HomeMy WebLinkAbout0452_001iz-gullit: Luomrw �-* ft �111 41, lKWITO-yt, *PBTIIPD UOT40N @UON :SAPN bjequaqqpm !macro uPA IsTXsnpinw Isolola 'ABT'ua linqqlV :SaAV *TTPD TTOJ uodn -qTpnp oq qoelqns '886T 10C TTJdV Pa4PP qjodej IPTOUPUT; aq4 qdaoop o4 P9AOM Ima9f) ueA aeqsnal Aq papuooes 4sojola aeqsnal 9UOM :SAPN ba9qU944PM 'M995 UPA 'sTXsnPjnW IsojoTJ 'ABTJva linqqjv :saAV -.TTeo TToj uodn ssclosz'T$ ow spuna 4u9mss9ssV TPT09dS Puna uoTsuea suameaTa Puna uoTsuaj aoTTod OTS"LE Puna qTsodea mojosa STL"9 Puna qsnal duIODxaTa spuna, aoTAjas qqaa 9601VTV g saTieS Puna UOT4onjqsuoD A4TTTOPa *M d 8E5IZ Puna uoTqonaqsuoo qu9wdOT9A9P9H umO4umOG ZZ6160T S# UOTqonjqsuoo pain 90TAJ9S TvToads 96Z'VT JTPdau ,ao 4u9maOPTd9U lquamaAoidmI TP4Tdpo V S9TJ9S Puna UOTqOnJ4SUOO AITTTDPd M d D L86T UOT40na4SUOD 4uamdoTeAepau umoqumoa trSE 1 L9 Puna qU9lU9bPUPjj 3S2H culc Puna anuaAeu maqsAS BUTXJPd GGV*LL Puna abPa9mas ig sxaomjaqpm Tab' LE Puna 4u9meaT49H TpdTDTunw STOUTTTI 9LV9 Puna 4uPJD XOOTEI 4uamdOTaAaa A4Tunmmoo OV81C xvl Tana jo4ow 06Z'69V Puna TPJauaD *'sTTTq JO 4STT buTmOTTOJ aq4 aAoiddp 04 paAom lM9aD UPA ae4snil Aq papuo0as lsOJOTa aa4snji IHOdHH 7VIO1VNNIJ G" SrlrlIla aO qVAOHddV *p9TJlPD UOT40N auolq sApiq bjac[u944PM 'UI995 UPA 'sTXsnPjnK 4sojoTa 'AaTlPa JjnT44jv -'s9AV :ITP:� TTOJ uodfl *886T IE APR plaq sea4snal jo papog pup joAvw BtJ4 JO bUT499M jPjn5ad alq4 jo sa4nUTM 9q4 aAoidde o4 PaAom lf5jqqu94qPm 99qsnjj Aq papuooes lintl4jv 994snal SRJoflKlH 71d1 OHJdV -soaoTa 994snaL Aq U9ATb SPM UOT4200AUT a KOIIVDOANI baaquaqqpm ajopoaql 9949nal m990 UeA 96JO90 aaqsnal STXsnPjnW rwaoN aaqsnal sojoTa o97 aaqsnal A9TIva PTPJ90 eaqsnal inqqjv qdTPU eaqsnal asnpaX *H UATOJeD JOKER :TTRO TTOJ uodn quesaid 79ND 77OU riwo qriou *Xld OC*L 4P japao o4 papog 9bPTTTA qq4 ;o BUT49am XeTnbaj 9lq4 PaTTP3 asnpax ,ac APH HHaHo os 917vo UHCEHO of TWO 886T 'LT AYN 103dSOUd INIIOW aO av" io saaisnui ao auvos aNv VW allIL alli ao miisaw uvqnDhd alli ao sainmiw . . .... ..... . . . ............. . . .................. . ... .... .......... . ........... --,- .... .. .. .... . . . . ........ . ...... ...... .. . . .......... .... I COMM'UNI ATIQNS ANIS PETITIONS - CITIZENS To BE HEARD RICHARD Mayer Krause announced that Police officer Richard DRAFFONE: Draffone has recently been elected by his peers to the PRESIDENT position of President of the Illinois Crime Prevention ILLINOIS Bureau. The Village Board recognized the CRIME achievement of Officer Draffone. PREVENTION BUREAU Trustee Wattenberg requested information, as to how the recent newer rate increase in Chicago would affect the Village's water rate, since the Village acquires water from Chicago. "Village Manager Dixon noted that the sewer rate increase in Chicago does not affect suburbs obtaining Lake Michigan water, noting that the Water Agency has anagreement with Chicago and that agreement sets forth the rates. MAYOR' ► REPORT RETIRE: Mayer Krause introduced June Mainzer who is retiring JUNE from the Village following_ 19 years of service in the- MAINZER Public Works Department. Herb Weeks, Director of Public Works and Mayor Krause presented a plaque acknowledging the years of service by June Mainzer. HAPPY Mayer Krause presented a Resolution encouraging the HOURS members of the Northwest Municipal Conference to adopt prohibitions can. "Happy Hours" RES. Trustee Arthur, seconded by Trustee Earley, mored for NO. 8-88 passage of Resolution No. 18-88 A. RESOLUTION ENCOURAGING MEMBERS OF THE NORTHWEST MUNICIPAL CONFERENCE TO ADOPT BANSON 'HAPPY HOURS' AND OTHER ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE SPECIALS Trustee Wattenberg requested the Resolution be amended to exclude Senior Citizens The motion failed for lack ,of a second. Upon roll call. Ayes Arthur, Parley, Floros, Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays., ;Nene Motion carried. AMEND Mayor Krause presented an ordinance for 2nd reading that CH. 13 would amend Chapter 13 by establishing a policy to HAPPY prohibit "Happy Hours" or special events promoting HOURS alcohol consumption on premises. ORD. Trustee Arthur, seconded by Trustee Murauskis , moved for NO. 3939 passage: of Ordinance No. 3939 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 13 OF THE VILLAGE CODE Trustee Wattenberg, seconded by Trustee Van Geem, moved to amend the motion to exclude senior citizens. Upon roll call on the amendment: Ayes: Wattenberg Nays: Nays : Arthur, Farley, Floros , Murauskis, 'Van Geem Motion failed. Trustee Farley suggested the ordinance be amended to make the effective date one month from passage (June 17, 1988). Page 2 - May 17, 198 8861 'LT AP14 - C 9BPd OAT0§9J ST UOTapbTqTT STq4 TTqun anUT4UOD qsnui UOT4PDTJTSSPID 9SUaOTT jonbTT IAZli SSRTD 9tlq 'bUTTnj qjno:) BX14 tlqTm 9DUPPjODOR UI *886T 10E TTjdv qBnojqq "POT:Ead 1paA auo P jog sinotl papua4xa pup uoT4p,j9do BUTqSTX9 9tJ4 anuTquoo oq paq4T,mj9d sem Aqaadoad qDalc[ns eqq lU6T4PX9UUV uodn paqvajo UOT4VDTJTSSRTD 9SU90TI jonbTT 9144 J9PUfl -4oadsoad qunow 10 9bPTTTA 9q4 q4TM 9SU90T.T JonbTT P go U OZ)acqns T:JOT Pd STjnC atI4 s4nUOTqPX9UUP qDTqM A4i9dd ojq UTP15P 9T44 go UoT4PX8UUP Bqq 04 9AT4PT9J 95PTTTA 9q4 4s I IIAUEMMNSAI qtlbnoaq UOTaRbTaTT bUTpuad ST 9a944 4Pq4 qDPJ 944 V4 z PSS90aU •ST UOT40P •STtll *Aaabbnus aqq •jog asueoi-E ssvqo anp Aj ET *HO :Eonbr,[ ,zli ssleTz) 9qq bUTtIST Tqv4s9-9J Aq ET aaqdpqo pUqmp 04 buTppaj 4sjTj jog paquesead SVM 9DUPUT GNSKV 0 IP -70 Uv -tl4L aunr JO PJP09- 95PTTTA 9q4 10 BUT.499M JpTnb9J 4x9u qtl4 qp buTppaa qsjT; jog paquesaid 9q TTTM 90UPUTPIO UV *P9TJJP3 UOT40K M990 UPA :SAPH 'STXsneiniq IsoloTa 'A9TJPa linqqjv :saAv *TTPD TTOJ uodii 'DuI 'JoK-JPlld 103 asuBOTT ,xonb'r.T is;),, sseT;D TleuO"rqTppe use go UOT4'e;9-10 9q4 9ZT.IOq4ne PUP UOT4P14STUTUIPP iDT44 JO UOT4PPU9MM009J 9144 g4TM JnOUOD 04 P;9AOUI '15jqc[uqq4pM 994snal Ac[ papuooes linTl4av aaqsnal Holi-HVHd v(sppou qsanxImT3 pup JTOW ja4uao buTddotls II PZPTd-JTOf) asNaDiq 9LI4 UT 886T '4snbnv UT BUTuado aq IlTm SS9UTsnq STql #9SUBOTT jonbTT 110s, sseT:) v 90 UOT,4Pa-TZ) HLMUO 9T44 jog *DuJ ijoW-Iptld moaj pa4uasaad spm 4sanbaj V - qq?P ain4nj P 4p paquesead aq pinoqs 4uampuemp use Bons 4pqq uOTuTdo go snsuasuoo aq4 spm qI *ATuO ebpXopd TPUTBTJO 9q4 uT PTOs aq o4 jonbTT pabpXopd 9JTnb9j o4 94pp ainqnj P 4p pa4uasajd aq 90UPUTPIO UP 4pqq paqseBbns slem qJ *Xopd-XTS P go qno jeaq go uvo 9UO bUTTT8s SP tons lbuTbpXopd TPUTBTJO 9tlq XP9Jq SqUaMqSTTC[e4SB jonbTT pabpXopd amos qeq4 qopj 8qq UO UOTSSnDSTP SPM 9J9ql *p9TaJPD UOT40W 5jac[U944PM 'M990 UPA 'sOaOTa *SAPN asnPjX isTXsnpanK 'Aalipa 'jnqqjv :s9AV :TTPO TTOJ uodil :90UPUTPaO 944 qdopp off. 'pepuemp s 'UOT40M UTPM 9q4 UO TTPO TTOJ uodn *p9TlJPD UOT40K 9UON :SAPN Baaquaqqpm 'M990 UPA 'STXsnpinK '90JOTa 'ABTJsa lanqqav :saAv :4uempuaMv 944 UO TTPO TTOJ uodn '886T 'LT aunt oq eoupuTpao pasodoad aqq JO 94PP 9AT409JJ9 9q4 PU8MP 04 P9AOM 'bjqcru9qqPM eaqsnal Aq papuooes 'M995 UPA aaqsnal ", . . . . .. .. Trustee Van Geem, seconded by Trustee Murauskis moved to waive the rule requiring two readings of an Ordinance. Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Farley, Floros , Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays: Nene Motion carried.' ORD. Trustee Van Geem, seconded by Trustee Farley, moved for NO. 3940 passage of Ordinance No. 3940 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER.13 ENTITLED "ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR DEALERS". OF THE TILLAGE CODE TO ADD THE CLASS "Z" LIQUOR CLASSIFICATION Upon roll call: Ayes Arthur, Farley, F'loros, Murauskis, van Geem, Wattenberg Nays: Nene motion carried. COLD BUSINESS AMEND .An Ordinance was presented for first reading that would CH. 22: exempt certain properties located within the Prospect PROSPECT- Meadows; area from the recently adopted surcharge for MEADOWS water. It was noted that the properties; that are being exempted have paid a lump sum up front, _ rather than paying an annual amount. Trustee Arthur, seconded by Trustee Murauskis moved to waive the rule requiring two readings of an ordinance. Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Farley, Floros , Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays.* None Motion carried. ORD. Trustee Arthur, seconded by Trustee Farley, moved, for NO. 3941 passage of Ordinance No. 3941' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE V ENTITLED "METERS AND RATES" OF CHAPTER 22" OF THE VILLAGE CGDE Upon roll call. Ayes. Arthus, Farley, Flores, Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays: None Motion carried. ZBA 19-88 ZBA 19-V-88, Lot 6 - I at iconclivi s ion An Ordinance was presented for first reading that would grant the following variations: to permit a circular driveway, to allow a maximum driveway width of 30 feet instead of the permitted. 211; to allow a garage size of +643 sq. It instead of the permitted 600 sq. ft.;, to allow a 20 foot front yard instead of the required 301,- and, 0t,and., to allow an impervious surface coverage of 37% rather than the permitted 35b, which request was reduced from the 46 % requested at the Zoning Boar hearing. Page 4 May 3, 1988 8861 'Ll APP - 9 95Rd -qsanbea aqq BuTqupjb papuammoo9a sTvaddv JO PJPOq bUTUOZ 8qj 'BUTPTTnq 5uTqsTxa aqq o4 q9a; ejenbs 89Z TPUOTqTPPP UP PPP ITTA qDT.qm P9JP ooTqjod P go eansOTOU9 aqq 4Tmjad o4 ST qsanbai eql *A4jadoid CINVEIrlYd"INHO qoa[qns aqq jo; sasn TPToads s4upab qoTqm VgCc woN 7io qqzHs 90UPUTpau U4 4UqmPUiqMP UP f)UTqsanbai ST J8UOT4T49d Pql 88-nS-CT V9Z SPPOH TR14UO ii 0 PUP PURE 'TTO TT9qS '88-nS-ET V9Z SSRHISfIE1 14NN 1 *P9TJJP3 UOT40K auoN :SAPN bjequaqqpm lwaaD uPA 'sTXsnPjnw 'sOJOTa 'AaTava lanqqav :saAv :TTPO TTOJ uodn NOISIAIaqnS NODHIVX HHl NIHIIM aSIVDOq SHIlU3d0UJ NIVIUSO Wa SNOIIII UVA DMINVUE) aDNVNiauo mv CV6E 'ON 90URUTPJO go 96pssed aoj CV6C,owauo P9AOM 5j9quaqqPt4 aaqsnal Aq papuooes lA9TJRa 994snil *PBTaJPO UOT40W quON :SARN 5J9qU944PM 4M990 URA 'STXsnpinK 190JOTd 'A9Tava Ijnq4aV :saAV :TTPO TTOJ uodn 90UPUTPJO UP JO SbUTPP9J OM4 BUTaTnbea aTnj aqq 9ATPM 04 P9AOW linqqjv 994snal Aq papuooes bjaqu9q4Pm eaqsnal ws4sanbaj 9S9q4 bUTAU9P P9Pu9mmOO9J sTPeddv go paroa buTuoz aql *s9&eaRf)- JP0 C PUP SAPM9ATap apTnOITO MOUP 04 UOTSTATPqnS STtJ4 0 IT sqol Jog 0.4 TaPA 4UPJb UT 6 PUP 8 /. Is -It Ic lz SU T P NODHIVX PTnom qeqq buTpRea qSJTJ JO; pa4uasajd SPM aDUPUTPaO UV 88 -A -0Z V9Z UOTSTATpqns uoDtl4px 188 -A -OZ Vaz *P9TJJR0 UOT40W quoN :SAVN ba9C[U844PM 1 M990 UPA 'STXsnpanw lsojoTa lA9TJva lanq4JV :s9AV :TTPP TTOj uodfi VIIN09 TE:VT SV NMONX A7NOWHOD A,LH3d0Hd HOa SNOIIVIEVA !)NLLNVHf) SONVNIaHO NV Zt6C -ON eouvuTpao go abvssvd jo; ZV6CooN,auo P9AOM Jbj9c[u9q4Pm aaqsnal Aq papuooes lA9TJPa aaqsnal *P9TlJVD UOT40K 9UON *SAPN 5jqquq4qPm IMBOD UPA lsT3[snPjnK 19OJOTJ 'A9Tava linq4jV :seAV :TTPO TTOJ uodfl *90UPUTPJ0 UP JO SBUTP291 OM4 5UTJTnbaj 9Tna 9 9ATVM 04 P9AOUl Jba9c[u944Pm 994snal Aq papuooes JA9TjPa eeqsnal " Pap A 4uol; goof OZ aq4 pup abpapb apo C v joj 4sanbea aq4 lqano aq4 qP 11Z 04 bUTJ9dp4 4T P9PTAOad APM9ATJP 10E P 0 0 joj 4senbea aq4 4upab o4 pup sqsanbaa eopjans snOTAaadMT P9SP9JDUT 9qq PUP APMBATJP aPTnOJTO P JO; qsenbea aq4 AU9p 01 PJPOq BUTUOZ aq4 JO UOT4VPU9MMO09J aq4 SPM 41 't, Trustee Farley, seconded by Trustee Wattenberg, moved to concur with the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals and grant the special use; amendment as requested. Upon roll call. Ayes. Arthur, Farley, Floros, Murauskls, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays. Hone Motion carried. ;An ordinance will be presented for first reading at the next regular meeting of the grillage Board on June 7th. ZBA 21-V-88 ZBA 21-V-88 , 1427 Park. Drive 1427 PARD DR The Petitioner is requesting a variation to permit an existing swimming pool to remain in the side yard and extend beyond the front building line. The Zoning Board of Appeals recommended granting this request. Trustee Arthur, seconded by Trustee Wattenberg, moved to concur with the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals provided"' that no additional accessory structures be permitted on this parcel. Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Farley, Floros, Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays: None Motion carried. An ordinance will be presented ,June 7th for first reading on this matter. ZBA 23-V-88 ZBA 2 -" -88, 1402 Sauk Lane' 1402 SAUK LM The Petitioner is requesting a Variation to permit an existing shed, to remain in the side yard 1-1/2 feet from the side property line and 611 front the principal structure ( the house). The Petitioner stated that the shed' is used to store the children's toys, noting that garage was converted to living space and that is the only place for storage. He also stated that the shed is metal and, in his opinion, would not be a fire hazard. It was noted that staff had concerns relative to the close proximity of the shed to the .house and that if this request is granted, the occupants should' be restricted from storing flammable materials- in the shed. Trustee Arthur, seconded by Trustee van Geem, moved to grant the variations requested. upon roll call: Ages Arthur, Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays: Farley, Floros Motion ' carried. An ordinance will be presented June 7th for first reading. KENSINGTON The Kensington Center Plat of Subdivision 23 was CENTER. PLAT presented for approval. This subdivision creates two No. 23 Lots ( 80'4-A and 804-B) from Leat 804. A commercial LOT 804 buildings will be constructed on each lot. The Plan commission recommends approving this subdivision. Page 6 - May 17, 1988 • a • tIOUT jad 1L&9T Aupdmoo 4aadxs 99JI A9APa qDUT aad 0G&CT S99JI go 9JPD UOSXDTaPU9H 9bJPq AJ9A qDUT jad 9COET AuRdmoo 4jadxg 99JI A9APa qOUT jad GT*ZT 999JI go 9120 UOSXDTJPU9H 915-veri T40UT jad Tqe0T Aupdwoo qjadx3 9911 A9APa qDUT jad OL401 S9911 JO BIP0 U99XOTJPUBI4 MnTP9K 4unouiV J9PPT9 ssPT;) qVAONSE :mpjboad TVAOM9J Haul Avmxuvd 99J4 ARMXJPd 9q4 JOI P9AT909J 9J9m sPTq BuTmOTTOJ 9ql 0sQIB :s4Tns9j pTq bUTMOTTOJ aqq paquesaid UOXTa `JW -P9TaIPD UOT40K STXsnPjnK SAUN m99f) uPA '90JOTa lA9TJPd 'jntjqjV :s9AV :TTPO TTOJ uodn *9bPTTTA 944 UTq4Tm SAPMPPOJ P9T;Toads JO 90UPU94UTPW jo, uoTqPqjodsuPjj go quamqjpdaa STOUTTTI a1qq t14TM 4U9U199JbV 90UPU94UTP14 9tJ4 04UT BUTJ94U8 aZTjoqqnp PUP UOT4eJ4STUTMPP aq4 10 UOT4PPUaMMOOaJ 9q4 q4TM anouoo 0-4 P9Aom 'bj9c[uaq4Pt4 aaqsnal Aq papuooas linqqjv 994snal a aqv4s qT44 Aq pasjnqMT9J ST xloTqm go uoTqjod v 10001ZV$ ATaqpmTxojddp ST. ableTTTA aq4 04 454D 9114 49q4 P94P4S UOXTG *IN *9bPTTTA 944 UTq4Tm P94POOT SARMPVOJ P9T JTDads 30 93UPU94UTPM JOJ UOT4PqjodsuPjj go quauiqjvdga ioai STOUTTIJ aq4 ggTM 4U9maaJbP Tenuue 9q4 04UT J94Ua 04 :lNHK33Hf)V qsanbei P paquasaid UOXTa uoqlna uqOf J96vuPK 9bPT1TA ,LV0dHH SIURDVNVH RDV17IA *P9T1JP0 UOT40W 9UON :SAPN Bjaqueqqpm 'M99D UVA 'STXsnpinw Isojola lA9TJP3 Jjnq4j I odfl V :S9AV :TTP3 TTO u (886T 9OUEU94UTPPJ TV19Uaf)) SaNfla XVI Una HOIO14 DNIlVIHd0HddV NOI11170SHE V 88 -OZ *ON UOTqnjosau go abvsspd jog 88 -OZ 60NOSau P9AOM lbjaquaqqpm ea4snal Aq papuooes Jjnq4jv aaqsnjj ZZ)NVNSINIVH *886T ZO; MPabOJd aDUPU94UTPH TvJauaf) 9q4 7VU3NRf) 886T JOJ 00018LL$ go 4unome 8qq UT spun; XPLL Tana -ioqow SaNfia law 94PTjdojddP PTnom 4pq4 Pa4u9said sem uoT4nTOS9U V 'PaTJIPD UOT4014 9UON :SAPN Bjaqua4qPj4 'MaaD UPA 'STXsnpinw Isojola 'AaTiva lanq4jv *sBAV :TTPO TTOa uodfi (SqUPq poomssea/99JO) saNna XVI 73nJ H010K DNIlVIUd0UddV NOILLMOSHE V 88-6T -ON uoTqnTOs9U go abesspd 88-6TOONbSEE JOJ P9AOM 'jnq4jv 994snaLL Aq papuoDas 'A9TIPa ea4snal mqUaMaAojdmT aueq poomssee-eueq aaJ3 alq4 10; 00019TT$ womssve/asuo go qunom2 eq4 uT 99XPI Tana 1040K 10 UOT4PTjdojddR saNfla law aq4 aZTaoqqnp pTnom qpq4 paquasaid spm UoT.qnTOs9U V . . . . . .. ......... . .. . . . ........ - ..... . .. .... - .. ...... . ... . ......... ... . ....... ... .. ........ - ... ........... ............ ...... ................ . . . . . . . .............. . .. . . .... .... W It HENDRICKSEN Trustee Farley, seconded; by Trustee Wattenberg, moved to TREE CARE concur with the recommendation of the administration and accept the low qualified bid submitted by Hendrlcksen Care of Trees in an amount not to exceed $15,000 for the parkway tree removal program. Upon mall call.' Ayes. Arthur, Farley, Floros, Murauskis, van Geem, Wattenberg Nays. Mane Motion carried. TREE The following bids were received for the tree trimming TRIMMING program Nils Johnson Davey Tree Hendricksons Class Tree 'Experts, Care or'Trees 1 12.15 14.80 15.40 2 37.00 42.00 46.20 3 58.00 63.00 66-00 4 95.00 126.00 132.00 5 9.5.00 189.00 NELs Trustee Farley, seconded by Trustee Wattenberg, moved JOHNSON to concur with the recommendation of the TREE EXPERTS administration and accept the low qualified bid submitted by Nels Johnson Tree Experts in an amount not to exceed $110,000. Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Earley, Floros, Murauskis, van Gee -m, Wattenberg Nays: None Motion carried. CABLE TV Bids were advertised for television production EQUIPMENT equipment for Cable T.V. Roscor corporation, Swiderski Electronics and video Images submitted bids, however the bids received exceeded the budgeted amount and it was the recommendation of the administration to rejectall bice and re -advertise this item. Trustee Wattenberg, seconded by "trustee Farley, moved to concur with the recommendation of the administration and refect the bids for the television production equipment and authorize the item to be re- bid: Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Farley, Floros, Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays. None Motion carried. CENTRAL RD fir. Dixon stated that the railroad crossing repair at RAILROAD Central Road has been delayed and the exact date is CROSSING unknown at this po int . It was also noted that. Public Works had a. very Successful open House last Saturday and the employees and administration should be commended. Page 8 - May 17, 1988 8861 .4 LT APH - 6 9bPd XA91D 96PITTA SPTi92d -'V IOJVZ) *K'd 9E:6 4P P9ulnO�pv Sem 5UT499M qqj 'PaTiapo UOT40N SnOWTUPUfl :99AV :TTPO TTOJ uodli wBuTqaam aq4 uano[pp o4 NUnorav P9AOM lA9TJPa 994snal Act papuooes linq4jv aeqsnil iNsHmnorav bj9qu944PM 994snal m995 upA 994snal STXsnpanK 994snal 90JOTa 994snal 994snal ;asnejX,-ioA,eK :TTED TTOJ uodn 4uasajd - H-d G E : 6 4P P9u9AuOO9J SWM BUT499M 9ql -K-d SS:8 qp uoTssas 9ATqnoexa Aqui 4u9m papos aql P9TlJPD UOT40W quoN *&SAeN 5J9qU944PM 'M990 UPA 'STXsnpanw lsOJOTa 'ABTJPa lint 4av *-seAv :TTPO TTOJ uodri 'UOT4VbT4TT bUTssnoSTP NOISSHS jo asodind aq4 aol uoTssaS 9AT4noaxg 04UT 06 aAilfloaxa 04 P9AOM 'A9TJPa eaqsnal Aq papuooes inq4jv 994snaL NOISSRS RAIJMRXH *9UON ssamisng amuo ANV lb ....................... ...... 