HomeMy WebLinkAbout0658_001......... .. . .... .... MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT May 19, 1987 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Krause called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Present upon roll call: Mayor Carolyn Krause Trustee Ralph Arthur Trustee Gerald Farley Trustee Leo Floros Trustee Norma Murauskis Trustee George Van Geem Trustee Theodore Wattenberg INVOCATION The invocation was given by Trustee Floros. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trustee Wattenberg, seconded by Trustee Arthur, moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees held May 5, 1987. Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Farley, Floros, Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays: None Motion carried* APPROVAL OF BILLS Trustee Floros, seconded by Trustee Van Geem moved to approve the following list of bills: General Fund $555,536 Revenue Sharing Fund 3,934 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 21,982 Community Development Block Grant Fund 2,931 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund 36,842 Waterworks & Sewerage Fund 47,139 Parking System Revenue Fund 1,813 Risk Management Fund 71,574 Capital Improvement, Repl. or Repair Fund 5,006 Corporate Purposes Construction Fund 1973 11 Special Service Area Construction #5 114,696 Downtown Redevelopment Construction Fund 1,209 Flexcomp Trust Fund 4,720 Escrow Deposit Fund 31,123 Firemens Pension Fund 4,545 $884,461 Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Farley, Floros, Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays: None ROLL CALL APPROVE MINUTES APPROVE BILLS Motion carried. Trustee Floros, seconded by Trustee Van Geem, moved to accept the financial report dated April 30, 1987, subject to audit. Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Farley, Floros, Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays: None Motion carriedF COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS - CITIZENS TO BE HEARD BI CENTENNIAL Don Weibel, Chairman of the Mount Prospect BiCentennial COMMITTEE Commission along with the other members of that PRESENTATION Commission presented the Mayor with Official BiCentennial Community flags, a pen and a plaque from the National Commission. Mr. Weibel announced various activities planned in connection with the celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the Constitution. PRESENTATION: CNBC' PROGRAM TORISHIN RESTAURANT 1584 S.BUSSE RD. ZBA 1 O -V-87 113 S. I-OKA BRENTWOOD SUBDIVISIONt PROM CH.16 MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Kraus.eintroduced r Barnes of HUD who presented the Village with a plaque acknowledging the Village's excellence in administration of the Communit DevelopmentBlodk Grant Program., noting that M6'unt Prospect has used the limited funds to the best advantage. Hal,,Pred.ovIch, Chairman of1the Business Development and Redev, loiDment. Commission presented Certificates ofExcellen6e' to the various businessmen that partIcIpated 'in the program to improve their establishments, Mayor Krause acknowledged'the contributions of Ken Fritz, Direc'toof.Ec,Pnomic Development for the Village, noting the many hours and dedication necessar to make this program such a success'. The Torilshin Restaurant, 1584 South Busse Road, has had a change in the structure of ownership of stock and in accordance with the Vl*llaqe Code this change must •- • .. # • # by the Village Board. It was the consensus of,the Village Board that the 6 requirements of this establishment��, which holds a Class liquor license, have been met by 'informing them of the change 'in stock ownership. Mayor Krause made the announcement that the Fire Department will be hosting an Open House on June 1st in recognition of obtaining a-Clasls,II fire ratinq. Everyone is invited to attend, OLD BUSINESS ZBA 10 -V -87f 113 South I -Oka It was, noted that the Petitioon6x in this case, is requesting a variation to permit a Floor Area Ratio of .402 instead of the permitted .35, hat by their own motion requested that the case be withdrawn. An Ordinance was Presented for,second reading that would grant a modification from the Development Code, folr the development known�as the Brentwood Subdivision, Simonsens Nursery, to permit the required detention facility to be nearer to a building than the normally i -The Plan Commission required 75 foot separation* recommended approval of this request bv a vote of 7"1. Trustee Arthur, seconded by Trustee Farley, moved for passage of Ordinance No. 3781. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING MODIFICATIONS FROM THE DEVELOPMENT CODE FOR PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE BRENTWOOD SUBDIVISION Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Farley, Floros, Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays: None Motion carried. Page 2 - May 19, 1987 -p9TJJRD UOT401 9UON :S AVN bj9qu944vM 4maaD uvA 4STXSnPinW 4sOJOTd JA9T'vd 'Jnq4JV *s9AV :TTPD TTOJ uoda -90UPUT . Pao Uv go S6UTPPqj OM4 BuTjinbei 91nJ 9q4 9ATPM 04 PGAOW Jbiaqua44pM 994snal Aq PqpuO09S JA9TJPa 994SnJI J39UOT4T49d aq4 go 4senbei aq4 q -i eo-S go 9qoA P Aq UOT4VTJPA ST114 BUT4UPJ6 P9pU9UIW009J sTpaddV JO PJPOe BUTUOZ a 6 0 0 0 9141 'P9JTnb9j 499j OL atp uvq4 jaLl4vi '95VIV5 9144 'BUTPITnq J .0 AOSSa0V UP PUV "9=14 Si.79UOT4T^49cl 9q-4 "f:)UTp-[Tnq 41 - TT*vd�ouad HONVW P uaatAqaq Xopqqas 4000 V V MOTTV 04 UOT4VTIVA 9 4UP15 )aaso*dd VLE PTnOm 4vq4 6UTpP9J qSJTJ jog paquesead s�m ;0UPUTPJ0 Uv L8 -A -5L V9Z jouPW 4oadsoad VLE 'L8 -A -SL VBZ -p9TJJPO UOT40W 9uON :SAPN 5jequ944Pbj Jw9aD UVA 'STXsnpinW Isojola 'Aaliva Jjnq4jV *saAV :TTpo TToj undo UIVH,l OD aM HLnOS M SV MORN AqNOWWOO 7UHHdONd Wa SNOILVIUVA DNIINV'df) aDNVNIG`N0 NV ULE -ON 90UPUTPIO go 96vsspd 8LE OON*G*dO JOJ P9AOW J5j9qu9qqPt4 994snil Aq popuooes iinLl4jV aa4snil a I Oil 11911&�� V quox :SARK 5jeque44P14 Jw99D u JsT5tsnvjnW Jsoiola JAeTiva Jinq4jV :saAV -.TTvo TToi uoda -90UVUTPJO UP JO S6UTPP9J OM4 6UTJTnb9a alni 9qq 9ATVM 0-4 P9AOW 46j9qu9q4vM 994snil Aq papuooes lw99D uvA aa4snil 'J9UOT4T49d aqq go qsanbei aq4 4V -0-G JO 940A v Aq 4senbei STq4 6UT4UP16 P9Pu9ulWO09J STPeddV go papog BUTUOZ 9ql *40T J9uJOO V ST A4jadoid qoalqns aq;L '9UTT 6UTPTTnq ivai aq4 puoAeq pua4xa TTTm Puv qBTq 4999 9 aouej v qTuijad 04 UOT4PTJVA P 4UP16 )D WS CZ6 pTnom qvq4 BUTPP91 4SITJ jog paquesaid SPM 90UPUTPJO UV LB -A -VL V9Z TiPJI 09 9M 114nOS EZ6 'L8-A_8VL VSZ -P9TJJP0 UOT40W quON :SAPN BjaquaqqpM JW99D-UVA JSTXsnpinN JsojoTa 'Aaliva Jjnq4jV :saAV :TTPO TTOJ uodn sioNiqui JIDRdSOUd INnOW aO Hf)VUUIA alll aO (SGN09 NaZIIID N0IJiVI0HNddV rlVlIdVO) VL86t SHINES 'SGN08 N0IlVDIrI90 rivuamao ao aoNvossi HHl DNIZI'HOHIDV aoNVNIGHO NV Z8LE -ON aDupuTpao go 96psspd JOJ P9AOW ijnlq4jv aaqsnil Aq papuwas ;A9TIva aaqsnil :141JTDV,a SXJOM DTTqnd mau 9tJ4 JO UOT4oni4suoo SGNOS q4TM P9ATOAUT S4SOD aq4 JO UOT4Jod P pung TTTM qDTqM 'SPUOE )IIVIZ)H,dClclv U9ZT4TD UOTqPTo9jddV 1p4idpD go 90UPnSST 9q4 aZTJOq4nP Nazilio PTnom 4vqq 6uTppaj puooes jog paquesaid SVM 9DUVUTPJ0 UV ORD.NO. 3784 Trustee Farley, seconded by Trustee Wattenberg, moved for passage of Ordinance No. 3784 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A VARIATION FOR PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 314 PROSPECT MANOR Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Farley, Floros, Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays: None Motion carried, ZBA 17-V-87 ZBA 17-V-87, 506 Marina 506 MARINA An Ordinance was presented for first reading that would grant a variation to permit a rear yard of 14 feet instead of the 25 feet required, The Zoning Board of Appeals recommended granting this variation by a vote of 5* 0. At the request of the Petitioner,, Trustee Arthur, seconded by Trustee Van Geem, moved to waive the rule requiring two readings of an Ordinance. Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Farley, Floros, Murauski4s, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays: None Motion carried. ORD.NO. 3785 Trustee Arthur, seconded by Trustee Wattenberg, moved for passage of Ordinance No. 3785 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A VARIATION FOR PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 506 MARINA Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Farley, Floros, Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays: None Motion carried, ZBA 20-V-87 ZBA 20-V-87, New Public Works Facility PUBLIC WORKS An Ordinance was presented for first reading that would grant variations from the side yard, rear yard and to reduce the number of parking spaces required. The Zoning Board of Appeals recommended approving these requests by a vote of 5-0. This Ordinance will be presented for second reading at the next regular meeting of the Village Board on June 2nd. MELAS PARK Melas Park Plat of Subdivision PLAT OF The Melas Park Plat of Subdivision was presented. SUBDIVISION This plat creates a lot of record for a 7 acre (PUBLIC WORKS parcel to be obtained by the Village from the MSD FACILITY) and will be the located of the new Public Works Facility. The Plan Commission recommended approving this Plat by a vote of 7-0,. This Plat will be presented for approval on June 2nd. KATHCON PLAT Kathcon Plat, of Subdivision OF SUBDIVISION This subdivision creates 9 single family lots. The property being the subject of the division is located immediately north of Crumley Basin on the east side of Busse Road. The Village Board approved the Preliminary Plat last month. It was the recommendation of the Plan Commission to approve this final Plat by a vote of 7-0. Page 4 - May 19, 1987 L86t J6L APW - S 96ea *O -L go aqoA P Aq UOTSTATpqns STq4 JO TPAOjddP papuamooel UOTSSTMOD UPTd qlqLZ OS9UI04 ATTMVJ 9 T bUTS JOJ PJ009J ;OoSq* I OT 8 94P910 PTnom UOTSTAT. asodoid aql 'UTSVS A9TIUnjo aq-4 go qqjoU p�opqns p is 4snl u* assna ISIAIGSnS do q4nos JO 9PTS 4SOM aq4 Uo pa a 4POOT ST. Awaaoid 4oa[qns lqd INVIGaHa atil epa4u9said SRM UOTSTATpqnS 90 4PTd TUPTP9JJ a 9ql 6 0 0 a *6UTPP9J 4SJTJ JOJ PUZ aunr paquasaid aq ITTM 90UPUTPIO UV *P9TJJPO UOT40N OUON OSAPN 6jaquaqqvf4 smagg uvA 'STXsnvjnW JsojoTaAOvalinq4jV :eq AV :TTVO TTOJ uoda *40TJ4sTP TVTqU9pTS9j J&TTu"eJ 9TBUTS 't --doff. X -H Wojj bUTU*OZ9,z paqsanbaj qxJq qUvj6 04 PqAow J6jaqua4qvf4 994sniL Ag papuooas Jjnq4jV ae4snal *000JOOE$ 04 OOJSEZt ulOJJ 6UTbUPJ S4SOO q4TA samoq moqsno aq pTnom quamdoleAeIII sTqq jog pasodold sauiotl aq4 4vq4 pe4ou svm 4, *Dvs aP Tno Oq4 04 TP'PvJ 40u OJv 4vq4 Ovs OP TnO 944 uo sOUTT 40T MOTTv 04 (E'pue !4U9M9JTnbaJ UOT4U94ap 9-4TS-UO 9lq4 94'eUTWTle (Z !49aj 009 0 a 04 mnmTxpui 499J OOS aqq paeoxe 04 Ovs ap Tno v go lq46ua-[ 0 aq4 4Tmj9d o4 (L i- i_ aq pTnom apoo 4uawdol9AOG 9q4 UIOJJ SUOT-4VOTJTPOUI e9JT44 -4PL14 pa4V4S JJOJ4TW OJW -umvJPtl4Tm ATT91OT;JO aq 4uewdOT9A9G 4Tufl P9uuvTd v go ain4vu 9M4 �T";DSO IleTOadS P 10; LB -OS -6t Vez 4vq4 pa4sanbai osTv svm 41 -pjvAaTnoS 4STnbuuo, a JJ0 ssaoov aAPq pTnom Xvmpvoj aql -sapTs tpoq u SaWOq aq4 q4TM AVMPPOJ 9q4 JOJ JTVq UT Taoied aq4' 6UTPTAT a w XTTPOTsvq Aq sOuIOq ATTuIPJ 9TBUTS SZ 4monj4suoo o4 aq PTnO 0 Tvsodoid mau atll OS9=qUMi4 JOJ 4S9nb9J STq BUTddoi• 9JOJ9J9q4 'ATTMVJ aT6UTms JL -H 04 X -H wo.7i A4�adoj qoalqnS OL14 9UOZ-aJ 04 UOT4T4ad ST'q PU9UTe 04 PJPO ab;TTTA 9q4 o4 4sanbai vOp94qTuiq;s JOUOT4T 6 0 . 4 - 94TS 9JOP L STq4 JOJ 94VTjdoiddp aYom aq p1nom -4uauidOT9A9 ' ATTWPJ •0 0 - p •9T5UTS 4Pq4 BUT4V4S qsanbaj alq4 Auap 04 AISnOWTupun papuawwoo;.x PUP 9SPO STq4 pjvalq sTpaddV go PIPOS BUTUOZ at" -sawoqUM04 ZV UOT4onjqsuoo 04 19UOT4T49d 9t14 JO Tvsodoid 9,q-4 svm 0 41 *ATT,uIPJ-1,4Tnui JE.,a o4 lUOT4VX9UUP uodn PaUBTSSP UIOJ 6UTUOZ.9J 6UTqs9nbaj ST aSVO ST114 UT J9UOT4T49cl 9ql 8-nS-6t VSZ L8 -Z -8L V9Z 4v A4jadoid JJ014TW 'L8 -IIS -6L VSZ PUP L8 -z -8L VEIZ H SSHKISOMRN -P9TJJPD UOT40W a a 9UON :SAPN 6jaquaq4vM 'weeD uvA 'sT3[snvjnW isojola JjnqqjV :saAV :TTPO TTOJ uoda 0 JA9TIPa -UOTSTATpqnS go 4via uooqqpx aqq uo ainqpuBTS 19q 4SO44P 04 419TO PUP UBTS 04 JOAPW 9114 9ZTJOq-4-nv o4 paAow 16jaquaqqpM aaqsnil Ag papumas Jjntl4jV 9*94snil Trustee Arthur, secondedbyTtustee Wattenberg,moved toauthorizeMayor • •Clerkto attest her signature on • « . of'Subdivision. Upon roll Ayes: Arthur, Farley, Florost Wattenberg Nays:'None Page 6 - May 19, 1987 Motion carried. BONDS An Ordinance was presented for first reading that would PUBLIC WORKS authorize the issuance of bands necessary to finance the FACILITY construction of the Public Works Facililty. This Ordinance will be presented June 2nd for second reading. FLOOD , CONTROL: A Resolution was presented that would support the flood LAKE ARLINGTON control project relative to the Camp McDonald Creek commonly known as Lake Arlington. REH.NO. 19-87 Trustee Farley, seconded by Trustee Wattenberg, moved for passage of Resolution No. 19-87 A RESOLUTION' SUPPORTING THE CAMP MC DONALD CREEK FLOOD CONTROL PROJECT Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Farley, Floros, Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays: None Motion carried. TREMONT PLACE:: Certain sewer and water mains have been installed ACCEPT as part of the Tremont Development at Old Orchard, IMPROVEMENTS formerly known as The Vistas project. In accordance with the requirements of the Village Code, the Village Board must official approve accepting these improvements. The staff report stated that ,all work was done to their satisfaction. Trustee Wattenberg, seconded by Trustee Arthur, moved to accept the specified improvements relative to this phase of development of Tremont Place* Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Farley, Toros, Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Na.y s : None Motion carried. "PILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT HEWER CAVE=-IN John Fulton Dixon, Village Manager, presented his HENRY STREET report noting that a recent sewer cave-in on Henry Street between Lancaster and. Waverly will require the Village Board to authorize the funds for repair. Mr. Dixon stated that dine to the fact that this sewer is extremely deep, it would be most cost efficient if the repairs could be made by reenfo rc ing the main from the inside with a new material developed for such a break. If the repairs ,are made in the conventional method the entire ,area would have to be dug up and would actually increase the cast of repair. The request is to authorize the most efficient method of repair at a cost not to exceed $26,0000 Page 6 - May 19, 1987 L 8 6 L J 6 L AVIq - L 9 Bled NOIIVDIliq JO UOT4sanb aq4 uo 4uauibpnl AJ04PJPT09P P UTv4qo o4 japio, 9 OON vauv UT UOT4PbT4TT 9 0014 P9JV ;OTAJ9S TVToadS 9LI4 04 9AT49191 [A*dHS rIVIDHdS s4uapasinq sea UITOJ TTTbl OBVITTA 9q4 A9UOw 90 4uno T 0 a um 9LI-4 UO 4TMTT P aovTd oq pipog 96PTITA Ot[4 pe4sanbaj UOXTG OIN -p9TJJVO UOT40W quoN :SAVN 6j9quaq4vM Jw99E) uPA 'STXsnpinW JsojoTa JAeTiva Jjnxl-4jV :saAv :TTvo lloi uoda 0000009J8s paeoxe oq qoU 4SOO P 4V 499J4S 9UTd UO 95piPE) sXjol4 oxlqna atp moi; Xuv4 SPb UOTTV6 OOOJOL aq4 9AOW9J 04 AIVSS909U 3[20A 9114 qZTJoXJ4nV 04 P9AOUl JanxlqjV 994snjL Aq papuooes JW99D UVA ;94snil *00*009'8t JO TV404 P JOJ 00*009JE$ V9JV OX14 BUTJ04SOJ PUP 00*OOSJE$ J:KUP4 9q4 BUTAOM83 J00*09S'L$ 1:4UV4 9XI4 6UTA4diva 9ATOAUT 4SOO 91qL -pa�dn000 a a 0 ST A4TTTOVJ SXJObJ DTlqnd mau axlq IT4un sxl4uom 9L jaq4ou-e jog to pasn aq Aluo pTno� 41 4vtlq 4ovl exp o4 anp 4T aovTdai a DNIGUIDS 4OU PUP 5(UV4 9XI4 9AOM91 o4 spung 9q4 9ZTjolq4ne pivoo qxJq MOM DiriElficl pa4sanbaj J969uvlq 96PTTTA 9q4 PUP P94PJOTJ94aP SPq XUP4 0 Woua XNVIL STqJ -abvjpD sXJOM OTTqnd atlq qp XuP4 svb uoIT-eb OOOjOL SVD aAOWHU v go jTvdaj aqq 9zTlOxl4nv 04 969TTTA 9lq4 Pa:KSV UOXTG -JW -PqTJJPO UOT40W STXsnvinN :sAvbl -lwq�D uVA JsOJOTa 'A9TJVa JanqqjV -.s9AV :Tlpo Iloa uoda 4SAWAP-eOl UTR4J90 JO 9OUVU94UTVM 102. 