18.119. Public' Building. Any building or portion of any building
occupied and used by any governmental agency.
(d) Crosswalk
1. That portion of a roadway ord:inarily included within the pro-
longation or connection of the lateral lines of sidewalks at
2. Any portion. of a roadWay di~tii1ctly . in~cated for pedestrian
crossing by lines or other mar1dng~ on. the surface.
(e) Improved H:tghway. Whenever the term 1iimpr6V'ed highway" is used in
this Chapter, i1; shall be const:r-ued .to incluc4ie roadways of. concrete, brick,
asphalt, macadam and crushed stone or gravel.
(f) Intersection.
1. The area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the
lateral curb lines,. or, if.none,.then the. lateral boundary lines of
the roadways of two highways which j bin one. another at, or approximately
at, right angles or thearea'rtthin which vehicles traveling upon
different roadways joining at any other angle may come in conflict.
2. Where a highWay includes two roadways 40 feet or more apart,. then
every crossing of each roadway of such diVided highway by an inter-
secting highway shall be regi3.rded as a separate interSection.
(g) Laned Roadway. A roadway which is divided into 2 or more clearly
marked lanes for vehicular traffic.
(h) Loading Zone. A designated area in the roadway, adjacent to the
curb or shoulder:l to be occupied exclusively by vehicles during the loading
or unloading of passengers and/or material.
(i) One-Way Street or One-Way Alley. A public way in which traffic is
permitted to travel in only one direction.
(j) Parking Meter Zone. A designated and marked off area in the roadway,
adjacent to the curb or shoulder or any other place so designated, to be
occupied exclusively by vehicles for the purpose of parking for the period
of time allocated to the zone by the parking meter.
(k) Private Roads or Driveways. Every way or place in private ownership
and used for vehicular travel by the o'Wner and those having express or
implied pernrl.ssion from the owner but not by other persons.
(1) Public Way. Any sidewalk, roadway, alley or other thoroughfare open
to the use of the public as a matter of right:l for the purpose of travel.
(m). ROad\lTa,y. That portion of a highway improved, deSigned, or ordinarily
used for vehicular travel, exclusive of the berm or shoulder. In the
event a highway includes 2 or more separate roadways the term tlroadway'i as
used herein shall refer to any such roadway separately but not to all such
(n) Safety Zone. The areaer space efficially set apart within a
roadway fer the exclusive use ef pedestrians and \l7hich is pretected er
is so. marked er indicated by adequate signs as to. be plainly visible
at all times While set apart as a safety zene.
(e) Sidewalk.. 'Ihat pertien. of a. street. .between t1)e. curb lines, or the
lateral lines ef a roa.d.wa.Y, and the a.dj acent property lines intended. fer
the use ef pedestrians.
(p) Stat~ . m~w~s. . Wherlever the term. "State Highways if is used in this
Chapter, . it shall. be construed to i11clude the Stap~ highways as defined in
the lVIll1.neis !IighwayCdde1? as the same may .from t~ to. time be amended.
(q) Taxicab $tan~... A designated area +11 the rociliW-ay, adjacent to. the
curb er sheulder j to. be eccupied exclu.si vely by taxi caps for purpeses ef
standing er awaiting passengers.
(I') Threugh Highway. Every highway er pertien the reef en which vehicular
traffic is given preferential right-ef-way, and at the entrances to. which
vehicular traffic from intersecting highways is required by law. to. yield
right-ef-way to. vehicles en such threugh highway in .ebedience to. either a
step sign er a yield sign, when signs are erected as provided in this
Chapter. .
Sectien 18.128. Stunting. _ .Op.eratien ef a vehicle in a manner causing
it to. weave er suddenly change ceurse, er the loss ef bedy contact with the
seat by a driver er passenger, and net fer the purpese ef safe eperatien ef such
Sectien 18.129. . Terminal. A designated area, including. buildings, structures,
andequipn:ent lecated at the erigin er destinatien ef a transpertatien movement,
and used for the transfering, handling, delivering, and receiving ef passengers
and/er property.
Sectien 18.130. Tires. nTires" shall include:
(a) Metal Tire. Every tire the surface ef which in cent act with the highway
.is whelly er partly ef metal er ether hard nen-resilient material.
(b) Pneumatic Tire. Every tire in which compressed air is deSigned to.
suppert the lead.
(c) Solid Tire. Every tire ef rubber er ether resilient material which
does net. depend upen cempressed air fer the suppert ef the lead.
Sectien 18.131. Teuring. Any repetitieus driving ef motercycleser meter-
driven cycles in the sarre area which causes a disturbance er is done with the
intent ef calling attentien to. an eperater ef a metorcycle er moter-driven cycle.
Sectien 18.132. Traffic. Pedestrians" ridden er herded animals, vehicles,
and ether cenveyances either. singly. er tegether while using. 8r'.y highway fer
purpeses ef travel.
(a) Mer~ Traffic. A maneuver executed by the dri veras of, vehicles on
converging roadways to permit simultaneous or altemateentry into the
junction thereoft wherein the driver of each vehicle invplved is required
to adjust his vehicular speed and lateral' positions so as to avoid a
collision with any other vehicle.
Section 18.133. Vehicle. Every device in, UP()l){'6~ by which any person
or property is or may be transported or drawn upon ,9-,highway > except devices
moved by human power or upon stationary rails or' tt'8;cks t including:
(a) Abandoned Vehicle. A motor vehicle standitig o~ parked on a public way
which is either:
1. In such a state of disrep~:i..ras to be inQapableof being driven
or operatedt or
'~~. ,
- . ': .
2. Unmoved or tihMea rof m6f!.e thal'l seven (7) consebuti ve days.
',. '.
(1)) , Authorized anet~tltiy.V~ti.lcl~s~ " Emergency v-eh*91es, ()~ the municipal
departments of: tl1eVillage,OfMQunt Prospector:gUb,lic service corporations
as are designated. orauthor1zed by", the \Tillage of ~()llt'1t pt>ospect Board of
Trustees ; police VelUcles ; vehicles of the Fire Department and ambulances.
(c) Bus. EveryrtlOtor Vf3hlcle desighed for ca.rry1ngmore than ten (10)
passe~rs and us~. f9r ,the transportation of petsbns; and every motor
vehicle, ,other than' a.' taxicab t designed and used for the transportation of
personS for compensation.
(d) Ehmeral Procession._.A caravan or motorCade, consisting of two or more
motor 'vehicles $ in, comb1riC\t~ons of any of the following :autanobiles
designed a.od used for carrying not more than seven (7) passengers, funeral
hearses, and ,floral cars, ,When, such vehicles are proceeding to places of
burial. For purposes of this Chapter, pedestrians or equestrian units may
also constitute funeral processions either alone or in. combinations of any of
the motor vehicles described in this sub-section.
(e) House Car or Camper. Any motor vehicle that is originally designed
or subsequently altered, equipped for human habitation, and which is not
used to transport property on its own structure other than property used for
human habitation or camping purposes.
(f) Irr.plement of Husbandry. Every vehicle designed and adapted exclusively
for agriCUltural, horticultural, or livestock raising operations, including
farm wagons, wagon trailers or like vehicles, used in connection therewith t
of for lifting or carrying an irrplernent of husbandry, provided that no farm
wagon, wagon trailer or like vehicle having a capacity of more than 400.
bushels or of a gr'oss weight of more than 30,000 pounds, shall. be included
(g) Motorcycles. Every motor vehicle having a seat or saddle for the use
of the rider and designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact
with the ground but excluding a tractor.
(h) Motor Driven Cycle. Every motorcycle orev~rybicycle with motor
attached with less. than 150 cUbic centimeter piston displacement.
(i) Motor Vehicle. Every vehicle which is self-propelled and every
vehicle not operated upon rails.
For the purpose of this Chapter, motor vehicles as a class shall be
divided into two divisions, Viz:
First: Those vehicles which are designed and used for the carrying of
not more than 10 persons"
Second: 'lhose vehicles which are designed and used for pulling or carrying
freight and those vehicles which are designed for the carrying of more
than 10 persons.
(j ) Public Passenger Vehicl$,4 A 11lOtor vehicle used for the transportation of
passengers for hire~, except ,those 'devoted exclusively to funeral purposes, or
to the operation of metropolitan transit authorities or pUblic utilities,
under the laws of the State of 1l1inbis4
(k) Rural Mail Delivery Vehi,9~~. Every vehicle used to deliver U.S. mail
on a rural mail delivery route.
(1) School Bus. "School Bus" means every motor vehicle of the second division
operated by or for a public or governmental agency or by or for a private
or religious organization that is used to transport children to or from school
in comection with any school activity, but not inclUding buses operated by
conmon ca.t+iers in urban transportation of school children.
(m) Special Mobil Equipment. Every vehicle not designed or used primarily
for the transportation of persons or property and only incidentally operated
or moved over a highway, including but not limited to: ditch digging
apparatus, well boring apparatus, and road construction and maintenance
machinery such as asphalt spreaders, bituminous mixers, bucket loaders,
tractors other than truck tractors, ditchers, leveling grapers, finishing
machines, motor graders, road rollers, scarifiers, earth--moving carry-aIls
and scrapers, power shovel and drag lines, and self-propolled cranes and'
earth moving equipment. The term does not include house trailers, dump
trucks, truck mounted transit mixers,' cranes or shovels, or other vehicles
designed for the transportation of persons or property to which machinery
has been attached.
(n) Tractors. Tractors shall include:
1. Farm Tractor. Every motor vehicle des':'gJled and used primarily as
a fann inplement for drai'Jing wagons, plows, mowing machines and other
implements of husbandry, and every implement of husbandry which is
2. Road Tractor. Every motor vehicle designed and used for drawing
other vehicles and not so constructed as to carry any load thereon
either independently or any part of the weight of a vehicle or load
so drawn.
3. Trock Tractor. Every motor vehicle designed and used Primarily
for drawing other vehicles and not so constructed as to carry a load
other than a part of the lfJeight of the vehicle and load so drawn.
(0) Trailer. Every vehicle without motive pO~foj'er~ other than a pole trailer,
designed for carrying persons or property and for being drawn by a motor
vehicle and so constructed that no part of its weight rests upon the towing
vehicle, including:
1. House Trailer.
(a) Trailer or semi-trailer which is designed, constructed and
equipped as a dwelling place~ living abode or sleeping place
(either permanently or terrnporarily) and is equipped for use as a
conveyance on streets and highways, or
(b) A trailer or semi-trailer iAJhose chassis and exterior shell
is designed and constructed for use as a house trailer, as defined
in paragraph (a), but which is used instead permanently or
temporarily for the advertising, sales ~ display or promotion of
merchandise or services, or for any other commercial purpose
except the transportation of property for hire or the transportation
of property for distribution by a private carrier.
2. Pole Trailer. Every vehicle without motive power designed to be
drawn by another vehicle and attached to the towing vehicle by means
of a reach or pole, or by being boomed or otherwise secured to the
towing vehicle, and ordinarily used for transporting long or irregularly
shaped loads such as poles, pipes, or structural members capable,
generally ~ of sustaining themselves as beams between the supporting
3. Semi-Trailer. Every vehicle ,^Tithout motive pot'Jer, other than a
pole trailer ~ designed for carrying persons or property and for being
dra'!All1 by a motor vehicle and so constructed that some part of its
weight and that of its load rests upon or is carried by another vehicle.
4. Stinger-Steered Semi-Trailer. Every semi-trailer which has its
kingpin on a projection to the front of the structure of such semi-trailer
and is combined with the 5th "1heel of the truck tractor at a point not
less than two feet to the rear of the center of the rear most axle of
such tractor.
Section 18.134. Weight. This is the gross weight of a vehicle without
a load plus the weight of any load thereon.
Section 18.135. Yield Right-of -1lJay . 1Al.hen required by an official sign means
the act of granting the privilege of the immediate use of the intersecting
roadway to traffic within the intersection and to vehicles approaching from
the right or left, but when the road'tfay is cleB.l" may proceed into the
---- '~-------:"~--------'---~'-----'~'-------------'-_.-.----._~--.- -.,---
Article II. General Provisions.
s -
(a) Where a different) place is specifically refer:redto ih\ a given Section.
(b) The provisions of Art1cl~rv shall apply upon highw~s and elsewhere
throughout the Village.
Section 18.202. Obedience to Police Off:1C$rs. " No person shallwiifully
fail or. refuse to conply with any lawful order. or direction of any, police officer
:invested by law with authority to direct, control, ,or regulate traf'f1c. Any
driver or operator of a rotor vehicle who, having been given a visual or audible
signal by a peace officer directing such driver or ,operator to bring his vehicle
to a stop, wilfully fails or refuses to obey such direettorl, increases his
speed, extinguishes his lights, or otherwise flees or atteirpts to;eiude the officer,
in violation of this Section, shall be fined not less thail $50 nor rriOre than $500.
The signal given by the peace officer may be by hand, voice; si;'en, red or blue
light. Provided, the officer giving such signal shall be:in police u:n1fonn, and,
if driving a vehicle, suchveh1cle shall be marked showing it to be an official
police vehicle.
Section 18~20~. Public Officers and ~loyees to Obey Chapter - Exceptions. _
(a) The provisions of this Chapter applicable tp the drivers of vehicles
upon the highways shall apply to the drivers of all vehicles owned or
operated by the United States, ,the State of Illinois, or any county, city,
town, district or any other political subdivision of the State of Illinois,
except as provided -:in this Section and subject to such specific exceptions
as are set forth in this Chapter with reference to authorized energency
(b), The driver of any authorized emergency vehicle when responding to an
energency call, or when :in pursuit of an actual or suspected violator of
'the law or when responding to but not upon returning from a fire alarm,
may exercise the privileges set forth in this Section, but subject to the
conditions herein stated.
(c) The driver of an authorized emergency vehicle may :
1. Park or stand,1rrespectlve of the provisions of this Chapter;
2. Proceed pasta red or stop s1gnal or stop sign,but only after
slowing down as may be required and necessary for safe operation;,
3. Exceed the maximum speed limits so long as he does not endanger
life 'Or property;
4. Disregard regulations governing' direction of moVEmEnt or turning
:in specific directions.
(d) The exceptions herein granted to an authorized emergency vehicle,
other than a police vehicle, apply only when the vehicle is making use
of audible, if in motion, and visible signals meeting the requirements
of the Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways (Illinois Revised
Statutes, Chapter 95-1/2, Sections 98 through 239.)
(e) The foregoing provisions do not relieve the driver of an
authorized emergency vehicle from the duty of driving with due regard
for the safety of all persons, nor do such provisions protect the driver
from the consequences of his reckless disregard for the safety of others.
(f) The provisions of this Chapter, with the exception of Article IV,
shall not apply to persons, teams, motor vehicles and. other equipment
while actually engaged in work upon the surface of the highway, but
shall apply to such persons and vehicles when traveling to or from
such work.
Section i 18 . 204 . Traffic laws Apply to Persons Riding Bicycles ot'Anirnals
or Driving Animal-Drawn Vehicles. Every person riding a biCYCle or an animal
or driving any animal dra\dng a vehicle upon a roadway, shall be subj ect to the
provision13 of this Chapter applicable to the driver of a vehicle, except those
provisions of this Chapter which by their nature can have no application.
Section 18.205. Required Obedience to Traff:tc Laws. It is unlawful
and, unless otherwise declared in this. Chapter ",lith respect to particular
offenses, it is a misdemeanor for any person to do any act forbidden ot' fail
to perform any act required in this Chapter.
Section 18.206. Direction of'Tratf'ic at Scene of' Fire. Any Fire
Department officer in comnand, or any fir'0.JrJan designated by him, may exercise
the power and authority of' a police officer in directing traffic at the scene
of' a fire or where the Fire Department. has :reSponded to any emergency call
f'or so long as Fire Department equipment is on the scene, in the absence of
or in assisting police.
Article III. Traffic Signs, Signals and Marldngs.
Section 18.301. Obedience to Traffic-Control Devices.
(a) No driver of a vehicle shall disobey the instructions of any official
traffic-control device placed inaccoroance 1dth the provisions of this
Act, unless at the time otherwise directed by a police officer.
(b) It shall be unlal'r.ful for any person to leave the roadway and travel
across private property to avoid an official traffic-control device.
(c) No provision of this Chapter for which signs are required shall be
enforced against an alleged violator if at the time and place of the
alleged violation an official sign is not in proper position and sUfficiently
legibile to be seen by an ordinarily observant person. v..lhenever a particular
section does not state that signs ar>e required, such section shall be
effective even though no signs are erecte~l .or in place.
Section 18.302. Traffic-Control Signal Legend. 1AIhenever traffic is
controlled by traffic-control signals exhibiting different colored lights
successively one at a time, or with lighted green arrows, only the following
colors shall be used and such terms aDd lights and lighted green arrows shall
indicate and apply to drivers of vehicles and pedestrians as follows:
(a) Circular Green (alone).
(1) Vehicular traffic facing the signal may proceed straight through
or turn right or left unless a sign at such place prohibits either
such turn. But vehicular traffic s1".all yield the right-of-way to
other vehicles and to pedestrians la't'rfully within the intersection
at the time such signal is exhibited.
(2) Pedestrians facing the signal may proceed across the roadway
within any marked or unmarked crosswalk unless directed otherwise
by a pedestrian signal as provided under Sub-section 18.302 (g) b~low.
(b) Steady Yellow.
(1) Vehicular traffic facing a steady yellO\lJ signal is thereby
warned that the related green movement is being terminated or that
a red indication ",rill be exhibited immediately thereafter when
vehicular traffic may not enter the intersection.
(2) Pedestrians facing a steady yellow signal. unless otherwise
directed by a pedestrian control signal, as provided below in Sub-
section 18.302 (g), are thereby advised that there is insufficient
time to cross the roadway, and no pedestrian shall sta-Y>t to cross.
( c) Steady Red (alone).
(1) Vehicular traffic facing the signal shall stop before entering
the nearest crosswalk at an intersection or at sUch .other point as
may be indicated by a clearly visible line or if none, before entering
the intersection~ and shall remain stahding until the green indication
is sho\'m unless otherwise . directed by a sigp or lighted green arrow.
(2) No pedestrian facmg such sigpal shall enter the roadway tmless
he can do so safely without interfering with any vehicular traffic
or unless a separate "Walk" indication is shown.
(d) Green Strad.~t~thfu~J.\r.rqw(Alone) ~
(1) Vehicular traffic facing the sigpaJ. maY proceed straigj1t througp,
but shall not turn. right or left. SUch vehicular. traffic. shall yield
the right-of-way to other vehicles and to pedestrians legal1y within
the mtersection at the t1me such sigpalie' exhibited.
(2) Pedestrians facing the Sigpal may prdceedacross the roodi'laY with-
in the appropriate marked or unmarked crosswalk unless directed other-
wise by a pedestrian signal as provided m Section 18.302 (g) below.
(e) Green Turn Arrow (with circular green, with steady yellow, with steady
red, or with green straight-through arrow):
(1) Vehicular traffic facmg the signal shall comply with the rreaning
of the . circular green, steady yellow, steady red, or gr>een straigj1t-
througj1 arrow mdication as if it were shown alone, except that such
vehicular traffic may cautiously enter the mtersection to make the
movement mdicated by the greentum arrow. Vehicular traffic shall
yield the right-of-way to pedestrians lawfully withfu a. crosswalk and
to other traffic lawfully using the intersection.
(2) Pedestrians facing such signal shall comply with the meaning of the
circular green, steady yellow, steady red, or straight-through arrow
indication as. if it were shown alone, unless directed otherwise by a
pedestrian signal as provided under sub-section 18.302 (g) below.
(f) In the event an official traffic' control signal or flashing red signal
is erected and maintamed at a place other than an mtersection, the provisions
of this section cr.Bection 18.303 shall be applicable except as to provisions
which by their nature can have no application. My stop required shall be at a
sign or a. marking on the pavement indicating where the stop shall be made.
(g) Pedestrian Control S~ls. vlhenever special pedestrian control signals
exhibiting the words ''VJa1k'' or Don't lrJalk" are in place such sigpa1s shall
indicate as follows:
(1) Walk. While the "Walktl indication is illuminated, pedestrians
facmgsuch signal may proceed across the roadway in the direction of
the signal; and shall be given the right-of-way by the drivers of all
(2) Don't Walk. While the "Don't Walk" indication is illmJ.nated,
either steady or flashing, no pedestrian shall start to cross the road-
way in the direction of the signal, but any Pedestrian who has partly
completed his croS"sing during the ''Walk''. indication shall proceed to a
sidewalk" or to a a;a:fety island if one is provided.
18.303_. Flashjng SiglJ(3.J.s. Whenever flashing red or yellow sigpals are used
they shall require obediencerfjy vehicular traffic as follows:
(a) FlaS~ Red (stoP~i~l).. When a red lens is illuminated by rapid
intermittent. f ashes" drivers o. vehicles shall stop before entering the nearest
crosswalk at em intersection.. or at. a~+ndt line. when marked or" if none" then
before entering the intersection apd the right to. proceed shall be subj ect to the
rules applieableafter makirlg a stop at a stop sign.
(b )Flas~iYellOW (Aa.ution~~~al). 1A1hen a yellow lens is illuminated
with rapid inte ttent flashes" drive:t'S.. of vehicles may proceed through the
intersection or past such sig;nal only With caution.
- .
18.304. Display of.lJr1~uthoriz~d ,Signs, Signals, ~!Tq.,rk,j,.ngs,or Ap-V'E;lrtising
(a) No person shall place, ma.intain or display upon or irl view of emy high- .
way any. unauthorized sign" sigpal, ma.rking. or device which purports to be or is
em imitation of or resetnbles em official traffic-control device or railroad sif:7l
or signal, or which attempts to direct, the IIDvement of traffic" nor shall any
person place, rmintain or display upon or in view, of. any highway any other sif:7l
which hides !'rom view or interferes with the rrovement of traffic or the effective-
ness of' any traffic control device or any railroad sign or signal.
(b) No person shall place or maintain upon any highwaY any traffic sign or
signal bearing thereon any corrmercial advertising.
(c) Every such prohibited sign, signal, or marking is a public nuisance
and the same shall be rerroved .without notice.
18.305. Interference with Official Traffic Control Devices or Railroad
Signs or Signals. No person shall Without lawful authority attempt to Or in
fact alter, deface, injure, knock down., or remove any official traffic control
device, or any railroad sign or signal or any inscription, shield, or:1nsignia
thereon, or any other part thereof.
18.306. Unlawful Use or Damage to PJ.ghways!t Appurtenances. and. Structures.
It shcdl be unlawful for any person, to wilfully injure or damage any public high-
way or street or emy bridge, culvert" sign" signpost, or structure upon or used
or constructed in comection with any public higpway or street for the protection
thereof or for the protection or regulation of traffic thereon by any wilfully
W1usua.l, improper or W1reasonable use thereof" or by wilfully careless driving
or use of any vehicle thereon or by wilfullrrutilation, defacing <:r destruction
18.307 Terrporary Controls. In cases of emergency, or when pUblic health, safety
or convenience . require, the Village Managerl'lk.'W establish temporary trai'fic controls"
including the designation of, one wa;! streets and the regulation or restriction of
parking on any street or alley; provided that such controls shall not become effective
until the posting of proper signs which must remain conspicuously displased while
said regulation is in effect; and provided further. that no control or regulation
established pursuant to this Section shall be permitted to continue f'or,a period of
time in excess of twelve (12) consecutive hours ilia twenty-four (24) hour day.
, Article IV.
sedtlon 18.401. Duty to Report Acc:id~nt.
,(a) '!be driver of. a vehicle .which is in any manner involved .frt. an aocident
within. this Village resulting in injury to or deat;h of any pers<;n, or in
which damage,to the property of any one person,iricludihg h1inl:s~J.f, in
excess of $100.00, is S~t;~Pe4". shallin1nediate1ycmd by the . fastest
means of ccmnunicat1.onstil::>in:1t notice of the accident at the nearest office
of the Mount Prospegt Pol1ce~Partment.
(b) .. Whenever the dl:'i~r ofa-Vehicle isphySica1+.v incapable ~r'making a
':requited . ~~cide~t ~pOf>t.$nd . if' there was ~other occupant in the vehicle
at the .time.. of the.. accident. capable of-maldng a' rePort, such occUpant shall
make or cause to be,~said report. If suCh driver ,fails foratly reason
to ,.makeisuCh.. report. the owner .of' the . vehicle involVed in . such . accident,
shali;. ~ Soon as he leams'of.the accident, make said report td. the
Mount ProSpect J:>o1iee DepSttmerit~ '
(c)..:",An:y ~t'Son. whoprt>VldesWormation in an oI'al or written t.eport;
reqtJit.ec1 bMthis Article with khOwledge or reason t.o belieVe that euch
infonnati6H Is false shall,u~h conviction, be fined not to exceed $500.00.
- ". . .....
Sectial 18.402. . bllty j;Q {Jive :tnrQ~t1on arid ~nger A1d~
(a) The driver of the vehicle irivolved in an aCd1dent resulting in inJury
to or death of any. persal or damage to any veh1.cle which is driven or
attended by any person shall give .his name, address, and the registration
number of the vehicle he is driving and shall upon request and if available
exhibit his operator's or chauffeur's license to the person struck or the
driver or occupant. of or person attending.any vehicle collided with and
shall render to any person injured in such accident re~onable asf?istance,
including the. carrying or the making of arrangements for the carrying of
such person to a' physician, surgeon or hospital for medical.or surgical
treatment, if it is apparent that such treatment is necessary or if such
carrying is requested by the injured person.
(b) .If nope of the persons entitled to information pursuant. to this Section
is in. calditiQn to recei veand lmderstand suchinformat:l.on and no police
officer is . present, such driver after rendering reasalable assistance shall
forthwith report such accident at the nearest office of a duly authorized
police authority, disclosing the infonnation :required by this Section.
Section 18.403_ . Duty Upon Striking Unattended Vehicles, Fixtures, or
Other PropertY Upon a. Street. . .
(a) The driver of any vehiple which collides with any vehicle which 1s
4f1attended shall ~diat~ly stop and .shall then and there either locate
and notifY the operl3.tor orcmner of such vehicle of the name and address of
the driver and amer of the vehicle striking the unattended vehicle or shall
leave in a consp1c1ous place ill the vehicle struck a written notice giving
thenarne and address of the driver and. of the owner of the vehicle doing ,the
striking and a statement of the circumstances thereof.
(b) .Tliedr:tve~ of any vehicle involved in an accident resUlting only. in
d~to.fixtt1res or other property l~gallyuPon or adjacent toa. street
shall take reaSonabl~ steps to locate and notifY the owner or persons in
charge of such Propert;y~f such fact and 'of . ~s, name. and ~dre~s and of the
registration nUmber' of .tnr vehicle he .... is..~V:tJ:1Sand.shalluponrequestand
if. avai~*,le eXhibit l'rl.s9P€ratort s qt;Cfi.~f$tW. 13 J4.cense Mdshall make
report of sucl1 accic1erit When and as teqUf~d in Section 18.401 of this
Article. . . .,.,
Section 18. 4O~ .~~i~ 1;Q"~$~OJjt;. ~~'~tbY'
(a) Accidents Thvb~v:ipgDeath o~ Pe~~ona.1,~urf~~.,
1,_ .The ~ver: or any v~hicle dinvolVed:1nan accident resulting in
injury to or death of any persor'lSf1S1l' intn.edIately stop such vehicle
at ~he scene.o.r. S\lch acoider1t~ oJ!i.asclose . thereto as possible and
shall thEm forthw;t.th :betum to ,andin every event shall remain at the
scene .of the accident . until he.has MaIled the requirements of
Section 18.402. . Eyet'y~ti.chstop shall be made without obstructing
traffic more than is necessary.
