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-Towed SuTinp UOTIVIOTA le SaAJasqo ..jaz)yjjo up u;at4m jo sTs-eq juveldwoz) p uo upq at4j saz).Jolluo aSleTT!A a4l -Az)ilod juaUJ;DZ)JOjU,9 aATlz)le-oid P an -eq IOU SaOP a2'eTl!A a'41 Ile4l papuodsai STuouler -jVy -2uil>IuTjds dols of wTq >Isle ol asnoq siq Aq paddols ia:)Tjjo up -w-le ()I:ol Ile a:)UTS PQDJOJUa slem ueq 2UTI>Iuijds aqj moq pa>lse AajwniN jaW -.jW -e;DJR S;DTI!I!Ifl SU;DZTI!o at4l UT SUOTIZ)TJIScIJ JaIRAN jo juawgz)joju;a Inoge UOTJPLUJOJUT palsanbai SjaqualIVA Qajsnj.L -Az)uasjaw,a aye. Sui.inp >Ijom aug jTa4j joj juawliledaCl s>ljol z)ilqnd a'41 PaPuawwO:) aall!UJUJOD aq.L -swaTqo.id at4l jo axemeun aja.,w sluap!saj 1:)adsO.Jd junoW AuleW -saTl!unwwo:) V. -jaqjo Aq paz)uaTjadxa uoTjdnjSTp at4l Inot4j!A& spaau jaliem s,aS-ell!A aqI laaw ol alqle siem juawli-edaa s>ljol :)TTqnd aye. !sainspaw uoilvAiasuoz) jazem pup IsIlaA& da;ap aAlj JO az)uieualUTew IAI!oiedez) a2lejois aAJaSaJ S,a2PTT!A aqj jo asn-e:)aq liet4i pal -els s>laa& ljaqjaH JOIZ)aJICI S>JJOj Z)Tiqnd -pa2.jlet4Daj 2uTaq All-ewjou le s>fulel a2pjols SARTFA aqj ua4,*A awTj le re umop jnt4s S -em WaISAS aqj asnez)aq palleAleMp spm walqojd s,a2l?IT!A aq.L -aAlPA aqj iredai off. umop Ings slem walsAs VA�Vf ai4jL -liodjiV as-el4lo Ile (9961 'L Isn2nV) 1142Tu AppunS uo painiz)pil UTRUJ UOTSSTLUSURIJ VJVC 4Z)UT-06 aye, JJO aAlleA japaalq P 'puoDaS 'QSeTT!A a4l uT s>leajq uTpw jo jaqwnu up UT palinsai pup saajSap OZ dojp ol sainvejadwal jai -em pasnez) t4lTm Ule'BTqDTW a) UT UOTS aAUT ainipjadwal e sei& ajaqj llsiij 'WaISAS laIRAN UR2Tt4:)Iyy Wie8 l a4l ql!m swalqoj Aq pasneo AouaSiawa jalem aqj P;atAaTAa.J STUOUler jaet43TW Ja2leuPVY a2VTPA JUlejSTSSV -pall] pup pajdaz>3p aJam 996t 19Z i(Inr jo Suilaaw aloqj aqj jo aajj!wwo:) at4l jo salnuTW aq.L M P gel -VTpaLU JUTjd aqj woil suosjad aajql ajam wasaid osIV -Jago Ua.JPN JOjP.JjSlUTUJpV UOTSTAaTaJL aTqpo pup s>laa& Ijaqjal4 s>ljoAk Z)Tlqnd jo jozz)ajT(j luosdar P!AB(] JOIZ)aJl(] aZ)Upui,4 IsTuouleC lapqZ)TW ia2leuieW a2lell!A lUeISTSSV :aJcIA% 2UTjaQUJ aqj le juasaid osIV -Siaquajje& ajopoaq.L pup waao upA a2.]OQD "STMsn1einW lewjON IsojolA oa-1 'Aalipg pleiao linqllV qdlie-d saalsnjjL :ajam Suilaaw aqj Ile luasaJd -w-d SPL IP JaP-JO 01 pallIeD SPM SUTjQaLU aqjL -ajodw,a.L-o.jcj UPLUlTiet4o sp sojolg oa-1 aalsnil Pal:)aTas sjaqwaw aajj!wwo:) ai4l laauasqie slasniej)l joAlew Ui 9961 $6 LSrl!)flV 310HA 3HI .40 93111V1 WOO sginNIW IV. REVIEW OF CABLE TELEVISION DIVISION Trustee George Van Geem requested a review of the, current status 16f the Cable Television Division's programming capability, staf f ing, and funding as well as an overview of the Village's Franchise Agreement with TCI olfIllinois,, franchise compliance, and the procedures for franchise modification and renewal. Cable Television Administrator Karen Giet presented an overview of the Cable Television Division's activities and responsibilities. She noted that the Franchise Agreement expires in 1996 and that the Franchise renewal process begins in 1993. Ms. Giet outlined subscriber complaints, franchise violations, and lack of co- operation from Cablenet to comply with the Agreement* Trustee Farley interrupted and objected to Ms. Giet's comments since Cablenet representatives were not invited to the meeting and were not present to defend themselves. He suggestea that the problems should be aired at a public hearing before the Northwest Municipal Cable Council or the Village Board. In response to a question from Trustee Art'hur, Ms. Giet noted, that thereare en ' I base of 22000 currently 7,800 subscribers. in Mount Pro.spect out of a potI I I tia I households. Subscriptions have been down for'a number of years after a high of over 9,000 subscribers in 1982. Ms. Giet discussed the possible future purchase of "chip" cameras that operate in low light levels for the Village Board meetings. Several Committee members voiced there concern about expenditures in the Cable Television Division. It was the consensus of the Committee that the Village only use cable television franchise fees to fund the Cable Television Division's activities. Thee Committee discussed the Cable Television Division's ability to produce more programming. The Cable Television Di,visii,'on is rest ' ricted by the lack of studio space and personnel. There is no Public Access studio 'located in Mount Prospect, as required by the Franchise Agreement. T'he, Mount Prospect Public Access studio was taken over by Cablenet for commercial productions. The Village must use Public Access studios in Arlington Heights, Park Ridge or Schaumburg; or use the sitting' a'rea in the Division's offices. Use of the he Division's Offices for productions require that Human Services personnel teMporari,ly 'leave their offices, that the doors are locked, and that telephones and office equipment are shut off. The Division will have a small area in the new Public Works facility for the storage of props and for taping small interviews. Trustee Farley inquired about the poss,ible,: use of the Public Safety Building ,for Cable pro'ductions. The, Public Safety Building has no room for a studio or storage of props. The building frequently experiences "brown -outs" because of an inadequate electrical system* The Committee indicated their desire for, more locally -produced pro grammingt more Village festival and parade covera'ej more Village meeting coverage (ZBA, Plan Commission' and increased citizen involveme,.nt# Comm,ittee, members discussed )f , coordinating programming with other governmental agencies and securing funding from private businesses. Trustee Farley suggested that the Northwest Municipal Cable Council should be asked to do a study of member agencies' use of the system and to develop recommendations regarding the best use of the public access and government access channels. It was the consensus of the Committee that the Village staff should study the comment made by the Committee during discussion and to return to the Committee with recommendations for the future direction of Channel 63* IM us SIZ)a(O.Jd IPTz>adS - JaSleu'eW ?2RTI!A aye. off. JUlejSTSSV :)VlNals or 19VI401W 'pall!wqns AlInpoadsall -w-d gli:6 Ile pauinofp-e slema 2UTjaaLU aqj lalot4l at4l jo aajjTwwo:) aqj ajojaq aUlOZ) 01 SSaUTsnq jaqjinj OU SUTaq ajaq.L lNgWNIIfIOCGVOIIIA "SaSpnf UOTIZ)ala Sle QAJaS 01 aTdoad qSnoua joleillp of saSpnf uoij:)aTa joj spuadils ajaql pas-ealz)uT sleq hiunoo aqj asniez)aq sallep!puez) ajow 131e.111P 01 Jap.10 UT SaT.JleT'eS aalsnil SUTSlea.IDUT PajPZ)OApr RjaquallpAk aajsnj.L *Suilaaw aye. jo 13npuo:) sTq joj sojol3 aalsnjjL papuawwo:) aall!wwoo. at4jL SSgNlSflg 119HIO ANV IIA *ssauisnq jo wal! jxau aqj 0.1 UO PaAOUl aajj!wwo:) aqj Iliodai 01 SUTqjou SUTaq aiaq.L 1110d9lf Sillg'DVNVW IA -jaqoloo Aq pjeog a2rjl!A aqj off. sasieaj:)uT Aule joj suoplepuawwoaaj sj! juasaid Ijels aqj jrqj paisanbaj pule SQaj OSUaD!l JO /AaTAaJ le palioddns osy-e aajj!wwoZ) aqjL '.IVaA SUTSUa:)Tl aqj a2uleq� ol uoijPpuawwo:)aj aq:j ql!m paaz)ojd oz aajj!wwoZ) vqj jo snsuasuo:) aye. seem 1I 'STsO.) a2eTT!A 41!m a3led 2uTdaa>l air Aa4l jP41 ainsua of PQA&aTAQJ aq saaj aye. je4j Suipuawwooai osTle si liels a4l -anp awo:)aq ScISUa:)TT Tip ua4,A& T!jdV PUP 4DJPW JO S41UOUJ al4l 2UTinp juawliedaCl az)uleUTj aqj uo ainssaid Q41 az)npai Pule 000'W)(TaIPWTxojddle jo UTR2 anUaAaJ aUJTj-aUO P UT linsai jTjm a2ur4z) aq.L -.jeah ilepual-ea llnj aye. 41!m puodsaiioz) ol panssi aq IT!.A& 0661 JOJ sasua:)T-I -popad 4:tuow-142p aye joj pavejoid aq TT!A% Saaj aSUaZ)T^j -6961 11C jaqwa:)aG uo 2UTPUa POT.Jad 4luow-i4STa UP jol panssT aq ll!sasuaz)!l MaN *6961 'of I!jdV UO alTdxa Ipm sasuaDIT 64961-9961 waiinD a4jL A& -jeaA ippu;aT-e:) aqj 01 Jle.IA TPZ)STJ aye. WOJJ SaSUaZ)Tl ionbTf PUP 'SaSUaZ)Tl JOIZ)PJIUO:) 'SaIPZ)Tj!lJaZ) UOTlz)adsuT SSaUTsnq 'S,9SUaZ)Tl ssauisnq JOI I-eaA SUTSUcl:)Tl Qqj a2upip of liesodoid e i4l!,#A paluasaid slem aalllwwoo at4jL 91VG IVAON911 9SN90II "A o 9GOLLIM6 o VLOO9 SION1111 s3NIIVIVd o avowONVU 6W9 0 U3.LN30 NoudoavJ.3d-V-3AVS 3H.L tSg IDEdSOUd *IN SO ROMIA :Iszllv S@DTAJaS JO asuqDand :aansOTOuH J04OGaTa @ATqnoaxZ T, q o:D,. r, r a,T, u Uog T le T Pa O:D, *STUUITUP peanCUT PUP P9UOPLMQU 'Aumqs siqoadsOad -qW JO S@ATT 9qq 53UTAUS UT noA qqTm dTqsaauqjud ,ono SuTnUTqUOD 04 PJEMaOJ >TOOT am *617f7L-�C6 4P Gul TTuD asuaTd 'Tvsodoid STqq qnoqp SUOTqsanb aO qlTm cu'@Tqoad GA,eq noA jj *mOTaq umoqs ssaippe aqq qu gad-V-aAUS 04 JG44@T sTq4 JO Adoo auo ujnqaa pus US'S 9suGTd lnoA oq aTquqdaoou ST. TEsodoad STqq JI * swagq 4uGwG@JSP uT G2?U`Eq0 Ou qqTm (06/OC/6 - Be/ Uo L) WJ@q Je9A-OM4 TBUOTqTppu UP aoj 4u@wGGa2?s STgq jo uoTsuaqxa aqq asodoad oq @>ITT PTnom 4Gd-V-@AUS *2e6l 10C jaqmaqdaS uo aaTdxa oq anp ST qDTqM 'quawaaj-Vp qDaCqns aqq jo MOD u ST PGSOTDuE :JG2vLMW GSUTTTA aqq 01 qoadsoad 'IN JO GSUTTTA aq4 Pule qGd-V-aAUS uaamqaq SaDTAJaS jo asuqoand :98 9SO09 II 'qoadsOJd *4W uosaawS qqnoS a0 qoedsOJd -qW JO @,9?TTTA aa?eu-eW @5R'eTTTA �ad•�r•aeEs Save A•Pet August 11, 1988 Village Manager Village of Mt. Prospect 100 South Emerson Mt. Prospect, IL 60056 Re: Purchase of Services Agreement between Save -A -Pet and the Village of Mt. Prospect To the Village Manager: Enclosed is a copy of the subject agreement, which is due to expire on September 30, 1988. Save -A -Pet would like to propose the extension of this agreement for an additional two-year term (10/1/88 - 9/30/90) with no change in agreement terms. If this proposal is acceptable to you, please sign and return one copy of this letter to Save -A -Pet at the address shown below. If you have problems with or questions about this proposal, please call me at 934-7449. We look forward to continuing our partnership with you in saving the lives of Mt. Prospect's stray, abandoned and injured animals. Cordially, Bonn,ie J. Jacobi Executive Director Enclosure: Purchase of Services Agreement VILLAGE OF MT. PROSPECT By: 1111111111 1 16],� I I 11kN i f;TL f -A I R q IT �.J;) t9i:1 k, i 14, - 96eTTTA. se of p, JO OBPTTTA, 044 pue rd�x ysu s�, o� 3 2943VuT9191 ITJosd..xoj-qou STOUTTT= uP 0 ,OU,,Pallwaar 204IPutBaa 4ad-V-9AeS 10 UO T 130 3. shall undertake during the term hereof to provide the following services: A. Accepting, caring for and finding new homes for the Village's stray, homeless, unwanted, or injured dogs and cats which are released to $AP by the Village's Animal Warden or his/ her designate. An SAP representative shall call Prospect Animal Hospital, 821 N. Rand Road,, Mt. Prospect,, hereinafter referred, to as "Prospect," on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (excluding legal, holidays) for notification of animals ready for release to SAP. Prospect shall determine the release date according to the "Dog & Cat Impoundment Schedule" attached hereto as Exhibit A. When a legal holiday falls on a scheduled release day, SAP will, make arrangements for the earliest ,possible pick-up thereafter. Exceptions to the Impoundment Schedule shall, be made only in the case of a 10 -day rabies observations (.when the animal shall remain at Prospect) or with prior approval of the Village's Police Chief or Deputy Police Chief, (2) An SAP representative shall pick up the animals ready for release between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., if Possible, on the release date specified to the SAP representative by Prospect, If SAP fails to pick up the animal (s) on the specified release date (s) , or if a, 1,)ick-up on the specified release date results in t1le animal being, at Prospect for over seven (7) calendar days, the Village shall be entitled to deduct froril, SAP 's monthly invoices :Lnvolces the amount charged to the Village per day per allimal by Prospect for daily board ,fOr each J,ay LaYond the number of days in excess of seven (7) days, the animal remains at Prospect. Any such dc1cju,ction shall Lve accompanied by the reasons ,therefor. I "f Prospect falls to notify the SAP rer-e- sentative C,f scheduled, releases when the SAP represen- tative calls Prospect? the Village shall not be entitled to this deduction s 1 SAP shall not make any animal available for adoption until it has been in total confinement at Prospect for, seven (7) calendar days,, nor shall SAP have an, d, until "& ,obligation to, �P1*ck up any animal, unless sick , ure1 1, t has b�een'in total confinement at Prospect for seven (7) calendar days. 111 accordance with the Illinois Animal Control Act #83-740t SAP, will not release any dog or cat unless the animal has been - -Surgically rendered, incapable of reproduction by spa y,]-ag or neuteringor, the person wishing to adopt the an Bina j prior to the surgical procedures having been per- formed shall have executed, a written agreement promising to have such surgery performed within a specified period 0 f t iine. lo'qlDa;E"T,(J' 9A'Tqnol9xla us Ile, 0 DNI 'I lgd-V-RAVS 99009 ST.OUT.TTI J40adsoaj *qW u0sagula 144nos OOT 40adsoad *4W 9© 96PTTTA JGbPuPW abPTTTA VL009 STOUTTTI j9UTqPTpd PPOU PUPH •H 61OZ ODUI 'q9d-v-9APS a .9 * japunal9q, -roT Jnsaln-4T`4,BUO0 TTPqs SM,OTTO; Sp passaip5pp 93-rqou qua TTPUI os il atJ4 UT OOT40U' V JO bUTq'T's,od;ap aq, -90-mr-4`OU U9-4'4Til,% JOTld SAPP 09 BUTAT6 -i Aq A-4-iled, aaq4�Ta Aq o"491AXII, 10-,r'jd allIT4, Aus 4e P9TTaDuvO aq Xvjm qnq 4986,T OOE i-laquiaq,davo 4, SavaA (Z) OM4 ;o PoTaad P .19'49P pue wo,.T; 430"aJ.;'a UT aq Uleqs, :zUatvaax5v, SjT'q I L CIVE; M02J 90T OAUT Up -;o ldTaOa`J UO ATq'4uow ;DTqleApd aq TTPqs s4unoium 14OTqM '#ClVs Aq papTA' 0 . olid aq oq, uTgjgq SaOTAJ9S aqq joj (00*SM si;r'eTTOP 9A"rj-Aq,.xTq-4 jo urns 9q-4 dys*Aed t TT?lq* a a s 95PTITA 9qj -9 OUOT4vaado pup 0 JODUVU94UTem JUOT4Ra4STUTM'Pr SUTSTaP . 