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Avh w ho L4 o. t4 A +4 *0 A *4 *4 � P-4 N N 1-4 ro- so fli 40L � 4oP P -O 464 t04 tr, 4-4; e:D 47 Oct—.0 a f-4 %t coo 00 4,000000ll'o 014,0090104404 004,00 #*too$ uo� 0 0% em� 0 cr% If) rf) In r- fl- -20 alto t- C,, 4) )1 I L in C to C7` .% #&4 4A P-4 44 N P-4 m 0-4 4-4 -4 40 k4 Cop, N fell NN %4 P.4 cp U� u MM N 'A V,, 4� tA ok V� 64 iA 101 * 4% -,!� +4 OA , &A sa 04A 414 44 en ,-.4P-4 1%- ,0 > W 4 -o jj-# 4-4 L&i ijj It > C7) a V) z > 7n --W U- CL W- -1 ce. w 141 vi M� LO< 0- CL w D 0 06") -j boo Li Iz < < �j Ll (j 'lei tj > 1,u L. - (.,I < J < T f0l U- Ljj L:j 0-4 �4 cu _i; CC 0 L*l CC I U I'L tA Ll 'A uj Lu a_ __j W LD LU LL; cr. L u Vi li L11 Vol W *J1 cl. -j -T tIL4' z z PA -1 > :ru `lj "r x -j -u v) t,.M 4� 1-1-:4 !-Q li JI "J U I,)(- Lij < LLJ t,:� LZ < r-) -4,i ce co)� Ix Q� -D 0� cy., L-1 _u U. 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A uA x n < -U Z T 4 Z E Y, CL a. 0- 0- uj L6 C,� CL :-i, 6- is CL -i CL L) LA. U- Li UL Y 0-4 U 1-.4 *.4 UJI -j LU LIJ t�- f:r N-4 U- -'x > M. I -VO LU < < rt z e!�� LLI Li z 0-4 Ul LUe iJi (.D -j 61) L; 7t .j -Y- z 0-4 1:7 > c- n- 42"', 'Cl !:7 af W11 -V -0 m "U m 7 101 r) (-� I in r) z c C x ;;c C- rn 7 < 7r -M 0 v) ;o CD rr. = C) vj 0-4 cz.'� mn C) 0 C7, V -n n > < ;o n 7:; CD, M LL > 711 C') ru > C: > > Mi > ry V) X M C7 • r- ell, 77) rT) L) L41 V-) C.; M -4 -XI IM V, > X -V In 70 -V ;U "V 'V m m m m m I-T! on m );w > > > rr > c Amy+ m M -n X v V'4 1-" U '_0 'I; < < Cl ell V, Or M, r In r7l > i'l C) C (.11-) rT r M r) M Ti r" rol rl ril ;n 0 t4, rn M, f nf III rr' -r.. V) V) c+"< M C; M to X < > co r- -0 rT . X IV 0 too tP --I Lo. 4* 04 04 ONO N 40 t% tat U) e t.-4 C) ct. �p WC' «i) t' ' ro -4 'J" 0 OWW w Olt N CD un —A is M 6 0 is 0 6 I.-I 4" (J N) C) t4 10, tf4 is Tpi- *J11 It- Lo w tff ul Cc 011 ON '.%, 4:t Loj c C) c C) 0 Cl I 0 zoo %r�olrlull� MO) x r -- u 10 CP -t N o-4 wy w 11h P-4 10 CL res CD t— rO c a fe) so 0 ft) P-- P�-- PI.. 't" o 0 0 a 0 4 0 A 9 4 10, 7. 1%00 0 P4 - LU o-44-0 U-\ N N --4 41 4 -64 44 N %0 st "r M 4' � w Uo% -4 0 :> cl� LU "r, Uj :> ...4 0 (a.17, G,y7 j "U "A lj� LL w �' i# > > UJ w x -cr LL -i 01� -IT LI V-4 uj n CL 0 CL > IIL x x U - x —Lj 77 .err.w a- -j -j CL OL LJU 4 CL tj CLk J- CL � U, t/I °m C) LL ij6- U- Z 40 1 13" `� .J. E 7-� < )kf �-4 L CL L.0 0 'p, Z: V i ui CL X Li :n u U. u 711! '61� t.; -Ij L" LU < (m LO Lj LI CL tl:� ■ CY, —J I INN ze r -Y, LLII U11 Lu u I I Lim mr L-11 M z __4 ;c Lon " " > r V, C Wi C V, C�-- --I LA Pr x < M4CI > rr --q > C) • Z -wq 40 ci L-1 rr-I 11 vi < c-, or It ic, CZ P-4 ,' rn tn -0 Ic -0 PAO 004 .4 N %0 tort io� too "4 iA t" I ­ cu C7� 0 L%j 0 ." 14 0 CD cl; Lw C 0 4"- 41 P." Ci CD \T Cw' 0 P-- W 0 —4 t4 t4 4A 4jA I_r. tf C ry C) � ,0— T "n Z > ro rn r - LD 0 7- 7- cr r— all, rr, �u > __4 > 01 < 130 m r, M rr, 6 t > <s. I." C`) 7" t4 t4 4A 4jA I_r. tf C ry C) � ,0— T "n Z > ro rn r - LD 0 7- 7- cr r— all, rr, �u * l* * * * 'D C.) -n 0 � -71 C) 0 -4 0 r-4 C!:, f t r"% ?,. eel M) If) ^-4 en --4 -cw Ll"� _n 'VT n 0+ r-4 4 N �4 tA < 'o --4 0 tr 0 c o C) 't (7, 0 'Cl C) I--. N N fq 0 -st -4 (q) all, Uws f 0 0 0 0 1* .0 is 21 at 0 0 # 9 * fn (1,f) U') tkw %0 MM �a SC 'D "o 0 't. r�i0 'r ul{� (P cc N rt"k 0 tr r-- m -1 -1 o.4 �- 0 fn en M U'� Ill --4 IoA Cl. -Q co --4 V-4 1-4 V-.4 -4 -4 0-4 N t4 40 4A �01 4A LA x z %-4 CL co x CL u LLL M (Al 0 z U� LV LL� LU C-1 -U uj LLi w I -U < co� /l .J 'L *-4 16-4 V_. L) 1 rl u x x X X X LIJ UJ ;7 'A --,I C� LLJ L, .1 LU wij 02-J, U" (di, 'A :4 A,* In 4) T U tj I U.1 LJ.4 C6, �0 1 41) LL 41 CL. U.J CL CL CL Y, CL r.r :n 'n Ln '_D '!!7 n 0-4 CL 0- CL CL. nL 7 Q. 0- X X U*) N N LLJ LL D ^4 -."D M = = W < -.,) P-4 *-.t X X Wr LPL "/I U V. ]L,. L^ til ,lel. /! -,-,n YA rA f/l X X: E 7 U c M, �-4 > < LQ u P! 0 LL I. j- %- :7 Lj 0-4 Llj uj u �r- 0 77! lel j V! 6.q "i 'Ll fj U ty) tj L'r-LL I _j CL U, CL -ij UJ a. 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In co iT yr rC q to toi 4r tat w w CrIl -4 k6n cr, 0 Ct' -4 C) 0 (71, co rT (z) c C) 0 x to tq � Cr, -4 INJ 4 Ro 46 " n C) -4 Vt Vn � 0 C� (D CL CL CL On D Y— Lu LL I. -J 16L co >- l—, -W 4t!r c+ I Ili -4 +-4 -r .7 in 0 0 0 -11 -::) n fl -I ',{ % 71,• 0^ -t rD f4- r- 't lklm 4* 0 0 N 4U ft -r 41FO to �A *A 4A 4A 44 LL a (7*1 LL f -- S.) X: w 0 z eft , -Ij n C; :-Lj j L) 01, X (n z -j rL CL z n oL LL s z 7- U- 7: " a z =) ILL tu 0. VI LU t -L! U Z 4 1-0 LU '7) U- t-� CL cc L..3 0 a- tj I'L w U- rQ mi luaP!sa.Jd a2eTI!A Fri >lJaT2) aSleTT!A v jo App ST.41 CI9AOSddV Pule C19SSVd :lNgsgv :S,9AV -mel Aq pap!Ao.id jauuiew aqj ui wjoj laILIdwed UT uoile:)TTqnd pup lieAoidde lasessed sj! jalle pup wojj 13ajja pup aajoj llnj ut aq lleqs a.-)uleuTpio siqi jpq*0 I OAI NOI1L03S ii aSUaDT-1 Z SSRJ:) (1) cluo SaSUCIDT-I & SSRTZ) aAl aSUaZ)T-1 A sslelD (0) oj;D Z aSU,aZ)T-I L SSPI:) (t) auo ScISUaZ)T-1 S SSRID Tq.L sasuaDY-1 -8 sselo 1) uaalJ!-4 c -)Sua:>!-1 d sspTO (1) auo aSUaDT-1 W SSRTZ) (1) auo asuaal-j H SSRIZ) (1) auo c -)SUaZ)T-1 D SSRID (1) auo SaSUaDT-1 g SSRTZ) (Z) OAA I QSUa:)T-1 Q SSRTZ) (j) auo S;DSUaZ)T-1 :) SSRID (0 1) ual asua:)T-1 9 SSPID (1) auo sasuaDf-j V SSRTZ) (t) ino _4 :sasua:)T-1 jo jaqwnN 'LO I -Et uOTT:)aS al :sA%olToj se pew pup aq Iliet4s Cl iaidpi4Z) JO LO -Cl UOTIDaS jo V uoiiaasqnS p!ps jalj-eajat4 ley os (spieo-d jsjn4wjg ip poo 'jaiva:) Suiddot4S 11 ezRid 1100 1-:)uj IjoW-.jp4cl) (1) auo Aq SaSUa:)Ti jonbTT ,D,, ssieTD jo jaqwnu aye SUTSea.J:)UT Aq papuawe iaqljnj Aqajat4 ST awes aqj pup aq 'papuawr sp ljoadsOld iunow jo apoD a2leTITA a'41 JO El jaldleqZ) JO LOI-El UOTj:)aS JO V uoil:)asqnS ieqjL :9NO N01139S :SIONII-II ',k.LNflOD NOOD '.LD9dSOSd INnOW .40 9'DV-1-TIA gHiL ao sggisns.L -40 GSVO9 (INV lNgCIIS9'd*d 9HI Ag GgNIVGSO 11 99 IZ)9dSOSd INflOW .40 9GOO 900 IIIA 9HI AO Cl EgldVHO DNIGN9WV 9Z)NVNIG*80 NV Mass Establishment Number A McBride's; Midwest Liquors; Mrs. P & Me; Wille Liquors 4 B Ye Olde Town Inn C Alvee Liquors; Bolzano Liquors; Dominick's (83 & Golf); Gold Eagle Liquors; The Liquor Shopper Mt. Prospect Liquors; Osco Drugs; Phar--Mor, lnc., Walgreens, (83 & Golf),- olf);Walgreens Walgreens(Plaza) 10 D Prospect Moose Lodge; i E Bristol Court Banquet Hall; Mr. Peter's Banquet Hall 2 G Mount Prospect Park District-Golf Course i H Zanie's 1 M Holiday Inn 1 P Arlington Club Beverage 1 R Artemis; DJB Brunetti; Crossroads; Edwardo's; Fellini; Giordano's; House of Szechwan; Little America; Pepe's; Sakura; Shin Jung; Shogun; Sunrise; Torishin; Yasuke 15 S Bo James; Charlie Club; Chris' Seafood and Steak House; Ditty D'nks; El Sombrero; Jake's Pizza; Kampai; Old Orchard-Greenview; O'Neiis Sports Cafe; Reunion, Sam's Place; Second [Dynasty; The Waterfall 13 T Thunderbird Lanes W Pete's Sandwich Palace, Pizza Hut (Algonquin Rd); Pizza Hut (Euclid Avenue); Sizzlers; Wag's 5 Z Snuggery Pub 1 57 )PaD a2PIT!A splaT.4 -V joile:) US911V IUQPTSQ.3,4 QSPIPA asne.j-A -14 uAloreo "9861 i " "" - jo APP ST.41 CI3AOSddV PUP 03SSVd M�lk :SgAv -mel Aq pap!Aoid jauuew at4l ui wjoj jalqdwied uT uoilr:)iTqnd pule I?Aoidde laSiessed sil jaljie pule woij sklep 01) uaalinoj ioajja pue aojoj llnj UT aq Jjlel4S aZ>UeUTPJO sly j JPqJL :011 NOI.L09S al -(saz)uno p!nij 9CM (TwOW sjal!l!li!w Ajj!j pajpunq-UaAaS u-eqj ssal jo Al!:)Pdle:) P seq JQUTeIUO:) alSUTs aye. a.iaqm 'plos ajaqm sasTwaid aqi uo uoTidwnsuo:) joj jou jonbil :)Tjoqoz)jv? pgTl!qZ) JO pajPJaSTJJaJ jo siauTeluoz) aiguTs ales .sol Suijajjo jo SuTilas wojj pal!q!qojd aq Ilieqs asua:)Tl jonbTT A JO d ':) IV sspl:) e SuTploq aasua:)Tl AuV -sjauiiejuoz) alBuTS uT ionbT-1 :>!Ioqo:)IV P0jeJaSTJja-d jo aleS pai!q!qO.Jd 'I-CZI-Et NOIJL:)9S :smollol se peaj pule aq ITieqs I-CZI-Cl UOTIZ)aS 11eqj os j'SJaUTIejU0:) al2UTS UT jonbT-1 DTloqo:)IV paiPjaSijja-d jo aTRS pai!q!qojdjj PajjTjUa 1"Qj"Cl UOTIZ)QS UTajc-)ql 2UTIJaSUT Aq papuawe jaqlinj Aqajaq sT 'papuawle se liz)adsOJd junow jo aPO:) a2PTT!A aqj jo j I jaideqo reqjL :9 1 N "1 0 NOI.L:)9S :SIONI-I-II 'A.LNnOD N000 '.LDgdSO*Hd LNf-IOW -40 9DV-1-IIA 9HJL AO S39ISM11 AO C. •' GNV LNgCllSgNd 9HI Ag 09NIVCIIIO 11 99 103dS011d JLNrIOW 30 3CIOD 90V -IIIA 9H.L 90 ft N9ldVH0 'DNIGN9WV 9DNVNIGNO NV *ON 3ONVNIG'80 I IUQP!sa,Jd a2'ell!A '9861 16 ;o App >lJal:) aSlell!A :lN3S9V :SgAVN Mml -mel Aq pap!Ao.id jauulew aqj ui wjoj jalqdwed uT uoTi-eDTlqnd pup I-eAoidde laSiessed sii j;alje pup woij lz)ajja pup a:)joj linj UT aq TJR4S a:)U'eu'PJO sTql TeqJL :OIJL NOI1D9S At asuaz)l-1 Z ssleTo sasuaz)T-1 A sseTo QSUQZ)T-1 JL sselD sasuaz)T-1 S ss-elo sasua:)T-1 -6 ssel:) asuaz)T-1 d SSRID ;Dsuaz)T-1 vy sseiz) asua:)T-1 H sseTz) asuaz)i-1 0 sslel:) sasuaDT-1 g ssleIZ) asuaDT-1 Q SSRTD sasuaz)T-1 SSPID asuaz)l-1 g ssel:) sasua:)T-j V ssielo auo (1) auo (l l) UaAaTg uaalj!.4 (1) auo (1) auo (1) auo (1) auo (Z) OMI (1) auo (p l) ual (1) auo (fl) ino-4 :SaSUaZ)T-j jo jaqwnN -M-ft uOTIDaS It :sANolloj se p-eaj pule aq ji-eqs Cl jaldeq:) JO LOI 'Cl uoTlz)aS jo V uoTjDasqnS pies jaljpajaq jet4i os 6(peoll js.jn4wj3 qjnoS 96L 'jueinielsa-d ITPIjalp& pup pleo'd jsjnqwT9 666 liveinielsad saw-eC oq) (Z) oA&I Aq sasua:)Yl jonbil ,S,, sspT:) jo jaqwnu aqj 2UTIaTaP Aq papuawp jaqljnj hqajaq si awes aqj pup aq 'papuawle se lz:)adsOJd junow jo apo:) QS'elf!A a'41 10 Cl jaldleq:) JO LOt-Cl uoTjz)aS jo V uoTjoasqnS lleq.L :9NO NOI.L:)9S :SIONI-1-11 'A.LNno:) Noo:) '109dSO2ld JLNnOW .40 9DV-1-IIA 9HI Ao sggisn*si Ao cavog GNV 1N9CIIS3Wd 9HI Ag 03NIVG*dO 11 99 .L:)gdSO'Sd INflOW 90 3GOD 9DVIIIA 9141 30 Cl SgldVH:) DNICINgWV 9:)NVNIGSO NV *ON 9Z)NVNICI'80 Class Establishment Number A McBride's; Midwest Liquors; Mrs. P & Me; Wille Liquors 4 B Ye Olde Town Inn 1 C Alvee Liquors; Bolzano Liquors; Dominick's (83 & Golf); Gold Eagle Liquors; The Liquor ,Shoppe; Mt. Prospect Liquors; Osco Drugs; Phar-Mor, Inc.; Walgreens (83 & Golf); Walgreens (Plaza) 10 D Prospect Moose Lodge; 1' E Bristol Court Banquet Hall; Mr. Peter's Banquet Hall 2 G Mount Prospect Park District-Golf Course 1' H Zanie's 1 M Holiday Inn 1 P Arlington. Club Beverage l R Artemis; DJB Brunetti; Crossroads; Edwardo's; Fellini; Giordano's; House of Szechwan; Little America; Pepe's; Sakura; Shin Jung; Shogun; Sunrise; Torishin; Yasuke 15 S Charlie Club; Chris' Seafood and Steak House; Ditty D'nks; El Sombrero; Jake's Pizza; Kampai; Old Orchard-Greenview; O'Neil's Sports Cafe; Reunion; Sam's Place; Second Dynasty; 11 T Thunderbird Lanes 1 W Pete's Sandwich Palace, Pizza Hut (Algonquin Rd); Pizza Hut (Euclid Avenue); Sizzlers; Wag's 5 Z Snuggery Pub 55 '1...v L " " ` L I AL1 SpLa"Id ev TOJPD 4uapTsaid 96eTTTA asnea)i 0 B UATOJVD I go APP S *886T aT144G2AOSddV Pup C2SSVd : SXVN : ss)v *meT Aq pap TAojd jauuew aqq uT wJOJ 49Tqdwed uT uoijeoTTqnd pup TVAoiddv 196essed sqT j9qje pup wojj 409JJ9 Pup 90JO9 TTnj uT aq TTP4S 9DUeuIPJO slql :-dn03 NOUDES *AqaadoJd qoalqnS aqq oq Se 409999 Pup 9DJOJ TTng ul. uleuI9J TTeqs SUOT.4eTn69-a pup saoueuipio qoadsoad qunoW go a5eTTTA Iuaaaq paqupA sp asn Teloads e go wjog aqq aTqeo'Tddv J9q4O TTe 0T 0 uT V9CE *ON 9OUeUTPJO 04 quampuame aq4 joj qdaoxa 33EHI NOIID3S openssi buiaq s4Twj9d oq JOTjd poei6e ATsnoiAajd se A4jadoid aqq go jaujoo 4saML143OU 944 UO bUTdPospueT 5UITTe4sul a9umo aqq uodn pauoi4Tpuoo aq TleqS Ulajaq p94Uejb JU9UaPU9We aql *,S, 4TqTqx3 sp goajaq qjed P appw 1 0 Aqajaq pup oqajaq paqoeqqe ueTd aqTs aq4 uo paqeoTpuT sp Ilaag ejenbs BSZ TeuOT.4TPPR Up go aoeds joolj paspaaouT up uT 6uT4Tns9j 16UTPTTnq aqj go apTs q4aou aqq uo e9je ooTqjod 6UTISTX9 UP go 9lnsOTDu9 aqq qTwiad oq uTajaq palsanbea asn TvToads aqq* Aq'jedoid qoalqnS aqq oq 6uilura6 Aqajaq4 t9EE *ON aOueu. wTPJO puae Aqajaq qoadsoad qunow go 95eTTTA 9ql go saaqsnil go pipog pup quepTsaid aql :OMI NOIID3S oqoadsOJd junoW go 96eTTTA 9q4 go seaqsnal go paeog pup 4u9PTS91d 9ql Aq joej go sbuipuTj se uiajaq pelviodioDUT 9JP 9AoqRUT9J9q q4JOj 49S STe4TD9J 9ql :2NO NOIIDSS :SIONIIII 'XlNnOD NOOD ',LD3dSOHd INnOW SO SO` IIIA SHS, SO SSSISnUl 30 GHVO9 QNB' INMISSUd RHI XG G3NIVGHO 11 39 'SNOaSUSHI 'MON euiejaq paigToads isanbai 944 4UVJ5 04 96PTTTA 9q4 90 4S9194ul 4 seq aq4 uT aq PTnom qT qeqq puig jaq4jnj saaqsnjl go papog aqq 0 UOT409S UT Pup 9POD 95eTTTA 9q4 JO VT aa4deqo j IIA 9TOT4JV JO VOL&VT 0 q4JOg 49S SpJePUP4S aq4 S9TjST4eS OUMS aqq qe44 pauTuliqlap qAeq pup qsanbai o4 uoi4piapTsuoo jaq4jnj U9AI6 9Aeq abeTTTA 9q4 go saa4snil'jo pivog Pup 4u9PTs9Jd 9q4 PUP 4oadsoad 4unoW 90 96eTTTA 9q4 go saaqsnal go PjeOa PUP 4UOPTsald aq4 oq UoTqepuauiwooal pup S6uTPuTj sqT paq4Twqns seq sTeaddV go pjeog buiuoZ aq4 JSV3UHHM Pule i 886 -4'A.Tien-Tqe3 go Aep q-48 9q4 UO PTeJ9H -4oadsoid 4unoW gq,4 ul, POqslTqnd joajaq4 aoT4ou j9doid pup anp o4 4uensind 886T 8Z lTjdv Pup 886T lAjenjq9a go App q4SZ aq4 uo 4oadsoad 4unoW go ObeTTTA 9q4 go sTpaddV go papog 6uiuoZ aq4 ajojaq 88-nS-ET OON GSP0 V8Z go 4oalqns aq4 6uiaq jsanb92 9qj UO PT9q 9J9M S6UTlP9q DTTqnd JSVSIISHM pup !9jnqona4s STqj 04 49aj ejenbs 85Z TeuOT4TPPe up uT buIlTnsai buTPTTnq aq4 go apTs qqjou aqq uo ooTqjod 6uTqsixa aqq go 9-7nsOTDu9 aq4 qTwaad o4 4uawpueuie up sMaes jauoiqTqad aq4 'SVSHEHM 0 pup 1 Uvu qTqTqxa sp joa3aq 4jed e apew Aqa3aq pup o4ajaq peqoeqqp si A43adoid 0 4oa[qnS aq4 go uoT4dTiosep Te5aT aqq $(A4j9dojd 4oaCqnS se oq pa3j9j93 J94JPuT9Jaq) PeOH PueU 4se3 OZOI Se umOuX ATuOwwO3 sesTwaid TeT0J9wwO3 bu-rqsixa aq4 puvdxg o4 asn Teioads e pa4uej6 aoueuTpio qoTqm vqEt OON 9DU,euTPjO 04 4uawpuawe UP �Oj U014eOTTdde up p9T'TJ Svq - (19uOT.4T49d Se 04 POIJOJ91 J94jeUT9-79q) $AUeduiOD TTO TT9qS 9q4 JSVSIISHM a GVOH GNV"H ISV3 O Z O T SV NMONM XINOWWOD XINSdOEd UOA SSn 7VIDZdS V ONIINVED V9EE *ON SDNVNIGUO ONIGNSWV SDNVNIGUO NV ON SONVNIGUO .4 sainjonjqs leuoiqTppe ou 4eqq 4oeg aqq uodn pauoiqTpuoo si uiajaq Pa4UeJ6 leAoidde aql e,V, qTqTqxg se joajaq qjed P apew Aqaaaq pup oqajaq paqoeqqe uvld 94Ts paqoeqqe aqq uo paqeoxpui se jauil 6uipTTnq aqq puoAeq spuaqxa pup pjpAapTs aq4 oqui s9qoeojouq Toad 6UTMWIMS qDTqM Aliadoid qoalqnS aq4 uo lood bUTUlUITtAS e JO UOTqPnUT4UOO 9144 MOTTe 04 JsTOUTTTI lqoadsoad qunoW go apoo abeTTTA aq4 go TZ aaqdeqo go XI 9TDl,4JV V*Z06*TZ uOI,409S Pug XI 910TW41V go D*Z060TZ uOT409S 04 qoadsai g4TM palsenbea SU014elleA aqq Aqjadoid joaCqnS aqq of qupjb Aqaaaq loadso'jd qu'no'W* go a6eTTTA 944 go saa4snil 90 PJeO9 Pug 4uaPTsa-Id 9141 :OMS NOLIOSS 94oadsoid 4unoW go 95PTTiA aqq go saaqsnal go paeog pup quapTsaid aq4 Aq 40eg go S5UTPUTg se uiajaq pa4ejodiODUT air aAoqgUT919q q4JOJ -49s STP4TDal 9q1 :3N0 NOII39S : smollos sv JSIONIIII JXINOOD NOOD '102dSOUd INDOW SO SOVIIIA 2HI 30 SSSISMI SO GUVOS GNV INSGISMd RHI X8 G2NIVGHO 11 39 '2HO32U2HI MON I &SUO14PTaeA JOJ qsanbaa aq4 4uea6 04 969TITA 944 JO ISGa94UT qsaq aqq uT aq PTnom qT qeqq spuTj joqqjng PJ 969TITA 9q4 Pug ipeqsiTqeqsa spiepueqs 0 0 aqq saTgsTqes awes aqq qpqq pauTuiia4ap eAeq pup qsanbai U014elJeA o uoTqejapTsuoo jax4qjnj UGATb 9AVq a snit 9144 4 11 96eTTTA 9q4 90 s 94 go paeog pup quepTsead aqq pup Jqoadsoid 4unoW go a6elTTA aqq go sealsnal go pjeog pup quepTsaid aqj oq suoTqPpu9umloo9i pup S6UTPUIg SqT paqqTwqns seq sTsaddv go pjeou 6uiuOZ 9q4 JSV2H3HM Pug !886T 'TTjdv JO AeP q'4TT 9q4 uo PTeaaH qoadsoid 4unow aqq uT peqsilqnd joajaqq 1 eoTqou jadoid pup anp oq quensind 88 0 6T 'TT.TdV go App qqqZ aqq uo qoadsoja qunoW 30 96eTTTA 9q4 90 STeaddV go paeog 6uTuoZ aqq ejogaq (88 -A -TZ V9Z *ON 9seD se P94eub'SaP) Isanbai UOT4elleA 944 UO PT9q Sem 5UTJe9q 0TTqnd P JSVSUHHM PUP 19UTT buT.PTTnq quoij aq4 puoAaq buTpuaqxa pup 9uTT 40T 9PTs 9q4 UJOIg G) 499g 9AIg P949301 aq oq lood buTwwims aqq qTwied U01409S WOJJ U014elleA e pup A4jadoad 4oaCqnS aqq 04 VOZ06*TZ 0 a & go pjPA apTs uT pe4pool lood 6uiwwTMs e 0 UOTqpnUT4UOD 9q4 mOTTP 0 a a 9 0 0 04 'SIOUITTI lqoadsoad qunoW go 9POD 9bRTTTA aq4 go IZ jo4dpqD go O' Z06' TZ uOT,boas ulOJ9 0 IJPA SX99S J9UOTIT4ad 'SVS*dgHM SUOTqP0 pule !STOOUTTTI JAjunoD Noon uT uvTpTj9W ledTOUTId PJTqj 914-4 a ZV dilqsumoL 'SZ uoT-4oas go JO 4seg OTT 9bueH lq4 ON 9 V/T 4Se9qlJOtq 994 JO Z/T T44JON 9144 uTU01. 6 0SIATpqns e 6uiaq OT *ON 4Tun 90 IJOUeW M9TAPOOf4 UT LE '40rl a 0 a 0 6 :SmOTTOJ sp paqTjosap ATT260T ST Aqjadoid qoelqnS eq4 lsysHaHm pup !