2. Any person who has;'fa:Ueato stop or to conplywith said require-
ments'shall, within' 48 hours. after such accident .or, if hospitalized
and incapacitated from reporting at any time during such period,
within 48 hours after being discharged from the hospital,report. the
place of accident, the date, the approximate time, his name, address,
the reg1strat.ion nurnb.er of the vehicle driven, and the names of the
occupants, if any,' of such vehicle, at the Mount Prospect Police
Station, near the place where such accident occurred. No J;'eport
made as required under this Sub-section shall be used, directly or
indirectly, as a basis for the prosecution of any violation of
Sub-section (a) of this Section.
3. Any person failing to conply with paragraph (1) of this Sub-Section
shall upon conviction be punished by a fine of not less than $100. or
more than $500.
4. . Any person failing tocornply with paragraph (2) of this Sub-Section
shall upon. conviction be punished by a fine. of not less than $200. nor
more than $500.
(h) Accident Involving Damage to. Vehicle. . The driver of any vehicle
involved in an accident resulting only in. damage to a vehicle which is
driven or . attended by any person shall immediately stop such vehiqle at
the scene of such accident or as close thereto as possible but shall forth-
With return to and in every event shall remain at the scene of such accident
.1.mtil he has fulfilled the requirements of Section 18.402 of this Art.icle.
Every such stop" shall be made without obstructing traffic more than is
Section 18.405. Striking Unattended Vehicles~ Fixtures or Other Property
Prohibited. It shall be 1.mlawful for the driver of any vehicle to strike
unattended vehicles, fixtures or other property legally upon or adj acent to a
Section 18.406. Open Liquor in Vehicles.
(a) No person shall transport:> carry, possess or have any alcoholic
liquor in or upon or about any motor vehicle excspt in the original
package and with the seal unbroken.
(b) A person convicted of violating this Section shall be fined not less
than $25 nor more than $500.
Section 18.407. Persons under the influence of intoxicating liquor or
narcotic drugs:
(a) No person who is 1L1.der the influence of intox5_cating liquor may operate"
attempt to operate" or be in. actu2.1 physicaJ_ control of any vehicle 'within
this Village.
(b) No person who is an habitual user of or under the influence of any
narcotic drug or \''Vho is under the influence of any other drug to a degree
which renders him incapable of safely operating a vehicle may operate,
attempt to operate, or be in actual physical control of any vehicle \'~rithin
this Village. The fact that a pe!'son charged V\Qth a violation of this
SUb-section (b) is or has been entitled to use such drug ul"1der the lav'ls
of the State of Illinois does not constitute a defense against any charge
of violation of this Sub-'section (b).
(c) Upon the trial of any action or proceeding arising out of acts
alleged to have been committed by any person while driving or in actual
physical control of a vehicle while ll.1'lder the influence of intoxicating
liquor, evidence of the amount of alcohol in the person's blood at the
time of the act alleged as shoi'm by a. chemical analysis of his breath,
blood, urine, saliva or other bodily substance is adD1issible, as provided
hereinafter in this paragraph (c) and the result of any such analysis
shall give rise to the follov'ring presumptions:
(1) If there tvas at the tim..e of such analysis 0.05 percent or less
by '\f.Teight of alcohol in the person I s blood, it shall be presumed that
the person was not under the influence of intoxicating liquor;
(2) If there was at th::~ time of such analysis in excess of 0.05
percent but less tha1'l 0.10 percent by weight of alcohol in the
personvs blood, such fact shall not give rise to any presvmption that
the person was 03..'" Nas not under th2 influence of intoxicating liquor,
but such fact may be considered with other competent evidence in
determining v.Thether such person "!!as under the influence of
intoxicating liquor:,
(3) If there 1.^Tas at the tj.me of such analysis 0.10 percent or more
by weight of alcohol in the personYs blood, it shall be presumed that
the person v,as under the influence of intoxicating liquor.
Percent by weight of alcohol in the blood shall be based upon milligra'TlS of
alcohol per 100 cubic centjJ:1eters of' blood. Evidence based upon a chemical
analysis of blood, urine, breath or other bodily substance shall not be admitted
unless such substance was procured a,'1d such analysis made with the consent of
the person, whose bodily substance was so analyzed.
The. foregoing provisions of this paragr>aph (c) shall not be construed
as limiting the introduction of any other competent evidence bearing
upon the question whether or not the defendant was under the influence
of intoxicating liquor.
(d) Chemipal analysis of the person '.8 blood. or breath to be considered
valid under thls Section must be perfbrmedaccording to uniform
standards adOPteci by the. Illinois State Department of Public Health, in
cooperation with the SUperintendent of State Highway Police, and by an
individual possessing a valid p€lri1lit issued by that Department for this
purpose. The Illlnois. state Department of PuBlic Health is authorized to
approve satisfactory techniques or met}jods to ascertain the qualifications
and competence of individuals to conduct such analysis and to issue permits
which shall be subject to termination or revocation at the discretion of
the Illinois state Departrrent of Public Health.
. (e) When an unconscious person or person otherwise incapable of refusal
is given a blood test at the request of a law enforcement officer, only
a physician authorized to practice rredicine in all its branches, a
registered nurse or other qualified person may withdraw blood, in a manner
prescribed by the Illinois Department of Public Health for the purpose of
deterndning the alcoholic content therein.
(f) The person tested may have a physician authorized to practice medicine
in all its branches, a qualified technician, chemist, registered nurse,
or othe:r qualified person of his own choosing to administer a chemical
test or tests, at his own expense" in 8.ddition to any administered at
the direction of a la\'l enforcement officer. . The failure or inability to
obtain an additional test by a person does not preclude the admission of
evidence relating to the test. or tests taken at the direction of a law
enforcement officer.
(g) Upon the request of the person who submitted toa chemical test or
tests at the request of a law enforcement officer, full information
concerning the test or tests shall be made available to him or his attorney.
(h) Every perSon who is convicted of a. violation of tl)is Section shall be
punished by a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500.
Section 18.408. Reckless Driving.
(a) Any person who drives any vehicle with a willful or wanton disregard
for the safety of persons or property is guilty of reckless driving.
b (b) Every person convicted of reckless driving shall be punished upon
conviction by a fine of not les.s than $25 nor more than $500.
Section 18.409. Drag Racing. Any person who, as an operator of a motor
vehicle, is convicted of being a participant in drag racing shall be puniShed
upon conviction by a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $500.
Article V. Speed Restrictions
Section 18.501. lVtlnimum Speed Regulation. No person shall dri vea motor
vehicle at. such a slow speed as to impede or block the normal and reaSonable
movement of traffic except when. reduced speed is necessary for safe operation
of his vehicle or in compliance with law.
Section 18.502. Special Speed Limitation on Elevated Structures.
(a) No person shall drive a vehicle over any bridge or other elevated
structure constituting a part of a street at a speed which is greater
than themaximurnspeed which can be maintained with safety to such bridge
or structure, .when such structure is signposted as provided by Ordinance.
(b) Upon thetrial.of any person charged with a Violation of this Section,
proof of said detennination of the maximum weight or speed by said
Ordinance and the existence of said signs, shall constitute conclusive
evidence of the maximum weight or speed which can be maintained with safety
to such bridge or structure.
Section 18.503.F.inergencyVehicles. The speed limits established by
this Article or .by . regulation or Ordinancernade pursuant .to..tne provisions of this
Article do not apply, except as otherwise provided in "An Act relating to the
operation of antlUlances, "enacted by the Seventy-Third General Assembly, State
of Illinois, to an authorized emergency vehicle in motion. when responding to an
emergency calland when the driver thereof sounds an audible. signal by bell,
siren, or exhaust whistle, as maybe reasonably necessary, provided that the
vehicle is equipped and. has in operation at least one lighted .lamp displaying
an oscillating, rotating, or flashing red beam, visible under normal atmospheric
conditions from a distance of 500 feet to the front of such vehicles. An
authorized emergency fire department vehicle may be equipped and have in
operation a triple eight moving white beam light visible under normal atmospheric
conditions fran' a distance of 500 feet to the front of such vehicle, in lieu of,
or in addition to, a rotating or flashing red beam, in order to be exernpj;.;from
the .. speed limits established- by this Article or by regulation or Ordinance made
pursuant to the provisions of this Article. No other authorized emergency
vehicle shall use any oscillating triple eight moving white beam light other than
fire department vehicle.' However, this provision does not relieve the 'dri ver of
an authorized emergency vehicle from the duty. to drive with due regard for the
safety of all persons using the street, -nor. does it protect the driver of any
such vehicle from the consequences of a reckless disregard of the safety of others.
Section 18.504. . Implements. and Tractors. When any implement of husbandry
or road tractor is operated on a. st~et at a speed less . than 20 miles per hour,
there shall b€ displayed at all times during. such operation a red nag. at least
12 inche.s square carried on such vehicle at. a height not less than 10 nor more
than 12 feet above the ground or at. least one flashing red signal larnp. mounted
as high as practicable,. and of sufficient intensity to bevisibie to the rear
for a distance of at least 500 feet innorrnal sunlight; provided, however, that
only the rear vehicle of a combination of such vehicle coupled together need
display such a flag or lamp.
Section l8~505 . Special Speed ~mit Mi.:!-le..Passing Schoois.
(a) No person shall drive a motor vehicle at a speed in excess of 20 miles
per hour while passing a school zone or while traveling upon any public
thoroughfare on or across which children pass going to and from school
during school days when school children are present. -
(b) 'Ihis Section shall not be applicable unless appropriate signs are
posted upon streets and highways under the respective jurisdictions main-
tained by the State of Illinois, township, county, park district J or Village
wherein the school zone is located. Such signs shall gtve proper due warning
that a school zone is being approached and shall indicate the school zone
and the maxim..un speed limit in effect during school days when school
children are present~
e.ec~iE~_18,506. ~lroad Crossing) Speed at Grade. No person shall drive
&Yly vehicle at a speed greater than fifteen (15) miles per hour when approaching
within fifty (50) feet of a grade cross;h1g or any railroad when the driver's view is
obstructed. A driver's view shall be deered obstructed when he does not have e. clear
and uninterrupted view of the crossing itself and for a distance of three hundred
(300) feet in every direction from the crossing.
Section 18.507" Urpan District Speed Ltmits. The absolute statutory urban
speed limitS-hail be 30 milesper hour1.n streets and 10 miles per hour in alleys.
Where the Village Board of Tru.stees~ has determined on the basis of an engineering
or traffic investigation that the said speed limit is greater or less than is
reasonable or safe with respect to the conditions found to exist at anyplace or
along any part or zone of any street or highway, but not of any alley J the said
urban speed limit may be increased as po;sted but not in excess of 65 miles per
hour and may be diminished as posted but not less than 20 miles per hour when
such determination is passed and approved by ordinance, signposted J and included in
Schedule I of the appendix to this Chapter.
Se9tiO!L18~.?9l:l~_~Resid~!2ce~~st~ct ~ed I:1TI1its. The absolute~ statutory
residential speed limit shall be 25 miles per hour in streets and 10 mi~...6 per
hour in alleys~ Where the Village Board of Trustees has determined on the
basis of an engineering or traffic investigation that the said speed limit is
greater or less than is reasommle or safe with respect to the conditions
found to exist at any place or along any part or zone of eny street or highway J
but not of any alley, the sei.d urban speed limit may be increased as posted
but not in excess of 65 miles per hour and may be diminished as posted but
not less than 20 miles per hour when such determination is passed and approved
by ordinance, signposted, and included in Schedule I of the appendix to this Chapter.
Section l8~509" Motor Vehicles of the Second Division. No perscn....sball
drive any vehicle of the secondClivision, as defined in Section l8~l33 (i) of
this Chapter, which has a gross weight of fifteen thousand (15,,000) pounds or
more, at a speed greater than twenty.-five (25) miles per hour in any district
in this Village" notwithstanding the proviSions of any other Section of this Article.
Sectionl8. Sio . GenerE;1 SPee.<l .Restrictions. No person shall drive any
vehicle upon any public' highway' of. this Village at a speed which:
(a) . is greater than is . reasonable and proper with regaroto traffic
conditions and the use of the street:l or endangers the safety of any
person or property; or
(b}is greater than the applicable maximum speed llrn1t established by
thisArticleqr by a :regUlation or OrdinMce made pursuant to the
provisions dfthis .Article... . The. fact that the speed of a vehicle does
not exceed. the applicable maximum$peed limit does not relieve the driver
from the dtlty to. decrease speed Wh~napproaclrl.ng . and crossing an inte~
~ section, When approaching and goinrsaround a curve, when approaChing a
hill crest>.. Wlien' traveling uPOrl any.. narrow or winding roadway, or when
special hazard exists with respect to pedestrians or other traffic or
by reason .Of weather or 'highway bondit.ions; and speed shall. be decreased
ea' may. be.. necessary- to avoid .colliding with any person or vehicle on or
entering the highway in compliance with legal requirements and the duty
of all persons t.O uSe due care.
Section :1.8. 511. Prima Facie Evidence of Violation. If any wrson shall
drive a vehicle in excess of the speed limits established in this Article
such excessive speed shall be deemed prima facie evidence that such person
is driving at a speed greater than. is reasonable, proper ar1d safe, having
regard to traffic conditions and the use of the street, or endangers the
safety of any person or property.
Section 18.512. . Violations - Charges, Effect on Civil Actions .
(a.) In every charge of violation of a Section of this Article by failure
to observe an applicable speed limit, the corrplaint and also the surrrnons
or notice to appear shall specify the. speed at which the defendant is
alleged to have driven, and the speed limit which is applicable at the
place of' the alleged violation.
(b) The provisions of this Article concerning maximum speed limits do
not relieve the plair"itiff in any civil action fromthebUI'den of proving
negligence on the part of the defendant as a prox:i.ma.te cause of an accident.
" . -' . .
Art;~cle' V!. Tumitlg. .~$t~~} S~gnals on.. Stopping anq ~;
Drj..~ on ..R1ght.Side of: Roa$raY ~. and Overtaking .and
Passiroz:. .
Section 18.601. PrbhibiteElTut'ria.. .Itshall beuniaWfUl to operate any
vehicle so as to make any of the fOllOWing ttU:'hir1g movements:
(a) To turn so as to proceed in the opposite direction where prohibited,
or otherwise uriless such movement can be made in safety and without
backing into traffic or othertd.se interfering with traffic.
(b) As prohibited by Ordinance passed, approved, and published by the
Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect; signposted,and
included in Schedule II of the appendix to this Chapter.
Section 18.602. . Required Position and Method ofTuming at Intersections.
'!he driver of a vehicle intending to turn at a.'1 intersection shall do so. as
(a) Both the approach for. a right turn and a right turn shall be made as
.close as practiCal to the righthand curb or.edge of the roadway.
(b) At any intersection where traffic is pennitted to move in both directions
on each roadway entering the intersection, an approach for a left turn
shall be made in that portion of the right half of the roadway nearest
the center line thereof and by passing to the right of such center line
where it enters the intersection and after entering the intersection
the left turn shall be made so as to leave the intersection to the
right of the center line of the roadway being entered. Whenever practicable
the left turn shall be made in that portion of the intersection. to the
left of the center of the intersection.
(c) At any intersection where traffic is restricted to one direction on
one or more of the roadways, the driver of a vehicle intending to
turn left at any such intersection shall approach the intersection in
the extreme left-hand lane lawfully available to traffic moving in the
direction of travel of. such vehicle. and after entering the intersection
the left turn shall be made so as to leave the intersection, as nearly
as practicable, in the left-hand lane lawfully available to traffic
moving in such direction upon the roadway being entered.
(d) The several highway authorities in their respective jurisdictions
within the corporate limits of the Village of Mount Prospect may cause
markers, buttons, or signs to be placed within or ..adjacent to inter-
sections and thereby require and direct that a different course from
that specified in this Section be traveled by vehicles turning at an .
intersection, and when markers, buttons, or signs are so placed no
driver of a vehicle shall turn a vehicle at.an intersection other tha'1
as directed . and required by such markers, buttons, or signs.
Section 18.603. . Turning on Curve or Crest of Grade Prohibited. No
vehicle shall be turned so as to proceed in the opposite direction upon any
curve, or upon the approach to, or near the crest of a grade, where such
vehicle cannot be seen by the driver of any other vehicle appr'oaching. from
either direction within 500 feet.
Section 18.604. Starting Parked Vehicle. No person shall start a
vehicle which is stopped, standing, or parked unless and until such .
movement can be made with reasonable safety.
Section 18.605. . When Signal Required.
(a) No person may turn a vehicle at an intersection unless the vehicle
is in proper position upon the roadway as required in Section 18.602,
or turn a vehicle to enter a private road or driveway, or otherwise
turn a vehicle. from a direct course or move right or left upon a
roadway unless and until such movement can be made with reasonable
safety. No person may so turn. any vehicle without gi vingan appropriate
signal in the manner hereinafter provided.
(b) A signal of intention to turn right or left when required must
be given ..continuously. during not ...less than the last 100 feet. traveled
by the vehicle before turning within a business or residence district,
and such signal must be given continuously during not less than the
last 200 feet traveled by the vehicle before tumingoutside a
business or residence district.
(c) No person may stop or suddenly decrease the speed of a vehicle
without first. giving an appropriate signal in. the manner provided in
this Chapter to the driver of. any vehicle i.nmediately to the rear
when there is opportunity to give such a signal.
(d) TIle electric turn signal device required in section 18.1107 of .
this Chapter must be used to indicate an intention to turn, change.
lanes or start. from a parallel parked position but must not be flashed
on one side only on a parked or disabled vehicle or flashed as a
courtesy or "do passil signal to operators of other vehicles approaching
from. the rear.
section 18.606... Signal By Hand and Arm or Signal Device. My stop or
turn signal when required herein shall be given either by Ire8nS of the hand
and arm or by an electric turn signal device.
Section 18.607. Method of. Giving Hand and Arm Signals. All signals
herein required gi venby hand and.. arm shall be given from . the left side of
the. vehicle in the following manner and such signals shall indicate as follows:
1. Left turn - Hand and arm .extended horizontally.
2. Right. turn. - Hand and arm extended upward.
3. Stop or decrease of speed - Hand and arm extended downward.
section 18..608 . Drive on Right Side. of Roadway. - Exenptions.
(a) Upon all roadways of sufficient width a vehicle shall be driven upon
the right half of the roadway, except as follows:
1. When overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the
same direction under the rules governing such movement ;
(2) vJhen an obstruction exists making it necessar,y to drive to
the left of the center of the hig;hway; provided, any. person so
doing shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles traveling in
the proper direction upon the unobstructed portion of the highway
within such distance as to constitute an immediate hazard;
(3) Upon a roadway divided into three marked la."les for traffic
under the rules applicable thereon; or
(4) Upon a roadway designated and signposted for one ltlay traffic.
(5) \1henever there is a single track paved road on one side of the
public highway and 2 vehicles meet thereon, the driver on whose
rig..~t is the wider shoulder shall give the right-of-way on such
pavement to the other vehicle.
(b) Upon all roadways any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal
speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then
existing shall be driven in the right-hand lane available for traffic,
or as close &"3 practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway,
except ltlhen overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the
same direction or when preparing for a left turn at an intersection or
into a private road or driveway.
Section 18.609. Passing Vehicles Proceeding in Opposite Directions.
Drivers of vehicles proceeding in opposite directions, except as provided in
Section 18.608, shall pass each other to the right and upon roadways having
width for not more than one line of traffic in each direction each driver
shall give to the other at least one-half of the main traveled portion of the
roadway as nearly as possible.
Section 18.610. Overtaking a Vehicle on the left. The following rules
shall govern the overtaking and. passing-of' vehicles proceeding in the same
direction" subject to those limitations, exceptions, and special rules
hereinafter stated:
(a) The driver of a vehicle overtaking another vehicle proceeding in
the same direction shall pass to the left thereof at a safe distance
and shall not again ari ve to the right side of the roadway until safely
clear of the overtaken vehicle. In no event shall such movement be
made by driving off of the pavement or the main traveled portion of
the roadway or street;
(b) Except when overtaking and passing on the right is permitted, the
driver of an overtaken vehicle shall give way to the right in favor of
the overtaking vehicle on audible signal and shall not increase the
speed of his vehicle until completely passed by the overtaking vehicle;
(c) The driver of a 2-wheeled vehicle may not, in passing upon the
left of any vehicle proceeding in the same direction, pass upon the
right of any other vehicle proceeding in the same direction unless there
is an unobstructed lane of traffic available to permit such passing
maneuver safely.
Section 18.611. When Ove:t;'taking. on the Right Is Pennitted.
(a) The driver of a vehicle with 3 ot.' mere wheels may overtake and
pass upon the right of another vehicle ohl;y. under the following conditions:
1. When the vehicle overtaken is rnakfng .or about to make a
left turn;
2. Upon a street or .n1ghway with.tirtobstructed pavement .not
occupied by parked vehicles of suffj;cierlt Width for. 2 or ni)re
lines of roving vehicles in eachd1t'ection;
3. Upon a one-way street) or upon any. roadway on which traffic
is restricted to one di:rection of movement) where the roadway is
free from obstructions and of sufficient width for 2 or more lines
of moving vehicles.
(b) The driver of a 2-wheeled vehicle may not pass upon the right of .
any other vehicle proceeding in. the Satre direction unless the unobstructed
pavement to the right of the vehicle being passed is of a width of not
less than 8 feet;
(c) Thedri ver of a vehicle may overtake and pass another vehicle upon
the right. only under conditions permitting such movement in safety ~ In
no event. shall such movement be made by driving off the pavement or
main-traveled portion of the roadway.
Section 18.612. Limitations on Overtaking on the Le.ft. No vehicle shall
be driven to the left side. of the center of the roadway in overtaking and
passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction unless authorized
by the provisions oftp~s Chapter and unless such left side is clearly visible
and is free of oncoming traffic for a sufficient distance ahead to pennit such
overtaking and passing to be .completely. made 'Without interfering with the safe
operation of any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction or any vehicle
overtaken. In every event the overtaking vehicle must return to an authorized
lane of travel as soon as practiCable and in the event the passing movement
involves the use of a lane authorized for vehicles approaching from the
opposite direction) before corning within 200 feet of any vehicle approaching
from the opposite direction.
Section 18.613. Further Limitations on Driving to the Left of' Center of
Roadw~) No vehicle may) in overtaking and passing another vehicle) be driven
to the left side of the roadway under the following conditions:
1. When approaching the crest of a grade or upon a curve in the
highway where the driver's view is obstructed within such distance
as to create a hazard in the event another vehicle might approach
from the opposite direction.
2. 't>Jhen approaching within 100 feet of or traversing any inter-
section or railroad grade crossing.
(b) The limitations in sub-paragraphs 1 8nq, ~ go not, apply upon a
one-way roadway or upon a roadway:w.i.th uribb~tn1ctedpavetnent of
sufficient width for 2 or more lanes ofmo~ t~affic in each
direction when such movement can be made wi th s~fe~y.
Section 18.614. . Approaching, OV~rtaking". ~dP,a.$is~SchoolBus.
(a.) Tl;ie driver of a vehicle upon a pighWaY l1PQn me~ting or overtaking,
fromelther direction,' any~chOolb1fS Whidh has stopped On the highway
for the' pmpose of receiVing or disqhargirtg. any sChOplchildren. shall
stop the. vehicle before reaChing tl1e schoolbus when there is in
operation on the school bus a visual signal as specified in Section
18.1112 of this Chapt~r, and the drlver shall not proceed until the
school bus resurnesmotion Or the drive:b of the vehicle is signaled
by the school bUS driver to. proceed or the visual signals are no longer
(b ) Eve~ school bus when used for the transportation of school
children must corrply with the' color requirements established by' the
Superintendent of Public Instruction and shall bear upon the front and
rear thereof plainly visible signs containing the words "SCHOOL BUS"
in letters not less than 8 inches in height, and in addition shall be
equipped with visual signals meeting the requirements of Section 18.1112
of this Chapter, which shall be actuated by the driver of the school bus
whenever the brakes are applied. Irrnnediately preceding the point at which
the school bus stops for the purpose of loading or discharging passengers,
such visual signals shall be actuated by the driver continuously during
not less than, the last 100 feet traveled by the school bus within a
business or residence district, except that outside a business or residence
district such visual signals shall be given continuously during not less
than the ,last 200 feet traveled by the school . bus . Such visual signals
must remain actuated when children are loading or unloading from a school
bus Which is stopped on a roadway. At no other time shall these visual
signals be actuated.
(c) The driver of a vehicle upon a highway of which. the roadways for
traffic moving in opposite directions are separated by a strip of ground
which is not surfaced or sUitable for vehicular traffic need not stop
his vehicle upon meeting or passing a school bus which is on the opposite
roadway; and need not stop his vehicle when driving upon a controlled
access highway when a school bus is stopped in a loading zone adjacent to
the surfaced or improved part of the controlled Clccess highway Where
pedestrians arenct permitted to cross such controlled access highway.
(d) When a school bus is being operated upon' a street for purposes other
than the actual transportation of children either to or from school or
in connection with any school activity, all signs thereon indicating
"SCHOOL BUS" shall be covered or concealed.
, '
Section 18.615. No-Passing Zones.
(a) Nhere overtaking and passing or driving to the left of the
roadway would be especially hazardous and ",Then, by appropriate signs
or markings on the road~TCl.y indicating the beginning and end of such
zones:l the signs or markings are in place and clearly visible to an
ordinarily observant person every driver of a vehicle shall obey the
directions thereof.
(b) 'mere signs or markings are in place to define a no-passing zone
as set forth in paragraph (a) no driver may at any time drive on the
left side of the roadway within the no-passing zone or on the left side
of any pavement striping designed to mark such no-passing zone throughout
its length.
( c) The pavement striping designed to mark the no-passing zone rna.y be
crossed (1) from the left-hand lane for the purpose of completing a
pass that was begun prior to the beginning of the zone in the driver? s
direction of travel, or (2) from the right-hand lane when making a left
turn into a dri ve'ft.ray or entrance.
Section 18.616. One-'tI!ay Roadways and Rotary Traffic Islands.
(a) It shall be unlawful to operate an.v vehicle upon a street or roadway
designated and signposted for one-way traffic other than in the direction
designated by Ordinances passed, approved and published by the Board of
Trustees of the Village of f10llilt Prospect; and included in Schedule III
of the appendix to this Chapter.
(b) A vehicle passing around a rotary traffic island must be driven
only to the right of such island.
( c) 1A]henever any street has been divided into 2 or more rOadways by
leaving an intervening space or by a physical barrier or a cleanly
indicated dividing section so constructed as to impede vehicular traffic,
every vehicle must be driven only upon the right-hand roadway unless
directed or permitted to use another rOadwa,y by official traffic-control
devices or police officers. No vehicle may be driven over, across
or wi thin any such dividing space, barrier, or section, except through
an opening in the physical barrier, or dividing section, or space, or at
a crossover or intersection as established by proper author! ty .
Section 18.617. Driving on Roadways Laned for Traffic. Whenever any
roadway has been divided into 2 or more clearly marked lanes for traffic the
following rules in addition to all others consistent herewith shall apply:
(a) A vehicle shall be driven as nearly as practical entirely within a
single lane and shall not be moved from such lane until the driver has
first ascertained that such movement can be made with safety.
