HomeMy WebLinkAbout0534_001ivawijPdaCj aDTIOd 10 ql2uaJIS
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aqJL 'U'eTd aATSUaqajdwo:) at4i jo uoTjjod SUT.IleaH DTlqnd aye. jO SAPP 06 UTqjjM
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jlelnz)yl.jled UT41!A% apP.Jj !xpj aqj jo uoilleInSai JO laAal aqj (Z) pup wieAoid
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-leTpaw juiid aLij woij suoslad aajt4l
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1. Relocation of NWCD Facilities. Committee members reviewed the material and
recommendations of the Board of Directors for the Northwest Central Dispatch
System regarding the need for larger facilities for the System. After reviewing
several alternatives, it was determined that the most feasible was the construction
of a new facility on a piece of property owned by the Village of Arlington Heights.
It is estimated that the cost to construct the 7,000 square foot building would be
approximately $756,000. While certain financing packages were suggested, it was
the concurrence of Committee members that each member municipality be allowed
to finance its share of the new facility by whatever means it deemed appropriate.
After a brief discussion, it was the consensus of Committee members that the
Board of Directors proceed with necessary preliminary work to undertake the
construction of a new facility.
2. 911. Committee members again reviewed supporting documentation regarding
the feasibility and cost of an "enhanced 91111 emergency system. Village Manager
John Dixon indicated that after several years of negotiations, the cost of such a
system had been reduced significantly and that recent legislation allowing for a
Referendum on the question of funding such a system had recently been passed by
the State Legislature enabling municipalities to afford the necessary capital and
other requirements of setting up such a system. Director of Northwest Central
Dispatch System Doug Edmonds reviewed with Committee members the particulars
of the Enhanced 911 System and how it would be interfaced with the proposed new
Mr. Dixon explained how the Referendum would be conducted and its binding effect
upon the member communities. It was, anticipated that the cost for funding such a
system would amount to a $.75 per month surcharge on a resident's telephone bill
for the first year'; $.50 a month in the second year and $.25 in the third and
subsequent years*
Discussion among Committee members was generally favorable regarding the
implementation of the system and it was felt that the proposed cost was reasonable
in light of the benefits to be derived from the system.
Trustee George Van Geern asked that alternatives to the 911 system be explored in
terms of cost effectiveness and service delivery.
Committee members reviewed a memo by the Assistant Village Manager regarding
the proposed purchase of the property of 101-103 South Maple Street as a
permanent site for the offices of the Mount Prospect Historical Society and
Museum. The purchase of the property would be underwritten by donations
received from citizens and local businesses who have made contributions toward the
After a brief discussion, the Committee members concurred with the proposed
purchase of the property for the purposes previously stated.
- 2 -
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-Al!l!:)-ej s>po& z)ilqnd aqj jp SUTUado puejo
P joj has uaaq seq C jaqwaDa(j JO aIPP aAllIelUal. R IP41 pup Al!l!z),ej s>ljo& :)Tlqnd
ArraU aye. Ile Sc-)IJaATIap JJVS PaAlaZ)aJ OSj? Pleq a2lelTIA aqj lleql paliodai UOXTCl ejw
-palaldwoo aq pTnom aS'ell!A at4l UT(41!M sl3afoid ?UTZ)Pjjnsaj
Ille s>jaaA% oA&I Ixau aye. UTqiltA ve4l paiz)adxa ay pule palnpat4z)s se SUTa paaz)oid
sem wejSoid SuTD-elinsaj la VY 2 le !
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a3ueansul ssol dojS - Auedwoj eaueinsul uoqbUTX@l 'i
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u8Td ,gad qquow sad SL -L$ JO aaJ aOTAJaS 18 JOJ STT83 quawaajbe STqj
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mojosa aq4 uT plaq aq ol 4anome eq4 4snfpe oq. Sod jo jleqaq uo
14M.8TJ aq4 SaAaasea J04Bj4qTUTmPv aql -JO9-'Oq,L qdei2eiRa ul papTAoid
S T se lquagm emus eqj ui I,unooas jTsodep mojose eqj off. os OP 04 spun,
Ajesse3qu jjmqj pus smiela Mons jo 4uamAed 4aajip lleqs 926111A 9q4
pug SmTplo pago uoi4dijosajd jo J0481.10J 8 028111A aql qpTAojd IlTm
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ITTM 1049149jujupy aq4 pus sqNjBqo paso uot4dijasead s,QJIBITTA 8q4 JOJ
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'Aaanaef jo Asp 491 SIMI Ojul paja4ua PUB apse 'LKRKRRIIDV SIBS
to reflect any increase or decrease in the eligible employee count or
if paid prescription claims exceed $30.00 per employee over an average
two (2) week period. Upon termination of this Administrative Services
Agreement, the Administrator will refund any balance rewaining, as
determined by PCS, in the deposit escrow account within five (5) work-
ing days of its receipt from PCS.
3. Preparation of Documents. The Administrator shall prepare a
Plan Document and Summary Plan Description.- The cost of printing and
distributing such materials shall be the responsibility of the
Village. The Administrator shall also provide all other needed forms,
such as claim forms, normally used in the Administration of a self-
funded plan. Should the Village wish to use forms other than those
normally provided by the Administrator, the cost of the printing of
such forms shall be the responsibility of the Village.
4. Consultation and Advice. The Administrator, as necessary,
shall report to the Village matters of concern or of general interest
with respect to the Plan, including, but not by way of limitation,
suspected abuses of benefits under the Plan, changes in Plan ad-
ministration or policy and problems of a recurring nature.
5. Payment of Claims. After the Administrator has analyzed and
investigated claims submitted to it for payment and has determined
that said claims are valid and should be paid, or has been directed to
pay any of such claims pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 1, it
shall pay said claims and shall notify the Village in writing of the
payments made under its Plan.