(.Aqa9dojd qoa[qns. aqq) ST.OuTTTI l4oadsoad qunoW 30 95eTTTA 9q4 UT 9AIJU Ved LZVT Se UmOUX ATUOwwO0 Aqiadoad oq 4oadsaa ggTM UOT4e"EaQ`A JOJ U014eOTTdde up POTTJ SPq luaidwe4S s9TaeqD JSVSESHM SIONIIII '103dSOIdd INnOW SO SOV71IA 'SHS NI SAIIIG )fHVd LZVT SV NMONY ArlNOWWOD AISSdOldd NIVIESO NOS SNOIIVIUVA ONIINVIdD HDNVNIGUO NV *ON SONVNIGNO Page 2 of 2 ZBA 21-V-88 such as decking or sheds shall be built without first seeking a variation, if required. SECTION THREE: Except for the variations granted herein, all other applicable Village of Mount Prospect Ordinances and Regulations shall remain in full force and effect as to the Subject Property. SECTION FOUR: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. PASSED and APPROVED this day of 1988* NAYS: ABSENT: Carolyn H. Krause Village President ATTEST: Carol A. Fields Village Clerk 'UOT4830T quasaid SIT UT pooqaoq46TaU aqq uodn qoedWT qU83TjlUf)TS 8 aABt4 IOU PTP Tood at4q, jet44 eq-eqs PTP isupas *jw *dT4SPJ84 8 4STTqeqsa oq peau a4q pa jou 08TO 8H *abBTTTA a44 44Tm GTTJ uo qTwied TBUT6130 OU SBM aaaqq qBqq PGJOU JeUpaq -aW -88J8 aqq UT aq ol pouadde4 Aa4q ua4m quawliedoG Sa3TAJ@S UOT139dsul aqq Aq PalaAOOSTP SUM Tood at4l - aPOD Aq PGmOTTB IOU s8m (,9t x,SC)"Tood PazTs a6JET 8t4q JO UOT41830T qqj qeqq palels quawliedoo bUTUOZ V bUTUUBTd a44 JO JsUPaG TnEd 'qUaWa3BTd SIT aO Tood aqj qqTm walqojd ou peq oqm saoqqbTau Aq SUOTITIad paquasaad OH 'Tood TBUTbTaD a4q a38Tdaj of jTwjad e papeaU aq MUT41 IOU PTP 9H -lood JBTnbual3aa JabJET 8 44TA IT Pa3lsTdai aq os IT maablno ATTWBJ ST4 PUB Tood 6UTISTXG ,9L a pe4 IT o6e saeaA �L asno4 aqq lq6noq a4 uaqM -pjaA apTs 96,leT 8 pue pjeA >Ioeq TTEws 8 SBt4 aq qeL44 guns ST UOTqeinbTJUOD quBineqsaa a ol do S>13eq DoT sty 14 S -a IOT at4l - PUB 38 P-Tn3 8 UO SaATT aq qeqq 6UT-4eqs aSB3 STt4 paquasaad UaTdwaqS *JW a= TTT03DJ48d U91 AeW,o UATTIOW jobaiqlaig 4jaqoa UOUUBI J84ad APTSS83 PTBUOU S384jOJq STOI UBWJTgqj IlTuseg jj9qTT9 -GUTT 6UTPTTnq a4q puoAaq 6UTPUaIXG IOU PUB QUTT Aqjadoid apTs Aus WOJJ laaj DL JO IUaWaaTnbaj opo3 aqq JO PBaqSUT allTT buipTTnq a4q puoAaq PUB allTT 40T apTs a44 WOJJ 4000 aATJ Tood 6UTWWIMS a4l MOTTE 04 V -Z06- H UOTIOGS WOJJ UOT48TJBA (Z *UOTqB3OT laqj lTqTqojd ATTBWJOU PTnom apoo ajaqm A4aadoad aqq j apTS qjjOU aqq UO PJBA apTs aqq UT Pa:1830T Tood 6UTWWTMS 8 MOjTB 01 3' Z06' L Z UOT j3aS WOJJ UOT48TJBA L 886L 'LL TT-idV :031S3831NI/S80133C80 :IN3SGV S830W3W VGZ 0 *iUS38d S830W3W VGZ :IS3nb38 :31VO NOIIVOIIGAd 9ATao >118d LZV[ :AI83dOHd 133cons U9TdwejS seTjeqj :83NOIII13d 896L '8Z TTadV **a418(] 6UTlBaH 88-A- LZ OON 3SV3 VGZ SIV3ddV jo allvoo DNINOZ 133dSOUd 1Nfl0W 3HI 30 SN1133W IV133dS 3H1 jo s3inNIW The Board asked Mr. Stempien who the installers were and he answered Norbert Pool. Gil Basnik suggested sending a letter to Norbert Pool as they should have known a permit was needed. Peter Lannon said he had spoken to some neighbors and agreed they had no problem with the pool. Marilyn May wanted Mr. Stempien to establish a hardship. He said the pool could not be further back in the yard due to overhead power lines. Mr. Basnik called for a vote on the condition that no accessory structures such as decking, or sheds would be built without first seeking a variation if required. Mr. Cassidy moved and Mr. Brettrager seconded a motion to vote on both variations. Upon roll call: Ayes Brothers, Cassidy, Basnik, Lannon, O'May Brettrager Nays: None Motion carried. This recommendation will be forwarded to the Village Board for their consideration at the May 17, 1988, meeting. Emilie J. Henry Recording Secretary -Tood BuTmmTms PaZTS Aug 4SOMT2 TT24SUT of alqTssodMT ATavau 4T 9XPM SPJeA aP9J Pug apTs aqq ;o uoTqvanbT;uoo pup 9zT. S aql spapA jeaa aqq sv aopds 9Tcresn tionm se qnoc[e qsnl spq paPA aPTS q4aou aq4 14OP; uI *PJPA Jvaa aq4 UT ST TT AJaA aa9q4 'Alaadoid ;0 SDaTd ped'eqs-ppo up uo aopds aTclvsn aT44 0 1 amoq aq4 ;0 uOT4eanbT;UO0 aiI4 ;o asnpoag o4Tmiad P ;o 4TIauaq qnoqlTm PaTT24suT sem Tood 6UTmMTMS punoab-aAoqp azTS abJPT V '40T azT,s 95avT ATaTov; e UO umO4 ;0 UOT409s 4sP9q4aOU 9q4 UT. S9PTS9J 4uv3T,TddR aql smsmoo vxiuoz axv oxiN"ia -qoT sTqq ;o sauTT L4aadoad 9q4 BUOTP P94ROOT S8UT.T Jamas AJPITUPS pup SuTpmaaqvm eaP 8J944 4PT44 S94OU OSTV 9H 'SPaRA as9a aO 9PTS aq4 UT pa5uvlqo aq off, suaaqqed 95PUTPJP LUP MOTTV IOU TT IM a99uT.BU3 9BPTTTA 941 'S9UTT aamod Aue jo q99j ST UT.q4TA aq 40UUPO Tood aqq 49ql Se4ou 4uam:j.ied;9a aaica '9.lqi "90UPT.1PA V 4senbaj 04 :4U'eDTTdde aqq paiTnbea UP 'U0T4PbT499AUT PTaT; P uodn 'UOT4VTOTA STq4 pa4OU SaO4D;9dsuj P 4 aql BUTPTTn *Tood punoab-aAoqp ST44 'jo UOT4PjjRqSUT 9q4 JO; . 9 PqnssT sem 4Tmaad ou 4pq4 S94OU SaDTAJaS UOTqoadsui jo luamlaedea aql SiNaKwoo davis 3DVqqiA -8U-ET BUTPITnq aqq puoAaq buTPua4XS w0l; Tood aqq qTqTqoad ATTPmaOU PTnom apoo aaeqM 9UTT bUTPITnq aq4 PUOA9q sPU94x9 Tood aqq jo uOT4e3OT 9q4 OSTV o9poo Aq p9ainb9a 4aa3 OT ;o P994suT 9uTT 40T 9PTs P w0a; 400; aAT; Tood v mOTTP 04 V - Z06 -TZ UoTqc)aS (*Z —Cood aq4 :tTqTqo-id ATTemaOu p*Enom apoo qlaqm Pa2A qpTS e UT Tood buTMMTMS bUT49TX9 UP MOTTV 04 DOZ06@1Z UOT438S (OT 09POO buTp,rTna atp, 04 suoT4,eTxeA 5U'C.m0TTO; 9q4 BuT:js9nb;9i sT quPoTTddP eqj 8861 'lZ rlIUdy aLva 3Ai,da xuvd Lti HOLLY001 N3IdWS,LS S37*dVHD '88-A'TZ'N(SZ ILD3r ails Koua 1 uvNaza rinvd NymivHo sivaddy ao auvoa oNiNoz XiNcjv,ia rlio :01 wnONVISOW3W 3:)I:i:10'S31NI tioullil lz3odsOld WOW :toodsoic:1 !4unpL#y 40138ell'IA Gil Basnik - Page 2 April 21, 1988 The applicant should address two questions that we have. First, is -it a hardship that a pool of this size cannot be located on this property? second, why was the pool installed without a permit? For informational purposes, the overhead power lines are far enough away from the pool to meet Code and safety concerns. The pool is located at least 0.1.5 feet away from the home to the north and is fairly well hidden from anyone's view. The impervious surface total in the rear and north side of the house is very high, although the remaining open space on the lot will reduce the total percentage to less than fifty percent . In summary, the applicant must establish a hardship. why should this size of pool be located on a odd -shaped piece of property such as this? Also, why was a permit never requested? a � r Ali, I J 3 Nf �N I �r n - G o rVC w N tiA uN a Mir Maw � , ""' � x � u✓ ,n�� ^.G waw en M,, , M WJy y °;ro („ a n„” m ay, x P. i_Mei � d u �-, MI w u� �✓���� by W nw� � �✓ 82wl uw7� MIW �` al,�' ��, „✓%if%�1;: 'M"M'„l ;�"w" µ o � " x n w� /gym nay � Mnw Aw it w yrli(�d 40, 41 00 7 10" Ig w Mwh v, �tI. 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The Board noted that the contractor should pay for relocating it. The Board discussed the matter at some length. Ron Cassidy felt no hardship had been established and it was the consensus of opinion that everyone was concerned over fire safety. Mr. Cassidy moved and Mr. Brettrager seconded a motion to vote on both variations. Upon roll call: Ayes: Cassidy, Basnik Nays: Brothers, Lannon, Brettrager, O'May Motion denied. This recommendation will be forwarded to the Village Board for their consideration at the May 179 1988 meeting. Emilie J. Henry Recording Secretary f) T-1- : E'd -uoTZP:ioT quasaid sqT uT pails atlq deaX oq iapio ui dTqspjpq P qsT.Tcre4S9 PTnotls 4U'2:)TTdde aT4js *9qPTadojddP ajom aq P -[nom PJVA JPaJ 9q4 UT UOT4PDOT 19t[40UP 4PT44 UOTUTdo exlq jo eap am Aapmmns uI *paaoqs buTaq al9m sPTnbTT aTqpmmvT; Ou 14T pe4oadsUT I 9MT4 9qq 4e PUP UInUTMnTP ST pails aqq qpqq paqou aq OsTP PTnOT49 41 -4Tnsaj v SP PaAOUIaJ aq oq 9APtl TITm a914 u99a519A9 ON m-omq jo, qn-itIs le ;0 b*UTunad alTnba-i Apm PUP QTqpd eqq uioa; ajqTSTA aaom aq TTTm 4T 'PJPA aP9J 9XI4 UT Pails 9ql buT.4PDOT9J Aq 1pajupaD :SqU9W9JTnbaj 9POD BUTUOZ aq4 uzg4TM 9ZTS 9TT44 ;0 pails P aqvooT Oq PIPA jvaj aqq UT Saip Jqq4O quo 4spaT 4P ST qJ9141 'PJPA aPTs PaaTnb9J 9'qq UT qTmjad P qnoqqTm ATTv59TTT p94Dnjqsuoo SRM pails STtIl edTT4spjpTq jo quo si 9ARq 9M qpTqq uoTqsanb uTpm aql 6offi 4 kN le 12 1 A COX *9SPO ST44 BUTPJP59J J;PqS 95PITTA B'qq MOaj PaATaD9a ejam suoTqoa[qo 10 squammoo jqtjqO ON -UOTqP0OT,pans sTX14 40 4Tnsaj P sP P9310OTq jo pabupqo aq 4ou 4snm ujeq4pd aBPUTPJP 90Pjans TPUTBTJO 9t14 4PtI4 Pa4OU,J99UTbtla 969TTTA 941 'Pails ST114 ;0 UOT4PTTv4SUT 9q4 JO; p9nSS- J9'AqU 9aam sqTmjed 4PT44 P940u OSTP S90TAa9S uoTqoedsuj ;o quamqapd9a atTI '94sTx9 4T sP P94POOT aq 4OU PTnoqs pails aq4 qpiq4 quail 4jpdaa 9JT3 9LI,4 10 UOTUTdo aq4 ST 4T 'SPJPZVq 9JT; 9JP 44X14 S4UaATOS a9XI40 PUP TTO 'SPb 9JOIS ATTpnsn spaqs uapjpB aouTs BJOqT4bT9U 4UaDPCPP atil o4 osIP pup asnoq 4oalclns aqq o4 asojo oo,4 ST P9tjS ST144*4Pq4 P9Uja0UO0 aip s4u9uiqjpd9a qqoa OA491ps 9JT; JO 4PLI4 ST S90TAJ9S UOTqoadsui ;o 4uam4jpd9a pup juam4apdaG 9JTa age. qqOq Aq PaSTPJ UJ90UOD UTPM atlj SINawwoo JaVIS aDvqqiA '4e9j OT JO qU9M9ITnb9j-9poo aq4 JO PP94SUT asnoq atl4 pup pails 9T4'.+ uaam4eq uoT4ujpdes ,g P mOTTR 04 T-a-ZOT-VT uOT.409S uIOJ; UOT4?TJPA V ST P84senbea OSTV wqaa; S pajTnbaj ATTPmJOU 9t14 30 P994SUT. 9UTJ A4jadoad apTs atI4 mOJJ 400; Z/T T Pails UaPJPB 5UT4STXB up MOTTP 04 ZOS*ZOT*VT UOT439S MOIJ UOlqeTJVA P bui4sanbaa sT 4ueDT.Tddp atIl 886T 10Z qIHdV *aLva aNvq xnvs ZOVI :NOIIVDOq SIS01 ID v7aKvd 88-A-EZ-Vgz a NNyri a u vNaaa rinva :WOU3 NIvmIvH3 S ivaadv ao auvoa vNiNoz oxiNsva am OLL wnGNV*dOW3W 3:)I:I:lOV31NI SIOU1111 'zoadsoid junoW 190Jd 14unmliftd 40 OBB111A, zoed 11 -ro*� � � 2w S 11109, :� •n 4 I ori *40181p, .4 6jugv"!I M Sl'orw- "is 1 w 4 � f m squawaainbea a9q4O TTP leql P9PTAoad I,v, qTqTqxa se goeaqq 4jtd e apew Aqaaaq pup O49a9q paqoe44e ueld 94Ts aq4 44TM a0uppao0op Ul. OUIT 401 9q4 wOa; (ug T) 400; glPq-auo pup 9UO go Novqqes au I I 40T aOla94ul e pup aan4ona4s lediOUTid aq4 woa; (.9) S9140ul XTS Pq4eooT aq of aanqona4s Aaossaooe up MOTTe 04 JsToU0 11-439alTj1 soad qunoW ;0 9POD a6eTITA aqq 90 VT ae4deqD go I q'Tollav 30 T*S*ZOT*VT UOT#409S 04 4oadsaj g4TM paqsanbea suoT4e-�.IeA aqq Awadoid 4oaCqnS aq4 o4 4uej6 Aqaaaq qoadsoid qunoW go 96eTTTA aq4 go saa4snal go PJPOB PUP 4U9PTS91d 9ql :OMI NOIJoD3s -qoadsojd junoW go abeTTTA 9q4 go seaqsnal go paeog pup 4uapTsaid aq4 Aq 4oej go SbUTPUTJ Se uTajaq p94vjodjoouT peo 9JP OAoqeuTaaaq qqjo; 49S STe4TO9J 941 :ENO NOIILD21S : smolloa sv 'SIONIIII 4AINnOD XOOD 1103dSONd INnOW SO SOVIIIA SHI SO S33ISnUl SO GUVOR GNV INSCISSEd SHS AS GENIVUEO 11 36 l3UOa3U3HI MON epaqsanbei SUOT4PTIPA 944 4uej6 of a6eTTTA 944 JO 4SO194ui 4seq aq4 uT aq PTnom 4T 4Pq4 SPUTg jaqqjnj PJeO2 STqq PUP JOPOD 96eTTTA 9144 90 VT j9qdeqD go IA 9TOT41V JO 9090VT UOT409S UT 44JO9 19S SPIePUP4S 9q4 SaT;ST4eS awes 9q4 IP44 P9UTW.7qq;qP 9AVq PUP Isenb9i UOT4eT�QA*9q4 04 UOT4eJ9PTSUO0 jaqqjng UaAT6 9APq 96PTTTA 9q4 90 S994snil go pipog pup 4u9PTs9Jd 9q4 PUP JUOTTJVA 4epa4sanbaa aql Auep o4 qoedsOJd 4un' 0 a OW 90 96PITTA aqq go saa4snij, go pipog pup 4UOPTS91d 944 04 8UOTqePU9WWO39j pup P SbUTPUTJ S4T paqqTwqns suq sleaddV go PIPOS 6UT' 944 'SVEESHM OZ go app 44TI aqq UO PT 1a d 19H 409dSOljuno, Pup !8861 ITTjdv W 9q4 ul. PGqsl,Tqnd joalaq4 aoT4ou jadoid pup anp oq 4uensand 4886T 'TTjdV a go Aep q48Z aq4 uo qoadsoid qunoW go 969TTTA 9q4 JO sTeaddv go Pjeoe 6uiuoz aq4 ajojeq (88 -A -EZ VSZ *ON 9seD Se P94eU6TSap) 4senbea UOT4elJPA 9qj UO PT9q SeM 5UTJe9q DTlqnd e ISV* 0 0 a 0 ZU2HM pup :VI jaqdeqo go I aTolqaV go Zol-VI uolqoaS oq quensind quTT qoT joijaqui up ujoij (,S) 499g 9ATJ go Xopqqas e 0 d Pup ajnqonjqs TedTouTid v wojj (,OT) q9ag uaq qspal 4e 5uTjTnbei OsTmjaq4o :13T-74STP buiuoz P uTqqTm 9jnqonaqs lediouTia aqq PUP 5UTO 0 a 9 .plTnq Ajossgoor up uagmqaq (.9) s9qouT XTS go uoTqeaedes e qTwied of T*S*ZOTOVT U01409S WOJJ UOT4eTIRA e PUP OUTST Aqjadoid apTs 94q moag (.9 T) 4999 JTeq-9u'O Pup 9UO P94eDOT aq oq Aqj9doid qog[qnS aqq uo ginqonjqs AJOSSaDDe up mOTTP 04 ZOS*ZOTOVT UOT439S WOJg U014PIleA P SX99S 19UO14Tq9d 0 0 'SVS*dZHM !S'OuTTTI 'Alunoo XooD UT UPIPTJOW Tediouija pjTql aqq JO 4seg 'TI 95ueH lq4JON ZV dTtJSUMOJ, 'SZ UOT409S 0 0 JO V/T 4se9q4JON 9q4 90 Z/1 q4JON 944 UT UOTSTATpqnS 6UTqq 4TUn JOUeW M91APOOM UT 90T 401 0 . . 11 # JT *ON 0 0 :sAOTTOJ se paqTjosap ATTe69T si Aqjadoid qoalqns aqq 'SVSUSHM a & pup i(uAqj9dojd qoa[qng. aqq) iqoadsOJd qunoW go abeTTTA 0 ST.OuTTTI aq4 ui auel Xn2S ZOVI Sv UmOUX ATUOuwO0 Aqjadoid of joadsai ggTM UOT4eTJeA aOj UOT4e3TTddP up P9TTJ SPq JaTqol 'D PT9uled 'SVMISHM SIONIIII 1103dSOHd INnOW SO SOV IIIA SHS, NI SNVI XnVS ZOVT SV NMONX AINOWWOD AIESdOU NIVIESD aOa NOIIVIEVA V DNIINVIdD SDNVNICHO NV OON SDNVNIGNO Page 2 of ZBA 23-V-81 of the Inspection Services Department regarding fire safety and storage of materials within said shed shall be strictly prohibited. SECTION THREE: Except for the variations granted herein, all other applicable Village of Mount Prospect Ordinances and Regulations shall remain in full force and effect as to the Subject Property* SECTION FOUR: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. PASSED and APPROVED this day of I r 1988, AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Carolyn H Krause Village President ATTEST: Carol A. Fields Village Clerk - IOU3 -ww/>jvd J04.OeJlo 9AI4.nD9x3 A I lg)q "v e 10#1 J4 -ed A 1 n .jj 4. s " 8861 `05: '11 AV - L961 ' I APW J29A 9q4. job �jode-d le 1:)ueu 14 pup �.jod,98 lenuuV s,Ajpjqjj o lqnd �oqdsojcj �unoW eq4. s 44.ImGJ9q peso lDu3 9961 4OZ AeW :splelj • Sjw iega 9goo9 11 t4.oadsoid -�unoW 4-994S uOsJ9w3 q4.noS 001 4.ogdso.id 4.0 noW 40 96e I I I A Mia 10 96PIlIA spl;al:j -V lojeo • Sjw SLqS-EgZ(ZjE) :auoqdolojL 9SO09 siouMIloodsoid junojq loo-ilS uosiama qjnoS 0 1 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ss COUNTY OF COOK 1, JACQUELINE C. H I NABER, Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Mount Prospect Public Library do hereby certify that the attached documents, to wit: A) Annual Report of the Mount Prospect Public Library, and B) Financial Report of the Library Fund are true and accurate reports and fully reflect the receipts and expenditures of funds by the said Board of Trustees of the Mount Prospect Public Library, and A. that, the unexpended cash and other working funds as of April 30, 1988 were S 7820675.80. B. that, the Gift Fund has a balance as of April 30, 1988 i n the amount of S 61,610.79. C. that, the Building Fund has a balance as of April 30, 1988 in the amount of $ 318.95. URS ; "' 7/x'/9,0 Subscribed and Sworn to before me th i s 30th day of Apr t I , 1988. -/Jacqd4all i ne C. H i naber Al �. IlWilaret D. Turr i s i rr F *O9*6L9eZQ3 :9961 40C IIadd 4.e pgllouooej 94.uawe)4.e4.s Mupq q4-1 m UO 1. 4-P 91 11 OUIO09.J JGd :HSV3 SONn4 ON 0480M 83HI0 ONV HSVO Amen onand 103dSOW iNnow MOU NT PRO SPECT PUBL I C L I BRA r**v ACCOUNTS RECE I VABL E l8oO69,03 $ 2o350.*36696.-'04 FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 1979 MONTH TO DATE YEAR TO DATE BALANCE 594,463.55 110 TAX MONEY 3,354,89 1,583,481.79 120 PERSONAL PROPERTY REPLACEMENT TAX 2,990.63 23,165.98 310 FINES 1t677.10 24,448.65 320 NON RESIDENT FEES 340.00 1p340.00 330 LOST MATERIALS 308.37 4,997,00 335 PROJECTOR RENTALS 2.00 101.00 340 VIDEO CASSETTE 1o,326,00 6,763,00 345 V I DEO CASSETTE EREW IND] 7,00 17.00 350 COMPACT DISC 0.00 170.00 355 FRAMED ART PRINT 25.00 185.00 360 CHILDRENIS, TOY OR GAME 0,00 60,00 365 RESERVES 48.50 260.50 370 CATCH AS CATCH CAN TITLE 355,50 1p951.00 390 OVERAGES/ (SHORTAGES) 5.27 —48.14 410 COPY MACHINE COMMISSION 0.00 3,944.21 420 MEETING ROOM FEES 2,731.00 5p147,00 430 MISCELLANEOUS 4,25 146,19 450 TELEPHONE COMMISSION 115.27 1,250,60 455 ONLINE SEARCH 27,38 98,43 460 VENDING MACHINES 3.70 16,55 465 DUN AND BRADSTREET IDENTIFIER ON LINE SEARCH 0.00 10.00 470 THREE M READER/PRINTER 99,90 199,70 480 CANNON MICROFILM READER/PRINTER 57,90 343,35 510 VILLAGE INVESTMENT INTEREST 3,958.61 391,732.16 520 NOW ACCOUNT INTEREST 101,26 1p711.24 530 OPERATING CASH FUND INTEREST 5.61 71,82 560 VILLAGE SUNDAY PROGRAM 0.00 5,600.00 570 ILLINOIS PER CAPITA GRANT 0.00 34t452.37 580 LOSS SETTLEMENT 0.00 10,000.00 610 NORTHWEST MUNICIPAL CONFERENCE 523.89 6,286.68 l8oO69,03 $ 2o350.*36696.-'04 9961 118cJV JO HINOW 3HI 803 180d38 IVIONVNIA OW AM91 1 01 18nd 103dS08d " 000000'ZV04Z$ SIVI01 39VIIIA 3HI 01 03111 lens SV 139an8 IVO 1334 3HI OO" vvg9gI $ JO S1 133N30 ONV 1108AVd 03n800v S3anI0N1 W60019Z Cgs 069"L990 IS LC' LZ9"9VI 00"OOL"5:69" I$ S Iviol 9 l' Cvv"C dl llllllllllk 1lllllllll,� ul vq*ggzfaZ owl 96" 5:ZV" 5:V mw" womw 4"l "l "l `lllllllllP OO' OOL19CZ 669-009 *SUVW *8911 7 SA009 OZ` VLO" I OS' gaigzz 9Z&5:16'9 00*095:"LZZ 669-OOV 9N1 a1 no 19"I99"1 Z 61 `860' 90 1 1 t? l' 06V" C6 00*09916ZIgI 66C-1 N01 1"i'SINMOV it* vi 69*9C90Z 0000 oosogg"z 38VAI3OS 831ndwoo cig 01OZ90"t 06*LE64L 00,10 OO' OOO4E S3HOW3S 831ndwoo zLg OLGOWI L 06"199"L 00,10 O0OoO,1C ON I ON 19 >1009 I L9 9ir*61 996096"t 09' 601 OOOOOOIZ IbV 03WV83 019 091,09L OV* 619'Z 0000 0000099Z S31J.3SSV3 0301A SiNMI011HO 609 Lti' 9z- Lv*gZO,,V 0000 OO#OOO*v S3113SSV3 0301A iinav eog go"M 96"91091 06*LZ9gZ o0eo9it9t W803080 I W L09 171 & zgg " I 99"LLV"I1 0065:95: OOWOOOOCI SIVO 1 (1018 3d 909 veezi 91' LSt"' I Z9'"1 ZZ 00"Oo9e1 S3WV9 ONV SA01 SN38a11 HO 909 OZ' ZI 09' L86 001 Z17 OO&OOOtI 1vns1A oianv SN38OI I HO V09 09*LL8- 09*LLZ4ZV 00*960'9 00#00vi1v SA008 SN38O11HO C09 990OLI 9im6Z90Z 6Z*9ZZ 0011,0004C S3113SSV3 ONV S080038 iinav zog L9' 896- L9*99Z'VVI WV991CC oo* OOC9cvI sm000 iinav tog vtoozgtv- V I * OZg " 5:g 0060 OO*OOOg6V S301 A83S IM1N00 V09 0090001Z 0000 0000 OO*OOO,,Z .kON3 ON 11N 03 5:09 090 1?v9 09' 996 01,099 oosoogit 83M3S ONV 831VM Z09 gg*OLZ'Z 9V*6ZL"9L 696V9Z'1 00000011Z O/V (INV N01IVI1IN3A `9N1IV3H L09 CZ" L6 I" I LL*Z99'gL 09"LOL"Z 000O98'6L IN 3Wd i n63 90V 9LOLL VZ*Z9649 LO*691'1 00,1000,19 S31 -w8ns IV 18011 Nv r vot 900990,11- 9009909V 09' LOC 0000001C 1VIN38 1N3W8in63 Cot 8L' COV' V- 9L*COV' 9V 06*OZ94Z OO' OOO8Zv 30NVN3JJN I VW 1N3WcJi n63 ZOV VI*V66'l 990900491 61' S:9L 0060009a 30NVN31NIVW DNIOIInB LOV L1`69 C90OL9o9 eve vvO,1 1 00*006"9 39VISOd 90C L6*169"C co' gocitz COOZO99z 00000049Z S311ddnS 301330 ONV A8V891I VOC 89' 0- 88eO099Z 9009909Z OO' OOg"z d003 83dVd VOI COC Zi*qOC'C-- Z108W9Z 0000 OO*OOO'CZ 33Nv8nSN1 ZOC 9C*9LI 990CZO'L ZV*619 OO' OOZ"L 3NOHd3131 LOC OZ' S: I oseggg"t 0000 0000094L BMS wowl3b MIMI LIZ 09"V0I 09*965:16 L9*909 00*009"6 1N3Wd013A3O ONV SININIV81 AAVIS OIZ W61Z01- W61L1Z ggs Z17z" I 000009'l1 1N3Wd013A3O ONV E)NINIV81 OW08 60Z 00*9c- 00"m"1 0000 OO' OOg,11 d1HS839W3W IVN01SS3J08d 9OZ 990691 WO I9`Z LZ' 9 0? 00,0004C S3SN3dX3 WV8008d S#N3UOI1H0 LOZ 0111 19C W90 0000 000000,11 SW11 A H1ON31 38n1V33 90Z tz" C171 6LO998"Z VLmL91"L 0060004C S3SN3dX3 wv8o08d iinov goz Z£` 66V 99' 009'v 96' VL OO' OOO*g S3SN3dX3 9N1IV83d0 63HI0 VOZ Zti' 99L"Z 99sCvZ19 00,109 00000019 ON 11N 18d EOZ 9Z' 119 9L'89146 00,10 00,000801 5333 1V931 ZOZ 0000 00*096't 0060 00*096d1 I i (inv toz 5:1"L99 L8*ZCV4Z 0000 OO' OOO,1C N01IVSN3dW03 1N3WAOIdW3Nn got 90,09 96*960"Z9 6V* Ctr9" 9 OO' OOg9Zg ki i 8n33S IV I 30S VOL ZL*09Z4V 9Z*6CL"L9 L9*ZO919 oosoovIgg A 8 w I Cot ze"zi III? 91*L9909C V9*6WZ OO' OOO11Lv NOIIVZIIVIIdSOH - 30Nv8nSN1 ZOI 90890"L 40, dill mw ***"' *0 on, lllllllllo ow mm *96*C9L'LVR $ "Is aw MW 41% 4w "W oft no, 4w M,,Pw,4m, *99*999OL9 A* *" wob M* do, ON W& M" Us $ 0090001999 $ i" ml #M& 1w W", *.. A* 4—, *** wl a", S31 8VIVS imlli, 4" mw llllllllo ow — A. 40 oft *** oft 4" *0,.Ww mw No mpmw —,,Nw 101 — — 03ON3dx3Nn a30N3dX3 id" 030N38X3 lowill, NVId HSV3 3WVN ONV 838wnN INAWIW830 OIA all ON11V83dO 99IL9 9961 118cJV JO HINOW 3HI 803 180d38 IVIONVNIA OW AM91 1 01 18nd 103dS08d " MOUNT PROSPECT Pi . I C L 1 BRARY GIFT FUND AP"R I L 30, 1988 BALANCE - APR I L 1, 1988 ADD IT IONS: Interest [The First Chicago Bank of Mount Prospect] NOW Account #97 404 8 Interest [The First Chicago Bank of Mount Prospect] Savings Account #1-98793-0 BALANCE - APRIL 30, 1988 CASH IN NOW CFOUNT 197 404 SAVINGS ACCOUNT •: + BALANCE - APRIL 30, 1988 $ 208.42 # 57p834.57 3,776.22 61 , 385.40 6lx6lO.79 �� ~ 8 € s 9861 *OC IN — 3MVIW 5:zlottlz 1-0909-11 lNnO33V SSNIAVS ZL"LL 6 OLO Z61 1Nf)033V ON I X33H3 N I HSV3 56.8 c€ s 9961 40E IlHdV — 3ONV-hffl 00001 00,01 L96 -jaqwe.-deS pup gunr ul 00.00Z$ mo !eq goue I eq o4. enp S96Jeqo 931AJOS :SNOlion(i3a V6' 011 00,1001 4.uno:DoV leigueE) wojl 4.1sodea V6'01 S4.UM.�S9AUJ UO 4.S9J94.Ul : SNO I I I CM 10691Z $ L861 'g L AVW — 30NV-W 9861 OK IIWV 3AH3S3H aNnj smaim Awmi"i OI aw i3msoudmnow 1 ...... . .. ID (For ISL Use Only) ILLINOIS STATE LIBRARY, SPRINGFIELD, IL 62756 PUBLIC LIBRARY ANNUAL REPORT 1987-1988 Every public library in Illinois- is reui red bylaw (Chapter 81, Sed`. 