(b) Official traffic control devices may be erected directing specified
traffic to use a designated lane or designating those lanes to be used
by traffic moving in a particular direction regardless of the center of
the roadway and drivers of vehicles shall obey the directions of every
such sign.
Section 18.618. Follol'ling Too Closely.
(a) The driver of a motor vehicle shall not follow another vehicle
more closely than is reasonaole. and prudent, having due regard for
the speed of such vehicles and the traffic upon the condition of the
(b) The driver of any motor vehicle of the second ~vision or motor
vehicle drawing another vehicle when traveling upon a roadway outside
of a business or residence district shall not follow Within 300 feet of
another motor vehicle of the second division or motor. vehicle drawing
another vehicle . The provisions of this subdivision shall not be
construed to prevent overtaking and passing nor shall the same apply
upon any lane specially designated for use by motor vehicles of the
second division.
(c) Motor vehicles being driven upon any roadway outside of a business
or residence district in a caravan Or' motorcade whether or not towing
other vehicles shall be so operated as to allow sufficient space between
each such vehicle or combination of ver.icles so as to enable any other
vehicle to enter and occupy such space "\I'lithout danger. This provision
shall not apply to funeral processions.
(d) The driver of a motor vehicle other than one ort official business
shall not follow any fire apparatus travelilig in response to a fire
alarm closer than 500 feet.
Section 18.619. Restrictions on Use of Controlled Access Highway.
No person may drive a vehicle onto or from any controlled access highway except
at entrances and exits established by public authority.
, 'l
Article VII -Right of Way
Section 18.701. Vehicle. Entering Highway from Private Road or Driveway.
The driver of a vehicle about to enter or cross a street from a private road
or driveway shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching on said
Section 18 ~ 702. . Operation of. Vehicles on Approach of Authorized Emergency
(a) Upon the immediate approach of an authorized emergency vehicle making
use . of audible and visual signals meeting the, requirements of this Chapter
or a police vehicle properly and lawfully making use of an audible or
visual signals, the driver of every other vehicle on the same roadway
shall yield the right-of-way and shall immediately drive to a position
parallel to, ,and as close as. possible to, the right-hand edge or curb
of the street clear. of any intersection and shall stop if possible and
remain in such position until the authorized emergency vehicle has passed,
except when otherwise directed by a pollce officer.
(b) This Section shall not operate to relieve the driver of an authorized
emergency vehicle from the duty to drive with due regard for .the safety
of all persons using the roadway.
Section 18.703. Vehicles Approaching. or Entering Intersection .
(a) The driver of a vehicle approaching an intersection must yield the
right-of-way to a vehicle which has entered the intersection from a
differendroadway .
(b) When 2 vehicles enter an intersection from different roadways at
approximately the sam; time, the driver of the vehicle on the left must
yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on the right.
(c) The right-of-way rules declared in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this
Section are modified at through streets and otherwise as stated in
this 'Chapter.
Section 18. 704. . Vehicle TumingLeft. The driver of a vehicle intending
to turn' to the left within an intersection or into an alley, private road, or
driveway shall. yield the right-of-way to any vehicle approaching from the
opposite direction which is so close as to constitute an immediate hazard,
but said. driver, having soy1elded may proceed at such time as, a safe interval
Section 18.705." Vehicles Entering Stop Crosswalk. Where stop signs or
flashing. red signals are in place at an intersection or flashing red signals
are in place at a plainly marked crosswalk between intersections , drivers
of vehicles shall stop before entering the nearest crosswalk and ped~stria.ns
within or entering the crosswalk at either edge of the. roadway, shall have the
right-of-way over vehicles so stopped. Drivers of vehicles having so yielded
the right-of-way to pedestrians entering or wi thin the nearest crosswalk at an
intersection shall.also yield the right-of-way to pedestrians. within any other
crosswalk.at the intersection.
Section 18.706. Vehicle Entering Stop or Yield Intersection.
(i;~) Preferential right-of-way at an intersection may be indicated by
stop or yield signs. as .authorized by the VillageManager,signposted,
and inclUded' in. Schedule' tv of. the appendix to this Chapter.
(b) Except when directed to proceed by a police off:icer or traff:1.c- .
control signal, every driver of a vehicle approaching a, stop intersection
indicate(}oya stop sign . shall step!? C3.S reqUired py Section ,18.806 of
this Chapter and after ha'lT.Lhgstcppec;i, shall yield the right-of-way to any
vehicle Whfehhas entered the, intersection from another roadway or which
is approaching so closely on the roadway as to constitute an iImnediate
hazard during the time when the ~ver is movil1g across or within the
intersection, but said driver haVing so yielded may proceed at such
time as a safe interval occurs.
(c) The driver of a vehicle approaching a yield sign shall in obedience
to such sign slow down to a speed reasonable for the existing conditions
and shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle in the intersection or
approaching. on another highway so closely as to constitute an immediate
hazard .
(d) If a driveris1nvolved in a collision at an intersection or inter-
feres with the .movement of other vehicles arterfu"'iving.past a yield
right-of-way sign, such collision or interference. shall be deemed prima
facie evidence of the driver's failure to yield right-of-way.
Section. 18.707. Merging Traffic. At an intersection where traffic
lanes . are provided for merging traffic the driver of each vehicle on the
converging roadways is required to adjust his vehicular speed and lateral
position so as to avoid a collision with another vehicle.
Section 18.708.. . Funeral Processions.
(a) Funeral processions have the right of way at intersections when
vehicles conprising such procession have their headlights lighted, subject
to the following conditions and exceptions:
1. Operators of vehicles in a funeral procession shall yield the
right of way upon the approach of an authorized emergency vehicle
giving an audible or visible signal;
2. Operators of vehicles in a funeral procession shall yield the
right of way when directed to do so by a traffic officer;
3. The operator of the leading vehicle in a funeral procession
shall conply with stop signs and traffic control signals but when
the leading vehicle has proceeded across an intersection in
accordance with such signal or after stopping as required by the
stop sign, all vehicles in such procession may proceed without,
stopping, regardless of the sign or signal and the leading vehicle
and the vehicles in procession shall proceed with due caution.
(b) The operator of a vehicle not. in the funeral. .proc~sslon . shall not
drive his. vehicle .inthe funeral process~oi1except When aUtl'lorized
to do. so by a traffic officer or' when such vehiCle Is anauthorlzed
emergency vehicle giving audible or. visible sIgnal.
(c) Operators of vehicles not a part. of a funet>al.pt>bces~j.on. may not
fom a procession or convoy and have their head1igb.tslighted for the
purpose of securing the right of W$.y granted by this Section to funeral
(d) .The operator of a vehicle not in a fUnera.lprccess1ori rriay overtake
and pass the ve~ples in such procession if such overtakirlgand passing
can beacconplis11ed without causing a. traffic hazard or ihterfering
with suchprocess16n.
, . .
(e).... The lead veh;cle in the .funeral procesSi6rlrnay ~e.. equ1pped with a
flash+ng amber li~tWhich may be used only whens~ch.\feh1cle is used
asCl lead vehicle, in such procession. Vehicles corrrpr'ising a funeral
procession must utilize funeral pennants or nags Or wihdshield stickers
to identify the iridividUalvehic1es in such a procession.i
Section 18.709 .$1ind. Pedestrians -' Right-Of-\~ay. 'Any blind person
who is caITyingiharaisedOf .extended position a 9aneor walkir1g stick
which is white in color or white tipped with red, or who. is being guided by a
dog, shall. have the right-of-way incrosslhg any street or highway, . whether
or not traffic on such street or highway is controlled by traffic signals ,
anything in this Chapter potwithstanding. The driver of everY vehicle
approaching the place where a blind person, so carrying such a cane or
walking stick or being so guided, is crossing a street or highway shall
bring his vehicle to a full stop and before proceeding shall take such
precautions as may be necessary to avoid injury to the blind person. The
provisions of this Section shall not apply to a blind person who is not carrying
such a cane or walking stick or who is not guided by a dog, but the other
provisions of this Chapter relating to pedestrians shall then be applicable to
such person. .
Article VI:rI.,. stopping~ Standing~ and Parking
Section 18.801. Coasting Prohibited.
(a) The driver of any motor vE3l11g1e when traveling upon a downgrade
or preparing to stop shall not,c,ofu3t with the gears of such vehicle in
remr~. .
(b) The driver of a motor vehicle of the second division when traveling
upon a down grade or preparing to stop shall not coast with the clutch
disengaged. ",
Section 18.802. Crossing FireHose. . No vehid~es~~l ~edpi ven over an
unprotected hose of a fi:re department when laid dOWl'1~nanystreetor private
driVEW6y to be used at any fire or ~arm of fi~~, ~ thout the co:ns~nt of the
fire departrrent official )t.n corin!arfd~
Section 18.803. Qpe~~~c~,toSigna1 !ndicat~'APprpach o;f';Train.
(a), Whenever any i'e.rsdh ~iving a ~hlcle apP~ches arailrQad grade
crossing and a cleat-fy.;vis;1bleelectric,or mechanical,signal device gives
warning of the immec;aate. a.pproach of. attain, the drlver oi'such vehicle
shall stop within firtY.:f'eetbut hot less tbanten feet from the nearest
track of such railroad and shall not proceed until he can do so safely.
(b) The driver of a vehicle sh~l stop and reITlainstanding and'r}ottraverse
such a. grade crossing when a crossing gate 1s lowered or, when a t1agjnan
gives or continues to give a sign~ of the approach or passage of a train.
(c) The driver of a vehicle shall stop within 50 feet but not less than
10 feE}t from the nearest track when a train is approaching so closely that
an imrrediate hazar'd is created~ and shall not proceed until he can do so
SectionlB.804. Certain Vehicles Must Stop at All Railroad Grade Crossings.
(a) The driver of any motor vehicle carrying passengers for hire, or 'of
any school bus carrying any school child ~ or of any vehicle carrying
liquid petroleum' and liquid petroleum products, explosives ~flammable or
oxidizing liquids and solids, flammable or poisonoUs conpressed gases,
volatile liquids and solids Which emit poisonous fumes, corrosive liqu1ds~
and radioactive materials as a cargo or part of a cargo" before crossing
at grade any track or tracks of a railroad, s~l stop such vehicle within
50 feet but not less than 10 feet from the nearest rail of such railroad and
while so stopped shall' listen and look in both directions along such track
for any approaching train, and for signals indicating the approach of
a train~ except. as hereinafter pro~ded and shall not proceed until he can
do so safely.
(b) No stop need be made at any such crossing where a police officer or a
traffic control signal directs traffic to proceed. '
Section 18.805. Moving Heavy F9.uipment at Railroad Grade Crossing.
(a) No person shall operate or move any track type vehicle, steam shovel,
derrick, roller, or any equipment. or structure having a normal operating
speed of 6 or less miles per hour or a vertical body or load clearance of
less than. nine inches above the level surface of a roadway upon or across
any tracks at a railroad grade crossing without first complying with this
Section. .
(b) Notice of any such intended cross:1,ngshall be given to a superintendent
of such railroad and a reasonable time be given to such railroad to provide
proper protection at such crossing.
(c) Before making any. such crossing the person operating or moving any
such vehicle or equipment shall first stop the same not less than 10 feet
nor more than 50 feet from the nearest rail of such railway and while so
stopped shall. listen and look in both directions along such track for any
approaching train and for signals indicating the approach of a train, and
shall not proceed until the crossing can be made safely.
(d) No such crossing shall be made when warning is given by automatic
signal or crossing gates or a flagman or otherwise of the iImned1ate
approach of a railroad train or car.
Section 18.806. Stop and Yield Signs.
(a) Preferential right-of-way at an intersection may be indicated .by stop
signs or yield signs as authorized in Section 18.706 of this Chapter and
Schedule TV of the - appendix hereto.
(b) Except when directed to proceed by a police officer or traffic
control signal, every driver of.. a vehiclee.pproaching a stop intersection
indicated by a stop sign shall stop before enterlngthe crosswalk on the
near side of the intersection or, in the event there is no crosswalk, shall
stop at a clearly marked stop line, but if none, then at the point nearest
the intersecting roadway where the driver has a view of approaching
traffic on the intersecting roadway before entering tl:'1e intersection.
(c) The driver ofa vehicle approaching a yield sign if required for
safety to stop shall stop before entering the crosswalk on the nearside of
the intersection or, in the event there is no crosswalk, at a clearly
marked stop line, but if none, then at the point nearest the intersecting
roadway. where the driver has a view of approaching traffic on the inter-
secting roadway. .
Section 18.807. Stop Before Emerging from Alley or Private Driveway. The
driver ofaveh1cle eIOOrgingfrom.an alley, driveway, or building, shall stop
such vehicle 1mrhediately prior to driving onto a sidewalk or into the sidewalk
area extending across any alleyway or driveway, and shall yield the right-of-
way to any pedestrian as may be necessary to avoid collision, and upon entering
the roadway shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching on said
Section 18.808. stopping, StanCing or Parking Outside of Business of
Residence District.
(a) Upon any street outside of a business or residence district no person
shall stop, park, or leave standing any vehicle, whether attended or
unattended, upon the paved or main-traveled part of the street when it is
practical to stop, park, or so leave such vehicle off such part of said
street, but in every event a clear and unobstructed width of the street
opposite such standing vehicle shall be left for the free passage of other
vehicles and a clear view of such stopped vehicle shall be available from
a distal1ce of 200 feet in each direction upon such street.
(b) The Village Ma."lager shall have authority to prohibit the stopping,
standing, or parking of vehicles or to prescribe time limits for parking
on any street or highway UJj::1dr the control and jurisdiction of the Village
or for the maintenance of which the Village is responsible, in such manner
as he shall deem necessary to promote pUblic convenience and safety and so
as to facilitate traffic. Any such regulations adopted by the Board of
Trustees or the Village Manager regarding the stopping, standing or parking
of vehicles upon any specific street, streets, or highways shall become
effective on and after the date of the erection of appropriate signs
indicating such regulations and such designation is included on Schedule V
of the appendix to this Chapter.
(c) This Section shall not apply to the driver of any vehicle which is
disabled while on the paved or main-traveled portion of a street in such
manner and to such extent that it is impossible to avoid stopping and
temporarily leaving such disabled. vehicle in such position; provided,
however, that at least one door of any motor vehicle permitted to stand
unattended on the paved or main-traveled part of any highway shall be
left unlocked.
Section 18.809. Officers Authorized to Remove Illegally Stopped Vehicles.
(a) '\;Ilhenever any police officer finds a vehicle standing upon a street
in violation of any of the provisions of this Article such officer is
authorized to move such vehicle, or require the driver or other person
in charge of the vehicle to move the same, to a position off the paved or
irrproved or main-traveled part of such street.
(b) Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle unattended upon any
bridge or other elevated structure or within a turmel, underpass or
subway where such vehicle constitutes an obstruction to traffic, such
officer is authorized to provide for the removal of such vehicle to the
nearest garage or other place of safety.
(c) l1Jhenever an.y police officer finds an unattended vehicle that has
been left upon any street in this Village for a period of 24 hours or more,
such officer is authorized to provide for the removal o'f such vehicle to
the nearest garage or other place of safety.
(d) All reIrovals of unattended, abandoned or disabled vehicles authorized
in this Section shall be at the expense of the O\\'ner.
Section 18. 810. School Bus stopping on 4 Lane Highway.
(a) A school bus traveling on a highwa,y having 4 or more lanes for
vehicular traffic shall stop for the loading or discharging of passengers
only on the right side of the highway and when so stopped shall load or
discharge only those passengers i'Those residences are located to the right
of the highway.
(b) The routes of school buses shall be so arranged that no child shall
be required to cross such a 4 or more lane highway to board a school bus
or to reach his residence after leaving the bus. This sub-Section shall
not apply when children are escorted by competent persons designated by
the school authorities or by 1m\! enforcement officers.
Section 18.811. Lamps on Barked Vehicles.
(a) During the period from sunset to sunrise every motorcycle or motor
vehicle which is standing on any high~:ray shall display a parking light on
the front and at the rear of salne, unless the Village, by Ordinance,
designates any part or parts of any street as parking places in which
motorcycles and motor vehicles may be parked without having their lamps
lighted, as otherwise required by this Chapter.
(b) Any lighted driving lamps upon a parked vehicle shall be depressed
or dimmed.
Section 18.812. Interference lAfith Fire Apparatus Prohibited. The driver
of any vehicle other than one 0!1 official business shall not park such vehicle
within the block where fire apparatus has stopped in answer to a fire alarm.
Section 18.813. Obstructing; Person on Highways. Any person who shall
wilfully and unnecessarily hinder.~ obstruct or delay, or ",mo shall wilfully
and unnecessarily attempt to delay, hinder or obstruct any other person in
lawfully driving or traveling along or upon any street or who shall offer for
barter or sale merchandise on said street so as to interfere with the effective
movement of traffic shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Section 18.814. Parking at Curb. No person shall stand or park a vehicle
in a roadttfay other than parallel with the edge of the roadvmy headed in the
direction of a lawful traffic movement and '\f.Jith the curbside wheels of the
vehicle iAJithin 12 inches of the curb or where there is no curb, within 12 inches
of the edge of the roadway, except that upon those streets that have been marked
for angle parking, vehicles shall be parked at the angle to the curb indicated
by such marks. Double parking is prohibited.
Section 18.815. Unattended Motor Vehicle. No person driving or in charge
of a motor vehicle shall pennit it to stand unattended 1/IJithout first stopping
the engine, locking the ignition and removing the key, or when standing upon any
perceptible grade ~;dthout effectively setting the brake thereon and turning the
front wheels to the curb or side of the street.
Section 18.816. Parking Prohibited in Specific Places.
(a) No person shall park a veDicle, except when necessary to avoid conflict
I'Jith other traffic or except in compliance 'tI,1ith the directions of a police officer
or traffic control device or sign in any of the following places:
1. On a sidewalk;
2. Tn front of a public or private dri veiftas ;
3. Within an intersection;
4. 1tJithin 15 feet of a fire hydrant,
5. On a crosswalk;
6. ilJithin 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection;
7. lfIithin 30 feet upon the approach to any flashing beacon, stop
sign, or traffic-control signal located at the side of a roadway;
8. :se~o\)'een a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within 30 feet
of points on the curb immediately opposite the ends of a safety
zone, unless a different length is indicated by signs or markings;
9. t\j'ithin 50 feet of the nearest rail of a railroad grade crossing;
10. vJithin 20 feet of the driveway entrance to any fire station and
on the side of a street opposite the entrance to any fire station
within 75 feet of said entrance when properly signposted;
11. Alongside or opposite an,y street excavation or obstruction when
such parking would obstruct traffic;
12. On the roadv-Jay side of any vehicle parked at the edge or curb
of a street;
13. Upon any bridge or other elevated structure upon a highway or
't'Jithin a highway tu.rmel;
14. At any place where official signs prohibit parking; provided
such sign is included in the appropriate Schedule(s) of the
appendix to this Chapter;
15. Upon any berm, shoulder, or parkway adjacent to any roadway;
excluding driveways.
(b) No person other than a police officer, as provided in Section 18.809
of this Chapter, shall move a vehicle into any such prohibited area or
away from a curb such distance as is unlawful or start or cause to be
started the motor of any motor vehicle, or shift, change, or move the
levers, brake, starting device, gears, or other mechanism of a parked
motor vehicle to a position other than that in ~\)'hich it was left by the
owner or driver thereof, or attempt to do so.
Section 18.817. Alleys. No person shall park a vehicle \lTi thin an alley
in such a manner or under such conditions as to leave available less than 10
feet of the width of the roam'Tay for the free movement of vehicular traffic,
and no person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle 1dthin an alley in such a
position as to block the driveway entrance to a.'1.Y abutting property.
Section 18.818. Cab Stands - Bus Stands. No vehicle other than a
licensed taxicab shall be parked in any area designated by Ordinance as a
cab stand; and no vehicle other than a bus shall be parked in a place so
designated as a bus loading zone; when such cab and bus stands are signposted
and included on Schedule 'VI of the appendix to this Chapter.
Section 18.819. Loading Zone. During the times specified herein, it shall
be lmlawful for the driver of a vehicle to stand a passenger vehicle for a period
of time longer than is necessary for the loading or unloading of passengers, not
to exceed three minutes 5' and for the driver to stand any freight carrying vehicle
for a period of time longer than is necessary to load, unload and deliver materials,
not to exceed thirty minutes, in any of the following places:
(a) In any public alley, during any hour of the day or night.
(b) At any place not to exceed 75 feet along the curb before the
entrance to any hospital or hotel at any time.
(c) At any place not to exceed 75 feet along the curb before the
entrance to a public building between 8 oVclock A.M. and 6 o'clock P.M.
except on Sunday.
(d) Directly in front of the entrance to any theater at any t:Ime the
theater is open for business.
Section 18.820. Truck Loading and Parking in Residence Districts. No person,
firm or corporation shall stand or park any truck, tractor, semi-trailer or bus
on any street in any residence district within the Village for a longer period
than is necessary for the expeditious loading or unloading of such vehicle.;
provided that, where any street fronts in part on a residence district and in
part on any district othe~dse classified.
Section 18.821. Parking of Vehicles for Sale. It shall be unlawful to
park any vehicle upon any street for the purpose of displaying it for sale.) or
to pa.:rk any vehicle upon any business street from which vehicle merchandise is
Section 18.822. No Parking During Snow Removal. It shall be unlawful
to park, or have parked, any vehicle on any unplowed public street within 24
hours after a snowfall of 2 inches or more has occurred.
Section 18.823. No Parking Any Time. Except in compliance with directions
of a police officer, at any time it shall be unlawful to permit any vehicles to
stand in any of the places designated by the Village Manager and signposted and
included on Schedule VI of the appendix to t}lis Chapter.
Section 18.824. Sunday Parking. Except in compliance with the direction
of a police officer or traffic signal, it shall be unlawful to permit any vehicle
to stand, stop, or park in any of the places designated by the Village Manager
and signposted and included on Schedule VII of the appendix to this Chapter.
Section 18.825. Weekday Parking. The parking of any vehicle is prohibited
on all weekdays, excluding Saturdays and Sundays between the hours of 7:00 A.M.
and 4:00 P.M. on such streets designated by the Village Manager and signposted
and included on Schedule VIII of the appendix to this Chapter.
Section 18.826 Parking During School Hours. The parking of any vehicle
is prohibited on school days between the hours of 8:00 A.r.1. and 4:00 P.M. on
such streets designated by the Village Manager and sign-posted and mcluded on
Schedule IX of the appendix 00 this Chapter.
Section 18.827. All Night Parking..
(a) No person shall park any vehicle on any street within the Village
between the hours of 2:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.~.1. on any day, except physicians
on emergency calls.
(b) The parkmg of any vehicle is prohibited between the hours of 6:00 P.f\1.
and 6: 00 A.M. on such streets designated by the Village r.'Ianager and sipn-
posted and included on Schedule X of the appendix to this Chapter.
Section 18.828. Time Limits. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle for
a longer period than the time desigpated m any area set aside by the Village
rlfanager, sign-posted and included on the Schedules listed below:
(a) Two Hour P~. Parking of automobiles and other vehicles is
lirP~ted to two 2 hours on any day except Smdays and legal holidays
between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 6:00 p.r.1. on the streets or portions
thereof included on Schedule XI of the appendix to this Chapter.
(b) One Hour Parking. Parking of automobiles and other vehicles is
limited to one (1) hour on any day except Stmdays and legal holidays
between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. on the streets or portions
thereof included on Schedule XII of the appendix td\ this Chapter.
(c) Fifteen Minute Parkmg. Parking of automobiles and other vehicles
is limited to fifteen ( 15) minutes on any day except Sundays and legal
holidays between the hours of 7:00 A.f\1. and 6:00 P.M. on the streets or
portions thereof included on Schedule XIII of the appendix to this Chapter.
Section 18.829. Obstructing Fire Lanes.
(a) Whenever fire lanes are designated as provided in Section 24.410,
it shall be unlawful for any person to block or obstruct, wholly or partly,
any duly designated andpost&G fire lane described in Schedule XIV of the
appendix to this Chapter.
(b) .Any person convicted of a violation of this Section shall be fined
no less than $10.00 nor more than $500.00 for each offense.
Section 18.830. Parking Meter Zones.
(a) '!here are hereby established certain parking zones to be known as
parking meter zones, which zones shall be within the districts or upon those
streets 'or parts of streets described in Schedule XV of the appendix to this
(b) In the Chicago and North Vlestern Railway Lots #1, #2, and #3,
established as havmg a parking time limit of 12 hours, the deposit of
certain coins shall establish the allowed parking time up to the maximum time
limit as follows:
1. Upol'\ the deposit of one (1) five (5)e,eht coin apttt'king
lim1t of one (1) hour shall be establishech
2. {]poll the deposit of two (2) five (5) cent coins, qr one (1)
ten, (fO) dent coin, a parting limit of two (2) hours shaJ..:I be
established. '
3~ , t]ppn the depQsltof three, (3) five (5) cent coins, or one (1)
five t5), centandOrie (1) ten (J:O) cent coins, a parting limit of
th:bee ~3) hourss:nall be, established.
~~ ::~~i~dd{J~~BJl'c~~da~~"ifu.tt~t~ (6)
hours shall be established.
5. ,,'. upon the, deposit; ,', ,of. suffIcient Uni tect States coins, except
pennies> amoUnting to twenty-five (25) cents> a parking limit of
twelve (12) hours shall be established.
(c) ,In the Maple Streetpark1ng meter zon~~, established as hEl'ving a
~:~s~~i~~e o~~::ep~~o~ :et~e~:i~tn:~~ i~~ as
1. Upon the depQsit Of' one, (1) fiVe (5) cent colna parldrig limit
of one-and"'a-ha.lf (1-1/2) hours shall be established.
2. Upon the, d~posit. of two (2)f1ve ,(5) cent coinS, or one (1)
ten (10) cent coin, a parking liinit of three (3) hours shall be
3. Upon the deposit of three (3) five (5) cent coins, or one (1)
five (5) cent ,and one (1) ten (10) cent coins, a parking limit of
four-and-a-half (4-1/2) hours shall be established.
4. Upon the deposit of sufficient United States coins, except pennies,
amounting to twenty (20) cents, a parking limit of four (4) hours
shall be established.
5. ,Upon the deposit of sufficient United, States coins ,except
pennies, amoun, ting, to twentY-fi, ve (25 ) cents, a parking limit of
seven-and-a-~lf(7-l/2) hours shall be established.
6. Upon the deposit of sufficient United States coins> except pennies,
amounting to thirty (30) cents, a parking limit of twelve (12) hours
shall-be established.
(d) Each parking rreter shall be so designed, constructed, installed and
set that upon the expiration of the time period registered, by the, deposit
of one or more coins, as provided herein, it will indicate by an appropriate
signal that the lawful parking meter period has expired, and during said
period of time and prior to the expiration thereof, will indicate the
interval of time which remains of such period:
LEach parking meter shall bear thereon a],egend indicating the
days and hours when the requirement to depdsitcoins therein shall
apply, the value of the coins to be deposited, and the limited
period of time fqr which parking is lawfully permitted in the
parking meter zone in which such meter is located.
2. Except as hereinafter provided parking t~ llrnits on weekdays,
except holid~s ,Saturday;sand sunClayS.)S~l be the.hoW'S of
6:00 A.M. to b:OO P.M. On Saturday'artd Sunday the Parking time limits
shall be two (2). ho\.lr'S for which there shail betlo.cha:.t'ge; provided,
however, this PJ?Ovision does not applYiJo .anyt)ersOh paying the rates
required for tpe parking meter on SaturdaY or SUnday.