96PTITA alq4 PUP UOT4V41odsuvil go 4uewqjpdaa STOUTTTI axp uaam-49q 4u9w99ibV aq4 ;0 UOT4noaxa azTaoqqnv 04 paAom 'bje,qu94qPM 994snal Aq papuooe; JAeliva �aqsnjl ,LOGi *SjvaA Meg 4spd aq4 JOJ 9DTqoejd exp a IONVNHLlNlvw uaaq spTq sp JAPM-JO-S4q6TJ 94P4S JO 9OUVU94UTVUI OUMSSV 04 7,VMHDIH 969TTTA aq4 9ZTjoxlqnv PTnOm -4v94 paquesaid s -em 4uawqqa6v Uv 9UON SA'eiq 6j9qua44PM lwaaD u lsi,XsnvinW lsoaola JAeTiva JanqqjV :s9AV -.TTpo TToa Uodn *86*091SL$ P990x9 04 40u 4sOD P 4V U06PM UOT4P4S upqjnqns v go asvqojnd aq4 OZTjoq4nv o4 peAom Jw99D uPA aaqsnal Ag papuooes linqqav 994snil U06 -IRM UOT4V4S upqanqnS 90*zS9JSL$ 4910JA9qD 90602 -HO 49TOJA9qD PPOL u101 uo6.ef4 UOT4V4S upqjnqnS 0 86*L95JSL$ 4910'Aa'13 90602 -HO 4910JAOqD JO-44vrl -48oz) T9POW 19PPTE[ NODVM NOUVIS 4u9ui4jPd9G 9ITa 9q4 JOJ UIOBVM UOT4P4S upqjnqns v aoj NVSHnSaS Pc-)AT900J SPTq 6UTMOTTOJ aqq pa4uesajd J96VUPW e6vTTTA 9ql 8 f 0 m -PaTilvo UOT40W auoN :SAPK baaqua44PM imeaD upA IsTXsnvinW Jsojola JAeliva linq4jV :SaAV :TTRO TTOJ uoda -49ei4s AJu9H uO uT-9APO james etlq go iTedai Aouabjawa aqq jog 000' 9Z$ go 9�n4Tpuadxa use azTjoq4n*-e o-4 paAow J6jaquaq4vb& aaqsnil Ag papuooas IsTXsnvj;w aa4snil whether signatures on a petition can be withdrawn. Mr. Houchins, named as Defendant in this issue, presented the Village with a bill for $2,000,00 he had paid as a retainer to a law firm to represent his interest in this case. The Village Manager had obtained quotes from various attorneys and it was their opinion that the legal costs to the Defendants should not exceed $2,000.00. It was Mt. Dixon's suggestion that the Village Board place a cap of $Z,0001.,00 on the amount to b,e telmbursed by the Village,. Trustees Van Geem and Floros stated that they did not feel a limit ;should,be imposed on the Defendants when the Village has not such limit on its legal expenses in the 'issue. Assistant to the Village Manager Michael Janonis stated that while the Defendant has retained an attorney, no pleadings have been submitted on behalf of the Defendant to date. Trustee Arthur, seconded by Trustee Wattenberg, moved to place a cap of $2,000.00 relative to the Special Service Area No. 6 legal expenses in determining as issue of law, namely whether *signatures on petitions can be withdrawn by those individuals who signed the original petition. A letter shall be sent certified mail to Mr. Houchins and his attorney informing them al of the $2,000.00 limit 'imposed. Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Farley, Murauskiisr Wattenberg Nays: Floros, Van Geem Motion carried. ANY OTHER BUSINESS TIF It was announced that the Manager, Mayor and Director of Planning and Zoning will be conducting a meeting relative to the Tax Increment Finance District with the residents and businessmen of the area, FOREST RIVER Mr. Dixon announced that discussion is continuing FIRE PROTECTION between the Village and the Forest River Fire DISTRICT Protection District in order to work out an equitable fee in order for that District to continue receiving emergency fire protection services. FLOOD INSURANCE Mayor Krause requested the Village Manager to look into having an information meeting for residents effected by the flooding last year relative to, flood insurance and what they options are for such coverage, BOXWOOD AREA It was also noted that the Village Manager will research the possibility of the Village receiving federal funds or bonds in an effort to rehabilitate the Boxwood area. ADJOURN ADJOURN Trustee Arthur, seconded by Trustee Murauskis, moved to adjourn the meeting. Upon roll call: Ayes: Unanimous Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:26 P. M. Carol A. Fields Village Clerk apTsqno jog pjpA apTs (it) 4CO3 auo P J96PI04S apTsqno pup sBuTPTTnq 95pjoqs log p,pA jpgj (.0) 4009 ojaz P qqTm Aqjadoid 40alqnS aqq uo 6UTPTTnq TpdTOTunw P JO U0Tqonj4suoD 9q4 mOTTP 04 STOUTTTI J4oad;ojd qunoW'gm 0 a 0 0 9POD 96PTTTA 9q4 90 V L jaqdpqo 30 IIX 9TOT4JV go S*EOZZ UOT409S PUP JSOZZ UOT409S OS&ZOZZ U0Tq0aS JDS ZOZZ-VL UOT409S 04 4Dadsai g4TM pa4san�9J UOT4PTJPA aqq Aqjadoid 4oaCqnS 9LI4 04 qupj5 AqajaLl qoadsoid unoW ;o aBPTTTA aq4 JO saaqsnil go pipoS PUP -4u9PTs9l(:l al-Ij. :'ob4i, No i I o a s -q3adsojd qunoW go aBPTTTA aq4 go saa4snal go pipoS PUP 4uaPTS91d 9q4 Aq qopj JO S5UTPUTJ SP UT919XI pa4pjodj03UT Tajaq aJP aAoqputlqjoj qaS s J 0 TP4TDaage :aNO NOII09S : smo quo a sv JSIONIUUI JAINOOD MOOD 11DRdSOUd INDOW aO HDVUqIA aMI aO SaalSDIII aO QUVOS GNV INEGISaNd RHI AS 09NIVGHO II ag 'allOaaldaHl MON *UO14VTJPA Jog 4sanbaa v a 9LI4 4uPJ6 04 a6PTTTA 9144 JO qSaJ94UT qsaq aT44 UT aq pTnom 4T 4VL14 SPUT; jaLlqjn; PJPOS STL14 PUP JGPOD 96PTTTA 9LIq go t j9qdpqD go IA 9TOT4JV JO 909-tL UOT409S UT LI -4109 4aS SPIPPUP4S 9114 SaTjST-4PS allIPS 9144 4PLI4 P9UTUI-79-49P aAPII PUP 4sanbaj UOT-ET. atJ4 04 UOT4PIaPTSU00 jaxlqjnj U9AT6 9APtl 0 6 6 a6PTTTA aL14 JO saa-4sni;L go pipog pup quepTS91c, aq-4 PUP 'UOTqVTI'eA paqsanbai aT4-4 MOTTP o-4 qoadsoacl -4unoW go 96PTTTA aqq go saaqsnal go pipog pup 4U9PTS9Jd 9tJ4 04 SU0T4PPU9UIW009J pup SBUTPUTJ SqT Pa44Tuiqns SPLI STPaddV go pjPoS 6UTuOZ 9tJ4 'SVgHaHbj 0 Pup !L86T 'TTjdv go �pp q4vL aqq uo PTe,,.ja,H boa so d qunoW 9LI-4 uT P914STTqnd J09-ID114 9DT40U jadoad pup anp off. qu-ensind IL86T 'TTjdV JO'kep 1440E 9LI,4 uo qoadsoid qunoW go a6PTTTA 9q4 go sTPaddV JO PIP09 5uTuoZ aqq ajojaq (L8 -A -OZ VaZ -ON asvo sp qpa4puBTsap) sanbai UOT4PTJPA 9qq UO PTDLI SVM BUTJP9q OTTqnd P JSV. 9 8 aHaHm pule !VL ja4dPqD JO IIXX 9TOT41V JO SOZZ'tt pup JS4S0ZZtL JD*ZOZZ*tL J9*Z0ZZ6VL UOT-409S 0-4 4Uensind saovds BUTNI-ed (VZ L) jnoj-Aquamq paipuntl auo go tunUITUTUI P PUP J (%08) 4u9oaad A4q6T9 JO OTqPl abPjaAoo qoT P uinlUTXPUl P ; PIPA IPA 9PTS (10E) 4000 A4JTLI4 P*JPJPA J'e9J (10E) 4000 K4JTLlq P 6UTJTnb9j 9STMIaLl-40 43TJ4STP'6UTU0Z V UT144TM J(%t8) -4uaoiad ono j-A4Lj5T9 go 0TqVJ 8. a5'e'9A00 -40T P PUP Jsaopds 5uTXjPd (ELL) U9a4ITtI4 paipunT 4 auo J9UTT Kqjadoid qsaM aTqq UO 6UTPTT�q 96pio4s jog pjpA apTs (,OL) 40og ' 0 9q P 19UTT Aqjadoid 4SPH 9144 UO PaIP BUTsuadSTP P log Pj-eA apTs (,9z) 0 . 9uT.TOsP6 400J XTS-AqUaMq P PUP 9UTT Aqjadoid 4spg aq4 uo a6pjoqs apTsqno Jog PIPA apTs (it) 4001 auo P J95PI04s apTsqno pup S6UTPTTnq 96PI04S 109 PIPA IP91 (,0) 4009 OJ9Z P 144TM Awadoid 4oa4 lqn'S aT4-4 a UO BUTPTTnq TpdTOTuniu P go UOTqoniqsuoo atlq moTlp o'STOUTTTI 1 0 a 4 l4oadsoid qunoW go 9POO a5PTTTA aL14 90 VL i9qdPtj3 go suoTsTAojd BUTMOTTOJ 9q-44 UIOJJ UOTqPTIPA P SXT99S JaUoqTqad IsVe 6 9 0 0 TdaHm asVii '4TqTx2j,aaS :SmOTTOJ sp paqTJosap sT Aqjadoid qoalqnS aq4 JSVaUaSM 4 0 pup ,,(,,Aqj9dojd qoa[qnS,, aq-4) STOUTTTI 44oadsoid qunoW go 96PTTTA 9t14 UT ppou assns 4P T-e'qU90 go apTs qWON SP UmOU4 ATUOWwOD A4jadojd o4 qoadsaj 114TM UOT4PTIVA Jog UOT4PDTTddp up P9TT9 spq qoadsoad qunow go 96PTTTA 'sV9HaHm a & SIONIUUI 410adSOHd INnOW AO a0VUUIA alll NI GVOH assns IV avow WHINHO aO aGIS HIHON SV NMONX AUNOWWOD AlHadoUd NIVIHaD Hod NOIIVIEVA V ONIINVED aDNVNIGUO KV ON aDMVNIGNO P ' age •2 ZBA 20-V-87 storage on the East property line and a twenty-six foot (26') side yard for a gasoline dispensing area on the East property line, a ten foot (101) side yard for storage building on the West property line, one hundred thirteen (113) parking spaces, and a lot coverage ratio of eighty-fout percent (84%), in accordance with Exhibit "B", attached site and landscape plans. SECTION THREE: Except for the variation granted herein, all ...­ .:-1 ­' other applicable Village of Mount Prospect Ordinances and Regulations shall remain in full force and effect as to the Subject Property. SECTION FOUR: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. PASSED and APPROVED this day of ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK 219M )1000 UT 2UTUUt2aq go ;aouTd aqj ol qqaj CC* *STOUTIJI 64junoo . I Asea pl, P S �?uojv qlno*s a-Dueqq C9�'7 ';u"v ,,(III :10T pies JO :1991 SZ090+7 3S9M aqj go 9U,.tl See aql ol 19aJ 179 - Z9 L 90 aDue 1 s TO p v C C UO 11 O9 S Pees eS g 0 9U - I :L q1nos aqj Rlim 191TPed lsam aoua i q, ,g U*1LI i11(31, 301 p1t,ps laa JO allTI Isam aql. qjTm, 1911vied qljou aouaq; 3999 OST g'O OZMejSTp tj qlnos aqi u U01109s Pius go auqjim, 19ITe 0 4, jed Asea aouaq4 ijaawg Z6Z 90 aDuelsip v 6j,(114 :JOT PTUS go allTT Isam aql: qlTm 19TTeaud Pue 9,0 Asea 19ag 68 8001 alITT 10T P'TPS JO aull asam aqj qjjm Plus 2uoTe ql,.Iou aouaqj 0 lalTeaed Pue go qsea la9g 68.8001 allTI V i UT juod. e of jagg i79* Z09 JO 93UPISTP� 9 'CC U01:10 -9S 0 PiBS go 9UTI qlnos aqj qlTM jallejed Isea acw9#41 .,,all IOT # pies 9 0 3993 SIZ.,�O,� l, s am a qj 9 0 9u TO see a qj C C not joaS Pips go auTT qnoaqj p 90 4li0U 49ag 00*0g OUTI V go U01109S3,91UT aqj V 2uTUutaq Kq, paqiaosap96ZLIT9 -ox-ivawnoo(j ivLT6T 'ZZ 4ew pa,P3009.1 uelpij,am I v d, T OU lad pajqi aqj go qsug 'IT a2ue-a Iqlaotq Zi7 diqsumol" U,oT:jOqS Pue UUPTPjJ9Ua Zed T gut ad patqj atqj go v Ise g 'T11 92Ue'H, 'qiaoN p7 dTqT TI PUP 01 SUojj:)sumol U 09S go siaed JO UOTSIAlpqns e 'UOTSTAjpqnS s,jgoqoaiX # f 0 0 0 a UT Qdot go lied :Ieqj, ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $4r725F000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 19873 AND $425,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 19870f OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1, Authority and Purpose. This ordinance is adopted pursuant to Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution of 1970 for the purpose of financing (i) the acqui- sition and construction of a new public works facility to be located at Melas Park in the Village, including the acquisition of land as the site of the facility and the acquisition and installation of furnishings and equipment (the "Public Works Facility"), (ii) the purchase of a fire truck and computer equip- ment (the "Equipment Purchases") and (iii) the acquisition of land, the construction of sidewalks, street lighting, landscaping and related improvements within the Village's District No. 1 Tax Increment Redevelopment Project Area (the "Redevelopment Projects"), The foregoing improvements or purposes are each hereby authorized to be made or undertaken by the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois. Section 2, Authorization and Terms of Series B Bonds, To meet part of the estimated cost of the Public Works Facility described in Section 1 of this ordinance and the costs of issuance of the bonds authorized by this Section, there is hereby appropriated the sum of $4,425,,000. To meet part of the estimated cost of the Equipment Purchases described in Section 1 of this ordinance and the costs of issuance of the bonds autho- rized by this Section, there is hereby appropriated the sum of $300,000. For the purpose of financing said appropriationsir general obligation bonds of the Village shall be issued and sold in an aggregate principal amount of $4,725,000, shall be desig- nated "General Obligation Bonds, Series 1987B" (the "Series B Bonds"), and shall be issuable in the denominations of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof. The Series B Bonds shall be num- beted consecutively from 1 upwards in order of their issuance and may bear such identifying numbers or letters as shall be useful to facilitate the registration, transfer and exchange of Series B Bonds. Unless otherwise determined in the order to authenticate the Series B Bonds, each Series B Bond shall be dated as of the interest payment date next preceding the date of issuance there- of, except that (a) if such date of issuance shall be prior to the first interest payment date, said Series B Bond shall be dated as of June 1. 1987r (b) if such date of issuance shall be an interest payment dater said Series B Bond shall be dated as of such interest payment date, or (c) if interest due on said Series B Bond shall not have been paid in fully then notwithstanding any of the foregoing provisions, said Series B Bond shall be dated as of the date to which interest has been paid in full on said Series B Bond, The Series B Bonds shall mature on January 1 in each year shown in the following table in the respective princi- pal amount set forth opposite each such year and the Series B Bonds maturing in each such year shall bear interest at the re- spective rate per annum set forth opposite such year: -2- #, - E aq4 Jo APP ggST aqq uo ssauzsnq Jo asoTo aq4 90 sp 'sea4sT69J puog aqq go aoT;;O gsnz4 a4eaodzoo TedTouTjd aqqe asodand Mans aOJ a6eTTTA 9q4 1 q pauTRgUTeuz sNooq uoT4ez4sT6al aq4 uo 6uTieadde joaa9g4 p1009s .40 sJauMo paJ94ST692 aq4 oq a4ep 4uamAPd 4saz94uT goes uo aTgeAed aq TTegs spuog g saTJ9S aq4 ua gsaJa4UI -spuog g saTzaS aqq iog qua6e 6uTARd pup JPJgST6aJ Puoq se pa4UToddp hgaaaq ST goTgM 'sTouTTTI 'o6eoT1q:) Jo AqT:) 9u4 UT 'o6eoTq:) go AueduzoD gsnzs pup s{ueg TeuoTgeiq ueoTaaury go aoTJgo 4sna4 a�ezadaoo TedTouTjd aqq 4e joajag4 JapuaJIns pine uoT4P4uas9jd uodn TOT19UIV go sa4e48 pa4Tun aq4 90 hauauz TnjmeT UT aTge ed ag ZTegs spuagLL g s9T29S 9q4 uo 'AUe JT 'MnTWazd pine 90 TpdTouTjd aqs •p9uTur1949p uTazaq uznuue zad segpa aqq 4s T ATnf pine T Aienuer goes u0 za4Jeazag4 ATTenuueTwas pup 886T 'T Aienupr uo eoTjaW go s94?4S p94Tun aq4 go hauom TnJmeT uT aTgpAed pup sgquom Opp 0£ anT9m4 ;0 6uTgsTsuoo leap 4ep 09€ p go sTseq aq4 uo pa4ndmoo '94ep sqT WOO; gsaaaquT aeaq TTpgs puag g,s9Tl9S goes -00011Otz 9002 0001000 S00z 00o'08Z VOOZ 000'STZ COoz 000'S6T Z00Z 000'o9z ToOZ o0o'0LT O'Oaz 000'99Z 666T 00040SZ 866T 000'SSE L66T 000'99E 966T 000'0SE S66T oao'GEE f66T 000'SZE E66T 000'SSZ Z66T 00010Zz T66T 0ao'SSZ 066T a 000'OoT$ 686T gsaja4uT go 94p23 qunou'T Tp TOUTJd zeal calendar month next preceding the applicable interest payment date. Interest on the Series B Bonds shall be paid by check or draft mailed to such registered owners at their addresses appear- ing on the registration books. The Series B Bonds maturing on or after January 1, 1999 shall be • to redemption prior • maturity at the option • the Village and upon notice as herein provided, in inverse order of maturity and by lot within a single maturity, on January 1, 1998 and on any interest payment date thereafter, at a redemption price equal to the principal amount thereof to be redeemed plus, if such Series B Bond is to be redeemed during any year shown in the following table, the applicable redemption premium, expressed as a percentage of such principal amount, set forth opposite such VITAL Year of Re,deM ion 1998 1999 2000 2001 Redemption Premium 2 % lz 2 In the event of the redemption of less than all the Series B Bonds of like maturity, the aggregate principal amount thereof to be redeemed shall be $5,000 or an integral multiple thereof and the bond registrar shall assign to each Series B Bond of such maturity a distinctive number for each $5,000 principal amount of such Series B Bond and shall select by lot from the numbers so assigned as many numbers as, at $5,000 for each number, shall equal the principal amount of such Series B Bonds to be redeemed, The Series B Bonds to be redeemed shall be the Series B Bonds to which were assigned numbers so selected.