4 S4T MOIJ S4SOD TTP 04 Pa4TMTT 4ou 4nqolbUTpnl*DUT Apo4sno S4T UT S• .2 . TVMTUe Oq4 10 UOTqV14SiUTMpe PUP UOT4PTn69 OJ 9TqTsuodsaa pup 9TqeTTOAT94n*o;qe a 9q4 TTP T Pup AT9TOS aq TTPqs ays os 04T Aq PaMio;lad aq o4 UT919q S9T4TAT40P 9144 aOJ A2eSS90au aoqeT PUP 4uamdTnb6 aqq TAOad TT96 1 PqS dvS UT STRWTUe guns ao; *Apo4sno S4T Aue'se TT' AaPSS939U 4U9M4e9a4 • JeOTp9Ul Jaq4o OM Be JS4S94 eTM9Xn9T 9UTT9j PUP JSU* OT4eTnOOUT oAjpd pup Jodma4ST' Is P 9q4 aPT��jd ITTM dVS DOC & CAT IMPOUNriMENT SCHEbJLE RELEASE DATE TO SAVE -A -PET DATE 111POUNDED MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SU 2 3 4 5 6 7 M01"IDA"I" TUESDr"%Y 3 4 5 6 L. . ........ . 6 71 2 3 4 5 WE D," I LS D Y 2 3 4 5 6 Y2 3 FF I P T G 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Et i0ls hp Schedule 1. When a 11011 -day falls on a scheduled pick-up date, SAP will arr-ancj(._-,for an alternate pick-up date. 2. q,ell (10) day rabies observition. 'SUTvedT3TjJvd jou axe oqAh asoqj uo ainssaid jaad I!aej pule 1!.JTds Al!unwwoD Io asuas le aiowojd TI!,A& >Iaam qz)1ea ap!sqjnz) 1p slaUTRIUOZ) alq!STA-Alq2Tq aqj jo a:)u'ejpaddV -uoTz:)aTIoD joj qjna ai4i lie ways. SuTz)-eld ;ajojaq do 11!j ol suiq aajql aqj JO ITP .10 ;DUO JOJ 2UTZ!PAN upi4j jaqlpj ':I;DaA& 4:)1ea ap!sqjnD lie s;alqlelz)Az)aj aqj 2uTDeTd PUP 2UTIpiledas jo j!qpq aqj dOlaAap 01 SlUap!Sa.J' P&011le IT!M WaISAS UTq-alSUTS V 'WaISAS UTq-aajqi P joj gZ$ of gj� jo lsoD e of pajedwoo '!'� of j7$ aq IIIA& u7q al2UTS, -e jo lsoz) aq.L -suTq aqj jo siainizolejnuew Ile.JaAaS qj!A& saz)Tjd I-eTz)ads pajeqo2au seq JAq -swp,j9o.jd SuTIz)Az)aj aAieq 1,eqj s;ail!unwwoz) jaqlo Aq pasn walsAs Aiptjuijd at4l sT walsAs uTq-alBUTS at4jL -uTq ai4l ui ways. SuTz)leld ajojaq JUTidstAau pule lwnUTwnlie IsselS aqj alejedas of sSieq jaqjo jo sSieq Ajaz)oj2 asn sivap!saj ipqj isanbaj a2iell!A aqj IP41 pap!Aoid WaISAS UTq-alSUTS R .dope ol paajSr seq Igq 'SQAoiddie pjeog aSieTT!A aqj jj -a2'eTT!A aql 01 salqelDA3aj aqj jo ales aqj wojj, anUaAaJ aqj jo juaz)jad AjjTJ uinjai off. pasodoid ST.1.J;D_4-SUTUtAO.Jq -SUTq aqj asieq:).jnd off. Al!l!q!suodsaj Sia PIM aql aq pinoAt II -salqelDA:)aj aql JO UOTIPJRd;DS c1qj JOJ walsAs uTq-aajqz ie PaTjlz)ads oslie liesodoid 11eUT'STJO aqjL oxapui allTIOSIeD Pule XaPUJ aDTJd jawnsuoD aqj UT Sa2UleqZ) IZ);DTJQ.J 01 PaTJ!POLU Allpz)rlewolne aq pinoA*t a2.jleqz) SUTJD�tDa.J al4jL -PT04asnoL*j .gad oo-j� jo lsoo kjquow p lie i`uydsAiau pup IssieT2 IwnUTLUnjie jo dn>i:)Td 2UTIDA:),a,.J ap!sqjno Al>iaaM ap!Aoid PTnom 19,9 'JUaWaa.ISV aqj JO SUTU2TS aqj jalje sqiuow C1 UTql!A& dn>IZ>Td asnjaj ;ap!sq.jnz) ql!A& sawoqumol pup sawoq �I!wiej-alSuis llie of wiejSojd aqj 2UTpupdxa pup sawoq 00011 jo weiSoid jol!d P ql!Ak UT2aq of sem Tesodoid s,jAg -a2pTHA aqj qlTm JUaWaaAV 2UTTZ)A3a-J pasodoid ax4l ssnZ)ST' p 01 (jag) S,9TJlsnpuj STJJa,4-SUTUA'kOJg JOJ jaS-eupW IZ)TJIST(j 'T>jSANaZZ)aTN wojL i4l!m law I pup ja2leuieW a2pll!A IjoAeW aq.L 9861 '91 LSnOnV :3IvcI SID91011d IVID9dS - NgDVNVW 90VIIIA 9HI 01 INVISISSV MONA s3gisn'ai CINV 3Sf-IVEN OH NAIUSIV3 IIOAVW :01 wnaNVIJ0W3W 331:1:101131NI siouilli 113odsOld junoW aoedsc-id ct noLf*j ;o o5elli aA RECYCLING REVENUE Recycling revenue is, an important part of the program# 'The return from the sale of the recyclables will reduce the Villagels, and B,FIIs net cost. Due to the location of the FSC Recycling Station in Mo�u,nt Pro�spect, BFI has agreed to increase the Village's share of the recycling revenue to, 55%. This is competitive with agreements in other municipalities. PROGRAM REVIEW BFI will expand the program as equipment and personnel become available. The clause in the Agreement that provides for automatic increases in the recycling charge, will be removed. The Village's and BFI's review of the recycling program and the, recycling charge will, coincide with negotiations for the renewal of the refuse, disposal contract which expires on July 31, 1989. I recommend that the Committee give, approval for the Staff to proceed with the BFI recycling proposal with the negotiated changes listed above. Based on review of recycling programs in other communities,,, I believe that the amended Agreement is very competitive. MICHAEL J10, TEKLAC c: Village Manager John Fulton Dixon -STseq Tenuue ue uo slueq aqq jo qoea JO UOTqenTBAG quapuadapUT U8 bUTUTBqqo jo aOTqoeid aqq anUT4UOO TTTM GM 06UTqEJ POOb Asan e puq slueq qoadsOJd junoW aqq jo qoea laqep qeqq uo ->jueq.aqeqS qoadsOJd qunoW 9q4 TTTq6 seen 933 Gq4 u@qm L86L 'off jaqwaqd@S jo se sem uoTqenTeA@ IseT GL41 oMuBq qc)adsO-ld qunoW L408G _40 UOTqenTBA9 quepuedapUT Tenuue ue SUTBqqo OSTE GbeTTTA aq4 's4UawalB4s TeTOUeUTJ Gqq JO MaTAOJ AW 04 UOTqTppe UI OUOTqTsod TeTOUeUTJ buojqs e seq Mueq qoea GqeDTPUT Aaqq PUB SqUSWGqBIS @Saqq P9MOTAGJ aAeq I osqu@wa4Bq6 TETOUBUTJ qU90GJ qSOW JTGqq P@PTAOid sMueq aqq jo qOe3 O)lueg Gql JO qlbu9JIS TBTDUBUTJ 'L :SJUTod TnjbUTUBaW aJOW Gqq JO aWOS JO UOTssnOSTP 8 ST bUTMOTTOJ -STesodoid aqq aqenTeAa ol pasn aq PTnom qBt4q PaUOTqu@W aJaM 18qq eTjaqTjo DTJToads uaq @jam ajaqq sTesodoid job Isanbai aq q joj SUOT480TJToads aqq ul -POTjad jeaA aGJqq aJTqUG @qq JOJ PUB STseq Tenuue ue UO sTesodoid aqq joj sqsoo qau aqq jo 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DTlqnd aye. (11eqj) allTWJalap 01 play uaaq spy SUT.J-eaq P -jaije ATuo,, 2uTssoiz) le jdwaxa iew Coi aye reqj SaJTnbai alnlelS papuawp at4jL -alpiS aye. UT ?UTSSOJZ) AJaAa Ile SaTISTqm JTaql punos of ainlielS Aq paimbai mOu Q.Jp sPRO.Jl!lel 11P Pup 9961 '6Z Alnf: UO IZ);Djja OJUT jUaM 1711 J-�S JZ>V :)Tlqnd •14DI!MS P,9jleATj:)le->jZ)PJj P pule s1laq lslqSTI IsaIP2 qjjm sSuTssoj:) Ille lie &ajjsiqm 2UTpunos woij sp-eojl!iej sasnz)xa lleql japjo ;aql 2UTPUTZ)SaJ aq ll!M (:):)I) UOTSSTUJUIOD aDJaWWOO STOUT111 aye. 'AlqwassV 1pjauaD s!ou!ITI aye. Aq palopua tilt-gg JZ)V DTlqnd ol anp jPt4j palleZ)TPUT I-eqj owaw t? panss-4 1 '9961 191 isnSnV uo 91JLSIHA& 9AIJLOWO:)Ol ClNf)0S 01 JLN3W9"dlf-lb9N 3JLV.LS 11 ON9 SONISSOND IIVN NIVIN90 ganioxg 01 N0llIl9d :109CWIS 986t '91 LSOOnV :91va S1091ONd lV139dS - NgDVNVW 9DVIIIA 9HI 01 INVISISSV :W011-4 s3gismaiGNV gSfIVSM 014 NAIO**dVD NOAVW :OJL wn0NVll0W3W 331-4:10NUNI siouilli ll:)adsOJd junoW Zoad'Soict aunoLpNj 4o 85e1,11A, The Village would have to show that the crossings are "reasonably and sufficiently protected" to warrant exemption. Factors that might be considered would be accident history, presence of lights and gates, sight linesj, and municipal enforcement efforts to prevent persons or vehicles from disobeying the gates or other warning devices. Many, of our residents living near the Wisconsin Central Railroad tracks were beginning to experience relief from five months of railroad whistles sounding day and night. The residents looked to I the Village for assistance, and due to the Village of Mount, Prospect's �and City of Prospect Heights' efforts, the Wisconsin Central reduced the sounding of their whistles,. The residents near the Wisconsin Central Railroad and Chicago and Northwestern Railroad will again begin to experience disruptions from train, whistles and we expect to receive their complaints and requests for assistance. The Staff requests authorization from the Village Board to proceed with the filing of the petition before the ICC in order to have those crossings qualify for exemption as soon as possible. MICHA L J. STEKLAC c: Village Manager John Fulton Dixon LLmawdriorav 10 IA *@AV qoedsoad pup qaaaqS uTpW iauaoo 4speqqnoS 'Aa4uRd UaH a4TqM - ubTsea BUTPTTng JOTa94XS *9 APMqBT.H 499Mq4TON 4s9M 4CV-9Zt '-19UJUM )Y plTP9 - 'UBTS9C! appolea • SSHNISfla M3N +A quamdOT9A9G UM04UMOa 5UTpJPb9U sj9dOT9A9a pup ls4upual Isigumo Aqaadoad qqTM 4OP4UOD O'D S9AT4PuJa4TV uB',s9G J.;P4S ,a,, peav 495JPI SSnOSTG vs 94ppda uipaboad appopj w -v ssaNisne aqu," iii SalflNIX JO UVAOUddV 77VD 71OU • HaaUo 01 77vo TTPH 96PTTT.A moo'd s a eaqsrLIL 8861 tZ qsribnv 'Appsaupat4 bUT499H TeTnbed NOISSIHHOO lNZHdOrl2lA5l(12[H OW lNRHclOrl5lA:la IDIHLSI(I SSHKISMI V Cl N a 0 V 99009 slOuljjj'ctc)9dsojd qunoV\l uosjeawa -S 00� aun OLOM .10 85ell'WA NOXIO Nopal NHor U30VNVW 39MIA D83SN3.UVM,r 380003HI F4330 NVA *H 308030 si)is1lv8nw-r VVY80N S08014031 A31HYA I OIVU30 8nHuwv'M HdIV8 sinsnid 3snv8>i "H NA108VO HOAVIN spa4sanbei SU0TqVTJEA TTP iog pej"T-nbea aq TTTM UOT40S awpaD Aq P9JTnbea ZT 90 pleaqSUIT PJP09 a5PTTTA -Aaqupd/TT9P 9q4 10; - I ,&q--Ladojd aqq uo saDpds bUTXjed 6 90 TE404 9 MOTTE 04 ZT0Z-*K UOT4D9S li L tq) pup �apoo Aq, p8lTnbea GCX,ZT JO pPa4SUT aosds suoz "u-,PPOT wZlXi"ZT S m0TTv 04 ZToc VT UOT409S (t) !bUTqano J949WTaad ;o ppaqSUT 40T buTXjpd atI4 uT pasn aq oq sdo4s aaduinq '!'OTTP 04 TZ0C*VT uOT.439S (E) !9poo Aq peaTTibea 49ag t- ;o PP94SUT 9ATIP APM-OM4 aPTIA . 40 09 9T P m0TTP 04 049TOUtT UOT40aS (Z) !apoo Aq pajTnbea 4aa; OC 10 PVf-=4SUT Tpjqu@D pup anueAv 9bPTE BuO*rLP %DPq4as qoo; oa9z P m0TTP 04 a-ZOO-Z"VI UOTqD9S (1) **SU0T4VTJVA buTMOTTOJ BUT4signba-i ST 4UPOTIddp 1-=Tql P 'J8T9MZDUTq ui4or 488-A-vs-vaz VOH TPJ4Ua0 4s9M OOV 0 09SVc STq4 JOJ p9lTnbea aq ZTTM TJOT40P P -720a 9bsTTTA - A.4jado-ad qoa[qns sTqq uo amoq ATTMPJ aTbUTS basT a moq joq-i*e P aDPTdaJ TTTm sa TPU0T4TPPS 9saqL -queuidolaAap STIq4 JO; ZSE patoaddp ATSnOTAaad aqq oq sawoLl joqap ZZ ppP 04 J9PJ0 UT afid/asfl TSToads 9MOH JcqJV qnTO A14unO,-.) p,jPT4Djo pTo al4q Off. qUaUIpU9WV UP PUatUP 04 bUT4sanbaj ST 4USDTTddp aqj 'SU0T4PTJSA q4Oq UT TPUT.; 9q TTTM STvaddV Jo pavoa BUTUCZ aql -aouag ag4am-raga atIq aoj 4q5TaTq qooj s P ;o ppa4SUT qq5*raq 4009 9 V MOTTV ol V*Tog*TZ uoTqoas moa; peqsanbea OSTP T UOT4PTIPA V *9UTT bUTPTTnq apea aq4 qsud aoua; P bUT4TqTTqoad qUaM9JTnbaa BPOD 9LI4 JO P294SUT allTT BUTPTTnq 4UOJ9 9q4 04 BUTPU94Xa a-&.IUI-=; R MOTTP 04 E*V*TO9*TZ UoTqoqs Uloaj UOT4VTJPA P bUT4sanbaa ST 4USOTTdds aLli iiiii liqlIll ill looTa puz ARMqbTH 4SaMq4J0K *2 ZIT 0 ON Od 00*8 8861 15Z 4sn6nV 'AppsaniqLL BUT499H 3PTn6au S9NRdd[V aO a 0 DNIKOZ 9C;009 s!oUljjj'!ac)adsojcj qunoV\j uosjeuj=; -S 001. NOXIG Nom -A NHor 830VNVW 30VIIIA aa adso.id :tunoL^j: .10, B'SellIA, E)ld3SNBIIVM "r 38OC109HI W330 NVA'8 308030 simsnvunvy *r MHON S0801.A 031 AEIHVJ *1 OIV83!D 8nHIUV"M HdIV8 smisnui 3snvH)i'H NA-108VO Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda - August 25, 1988 Page Two ZBA-55-V-88, White Hen Pantry, Southeast Corner of Rt. 83 and Prospect I-- .. ............ . . . .... . . . . ........... . . . . ....... __ The applicant is requesting variations from the following sections: Section 14.2102.0 to allow a zero foot rear yard instead of the 20 foot required by Code; Section 14.2102.E to allow a zero foot asphalt parking lot setback along the east property line instead of the normally required 10 foot setback; Section 14.2102.E to allow a zero foot setback for parking along Main Street and 23 feet for parking along Prospect Avenue instead of the 30 foot parking lot setback required from the right-of-way. Village Board action will be required for all these requests. ZBA-56-V-88, Scarsdale Development, 208 Neil Avenue The applicant is requesting a variation from Section 14.1101.B.3 to allow 1%../ -car garage instead of a two -car garage. Also requested .L -w a three %_ %, is a variai-ion from Section 14.1102.0 to allow a 221211 rear yard -ead -f 215 feet as required by Code. Finally, a variation is i a s 44 Q * -1 &. IC. - requested fr;-= Section 14.116.0 to allow a 1.6 foot wide driveway width instead of 21 feet. village Board action will be required for the three -car garage variation. The Zoning Board of Appeals will be final in rpgart.4is to the rear yard and driveway width variations. ZEA -57-V-88, Lawrence & Penelope Kosiek,, 18,13 Sitka Lane The appliCants are requesting a variation from Section 14.102 to allow a garden shed setback 1 foot- from the P,;=_.perty line instead of 5 feet as required by Code. Village Board will be required in this ,"ase . -Ar.n all cases where the Zoning Board of Appeals is f inal, a f if teen (15) day period is provided for anyone wishing to appeal their decision. No permit will be issued until this period has elapsed. ';D -UT TP?0P lvql IDaw PTnOD all am PaJnssv aH *smaTqojd auoqd ;-4Tql OATOS;-)J 01 '886T '(-7 ATnf TTIun UOTSUDIxa UV UaAT? SvM AauvTaa 'JW lv'ql SvM Oullaam ;L�lqj JO jTnsaj aqj -sauij �vd 01 IOU ADTTOd XuvdwoD svm IT jvqj svm asuodsai S,AauvTaG 'Jl"' 'ODTAJOS aqvnbapruT joj sauij Avd oi Uvql UOTInTOS jadvaqD qonw v aq PTnOM lvql IlaJ I lvql Paluls OSTV I -XDvq waqj TTVD PTnOD aATjvjuasajd@j aDTAJ;�)S JaMISTAD P IVIII os sjaqwnu a�jvj puv sauoild alp jamsup ol dTaq Xjujodwal aJTq cl juapnid ajow aq I IVT44 OUTIVIS UIT11 01 SUOTjsa.03ns TVIOAaS apVW I SPD, -4u Sj00V-rTTA PTnOM IT ITOJ L, aq:� ol asuodsaj aATITsod -e DJnSUT 01 _4TaSWTTA UOTIPJadO ;D14q !RUTa,-)SJaAC) SVM o PUr. Ja2VUVX aDTAJaS JaWOISnD aql Puv JaVvuvlq TPJDUaD aqj PaJTJ PP74 aH .114CA53-10PI OUTJT ,j PUV JJVJS MaU VUTJTq JO ssaDoid aqj uT svm puu maTqojd aqj go dol uo sem oq lv*ql aw painssv aH #waTqojd auoqd atp ssnOSTP 01 8861 'ZZ aUnf UO 'S-[O'UTTTI-ID,L JO Ja2VUPN alVIS 'AaUVTDa U?q 'JW qjTM Jam JOIVJISTUTWPV OTqVD OT41 ,( paqDVjjV a@S) aDTAJaS auoi4d qjvnbapeuT jOJ :jUaWaDJ2PV aSTT4,--)U-e.TLq aT4I JO UOTIV-[OTA UT svm Auudwoo aqq qv*qq SaIPTDOSSV lauaTqvD paTjTjou aVVTTTA a*ql '886T '+iZ XVI -t U0 01 SITPaJD go XvTaP JO go SBFT alll UT SlTnsal OSTV SWDTqojd �UTTTTq pue uoTidaDa-4 OJ 0ATIVIUasajdai 03TAJaS JaWOISnD v T4DVaJ 01 �ITTTqvuT aKI 'JUaWdTnbo Puv SaTqvo jo SUOTITPUOD @Jvsufl T?Tluolod pu? '2u'.TTTq UT SJOJJO -swa-rqo-id L UOTqd@D,)j 'SaOUVT43 DDTAJaS go 2uTjjodaj aqj S4UDAajd 63TAXDS allOqd go -1 --) dT�)q 01 OP al3vTTTA @111 UV3 IV'qM 13UT-ISV Auvw T41TM T4?lq aw-1 TTS' u-'tE`T P@113V J sPT4 SluaPTS@J JO ST@AaT UOTjL>JjSTlJJ aT41 sjuapTsaj jpo _Kq pAjjod;Dj uaz4q SV14 IDI TP-eaJ 01 AITTTqeUT STTqj aulT I alll ;0 %06 JaAO T@UUOSJad aDTAJ;DS JD-WO:lSn,D �0 ilD?