6. 'Accoun.tinjg,. The Administrator shall submit to the Village a
monthly accounting of all payments made under its Plan by the
Administrator. Such accounting shall be made in sufficient detail to
provide for the audit and control of the funds of the Plan. The Ad-
ministrator shall retain all claim files for a period of two calendar
years. The records will be returned to the Village for retention as
required by law.
7. Plan Account. The Administrator shall establish and maintain
a Plan Account in a federally insured bank or savings and loan as-
sociation as a depository for the funds of the Village to be used to
make payments to covered persons. The Plan Account of the Village
will be established in an amount sufficient to permit the prompt pay-
ment of all valid claims. The Administrator will advise the Village
in writing as needed of the amount such account had been diminished by
the payment of claims and the Village promptly will remit to the Ad-
ministrator a sun sufficient to restore its respective Plan Account to
the amount agreed upon, or any greater amount, as shall be determined
necessary. Designated employees of the Administrator shall be
authorized to disburse funds from the Plan Account pursuant to the
provisions of this Agreement and such employees shall be bonded as
required by law. The Administrator may earn interest from the
*4u8maaj2v SIR4 jo aOu8jqq4
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Pa4TmT.T 40u 4nq 92uipnj3ui 194u929 pus IsasAoldma IsjolaaaTp lsjaotjjo
s4T 'jo4ei4sTuimpy aq4 Aq auld pTes jo U014SJ461UTMPU 4aalnpnsjj jo
4uq.vTT2aU Id
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4eqj 4ualxa 91q4 of Aluo e1quaildde aq lTuqs 'OUT02aJOJ aq4 a aAamoq
1 4n `ueld 8ATq3adsaj 94T japun s4Tjauaq JOA0091 01 J04RJ481UTM
-Py 9q4 JOUT8,118 jq2nojq s4jnsmej jo spusmap IsmT913 Aq paUoTS
-e330 Sqaj s,A8UJO448 aTqsuosvej RUTpnl3ui lasuedxa pus a2umvp Issol
ITE PUB Aug 4suT9$8 ssaluaeq J04sjjSIUTGtPv aq4 PjOq PaR AjTUwaPUI
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joj A4TjTqTsuodsaj aluml.41n 941 ul.840J 11sqS 9,1911TA 8q1 AU79dmoD
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S4T JOJ JOjVJ4STUTXPV ORI alasuadmoo ol -aaj U01481113,4SUI 01
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AlIvuad aq4 4a.npap ADM aASTITA a4l wpassasse aq ADM dnoj$ IB404 aq4
joj 02jvq3 uot4BjjsTuTmpe elTdoo sad aq4 jo %001 jo A41auad B 1q-4UOm
ueld Aug jo IdTOOaJ JO SABP AUTIJOM (01) U94 UTq4TM ose3oid uaaq
40u aAuq SUT.810 OGOR4 JO %96 U8q4 OJOK J1 -misio jo 4diaoaj jo SAeP
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'JOIJJR3 9683xa aq4 moij UOIS
-STMMO3 8 9AT93QJ ABE J048JISTUTMPV 041 •a 1911TA aRl MOJJ juawasinq
-alai 49anbaj o 4q2TJ OR4 OABq
ITOqs 104BJ4sTuT.mPV Oq4 'mBT TBJaPOJ
JO 04846 'Aiuno3 IA4To Aug jo 4Tnsai e se 1*o4a 6a2jvqojns Ixe4
leaj Aug 10j 1uBTd aq4 jo jleqaq uo 'sTqe'T amooaq 1Tv4s J04BJ4s'ulm
-pv aq4 4UaAa ORI UI -OM14 Isq4 48 aaj ITaqj assajoul 04 jqwT.J 9,q4
aAVq JIVIRS JOj8jjSjUlKPV aqj 'JOj8J4STU1MPV aqj JO NIOM aq4 aSgaJ3UT
p1nom q3tiqm jauuem Aug ui ueld SIT 92u9qO JO PU9MB a-2811TA aql pinoqs
4vq4 jdaOxe 66861 61C jaqviaosa 114un jo4ej4siuTmpV aq4 Aq pasuaia
-UT aq 4ou Asm aiajaq joj papTAoid S83tAA9S aqj -144uom qons Maea
U1 PQJaAOO SOaAoldwe jo jaqmnu jun4as aq4 q4joj Oui44as jo4vj4siuxm
_pV aq4 of s4iodai uodn paseq Alq4uom, Pied aq jjvqs s8aj a3IA39S q3nS
*saaAoidwe PBJQAOO aATj3adsej 94T jo qosa joj lq4uom jad SL*L$ 30 a8J
a3lAjas 9 jo4ejjsTuTwpV axI4 o4 &ed 11siqs OARITTA aq4 'JO4BJ4STUTMPV
aq4 Aq pajapuaj aq o4 SaDTA108 TTR J09 -980J 831AJOS 08
*a 2BITTA aq4 jo A4TITqTsuodsaj aq4 aq 1T8qS
snaaq3 pTes jo Aui4uijd jo 4soo aq4- aAoqu paTjToeds aeoq4 usq4 jaq4o
sljoaqo eon o asooq3 OARITIA aql PTnoqS *aAWTITA aql 04 4900 OU 48
4un000v Nuvq 9#jO4vj4q1uTwPv aq4 UO umsip pus SWOU 941048JIslulupv 944
Suiuiuluoo snoaqa qjTm eivTTTA aqj Alddne jjvq9 ulp
0 * v 9TAjL
12. TernJ*L'0at1on.A&Dd Revision., This Agreement shall become ef-
fective January 1, 19S91, and shall remain in full force and effect un-
less and until terminated by notice as provided for herein. Any party
may terminate this Agreement by giving sixty (60) days written notice
to the other party specifying the termination date, via certified
mail, return receipt requested. Upon termination of this Agreement,
the Administrator shall return to the Village any balance remaining in
its Plan Account, if applicable. The service fees set in Paragraph 7
hereof may be adjusted by agreement of the parties any time after
December 31, 1989, or as otherwise stated.
13. A licable 'Law. This Agreement shall be construed under the
laws of the State of Illinois.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their
hands and seals on the date and year first above written.