3.. The following days shall be designated as . holidaYS: January 1,
May 30, July 4, Labor Day, ThanksgivihgDay, and December 25. If
any of these days shall fall on Sundayand.be .observed on Monday, or
if any of th. ese days shall fall onSaturd$Y and be observed on the
Friday proceeding, then such Monday or Friday shall be considered
as a holiday for the purposes of this Section.
(e) Deposit of coins and time limits.
1. No person shall park a vehicle in any parking space alongside of
and next to which a parking meter has been installed during the
restricted and regulated time appliCable to the parking meter zone
in which such meter .is located unless a coin or coins of United States
currency of the appropriate denanination as . provided in this Chapter
shall l1.ave been deposited therein, or shall have been previously
deposited therein for an unexpired interval of time, and said meter
has been placed in operation.
2. No person shall permit a vehicle within his control to be parked
in any such parking meter space during the restricted and regulated
time applicable to the p~king meter zone in.:whiqb.such meter is
located while the parking meter for such space indicates by signal
that the lawful parking time in such space tas expired. This
provision shall not apply to the act of parking or the necessary
time which is required to deposit immediately thereafter a coin or
coins in such meter.
3. No person shall park a vehicle in any such parking meter space
for a consecutive period of time longer than that limited period of
time for which parking is lawfully permitted in the parking meter
zone in which such meter is located.~ '.
4. It shall be unlawful for arry person to deposit or cause to be
deposited an additional coin or coins to extend the parking time
limit beyond the maximum parking time limits as established for
parking meter zones.
5. The provisions of this Section shall not relieve any person :from
the duty to observe other and more restrictive provisions of this
Chapter prohibiting or limiting the stopping, standing, or parking
of vehicles in specified places or at specified times.
(f) Use of Slugs Prohibited. No person shall depo~it or atterrpt to
deposit ,in any parking meter any slug, button, ,6rarty, other deVice
or. substance as substitutes for coins of United. Statli!lS dU1'1:'€ind1~
(g) Tanper~w1thMeter. No person shall deface, injure, tamper with,
open orwil ' ly break,' destroy or impair the usefulness of any parking
(h) Special Penalty.
1. Notwithstanding .the provisions of Sections 18.1511 and 18.831
of this Chapter, any person, finn, or corporation" who violates sub-
Sections . (f)' and (g) of this Section 18.830 shall be fined not
less than F1 va Dollars ($5.00) nor more than Two Hundred Dollars
($200.00) for eaCh offense.
2. It shall be the duty of the Police Department of the Village of
Mount Prospect to issue citations to any personswbo violate ,the
provisions of ,sub-Sections (b), (c), (e) and (f). Suchcitations
may be deli veredto the.. violator personally or may be affixed to the
vehicle of. the violator. Nothing in this sub-Section shall be
construed to abridge the pOt1er of a police officer to arrest any
violator and take him into custody.
(i) InStallation of Parking Meters.
1. The' Village Manager with the approval of the Board of Trustees
shall install parldng neters in the parking ,meter. zones established
as provided in this Chapter within approximately twenty-four (24)
. inches of the outer curb line or sidewalk line immediately adjacent
and in front of the individual parking spaces.
2. The Village Manager shall have markings painted or placed upon
the cUI.'b and/or upon the street orpavernent adjacent to each parking
reteI' for the purpose of designating the parking space, for which
said meter is to be used, or within a parking lot and each vehicle
parking adjacent. or next to any parking meter shall park within the
lines or markings so established.
3. The installation of parking meters in the twelve (12) hour zones
established in sUb-section (b) of this Section shall be subject and
pursuant to the provisions of the agreement and lease with the
Chicago & ,North Western Railway Company relating to the installation
of, parking meters in such zones.
4. Plans and' specifications for the installation of parking .neters
in the Village shall be placed on file with the Village Clerk and
shall be. . open for inspection by the public .
5 . The payment for such parking meters and the installation under any
contract or contracts heretofore ,entered into'. by the. Village or here-
after to be entered .into by the Village for the purpose of leasing,
acqu1ri.ng, installation, operation, maintenance, superv1sion,regulation,
and use of the parking meters provided for herein, .either for a
trial period or otherwise, shall be only and solely from the
receipts, funds and revenues obtained from the operation of said
parking meters, without in any manner obligating the Village tb
pay for the sane from any other sources, and further that. no
revenue bonds shall be issued to pay for any such meters.
6. The operation, maintenance and management of the parking meters
shall be under the supervision of the Village Manager, who shall
see that said meters are kept in good working. and operating order
and are i.."lstal1ed to the advantage of the Village, and shall operate
the whole project in an economical and efficient manner.
(j ) Application of Proceeds.
1. The Village Manager, subject to the approval of the President
and Board of Trustees, shall designate such collector or collectors
and methods as are necessary to collect properly all coins deposited
in the meter boxes.
2. Such collector or collectors shall be only such employees as are
now or may hereafter be duly bonded in the sum not less than One
Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) for the faithful performance of their
3. All moneys so collected shall be deposited with the Village
Treasurer, who shall credit such collections to the. parking meter
f\1nd for the purposes . set forth herein and shall submit. a monthly
report to the Village Board showing all revenues derived from
parking meters.
4. The coins required to be deposited in parking. meters as provided
in this Article are levied and assessed as fees to cover the regulation
and control of parking upon public streets; the costs of parking meters,
their installation, inspection, supervision, operation, repair and
maintenance, control and use of parking spaces ,and regulating the
parking of vehicles in parking meter zones; and the costs of acquir-
ing, establishing, improving, maintaining, and operating public
off-street parking facilities.
5. The Village. Treasurer shall pay from such special fund the costs
of any parking meters purchased by the Village and installed as
provided in this Article, and expenses incurred for their installation,
inspection, service, supervision, repair, and maintenance, for making
collections from such parking meters, and for the enforcement of
the provisions of this Chapter applicable to parking meter zones. The
net proceeds of the operation of parking meters in said special fund,
after the payment of such costs and expenses, shall be used for
parking studies -and for the acquisition, establishment, irrprovement,
maintenance, and operation of public off-street parking facilities
as the Village Board shall from time to time direct.
6. The percentage of revenue to be applied to the cost of installation
of meters in the twelve (12) hour zonesestablished in sub-Section (b)
of this Section shall be thirty-three and one-third 03-1/3%) per-
cent of the gross revenue as provided in the agreement and lease i'\r:ith
the Chicago & North Western Railway Company consenting to the
installation of meters in said twelve (12) hour meter zones
established in sub-Section (b) of this Section.
7. The parking meter fund shall be audited as a separate fund at the
time of the armual audit by the Village.
(k) Proof of registration of a motor vehicle and proof of violation of
this Section shall be construed as prima facie proof that the registered
owner of such motor vehicle was the user or operator thereof at the time
of the violation charged.
(1) Violation of Parking Regulation - Leased Vehicles.
(1) Every person in whose name a vehicle is registered pursuant to the
"Illinois Motor Vehicle Lawn) approved July 11, 1957, as heretofore
and hereafter amended and who leases such vehicle to others) after
receiving written notice of a violation of this Article involving such
vehicle, shall upon request provide such police officers as have
authority of the offense, and the court having jurisdiction thereof,
with a "'Jritten statement of the name and address of the leesee at the
time of such offense and the identifying number upon the registration
plates of such vehicle.
(2) A person convicted of violating this sub-3ection shall be fined
at least Twenty Pi ve Dollars ($25.00) but not to exceed One Hundred
Dollars ($100.00), not~'1ithstanding any other Sections or sub-Sections
in this Chapter to the contrary.
Section 18.831. Penalty.
(a) Not\l1ithstanding the provisions of Article XV of this Chapter, or sub-
Sections (h) and (1) of Section 18.830 whenever a pOlice officer is
authorized to arrest a person without a warrant because of a violation of
any Sections of this Article, said police officer may, in lieu of the
filing of a complain.t in Court, in the first instance issue to such
alleged violator) a CITATION:
(1) Advising said person that he has violated a specified Section
(2) Requesting him to make payment in an amount applicable to said
alleged violation as set forth in paragraph (e) of this Section as
settlement of said violation claim, and
(3) Informing him that upon failure to so settle, a complaint will
be filed in the Cireui t Court of Cook County, charging him with such
(b) Pursuant to said CrrATION, the person so accused of said violation may
settle and compromise the violation claim in respect to such Section
violation by paying to the municipality the applicable amount as shown in
the Schedule set forth in paragraph (e) of this Section, within a period
to be specified in said Crr.C:'ION - not more than seven (7) days of the
time said alleged offense was committed.
Such payment shall be made in accordance with the instructions contained
in the aforesaid CITATION, at the Office of the Finance Department, who
shall issue a receipt for the money so received and pronptlyremit said
amount to the Village Treasurer to be credited to the proper mmicipal
(c) In the . event that the person to whom said CrrATION is issued fails
to, settle and pay said violation claim wi thin the prescribed time, or
within a period of time specified in a Final Notice (if one is served
upon him) then the Peace Officer is authorized to cause a Notice to
Appear to be served upon said alleged violator and is authorized to
file a conplaint and to prosecute- the same in, the Circuit Court of Cook
(d) 'Ibe fact that an autOl'OObile or motor vehicle which is illegally
operated or parked is registered with the Secretary of State in the name
of said alleged violator; or, in the alternative, in the event that a
vehicle sticker issued by a municipality has been issued in the name of
and to said alle~ violator, shall be considered prima facie proof that
said alleged violator was in control of or was the operator of the automobile
or motor vehicle at the time of such alleged violation.
(e) 'Ihe violation claim described in said CITATION so to be issued pursuant
to the tenrB of this Article" excepting sub-Sections . ,(f},and (g) of
Section 18.830" maybe settled, conpromised and paid in the respective
amounts set forth in the following schedule:
1., In the event that said payment is made prior to the quuling
by the municipality or by the Peace Officer of a Final Notice,
the following amounts shall be accepted as settlement:
IInproper pa.r}{1ng .......... '. . . . . . . . . . . . $5. 00
Overtime paJ:icing ......................$5.00
Overtime metered parking............. .$3.00
2. In the event that payment has not been paid prior to the mailing of
such Final Notice, and in fact, Final Notice has been mailed, the
following amounts shall be accepted as settlement:
IInproper parking ....................... $8. 00
Overtime parking ......................$8.00
OVertime metered parking .............. $8.00
3. In the event that payrnentis not made within the time prescribed in
the Final Notice, and a Notice to appear has been served and a
conplaint filed in the Circuit Court of Cook County, payIlEnt of any
fine and costs shall, be in such amounts as may be determined and
established by the Circuit Court of Cook County.
.A:r>ticle :Lx. Motorcycles.
Section 18.901. Operation .ot' MotorcyqlesorMotor-Dri ven . Cycles Upon
a Public Street. .... It shall be unlawful for any person"cor,pbration, partn(3r-
ship or. other legal entity to operate or cause to be operated a motorcycle. or
motor-driven cycle upon any street Withirtthe corporate. limits of the. Village
of Mount Prospect except in com,pliance with the following:
(a) The operator of such ~hicle shall have upon his or herpossess1on
avali4drlver':s licehse issued by the State of Illinois (or if suc~
~rato:r i$ a l1on-resident, such operata):> shall haVe upon his or her
possessi011..evidence. of a non-resident's operatirig privilege) and which
has not been suspended, limited, or cancelled.
(1:>) SUcn vehicle shall at.such time .ofoperati6nbe capable of perfonning .
in accordance' With the standards then fixed by the Motor Vehicle Laws of
thest.ate of Illinois and by the Ordinances of the Village of Mount Prospect~ ,
(c) The ' operator. shall. operate said. vehicle in ,accordance With'. the Motor
Vehicle Laws of the State of Illinois and Ordinances of the Village of
Mount Prospect.
(d) SUch vehicle shall be equipped with .an exhaust system in good working".
order, sufficient to prevent excessive or unusual noises; and no such .
vehicle shall be equipped with any muffler cut-out, removable exhaust
pipe ,coyer, or any .by-pass in a muffler, .or any muffler .from which the
baffle plates, screens, or other original internal parts have been removed
or altered, nor' shall any such vehicle be equipped. with. an exhaust system
which has 'been modified in a manner which will. amplify or increase the
noise emitted by the motor of such vehicle above that emitted by the
exhaust system originally installed on the vehicle, nor shall such
vehicle be eqUipped with an exhaust system which has been modified or
altered in any way from that furnished by the vehicle manufacturer;
provided, however, that equipnent eqUivalent to that originally installed
may be substituted when parts are replaced.
(e) If said vehicle is rented" leased or borrowed from. another, said
operator shall first have demonstrated to the lessor, renter, or lender
of such equipnent, that he or she is, sufficiently proficient to operate
suCh vehicle upon a public street without unreasonable danger to others.
(f) No person under 18 years of age shall p~chase, rent, lease or
borrow a motorcycle or motor-driven cycle unless he or she has first
obtained written. consent from either of his or her parents, or his or
her legal guardian; .and no such person mder 18 years of age shall take
possession of and operate any motorcycle or met or-driven cycle unless
on the occasion of such purchasing, or on. the first occasion of such
renting, leasing or borrowing of such motorcycle or metor-drivency.cle
such person under 18 years of age obtains and files with such seller,
renter, lessor, 'or lender an acknowledgement in. writing, signed by
either pprent of such minor or such minor's legal guardian, in the
presence of and witnessed by such lessor, renter" or lender, or his
duly. authorized 'agent, to the 'effect that permission is granted for such
child to purcha$e a.. vehicle, or to rent, lease or borrow a motorcycle
or motor-driven cycJ.e from such renter, lessor, or lender, and that
such parent or guar<1tan consents to such sale and/or conSents to the
renting, leasing or lending of a motorcycle or motor-driven cycle
to such child, and assurres full legal responsibility for. acts or
actions of such child. in the operation of.. any such motorcycle or motor-
driven cycle then or thereCifter sold, rented, leaf)ed or lent to such
child; and such responsib11ity and comnittnent of such parent or
guardian shall cont1,nue until it is revoked in writing by either
parent or by said guat'Oian bywri tten instrument delivered to. such
seller, lessor, reriterQr lender. A copy of this written pennission
must be in possess1dnof the operator of cycle for presentation upon
(g) No motorcycle orrnptor-.driven cycle shall l,)e operated in such a
manner that it carriesrnore than one passenger iriaddition to the
operator; nor shall it be operated in any mariner that places a passenger
in front of the operatQr.
(h) The operator of. a motorcycle shall ride only astride the pennanent
and regular seat ot' SB.<1d1E3 attached thereto, and the. operator shall not
permit more than one. othef'.pe:mon to ride theI'eon nor shall such other
person ride on the rrtotorcycleunless it is designed to carry 2 people,
in Which event the passeriger . shall also .ride astride the pennanent and
regular seat or saddle if it is designed for 2 persons, or astride another
seat or saddle firmly attached to the rear of the operator ; however , any
seat or saddle designed for a passenger must be equipped with permanent
handgrlps and, in addition, the motorcycle rmist be equipped with foot-
rests adjusted to fit such passenger. A sidecar may be attached to a
motorcycle in which additional persons may ride.
(i) No motorcycle or motor-driven cycle shall be operated in any manner
so as to cause a disturbance in any area of. the Village.
(j ) No operator of . a motorcycle. or motor-driven cycle shall engage in
maneuvers, stunting or other operations dangerous to himself of his
passenger or to the persons or property of others; and except, when done
for the better control of a vehicle ~ in emergencies or to maneuver rough
passages of.a street, an operator must at all times keep. body. contact
with the saddle or seat of such vehicle.
(k) No person shall operatE3 a motorcycle or motor-driven cycle having
handle-grips more than 15 in.ches. higher than the saddle.
(1) Special Equipment for Persons Riding Motorcycles.
1. The. operator of a motorcycle and every passenger thereon must
.wear protective headgear. The Department of Public Safety shall
. determ1nethestandardS for this equipmentan'd such standardS may
not be less than those established bh the United. States Department
of Transportation.
2. In addition, the operator of a motorcycle .and every passenger
thereon shall be protected by glaslSes, goggles or a transparent
shield. .The Department of Public Safety shl:111determine the
,standards for this equipment .
3. .' . ProtElctlye headgear specified in this Section that is sold or
used .:i.nthe Sta~e of Illinois must. be.ar a' permanent distinguishing
mark or' stazt;) or approval to indicate that it meets the minimum
standards. . .
(rri)Nomotorcycle may 'be.operated. witn handlebars rising more than 15
inches in height above the leVel of the seat or saddle. .
(a) .First obtain a license as provided in this Article.
(b) Not conduct such business within any zoned residential district or
within two hundred (200) feet thereof.
(c) Be twenty-one (21) years of age, if any individual or manager for
corporation, and shall possess any license required by the laws of the
State of Illinois.
(d) Make application for a. license on foms provided by the Village
Clerk and containing. the following:
1. If an individual, the name and address of the individual.
2. If a partnership, the name, residence, and business address
of each partner.
3. If a corporation, the name, date and state under whose laws
such corporation was organized, and if a foreign corporation,
whether authorized to do business in the state of Illinois; the
names of the principal officers, directors and local representatives,
their residences and business addresses.
4. The location where the business of renting motorcycles will be
conducted, and the nunber of rootorcycles that will be maintained
on the premises for rental purposes.
(e) Maintain precise records of vehicle rental indicating the name of
the person to whom the rental was made,. his address, the registered
root or nuntler of the vehicle rented or leased, together with other
identifying data, the parent or guardian t s written approval of a' minor t s
application and his agreeement to be responsible for the action of such
minor in the use of the vehicle, the date and hour of its rental and the
tine of its return to the possession of the licensee.
(f) Not rent to anyone under 18 years of age until he has on file in
hisposserssion an acknowl<?dgenEnt. in writing, signed by either parent
of the applicant or the applicant 's legal guaztlian, in. the presence
otand. ~tnessed by the licensee or hisquly~uthor:l.~edag~nt, to the
etfectt~t;pennission is granted. for sUCh Child to. rent) .1eas~. qr
borroW attt;>torcycle Q!>JI1Qtor-dr1ven d~cle f':t>6m such ref1ter~ lessor, or
l~htie~j", Brtl"that such parent or guardiM cqhsents to tche .~nting,
leas:t!1g .pr . lending of. a motorcycle OJ?' tl'i.\i)tor-dri ven cycl~, to.. suGhchild,
and... assUmes iu:Ll 'legalresponsipility' tor . acts. or. acttOnSbf such child
mtfieoperatiqh of any suchmotorcycl~.or m~tor-dr:l. ~n. .' qycle then or
t1i€l~aft;e~ rented, le,ased or lentte>sitch child, and sticl'i renter, lessor,
ot':l.encier'may rely.upOn such.writtenConseht as compliance with this ArtiOla.
until it. is revokediri writfbgby writt~nrevoc~tioh.sfgned by either of
such pa.refits or by BUch guardian and delivered to sUCh renter, lessor,
or lender.
(g) Rent vehicles only to persons who have and can show a valid motor
vehicle operator's license. .
(h) Maintain all motorcycles in a safe manner and provide each with all
equipment required '.by law.
(i) Operate the business between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 10:00 P.M. .
or the retum:i.ng of motorcycles between the hoUrs of midnight and 8:00 A.M.
(j) Provide proof of financial responsibility by conpliance with all
pertinent provisions of Section 8, Chapter 95-1/2 of the Illinois Revised
Statutes. .
(k) Have only the number of. rental motorcycles on the premises 'as
provided for in his application.
(1) Conply with all Ordinances and regulations of the Village of Mount
Prospect, including any reasonable regulations set by the Chief of
Police to effectuate this Article.
Section 18.903. License Fee. The annual license fee for a person
engaged. in the business of renting, leasing or lending motorcycles or motor-
driven cycles shall be Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00) per unit.
Section 18.904. Punishment. Jmy person, corporation, partnership or
other legal entity violating any of the tenns of or provisions of this
Article shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not less than
$25.00 nor more than $500.00. .
Article X. Bicycles
. ..Section.18.1001.. !Ppli~ab:t1ity of..'rrafric..r.aws. Every person riding
a bicycle upon a ro~ay shall be granted all. of the rights. and shall be
subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle by the
laws. of the state of Illinois declaring rules of the road applicable to the
driver of a vehicle except as to. special regulations in this Art.icle and
except as to those provisions of laws and Ordinances which by their nature
can have no application. .
Section 18..1002. Obedience to Offic:tal.Traffic Devices and Signs.
(a) .Arq.. person operating a bicycle shall obey the instructions of
official traffic signals, signs and mark1ngsunless otheIWise directed
by a police officer.
(b) On any street or intersection where "U" turns or other turns are
prohibited and signs are erected and in place so indicating, no person
operating a bicycle shall disobey the Oirection of any such sign,
except. Where such person dismounts from the bicycle.. to ma.ke any such
turn, in which event such person shall then obey the regulations applicable
to pedestrians.
Section 18.1003. Manner of Riding.
(a) Any person operating a ..bicycle shall not ride other .than upon or
astride the permanent and regular seat attached thereto, nor carry any
other person upon such bicycle other than upon a finnly attached and
regular seat thereon.
(b) No bicycle . shall be used to carry more persons at one tine than
the nurrber for which it is designed and equipped.
Section 18.1004. Regulations for Operation of Bicycles Generally.
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a bicycle in. any of the following
described tnamlers or any of the following enmrerated conditions:
(a) At a speed greater thari is reasonable and prudent under conditions
then existing.
(b) Upon any street or highway except as near to the right hand side
as practicable and with due care when passing any standing vehicle or
BrW. vehicle proceeding in the sama direction.
(c) To emerge from any alley, public or private driveway or building
upon any street, sidewalk or sidewalk area without yielding the right
of way to all vehicles and pedestrians approaching upon any street,
highway, sidewalk or sidewalk area.
(d) By attaChing the bicycle or the rider in any manner to any bus or
vehicle upon the street or highway.
(e) By towing or arawing any coaster, sled, person on roller skates,
toy vehicle or . other similar vehicle upon the street or highway.
(f) Riding in grbups upon any street or highway, except in single file.
(g) carrying anYPtick,age, .bUl"ldle or article. ~ichprevents. or interferes
with the. j:1.der keeping. both hSfids upon the hancllebars.
(h)R1d1ng with both hands rein6ved from the. n~dl~bars,' orpoith feet.
from the pedals .' qrpractice any acrobatic ridfhg uponany' bicycle upon
the street ot' highway 4
(i) Parking .or leaving any bicycle .Upon .the .stre~t or highway other'..than
against .the curb thereof or upon any sidewalk without. sUpporting sane in
an upright ,position by a kickstand or rack, or against any building, in
such manner as to afford the ~eastobstruction to pedestrian traffic.
Section 18.1005. Riding on. Sidewall.{s.
(a) No person . shall ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk within a business
district. However, persons may.. dismount and walk their bicycles on
the sidewalk within a business district.
(b) No person shall ride a bicycle upon a .sidewalk in a residence district
without yielding the right of way to any pedestrian on such sidewalk and
without dismounting from such bicycle before overtaking or passing any
such pedestrian~
Section 18.1006. ' Equipment Required.
(a) Every bicycle, when in use during the period when lighted lanps
are required. under Section 18.1102 of this Chapter ~shall be equipped on
the front with a lamp.which 1Shall.be emitting a white light visible
from a distance of at least 500 feet to the front and with a red
reflector on the, rear of a type approved by the Secretary Of State of
the State of Illinois. A lamp emitting a red light visible from a .
distance of 500 feet to the rear may be used in lieu of a red reflector.
(b) No'person shall operate a bicycle unless it is .equipped with a bell
or other, device capable of giving a signal audible for a distance of at
least one hundred feet, except that a bicycle shall not be equipped with
norshallapy person upon a bicycle use any siren or whistle.
(c) Every bicycle shall be equipped with a brake which will enable the
operator to make the braked wheels skid on dry, level, clean pavenent.
(d) FJ:he parent of any child and the guardian of any ward shall not
authorize or knowingly permit any ,such child or ward to violate any
provision of this Section.
Section 18.1007. Duty of Parents or Guardians; Applicability of
Provtsioi18 of Chapter~ . . . .
(a) No. parent of any child or guardian of. any ward..shall authorize
or knowingly permit any such child or ward to violate any of the provisions
of. this Chapter.
(b) This Chapter shall be applicable to all bicycles operated ~on any
street:> alley, hi&"1way) a sidewalk or upon any public path set aside
for the exclusive use of bicycles within the Village.
Section 18.1008. License Required. No person who resides within the
Village shall ride or propel a bicycle upon any street or upon any pUblic way
within the Village unless such bicycle has been licensed and a license
plate or sticker is attached thereto as provided herein.
Section 18.1009. License Apolication. Application for a bicycle license
and a license plate or sticker shall be made upon a form provided by the Village
and,shall be made to the Chief of Police.
Section 18.1010. Issuance of License.
(a) To:; Chief of Police upon receiving proper application therefore is
authorized to issue a bicycle license without charge which shall be
effective until the next succeeding first day of May.
(b) The Chlef of Police, or other person assigned such responsibility by
the Chief of Police, shall not issue a license for any bicycle when he knows
or has reasonable grounds to believe that the applicant is not the o'\.\'I1er
or entitled to possession of such bicycle.
(c) The Chief of Police, or other person assigned such responsibility
by the Chief of Polj.ce, shall inspect each bicycle before licensing the
same and shall refuse a license for any bicycle l.vhich he determines is
in unsafe mechanical condition, or when the bicycle is not properly
equipped in accordance with the p:::'Ovisions of this Chapter.
(d) The Chief of Police shall keep a record of the number of each license,
the date issued) the name and address of the person to whom issued and the
number on the frame of the bicycle for 'Which issued.
(e) The Chief of Police upon issuing a bicycle license shall also issue
a license plate or sticker bearing the license number assigned to the
bicycle;) the name MOUNT PROSPECT and the period for which issued and such
plate or sticker shall be firmly attached to the bicycle in such position
as to be plainly visible from the rear.
Section 18.1011. Transfer of Ownership. Bicycle licenses are not trans-
ferable. Upon the sale or transfer of a licensed bicycle the licensee shall
notify the Chief of Police of same. The purchaser or transferee, if he resides
i'iitbin the Village, shall make application for a new license as provided herein.
Section 18.1012. Rental Agencies. A rental agency shall not rent or
offer any bicycle for rent unless the bicycle is licensed and a license plate
or sticker is attached thereto as provided herein and such bicycle is equipped
! n accordance ldth the prov:Lsions of this Chapter.
Section 18.1013. Penalties. kny person found guilty of violating any
provision of this Article shall be punished by a fine of not less than one
dollar nor more tha"1 $25.00 and/or by suspension of the bicycle license for a
period not to exceed ntnety (90) days.
Article XI. Equiprrent
Section 18.1101. Scope and Effect of Equipment Requirements.
(a) It is unlawful for any person to drive or move or for the owner
to cause or knowingly permit to be driven or moved on any highway any
vehicle or combination of vehicles which is in such unsafe condition
as to endar1ger any person or property, or which does not. contain
those parts or is not at all times equipped with such lamps and
other equiprnentin proper condition and adjustrrent as required in this
Article, or which is equipped in any manner in violation of this
Article, or for any person to do any act forbidden or fail to perform
any act required under this. Article.