@j o-:1 ;?TqTssodwT uaaq svi4 IT 'S;-4UTT aT41 PD15a'I SVT4 a2VTTTA ;Dql IV14I sUO'St'DD0 @T4-1 U0 -swaTqojd auoT4d SnOTJaS putt SV -T4 STOUTTTI 40 IDI '886T -40 keN a,)UTS , sTsvq IUVISUOD v UO PTOT4 UO SDInUTW OMI UVql ajOW OU go PaSSaJIS :)'S0VjTTA aLlI SPJVPUL:,IS SUTT4DVaJ JaAaU ODTAJaS qlTm Dipvjods ojam sjTnsaj oql 'SJaBP.U?j03TAJaS jDwojsnD pine;DUaq JO UOTSS@DDnS SIT SJaOVUPN TVJ Puv JOIvJadO �lll 14ITm PO--ilOm D�?,TTTA a-ql 'SJVaA OUTmOTTOJ aT41 -q2noi-ql 'a3TAJaS auoqd alpnbapVUT �UTPnTOUT 'JU,- r aSTIIDUVJd aqj JO saippaiq S-ROTJVA JOJ 886T Ull AuvdwOD aT41 aUTJ PTP ;DSvTTTA aql Isau"T jTvd�j puv ODIAJOS JaWOjSn3 SjjDj T40VaJ 01 PaPTAOld ODTAJaS aUOT4d a*qj 741 T M stuaTqojd PDDUaTjadxa aAV'q a2vTTTA ;;OT41 JO SjUaPTSaJ aqj 'SJV�A aAT; JS?d a-qI J, -)A0 asuodsaH @u011d aqvnb@pvuj ;o aATI3adsOJd TVDTJO.STH lNaW33UDV RSIHDNV-dd alll dO NOIIVqOIA UO3 (laN31M) SION1111 AO IDI aNld 01 ONIHVaH Hlq2d :lDjrqas 8861 '6T ISIMIV .131va wncNVlJ0W3W 3Dl:l3O*d3lNl siouilll z3adsold junoW a0eclsoil.8 auno-fN Ao 8 5 8 111 A During this same period, the N.W.M.C.C. expressed concern to TCI for the phone problem, but did not put them an notice for violation. The Council decided to give the operator thirty days and then review the corrective actions. TCIIS presentations at the July meeting told of new hires and training and positive steps that would soon improve phone service to meet the Council's expectations. By August, the council was able to determine that those promises had not be fulfilled (see attached). It was the recommendations of the N.W.M.C.C. that members place TCI of Illinois on notice that they had violated the Franchise Agreement, His Perspective of Reception _' Problems ager the many years, cable le operator has received reports of poor service from --"_ " ca the Cable Administrator and from residents. During the 1987 Performance review, the consultant measured the signal strength at various test points and found it to meet FCC Standards. The minimum FCC standards, however, would not provide a picture that would be acceptable to some one paying for television service. During the past several months, the operator has lost many of its service technicians. The loss of these technicians seems to parallel the increased reports of poor picture quality reported to the Village. The correlation is that inadequate number of service personnel means that routine maintenance is delayed resulting in poor picture quality. During this time that the company is short of ,,--eclinicians, the company has been working to keep its commitments to build new head ends in various other cities within its multi -franchise area. If its work Ln Schaumburg is not completed on time, the company will forfeit a $100,000 bond. The problems associated with poor picture quality increase the calls into the customer service and repair lines. One problem is feeding upon another creating a monster of a problem. FRANCHISE REQUIREMENTS Section 6.410 Grantee's Obligation as Trustee nor shall the Grantee make any physical, material, or administrative operational changes that would tend to (1) degrade the quality of the service to subscribers, (2) decrease gross revenues, or (3) or materially increase expenses without the expressed written permission of the Village of Mount Prospect.... Section 6.605 B Grantee shall maintain an office, within the Village, unless otherwise stated that shall be open and accessible to the public with adequate phone service during normal business hours. Grantee shall employ an operator or maintain a telephone answering service twenty-four hours per day to receive subscriber complaints and to dispatch assistance.... Section 6,505 C Grantee shall design, construct, operate, and maintain the system at all times so that signals carried are delivered to subscribers without material degradation in quality (within limits imposed by the Technical state of the art). JTPIP IV ITPaJD JO JDIIaT aT41 WOJJ S;DT.lTvuad asaqq ID�)TTOD Avw a�VTTTA aql ,4'sJnDD0 aJ-nTTvJ Mans jvgj ;oajai4l qjvd jo Aup, jad OOZ$ aq TTvqs A.-ITPuad aqq IlDadsoij junohl JO 92vTTTA aTqq Aq aDTIOU 2uT.mOTTOJ sAVP Sri UTIJITM sPJ?Puvls aDUVUaIUTVW jo uoilviado 'uOTI3nJIsUOD glTM ATdwoo oi a@j,uVj0 aqj Xq a-MTT-ea -10J., 6-SaIVIS qU ZIL-9 UOTIDaS ljUaWaaJBV aDUVUTPJO a-ql pjPOq aql Xq UOTIDV 'TTVW pajajsT2aj pTvdaid jugs aq TTVIIS luawaaJ2�V asTIIDUVJJ ST.141 JO aPOD SUOTIVDTUnWTOD aTqvD a-qq Xq p9jTnbaj UOTjVWJO;UT jaqjo jo sliodai IsquatuAvd 'SaDTIOU TTV SaDTION 9Z UOTIDaS - - - -'ac)TIOU iaqjv SjnOTq inoz-Aluamq TJTljjTM squivTdmoD aDTAjas jaqTjDsqns of puodsa,t pup 'ATidwojd SUOTqDun;Tvm JTvdaj pup aqvDoT 'aDTAJaS jUaT3TjjD JaPUaJ (P) -aWTJ AAV IV SjUDWq9n[P? JO JTvdaj jo; isanbai pup SIUT?TdtuoD aAT,)DaJ of j,-4qwnu aum4dOTal PaIsTT ATDTTqnd v glTM AVP .gad sJnOT4 JT'Oj-XIuaml TTVD uO aTq?TTVA? Tauuosiod 2uTiviodo ilITM 'ATSnOnUTIU03 W91SXS UOTSTAaTal ;DTqvD aT4i aivj, Ddo (o) :iu;awdTnb;a w;alsXs o:j a'BvwvP T'RTnqz)nJ:ls AAV JT-pda-T XT-4dwo-id pup A-jaI-P-nbapv IxTa;vs 0:1 SUOTIVOT;TTvnb TVDTUT4D04 qU@TDTJJnS To pup sj,4qumu JUDTDT;jns I I . UT saaXoTdwa jo, squaVe ajow jo auo go a3jo; V UT?Iullvw SOWTI M` IV (q) 'UOTITPUOD OUT')IJOM POOO UT UOTSTAaTal aTqvo aqj VUTsTjdwoD s@TqTTTDu; pup Xqjadoid Tvuosiad Pup TVDJ JaqIO Pup SaTqVD 'SITnPUOD 'saJ'm TTV UTVIUTvK, M aDTAJaS JaWOqSnD Pup aDUPUDIUTVW, 9T UOTIDaS .;O,DJa"qq POTjad aJTjUa a-qj jnoq2nojijj aSTqDUVJA aT41 go SWJDI aql 'qITM ;DDUVPJODDV ui oTTqnd aT4i 01 a3TAJaS paqdnijaluiun pup SnOnUTIUOD aJTnbaj of (p) UOTIDDS .... XDuaTISZ)142TT4 auk' ;O;D-T;Dq:l aDUVUD'jUTVRT z)T I JJa JO P-lVPU?Is ;aTq-ez)T:lz)lejd PUV a3TAJaS PUV IUVTd go suoTsuaqxa aqvnbapv puv jadoad ajTnba)j o- (q) � UOT-jDac, aSTq3UVJd 'PaATZ)DaJ ST Uez) 'alll JaI;V XVP SSaUTSTIq IxaU aql Uvql JDIVT IOu 'SuOTI3UnJTVUl uj;aqsXs JO.fVw UVqI J014:10 'STTVD ;Dz)TAXDS TTV 01 asuodsai uT palFTITUT aq TTVTIS SUOTID? aATjV2TISaAUj G L09*9 UOTI30S - sj;aqTjosqns go jaqumu V BUTjDa;;? SUOT.IDUnJTVW MalsAs JOC.?w Bons IDajjoo Ol 'sJnOq TTS' IV aTqVTTVA-P O 2 aq TTVIIS qDTqM ATidtuoid SUOTIDU'nJTVM malsXs jOCVw UT13aijoD pup UTIVOOT go aTqedvo aDTAjas a3UVUaqUTVW V qsTTqvjsa TTvqs aaquvif) 0 L09-9 UOTPDaS *P-UnOJ ST. aDUVl,Tdwo3-UOU SsaTun ISOD aql ivaq TTTM aVVTTTA aql Inq Xoua2v apTsqno use Xq pawjojjad aq uvD sI sad, 'TaUUOSJad pup juawdTnba saaIUVJ2 aTqq -qqTm pamio;jad aiv sI sad PaPTAOid asuadxa saaluvjO aql IV 'sqsal TvuoTITppv ajTnbai Avw jDadsoja junoK go a2vTTTA a-qq isjaqTjDsqns of @DTAJaS JO jUaW@DUawwOD Jaq;v awTJ AUv IV D 909.9 UOTIDas M The Village has already placed the operator on notice as of May 24, 1988, and continues such notice with each complaint form sent to the company. The Village has met the forty-five day requirement from May 24 and as of July 5 extension, the Village has also met the forty-five day notice. The Cable Television Administrator has the authority, as the Village's agent, to notify the operator of a Franchise violation. The Board must act to penalize the operator. Trustee Farley is requesting that the subject of inadequate phone service be discussed at the Committee of the Whole meeting of August 24 and that a Public Hearing be held to determine if the Village should fine Cablenet. The next opportunity for the Public Hearing would be Monday, September 6. The Board would determine at that meeting if there was cause to fine and the date that the fine would commence. It should be noted that the Board is not required to fine, either by its ordinance or by Federal Law. The Village is required to notify the operator and provide an opportunity to cure. That was provided with the May 24 letter and the July 5 extension. The Board could continue with the approach of notification with no fine. Recommendation That a Public Hearing be held on September 6, 1988, to determine if TCI of Illinois is in non-compliance of the Franchise Agreement, (2) If found in non-compliance, as it relates to phone service, the operator should be given a two week period to come into compliance. If the operator fails to meet that deadline as determined by the Cable administrator and the Village Manager, the company should be fined at $200 per day from July 5, 1988, and until such time as the phone problem is resolved and adequate phone service is restored. (3) The Village should determine those areas of the Village that should be tested for signal strength on the A and B cable and those tests results should be analyzed by an independent cable television engineer. If found in non-compliance, an additional public hearing would be called. (4) The Cable Television Administrator should be directed to work with the Northwest Municipal Cable Council in developing a customer service standard that would be amended to become a part of the Franchise Agreement and Ordinance. The operator should report back to the Village Board, during a Committee of the Whole Meeting, as to its progress to meet the provisions of the Franchise now under discussion. (6) And that the Village set aside funds to provide for a yearly customer service survey of its residents or require that the operator pay for said survey with the result to be shared by both parties. AII Cable Council Managers Ert-c-A-nderson, Cable Coordinator New Deadlines Recommended September 29, 1983 A REGIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ILLINOIS MUNICIPALITIES AND 'TOWNSHIPS REPOESENTING A POPULATION OF OVEA 800.00 %. �,�31.INOED IN T9U Park Ridge At its meeting of September 28, 1983, the Cablenet Inter. Prospect Heights governmental Cable Council approved the attached recommendation Rolling Meadows from its Sub -Committee on Activation. The vote was as follows: Schaumburg Streamwood Wheeling YES: Wilmette Winnetka Elk Grove Twp. Hanover Two. Maine Twp. New Trier Twp. Northfield Twp, Palatine Twp. Schaumburg Twp Wheeling Twp, OFFICERS President Verna L. Clayton BuHalo Grove Vice -President Gwendolyn H. Trindl Winnetka Secretary. Treasurer Joel M. Asprooth Evanston Executive Director William G.'Grsms Arlington Heights, Des Plaines, Hanover Park, Mount Prospect, Park Ridge, Prospect Heights Schaumburg, Wheeling ABSENT: Bartlett I The recommendation was made with the understanding that the Council reserves the option of recommending fines retro- active to September 1 if the terms are not met and, of course, any member may choose to accept or reject this recommendation. Note also that membership on the Sub -Committee does not imply acceptance of the recommendation by the respective communities. Also attached is Mr. Kl i nkhammer's letter indicating Cablenet's commitment to meet these terms and fulfill its obligations regard- less of any fines imposed. cc Ed Emond; Manager, Strean-iood Fred Klinkhammers Cablenet NOR E MUNICIPAL CONFERENCE 10S11 !ERS, STREET ,moll PR ECT, ILLINOIS 60056 Cj 13t'%6 MEIOMIMUN,,ITIES Arlington Heights Barrington Buffalo Grove TO ': Des Plaines Elk Grove Village Evanston FROM: Glencoe Glenview Hanover Park Highland Park SUBJECT: Hoffman Estates Mount Prospect Niles DATE: Northbrook Northfield Palatine AII Cable Council Managers Ert-c-A-nderson, Cable Coordinator New Deadlines Recommended September 29, 1983 A REGIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ILLINOIS MUNICIPALITIES AND 'TOWNSHIPS REPOESENTING A POPULATION OF OVEA 800.00 %. �,�31.INOED IN T9U Park Ridge At its meeting of September 28, 1983, the Cablenet Inter. Prospect Heights governmental Cable Council approved the attached recommendation Rolling Meadows from its Sub -Committee on Activation. The vote was as follows: Schaumburg Streamwood Wheeling YES: Wilmette Winnetka Elk Grove Twp. Hanover Two. Maine Twp. New Trier Twp. Northfield Twp, Palatine Twp. Schaumburg Twp Wheeling Twp, OFFICERS President Verna L. Clayton BuHalo Grove Vice -President Gwendolyn H. Trindl Winnetka Secretary. Treasurer Joel M. Asprooth Evanston Executive Director William G.'Grsms Arlington Heights, Des Plaines, Hanover Park, Mount Prospect, Park Ridge, Prospect Heights Schaumburg, Wheeling ABSENT: Bartlett I The recommendation was made with the understanding that the Council reserves the option of recommending fines retro- active to September 1 if the terms are not met and, of course, any member may choose to accept or reject this recommendation. Note also that membership on the Sub -Committee does not imply acceptance of the recommendation by the respective communities. Also attached is Mr. Kl i nkhammer's letter indicating Cablenet's commitment to meet these terms and fulfill its obligations regard- less of any fines imposed. cc Ed Emond; Manager, Strean-iood Fred Klinkhammers Cablenet I OM jqoaa S-rq2 su-r�09azoo 03 ZU9=21=00 v P92VOTPUT Svtl 39u9Tqpo pup saaqmam TTounoo 0:1 u-jeouoo Tv:,TA p aq o3 sanumzuoo sTtU -paATaoaa sllpo go aaqtnnu 9ATssaoxi? aqa 02 anp s�jaam. ivaoaa 2uTanp pa2oTa:�saa ATqaqA' 0 - as uaaq spq SqAT2?zuqsqadqd a0miiaes aamo3sno zaualqvo opt ssaooV *6 -apTno mri2oza aaqm;aAoM aq2 u -r P,92S'ET aq TTTm. saaqmnu auoqd aTaq3 :mqi pup so7pn:as Ka-T�=oo u -E aorld u -c Kj:au9azno a:zv a0l, *Aa9S a9molsno avql palvoipum seq a9uaTqpO s9A-r:zv-4u9s9ada%a- a0plas aamoisnz)Zil"i"m UHuoo • 0 -asupqo SaATarquasaadea 2uT3a>javm sv pa3ppdn aq pinoqs isTj s-rLU -kai' Is unmmoo 2vqj 0 0:1 pau'oi.sse saATirauasaada-a saIr's go :Zs -r -E r q:zTm Ka-Funmmoo 0 0 qova apTtLoad ITTbi qaualqvo '2uiaa�apm 2u-rmnsea oa a,o-ra.1 • L IS901190 S,:j9uajqvO av aou9aa.;uo:) Tvd-ro-cunjj :js9mqjaotj aqq pup saiqTTvdmo-Lunm ziaqmam Aq 2uTmaTA% ao; aTq?TTrAr,,, ap-em aq TTrqs sd-eu,,.T,, u,o-cjona:2suoo pu u,8-rsqCj dn samqTunmmoo "-aqm* -2sanbax uo am oa aTqPTTrAr apvm aq TTTm aT aaat 'Im, aOuqaqjuoO TV- CTOT.UnW ls9m'qaaoN aq2 oa papapmaog aq pTno74s uoiqv=o uT srLU :j'LE9M:jz-&dap !?u-r:za-.%japw s,:z9uaTqvO I & 9: 1 1 o3 auas 2uTaq amaqa o2 snoauvaTn*MTS paqonpuoo aar sqsaq pup pa2aTdm�oo si uomaonalsuoo sp 0 sseappe Xq sraze pazvA-rzor SurqLaosep uo-civ=oguTap;&ozd IErm aau9[qv:*9 mpalonpuoo aq Ku suomaoadsuT jpdjoTunm jeul os uoTav=o uT zaqTaosqns 0 &arssa0au aqj ap-.EAoad T Urm, :39.UaTqp:) *9 * s�aaki anog axau aq3 u'"IlTm BOEtia9s ;DA'-E9O9a PTnotjs saaq-caosqns asaq:z go asom i-e-q:i puvOssqaSozd* u -t XT:zuaaano ma:1s.Ks aq:. ;o daams al;q Sumanp PaATOsaa aq PTn' oqs maTqozd sTtI3 :zetj-3 pa:avo,-cpu-r seq aau9TqrD 'TEuSTS Ou 'aA'eq 39X pajTv3sul uaaq a.