Its: ----------------- Date:_ -------
an Illinois corporation
By:. - -
I t 8• Vice President D at e 10-18-88
w .f W.mra �u� muw,., ,,.,w+dam" �,aaamw• :*w,..,,:,m�.,,. ,,,a���nu�. ;�
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loot6ins juaijed-ui 14089 M81A8J II!m SH3 — 941S 1901.6inS jo eseue4olidoiddV alp
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aq Aew Builsol 14ons ;o uoi:pod IBLIm 04 SO ueioisAt4d sjusiped a144 o4 suo!48puaw
-woo8i 9)lew pue uo!ssiwpe lel!dsot4 Cue o4 joijd paiinbei BUIIS94 914J MaIAOJ II!M
lauuosiod SH3 sseooid uoijeoippao-aid e144 loped SV — 6U1499J. UOISSIWPV-eJd EC
wilezilepcIsot.l jo sAep leuolippe jol aseo 941 fypeo-aa ll!m'9481jdoidd8 0 94mpu i `pue
SISOUBRIP P9S!A9J 941 M91AOJ Il!m UBIS SH3 914j u941 'Asis jo 4115ual paIppoo-aid SH3
aqj puoAaq paiinbei aie juawoupoo lej!dso14 jo sAep leuoitIppe 11 — Uojjv0j;pJ9C)-9U *Z
-aseq elop sp WOJJ Olqel!BAB uoilewjojui a14j uo paseq Cels 10 41Bual
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leoipaw jol s1senbai Aoue6jaWa-UOU Ile MaIAW II!m SH3 — U01480111:1493-Wd •
:SUJJ91 BUI.M01101 841 14l!m 90ueP1033? U1. CW81SAS
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pue .s9jnppu9dx9 leolpow pa4alsi-aef-bldwe SIN31-10
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S(dAsU0SJ8d POJaAOO,,) s4uepuedep P9JGA00 pue. saaAoldwe s.LN31-10 10 uIeV90
Aq pannoui sesuadxa leo paw potpoods jol .4uawesjnqwlaj SOP!Aoid 1N31,10 'SV383HM
.SqojjUqS juawulg4uoo 4soo ulepeop sueew Aq sajnl!puedxa leopew p94el9j-oqAoldwq
S64U19113 Sp azlwiuiw PUB loj4uoo 04 pouBisep wei6oid e pedolGAGP Se14 SH3 'SV383HM
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*SJSPIAOJd i4ons Aq paispuej AlqBuoseei aq Aetu t4oiqm sec)lAjas pus Bo aj Igolpaw
118 J0J)lJ0ml9N ,GJu0IU9'3'1J3 a4l Ul SJGP!AOJd 01 SuOSJOd PQJGAOO J919J Him SH3
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9 ll!m SH3
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sweiBoid I!Igueq 441894 jo uoile4uawaldwi PUB u6'.s9P a4l u.' l.N31,10;S.ISSB ll!m SH3*
IN3110 01 JUBA919J SW99P
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jn046n0J41 (SH3 Aq pouiwielap se) posiodsip AIIB3'4dej6o9B aq 1184S SJ9p!AOJd 941
'C,AJ0mIQN ,9JB0IuG.10'.J43,, 940 SORM081 190i6ins PUB sjejuao juawleoil Islol!dsoq
ajow jo 9Z Alejewixoidde PUB sueioisA4d giouu jo 0001 L Alejewixoidd? jo 6uilsisuoo
SJGP!AOJd is SJap!Aoid MO 4 Ie9q 10 Isil 9 ullelu'Bw pu
(Ed 841) 1 e 4si1qelso ll!m SH3
*seil!l!oel aoidsot4 PUB WIB94 9w04 PUB swei6oid
juawl,eeil asnqe 6njP/104001'8 'SORM091 411,eG4 jeju'6w pazilemads Isialugo
uoijej!j!qB49J jugiled-Ino pue juailed-u! Isialugo leoipaw jofew' pue Alleloads
sapniOul 40!4m VOmPN,W80lus'0143 041 Ul SJGP!AOJd 941 jo pasodwoo Odd
944 01 SS9008 OP!Aoid ll!m SH3 —* (660dd 94 U0148ZIUBBJO JGPIAOJd PGJJG;GJd *,L
*SU19A 49SO31JEA JO Bl.uJ94
e loejjoo o4 ainp000id Aue PUB eau)i jo Iseeiq Isp!ouepe lsl!suol IaAa losou `loot a4l
jo fiaBins jugiled-Ino AouaBjewa-uou jol (91!ns Aie6ins Ajolainqwe jo aoigo) 6uillas
aleudoidde 944 A44J93 PUB M9IA9J ll!m SH3 — u01.4801MV93 Aj96jnS WORed-Ino #9
-Aels jo t4lBu9l pue IAI!sseoeu
1831 pow 'Bu i ties 10 ssoualeiidoidde ou I wielep oliapio ui luoissiwpeoljoijd paippeo
jou aiam jet4l seseo AIGAIloodsoilai M91AOJ ll!M SH3 — MOIAOJI OAgoodsojteU *9
si poijgd 9AIIBJednoei pcipua;xg ue ejgt4m slsoo wielo 9onpai o; goiAies juaw
-96ouew am 9AISU94aidwoo e 9P!Aoid ll!m PUB sesoo oit4doj;se;eo Allieiluglod jo
96JBI AVUSP! Illm Iss000id uoi;ezil!;n at4l t46noit4;'SH3 —;
u9weSeueWesooeoBjel -.V
vvid 9JR3 OAlleUJ9119 9141 ;0 SSOUGAllogge
jol!uow of do mollo; ll!m PUB IspooB elqejnp uo Buioijd M9jA9J ll!m SH3 *SH3 Aq
peleigugB sl000loid eouvinsse Allionb ox souejaqpe puebuigels loo!Ajes;o Al!lenb
J01 J0j!U0UJ PUB MOIAIDJ ll!M 4! 14014M SGIOU958 9JR0 t411894 GWOi4 t4l!m 4384uOD ll!m SH3
C, CLIENT will pay to EHS the following fees each month for the services rendered by EHS
1. $ 3.40 per covered employee for enrollment fee.