- pro- -4- O _S TTS' Jo uoTgduapaJ aq4 Jo aaTg0U J94JP puog g saTJaS AUS 95uagoxa 10 19gSua14 04 paJTnbai aq 40u TTvgs JVJ4ST59J puoq aql JOaJag4 aTdT4Tnw Te'694uT AUP 10 000'Sta go uaTgPUTuiouap aq4 90 pup A4TJn4?ui 9MTT go Spuog g saTJaS 'paJapuaJ -ins os puog a SaTiaS aqJ go aoupTaq pamaapaiun aq4 Jog 'j09iag4 iaumo aq4 o4 95Jpgo 4nOg4Tm 'spu0g g SaTJaS gonS go zapuaiins aqq uodn tianTTap pine 94poT4uaggnE TTP9s JVJgST593 puoq aq4 pup aqnoaxa TTvgs 95?TTTA aq4 `puog g SaTiaSP 90 uOT4a -dwapaJ jog umpap aq TTa'gs ai9g4 3= *aTgPAPd amooaq pup anJoop 04 asaao TT?gs 30aJ9q4 suoTgiod J0 Spuog g SaT.JaS Bons uo 4sa -ia4UT a4PP uOTgdwapaJ aqq Jaggy pup woi-4 uag (JauMa paJa sTSaJ Aup Aq joaJag4 gdTaoaJ TEn4oa 90 ' iOPT 9q4 Jo uTaJag4 40agap AUP SuTpu �sq�Tc� Ou pua} PTPSaJO-;e sa PaTTauz uaaq anEq TTags uOTq -duiapai* jo aoT'.ou gT pua Ja4ep pTps uo quauiAed cans Joh aTq'TTPna aq TTPgs 'a4PP uOTgdmapai aqq oq gsaia4uT ggTM Jagga5o4 pameapal aq oq joaJagq SuOTqiod Jo spuog g saTJaS aq4 TTS o aoTJd UOT4 --dwapaJ aqq fro quamAed jog sAauow ' a4ap uOT4dwapaJ atlq uo i 3T pup 'pad.?uSTsap uTaiagq a4PP uOT4dwapaa aqq uo aoTJd uaTgdmapaJ aTgP -oTTdds aqq qa aTgahEd pup anp amooaq TT?gs 9oT40u pTPs uz paT3T -pads Joa=ag4 SuoT4Jod ;o Spuog g s9TJ9S aqs -s3iooq uoT4PIgSTSai PTA's uo 5uTipaddp sassaJppP 4STT JTagq qP paumapai aq o4 spuog g saTzaS Jo SJauMO paJ94ST5aJ 9q4 04 uoTgduzapaz eons Joh pax-rg a4PP aqq 04 JOTJd sheep 09 usg4 910m Jou sAVP 0C ua144 ssaT fou PaTTew aq TT'sgs spuog a saTias go uoT4durapaj aqq go aoT40N *paoaTaS as pueT 04 pau5TSSP Jaquznu gosa Jog 00019t Tama TTS'gs SE pauiaapaz aq TT?gs Puoa E SaTias goea go 4unouza TadTouTid aqq go gonui os ATuo 4Pg4 paPTA or a portion thereof has been mailed. The bond registrar shall not be required to transfer or exchange any Series B Bond during a period of 15 days next preceding the mailing of a notice of redemption which could designate for redemption all or a portion of such Series B Bond. Section 3, Authorization and Terms of Series C Bonds. To meet part of the estimated cost of the Redevelopment Projects described in Section 1 of this ordinance and the costs of issuance of the bonds authorized by this Section, there is hereby appropriated the sum of $425,000. For the purpose of financing said appropriation, general obligation bonds of the Village shall be 'issued and sold in an aggregate principal amount of $425,000, shall be designated "General Obligation Bonds, Series 1987C" (the "Series C Bonds"),, and shall be issuable in the denominations of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof. Series C Bonds shall be numbered consecutively from 1 upwards in order of their issuance and may bear such identifying numbers or letters as shall be useful to facilitate the registration, trans- fer and exchange of Series C Bonds, Unless otherwise determined in the order to authenticate the Series C Bonds, each Series C Bond shall be dated as of the interest payment date next preced- ing the date of issuance thereof, except that (a) if such date of issuance shall be prior to the first interest payment date, said Series C Bond shall be dated as of June 1. 1987, (b) if such date of issuance shall be an interest payment date, said Series C Bond shall be dated as of such interest payment date, or (c) if inter- est due on said Series C Bond shall not have been paid in full, _6- 4 TpdTDUTjd aq4 qp asodind guns 30J 95eTTTA 9144 Aq P9UT?jUTPlU sNooq a 6 UOTqPZ4STB@3 9q4 UO 5UTapadde joa3aq4 pjooel 90 SJaUMO Pa3a4ST5a3 aqq of 94ep 4u9uiKPd 459194UT qova uo aTqpAvd aq TTPqs spuoe 0 6 S9TaaS S9T19S 9q4 UO 4SajaJUI 'SPUOS 0 9tlq 30J 4U95P 5UTAvd pup a a a IVJ4STBa3 puoq SP P94UToddv Aqaaaq ST qOTqM 'STOUTTTI '05VOTtIO 90 UT 'OBPDTqo go Aupdwoo qsnal pup NueE TPUOTqPlq A4TO 9q4 0 0 UVO T J 9MV 01 a JO 90.TJJO 4sniq aqPaodjOO TPdTOUTjd aqq qe joa3aq4 iapuaa 6 -ins PUP UOTqp4uasa3d uodn POTIaUrV JO Saq?qS p94TUa aq4 go AqUom TnJmPT uT aTq?Aed aq TT?qs sPuOS 0 saT.39S aq4 90 TedTOUTid aqj UT 'p9UTUIJ948P aJaq uinuue Sad sa4pa aq4 qP T ATnr pup I Ajpnupf 0 0 qD?9 uO 194gea39q4 ATTPnUUPTU19S PUP 886T JT Ajpnupr uo RDT291UV 90 sa4P4S Pa4TUrl 9q4 90 AaUOW TnjmPT uT BTqeA?d pup sq4uoui Alep 10 OC 9AIaMq JO T BUT4STSUOD I?aA Avp 09E P go sseq aqq uo paqndwoo a a a la4PP S4T mOIJ J9S qDPa S9T qS9JaqUT apaq TTPqs PUOE 0 0 a 0001,09 866T 000,99 L66T 0001I55 966T 000-I99 S66T 0001I99 V66T 0001I55 E66T % 000106t Z66T 4sa3a4uj go aqp-d 4unOUIV TpdTOUTICI *ap@A Bons aqTsoddo q43oj q9s uinuuv aad a4e3 9ATqoadsa3 9q4 4E 4S@la4UT jeaq TTPqs lead T4OnS qD?9 UT BUTinqew spUoa 0 SaTieS aqq pup jeaA Mons qDea aqTsoddo qqjoj qas qunows TsdTDUTjd 9ATqoadsaa atlq' UT 0 a 9 0 9Tqeq BUTMOTTOJ 9qq UT UMOqS 3e9A qDe9 UT T Ajenupr uo (UOT4dwapaj IOTjd JO UOTjdo 4noggTM) a3n4pua TT?qs sPUOE 0 SaTJ@S @Lljj 'PuOE 0 S9TIaS 0 & PTEs uo TTnj UT pTpd uaaq SPq 4$9394UT 4OT4M 04 94SP aT44 go sp paqpp aq TTeqs PUOE 0 S9TJaS 'SUOTSTAoid 5UT05a3Og 9q4 go AUP 5UTPUeqSq4lM40U U9T44 0 PTEs a 0 corporate trust office of the bond registrar, as of the close of business on the 15th day of the calendar month next preceding the applicable interest payment date. Interest on the Series C Bonds shall be paid by check or draft mailed to such registered owners at their addresses appearing on the registration books. Section 4. Sale and Delivery. The sale of the Series B Bonds and the Series C Bonds (herein collectively called the "1987 Bonds") to . as purchaser, at a price of $ and accrued interest from their date to the date of delivery and payment therefor, is hereby ratified and con- firmed. The official statement prepared with respect to the 1987 Bonds is hereby approved. The Village President, Village Clerk and other offi- cials of the Village are hereby authorized and directed to do and perform, or cause to be done or performed for or on behalf of the Village each and every thing necessary for the issuance of the 1987 Bonds, including the proper execution and delivery of the 1987 Bonds and the official statement upon payment of the full purchase price of the 1987 Bonds. Section 5, Execution and Authentication. Each 1987 Bond shall be executed in the name of the Village by the manual or authorized facsimile signature of its Village President and the corporate seal of the Village, or a facsimile thereof, shall be thereunto affixed or otherwise reproduced thereon and attested by the manual or authorized facsimile signature of its Village Clerk. # -6- pajaqsTbaa atlq Aq paqnoaxe ATnp pup JeJ4ST6aJ puoq aq4 oq Ajo4op; -ST4?S jagsuej4 go quauinj4SUT UaqqTIM e q4TM l9q4a5o4 JOqjqq4 iapuaiins uodn 16UTqTJM UT P9ZTaoqqne ATnp Aeuio44P STtJ Aq so uosiad UT joaaaq4 19UMO P9JaqSTBal aq4 Aq 'JeJ4ST6aJ puoq aqq go 90T.;JO -4sTij4 aqejodjoo TPdT0UTjd aqq 4e asodand qeqq jog 95eTTTA aqq Aq PaUTP4UTPW s�ooq UOTq?J4ST59j aqq uodn ATUO aTqeja;supaq aq TT?qs PuOE L86T LIDRa 'UTaJaq PaUTeqUOO lagSUeJq ;0 UOT4eJq 0 V 0 -ST69a JO SUOTSTAojd aqq off. 4oalqns 'alqeTqO69U aq TTeqs sPuOS 0 J 0 a 0 a L861 aql OAJ4ST59H pup a5ueiqox:g 4jagsueaj, *9 UOT409S -IRJqST5aj puoq aqq a Aq paqnoa*x9 ATnp uaaq aA?q TTvqs UOTqPDTquaq4np JO aqe0TJTqaa0 0 a 0 qons TTqun asodand Aue go AJ04PBTTqo JO PTTPA aq TTetls 10 a0uPu $I -TPJO qqbTl STqq japun 4Tgauaq JO a . due 04 P9T4T4u9 aq lleqs PUOE L86T ON 'I?JqST5aa puoq aqq Aq ATTpnupw paqnoaxa uoTqeoT4uaq4np ;0 94POTJTqjao v uoajaqq aeaq TT?qs PUOE L86T qD?a *sPuOE L86T 9q4 saqnoaxe OqM ZBDTJJO AUR qSUTPBe sPuOE L861 AuP go quamAsd aqq jog ppq aq TTPqs asanoo9a ON 'aOTg;O Mons PT9q aAeq qou Aeui uosied Mons PUOE L86T qons JO 94PP aq4 4? qPqq 6UTPUPqsq4TMqOu JaOT;;O jadoid eqq PTOq TTvqs 0 l4op qons go aqpp aqq uo loqm uosiad Aus 4q 95?TTTA 9q4 90 ;TPq -aq uo paqsa4qp 10 P9TV9S JpaUBTS aq AM PuOS L86T AUV -aDT;gO qons PTOq 04 PaseaD 40u PPq PuOE L86T qons uo sjeadde igoajaqq 9TTUITSOP; P 30 dainqPUBTS asoqm uosaad aqq jT se amps aqq 6 0 Isasodind TTe 10; 4UaTOTg;ns Pup PTTPA aq SsaT9q4JaA9u TTeqs PuOS L86T qons 'PuOE L86T 9q4 go 90T eoupnsST aqq ajogaq ;JO qons pToq 6 0 Oq 9SPeO TTsqs PUOS L86T AUP uO jeadde TTPqs J9jnq?U5TS 9SOqM ;0 9TTUITSDej P 20 JalnqPU5TS aSOqM IaDT;gO AUe 9SeD UI owner or his duly authorized attorney. Upon the surrender for transfer of any such 1987 Bond, the Village shall execute and the bond registrar shall authenticate and deliver a new 1987 Bond or Bonds registered in the name of the transferee, of the same aggregate principal amount, series, maturity and interest rate as the surrendered 1987 Bond. 1987 Bonds, upon surrender thereof at the principal corporate trust office of the bond registrar, with a written instrument satisfactory to the bond registrar, duly executed by the registered owner or his attorney duly authorized in writing, may be exchanged for an equal aggregate principal amount of 1987 Bonds of the same series, maturity and interest rate and of the denominations of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof., For every such exchange or registration of transfer of 1987 Bonds, the Village or the bond registrar may make a charge sufficient to reimburse it for any tax, fee or other governmental charge required to be paid with respect to such exchange or transfer, which sum or sums shall be paid by the person request- ing such exchange or transfer as a condition precedent to the exercise of the privilege of making such exchange or transfer. No other charge shall be made for the privilege of making such transfer or exchange. The provisions of the Illinois Bond Re- placement Act shall govern the replacement of lost, destroyed or defaced 1987 Bonds. The Village and the bond registrar may deem and treat the person in whose name any 1987 Bond shall be registered upon the registration books as the absolute owner of such 1987 Bond, 10- -SiBei puoq aql -qTnpjap JO aOU96TT59u UmO S4T joj qdaoxa S9T4np 0 0 S4T go aoupinaojaad aq4 q4TM UOT409UUOD UT aTqVTT aq 4OU TTPqs PUP a6PTTTA 9q4 go 4ua5le 9t44 ST .7P.14ST69.7 puoq aqj 'SPUOS L86T aq4 TT? 04 qoadsaa g4TM qnq P94PDTqUaqqn? OS PUOS L86T 9q4 04 goads -91 g4TM �TuO 4OU SUOTqeBTTqo pup S9T4np qons pa4daoop seg Pus 'qd9ooP o4 jamod 94TSTnbal TTe Seg 4T 4eq4 a5PTTTA 9tT4 04 p9T3 -T4JaD aAeq 04 pauiaep aq Tlpqs IPJqST59J puoq aq4 UOTqnoaxa qons Aq Pus 'PuOE L86T AAP UO UOTqPOT4uaqqne JO 94POTJT4laO aq4 6UTqno -axe Aq aDUVUTPIO STqq Aq qT uodn pasodUlT SUOTle5TTqo pup saT4np aq4 go aoupqdaooe S4T A;Tu5TOS TTPqs IPJqSTBal puoq aql 'SSaUTsnq saT4Tanoas TedTOTunm aq; ;0 SaOTqopid pup swo4sno Ispie -iou,e:iS 9T44 q4TM qU94STSUOO 19UURUI e UT 9OUeUTPJO STq4 Aq 4T uodn pasodUlT SUOTqe5Tlqo Pus S9T4np jatqo a;q miogjad Pus s�ooq UOT4 -PJ4ST59J a9doad UTeqUTVIU IP34STBaJ puoq aq4 4?44 9IT'nb92 TTeqs 0 a 40 d. 4T 4?q4 PUP a5U?qOX9 10 J92SUEII ;0 UOT4PlqST5aJ pup 4uauiAed ao; pa4u9said aq Apm SPUOE L86T ajaqm aosTd e ael4ST593 puoq qons go aDTJgO Pa4eU5TS9P aqq 4e UTPqUTPw TTTM 4T 4P'94 'SPUOE L86T aqq o4 4oadsai q4TM S9UITq lelqST5al puoq e UTPqaJ 0 0 TTV 4e TTetls 4T 4Pq4 s4uPuaAOO a5?TTT,A aql 'JeJ4ST691d PuO9 *L UOT409S '4J?14UO3 aqq 04 9DT40U hue Aq paqo9jgP aq TTPqS JV14ST59J puoq aq4 JOu abPTTTA aq4 J9q4Tau PUP JPT?d os sums jo wins aqq go 4ua4x9 9q4 04 PU09 L86T qons uodn 44TTTq?TT aq4 96JPqDSTP PUP 0 6 A;ST4?S 04 19PIO STq uodn io iaumo TPn4O@;99 Pus PTTVA aq TTPPS 0 pai9qsT5aa qons Aup oq appui os s4uauiAsd qons TTe Pus ijaAaos4pqm sasodind J9q4O TTP JO; Pus U09J9q4 gT 4SalaJUT 10 'AUP JuinTlUaid 0 0 0 '90 TedTOUTid aq4 'go qun000p uo jo J;o quauiApd 6UTAT9091 go asodand aq4 jo; J4ou io anpz@Ao aq TTeqs PuOS L86T qons jaq4ailm trar shall, however, be responsible for any representation in its certificate of authentication on the 1987 Bonds. The Village may remove the bond registrar at any- time. In case at any time the bond registrar shall resign or shall be removed or shall become incapable of acting, or shall be adjudged a bankrupt or insolvent, or if a receiver, liquidator or conservator of the bond registrar, or of its property, shall be appointed, or if any public officer shall take charge or control of the bond registrar or of its property or affairs, the Village covenants and agrees that it will thereupon appoint a successor bond registrar, The Village shall mail notice of any such ap- pointment made by it to each registered owner of 1987 Bonds with- in twenty days after such appointment. Any bond registrar appointed under the provisions of this Section shall be a bank, trust company or national banking association maintaining its principal corporate trust office in the State of Illinois, the City of St, Louis, Missouri or the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York. Section 8. General Obligations. The full faith and credit of the Village are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punc- tual payment of the principal of and interest on the 1987 Bonds. The 1987 Bonds shall be direct and general obligations of the Village, and the Village shall be obligated to levy ad valorem taxes upon all the taxable property in the Village for the payment of the 1987 Bonds and the interest thereon, without limitation as to rate or amount. JOJ 95PTITA 9q4 Aq p9UTe4UTeUl sooq UOT4el4ST592 aqq UO 0 0 0 BuTaeadde jaumo qons go sseappe aqq 4e laqpp 4uauiAed qSaJ94UT qons 6UTPaO -aid 4xau q4uOw 'ePu9TeD aq4 JO APP q4ST aq4 go Se joajaq pjooaj go 29UMO P9J94STBaJ # a44 04 PaTTew 49PIP jo Noaqo Aq IpTed uaaq aAe4 TTeqs urns TPdTOUTjd aqq TTqun JP9A qDe9 UT ATnr pup Aienuer JO SAPP qSITJ 9q4 UO J94JP9laq4 ATIPnUUeTUIaS PUP JT Aienuer 0 6 886T UO PDTJaUIV JO Sa4e4S paqTUrl aq4 UT 0 6 90 A9uOlu TngmeT . aTqeAed pup sLT4uOuI AvP OC 9AT9m4 go 5UT4STSUOD JP9A Aep 09E P JO STsleq aq: uo paqndwoo iaAoqe PaTjToads mnuuv jad 94 ea 4Sala4UT aq4 qe jOalaq a4PP aq4 wOJJ wins TPdTOUTjd qons uo 4SaZa4UT Aged off. pup 'aAoqe PaTjT0ads aqvp AqTjnqem aq4 uo SzPTTOC go inns TedTOUTad aqq 'SUBTSSe PaJ94ST691 10 IJ0929q JaUMO pajqq -ST59J atiq oq Aed o4 SaSTlUOjd Aqajatl PaATaD -9j anleA zoo pup p94q9pUT 0 JTaS4T Sa5PaTmOu')13e 'N000 go Aqunoo atJ4 UTa4vn4Ts STOUTTTI 90 a4P4S 9q4 90 .Tun aTnJ 9uIOq P Pup UOT4eaodjOO TedTOTunui P JjDadSoldd INDOW aO aDV7UIA aql aiva 2uiumvw aivE isaHaimi BL86T SaIHaS 'CINOS NOUVOI7190 qWaNaD l3acISO&I INDOW aO aDVrlrlIA Nook go Aquno:) STOUTTTJ go aqPqS 0 0 eOT19UrV JO 9 S94v4S pa Tu :Pa4UTad are SPU09 JH S9TJ9S 0 9 9q4 u9qm Pa49Tduioo ATQ4VTjdoiddP aq o4 SXUPTq aqq 'IUJOJ BUT,mOTT09 9q4 ATT?TqUV4S -qns UT aq TT?qs PUP spuoq P91a4ST59J ATTnj Sa p9nSST aq TT?qs SPuoa a SaTies aqL -SPUOS E[ S9T19S JO U130a -6 UOT408S such purpose at the principal corporate trust office of American National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago, in the City of Chicago, Illinois, as bond registrar or its successor (the -'"Bond Registrar"). This bond, as to principal and premium, if any, when due, will be payable in lawful money of the United States of America upon presentation and surrender of this bond at the prin- cipal corporate trust office of the Bond Registrar. The full faith and credit of the Village are irrevocably pledged for the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on this bond according to its terms. This bond is one of a series of bonds issued in the aggregate principal amount of $4,725,000, -which are all of like tenor except as to date, maturity, option of redemption and rate of interest and which are authorized and issued under and pursu- ant to Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution -of 1970 and under and in accordance with an ordinance adopted by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village on June 2. 