4-1, and elsewhere in the Illinois Bevis Statutes) to file this annual report with the State Library. The purpose of this rep d p s publish er resources i t ith it ort. is to obtain and a is esou and services of all Illinois public libraries for use b all concerned, Each librar is asked to file this repot w" � , s system p y y POSSIBLE UPON (ANS' Y N LATER, Till " y head u�arters �� SOON � � Al" 3w ���"� AT completion of its fiscal year ending between July '1,1°87, and June 3 ,1 88, Please complete and return this form promptly. (By law, public library districts have until, Oct. 1 to file this report, however it would be appreciated if the form is filed by Aug. 1.) Every public library district should send the State Library a copy of the certified audit of its accounts within 6 months of the close of the fiscal year. That document can be sent to the State Library later. Please do not leave any item blank. Enter "0" if the appropriate entry for an item is zero or "none." Enter "N.A." if an apply y y g able fora articular itern, but it i that the item does not t figure �s not a P s known t a l 0 our library. � l an enact � vas amount is greater than zero, eater an estimate of the amount. Type your responses or paint in black ink. To help prevent mistakes in assembling photocopies of several different libraries' reports, please write the name of your library in the line provided in the right hand margin of pages. 2-6. IDENTIFICATION MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS 1., Location 1 Name of the municipality in which the central library is located. 2. Librarian PATRICIA A. KELLY /Title EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 2 Give the name of the librarian in the following order: first name, last name. Married women should use their own names, not their husband's first name (e.g., Mary Jones, NOT Mrs. John Jones). 3. Legal name of library, MOUNT PROSPECT PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 4. Mailing address (include street and zip code) 10 SOUTH EMERSON STREET 4 MOUNT PROSPECT IL 60056 5. Library telephone (include area code) 312Z2 -5675 5 if your library has more than one telephone number, report the number you want listed in Illinois libraries. 6. Library system NORTH SUBURBAN LIBRARY SYSTEM 6 7. Population residing in tax base area 52'534 7 Use latest official federal census figure. 8. if this library levies taxes on and serves more than one corporate community, list here the names of all counties, cities, towns, villages and townships so taxed and served, and identify those of which it serves only apart and not all. - 8 GENERAL INFORMATION g al library for use by the public in a typical week Alast October 9. opening and closing hours. of the central ,, a week with no holidays and in which the librar was open its re ular hours): Mo da �o P PM i e, 9 M PM , y P . Thursday i Tuesday t� Heade � , 9 AM. 5 P ""�"ed 9 AM 5 P * Sunda 2 M 5 Pel 9 Friday , turday to , yto 10. Total number of branches (supply names and addresses on a separate sheet)......... O 1 A branch is a library facility in separate quarters with its own collection of books, permanent paiidstaff, and open for us'e by alf persons on a regular schedule. Do not include reading centers, collections of books for hospital patients, etc., 11. Total number of bookmobiles............................................,............„..................„...........--.... 11 Z -A.je.jq!i aq) ap!smo aldoadjo saseq elep aulluo IsoleleD A.Jejq!/ aq) 'sjooj xapui se Bans saajno5ajjaqjo to slezipotiad Islooq jo asn aqj saiinbaj q:)iqm uotisanb e 51 uoij5anb aDuajaja.1 V zz jejol jq:) Aq pa ,se f CT siInpe Aq palse :I!jdv ui loam auo Aue joi T817,1Z 8LV Ua'JPI- e 9 - E00 V11,01 UWPI!,40, Aq pals . S013,V,s Inpe Aq pajse:j,,;)qoja0 ui laam auo Aue joj -q lemi � q L ---- --- ua�ip t4,:) � Fnqpalse ! , qnpe Aq palse :.jeaA ay jol -e 9 - S6 VGZ* T, 8 pue qZ'Z saujI asn 'lou p '.'jeaA ay jol nep aAeq noA j! eZZ auil jamsuV -uosiad ui jo auoqd Aq suopsanb (jeuopawip of pasoddo se) a:)uajajaj jo jaqwnN -ZZ LZ ........ • ., .. .. .......... ®.. .. • . ...... ........ (OZ V U saujI ;o wns) sueol IV.Lo.L LZ E917cL69 0z -OZ CO3 paueol SjeIJajPW al!UDAnf jo jaqwnN *S)Ui.id me pue 5pjoaaj Iswi!) se clans eipaw luted-uou pue luted lie pue,suopeweii gutmoijoqle-iojdi:)aj,5/etiaiew ueol 4lnq,,sajjejq!ljaq)o woe PaAla3aJ sueol Ajejq!ljaiui Sutpnl.Du#'(A:)ua2e jaqjo to sal!qow400q Isau:)uejq Aue pue) Aiejq!ljnoX wojj suoijed Aq pamojjoq sleiia)ew linpe 2unoX pue )lupe lie junoD 6L I., ...... paueol slepajew jjnpe jo jaqwnN -6L SeuL 176£ (jeaA ie:)sij aipua jnoA jo; ijodaS) MIMOM 30 3Sn -s)uawnaopjUaWUJaA09 Fe jo wjojoj.3iw ut 'suoqdij:)sqns jpS Aq paAtaaaj sle:)!poijad apnpul -sajeatidnp apnpxg US . . p9AIa:)aj Alluaim) (Aluo siadedsmau pue sauizeSuw) sal)!) je:)ipoijad jo jaqwnN -9L -ala '5�gtp jaedww lsa)jassea 'lade) 'spjoaajouoqd apnpul -s)ewjol lie )o `saidoD jo jaqwnu ).joda8 613 1 1 sSuipjo3aj oipnv -,z L 90,18 ZOL 98V 6�i (P) M .sdij)swi!j jo .5aplg apnl3X3 -SaSiP0c-)P!A pue 'S0))aSSe300P!A 'sadeJ00P!A "swl!j ajnj:)id uopow apnpuj -s)ewjoj lie jo 'satdo.3 jo jaqwnu modaa 91 . ........ ......... ... .............. LLE I 6CZ SWI!j pue SSUI.,PJO:)aJ OaP!A *9L (P) (q) ,SILUjojo.j3tw pue sleaipouad apnj=3 -uoijeaop5sep saoCI nS Aq paguejje sjuawn:)op )U9WUJaAOB apnj3uj -(-3)a 'auiluo 'aq:)!jojaiw uo 'wjoj �ooq ul 'spie:) uo) 2ole)ea s$Aje.,q!l aq) qgnojqj ssax)e /ew ouiw )seal) e ap!Aoid not q:)iqmjo)Ajejq!ljnoA ui sawnlOAle3i54qd)uajaj)!pjojaquinu jjoda8 SL 8066V81 998611 IL6'L C116081 slooq jo jaqwnN -SL (P) (q) M A3 S141. JO kj SuijnC) kj Suijn(] Aj Isel PU3 le PIaH pappv UMPJP41!M 10 PU3 le P19H 03NMO Msnosm *A7NO A2lV89/7 dnOA )o asn jol juap!5ajuou jo ad) qz)eajoj jeaA auo jol paleqD junowe aq) modad (q) -Aluo Ajejq!j !;iqj )o asn joj pue asnap!m-wajsAsiqj q)oq '.ieeA le.)sij isel aq) ui pied saaj jo jaqwnu jejo) aq) jjodaj'juap!sajuoujo ads() q-)ea.,oj (e) vL 6- *� * *� - * *� * �o, �o �*� * 4� �#, * * 4, M. * �o #� �* @� o �o� * P, - - -� * ........ juapnIS - v L 00.08 $ 03 (q) M (Ajejqil si4i jo asn jo;) aaj la P! ed SaaJ JO 'ON luaP!SaJUON jo adA.L em :sivapsajuou jo sadAi Suimolloj aye jo tpea jol jeaA je:)sija4ijoAepisejaye st?aaj jPnuueaqijojunoweaqjpue .react lemillsel ay ui pied saal ivapsajuou jo jaqwnN -Z au#/ uo amai ) aq) ueqjiaieajS aq jou pinoqs ajng!j giql -ajaq sjamojjoq juapsajuou apnl:)ui ION 00 8L£` L£ jeaA IeDstj aq) )o step isel aq) jo se aDJOj Ul Spin s,jamOIjOq juap!sai jo jaqwnu juio.L -ZL E m ZL z Siamoijou Paialsigau FINANCIAL INFORMATION (Report whole dollars only. Report for your entire fiscal year. Report all funds Z received or spent, but do NOT include funds spent by others for the benefit of the library.) NOTE: If a certified audit of library accounts is prepared, please submit a copy as a supplement to this report on or before October 1, 1988. Library Receipts by Source (Do not include balance from previous year or income from tax anticipation warrants) 23. Local government (Include capital income from sale of bonds and specify amount in footnote. Do not Cr 14 include income from tax anticipation warrants. Show revenue sharing funds in lines 25a -2115,b), (use whole dollars only), 1,1,5832482 23 24. State government (exclude federal funds distributed by the state) a. Per capita grants (use whole dollars only) 529,281 24a b. Equalization aid (use whole dollars only) 24b 23 c. Corporate replacement tax (use whole dollars only) 24c d. Other (specify) (use whole dollars only) 24d 25. Federal government (include federal funds distributed by the state) a. Revenue Sharing received for operating expenditures (use whole dollars only) b. Revenue Sharing received for capital expenditures (use whole dollars only) 25b C. Other federal funds received (use whole dollars only) ------ 25c include federal money received through the state, e.g., LSCA grants, paid directly to your library. 26. All other receipts (use whole dollars only), 1173957 26 Report all monetary receipts not reported above, e.g., endowment income, gifts and donations, fines, payments for contract services, interest income, and receipts from a library system or from a loan or mortgage. 27. TOTAL receipts (sum of lines 23-26) (use whole dollars only) 127762886 27 Library Expenditures by Category (regardless of the source of funds) 28. Salaries and wages for staff (other than building maintenance staff) including fringe benefit 522 Y6, (use whole dollars only)-28 include salaries and wages before deductions, and fringe benefits paid by the library, such as insurance, IMRF, social security, etc. Report salaries and wages for maintenance staff on line 29. 29. Salaries and wages for building maintenance staff, including fringe benefits 979 198 • (use whole dollars only)29 include salaries and wages before deductions, and fringe benefits paid by the library, such as insurance, IMRF, social security, etc. 30. Printed materials (use whole dollars only) 2147008 30 Include expenditures for books, periodicals, microforms, pamphlets, government documents, etc. 31. Nonprint materials (use whole dollars only) , 16,466 31 include expenditures for all materials used by visual projection and/or sound reproduction (e.g., films, phonorecords, tape cassettes, filmstrips, slides, etc.),and for framed pictures, sculpture, etc. 32. All other operating expenditures not entered above (use whole dollars only) 338,204 32 Include expenditures for library a nd general office supplies, processing costs, commercial binding and rebinding, equipment, rent, utilities, repairs, etc. Report purchase of fixed assets on line 34. 33. Capital outlay for building construction (use whole dollars only) 33 Show here the amount spent this year on construction of a new building or of an addition to or remodeling of an existing building, which cost at least $IWO. 34. Capital outlay for all other fixed assets (use whole dollars only) . . ....34 Report all expenditures for land and improvements to land, for the purchase of existing buildings, for long-term debt retirement (e.g., mortgage payments), for equipment costing over $1000, etc. Fixed assets are those things which are not consumed in use, can be expected to last at least five years, and cost at /east $1000. 35. TOTAL of all expenditures (sum of lines 28-34) (use whole dollars only7. 1l,,5851.398 35 Lines 27 and 35 ner.4 not agree. V4 :N :d :L (Aiuo asn isi joi) L9 '131 • (aiej Alinoq of Aieles lenuue IJaAUO:)) pled Allenoe ale -i Alinoq wnwixeW TF9 - ----- (aiej Aljn04 of Aieles lenuue IJaAUO:)) pled Allenoe am Alinoq wnw!uiN laam le:)idAi e ui paliom saaAoldwa C1 dnojC) Ile smog jo jaqwnu leio.L 0901ST saaAoldwa uotiejado weld jo Ai!jn:)as 4a:)ueuajuiew SuiplInq awp-ved jo awil-llnj :(3 dnoj[) 9 11 0 1 It (aiej Annoy of Ajeles lenuue jJaAU03) Pled Allenoe am Alinoq wnwixew (aiej Alinoq of Aieles lenuue IJaAUO:)) pled Allenoe aiej Alinoq wnwlulw laam le:)idA) e ui paliom saaAoldwa :) dnojo Ile sinoq jo jaqwnu I ei o.L 00,08 SJaAla4sio saSed pled Alinoq awl.) -)Jed ::) dnojo TUET (ami Aljn04 01 4Jeles lenuue IJaAUO:)) pled Allenoe aiej Alinoq wnwixevq (aiej Aiinoq of Ajeles lenuue )JaAUO:)) pled Alleni:)e aiej AlJnoq wnwiuivq laam le:)idAi e ui paliom saaAoldwa 9 dnojo lie sinoq jo jaqwnu I ei oiL IN *_W ­ (salted aw'ii-llnj Suipnl:)Ut) saailclwa lnijal:) pue le:)lu4:)al awii-lied jo awl)-linj :g dno.ID 9f -9jewpsa isaq inoA Alddns lumoul jou sl jaqwnu 1:)exa ji -iaam jad paliom sjnOH "A -alew Jot w pue aiewaj jot j asn -xas 'Al Apnjs Ja4linj jnO,411M,10 411m "e'lPaw leuotiezmpa jo Agolou4:)a,). letJoionjisui uoill,e,wjo,j,ui Idi4s,ueijejq!l, ui aaiSap sjaisew e (t,) jolpla,!4 asoy ut Apnis a4enpeig, awos jn040mio qi!m pue elpaw j,euogeanpo jo, d14s - ue,tjejq!l ui�� (sj,n04 JalsawaS 90 joujw e iseal le 41,!m *agap Sdolaqaecl e (f),plaij oafqns e ut, Apnis, al,enpejS inoq)!m jo qi!m pue a:)uai:)s Ajejq!l ui jouiw P uey ssal qi!m aajgap s,iolaq:)eq e (Z) aajgap s,iolaq:)eq e uey ssal (0: uopnnpa jewjoj jo ivaixa ay ainipui of apo:) Suimolloj a4i ui jaqwnu aieijdoidde Isa4Siq ay asn -uoipsocl Jay/sty jo alpi I)y pio:)aj lueljpjq!l jaqio q3ea joj -suoij!sod asa4i jo q:)ea of paielai Aloajip jo jo:)ijsijaoejPq:) saimp ui laam Atom Jay/sly 10 %SL Mal ie spuads AlielnSai 04m uosiad q:)ea,,upijejq!l a:)U;aiaiaj io Iueiieiq!l s,uajpl!q:),, ,1jaSoleie:),.. se Apivapj '11 luelieiq!l peat' ueqi jaqio uoillsod lUe:)eAAue apnl:)ui jou cKi -aaAoidwa JO aweN *ueijv,,jqjj e, iou uovad jaqio jo jageuew ssauisnq e 9 dnojo ui iuno -sainipsqns wial-iJOLls se paAoldwa suosjadaPnj-.)ut i,ou o(j papaalu j! a2ted, Ja4l,Oue' 3 4:)el)V 'IA -1 suwnloz) ui paisanbai uoiiewjojui a4i aAlS PUT 4molaq auil ajejed'as e uo aaAojdwa V, dno,jo 4:ma isil .31a Isisi p .leads lenSIA01 0 pne pue eipaw "sueiiejq!l leuOlssa)OJd :V dnw!) 1E 40 -(Ajejqil aqj Aq pled alcload Jo; Aluo) ejeC] jjeiS *gc Z m • (aeaA jejsq aq, jo step )5el aqj jo se snips jjocla�) 13NNOS113d 1 -0 10 1 m2: w w PO w w w w w CD rs> to w ,-4 c) m -4 Ln "%%J **-J --4 -4 --j %%4 -4 (n *-%1 --4 -4 -4 -4 %-4 X CD L" Ln 6 6 z n Ln Ln to Ln c71 m m;o m Cl L/) I ;PIZ q< m C-1 m ;o C-) --i C -A -a -Pb --i M X :rla CD C) m m r- ;;a �Do cli CD C) D> 1-0 I ;o I m r— zo zo cn m 0 VI ;o a ;v C-) ;0 -0 Z r-4 CN 0) > ;D --4 n m= to m = m (D C> M r-4 Ln :t*.* (A ;o ;0 MC) N r- I m m N) N3 N) w VI NI Ln 110 rN.) %V Ln w -4 w *-J %f m w w %# rll-.. 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U- Lt C:) W K[ Z U CC) H Z Z w W 1 U Ct U U L --i Cl U V 6-4 CL it F-- 1 C:> I 1 G3 I I F- J KC 1 CSG to C'J' C) F- C) C� U 1 ►-+ UJ F-- W 0 -4 ` '-- W 3 cr_ 34 W m dC Ur (m C) GD t /) = m W ?- Ca KFC J GSC I W � d Cr- V) 0-� to Kt -.i m U W z OGuj W I ►-� r -i "� W Y J ui +� CSG I.L.. W J Q N4 �- 4 WLL-_ U _ CJI L]C CK: Cr- W CI W C�^i u r--4 F-- C.3 W W ble Y V) I K[ CL C> • W Z O i V) KC J C> -j Z Z W I J1 U W W • _ • U W CSL J W M: I KCI WKC W F-- CL N W bG W m 1 V 1 U W . F-- W CL m _i KC ca CSG W Z W W CL J Z 1 w W Ul J U j W F- C/7 s < < w W Z J W C) = 1 M CK: = Z W Z W W (- N cn ',:+• W 0-4 E --f C) E-+ U M C) CSC H S h U X W H CSC < W .J W U W Q U CL W I < .J = C) < E--+ CC < Q J KC Ca 1-- CL < KC �-+ KC F-1 V) !.L J U < .-•. co G7 G7 G7 O C) J Y t C► .-+ .-a ti)r-I n C� C; C► Kz w I C) r. n n «* r.. CD C) CD U Q 1 . I 1 r%%. in C?t w 0) .ti N A U-) w r4 w CT w i^,. w ko 94 ,. 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U- Lt C:) W K[ Z U CC) H Z Z w W 1 U Ct U U L --i Cl U V 6-4 CL it F-- 1 C:> I 1 G3 I I F- J KC 1 CSG to C'J' C) F- C) C� U 1 ►-+ UJ F-- W 0 -4 ` '-- W 3 cr_ 34 W m dC Ur (m C) GD t /) = m W ?- Ca KFC J GSC I W � d Cr- V) 0-� to Kt -.i m U W z OGuj W I ►-� r -i "� W Y J ui +� CSG I.L.. W J Q N4 �- 4 WLL-_ U _ CJI L]C CK: Cr- W CI W C�^i u r--4 F-- C.3 W W ble Y V) I K[ CL C> • W Z O i V) KC J C> -j Z Z W I J1 U W W • _ • U W CSL J W M: I KCI WKC W F-- CL N W bG W m 1 V 1 U W . F-- W CL m _i KC ca CSG W Z W W CL J Z 1 w W Ul J U j W F- C/7 s < < w W Z J W C) = 1 M CK: = Z W Z W W (- N cn ',:+• W 0-4 E --f C) E-+ U M C) CSC H S h U X W H CSC < W .J W U W Q U CL W I < .J = C) < E--+ CC < Q J KC Ca 1-- CL < KC �-+ KC F-1 V) !.L J U < .-•. co .�--. % ..-. M rn r -'J •C 'n --�; c7Ci C"3 Cn -n v C'-) Cj m M r• C"1 t� Cn m o 1 �-+ :C4 Z :9>M m � 1-4 Z � Z �� � � N M i C-) av Ln I I m �• y 3� --r m 3> :> . av C� -v r m it 3 --� —1 r _ `-i i rte- 1 rn un � to it m -v co m m -ca 7c w ' r —! s 7C. m X x A "��' N• X c� C a cr, r r- - I C') m r av ac• -•c cin ]� I � � c rte- M roc C.A H i m ;a r -n Cn v o •� I —I cn .-� C► Z ]� I � ,�, M r m w-+ 7c r•r Cn L r m --� cn p m r -c C-) --t C -x -a iC7 I m Cn Z r- r C'7 C>am') , ' m to � m m a c1C:) s r r •I M I �z 1 rC IM �cn X Ln Cn Cn CA (n � '� Cn � C) 0 'Q C1 i m C C G C C :vM S I C> > CD n :PM DO' cn Cn cn to cn Cn m M m M m m r, ;o CD m —I M .+C --1 --I CD CD r-- r r r— r r-- r (n 3�0 -v 1-4)� :1-.xrn m i C) — CD CD C► CD C7 I r rc < < M<< •c �� CA m 7c � o c� v v Cl Ca m r ;v M m m M m m I= w m —I Gn MM tin cin i prt O H r -•f �-+ w-+ r ,U :C7 ;a ;o iv :C? I rn M --1 --I —I H -n Ln m L-) Ga C> -E -•C M r r, Z r -y I t�/I Dv c-) m ((n C'� n T.� C) r C) Cn 11 cn r ;o r r— cn cn z folp C/7 �+-+ C) I C► C/1 Im �M c� rr c 1-+ !-� N F-• I--� �-+ F-� H �--� t--+ 1-+ N 4--� 1-' N F--+ F-� �+ i--� N F-+ 1-+ CD I Ln -n -n s -n 5i -n "n -n -n m -n -n -n -n I M I m ►--+ N 1-+ I-+ N C+J Cti1 i--► ♦ F-+ + /� 1-+ �--� F-+ C+J V F-+ tat �--� QO CiJ V W 0 F--� 0 i-� M --i i-+ �-+ 1-a w I ;a C� r ;c C) N r • C,�'I CTI CI • CD .i, • ca`t CT1 • G7 V • CTI V • CTt n v r C► V . 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(p) 0S (q) *0S (p) 6V (q) (P) (p) (q) W (p) (q) 9t ........... . ... ... .. ...... .... -4JI`0,-U,,SQ1Jd b L L Pdv "V17LS-46E ZTF (q) 4unoW *9UL (p) cot M *9t, Y �31 U I I 44OU b, -WT PUUIMUO U ZU FT (p) U tf 596 L L (a) ZUg�3-bg&-&IC (q) U A if A.A id 4 (t:) 'St .A a.A SIP 'Al 41124SOS, 6 t I -440ubv-A A L4 0 A -M (p) d WN S 695b -M-41 t: (q) I TT 77uq L 0 1'' r AUU4,-4,UIV - (e) sjaqwaw jaqiO 99,009 4JcIUI.-#D +UFIUW L sq.A18 - ao L � U00as; -400-44'.S ULU'W S, L ()V (P) E66 L Rof-Ebd-ZEL k4i UU.SITIUR P (e), AJvJaj:)aS Eb 11 4JdW5QAd I qun%l- - vjUz I (p) Zt 66-L—F.E-JdV Le,&Si-ebt:-ZT (q) L.Aid4nj -I pa7fFT (e) jainspail. Zt, -,4Ji3wb,vAd 4,UIIVW (p) P� H7 C66T LT--(-d—V tGC9-LLSf-ZTC' (q) A aqt)fU; L (P) lUaPISaJd-az)!A all a0 4SJ LJ 'Lt, SSDJPPY awOH aialdwo:) 9904 11 1140CICISO-Ad 4unoW -OW 64,aa-4S U0SA9w3 "N 61T,, I (p) SPU3 wealluasaJd Ua4M A I? aU04dolol apo:) eaiv) awed ot, .. . ......... . . . . 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Name of librar Address.. attorney John J. Zimmerman 312 51 t Road Telephone 11,90 E hibu r, Mount Prospect,,f 11 60056 X No 52 52. is the custodian of library funds a member of the board? Yes 53. Surety company covering custodian of funds: National Ben Frank] in ,Ins . 53 54. Amount of surety bond $ "1 10,400, n 54 NOTE-. Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 81, requires that the bond be "'not less than 50% of the total funds received by the library in the last fiscal year"" for municipalities of less than 50,000 population (Paragraph 4-9), and for public library districts (Paragraph 1004-10). 