&zq saaqTaosqns i7VZ'T S-[aavm-Exoada"-e '-,z;auajq,pl:,) Xq P'aqaodaa Sv 0+7 mau go uo-c:ada:)xa qa-Fm Krp amrs aq:l 0 s:zuam,:zu,rodd,p,, P,ass'rm Xgwr3ou -ET"pm 29ualqz:)=-raa3u-r aill uj -ma�jqoad S-Fq4 ea -i vum"*tle fsjTv-pur:asqns TTTm s>laam a 9,&-[; :;xau eq:z, Vu-ranp, ;a,szq v,--a,v,p s,:Iau,,aTqvo u -r :ju9m9AoxdlM-r pup 2u c:z-epd,n 9,ua -za,ua*tqv>O Xq uo-pop atL-E:jo9a*aoO s93?2TssaO9u aAeTlaq am qoTqm r9av, up sT pu 'r go - - v saTi.unmmoo snoTavA aqq go sauapisaa aqi oa ualqoad aurol a .;Tu2zs P amooaq srq smtU -sauamauiodd-e Vuissim aauaTqro u'i 2insaa Alluanbea; r suolavollamoo aivaea pup uoTvjjrjsuT p9:jvdToi3ueun Szuau;2uTodd,v Pass -Ll -,T • c MAY001 CAROLYN K KRAUSE RALPH W. ART"A GERALD L FARLEY LED FLOWS NOFWAA I A4URAUSK1S GEORGE �WATTElTHECABA'ViaeotNSERG VILL" SAAW40 X" FUUXW DOM 100 S. Emerson Mount Prospect, Illinois SC OSS Phone 312 392-6000 My 24P 10-88 MTIFTn, MIL #F069 894 125 FRUCHIS,"d VIOLATION Ns. Sharon Sltzhneider Customer Service Manager Cablenet. I s s o c 4A. aAu*es 1201 Feehanvi41le Drive Nount Prospect, Illinois 60056 Dear Xs. Schneider*: During the past. two weeks, the VI-11age has received several. complaints #0% Associates. concerning the Customer Service phone lines at Cablenet Assocla-tes. In w e-omviaiats, the Village audited the line with the following results: :'day 17 11:'50 A. X. on hold 3 Xin. 50 Sec. May 17 1: 10 P. X. Busy Sigaal Xay 17 2:20 P. X. Busy Signal. Xay 1. a 10:45 A.3! On hold .14 minules :stay 23 3 : 21 F.M. On hold 8 =.Jinul: e -a ;Xa y 24 10: 00 A. -1._1 -a Bus7 S*31N 1 Ma v 24 10:30 A.M. Busy Si3ral 7he Abri l -:hone statistics L-6om your office show 11.:ha"L: out of the t4 -*an -.Y 014 -d, -1*3; of i.-I-hase da7s did nOt Mnee+ 'hp- V" ac"Pted' mi*aUtas as re.,.crted to 11,"ablenet In a let",:er da -load Ser-tember 1) 4 98-5. same .1 -a -Dont. n0tes-D that oa Xcnd37, ADrill 2115 , t1he aygraza delay was 71 f 4 c by -une 20: t a r Zervi,-z 'Rep-ss=nt at' I ves 7 J Jfar 00 R' ..e d; d;a7. AT, at - am.e r 1-acks" or requ4 V of .-al Is 1 4: .0 e 0J. �ze n t a 1- a + 0 'n -1 "' 7 rtiJ0= z w I: a .. � -1 u. mb e -z- mni zial abl et fa —A Cd u s to r e -all U J. t a- d I, �d.6 _-anal U. -a t a ph a n e a' a_ff and eq wmeat Use C.. -ta "-"an-dle overflcw- ry a c na 1Vii""}. ?-a anzwer phones t ak. e cult c -mer A. A :.A,. a e av"%�� ):-jone nu=bers fcr .-all backs loy CSIR's. •.0 to •I(•A •g 4p•IEuurzs aTO-IrO Laljvg -1 pTtsn 9949nil ;auelq,eo lia$tauvX TvsauaD 'gounK qog .19SQutX 9Se2TTA "UOXT(i u04.Tn3 uqor asnrs}� .S ULTasn IOArkT *o qei VD)l 01.es4sTuTMPT UO T,A-& ` uC-cu asTgouv-lg K4 ;o u©T4eTOTa UT saSuot ou ase puv meTgojd auoqd 9R4 pe:peisoo aaEq noA 4.vg4 step 1 -IM. uTg4TM uOT4v4uacnoop apTAosd esvela •80QvuTP-0 aq;. ;O 9909.9 uOT408S sapu.n 4ususaIRY asTgouvJg sg:� ;0 uOT:MOTA uT sT 4T Wq4 s9:MOasSV 49ueTgvo SuTL;T:pu sT aSETTT.A OU ( • 9961 `CT sagm6Zdas ;o ,IBZ401 995) • asTgOue, A Sq4 ;'o sivaX 49vd ag4 jeAo panuT:.uoo svq 4VR4 auo sT m9Tgosd aq4 pine sa:.vToossv :�auaTgn 4v UDT4099 aoTAJOS JOMOWO ag:. g4T.9 msTgo3d 9 sT asag:� `ATJ99TO CiM,�, aSQ,d sapTaugoS uosregs •sX .,u A FAAL1Y .40 PLO$ S ..aWAA l MUNAUSKiS tiWA" R VAN G611M n�Eaoo� L �rAr�H��c TIEAAAN= L. OUAGHAAO Village of Mount Prospect 10C S. Ernereon Mount Prosmecz. 111inois SCC 56 Phone 3.12 1 392-6000 September 9, 1985 CERTIFIED ZMAIL A M Ms, Bonnie Sheppard Manager, Customer Service Cablenet Associates 1201 Fe ehanv i l l s Drive Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 Dear Ms. Sheppard On September . 9 , 1985 Mr. Robert DiVall notified the Village of Mount Prospect of problems he has experienced with customer service. August 24, 1985 Mr. DiVall lost picture and sound on his set.. A Cablenet technician came out the following week and made a line repair but, the problems continued. on Saturday, September 7, Mr. DiVall attempted to reach Cablenet toreo�t the same problem- he was placed on hofrom 1:35-1*5 (2. minutes), f'r= , 1#-50-1-060 (10 minute -s) and from 3-.142,-3.-47 (5 minutes). He was then scheduled for a service call on September 9, 1985. In conjunction with the above mentioned problems, Mr DiVall complained of rude phone treatment by customer service p°ers,onnel,. The Village is requesting corrective action in three areas f I} Credit Adjustment -Mr. �iVall should be issued credit for days in Which he could not receive the Cablenet signal. When responding to the 'pillage of of Mount Prospect's requests, please send copies of all service work orders upon which the credit was determined. 2 Holding Time- The Village of Mount Prospect is greatly distressed that a resident .could be kept on, hold for 23 minutes. Please pursue a coarse of acton to limit holding time to no more than t"wo minutes* (3) Rudeness- On several occasions, the Village of Mount Prospect has been notified of rade treatment by osavlzoo ano 0:1, papaeftao; s3utpTdmoz ;o aaqmnu aoiad ai42 aAa'l-r9qS'tP 01, UOS'Paa olU alAV74 I IS90,4076ma apni ao 2druqv aaaunooua ilTeVosaad lou pp 1,, aTjqm oploq uo and sem I 8TTqm saiinp aaq:)o of PuO23V PTnoz> pur auoi4d' aa:qvads v pup saanu7z awell, lAT821rlu'ln'lzll0'q *sa3nuim g7 va pa i,'y 7 uvqz ssal, Ul 2u8ml,avdap 801Aaas alp-Eadoadds aq':), o:3 qlnoxq:z paovTv .1atUOU sem Tiro &W sami2 ;o spoiaed luOT ao; pToq uo and aq pTnoM I gT ses 0:3 2quqTqPD ITPO 03 -Yjaam zsvd eq3 ui SUOISvDDO Tv2a-has ,)Ioo2 I 4Asap Am passoaD zpuz s2uiv7dmoo aq3 ;0 amus 2uT.AaT.T8q :ION sa:)iAjas snoazanoo TIP aAoqv pup so-tAaas :icimoid Aq P82TU2008j, si saiurdmoo asoq2 ;o qova iaZ pup uoizlsod amrs aq2 UT ear l9uoqd8T8:) PUB 01.31087a AST2 !Sal.310TT3n 3R910 'ZTaPTIMIS *2qAavm aqz uo aauaoo v aAvq op noA painzas sem asiqouvaa zri;z eouo 4ssaoojd eA11130dMOD P qgnojqi asTUDUVaA TPI.liui aq:i zqgnos noA alTqm *sQ ' anqns zs9^qajou aqi ul S8T.z!TPdioiunm aaqlo IviaAas u-1. Pup 4:)TunmMOD s'.41 ul. XlOdOuOM v u9AT.2 AITP7,:lu9ss9 aaam no;, 0312A 02 8M SaSnP0 SsauaPna Pup ODIAJOS MOTS znoqr szuivTdmo, :jo Louanbaa:r pup :iunome atp Iss9T8qz39AaN *ZDI.TguOD Pur smalqoad uoizvoiunmmoo 2Dadxa uro auo i 4uozTsuPaa ivama2vurm ;o 0 spoiaad 2uianp pup suird 2uimoa2 aav aaaq3 Issauisnq Lur Maim sy *SA'aXOTdme anoL to -1:iard aqz uo ssauspnj P928TTV Pup am-Ez asuod's,03 90'TA08 MOTS SIaZ29' 0 TZI asotp uix;:31A a2vu-tmopsad oz anu-puoo somaq:i oMI, •a, 10 It A2 a anoL ;o saaqTjosqns Aq uoijualip ano of iqgnoaq slul.vTdmoo ;o L2aiapA v 2uiparfta saoi;;o anoA of lain uaarN moa; souep -uodsaaaoo PaAal.Aaa ATaul3noa aAvq 7 'sq2uOm TP29Aas 2svd aq3 ul :Squor eaw area 9009 ST.OuITTT 4zoadsoia 2unoW ani as alTiAuletlaeg tozi 30U8TqP0 sauor sl.uuaa eaw 0009 -ESC MO. OuOt4d 9861 eCt aaqmajdaS gsc)og siouilli -zoscisojd tiunovy uosjew:q *s 00 09WHOwnif 11 riwv Wal il*U Zoendso.id quncyV, 4c fs5ell!A W4330 NVA "Id 3'a' 03D sixsnvvnov T wvsk#DN SON014 031 ti A3nVWjl -1 CnVW30 unmivw W "diva asnwkni *1 wo� MAYOR CAROLYN K KRAUSE RALPH W. ARTHUR GERALD L FARLEY LEO FUXM NOFWAA J. MUPWOM GEDAW Ft VAN THEODORE J. WATTV40EAG Village of' Mount Prospect VILLAWMAKUM J" FULTON OWAM 100 S. Emerson Mount Prospect, Illinois SOCSS I CERTIFIED XAIL #P 069 894 126 Phone 312 392-SCOC Tune 23, 1938 Mr. Dan De.]Lane7 Of Illinois (Cableaet Associates) 1201 Izeehanville Drive Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 Dear Mr. Delaney: Thank you for meeting with me June 212 to discuss the phone problem at I"'incis (Cab ,*net ,, Associates). lResarding the letter of. Xay 24 to Sharon Schneider, the performance dates of Jlu-"e 20, for Specific customer service information; and lune 24,, far -_orrective action of the customer service (phone) problem, have been extended to July This extension has been granted to provide I.C.I. with a time cushion during this period of mana3enent Changeover, -196.00-00*0W As of June 2421, the problems stated in the May 24 letter s1*041111 existed. ^ust.amer Bernice becomes an oxymoron when Mount Prospect resident's cannot acc-esa the phone line, 'Lot alone a Customer Service Re-resentative. Tie -V i e Vi .1. lage i s act i f yi ag T. C. I. that T.C. 1. of 1111inois is Still in 7io]. a t1 a n of 11.,he F,.,-anchj-*.se 'agreement under Section 6.605B of the OrAnance. all -..% It ra -7: or J. 'rause u, to a 1'W 41. --cc a ase 'Aa -ager --G`Ze C'eral -4 T -7ar ley .jear,z,a Ve-.nand Y• F i`.:r... T � *+►.....il�.: 1..-f r m rte- T�'° *' -wa tit�,G1,IC.t+. 9'Q4 lq:: TM BouE�.SrceE znol , c -r n ' F �i 3E 2 �'SII "; SEM 'CIC! �:} ijflrCjM um c% +EBF ** 0', Tnou rtt+y uaa iqa�� � €-� Vic{ :,� E , at<, •; �i t .ri w�poE assn ,- r, ~ { C: 4 -r '��'� �►}��i r i U."41,09, oG c :.: �.{': �:..' c � LgCS; IIG c 0012 c:,- poomuD.Zr ?OS t:9PIa t SPUv:t::"eflC-Nc`' ZCEC V SiC"i.flLl'�i�T Q4 assns q:�.iioS v��+ G"; :; .Zflr r{•*•� 00o. Tr�EpN.,� do �flTa-e.:'+ucti+�fl eti0� T i -em e�q:+ c-flSoF c.iE Sm2 tgfl.IC eTgr if 9-q4 `g o -a �rT.K nol 9V iq;.:.3C tiDT4Q9:)a.; TO �>::.:Cs�.i7.I �t1:f � i.1rSO''.{� dE'm rp e` i -e '94I.-IC1 L1STI c�,d� C, - r •, S-QTt�F i L J. J -fl 1 �% " „w dizur ac ur '"'i 0009`EBC ! a4C auoyd 9C:009 s.1oulill `aoedso,jd aunow uos,ieuuq •S ooG , aosocasoig-anoVy, Ao 8,f58ll!A mma"(ft Ow3eNRUwrAxxxaK IN n "T ArW 1 l IH `"rTED 12, I MAYOR CAROCYN K KRAUSE THUXTUS RALPH W. AMUR a aq .4 na C"-.0 I =a GERALD L FARLEY LSO FLOF40S was given f; r NORMA J. MURAUSKA .-An t 4114-,� GEORGE R. VAN GEEM THEODORE J. WATTENBERG Village of Mount Prospec V&LAW MAXAGM J" FULTON WON 100 S. Emerson Mount Prospect, Illinois 6005 `"rTED 12, I 2" f) L 7, h 7 J. Ile Drive Y.0 - -.14 T 1 �j + 4 .4- a - 7; C a e t- r was s; -z tl 41.- 6 a Shl a na r a aq .4 na C"-.0 I =a a -da -7 '6J.- m -a pe r was given f; r h e a r e U ne .-An t 4114-,� provi-ded an- exte-asiom-, -1.,1101 rz -:.o the v U ad-l-Ated 4, 'h a t, '"C"" wcul dave r o v -i a t e hone re s ip a na-3 OY thaat -.11ate to a I 'I fa r.ecus. an te, ".0 ae.T-VlCe. Aa loz e zi ;.-ont- ac -1: C -.,i s tt m m. e x- S m t ease a o t 46i r this by Jr u -1 V, t V1.11'age af. X-Ounit FA-asVect, 3" Ca t r r: c a -9'-1 a f. a w 4 7 3 (' a T : C4 I!9w Petillim io poisistEsi P!ed-aid Aq WlW[OlA Slqj 10 MIJOU SA[6 al sioquiew Ila ;fin 1 tourvj o4l (iDgdsDJd lunoW ut 990*9'9) 'W(Mipi() Qst4MMjj* # 041 ID99:I14 WllwS 01 SWjWIOtA 8'4110 uotleluSwW aidwo sl &AI pue MM&jw sjMjp uollenlls aMd sqj WOMMP AJOW(UP M *1 SWI 19101 A 4014 ► pw'sluenlpsm Jt.841 fXIIPIJG 8A SWLIQIOLA IP14M OP13EP 01 8AQq p1nom Ajjjedj3Lunw ' 4M P41 P8u!w-m)8P SOM 11 (108dsDJd MOW ul 9Z 1 L'9) MM" est i] n jo 99 Z 1 :1 IA UORM it ispun soulj 6ulsDdwi apjaq pDljad AW ogir sqj fxjlljpls swjjqtOjA 10 93tJOU UOIJIM PgJtrbgj sqj puss selll ledi3tunw mqwaw 111? 1041 pqwwwomi 113uncrj so4l 6ullww 996 L 'L I jsn6nV sqj IV '9961 '6 MOVMUIS UlMQ as 01 UQW SjujoldwCo UotldaMb *MWwooeqlol*wqllab ololqlmdwIAllenI.iiAsem II'9961 'Sl W&Vlo**meqlAq 2 uo Pu' `slaml iaIqajdw=n AisnoiAwd a4l of *vq popwi wilonps av4d ato 9961 1jsn6nV injwbu uiofw sum eirpxp WI)MAM V'OMW UMq peq ssaAjd olqwunmw p4l ollsluqdo sem IpuM all ,julod 5141 )V'*" Ixgu 841 UNUM IlMnO3 841 C4 eq Pinom, sliodej mol peslujoid Aa aW upa Pajim snoW 241186 of MI stn 6ulluetwidwi st sswutAe 6ajjD p4l pue'polonliDA9 fmitaq st wilanp OW WW PPI UtMQ &AM Rayl 'AjjJjQMjAJGS IW PO )p UJOR ItMno3 841 UeqM'Pexlj smlqojd Gull 841 jo ewos 6uJI186 ut ssai6oid 6ulWw eq of pouim so&n ^jo wojj ul ILftwq suelotutpl sqj pua paAoidwi AI)MA PN WlpnjjS d oql ' OZ AInp muts Wqj pal 1 0 '9961 Sam ,LZ AInp w utMe low I!wnoo g41 'S* 0£ ujqjtM swelqoid 841 (kJjAIOS ul mi6oid olqejnsww Ms 01 MP!m AOq) 1941 PISAOW I 10uncO 941 '9961 'ZZ ounp uo 6ul)eow pqj jo linsei 9 -sV wj!m-qnaw 10 of mid 2 6utluouisidwi pm'uotMjlww mai jo snjols aql f5ulIgnIcAs "m Aoql Wqj poliodai 131 PUR'P=4Xe siom SM[Cpjd AjjIjq9wjA" ule6y )Wm I)= ag ulqllm jgjmjl qqj bur .PJQNJ P(4MIWD eq PInom aWk-sm pqj Paliodej tpunW qog W!Idwom uwq jou p94 lills UP94 P SAla A AAMiij 0141 pqj pue'slua"d anal 2stq=jj opl 4)!m swolqwd awns uaoqpoqojaopq,1'1I tWJj, SIJOdaJ OUIAIGMJ UWq IOU P94 jjwno3 o4l Wqj paqw osle sum 11 /-smlqwd lauuosiod C4 eM Allsow &Mm Ilej eq tpi4m'stwlqojd .Mt to 841 f)tJiA[OSBJ W 6U14JOM SOM Qq ) MW AaNW uca, -. ='A Mix M 10 fxjluut6M eql Aq poilm sly ow 10 119 SAR4 ol pauuold M41 p41� pepoidej oslo 101 Pmlowj uMq p94 swelquid wtWASW 84110 IsOw 1941 RM $am 11 PUQAPPlnb POAIOGDJ N POOM 601 *xq WIWI IRIsu! 941 W PoIJOdOJ 131 'Sum i jqo d M41 �10 SnMS 941 =,MIP 01131 OM IOW 89111=103 =xl I duM sol 9961 '21 ounp uta igui6tio sqj ispun [Jul 4pl4m sainMils 6utjstxq Wjjja6 wolqoid 9 1ps st8^WAm YS'd 1 sumo; SUM ul atm uoil3njlww mw 6ujj)e6 qllm swel & Wid 6ulOw eqj pue Ipmlomj uesq wuls w4 lull spun of 411m, mlqojd snolaid a sem pasmlp osIV -131 411M Pas =IP Sam S1193 83JAiss JOI llemolqKdallo nue pues-suialWjdw.