(This fee is one-time only).
2. $ 1.30 , per covered employee for EfficientCare" Review.
3. For the following Additional Services CLIENT agrees to pay.
a. $ .85 per covered employee for each of the following:
(x) Second Surgical Opinion
(x Psychiatric Review — I n- Patient
(x 3 Discharge Planning & Home Health
(x Out -Patient Surgery Review
(x Large Case Management
b. $ 125.00 per hour of EHS reviewer time for Large Case Management
c. s,125.00 per hour of EHS reviewer time for Retrospective Review.
d. $ 1.2 per covered employee for access to the Eff icientCare'"
Network of Providers.
4. All fees calculated per covered employee, are payable in advance on the
Commencement Date (as hereinafter defined) and on the first,day of each month
thereafter during the term of thisAgreement All other fees are payable on the first
day of the month following delivery by EHS of an invoice to CLIENT for such services.
Payments made after the fifth day of the month when due are subject to a 11/2%
service charge.
-11ne W111W,
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ou PUB saiped 94110 buipuelsiopun pue juawee16e ajilue at4l salnl!lsuoo luawaajBV sit4jL #1
*wed jet4lo at4l ol Buil!jm U1 S91j!39dS
Aped jaql!e see SSGJPPE J8440 Lions le jo9Aoq9U9A16 sessaippe 94119 JLN31-10 01 Jo SH3
01 'I!uw pal.ppeo 10 paialsiBei Aq builpm uw9M6 aq ll!m lu9we9j6V 5141 japun aoijou AuV ,H
'ejeo io SPJBPU84S paziuftoej Alleuoissajoid laaw jou op qoiqm'juaw,9aj6V a4l of wens
-and SH3 Aq PaMG!AGJ aq Aew q .014m Isailied pjit4l A -q paiepuaJ S931AJ9S leoipaw lo linsai
e se espe Aew qoit4m sasuedxa pue sisoo jeqlo jo s9ijjl!qeiI Isa6ewep Is'essol Aug Jol
japunajaq elcleil aq 11184S IN3110 JOu SHS 19108utu'0159JOI 94110 Aue 6u1Puelst4l!m10N
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Buipnloui) sesuedxe PUB spuewap IsBuipaeowd 'sl!ns 'suoijoe lie W) pule 'lu9waej6V
at4l japun suoileBilcio inoA jo aoumioped 941 ui suftse PUB sioss000ns 'saeAoldwe
S,IN3110 JO iN3110 10 Su0.1ss1w0 JO S13B luG6llBau* jo lonpuoosiw InjIl!m 944 (!) jo
llnsai e se inoui Aew SH3 4oi4m seil!l!qeil jo seftwep'sessoi Aue Isuieft) 1ju9w99j6V
S141 1,0 918P 041 J94B ssw!l Ile 12 'SSGIUJJBLl SH3 P104 PUB SH3 Al!uwapui ll!m I N31-10
'6ut.060JOI 94110 AUB 01 IUGP!Oul (Seel Bul
-jun000p PUB le6el Buipnloui) sesuedxe PUB spuewep's6uipeeooid 1sj!ns'suoiioP lie
Pu8'luGUJ99J5V 041 japun suoileBilclo S,SH3 jo eouawiolied 841 u! SUBISSE pue SJOsseo
-ons IseeAoldwe sil jo SH3 10 suoissiwo jo sloe juaBilBou jo lonpuoosiw lnjll!m eqj 0) 10
llnsai 9 se inoui Aew IUGHO 4014m seil!l!qeil jo se6ewep'sessol Aue Isule6e'luaweei6v
S144 10 GIEP 941 J948 SOWN Ile IV lsselwJB4 IN3110 P104 PUB IN3110 AJ!UUJePu1. lI!m SH3 -D
ivatullojug ujnu=W 1-111WIWI C6Z IU;DWIIO.IU3 IRTITUT
. . I
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SUOURDOt Ile Apoods IsaX jj
ON sad, SUOT1,830-1 laqjo
1, -r-rva-r:)TunK ss2utsng Io adAjL
99009 2W:) d!Z, 'I'll giia dsoca *IK ojS uosaamg 9S 001 ssalppv
Boa (isola jo9 2 le -TA jutnT IddV jo awpN 'I
-A&olaq pUpodsoominsin 2ql 2UIP!Aoid Ac)ilod Pjoj SuiAlddu si ltm:)ilddV 2ql,
601Z0 suasnqovsseW luolsog
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sea), A3110d alp JOJ I!Ufl P012AOZ) .tad 21qeXgd
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=A 43110d
0q) IOJ UOSIOd P2.10AOD sad iunoLuV uonualmd oij!yjdS (1)
3ONVIMSMI ssaOX3 Didiagds (V)
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. . I
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191709 -11 6pTaTj eTdmATO 'aa sl0ua9-&0D 00661 ss2lppv
sairToossv 1 2U01 guos->Iopf 11 IOIE-IISMIWPV UVId -Z
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1, -r-rva-r:)TunK ss2utsng Io adAjL
99009 2W:) d!Z, 'I'll giia dsoca *IK ojS uosaamg 9S 001 ssalppv
Boa (isola jo9 2 le -TA jutnT IddV jo awpN 'I
-A&olaq pUpodsoominsin 2ql 2UIP!Aoid Ac)ilod Pjoj SuiAlddu si ltm:)ilddV 2ql,
601Z0 suasnqovsseW luolsog
MAS alvis ooz
ANVJW,063 3:)KVHaSN3 N01fMU31
(1) Monthly Aggregate Retention Amount Factor
(2) Anticipated Annual Aggregate Retention Amount
(3) Minimum Aggregate Retention Amount
(4) Limit of Liability
(5) Reimbursement Factor
(6) Monthly Premium Rate Payable per Covered
Unit for the Policy Year
It Medical F7 Dental [I Weekly Indemnity
E Prescription Drugs 0 Other
F Incurred and Paid F Paid F41 Other Incurred in 15/ Paid in 12
(F) Endorsements
5� Optional Transplant El Other
5. Proposed Effective Date January 1st, 1989 subject to Company acceptance.
6. Deposit of $
is enclosed to apply to the first payment under the Policy if issued.
