HomeMy WebLinkAbout0733_001I. IL MINUTES COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE OCTOBER 289 1986 ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. Present at the meeting weree, Mayor Carolyn H. Krause -P Trustees Ralph Arthur, Gerald Farley, Leo Floros, Norma Muraus,kis, George Van teem and Theodore Wattenberg. Also present at the meeting were: Assistant to the Village Manager Michael Janonis, Public Works Director Herbert Weeks, Village Engineer Chuck Bencic and Frank Wellwerts'partner in the engineering firm of Baxter and Woodman. Also present were two persons from the print media. MINUTES The Minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting of October 14, 1986 were accepted and filed. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD Public Works Director Herbert Weeks presented Trustee George Van teem with a plaque commemorating his participation in the annual Snow Plow Rodeo held on Saturday, October 18, at the Arlington Park Race Track. Trustee Van teem was entered in the Elected Officials' portion of the Rodeo.. I IV* PROPOSED SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN Mr. Bill Abolt, Project Coordinator for the Northwest Municipal Conference, reviewed the Conference's proposed Solid Waste Management Plan with Trustees, Mr. Abolt started by say'Ing, that he Conference was continuing, to pursue attempts to locate a ba,lefill waste site on land in uni'ncorporate,dl Hanover Township,. He continued, that the siting of the balefill in northwest Cook County was critical to Conference, members maintaining control over the project including cost and environmental safety. Mr. Abolt also reviewed with Committee members the advanced technology surrounding the balefill process as opposed to the traditional open garbage dump and why this technology would address many of the legitimate concerns raised by people fearful of siting such a facility near residential areas. Mr. Abolt also explained that the balefill facility was a relatively short-term (10--15 years) solution and that the Conference would continue to study alternatives to landfills such as resource recovery, recycling and 'incineration. Mr. Abolt indicated that the Management Plan would be up before the Conference Executive Committee for a of on November 12 and he urged the Vlllageto support the Plan. Mr. Abolt also requested' that the Village consider favorably an expenditure of $7,800 to the Conference for the purposes' ofpursuing the balefill strategy. Discussion among Committee members was favorable to the Conference's position. Trustee Ralph Arthur, who sits on the Sona Waste Transition Team, indicated that the solid waste issue was approaching crisis proportion and that it was in the best interest of the Village to aggressively pursue and support the Conference's Plan,, Consensus among Committee members was to appropriate $7,800 for the Conference's continuing activities in the area of solid waste. V. GEORGE AND ALBERT STREETS IMPROVEMENTS Mayor Carolyn Krause reviewed with Committee members and residents present the history of the proposed improvements in the George and Albert Streets area. Specifically, the Mayor stated that the request for improvements to the streets and drainage in the area was initiated through the residents in the area. Based on that expression of interest, the Mayor called a meeting in the spring of 1986 for the purpose of determining residents' support for moving ahead with the necessary improvements. used upon a hand vote at that meeting, it was decided that the Village would contact all residents in the area and request a formal vote as to whether residents in the area desired improvements to the curb, gutter and drainage in the area. The result of the vote showed a slight majority in favor of proceeding with the improvements. At a subsequent Committee of the Whole meeting, in the spring of 1986, the Mayor and Board of Trustees directed the Public Works Director to secure detailed engineering drawings of the necessary work along with cost estimates. The Mayor further stated that the purpose of this evening's meeting was to hear the Engineer's report and to review the cost estimates. No formal action would be' taken as to the project this evening. Mr. Frank Wellwerts, Senior Engineer/Partner of the engineering firm Baxter and Woodman, made a short presentation to Committee members regarding the engineering aspects of the proposed project. Briefly stated, Baxter and Woodman proposed to install low profile rolled curb and gutter along the edge of the road as well as grinding down of the existing road surface and laying a new surface. The width of the road would be increased some six feet to a total width of 27 feet back of curb to back of curb. Additional inlets would be installed to handle storm water run-off and new driveway aprons would be installed on each affected property. Mr. Wellwerts "Indicated that because of the extremely flat nature of the area the proposed improvements, at a cost of approximately $625,000 were the most cost effective way to remedy the drainage problem now being experienced there. Additionally, Public Works Director Herbert Weeks indicated that because of the critical grading problem that he had requested that Baxter and Woodman provide a quote for 100% engineering services. Such service would cost approxi. mately $60,000. Mr. Weeks felt that this expense was necessary due again to the critical nature of the grading in the area. ri Initial discussion among Committee members raised the question as to the equity in the proposed 50150 split in the cost of the projecto Several Committee members saw the benefit to the residents as being greater than that of the Village as a whole. They questioned whether on an equity basis the residents receiving the improvements should pay a greater portion of the cost than was presently being proposed. Staff was 'instructed to compile data with regard to how past Special Service Areas and other joint projects were split. Several residents from the area spoke regarding their general opposition to the project and the fact that some of the general maintenance costs such as repair to inlets and laterals should not be charged against the residents as it was their feeling that these costs were more properly part of the Village's ongoing maintenance of streets. Additionally, it was determined that construction would take approximately five months. There was also concern expressed regarding whether the additional cost was tax deductible, whether the improvements would tr,igger a, re -assessment of the individual properties and whether the total cost now estimated at approximately $4,200 could be paid off immediately. Mayor Carolyn Krause indicated that she would seek specific answers to these questions raised by the residents and would respond to the questions when she had informationO Discussion among Committee members resulted in the decision to hold this matter over until the next Board meeting on November 5 for the purposes of further discussion on the question of the sharing of cost between residents and the Village. V1,41 MANAGER'S REPORT Assistant to the Viltage, Manager Mike, Janonis reported that property acquisition in the "TAX INCREMENT' FINANCING DISTRICT was proceedingo Mr. Janonis, indicated that four of seven, properties had been acquired, 'that two were under negoti*,attion and that no progress, had been made on the final parcel, Mr. Janonis also stated that until the size, of the projec't was, determilined,, based upon, eventual - It wi land, acquisition,, that further discuss,ton th developers, was not feasible. Fi1nally, Mr. no is indlicated' that the recent Tai: 'Reform leg.1"Slat,ion put the viability of future TIF Bonds into q,uestlon.. He, Indica,ted that staff would be review IRS regulat, , tons, and guidefines in order, to make a determination as to future funding mechanisms. Mr. Janonis also reported to Committee members that elected officials, staff and the consultants working on the PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY had met on two occasions to develop the schematic design of the facility. Mr. Janonis indicated that the final meeting with public officials was scheduled for Thursday, October 20, 7:30 am., in the Trustees' Room, V11e ANY OTHER BUSINESS There being no further business tolr-be discu'ssed, the Committee moved on to the next item of business. VULADJOURNMENT There being no further business to be discussed, the meeting was adjourned at 9:54 p.m. MEJ/rcw Respectf ully submitted, MICHAEL E -w JANONIS Assistant to the Village Manager