1987 and entitled: "Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of $4,725,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 1987B and $425f040 General Obli- gation Bonds, Series 19870, of the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois." The bonds of such series maturing on or after January 1, 1999 are subject to redemption prior to maturity at the option of the Village and upon notice as herein provided, in inverse order of maturity and by lot within a single maturity, on January lf 1998 and on any interest payment date thereafter, at a redemp- tion price equal to the principal amount thereof to be redeemed �14- 0 r -ST- PUOS 9q4 04 A'.1043?gSTq?S 19JSUP14 go 4uauinaqSUT U944TJM P q4TM jaljqq6oq JvjqPT5aH Puoa qtjq JO aDTJJO 4snj4 aqpjodaOO TpdTDUTad 0 a 10 aq4 4e goajaq japuaiins uodn J5UTqTJM UT PaZTJOq4nP ATnp, Aeu -1041? STq Aq jo luosied UT J09laq J9UMO PaJa4ST59J aq4 eq s)jooq a 0 0 uoT4Pj4sT6aj Mans uodn STUO aTqpaajsuva4 ST puoq STqj a 0 It -aTqp4ed amooaq pup anaoop o4 aspao TTeqs joqjqq4 suoT4iod ao spuoq Mons uo 4saaa4uT 94sp uoTqdmapal aq4 194jp 6 & 9 PUP uI019 uaq4 (jaumo qdT paaaqsTBaj due Xq joajaqq aD92 Ten4op 0 10 90 ')[D?T 9q4 10 UTal9q4 409gap XUS 6UTPUPqSq4TM40U pUe) pTeSalo e 6 0 1 S? P@TTPUI uaaq 9APq TTP14S UOTIdinapaj JO aDT40U JT PUP da4pp PTPS UP quaiuAed goes JOJ 9TqeTT?Ae aq TT?qs la4SP UOTqdwapea 9q4 04 4S9JaqUT aq o4 joeiail:1 q4TM Ja44a5O4 'PawaaP91 SUOT4jod jo spuoq aqq TTe go BOTid UOTqdwapai aqq go quaiuApd jo sAauoui 0 6 9 '94?p UOT4duiapaj aq4 uo 'P9qeU5TS9P UT9Jaqq aqPP UOTq a ';T PUP 8 a 0 -divapaj 9q4 UO aDTad UOTqdmapai aTqPDTTddp aq4 4e aTq?Apd pue anp a 0 0 awooaq TTPqs 9DT40U PTPS UT PBTjToads joajaqq SUOT4aod jo spuoq aqj -s�ooq UOT4eJ4ST5al tons UO BUTaeadde SassaJPPP 4SVT ITaqq qP pameapai aq of spuoq JO SlaUMO P92aqST5al aqq 04 UOT4dwap -9j goes lOg p9XTg 94PP aqq 04 JOTid steep 09 upq4 ajoui sou step OC UPq4 SSGT 40u PaTTPW aq TTTM spuoq go UOT4duiapaj 9q4 JO aOT40N z T T z f T % z uinTU19ad UOT4divapaH TOOZ 0002 666T 866T Uo a. -d Ti4UlqPqH go araz goes a;Tsoddo q;jo; qas JqunOUI? TpdTDUTjd qons go a5e;uaDjad v 0 a se passaadxa liunTW9ad UOTqdmapaa aTq?DTTdds aq4 lajqP4 BUTMOTTO; aq4 UT UMOqS JPBA AUP 5UTjnp paivaapaj aq oq ST puoq goes gT JsnTd Registrar duly executed by the registered owner or by his duly authorized attorneyy, and thereupon a new registered bond or bonds, in the authorized denominations of $5,000 or any iniegral multiple thereof and of the same aggregate principal amount, maturity and interest rate as this bond shall be 'issued to the transferee in exchange therefore In like manner, this bond may be exchanged for an equal aggregate principal amount of bonds of the same maturity and interest rate and of any of such authorized denominations. The Village or the Bond Registrar may make a charge sufficient to reimburse it for any tax, fee or other gov- ernmental charge required to be paid with respect to the transfer or exchange of this bond. No other charge shall be made for the privilege of making such transfer or exchange, The Village and the Bond Registrar may treat and consider the person in whose name this bond is registered as the absolute owner hereof for the purpose of receiving payment of, or on account of, the principal, premium, if any, and interest due hereon and for all other pur- poses whatsoever. This bond shall not be valid or become obligatory for any purpose until the certificate of authentication hereon shall have been duly executed by the Bond Registrar. It is hereby certified, recited and declared that all acts, conditions and things required to be done, exist and be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond in order to make it a legal, valid and binding obligation of the Village have been done, exist and have been performed in regular and due time, form and manner as required by law, and that the series of -16- Ol -LT- XJ9TO a6PTTTA :qsa4qv 4u9PTs9Jd abPTTTA IDZdSOUd INnOW aO aDV7UIA IaDTJJO PaZT=44nV, Aa IP14ST69H PUOS Se JODVDIHO aO XNVdWOO ISQUI GNV MNV9 7VNOIIVN NVDIHaWV *90UPUTPIO P9UOT4U9UI UTq4TM 944 UT paqTIOSap 18L86T SBT198 SPU09 UOTqPBTTqO T`eJ9U9f) aq4 go auo ST puoq ST41 a 0 NOILVDIINaHlOV JO alVOIJIlHaD : Pa4ecl 01-129TO 95?TTTA s4T JO 91n4eUBTS 9TTMTSOe3 10 T?nupui aq4 Aq pa4sa44e pue uoajaq peonpoidai aSTMlaqqO 20 P9XTJ -je oqunaaaq aq oq '909laq4 9TTUITSOej P 10 'Teas aqeaodaoo s4T PUS J4u9PTs93d a6eTTTA s4T jo ajnq?U5TS aTTUITSDe 9 20 Tenuem aqq Aq JTvqaq sqT uO PUS 9WeU s4T UT paqnoaxa aq off. puoq STqq pasneo a & seq 4oadsoad qunoW go a5PTTTA aq4 'JOa-daHM SSaNlIM Ni OMPT Aq paqTjosaid 4TUITT jaqqo jo qqap AJ9Aa UTq4TM ST a5?TTTA 9q4 JO ssaupaqqap —UTO J9q4O TTe q4TM laq49504 4aUO ST puoq STq4 qDTqM JO spuoq ASSIGNMENT For value received the undersigned sells, assigns and transfers unto the within bond and hereby irrevocably constitutes and appoints attorney to transfer the said bond on the books kept for registration thereof, with full power of substitution in the premises. Dated Signature Guarantee: Section 10, Form of Series C Bonds. The Series C Bonds shall be issued as fully registered bonds and shall be in substantially the following form, the blanks to be appropriately completed when the Series C Bonds are printed: United States of America State of Illinois County of Cook VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND, SERIES 1987C INTEREST RATE MATURITY DATE The VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, a municipal corporation and a home rule unit of the State of Illinois situate in the County of Cook, acknowledges itself indebted and for value re- ceived hereby promises to pay to the regis- -18- '# -6T - UT pus japun pup OL61 go uoTqnqTqsuoo STOUTTIJ 9q4 JO IIA 9TDTqJV m JO 9 UOT409S 04 quensind pup japun panssT PUP PaZTjoqqne aie 0 & 0 qDTqM PUP 4S91a4UT go aqej pus AqTjnqpw Jaqep oq se qdaoxa, jouaq 0 0 aXTa T 90 TTp ale qDTqM 0 l000lszvt go qunOule TedTOUTid aqv6aj55P aqq UT pansST spuoq JO SaTlaS P go 9U0 ST puoq STLIJ 11 suil a q S4T 04 5UTPIODDS puoq STtJ4 UO 4S9Ja4UT m 0 PUP JO TsdT&OUTid aq4 go queuiApd Tvn4ound aq4 aOJ Pa6P9Td ATq-ec)o,&ai.7T 9.7P a6PTTTA 9q4 90 qTPaJO Pup q4TP9 TTng aqj -IPJ4ST5aH PUOE 9q4 JO aDTJJO qsnaq 94piodjoo TpdTDUTad aq4 4P puoq STqq go iapuaiins PUP UOT4eq -u9said uodn ROTJBUIV go UT Sa4P4S Pa4TUn 9q4 90 AauOw TnJMPT aTqP -Apd aq TTTM Ianp U914m TpdTOUTld off. se 'puoq STqL PuOE,, aqq) aossaoons s4T 20 J?JqST5a2 puoq se 'STOUTTTI 106ZOTq:) 90 A4TO aq4 UT 'OBSDTqo go Aupdmoo 4snil pup :qU?8 TPUOT4?N UeOT19UIV JO aDTJgO qsniq 94viodjoo jPdTOUTad aq4 4P asodind Bons 309 95L>TTTA 9q4 Aq p9UTPqUTVW s�ooq UOTq?JqST5a3 aq4 uo 5uTaeadde jaumo eons go ssaippe aqq 4p 'alep 4uamArd 4SBI94UT tons 5UTP9D 0 0 -aid 4x9u q4uOw lepuaTPO 9q4 90 ASP 94ST 9tT4 90 SP J09laq paooaj 90 JaumO Pala4sT.59J 9q4 04 PaTTeUl q;PJP jo ),joaqo Aq 'PTpd uaaq aAsq TTPqs urns TpdTOUTid 9q4 TTqun JPaA qDPa UT ATnr pup Ajenuer a 0 0 go SAPP 4SIT; aqq UO J949valaq4 ATTPnuuPTW9S & Pus 886T ."T A.7pnuer uO ?DT,J9wV 90 s94P4S P94Tufl aq4 90 AauOw TnJmPT uT aTqeAed pup Sq4uOm APP OC 9AT9M4 JO BUT4STSUOD JP9A APP 09E e go STspq aqq uo 0 0 0 pe4ndwoo 'aAoqs P9TgToads uinuup led aqpa 4S9Ja4UT 8q4 qP g09jaq a4Pp aq4 uioij urns TpdTDUTjd Bons uo 4Sala4UT Apd off. pup JaAoqp P@TgToads a4PP A4TJnq?uJ 9q4 UO SJ?TTOQ .go wins TpdTOUTad aq4 JSUbTSSe Pa2a4ST591 20 JgOal9q 19UMO palaq accordance with an ordinance adopted by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village on June 21 1987 and entitled: "Ordi- nance Authorizing the Issuance of $4,725,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 1987E and $425,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 19870f of the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois." This bond is issued for the purpose of financing redevelopment project costs in accordance with the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, as amended, constituting Division 74.4 of Article 11 of the Illinois municipal Code. This bond is transferable only upon such registration books by the registered owner hereof in person, or by his attor- ney duly authorized in writing, upon surrender hereof at the principal corporate trust office of the Bond Registrar together with a written instrument of transfer satisfactory to the Bond Registrar duly executed by the registered owner or by his duly authorized attorney, and thereupon a new registered bond or bonds, in the authorized denominations of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof and of the same aggregate principal amount, maturity and interest rate as this bond shall be issued to the transferee in exchange therefor. In like manner, this bond may be exchanged for an equal aggregate principal amount of bonds of the same maturity and interest rate and of any of such authorized denominations. The Village or the Bond Registrar may make a charge sufficient to reimburse it for any tax, fee or other gov- ernmental charge required to be paid with respect to the transfer or exchange of this bond. No other charge shall be made for the privilege of making such transfer or exchange. The Village and -20- 4 I -TZ- 4TUITT jaqqo ao qqap AjaAa UTL14TM ST 95eTTTA 9q4 go ssaupaqq9p, 0 00 -UTlaT440 ITS tMM 19q49504 J9UO ST Tq4 puoq StlDTqM JO spuoq 0 1 0 0 JO saTfl9s aq4 4vq4 PUP lmvT Aq P93Tnbaz S? laUUPUI PUS UlJOJ 49UIT4 anp pus I?Tn5al UT painjojaad uaaq 9APq PUP qSTXa lauop uaaq aAeq 0 0 95?TTTA 9q4 JO UOT4P5TTqo 5UTPUTq PUP PTTPA 'T?59T P qT 9�qeuI 04 a a a 0 a laplO UT puoq STqq go aournssT aq4 UT PUP oq quapaoaad pawjojaed 9 0 a a aq PUP 4STX9 lauop aq oq PaJTnbai S6UTqq PUP SUOTqTPUOO JS40P 0 & d, # ITS 4?q4 P91PT09P PUP P94TOaZ 1paTJT4190 Aqaaaq ST 41 0 0 a -JSJqST6a-d PUOS 9qq Aq paqnoexe ATnp uaaq aAPq TTvqs U091aq UOTqeOT4uaqqne JO 9q?DTgT4laO aq4 TT4un asodind Aue IOJ A2O4S6TTqo auiooaq 20 PTTPA aq 4OU TTsqs puoq STLIJ -jaA9os4vqm sasodand aaq4o TIP JOJ PUP U09Jaq 9np 4SalaqUT PUP TedTOUTid aqq Jjo 4un000p uo jo 'go quauaApd 6UTAT9092 go asodand aq4 JOJ J0929q 19umO a4nTosqe aqq Se PaI94ST591 ST puoq STq4 allIPU BSOqM lapTSUOD UT uosiad aq4 PUP qP9J4 APP JE14ST69H PUOS 9q4 0 0 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Village of Mount Prospect has caused this bond to be executed in its name and on its behalf by the manual or facsimile signature of its Village President, and its corporate seal, or a facsimile thereof, to be hereunto af- fixed or otherwise reproduced hereon and attested by the manual or facsimile signature of its Village Clerk. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICATION This bond is one of the General Obligation Bonds, Series 19870Y described in the within mentioned Ordinance, AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF CHICAGO as Bond Registrar By Authorized Officer Village President Attest: Village Clerk -22- 10 Ol cz- & SMOTTOJ Se J s9xP4 19-440 TTe 04 UOTqTPPR UT asodind qpq4 JOJ 4U9TDTggns xP4 TPT'uue 409:ITP 15UTPUP4s4no aq 0 TT?qs sPuOS L86T aq4 JO Au? 9TT4m 'PaX qDva uT. laBPTITA 9q4 UT A4aadoid alqpxvq aqq TTP uodn P9TA9T Aqaaaq a ST 9'9q4 dain4?ul TT?qs muss a'44 se JOalatT4 T?dTDUTld 9LI4 961VT40 ST 1 0 0 -sTp pus Apd oq pup anp STTV; amps 9q4 ss Pus u9qm SPuO2 L86T 0 9q4 UO 4S9294UT aqq Aed o4 palTnbaa Aauom aqq 6UTPTAoid go asod -and aqq ioa 'SaX?a; JO UOTSUaqXa PUP AA9q *TTUOT409S :994upapnD ainq?UBTS a Paqpa *SaSTW9jd aqq uT uOT4n4T4sqns go jamod TTn; a 1 0 g4TM 'JO91aqq UOT4PJ4ST69J joj 4daN s�ooq aqq uo, puoq PT?s aq4 lajsusiq 04 AqUI044S s4uTodds pup s9qn4Tqsuoo �TqpooAajIT Aqajaq pup puoq UTq4TM 944 o4un siagsupiq PUS SUBTSS? 'STTas pau5Tsiepun aqq PaAT9091 anTVA 10,j INaWNDISSv Tax Levy Year 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 A Tax Sufficient to Produce Interest or principal coming due at any time when there shall be insufficient funds on hand to pay the same shall be paid promptly when due from current funds on hand in advance of the collection of the taxes herein levied; and when said taxes shall have been collected, reimbursement shall be made to the said funds in the amounts thus advanced. As soon as this ordinance"becomes effective; a copl thereof certified by the Village Clerk, which certificate shall recite that this ordinance has been duly adopted, shall be filed with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois, who is hereby directed to ascertain the rate per cent required to produce the aggregate tax hereinbefore provided to be levied in the years 1987 to 2004, inclusive, and to extend the same for collection on the tax books in connection with other taxes levied in said years, in and by the Village for general corporate purposes of the Village, and in said years such annual tax shall be levied and collected in like manner as taxes for general corporate pur- -24- 10 9q4 5UTOUPUTJ jog pasn aq TTeqs Puna sP99001d PuO9 UL86T aq4 UT sAauOW '95VTTTA 9q4 go pung TvToads V Se P911STTqeqsa Aqazatl ST T4OTLJM „puna sP9a-001cl PuOEI EL86T., aq4 UT pa4Tsodep aq TTeq s (qSaa9qUT panaooe JO 9ATsnTOxa) SPUOS E S9T19S 9qq 90 ales 90 spaaooid aqq 90 TTV 'Puna SPaa0Ojcl PU09 OCT UOT408S '886T 'T Azenuer uo sPuO9 L86T aq4 uo anp 4Saa94UT 9q4 JO quamAed aq4 109 9PTAoid off. 4U9TDTggns 9q TTPqs 14S9394UT panaooe . 40 0 qons g4TM J9q49604 lqDTqM 49UOM go qunomp up lspaaooid puoS 0 L86T uPq4 jaqqo saoinos moag 'Puna aOTAJ9S 4qa(l aq4 UT 4Tsodap, 0 0 TTeqs a5?TTTA aq4 'sPuOE L86T 9q4 go aoupnsST aq q4Tm AT4Ual _jnouoD opunj aoTAjaS 4q9Q aqq UT paqTsodep aq TT?4s SPUOE L86T 6 0 aq4 go aoupnssT aq4 uodn PaATaDal 4SaJa4UT paniOOP TTV 'SPUOE L86T aq4 90 S9Tj9s qOva jog Puna aoTAjaS qqaQ aLI4 UTtlqTM squn000p 0 a 6 a aqeapdas qSTTqeqsa ARM 96PTTTA aql *986T go apoo anuaAaH T?uJ94uI aq4 japun pung 90TAJ9S qqap aptg Puoq e se paia4STUTMPV aq Tl?qs PUP aBPTTTA aq4 go pung T?Toads P SP PaqSTTqe4sa Aqaaaq ST qDTqM (,,Puna aDTA19S qqaai, 9T44) ,Puna aOTAJ9S :Iqaa 0 Pus EL86T,, 9q4 UT P94Tsodap aq TTeqs 'SPUOS L86T aq4 UO 4sa -la4UT . PUP 90 TedTOUTid aqq go quamAed aqq jog pasn aq o4 sAauom l9q4O TTP Pus JsAauom Bons 90 TTV -anp amoo amps aq4 se Pus uaqm sPuOS L86T aq4 uo ;sala4uT. PUP 90 TedTOUTid 5UTApd o asodind 9TOS 9q4 IOJ 9PTSP 4aS PUP PaqPTidojddP aj? Pa . TAal UTalaq SaXe4 MOIg PaATlap SA9UOW -puna aDTAlaS 4qacl -ZT UOT439S -aTqeAed pup anp atuooaq amps aqq se p9ZTjoq4np UTaJaq sPuOE L86T 9q4 UO 4Sala4UT pup go TedTOUTid aq4 BUTApd go asodand aqq aOJ 4T9TOs pasn aq TTeqs saxe4 Bons 1pa4oal -TOO u9qm JPue P@40aTTOD PUP P9TA9T 9J? SlPaL PTeS jog sasod Public Works Facility and the Equipment Purchases as specified in Section 1 of this ordinance and for the payment of costs of issu- ance of the Series B Bonds, but may hereafter be reappropriated and used for other purposes. Before any such reappropriation shall be made, there shall be filed with the Village Clerk an opinion of a nationally recognized bond counsel to the effect that such reappropriation will not adversely affect the exemption from federal income taxation of interest on the 1987 Bonds. Section 14. Redevelopment Costs. The costs of the Redevelopment Projects constitute Redevelopment Project Costs as defined in the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, as amended, constituting Division 74.4 of Article 11 of the Illinois Municipal Code (the "Redevelopment Act") and as described in the Redevelopment Plan of the Village approved by an ordinance adopted by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village on August 200 1985 and entitled: "An Ordinance Approving the Tax Increment Redevelopment Plan and Redevelopment Project for the District No. 1 Redevelopment Project Area in the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois." Pursuant to the Redevelopment Act, the proceeds of sale of the Series C Bonds are hereby pledged to pay such Redevelopment Project Costs and such proceeds shall not be reappropriated for any other purpose unless there shall have been filed with the Village Clerk an opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel to the effect that such reappropriation will not adversely affect the exemption from federal income taxation of interest on the 1987 Bonds. -LZ - Pus punj UT aDTAJ9S qqaa aqq P94Tsodap aq Apui spuoE 0 SaT19S 0 1 a aq4 UO 4Sal9qUT . Pus 90 TedTouTid aq4 go quamAsd aqq jog pasn aq oq @J2 q0TqM punj UOT41FDOTTV x1el 9144 UT a & PTaq SAaUOW -UsTd quaiudOTaAapa-d aqq Pus q3V aqq jo-sasodand aqq go aouejaq4ang UT apew aq TTvqs UOT41ela4TV guns 4uaqxa aqq o4 puna UOT42DOTTV xvl 0 9qJ UT SA9UOW JO UOTqnqTJqSTP PUS asn aqq 194TS 04 so sAauoui tens 90 SaBP9Td 5UTqSTX9 aq?UTpjoqns oq t43V aqq oq qusnsind pansST spuoq T2UOT4TPPe 90 SJaPTOq 9144 90 A4Tinoas Pus ITgauaq aqq jog sax24 pup sAauoiu Mons 96paTd of a6leTTTA 9144 go i9mod aq4 qDT3qPa,J TTPqS PaUT?qUOZ) UT919q 5UTq4OU qnq 'SPUOS 0 SaTj9S 9LI4 go 4uamApd aqq io; A4Tanoas Ss Pus s4so:) 409[oia quamdOT9AaPald 90 4uawAvd aqq 309 Pa6P9Td Aqazaq aile 4oV aqq oq quvnsind UT9Jaqq paqTsodap aq oq sA8uOul Jaq40 pup Saxpq aqq pup puna UOT4PDOTTV XPI a144 UT PTaq SAa,uOW equn000V SPa9002d PuOE 0L86T 9q4 SR P94PUBTSap 'pun, UOT4VOOTIV XVJ a144 UTqqTM P@qSTTqpqsa Aqajaq qunooDle TleToads v UT . P94Tsodap aq 11Pqs (pun, 90TAJaS 4qaa aqq UT pa4Tsodap s4unouip U12144 Jaq4O) SPU09 0 SaTJ9S 9q4 go aTes go spaaooid aqj, a 40V ;u9uidOT9A9P9-d a144 JO SUOTSTAoid aqq q4TM a0UlePJO00le UT 952TTTA a aq4 Aq P9.294STUTIUP? PUP P9UTPqUT?IU aq TTvqs STOUTTTI lqoadsoici a . 