Date at, t the. day o ", 19
(Signatureof Surplus Lines Lkmnw
BY x
Title 9,
* These rates Do Not include 3.1% Illinois Surplus Lines Tax.
'a4yep BUT.IP9q DTTqnd aqq go ship 06 UTq4TtA UPTd 9ATSU9q@IdWOO
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UOTSTAT pqnS ajPnbS poom2uajq
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ON go jaujoo lsamqlnoS
U011V3S a0IAJaS 000drV
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'sel2noa go Ispa f..TTjvmjjd
uoilpxauuv go 1pla vaiv UTO-3uTq
speoE glop pup assnq tNard
aalemavalo go 2spa pup qjnoS
suommoo ioadsoad junoW
as .. ......... ... Rauupl(l
ash, pauuRld
Paso d o
saalsnjjL jo piieoq :z>
2UTlaaW ST141 JO UOTIPTZ)OSSV ssauTsng uol2uisua)l se qz),ns sassauisnq ApJOU PTnoqs a&
-sassauisnq pine sa:>Tjjo ui 2uRiOws JO uOT.IPTnSaj off. alelai Aaql sle AT.Ipinz)TIjed
IsaTl!liedTZ)Tunw Jaqjo w0ij SaDupuipio snoTileA at4l JO SaTdoz) urejqopinoqs, jjlejS
-�Z jaqolDo joj lepua2V ajoq� age. Jo aall!WWOO age.uo Wal! STqj aDieTd asleald
-aDU!eUTPJO jj2UT>1OWS ONji 'Ll 10 UOTjdopp aqj iapjsuoz) pileog a2'el1!A age.
jleqj 2UTisanbaj AjQTDOS JaDUP:) UP:)TJaWV age. WO.J -JallaT P jo Adoz) P sr paq:)PIIV
8961 '6Z l3991N9JLd9S :9lvcl
gSf)V'*d)l *H NAIONVO **dOAVW :W0119
wnaNV'dOW3W 331;3-AON31NI
#Utftt, 4"I&W, V44 @�Jqj
siouilli 14:)adsOJd junoW
:toadsoici :tunoVj 4o 880111A
Matt Meisterheim
Nancy Morgan
Vice Chairman
Ray Johnston
Paul Bednar
Bob Guthrie
James Burns
Rita Buyers
Ed Cavello
Jay Dee Cimo
Brian Davis
Peggy Florey
Patricia Gerber
April Gilman -Foley
Patricia Kelly
Eugene Kukla
Barbara Persenaire
Dr. Ronald Reichl
Paul Sells
Linda Tripp
Joe Wawak
�o TZ 174 lon-rej N 1151 U.'r-0 "
Dear Mayor Krause,,
The Mount Prospect Divisim of the American Cancer Society
respectfully requests your consideration of a Village -wide
restricted smoking ordinance, Over 400 camumities nationwide
Piave already passed similar legislation to protect the safety of
their citizens. In the Chicago area,, many local clean air
*rdinances are cropping up in cammnities where concerned citizens
are tired of wang for unresponsive state legislators to pass
the Illinois Clear Indoor Air Act, A ma]ority of our Northwest
Suburban neighbors have either adopted an ordinance or are
currently in the process of doing so. Mount Prospect residents
deserve at least the same consideration,
-Much can be said about the danger of cancer-causing second hand
smoke, but the main point we want to emphasize is that these
ord ' inances have widespread - 0 A recent survey showed that
87% of smokers and non-smokers alike --u either smoking bans
or restrictions in public places such as restaurants, stores,
offices, meeting rocms, and i place,
Even more interesting is a recently published survey from the
Phillip Morris tobacco COILpany magazine that caters to the smoking
public. Although a vast majority of the readers of Phillip Morris
magazine are smokers, over one half favored designated smoking
areas in restaurants, work places, and other public places. This
result is incredible considering the Phillip Morris magazine has
lobbied heavily against smoking ordinances nationwide,
As we all should strive for healthier surroundings, we sincerely
hope you take our request to heart. Officers of the Society are
available if you have questions or need addonal information,
I "'d
- -eaj 'e 2UT>JOWS OU ap!Aoid Isnw siuleinelsa-S -s2uTlaaw DTlqnd pine
sluawlileda(:l S>IJO)I& Z)Tlqnd PUP ;DJT_q '@DTIOd -IOJ UOTIDTJISaJ SUT>JOLUS ON *->Ioojqi4lJON
-(AIUO SSaUTsnq ajPATjd) aDpId >ijom at4l sapnlz>xg -saD-eld
D!Iqnd 11P UT 2UT>JOWS sajPTnSaj 8861 'RZ aunC paidopp aoupuTpjo :aAO.JD UOIJOW
-IIPH a2PII!A UT AZ)TTod 2UT>jOUJS ou 1ewjojul *OSSaUJaAUI
'(aZ)UT?UTPJO paqa'eille aas) 9961 11 aunf aATID,?Jja PUP 9861 IZ APW paldopP
SPaJI? PaTPU2TSap UT 2UT>IOWS 2UTIDIJISaJ aZ)UleUTPJO aAlSUaqajdwoD :sajPjsg upwjjoH
'(AZ)Tlod paqz)lelle
aa,$)" 2'apJC*)
QATIP.JISTUTWPV Aq xaldwo:) IT?dTZ)TunW UT PajDT.JjS@J 2U!>Iows
pauA,%o-a2,ell!A TTP UT 88/£ 1/9 paldopie az)ut?uTpjo Aq pal!q!qojd VUT>IOWS :UOIVUTJ.11?q
:Ua>llel aAieq saTl!unwwo3 ja4jo suoijzm lleqtA ;o aldwies P sT SUTANOIJO; aq.L
2UT>JOWS SUTIZ)T.JlSa.J aZ)UleUTP.Jo ITP-UPaj3 le .dope saalsmil jo pjPoq pule joAPW age.