(b) The provisions of this Article with. respect to equiprrent on vehicles
shall .not apply to implements . of husbandry, road machinery , road rollers,
or farm tractors or to farm-wagon t~e. trailers having a fertilizer
spreader attachment pennanently mounted thereon, having a gross. weight of
not to exceed 10,000 pounds and used only for the transportation of bulk
fertilizer or to farm-wagon type tank trailers of not to exceed l2()0
gallons capacity, used during the. liquid. fertilizer season as . field-
storage "nurse tanks" supplying the fertilizer to a field applicator
and moved on h;tghways. only for bringing the fertilizer from a local source
of supply to farm or field or from one farm or field to another.
Section 18.1102. When. Lighted Lamps Are Required.
(a) When-upon any l1ighway or street in thisVilla~ during the period d
from sunset to sunrise, or at any other time when visibility is so
limited as to require the use of lights for safety, every motorcycle
shall carry and exhibit . one lighted lan:p comnonly known as a driving
light and .every other motor vehicle 2 such lighted driving lanps Showing
*pite lights, or lights of a yellow or amber tint, visible at. least 500
feet in the direction toward which each. motorcycle or motor vehicle is
p+'0ceeding. Parking lamps may be used in addition to but not in lieu
of any such drlvinglanps.Ea.chmotorvehicle, trailer, or semi-trailer
~~lalso exhibit at least two lighted lanps which. shall be mounted on
the .left rear .and right rear of the vehicle so as. to throw a red light
Y!:sible for at least 500 feet in the .reverse direction, except that a
fuo:torcycle need be equipped with only one suchlanp.
;..,.' ,,'
fg) Either a taillanp or a separate lamp shall be. so. constructed a:qd
placed as to illuminate with a white light a rear registration plate.
when required and render it clearly legible from a distance of. 50 feet to
the rear. Any tail. lanp or tail lanps, together with any separate lamp
or lamps for illl..Ullinating a rear registration plate, shall be so wired
as to be lighted whenever. the head lamps Qr auxiliary driving lamps. are
,r-"!' .1"""'"
Section 18.1103. Lamps on Parked Vehioles.
(a) During that period from sunset t.b sunrise every motorcycle or
motor. vehicle. which is standing on aT}Y highwaysha.ll, display a parking
light on the front anda,t the rear ,of; th~ same, unleSs the, Village by
Ordinance designates any-part or parts of any streets as parking places
in which motorqycles and motor vehiclesmayb~ parked without having
their lamps lighted asotherwilSe requ;Li>edby .this Section.
(b) Any lighted driving lamps upon a pal-ked vehicle shall be depressed
or dimmed.
Section 18.1104. Lamp or Flag on. Projecting Load. Whenever the load upon
any vehicle . extends to the' rear 4 feet, of'omore beyond the bed or body of such
vehicle there shall, bedispJ.ayed at the extreme rear end of the load, at the
times specified in~ection 18.1102 hereof ,......a :red light or lantern plainly
visible from ad1st~ce ofa,t least 500., feet tdtb;e .... sides and rear. The red
light or 1ant7~,.required ti1'lder this. Section. shal~.be, in addition to the red
rear light r,eqp1reGLtipOn eVery vehicle. At ahyo~her.rimethere shall be
displayed at t:pe extrerre rear end of such load a red flag or cloth not less than
12 inches squ~..
Section 1e ,110 . IS on othar VehicleF.?ahd ui nt. Every vehicle
including i drawn ,vehicles re,erI'e . .0 in paragraph b) of Section 18.1101,
not specifically required by the provisions of this Article, to be equipped
withlanps. or other lighting devices, shall at all times specified in Section
18.1102 of this Article<be equipped with at least two (2) lamps displaying a
white light visible from a distance of not less than 1000 feet to the front
of such, vehicle and shall also be equipped with two (2) lamps displesring a
red light visible from a distance of not less than 1000 feet to the rear of
such vehicle. .
Section 18.1106. Spot Lamps and Auxiliary Driving Lanps.
(a) Any motor vehicle may be equipped with ,not to exceed one spot lamp
and every lighted spot lamp shall be so aimed and used upon approaching
another vehicle that no part of the high-intensity portion of the beam
will be directed to the left of the prolongation of the extrerre left
side of the vehicle nor, more than 100 feet ahead of the vehicle.
(b) Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not to exceed three auxil-
iarydriving lamps mounted on the front at a height not less than 12
inches' nor more than 42 inches above the level surface upon which the
vehicle stands.
Section 18.1107. Signal Lamps and Signal DeVices.
(a) Every vehicle operated in this Village shall be equipped with a
stop lamp or, lamps on the rear of the vehicle which shall display a
red light visible from a distance of not less than 5000 feet to the
rear in normal sunlight, and which shall be actuated upon application
of the service (foot) brake, arid which may but need. not be incorporated
with other rear lamps.
r '
(b) Every. rnotqr vehiqle shall be equipped with an electric turn
signal dev1ce~chsftall indicate th? :iJl~entionof the driver to.
turn to the right or to the left in thef'O~. of flashing lights
located at and showlt'lg. to the. front and re~.' of. the veh1dl~. .on the
side of the vehicle toward which the turn is tooe. l:na.(i~.Thelamps
showing to the front shall be mountedot1 the. s~ level ~d af? .:W1dely
spaced laterally >~ practioable ar1d" whemS':Le;nal1ng' shalL. emit ..... a
white or amber, 1f~,/or ~. sl)ade. otl1ghttietweenwhitE?and .aM5er.
The lanps show:I.ngt9. the rear .ShaI1bem(jUr'1ted bp the Sane. level and
as widely spac,~~laterally as practicable ahd, when signaling, shall
emit. a red light.
(c) Evel:'Y tlr'ailer and Sefu:t-tr'ailer shall be equipped with an electric
turn signal device which irtdicates the intention.. of the ari ver in the
power unit to turn to the rig:Ht or to the left in the form of flashing
red lights located at the rear of the vehicle on. the side toward which
the turn is to be made and mounted on the sam;:; level and as widely
spaced laterally as practicable.
(d) TUrn signal lamps must be visible from a distance of not less than
300 feet in normal sunlight.
(e) Motorcycles and motor-driven cycles need not be equipped with
electric tum., signals.
section 18.1108. Additional Lighting Equipnent.
(a) Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not more than two side cowl
or fender lamps Which shall emit an amber or white light without glare.
(b) Any motor vehiclerria;y be equipped with not more than one running
board courtesy lamp on each side thereof which Shall emit a white or
amber light without glare.
(c) Any motor vehicle may be equbpped with a back-up lamp either
separately or in conbination with <another lanp; except that no such
back-up' lanp shall be continuously lighted when the motor vehicle is in
forward motion.
(d) Any motor vehicle owned or fully operated by a volunteer fireman,
paid fireman, part-paid fireman, or call fireman, maybe equipped with
not to exceed two lamps which shall emit a blue. light without glare.
Section 18.1109. Use of Head Lamps.
(a) Whenever the driver of any vehicle equipped with an electric driving
head lamp or head lamps is within 500 feet of another vehicle approaching
from. the opposite direction, the driver shall dim or drop such head
lamp or head lamps. '
(b) The driver of any vehicle equipped with an electric driving head
lamp or head lamps shall dtm or. drop . such head lanp or head .lanps when
there is another vehicle traveling in the sam;:; direction less. than 300
feet to the front of him.
SectienI8.1110. Nuni:>er .of Driving Lanps Required orPennitted.
'~L At: ~)] t~~,specified in Sectien 18.1102, at least>twe lighted
lanps~l be:dt.s};)J.ayed, .one en each side at the front .of every
lOOter vehicle exCept when .::;uch vehicle is parked subject te the
regulatierl$~vem1hg lights dn parked vehicles.
".'. '.' ,
(b ) Whenever <a mot .or 'vehj.~leeqtrlppe~w1th head lamps as hereit1
:required is,:USdeqU;ippedwith ,any, auXfllary.lant>s .or a spot ,lanp .or
any ether laIll',On. the front thereef projectipg ct beam .of an intensity
greater than ,,30b ,candle-power, net mere than.a tetal .of four .of any such
lamps en the.:f"funt .of a vehicle shall,be lighted at any ene.tiroo when
upen a highWay.
Sectienlfhl11l. Special RestJ:1"ctiOl'l$ en' Lamps. Except as provided in
Section ,18.1112:
(a) No persen, shall drive .or move any vehicle .or, equiprent upen any
highway with any lamp .or device there,en displaying a red light visible
from directly in front thereef.
(b) Subject to the restrictions in Sectien 18.605, paragraph (d)" .of
this, Chapter, .flashing lights are ,prohibited en mot .or vehicles . except as
a reans fer indicating a right .or left turn .or the presence of a vehicular
traffic hazard requiring unusual care in approaching, evertakirig, or'
passing. :
Sectien 18.1112..', Special Lighting, Equipment en, Scheal Buses. Every bus
used fer the transpartatian .of scheel childrente and from,schael, inaddit.ian
tO"any ather equipment' and distinctive markings required by this Article,
shall be equipped. with signal lamps maunted as high and , as, widely spaced
.lateralJ.y as practicable, which shall be capable .of displaying ta the front
2 alternately flashing red lights lacated at the sarre level, and te ,the rear
2altemately flashing red lights lacated at the same level, and these lights
shall have the sufficient intensity ta be visible at 500 feet in normaJ. sun-
light. . Such signal lamps shall be cennected ta the brake pedal by reans .of a
taggle ,switch and shall be discannected when pupilS are nat being transported
ta .or from their homes .or schaal.
Sectian 18.1113. Brakes.
(a) Brake Equipment Required.
1. Every mot .or vehicle, ather than lOOtar-driven cycles when
.operated upen a st:rect . shall be, equipped iwithbrakes adequate
te centrol the rnovenent .of andta stop and halO. such vehicle ,includ~
ing' twa (2) separate reans .of applying the brake, each .of which
means shall be effective te apply the brakes t.o at least, .one (1)
wheel an a IOOtarcycle and at least twa (2) wheels on all ather first
divisianandsecend divisianvehicles. If these twa separate means
.of applying the brakes are cennectedin, any way, they shall be
sa canstructed that failure .of any one part .of the .operating
rechardsm shall net, le.ave the motar vehicle withaut brakes.
g. . Everymotor-dri ven cycle when operated upon a s~reet shall
p~ equipped with at least one brake. which may be operated by
hand' or .root..
3. < EverY>tra+ler o~serni-trailer of a gross weight of 3,000
pounds or thore or arlY trai+er or...sem1-t~a1.1er, desi~ed or
use~ fot> l1B.ulingpo~ts, haVing a.gross weight of '.1,500 pounds or
DlC)~ whetlQperated ut:>on a street shall be equipped with brakes
adequatet6contr61the movement of and to stop and to hold such
vehicle,gfid $0 ,4~~i~~ to be applied by the driver of the
towing rnot<:>r vehicl~. frQtn +ts cab, and the brakes shall be so
designed afidconnectedthat incase of an accidental breakaway of
the towed ve:l1icle the br~es sh.all be autOmatically applied.
, .
4. Everw. rrotbriiehiclelpfM:ter, . pole t~ier~.9'!' .s~...tra11er,
operated upon the streets'of' tl11s. Villagesh.a1.1. bEi,e<:iuipped
wi~h Se~d$ bt'ake~ UpOtlEfilWl}eels ofe~~J~ijch' ve.hicle, except
al'\Y moto:r-~+V$rt9yd~~,~de~cept that.~1>>ra:L:ter; po+~ trailer,
ot> semi-trail~r ot:J.~sstnai1<3;OOO pomdf? gt'OBS> wei~tafid any
trailer or setn1-tra11er ,designed or usec;tf'oI' hau11rig boats, of
less than J.,5bo pOtilitlsot gros$ weight n~.e~ not be eqUipped with
brakes; however, any motor vehicle and t:ru~k. t!"actor having three
(3) or more axles need not have brakes on the f'rOnt wheels,
except when such vehicles ~e equipped with at least two (2)
steerable axles, the wheels. of one such axle need not be equipped
with brakes. However, a . vehicle of the first division that is
more than 30 years ofa.geand which is driven on streets only in
going to and returningf'.roman antique auto show need be equipped
with two (2) wheel brakes only.
(b) Perfonnance Ability of Brakes
1.:. The service brakes upon any motor vehicle or cOITbination of
vehicles operating on . a level surface shall be adequate. to stop such
vehicle or vehicles when traveling' 20. miles per hour. Within a distance
of.30 feet when upon dry asphalt or concrete pavenEnt surface free
from loose material.
2. Under the above conditions the hand brake shall be adequate to
stop such vehicle or vehicles, except any motorCYCle, within a
distance of. 55 feet and said hand brake' shall .be adequate to hold such
vehicle or vehicles stationary on any grade upon which operated.
3. . Under the above conditions the service brakes. upon a vehicle
of the first division that is more than 30 years of. age and which is
driven on the streets only in going, to and returning from an
antique auto show shall be adequate to. stop the vehicle within a
dist.ance of 40 feet and the hand brake adequate to stop the vehicle
within a distance of 55 feet.
4. All. braking distances specified in this Section shall apply to
all vehicles nEntioned, whether such vehicles are not loaded or are
loaded to the maximtml capacity permitted.
~. ,..-.
5. ~- orak:es. shall be maintained .in goodWp1"ktng order auu shall
be so. adjusted as to. operate as equally as practicable with respect
to. the Wheels en eppasite sides ef the vehicle ~
'(c) Brake. Flu1<l.
1. on.or after January 1, 1967, no. persen, firm, asseciatian er
carperatienshallsell, efferfer sale er distrlbutebrake fluid
fer. use en motaI' vehj.cles fer repair purpeses unless. such fluid is
af a type andspecificatian appraved by the Department efPublic
Warks and Buildings of the State ef Illineis.
2. Any person who. sells, effers far sale,ar distributes brake
fluid in vielatien of any of the provisiens af this Sub-section is
guilty afa .misdemeaner.
Sectien 18.1114. Hems and Warning Devices.
(a) Every motaI' vehicle of the first and second division When operated
upon a street shall be equipped with a horn in good werking erder and
capable ef emitting seund audibleuhder nermalcenditiens .from a distance
ef net less than 200 feet, but no. hem ar ather warning device shall emit
an unreasonably laud ar harsh saund ar a whistle. The driver af a motaI'
vehicle shall when reasanably necessary to. insure safe aperation give
audible warning with his ham but shall not atherwise use such ham When
upana highway.
(b) No vehicle shall be equipped with nar shall any persan use upan a
vehicle any siren, whistle, ar bell, except as atherwise permitted in this
Sub-section. Any authorized emergency vehicle as defined in Article I of
this Chapter may be equipped v4th a siren, whistle, ar loell, capable of
emitting saund audible under narmal conditions from a distance af nat less
than 500 feet, but such siren, whistle ar bell, shall not be used except
when such vehicle is aperated in respanse to. an emergency calIaI' in the
irrmediate pursuit of an actual er suspected vialator af the law in which
said latter events. the . driver ef such vehicle shall saund said siren, whistle
ar bell, when necessary to. warn pedestrians and ather drivers afthe
approach thereaf.
Sectian 18.1115. Mufflers, Preventian. af. Naise ar Smeke.
(a) Every motaI' vehicle driven er operated upon the highways or streets of
this Village shall at all t1rnes.be equipped with an adequate muffler or
exhaust system in . canst ant operatian and praperly maintained to. prevent any
excessive er unusual naise and annoying smeke.
(b) No. such muffler ar exhaust system shall be equipped with a cutout,
bypass, er similar device. rIa. persen shall modify the exhaustsystern af a
matar vehicle or squeal the tires thereaf ar unnecessarily race his matar
while running idle in a manner which will amplify ar increase the naise af
such vehicle abave that emitted by the muffler ariginally installed an
the vehicle ar.abeve that emitted by tires nannally ar abave that emitted
at nennal idle. No. person shall use any saund amplifying device, recarded
music).. or radio. in ar fran any vehicle en any street in such manner as to.
att.ract the attentian, af persans autside af such vehicle to. the saunds
issuing therefram, excepting herefram persens in vehicles and devices
afficialJ..yused by gavernmental units in the exercise ef afficial functians
and except as provided in Cbapter24, Article VII.
Section 18.1116. Mirrors. Every motor' vehicle, ~er&ted singly or
when towing another vehic1.e, shall,be equipped, With a ndrror haVing at
least three (3) square inches pfte,flecting surface an9.s0 located as to
reflect to thedri ver a View of 'the street for ~ distartce of at least 200
feet ,to the rear of. such motor ~hicle. '
Section 18.11).7.. ,W;tndsl)i~lds "lVIlli:;~. ~ . Unqbs'truct~d and .lgtUipped With
Wipers., ,',' " '
(a) No pe3:'Son shall <Wive ,afW ~t~Jivelddiewith afilI'sign, poster or
other non-transpaf'ertt material upbrt.the r.ront windshield, sidewings, side
or rear windows of such vehicle WhiCh ob~trocts the driver's clear view
of the street.
(b) No person shall drive any motor vehicle with any objects placed or
suspended between the, driver and, the front windshield or between the
driver and the rear window which obstructs the driver's clear view of the
(c) The windshield on every motor vehicle shall be equipped with a
device for cleaning rain, snow or other rroisture from the windshield,
which device' shall be so constructed as to be controlled or operated
by the driver of the vehicle.
(d) No obj ect, stationary or mobile, shall be, placed on or suspendE:!d.
from the" rearview mirror, front windshield, rear window, or any other
part of the inside of a motor vehicle except:
1. Religious or lodge statues or statuettes not exceeding six (6)
inches in height.
2. Wearing, apparel which is suspended behind the driver, and in a
manner so as not to obstruct the driver's clear view of the street.
Section 18.1118. Tire Equipment. It shall be unlawful to operate any
motor vehicle on any street 'if the vehicle is not equipped with tires con-
fonning to the requirements of the state of illinois Tr8.rfic Law.
Section 18 .1119. Vehicles of the' Second Diviston to Carry Warning, Flags
and Flares or. S1rn11ar Devices.
(a) No person shall operate any motor vehicle in the second division
upon a highway outside of a business or residence district at any tine
unless there are carried in such vehicle a sufficient number of red
warning flags, not less than, three, and a sufficient number of flares, not
less, than three, or electric lanterns or other signals capable of
continuously producing three wa.T11ing lights, or not less than three red
emergency reflectors conforming to the specifications prescribed by the
Interstate C~rce Conmission, each visible from a distance of at least
500 feet for a period of at least 12 hours, except that a motor vehicle
transporting flammable liquid shall carry solely such red reflectors.
(b) Whenever any motor vehicle of the second division is disabled
during the period between sunrise and sunset and .such vehicle cannot
:immediately be removed fran the main traveled portion of a highway
outside of a business or residence district, the driver or other person
in charge of such vehicle shall cause such red warning flags to be
placed upon the highway,one at a distance of approx:imately 200 feet in
advance of such vehicle and one each at a distance of approx:imately 200
feet and 100 feet respectively to the rear of the vehicle. v.Jhenever
any motor vehicle of the second division is disabled during the period
between sunset and:sunrise and such motor vehicle cannot intnediately be
rern6ved. from the main traveled portion of a highway outside of a business
or residence district, the driver or other person in charge of such
vehicle shall cause such flares, lanterns, red reflectors, or other
signals to be lighted and/or placed upon the highway, one at a distanc e
of approximately 100 feet in advance of such vehicle, one at a distance
of approximately 100 feet to the rear of the vehicle, and the third upon
the. roadway side of the vehicle, except that if the vehicle is transporting
flarrrnables, three such red reflectors shall be so placed and no open.
burning flare shall be placed adj acent to any such last mentioned vehicle.
(c) No person shall at any time operate a vehicle transporting explosives
as a cargo or part of a cargo upon a highway unless it carTies red warning
flags and flares or electric lanterns or red reflectors as hereinreqmred,
but such flares or electr.tc lanterns must be capable of producing a red
light and shall be displayed upon the roadway whem and as required. in this
Article XII. Size, ,ltJeight and Load
Sect;i.on 1,8.1201. Vehicles of the Second Division to Carry WamingFlags
and Flai'e$ or SitrIilar De.vices.
(a) No person shall operate ,arwmotbt' vehicle of the~econd division
upon a highWay outside of a business dr residEj1l1ce distt1ct at any time
unless there are carned in, such vehicle a sufficient nunber of red
wamingflags, not less thah three, and a suff1cie.nt,htimber of flares,
not less thahtht'ee, or electriclante:rns or ot~r$~als capable of
continuously, producing t~e, ~ng lights,. or not less than three
red energency reflectors confortning to the specifications prescribed by
the Interstate Conmerce Corrmission, each visible from a distance of at
least 500 feet for a period of at least 12 hours, except that a motor
vehicle transporting flanmable liquid shall carry solely such red
(b) Whenever' any motor vehicle of the second division is disabled
during the period between sunrise and sunset and such vehicle cannot
irrnnediately be removed f'rom the main traveled portion of a highway
outside of a business or residence district , the driver or other person
in charge of such vehicle shall cause such red warning flags to be
placed upon the highway, one at a distance of approximately 200 feet
in advance of such vehicle and one each at a distance of approximately
200 feet and 160 feet respectively to the rear of the vehicle. Whenever
any motor vehicle of the second division is disabled during the period
between sunset' and sunrise and such motor vehicle cannot immediately be
rem:>ved from the main traveled portion of a highway outside of a business
or residence district, the driver or other person in charge of such
vehicle shall' cause such flares, lanterns, red reflectors, or other
signals to be lighted and/or placed upon the highway, one at a distance
of approximately 100 feet in advance of such vehicle, one at a distance
of approximately 100 feet. to the rear of the vehicle, and the third upon
the roadway side of the vehicle, except that if the vehicle is transporting
flammables, three such red reflectors shall be so placed' and no open
burning flare Shall be placed adjacent to any ,such IaSt mentioned vehicle.
(c) No person shall at any time operate a vehicle transporting explosives
as a cargo or part of a cargo upon a highway unless it carries red warning
flags and flares or electric lanterns or red reflectors as herein required,
but such flares or electric lanterns must be capable of producing a red
light and shall be displayed upon the roadway when and as required in this
Section 18.1202. Weight.-
(a) It shall be unlawful to drive on any street any motor vehicle with
a weight, including load, in excess of that permitted by the State of
Illinois Traffic Law for driving on improved highways or with weight
distributed in a manner not conforming to such law.
(b) Whenever the weight of vehicles permitted on a street is limited by
ordinance and signs indicating such limitations are posted, it shall be
unlawful to operate a vehicle in excess of such weight on such street,
excepting for the purposes of making delivery or picking up a load;
in which case such vehicle may be driven on such street for no more
than the minimum distance necessary for the purpose.
Section 18.1203. Planking Edge of a Paverrent. No. tractor, traction
engine or other n:etal tired vehicle,. weighing more than four tons, including the
weight of the vehicle and its load, shall drive up onto, off or over the edge
of any paved public highway in . this Village, ~ without protecting such
edge by putting down solid planks or other suitable device to prevent such
vehicle from breaking off the edges or corners of such paverrent.
Section 18.1204. Spilling Loads on Highways Prohibited.
(a) No vehicle shall be driven or moved on any street or alley unless
such vehicle is so constructed or loaded as to prevent any of its . load
from dropping, sifting, leaking or otherwise escaping. therefrom, except
that sand may be dropped for the purpose of securing traction, or water
or other substance may be sprinkled on a roadway in cleaning or maintaining
such roadway.
(b) No person shall operate on any street or alley any vehicle with any
load unless said load and any covering thereon is securely fastened so
as to prevent said covering or load !'ran becoming loose, detached, or in
any manner a hazard to other users . of the highway.
Section 18.1205. Towed Vehicles.
(a) vJhen one vehicle is tow:ing another, the drawbar or other connection
shall be of sufficient strength to pull all the weight towed thereby and
the drawbar or other connection shall not exceed 15 feet from one vehicle
to the other, except for the connection between any 2 vehicles transporting
poles, pipes, machinery or other objects of structural nature which cannot
readily be dismembered.
(b) Outside a business, residential or sUbui:'b'an district or on any
controlled access highway, no vehicle other. than a pole trailer or a
semi-trailer which is being towed by a truck tractor and is connected
by the n:eans of a fifth wheel shall be towed on a roadway except by a
drawbar and each such vehicle so to'L'Ted shall, in addition, be coupled
with 2 safety chains or cables to the towing vehicle. Such chains or
cables shall be of sufficient size and strength to prevent the towed
vehicle parting from the drawing vehicle in case the drawbar should
break or .becorre disengaged.
Section 18.1206. Projecting Loads on Passenger Vehicles. No passenger-
type vehicle shall be operated on any highway with any load carrier thereon
extending beyond the line of the fenders on the left side of such vehicle nor
extending more than 6 inches beyond the line of the fenders on the right side
" -.\
Section 18.1207. ProtI'U~ Members of VehicleS. No vehicle with boem,
ann, drill rig or other protru., , g component shalI<be operated upon the highv-lay
unless auch protruding component is fastened so as to prevent shifting, bouncing
or moving in any menneI'.
,-.- ';:'c;;;;"
, "'-,,'
. . .. .
Section 18.120. ,~;:;t:;riGte~;',e,mti@ of:Cgrt~ Vehicles. It shall be
unlawful to drive any Vehic e of>e aecond ,i(ji,except for the purpose of
making a delivery ,and then for, only one block~ on Ws~re~t where such vehicles
are prohibited by ordinance passed and, approved by the VIllage Board of Trustees,
signposted, and included in Schedule XVI of the appendi:k to this Chapter.
Secticn 18.1210. · "ent,c e dOQi:$.N'p Person shall open the door of
a vehicle en the side aVo, Uilietb l11C>ving Itr~f1h lk11ess and until it is reasen-
ably safe to do so, and cart 'be dooe Without :1.nt~,rferihg wtth the moveroont of
other traffic, nor shall any person leave '(3. doofl 9P~ on the side of a vehicle
available to moving traffic for a ~rlod of t:tttia la1ger than necessary 'to load,
or unload passengers or materials.
Secticn 18.1211. Riding in House Tf.a:d.etlS l No pettch o:ti Pe~tris sliall
occupy a hoUSe trailer while it is being moved upon a public highway.
Article XIII. . AbandOne9. Vehicles
Section 18.1301. Abandonment of Vehicles. .No person shall abandon.
any vehicle within the Village of Mount Prospect and no person s~l lea.ve
any vehicle at any place Within the Village of Mol.l1'lt . Prospect for such t:1me
and under such circurrstancesas to cause such vehicle reasonablY to appear
to have been abandoned.
Section l8.l30i. Disposition of wrecked or Discarded Vehicles. No person
in charge or control of any property within the Village of Mount Prospect,
whether as owner, tenant, occupant, lessee, or otherwise, shall allow any
partially dismantled, non-operating, wrecked, junked, or discarded vehicle to
remain on such property within the Village for ..longer. tinE .than .72 hours;
except .that this Section shall not apply with regard .to a vehicle in an
enclosed building; a vehicle on the prem1ses.of a business ente~rise operated
in a lawful place and. manner, when necessary to the operation of such business
ente~rise; or a vehicle in. an appropriate. storage place or depository
maintained in a lawful place and manner by the Village.
Section l8.1~1,J. Impoun<tl!ng. The Chief of Police or any member of his
Departmant designated..by him is hereby authorized. to remove or. have removed any
vehicle left at any place within the Village of Mount Prospect which reason-
ably appears to be in violation of this Art:U:le., or lost, stolen, or unclaimed.
Such vehicle shall be.1rr.pounded until lawfully claimed or disposed of in
accordance with Chapter 95-1/2, Illinois Revised Statutes, 1967, Sections
4A-10l through 4A-113.