6 11 0 a qunow go a5PTTTA aq4 UT Paiv 4oaCoaa 4u9wdOTaA9P9-d 4uawajouI 0 0 xlel T 'ON q0TJqST(J 9LI4 JOS' BUTOUeUTa 4U91HaJ0UJ XVI 6UTqdopV aDUPUTP10 UV,, 0 PaT4T4U9 Pus S861 10Z 4sn6nV uo 95ETTTA 91L14 90 s9a4sn'l JO PJ?O9 PUP quapTsaid aqq Kq pa4dope aoupuTpio us oq 4u2nsind PaqSTTq24sa (11puna uOT-4P0OSTV xel,, a44) PaJV 409EOlcl 0 qualaidoTaAepaE quawajouj x1el T 'ON 40T14STC jog puna UOT4POOTTV xPJ, TvToadS atll -pun, UOT4'eDOTTV x2l -ST UOT409S 0 a a upon such deposit such moneys shall be used solely for the payment of such principal and interest. Section 16. Rebate Fund. The Village hereby estab- lishes a special fund, designated as the "1987 Rebate Fund." In the event that the Village shall invest moneys in the 1987E Bond Proceeds Fund, the 1987C Bond Proceeds Account or the Debt Service Fund in any investments which generate income that must be rebated or paid to the United States of America pursuant to Section 148(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, such income shall be deposited annually, within 10 days after the anniversary date of the date of issuance and delivery of the 1987 Bonds, in the 1987 Rebate Fund. Moneys in the 1987 Rebate Fund shall be applied to pay such sums as are required to be paid to the United States of America pursuant to Section 148(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and are hereby appropriated and set aside for such purpose. Moneys in the 1987 Rebate Fund may be reappro- priated and used for other purposes. No such reappropriation and use shall relieve the Village of its obligation to make payments to the United States of America as required by Section 148(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Section 17. Investment Regulations. No investment shall be made of any moneys in the Debt Service Fund, the 1987B Bond Proceeds Fund, the 19870 Bond Proceeds Account or the 1987 Rebate Fund except in accordance with the tax covenants set forth in Section 18 of this ordinance. Except as required by Section 16 of this ordinance, all income derived from such investments in respect of moneys or securities in any Fund or Account shall be -28- -6Z- "986T go apoo anuaAad Tvuja4uj aqq JO 8VT UOTqOaS JO 5UTUeaUl aLI4 UT -g4TM j1puoq 95V,14Tqie,, up 9qn4T-4SUOO Off. PUOE L86T true asnpo p-[nom 4Sqq a9UUeM AU's UT P9qSaAUT aq oq SA9UOlu J9q40 JO sPu09 L86T aqq go spaaooid aq4 90 AuP 4TmJad qou ITeqs aBVTTTA aql '986T go apoo anuaAaH T?UJa4UI aq4 90 TVT T T UOT43aS JO 5UU?aW atlq UqqTM ,puoq A4TA407 a4pATid,, 4 0 8 TIt 0 V a4n4T4SUOO 04 PuOE L86T Aus asnpo PTnom qpq4 JaUUPW AAP UT pasn aq oq ispaaooid eons g4TM PaDUPUTg S9T4TTTOV9 AUP JO 'SPUO9 L96T 41 * a aqq go spaaooad aq4 90 AUP 4TuIJad 40U TTeqs abPTTTA 9tll '909'aq4 aouvnsST TPUTBTIO 90 94TP aq4 UO foal -qns ST PUOS L861 goes UO 4s9JaqUT qDTqM 04 S9XV4 9MODUT 0 4 0 0 TRJ9PaJ 04 UOTqTPPP UT S9XR4 aWOOUT T?J9P9J oq qoa[qns aiuooeq 04 PUOE L86T hue UO 4S9'a4UT asnvo PTnom UOTSSTUIO JO UOT40e qDTqM 19'51P4 04 aamod s UTqqTM a PUP Tngm?T uOTPOP thus la')IV4 04 4TUIO 30 'alof?4 4OU TTPqs a6gTTTA'9ql -S4upu8AOZ) xPL -8T UOT409S 0 'S9TqTjnoaS Ainspajl S94P4S P94TUEI qons go UOTqduiepaJ 4sanbai 04 PUS SaTITinoaS Ainspail s@4s48 P94Tun dons ao9 SUOTqdTjosqns labzTTTA aq4 90 gTpqaq UO '4Tmqns 04 PazT,lOq4np Aqaaaq 9JV UlTq Aq P9q?U5TS9P S4U95P Pus 95VTTTh at44 go 10409JTC 90USUTJ aqj -qqaCl DTlqnd go npaing iquawqjpdaa Ainspaal Sa4P4S P94Tufl aq4 go SUOTqpTn59j aqq of 0 4upnsand 'S9TJ9S 'S9T4TanoeS Aznspail 0 4u9muJaAOD TeDO7 Pus 94P4S 10 saqpqs P@4- UT PaqSaAUT TTJqS9J TT aq Aevi SUO4DPT9A 4U9UIqS9AU Tun 0 0 a a a oq qoalqns aip qptp 4un000V jo puna Aup UT SA9U0UI AUV OPT9q aJV S9TqTlnO9S 10 sAauoul qcms T40TqM UT qunoc)oV .7o puna aqq o:4 @SVO qD?a UT P94TPa.10 The Village shall comply with the provisions of Section 148(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 relating to the re- bate of certain investment earnings at periodic intervals to the United States of America; provided, however, that compliance with such provisions shall not be required to the extent that there shall have been filed with the Village Clerk an opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel (which opinion may be given in reliance upon a ruling or rulings of the Internal Revenue Service) to the effect that such compliance is not necessary to preserve the exemption from federal income taxes of interest on the 1987 Bonds. Section 19. Bank Qualified Bonds. Pursuant to Section 265(b)(3)(B)(ii) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, the Village hereby designates the 1987 Bonds as "qualified tax-exempt obligations" as defined in Section 265(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. The Village represents that the reasonably anticipated amount of tax-exempt obligations that will be issued by the Village and all subordinate entities of the Village during 1987 does not exceed $10,000,000, The Village covenants that it will not designate and issue more than $10,000,000 aggregate principal amount of tax-exempt obligations in 1987. For purposes of the two preceding sentences, the term "tax-exempt obligations" includes "qualified 501(c)(3) bonds" (as defined in the Section 145 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) but does,not include other "private activity bonds" (as defined in Section 141 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986). -30- 0 it ATE_ :IUIOJ 5UTOMOT -TOJ 9q4 ATTPTqUPlsqns UT aq TTPLIS 9DT40U PT?S 4 a 0 0 a 'a6?TTTA aq UT UOT4PTnoJTO T?lau95 o jadpdsmau P a, .4 11'PTPJaH 4oadsoicl 4unoW,, ;atlq UT P94STTqnd aq oq aOUeUTPIO STtJ4 go UOT4dopp go 9OTqOU asneo o4 P9409JTP PUP PaZTT joqqne Aqeaaq S 0 0 �fIaTO 95SITIA 9ql 'aOTJJO laq UT UOTqoadsuT OTTqnd jog joaaaq4 SaTdoo 91Tj o4 9 0 6 6 a Pus MJOJ 49Tqdmsd UT 90UPUTPIO ST114 tlSTTqnd oq P9409ITP PUP P92TZOqqn? Aqazaq ST 5119TO 95PTTTA 9T41 *90T40N PUP UOT4PDTTqnd *TZ uOT43aS a 0 w a *90UPUTPIO ST41 JO SUOTS -TAojd bUTUTPUI@J 6 a aq4 JO Aug 40a;JP 4OU TT?9s UOTSTAoad ao qdpj5 It v -pied lUOT409S Bans 90 A4TTTqp9oiogu9un ago A4TPTTeAUT aq4 4UOSPaJ 0 Aug ioj alqPaojo.;u9un .20 PTTPAUT aq o4 plaq aq -r-Eeqs aoueu -TPIO STT44 JO UOTSTAojd jo qdei5ejpd OUOT409S Aug ;I -TOaqUOD ITVqS aDUPUTPaO STq4 JO SUOTSTAoid aq4 0 0 # 9 J95PTTTA aq4 JO UOTqnTosai 20 aDUPUTPIO laq4O Aug JO SUOTSTAoad aq4 44TM 40TTgUO0 aOuVU 0 01 a 8 -TPJO STT44 JO SUOTSTAOid aq4 4eT44 4uaqxa 0 a 9q4 04 Pus SPUOa L86T aq4 go aouensST aq4 io; AqTaoTq4np ITng 94n4T4suOO TT?qs aOueu 0 -TPaO STqjj ST g4 StJ4 04 quensind T JO U 0 0 . P9PTAojd ATssaadxa se 4daoxe ;oajaq4 aaq4O Aug 19AO SPUOE L86T 9tP go AUe JO UOT4 -OUT4STP 10 A4TJOTjd leouajaaajd 4nOq4Tm NueJ Tenba go aq TTets JaouensST ITaqq JO S91UT4 jO aWTq aq4 go Ss9TPIP5a' JsPuOE L86T 9q4 90 TTV *sPuO9 L86T 9114 90 TT? Pue Aug go slaumo aq4 go AqTl a -noes PUP UOT4oa4oad JqTgauaq Tenbe aqq jog aq TT?qs a5eTTTA 9q4 0 30 ;Tpqaq uo ao Aq pauijojjad aq o4 q4aog 49S UTal9q S4UaU19925e a PUP S4UeU9AOO 'SUOTSTAoid aq4 PUP aDUPUTPJO STqq UT 0 6 0 . aPeul aBPaTd AUV_ *sPuOR L86T aq4 90 sJ9um0 Pala4sTp5aJ 9q4 Pue 95eTTTA aq4 uaamqaq qopjquoo e 9qnqT4suOO Tl?qs aDUeUTPIO STq4 go SUOTSTAOad aqi *4oei4uoo P a4n4Tqsuoo oq aOUSUTpao -OZ UOT439S 0 ft "Public Notice Notice is hereby given that on June 21 1987, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois adopted an ordinance entitled: "Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of $4,725,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 1987E and $425f000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 19870, of the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois," and that copies of said ordinance are on file and available for public inspection at the office of the Village Clerk of the Village of Mount Prospect. By /s/ Carol A. Fields Village Clerk" Section 22, Effective Date, This ordinance shall become effective in the manner provided by law. Adopted this day of 1987 by roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Nays (SEAL) Attest: Village Clerk ZEE= Village President -32- .4 P9qTlDs9P ATTP59T ST LIDTqm 140TI-4ST(I -aAoqp sp a - 93u9PTs9U ATTUIPa-9TBUTS L—H P 0'4 4OT14ST(I 9 - 90U9PTS911 �TTUaPa- T5U�S X-'H aLT4 90 SUOT4,aod u'T*Pq,J90 BUTAJTS o9i Aq papueum jetlqjnj A' a SPT qajeLl sT 'P9PU9WV SP "S'rUOT'[Tl i4oadsoid -4unoW go apoo D5vTTTA at'14 90 ,5UTUOzttPqJq-E, I qua jaT qdpLlo 04 BUUTP41ad dpul BUTUOz TPTDTJJO Dtll' -OMS NOIIDRS a a 11 6 0 oqoadsoid qunoW go 95PTTTA aqq go saoqsnll go p,pOq pup quapTsaja aqq Xq 4ov; ;0 S6UTPUTJ SP UT9J9LI paqviodiODUT eav aAoqpUT9J9q qqlOJ qa-S s- o TP4TO91 9LI1 HNO NOILLOaS :Smoqqoa sv JSIONIUUI J;UNOOD MOOD '109dSOUd INnOW aO aDVqUIA HHI ao sagisnEl aO t. •i: UNV INEGISHUd alll A9 GaNIVGUO II HS lallOaaHaHl MON *6UTUOZ91 paqsanbei aqq 4uPJ6 04 96PTTTA 9q4 JO S4S9194UT 4seq atlq UT aq o4 qT 9UTU119-49P Aqajaq scop pup sTvadd-i go pjP8S 6UTUOZ 9tJ4* JO SUOTqlGpUaUlWO09j pup s6UTDUTJ 9qq P919PTSUOO SPLI PjPOS ST114 'SVawdaHM a pup !qoadsoid qunokT 90 96PTTTA -iniq go saaqsnil go pipog pup quapTsaid 9LIq oq suoTqvpuqulwO0qj pup SBUTPUTJ 0 a a s4T P944Ttuqns spq sTpaddv go pivos 6UTUOZ qTqq lsvauaHm PUP iL86T JTTjdv go App tlqg 9q4 UO PTP.19H 409 soja qunoW 9qq P9qST UT Tqnd joajaqq aoTqou jadoid pup anp off. qupnsind 'L86T 0 4 '.DPW JO APP q4L 9LI4 uO -409asoja qunow JO 96PTTTA 9q4 JO STPaddv JO PJPOS 6UTUOZ 9LI4 ajojaq (L8 -z-81 VSZ -ON 9svD SP Pa4PU6Tsap ) qsanbai T UOT4VIPA 9qq UO PT9LI SPM BUTT IP9q OTqnd P JSv' 0 11 a 0 HHHM PUP iUOTSTATpqns 9'uOq PaqOP-4aP ATTu'vJ GTBuT . 1 0 P BUTdoTaA9p JO asodand aqq jog ST qsanbaj BUTUOZaJ # 0 4 PTvs JSValdaHJ To -=- ,V, qTqTLIxa :SMOTTOJ sp paqT2Os9P ATTVBaT ST PUP a !(,,Aqjadoid STOUT qoaCqnS. aqq) TTI Jqoadsoid qunoW go 96PTTTA 9q4 0 0 G uT. PPOU 9TOE) 6M 4V81 sp umOuX ATUOuMOD ST Aqjadojd atlq JSVa-daHM a PUP !STOUTTTI Jqoadsoid a 0. JV UT qunoW 90 9POD aBVTTTA 9q4 90 VL jaqdpLlo JO IX 9T T4 P9PTAojd sp ATTulPJ-9T6UTS 1-11 V 04 TI48TC 40 I a 9Ou9PTs9U ATTureg-9T6uTS x�u v moij paqTjosap ja4jPuTaj9q A-4jadoid go SUOT41od UTP4190 4UOZal 04 UOT4POTTddp up paTTj spq 4uawdOT9A9C JJOJ4TW 'SVHUaBM SIONIUUI '109dSOUcl INnOW aO HE)VrIrIIA alll NI IDIHISIG HOSGISHE XrIIWVa-HUDNIS 1-11 V NI )UaHdOHd NIVINaD aO DNINOZ HHtl OLI JiDRdSaU HJiIM cTVW ONINOZ HHLI DNICIMHWV aDNVNICIHO NV Page 2 ZBA 18-Z-87 SECTION THREE: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. PASSED and APPROVED this day of 1 1987. FARP&T MAJ UMMU11.14P ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK -speoi idaDxa PUP UST.PT29N TedtouTij P:ETT43J aT4q ;o Ispa 11 abupX IqlaoN IV dTqsumol OST u0T4oqs ;o 2942enb IsPaq4aON PTPs ;o aajapn5 4s9m4laON a4l 30 499; or*989 jsaM eq4 jdaDxa aajapn6 jsvaq4loN aql buTaq A,mavj assnq -g sTnol., 9qj 30 UOTSTATP UT ';09'9ql 8UTT q4ZON 9ql UO Paanstam sP V aOq ;0 9uTT 4saM 9q4 01 TaTTvaed pup ;o iseS 499; L9*TZG sT lPq4 9uT.T v ;0 :.s9M Pup J;09a9ql 9uT.T 14�ION 9q4 uO PalnsP9u' se V 101 ;0 OuTT as9M 9ql 04 T9TTvaed pup ;o 4spS 199; og-gLZ sT. lvql 9uT,T v ;0 ls?S bUTMAT V loq ;o 4apd 4vq4 ;o :Z TaDasd *9r96TL aaqmnN ivamnDoa se paaalstbaz ;oazaq4 .4eTd of DuTpa000p speoz ldaDxa pup 'usTPT28N TedlouTad PITT41 agi ;o jse2 IT aftv�j IqlaoN TV dTqsumol GT uOT409S ;o aelavnZ5 4sPaqlJON PTPs 30 la4len5 lsamqlaON atTl 30 20a; Ob'989asaM auk. qdaoxa Ja9laeno jse9T44aoN aq4 buTaq ',,maeg assnq *a sTnoq,, aqj ;0 UOTSTATP UT ';0a-T9%4:1 ,QuTT t;-420N Oq'3 uo painseam se V lorl ;0 9UTT ls9M 8tTl 04 T8TTeavd pup ;0 IsPS 199; L9*TZS sT IP91 9UTT T v ;0 Is9M buTAT ';o9a9tZa a e cl .zed jpqj jdaoxa V maol ;o a'. T a:) -4,UaE?TSaJrT 9f)PTTTIA L86 L -40 App STqq GHAOUcldV PUP ORSSVd v : Wasev : S)VN *mvT Aq P9PTAoid sv uijoj qaTqduipd UT UOT4POTTqnd pup TPAOjddP 195pssvd sqT jaqgp pup wojg qoaggg pup 90JO9 TTng UT aq TTPtIs 90uPuTPaO STqq qPql :ob&l NOIJOaS -499J 09-POL go 9UTT A4jadoid uommoo P aAPq 04 L PUP 9 5401 PUP 149aj OO' SOL JO allTT Aqjadojd uoululoo P 9APq 04 G Pup V S40T J4999 09*VOL ;0 9UTT A4i9dojd uommoo V 9AP'q 04 E PUP Z S40T 4TWIad 04 P9T;TPOw Aqajaq ST 9-Z-D-EOV-qL UOTqOaS 04 SP JqOUV' -STLI-4 0 go -4c>alqns 9q4'6UTaq A4jadojd 9' UTPIO I a 6 xJ4 log Jpaqupj5 Aqajaq aip 4oadsoid qunoW go apoo 95PTTTA 9T44 90 ilapoZ) -4uawdOT9A9(3,,,,,, P9T4T4ua 9L iaqdpqD wojj SUOTqPDTgTPOW 4Pql :HN 0 0 0 NOIJJDHS :SIONIUUI J.RJ;NOOD XOOO 110adSO'Hd INnOW aO aDVUUIA RHI aO SaaLiSri*al aO G*dVO9 GNV INSGISgEd HHI 7S GRNIVQJJO II ag JHHOaaUgHl 'MON -SUOTqPPU9MWOD9j 9q4 JO UOTqdopP aqq tag aq TT 0 q P9U 0 TM qoadsoia qunoW go a6PTTTA 9q4 90 S4S91a4UT-4saq aqq P9UTUIJaq9P 9APq qoadsoad qun6w ;0 95PTTTA 9LI4 90 sa9qsnjj, go pjPoS PUP 4u9PTs9Jd 9LI4 'SVHUaHM pup *Isaaqsnil go PIPOS PUP 4U9PTS91d 9q4 JO 6UT499UI JPTn69J P 4P P9J9PTSuOO uaaq 9ARLI SUOT4PPU9UM10091 qDTqM 'Saaqsnil go pivog pup quapTsajd at 04 lapoo queuidOTaAaa 49L jeqdpqo 04 SUOT4POTgTPOUI P94PTOOSSP L14TM UOTSTATpqnS go qpTd 9q4 PaAOjddv SPq UOTSSTUIMOD UPTd aqq lsva*daHm pup 1STOuTTTI JA4unoo N000 uT JupTpTjqW TpdTOUTId PITLIJ 9tJ4 go 4spa 'LL 96uvd JL1410N LV dTqSUMOL OL UOT40as go V/L qsveqqiotq atiq go V/L 4spaqqjoiq 9LI4 go qipd go UOTSTATpqnS v BUTaq JUOTSTATpqnS TUPTP9J3 sv umOuk ATuOmWOO Aqjadojd jog 4oadsoid qunoW go aPOO 96PTTTA 944 JO Japoo 4uawdOT9A9G 19L jaqdpqD 04 SUOT4VDTJTPOW pasodoid aqq P9M9TA9J SPq JSTOUTTTI JA4unoo N000 0 lqoadsoid qunoW go 95PTTTA 9XI4 JO UOTSSTWWOD UPTd 9LI4 JSVgHgHM 6 9 pup iqoadsoid qunoW JO 9POD 9c'PTTTA 9tl-4 30 liapoo quawdoTaA9CJ,, JqL jaqd-eqo go Ja-Z-Z)-EOV-qt UOT409S UT p9lTnbei sp sqoT go qqdap jog S4U9W@JTnbai 04 5UTUTP43ad apoo qU'9wdoT'9A9CJ 0IS a Ja 9OU9J9Jj Vg-daHM 9144 JO UOT4PDTJTPOw u paqsanbai sPT4 TUPTP9 IOSdSOIld INOOW aO aGOD aDVUrIIA 21HL LqO iiRGOO INHWclOrISAaGA, G2[rIIILMa 9L HRIdVHD JO SNOIlOaS ONIXaIGOW aDNVNIGNO NV HJ,9TD 9,591ILA : Isaizv OL86L J go Avp I STq4 GHAOUddV Pup GHSSVd * mPT Aq P9PTAojd J9UUPW 9qq UT TPAojddP pup 95psspd sqT jaqj-e pup moij -4oqjjq Pup a0109 TTnJ UT aq TTPqs UOTqnlosa-d STLIq 4PLIJ 23i1Od NOIlDaS *joajaq qjpd P appw AqajaLl pup oqajaq-pqiqop4nP ST94noi anoqap aT44 BU4VOdpua P qpq a TTPUT 0 m a I :aHHHl Noiloas -SARMPVOI aqpqs pauoTquauiajojv 9LI4 W0JJ pad 39ATP DTjjlel-4 9 90 -4Tjau9q ati-4 j o j qu9uiqj-edaG 90TIOCI atlq Aq P9TT0j-4Ed ATsnOTDTpn[ Pup PaXJPw ATsnonoTdsuoo 1p9UTPqUTVW aq off. 