(Igllglsul'uO.IldMj6ullgjolja),9p&uoilviolsai'sujelqojd o 0 Quo4d 6utpiMai slutelduw 6utsg&ml jo ptail 9 a 6ullgow I PuM 9961 '9 1 ADW 041 IV SUOI.WIO.IA ast4 jj:g)j PJGUUQIS aloigo:uajj sjequieW OOWMN IIV:01 ouiew ljounoo elqeo iedioiunyy IsOmLIPON PieuUels Glojeo Pueulem q6joeE) :JOjOSJlC) OAijn3Gx3 wowile4c) !DNI133HM S1H013H 103dSOUd 30014 AUVd 103dSOUd lNnovW X8Vd U3AONVH "' '3NIV-ld S30 • 1131.LUV13 SIH913H NOIDN118V ARLINGTON HEIGHTS BARTLETT DES PLAIN: HANOVER PARK MOUNT PROSPECT PARK RIDGE PROSPECT HEIGHTS WHEELING Chairman: Executive Director: George Weinand Carole Stannard Northwest Municipal Cable Council TCI of Illinois 1201 Fedmvi Ile Drive Mount Prospect, 11 60056 As far as reception problems, Karen Giet of Mount Prospect has chosen to require testing under Sections IV: 46 and YI:6B & C, ( 6.4046 and 6.606E & C In Mount Prospect) of the Franchise Ordinww in order to insure that the Village has highly documentable proof of sub -standard cable service. Again, each municipality will have to decide how to handle these violations. We must bear In mind that the FCC requirements for picture quality are minimal, and TO probably 17 can meet these standards. The number of outages we another issue. Mark Hess of TCI estimates ak-- that 402 of the outages were due to the Meat and Commonwealth Edison problems, and are rna. therefore out of their control. Ms. Diet feels that they would have to correct problems in the field in to correct the phone problems. — tri ;Squ_ofea-., The towns having serviceability problems may wish to address these problems also. The construction update provided at the August 17, 1988 meeting showed very little progress has been made since May 16, 1988. TCI reported that they are still evaluating construction. If you have any questions, please call me. If needed, I can be available to attend any council or wmmission meetings that you wish. I have also enclosed a bre*cbwn of violations and the appitcable section of the Ordinance and/or Areement. A listing of all complaints received for your town since May 1, 1988 will be del i vered to you within a week. Again, the Council urges that you art quickly to get your notice out The 46deny period will not begin until the company has received notice from the municipality. Respectfully, le 3 nard Executive Director 112 N. BELMONT AVENUE # ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL 600014 * 312- 506-1133 .. .. . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. ploq Maim: irs I . . . . oog Z6: SM :. 4 . . . . .. 4., �.. 1* 4. *.' X: 99/6/9 pie 0)1* ................... Z' , I .- 1 G/U .......... ................ ....... ....... 1. :. .1 . 6, *:.- .,.. I .................... 6, ....... Asnq sawil WV Oip:6: .............. 99/s/9 ZS. P URIS 03 61 .................. Paiji iiiti ............ ...... X: ...... ............. *MjiAj a^4 PJRUUOIS 100, L'ZIL' WU.P9 0 0 1, .................. WV OV `0 F wu zzs*: . ....... S29':' ........... .. PJRUURIS *3:* .................... TZ WV SZ:6: .................. 69 ...................... ASO MW • . . . . .. . ...... . PJQUURI!g 03' aliasi ................................. t + 41 E6 PSIA SOW11 . . .......... ......... ............. picuum, *3: ........... Asnq: S19101 alt ii 9:, UOIS 03'. : Asnq: Wy Z l:01: ........... .......... x: ....................... x: 991L 1 /9 ..................... souR Pi .............. .............. p URIS 'V: ......... Asnq: Wd S2"2:. • X: X, 99/9 t /2 ......... 9 p URIS 03 ......... ....... Asnq: ...... WV ZZ:o I' X: x 92/91/9 ........... soul( lie: : PJRUURIS 00: ............. Asnq wog:i 1: ........ .................. X: X: ............. X: 73:civ ............. .......... OJAI 10 01: PJQUuglg *3:' PJa*sm )Ou:. 0,/U,: S 1, WV SVO I x �. *... * ........ 99/l/9 qojd ouo4d: ........... ........... PJQUuglg'3*: meq. WV!ZE*o 1,. WV 20:0 1:* ............. .............. P UOIS 73: PJGA%uR 10u: Q/'u S, I WV MO I': — X. - ----- . . 92/Z 1 /9 M. .......... ecus 13.X: PJ* 9S&W1' oirz I wv so*0 t i: SIS ': ................ Pipu3'0 uw. z wv W: 11 99/11/9 ...................... late ON: Asnq: UWN: X, ................. 99/01/9 ........... ....... ...... Asnq .. ...... Wd 6Z:V X�. Soull 118'i piguons *3. �Mq*. Wd 0 1 *Z" X* X. 601 6J.IJC41UOW SU04d an ounq, oog ot Wd OZ: 1: X: 99/6/9 pie 0)1* Asnq Wd 00:2: X: *0' 1*': P-J"R"U"u, *3: ................... Asnq' WV Oip:6: x 99/s/9 ............ P URIS 03 Asnq: ......... WV ",so 1: X: ............. *MjiAj a^4 PJRUUOIS 100, qog,.** 0 0 1, .................. WV OV `0 F ............... ....................................... PJRUURIS *3:* .................... Asnq WV SZ:6: .................. X, . . . . .. . ...... . PJQUURI!g 03' aliasi 0 41 01 .....k 0 * 41 N 41 0 "1 1# WV 2Z:6' .1 . . . .. ....w 41 w 0 ...... W/Wel ............. picuum, *3: ........... Asnq: wv 2S -*6'-, X: ............... PJPUUAS'3*: 1119A MPTP. Q/U i Z WV 22:6 .......... X99/2/9 • plo ON: Wd-: 91 9 X: ................. pjguugls 03': ...... jjn3: ......... 0H .' Z ................. WV Ir 1:6:* .................. X: 99/Z/9 73:civ 0 ............ I ......q........... '. 99:0 1: X:PJOUU91S �. *... * ........ 99/l/9 qojd ouo4d: pAuwl�; *3: W d i L WV 20:0 1:* ............. .............. PJRUUQIQ 2: JUMMO OW — ...... LJV cQ:Q i ---------- ----------- ---- - - - - ---------- . .... - ----- . . .......... . . . .......... .. . X"' QQ1fiZ14 - ----- — 601 6J.IJC41UOW SU04d F 11 A f C H ISE VIOLATION lldtmw to *4*1 J6 W#"i Village of Mount Prospect 0 Cable Administrator's Office 50 S. Emerson St. 0 Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 * 3W392.6= CABLE TELEVISION COMPLAINT/REQUEST FORM DATE 5/24/88 — FILE NUMBER 52488VOMPlFVCS VOMP - Cable TV SUBSCRIBER NAME HOME PHONE NUMBER 50 S. Emerson 392-6000 x269 ADDRESS BUSINESS PHONE NUMBER FILE CODE: 13 RECEPTION M CUSTOMER SERVICE M RESTORATION 1:1 OTHER VIOLATION: FRANCHISE SEC. NO. I off I 0 REQUEST NATURE OF COMPLAINT Phone lines busy. Tried at 10:00 a.m.,, 10:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. RESPONSE TO COMPLAINT, Notified company of Franchise Violatio'n Reported to Marsha Aukerman - 3:00 p.m. N/A LETTER SENT — R% Date K. Gi et STAFF NAME q^p'�!"ATOR'S SIGN-40',FF/t5A CABLE COMPANY—Please forward response to complaint within 10 business days to Village. COPY DISTRIBUTION- WHITE/SUBJECT FILE—YELLOW/CABLENET ASSOCIATES—PINK/ N,W,C,C,,—GOLD/ SUBSCRIBER I 83Gi8osens/(JIO!D—*O'O'M'N/)INld—S31VIDOSSV 13N319V0/M0113,k-3111 103rans/311HMNO11nswisiaAdOO 9 jq :) 78 3 V 0 --ic5&j1!A of sAep sseuisnq pt t#pm jqieldwoo of asuodsai piemiol ase Id—ANVd 0 31VO/ JO-NDIS Slooivu QmI3VWN JAMS oleo oleo 1, 3 'S 03 bi 3 'Od� 3U IN3S d3.H Tl 88/VZ/9 JaZ;P allL; 04 PUOWW039� wwaLqojd 6ULnUL4UO3 Mm aH oa;e6L4S9AUL - 4ounW *S o4 ajodS - ow'd SE:E 0 4ounW qog 'UOXLG U40P 64aLJR3 ea4snil 6asneiN joRPW :0 1 NIVIdVVOO Ol 3SNOdS3H 93LAJBS jawo4sn0 - OtZ6-66Z# ksnq owed SZ:C 6*Xsnq owed 09:Z !LLTeO pauopuieqv uaq4 6sa4nULug 8 PLO4 UO owed 91:T !,ksnq 'w*e OZ:OT I NIV-IdV400 :10 3un1LVN AIN 0 IS3m3d 0 990909 *ON *03S 3000 SNOl1V0lNnvyvyoo 'ON '03S 3SIHONV8-4 WO11T101A SUU09—d U3H1.O M NOI.LV80IS3U 0 301AH3S u3noisno 0 NOI.Ld3038 11 :3000 311-A inevmN 3NO,Hd SS3Nisne SS380CIV 69? x 0009-360 UOSJOW3 'S 09 U3E3vynN 3NOHd 3VYOH 3VYVN 8308os8ns UOLSLAaLai aLqe3 0 0 - MA — (BU04d)OdWOA8869 �ummm 3114, WHOJ l.S3n03H/1NlV"ldW03 NOISIA3013.1. 318VO OOW=f= o, 99009 siouilll 'josdsWd junolN 0 'IS uOsJGw3 'S 09 soluo siolejlsiuiwpV elqeo joadsOM Juno W ;0 858111A A4 lk NOUVIOIA 3SIHONnJ -- A*Wr1. 88/6/9 r-l-lamil Ag, T�&P%j Ck Village of Mount Prospect Cable Administrator's Office 50 S. Emerson St. a Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 312/3924= CABLE TELEVISION COMPLAINT/REQUEST FOR DATE 6122/88 FILE NUMBER 62288VOMPTV rV P- able Television SUBSCRIBER NAME HOME PHONE NUMBER 392-6000 x269 ADDRESS BUSINESS PHONE NUMBER FILE CODE: D RECEPTION 13 CUSTOMER SERVICE 0 RESTORATION 0 OTHER VIOLATION: FRANCHISE SEC. NO. COMMUNICATIONS CODE SEC. NO. Q REQUEST ONLY NATURE OF COMPLAINT 10:30 a.m. - Busy signal on Customer Service lines 10:55 a.m. - Busy 11::35 a.m. - Busy 1:40 p.m._- On hold 6 minutes (hang up) RESPONSE TO COMPLAINT 1 Dan Delaney - 10:55 a.m. NA �ta " wo c: Mayor Krause, Village Manager, Trustee Farley y -------------- IN COPY DISTRIBUTION: WHITE/SUBJECT FILE YELLOW/CABLENET ASSOCIATES--PINK/N..W.C,C.—GOLD/SUBSCRIBER 838idosens/0-IOE)—'O'DM'N/>fNld—S3iVIOOSSV i3N31GV0tM0113A-3114 103mns/31 IHMNOlineibisiaAdOO 095ell!1 oi sAep sseu1snSiD4,U,a., 3 ,.,pldwoo, of asuodsai piemiol GseGld —ANVdlq0.97813 At v 3VYVN -A:IVIS .......... k9LJPA 994snil 4jaftueW a6eLLtA 4asneiN jokeW lei -SaUO4d 44fM 4UOWaAOAdWL ON INIVIdINOO 01 3SNOdS38 -w-d IE:E !Xsng - -w*d OC:E kauel.aG ueO MM 'w,,,d ZCI*.0 I,ksng ss fisng - swod ZZ:j *4U8WaAojdUJL 6ULM04S aq PLno4s a3LA.A91S auoqd PuR PaJeaL:� 6ULaq aip S9ULI 4444 ULRLdxa o; PaLL23 kauPl.80 u20 - s9uO4d I.NIV"IdVYOO:jo 3unIVN AINO IS3nD3Irl C 9 909-9 " 'ON *03S 3000 SNOIJLVOINnvyvyoo 'ON "03S 3SIHONV8:1 WOUV"101A MMIMA, )d38vynN 3NOHd SS3Nisne SS3HOOV 69Z*x 0009 -ME UOSJDW3 'S 09 u3snm 3NOHd 3NOH 3VYVN U313wosens UOLSLN901aNR3, - dMA WO1t88839 83eyqnN 311-A88/8Z/9 31VO w o):i 1s3nDMINIVIdW03 NOISIA3131 318VO 11101111111111 ... ........... . ................... . . 0009-MC/M * 99009 SIOU'llf 'IDWSOJd junoV4 # 'IS u0sJ9W3 'S 09 Golno 9,jolvilsiuppy elqeo 9 loodsOJd junoW 10;96ell!A NOIIVIOIA 3SIHONnJ F'tm FUNCHISE VIOLATION Village of Mount Prospect Cable Administrator's Office 50 S. Emerson St. 0 Mount -Prospect, Illinois 60056 0 312/392-M CABLE TELEVISION COMPLAINT/REiOUEST FORM DATE, 7/8/88 FILE NUMBER , 7j88VOMPCS(FV) YQ,,MP ..................... -..._C,a 41 e ............. TV SUBSCRIBER NAME HOME PHONE NUMBER 50 S. Emerson Street 392-6000 x. 269 ADDRESS BUSINESS PHONE NUMBER FILE CODE: C3 RECEPTION )q CUSTOMER SERVICE F1 RESTORATION 0 OTHER VIOLATION: FRANCHISE SEC. NO. COMMUNICATIONS CODE SEC. NO. 6. 605 B M REQUEST ONLY 4 NATURE OF COMPLAINT 8: am. gn hold for 5 minutes . ....... hung, up 10:15, ana"I, RESPONSE TO COMPLAINT Continuing Franchise Violation - existing past 30 days. 10:30 a.m. - Dan Delaney N/A ................. c-, Mayor Krause, Village Manager, Trustee Farley IETTER SENT Date RWMmoomm�m— 1�ftlli K. Gi et 1�ftll STAFF NAME CABLE COMPANY—Please forward response to co*1aint within 10 business days to Village. COPY DISTRIBUTION: WHITE/SUBJECT FILE—YELLOW/CABLENET ASSOCIATES—PINK/N W C,C,,—GOLD/SUBSCRIBER 89si owns/(7-10J--"D D'M'N/NNId—S:4lb'IDOSSV AN319VO/MO 13�,--31IJ i33r ns/3iIHM :NC)unei8isia MOO ra6ell A of SAep sus aiqpm juie/dcuo,o of asuodsai pi emiol ase91d--ANVdW0:) 378VO 3lVa/:A:1O-NJIS S l N 0 3INbN -A�`d1S r , 0 alp© S� 83 O H 1N3S 831131 Ra LaR3 aa4snal 4 uox i0 uo4 Ln3 uyop i asneiN aokeW * o JLNlb-IdINOO Ol 3SNOdS38 ... ..........AA A i .. . . . . . ........................................................... sn8 - 'w' Zo:v `• sn8 - 'W'e MOTT ksng - 'w'p 50:OT - OVZ6-66Z auLI aoLAaaS aawo4snO I NIV"ldWOO :10 3unIVN AIN0 1S3nt)38 ❑ *ON '03S 3SIHONVH-A :N0I1V I0IA r 83HJLO ❑ NOIIVUOIS38 El 301A83S H3VY01Sno [3 N011d3038 Cl :3000 3114 83SWnN 3N0Hd SS3NISne SS3800`d 69E x 0009-26C uo Saaw3 • S 09 83EWnN 3NOHd 3W0H 3V4VN 8308O58ns UOLSLALO algeO - MA (U)SOMASSTTL 838WnN 3-113 881111L 3140 Y uo.q .Ls3n03U/lNIVldW03 NOISIATIML 3-18VO 0009-T.S f= 0 99009 sioullll ';oodsOJd #unow • IS uowow:i 'S 09 901140 sioiejis!u!wpVi olquo loedsoad Juno ;o 86e111A NOIld3OIA 3SIH0NO3 o k 14 04 "Oil 4 FRANCHISE VIOLATION Village of Mount Prospect 10 Cable Administrator's office 50 S. Emerson St. ej Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 0 31V3924MM I i WON CABLE TELEVISION COMPLAINT/REQUEST FORM DATE 7/15/88 FILE NUMBER 71588BR/CS(FV ) .................. Brink 255-6854 SUBSCRIBER NAME HOME PHONE NUMBER B� I I g:c & ANM59S - - - - - - BUSINESS PHONE NUMBER FILE CODE: Q§ RECEPTION CUSTOMER SERVICE C3 RESTORATION C3 OTHER VIOLATION: FRANCHISE SEC. NO. COMMUNICATIONS CODE SEC. No. 6.605 139 6.605 C. 0 REQUEST ONLY NATURE OF COMPLAINT A and B cable out. Cannot, et through on phones,. I a ter-ru Pted service is not unusual Wants bill reduced when service is interrupted. "Can't Villaqe dg,spmet,h ing,? RESPONSE TO COMPLAINT per Customer Service Standards . . ......... .. LETTER SENT RESPONSE REQUESTED Date Date K. Giet STAFF NAME CABLE ADMINISTRATOR'S SIGN-OFF/DATE CABLE COMPANY—Please forward response to complaint within 10 business days to Village COPY DISTRIBUTION: WHITE/ SUBJECT FILE—YELLOW /CABLENET ASSOCIATES—PI NK/ N.W, C,C, —GOLD/SUBSCRIBER U31818OS8nS/alOE)—':D'O'M'N/7INid—S3iVIOOSSV 13N3"l9V0/M0-113A-9-l1J 103rans/311HM:N0unewisiaAd00 *95ell!A of Mep ssevisn .Or t#eldwoo of esuods A 8J PJBmJPJ Ose9ld—ANVdJV03 3-19VO Mae rA w I 1� : M , Aujolm"4191 MIE lw�vm 31NVNJAVIS 4409 03 SNOC�id wo LN3S 831131 *04UL PaP LL[m - upuiAalnV eqsjpW o4 :-7-w--&SI:Z 1/13 INIVIdV400 01 3SNOdS3kd *at9go Ral.Anun j.Lo_asn,L),oaq 96eLlA 04 J94#40" L p — P 6ULPJet&AOJ $l kj;unoo kuOL03 IR44 P940u OsLV * Pan LOs9J spm w9Lqojd pup pajoaqo ;ua�sad -4no 100L UO Pas LAPP -4408 -xoq uo jaqwnu do BULjq 40u. Woo pup Ino sem 91 L9uuP40 asnpoaq P@lLei *S,kPp V Ja4jP ; Lash. L P@XLj w9LqOJd -j3VJ4UO3 JLa44 aSOL pinoqS -pamOLLP aq, qou pLno4s SL44 ajLL BDLAJ9S -saqnULW SJ7 AO.4 PLO4 UO SPM 9WL4 allO 4V -SaULL a:)LA.AaS jawo4sno pup JLeda44oq uo 46noj44 4a6 04 RLsnonUL4UO3 Pa Lal -s4PP, t JOJ aLqpo OU PR4 JaaM ZSel -a4ep 04 400 aAP4 - XL; o4 6ULSLwo.Ad uaaq 9A2H *JOOLJ 4anbapd 46n0.Aq4 Pa L L PP s.Ao4oe.A4uoo-qns 643JPW UL UOL42LMSU L Uo I NIVIdINOO AO 3unIVN AINO 1S3n0380 .� L p �-�j � /4'�1, VOINnyyvqoo 'ON '03S 3000 SN011 I 'ON '03S 3SIHONVH-i :N0111/101A lill jfl I 0-ltl wei—mmill'i'lill T.W14*1 ! I EGGYmN 3NOHd SS3Nisne SS3d(]c]v ECCO-903 a3PLd J9A0UeH 912 ld38vynN 3NOHd 3VYOH 3VYVN H391uos8ns GLES-36C �VSZ3 SLMaj U0L4PJ04s9WS338818 H38vym 31IJ 88/T/8 31VCI wuo:i 133no3U/1NlV"ldW03 NOISIA3131 318VO o009-ga,,= * 99009 siouilll 'joadsojo junolN o 'IS uOwsw3 'SOS 931g 9,joloilsiuppy elqeC) 9 joadsWd junoWy, 10 868111A Village of Mount Prospect 0 Cable Administrator's Office 50 S. Emerson St. 0 Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 # 312/3924KW CABLE TELEVISION COMPLAINT/R7 QUEST FORM DATE 8/2/88 FILE NUMBER 8288VOMPCS PV or -1 . V02 -Cable. -U.. SUBSCRIBER NAME HOME PHONE NUMBER 50 S. Emerson 392-6000 x 269' ADDRESS BUSINESS PHONE NUMBER FILE CODE: 0 RECEPTION [I CUSTOMER SERVICE C3 RESTORATION C3 OTHER VI OOF ANCHISE SEC. NO. LATIN: F COMMUNICATIONS CODE SEC. NO.. C REQUEST ONLY NATURE OF COMPLAINT 11:44 &.,m, RAI = d _an seconds. (Excellent) ho'] 1 3:00 p,.m. - line busy 8/9 - 3:29 .m. - Line busy 8/10 -Noon -Line Busy. (Called 299-9240-) RESPONSE TO COMPLAINT 9L10 - Noon - Called Dan Delaney - N/A a112 No, 11:45 a.m. Dan DeLan,y N/A Continuing phone problems. 11:55 a.m. - to Marsha Aukerman; phone man coming to repair line, will check Customer Service lines. 