TPqj pajSanbW SP4 AjaTZ)OS JaDUPD UleZ)TJQWV aqj JO UOTSIAT(j lz)adsO.Jd junoW aq.L
-SlE?alle PaSOIDUa UT 2UT>IOWS 2UTliqlqoid jo
2UTIZ)TJISaJ SaDURUTP.Jo paldople Alluaz)aj aAPq salielS pal!ufl aqj ul SaTliunwwoD AuPw
4a>jows oDz)pqol jo UOTIPIPqUT aATssPd jo ja2u-ep aqj uo juawalels Az)Tlod sjujaua!)
uoa2inS aqj PUP 2UT>IOWS jo sjaSulep qllleaq aqj JO SSaUa.JP`MR Z)Tlqnd paseajDuT qjT&
9961 '11 11990 DO :glvci
S133COIdd IVID3dS`d'90VNVW 90V IIIA 3HI 01 INVISISSV 11 w O"'d -4
wnGNVIlOW3W 331AA0113INI
slouilll ll:)adsOJd junoW
ao9ds0-Jd:4un,oLj jo BiSelll,,A
Proseect He* �hts.* Ordinance adopted January 29, 1987 prohibits smoking during all
Council and Commission meetings. Aldermen may, by a majority vote, call for a
smoking break during the meetings. City Administrator has the authority to
designate no smoking areas in all City -owned buildings.
Rolling Meadows: Smoking restricted in fire station per union contract.'
Schaumburg:Ordinance adopted August 26, 1986 regulates smoking in restaurants
(more than 40 seats) and prohibits smoking in certain public places and at public
meetings in Schaumburg Village Hall.
Streamwood: Smoking prohibited in Municipal Meeting Hall per Ordinance adopted
March 3, 1987.
Wheeling: Smoking prohibited in Village Hall except areas designated by Village
Manager. Village sent letters to Wheeling restaurants requesting voluntary
designation of no smoking areas in their establishments.
Wilmette: Ordinance recently passed on September 6, 1988 restricting. smoking in
public areas of the Village.
1. Do nothing.
2. Encourage voluntary restrictions on smoking through Chamber of
Commerce, letters to restaurants. Each Department /Division Director
may develop a smoking policy for his/her Department/Division.
3. Adopt an Ordinance prohibiting or restricting smoking in Village -owned
buildings, public meetings and/or certain public areas (restaurants, lobbies,
40. Adopt' an Ordinance restricting smoking in public places, public buildings
and places of employment.
L66T OPT Tyidy :pa4dopy fiDTTOd
liq pa.-%zojua aq TTP&IS -7uavr4,jvdap ;pea uT jjoT - PF9H 4Uaw:;.rvdaa go Fa
"sDatiONam TTP 90 h4Tr"FqTsuodsa.T sq:; sr * rod aq4 o4 aoUaraqpV
60T.Tod srq:;
q:;'Fm aDuPT.Tdatoo
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0 aq o4 pup suor:;eu6rsap 6uTyouzs_uou
pup .6uTyoux aq:; Torjoq 04 p&409dxa axe S204T
I 7H&L dO &LM3,W3D4y0dR3
OSG.TqqOT ur PQ44TMzad aq TTTM 6UT.-Youw
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Se Pe'7eU6r aP SSaTUn SZOPT-ZZ00 UT Pa:Z:4T=9d sr hu-pyowS -suor:;oas
hu'r-YOws POUT; WyapT ur pa:;:;TmzaaT ' a
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pup OSPaZe bUTurp qons
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!I wow i
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-:;SOE[ Gq4 go SGqsTA age
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3A099 273 jo ZDMrA
-ease 2uiuip weinelsai a4l apnj:ouy
IOU HP4S ,Ileq,, LUJal a41 ljpq v uteiuoo Aleui zurinvisai e 42no4jjV
'SaSeJOADq 4:)ns To uoTidwnsuo:o at41 o; JelUaP!:)UT ATUO Sl Pool TO SUIAJaS
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:)11040:)Tle 10 2UIA.JaS aqj 04 PaJOAap ST 14:)114AN pajr Up SUpaUj
-ssai2a pup ssaAuT Jot s2uTuado
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P 10 0MOUJs aql 10 2u'TL'4xa JO SUTIlTwa JO SuT14211 aqi Jo juawdTnba
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*a.jejlam pup Alales 441feaq oTlqnd aAJQS 01 JOPJO
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041 To zsajazur zsaq w4l ui aq ox IT UlQaP S;)Tl!joo4lne azejodjoD at4l 'SV3- 9H
pup !alenbapeui uaaq aARLI s-Ja)IOUJS-UOU TO IJOJWO:> Put' 14ZIVQ4 04Z
z.-)azojd oz sainsraw AmunfOA ze4i pup luoT up
.Inllod im To wjoj e sy aMows IP41 p Isia:lows
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aZTU20:)a.J 501pIsg UvUlTJOH TO QSeTl!A aqI TO sQTI!JO41ne alejodio:) w4l ISVg-dgl4l
Put' -'S86T '6Z 4:)JeW UO PlQt4 SeM 2UTJP214 :)Tlqnd e pup span, 2uT)jows 2UTj:)llZSa.J
UOTlelST2al TO s:)Tj!:)ads O41 OJUT Indus J;)14IJn1 JT:)ljOS 01 tunpuaialai ST41 Aq PQJQAO:>
slurinelsai pup sa:)ejdMjom lie To paz:)npuo:) seA& AQAjns uaiz!jm e ISV3-d3141
pup l*sa:)ejd)jjom
pup slueineisaj ui suoyommi 2utmows aitnbai p1nom retli suoTisanb oml paAojdd?