'SUBTS InO-49P J9tl4P9m TTV 4U9TOT 9PTAoid qoadsoid -4uno L12:,"Ja 102 TTTm N JO 95VTTTA 9q4 4Pql :OMI NOIIDHS JO BUTSOTO 9LIq Aq pauoTsp000 PUTX AUR O s JOSAPMPPOJ aqvqs PTPS 0 0 6 '95PMPP 109 A4TTTqPTT TTV PUP 1409JJ9 UT ST ino4ap aLIq 91UT4 9LIq 5UTjnp DTJJVJ4 go UOTqPTn6a.i PUP UOT a a .4oa4oid 'UOT409JTP 9LIq a JOJ A4TTTqTsuodsai TTnj awnssv TTTm qoadsoad qunoW go 95PTITA 9XI4 4PLIL :aNO NOIJDaS :SIONIUUI OUNOOD MOOD JIDHdSOHd INnOW JO aDVUUIA HHI aO SaHISnEl aO allVOS aNV H02WW RHI XS aaAUOSaH II Se JaUOaaHaHj 'MON AqA4-SAVMPPOI aqpqs PTPS JO BUTSOTOauk. UT P9ATOAUTTTTqPTT PUPTTTqTsuods9l TTV auinssp 95PTTTA 9lq4 4PtJ4 SalTnbai STOUTTTI 90 94P4S 9t14 JSVadaHM I to a pup It 1PPOE JTOD PUP APMqBTE 4s9mq4JON uaamqaq (E8 eqnoH) ppo-d qsjntluITEI pup lqaajqs inqqjV pup ppo-d assns uaamqeq PPOld TP14u9D punoq4sam JO 9uPT qjno auk. !ppou assna PUP APMqBTH 4samxlqjotq uaamqeq AT91Tv4U9 PPOTPIqUaD BuTSOTO9JTnbal TTTm appjpd pips JSVgUHHM Pup !L86L JV ATnp AE-?pjn4pS uo qoadsoid qunoW 90 95PTTTA 9LI4 UT (C8 eqno-H) ppod a 4sjnLluITa PUP PPOI TPJ4u90 JO UOT4jod P uo apvjvd AVG aouapuadapui Tpnuup 9q4 PTbq 04 S91TSap 4oadsoid qunow go a6vTTTA aq4 jSVg%daHM ir v A 9, oil *ON NOIl0UOSaU "� S0 IA Oil w'MONt,� Grp..aa;it�9 id00M ''� .l .. "d NSA pW Y �y uy yp .. r n mmmiimMX M�!I'fEt,Aiw m Sol to 2 q� JIM .i , p � w ., 100 3 NK x It o '� in c 3 z its , J� a X w '' ii M I iMN iii .CA tll ,� c►, d�iiW�ip�fi«�Nir � �+9 � UYSIL ti G 7 iri ■ a� W x �s" " rival, i 11r UD W i h NSt Page 18 rN: N#7L NEE i • NZL N! L Cl zq: rials *90URUTPJO 0 92ETTIA Aq P9AOjdde sum luamdOT9A9G Ilufl P9uuuTd snoTA9ad a qi sp peageap aq ol 9APq 0 PTnom a;)'Up'uTPJO Up ':Isanbaa STq:l ;asaOPUO PJpO9 929TTIA aql PTnoqS *U2TS SS9UTsnq v se ;9TqeUOT:Ioalao iou sum inq u2is IVUOI109aTp alVMT:11291 eo :IOU sum U :Ieql :1191 pavou ;aql '2UT:199m L861 '17 ABN :lTaq:l :IV IVAOadde 0 papuammooaj pus isenbaa siql pajapTsuoo paeog M9TA9-a U2TS aql a 1p *UOTIVUTmnTli IlTjoeq 9Aeq PTnom 11 *TTum aiajouoo aql qllm qsnTg 39S 9DR9 UBx9T v 90 SISTSUOD 11 *Aemppoi aql moag alqlSTA aq lou p1nom 11 *Xq,qOT aql o aouealue aq:l :IP;aU U2TS UO s qsvo e jog ST UOI:3TPPL:> STql -SU2TS 0 T I el P, 0 0 0 ITem pallTmiad go ISTI aqq of u2is v ppe 01 9ITI PTnom Isanqpue-d IP :Iueg TVUOTIVN :ISJTa aql -,Kljadoad qsjnqpue)l ;aq:3 anoq2noaqq Su2is 2ulPuvJ P9JOAO:) Pup UT a s9;9ag Pup ITvm Up 9961 S. PJeOq 92BITIA aq:. Aq P;DZTaoq:lne sum (IfIcl aql -Alaadoad STql jog afla u2iS 0 aql of wampuame up palsanbea seq not lviodaoo Isanqpue-apasno-d aqj, L86T 'LZ XVW "'dHIMR0 DNIad0HS ISUHUMVIdi Gflcl NNIS 01 INHWCINHWV GHSOcIOUci DNINOZ CINV DNINMVIJ dO U010ZHIG `X -Hudd *W MMMIS 'HHDVNVW aDVrlrIlA 'NOXIQ NOJrind NHor alva ioa nan s woua oil wnaNVIJ0W3W 331:1.405 1.N1 a. P"Or of, AV siouilli lzaadsOld iunoW ",�Jedscjc:j auno---""'',,,,,Io aSell,1111A, 24: aws oloaCoad aql 9AOadde of Xayssaoau 0 aq p1nom PJv0q 92eTTIA aql go a2equaoaad jaq2iq aql luoilepuam -MO09a STql go asneoaq *SU0T1JeJeA asaql go IeAo�dde 2uipu9urmo0aj 0 a 0 & lsule2e (L-0) XlsnOMTueun paloA pavoq aqq 9MTI qDTqm le L86T S 0 got gm XPW uo Isanbea aql peaepTsuoo sTeaddV go PaVOg 2UTUOZ aq1 -pjex apt pue 'plex JuoJJ lqldap lol le9je lol 2UTpnT3u' pasodoad X11vui2tao uaqm jeaX isel SU0TJeTJeA JO jaqmnu 0 0 a 0 # e paquEJ2 sem 139C.oad aql 'SE' JO PeOISUT SgEe go 'S301 gg a0g, 'pasodoad ST 01le-a e9JV J001a V -Iaaj gZ pajinbaJi aql go peals -UT S301 OZ Uo palsenbaa ST PJPX aRaJ 100g, U91 V *qu9mdo19A9p aqq ut sloT jo aaqmnu e jog SUOTlelJeA palsanbea seq 'UOTSIATP -qns 10T 96 'poomquaaq aql go saadolaAap Idnoaq uemjjol4 aq1 L86T 4ZZ XVW H1VG GVO"d* dr10M aKV NOIDNISNaN UHNNOD ISVRHIUON NOISIAIUqnS XIIWVd RqDNIS GOOMINHUS :N011VO01 *OKI 'dn0H9 MVWddOH HH1 'LS-A-ZC-VqZ :10arqns qmf!fq�-0`Z GMM DNIMNVqd dO X01OnIG 'X)IVJ *W NRHJSIS =WOU 'HaDVNVW HDVqIIA 'NOXIG N011fid MHOr :0J, wnGNVNOW3W 331:1:1 1131N1 15. siouilil lz3adsWd junoW oadsoid aunaw-�-x\4o a8elll.A aqq svm qj *V91P BuTPTTnq ui *49 *bs 9LL AT94'eWTxojddp ppp pTnom dVa P9SP9JOUT aqj� *P9JTnb9j UPLI4 JeBJPT 9Jam Wq4 a a spjPA ipaj qnq 9P00 95PITTA Aq P9JTnb9j uPLI4 JaTTPws sPJPA 4uOIJ 0 q4TM P94PaJO SPM UOTSTATpqns STL14 4PLI4 p9UTPTdxa alppsanil ojW -SE- JO PP94SUT SgE- JO 0TqPH P9JV JOOTa V qTWjqd 04 S40T LS UO SUOT4PTIPA PUP S401 6Z JOJ 499J GZ PalTnbai atJ4 JO PP94SUT SOT4pd j0j p8.TLaA IP91 4009 OL P mOTTP 04 SUOT4PTJPA 6UT4Sanbai S'T J;U0T4Tq9d 9tlj, asPo STLIq P94U9Sajd J19UOT4T49d aLI4 6UTquasaidej 9TPPs9n'l Salupf -jw :GHISaHaINI/suoloarso SJ9LI40JU STOrI :lNaSUV HagWaW VS TTleonjqaa uaq APW,O uKTTJPW U99jo Uqor APTssPO PTRu0H j95pj4q9js qjaqoU UPWJTPqo JXTuspq 4jaqTTD :INHSHHd SURSWaW VSZ os98o jo liva P 4TW19d 04 EOLL*VL UOT409S UaOJJ PUP PJPA JP9J 4OOg OL 4TUIled o4 DOZOLL*VL UOT409S U101; U014VTJPA a 0 :Isaaoau L86L 19 APW :aIVG NOILVDIrIgOd JTOM I U046UT,SU9X 19UJOO 4SP9q4JON :Lluadoud 102rar1s uoTsTATpqnS poomquaig a anO'lf) UPWJJOH 9ql :HaNOIlIlad L86 'LZ APW :94PCI BUTJP9H LS-A-ZE *ON aSVD VSZ savaddy ao Gavos DKINOZ loadsoud lKnow HHI ao Dxilaaw rivioads Hsi ao SaInNIN ZBA 32-V-87 May 21, 987 Page- 2 of 3 opinion of the Petitioner that the homes • be • in this subdivision will be something the Village can be proud of and thi addonal area requested • not create a hardship • the • The rear yard variations would permit patios to encroach into the required yard by 15 feet. While the homes are not yet built, the Petitioner expressed his feeling that home owners like patios and it would be a hardship on future owners if they could not have the customary patio. All other regulations of the Village will be met. Staff comments were presented stating that the down -sizing of lots, the narrow width of the rights-of-way, etc. were all items of concern at the initial design phase of this development due to the possibility of exceeding the permitted 50% 'impervious surface coverage and other variations. Also noted was the Village Engineer's expressed concern that sufficient open space between homes would prevent proper rain water drainage. From a fire safety viewpoint, it was also noted that the closeness of the homes could present a problem. While the petitioner did state that the variations requested would make the homes more marketability and therefore a matter of economics, he stated that he felt the prospective buyers would want these amenities. At the present time it would be impossible for the developer to ' predict what style of home would be constructed on any given lot due to the fact that the buyer would choose the lot and model of home and therefore the requested variations might not apply to all the lots requested. The variations are being requested to accommodate the largest home being offered in the event a given buyer would want the largest model available. It was the opinion of the members of the Zoning Board of Appeals that these issues had been brought up during the original hearing and the petitioner had been cautioned against future requests for further variations. It was their opinion that the lots are created are too small, the streets are not the required width and that economics for a developer should not be considered as a AJP49109S BUTPJ009U Sp-[9Tlff •V Toigo OBUT499M PUZ eunr 9q4 4P UOT4PJ9pTSUOO JT9XI-4 a a a JT JOJ PJPOS 9BvTTTA 9tP 04 P9PJvmjo aq TTTm UOT4VPU9WWO09J site *P9TTPJ UOT40W a XTusps ITITaonjqad 5 'A,ewso Jugalf) IAPT SSPD Ija6Pj44qja :SAPN 9uON :saAV :TTPD TTOJ uoda *L8-A-ZE VSZ UT paqsanbei SU014PTiVA 9114 4uPJB 04 PaAOuI 'T,TTaonj49d *jW Aq*papuooas jApTs*spo*-jW 'pTTIeA UTPU19J 04 J9pJO UT JPaA P UT114TM pa4aldwoo aq 04 aAPLI PTnom 4u9wdOT9A9P aq4 'Pa4uPJ6 JT 'puv jPaA v joj aATPDaJJa ATuO 9JP suoT4PTIPA qvtI4 jjv4s Aq qno paquiod svm qj OS4UaWaSPa palTnbei jaAo pa4pooT aq ATTPn4ov PTnom S40T aq4 90 autos UO SOT4Pd Jpa4upjb JT puv Jpaquasaid SV p9UOT 4Pq4 JaUOT4T49d 9q4 4nvo os'Tv U993D *jW b 0 • jadoTaAap aq4 Aq Pa4P9JO SPM sdTT4 4STX9 4-qbTtu 4PLI4 SPIPIq 0 0 a AUP 41elqq PUP sq4pTm qaaj4s MOIIPU OL14 PuP s4OT TTPuIs Mons L14TM PIP09- aBPTTTA age.Aq p9AojddP uaaq 9APIq 40u PTnOqs 4uawdOTaA*ap STqq 4VT44 sTpaddV go pipog BUTUOZ aq4 go uoTuTdo aq4 osIv sWA 41 9PIPOS sTq4 Aq UOT4PUTWJ949P P 93[VW off. lap �o'uT dTqspjvq 0 0, c go E abed L86L JLZ APW L8 -A -Z€ VSZ • NY *weld POAOadde XlsnolAOad aqj Ueq:4 PaPZeq Xl9gRS' OaTJ V JO 9:10UI Oap agq'10 TpU;10 g 03 0 asolo gap :ieq:l S9MOLI POZTS :192.IVI IPLIJ se:iou w9m:jaedea ;9:Liq aiql -,K:l a j v s 9al*g asueaDap :iou Illm Isenbea �ST14:1 s,dnoaf) upmg,90H gqq q:jjm aaa2vs�jp X;aql osu.190,UOO, Xlejes O'lig as�j�ea 11,113s, PJPOG aRVIIIA eql Xq p9:iuvj2 XlsnolA,9;Lld, SaOUeaVA aqj 9snvoaq Tesodoad S'Tq:l' go Iteil'ua,p 9q:j spugmmooe:i, juem3avda(l 9ata gq'I v SINRWWOO aaVIS aDVIIIA *(SIOT 99) 96-6L PUR 4LL 4'7L `ZL-99, 99--�9 log -ss 8C -17C TC -6Z U-1 Z '81-9T ZT-01 S101 2'ulm OTJOJ 91q3 UO 9C* JO *U'V'a P9MOTle AJJV`III JOU aqj jo pegISUI Sq" C, Molle 0:3 Coll -+71 uiol�jo�g(s 0"4 uo T Te 1, .1 V'A e 5U T;j aia S 0 S I e 0 si queoijidde eqj. *PJBA avea looj SZ� e seaTnbaa AIT,em,:io,u apoo auil Sj:aadoad apea aq*l go jga3 0,1 uj�qqj M 0:1 SOT:jed :)ona4suoo 0:1 :19PaO ul '(s:101 OZ) LL -17L Pue '89 L9. ` 95-'79 6C SZ -17Z '91-ZT 'L -Z :S301 SUTMOTIOJ 9qj UO pjVA area Jooj 01 B t4olte 01 D*ZOTjOi7j U01309S 01 UOTjVlJVA V 2UT:�99S ST, dnoaf) uvmgJOH OqlJ, 0 a 0 0 0 J'saribn L861 'VI XVW :211v(l GVO**d* 370M QNV NOIDNISNSX NaMld'00 ISVaHINON NOISIAIGgas 2Mwv3 alDNis U00MINSUS : SIO IIVDOI *ON1 'dfi011D MVWJaOH ZHI ioargas I DMINOZ GNV DNIKNVld dO dOID2XIG 'MV,d *W NaHdalS wolla MVWUlVHD SIVZJJV JO G*EVOq ONINOZ IXINSVq 'IID :01 I wnGNVIlOW3W 331:1:101131NI siouilli "z�*dsOld zunoW 1�kpedsojcj ctunop".,jo 88ellj!A Gil Bansik - Page Two May 14, 1987 ZBA-32-V-87 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMENTS In our opinion the most important issue in this case is the question of hardship. Is this request really a hardship or rather is it a request of convenience and economics? Although the Hoffman Group does state reasons in their application for hardship, we do not agree that the reasons stated are legitimate hardships as opposed to an opportunity for increased profits at the expense of the community. Any hardship that can be establi- shed was created by the Hoffman Group itself by reducing the area and depth of lots. Staff had anticipated problems such as rear yard variances and floor area ratio increases when originally discussed. In the previous hearings, staff presented these concerns to the Hoffman Group. At that time the Hoffman Group responded by stating that patios and decks extending into the rear yard would not be an issue and that the sizes of homes would not exceed the allowable F,A.R. Now the Hoffman Group stands before you stating that the rear yard setback and the allowable F.A.R. are problems and hard- ships and therefore are requesting variances to the Code, The down -sizing of lots, the narrower side yards and shorter front yards, the smaller width of streets and rights-of-way, etc. were all concerns of staff in the previous hearing and still remain concerns of ours now. Bigger homes and additional patios covering more of the lot will compound our concerns. The close- ness of these homes and the patios to each other will increase the intensity of the neighborhood. The decrease in'. open space will also increase the intensity. We also foresee a potential problem with the lot coverage of impervious surfaces. The Code allows for 50% of the lot to be covered with impervious surfaces (which include decks and patios). It is very possible that some of these lots may not be able to meet that requirement. This problem is not addressed by the Hoffman Group and therefore, may surface again when the new homeowners have to come in and ask for additional variances. We agree with all of the other comments received by the various Village staff departments and especially note the Engineer's comment ab -out less pervious area for rain water seepage. It may be necessary for the developer to increase the capacity of the detention basin on site in order to accommodate for any in- creased rain water runoff. We are investigating if there is the potential to increase the capacity of the basin. In summary, we recommend the denial of these two variation re- quests based upon our opinion that the hardship has not been adequately established, and also that there would be an adverse impact upon the entire subdivision, SMF' :hg -10:1 :)a-1 19 U9 da d :X9 p9AOaddv sq:saw *1 lorT go not lean2iguoo 2elj aqj 0 go asnuoaq patuap aq ield JeUTJ aqj paise'22ns* pvq jjvjS *0_9 jo & 0 930A e Xq TeAOjdde P9Pu9tumOO@J Pue tut L961 10Z XeW alaql le j siql paa9*pSUOO UOSSTMMOD UOTSTAlpqnsea go jvTd TeuilT a 0 16 & 0 u;Ta aql -samoq Xjimej 912UTS go not lona lsuoo aqj aoj pass aq ol slol oral alegao'p1nom jeld Teuij STql opaooaa go slol OMI OIUI POPIATpqnsea aq jol aqj ieqi 2uilsenbaa si IUUOTTdde aql L861 11Z XVW GVO"*d ISUDHWIS *S 108 - NOISIAIG9flSHII S.MVWaVHD S l�l -H2MMVqa 'SWIS -R qHVHD1W :WOxd -aaDVNVW Rf)VqIIA ' HOAX IG M011fld NHOr :01 wnUNV*SOW3W 3:)l:i-4O2I3.LNI siouilli lzaadsOld 3unoW !tunw�jc eS'L*III *0-9 go aeon e Kq I of � jo adols apes pa3sanbaa 94:3 aAoaddu osle not ssTmmoo uela aqj, *0-9 sem aloA 9qI *squaw -aaTnbea uoiiepunog Pue kllTIqels adols 9PTS 'ails aqq,jog UOTIRP -u9mm,009j pus ljodea s a9aui2u9 ITos e jo leAoadde pue IdT809j. a 9 A J99u tW 2ua, 9SETITA aql of loaCqns TeAOadde aql, apem in All* & TlOeJ uoiivalap aqq go laaj S uiq3lm pllnq off. Isenbea s aauoil'pad Is a I aql p9AOadde uoissimmoD 9qI L86T 'OZ 'AEW 30 2u1039am jTaq:1 2UT:tnp sas;nba'a aseq:1 P9a9plSUOO UOTSSTMIEOD uvTd aql 0 a 0 0 -2UTT snoqejvm jog pass aq ol pauurld Sails 9qI 0 0 -.1-9 JO peak SUI 1-17 go adols apTs v aAeq pue AllTlovj uoilualap 0 do aql JO 199J S UTqJIM pITnq of UOTSSTmaad 2uilse si jauoillied aql 0 & 0 a 0 0 L861 11Z XVW :HIvG )UMOVd NOIIN21JLSCI NOIIVDIJIUOW 21(100 IM2IWcIOrI21A2IG *GN 21SSfI9 dO 301S IS2[M-IM2IWcIOrI21A2IU SSSIN MOURSOX :ioarqns rW IUMNVIa 'SWIS *a IZVHDIW "Woua UaDVNVW aDVqIIA 'NOXIG NO.Ir[fIJ NHOr :01 wnaNVNOW3W 3:)I:lz]O*d31Nl SIOU1111 'zaadsoid zunoW a d s c i CI a u no, 195 e I I I A .......... . .... squawqDpqqv q:dMb 9OLLOd 10 j9L4j Ol.AP dE *-M P LP UP, L * P@AOjddp SL J@ALPM PLq aqj JL paspqojnd aq LLLm 4P44 ;uawdLnba 94q jo ;SLL Paz L W@q L up pup 4q L Aoq qnV UOLIPWJOJU I DO L;snV L PULWLJ) SLOULLLI a44 WO.Aj PDA LaOaJ I jo kdoo p SL M@LAa.4 A n 04 Jai 0 -Aa 4;a L 94 0 j a0LLOd qoadsOJd ;unoW aq; 04 k4�Bqp SL4; 9PLAOjd *4uaw;jpdaa L PLnom quawdLnba pa-4sanba.A a q i de w PDZL.Aa;ndwo:) 6UL:)npo.Ad 40 k4 L L qp de o aq; R L LPOO L dO LaADP 0; @ AR 4 P L nom s;uaw; ip da P LLP 4Pq; J0409JLO 100 OCO J d SWId aq 1 4 q a pew s Pm UO L 4P 0 L I IOU Z86 L 0 L � J & 0 dV U0 *4oadsOJd 4unoW jo dew P9ZL46LP P aonpoid o; kq L jo4 qnV UO L;PWJOIU I a OL 4snC LPU LWLJJ SLOULL * LI a* q; kq OOGLBL"9$ 40 C86L UL qUP.A6 P pap.Apmp spm ;oadso.Ad qunoW 4PUD SLqq SP.APMOJ * k4 L L qpdP 0 6U Lddpw P9Z Lia;ndwoo e do LaAap 04 SPM wPj6ojd SWId aq; JO S9ALq09Cqo wj@4 6uoL a44 4o Duo *(SWId) wa4skS 4uawa6eupW pup UO L 4PWJOIUI 90 L Lod 94; UL abed LDL4jpd o; saa4snii jo pipoo Pup jo4pw a44 Rq PDZLjoqqnp spm 4uaw;jpdaa a3L Lod aq; Z86 L u & 0 &X;Ljo4qnV UOL;PWJOjUj 93L4snP LPULWLJJ SLOULLLI 944 46no.A4; apew 6ULaq SL ;Dsp4:).And 944 DOULS 4SO3 941 UL uoL4onpaj %CC P 6ULJajjO SL 04M PJP�OPd ;4aLmaH WOJI pasp4oind aq Mm ;uawdLnba aqi •I a 6 p n q 886L-Z86L 94; UL aspqojndP@uUP Ld P SPM SL44 DDULS LZ L9-900- LVO- L junoDDe U L a L qP L L P Ale a.AP 