8/15 - busy. N LETTER SENT, RE ISE R �Di Date K. Gi et STAFF NAME C UIE IADIM T OR'S SIGN-0,FF/DA-re CABLE COMPANY—Please forward response to compl 7int w1i in =Obusiness days to Village. COPY DISTRIBUTION: WHITE/SUBJECT FILE—YELLOW/CABLENET ASSOCIATES—PINK/ NW,C.C. —GOLD/ SUBSCRIBER H3818os8ns/0I00—`0'0 M'N/)INld—S31VIOOSSV i3N319V0/M0I"13,k-3'IIJ 103mns/311HM:N0unsit11510 Adoo 'abell!A oi step sseunqnq pt U1144"Im wieldwoo of asuodsai piemiol 9s891d—ANVdJV00 3718YO 3.LVC/-A:40-N!D,IS S SIN "146 31NVN JAMS 49 LD *)I 35 dll 3H IN3S H3 H 3 UO 6UL�3940 - 91/8 a4e6L4SaAUL Mm e4sJeW 04 - owed 5l :C V/N e4s-AeW 0-4 - owed OZ:Z I NIV-IdVYOO 01 3SNOdS38 Ab lauop aq ue:) Je4m OW Lqoja a a quju Du . aaa44, PL0,4 sem s5ULLIVO` U04M "J00CI UOL403aj-Z JOUUe4,3 JLNIVIdV400 40 38nlVN AINO IS3nO3U 0 'ON *03S 3000 SNOUVOINnymoo 'ON '03S 3SIHOWtf-f ONOI.LVIOI H3H.LO 0 NOIIVUOIS313 0 301AE13S d3vyoisno,"'�NOIJA3038' R D 3-11:1 13313vynN 3NOHd SS3Nisne SS3UOOV TO cIAL.Aa Aapinog Z., U313vqnN 3NOHd 3V40H 3VYVN E1313wosens 9916-06C i�SULSO� ULZ.AeW 1 83e1NnN 3114 . .... 3140 WHOA IS3 03H/INIVIdW00 NOISIA3131 319VO OWIP-ZW,I= 0, 99M SIOUIIII 1OWSOM junoVq o 'IS UOSJOW3 *S 09 &*IUO srsolvilsluppy elqeo 0 I38ds0Jd Juno W )0 958111A Village of Mount Prospect Cable Administrator's Office 50 S. Emerson St. # Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 0 312/392-6000 CABLE TELEVISION COMPLAINT/REQUEST FORMI DATE 8/88 FILE NUMBER 8888HR/CS / Mrs. Hooten 364-6423 SUBSCRIBER NAME HOME PHONE NUMBER 701 Huntington Commons ADDRESS BUSINESS PHONE NUMBER FILE ' RECEPTION (I CUSTOMER SERVICE 0 RESTORATION %OTHER I l LE o OLAT16N: ANCHISE SEC. NO., COMMUNICATIONS CODE SEC. NO., C/ RESPONSE TO COMPLAINT, 8/8 - 9:15 a.m. to Marsha` Aukerman LETTER SENT Date E. Bott STAFF NAME COMPLETE M -KC -IMO -12 CABLE COMPANY—Please forward response to con �ain'tv?WmIO business days to Village. COPY DISTRIBUTION: WHITE/SUBJECT FILE—YELLOW/CABLENET ASSOCIATES—PI NK / N,W.C.C.—GOLD /SUBSCRIBER kl381aosens/moo—ao M'N/ANld—S31VI00SSV13N318V3 /M0T13A-31IJ 103rens/311HM:N0unei81s10Ad03 'aftolyA oj sAep ssouiisnq,, UIWIM ju M-1 'woo 04 esuodsoi piemioi 9se81d—ANVdJV03 378VO 3VYVN JAVIS – ----- -- ----- 1111111111�— oleo H , IN3S U31131 e4S.AIPW 04 -, *d 00:t "6/8 INIVIMOO Ol 3SNOdS3kl *6UL pLpq jaq wojj 6ULf)ueq sem aLqpo e pps os LV -(sa;nULW 01) PLOq uo 4nd pue sLeU6LS ksnq I 6u,tlq4ou pule KRP LLR paLJSeH osauo4d uo 46noj44 496 ;ouueo *19 lauueqo jab ;ouueo JLNIVIdVYOO :10 3unIVN — AINO I S3nD380 wsf�72 *ON *03S 3000 SNOIIVOINnyyvyoo "o' '"'-L 'ON "035 3SIHONV8J 14011VIO 83HI0 0 NOlIV80I531d 0 3OIAd35 83vyo1sno[X N011d3038 [1 �311J U31gvynN 3NOHd SS3Nisne SS3UOC]V LPJ4uTT-r—M'0-9 U3e1NnN 3NOHd 3V40H 3VYVN E138ibiosens 06OS69Z SOM8868 U313vynN 311:1 88/6/8 31VC1 �wuo:j 1s3noo,, hVINIVIdW03 NOISIA3131 318VO oWjp-ZW,/= o 9M siouilli IloodsOM junoV4 * 'IS U0SJGLu3 "S 09 83190 sioluilsiulwpV elqe:) joedsWd Juno iN ;0 968111A 44" j Village of Mount Prospect Cable Administrator's Office 50 S. Emerson St 0 Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 0, 3W39240M CABLE TELEVISION COMPLAINT/REOLIEST FORM DATE 8/11/88 FILE NUMBER 8118808'�'.Lij 297-6245 SUBSCRIBER NAME HOME PHONE NUMBER 304 N. Stratton ADDRESS, BUSINESS PHONE NUMBER FILE CODE: KXRECEPTION 0 CUSTOMER SERVICE 0 RESTORATION 0 OTHER FRANCHISE COMMUNICATIONS CODE SEC. NO, 6R.6 ............ 0 REQUEST ONLY, NATURE OF COMPLAINT On May 3 and June 5, techs out. No channels over 60. t Cable) No response since then. RESPONSE TO COMPLAINT 8/11 - 3:05 p.m. - Marsha N/A 3:25 p.m. - Marsha will handle 8L15 - checking LETTER SENT E ON 5�8E,Q Date Date, EP Bott STAFF NAME L IN RATOR'S SIGN-OWDATE CABLE COMPANY—Please forward response to complain , 1 0 business days to Village. COPY DISTRIBUTION: WHITE/SUBJECT FILE—YELLOW/CABLENET ASSOCIATES—PI NK / N.W,,C,C.,—GOLD /SUBSCRIBER U39iuosens/CIOE)—"D'O'M'N/)iNid—S31VIO06SV 13N318VO/MO-113A-3-11:1103rens/311HM:NOi.LneimiLsic kdoo vftlm of sAeP sseuisnq ol tlnjpm jWeldwoo of asuodsoi piemiol 8S&G1d—ANVdJ900 3.191VO _3VYVN JAMS 48 Lo -)I ell, 0380 SNOd'J,3y IN3S U3110-1 P R4s,AeW 04 9/8 99/9 uo ow -d 00:V je4je j3pq pup -w-p ol ajojaq 9WOH I NIV'ldVYOO OJL 3SNOdS3U 0(111 04 ob M) oajnlDLa A-PRa-4sun pup uoL 0 ;aaoaj 4no pup UL, - Z I,aU,Ui?q) *sa;nutw o? p 164 uo -jaqwnu j,Lpaa,,A, uo qbncuq4 qaZou,ueo LNIV"IdVYOO -40 3unIVN AINO IS3nD380 090969 119909,19 *ON '03S 3000 SNOUVOINnmoo 'ON'03S 3SIHONVU-4 :N011V101A b3H10 EM NOIIVHOIS3U 0 301AH3S 83vyoj-snoD N011d3038 IX :3000 311:1 H313vmN 3NOHd SS3Nisne SS3H(]OV POOM4SP3 033 83enm 3NOHd 3V40H 3VIVN U313wosens 868T-Z6E PoiaUU0 SBWPP . . ..... lu04d)0/b098S18 U3E]vynN 3"114 887' 'f'7'9 31VO, ) ( Sc wuo:i 1s3nou/INIVIMOO NOISIA3131 318V3 OWD-MM 0 9M SIOU1111 'PWSOJd ;unoVy o -IS uosiew:; -S 09 solno sojolitilsluiwpy alqeo 9 josd=d junoW ;0 059111A NOUVIOIA 3SIH0NM °"°`0 FRANCHISE VIOLATION V a� Village of Mount Prospect Cable Administrator's Office 50 S. Emerson St. 0 Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 • 312/3924MM CABLE TELEVISION COMPLAINT/REQUEST FORT DATE 8/15Z88 �FILE NUMBER 81588CRIO ( Phones) (FV) . Leroy Clemons 299-0972 SUBSCRIBER NAME HOME PHONE NUMBER TO ADDRESS BUSINESS PHONE NUMBER CODE:FILE . RECEPTION 0 CUSTOMER SERVICE■ RESTORATION 9 OTHER VIOLATION: FRANCHISE SEC. NO. COMMUNICATIONS CODE SEC. NO 6.50569 6.6050 Q REQUEST ONLY NATURE OF COMPLAINT Caped last Thursday, bad rece tion. Was told TCI was rklias"' gn ,Are bu t Iost, the Bears game. LAnnn-U, get thrQu9b u, the o� �� RESPONSE TO COMPLAINT 8 8 2 1,5 p, m LETTER SENT M STAFF NAME �AB�E' � �IS COMPANY—Please CABLE e • response to complaint within 10 business days to Village. •' • : • : •-GOLD/ SUBSCRIBER 838i8osens/aloo—o D'M`N/AN1d—S31V100SSV 13N3"1GV0/M0113A-311J 103rens/311HMNOunewisia MOO -efiell!A of sAep ssouisnq ot uit4j!m jq�e�dwoo ox esuodsw piami0l i9seGlid—ANIVM00 318VO Elf a Ff. P. Lel a 131 3V4VN J -AVIS ff stea Ili IN3 -1 noo 4F: , I � I � S H3H3 e4s.Agw 04 - 6w. sE:c - ST7 ..... ""' JLNIVIdV400 OJL 3SNOdS38 *61 ImBaV ajolaq 4ou 4nq 6-034sn6nV jo; dn 4as pup 91 jsn6nV palteo 9p9SSLW SeM 4U94J,we) pteS *(Ioi) ewod 00:9 ja44e L�4un dn hioqs 4ou pyo 'CI 4sn5nV jol 4uau4ulLoac1p'd,,n ........................... 49s 118 4sn6nV UO 46nOJ44 409 *46nOJ44 P6 10u Woo 9 4sn6nV INIV-IdVYOO :30 3unIVN 0 109*9 9909*9'' 'ON -03S 3000 SNOIIVOINnvyvyoo 'ON*.'03S 3SIHONV8:1 :N011V101A W3HIO 0 NO11V8O1S3U 0 301A83S 831No1sno[:X NO11d3038 13 :3000 311:1 U3E3yynN 3NOHd SS3NtsnE3-- --ss3uaav s Ln t6VS-01C I aY H38v4 nN 3NOHd 3VYOH 3VYVN 838wose11s 008-018 jjoujaqo kJap] 83evi nN 31IJ STIS '31VO WUO:f IS3f 03WINIVIdW03 NOISIA3131 318YO 0009-Zft= 0 9M s1Ou1111 '109dsOJd runout o IS uOSJOW3 'S 09 solgo sjojejjsiujwpV elqeo o joadi'Mid Juno W ;0 868111A NOUVIOIA 3SIHDN*J All 40 FRANCHISE VIOLATION Village of Mount Prospect e Cable Administrates office 50 S. Emerson St. 9 Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 * 32IM4=0 CABLE TELEVISION COMPLAINT/REQUEST FORM 6 00 81688OR/CS(FV) DATE FILE NUMBER Joan Oyen 297-3049 SUBSCRIBER NAME HOME PHONE NUMBER 1323 Columbine 282-7880 ADDRESS BUSINESS PHONE NUMBER VIOLATION: FRANCHISE SEC. NO. COMMUNICATIONS CODE SEC. NO. 6....6058 a 6'1-605C 0 REQUEST ONLY NATURE OF COMPLAINT Cannot get through on Cable repair service. On hold 7. 109 and 12 minutes. Same thing on customer service line. Wo B cable. A cable different channels at various reception levels. Channel 2 cannot be seen. Same on all 3 boxes. Wants credit for Premium !and Basic., Has had a service call, but repair to B cable does not last more tba . ......... -days RESPONSE TO COMPLAINT . . . .......................... 3;15 P -Mia - to Marsha LETTER SENT A Date YA E. Bott 0!W'Ipj Rol STAFF NAME C, CABLE COMPANY—Please forward response to complaint wiffi-in 1&tv'w'tfess days to Village. COPY DISTRIBUTION: WHITE/SUBJECT FILE—YELLOW/CABLENET ASSOCIATES—PINK/N.W,C.C.—GOLD/SUBSCRIBER u3si8c)sens/oioE)—,o,oM'N/)iNid—S31VIOOSSV13N3-19VO/MO113A-31IJ 103mns/311HM NounewisiaAdOO ot yo, im jWeldwoo ol asuod '85ell!A 04 S/feP SSW 99J P1eMJ0J 9se9ld—ANVdJV00 3-119VO H, , I G 31401 3NVNJAVIS 0ow 11 3 lm�� F ` OJEa I 712to M: Me = 4 %No JAS31d LN3S 83.U37. P4sjPW 04 - *W*P 0E:6 - 88ILI/8 —1NIVIdV400 01 3SNOd3d -jamsup au Ao s LeusKsnq 4ab APO 15V '434RM U9A9 4OU p1noo 446Lu seg -4U9P�Aa W ID.L 6ULILPO a Egon ou aja44. aip S43 0 ua4M *waLqoAd pade4 UaAa 8Aeq 64no 9U103 aAP4 S43a4 4POLLeO aAleH `PuTl:O�llv anaq ... .... ..... s,keAle an t4e6Z sLauue4o *43jem 4ouu*e*o*-'noX ain43Ld e ;o pajd.L IN lVldVYO0 :10 38nlVN AINO IS3n0380 'ON 603S 3000 SNOUVOINn w vq oo *ON '03S 3SIHONVU-4 :N0lJLV"l0lA , U3HJLO 0 NOI.LVUOJLS3U El 301A83S H3vyo1snoE] NOl1d3038X3 :3000 3114 8313iNnN BNOHd SSS! isns SS,3UC(3V .AOU'PW 4D90SUd 001 838"m 3NOHd 31NOH 3VYVN 8381 osens 2669-69Z oqiezS A44fdU SOAS88L18 ' 83evynN 311A 31VC1 wuo:i ismOWINITWWOO NOISIA3131 318VO MW M oil OW9-ZK= * 9M 210ullll 1OWSOM iunovy # 'IS ucwGW3 'SOS 9*1110 sojoloilsluppy elqeo 9 pedsWd Juno W 10 958111A , q *e? I d aqq oq suoTqoelqo ou ppq ;jp4s 4UPjnP4saj v Jog UoTqPDoT jadoad V-qa qoU spm ST 4 '4Pqq PUP 94TS aqq Jog jadoad qou sem buTUOZ 91q4 419; 9q BUTAPS 9400 aATqPbeU 9UO 9q4 4SPO OOSPT9A STnOU a9UOTSSTMMOD *4PTd a44 go TPAoidde BUTPU9MMOD91 go JOAP; UT 1-9 PaqOA PUP 886T 11 aunt uo bUT499M apTnbaa JT9q4 bUTanp maqT STq4 PaIBPTSUOO UOTSSTUIMOD UP -d 9qj I % L '94TS STtlq 04 UOT4eaado -pleoU pued quesead -,rraT4-4 94POOTea 04 sado-q Aupdwoo aql -4upansqs9E u9XDTT4o paTal AXonquaX m9u P JO; P92T.TTqn 9q PTnom paooei JO 40T 9UO 04uT. slaDJPa 19TTPms OMq aq4 90 uOT4PPTTOsuOO V *40T bUTXjvd jaquaZ) Asaqjnoo bUTUTOCpV 914q JO qapd 1852 x log P asplqoand oq qoPa4uoo v spTq f.updmoo aqq 14upanp-4.sai T4bno.iT4q-aATJP !POOJ-49PI pasodoid aaOj tlbnoue abiv- a4TS V 9P-Aoid 0 T9T44 4 L oq aepio UI oqupjnpqsaU 999 AatOH JamJO; aT44 go a4T%SW aq4 'UOTSTATpqnS ZSAWPX go I qoqw -o aasetpand qopaquoc) aq4 sT 4uaXDTqD paTi- Axonquax + 0 6% UOT4PPTIOSUO0 401 - UOTISST.WWOD UPTd sapoo Aq peaTnbea Xopq4as qoo; u94 s go PP91SUT aUTT A4jadojd qsam aq4 UO %Dvq49s Pav,. 9PTs 400; G P MOTTO' 04 E*ZOTZ . VT PUS 19PO0 Aq P9JTnb9j sp 499; o-, go ppe4su2 xz)Pq4qs P-11PA IP9J 400; 9 P MOTTV 04 D'ZOTZ-tT SUOT409S WOO; SUOT49TIPA (V !eqTS aq4 UO 4USanP499a POOJ-4SPJ/qbnOaq4-9ATJp P mOTTP- 04 as -n TPToads P (E !t-9 o4 c -a moa; Taoapd aq4 ;0 5UTUOZ9a (Z !40T IaBJPT auO 04ul S40T a9TTSMS OM4 e4PPTTOSUOD 04 (T :5uT4senbea sT 4UPOTTdds atIl 886T loi isnoriv *Hlva crvo,d auv-d OZ. L NOLLVOOfl SNOIIVIEVA aNV ZSn UVIDadS 'ONINOZHE 88-A-tC-VEIZ '88-fIS-CE-VEIZ '88-Z-ZE-VBIZ 21NO OINI Slorl OMIL JO NOILV(2IrlOsNOD Noii�oauoo NaxoiHo aaiva KxofiiNax LLD af arls HaNNVrId dVNCI39 rIflVd :wOua UZDVMVN ZDV'IrIIA 4 NOXId a NHOf :01 wnaNY11OW3W 331.4.40SUNI SlI4U1111 luadsOld aunoW 408d'Spoid aUnioLoy, JO O,Se,lll John F. Dixon - Page 2 August 10t 1988 Coning Board of Appeals Rezoning,, Special Use,, Variations The applicant also appeared before the Zoning Board of Appeals on June 9 to request their review of the rezoning, special use and setback variations. Because of concerns of nearby property owners about traffic impact, the Zoning Board continued the request to their July 28 meeting to allow the petitioner to consider alternatives to the plan that would not require two driveways onto Rand Road. At the July 28 meeting, the petitioner advised the Zoning Board that two driveways were essential to the proposed restaurant, and there was not reasonable alternative to the original site plan. The petitioner informed the Board that a Kentucky Fried Chicken facility does not generate as much traffic as other restaurant uses, and that traffic operation from the site would not cause congestion on Rand Road. staff's main concern with both the rezoning and the special use request is the on-site and off-site traffic movements as a result of the fast-food/drive through operation. Neighbors from the 300 block of North William testified that they were against the proposed drive-through/fast-food restaurant in this location because additional traffic confusion would compound the current traffic problem. Mr. John Kamysz, the owner of the Rand Road property along with his attorney testified that his property was being made unbuildable because of the setback and parking requirements of the Zoning ordinance. Discussion among the Board members ensued at length with those Board members opposed to the proposal indicating their concerns for on-site and off-site traffic problems. The Board then voted 3-3 on the rezoning, special use, and variations. Since all the requests at the Zoning Board level resulted in a 3-3 vote, the Zoning Ordinance states that any request "which fails to receive the approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals in the form of a favorable recommendation to the President and Board of Trustees of the Village shall not be granted except by a favorable vote of two-thirds of all the members of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village, present and voting." PE: Ing Approved: David M. Clements UGMDTqj P9Tj3 AMonquaA 'bU3 -ISU0J 4uuwzTBS MOT8 UaMOT43 POTJJ AMonjuaA punj Mueaj UaM0T43 POTJJ AM3nquaA 4ua6V a4BI93 TBaU aPTSTTTH 6UOSTJJBH 5LVV 8TWa0q STMaj :03IS383INI/S80103C00 aU0N :IN3SGV S839W3W V8Z TTTaon34ad u93 ABW,O, uATTJBW jabejqqajg qaaqo8 uDUU81 J849d APTSS83 PTBUOU SJaqlDJG ST01 UBWJT843 'MTUSBB -4jaqTTO SIN3S38d S830W3W VGZ UOT400S PUB V-ZOLZ-tL UOTqOaS 04 UOTqBTJBA aqq JOJ PaJTnbaj aq TTTm UOT408 PaBOG abBTTTA OOOZOLZOVI UOTqOaS 04 SP3868J q'4TM TBUTJ aq ITTm sTBaddV jo paeog bUTUOZ aql oslsanb8J TTE UT P@JTnbaj aq TTTm UOT408 paeog abBTTTA -aP00 Aq P83Tnbaj se 'qj OL JO P894SUT e, Ij S jo joeqj'as PJBA a P T 8 B MOTTB 04 3*ZOLZ*tL UOTJOaS PUB aP00 Aq PGJTnbai se *qj OZ JO P884SUT Moeqjas pjeA aBoa -qj S a molle 04 3*ZOLZ*tL UOT439S oq paqsanbea ase SUOTqeTJBA oalTs aqq uo queanelsoa q6nojqq-aATJP POOJ Ise, 8 mOTTE oq paqueab aq sasn IBT39ds e qeqq Isanbei aaqqoue pue t-a oq C-g wojj Tao,ied STL4'4 GUOZ;aJ off. qsanbei V :IS3nb38 886L 'CZ ABW :31VO NO11VOliand