Section 18.1305. Penalties. Any person violating any of the provisions
of this Article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon. conviction
thereof shall be fined in an amount not exceeding $500. 00. Each day such
violation is corrrnitted or pe:rm1tted .to continue. shall constitute a .separate
offense and shall be punishable as such hereunder.
Article XIV.. Pedestrians, Righi$s--and Duties
Section 18.1401. Pedestrians Sub ect to ':I'rat'f'1oControJ,S s.
Pedestrians s lbe sup ect to traffic contrqsighals ~ . . ezosections as
heretofore decl~d in this Chapter,. bu~at ... all other places pedestrians
shall be accorded the privileges and shall be SubjeCt to the restrictions
stated in this Article.
Section 18.1402. Peq~st:H.~ f. Bi~t-of -MaY ~tCi"Osswa.lk$,
(a) Where traffic centX'ol. signals are not:tnplace .(:ir Inoperat16n the
driver of a vehIcle Shall Yield .the I'ight...o~"'wsy ,SlOWing down or
stopping if need be to so yfeld,to a pedestrlancroSf3ing the roadway
within any. marked crosswalk or within arw iliitnarltedcrosswalit a.t an
intersection, except as otherwise p:i:>Ovided in this Article.
(b) Whenever any vehicle is stopped at a marked crosswalk or at .arw
unmarked crosswalk at an intersection to permit a pedestrian to cross
the roadway, the driver of any other vehicle approaching from the rear
shall not overtake and pass such stopped vehicle.
(c) Whenever stop signs or flashing red-signals are in place at an
intersection or at a plainly marked crosswalk between intersections,
pedestrians shall have the right-of-way over drivers of vehicles as set
forth in Section 18.705 of this Chapter.
Section 18.1403. crossing at Other Than Crosswalks.
(a) Every pedestrian crossing a roadway at arw point other than within
a marked crosswalk or within an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection shall
yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway.
(b) Ariy pedestrian crossing a roadway at a point where a pedestrian
tunnel or .overtlead pedestrian crossing has been provided shall yield
the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section every driver of a
vehicle shall exercise due care to avoid colliding with any pedestrian
upon arw roadway and shall g:t ve warning by soundiI'l.g the horn when
necessary and shall exercise proper precaution upon observ:l.ng any child
or any confused or incapacitated person upon a roadway.
Section 18.1404. Blind Persons. Ariy blind person who is carrying in a
raised or extended position a cane orwaJJdng ,stick which is white in color
or white tipped with red, or who is being guided by a dog, shall have the right
of way in crossing any street or highway, whether. or not traffic on such street
or highway iscontrol:).ed by traffic signals, . anything in this Chapter to the
contrary notwithstanding. The driver of every vehicle approaching the place
where a blind person, so carrying such a cane orwalk1ng stick or being so
guidedJl is crossing a street or highway shall bring his vehicle to a full stop
and before proceeding shall take such precautions as may be necessary to avoid
injury to the blind person. The provisions of this3ectionshall not apply
to a blind person who is not so carrying such .a cane or walking stick or who
1'. ,
is not guided by a dog, put. the otherproVilSions of this Chapter relating to
pedestrians shall then be appliocmle to suerl person. However, the t:ailure of
a blind person to so useordart-Ysuch aca:ne or walking stick or to be guided
by a guide dog when walking on~treets,highways or sidewalks shall not be
considered evidence of contributory negligence.
Section 18.140.5. Pedestans to Us~tHalf'()t<Cro$Swa.lks.
Pedestrians shall move, . . eVer practicable UpOn the half of crosswalks.
Section l8.14o.6..J;'&destrtans So1icitl~ Iiidea..No person s.ha11 13ttmd in
a roadway for the purpoSe .of soliciting a ride frdn the driver of any prlvate
Section, 18.140.7. '.Ped~stclans. Walld.tw; on Ro~$.
(a) Any ~rson Walld.ngalong ahd upon. roa~s shall keep on the left of
the paved portion, ,or on . the left. shoulder thereof, and upon treeting a
vehicle. when walking on such paired portion shall step off to the. left.
(b) vJhere sidewalks are provided it is unlawful for any pedestrian to
walk along and uPon an adjacent roadway except at a crosswalk .
(c) It is unlawful for any pedestrian who is under the influence of
intoxicating liquors to be upon any roadway. of this.. Village.
Section 18.140.8. Interference with other Citizens.
(a) Any person who shall wilfully and unnecessarily hinder, obstruct
or delay, or who shall wilfully 'and unnecessarily attenpt to delay,
hinder or obstruct any other person in lawfully driving or traveling
a along or upon any Village . street or highway or who shall offer for barter
or sale merchandise on said highway so as to interfere with the effective
movement of traffic shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(b) It shall be unlawful for arrypedestrian to stand upon any sidewalk
except as near as is reasonably possible to the building line or curb
line, if such standing interferes with'the use of 'said sidewalk by
other pedestrians.
."'"". ;~
~ptiOri 18~15()1. ..' L!tnitations on. Baek1ng.
(a).rrbe driver> of a vehicle shall not back the sane unless such movement
can be 11lade With safety Shd without interfering with other traffic.
(b) The driver of a vehicle shall not back the same upon any controlled-
access highway. .
Section 18.1502.' Obstruction to Driver's View' or. Driv1ngMechan1sm.
No person nay drive a vehicle when it is so loaded, or when there are in the
front seat such' number of persons. as to obstruct the vietll of the driver to the
front or sides of the vehicle or as to interfere with the driver's control over
the driving mechanism of the vehicle.
Section l8~1503. OPening Vehicle Doors. No person shall open the door cf
a vehicle on the side available to moving traffic. un:le.ss and until it is
reasonably safe to do so, and can be done without interfering with the movement
of other traffic, nor shall any person leave a door. open on the side of a
vehicle available to moving traffic for a period oft1me longer than necessary
to load or unload passengers.
Section 18.1504. Putting Glass, etc. , on .st~eet Prohibited.
(a) No person shall throw or deposit upon any stI;E:E't any glass bottle,
nails,tacks" wire, cans, or any other substance likely to injure any
person, animal or vehicle upon such highway.
(b) Any person who drops, or permits to be dropped or thrown, upon any
street . any destructive, dangerous" hazardous Or irijuriousmaterial shall
imnediately remove the same or cause it to be removed.
This sub-section (b) shall not apply to implements of husba.ndry designed
and adapted excLUSively for agricultural" horticultural or livestock
raising operations that may inadvertently deposit dirt or other substances
upon the street..
(c) Any. person removing a wrecked or damaged vehicle frorna st~'€t shall
reroove any glass or other injurious substance dropped upon the street
from sucnvehicle.
Section 18.1505. Age Lllnit. It shall be unlawful.. for any person under
sixteen (16) years of age to operate any motor vehicle upon any street or alley
of the Vill~ of Mount Prospect. .
Section 18.1506. Clinging to Vehicles. . It shall be unlawful for any
person on any street riding a bicycle" motorcycle or any toy vehicle to. cling
to or attach himself or his vehicle to any moving motor veh1cl~ or vehicle
attached thereto. . ~
Section,,~8.150.7. Effe.ct of Headings. Chapter, ArticJ.,e and Section
head1ngscont~ll?d perein shall not be deemed to goyemj lim1t, modify or in
any manner aff'e6t the. scope, meaning or intent of the Prov:t.Sions of any Article
or Section hereofi
Section 18.1508. . Conetitutionality. If any.P~ 6r parts of this Chapter
shall be held to be unconstitutional, such unconstitutionality shall not affect
the validity of the remaining parts of this Chapter. 'r.he Board of Trustees
hereby declares that it would have passed the remaining parts of this Chapter if it
had known that such part or parts thereof would. be declared unconstitutional.
Section 18.1509. .TI-artic. ViolationTi()ke~s . Eitceptwhere otherwise pro-
vided in this Chapter, ppIlde officers may issl.1e .traffic violation tickets,
setting forth th~ date.) time and place of the offense, the nature of the offense,
the make, year, I'eg.1.strationand license numbers of the vehicles involved,
the name and address of' the driver where possible,and notifying the offender to
appear in court on a spepific time and date, as is designated for hearing such
cases. In the ew:nt that the ofi'ender does not appear at the time, date and
place . specified~ the arresting officer may sign a complaint for the issuance of
a warrant for the offender's a.rrest.
Section 18.1510. Arrests. Any person arrested for violation of this
Chapter shall be released upon proper bail being furnished, as required by
statute. The amount of bailor bond in each instance may be prescribed by the
police officer in comnand'of the police station in the absence of a police
maglstrat.e or justice of the peace, provided that the arrested person mew, at
his request, elect to have the amount.. of such bailor bbndset by a magistrate
or justice as provided' by statute.
Section 18.1511..' Penalties for Misdemeanor.
(a) It is a misdemeanor for any person to violate any of the provisions
of this Chapter unless such violation is by this Chapter or other law of the
State of Illinois declared to be a felony. .
(b) Every person convicted of a misdemeanor for a violation of any of the
provisions of this Chapter for which another penalty is not provided shall
for first conviction thereof be punished by a. tlneof not less than Ten
IX>llars ($10.00) nor more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00); for a
second such conviction within the one (1) year thereafter such person shall
be punished by a fine of not less than Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) nor
more than Five Hundred. Dollars ($500.00); upon a third and subsequent con-
viction within one (1) year after the first conviction such person shall
be puniShed by a fine not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) nor more
thanFi ve Hundred Dollars ($500.00).
Section 18.1512. Disposition of Fines. For offensescorrmitted upon the
streets or high'tllays of this Village, or within the limits or jurisdiction of
this Village, fines and penalties recovered under the provisions of this Chapter
shall be paid over to the Treasurer of this Village.
Speed Restrictions
In accordance with Sections 18.507 and 18.508, and when signs are erected
giving notice thereof, no person shall operate a notor vehicle in excess of
the speed limits inidcated upon the follrnd.ng streets or portions of streets;
except that the provisions of Section 18.505, regarding special speed limit
while passing schools, shall take precedence during school days when school
children are present and shall in no way be construed to be in conflict
with this Schedule 1.
Algonquin Road Eastbound & llllestbound 50 Entire jurisdiction
Audrey Lane Southbound 20 Entire jurisdiction
Bonita Drive Northbound & Southbound 20 Betireen Lincoln Street a"1d
Verde Drive
Busse Avenue Eastbound & Westbound 20 Between \ve Go Trail and
Weller Lane
Busse Road FJrt!::Jound & Southbound 35 Bet'tr1een Central Road and
Dempster Street
Busse Road Southbound 45 South of Algonquin Road
Camp McDonald Rd. Eastbound 40 Betlr1een Elmhurst Road (Main St.)
and Schoenbeck Road
Central Road Eastbound & Westbound 40 East of Rand Road
Central Road Eastbound 35 Between Kenilworth Avenue and
Rand Road
Central Road Westbound 35 Between Rand Road and
\lJaverly Place
Central Road Eastbound 40 West of KenihJorth Avenue
Central Road Westbound 40 ~Test of Waverly Place
Cottonwood Lane Eastbound & Westbound 20 Between Busse and Linneman Rds.
Council Trail Eastbound & Westbound 20 East of Elmhurst Avenue
Dale Aveme Northbound 20 North of Northwest Highvlay
Dempster Street Eastbound & Westbound 45 Between Algonquin & Elmhurst Rds.
Elmhurst Avenue Northbound & Southbound 20 Bett'J'een Busse Avenue aid
Lincoln Street
Elmhurst Avenue Northbound & Southbound 25 Between Golf Road and Lincoln St.
Elmhurst Road Southbound 40 South of Golf Road
Elmhurst Road Southbound 40 North of Euclid Avenue
Elmhurst Road Northbound & Southbound 35 Bet'l}reen Euclid Avenue and
Rand Road
Emerson Street Northbound 20 Between Prospect Avenue and
Shabonee Trail
SCHEDUIE I. Continued
Emerson street Southbound 20 Between Milburn Avenue and
Shabonee Trail
Estates Drive Westbound 20 ~Jest of Hatlen Avenue
Euclid Avenue Eastbound & Westbound 40 Between Elmhurst & Rand Rds.
EUclid Avenue F..astbound 50 East of Elmhurst Road
Fairview Street Southbound 20 South of Gregory Street
Fairview Street Northbound 20 North of Isabella Street
Forest Avenue Northbound 20 North of Henry Street
Golf Road Eastbound & Westbound 40 t~est of Louis Street
Gregory street Eastbound & Westbound 20 Entire jurisdiction
Uatlen Avenue Southbound 20 South of Central Road
Highland Avenue Eastbound & Westbound 20 Between Forest Avenue and
rlJain Street
Hi Lusi Avenue Northbound 20 BetWeen Central & Golf Rds.
Hi Lusi Avenue Southbound 20 Between Busse Avenue and
Central Road
Illinois Rte. 83 Eastbound & tlJestbound 25 Between Elmhurst Avenue and
Main Street
Isabella Avenue Eastbound 20 East of Forest Avenue
Judith Ann Drive Eastbound & \lTestbound 10 ~t of Main street
Kenilworth Avenue Northbound 20 North of LinColn Street
Kensington Road Eastbound 40 Between Prospect Manor and
Elmhurst Road (Main Street)
Kensington Road Westbound 40 West of Main Street
Kensington Road Westbound 50 Between Brentwood Lane and
Rand Road
Lincoln street F..astbound & Westbound 20 Between Elmhurst Avenue and
~Je Go Trail
IDnnquist Blvd. Eastbound & Westbound 20 Bet1'leen I-Oka and
We Go Trail
Main Street Northbound & Southbound 35 Between KenSington Road and
Prospect Avenue
Main Street Northbound & Southbound 25 Between 200 f't. North of
Lincoln Street and Prospect
Mt. Prospect Road Southbound 40 South of Prospect Avenue
Na l~a Ta Avenue Northbound 20 North of Golf Road
Northwest Highway Northwestbound and
Southeastbcund 40 Bebreen Mt. Prospect Road and
William Street
Northwest Highway Northwest & Southeast 35 Between Owen & William Streets
Northwest Hig.l-}way Northwest & Southeast 30 Between Forest Avenue and
Owen Street
Northwest Highwa.V Northwest & Southeast 40 Between Forest Avenue a.."ld
~Taterman Avenue
Pheasant Trail \lTestbound 20 West of Busse Road
Pheasant Trail Eastbound 20 East of Lavergne Drive
Pine Street Northbound 20 Between Council Trail and
Prospect Awnue
Prospect Avenue Northwest & Southeast 25 Between Bi 111si Avenue and
Mt. Prospect Road
.~ .~ ~ /"-"\ 3.
SCHEDULE I. Continued
Rand Road Northwest & Southeast 45 Entire jurisdiction
Russel Street Northbound 20 North of Henry Street
Schoenbeck Road Northbound & Southbound 35 Between Canp McDonald &
Rand Roads
Wa Pella Avenue Southbound 20 Between Central Road &
Council Trail
We Go Trail Northbound & Southbound 20 North of Lincoln Street
Weller Lane Northbound & Southbound 20 South of Central Road
Wolf Road Northbound & Southbound 45 Between Central & Kensington
lA/olf Road Northbound & Southbound 55 North of Kensington Road
~, I
. 1
SCHEDUlE II. Prohibited Turns
In accordance with the provisions of Section 18.601 and when signs are erected
giving notice thereof, operators of vehicles shall not make the indicated
turning movement upon those - streets at the intersections. designated below:
Central Road Westbound Left Hi-Lusi Street
Central Road Westbound Left Prospect Avenue
Derrpster Street Eastbound Left Redwood Avenue (4 P.M.
.;-, " to 6 P.M. only)
DeIIpster Street Westbound Right Redwood Avenue (4 P.M.
to 6 P.M. only)
Elmhurst Road Southbound Left Kensington Road
Kensington Road Eastbound Left Rand Road
Kensington Road Eastbound Right Wille Street
Kensihgton Road Westbound Left Wille Street
Maple Street Northbound Right Highland Street
Pine Street Southbound Left Northwest Highway
Rand Road Northwestbound Left EJmhurst Road
Rand Road Northwestbound Left Louis Street
Rand Road Southeastbound Right Louis Street
Wille Street Southbound Left Busse Avenue
SCHEDULE III. One-Way Streets
In accordance with Section 18.616 and, when sign-posted, traffic shall move only
in the direction indicated upon the following streets; except that where
"school hoursll is described such streets shall be one-way between the. 'hours of
8 A.M. to 9:30 A.M., 11:30 A.M. to 1 p.rll., and 2:30 P.M. to 4 P.M. on schooldays
Albert street
Busse Avenue
Busse Avenue
Can Dota Avenue
Council Trail
Fairview Street
Forest Avenue
Henry Street
Highland Avenue
Lincoln Street
Louis Street
Owen Street
Redwood Avenue
Serafine Drive
Between Central Road & Henry Street
Between Main and Wille Streets
School hours between Elm & School sts.
School hours between Lincoln Street
and Milburn Avenue
School hours between Elm & School. Sts.
School hours between Gregory, and
Isabella Streets
Between Memory Lane & Kensington Road
School hours between Owen & tlJilliam Sts.
Between Elm Street and Rand Road
Between Elmhurst Avenue and Hi-Lusi
Street Sundays only between
7 A.M. and 1 P.M.
Between 'Thayer Street and Rand Road
Scnool hours between Thayer and
Henry Streets
Between ,Dempster Street and
Cottonwood Lane between
4.P.M..and.6 P.M. only
Between Albert street and Rand Road
,SqboC):L,.QoUJ':>E.?" be.t~erL Eusseand',
SCHEDULE IV. Stop & Yield Signs
In accordance with the provisions of Section 18.706 and when signs are erected
giving notice thereof) operators of vehicles shall stop at those intersections
and upon those streets designated beloitJ':
Albert Street
Albert Street
Alder Lane
Audrey Lane
Arthur Avenue
Berkshire Lane
Beverly Lane
Bani ta Drive
Bonita Drive
Eastbound and Westbound
Southtvestbound and
Northbound and Southbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and \'Jestbound
EastboVJld and Westbound
Eastbound and, tvestbound
Eastbo~~d andWestboLLl1d
Eastbound CiL"1.d Itlestbound
Nortr.bou.~d al1d Southbotl...'1d
Northbound aY).d Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Eastbound and ~~stbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound c:md \lTestbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and VJestbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbour:.d and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Boni ta Drive
Brentwood Lane
Brent'\.vood Lane
Busse Avenue
Busse Avenue
Busse Avenue
Busse Avenue
Busse Avenue
Busse Avenue
Busse Avenue
Busse Avenue
Busse Avenue
Busse Road
CaYl Dota Avenue
Can Dota Avenue
Can Data Avenue
Carol Lane
Cathy LaYle
Cedar Lane
Cedar Lane
Church Road
Cottonwood Lane
. CottOl1Vlood Lane
CottomlTood Lane
Cottonwood Lane
Council Trail
Cou'1cil Trail
Council Trail
Council Trail
Country Lane
Crestwood Lane
Dale Aven1jf~
Dale Avenue
Central Road
Northwest Highway
Crabtree Lane
Central Road
Emerson Street
Lincoln Street
Busse Road
Hatlen Avenue
Lincol~ Street
Cedar. Lane
Greenwood Drive
Cathy Lane
Emerson Street
Main Street
Mount Prospect Road
School Street
Wa Pella Avenue
We..-Go Trail
\<1ille Street
Central Road
Golf Road
Lincoln Street
Lonnquist Boulevard
Lincoln Street
Busse Road
B:rentwood Lane
Wheeling Road
Golf Road
Busse Road
Linneman Lane
Red"vv'Ood Avenue-
Robert Drive
Elmhurst, Avenue
Emerson Street
Hi-Lusi Avenue
\'lilliam Street
Golf Road
Lincoln Street
Gregory Street
Isabella Street
SCHEDULE IV. . Continued
Dale Avenue
Deborah Lane
Dempster Street
Eastwood Avenue
Eastwood Avenue
Eastwood Avenue
Edward Street
EdVlard Street
Elm Street
Elm Street
Elm Street
Elm Street
Elm Street
Elm Street
Elm Street
Elmhurst Avenue
Elmhurst Avenue
Elmhurst Avenue
Elmhurst Avenue
EL'Tl1urst Avenue
EJmhurst Avenue
Elrr'l1urst Avenue
Emerson Street
Emerson Street
Emerson Street
Emerson Street
Emerson Street
Emerson Street
Emerson Street
Enerson Street
Emerson Street
Estates Drive
Evergreen Avenue
Evergreen Avenue
Evergreen Avenue
Evergreen Avenue
Evergreen Avenue
Evergreen Avenue
Fairvie\'J Street
Fai,rview Street
Fairviel\f Street
Fatrview Street
Forest Avenue
Forest Avenue
Garwood Drive
George Street
George Street
Golfview Place
Greenwood Drive
Grego~1 Street
G!:'egor-j Street
Eastbound and Westbound
Northbound and Southbound,
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Soutrbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and. Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
NorthboU1'1d and Southbound
Northbound and Southbou.YJ.d
Northbound and South.bound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbotl..'1d 2nd Southbound
Northbound a'1.d Southbou.1'ld
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and Vlestbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Northbou,nd and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Eastbound and Westbound
S01.l.t ':.bound .
Eastbou.nd and Westbound
Eastbound and 1tJestbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Northwest Highway
Lincoln Street
Busse Road
Gregory Street
Highland Street
Kensi:ngton Rbad
Central Road
Northwest Highway
Busse Avenue
Central Road
Golf Road
Gregory Street
Henry Street
Isabella Street
Northwest Highway
Central Road
Gregory Street
Highland Street
Kensington Road
Milburn Avenue
Prospect Avenue
Thayer Street
Berkshire Lane
Busse Avenue
Council Trail
Gregory Street
Lincoln Street
Lonnquist Boulevard
Prospect Avenue
Sunset Road
Busse Road
Elmhurst Avenue
J:vTain Street
Mount Prospect Road
Northwest Highway
Qvven Street
WaPella Avenue
Gregory Street
Highland Street
Kensington Road
NorthTtJest Highway
Kensington Road
Northwest Highway
Wilshire Drive
Central Road
Northwest Highway
Golf Road
Dale Avenue
Elm Street
SCHEDUIE IV. Continued
Gregory Street
Gregory street
Gregory Street
Gregory Street
Gregory Street
Gregory Street
Hatherleigh Court
Hatlen Avenue
Hatlen Avenue
Henry Street
Henry Street
Henry Street
Henry Street
Henry Street
Henry Street
Hia\'Tatha Trail
Highland street
Highland Street
Highland Street
Highland Street
Highland Street
Hi Lusi Avenue
Hi Lusi Avenue
Hi Lusi Avenue
Hi Lusi Avenue
Homer Lane
I-Oka Avenue
I-Oka Avenue
Isabella Street
Isabella Street
Isabella Street
Isabella Street
Isabella Street
Isabella Street
Judity Ann Drive
Kenilworth Avenue
Lancaster Street
Lincoln Street
Lincoln Street
Lincoln Street
Lincoln Street
Lincoln Street
Lincoln Street
Lincoln Street
Lincoln street
Linneman Road
Lonnequist Boulevard
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbo4hd and Westbound
Nol:'tHwest bound and
NorthboUnd and Southbound
EastboUhd and Westbound
EastboUnd and Westbound
Eastbbtirici and Westbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and \lTestbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and irJestbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbou.l1d
Northbound and Southbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and vlestbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and \vestbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Elmhurst Avenue
Fairv1ew Street
MacArthur Boulevard
Maple Street
Oak Avenue
Rand Road
Busse Road
Bonita Drive
Central Road
Lincoln Street
East1l10od Avenue
Louis Street
Main Street
Owen street
Pine Street
Prospect Manor Avenue
Elmhurst Avenue
Elmhurst Avenue
Main Street
Maple Street
Pine Street
Prospect Manor Avenue
Evergreen Avenue
Golf Road
Lincoln Street
Prospect Avenue
Central Road
Golf Road
Lincoln Street
Prospect Avenue
Eastwood Avenue
Elm Street
Fairview Street
Main Street
Owen Street
Rand Road
Main .Street
Central Read
Central Road
Busse Road
Can Dota Avenue
Elmhurst Avenue
Einerson Street
Illinois Rte. 83
I-Oka Avenue
Main Street
Maple Street
Den:pster street
Busse Road
(. ,
SCHEDUlE N. Continued
Lornquist Boulevard
Lonnequist BoUlevard
Louis Street
Louis Street
Louis Street
MacArthur BOUlevard
MacArthur Boulevard
Mpgriblia Lahe
MMn .Street
Main Street
Man~.A...Wa Trail
Man-A-Wa Trail
Maple COurt
Maple Street
Maple Street
flJaple Street
Maple Street
Maple Street
Maple Street
Maple Street
Maple Street
Maple Street
IV'l8rcella Road
Meadow Lane
Meadow Lane
Meadow Lane
Memory Lane
JYlemory Lane
Milburn Avenue
Milburn Avenue
fVfilburn Avenue
IVfilbum Avenue
IVfilbum Avenue
Na-vla-Ta Trail
Na-\,va-Ta Trail
Oak Avenue
Orchard Place
OtoJen Street
Owen Street
Owen Street
Owen Street
Owen Street
Owen Street
Owen Street
Oxford PI~ce..
Oxford Place
Pheasant Trail
Pine Street
Pine Street
Eastbound and vlestbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Northbound and Southbound
NorthboUnd and. Southbound
Northbound and Southbotind
Northb6tind and Southbouhd
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound .and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northwestbound and
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound ~~d Westbound
Eastbound and 1.vestbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Can Dota Avenue
$merson street
Central Road
Henry Street
Rand Road
Gregory Street
Isabella street
Busse. Road
Illinois Rte; 83
Lincoln street
EJ.1nhur'St AVenue
Hi,.;.Lusi AVenue
H1ghlaHd Avenue
Busse Avenue
Central Road
Golf Road
P.d.ghland Avenue
Lincoln Street
Northwest Highway
Prospect Avenue
Sunset Road
Oentral Road
EJ.1nhurst Road
Euclid Avenue
\lTedgewood Trail
Dale Avenue
RuSsel Street
EJ.1nhurst Avenue
Main Street
Mount Pr'ospect Road
Northwest Highway
Wa Pella Avenue .
Golf Road
Lincoln Street
Gregory Street
EJ.mhurst Avenue
Central Road
Ever~en Avenue
Golf Road
Gregory Street
Henry Street
Northwest Highway
Thayer Street
Elmhurst Road
Wedgewood. Lane
Busse Road
Oentral Road
Henry Street
Pine Street
P:t.rie Street
Pine Street
Pihe Street
Prospect AvenUe
Prospect Avenue
Prospect Avenue
Prospect Avenue
Prospect Manor Avenue
Prospect Manor Avenue
Prospect Manor Avenue
Prospect Manor Avenue
Prospect Manor Avenue
Prospect Manor Avenue
Redwood Avenue
Redwood Avenue
Ridge A.venue
Robert Drive
Robert Drive
Robert Drive
Robert Drive
Russel Street
Russel Street
Russel Street
Russel Street
Russel Street
Rusty Drive
Schoenbeck Road
Schoenbeok ROad
SChool Street
School Street
School Street
School Street
School Street
School Street
School Street
School Street
See Gwun Avenue
See Gwun Avenue
Serafine Drive
Shabonee Trail
Sunset Road
Sunset Road
Sunset Road.
Thayer Street
Thayer Street
Thayer Street
Wa Pella AvenUe
Wa Pella Avenue
SCHEDULE IV. Continued
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and. Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northboll.'Yld and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and VJestbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Northbound and Southbound
. .