4uawaaa6p asPDL a44 Joh spunj '%9Z'9 10 9;PJ ;SaJ94UL UP 4q LM 4U9W99J6P a se q :).And 9 SP a L P u o pase4o.And aq L LLM 'r' 9 -AP m 4 4 0 S Aa4ndwo:) pup quawd Lnba SO Lqdpj6 'Ja;ULjd 4apiasel P 4o S4SLSUOD 4DL4M 14uawdLnba a41 • J -4e 4 S SWId a44 kq pada LaA a P wp.A6o.Ad 6ULddew PaZLja4ndwoo P UL a4PdL3L.Jed o4 4uaw;jpdap a44 Joh. jap& A 0 U L PaJLnb@j SL qU9Wd Lnba SL 4i "00"ZZ669$ S[ 4uawdLnba a44 jo 4soo aqi (SWId) w@4sRS* 4uawa6pupW pup UOL4PWJO_4UI DOLLOd 941 JOI 4u@wd Lnba 6uLddPw PaZ Lja4ndwoD 4o aspqojnd a44 .101* 4UaW@JLnba.A p L q 944 j 0 AaALPM e 6uL4sanbaa S L 4uaw4a p daa a:)[ Lod ' 941 L8 AVW ZL :31VO ANdin03 9NIddVW 03ZI�3indWOO JO 3SVHnnd OIB JO d3AIVM :iOHans 30110d JO 331 HO 6NDOIAVd *M alVNH :Wodj d39VNVW 39VIIIA 4NOXIO NoiinJ NHOV :oi wn0NVll0W3W 3313301131NI siouilli liaadsOld iunoW aoadsoici auno,jM 4o 85e'111A EQUIPMENT SUMMARY 1 LASERJET PRINTER AND RELATED EQUIPMENT 1 GRAPHICS MACHINE AND RELATED EQUIPMENT 1 (4) PORT MODEM CONTROL AND RELATED EQUIPMENT 1 SOFTWARE PACKAGE* TOTAL PROJECTED COST $1,708.50 $1,605.32 $1,444.00 $1,214.18 $5,972.00 *$748.00 in software will be purchased from a different vender than Hewlett Packard V '.. sluawpell-e A'kZ)J/GAC c OXICI NOIlrIA NHOC 7111'-� *Lt@CZZ'�$ JO ZsO:) 'e Ve zuawdTnba SUTddPw pazTjalndwoo at4j jo as-eqDind aqz jol AuedwoZ) P-Je>f:)led llalmaH qz!m z::>lejzuoz) le ozui jaZUa 01 UOTIPZTJoqznle SuTisanbai aile am Isin:>uo:) peog aqz jj -AI41uow 00-191$ jo aseaf JRaA-a,,aJ4Z P Ol,ut jalua pinoi4s am jeqi SaZR:)IPUT uosdaf aAV(,] JOZZ>a.JT(,] QZ)UPUT.4 'SaISJ jUaWa,aJSP� asepind aseaT aqz jo MaTAaJ P JGIJJR PUP JaTTddns az)jnos-;alos P ST ST14.L -w;azsAS juawaS'euieW UOTZPWJOJUI a3TTOd aye.uT juawdTnba SUTddiew pazpajndwoD ino alppdn am zieqj *paiTnbai ST Z! JR141 SUTJPOTPUT aZ)T.TOd jo jaiq:) aqj wojj owaw le jo, Ado:) P puP Al!jot4lnV UOTlleWJOJUI cIDTjsnf IPUTWTI:) STOUTIJI aqj wojj jazzal le jo Ado:) ;e sT paqoejjV W91SAS lNgWgDVNVW NOIIVWNO.4NI 9Z)IlOd IdOA J.NgV%Idlnbg DNIddVVY ClgZlNg.LndWOZ) *109CWIS L961 6Z AVW *glvcl N30VNVW 3DVIIIA :WONA S33ISrINI AO CINVO9 QNV 3snv-ni -14 NXIONV3 110. VW :01 wnaNVNOW3W 3:)l:i-4O*d3lNl sloul 4 .111 ljoadOld iunoW o a d s oi d a u n ri�k,AAI� 4 o 8 8 e I I I A :9TqBTTuAv aq qpnm quamdinbe pup ajpmqjos .SuTm0TT0J ;DtI4 "quamqardep anon 0 '4B A'4TTTqvdvo STLI'4 9ABT4 Oj; 'quam4jBdap .zno.K -4v ATTBDOT peonpoad 9q TTTM sd-em TTle '9'4BP -4-eq4 jeqjv *ee6L 'L q0*JBW UBq4 J94BT ou SqTjoqqnV aq4 qB sd-em BuTonpoid jo aoTqoBjd aqq anuTquoosTp 04 UOT4U9qUT ino ST qj * Gq4uOm TBJGA9s JOJ Gd GBSTTTA GAOJD >ITS aqq 4V BUTqS94 UT U99q sBq AqTTTqBdBo sTql *GJBM!4jos SOTLIdea-B PUB lza,4ndmoo T'euOsj;ad B 2UTen ATTVOOT qndqno eonpoid oq equamqjBdap paddBm xoj suvam aqq padOTaA;DP 9OUTS 9AVq GM -4U9TOTjj9UT PUB MOTS qqoq sBm ainpeooid sTtll 4'AoueSB jnoA oq p9TTBM PUB J9qUTjd -19SVT sjA,4TzoLjqnV aqq uo 0 TTBUTSTM peonpoid'ejam edBm aTnpom STtl'4 p9dOT9A9P JO 9M U9tj A * a -qojBes v jo eqlnsai aqq uo pesBq sdBm 9onpoid oq noA moTTle PUB ;aTnpom 3UTddBm 9T4,4 Ll'4TM SGLIOJBG)S SWICI aqq 9otjjaquT oq uEld ino si qj lanssT puooes aqq seeippB ol ojjrqe swia aqq qBnojqq oS oq BuTApiq gnogqTM sdrm joj eqsanbai 00q PR GNVM 04 A4TTTqpdro aqq 9T puooes aqq pup quamqjedap jnoA qv sdem ;aonpoid oq 0 AqTTTqvdEo aqq ST qSJTJ 9ql oeqaTdmoo aq oq S9T4TTTqvdvo Tv -UOTITPPE OMq SP99U 'I GATqoadsoid ano moij 'PULP GJV9A TBJ9A9S` joj quawdOTGA9p japun ueaq svq SWId uo quauodmoo BUTddvm aql -ejnqnj aqq UT anooO TTIM qDTqM SGBUBqO UTVqJ90 jo noA maojuT 0-4 (SWIcl) M94SAS quamasVUE14 UOTIVMJOJUI 90TIOd e,AqTjoqqnV eqq jo queuodmoo BUTddvm aqq .SuTsn krquaaano 9JB LIOTlqM squam,44Edap TTE 0-4 RUT'4TJM MB I gSoog sTouTTTI lqoadeoad qunoli AVMqBTH 4s9mq4JON 4SVZ ELL quamljBdea GOTTOd qogdsoad qunoW tAaggTM VmJON -SW 9 L86 'OZ TIjdV 0999-IC64 (tic) 90909 slou'lli `odea m vzeld3Pj9-13AIUqjnoS oT:jr .. .... . ... AJLI'*dO'HjLfiv N01XVKHoam SIONVIM Ms. Norma Withey April 20, 1987 Page 2 • Personal computer (PC) with hard disc • Laser printer • Graphics software • Terminal interface and emulation software If you wish to continue using maps after March 1,-1988, your agency must procure the above equipment by that date. The Authority will provide the software to transfer graphics files from its computers to your PC and the software neces- sary to interface with your graphics programs. Production of maps locally has been developed using specific types of PC's and specific software packages. You are urged to contact the staff prior to procurement of any equipment or software at your agency to insure compatabililty with our programs. Please let me know if you have any questions or require ad- ditional informatloon* Sioncerely, Stephen F. Tapke PIMS Project Director cc: Kathy Van Dellen S>IJOA DTlqnd JO J040adT() s >j'a aM I I a a q.4�a IA 77 10 7 UOTqepU@WWOOGI @Aoqe aq4 g4TM jnouoo I JdaGuTbU3 abBlITA 'OTOUGO sa,ljeqj! CIN *@4ep alqTssod 4SaTIdea aqq qe qo@Coad aqq pTq pue qTpajo jo jaqqal jo puoq eouewjojjad pue quawAed-e Mal le 04 SUOT480TJToade 4aeCoad aqq GSTAGJ abelITA aq4 Puawwooaa I *IesodSTP JOJ ajanos leool ou peq Aaqq asneoaq JeTJa48W pGqeAeOXe JO TesodSTP qnoqe PaTJJOM ajaM Aaqq PaqeDTPUT SJ043ejqUOD OMI OqTpajo jo jaqqal aq4 jo naTI UT puoq a qdaooe p1nom abelITA aq4 JT PTq aAeq p1nom Aaqq pies Aaq, oaaquejen5 aouewaojjad pue quawAed ay'. Ioj paoeld aq oq 4Tpai3 jo aaqqal e ao., 4UaWaJTnbaj at44 jo asneoaq pTq 4ou pTp Aaq4 PTeS PG4De4UOD @.SOq4 JO AqTjocew aql ospTq - paqqTwqns waqq jo allOU AqM allTWJaqap oq sueld do P*a�O*Td oqm ,' s0-432j4uo0 aq-4,jo Taqwnu e pa-4oB4UOO UOISTATO bUlJaaUT6u3 aql -paqqTwqns ajam spTq ou qnq sueld do paMoTd SJO438J4UOO aAIGMI 'ezeld qoadsoad '4W 04 da4U@3 qUaWaAOadwj awOH Asaqanoj AlaqBWTXOjdde wojj P808 PU88 UO 4UGWaAOadWT UTBW JaqBM aqq joj pauado pue paqdaooe aq oq ajam spTU 'WV 00:0L 48 6L86L 'LZ AOW 'AePsaupaM uo UTeW JaqBM pend pUe8 ij--icons L86 '6Z AeW :31VO JGaUTbu3 abell!A 0 *Wodj UOXTO uoqlnj uqoC 'JabeuBW GbellTA *01 WnCN"OKIBKI f OWN" w Pouril'i ",:=dmaa 2unoW q9/t4lH Wo =W-1 :SMOTTOJ SE SUOTIeTnqeq PTO -salnpow aTAqs ujeM-oqnV 8 pus ssadel jajsuEaq 46UT1994S aATq0ajjGJ 'SOATUM 6UTqqno jo UOTIOGIGS B papnTOUT TOTaOISW PUB SGTTddns aqj opTq aseq aqq of pappe PUB 4STJ s,jappTq qoBa wojj paquTnOTED 8JGm sTBTJ848W PUB SGTTddns jo SOTITluenb TBOTqUGPT sasodind UOSTiedwoo aoj *SGTTddns pus SGTJOSSG038 polelai qqTM GUTqOBW 6UTMBW UBTS PGZTjaqndwoo e jo aseqojnd pasodoad Ot44 JOJ "L86L LZ AsW wo *wee 00490 DL Is pauado ajam spTq peTe@S STSTJOIBW PGIBTGH PUB OUT40OW UbTS PGZTaalndwoo PTO POTEGS :cons L86 '8Z ABW :31V(l SjJ0M OTTqnd 30438JTG :wo8j JG68UBW 068TTTA :01 wnaNVIlOW3W 3DIA-40SUNI 4 N, siouilll ljoadswd junoW :t*;3d9ojC:j aumoLoU, .10 ESeIIINA *06*CL6'6L$ poeoxe of jou qunowe Us UT SOTTddns pus GUT408W 8 JOS 03 sTBTJGIBW U08N Aq PO4ITwqns se PTq IsOmOT Gq4 jo aoueqdeooe PUGWW038J I *lTun lU0wG08Tdaj STqq J01 PQqB00TTB 00"000'OZ$ ST GJGt4q LOOB-60-LLO-LS GP03 lun000V CVL 869d uO i7i7*9ZZ'OZ 07eCLL'DZ 06*CL6'6L PTO T8101 i7i7*90L I5 : L9"M' gt 06*LZO'S SGTTddns/SGTJOSSGOOV 0000ZLISL 17L *-06L ' 6 L 00*ZS6'VL PTO 9889 OUT408W qUTjdS jaqjao qUTjdS dSD JUTjdS dSD allTqDBW TOPOW/GMBW qs@mPTW -ojednS 06IJd AuedW03 3>1 U98jos V STBTJGqBW JBG-zuN U6TS qSOMPTW U08N :SMOTTOJ SE SUOTIeTnqeq PTO -salnpow aTAqs ujeM-oqnV 8 pus ssadel jajsuEaq 46UT1994S aATq0ajjGJ 'SOATUM 6UTqqno jo UOTIOGIGS B papnTOUT TOTaOISW PUB SGTTddns aqj opTq aseq aqq of pappe PUB 4STJ s,jappTq qoBa wojj paquTnOTED 8JGm sTBTJ848W PUB SGTTddns jo SOTITluenb TBOTqUGPT sasodind UOSTiedwoo aoj *SGTTddns pus SGTJOSSG038 polelai qqTM GUTqOBW 6UTMBW UBTS PGZTjaqndwoo e jo aseqojnd pasodoad Ot44 JOJ "L86L LZ AsW wo *wee 00490 DL Is pauado ajam spTq peTe@S STSTJOIBW PGIBTGH PUB OUT40OW UbTS PGZTaalndwoo PTO POTEGS :cons L86 '8Z ABW :31V(l SjJ0M OTTqnd 30438JTG :wo8j JG68UBW 068TTTA :01 wnaNVIlOW3W 3DIA-40SUNI 4 N, siouilll ljoadswd junoW :t*;3d9ojC:j aumoLoU, .10 ESeIIINA r/MIH S>JJOM OTTqnd J0409JTG Sas *j 4jaqJ9H -p8TJToads SE SGTJDSSGDOB P@IBTaJ PUB Apoq a>lels 8 UD 00-06.6'8$ JOJ -oj quawdTnb3 V Monil STOUTTTI Aq paqqTwq'ns se pTq mOT aqq jo eoueqdaooe puawwooei I OSTSSBqO Moniq 4sq4 uO P91TBqSUT aq TTTm 4OTqM ' S9TJDSS9008 44TM Apoq GL41 JOJ ST pTq queiina STt4l 'STSSBt4O >Ionil a aseqojnd 04 UaAT6 SBM UDT48ZTJOqqne IpTq P8Aoidde PJ809 JOTad e uo 000,000lgz$ sem aseqojnd 4uawa08Td@j STqq JOJ Pa48DOTTE junOW8 TeUTbTJO 941 -aseqojnd pasodoad ST44 JO ' J 1.008-90-ZLO-LI7 aPOO 4un000s japun 179L abed uO 4abPnq quajjn3 aqq UT bUTUTBWaJ 00.88L'ZL$ ST SJ9ql o0' 9 L9' t 1.$ -oul 'Monil oqnV oo*cqclzL$ -DUI 'SaTES APOO TBJGU09 00*066'8 $ -oj quawdTnb3 V Mond STOUTTTI aDTJd PTO JGPPTO :SmDTTOJ SE U0T4STnqe-4 PTO *S9TJ0SSa0DB pus saoueualandde Pa'48TGJ PGTJToads pus Apoq dwnp a q Aqnp AAllRat4 auo jo aseqojnd pasodoad a44 JOJ L86L 'LZ ABW uO oWoV 00:O4 qe pauado aiam spTq PaTsaS PTO POTB@S :133cons L86 '8Z ABW :31V(l S>IJOM 3TTqnd J0439JTG :W084 jabeueW abETTTA :01 wnGNVNOW3W 3:)IAAOS31NI Slom 11 IlaodSOM junoW aoedsoicj� aunoLAJ 40 86ell[A, ID/ , lot'JO OZ' LLS 69$ SSJappTq 4Samol 0m'4 aq'4 uaam-4aq az)ualajjTp a L4 I % L a 6 JO 6Z*t6Z817$ ST J'aPPTO OTB pue Mol aqq ua am qaq a oua -sa3 I P a L4 I *a'4eWTI,s3 SjJa@UTbu3 a14,4 molaq o,,Log sem PTO 4S@qbTt4 aqq pue @48W14S3 SIJ@aUTbu3 aqq molaq 1,D,'L`17L sem pTq qsamol -9 t4 I -SPU09 PTO PUe PTO JTGqq PaUbTS A140ajj" SJaPPTO TIV 'squaw -nooa PTO GL44 Aq P@JTnbei se A,ITITqTb"rl3 JO S@qeDTJTqjaj UOT4 -eqjods,uejj jo -4daa STOUTITI pue spuoq pTq PaqqTwqns'si@PPTH.ITV SCl IO A SISki IVNV �t o' 699'8ZS -03 u05 V dalee Jaqad 8608�9'LZS *Oj bUTAud u0suq0C 'V -C 9Z*9t76 6 9817 go Oj burned qleqdsV pall,V 91*SLS '0817$ uoiqonjqsuoj peod m. 0jiv Clio ISVO IV101 830010 sem qoaCo,3�d at4,4 jo GleW-14S3' S,JaGUTf5u3 @t4I -0j 60S V JG'eFJ alad Aq 699'8ZS$ 30 q&Ti4'e0I-o:) UOTqonjqsuoj Peod mo ", Aq 91"SLS'0817$ jo mol e woaj Pa"B'J sPzO G'41 • P G A T @ 0 -@a aja,m spTq anoj jo lej,ol V aql UT pue 3,adedsmau U*4jod,a8 sm@N uoTqonjjsuo.3 @bP'0(j IeOOI Qq'I T Pat4STjqnd @JGM SGOTIOuP. To 03AI3318 Sale elesodoad aqq UT PGUTlqno se saTqTquenb P@48WTqSa aqq Uo paseq jappTq qoea joj pTq aseq Ie404 aq4 JO UOTqewwns e sT molaq -pTq aseq leqoq e paqsTI -qeqsa pue t njqq L sw@*41 Joi az)Tjd jeq04 e papnjouT pTq 4 0 e 3 WHOA 019 * pnole peas pue pauado AIDTI -qnd Gjam spTq galeas ' awe q ST44 q V *WD -00-00000-L8 '40BJ4u03 sqaajqS snDTJeA bUTDejjnsa8 @3U8UaqUTeW leJGUGD L86L Gq4 JOJ PaATaDGJ Gjam spTq paleas •W*V 00,0L 46*, 0 L86L '9Z ABW 'Aapsanj uo WO -00-00000—L8 sqaaaqS snDTJeA 6UT3ejjnsa8 U014ePUaWWOD@8 G3UeUajUTeW jeJ@UaD L86L :103con5 L86L '9Z AeW :31V0 JaaUTbu3 40G.COJd :w083 A U0XTa uoqlnj uqoC 'JabeuaW abelITA :01 91OU1111 Ii=d;otd 3.uncoW 1987 General Mainten- -e Recommendation/Awarc May 26, 1987 Analysis of Bids continued A detailed analysis of the low Bidder indicates that the unit prices for Bituminous Concrete Surface Course Class I (Asph-alt Surface Material) contributed to the difference between the two low bids. QUALIFICATIONS OF LOW BIDDER The low bidder, Arrow Road Construction Co., 3401 S. Busse Road, P.O. Box 334, Mount Prospect, Illinois, 60056. Arrow Road Construction Company completed the 1986 General Maintenance Resurfacing Contract and several small reconstruction projects for the Village. Last year, they had some difficulty in conforming the Contract specifications and the quality of some of their work did not meet Village standards. However, before the 1986 Resurfacing Program was completed, Arrow Road Construction Co., repaired or replaced all non -conforming work to Village Standards. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the evaluation of the Bids received, I recommend that the Village of Mount Prospect award the 1987 General Maintenance Various Streets Resurfacing Contract to the lowest responsible Bidder, Arrow Road Construction Company in the amount of $4809,375.16. Subject to the acceptance of this Bid, I further recommend that the Bid from Peter Baker and Son Company not be accepted. Allied Asphalt Paving Company and J.A. Johnson Paving Company will be notified after Arrow Road Construction Company executes their Contract. This Contract will be paid with Motor Fuel Tax Funds from Account No. 22-074-08-8505 and 01-074-08-8501 which currently has $450,000.00 and $85,000.00 respectively. Fred 'Tennysoih, P.E. Project Engineer I concur with the above recommendation rbert L. Weeks, Director of Public Works XTAUIZ co — <-- 4 W I Gtr 45D as cvx� I= CD Mr :% ru M I M 0 I!D -5 --" fro lu Za M cu CL) "S M "S C) 0 3 M M in M a Ifl sm rD tn = :0 M M uv in to n n L= su in &-a V+ • -n CL MxM C6 co CL LO M drill au AWA& cco LD aD ko p -..j cm -o- w ro oa— • a 0 0 0 09 O=r on em "0 n 3c C-) *--q s-" v w w r- w Mo •0 ML W M W � :5 0 a". b-- W. M S-. p 9 --ft = e* < 6a -W -S n ru• 2: = C-4. LC3 M M CU Or —0 cr Ln -S 0 CL tr) En :K b -a - w M as cu r -j C* = = au wCti Ln in in --q r..+= w. m -s -s --4 a-0. 0". 0 -S < as -h --h K 9 --1 C-3 Mir nni w w L"0 ri n "'aM -S nX" a- IMD mto --q -S Cr lw 0 ry 0 = In cu En =1 CD M s M -41 mn W M WCL w w M CL M n ri C4. C-0 ljM 0.— ro r) < 93 =r M zo = tu ru M kn CR #-- elf, 94" M -S 2 1= ro ro -n Ln L W a 9 :0 = = :M :w M IID 0 =r C -i Cl IM 0 Ln M CL W4- a M M cla CL =r L" Lft .91W. — -4 w M rd M w MaaM W-4 W LII -4*1 N M -4 w -*A C"w CSM CD M jDa, -.4 LA -'j ttl CC) M Loj cu gu aj ao ap sm 0 a 4 Ln ul CL -n -nq, Itla in EL wow ui Ln LM ab- M M " " m w .MM- a w M w m a a a a a a a a 0 a & a a a OW M M ap w -0- 4TM w MTM w w w %D m IM M IM CJI ISD M CTM CTM w w CJf CJn in 0 "0 no FR CL CD Lj -4 11 &.& EA M CID Go Co LA Ew -Q CTM --4 M "a w -a mW -a a .6 .8 a w- a a 's am am co w m Ljo ap- -i m m aloo. " M M 0 V+- paw Ul M M M W, " M w -4 Low CT W w cm za o i ;COOGrM cooi M OR Is W M -4 M fSo Ln *00 4» a— b..% la - 4 4)- alp- a- o -mm baimM ro Ln w M W M a a or a a a 0 8 a U7. 21L lao LM CP Go LA I T &.- to 9 to M m to M 49 CL M = Ln al)- Imak aft tw sma, Q0 LA co CD w EA OD LA oaw- %%j "%*i w .4 a As a .6 "a -a a .0 as �w �m V• W eD LAO M 0-- LA OW w — p- cz 4jo Via 4+ 0*1 IS ro 8— Ln R3 CM w " G� 4 w is OD cc co .82, ts cm .0- W ju Fu ;)M mom ;w• am ev ;v) a a a m co am* C� CD LJNe-- saw. a-- IM I-- a— M 0.- ru -4 M M M W M a m I& Ln 410. Ch L" CJI CA M M LC3 Cad W -4 Loo tn -a W 81, w Lo 4 w w 0. M w -w am -a -o -a a a ow a a m, a in a Lai W M w W M 1-- 43- M CTM CTM " LD M -4 w SO LTM (w -0. CTM m " 42- MTM o. ko Cam p K) ow p w vq* ou tu 1 6-4 < I 0-ao *.a. •I co lam ;M a 6 ;v a ;)M i 6 ; D GD ci;L D M CIM LA EA Is W b -mo Z I a O.wb 6" Pab .0- a— M..ro ro -4 M M CA LA err OD m cu Lol paft Wb M cc$ do 4$1 co CJI -%j r --16D 41- up E4 CTM .6 a "a �dl a &I �A M cii n) -4 LA MUO --.j Lai Ca -.4 P— J3- r* *-a En CT ■ — M M Cat dD w P-- M $.