P808 PUB8 OZL :AA3dO8d 133c80s UGMOT43 PaTJJ AMonquaA :83NO11113d 88-A-VC 88-AS-CC 996L 46 aunC :aqBa bUTJBaH- 98-Z-ZC *ON 3SVJ VGZ Slv3ddV A 0HV08 SNINOZ 133dSOlid Anow 3HI AO 9NII:13W IVI33dS 3HI -40 S3lnNIW John Korn 301 N. William Peter Schuester 303 N. William Carol Krupp 306 N. William Tony Korso 9 Real Estate Mgr. Kentucky Fried Chicken Mr. Lewis Boemiaq of Kentucky Fried Chicken explained to the Board that they are proposing to move their existing facility at 301 E. Rand Rd., to a new location at 720 E. Rand Rd. adjacent to Courtesy Home Center. This facility would be an up-to-date drive through unit with room for 34 sit-in customers and square footage of 18,000 ft. costing 3/4 of a million dollars* This facility would be completely landscaped and provide their customers with all new modern amenities. They have been in Mount Prospect for the past 20 years and the new facility would be company owned and operated. An increase from $500,000 to $700,000 per year would be expected in their sales total. He explained that the typical Kentucky Fried Chicken has 2,200 customers per week whereas other fast food restaurants such as MacDonald's have 109000. MacDonald's drive-through has approximately 4000 customers per week whereas Kentucky Fried Chicken has about BOO. They generate more money per customer with less traffic through their restaurants and drive-through facilities as their average check is much larger than others. Mr. Frank Lund of Kentucky Fried Chicken gave an overview of their existing operation. The existing facility has no drive-through and employs nine people. The new unit would employ approximately 34 people and would be a 60% eat in and 40% drive-through business* They expect to service the OPUS development without the traffic having to traverse Rand Rd. These potential customers could use the Courtesy Home Center parking lot via the curb cut on Business Center Drive. Mr. Boemia displayed site plans to the Board . The total side area is 31 532 sq. ft . He stated they have been working on the plan with the Village staff. They have an agreement with Courtesy for joint use of the parking lot. The comprehensive plan identifies this parcel as being best suited for general/commercial/office. This restaurant would fall within this category. The surrounding land uses to the north, east and west are all businesses. There are presently five fast food restaurants including three with drive-through facilities, and five sit down restaurants in the stretch just west of Elmhurst Rd. and continuing east to Central. There are also three restaurants in the nearby Mount Prospect Plaza. They PaAOjdWT UB A4TTTOBJ q6nojqq-gAIJP 8 qnoqqTm quejneqsaa pooh. -.sej e aoj pean aq oq 9J8M 94TS STk4q JI -eaJ8 ST44 UT swaTqojd OTJJ834 punodwOO TTTM queanalsai poo, Ise, q6noaqq-aATIP 8 q8qq UDTUTdo aqq jo ST JjBqS 'aSTWOadwoo jo PUT>j GWOS of awoo pug AJJ 04 SUOTIdo J8AO 6UT06 paqsabbns 9H *OsT8 OlTs-UO swaTqojd OTJJBJ4 sasnao qnoABT aq4 4eq4 Pa4B4s JBuPOO -JW *AITTTOBJ STL44 JO asneoeq OTJJBJ4 ajow aq TTTm 9aat4l oqbnoJqq—aATJP PUB aOUBTJBA asn TSToods JOJ UJaOUOO aAgq Aaql 'UJOOUOO UTEW aq4 ST OTJJBJ4 qBq4 PaqOU 4abBTTTA aqq JOJ JaUUBTd lieupag InBd -JW esqnjqs ggTM apTs 40T bUTMaed aqq uaajos ATTABgq 004 01 4UBM fou OP Aaqq Ja4ua0 awOH Asaqjnoj aqj UT peqepoww000e aq PTno3 bUTlied mOTJJ8AO ODUTS -sqnjqs JO AlaTJBA 8 44TM 6UTPTT,nq at4q JO qUOJJ aqq UT wjaq aOTU 8 aq TITM aJ841 *bUTPTTnq aqq jo sapTs oml uo qoajja 6UTUaaJ3S aOTU e quasead of paUbTSap ST 6UTde3sPuBT JTa4l luawalTnbai abBTTTA 488w 04 PguuuTd ST SC X Z JO 9UOZ bUTPBOT 8 aOUTS Miew OZ aq4 MOTaq umop 6UT06 SaTTd qjTM PaUbTSap SbUT400J 6UTsn bUTPTTnq aqj 43nalsuoo of eAB4 PTnom Aaqq Isat4STM JjBqS SE bUTPTTnq aqq jo IuOJJ aq4 buOT8 qTaq UGadb -'4j ()C 8 aAlBt4 Aat4'4 JI *A-4jadoid at4l UO squawasea OSW Jorew omq ase qjaqj 'UaMOTqj PaTij AMonquaA joj MIOM STqq SaOP OqM jadeOsPuBT TBUOTSSajoad e Aq auop sam UBTd aql • usTd 6UTdeospuel aqq ssnOSTP oq paonpDJqUT SEM UBWZTES 4OT8 JaqUaj bUTddoqS Aselanoj WOJJ 6UTJ9qUa JO *JG JaqUGJ SSaUTsng woad. lauo !PH puB8 punoq -4qnos wojj 04TS aqq 6UTSSaj6a jo sAem 948uJa4T a ' OM4 gie qjaqj -jjeqs qqTm ssnOSTP Oq aMTT PTnom Aaqq GAT48uJa4TE JaqjOU8 ST ST41 -UOTq0@SJaquT aaa6ap 06 8 s8 PaubTSap eq pTnoqs Aem8ATJP ST41 PUB OMq JO PBaqSUT PH PUBN 04UO SSGOOB JO -4UTod auo aas oq jejead PTnom 96ETTTA aql *PH puB8 oquo paqTqTqoad suanq pueq qjal 01 -qn3 aaqqOUB JO UOTqTsod aqq ssnOSTP PUB UOTqdo ST44 japTsuoo pTnom Aaqq - jaquaj @wOH Asaqjnoj aqq oq qno ssaooe joj quawasea-ssoa3 puooas V * Z -Moeq bUTPTTnq aqq 6UTAOW apnTO9jd PTnom qeql -40T aq4 10 JBaJ a4l 4E 4uawGsBG Jam9s WJ04S -qj OL B ST aJaql oMoaq bUTPTTnq aqq bUTAOW 9JTnbaj PTnom qBqq - -pH PUBa JO UOT-4OaSJaqUT aqq o-4 Ino a3ads 6UTMO84S aJOW 948POWWOODe PTnoo qut4q qoT PaZTS JabTBT V • L :UOTqSG6UOO 3TJJBjq 6UTPj86aJ suoTqdo s,jjeqs oq paijejej Aaql -UOTqO9JTP ISOMt4qJDU e UT bUTnUTqUOD lqt46TJ -4 0 T J T a 14 -4 1 T x 9 T T T m PUB UOT409JTP qsamqqjou e u! bUTP894 'PH PUBS JJO 401 6uTMjed JTaqq 04UT qqbTJ ujn4 TTTm OTJJBJ4 jawoqsno JT941 JO qSOW q8t4l wTETO Aaqj -oqa ls,PTBuOGOBW 8 s8 OTjJBJq JO awnTOA aqq aonpoid qou op squejneqsai JTGqq qBqq qOBJ aqj P84BJaqTaJ UTe6e Aaqq WgTqojd OTJJBJI aqj qqTM SUJaOUOO JTaqq PaTJT4UGPT seq jjeqs q6nOq4TV -eGaB 9PB34 ST44 UT aATqTqadwo3 A84S 01 JaPJO UT 8OUaTU9AUO3 MOPUTm do MOTd @ABq 04 a>ITI PTnom traffic flow both on-site and off-site could be accomplished. Staff cannot support a drive-through facility on this site. Mr. Cassidy questioned Mr. Bednar regarding traffic southbound into the site. Mr. Bedbar stated funneling the traffic into Business Center Dr. is good in theory but not practical. No sign could be posted to tell drivers. Discussion ensued among the Board over traffic in the area. Mr. John Korn of 301 N. William testified as to the fact he has lived there for 20 years and did not receive notice of this zoning variance and he is closest to the site. He questioned his side of Rand Rd. and how this would effect the legal number of parking spots in Courtesy's parking lot. Mr. Bednar explained that Courtesy had far more parking than is actually need and would still be in conformance with codes. Mr. Korn said his street is or should be included in the traffic pattern considerations* He complained that Isabella St. is one of the highest volume residential streets in the Village. Isabella is the only street in the immediate area where you can enter or exit Rand Rd. Others are blocked off or restricted. He suggested a traffic study be done. Also he questioned a change in the elevations for this planned facility. He also suggested no exit or entrances for this facfility on Rand Rd. but use of Courtesy's parking lot for entrance. He also called for a stop light at the main entrance of Courtesy Home Center. Mr. Schuester, 303 William reiterated Mr. Korn's problems with this planned facility. Also testifying was Carol Krupp, 306 N. William restating her neighbors opinion. Mr. Lannon questioned when peak hours would be and Kentucky Fried Chicken answered 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Mr. Korso of Kentucky Fried Chicken testified there are more cars at lunch time than at dinner but more dollar volume in the evening upon questioning by Mr. Lannon. He stated that their customers are those that are already on the road and there would not be any incremental increase in traffic from the facility. Sixty cars are in and out from noon to 1:00 p.m. Half of that business will be from Business Center Dr. and half from Rand Rd. Dinner time it is anticipated 45 cars in and 45 cars. out. This is based on their traffic study engineers. Mr. Lannon discussed problems with traffic on Isabella. With entrance and egress on to the site it will exaggerate traf f ic on Isabella. It is too close to the Business Center Dr. light to have another traffic light erected on Isabella. He feels it will make a bad situation worse. Mr. Cassidy also expressed his concerns with the traffic problem. He was in favor of using the Courtesy Home Center as exit and egress from the site and not in favor of exit or entrance direct to and from the site. Kentucky Fried representatives said they could not live with a decision AaBlejoaS 6UTPJO0aH AJU9H *C GTTTW3 -818P J918T B 01 JGAO PaTJ1S3 aq TTTM IT ApBaj qou jj OUOTqequesaid ,Tod ApBaj jT CZ aunC 04 JGAO PaTJJ83 aq TTTM 9B83 STt4l spe5uejae aq TTTM 6UT49GW TBWJOJUT Us aqAeW -SaTqjed P8qSQJaqUT 044 04 uBTd ST44 quesaid pus jjeqs 841 4ITM laGw PTnom UOMOTqj PaTJJ AM3nquaM qBqq papT39p sam qj 'PH PUB8 UO 6UTUOZ Aqjadoid TBTOJGWWO3 AUBP IOU PTnoqs paeog aqq pus Aqjadoid TBTOJOWWOO ST opH puB8 qeqq paujam qnq aqdojqseqeo u aq PTnom uoTqSObUOO iaqqanj qB44 POI'Bqs 0 a W *UBTd mau e ggTM Moeq awoo pus -oqa 4sqno ABMGATJP Oq SB UOTqdo jo4qoue ST aJGql JT aGS PUB UG�DTqj PGTJJ AM3nquaA ggTM jeaw Aeqq paqsa66ns jeupaq -jW -saA P9JaMSUB PQTjj AMonquaA pus 46noJqq-8ATdp B OABq oq puq Aaqq jT waqq paNse MTuseq ejw *sqno bUTqSTXG OMq SBq APBaJTB Aliadoid STql -P8 PUBa WOJJ SS9308 409JTP aABq 04 IOU pueu uo ajoqs burgs aTqq eouldej 04 UOT�Poo- sTqq qle AqTjTDP; Mau I L I spue ui AupdmoD aqq qrqq pair o4senbaJ TPUTBTaO P qDnjqsuoo o4 *4 9H I aqq paziapmuins pup tl9XDTqD p9TJj AXonquax joj 9ATqpqu9s@jdaj @q'G?qsa TPaJ P sv PJP09 buT.uOZ 9144 04 ;T;E!suIl,q P80nPO'qul. PTm909 n0q a -rW -PaqDP9J 4OU SPM aAT4PuJ94Tv 9Tqpjd9Dop up see qDnwsPuT, uPTd awn-js Tl?uTBTio aqq qqTm pavewooid off. jagaid PTnOm JaUOTqTqad aqq qpqq peqpqs XTusPS OJW l9m'.4 sT.44 4V 'uPTd 8ITs 9144 04 SUOTSTA91 a4PnTPA-V PTnO,� -j -r JauOTqTqad etlq beq4 Mo qPtlq OS UT4aaW PJPOS bUTUOZ 6 aunt penTT%"&. jUo� uaaq ppq sTqq qpqq paqu4s pup qsanbea sTqq peonpoaquT 1[Tuspa --LN jaumo Aqi9doid JO; A9UJ044V 'TXsmoud@IS papmpa agumn Aqjadoid ' zsAmPX uqof IUPTTTTM ON TOE uJox uqor :SaIIUVd aSlSaUS1NI/SU0L-UDSfS0 TTT9DIIJ49d u9U = INaSaV SUSSKSW V-dZ Jq5pj-qajg qjaqou SJaq4OJg STOI APP ,O UATTJPW APTss-E?Z) PTVu0U UOUUPq Ja49d UPMJTPqD 'XTusva 4jaqTT5 :LLNas3Ud SUZEINaWl VEIZi eapoo Aq Dajinbaj see qaag OT go PP94SUT 4eag S 90 -{DPq49S PIPA 9PTS P MOTIF 04 U*ZOT-(,-VT UOT.4OaS pup apoo Aq P@aTnbea sp q9a; OZ JO PP94SUT 3[0Pq4aS PJPA JPal 4000 S P mOTTP 04 DOZOTZ-tT U01.4&j9S Wag pa4sanbaj aip SUOTIPTJPA -94Ts aqq uo 4upjnpqsaa tjbnoitj4-9ATIp P00j -4sP9 P MOTU off. asn TPToeds P pup t -S 04 C -a MOJJ Taoapd STL14 9UOZ9J 04 5UTqsanbaj ST 4UPDTTddp aT41 886T 'CZ APW PPOU PUPH OZL ,d-ioD ua3(oTqD paTaa AXonquax 0 8 8 6T •'8Z ATnf *94PG BUTIPaH '88-fis-CE 'ss-z-zc OON Hsv,-./ vsz S7VHddV aO CrdVOq DNINOZ IORdSOUd IMON 1lli ao DNIISHN EVqn9HH HHjL aO SHIMIK Case No. ZBA-32-Z-88r ZBA-33-SU-88fZBA-34-V-88 July 28, 1988 Page 2 of 3 Road. He stated that the new restaurant would be a full-service sit- down restaurant with a drive-through window. He indicated that the company hopes to utilize two curb -cuts on Rand Road and that the two existing curb -cuts add to the value of the property. Mr. Boemia indicated that other similar restaurants have two curb -cuts on Rand Road and that this number of drive -ways is necessary for the company to stay competitive in this area. He again emphasized that a Kentucky Fried Chicken Restaurant does not generate as much traffic as a M.-c-Donalds wr a Burger King and that there would be less customers using the driveways than in a typical fast-food restaurant. Mr. Basnik then noted that there had been no changes to the plan and stated that the petitioner is requesting that the Zoning Board vote on the original request. Mr. Paul Bednar then summarized the staff's position for the Zoning Board and indicated that the Village staff has C-10-11cern for traff is maneuverability on site and for the two driveways onto Rand Road. He stated that this triangular shaped property is difficult to design around and it is hard to find alternative points of access that w1ork with these site constraints. Mr. John Korn il-Itroduced himself to the Zoning Board and stated he has a concern for traffic at this site and noted that the prior use at this locatJon, a Sit-down family restaurant, was not as intense as the drive-through restaurant ;Ase proposed by Kentucky Fried Chicken. Mr. Edward Stepnowski introduced himself as the attorney for the property 1- in the -request and indicated that the Village's set -back owner r requirements make it very difficult to use this site. He pointed out that, in his opinion, the Village's -hillage'Zoning ordinance is preventing his T client's fa:Lr and equitable use of the property. Mr. 