55. Name of certified public accountant employed by the library or your corporate authority: 55 Karrison and Bvrne- Address: 211 S., Wheaton Aye. .. Wbeatnn.,,.1­,11 Name: 60187 56. Person to contact (if necessar�") concerning the information reported on this form: Name: Patricia A.,,,,, -Ke �y Telephone: 312) 251-5675 .. . ........ ... 56 CERTIFICATION 57. This annual report is filed by the undersigned public library pursuant, to Chapter 81, Section 4-10, 11,1111nols Revised Statutes, for the fiscal year commencing Mdy 1 - and. ending ADril, 3jl-- 19_2B_ Report the beginning and dates (month, day, and year) o �'your most recently completed fiscal year. 57 M '0 5,ROSPECT PU IM, PROSPECT PU BRARY 58 58. Legal name of library 59. Signature of the librarian 59 i �ts essential accuracy and transmits it to the The � oard ofd"' ecto herewith accepts the above report., Cert� I 'y ccor c w I I I,, in is State rary n ccordance with the above stat IL lip .0 _.. 01,60 60. etary (signature) President (signature) Requires the signature of the secretary and president of the current library board. 19:j 9- 61 61 61. Date signed by the president and secretary of the board. One-time questions on topics of current interest: (Circle answers) la. Are there any functions in your library that are automated? Ces no 1b. If you answered YES to question la, are the following functions automated? Circulation control 0� e�y no Cataloging es no Access to other libraries' collections e no Reference use of data bases noe Book ordering ei) '2 no Financial record keeping 4 no Indexing Other (specify) Printing/Newsletter/Publicity production Cu5,1 no no 2a. Is your library actively involved in a local adult literacy effort? des i no 0 SOA 10.l<aJ94 uo l 4.1 P Pe up 40 uo l .�oaja pup uo 14.onj.l suoo 944. pup 6u 1 P I l nq Ajejq ! l o l l qnd 6u l..s l xe e44. 6u l -AOjdwl 10 s..soo ay., ;o .�uowAed ay.l jo; panss l eq (000`oos`g ) sie1loo puesnoyl peipunH eAIJ u01111W x l S 6u l paaoxa 4.ou 4.unowe up u l .l oedsojd � unoW � o e6e l 1 l A 044. }o spuoq ep l Ao.id 4.oadsoad 4.0 noW ;o afie I I 1 A 944. jo se 1.1 l jo44.ne 9.1.eJodJoo ey.� 11 e4S 133dSo Ud W ,40 39V331 A 341 30 SH013313 3N1 Ol Nol .Ls3nb 01-Wd L961 `i 839K,3AON s 1 oN 1111 l AiNnco mm imusoud 1Nno1 .40 39Y111 A 101-W 1V 131:130 OFFICIAL BALLOT Y I LLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS NOVEMBER' 3 & 1987 PUBLIC QUESTION TO THE ELECTORS OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT Shall the annual library tax for maintenance and operation of the Mount Prospect Public Library i n the Village of Mount Prospect be increased from 0.23% of full fair cash value to 0.30% of full fair cash value of al 1 taxable property, as equalized or assessed by the Illinois Department of Revenue? Yes_____ No- wiOf W siq) PaMOIAoqm jagwaw jjejs tuaisAs jo aweu linj -V PLOLiz kL LON . Laded Nuo asn wai54s joj) -D)a f,ajqej!eAeapewpuepajaqje2 uoijewiojui aa,5 of a)i!lpinom noA sDido).jaqlo)eqm uo'.iamsueol noAioj lInD!jj!p wam suoti5anb)eqm'w.jqjs#qiaAojdwi un am moqoisesuoi)sa2linsiosivawLuo:) Modal siqi of qZ)eljeOj pa)!AU/ ajenoA -AJe.Jq!7 ajejS aqj oi leuigi-io aqi puri pue fja)uaD qajeasa8 Aie1q!7 51OU1111 JO A)!SJaA,unaq) joj pjiq) e "jlas)! .sol jaqjoue anew -noA o) Adoaoioqd e uiniaj Ipm sia).jenbpeaq wa)sAs aqL -vaiienbpeaq waisAs Ajejq!j snort o) Ado:) pau'als /eulspo auo P'Ua5 pue )UaWU.IaAOS le:)olinoA of AdoD auo puri aseald -1.jodai siqi 2upaldwoa to not 4ueq X SJap!AOjd A:)ejai!l jayo qi!AA SuiiejadOOD I UOII!IeO:) A:)eJal!l (e:)Ol e UO SUIAJ,3S Rslielialew joint jo juapnls jo AqdeiSojlq!q jo juaLudola'Aa(] slepajew 1E!uoilowojd SuiuSisap pue SuidolaAa(] welsoid beiaiij le:)ol e of sioinj pue sluapnis SuijjajaN axis Suiuiejl jo Suijolnl e Se SUIAJaS low uoll:)allo:) AjelnqE:)OA mol/isajami qSiq e SutuiewievN 0 x 40 weiSoid A:)ejai!l paseq-Ajejq!l e SulleuIP100D E (sal)Ajosale:) aieijdoidde ay 1:)aq:) 2ap!AOjd nog( op Sa:)IAJaS A:)BJal!l iinpe to adAi ieqm 'ez of SgA paiamsue not jl -qz aOTA.19S TPToadSIS P9'4leUbTSi9p aq TTetls '000"05c$ go -4unom-e Tied-rou-cad 94eb9abbe Ue pansST UT PTOs pue aq TTeqs ObeTTTA 9tP 90 spuoq a 9 e9le 90TAa9s TeToads 'UOT4eTadojdde PTEs bUTOUeUTJ go asodand aq4 aOa *000109E$ 90 wins Bq4 P94eTadoadde Aqaaaq sT aaaqq 'P9ZTaotj4nv UTOaeq spuoq 9q4 go aouensST JO SqSOO 9qq pUe a9qmqoqG a 0 8861 JT 04 4S9a94UT P9ZTTe4Tdeo bUTpnTOUT '9OUeUTPaO STqq JO I UOT409S UT paqTaosap S4U9M9AOadMT 9q4 JO 4SOO P94e=4S9 Otiq go 4aed a 6 a 49am os -SpuOS 30 8=91 puv UOTIVZTZoq4nv *a UOT4098 do 0 p -STOUTTTI l4oadsoad qunoli go 0 8 9beTTTA OM4 Aq uaXe4a9pun ao apem aq oq p9zTjoxj4ne Aqeaaq qoea eae '99LE sox 9DUeUTPaO PTEs UT peqTaOs9P ATavTn3Tqaed aaom se ITe 'S4UeUI9AOadMT bUTOb9aOj 9ql *A&9 aOCCUMN e9aV OOTAa9S TeToadS qoadsoad qunoN go ObeTTTA bUT 0 -qSTTqeqsa OOURUTPaO UVgl 0 0 :P9T4T4u9 Pue 'L86T 18 TTadv uo 4oadsoad 4unoK go 9beTTTA aqq go seaqsnal go paeog pue 4uepTsead aqq Aq pe4dope '99LE sox aoueuTpao Aq p949Tqe4sa Ge6aV BOTAaOS TvTo9dSjj 0 0 aqq) 9 aeqmnX e9aV 80TA.19S TeToadS 4oadsoad 4unoj4 go 9beTTTA a 0 944 UTq4TA 5XTem6PTs Pue saames uLlo4s 'SAVMPeOa JO 4U9M9AOadulT 4 a Oq4 bUTOUeUTJ go asodand aqq aoj seqn4eqs P9STA8H STOUTTTJ a 0 0 a 9 9q4 90 -B-9s 49 'LOFT UOT409S IOZT a9qdeqD pue OL61 JO UOTqnqT4s a Op -UOD STOUTIJI Otiq JO IIA 9TOT4aV JO 9 UOT409S o4 quensand pa4dope a a 0 0 ST 9DUeUTPaO STtll -esocinta a Puv A4TzOq4nV *T uOT94099 :SM0flUO3 SV 'sIONIuaI 110adsoud maoia ao aovariiA alll SIOxIqqI 110adsoud INnow ao avvqriiA alll aO SUNOS XVI GalIKIqNfl XIS HaSKaN Vag aDIA*daS qVIDadS 000'09C$ aO aDNYfISSI alll ONIZI'dOHIfIV aONVNIGIIO Area Number Six Unlimited Tax Bonds", and shall be issuable in the denominations of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof. Bonds shall be numbered consecutively from 1 upwards in order of their issuance and may bear such identifying numbers or letters as shall be useful to facilitate the registration, transfer and exchange of bonds. Unless otherwise determined in the order to authenticate the bonds, each bond shall be dated as of the interest payment date next preceding the date of issuance thereof, except that (a) if such date of issuance shall be prior to the first interest pay- ment date, said bond shall be dated as of July 1, 1988, (b) if such date of issuance shall be an interest payment date, said bond shall be dated as of such interest payment date, or (c) if inter- est due on said bond shall not have been paid in full, then not- withstanding any of the,foregoing provisions, said bond shall be dated as of the date to which 'Interest has been paid in full on said bond. The bonds shall mature on December 1 in each year shown in the following table in the respective principal amount set forth opposite each such year and the bonds maturing in each such year shall bear interest at the respective rate per annum set forth opposite such year: Principal Interest Principal Interest Year -Amount Rate Year Amount Rate 1989 $10F000 1997 $25rOOO 1990 10F000 1998 30,000 1991 15F000 1999 30f000 1992 15,,000 2000 35r000 1993 15,000 2001 35f000 1994 15,000 2002 35f000 1995 20,000 2003 35,?000 1996 25f000 -C- • pameepa,z C_ -Pameepaj aq 04 joaaaq4 qunomv TedTOUTad eq4 04 Tpnbe 0 a 9OTad UOT4dmapea P 4e 94ep 4uamAvd 4S"9294UT Aug uo PUP 866T 11 a9qm9o9Q uo 'A4Tan4pm OTbUTS e UTOq4TA 40T Aq Pup A4Ta -n4pui go a9pao OSaeAUT UT 'POPTAOad UT9a9q SU 9OT40U uodn pup ebPT 6 0 0 0 -TTA 9q4 JO UOT4do, aq4 4e A4Tan4pm 04 aOTad UOT4dmepea o4 4oaCqns Sq TTeqs 6 6 6 T JT l9qM909U a94JR 20 UO bUTan4em spuoq qqj - s400q UOT4Pa4STb9a 9q4 UO bUTapeddp S9SS9aPPP aT9T44 4P S28UMO pqae4sTbqa m It 0 9 guns 04 P9TTPm 4JPap ao, 4oeqo Aq PTPd aq Tlvqs spuoq eq4 uo 4se a -aa4uI -94pp queuiApd 489a94UT elqpOTTddp aq4 bUTpeoead 4xeu q4uom 0 a 0 aPPU9TP3 9q4 JO AVP q4ST 9q4 UO SS9UTsnq go 950TO 9q4 90 sP 'aPa4 .sTbea puoq aq4 go OoTjjo qsna4 94paoda= TpdTDUTad eq4 4v asod -and eons aoj 9bPTTTA 9q4 Aq p9UTP4UTPUI sXooq UOT4Va4STbOa OT44 UO bUTaeedde joaaeq4 paonea JO SaOUMO P8294STbOa 944 o4 94ep 4ueuiAed qS9a94UT goes uo 9TqvAvd eq TTP9s spuoq sq4 uo 4seae4u2 -spuoq eq4 aoj 4uebv buTAvd pup aga4STb9a puoq Se P94UTodde Aqaaeq ST 0 0 a 0 qOTqM OSTOUTTTI 'ObVDTqD 9q4 UT 'ObPDTqD go Auedmoo 4snal a 0 0 JO A4TO a & PUP 3[UPS TVUOT49X UPOT29MY JO ODTJJO 4sna4 94paodaOD TedTOUTad sq4 4e joeaeq4 aepuaaans pup UOT4vquesead uodn VOTaOMY JO S94e4S pa4Tufl eq4 go Aauom jnjmPT UT eTqvAed eq TTRqs spuoq 9q4 90 TpdTO -UTad aql 'P9UTMa9q9P UT9a9q mnuup ,zed sa4va aq4 4e T a9qm9o9G pup T aunr qove uo ae4jeeaeq4 AlTenuueTM9S Pug 886T 'T aeqmeoea UO POTa9MV JO UT aTqvAed a S94e4S P94Tun 9q4 JO ASUOm TnjmvT . PUP Sq4UOM APP OC 9AT9A4 JO bUT4STSUOO ae9A App 09C e JO STSeq 9q4 uo pe4ndmoo J94eP s4T mOa3 4S9a94UT aeaq TTeqs PuOq goes In the event of the redemption of leas than all the bonds of like maturity, the aggregate principal amount thereof to be redeemed shall be $5,000 or an integral multiple thereof and the bond registrar shall assign to each bond of such maturity a distinctive number for each $5,000 principal amount of such bond and shall select by lot from the numbers so assigned as many num- bers as, at $5,000 for each number, shall equal the principal amount of such bonds to be redeemed. The bonds to be redeemed shall be the bonds to which were assigned numbers so selected; provided that only so much of the principal amount of each bond shall be redeemed as shall equal $5,000 for each number assigned to it and so selected. Notice of the redemption of bonds shall be mailed not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days prior to the date fixed for such redemption to the registered owners of bonds to be redeemed at their last addresses appearing on said registration books. The bonds or portions thereof specified in said notice shall become due and payable at the applicable redemption price on the redemption date therein designated, and if, on the redemption date, moneys for payment of the redemption price of all the bonds or portions thereof to be redeemed, together with interest to the redemption date, shall be available for such payment on said date, and if notice of redemption shall have been mailed as aforesaid (and notwithstanding any defect therein or the lack of actual receipt thereof by any registered owner) then from and after the redemption date interest on such bonds or portions thereof shall cease to accrue and become payable. If there shall be drawn for QC -9- 9q4 Pup 4u9PTs9Ad 9bvTTTA s4T go san4eUbTS OTTUITSDej P9ZTaoq4ne 20 Tpnuvm atiq Aq ObVTTTA 9'q4 90 9MPU 9q4 UT pe4noexe aq Tlpqs a puoq qopa OuOT4vOT4u9q4nv pint UOT4nO9xZ *t uOT4098 ospuoq qq4 go aoTad asrqoand TTnj aq4 go 4uemApd uodn 4uama4p4s TRTOTJJO aq4 PUP spuoq eqq go l%a9ATj9P PUP UOT4nO6X9 aadoad aq4 bUTpnTOuT 'spuoq 0 0 a a aq4 go aougnsST Oq4 aOj ItaVS8909U bUTq4 Aa9A9 PUP qOV9 9bPTTTA 9q4 JO JTeqaq uo ao aoj pamaojaad ao suop aq o4 asneo ao luuoj -.xad pup OP PBZT 0-4'P;94O9aTP PUP aoq4ne Aqeaaq eav 9bRTTTA 9q4 go a 0 STPTOTJJO a9q4O PUP Xa9TD 9bPTTTA '4u9PTs9ad 9bvTTTA Bql -paAoadde Aqaaeq ST spuoq aq4 o4 4oadsaa X14Tm peavdead 4u9ma4Pqs 9 IPTDTJJO 9qj -POULITJUOO PUP P9TjT4ea Aqaaaq ST '20j9aOT44 4U9M 6 a 0 4 0 -Aed pup A19ATTOP JO 94PP Oq4 04 94ep aT9q4 MOaj qseae4uT pananov pup JO OOTad e qP lagsvqoand sp 0 sq spuoq eqq go aTes aql -XZOATTGa Vuv 9TVS *c UOT4098 -puoq ilons JO UOT4aod e 10 TTV UOT4dmapea aoi 94RUbTS9P pTnoo qOTIIM UOTqdmapea JO 8OT40U P 90 buTPm Oq4 bUTpooead 4xau sApp 0 91 JO POTa9d e bUTanp puoq Aue abueqoxe ao a9jSUVa4 04 pSaTnbea aq qou TTeqS aeJ4STb92 puoq eql -P9TTvm uaaq SVq J09a9q4 UOT4 10 -jod P ao TTe JO UOT4dmapea aq4 go OOT40U a84je puoq Aue abueqoxa 0 a aO I9JSUeJ4 04 pOaTnbea aq qou ITeqS aea4STbOa puoq eqj 0 0 -joqaqq4 9ldT4Tnm TVAb94UT AUe ao 000jgt JO UOT42UTMOU9p 9q4 ;0 PUP A4Ta 0 0 a 0 -n4vm OXTT go spuoq Jpeaepuaaans os puoq eq4 go ODURTeq pameapeaun 9q4 aOJ 'JO9a9q4 aeumo aq4 o4 ebjeqo 4noq4TzA 'puoq Bons go a9puej -ans eqq uodn Ja9ATT9P PUP 94POTqu9q4ne TTVqs 2Pa4STbOa puoq eqq a a 0 pup aqno9x9 TTRqs 9bvTTTA Oq4 'puoq P JO Up U2q4 SSOT UOT4dmapea a corporate seal of the Village, or a facsimile thereof, shall be thereunto affixed or otherwise reproduced thereon and attested by the manual or authorized facsimile signature of its, Village Clerk. In case any officer whose signature, or a facsimile of whose signature, shall appear on any bond shall cease to hold such office before the issuance of the bond, such bond shall neverthe- less be valid and sufficient for all purposes, the same as if the person whose signature, or a facsimile thereof, appears on such bond had not ceased to hold such office. Any bond may be signed, sealed or attested on behalf of the Village by any person who, on the date of such act, shall hold the proper office, notwithstand- ing that at the date of such bond such person may not have held such office. No recourse shall be had for the payment of any bonds against any officer who executes the bonds. Each bond shall bear thereon a certificate of authenti- cation executed manually by the bond registrar. No bond shall be entitled to any right or benefit under this ordinance or shall be valid or obligatory of any purpose until such certificate of authentication shall have been duly executed by the bond regis- trar. Section S, Transfer, Exchange and Registry. The bonds shall be negotiable, subject to the provisions for registration of transfer contained herein. Each bond shall be transferable only upon the registration books maintained by the Village for that purpose at the principal corporate trust office of the bond regis-- tray, by the registered owner thereof in person or by his attorney duly authorized in writing, upon surrender thereof together with a jaq4gqm 'puoq Bons go aeumo eqnTosqe aqq se sXooq UOT4924STbaa 0 a aq4 uodn P9a94STb9a aq lTvqs puoq Aup SMPU 9SOqM UT uosied aqq 4P9a4 PUP M99P AVM aVa4gTbOa puoq aqq pup ObeTTTA 9ql 0 -spuoq paoejgp ao paAoa4sep '4sOT go 4u8m902Td9a 9q4 UJ9AOb TTPqs 400 4U9ma0RTd9H puoq STOUTTTI 9q4 90 SUOTSTAOad aqj -abueqoxa ao a9isupa4 Mons a AT bUTXPM JO 9b9lTd aq4 m aoj appaq ITeqs abaeqo 8 1 29q4O ON -a9JsuPa4 ao abupqoxe Mons 9b9TTAT bUT42M JO ad aq4 0 4 JO OSTOaOX9 eqq o4 4ugpeoead UOT4TPUOO e SV a9jSUVa4 ao qbUpqOX9 4 0 Bans buTqsanbea uosaad aq4 Aq pTpd aq TTRqs sums ao urns qOTqM '29J 9 -Suea4 ao abueqoxe eons o4 4oadsaa g4TM PT2d 9q 04 pBaTnbaa abapqo a TP4u9mU29AOb aeq4o AO 991 lxe4 Aue ,zoo 4T asanqmTea o4 4uaTo -Tjjns 9baRqO e 9XeM AeM aeaqSTb9a puoq aq4 ao sbeTTTA aq4 'spuoq JO aSJSUea4 JO UOT4ea4STb9a aO 9bUPq3X9 goes A29A9 200 090 -aaaq4 oTdT4Tnm Tez1b94UT AUe aO 000'9$ JO SUOT4eUTUlOU9P OtJ4 JO PUP 94ea 4s9aa4uT pup A4Tan4em awes aq4 go spuoq go qunome TedTouTad a 0 64eb9abbe Tenbe up aoj pabueqoxe aq hear 'bUT4TaA UT P92TaOq4ne ATnp Aeuao44e STq aO a9 Mo POa94STb9a aq4 Aq pe4noexg ATnp laea4 a a -STb9a puoq aq4 04 AaO4OejST4eS 4U9MrU4SUT U944TaA e q4TM 'aea4 4 6 0 0 -STb8a puoq aq go 90TJJO 4sTu4 94eaOclaOO TediDUTad aq4 4e joaaaq4 a to aepuaians uodn Ispuoq -Puoq peaepueaans 9q4 SP 94ea 4S;9a9-4UT PUP A4Tan4pm l4unOme TedTOUTad 94ebaabbe aures aq4 go 'qqaqjsueaq a 9 6 9q4 go 9MPU 9qq UT p9a94STb92 spuoq ao puoq mau P a9ATT9P PUP 94e0T4U9q4nP TTVqS 2Pa4STb9a puoq aq4 pup 94noexe 4 4 TTvqs 9bRTTTA aq4 'puoq eons Auv go aegsuvaq aoj a9puaaans aq4 uodn -Aauao44v P9ZTaoq4nv ATnp STq aO a9UMO P9a94STb9a aq4 Aq pg4noexe ATnp pup 0 6 0 JPaqSTb9a puoq 9q4 04 A1040ejST49S a9jSUVa4 JO quouina4SUT U844TaM a 6 0 such bond shall be overdue or not, for the purpose of receiving payment of, or on account of, the principal of or interest thereon and for all other purposes whatsoever, and all such payments so made to any such registered owner or upon his order shall be valid and effectual to satisfy and discharge the liability upon such bond to the extent of the sum or sums so paid, and neither the Village nor the bond registrar shall be affected by any notice to the contrary. Section 6. Bond Registrar. The Village covenants that it shall at all times retain a bond registrar with respect to the bonds, that it will maintain at the designated office of such bond registrar a place where bonds may be presented for payment and registration of transfer or exchange and that it shall require that the bond registrar maintain proper registration books and perform the other duties and obligations imposed upon it by this ordinance in a manner consistent with the standards, customs and practices of the municipal securities business. The bond registrar shall signify its acceptance of the duties and obligations imposed upon it by this ordinance by executing the certificate of authentication on any bond, and by such execution the bond registrar shall be deemed to have certi- fied to the Village that it has all requisite power to accept, and has accepted such duties and obligations not only with respect to the bond so authenticated but with respect to all the bonds. The bond registrar is the agent of the Village and shall not be liable in connection with the performance of its duties except for its own negligence or default. The bond registrar shall, however, be MC �6- eap spuoq 9q4 U94M P949Tdmoo AT94PTadoadde aq o4 sXupTq 9q4 luuoj 0 bUTmOTTOJ 9q4 ATTVT-4UVqSqnS UT aq TTeqs Pug spuoq POa94ST59a ATTnj a 10 a sv pansST aq TTRqs spuoq eql 'spuoq ;o =oj eq 'V92Y 90TAa9S TeToads O144 UT A4aadoad eTqpxvq aq4 TTP uodn qunouip ao 94Ra 04 Se UOT4e4TMTT 4nog4TM P9TABT 0 0 0 s9xR4 m9aOTPA PR MOaj AT9TOs 9TqvAvd BbRTTTA 9q4 go SUOT4PbTTqo 0 19 aq ITeqs spuoq aql 'BPUOa XVI M920TVA Py *L UOT4098 eXaOA m9N JO 94P4S PUP A4TO 'UP44pqupw go qbnoaoq eqq ao TanosSTH 'STnoq '4S JO A4TO 9q4 'STOUTTTI 90 94P4S 9144 UT OOTJJO bUTUTP4UTeM UOT4PTOOSSR 0 0 4sM'4 94vaO(1200 TedTOUTad s4T 0 0 a 0 0 bUTNueq TVUOT49U aO Auvdmoo 4sna4 13[ueq e aq TTV49 uOT409S STq4 JO SWOTSTAOad sq4 IOPUn P94UTodde aeaqST69a puoq Auy -4uam4uTodde 0 0 0 6 0 qOnS a94je SAPP A4U8M4 UTq4TM SPUOq JO a6UMO P9a84STb9a q399 04 0 8 4T Aq OP2DI 9OT40U 4U9M4UToddP qons Aug JO 4 0 TTPM Tlvqs ObPTTTA 9ql *aea4STb9a puoq aoss000ns P 4UToddv uodneasq4 TTTM 4T 4vq4 S98abe PUP S4UVU9AOO 9beTTTA 9144 aea4ST 'SaTVjje ao A4asdoad s4T 90 aO fta a 0 puoq aq4 JO TOa4uO3 ao abaeqo 9424 TTRqs aOOTJJO OTlqnd Aug jT ao 'P94UToddv aq IT2qs IA4aadoad sqT go ao 'aPa4STb9a puoq aq4 go aoq -PtLaasuoo ao ao4vpTnbTT 'aOAT909a 9 JT ao '4U9ATOSUT ao 4dnaXupq P pebpnCpe 9q TTvqs ao JbUT40R 90 