SaVeIS3 U?LUJJOH JO 02RIVA at4l TO SJOZ:>ala a4l 'L861 IC jaqWaAON uO sallels3 uvUJJJOH
10 a2ell!A Q41 10 sJOI:)ala a4l 01 wnpuajajai pazliwqns AT!jozmers le ui 'SV9213H)h
3ooz) ivdnm vN 531VIS3 NVVNA:IOH 3HI .40
6-L 3IZ)11'dV DNI(3N31NV 3DNVNia2IO NV
8861 - 1 '76 F *ON 3:)NVNIGNO
4. "Employee" means any person who is employed by any employer in
consideration for monetary compensation or profit.
5. "Employer" means any person, partnership or corporation,
including municipal corporation, who employs the services of any
6. "Place of Employment" means any enclosed area under the control
of a private employer which employees normally frequent during the
course of employment, including, but not limited to, work area,
employee lounges, conference rooms, and employee cafeterias. A
private residence is not a place of employment.
7. "Restaurant" means any coffee shop, cafeteria, luncheonette,
tavern, cocktail lounge, sandwich stand, soda fountain, private school
cafeteria or eating establishment, and any other eating establishment,
organization, club, including veterans' club, boardinghouse, or
guesthouse, 'which gives or offers for sale food to the public, guests,
patrons or employees as well as kitchens in which food is prepared on
the premises for serving elsewhere, including catering facilities.
8. "Work' area" means the immediate area where an employee spends
the majority of his or her work day.
B. Prohibition of Unlawful Smoking.
1. Public Meetings. Smoking is prohibited in any enclosed room,
chamber, or place of meeting or public assembly located within a public
building or structure owned by the Village of Hoffman Estates in which
public, civic or governmental business is being conducted and which is
open to members of the general public either as participants or
2. Restaurants. In all restaurants, smoking shall be prohibited in
lobbies, food processing and ordering areas, washrooms and cashier
areas. All restaurants with an indoor or enclosed seating capacity of 40
or more shall designate a dining area for no smoking. This designation
requirement shall not apply to the following:
a. Separate banquet room within a restaurant in use for a
private party or function.
b. The bar area of a restaurant.
3. Hotels. Smoking shall be prohibited in the lobby area of a hotel
designated for registration or check-out. Hotels shall designate non-
smoking rooms. The number of such rooms shall be within the
discretion of the hotel.
SUVTS 4DnS -.apo:) lvdt:)tunl% saleIS3 uvwJ;OH a4l 10 h-6-,L uOfl�aS 10
. - v JO -12-3uvu'PJO Q2el[!A. JO uOUIRIONA e st 2ulnows Je4l QS1AP1L1
Ife4s pur joqwAs Suilows ou jeuolleujalu, aqz asn ;o/pue ,2ui)joujs
ou,, asej4d aqj al!Dai Aijpai:o fle4s "paAeldSTp Alluawwold aq Ilrys
suits 4:)ns IIV 'raic P!eS ui4l!m suoireDol snon:)idsuo:) ui suits ,2uy)ioujs
ou., ulle4ulew jje4s pule paisod aq of asnie:) jo isod Ilpi4s ti-6-L uO'1:>aS
oi juensind vaie 2uT>Iows ou e sip PO1pu2'saP eOJV up 41!m SSaUTsnq Auy
-SuRIS JO 2u0v1d JO 2utIsOd -C
*SSaUTsnq Pns al SUOTjVJ%1jlR leini:msis Aue a)Jew 01 U011:)aS sTqj
JO SUOTSTAOid a4l of zaafqns ssauTsnq Aur ;o laSeuew Jo iomado 'jauAxo
a4l ajinbal of panjisuo:) aq iou IIe4s UOTIZ)aS ST41 JO SUOtSlAoid aq.L
-pajinba-d lou suo13e:)T3!pojN lvjnt.)njjS 00
.SSUTPI!nq Aj!wvj-gjnw Put' 101,04 ';O:)TIJO U7 SJO3pA;DTQ '01 P;)Z!uj?T
iou inq "VUTPnj:)uT ':)iiqnd a4i of uado pup Aq pasn AllemilaS s2uTpl!nq ut
sloieAaja uTyi!A% InImejun sl Pup pai!q!4ojd ST 2UT)JOWS -S.10JEAala 19
2UT>IOWSUOU e se zuaw4silqeisa aiTiva a41 azeulTsop dew uoTj:oQS
ST41 ui paq!.j:)sap ju;auj4siIqejsa Cue sloiluo:) Jo saleuvill Isajejado 'sumo
04m uoslad Aur luonDaS S141 JO UOTSTAOjd M'410 Auf 2UTPuv1s41!A%3ON
-S1uaw4STjqpisa 2UT>Iows-ON 10 Uorleu2isao A-munlOA .9
-saaAoldwa Ile of umou)i apew
ST IP41 UOT'I:)aS ST41 10 SUOTStAold qz!m zualslsuo:) ainpa:)ojd Suplows
UOIITJA% V UMIUTeW pue juatuaidwi lanssi jTv4s sjaAoidw;) pajDalle
'UOTI:IaS ST41 10 ajVP OATI:)ajjQ a44 jo skep 06 UT41!j% ',JO>10ws ;041
10 OS043 rano T!eAajd TINS JO)IOws-uOu a4l 10 S14STJ a4l 'spew ;aq iouue:>
UORRPOUJUJO:0? Pns UaU -aTq!ssod juazxa Isalpaig aq, o; sjv)lows
-Uou pue slaMows alvedas pup "saDuaialaid saaAoIdwa allepowwaDDt,
03 sljojja aTqtuosleaj wiew 11v4s sjaAoldtu-3 -.joAoldwa a4j Aq pap!Aoid
aq of u2is alleTidoldde up 41im awes as4i isod PUV pale 2UT)JOWSUOU
le " eQJp MJOAft Ja4 .to ST14 04eU2TSap AM DOAOTdwa Aur jdaoxa JaAoldwa
a4l Aq PaIVUSTsap Se paiiiwjad aq Aiew 2uT>lowS 'eaJR VUT)JOUJS
10u ITL14s jaAoldwa uV -ieajp 2uplows P sip wool t;Dns Aur aivu2TSap
Am jaAoldwa a4l ILLjooilsai Jo wool Sullaaw 'wool 0:)uajaluo:)
auO ue41 ajow sy ajaqi aja4m juawAoldwa jo sa:)Pld ul -swOO.J4seA
PUP SAetATIBq 'SjjQAXJ1rjS 'SJOIPAaTa 'SWOOJ SUTZaaW pule a:>uajajuoD
11swoojsspj:) 1,swnijoz!pnp apnT:)ul Tjpqs uoyz!q!40jd a4j. -saaAojdLUa
ajow lo 51 2utAoldwa juawAoldwa jo aDield Aur si juawAoIduia jo
a:)leld la:)upuTpjo siqi jo, asodind Q44 JOA -mawAolduia JO Sa:Mld Ot
shall be posted not less than five (5) feet nor more than eight (3) feet
above floor level and shall be of sufficient size, number and location to
cause the message of the signs to be clearly visible and readable. In
addition, any business with a lawfully designated smoking area shall
post or cause to be posted and shall maintain signs clearly identifying
the designated smoking area. As an alternative to posting signs as
required by this Section, restaurants may place small signs, containing
the messages described above, on each dining table located in an area
subject to the provisions of this Section. No person shall willfully
remove, obscure, mutilate or destroy any sign required by this Section.