'Wannon asked for clarification as to the attorney's opinion and Mr. Stepnowski indicated that the requirement by the Zoning Board to eliminate driveways places an undue hardship on his client's buyer. Property owner, John Kamysz addressed the Zoning Board and stated he was concerned about his ability to use the property in the future when such extreme variations are required. He indicated he does not know what to do with the property at this time and stated that a prior request to rebuild the former restaurant was rejected and that he believes the Zoning ordinance makes it impossible to use the property. Mr. Lannon asked Mr. Bednar how this property was designated for use on the, Comprehensive Plan and Mr. Bednar responded that this is indicated for a commercial use. The Zoning Board generally discussed indicated the request and Mr. Basnik indicated that the petitioner is asking the Zoning Board to vote on the original site design for a drive-through restaurant with two driveways on Rand Road. The Chairman suggested that motions be made on each of the three portions of the request. AJPqqJDqS BUTPao0au lsquawaTo ON PTARG -Ppou PUPU 04 qUPJnPqSqJ qqq w0j; SAPmal=---30 jeqmnu Qty -.PUP UOT4PTnoJTD DTJ;Plq 94TS-UO Jog UJq0U0D P Paqp-&-.,qPUT qSqnb-=J -,=7-yq 0-4 UOTCY v ,qTsoddo UT BUT40A SlaqWaM PIP09 5UTUOZ 9SOTqn 'S940 -/A --Jq4 TLP u -r XTUSPa PUP APP IO IAPTSSED :SLVN aq5SJqqaJS PUP Isiatl4oas 'UOUUPq :S2LV :TTPO TT01 uodn 0 six -)�q P9PU009S SPM U0140M 9ql • SUOT-.PTIPA Xovq-as aq4 9AOjdds P"-IPOS bUTUOZ 4 qqq 4ptIq PqAow u0UuPq -ax -3[D-eq-4@s pipl, ap-rs pup XD-eqqe4s p-,rp4 jp-,a PalTnbea auk. 04 UOT4PTIPA 9LI4 JOJ UOT40M P JO; PaXSP Ueq' UPM--LTPqD aql XTUSPS PUP IP;i3O '4PTSSPD :S7iVN Jq5PJ44qJa pup Islaq4ola UOuUPq :SaLV :TTPO TT07 uodn asaw 4q PqPUo0aS SPM UOT40W atll op@Aoiddp aq UOT40W aq4 4Pq4 PaAOW ApTsspo -jK 'quPaneqsaj T4bnoatlq-9ATJp POOg-4SPJ P aoj 4Tmaed asn TPToads P jog uoiqpoTTddp aq4 UO UOT40UI P 10; P9XSP UaT44 XTUSPS '114 riPK4'4PTSSPO :N XTUSPS PUPA 0 SAV Ja5PJ44qJa PUP JSJqxJqOjq UOUUPq :SHAV :T -?L -PO TTOJ uodfl S saki Aq papuooas spm uoTqow alILL -4DTJ4STa t -a P 04 C-9 P MOJ; BUTUOZ9J 9q4 ;0 TpAoiddp puammooea PJPOa bUTUOZ 9q4 4Plq4 PSAOM &PTSSPD 0slK • vs..a P 04 C-9 P Wag Teojpd STT44 auozea o4 4sanbaj aq4 UO UOT40M P JO; P9XSP 3[TUSPa &JW c go C 96pa 886T 18Z ATnr 88-13►-te- Vez 188-f1s-EIE-VEIZ '88-Z-ZE-VZZ 'ON 9SED 'UOT409sas4UT 98lb9P 06 P SP P9TIBTs8P Pq PTnoqs AvmeATap STT44 PUS OM4 ;0 Pea:tsuT PPOU PuSE 04UO Ssaoov ;o quTod auo, eas*oq aa;aad p1nom squaw eseqi appoii puvu o4uo paiTqTq'oad suan4 pupq -4;9T (C JO las4u9D 8mOH Asaq,anoo aq4 o4 4no 999oor jo; quamaspa-ssolo PU009S P (Z JPPOU PUSH ;0 UOT4O9Sa94UT aq4 oq 4no coeds bUTXDP3S 9JOw 949POmmOOOR PTnoa 4elqq 4oT pazTs ae5apT v (T :9aR maTqola -ftlDTq4 9ATOS9a 04 p9a9;;O SUOTqdo aqq ;o 1-mmoS -PURR 04uo suln4 PuPq-j;e"r,. 0 BUTXPMO33P ol MOO."T qbnoue IOU saRD TTv 94PPOmm sT aa9q4 140T BuTXapd 944 04 P20E PUPH ;0 UOT409SZ94UT 9q4 'MO.1; papT I - Aoid saords bUT3jZ)V:;s OA4 ATuO q4TM 'PPOU PUPH oleo qno suanq pueq-q; qXrm o4 buT4dm-v4n.,p ueqm uoisn;uoo OT;_;val 94TS-Uo eq4 sT p94PdioTqup maTqoad TPOT4Tao Isom eqi -uoT4nTog P qqTt4 do ammo 04 4TnOT ; p ST IT 'A;T' 04 Asea ST maTqoad ST44 qbnoxj4Tv jUqPT I 'sm9Tqoad oT;;eaq 9Tqel9PTSU0D a4v9aD ITTA 40T 9T. q4 uO A4TTTOP; q5nojqq-9ATaP/POO;-4SP; P '4-eqq ealbe 44oq uoT,sT.ATa 5uTaeauT.Bua pup jusm4avdaa sa'DlAaas uoT4:)adsul aq- a L" SINZKNOD lavis 3OV771A -apoo Aq paiTnba--. a XOPq499 100; U94 e ;0 P994SuT 9UTI Alaadoad Ism aqq uo oeqqes PaPA 9PTs 400; 9 9 MOTTB 04 a'ZOTZ-ti uOT409S pup !9poo Aq paaTnba-,.r. SP 499; OZ ;© P294SUT XDVq4a5 P" -PA aped 4oO; G V mOTTv 04 -L-o"'ZOizatri UOT409S bUTpnTDUT 9POD bUTUOZ aq4 Mol; SU ' e T OT4elA app pa4sanbaj osTV 0 -A4TTTOP; qup"mr4saa poo;-4sP;/qbnoatj4-8ATaP P mOTTP- 04 JaPJO uT asn IpToads P OSTP PUP 401a4STa buTuoz t -a '04 UOT420T;TssvTD E-9 4uaeajd 94T MOO; A4jadoad 9T44 ;o buTUOZ.9J V BUT4sanbal- ST 4U20TTddr eqj 8 8 6 T 'Z aNflr : alvci avou ah -vu O L NOILY007 KNVdWOD IN3K3DVNVK 7VNOIIVN N011"4dHOD N3XDIH0 a3l'Ua AX:)nlN3X 88-A-VC-VRZ '88-fls-cc-vgz '88-Z-ZE-Vaz :103ralis WwwH, 3NMI d imaas rinva HCH3 swadav ao auvoa vNiNcz xiNsys 7io :01 svnaNVS0W3W EMAJON31NI kloullil 1130&0.w lunow 4=9ds0Jd au,noL^j Ac 8501RA, Gil Basnik - Page 2 June 2, 1988 .ft I -o this property m, he Village is also concerned w4th traffic turning into from southbound Rand road. S.-A'.nce Rand Road is heavily 44. -.raveled in The t,his area, they foresee tralfffiC. problems with +._,11,Js movement. Engineering Department also noted that before any permits are issued for this project, complete engineering drawings must be submitted I'd including, but not limited to, sewer and 'water line locations,, grading, and lighting. PLANNING AND "IJONING COMMENTS This proposed Kentucky Fried Chicken Restaurant is to be located on what is the old Honeybee Restaurant site combined with a recently purchased 50 foot wide strip of land from the Courtesy Home Center. This entire parcel is presently vacant and paved with asphalt. As you may recall from a previous 1986 Zoning Board hearing, the Honeybee Restaurant site in itself is practically unbuildable when considering the setback requJ.Arements on this odd -shaped lot. Therefore, the Kentucky Fried Chicken representatives have purchased additional land from Courtesy Home center in order to attempt to meet the setback requirements and accommodate required parking and car stacking spaces. Hi.-wever, even with the increased parcel size, all setbacks required by Code have not been met. Cur main concern with both the rezoning and special use requests reflect the other Village department's concerns of traffic. We recognize the fact that traffic movements along the section of Rand Road between Elmhurst and Central are confusing and in need of improvement. We are of the opinion that A drive-through/fast-food restaurant will compound the traffic problems in this area. we also agree with Engineering and Inspection Services that the site design of this property may create on -s. -!--e traffic problems as well. If this site were ' to be used for a fast-food restaurant without a drive- through facility, we anticipate improved traffic flow both on-site and off-site. (Please see our attached site plan.) As another option, a larger sized parcel would afford more design flexibility, thereby improving the traffic flow. The c". ompr ehens ive Plan identifies this parcel as being best suited for general/commercial/office. A fast-food restaurant would fall within this category. The surrounding land uses to the north, east and west are all businesses. Single family residential is located .across Rand Road. A staff windshield survey of Rand Road businesses identified five fast-food restaurants,, including three with drive-through facilities., and five sit-down restaurants in the stretch just west of Elmhurst Road and continuing east to Central. The greatest concentration of these restaurants occurs. around the Kensington and Rand Road intersection. There are also three restaurants in the nearby mount Prospect Plaza. f5tI : ad & qTqv4dao3s ale 'xDeqqqs, p" -v,& apea atJ4 UT UOTSTA9J qq5TIS P qqTM JSUOTqeTJSA qtjj opaqvUTT19 S14TTTOPq5nOa 4-eATJP 9q4 -0 p9SPBaDUT ST laoied atIq ;0 9ZTS aqq ssaTun 9ATOs 04 As 'P9T--4U9PT e9 sP 40u sT 4T .:+ � ATTsP9 s•c m9Tqoad oT;jej4 aT44 q5noq4TV - sqsanbal asn TRTDads PUP 5UTUO291 9tJ4 4joadns jouuso am alo;9jaqj '4U9IMjSTTc1e4s9 POO; -4SV3/q5TIOaT44-9ATap e JO; U5TSaP 94Ts 9q4 ;0 4Tnsaa v se OT;;SJ4 94TS &.i I -;;0 PUP 94TS-UO tl4Oq T44TA, UJ90UO' JOCIEM e sPq 95elITA 944 'Ajpmmns u- DATZIUP�T* ;TubT. s SOT-49114S9P ja-waqS 9qj 8AojdUIT TTTY. Pug 4ualx aTnbaa eP03 Mau 9144 S499u: x..�Pq4as p -RA -; uol; 4coOE eqtL - a4enbapp sT Anaadoad eqq 4 _Ir -V 4,.,Ar&au PaSA a -Ts 400; qAT- a T4 I opw-"-p 5u---TJ,21d 90,,7,,r,.s mnm,,.IuTui E t� - ' 4 1 . I m:) TT'E c Japio UT Xovqqes pjpA jpq-oj uinwTUTUI 400; uaq v ae-ead p -nom am 'let.9MOH *M91q0ad 101PIS OU BAS" 19M "SLT0-r.-2,.VT-IeA ps-senbe- ar4q o*4 aoyiaaa al 1.{I 4Y, 4 1 Li 8861 I E 95Pd - XTUS99 TTV 'bUTJP911 STT44 4P SUJaDUO0 aDTOA 04 4uasaad saoqoalqo as sjoqqbTqU ou ajam aaatljj • UOT4VTaPA STq4 aAoidde oq ' '0-9 'LTsnOUITUPUn P940A STPaddv jo papog BuTuoZ 9,ql j9bPaqqajq *jw Lq papuooas SPM PUP quamajTnbea Xopqqes goof V/E Z P ;0 TPA0addP papuemmooei LPK,o .*Sllq - x0ap aqq PUP qbpjp5 sTq4 uaamqaq aoup4sTp aqq aSPaJOUT 04 - JaPJ0 UT 9UTT L4j9doad eqq moi; xopqqes 4003 GL - Z r oq 1psodoad STq P9PU9MS aasnpH ojw 'UOTSSnOSTP PJPOa'J94jV *9UTT Lqjadoad quaopcpp 9t q Uo abpapb ampag SqSTXa aJ9qq aOUTS maTqoad L4ajps 9JTJ P 9q PTnom Xopqqas goof oa9z -4vtp UJa0U00 JT9q4 passajdxe I;PqS 'bUTJPaq 8Z LTnr JPTnb9a aT9q4 4E 9SPO STq4 PaPaq sTraddV JO PIPOS bUTUOZ 9ql *XO9P POOM P 40nJ4SUOD 04 -19PJO UT 499; Z/1 q PB-lTnbe-i LTI-emaou iBT4:; 10 Ple-a4SUT )i;Deqqas PaPA apTs 400; OJ9z 9 MOTTV oq UOTqPTaPA V bUTqsanbea ST qupoTTddv eqj 8862 10T ISflDfIV alvcl 773ssnu HIUON lzc :Noilvooq H3SnVH *r HDN3EMV7I '88-A-9t-VEIZ : loarafis EZNNVrIcl 'EVNCIZEI 'IflVcl woul UaDVNVH 3OV77IA 'NOXIa 'a Of :OIL wnaNVUOW3W 331.4.40'831NI slou!lll li3edso.W iunoW Zoleldsc%sd, au oW 40 43881HA �n ADPC[4v' S 400' ojaz P q P lTnq OSTP ST tIOT11M Aqjadoad sljoqxlbT9U 9q4 UO aBVJPB BUTUUTOEPP aq4 q pup ainjona4s sTTqq uaam4eq UOTqPjpdes 9qq aAojdmT o4 pup qsanbea Gq4 q4TM 4uapaoaad aqq 9ZTMTUTM o4 A4jadoid bUTUT01PP eqq moij Xopqqes go adAq amos eAuq 04 9JTS9P P Pa4PnTPUT ZvJd9G *JW 'J@A9MOFl qpxeA T'40nJ4SUOD 90 A4TTTqTssod - V qoo; ZIT S paiTnbea aq4 qqTm XOaP P bU ,tln 4 sq4pajo qoT jaujoo molavu s o4 sp dTT4SPaPq -rT4q 4sq4 peajnDuoo ;jpqs P i. qq4 4pqq pa4oU Zi-=JdGa 'JN -UOT4PPU9MUI009J Sj;JP4S Sq4 P-=ZTapuimns uaTqq d lq,-aadsoj,- qunoK go a5rTTTA @44 J09 UJa,�nUI I bUTUUPT'Z9ad9G UPTJS *Jk! 'PJPZPq GaT; r sjoqT45Tau a-qq 5uTuTo[pp aq 4ou p-rnyi a4v9aO 40u PTnom pup 95PaP5 o . . I k- 19PE15 aAOqP S9qOUT 9 ATUO ST N09p 8qq SP TqOnMSPUT 4Pq-1 Pa-IPD-PU- *4 T jasnPI4 -j;j -9PPJ5 9AOqP Seq6-JUT 8 04 9 ATUO PUP POOm 4uP49Ts-a aiij qqTm paqonjqsuoo 9q PTnom Xoap exlq qv'qq p94P4 9H 'XOPq49s 0 0 Z/1 S 5UTtUIOJUOD P tl4TM 40nJ4SUOD 04 MOaJPU 004 ST &4J9dOJd W-LI4 4 P P@4POTPUT 914 'XDap 9ZTS 9Tqpuosvaa P aAPT4 PUP quawaiTnbea Xoeqqa,,-- qooj Z/T G aqq qqqM pTnOO 9q APM OU ST 9aaqn- 4Pqq PUP 401 la=00j MOJJPU P ST Aqj9doid STq 4PtJ4 p9UTPTdXa jasnrI4 s aw *PIPA 9PTS P UT ST STq4 4Vtlq paqpqs qH -asnotl axlq puiLlaq Aqj9doad ST TT go 9uTT qOT qqq oq X09p poom p 4onjqsuoo oq sadoq aq qpqq p@qPqs PUP -P--LPOa BUTUOZ aTqq oq gTasmTq peonpoaquT jasnPH AJJPq #JK -T9ssnU tl-4JON TZE 4p emOT4 aq4 ;0 PIPA 9PTs aqq uT peqonjqsuoa aq o4 Xoep Poom P 4Tm-Led 04 squameaTnbea 3jDPqqas pjPA apTs pajTnbai etlq uioag UOT4PTJSA P ST STqq 4PLI4 paqv4s pup papoa buTuoZ aq4 o4 4sanbaj STL14 paonpoa4uT XTusPS . JW TITeonjqaa uaq UouUpq 1949a APWaO UATTJV;i APTSSPD PTPUOU siatpols sToq ja6pjq4ejs 4jeqo-d UPMITP'qD IXTuspg 4jeqlTD -NDap poom P qonaqsuoD 04 J9pJO UT 4a9; Z/T q pajinbea I ATTPuIJOu 9LI4 ;c PP94sul XDPq4as PJPA apTs 4001 OJaz P mOTTP 04 T'SOZOTT*VT UOT4�9S UIOJ; UOTqtTaVA V BUTqsanbea si 4UPOTIddp atIlL 886T 'TT ATnf Tassn'd *N TZE JaSnPH SamPf a3uallAP7 886T '8Z ATnf :94Pa BUTJP@14, l&*r,lc 140 10 0 .* iNassdd suamiaw vaz • alva leo ilvoirlEmd fD,71 addv ao CIEV09 DNINOZ loRdsoud amo HHI ao f)NIIHHH Hv7flDHH HHI ao SHIDNI i ZBA-46-v-88 July 28, 1988 Page 2 of 2 Mr. Hauser .explained that he could offset the deck somewhat at the garage to eliminate the possibility of the two structures being too close together. Mrs. Brothers noted that the deck, as proposed, is very large at approximately 14 feet, and that in her estimation, the petitioner could reduce the size of the deck to create a conforming yard. Mr. Basnik stated that a small corner lot, such as the subject property, typically requires variations for additions and decks and that Many such properties are over-built. He stated that the Zoning Board attempts to seek compromises in these types of situations to minimize the variation but also would attempt to accommodate the petitioner. He suggested that a 2 3/4 foot setback be established, thus resulting in only a 50% variation. Mr. Hauser agreed that the 2 3/4 foot setback would be sufficient for his ,proposed deck. Mr. Basnik stated that the petitioner had supplied letters from adjoining prcpert.y owners indicating support of the request. Mrs. Q'May moved that the Zoning Board recommend approval of a 2 3/4 foot ,setback requirement for a wood deck at 321 North Russel. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brettrager. Upon roll call: AYES: Lannon, Cassidy, o'May, Brothers, Brettrager and Basnik, NAYS. Done Motion-arrled. David M. Clements, Recording Secretary -peav ST'qq UT ggpTM X090 jitp-18 mnmTxem P ao; SMOTTe qDTqm '498J Z/T 9 ST PJPASPTS PSJTnbai mnMTUTM gill - page ooT aq PTnom 3IDep pasodoad -aqq aaaqm parAepTs sjOT-itT L ATuO buTAVBT 1499; SL p9jTnb9j 9qq JO PP94SUT 4499; GG ATUO ST Tq4pTm 40T aqj •T9ssnH buTor 0 g PjrA 4uoaj 9XI4 114TM 0xjqaOU qq4 04 Aa0beav eop; abeivB pup asnoq eqq ;o 4uoi; eql sasnoq ATTMV; 9TBUT.s 1 304s-9uO P UT 'AJ069J!) PUP T9ssnH jo jeuaoo 4seaqqnos sqq uo s9ATT aasnpli •-jjj siNzxHoo oNimoz aNv VNINNVId '9sPD ST44 buWavb9a P9AT909a Ba8m SUOT409*IqO aO s4U9wM00 a8q4O ON 'PavzPq 9aTJ snoaabuvp P seqvaao abraeb buTaoq'qbT9U 944 PUP Noap qqj ueamqaq Xoeq4as 400; oa9z sqq asnpoaq 4sanbaa uOlqVTJPA 9q4 laoddns 4ouupo quaw4avdaa saTa 8qI *P9TT94SUT 8q 04 ObPUT.PaP Trin4vu 944 04 SuOT40na4sqO Aug 4uPm 40u SOOP 9bvTTTA 9q4 4Pq4 smJT;JP9a OsTR bUTa99uTbua -qqpauaepun MOT; 04 P8MOTTP ST qbPUTPjP 40T apTs eq4 qpqq os Arm P Bons UT X09P 8q4 buTTT94SUT s4sebbns 4u9mqaPdaa bUTJ99UTBU3 9til *p9aTnbea Sq TTTm 4Tmaed buTPTTnq P IpaAoaddP JT '4Pq4 940u OsTe A941 OPObuvqD 9q 40u TTvqs 9uTT A4aadoad 9q4 buOTv uja4qed 9BPUTQJP bUT4STX9 aT41 oauTT A4aadoid aq4 jo lea; 9 uTq4Tm P9DeTd 9q TTvqs TTT; Ou 4VT44 se4ou quaw4apdaa S90TAaaS UoT4oadsul - X39P pooh P qoniqsuoo 04 a9paO UT 499; Z/T 9 ;0 4UeM9ITnbai apoo aqq ;0 PP94suT SUTT A4aadoad qqnos aqq uO XoPq4as PaPA OPTs 400; 019z v m0TTP :Z 04 I*SoZ0TT'-tT uO'E:139S mle bwr4sanbaa s -r UIeDOa;. UOTIPTIPA 0TTddr age, 886T 'TU Avir : SILVG 773SMS HIHON TUE NOIIVDOYI assnvH or 3oNaumv7 188-A-9t-VEZ :ioarans 7nva WOU.3 Nvw"*divHo sqv3aav jo auvoa oNINOZ 'XINSYR 7ID :01 wnaNYWOW3W 3:)I:i:IOV31NI sioujill 'joadsoid aunoW aosidsoid, :tunoLoj jo; 8,158111A Gil Basnik - Page 2 ZBA-46-V-88 July 21, 1988 The hardship Mr. Hauser claims is that his deck would be very narrow if constructed to code. The Placement of the house on the lot and the small size of the lot does not lend itself to providing a functional area for a deck. The proposed area seems the most logical for the placement of a deck, although it creates a dangerous fire hazard by abutting the neighboring garage. Staff agrees that there is a hardship and that a variation of some degree is warranted. However, staff cannot support the proposed variation because of the created fire hazard, and recommends that the deck be reconfigured to allow an adequate separation from the neighboring garage. In addition, the deck should be set back one or two feet from the side property line in order to lessen the impact on the area. PB: hg I tj 141 C-4 Ll OD 10 H L-:,