9TqRdPOUT amooaq TTeqs ao P9AOM6a aq TTRqs ao UbTs9a TTeT4S aea4STbOa puoq aq4 OUIT4 Aug 4v' aspo UI 0 0 0 '9MT4 Aug 49 aPa4STb9a PUOq aq4 9A0M9a ARM 9bvTTTA 9ql .h 0 -spuoq aq4 uo uoT4vo UT UOTqv4u9s9ad9a Aug ao 9TqTsuodsaa -T4U9q4nP JO 94ROTJT4290 S4T a 0 0 United States of America State of Illinois County of Cook VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER SIX UNLIMITED TAX BOND INTEREST RATE MATURITY DATE The VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, a municipal corporation and a home rule unit of the State of Illinois situate in the County of Cook, acknowledges itself indebted and for value received hereby promises to pay, solely from the source herein described, to the registered owner hereof, or registered assigns, the principal sum of Dollars on the maturity date specified above, and to pay interest on such principal sum from the date hereof at the interest rate per annum specified above, computed on the basis of a 360 day year consisting of twelve 30 day months and payable in lawful money of the United States of America on December 1, 1988 and semiannually thereafter on June 1 and December 1 in each year until the principal sum shall have been paid, by check or draft mailed to the registered owner of record hereof as of the 15th day of the calendar month next preceding such interest payment date, at the address of such owner appearing on the registration books maintained by the Village for such pur- pose at the principal corporate trust office of American National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago, in the City of Chicago, -lo- MAC e 4e 94ep 4uamAed 4S9294UT AUe UO pup 866T 'T aaqmao9(j uo 'AqTan4pm UTq4TA 9TbUTS P 40T Aq pug A4Tanqem go japao a a 9Sa9AUT UT 'PBPTAOad UT9a9q SP 9DT40U uodn pup 85VTTTA 9q4 JO UOT4do aq4 qP A4Tan4vm oq aOTad UOT4dmapea 04 4O9Cqns 9aP 666T 'T aaqmeoaa a94je aO UO bUTan4vui SOT29S Bons go spuoq sqj *L86T 18 TTadV uo 9beTTTA Oq4 JO see4snal JO PaeOg Pup W9PTsOad aq4 Aq peqdopv 9OURUTPaO use o4 4uvnsand 119 P9aV OOTAaSS TgToaft 4oadsoad 4unoN go 96VTTTAis 9q4 SV P94PUBTSOP 0 ObRTTTA 9q4 go Reap 4Pq4 UT A4aadoad elqvxp4 aq4 uodn 4unomv aO 64va 04 Sv U0164P4TMTT gnoggTM PSTA9T qq o4 a S9XP4 M9JOTPA PP MOIJ AT9TOS OTqpAed eap S9TaSS 11 PTRS JO spuoq Bq4 JO TTV it 6 0 *TTI l4oadsoad 4unOK JO 9bvTTTA 9q4 STOUT 90 SPUO9 Xel P94TMT,Tun XTS a9C(MnN P9aV OOTA.19S TgToeds 000loge$ JO OOUPnSSI Oq4 bUTZTaOqqnV 90UPUTpaoll 0 1- 0 :P9T4T4U9 PUP 8861 'TZ aunt uo 9bvTTTA 9q4 JO s994snal JO PaQOq Pup 4u9PTs9ad 9T44 Aq paqdopp 90UPUTPaO up ggTM 90uPPaOOOPUT pup a9pun pup se4n4p4S P9STA9H STOUTIJI Oq4 JO -E—qS 0 a a 49 TOCT UOT409S 'OZT ae4deqO PUP 'OL6T JO UOT4n4T4suoO STOUTTTJ 9q4 JO IIA 9TOT4aV JO 9 UOT409S 0-4 4upnsand pup a9pun T pansST PUP p9Zaoq4ne Oag qDTqM PUP 499a94UT JO 0 1 0 8 949a PUP UOT UOTqdmapea JO 4do IA4Tanqvm '94ep oq see4daoxa aou94 I a OXTT JO ITe 92V qDTqM '000logct go 4unome TvdTOUTad a4pb9abbv 6 a I Oqq UT pansST spuoq jo S9Ta9S P JO 9UO ST puoq STql 'aRA4STb9H PUOS 9q4 a JO 90TJJO 4sna4 94vaOdlOO TvdTOUTad aq4 qv PUOq STqq JO aepuaaans 0 a 9 PUP UOT4e4uasaad uodn VOTaOMY go S94e4s,P94Tun Oq4 90 A9uOm Tnjm2T UT OTqvAed 9q TTTM lanp u9qm TvdTouTad o4 see 'PUOq STqj 0 0 0 0 -STBO*a PUOajj Oq4) aO 2PaqSTbOa puoq se 'STOUTTTI a 20ss6OOns S4T 1 0 4 redemption price equal • i amount thereof • be redeemed. Notice of the redemption of bonds will be mailed not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days prior to the date fixed for such redemption • the registered owners of bonds • be redeemed at their last addresses appearing on such registration books. The bonds or portions thereof speced in said • shall become due and payable at the applicable redemption price • the redemption date therein designated, and on the redemption date, moneys for payment • the redemption price of all the bonds or portions thereof to be redeemed, together with interest to the redemption date, shall be available for such payment on said date, • if notice of redemption shall have been mailed as aforesaid (and notwithstanding any • therein or the lack of actual receipt thereof by any registered owner) then from and,after the redemption date interest on such bonds or portions thereof shall cease to accrue and become payable. This bond is transferable only upon such registration books by the registered owner hereof in person, or by his attorney duly authorized in writing, upon surrender hereof at the principal corporate trust office of the Bond Registrar together with a writ- ten instrument of transfer satisfactory to the Bond Registrar duly executed by the registered owner or by his duly authorized attor- ney, and thereupon a new registered bond or bonds, in the author- ized denominations of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof and of the same aggregate principal amount, maturity and interest rate as this bond shall be issued to the transferee in exchange there- for. In like manner, this bond may be exchanged for an equal M :U*c 233REDo paqTaOsead 4TMTT aaqqo ao 4qap )UgAe UTq4TM ST ObRTTTA 9q4 JO ssau -pa4qapUT a9'q4O TTe X14TM a9q49b04 lauo sT puoq STIq4 T4OTlqM JO spuoq & a 0 90 SOT19S 9114 4RT44 pup lmeT Aq pOaTnbea se aauuem pup u oj 19UIT4 6 2 Ll anp pup apTnblaa 4ST UT pouLiojagd uagq gAeq pup X9 19uop uagq 9,&eq 4 a ObRTTTA 9q4 JO UOT4RbTTqo bUTPUTq pup PTIPA 6 9 0 'lPb9T R 4T 94PM 04 a9pao uT puoq STq4 JO eouensST 944 UT PUP o4 4ugpeoead pauLxojaed 11 0 6 0 aq pup 4STX9 Jouop aq 04 PBaTnb9a SbUTU4 PUP suOT4TPuOO J940e 0 a 0 0 Up 4244 POaPT09P PUP P64TO9a 'P9TJT4a9O Aqeaeq ST qj -aea4STb9H PUOS 9q4 Aq pe4noexe ATnp uaeq 8ARq TIR4S UO9a9q UOT4VOT4u9xj4ne JO 94POTJT4190 9q4 TT4un 9sodind Auv aoj AaO4PbTTqo amooeq ao PTTVA aq 4ou lTpqs puoq STql -a9A9OS4PqM s9sodand a9U40 TTR aOJ Pup uoaaaq gnp T l TpdTOUT 4sgaa4uT Pup ad sq4 io 4un000v uo ao lio 4uauLKpd bU 0 a 0 0 -AT909a jo asodind aq4 aoj joaaaq aeumo 94nTOsqv aq4 se peag4sTbea ST puoq STX14 9MeU OSO4A UT uosagd 894 aOPTsuOO Pup 4POa4 ARm ava4 -sTb9H PuO9 994 Pup 9bRTTTA 9ql 'abueqox9 ao agasuej4 eons bUTXVM JO 9b9TTATjd aq4 aoj apex aq TTeqs obaeqo agq4o off epuoq STq4 jo abuelqoxa ao aajsuva4 gqq o4 4ogdsea 114TM PTPd aq 04 POJTnbea 0 ObavqO Te4UaMUa9AOb a9qqO ao 99J 'XR4 roup aOJ 4T gsanqmTea 04 4U9TOTjjns abavqo v 94PUI AVM aPa4STb9H PUOS 9q4 10 9bvTTTA a a 0 Oql -SUOT49UTMOU9p p9ZTaoq4nP Bons JO Aug 90 PUP 949a 4S9294UT Pup A4Tan4em amvs elq4 jo spuoq jo 4unomv TedTOUTad 94ebeabbv 0 0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Village of Mount Prospect has caused this bond to be executed in its name and on its behalf by the manual or facsimile signature of its Village President, and its corporate seal, or a facsimile thereof, to be hereunto affixed or otherwise reproduced hereon and attested by the manual or fac- simile signature of its Village Clerk. Dated: Village President Attest: Village Clerk CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICATION This bond is one of the Special Service Area Number Six Unlim- ited Tax Bonds, described in the within mentioned ordinance. American National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago, as Bond Registrar By Authorized Officer -14- Mac :ae4upavno san4vubTs a P;9-42ci 'SeSTmead 9qq UT UOTqnqT4sqns go a9mod TTnj 44Tm 'jO9a8q4 UOT4Va4STb9a JOJ 4deX sXooq aq4 uo puoq pTes a 0 eqq aegsueaq 04 Aauao4qp S4UTodde pup s94n4T4suoo ATqPOOA9aaT Aqaaaq pup puoq UTq4Tm Oq4 o4un saagsuva4 PUR SUBTSSP 'sTT9s paubTsaepun 944 POATOO92 anIVA 200 IMMOISSY Section 9. Levy and Extension of Taxes. For the purpose of providing the money required to pay the interest on the bonds when and as the same falls due and to pay and discharge the principal thereof as the same shall mature, there is hereby levied upon all the taxable property in the Special Service Area, in each year while any of the bonds shall be outstanding, a direct annual tax sufficient for that purpose in addition to all other taxes, as 19: TW. N MAO 0 ViT-. - wr4 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 FM W. Tq so - Interest or principal coming due at any time when there shall be insufficient funds on hand to pay the same shall be paid promptly when due from current funds on hand in advance of the collection of the taxes herein levied; and when said taxes shall have been collected, reimbursement shall be made to the said funds in the amounts thus advanced. As soon as this ordinance becomes effective, a copy thereof certified by the Village Clerk, which certificate shall recite that this ordinance has been duly adopted, shall be filed with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois, who is hereby Mt.= -LT- UT P94Tsodap aq TTeqs (OT UOT409S o4 quensand Puna 90W,19S 4qaa 0 a a 886T 6q4 UT p94Tsodap 4unome aq4 go 9ATsnT3x9) spuoq eq4 go OTes 6 a 90 sP9900ad 9q4 JO TTV -Pun& 6P99002d puoa OTT UOT409S -Puna 90TAaOS 4qaa 886T 944 UT P94T -sodap aq TTe4s '886T 'T aaqm9o9a uo spuoq atiq uo gnp 4seag4uT aq4 0 04 Tenbe spuoq eq4 go 9Tes 90 spaaooad aq4 90 UOT4aod V '986T go BPOD 9nU9A9H TVU294UI 9XI4 a9PUn Pung 90TAa9S 4qap apTj vuoq v sv Pa294STUTMPV aq TTv4s Pup 9bvTTTA 944 JO Pung TVTogds V SV P9qSTT -qv4sa Aqaagq ST qOTqM G,PUnj 90TAJ9S 4qea 886Tm 9q4) Puna 90TAJ9 0 S 4qaa 886T VOaV 9OTta9S TVToads 9q4 UT p94Tsodep aq llvqs 'spuoq 9q4 UO 4S9a94UT 9 Pup JO TvdTOUTad eq4 go 4uamAvd aq4 aoj p9sn aq 04 SA9u0m a8q40 Up Pup IsAeuom eons JO TTV -anp amoo amps eqq sv pup uqqm spuoq aq4 uo 4SOJ94UT PUP JO lvdTOUTad bUTAvd o asocland 0 0 0 a i 9TOs 9q4 209 9PTSV 499 PUP UT P9TA9T P94VTadoadde SaR 9a8q SOX24 0 0 a M02J P9ATZ9P SA9UOK -Puna eoTAjeq 4qea eoT u4T4oes anp amooeq amps eq4 se p9zTaoT44nP uTaaaq spuoq eqq uo 4saaa4uT pup 0 0 (A JO TedTOUTad 9q4 bUTAed go asodand eq4 aoj ATOTOs pasn aq TTPqs a 0 0 sexvq goes 'P9409TT00 u9MA 'pup P9409TTOD PUP P9TA9T Sap SaR9A pips aoi sasodand 94eaodaoo Teaeueb aoj s9XP4 s9 aOuuvm 931TT UT 199aV 90TAJ8S JgToadS 9q4 UTq4TM A4aadoad 9Tqpxe4 o4 4oadsaa q4Tm 0 a a P6409TTOO PUP POTA91 aq TTe4s xP4 Tvnuup Bons SaP9A PTPS UT PUP a a '9beTTTA 9q4 JO sesocland 942a0cla= Tva9u9b aoi 9beTTTA aq4 Aq pup UT 'SaR9A PTEs UT PSTA9T s9xP4 a9440 q4TM UOT409UUOO UT sNooq xP4 8q4 UO UOT4091TOO aO 9UMS 9q4 PU94XO 04 PUP '9ATsnTOUT 'ZOOZ 04 8861 SaV9A 9q4 UT P9TA9T aq 04 P9PTAOad aaojaqUT9a9q X24 949b9abbe eq4 aonpoid 04 p9aTnb9a 4uao aad 94pa aq4 UTV4a9OSR 04 P94O9aTp 0 0 0 the Special Service Area 1988 Bond Proceeds Fund (the 111988 Bond Proceeds Fund") which is hereby established as a special fund of the Village. Moneys in the 1988 Bond Proceeds Fund shall be used for the purposes specified in Section 1 of this ordinance and for the payment of costs of issuance of the bonds, but may hereafter be reappropriated and used for other purposes. Before any such reappropriation shall be made, there shall be filed with the Vil- lage Clerk an opinion of a nationally recognized bond counsel to the effect that such reappropriation will not adversely affect the exemption from federal income taxation of interest on the bonds. Section 12, Rebate Fund. The Village hereby estab- lishes a special fund, designated as the Special Service Area 1988 Rebate Fund (the 111988 Rebate Fund"). In the event that the Vil- lage shall invest moneys in the 1988 Bond Proceeds Fund or the 1988 Debt Service Fund in any investments which generate income that must be rebated or paid to the United States of America pur- suant to Section 148(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, such income shall be deposited annually, within 10 days after the anni- versary date of the date of issuance and delivery of the bonds, in the 1988 Rebate • Moneys in the 1988 Rebate • shall be applied to pay such sums as are required • be paid to the United States of America pursuant to Section 148(f) of the Internal Reve- nue Code of 1986 and are hereby appropriated and set aside for such purpose. Moneys in the 1988 Rebate Fund may be • and • for other purposes. No such reappropriation and use shall relieve the Village of i • make payments • 94eATadss v 94n4T:4suO0 0:4 puoq hue asneo p-rnom qeq4 .1;quUlem Au-(? UT pasn aq o4 Jspaeooad eons g4TM P90UVUTJ S9T4TTTOeJ Aue ao Jspuoq 994 go spaeooad eqq go Aue 4Tuuad 40u TTeqs 9beTTTA 941 -Joaaeqq eouensST TVUTbT2O 0 94PP 9tM UO 409[qnS ST puoq goes UO 4SO294UT 11OTtIM 04 8 SBXe4 9MOOUT TeaOP9j 04 UOT4TPPR UT SOXV4 OUXODUT Tva9P9j o4 4oeCqns amooeq 04 puoq Auv uo 4S9a94UT asnvo pTnom UOTSSTUXO ao UOT40R qOTqM 0 0 a 0 0 19XV4 04 jaAod s4T UTq4TA Pup TnjmPT UOT40R AAP 1OXe4 04 4TmO 20 'BXR4 4OU ITe4s 9b2TTTA 6qj 44UVU9A00 ZVI *tT UOT4098 'S9T4TanoaS Aanseeal ss4p4S P94Tufl Bons JO UOT4dmapga 4senbea o4 pup S9T4Tanoas Aanspeal s94v4S P94TUfl eons aoj SUOT4 -dTaosqns '9beTTTA 944 90 gTpqaq uo 14Tmqns 04 PezTaoq4np Aqaaaq 9aV MTq Aq pa4pubTsep S4U9bV PUP aO4O6aTG 90UPUTd 9qj ,4qg a OTTqnd go nveang l4uam4apdaa AansPsal s94p4S P94Tufl 9q4 go SUOT4 6 -PTnbga aq4 o4 4uensand 'S9Ta8S 4u9mua9,&O9 TROcrI Pup 94v4S 'S9T4Ta 0 -noaS Ainspeal S94P4S P94TUfl UT P94S9AUT aq Avui SUOT40TaqS8a PT9TA 4U9M4S9AUT aq 4oaCqns 9av 4vq4 puna AUe UT SA9UOM AAV -PT9q eav SOT4Tanoas ao sAeuom qons q0TqM UT 8 0 m puna Sq4 04 9SVO q098 UT P94TPOaO aq TTRqs puna AAV UT 99T4Tan09s 20 sAauom go 4oadsaa UT S4U9MqS9AUT q3nS Moa P9ATa9P 9MODUT 4 a a 0 TTP 190UPUTPaO STq4 JO ZT UOT409S Aq P92Tnbea sp 4deoxa *;90UPU UT T409S T -TpaO ST44 JO VT UOT44209 4aS S4UVUOAOO XV4 0 0 0 0 9q4 q4TM 90uvP -aOOOP UT qdaoxe puna 94vqa-d 8 8 6 T OT44 ao Puna SP9900ad PUOS 8 8 6 T 9 auk. 'puna 90TAJ9S 4qaa 886T Oqq UT SABUOM AUR go apvui aq TTRqs 4U9M4S9AUT ON -suox4vTnbev 4u9m4seAuj *ET uoTqoqq -986T go apoo anuSAOU TVUa94UI 9q4 JO (J)SVJ UOT408S Aq p9aTnbea SP e0Ta6MY JO s94e4S P94Tufl 9q4 0 B 6 activity bond" within the meaning of Section 141 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. The Village shall not permit any of the proceeds of the bonds or other moneys to be invested in any manner that would cause any bond to constitute an "arbitrage bond" within the mean- ing of Section 148 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. The Village shall comply with the provisions of Section 148(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 relating to the rebate of certain investment earnings at periodic intervals to the United States of America; provided, however, that compliance with such provisions shall not be required to the extent that there shall have been filed with the Village Clerk an opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel to the effect that such compliance is not necessary to preserve the exemption from federal income taxes of interest on the bonds. Section 15, Bank Qualified Bonds. Pursuant to Section 265 (b) (3) (B) (ii) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, the Village hereby designates the bonds as "qualified tax-exempt obligations" as defined in Section 265(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. The Village represents that the reasonably anticipated amount of tax-exempt obligations that will be issued by the Vil- lage and all subordinate entities of the Village during 1988 does not exceed $10,000,000. The Village covenants that it will not designate and issue more than $10,000,000 aggregate principal amount of tax-exempt obligations in 1988. For purposes of the two preceding sentences, the term "tax-exempt obligations" includes "qualified 501(c)(3) bonds" (as defined in the Section 145 of the =M= -iz- UT P94STTqnd aq off. 9OUVUTP20 ST44 JO UOTqdopp JO 9OT40U asnpo o4 P9409aTp Pug p92Taoq4nv Aq9a9q ST Xa9TO 9beTTTA Oql '90TJJO aaq UT UOT4oadsUT OTTqnd aoj joaasq4 S9Tdoo 0 8 a 0 # OTTJ 04 Pug RuOJ 49Tqdmed UT 90UPUTPaO STtJ4 qSTTqnd 04 P9409 Tp PUe P9ZTaoq4np Aqaaaq ST Xa9TO 9beTTTA 9qJ; OGDT40K Put? uOTRvOTTqna *LT uoT4ogg -90UPUTP20 ST44 go SUOTSTAoad buTuTvm -9a 9q4 90 Aug 40999P 4OU TTPqS UOTSTAoad ao qdpabeaed luox4oas 0 0 a eons 90 A4TTTqveoaozuaun ao A4TPTTV,&UT axe JuOsROa Aug aa J OTqe -aoaoivaun ao S T PTTRAUT aq 04 PT9q aq TTvqs OOUVUTPaO STq4 JO UO 0 0 4 a -T.&oad ao qdpabeapd lUOT409S Aug JI 'TO24UOO TTS qs 9OUeUTPaO ST'qq JO SUOTSTAoad aq4 'ObVTTTA Oq4 JO UOT4nTosea ao 9OUeUTPaO a9q4o 9 a 0 8 Aug JO SUOTSTAoad 944 qqTM q0TTJUO0 9OUeUTPaO STT44 JO SUOTSTAOad 0 0 0 IF It a . OT44 4vq4 4ua4x9 9T44 04 Pug spuoq aq4 jo eouvnsST 9114 aoi A4Taoqqne TTnj 94n4T4suOO TTeqs OOUVUTPaO STT41 '9OUeUTPaO STT44 04 4upnsand aO UT . P9PTAOad ATsseadxa se qdeoxa J09aaq4 aaq4o Aug aaAo, spuoq 9144 JO Aug JO UOT4OUT4STP as A4TaOTad '9oueaejead 4noq4Tm Xuea 0 0 a a Teribe go aq TTwqs leouvnssT aT9q4 JO SOMT4 aO 9MT4 aq4 JO SSaT 0 4 a to -pagbea Ispuoq eqq JO TTY ospuoq aq4 90 T T V Pug Aug go saeumo aqq go A4Tanoas PUV UOT4oa4oad '4Tjeuaq Tvnbe wq4 aoj aq TTvqs 9bvTTTA 944 JO JTvqaq uo ao, Aq pamaojaed aq oq q4aoj qas uTaaaq s4ugm -99aft Pug S4UVU9AOO 'SUOTSTAoad aq4 Pug 90UPUTPIO ST44 UT 9PRM 9bPOTd Auy -spuoq aq4 go sa9umO P9a94ST,b9a 994 Pug 9beTTTA 844 uaem4eq 4ova4uoo v 94n4T4suO3 TTeqs 9OURUTPaO STq4 JO SUOTSTAOad 0 6 & a- 9ql -4Ovz4UO3 V 94n4T4sUOO 04 ODUVUTOPZO *9T UOT4009 0(986T 90 9POO anu9ASH Tvua94uI Oq4 JO TVT UOT408S UT P9UT19P Se) „spuoq A4TAT40R 94PATid,, aaq4o apnTOUT -4ou s;aop -4nq a 0 (986T JO 9POO 9nusAeU TVU-194ul the "Mount Prospect Herald." a newspaper of general circulation in the Village. Said notice shall be in substantially the following "Public Notice Notice is hereby given that on June 21, 1988, the Presi- dent and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois adopted an ordinance entitled: "Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of $350,000 Special Service Area Number Six Unlimited Tax Bonds of the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois," and that copies of said ordinance are on file and available for public inspection at the office of the Village Clerk of the Village of Mount Prospect. By Isl Carol A. Fields Village Clerk" Section 18, Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective in the manner provided by law. Adopted this 21st day of June, 1988 by roll call vote aE P n*o Om Nays: 97-801�� ............................. Village President MUM Attest: Village Clerk _cz- XaOTO 9beTTTA 88/lE/s aq/Dq (rivas) I go Avp STM4 9bvTTTA aq4 90 TP9S 9tJ4 P9XT;JV Pug PuPq Am qes o4unaaaq sApq I JaOaHaHM ssaxiim Hi 409399 Pug 9OaOg TTnJ UT ST 4nq lP9XOA9a 20 PeTvadea v 6 'Pepueme 'peaeqTP ueaq qou SPq 90UPUTPaO PTPS 4vq4 PUP 'ODUPUTPaO 0 0 PTVS 90 9104M OT44 go Pug Joaaeq4 4dTaOSUVa4 4092aoo V ST 0 0 4T 4eq4 Pug 9beTTTA ST44 J 8 O 31009DURUTP20 9'qq UT I a 9 P9PaO09a PUP 886T uo uuoj qeTqdmed UT P9qSTTqnd a94je9a9q4 Pug 1886T UO W9PTSOad ObeTTrl.