,. " "".,.,' ",',
Highland Street
NorthWest Highway
Ceritrai Read
ElmhurSt. Avenue
Firierson Street
Moin Strer.y
Gregory Street
Henry Street
Highland Street
Isabella Street
Kensington Road
Northwest Highway
CottonWOOd Lane
Derrpster Street
Central Road
Cottonwood Lane
Golf Road
Golf Road
Willol'i' Lane
Henry Street
Highland Street
Kensington Road
Memory Lane
Thayer Street
Busse Road
. Camp McDonald Road
Rand Road
Busse Avenue
Cdntral Road
Evergreen Avenue
Golf Road
Gregory Street
Isabella Street
Northwest Highway
Thayer Street
Golf Road
Lincoln Street
Rand Road
Elmhurst Avenue
Emerson Street
Elmhurst Road
Emerson Street
Maple Street
f>7ain Street
Owen Street
Russel Street
Busse Avenue
Central Road
SCHEDULE IV. Continued
~.]a Pella Avenue
Wa Pella Avenue
Wa .Pella Avenue
Wa Pella Avenue
Waterman Avenue
Waverly Place
1,IJedgewood Lane
. Wedgewood Lane
Wedgewood Lane
ltJe Go Trail
We Go Trail
We Go Trail
We Go Trail
Weller Lane
iNestgate Road
liJheeling Road
ltJheeling Road
White Chapel Drive
White Gate Drive
Wille Street
Wille Street
"lille Street
Wille Street
Wille Street
ltJilliam Street
William Street
William Street
William. Street
William Street
Willow Lane
Wilshire Drive
Wilshire Drive
l.vilshire Drive
Busse Avenue
Busse Avenue
Edward Street
Elm Street
Elmhurst Avenue
Einerson Street
George Street
Henry Street
Pine Street
Thayer Street
Wille Street
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northeastbound and
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and' Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Eastbound arid l.vestbound
B.. Yield Signs
Eastbound and Westbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Northbound -and Southbound
Northbound and Southbound
Eastbound and Westbound
Northbound and Southbound
Eastbound and l>lestbound
Northbound and Southbound
Evergreen Avenue
Golf Road
Lincoln Street
Milburn Avenue
Northwest Highway
Central Road
Euclid Avenue
Meadow Lane
Rand Road
Busse Avenue
Central Road
Golf Road
Lincoln Street
Central Road
Central Road
Cedar Lane
Elderberry Drive
Euclid Avenue
Kensington Road
Busse Road
We Go Trail
Central Road
Highland Street
Kensington Road
Lincoln Street
Northwest Htghway
Central Road
Council Trail
Golf Road
Isabella Street
Northwest Highway
Garwood Drive
Highland Avenue
Kensington Road
I-Oka Avenue
vJilliarn Street
Evergreen Avenue
Evergreen Avenue
Isabella Street
Henry Street
Evergreen Avenue
Rusty Lane
Maple Street
Gregory Street
Einerson.Street and Prospect
Manor Avenue
Isabella Street and Memory Lane
SCHEDUIE V. No Stopping. Standing. or Parking
In accordance with Section 18.808. and when signs are erected giving notice
thereof" no person shall stoP. stand" or park a vehicle between the hours
specified herein within the district or upon any of the streets or parts of
streets as fpJ.j.pws~
NMJE OF S'J:'liI:!a:!:l'
At day tine
At day tine
At any tine
Den:pster Street
Golf Road
Wheeling Road
North and South
North and South
Entire Jurisdiction
Entire Jurisdiction
The first 300 feet South
of Euclid Avenue
SCHEDUIE VI. No Parking Any Time
In accordance with Section 18.823, and when signs are erected giving notice
thereof, no person shall at any time perrni. t a vehicle to park upon any of
the following described streets or parts of stree.ts:
Albert Street East
Busse Avenue North
Busse Avenue South
Busse Avenue South
Busse Avenue South
Central Road North and South
Council Trail South
Council Trail North and South
Council Trail North
Dale Avenue East
Denpster Street North and South
Elnhurst Avenue West
Elmhurst Avenue East and West
Emerson Avenue West
Euclid Avenue North and South
Forest Avenue West
Golf Road North and South
Gregory Street South
Gregory Street North
Gregory Street South
I-Cka Avenue l~est
Kensington Road North and South
Lincoln Street South
Lincoln Street North and South
Lincoln Street North and South
Lincoln Street South
South lane of
Lcnlquist Boulevard North
Main Street East and West
Main Street East and West
Maple Street
Between Central Road and Henry Street
rrhe first 120 feet East of Main Street
(Loading zone) rrhe first 95 feet East
of IVT.ain Street, excluding therefrom the
Westernmost 60 feet thereof.
Between Main and EJrerson Streets,
excluding the Easterly 35 feet of the
Westernmost 95 feet thereof.
Between EJrerson and Maple Streets
Entire jurisdiction
Between HiIusi and I-Gka Avenues
Between Can Dota and Hi Iusi Avenues
Between Can Dota and See Gwun Avenues
Between Northwest Highway and Isabella Street
Within entire jurisdiction
(Loading zone) Between Lincoln Street and
Milburn Avenue
Between Golf Road and Lincoln Street
Between 300 feet North of Milburn Avenue
and Weller Creek
Entire jurisdiction
Between Highland Street and Kensington Road
Within entire jurisdiction
rrhe first 150 feet l>Jest of Main Street
The first 150 feet East of Main Street
rrhe first 150 feet West of Dale Avenue
Between flIilburn Avenue and Shabonee . Trail
Entire jurisdiction
Between I-Oka and Elmhurst Avenues
Between Elmhurst Avenue and Illinois Rte., 83
Between Illinois Rte. 83 and Main Street
Between School and vJilliam Streets
Between Can Dota and Wa Pella Avenues
Between Busse Avenue and Lincoln Street
Between Central to Kensington Roads J
excepting that parking shall be perrni tted
8 A.M. to 12 noon on Sundays between Henry
Street and Judith .Ann Drive
Between Lincoln Street and Shabonee Trail
~.. ~
Ncure of Street
SCHEDULE VI. No Parking Im.y Time
Side of
Con tt , 2.
Maple Street
IVemory lane
Milburn Avenue
Northwest Highway
Prospect Avenue
Prospect Avenue
Rand Road
School Street
Shabonee Trail
Shabcnee Trail
Shabonee Trail
See Gwun Avenue
Thayer Street
Thayer Street
Wheeling Road
"'Tille Street
Wille Street
North and South
North and South
North and South
Between 50 to 200 feet North of Evergreen Stree
Between Dale and Forest Avenues
Between Elmhurst end I-Oka Avenues
Entire jurisdiction
The first 110 feet West of Emerson Street
(Taxi Stand)
The first 200 feet East of Maple Street
Entire jurisdiction
Between Council and Shabonee Trails
Between Elmhurst Road and I-Oka Avenue
The first 150 feet East of Elmhurst Road
(loading zone) The first 100 feet East of
Enerson Street
Between Council and Shabonee Trails
Between Main and Wille Streets
The first 140 feet ~Test of Main Street,
exclud:Jng therefrom the Easterly 80 feet.
The first 300 feet South of Euclid Avenue.
The first 200 feet South of Evergreen Avenue
The first 100 feet North of Thayer Street
SCHEbULE VII. Sunday Parking
In accordance with Section 18.824, and when signs are erected giving notice
thereof, no person shall stand, . stop, or park a vehicle between the hours
specified herein on any Sunday within the district or upon any of the streets
or parts of streets as .follows:
I-Oka Avenue
Lincoln Street
Lincoln Street
rlJilburn Avenue
Milburn Avenue
Pine Street
Shabonee Trail
Wille Street
6:30 A.M. to Between Evergreen Avenue and
1:30 P.M. Milburn Avenue
6:30 A.M. to Between F.i-~Lusi Avenue and
1: 30 P.M. I-Oka Avenue
6: 30 A.M. to Between I-Oka Avenue and
1:30 P.M. Elmhurst Avenue
6: 30 A.M. to Between Main street and
1:30 P.M. Elmhurst Avenue
6: 30 A.M. to Between I.-Oka Av:enue..:..and
1:30 P.M. Hi-Lusi Avenue
6 : 30 A.M. to Between Evergreen Avenue and
1: 30 P. M. 150 feet South of 'Lincoln Street
6:30 A.M. to Between I-Oka Avenue and
1:30 P.M. Elmhurst Avenue
6:30 A.M. to Between Lincoln Street and 150 feet
1:30 P.M. North of Milburn Avenue
. \
SCHEDUlE VIII. Weekday Parking
In accordance with Section 18.825, and when signs are erected giving notice
thereof, no persm shall park a vehicle between the hours of 7 A.M. and 4 P.M.
on any day, excluding Saturdays and Sundays, within the district or upcn any of
the streets or parts of streets as follows:
SIm OF Sl'Hf:<.1t..T
Maple Street
Between Busse and
Evergreen Avenues
SCHEDUIE IX. Parking furing School Hours
L'1. accordance with Section 18.826 J and when signs are erected giving notice
thereof, no person shall stop, stand, or. park a vehicle between the hours of
8 A.M. and 4 P ..M. a1 school days within the district or upon any of the streets
or parts of streets as follows:
Busse Avenue
Busse Avenue
Council Trail
Cypress Drive
(Loading zone) Between Elm and School Streets
Between Elm and School Streets
Between Elm and School Streets
(Bus stand) The first 200 feet North of Frost
(Bus stand) The first 150 feet \i1Jest of
lX:borah Iane~'""3".: -,
Between &micand '~illiam Streets
Between Can Dota and Wa Pella Avenues
The first 262 feet South of Central Road
The first 300 feet North of Henry Street
Between Busse Avenue and Central Road
excluding the Souther.nnost 150 feet thereof.
Between Central Road and a point (a public
walk) 600 feet South of Busse Avenue.
Estates Drive
North &
Gregory Street
Lonnquist Boulevard
rtJOin Street
<:Men Street
School Street
Weller Lane
East &
...~ .~
SCHEDULE X. All Night . Parking
In accordance with Section 18.827 (b), and when signs are erected giving notice
thereof, no Pe:t>son shall park a vehicle between the hours of 6 P.M. and 6 A.M.
of any day within the district or upon any of the streets or parts of streets
as follows:
J.. "l i - , ,il ~'f \:',i,:
~ . i.
Albert Street
Bett.l6eh Cel'itt'al RbaCl. and Henry Street
SCHEDULE XI ~ Two Hour Parking
In accordance with Section 18.828 (a) and when signs are erected giving notice
thereof Jl no person shall park a vehicle for more than two (2) hours on any day
except Sundays and legal hOlidays between the hours of 7 A.M. and 6 P .~1. within
the district or upon sny of the streets or parts of streets as follows:
Busse Avenue
Busse Avenue
Busse Avenue
Busse Avenue
Busse Avenue
Busse Avenue
Busse Avenue
Busse Avenue
Elmhurst Avenue
Elmhurst Avenue
Elmhurst Avenue
Elm Street
EIrerson Street
Evergreen Avenue
Evergreen Avenue
Fairview Avenue
Henry Street
Henry Street
Henry Street
Hi Iusi Avenue
I-Cka Avenue
Isabella Street
Lincoln Street
Main Street
Main Street
Main Street
Maple Street
IVaple Street
Maple Street
Maple Street
Maple Street
Milburn Avenue
Milburn Avenue
Orlen Street
Pine Street
The first 60 feet East of Main Street
Between Main Street and Emerson Street
excluding the Easternmost 120 feet thereor
Between Emerson and Maple Streets
Between Elm and Maple Streets
Between Elm and School Streets
Between (Wen and School Streets
Between Main and Wille Streets
Between Elmhurst and I-Oka Avenues
Between Busse and Evergreen Avenues
Between Central Road and Henry Street
Between Central Road and Northt'lest Highwz::.
Between Central Road and Northwest Highv::('
Between Milburn Avenue and 'Ihayer Street
Between Maple and Owen Streets
Between Henry and Main Streets
Between Henry Street and Northwest Highv%.~
Between Pine and 1"'i11e Streets
Between Ma.iil and Wille Streets
Between Main and f'ft,aple Streets
Between Busse and Prospect Avenues
Between Evergreen and Prospect Avenues
Between Errerson and Main Streets
Between Illinois Rte. 83 al"ld School St:t'el,~t
Between Illinois Rte. 83 and Lincoln Str..~
'Ihe first 200 feet North of Busse Avenue
Between Busse Avenue and Central Road
'Ihe first 50 feet North of Evergreen AVe,l1Jf
Between Busse and Evergreen Avenues
Between Busse Avenue and Henry Street
Between Prospect Avenue and Lincoln Stree':::
Between Lincoln Street and Shabonee Trail
Between Emerson and Main Streets
Between Main and Wille Streets
Between Central Road and Northwest HiJ?.,hw2"
Between Henry Street and Northwest Highwc:/
North and South
North and South
North and South
North and South
East and West
East and West
East and West
East and 1A/est
North and South
North and South
East and West
North and South
North and South
East and West
East and West
North and South '
East and West
East and \<lest
North and South
East and West
East and v.!est
SCHEDUIE XI. Continued
Pine Street
Pine Street
Prospect Avenue
Prospect Avenue
Prospect Avenue
East and West
North and South
Prospect Avenue
Prospect Avenue
Ridge Avenue
School Street
School Street
Wille Street
Wille Street
Wille Street
North and South
Fast and West
East and West
East and West
East and ~.vest
Between Evergreen and Prospect Avenues
Between Evergreen Avenue and Lincoln Street
Between Elmhurst Avenue and Main Street
Between Elmhurst and Hi lust Avenues
Between fVf.ain Street and a point 110 feet
It/est of EIrerson Street
Between Emerson and IVT.ain Streets
Between Emerson and Maple Streets
Between Central Road and Henry Street
The first 150 feet South of Central Road
Between Busse Avenue and Northwest Hi@1way
Between Evergreen and Prospect Avenues
Between Evergreen Avenue and Lincoln Street
Between Busse Avenue and Henry Street
.,~>"', :.:'
SCHEDULE XII. One Hour Parking
In accordance with Section 18.828 (b),and when signs are erected.giy:ing notice
. thereof, no person shall park a vehicle for more than one (1) hour qnany day,
except Sundays and legal holidays, between the hours of 7 A~M. and 6 P.M. within
the district or upon any of the streets or parts of streets as follows:
1"""\ ,~
SCHEDUIE XIII. Fifteen Minute Parking
In accordance with Section 18.828 (c), and when signs are erected giving
notice thereof, no person shall park a vehicle for more than fifteen (15)
minutes on any day. except Sundays and legal holidays between the hours of 7 A.M.
and 6 P.M. within the district or upon any of the following streets or parts of
, .L
1 ;:
SCHEDUlE XIV. Fire Lanes
In accordance with Section 18.829 (a), and whens:i.~ are erected giving notice
thereof, no person shall at any time.blockor obstruct the following described
districts, . streets, areas, or parts thereof:
llie two (2) lane drive that is immediatelyadjacerji:; to the bUilding and sidewalk
around the entire perimeter of the Randhurst building except the designated
"Customer pick-up" area.
The two (2) lane drive that is immediately adjacent to the building and sidewalk
on the front side of the building Idcated at the Mount Prospect Plaza, except
the designated lICustomer pick-up" area. ' .
llie two (2) lane drive that is immediately adj acent to the front of the building
located at the Striking Lanes Bowling Alley. .
The two (2) lane drive that is immediately adjacent to the front of building
located at the Thunderbird Bowl.
'lhe two (2) lane drive that is immediately adj acent to the building and sidewalk
on the front side of the building located at the National Shopping Center, except
the designated "Customer pick-up" area.
llie one (1) lane that is immediately adjacent to the building and sidewalk on the
front side of the building located at the Central Plaza.
Tnetwo (2) lane drive that is immediately adj acent to the building and sidewalk
on the front side of the building known as the Randhurst Cinema.
The two (2) lane drive that is immediately adj acent to the building and sidewalk
on the front side of the building known as the Mount Prospect Cinema.
SCHEDUlE XV. . Parldng Meter Zones
In accordance with Section 18.830 (a), and when retersare installed giving
notice thereof, no person, without having cO!ll)lied with the requirements of
Section 18.830, shall park a vehicle within the districts pI' uP9n tl:l9se streets
or parts thereof described below:
," ,.', j' ,,' ./;
,. . ".... .. ...,-....".,..,.,.'.'.., .
South Maple Street Lot
,: . ", " .
Lots 2, 3," 4~. 5,6, 7, 8 and 9 in J. . A.. vleber's
Addition to Mt.Prospect, being a sUbdivision bf
part of the E 1/2. pf . the Northwest 1/4 of Section
12, Township 41 North, Rangell,.East of the
Third Principal. Meridian
Chicago and North Western Ry.
Lot #1
The area. lyihgNorth of the railroad:,. South .of
Northwest Highway, and ithmediateiy West of Main
Lot #2
The area lying North of .' the railroad, South of
Northwest Highway, and between Main and Emerson
The area lying. North of the railroad" South of
Northwest Highw~, andirrrnediately East of
Emerson Street.
Lot #3
SCHEDULE XVI. Prohibited Operation of Certaih
Vehicles Upon Certain Streets
When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall operate a
cormnercial vehicle except as provided under Section 18.1209, upon any of the
folloWing. streets or parts of str>eets:
Albert Street
Dale Avenue
Dempster Street
Elm Street
Elmhurst Avenue
Estates Drive
Forest Avenue
George Street
Hi-Lusi Avenue
Homer Lane
I-Oka Avenue
Memory Lane
Betw"een NoJ:'t;hwest Highway and Central Road
5;,.ton load. limit South of Memory Lane ... No
prohibition North of Memory Lan.e
Ib...ton .1000. limit
8-ton load limit
5--ton load limit
f,10rth from Northwest Highway
Between Prospect Avenue. and Lincoln Street
lO-ton load limit
Pine Street
Rusty Drive
Wa Pella Avenue
Wille Street
5-ton load limit West. of Forest Avenue - No
prohibition East of Forest Avenue
5-ton load limit
Between Central Road. and Lincoln Street
. I,
ls.104 '"
18.113 (b)
181)116 (b)
. 18,,116(d)
18<>126 (b)
18alOl .
25.0601 (1)
180901 (g)
18.901 (h)
Crosit/R.eferen. t:. e
'r ",
)~, , .
12(j )
8 (a)
19.01 (b)
S'rI,\Turl!S t
CHAPtIQl 95~t
,1t.,. Slttr,TION:
113 (a)
t 13 (b)
113 (c)
114 (0)
114 (b)
106 (a)
105 (a)
103 (a)
103 (b)
page 1
,~ ,~
;~ ~:'.,"'""
Cross<~ _Grenee Cbdttnued
IS.127 (h)
lS.127 (j)
IS.127 (1)
18",130 (a)
18..t3() (c)
ta.133 (a)
la~1ij (b)
lSo133 (c)
18.133 (4)
IS.133 (e)
18.,133 (g)
18.133 (h)
18.133 (i)
18.901 (j )
18.901 (d)
IS~133 (j)
18.133(1) lS.101
lS.133 (m)
18.133 (nl (1 )18.101
18.133(0) 18.101
18111133 (0 )(L)
180133 (6)(2)
18.133(0) (3 )18.101
18~135 180101
,_ .._:,h ~
uniform Illinois
Act ~ised
Regu1att._ . Statutes,
Trafftd'Cha~er 95%.
Skctlotit i . ., Seat,lbn:
-,+~ ':'{l!1: :..1 '1 ",,~:o~!I
12(a) ~~(4'
- "-._~-'-~"'--'--""""'-'--'~'--------'..-'--- .'.
,~. /~
... .,'
page 2
Also Found
, ;tn Section:
i ,;! .ti,~h,d.
~~ ""'~-"---=-----
12(1) 1)9(1)
14 1 ~l
12(e) I~(e)
13 110
12(g) 109(g)
12(0) t09(c)
12(d) 109(d)
13 112
t~~tl lO9(r)
109 (b)
12(b) 109(1\)
5(0) 102(0)
$(8) 102(a)
5 (1)) 102 (b)
18 tIS
19.01 (4) ..1ei.Cci)
2(a) 99 (a)
2(d) 90(d)
2(h) 99 (h)
3(4) 100 (d)
2(c) 99 (c)
2(1) 99(1)
2(b) 99 (b)
2(g) 99(g)
2(e) 99 (e)
3 (b) 100 (h)
3(c) 100(0)
3(a) 100 (a)
4(a) 101(a)
4(e) 101 (e)
4(d) 101 (d)
4(b) 101 (h)
4(0) 101(c)
19.01 ee) 116a(e)
~~~h\o t4~r
~tole ~iitiibiU
., ., :.~ .:';
ti~ f\ite
, . ..' '. Ri~rj~i
"!tfiiUi:i. \
cUP.t ~Oll{'
.:;....,. . .', .< J!I,.,;:".:. .~. ,
oil. ./,1.:'.
. :ACt:..
. .
Also ~d
In sectl(,.,:
18 ,,50t
18.322 (c)
18.204 &
18.309 &
18.310 &
18.311 &
. 18.618(a)
186202&18.318 59
, 18.319 60
180201&18.203 70.1
180330~18.332 101c
180407 758
-__'.______~._.... P,.._.,.._.~--~...__._~-:---
Cross Reference Continued
Pre$ent Former uniform III tnots
Art ."le Section: Act ReVised
VIII, Regulating I.tatutes
Section: Traffic, Chapter 9S~,
Section: Section:
18,,801 95 192
180802 97 194
180803 18.329 83 1.80
180804 84 181
180805 85 182
180806 86 183
180807 87 184
180808 18.517 88 185
18.809 89 1~6,
180810 CjJ9.1 196.1
180811 18.608 105 202
18.812 96 , 193
18,,813 lQO; 197,
18.814 18.502
18.815 18..325 92 189:;
180816 18.501 90 187
18..817 18.508
180818 18,,509
18.819 18.504
180820 18.514
180821 18.503
18..822 18.520
18.823 18.501
180824 180516
18..825 18.519
18,,826 IS.S13
18,,827 18..507
180828 18.505
18..828(a) 18.,510
18.828(b) 18.511
18.828(c) 18.512
18 <) 830 18.515
18.831 18.518'
180901 18.902
18.901(a)- 18.902,(a)-
180901 (f) 18.902(f)
18,,901 (g) 18..902 (g)& 92.02 189b
18..901 (h) 18..902(h) 92.02 189b
18.901(1)& 18.902(1)&
18..901 (j ) 18.902(j)
18,,901(k) 18.,902 (k) 92.04 189d
18.901(1) 180902 (1) 92.03 U19c
18..901 (m) 18.902 (m)
18.902 18.903 .
.q..^"'-" .ft n^,
~ i~
,page 5
Also to1.lnd
In Section:
~ . ":'. ~"; :>, { :' .;
." ",,', ("..". '." .'
Cross aQferenc~ COntinu~d
. Pre serit
18.1113 (b)
traffic 1I
Chapt~r d95%,
S&ctiQrt; . . "
~ Ii ~ . > "
18-A-6 107.01&115(c) 204.01&212(c)
102- 199
18~608 103 200
184)608 105 202
18..608 106 203
18..608 107 204
18.608 108 205
18..608 109 206
180608 110 207
18..608 111 208
18",608 112 209
18..608 113 210
18,,608 113.01 210a
18.~96(a) 114(a) 211 (a)
18~6()6(b) 114(b) 211 (b)
114.1 Ul.1
18..603 115 212
18,,602& 116 213
18,,601 117 214
118 215
180610 119 216
121 218
page 6
,Also Found
In Section:
I I,
Cross Reference Continued
Cha.pter 95~,
page 7
Also Found
!n Section:
18.335&18.611 131 et seq.
18.612 129
18.605 126
18.601 126.01
18.1401 18.403 73
18.1402 18..401 74
18,1403 18.402 75
18.1404 18.407 75a
18.1405 76
18.1406 18.402 77
18.1407 18.406 78
18.1408(a) 18.1~3 100
18.1408(b) 18.404
18.1501 18.333 92.01
18.1502 93
18.1503 93.01
18.1504 98
18.1505 18.701
18.1506 18.327
18.1509 18.803
18.1510 18.802
18.1511 18.801
228 et seq.
Abandoned vehicles, see Vehicles
Accidents, Generally JI Article TV.
Duty to give infot'mation and render aid, Sec. 18.402
Duty to report, Sec. 18.401
Duty upon striki.ng fixtures upon a street, Sec. 18.404
Duty upon striking unattended vehicle, Sec. 18.403
Involving damage to vehicle, Sec. 18.405 (b)
Involving death or personal injury, Sec. 18.405 (a)
Age limit, Sec. 18.1505
Definition of, Sec. 18.102
Parking in, Sec. 18. 817
Area, definition of, Sec. 18.103
Arrests, Sec. 18.1510
Backing, limitations on" Sec. 18.5bl
l3icycles,' General:LY, Article X
A1Jp:j.iCability of trarf'ic laws, Sec. 18.1001
pefini tion of, sec. 18.104
DtitjT of parents or guardian, Sec. 18~1007
Penalties, Sec. 18.1013
Regulations for operation, Sec. 18.1004
Equipment) Sec. 18.1006
Application for, Sec. 18.1009
Issuance of, Sec. 18.1010
Required, Sec. 18.1008
Manner of riding, Sec. 18.1003
Obedience to traffic devices and signs, Sec. 18.1002
Riding on sidewalks, Sec. 18.1005
Rental agencies, Sec. 18.1012
Transfer of ownership, Sec. 18.1011
Blind persons, Sec. 18.709 and 18.1404
Brakes, Equipment, Generally, this Index
Bus, definition of, Sec. 18.133 (c)
BUs stand, definition of, Sec. 18.127 (b)
Bus stop"definition of, Sec. 18.126 (b)
Camper, see House Trailer, this Index
~. ~.
Chauf'fe'l.-. .definitiou of, Sec. 18.116 (a)
Coasting prohibited, Sec. +8.801
Constitutionality, Sec. 18.1508
Controlled Access Highway
~f:1nition of, Sec. 18.121 (c)
Restrictions on use Of, Sec. 18.619
Crossing guard, def:1rd.tioh of, Sec. 18.116 (b)
Crosswalk ,
~:finiti()n of, Sec._ 18.127 (d)
Right of way, see Pedestrtan, this Index
Definitions, ~eherally, Arl:tc1e I, Sec. 18.101, et seq.
District, definition of, Sec. 18.105
Business, definition of, Sec. 18.105 (a)
Residence, definition of, Sec. 18.105 (b)
Suburban, der..L1lition of, Sec. 18.105 (c)
Urban, definition of, Sec. 18.105 (d)
Drag Racing,
Definition of, Sec. 18.106
Prohibition of, Sec. 18.409
Driver, definition of, Sec. 18.116 (a)
Driveway, definition of, Sec. 18.127 (k)
Driving on right side of road, exemptions, Sec. 18.608
Emergency Vehicles
Definition of, Sec. 18.133 (b)
Speed restrictions on, Sec. 18.503
Equipment Requirements, Generally, Article XI
Brakes, Sec. 18.1113
Fluid, Sec. 18.1113 (c)
Performance of, Sec. 18.1113 (b)
Requirements of, Sec. 18.1113 (a)
Horns, Sec. 18.1114
Head, Sec. 18.1109
Miscellaneous vehicles, Sec. 18.1105
Number, Sec. 18.1110
Parked vehicles, Sec. 18.1103 and Sec. 18.8n
Projecting load, Sec. 18.1104
Requirements, Sec. 18.1102
Restrictions, Sec. 18.1111
School buses, Sec. 18.1112
Signal, Sec. 18.1107
Spot, Sec. 18.1106
Mirrors, Sec. 18.1116
lYfuff1ers, Sec. 18.1115
Tire equipment, Sec. 18.1118
Definition of, Sec. 18.133 (c)
Use of warning flags, Sec. 18.1119
Windshields, Sec. 18.1117
Explosives, definition. of, Sec. 18.107
Fines, disposition of, Sec. 18.1512
Crossing hose, Sec. 18.802
Interference with apparatus, Sec. 18.812
Definition of, Sec. 18.108
Obstructing, Sec. 18.829
Traffic at scene of, Sec. 18.206
F1amnab1e liquid, definition of, Sec. 18.109
Following too closely, Sec. 18.618
Funeral procession, definition, of, Sec. 18.133 (d)
Headings, effect of, Sec. 18.1507
Highways, Generally, Sec. 18.127 et seq.