Section 2-. Severability. If any provision, clause, sentence or paragraph of this
Section or the application thereof shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the
other provisions of this Section which can be given effect without the invalid provision or
application, and to this end the provisions of the Section are declared to be severable.
Section 3: That the Village Clerk is hereby authorized to publish this ordinance in
pamphlet form.
Section 4: That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of
this Ordinance shall be subject to a fine of not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) nor more
than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for each offense.
Section 5: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect June 1, 1988 and
from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law.
PASSED this _7nd day of "May' 1988
APPROVED this 7nrf day of May 1988
Trustee Lind x
Trustee McLeod
Trustee O'Malley x
Trustee Kenley x
Trustee Friesen x
Trustee Cochran x
•� M
Village Clerk
Published in pamphlet form this day of 1983.
'99PO sTq4 UT TPUTJ eq TTI[m STP-Vddv JO PJP09 bUTUOZ -Wql •AE -14
--rO-qLlbTl 4eeJ4S EllaqPSI 9LIn bUOTP allTT Aqladoid ep"rs pup anu"-CAV aTPC
ST auTT Aqiedoad quoij aqq BUOTP P94PDOT aq 04
I I v; TTPa 4TTds
pasodoid aqi *9POD Aq P9MOTTLP SP 8UTT 5UTPITnq apaj eqq upTqq jetpin-r
I I "t
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UOT4?TIPA P ST paqsanbea OsTV -smOTTS 9POD 4-P @UTT bTITPTTnq 4UOJ;
aLp UPT44 allTT &4aadoad 9T44 buOTs Jaq4ang Pu84xe 04 a0ue; P mOTTP 04
aePIO LIT 109'TZUOT4DaS UIOa; UOT4PTIPA P f)UTqs9nbaj ST 4U"eDTTddp aqj
anu9AV aTPa 44ION OOf- 'iquesieg bbeaD 188-h-t9-VEIZ
-eS?D STqq UT pajTnbai eq T -[TM
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ef)?TTTA "C*El,zoT,f7T UOT.:Iz)iBs 04 -=OpaPf)@-T UT JPUT; @q TTTM STP'VddV
;o papog 5uTuoZ aqj, "apoD )�q P9MOTTP 4@aJ aJsnbs OZY Jo tunwixPw
eip ;c ppaqsui qaaj aipnbs ZGE 90 Patlo 9bPJ04S P mOTTLS 04 Va'*Z"OT*tT
UOTqDaS U10a; UOT42TJPA P ST paqsanbea OSTV -4993 01 ;o uintuTxvul
TPIUJOU aT44 JO PPi34SUT 4LjbT9q UT 489; Z -L JO P@Lls 95VI04S S MOTIP
04 E*S*ZOT*tT UOTqOaS UIOJ9 UOTqVTJVA P 5uTqsiqnbaj" ST 'raUOT:lTqe)d ;DT4LL
9ATia Aajajjar iisT 'TT90JPd qRJPS PUP SaTaRW) '88-A-Z9-'V9Z
loola puz
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Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda
#ctober 27, 1988
Page Two
The applicant is requesting the following variations from the zonin(,•
Code. 1.) Section 14.1102.B.2 to allow a 10 foot exterior side y4r(•
instead of 20 feet as required by Code. Along the West side lot, th(
applicant -41.s proposing a 5 foot setback where a 10 foot setback woul(
normally be required; 2.) section 14.1102.C.3 to allow a 3 foot real
yard instead of the normally required 15 feet for patios and walks
3.) Section 14.1102.E to allow 52% total impervious lot surfac
coverage instead of 50% as allowed by Code.. The Zoning Board o
Appeals will be final in considering the impervious lot surfac(
coveragee variation. Village Board action will be required for th(
remaining variations.
ZBA-66-A-88,, Village of Mount Prospect, 100 S. Emerson Street
The Village of. Mount Prospect is proposing several text amendments t(
the Zoning ordinance in order to clarify certain items, update thf
requirements in some cases, and include consistent language throughoul
all appropriate districts. The detailed information including Sectiol
Numbel.-s and proposed text changes is included in the packet. Villag
Board action will be required for all these proposed zhanges.
In all cases where the Zoning Board of Appeals is final, a fifteen
(15) day period is provided for anyone wishing to appeal their
decision. No permit will be issued until this period has elapsed.
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