-A 9q4 Aq P9UbTS 9OUeUTPaO TeUTbTaO 944 144TM am Aq peaedmoo ueaq seq Adoo PTes 4eq4 Pug J4noqbnoaq4 bUT40e PUP 4u9saad sem mnaonb e qOTqM 4e PUP lqeOaqS UoSaqWa a 0 q4nOS 09 1294U90 aOTU9S 9qq qe 18861 'TZ aunt uo -mod 00:8 4e PT94 Pug POTTeD ATnP sem bUT qOT4M joaaaq4 49am e 4e ObeTTTA 9q4 90 s984 5 1 -STUI 90 P2eOg Pug WaPTSOad 9q4 90 sa9qm9m 9q4 90 A4TaOC4eM e JO S940A 9AT4VUUTJJV P9P20092 atp Aq pg4dopv ATnp SVM qDTqM 9OUVUTPaO TVUTbTaO UP JO Adoo arLx4 v ST 'STOUTTTJ l4oadsoad 4unow go a a 0 It a 8 ObRTTTA 9'q4 90 sPuOq XV1 P94TMTTUn XTS aeqmnN P9aV 90TAa9S TeToedS a a 0 6 Ooolosct go souvnssj 9q4 bUTZTaoq4nV 90UPUTPaO :P9T4T4U9 90uPu -TPaO bUTOb92O 9q4 4vq4 AJT4a9O Aqeaaq 'STOUTTTI l4oadsoad 4unoI4 a 0 90 9beTTTA 9t14 90 Xa9TO ObPTTTA 'sPTOTa *V TOaVO 'I sivoiailuso 0 9q4 04 aOTad aq TTQ'qs souvnsST go 94ep Bons 0 0 JT (e) 4eq4 4daoxa '909a9q4 SOUVnSST JO 949P Bq4 bUTpaoaad 4xeu 94ep 4uemAvd 4se -aSqUT eq4 go sr p942p eq TTvqS puoq 4oee lspuoq 9q4 94V3T4u9T44nv 04 a9PaO 9q4 UT PBUTUU949P OSTM.19q40 a 0 0 sssTua espuoq go abuvqoxe PUV a93SUVa4 'U0T4Rl4STb9a 9q4 9494TTTOP3 04 Tnjesn aq TT24s a a Sv SaS449T aO saequ u bUTA3T4u9PT Bons avaq Apm puv aT9 90UPnSST q4 0 0 JO a9PaO UT spaemdn T Wag AJOAT4noesuoo peaeqm u eq Ue4s SPU09 -J0929M4 6TdT4Tnm jeabe4uT Aue ao 000,9$ JO SUOT4RUTMOUBP 9q4 9 0 1 8 UT OTqensST aq TTeqs Pum luSS61 S9TT4VbTlqO Teaque a9S 'SPU09 UO!)II a a 0 a 0 P94VUbTSOP aq TTeqs '0001009t go 4unomp ledTOUTad 94pbeabbe UR UT PTOs pine panssT aq TTvqs 9bvTTTA Sq4 go SPUOq UOTqgbTTqo Tvaeueb 'U0T4QTadoaddv PTes bUTOUPUT 0 0 0 j go esocland eq4 aoj 00001009$ go tuns 944 P84PTadoidde Aqaaaq ST OaOq4 'p9ZTaoqqne UT9a9q SPUOq aq4 go 0 a , 10 0 eouenssT JO S4SOO OX4 PUV 80URUTPaO STM4 JO T UOT409S UT peqTaOSOP sesocLind ao s4u9meAoadVIT 844 30 4SOO P94eMT459 9q4 go 4aed 4 0 4999 ol 'SPU08 30 SMISM pug U0T4vzTJ0q4nV *Z UOT4099 -STOUTITI lqoedsoad 4unolq go 9bRITTA 8q4 Aq UaXe4jepun v .1 ao epem eq oq POZTaoqqne Aqaaaq goes eav sesodand ao S4U9M9A0adMT bUTObOA0 I i eql -9beTTTA 9q4 JO m64sAs uOT,409TTOO 9bea9mas 944 JO 4U9M8A0adMT Oq4 bUTOUVUTJ go asocland aqq aoj OL61 go uoTqn4T4s 0 0 a 0 -U00 STOUTTTI 9q4 30 IIA 9TOTqay go 9 UOT409S o4 4uensand pe4dopv ST 9OUVUTPaO STql -esodand Puv X4TzOq4nV OT UOT4098 :SMCrlqOJ Sy ISIONIqUI '10adSOUd INnOW aO aDVUqIA alll ao Saalsaul ao auvog GKV ImaGiscud alll As GaNiva'do li as SIONIqqI '13adSOUd IXnOH JO aDVIrlIA alll aO 1886T SaIldaS isame Noiivoiqqo qvuaNao 000'009$ JO aONVIISSI alll DNIZIHOHlfl-f aOMYNIaHO ON a3XVNIGHO ... .. ..... .. . . .. ...... ........ first interest payment date, said bond shall be dated as of July 1, 1988, (b) if such date of issuance shall be an interest payment date, said bond shall be dated as of such interest payment date, or (c) if interest due on said bond shall not have been paid in full, then notwithstanding any of the foregoing provisions, said bond shall be dated as of the date to which interest has been paid in full on said bond. The bonds shall mature (without option of prior redemption) on December 1, in each year shown in the following table in the respective principal amount set forth opposite each such year and the bonds maturing in each such year shall bear interest at the respective rate per annum set forth opposite such year: Year Principal Amount Rate of Interest 1989 $ 75,000 1990 100,000 1991 100,000 1992 100,000 1993 125,000 Each bond shall bear interest from its date, computed on the basis of a 360 day year consisting of twelve 30 day months and payable in lawful money of the United States of America on December 1. 1988 and semiannually thereafter on each June 1 and December I at the rates per annum herein determined. The princi- pal of the bonds shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America upon presentation and surrender thereof at the principal corporate trust office of American National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago, in the City of Chicago, Illinois, which is hereby appointed as bond registrar and paying agent for the bonds. Interest on the bonds shall be payable on each interest Mc mc 'X29TO ObVTTTA s4T go ean4PUbTS OTTMTSORJ p9ZTxoq-4nv ao Tenuem aq4 0 a a Aq pe4seqqe Pue uoaaelqq peonpoadea p9XT 9STMa9q4O ao jjV o4uneaaq4 0 0 aq TTeqs 'JO9a9q4 OTTMTIFsORJ 9 ao '9beTTTA 9q4 JO Teas 94Raociloo aq4 Pue WaPTsezd ObPTTTA s4T go aan4pUbTS OTTUaTSOPJ P8ZTaOq4ne ao Tenuem eqq Aq BbeITTA 9q4 go 6MVU 6q4 UT pe4noaxe aq ITPqs puoq Bova -uox4voT4uqq4nV puv UOT4nOqxZ at UOT4099 a a m 9OTad aseqoand TTnj eq4 go quouiAed uodn 4uOM84v4s TPTOTJJO 9q4 pUe spuoq eq4 go AaSATTaP Pue uoT4noaxa a9doad eq4 buTpnTOUT 'spuoq 0 0 4 0 8q4 JO 90UPnSST 9q4 aOJ AaeSS90OU 6UTq4 A29A9 a Pue qOe9 9beTTTA 9q4 JO ;Teqaq uo ao ao; pamaojaed ao auop aq o4 asnvo ao Imaoj -aad,pue OP 04 P9409aT,P Pue pazTaoqqne Aqeaaq axe abeTTTA 9q4 go sTeTOTJJO a9q4o Pue Xa9TO BbeTTTA l4u9PTsOad 9beTTTA 9ql *POAOadde Aqeaaq sT spuoq aqq oq 4oadsaa a q4TA peaedead 4uaui -94e4s TeTOTJJO 941 'POULXTJUOD PUe P9T;T4e2 Aqeaaq ST 'aO;9a9q4 4uaumAed pue Aa9ATTOP JO 94eP aq4 04 64ep aTOq4 U102J 4SBa94UT penaooe pup JO 9OTad e qe 0 o4 spuoq eq4 go ares eql *AZOATTea Puv 9TVS or s3fooq UOTqR24STJB9a 9q4 Uo bUTaeadde SOSSaIPPe aT9q4 42 SaaUMO Paa9qSTb9a a 0 Mons 04 P61TRux Wgap ao Xoeqo Aq PTpd aq TTeqs spuoq aq4 uo 4se -294uj *Oqvp 4uamAed 4saaa4uj elqeDTTdde aq4 bUTpeoead 4xau q4uom a2PU9190 944 JO APP q4GT 9q4 UO SSaUTsnq go 6sOTO aq4 JO'se java4 0 -STb9a puoq eqq go 60TJJO 4sna4 a4eaodaoo TedTOUTad eq4 4p asod a 0 0 0 -and Mons aoj 9bPTTTA 9q4 Aq P9UTe4UTVUX sXooq UOT49a4STbaa 6114 Uo bUTavadde joeaeq4 paooea go SaaUMO P8a94STb9a 844 04 94ep 4uemAvd 0 Im In case any officer whose signature, or a facsimile of whose signature, shall appear on any bond shall cease to hold such office before the issuance of the bond, such bond shall neverthe- less be valid and sufficient for all purposes, the same as if the person whose signature, or a facsimile thereof, appears on such bond had not ceased to hold such office. Any bond may be signed, sealed or attested on behalf of the Village -by any person who, on the date of such act, shall hold the proper office, notwithstand- ing that at the date of such bond such person may not have held such office. No recourse shall be had for the payment of any bonds against any officer who executes the bonds. Each bond shall bear thereon a certificate of authen- tication executed manually by the bond registrar. No bond shall be entitled to any right or benefit under this ordinance or shall be valid or obligatory of any purpose until such certificate of authentication shall have been duly executed by the bond regis- trar. Section 5. Transfer, Exchange and Registry. The bonds shall be negotiable, subject to the provisions for registration of transfer contained herein. Each bond shall be transferable only upon the registration books maintained by the Village for that purpose at the principal corporate trust office of the bond regis- trar, by the registered owner thereof in person or by his attorney duly authorized in writing, upon surrender thereof together with a written instrument of transfer satisfactory to the bond registrar and duly executed by the registered owner or his duly authorized attorney. Upon the surrender for transfer of any such bond, the -4- OS squamAed Mans ITR pup 'ZOA90s4egM sasodand 29g4o TTp a03 pup uoa.zauq gsaarequz ago JO TgdTOUTad eqq ' jo qun000v uo ao o quauxAed buTAT 90aa 3 o asod znd aq4 ao j ' q�au zo artp. ano aq T Tegs pu©q cans a9g48gA ' puoq Bons JO aauMo egnTasge aRq se sXooq uoTge,zgsibaa aq4 uadn paaegstba,z aq TTegs puoq roup auzpu asagM ux uasaad aq4 gea,zq pine Maap ARM a2a4STb9l puoq aqq pup abgTTzA age •spuoq paaeJep aO paAo.zgsap 'gsoT Jo quauiaaeTdoat eqq Ua9AOb TTegs 400 quamaaeTdea puog STOUTTTI aqq 3o suoTSTAOad eqs •abupgoxa .zo .za sug.zq gans buixemc o abeTTATad aq4 aoj epem aq TTegs abavgo aegga ON • a9J suPa4 aO abuegaxa► Bans bUTXPM jo abe T zni.zd aq4 JO esza.zexe eqq oq quapaaeatd UOTq-rpuoa a se ,zajsuVa4 ao abuegaxa gans buT 4sanbea uosaad 9 gq Aq .� a peed eq TTegs sums ,za ams gazgM "a aj: -sueatq aO abuegoxe Bons oq gaadsaa g4Tm pTed aq oq peaTribea abapga Tvquamu,zanab a8g4o ao eaj ' xEq Aup aOJ qz asatngmT9a aq qua-ra -Tjjns abagga a 94VM ARM aea4ST a puoq aqq ao abetTTA aqq 'spuoq Jo a9JSUVa4 Jo uotge, 4STbga ao ebupgaxa eons A.aaha and • jo -92eg4 aTdigTnm TVaJ594ui Aug 20 0001S$ 3o suaTgeuiuzauap eqq 3o pug agpac gsa,zaquz pup A4zan4em eases eqq ;o spuoq jo qunouze TedTouTad 64eb92bbe Tenbe up aoj pabuegoxe aq ARM 'bUT4T 14 UT pazzaoggne ATnp hauaogge siq aO aBU140 p82e4ST692 aq4 Aq pegnaaxe ATnp ' ava4 -STb9a puoq aq4 oq AaO40ejsz4es quauzn 4SUT ueggz,zM a ggity 'apaq -szb82 puoq aqq jo 90T J Jo gsnxq agvaodaon TedTOUTad eq4 qe ;oeaegq aapuaxans uodn 'spuog • puoq peaepugaans eqq se 9442 4sa294UT PUP A4T2n4eur ' qunome TEdiouTad agebaabbe amps eqq jo ' aa.zajsueacq egq 3o atupu aqq ui pa,xagsiba.z spuoq 20 puoq Mau a a9ATTap pup ageaTquaggne TTegs a ea4STbO2 puoq aq4 pup agnaexa TTpgs abeTTzh made to any such registered owner or upon his order shall be valid and effectual to satisfy and discharge the liability upon such bond to the extent of the sum or sums so paid, and neither the Village nor the bond registrar shall be affected by any notice to the contrary. Section 6* Bond Registrar. The Village covenants that it shall at all times retain a bond registrar with respect to the bonds, that it will maintain at the designated office of such bond registrar a place where bonds may be presented for payment and registration of transfer or exchange and that it shall require that the bond registrar maintain proper registration books and perform the other duties and obligations imposed upon it by this ordinance in a manner consistent with the standards, customs and practices of the municipal securities business. The bond registrar shall signify its acceptance of the duties and obligations imposed upon it by this ordinance by exe- cuting the certificate of authentication on any bond, and by such execution the bond registrar shall be deemed to have certified to the Village that it has all requisite power to accept, and has accepted such duties and obligations not only with respect to the bond so authenticated but with respect to all the bonds. The bond registrar is the agent of the Village and shall not be liable in connection with the performance of its duties except for its own negligence or default. The bond registrar shall, however, be responsible for any representation in its certificate of authen- tication on the bonds. MN. M :m :P94UTad as spuoq aq4 u9qm P94OTdmon AT94VTadoadde aq o4 SNUeTq sq4 iuuoj a bUTAOTTOJ Oq4 ATTVT4ue4sqns UT aq TTvqs PUP SPUOq POa94STb9a a AlTnj se penssT aq TTetls spuoq eql a, -SPUOR ;0 MzOa *9 UOT4099 -4unome ao 94ga 04 Se UOT4R4TMTT 4nog4TM JU09a9q4 4S9a9qUT 944 PUP spuoq aq4 jo 4uamAed aq4 aoj BbPTTTA aq4 UT A4aadoad aTqpxp4 aq4 TTR uodn s8xR4 m9aOTVA Pe AA9T 04 P94ebToTqo aq TTeqs 9beTTTA aq4 PUP 'ObeTTTA Sq4 JO SUOT4ebTTqO Te2euab PUP 439aT,P aq TTRqs spuoq a a aql -spuoq aq4 uo 4S8a64UT PUP JO TedTouTad aqq jo 4uemAed TPn4 a 2 0 -ound aq4 04 PObPOTd ATqPOOAOAaT Aqeaeq eae BbRITTA 9q4 JO 4TP8aD PUP q4TvJ TTnJ 9141 OGuOTw4vbTmTqO TvXeueo *L UOT4099 -XaOA MON jo eqeqs pup A4TO 'UP44equpw jo qbnoaog aqq aO TanOSST14 'STnoq *4S 90 A4TO aq4 'STOUTTTI JO 94e4S aq4 UT OOTJJO 4sTu4 94RaOcI200 TedTOUTad bUTUTV4UTeM UOT4RTOOSSR a a $4T 6 a 1 0 0 bUTXueq JQUOT4QU aO Aupdmoo qsna4 'Xueq e aq TTRqs UOT409S STq4 ;0 suOTST,&oad aq4 a9pun P84UTodde aPa4STbOa puoq AUV -4U9M4UTodde 0 a 0 9 Mons aeqje SAPP A4U9M4 UTq4T'A spuoq ;o aSUMO PSa94STbOa qoVe 04 4T Aq 9PVM 4USM4UTodde Mons Auv 0 9DT40U TTPm TTeUs 9bvTTTA 8ql 0 1 a TT Pm PUOq aOSS900nS e 4UTodde uodnaasq4 TTTM 4T 4Rq4 S99abe 6 PUP S4UeUOAOO abeITTA Oq4 'SaTejje aO Aqaadoad s JO aO agaqSTbOa 4 puoq ox44 JO TOa4uO3 ao abavqo 8XV4 Tlvqs a9OTjjO OTTqnd Aue JT aO 'P94UTodde aq TTeqs 'Aqaadoad 0 S4T JO aO 'aea4sTb6a puoq aqq jo .zoo -VtulssuOO aO aO4ePTrtbTT 'J9AT9092 V JT aO '4UOATOSUT ao 4drLiXueq e 9 0 a 6 pebpnEpe aq TTRqs aO JbUT40e JO eTqpdeOUT amooeq TTRqs aO PSAOUISa 0 5 0 aq TTetis aO UbTS9a ITeqs 2ea4STb9a puoq aq4 9MT4 AUe 4e also UI -OMT4 AUe 4e aea4STbSa puoq Oq4 9AOM9a 0 Aeux ObeTTTA Oql United States of America State of Illinois County of Cook VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT GENERAL OBLIGATION' BOND., SERIES 1988 INTEREST RATE MATURITY DATE The VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, a municipal corporation and a home rule unit of the State of Illinois situate in the County of Cook, acknowledges itself indebted and for value received hereby promises to pay to the registered owner hereof, or registered as signst the principal sum of - Dollars on the maturity date specified above, and to pay interest on such principal sum from the date hereof at the interest rate per annum specified above, computed on the basis of a 360 day year consisting of twelve 30 day months and payable in lawful money of the United States of America on December 1. 1988 and semiannually thereafter on June 1 and December .1 in each year until the principal sum shall have been paid, by check or draft mailed to the registered owner of record hereof as of the 15th day of the calendar month next preceding such interest payment date, at the address of such owner appearing on the registration books maintained by the Village for such pur- pose at the principal corporate trust office of American National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago, in the City of Chicago, Illinois, as bond registrar or its successor(the "Bond Regis- trar"). This bond, as to principal when due, will be payable in 941 *suoTqeuTmouev ve2Taoq4nv tens go Aug go pug 94pa 4seag4uT pug A4Tan4vm amps aq4 go spuoq go 4un0mv TedTouTad a4pbeabbg Tenbe up aoj pebuvqoxa aq Aem puoq STq4 a 'a9uuRm 9XTT UI 'aoj -9a9q4 ObuvqOx9 uT. 99a9jsuva4 aq4 o4 q4 se ST pansST aq TTgqs puoq a # 94ea 4saaa4ui pug A4Tan4em, l4unome TedTOUTad e4ebaabbe amps 9,qq go 0 a 0 Pug JO6a9q4 9TdT4Tnm TeabOWT Aug ao 00019t 90 SUOT4eUTMOU9P POZT -aoq4ne 9q4 UT Jspuoq ao puoq P9a94STb9a Mau e uodnaaaq4 pug lAqu -aO44e POZTaoq4ne AInp, STq Aq ao aeumo Paa94STb9a aq4 Aq pe4noexe 0 a 0 ATnp aea4STb9a PUOU Sq4 04 AaO4OejST4eS a8JSUea4 go 4U9MTU4SUT U94 6 a a -4TaM e g4TM a9q48b04 aeaqSTb9jj PUOS 9q4 go SOTJJO qsna4 a4eaodjoo a 4 TedTOUTad aq4 4e joaaaq a9pusaans uodn 'bUT4TaM UT P9ZTaOqqne ATnp A9Ua044e $Tq Aq ao luosaad UT JO6a8q -29UMO 'paa9-4STb9.1 alq-4 Aq s3i0oq a 0 6 UOT4ea4STb9a guns uodn ATUO 9Tqeaajsuea4 ST puoq STql H-STOUTTTI lqoadsoad 4unoK go a 0 9beTTTA 9q4 JO 1886T S9Ta9S 'SPU09 UOT4ebTTqO Tea9u9O 000'009$ JO 9OUenSSI 9q4 bUTZTaoqqny a 10 41 a 9OUeUTPaOis :P914TWa Pule 8861 ITz ;aunr uo ObeTTTA 84-4 JO sea-4sraj JO PaeOg Pug 4u9PTs9ad aq4 Aq pa4dope 8OURUTP20 Up q4TM 9OUepaoOoe UT pug a9pun pug OL61 JO UOT4n4T4suOO STOUTTTI 9q4 JO IIA OTO 0 0 0 6 -T4aY JO 9 UOT409S o4 4uensand pug a9pun pansST pug P9ZTaoq4ne eae 43TqM. Pug 459J94UT go 94ea pug A4Tan4em 194ep o4 se 4deoxa aou94 9XTT JO TTe 92e qOTqM '00o'oog$ go 4unome TedTOUTad 94ebaabbe a a 11 aq4 UT pansST spuoq go S9Ta8S e 90 SUO ST puoq STql to 0 9 0 0 *SMa94 S4T 04 bUTP2000e puoq STqq UO 4S9a94UT pug 0 0 a go TedTOUTad aq4 go quamAed Ten4ound eqq ao pabpald AlqeOOABJaT 0 9 0 sae ObeTTTA 9q4 90 4TP9aO Pug q4TeJ TTnj alql -aea4STbOU PUOq aq4 JO OOTJJO 4Sna4 94eaoCjaoO ledTOUTad eqq 4e puoq STqq JO a9PU9a2nS a 0 0 a pug UOT4e4uesaad uodn eOTa9MV JO 0 a s84e4S pa Tui 9q4 JO A9UOM TnjmeT Village or the Bond Registrar maymake a charge sufficient to reimburse it for any tax, fee or other governmental charge required to be paid with respect to the transfer or exchange of this bond. No other charge shall be made for the privilege of making such transfer or exchange. The Village and the Bond Regis- trar may treat and consider the person in whose name this bond is registered as the absolute owner hereof for the purpose of receiv- ing payment of, or on account of, the principal and interest due hereon and for all other purposes whatsoever. This bond shall not be valid or become obligatory for any purpose until the certificate of authentication hereon shall have been duly executed by the Bond Registrar. It is hereby certified, recited and declared that all acts, conditions and things required to be done, exist, and be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond in order to make it a legal, valid and binding obligation of the Village have been done, exist and have been Performed in regular and due time, form and manner as required by law, and that the series of bonds of which this bond is one, together with all other indebted- ness of the Village is within every debt or other limit prescribed MOTER"M -10_ MIC 260TJJO p6ZTaoq4nv ava4s'TbaH Puoq se 'FODVDIHO dO ANVdNOO ZLSflal axv xxva avxoilvx xvoj-dmjv -90UPUTPaO P9UOT4U9M, uzg4TM aq4 UT p;qT2Os9P '88161 S;Ta9S 'SPUOS UOT4ebTWO�Tea'qua!) 9q4 90 OUO �T pu-TT4 oq S1 0 a xoiivoiiNaHlnV aO ajV3jaJj-daN . ... . ............... . . 3129TO 9beTTTA :4SO44V 4U9PTS9ad !