Controlled access, Sec. 18.127 (c)
Improved, Sec. 18.127 (e)
State, Sec. 18.127 (p)
Through, Sec. 18.127 (r)
Unlawful use of, Sec. 18.306
Holidays, specified, Sec. 18.110
Horns, Sec. 18.1114
House trailer
Definition of, Sec. 18.133 (e)
Riding in, Sec. 18.1211
Implement of husbandry, definition of, Sec. 18.133 (f)
Interference with other citizens, Sec. 18.1408
Intersection, definition of" Sec. 18.127 (f)
Larrps ,see Equipment, Generally, this Index
La'1.ed roadways, Sec. 18.617
Lights, see Equipment, Generally, this Index
Liquor .
Driving under influence of, Sec. 18.407
Open liquor in motor vehicle prohibited, Sec. 18.406
Loading zone, definition of, Sec. 18.127 (h)
Merging traffic, definition of, Sec. 18.132 (a)
Meter, see Parking meter, this Index
lVI:i.rrors, Sec. 18.1116
Mobile equipment, definition of Special, Sec. 18.133 (m)
Motorcycles, Generally, Article IX
Definition of, Sec. 18.133 (g)
Equipment of rider, Sec. 18.901 (1)
License fee, Sec. 18.903
Licensing, Sec. 18.902
Punishment of violators, Sec. 18.904
Renting, Sec. 18.902
Definition of, Sec. 18.111
Prevention .of noise or smoke, Sec. 18.1115,
Narcotic drugs, Sec. 18.407
No-passing zones, Sec. 18.615
Obedience to
Traffic-control devices, Sec. 18.301 (a)
Traffic laws, Sec. 18.202 through Sec. 18.205
Driver's view, Sec. 18.1208 and 18.1502
Putting glass on street, Sec. 18.1504
Spilling loads on highway, Sec. 18.1204
One-way roadways
Definition of, Sec. 18.127 (c)
Regulationsconceming, Sec. 18.616 (a)
Operator, definition of, Sec. 18.116 (d)
Overtaking, see also Passing, this Index
School bus, Sec. 18.614
Vehicle on left, Sec. 18.610 through Sec. 18.613
Vehicle on right, Sec. 18.611
Owner, definition of, Sec. 18.116 (e)
\!':;~ .
Parking, Generally, Article VIII
Definition of, Sec. 18.114
Penalty, Sec. 18.831
Prohibitions, Sec. 18.816
No parking any time ~ Sec. 18.823
No parking, snow removal, Sec. 18.822
. Alley, Sec. l8.817
Cab stands, Sec. 18.818
Curb, Sec. 18.814
Fire lanes, Sec. 18.829
Leased vehicles, Sec. 18.830 (1)
Loading zone, Sec. 18.819
Night, Sec. 18.827
School hours, Sec. 18. 826
Sunday, Sec. 18.824
Time limits, Sec. 18.828
Two hour, Sec. 18.828 (a)
One hour, Sec. 18.828 (b)
Fifteen minute, Sec. 18.828 (c)
Truck loading and parking, See . 18.820
Vehicles for sale, Sec. 18.821
Weekday, Sec. 18.825
Parking meters, Generally, See. 18.830
Deposit of coins, Sec. 18.830 (e)
Installation, Sec. 18.830 (i)
Penalty, Sec. 18.830 (k)
Proeeeds, Sec. 18.830 (j)
Tarrpering with, Sec. 18.830 (g)
Time limits, Sec. 18.830 (e)
Use of slugs, Sec. 18.830 (f)
Zone, definition of, Sec. 18.127 (j)
Passing,see also Overtaldng, this Index
Vehicles, in opposite direction, Sec. 18.609
Pedestrian, definition~of, Sec. 18.116 (f)
At cros~walk, Sec. 18.1402, 18.1403, and 18.1405
On roadway, Sec. 18.1407
Subject to traffic signals, Sec. 18.1401
Penalties for misdemeano:r, Sec. 18.1511
Person, definition of, Sec. 18.116
Phrases .- see words and phrases, generall, this Index
Planking edge of pavement, Sec. 18.1203
Police Officer, Sec. 18.116 (g)
Obedience to, Sec. 18.202
Property, definition of, Sec. 18.117
Property line, definition of, Sec. 18.118
Public building, definition of, Sec. 18.119
Public way, definition of, Sec. 18.127 (1)
Push car, definition of, Sec. 18.123
Racing, see Drag Racing, this Index
Racing of motor,. definition of, Sec. 18.120
Certain vehicles must stop, Sec. 18.804
Moving heavy equipment, Sec. 18.805
Definition of, Sec. 18.121
Signs or sitnal, Sec. 18.113 (a)
Train, definition of, Sec. 18.122
Reckless driving, Sec. 18.408
Right-of-way, General]y, Article VII
. Blind pedestrian:, Sec. 18.709 and Sec. 18.1404.
Definition of, Sec. 18.124
Emergency vehicles, Sec. 18.702
En.t,ering highway from private road, Sec. 18.701
Entering intersection, Sec. 18.703
Funeral procession, Sec. 18.708
Left turn, Sec. 18.704
Merging. traffic:> Sec. 18.707
Stop inter'E)ection, Sec. 18.706
Yield right-of-way, definition of, Sec. 18.135
Roadway, . see Streets, this Index
Definition of, Sec. 18.127 (m)
Rotary traffic islands, Sec. 18.616
Safety zone, definition of, Sec. 18.127 (n)
Schedules - Appendix
School. bus
Approaching, overtaking, and passing, Sec. 18.614
Definition of, Sec. 18.133 (b)
Special. lighting equipment on, .Sec. 18.1112
Stopping on' highway, Sec. 18. 810
Secretary of State, definition of, Sec. 18.116 (h)
Shopping center, definition of, Sec. 18.125
Sidewalk, definition of, Sec. 18.127 (0)
~ /~
Signs and signals, Generall, Article III
Caution, Sec. 18.303.(b)
Definition of, Sec. ~8.113
Flashing, Sec. 18.303
Hand andar.m, Sec. 18.606 and Sec. 18.607
Interference with, Sec. 18.305
Pedestrian control, Sec. 18.302 (g)
Railroad, Sec. 18.113 (a)
Requirenents for, Sec. 18.605.
Signal device, Sec. 18.606
Stop, Sec. 18.303 (a)
Terrporary, Sec. 18. ~97
Traffic .~ontrol .s:l,~ l.egend, sec. 18.302
Train, approach of, .seC~.18.803
tJnauthorized~ Sec~ i8i304
sblicltihgrtdes, Sec. HL 1406
Speed restrictions; Generally, Article V
General, Sec. 18.510
Minimum, Sec. 18.501
Elevated structures, Sec. 18.502
Emermency vehicles, Sec. 18.503
Irrplements, Sec. 18.504
Passing schools, Sec. 18.505
Railroad crossings, Sec. 18.506
Residence districts, Sec. 18.508
Tractors, Sec. 18.504
TruCks, Sec. 18.509
Urban district, Sec. 18.507
Violation of, Sec. 18.511 and Sec. 18.512
Standing. -'I.:
Definition of, Sec. 18.126 (a)
In business districts, Sec. 18.808
. Business district, Sec. 18.808
Definition of, Sec. 18.126
Emerging from alley, Sec. 18. 807
Illegally stopped vehicles, Sec. 18.809
Person on highway, Sec. 18.813
Residence district, Sec. 18.808
School bus, Sec. 18.810
Signs, Sec. 18.806
Arterial, Sec. 18.127 (a)
Definition of, Sec. 18.127 et seq.
Stupting, definition of, Sec. 18.128
Taxicab stand, definition of, Sec. 18.127 (q)
'.~ .,~.
,.-... ..~
Terminal, definition of, Sec. 18.129
Tickets, see Traffic, this Index
Tirre, official, Sec. 18.112
Definition of, Sec. 18.130
F.qu1pment ,Sec. 18.1118
Types, definition of:
Metal, Sec. 18.130 (a)
Pneumatic, Sec. 18.130 . (b)
Solid, Sec. 18.130 (c)
Touring, definition of, Sec. 18.131
Towed vehicles, Sec. 18.1205
Tractors, types, sefinition of:
Far.m,Sec. 18.133 (n) (1)
Road, Sec. 18.133 (n) (2)
Truck, Sec. 18.133 (n) (3)
Control devices. See Signs and Signals, this Index
Definition of, Sec. 18.132 .
Laws, obedience to, Sec. 18.202 through Sec. 18.205
Violation tickets, Sec. 18.1509
Definition of, Sec. 18.133 (a)
Types, definition of:
House, Sec. 18.133 (0) (1)
Pole, Sec. 18~133 (0) (2)
Semi-, Sec. 18.133 (0) (3)
Stinger-steered semi-, Sec. 18.133 (0) (4)
'Trucks, use of warning flags, Sec. 18.1119 and 18.1201
CUrve or crest of grade, Sec. 18.603
Intersections, Sec. 18.602
Prohibited, Sec.. 18.601
Abandoned. Generally, Article XIII
Definition of, Sec. 18.133 (a)
Clinging to, Sec. 18.1506
Definitions of, Sec. 18.133
Discarded, Sec. 18.1303
Emergency, Sec. 18.503
Definition of, Sec. 18.133 (b)
Impounding, Sec. 18.1304
Motor, definition of, Sec. 18.133 (i)
,~ "~
Vehicle (continued)
Opening doors, Sec. 18.1210 and Sec. 18,.1503
Penalties, Sec. 18.1305
Projecting loads, Sec'. 18.1206
Protruding-members of, See .18 .1207
Public passenger, definition of, Sec. 18.133 (jJ
Restricted operation of, Sec. 18.1209
Rural mail delivery, definition of, Sec. 18.133 (k)
TOV\Ted vehicle, Sec. 18.1205
Unattended, Sec. 18.815
Words and phrases, definition of, S~e. 18.101, et seq:
Weight, ",
Definition of, See. 18.134
Regulations, See. 18.1202
Yield right-of-way. See Right':"of -way, this Index.
I \
Abandoneq vehicle$ ~ se~ 'vehic1e::1
Accj,4elltS, Generally, Article rv.
])qty to give information and render aid~ ~c. 18.402.
Duty to report, Sec. 18.401.
Duty upon striking fixtures upon a street, Sec~ :1.8.403 (1:))
Duty upon strildng unattended vehicle, Sec. 18.403 (a) , ,
Failure to reduce speed to avoid, Sec. 18.510 (b)
Fast for conditions, too, Sec. 18.510 (a)
Following too closely, Sec. 18.618.
Involving damage to vehicle, Sec. lS.404 (b)
Involving death or personal injury, Sec. 18.404 (a)
Striking unattended vehicles, fixtures, or other property prohibited ,.'
Sec. 18.405.
, .,
Age lim1t, Sec. 18.1505
Definition of, Sec. 18.102
Parking in, Sec. 18. S17
Area, dE;l.f1nition of, Se(). 18.103
Arrests, Sec. 18.1510
Backing,. limitations on, Sec. 18d50L
Bicycles, , Generally, Article X
Applicability of traffic laws, Sec. lS.1001
Definition of, Sec. 18.104
Duty of parents or guardian, Sec.. lS.1007
Penalties, Sec. lS.1013
Regulations for operation, Sec. 18.1004
EquiPment, Sec. 18.1006
Application for, Sec. 18.1009
Issuance of, sec. lS.1010
Required, Sec. lS.100S
Manner of riding, Sec. 18.1003
Obedience to traffic devices and signs, Sec. 18.1002
Riding on sidewalks, Sec. 18.1005
Rental Agencies, Sec. lS.1012
Transfer of ownership, Sec. 18.1011
Blind persons, Sec. 18.709 and 18.1404
Brakes, Equipnent, Generally, this Index
Bus, definition of, Sec. 18.133 (c)
Bus stand, definition of, Sec. 18.127 (b)
Camper, see House Trailer, this Index
Chauffeur, definition of, Sec. 18.116 (a)
Coasting prohibited, Sec. 18.801
Constitutionality, Sec. 18.1508
Controlled Access Highway
Definition of:J Sec. 18.127 (c)
Restrictions on use of, Sec. 18.619
Crossing guard, definition of, Sec. 18.116 (b)
Definition of, Sec. 18.127 (d)
Right of way, see Pedestrian, this Index
Damage, to highV\ray and street appurtenances, Sec. 18. 306
Definitions, Generally, Article I, Sec. 18.101, et seq.
District, definition of, Sec. 18.105
Business, definition of, Sec. 18.105 (a)
Residence, definition of, Sec. 18.105 (b)
Suburban, definition of, Sec. 18.105 (c)
Urban, definition of, Sec. 18.105 (d)
Drag Racing
Definition of, Sec. 18.106
Prohibition of, Sec. 18.409
Driver, definition of, Sec. 18.116 (a)
Driveway, definition of, Sec. 18.127 (k)
Driving on right side of road, exemptions, Sec. 18.608
flnergency Vehicles
Definition of, Sec. 18.133 (b)
Speed restrictions on, Sec. 18.503
Equipment Requirements, Generally, Article XI
Brakes, Sec. 18.1113
Fluid, Sec. 18.1113(c)
Performance of, Sec. 18.1113 (b)
Requirements of, Sec. 18.1113 (a)
Horns, Sec. 18.1114
Head, Sec. 18.1109
11iscellaneous vehicles, Sec. 18.1105
Number, Sec. 18.1110
Parked vehicles~ Sec. 18.1103 and Sec. 18.811
Projecting load, Sec. 18.1104
Requirements upon operating vehicle, Sec. 18.1102
Restrictions, Sec. 18.1111
School buses, Sec. 18.1112
Signal, Sec. 18.1107
Spot, Sec. 18.1106
r---\ ~.
Mirrors) Sec. 18.1116
Mufflers) Sec. 18.ll15
Tire equipment) Sec. 18.1118
Definition of, Sec. 18.133 (c)
Use of warning flags) Sec. 18.1119
Windshields, Sec. 18.1117
Explosives, definition of, Sec. 18.107
Failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident, see Accidents.
Fast for conditions, too. See Accidents.
Fines, disposition of, Sec. 18.1512
Crossing hose~ Sec. 18.802
Interference with apparatus, Sec. 18.812
Definition of, Sec. 18.108
Obstructing, Sec. 18.829
Traffic at scene of, Sec. 18.206
Flamnable liquid, definition of, Sec. 18.109
Fol1ovDng too closely, Sec. 18.618
Funeral proc.ession, definition of, Sec. 18.133 (d)
Headings, effect of, Sec. 18.1507
Hig,.~vm.ys, Generally ~ Sec. 18.127, et seq.
Controlled access, Sec. 18.127 (c)
Improved, Sec. 18.127 (e)
State~ Sec. 18.127 (p)
Through, Sec. 18.127 (r)
Un1aw~jl use of, Sec. 18.306
1101idays, specified, Sec. 18.110
Horns, Sec. 18.1114
F~use trailer
Deilnition of, Sec. 18.133 (e)
Riding in, Sec. 18.1211
Irnp1ement of husbandry, definition of, Sec. 18.133 (f)
Interference 1Irith
Fire apparatus, Sec. 18.812
Other citizens, Sec. 18.1408
Persons, Sec. 18.813
~~affic, Sec. 18.813
Traffic, by selling merchandise, Sec. 18.813
t .
Intersection, definition of, Sec. 18.127 (f)
Lamps, see Equipment, Generally, this Index
La"1e Usage:l Generally, Secs. 18.608 through 18. 617 inclusive
Laned roadways, Sec. 18.617
I4ghts, see Equipment, Generally, this Index
Driving under influence of, Sec. 18.407
Open liquor in motor vehicle prohibited, Sec. 18.406
Littering of streets, generally, Sec. 18.1504
Loading zone, definition of, Sec. 18.127 (h)
IvI2rg:L."1.g traffic, definition of, Sec. 18.132 (a)
Meter, see Parld.p..g Meter, this Index
Mirrors, Sec. 18.1116
Mobile equipment, definition of Special, Sec. 18.133 (m)
I!bturcycles, Generally, Article IX
Definition of, Sec. 18.133 (g)
Equipment of rider, Sec. 18.901 (1)
License fee, Sec. 18.903
Licensing, Sec. 18.902
Punistment of violators, Sec. 18. 904
Renting, Sec. 18.902
Definition of, Sec. 18.111
Prevention of noise or smoke, Sec. 18.1115
Narcotic drugs, Sec. 18.1W7
Noise, prevention of, Sec. 18.1115
}Jo-passing zones, Sec. 18.615
Obedience to
Police officer, Sec. 18.202
Trafr-lc-control devices, Sec. 18.301 (a)
Traffic laws, generally, Sec. 18.202 through Sec. 18.205
Driver? S ,i'"lew:l Sec. 18.1208 and 18.1502
PuttiT,g glass on street, Sec. 18.1504
Sale of merchandise, Sec. 18.813
Spilling loads on high1'Jay, See. 18.1204
~raffic, Sec. 18.813
One-way roadways
Definition of, Sec. 18.127 (c)
Regulations concerning, Sec. 18.616 (a)
Operator, definition of, Sec. 18.116 (d)
Overtaking, see also Passing, this Index
School bus, Sec. 18.614
Vehicle on left, Sec. 18.610 through Sec. 18.613
Vehicle on right, Sec. 18.611
Owner, definition of, Sec. 18.116 (e)
Parking, Generally, Article VIII
Definition of, Sec. 18.114
Penalty, Sec. 18.831
Prohibitions, Sec. 18.816
No parking any time, Sec. 18.823
No parking, snow removal, Sec. 18.822
Alley, Sec. 18.817
Cab stands, Sec. 18.818
Curb, Sec. 18.814
Fire lanes, Sec. 18.829
Leased vehicles, Sec. 18.830 (1)
Loading zone, Sec. 18.819
Night, Sec. 18.827
School hours, Sec. 18.826
Sunday, Sec. 18.824
Time limits, Sec. 18.828
~10 hour, Sec. 18.828 (a)
One hour, Sec. 18.828 (b)
Fifteen minute, Sec. 18.828 (c)
Truck loading and parking, Sec. 18.820
Vehicles for sale, Sec. 18.821
\ATeekday, Sec. 18. 825
Parking meters, Generally, Sec. 18.830
Deposit of coins, Sec. 18.830 (e)
Inst.al1ation, Sec. 18.830 (i)
PenaltYJ Sec. 18.830 (k)
Proceeds, Sec. 18.830 (j)
Tampering with, Sec. 18.830 (g)
Time limits, Sec. 18.830 (e)
Use of slugs, Sec. 18.830 (f)
Zone, definition of, Sec. 18.127 (j)
Passing, see also Overtaking, this Index
Vehicles, in opposite direction, Sec. 18.609
Pedestrian, Generally, Article XIV
At crosswalk, Sec. 18.1402, 18.1403, and 18.1405
Definition of, Sec. 18.116 (f)
F.itchingrides, Sec. 18.1406
On roadway, Sec. 18.1407
Subject to traffic signals, Sec. 18.1401
... .....
Penalties for misdemeanor, Sec. 18.1511
Person, definition of, Sec. 18.116
Phrases - see words and phrases, general, this Index
Planking edge of pavement, Sec. 18.1203
Police Officer, Sec. 18.116 (g)
Obedience to, Sec. 18.202
Private drives and driveways, entering highway from or emerging from,
Sees. 18.701 and 18.807
Property, definition of, Sec. 18.117
Property line, definition of, Sec. 18.118
Public building, definition of, Sec. 18.119
Public way, definition of, Sec. 18.127 (1)
Push car , definition of, Sec. 18.120
Racing, see Drag Racing, this Index
Racing of motor
Definition of, Sec. 18.121
Unnecessary, Sec. 18.1115
Certain vehicles rrBlst stop, Sec. 18.804
!\1oving heavy equipment, Sec. 18.805
Definition of, Sec. 18.122
Signs or signal, Sec. 18.113 (a)
Train, definition of, Sec. 18.123
Reckless driving, Sec. 18.408
Red light, running, Sec. 18.302 (c)
Right-of-\\18.Y, Generally, Article VII
Blind pedestrian, Sec. 18.709 and Sec. 18.1404
Definition of, Sec. 18.124
Emergency vehicles, Sec. 18.702
Entering highway from private road, Sec. 18.701
Entering intersection, Sec. 18. 703
FUneral procession, Sec. 18.708
Left turn, Sec. 18.704
Merging traffic, Sec. 18.707
Pedestrians, Sec. 18.709 and Sec~ 18.1404
Blind, generally, Sec. 18.1402
Stop intersection, Sec. 18.706
Yield right~of-way, definition of, Sec. 18.135
Roadway, see Streets, this Index
Definition of, Sec. 18.127 (m)
Rotary traffic islands, Sec. 18.616
Safety zone, definition of, Sec. 18.127 (n)
Schedules, Appendix, Article XVI, generally
School bus
Approaching, overtaking, and passing, Sec. 18.614
Definition of, Sec. 18.133 (b)
Special lighting equipment on, Sec. 18.1112
Stopping on highway, Sec. 18.810
Secretary of State, definition of, Sec. 18.116 (h)
Selling merchandise upon the street, Sec. 18.813
Shopping center, definition of, Sec. 18.125
Sidewalk, definition of, Sec. 18.127 (0)
Signs and signals, General, Article In
Caution, Sec. 18.303 (b)
Definition of, Sec. 18.113
Flashing, Sec. 18.303
Hand and arm, Sec. 18.606 and Sec. 18.607
Interference with, Sec. 18.305
Pedestria1 control, Sec. 18.302 (g)
Railroad, Sec. 18.113 (a)
Requirements for, Sec. 18.605
Signal device, Sec. 18.606
Stop. '..
, Flashing signal, violation of, Sec. 18.303 (a)
Sign, violation of, Sec. 18.706
Temporary, Sec. 18.307
Traffic control signal legend, Sec. 18. 302
Train, approach of, Sec. 18.803
Unauthorized, Sec. 18.304
Yield sign, violation of, Sec. 18.706
Soliciting rides, Sec. 18.1406
Speed restrictions, Generally, Article V
General, Sec. 18.510
Minimum, Sec. 18.501
_ Elevated structu~s, ,Sec.' 18.502
."Ei]ergs::ncy venicles, Sec. 18.503
Implements, Sec. 18.504
Passing schools, Sec. 18.505
Railroad crossings, Sec. 18.506
Residence districts, Sec. 18.508
Tract.ors,. Sec. 18. 504
Trucks, Sec. 18.509
Urban district, Sec. 18.507
Violation of, Sec. 18.511 and See.. 18.512
Squealing of tires, see Tires, this Index
Definition of, Sec. 18.126 (a)
In business districts, Sec. 18.808
Business district, Sec. 18.808
Definition of, Sec. 18.126
Emerging from alley or private drive, Sec. 18.807
Illegally stopped vehicles, Sec. 18.809
Person on highway, Sec. 18.813
Residence district, Sec. 18.808
School bus, Sec. 18.810
Signs, Sec. 18.806
Arterial, Sec. 18.127 (a)
Definition of, Sec. 18.127 et seq.
Striking tmattended vehicle, Sec. 18. 405
Stunting, definition of, Sec. 18.128
Taxicab stand, definition of, Sec. 18.127 (q)
Terminal, definition of, Sec. 18.129
Tickets, see Traffic, this Index
Time51 official, Sec. 18.112
Definition of, Sec. 18.130
Equipment, Sec. 18.1118
Squez~, Sec. 18.1115
Types, definition of:
Metal, Sec. 18.130 (a)
Pneumatic, Sec. 18.130 (b)
Solid, Sec. 18.130 (0)
Too fast for conditions. See Accidents
Touring, definition of, Sec. 18.131
Tow~ vehicles, Sec. 18.1205
Tractors, types, definition of:
Farm, Sec. 18.133 (n) (1)
Road, Sec. 18.133 (n) (2)
Truck, Sec. 18.133 (n) (3)
Control devices. See Signs and Signals, this Index
Definition of, Sec. 18.132
Laws, obedience to, Sec. 18.202 through Sec. 18.205
Obstruction of, Sec. 18.813
Violation tickets, Sec. 18.1509
Definition of, Sec. 18.133 (a)
Types, definition of:
House, Sec. 18.133 (0) (1)
Pole, Sec. 18.133 (0) (2)
Semi-, Sec. 18.133 (0) (3)
Stinger-steered semi-~, Sec. 18.133 (0) (4)
Traveling too fast for conditions. See Accidents
Trucks, use of warning flags, Sec. 18.1119 and 18.1201
Curve or crest of grade, Sec. 18.603
Intersections, Sec. 18.602
Prohibited, Sec. 18.601
Signal required, wee. 18.605
Abandoned. Generally, Article XIII
Definition of, Sec. 18.133 (a)
Cling:.ng to, Sec. 18.1506
Definitions of, Sec. 18.133
Discarded, Sec. 18.1303
Emergency, Sec. 18.503
Definition of, Sec. 18.133 (b)
Entering from private drive, Sees. 19.701 and 18.807
Impounding, Sec. 18.1304
Motor, definition of, Sec. 18.133 (i)
Opening doors, Sec. 18.1210 and Sec. 18.1503
Penalties, Sec. 18.1305
Projecting loads, Sec. 18.1206
Protruding members of, Sec. 18.1207
Public passenger , definition of, Sec. 18.133 (j)
Re.stricted operation of, Sec. 18.1209
Rural mail delivery, definition of, Sec. 18.133 (k)
Towed vehicle, Sec. 18.1205
Unattended, Sec. 18.815 and Sec. 18.405
Vlords and phrases, definition of, See. 18.101, et seq.
Definition of, See. 18.131.1
Regulations, See. 18.1202
Yield right-of-way. See Right-of-way, this Index.
. ,
SECTION 2 : That Article Six of Chapter. 25 of the Municipal Code
of Mount Prospect .of 1957 be and is hereby repealed in its entirety.
SECTION 3: That all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in
conflict wi ththe provisions of this oI'd:inance are hereby repealed, except
that this ordinance shall in noway affect arrests and/or complaints filed
for violations. of the former Chapter. l8c occuring prior to the passage arid
approval of this ordinance in. the rnannerprovidedby law.
. S~QN,4t . That . the Village Clerk be and is hereby directed to
PtlbiLiSh the. tore~ing Traffic Cod~ inparnphlet form, pursuant to the statutes
of the State of IllinOis, made and provided.
SECTION 5: 'Ibis ordinance shall be in full force. and effect from
and after its passage,approval and publication in the manner provided by
PASSED this ~ J ;tV'/- day of
APPROVED this?-I 'V4 day of
· Village Clerk