- -4 Co CTM M WIM IM IS L" M eD -Q --j ro cco a !M . •IM no Ln eD m M Co m 0" I!D ro ro m Ln m OW W M to rp w eg Ln ep 4s OD op op M r -fl m ro M uz 'S� Lrl Ln LA rlu ro Ln M M 5) • ONO. a 6 a qpmm Mm 950 crw G? Li CD M Vi ISO to ow is Ln tn LJD W w --4 rn In 0 -ft a a .6 a .6 W 1!9 m LM Ln Ln cm Co p.M A) A-5 0 Cal, 1 co iso m eQ ZZ Loi co n> 4 c^j Myr My^r t9 clD M ro LD m cu CD Cso W is C9 � GD w co — <-- 4 W I Gtr 45D as cvx� I= CD Mr :% ru M I M 0 I!D -5 --" fro lu Za M cu CL) "S M "S C) 0 3 M M in M a Ifl sm rD tn = :0 M M uv in to n n L= su in &-a V+ • -n CL MxM C6 co CL LO M drill au AWA& cco LD /0o/ 90CL JO 00*Ci7LZ$ ST SJGppTO qS@Mol aouadaJJTP aqJ a D/ OM4 aqq Uaam@gqa ,,oZ 06 L -10 00* Li7L '17$ ST JaPPTO t46TL4 PUB Mol I uaamqaq aouajajjp aq, -a48WT4S3 SliaeuTbU4 aq4 sane G A 0 t - L Z S 8 M PTO 4SGqbTq Gq4 PUB Gq8WTqs3 Sl -Jl9aUT6 U3 at44 molaq o,Z-Z sem PTO qsamol aql 'SPUOG PTO PUB PTO JT@qq PaUbTS AlqoajjoOMSJaPPTB 11V •squawn000 PTO aqq Aq PGTTnbai se AqTlTqTbT13 40 sG48 uoTqeqjodsueaI jo oqdaa STOU' Ill PaqqTwqns siappTg IV >1 0 a L4 0 PGTJT4J@o 8 p@44Twqns '-0J UOT4onjqsuoj UeSTqJV PUB SpUoq PTO paqqTwqns '00J uoiqonaqsuoj weqj*eW PUB 4#() J U0Tqonjqsuo0 ouajoqqV SG I8 A SISAIVNV 00 zqS Lz OOJ UOTqonjqsuoj we4jeW o o 8 s L o z '*00 UOT 0 .qonalsuoj ouajoqqV 00*SLV' LL$ 'DJ U0Tqonj4suo3 uesTqjV GIO 3SVO lViol d 3 00 18 400*908'LL$ sem qo@Cojd aqq jo G4eWT4s3 S,JaaUTbu3 a4l *03 UOTqonaqsuoj weqjeW Aq 00-Z9�'[Z$ jo q6Tt4 B 04 *oJ uoi 4onjqsuoj U e 8 T 4 J V Aq 0 0 � L t L L $ 40 m 0 1 e w o ij p a 5 ue j S P T 8 a4 I 'PGATaO -ad adam spTq aajq4 jo le4o4 V o4joda8 smGN uoTqonaqsuoj ab* ay-4UT pue jadedsmau 18001 Gq4 UT pat4STlqnd @jam OCI SaOTq0U PTO a3AI3338 SGIO -lesodoid aqq UT pauillno se SGTqTquenb P@qBWT4Sa aqq Uo paseq jappTq qoea joj pTq aseq leqoq aye. Jo uoTqewwns e sl molaq opTq aseq leqoq e paqsTi -qeqsa PUB L niq 4 L SWa 4 1 JOJ aOT id I e 40 4 e papnI OUT pTq _2.oe3 W80J ale ' pnole peas PUB pauado A13TI -qnd ejam spTq paleas 'GWT4 STqq 4 V OWS-00-00000-LO 'lOBJ4UoJ sqaajqS snOTJBA bUTOeJJns@d GJUeUGqUTeW IBJGuaD L86L Gq4 JOJ PGATeDGJ Giam SpTq paleas &Nov 00:0L 48 IL86L 'qZ AeW 'Aep5ani uo W0 -00 -00000 -LB WeabOJd JTeda8 4alUI V UTS88 qoqeo U0TqBpUaWWoO08 aOUeUa4UTeW 19 JauaD L86L :103cens L86L '9Z AeW :31VO JGaUTbU3-4Oa.00Jd :wo83 . . . . .......... UOXTO uoqlnj uqoC 'aabeuBW @belITA :01 Wr)C3NYlJ0Kl3K' 3:)1.4.401931 Ni ouilli li=cl;o4d 3.unoW 1987 General Mainten- ^e Recommendation/Away May 26, 1987 'Analysis of Bids continued A detailed analysis of the low bidder indicates that the overall unit prices were consistantly equal to or lower than the other two Bidders. QUALIFICATIONS OF LOW BIDDER The 'low, bidder', Artisan Construction Co., was a subcontractor for J.A.Johnson Paving during the Villages' 1983 Resurfacing Program. Throughout the summer of 1983, Artisan Construction Co. completed the same type of work for Johnson Paving as they proposed to perform for this Contract. Artisan's quality of work during the 1983 Resurfacing Program was very good. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the evaluation of the Bids received, I recommend that the Village of Mount Prospect award the 1987 General Maintenance Catch Basins & Inlet Repair Contract to the lowest responsible Bidder, Artisan Construction Company in the amount of $17,415.00. Subject to the acceptance of this Bid, I further recommend that the Bid from Martam Construction Company not be accepted. Abboreno Construction Co. will be notified after Artisan Construc- tion Company executes their Contract. This Contract will be paid with Motor Fuel Tax Funds from Account No. 22-071-07-6260 which currently has $15,000.00 Fred TennysorV, P.E. Project Engineer I concur with the above recommendation '0 1 1, F" _NTTbert L. Weeks, Director of Public Works CB/FT/m 6--b -4 .0 jp- P.-A LA 6 im FLY I-- 1511 m m I M 0 w ""S —h mc m 0 cn z m -S u Ln su Ul CL cm Is to m cl Cu 3c CO ro ro I co co co 4 C cp*i CL ro cm ID et a gm gm LC3 ul to Ln op m < an CLcr nm c rz 0-6. =rn ri :9 a- cr Cl* cu m w w a = 0— m m 0 C4cp . W in Ul < 9LI m -4 m a- =a ttl 10 to w to a DA Vol M 10 m Ln tow 1-� = 4n PA Ln VI- m zo n 1= mm b.- Im CL ID n r) m Ll" m R m CL dD CR LA aD ro CD alp Lw 6D Im On ep co renmr- mmm m I so JC3 Do OA OW W 94, CL CL -n *"P in !P 450 Isa W lmi� js;� C-3 IM Ln CMFW W aD CD ap M N n PA M aD cm Ga 99 CR cq* LC3 kv C"' ww w mom m ap m sm cr 6D CD ap �i -aD 6 6 i - C;g GD ISO D wt, M 40- ro I-- *0 40 ul aD co LA N M ru eD aD 0 Hwy., co ap 6 PA T m CD IGDD ICWII Go 4w IMP c CD ap -i do Lo Im 91" w t ISI m m I-- 1511 m m I M 0 w ""S —h mc m 0 cn z m -S u Ln su Ul CL cm Is to m cl Cu 3c CO ro ro I co co co 4 C cp*i CL ro cm ID et a gm gm LC3 ul to Ln op m an crop CD 4wo cp m CD dD CR LA aD alp Lw 6D Im On ep co I so 0 ;D 16 ;D *"P CD 450 Isa W lmi� js;� I-- 1511 m m I M 0 w ""S —h mc m 0 cn z m -S u Ln su Ul CL cm Is to m cl Cu 3c CO ro ro I co co co 4 C cp*i CL ro cm ID et a gm gm LC3 ul to Ln op *G48W14S3 sjJ@aUTbU3 G44 GAoqe o.,013 sem PTO -ou, /0 'uew4JeH *8 -A PUB wo-gsem PTO s UDTqBjodjoj uoTqonaqsuoj uouueg gleaS aqajodjoi JT@q4 bul4qTwo Aq squawnaoo PTO JTGqq UbTS Xlqoajjoo oq p@I 'pajTnbaj OSjB ST TBJ OSIB -djoj UOTqonjqsuoj uouueo qOTqM AqTlTqTbT13 JO a483T ,JT4daj UOTqeqjodsueal jo oqdaa STOUTIJI ue qqTwqns 04 palTej odaoj UDTqonjq*suoj UouUeo squawnooa PTO aqq, Aq paiTnbaa se spuog PTO paqq* Twqns sjappT8 Its SGIO JO SISAIVNV 00*OLL'['03 uew4dBH -8-A OO' z9o,6L$ 'Oj UOTq3naqsuoj uouueg 010 ISVO Iviol 83aaio 000*0�9'Ll$ sem joaCoad aq4 JO a4BW14s3 SadaaUTbU3 aqi -Auedwoj u8W4J8H '8')q Aq 00*OLL'[�$ jo L45'TL4 8 oq x.00 uo-rqoniqsuoj Uouueo Aq 00*Z90'6L$ JO mol 8 wojj PabUBJ SPTO aqj ''PaATaDad i9d@m SPTq omq jo leqo-4 V *qjodaa smaN uoiqonjqsuoj abpo(j GL44 UT PUB iodedsmau 18001 at44 UT pGt4STlqnd " aJGM SGOTqou PTO G3A13J38 SGIO a4l UT pauTlqno se AqTquenb paqewTqsa aqq 'lasodoid JOJ PTq aseq le UD • poseq jappTq yoga 404 aq4 JO UOTqewwns e ST molal -pTq aseq leqoq e PGqSTlqeqsa pue waqT auo sod. GDTid le -40q a papnIOUT pTq Rja3 W803 GIG Pauado AIDTlqnd aaam spTq paleas 4GWT4 STL44 '4V -pnole peas PUB 4 De a 14 u0i We JbOld bUT 16@5 >138ij aoUeUaqUT8W * Wo -Op -00000 -LB PGATGDGJ Gjam spTq pa- IeJ@U@9 L86t aq4 J04 leas -w-V oo:ot qe 6L86t 'qZ ABW 'Aepsanj uo WO -00 -00000 -LB weaboJd bUTleaS >Ioejj U0148PUaWW0JGZJ a3U8Ua4UTeN IeJaUaD L86[ :1j3c8ns L86L '9Z ABW :31Va ,1QaUTbU3--40G.00,1d :wo83 U0XT(j uo4lnj uqoC 6jabeUBW Gbell,,TA Wr)C3NV*8OK'3K' 3:)1.4.40E3.LN1 �ri glouilil 'z=ci;o.Ld xunoN ����r ��..� � � ��-rte! ........... . . . .......... . ....... . . ...... 1987 General MaInten- -e Recommendation/Awarc May 26, 1987 RECOMMENDATIONS Because Gannon Construction Corp. failed to property execute their Bid Documents and because K.R. Hartman, Inc., was 80% over the Engineer's Estimate, I recommend that the Village reject all Bids for the 1987 Crack Seating Program. I further recommend that the Village rebid this Contract as soon as possible. Fred Tennyson,P.E. Project Engineer I concur with the above recommendation He'rbert L. Weeks, Director of Public Works CB/FT/m I I%c LC3 M M ION 4SP m WI RD C) r,3 s • 0 xr ro OA OA r3 0 no Ln tnfD 'm M ro n 9w"0 ct, 0-0 CD co RI W u:s LO Is W ja is6 -4 zj 0-4 A I%c M M ION • ro no CD co RI W W ja is6 -4 zj 0-4 A 0-0 26 C� co CD CL rn 0-0 V ap i0 % Lo 1.4. m N as Ln 13 to to ap CD wo t= m boo& W -Jok *005'8$ JU PGIBWTISG' ISOO 8 19 NJOA UBTSGP a4l polueab aq 01 Sal8T3OSSV pUe ant4ouo a puawwooga ajojaja4j atA -)1JOA G141 JO uOTjjod 6UTJGaUT5u9 TTATO 841 JOJ WJTJ JTa4j 6UTSOOqO Aq qOGIT40J8 UBTSOP 841-41TA UOTqBUTPJ003 jalegib aq p1nom ajeqq qeql pus P9ATOAUT 4803 041 jo joleOTPUT 46noao,t4l ajow e ST S918TOOSSV V on40uOG Aq PaIlTwqns aqo,nb *at4,4' je4j jaej at4 ejqxe joj Noeq awo3 Asw Aaq sloealuoo jo pieme joqje sabjeqo 1 4841 PTq JT841 UT IUGWGIBIS 8 Wojj TGOJ aM UOSBGJ ST41 JOJ *PuB4aaojaq poluTdwaluoo jou Naom ejlxa Joh AITTTqTxeTj ou JO 011ITT P84 PTq sauu"40SOV uOIJ89 ATqTssod V344 TGGJ I PUB J00UT6u3 GbOTTTA a4l sPTq bUTMOTAGJ - 941 0 J 9 4 J V 05510L$ *3uj Idnoig UOTqeljodsuejl oilaW 00519 $ 884BT30SSV V an40uuG 005,5 $ 03UI 'SOJeTOOSSV # uBw43sOV uOIJOG :8MOTTOJ Be 9jB solono *MJOM UbTSGP STt4j JOJ S-IGOUTbUG bUTITnsuoo a.9jt4j woal solonb qt46nos aA8t4 OM -SIUGWGAOW ujnl PuO4 4JOT JOJ mOTTe 04 U8TPGW Oql JO UOTIeOTJT-POW JOUTW B aq off, OA84 TTTA GJ841 T8JIua3 uo IsB3 -JGIUOO SNJOM OTTqnd 041 OJUT IUGWGAOW Pappe aqj JOJ apTAOjd oq JGTTOJIuOD Pue sTeU6TS MaU JO UOT4eT1ejSUT pus sPJ8Pu8ls TeubTS bUTISTXa aOBTdoi 'OTJJBJI punoqlsam sod OITS 9144 OJUT auET uJnj jq6TJ e Joj U OTIonjqsuooaj 4UOWOAed aJTnbaJ TTTM UOTIDaSaOlUT Gqj AlTiToei mou ino 04 ss"38 aPTAoid of sapjo uj* ouoTIBDTJTPOw JOJ sueTd AUB MGTAQJ 01 GA84 TTTM SUOTIDTPSTinC qqoq 1uoT*q0TPSTjnC alels Japyn ;P8 T8Jlu80 pue'Aiamt46T'q �ju'noj' B ST -p8. as-sn - s. f o d OSTBUbTS 3TJjejl 6UTISTXO aqj 01 SUOT480TJTPOw GNBw 04 Aiessaaeu aq TTTm IT Tailugo pue. assng le AITTTOBJ SNJOM OTTqnd MaU 941 JO UOTjonjjsuo3 qqj jo lied sir .J94uG3 81JOA OTlqnd ObBTTTA UOT109SJGIUI Tualuej/assng UOTj8ZTjSU6TS/jUaW8AOjdwj UOTIOOSJBIUI *cons L86L '8L ABW :31Va SJJOA 3TTqnd JOIOOJT(] a a :WONJ JObBuBW 06BTTTA :oi wnaNV11OW3W 331:1:101131NI Soomill laoadswd iunoW :toar dSoiCjdun oL^jjo, 95el[!A Ilk squewqoeqlv 40/MIH saaM1 ljaqjaH opad ,ejj,o6au aq of IGA gleJ ATanoq e 18 JOGUT'BUG 5UTITnsuoo aqj Aq SaDTAJOS uotl,3a,dsUT TeWTUTW v - ATqTssod pUBUOTjoadSUT jo adAl jeqj jo AIT'JOfBw 9141 OP TTTM JJBIS ano 'IR41, PGl"*ed'T3TqUe ST II 'UOTSTAJodns UOTlonjlsuoo opnTOUT . IOU PTP salonb 8GJqI TTV 'JeGA TBOSTJ Le/98 aq4 UT paiinoUT SqSOO UOTqoadSUT PUB bUTJGOUTbU@ qoaCojd JaAOD 04 papnTOUT uaaq s8q 000'0[$ TBUOTqTPPB ue punj UOTq3naqsuo3 CLU - sasodand alejodjoo aqq ul 's9GAOTdwo abETTTA JOI s4sOO VJIJ PUB AWI PGqBdTOTqueun oq anp ase sajn4TPuadxG T8UOT4TPP8 Gqi 'OOO'LL$ 40 sainqTpuadxa IBUOTqTPPB PUB anuGAGJ e se punt TBJGU@E) 9141 wojj j;ajsu-ezil p;asodoTd aq-4 sapnTOUT punj 38WI aqi ,,-jajsueaq AqTnba,, ue se punj quawabeueW >ISTH a4q Oq PGJJGJSUejq Uaqq PUB pun IBJaUGO P4q UT P8pJO3aJ aq spaaooid @44 qSqq SGJTnb@j UDTqun4TS STqq UT qUaWqBGJ4 bUTqUn000e jadoad aqi 'aAoqe PGUOTqUaW spasooid @40U Gqq JO UOTqBUTWTla UR smogs punj quawa6euBW MST8 Gqi *sainqTpuadxa TeqOq UT aSeGJOUT Tenqoe ou ST 9j;aL4q os slun000le Jat4-40 UT papnTOUT uaaq GABq SUOTqonpa8 -punj jaWI aqj UT qTo'Tjap punj e apnTOeid oq papnTOUT uaaq seq punJ JHWI aq4 04 OOO'LZ$ JO JOJSUBJ4 8 'OSTV -9IOU 4uawTTEqSUT at4q jo spaaooid aqq pjooaj oq pappe uaaq seq weqT anu9AGJ 8 punJ TBJGU80 aL44 UI :sabueqo qqj JO UOT4BUBTdxa ue ST bUTMOTTOJ -P8q3Bjq8 ST q3TqM L qTqTqx3 UT P@qSTT ase sO6UB43 OTJTZ)ads 941 'BGTdT3UTid bUTqun000e paqda33B ATTBJ9u96 qqTm ATdwoo off. papnTOUT ST 986L IL aunC paqep 84ON qu@wTT84SUI GAJaS88 93UBjnsuj aqq jo spaaooid aqq JOJ bUTqabpnq jo PO4qaW aqq UT ObuEqD 8 ATTBUOTqTPPV 'UDTq3ni4suo3 J@qeM UB6Tq3TW 9181 VSS PUB UOT43njqsuo3 CLU sasodand alejodaoj :spunj s43GrOJd TB Tde3 omq pue 'punj jdWj . Gqq UT sainqTpuadxg TBuOTqTPPB JOJ sGPTAoid quawpuawe aql 'sTE404 qabpnq PUG-JBGA TBOSTJ uodn paseq ST qOTqM pajedaid uaaq seq quawpuawe TBUOTqTPPB uV -liodai qabpnq t44UOW-XTS Gt4q WOjj paiEdaid S@qBWTqSG JO STseq aqq uO 986L jaqweoaa UT p8pUaW8 sem qabpnq L81986L at4i 'PaJTnbai ST qUaWPUGWB ue 6paqebpnq qunowe aye.g paeoxe sainqTpuadxa punk TEqOq laA * T@AaT qSaq6Tq @qq ST JO u8qm PUB TOJWOO JO TGAaT punk. aql -punk. Aq pue 'UOTSTATP quawqjedep 'wei6oid 'Ajobaqeo @jn4TPuadx9 Aq paquasaid ase sw@4T-8uT.T* TBn*pTATPUT qOTqM UT STsaq weiboid P@TJTPOw 8 UO PGZTU26JO ST qoadsoJd qunoW jo 968TTTA* 960 P j * nq "aqj qab* quawpuewV 4ebpn0 L8/986L :133c0ns L86 '6Z ASW :31VO JOIDGJTG GOUBUTJ luosd@C -3 PTABO :WNj jabeueW obeTTTA 'UOXTa uoqTnj uqoC :01 wnaNY8OW3W 331.4:101131NI SIOM11 luadsold lunOW 96ell'A John Fulton Dixon Page 2 1986/87 Budget Amendment In the SSA #5 - Lake Michigan Water Construction Fund an increase of $25,000 is included for the line -item, Transfer For Fixed Costs. This appropriation covers the Village's payments to JAWA and is due to an increase in deposit requirements* The overall effect of the above changes is to increase 1986/87 budget expenditures by $17,000 in the IMRF Fund and by $35,000 in the two Capital Projects Funds. An ordinance that incorporates these changes has been prepared for the June 2, 1987 Village Board meeting. DCJ/sm Enc -- C 00 * SLLV 000 5Z $ 0 a 57 Ll s Jsa3 paxT J soJ saJ sued 0786- W-5La-8'S sasn4Tpuadx3 * gsuo3 jageM ue Tg3TW aN81 - 5 VSS 000 `9 L0 -- a0a aoo 8 g y � salla S �aLB Va-VLa-Z5 sajngTpuadx3 •4sua3 CLU - sass and a-esa s03 o0o 15 L 000, L 000 `V L i/d sIso3 VOIA VZ66-La-Z60-VZ 000`98G 00019 000`08L 1/d s4so3 VOID CZ66-La-Z60-VZ 000`08L $ 00010G $ 000'aLL $ s4so3 A8WI ZZ66-La-Z6a-W sasnjTpuadx3 -0- e,�aua was ,�a sues - a00 Z 000 LZ $ a T a 1 5ZZfi 00 -000 -VZ sanuana8 puna 38WI. -a- <0aa a5 > 0001,0 spaaOOJd alON 05ZV-00-000-6V sanuanad puna quawa SMW MST8 0001LC 4000`L > aaa`S saTTddnS JuteW 9TOT49A CLZL-ZL-LLa-L 000`017<00010l > a0o`a5 JTed98 6uTpTTng MS-Z0-LLa-L 000 '17 <00010L > aaa 1 t L ssooQ M d aoeTdad VM -Z0- LL0- L aaa`LZ $ aaa`LZ $ -0- $ 38WI 01 JaJuesl fL96-CL-LCa-L sasnjTpuadx3 oao 00� aaa 005 -0. s aa3as - a � SP98301d @ION a$Z�7 00-aaa-G a 11171 sanuaaad pnj3 <aseasaaG> bpn_ L8/98 asealoul L8/98 punj Tesaua0 pasTnad juawpuawV ga6'pn8 L8/986G V lTgTyx3 XJ9TD a6PTTTA v S,2"Te)TLIq ToxeD : is aliv 4u9PTSald 95PTTTA asnpiX -H UAT0JPD 0986LJ go AL STqq GSAOHdcTV Pup CIHSSVd : SAI asev : S a.Kv -mPT Aq PaPTAOid SP UIJ0g 49Tqduipd UT UOT490TTqnd PUP TVAOiddp 495psspd S4T J94JP PUP W011 -409 a p&e 9310J TTnj UTaq TTPLIS 90UPUTPIO STLI-4 -4RLlLl a a a 2HEHI NOIlOaS *L86L JOE TTidV go se puna quawa5puvw XST-d atlq 04 pund aqejodiOD TPJ9u90 9LI4 WOIJ 19JSUP14 A4Tnba up sp 000' 005$ 199suPJ4 TTP'qs 104091TG 9DUVUTa 9qq qVLlI *OMI NOIIDaS -04929q P9qOP44P i,V,, -4TqTLlx2l uo paTTpqap sp Jpapuawp Aqajaq sT qoadsoid qunow go 95V -[-[TA aqq jog qa6pnq LB -986L 1299 TPOSTJ 9LI-4 4PLIJ : aNO NOII OHS :SIONIUUI ')SKIDOO NOOD 11OHdSOUd INOON aO HDVUUIA SRI aO SESISnUl aO GUVOS GNV INEGISaUd alll 2�9 GaNIVUEO 11 ag JaHOaaHaBJ 'MON 'a6PTTTA aq4 4SUTP6P squawa6pnC PUP SUITVTD aTqTssod jog paAjasaj aq PTnoqs 986L IL aunt paqpp aqou qu9u'TTP4SUT atlq WOJJ SP990OJd 000'005$9LI4 4V'qq P9UTMJ9-49P eAPLI qoadsoja qunoW 0 90 96VTTTA 9114 90 saaqsnil go PJPOS Pup 4u9PTs9Jd 9q4 'SVa*dHHM pup lqoadsoid qunoW go 96PTTTA aq4 JO 4S9194UT qsaq 9qq UT aq oq lsa6vd quawpuawp qa6pnq a 98-5861 P9q3V44V 9q4 UO p9T;Toads sp lS95UPqD 9q4 9A9TTaq qDadsoid qunoW JO 95PTTTA 9lq4 go saaqsnjI go pipos pup quapTsaid 9T44 Jsva-dasm Pup !L8 -986t TPOSTJ 10J qeBpnq PTPs9J0JP 9LI4 04 S95UPqD PUP SUOT4TPPP UTP41aD P9M9TA9J 9A-eLl qoadsoid 4unoW 90 96PTTTA 9tT4 go saa4snil go pi-eog pup quapTsaid aq4 iSVSdaRM PUP !9861 'SL TTidV uo qoadsoad qunoW 90 95PTTTA 9q4 90 S9TqTjotlqnp aqviodjoo aqq Aq paAoiddp J8E9E -oN a a0UPUTPJO go 96pssvd aqq q6nojq4 paqdopp SPM L8 -986L JvaA TPOSTJ jog qaBpnq Tpnuup up JpapTAoid pus appw 'STOUTTTI 30 94P49 91'14 go sa4nqpqS 9L14 PUP aDUPUTPIO PTPS910JP 9qq oq qupnsind 'SVaHaHM 0 PUP ,UlaqSAS Ja0TJJO qa5pnig, 9LI-4 xapun 95'eTTTA 9LI-4 9:0 S90UPUTJ 911-4 SqaS Ll0TTqM ZtEZ -oN a5upUTPJO paAoiddp pus passed 9APlq 409dSOld qunoW 90 DBPTTTA aL14 90 saaqsnil go pipog pup quapTsaid aLlq 'SVaHaHM L8 -986L UVOSIa UOa GaldOGV IROG09 UVnNNV alll 01 SlN2WGNaWV NIVIHHD DNIXVW aONVNIGUO KV *ON aDNVNIGUO 000 � L��. V7 L 00065Z 000 oSfi L$ SIs03 paxTd xoJ J9jSue.xl LV86-LO-SLO-OS <a00`a� > a0o`aS sTeda8 ouTpTTnq BASO-Za-ALO-t oaO ` fi saan4Tpu9dx3 000 '17 L ssOoa M d aoeTdad VOCO-Zo- LLO- L OOO`LZ gsuoo „TaleM ue Ty3TW aMe1 - VSS 000 8L ........... 000 o L 000 gegad jaMaS COLS-gra-VLO-ZS sasngTpuadx3 •4sua3 iL U - sasodsnd agesa io0 000 Lec s 000 L $ 0009 000 S L 0aa7 L 000'17 L 1/d SIS03 VOID VZ66-LO-Z60-tZ 000`98` 00069 0oo;on 1/3 sIsaO VOID CZ66-La-UO-tZ 000,08L s 00010L s 0001OLL $ sIsoO J8Wi ZZ66-LO-Z60-VZ sasnjTpuadx3 000"L -Z --I'000 LZ -0- Tesaua0 wosJ saIsuesl SZZV-00-000-VZ sanuanaH puna jHWI -0- $ <000 oOS>$ 000600S $ sp9930ad a4ON OSZV-00-000-0 sanuanad pun j quawa eI W >ISTIJ OOalLi <000'L > 00019C saTTddnS quTeW 9TuT4aA CGZL-ZL-LLO-L 000`0 <a00`a� > a0o`aS sTeda8 ouTpTTnq BASO-Za-ALO-t oaO ` fi <00010L > 000 '17 L ssOoa M d aoeTdad VOCO-Zo- LLO- L OOO`LZ $ 0aa`LZ $ -0- JBWI 01 saJuesl CL96-Ci-LCO-L saingTpuadx3 000 005 000 005 $ -0- sp8900Jd 04ON OBZV-00-000-L sanuanad 1a pn8 <aseajoao> ja ' png L8/99 aseaioul L8/98 punct Tesaua0 pasTnad juawpuawV jabpnOL / 13608d INnow 30 ail V lTgTgx3