�bvTTTA 10adSOUd INIIOK JO HOYMIA pa,4,ea *Xa9TO ObeTTTA S4T go aan4vUbTS OTTUITS -OvJ aO Tenuem aq4 Aq pa4s944v Pue uoeaeq peonpoadea 9STMa9qqo ao p9XTjjR P,4unaaaq aq o4 'JO9a9q4 9ITMTSOej 9 ao 0 'Tess 94eaodaoo s Pug 14UOPTsOad 9bRTTTA 54T go aan4RUbTS OTTMTSOP ao Tenuem aqq Aq iTeqeq s4T uo Pug Omvu S4T UT pe4noaxe aq o4 puoq STq4 POSneo seq 4oadsoad 4unoK go 9bvTTTA 9q4 'dOaUaHt4 sSaXjjt4 NJ M"COROWRY For value received the undersigned sells, assigns an� transfers unto the within bond and hereby irrevocably constitutes and appoints ,attorney to transfer the said bond on the books kept for registration thereof, with full power of substitution in the premises. Dated Signature Guarantee: -124M =[*C UT P9406TTOO PUR P9TAOT aq TTvqs xe4 Tvnuue tons saeaA pTps uT pue '9beTTTA Oq4 JO sasodand a4eaodaoO Tel9uab aoj ObeTTTA Oqq Aq pue UT'saeOA PTvs UT P9TA9T Saxe,a9q4O 44Tm UOT408UUOO UT Sxooq xe4 Sq4 UO UOT409TTOO 209 aMeS aq4 PU94X9 04 pue 19ATsnTOUT 'Z66T 04 8862 SaVOA Oq4 POT UT A9T aq o4 P6PTAoad 9aojqquTqAaq xvq 94eb9abbe 0 0 aq4 9onpoad o4 P91Tnbaa 4ueo aad 94ea 9q4 UTV4aaOSe 04 P94O9aTp Aq9a94 STOUTTTI ST OqM ''A4unoo N000 JO XaaTa A4unoo aq 0 a 0 4 lq4TA POTTJ aq TTeqs 'pa4dope ATnp ueaq Seth 90UPUTPIO ST44 4eq4 94T39a TTeqs 94R3TJT4a93 qOTqA 0 lk 'Xa9T3 9bQTTTA Oq4 Aq PBTJT4a9D joalaq4 Adoo e 19AT409jja samooeq 9OUeUTPaO STq4 Se U00S Sv -POOuRAPe Snq4 s4unome aq4 UT spun, PTvs Oq4 04 apem aq TTvqs 4u9m9sanqmT9a 'P94O9TTOO uagq eAvq TTvqs ssxe4 PTQs usqm pue !P9TA9TuT0 9aeq ""4 Oq4 JO uOT,409TTOO 9q4 90 OOuPAP2 uT. PURq uo spunj 4uaaano moaj anp uOqm AT4dmoad PTed aq TTRqS 9mvS aq4 Aed o4 pupq uo spunj 4U9TOTjjnsUT aq TTRqS * a 9 9a6q4 U9qA 9MT4 AU2 4e anp BUTMOO TedTOUTad ao 4saaa4uj Z66T T 66 066T 686T 886T 9onpoacl 0.4 4UBTOT ins xvj V.zeaX AA9rT —XVI :SMOTTOJ se ISOXE4 -19XI-40 TTe 04 UOT:ITPPe UT asocland 4vtj-4 aoj 0 :jU;DTO -TJJnS XP4 Tenuuv 409aTp e 'bUTpUV4S4no aq TTvqs spuoq aq4 go Auv 0 a OTTMA xv9A Wee uT. ObPTTTA 9q4 uT Aqaadoad OTqvxv-4 9q4 TTv uodn 0 PSTAOT Aqeaaq sT eaetlq lean4RM TTvqS aures 9q4 Se joaaaq-4 TvdTOUTad OX14 9J5aVqOSTP pue Aed o4 pue anp STTVJ 9MRS 9XI-4 SP pue uaxlm spuoq 944 UO 4SOa84UT aq4 Aed off, P9aTnbaa A9UOM Oq4 bUTPTAOjd go asocland aq4 a0a *B*Xvl ;0 UOTINGU94X3 PUV AA07 *6 UOT4099 like manner as taxes for general corporate purposes for said years are levied and collected and, when collected, such taxes shall be used solely for the purpose of paying the principal of and inter- est on the bonds herein authorized as the same become due and payable. Section 10* Debt Service Fund. Moneys derived from taxes herein levied are appropriated and set aside for the sole purpose of paying principal of and interest on the bonds when and as the same come due. All of such moneys, and all other moneys to be used for the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds, shall be deposited in the 111988 Debt Service Fund" which is hereby established as a special fund of the Village and shall be administered as a bona fide debt service fund under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. All accrued interest received upon the issuance of the bonds shall be deposited in the 1988 Debt Service Fund. Section Ile Bond Proceeds Fund. All of the proceeds of sale of the bonds (exclusive of accrued interest) shall be depos- ited in the 111988 Bond Proceeds Fund" which is hereby established as a special fund of the Village. Moneys in the 1988 Bond Pro- ceeds Fund shall be used for the purposes specified in Section 1 of this ordinance and for the payment of costs of issuance of the bonds, but may hereafter be reappropriated and used for other purposes. Before any such reappropriation shall be made, there shall be filed with the Village Clerk an opinion of a nationally recognized bond counsel to the effect that such reappropriation -14- mitc -PT9q OaR SOT4Tanoas ao sAauom qons q0T'4A UT puna 9q4 04 9SR0 q099 UT P94TPaao aq TTP4s puna AUV UT SaT4Ta -nOas ao sABuom go 4oadsaa UT S4U9M4S9AUT qons moaj POAT26P 8MOOUT a a 0 0 IT2 19OUVUTPaO ST44 JO ZT uoT4oas Aq peaTnbea se 4deoxa eaoueu 4 0 0 4 -TpaO STq4 JO VT UOT409S UT q4aOj 49S 54UVUOAOO XR4 qq4 q4TM qoUpp -aO33e UT 4deoxe pund 94eqaU 886T 944 ao puna spaaooad puog 0 886T 8q4 'PUna 90TA.19S 4qaa 886T 9q4 UT 0 . sA9uOm Au go apem aq TTvRs 4U9M4S9AUT ON 0 -su0TPvTrL6eV 4usm4seAul OCT uOT4008 '986T JO OPOD 9nU9A9H Teua94uI aq4 go {3) SVT u0T40as Aq P9aTrthea SV POTaOMY go s9424S P94Tun 9q4 04 s4uamAed eXem o4 UOT4 -26TTqo s4T JO 9beTTTA 9q4 9A9TT9a TTvqs asn pue UOTqeTadoaddleaa qons ON -sasoclind aaq4o aoj pasn pule P94eTadoaddeaa aq Aem puna 94eq9a 886T 944 uT sAsuoK -asodand qons aoi aPTse 49s PUV P94VTad -oadde Aqeaaq as pue 9861 go apoo anuSAOU Tvua94uI 944 go (j)Stj UOT409S o4 4uensand POTa9MV JO s94R4S P94Tufl 9q4 04 PTed aq o4 P9aTnbaa 9av se sums qons Aed 04 P9TTddv aq TTe4s puna a4eqaa 8861 9q4 UT SA9UOK -puna 94eqeH 8 8 6 T 9q4 UT lspuoq 8q4 90 AaaATT9p 0 0 pine eoupnsST JO 949P 9q4 JO 94eP AaRSa9ATUUR Oqq aa4je SAVp OT UTq4Tm 'ATTpnuuv P94Tsodap aq TTv9s 9MOOUT qons 19861 go apoo anu -9A9H TPua84uI aq4 go (I)SVT UOT409S o4 4uensand P3Ta9M-j JO S94R4S 4 a P94Tufl 994 04 PTed ao pa4vqaa aq 4snm qeq4 allIODUT 94Qa9U9b qDTMM S4U9M4S9AUT AUP UT puna 90TA.19S 4qea 886T aq4 ao puna spaaooad a a a PU09 8861 9q4 UT SA9UOM 4S9AUT Tleqs ObeTTTA Sq4 4Pq4 4uaAe eqq UI u *puna eqeqaU 8861m 944 se pa4vubTsap 'pun, IvToads 2 SalqSTT -qv4se Aqeaaq 9b2TITA 941 'puna 94vqea *ZT uoT4*99 a -spuoq aq4 uo 459a94UT JO UOT4 0 0 -exe4 9UIOOUT TezaPaj uloaj uoTqdmaxa aq4 qoajje ATesagApe you IITM Any moneys in any Fund that are subject to investment yield restrictions may be invested in United States Treasury Secu- rities, State and Local Government Series, pursuant to the regula- tions of the United States Treasury Department, Bureau of Public Debt. The Finance Director and agents designated by him are hereby authorized to submit, on behalf of the Village, subscrip- tions for such United States Treasury Securities and to request redemption of such United States Treasury Securities. Section 14, Tax Covenants. The Village shall not take, or omit to take, any action lawful and within its power to take, which action or omission would cause interest on any bond to become subject to federal income taxes in addition to federal income taxes to which interest on such bond is subject on the date of original issuance thereof. The Village shall not permit any of the proceeds of the bonds, or any facilities financed with such proceeds, to be used in any manner that would cause any bond to constitute a "private activity bond" within the meaning of Section 141 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. The Village shall not permit any of the proceeds of the bonds or other moneys to be invested in any manner that would cause any bond to constitute an "arbitrage bond" within the mean- ing of.Section 148 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. The Village shall comply with the provisions of section 148(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 relating to the rebate of certain investment earnings at periodic intervals to the United States of America; provided, however, that compliance with such ="M :r4c -P2vb92 ISPUOq Sq4 90 TTY 'SPUOq 944 JO TT2 Pug Aug go saeumo aqq go AqTanoas pup UOTqoe4oad I 14TJOuOq TvnbO aq4 aoi sq TTvqs 9bQTTTA Oq4 JO 3Tvq9q uO JO Aq pauaojaed aq o4 q4aoj 49S UT929q S4USM -99aft Pug S4UVU9,&00 'SUOTSTAOad aq4 pug OOUVUTPaO STq4 UT OpeM ObPOTd ,buy *SPUOq Oq4 JO SJ9UMO P9aa4STbOa Oq4 PUP 9bvTTTA 9R4 u99m4eq 40va4uoo P 94n4T4suO0 TTv9s 90uvuTpao STq4 JO SUOTSTAOad v q4n4T4sUOD Oq GDUvUTvxO 09T UOT4098 *(9861 90 9POO anuOAOH IVUZ94UI 9q4 JO TVT UOT409S UT POUTj9p SV) jispuoq A4TAT40-e 0 94RATad. aeq4o apnTOUT 4ou scop 4nq (986T go apoo anuOAaH TvUJ94UI 9q4 JO 9VT UOT409S 9q4 UT P9UTJOP SV) lispuoq (E)(o)TOS PBTJTTvnb nm sapnTOUT .,SUOT4VbTTqo 4duiax9-xe4 0 01 16 UU94 9q4 S93U94U;9S bUTpaoaad OA4 aq4 go sasoclind aoa -886T UT SUOT4VbTTqo qdmax9-xp4 go qunomp TedTOUTad a4ebeabbe 0001000'OT$ ueq4 saom anssT PUV 64RUbTSBP 4OU TTTM 4T 4Vq4 S4UVUOAOO 6beTTTA sql 0000'000'OT$ P99OX9 4ou S90P 886T BuTanp 9b2TTTA 9q4 ;0 S9T4T4U8 94PUTpaoqns TTR Pug 9bQT -TTA Oq4 Aq penssT aq TTTA 49q4 suOT,4vbT,Tqo 4dmaxe-xvq go 4unomv p94vdT3TqUP ATqvuOsvaa agq 4vq4 s4usseadea 9beTTTA Oql -986T go spoo anuaAaH Teuaa4uj qq4 go (C)(q)SqZ UOT409S UT POUTj9p SV 0 0 0 ,,SUOT4ei6TTqO 4duiaxe-xP4 PaTjTTvnb,, se spuoq aq4 S94VUbTS9p Aqaaaq 9bvTTTA 9q4 1986T go apoo anu9A911 TRU284uI 994 go (TT)(a)(c)(q)gqZ UOT406S oq 4uensan *BPUOU POTITTunO XuvS *ST uOT4000 -spuoq atI4 uo 4S9a94UT 90 S9XV4 OMOOUT T2a9P99 M02J UOT4dmaxe aq4 atszesead o4 Aayssaoqu 4OU ST 9DUeTTdmoo Bons 4Pq4 409JJO 9q4 04 Tesunoo puoq p9ZTUbOO92 ATTRUOT4RU 90 UOTUTdo up Xa9TO 9bvTTT,& Oq4 q4TM P9TTJ uaaq eAeq 0 1 a TTeqs Ba9'q4 4Pq4 4U94X9 Gq4 04 P9JTnb9a aq 4ou lTvqs SUOTSTAOad 0 41 0 less of the time or times of their issuance, shall be of equal rank without preference, priority or distinction of any of the bonds over any other thereof except as expressly provided in or pursuant to this ordinance. This ordinance shall constitute full authority for the issuance of the bonds and to the extent that the provisions of this ordinance conflict with the provisions of any other ordinance or resolution of the Village, the provisions of this ordinance shall control. If any section, paragraph or pro- vision of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unenforce- able for any reason, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph or provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this ordinance. Section 17, Publication and Notice. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed'to publish this ordinance in pamphlet form and to file copies thereof for public inspection in her office. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of adoption of this ordinance to be published in the "Mount Prospect Herald,," a newspaper of general circulation in the Village. Said notice shall be in substantially the following form: "Public Notice Notice is hereby given that on June 21, 1988, the Presi- dent and Board of Trustees of thea Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois adopted an ordinance entitled: "ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of $500foo,o,'General Obligation Bonds, Series 1988,, of the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois," and that copies of said ordinance' are on file and available for public inspection at the office of the Village Clerk of the Village of Mount Prospect. By Isl Carol A. Fields Village Clerk" -18-- MAC Xa9TO Ob!TTTA :4SO44V (rivas) tf)'eTTTA :PeAoaddy : sAieN : S;qAv LIMARM SR 040A TTRO TTOa Aq 886T lounr ;o App qsTZ ST44 pa4dopy -mvT Aq P9PTAoad aeuuvm 9144 UTOAT409jje amooeq 5 0 TTR4S 9OUgUTP20 STXJJ 094U. a [04:4 Z40 A& 0 4 C"N I. Carol A. Fields, Village Clerk of the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois, hereby certify that the foregoing ordi- nance entitled: "Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of $500.,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 1988, of the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois." is a true copy of an original ordinance which was duly adopted by the recorded affirmative votes of a majority of the members of the President and Board of Trustees of the Vil- lage at a meeting thereof which was duly called and held at 8:00 p.m. on June 21, 1988 in the Board Room at the Public Safety Building and at which a quorum was present and acting throughout, and that said copy has been compared by me with the original ordi- nance signed by the Village President of the Village on It 1988, and thereafter published in pamphlet form on 1 1988 and recorded in the Ordinance Book of the Village and that it is a correct transcript thereof and of the whole of said ordinance, and that said ordinance has not been altered, amended, repealed or revoked, but is in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Village this day of 1988. (SEAL) LG/be 5/23/88 =KUIZ Village Clerk 1■F94UvJJvM SPM 4T T99; A9q4 asnpoaq 96vaRb apo-aaaq4 aqq buT4sanbaj eap A9ql *99MOq 10 ubT,sap 944 JOAO TOa4uO3 9MOs 9APq TTTM A9q4 qJOjqaqq4 `UOTSTATpqns 4400TUUSX jo s4anoo 4OT-A4u9m4 944 UO s9mO4 It 4u9M4 TTP buTPTTnq sT Auedmoo STq qPqq P94249 Z4JR14qOS *aK oespo aq4 pa4uesaad luoTqonj4suoo paRA4anoo ;0 4U9PTssad 90TA lZ432Mq0S 19R43TH *Jjj qupq Poom4seaD OZ qOTUJVS Aq4oaoa osax osaiiuva asissuami/suoioarao SJ9q4OJR STOI JqDpJ4qaJa *lNaSgV TTTeona4ad uaq Avwlo UATTJPH APT ssRD PTRUOH (94PT P9J94ua) UOuuvq a949d UPMJTPqD 4XTusea qaaqlTo :INSSZUd SHHffKHK V9Z Auvdmoo uoTqonjqsuoo pjvA4anoo 886T lZT AVK :94va buTJv9H s7vadjv Jo cmvoff DKINOZ 1DRdsoud'' 910 DKIILRRK RVIMRH au alo 9 ............. 0 *HZNOIIIIHi 8 8 -A -St 'ON HSIVO V9Z AaRqqjoqs buTpao0au laleup9g Tnva .UoTqpjepTsuoo JT9q4 JO; P. 9bPTTTA 944 04 P9PJPMaOJ 9q TTT14 UOT4epUSMMOD9J STiql -p9TJa2D UOT40K - : P9AO-'4'rddv ,5 r-1: a , Cl I -- SAC-zdds !=� of O -S A-rsnowTuvun paqoA uaTqq pasoa aqj %G:� -.4 4T BUTz.)npea agi-TsucDo L m 0- P-- --515ns ll a T4 - q5 T, - 0 0 -4 aw q Z. p in a -6j P n s s n o -LP). a a d ui 4 -+-4 4 =)'v LJ Lij Ll -aT a 41 P q L I=P �j L 'OT T-2404 %OG 4PT44 u'90u D w8piaAoo aop;Tn.1) 4 in's Ul P "I le ^a ;D TUL 4 - go lsmmos T-lamulO 1 -11 s -6 T44 5u-Lapaq -T-lWqpf 1 sm-OKs TJ.p`Td p-sodoad StI7-r aXTI pared -.-.IT -V.-Dpds undo sTqn ;0 a1c'm JT su.?.sTq0ad -r-r O7aTD-P + L t:� -71' . I . - L - sated TAT LLe sils puT T Ts 9 qspd siq-� P9POOT; PS`4 UIS I P. L n - L 5--, POC T 4"T LTBOSC"Pe @Tjq 4PLIJ P 4P 4 S iq Ll S + T ,DLI -4 rOJ L!-1;30UOO -le-q Pa::)T.0,Al auPU POOM'4s@10 0 Za L -40 q0TUXeS AtIT40", *s *f.',O-MGAT.tP S'. -;Da-Ta,,%00 eq pinom awc,q aqq ;0 quo -z; UT PJPA, aqq go %zq la5PjqAO3me ens sTL� mac} Papeau ST UOTqeTIPA cu AT-Le-,,'Tu7lDa4 qBPOLI--TP J-�,Pq4 P -%.Pc- 95PTLTTA 9tTl 04 a --e;l, 41.1-� 0 quod on quvqjcdir.i sem 4T qla-r s.,,raqtuatu paac poa 5uTuoZ utiL i:v &.1 + 14 %SE T m z Ile TT4 U P a I a A 0 0 S T - T TJOT4STJIG?A -5S-aAOD eop;ans L T LI 4. v qoT snoTA-madixi up peau nou -."Daop pap.r. -ucj; qoo- 0'- Pl-v.-r-Tnbaa alp -1 qpq-) C) Z T',L LIQ T. T P -11 S S T TL -:j Li L P 'a --E-vddv prpc Bu 9 Ts. " T 4 q U L s-+sanbvaj UOT4PT-7.pA 9 5 S -14. P b a S D e a -74. T' JEq4O 5==lac nod Z) T 1 4 0: a I -D 11 P S`U:,E� P'nom LL 4 �-; L L ( -11" 1` -SY-TaL140 PLI12 a ul 0 Iq s -r. Tq 1 0 a5u P -i aD-rad @,qq p -4 =` 4 - � I -+ I -+ I ;DlIq Ll to paaaBp P --&'G? C) 9 f) U T U 0 Z a q 11 8 8 6 T uc. -P"rz.ads L , 12 412 s4sanba-i UOTIPTIPA aSaq-4 PaT@Pj.-sTioo sipadclv -o Papos 5ulv.cz aq- n = V L. ,Tnsaa i2 SP Pv-Is9rbal ST 4--j Tt JO T44P-M, APNieATap - - v 9-poD Aq P9MOTTP lunuITXPIX 49aj T Z" a tj q uPtP V P TM q P*r. A p m a -1 P !- -4 S Pe -VU TTTLA qUPC)TTddu atlq lq4PTM a-ZBua5 JP D 9 eJ74-+ L gc rine: aPCD Aq P9mOTTn 4@8:-t' ajpnbs 009 go pea-4sur af)PIP-1-0, ezz -L s --pnhs & SP0- OC,L p Sp Ll;:),Lls ,s--4raT-rLqO aq- -aqp4TSS90@TJ Li U I'D T q P I I E A allO ST ,%q p1s".moTIP SP la,-OM4 E ;0 PV94SUT abe--LPB SD-8al-44 2 5tlTaq p;-:-, -4 s V- n bl-= 7 JOT ldT*P-UI IGUIq Lj--M SUO::j-t2`TJPA bu-r-;sanbel -q-r us z) -i -r ddu -V,-,iLL 8 8 6 T I -L allfir : aLLVG 3DVqd 110DINflam C06 NOISIAIMIS IIODINN3)i 610 SLLSnCO 484, LOrl NOILLVDOq LNVdWOD NOILDfl'dJSNO;) adVAI'dflOO '88-A-S-C-VaZ 103f arls "daNNVqd 'TiNG3a lflVd 'd' 3 0 30'VlqlA 'NOXIC *3 IIHOf Ol wnGNVIIOW3W 331-4.40NUNI all" MWA", sioulIll li3adsoid aunoW VOID 95PTTTA spTala OV TojeD Ow -ToAQW asn7e.a)l *H uAT,�ojv:) *886T ST App q4 GSAOUddV Pug G2SSVd 1 go 0 : INSSSV : SAVN : SRAV ompT Aq papTAojd JOUUPUI aqJ UT TeAojddp pup 96psspd sqT J943P pup wojJ 409gja Pup 90J0J TTnj ui aq TTPqs uoiqnTOs9U STN4 4eql :U003 NOIID2S 41 a ejoajaq qjed e apvw Aqajaq pup oq ailaq pa140e-44'P si 94noi inolap eqi 6UT4eOTPUT deur P -4etliL :sSIIHI NOIIDSS asAempeoi aqeqs pauoTquaulajoje aqq UIOJJ P94J9AIP OTJJeJ4 go qTjauaq aqq jog quawliedea 90T.TOd Oql Aq P9TTOJqed �TsnoToipnl Pug PO%Jew ATsnonoidsuoo ipauiequTew qq o4 su6is inolep J9q4e9m TTe 4u9',0T.JJ9 Jog 9pTA0jd TTTm*qoadsOJd junow 90 96eTTTA 9q4 4eql :*6MJ, NOI102S OsAempeoi aqeqs PTQ5 go 6uTsolo aqq Aq pauoTse000 PUTX Aug go S96PweP J09 A4TTTqQTOT TTg, pug sqoqjjq ui si jnoqap aqq qwiq-9qq 5uijnp oTjgejq go uoiqvTnbaj pup UOT40940id IU01409JTP aqq jog AAT TTqTsuoasajTTnJ 0 9wnsse TTTM 4ogdsoad qunoW go 062TTTA 9q4 4eql *3NO NOIIDSS :SIONIIII 'XlNnOD MOOD '.LDZdSOUd INnOW SO SOV IIIA SHS 30 SaS.LSnUl 30 GIIVOS GNV 'dOAVW SHS AS GSAIOSSH II Se ISUOSSUSHI 'MON OsAempeoi aqeqs PTes 90 bulsOTO 9q4 Ule POATOAUT, A4TTTqvI.T Pug A4TTTqTsuodsQJ TTe awnsse 96eTTTA 9q4 leqq sajinbaj s'0uTTTI 90 9qe4S 944 ISV3U2HM pue ipso'd 310E) pug AVmq6TH 4SOm4IJON ugamqaq (E8 qqno-d) peoU qsjngwTS pug iqqqaqS jnqqjv pug peo-d aseng uaamqaq pvo%a lejqueD punoqqsam 90 OueT qjno aqq :pend assnS pup Aemqb'H 4s9mq4JON uagmqaq 0 A19JT4U9 PeOld TeJqU90 6UTS010 giinbea TTTm apexed pips JsvauSHM PUP !886T 'V ATnr Aepuow uo qoedsOJd qunoW 90 95eTTTA 9q4 UTS (88 eqnod) peou qsjnqwTg Pug PPOJ TeJ4u9D go uoT4jod e uo 9ppird Aea eouepuadepui Tenuup aqq PTOq 04 sajisap qoadsoad qunoW JO 96eTTTA 944 'SV3S3HM savuvd v l0nGNOD 01 SaGNO Ni AvmUVOU SIVIS V SSOID 01 DNIISSOSU NOI101OSSU V *ON NOI101OSSU •goaCosd sTgJ OP 01 PaTJTlenb ase A9gI. 1eyq anaTlaq I 'uoTgonsgsuo3 egleTJI Aq paggTwgns saoua --rajas ayq buTlleo uod0 •aouasajas jo gsTl e gTwgns oq pasTnbas sem saPPTq yoea 'abe>1oed pTq ayq jo gjed sV •goadsosd qunoW UT �joM pawsojsad qou sey ' •03 uoz3onjgsuo3 B41ET.sl JappTq MoI ay1 830GI8 MOI 30 N0I 1b;ll JI �tnb 00.089`Lt •03 uoTgonsgsuo3 agol3 00'017V'L� •o3 uaTgonJgsuo3 Mt 6C 00.OW74V�$ •03 uoTgonjgsuoD 84leTs1 0I9 3SVO lViol 8300IO •a48WT463 s,Jaa`lTbU-� aqq mol aq a91 seri pTq gsaMol ayl . • pa,�Tnb@j se unowe pTq T aye jo °,ot jo qunowe aye U s>1oayo satysea paIgTwgns sTaPPTq IlV S G ]� 8 -40 S I S A�t N V * 00.0''6 `off$ sem oaCosd aye sod agewT4s3 s,iaau-rbu3 ay1 '00`089 Lt7$ ,lo ybTy e off. `o0•ooi7`i7�$ jo Mal e wosJ pabues spTq ay1 •P,aATa09J asam spTq aasyq jo legoq V-gaoda8sMa uoigonjgsuoj a6poo ayq UT pue sadedsMau Ieool ay4 UT paysTI qnd @J@M saoTION PTO (AA13336 SGIS •pnole peas pue pouado IloTlgnd asam spTq PalEas 'awTq sTgJ Id „wesbosa >IlemaPTS gso3 PaseyS - 8861 it ay1 soJ P@ATaoas GJGm sPTq paleas •W•d 00:01 qe `8861 LC SEW up 8861 weJbOJd >11eMaPTS 4803 PaseyS :133COo5 886L `Z aunC : 31 tea J048UTPJ003 6uTsaauTbu3 :Wo83 sabeueW abeITTA 'uoxTq U041n uyo wrl 0 N" C�K� w 3D:.d C)1 W I 71r.- rP� Village Managr June 2, 1988 age 2 R E C 0 M M E N D A T 10 N 4 This project is to be funded from Account # 01-071-04-8302 Page 151, which currently has $50,000.00. Based on the references and the favorable bid price received, I recommend that the Village Board of Trustees accept the bid from Trialta Construction Company, Fred Tennyso-I P.E. (;h I concur with the above recommendation A Th a r Les Be ricic, P E Director of Inspection Services c IF Herbert L. Weeks, Director of Public Works a0v7 lep I elo meet *7 gins 003,91 I oo ong ILt P6`2 I MOM +rE 12 t oobo&,�E . ........ . . . I `tial IINn I lKol iiNn i luloi ii.Nn t Am"'Prin II IaTpa poo4, 1 11 11 S-11 a "I I N I woul uot^3nj,"sjAo3 aqolgloo not laulsiA 'A I TO u .ars, s"0e4t I wd 00:01 2961 ITZ App 9961 MAD04d 4uawaO?lGa6 MemaDIS 4SO3 Paa?qS lusuanIC98 PUP T?AO*.'.a 61 6 11"? M,30 1 S 33 d N'T c 9.2009 STOUTTIIII '10"Iz 10"r 04d WrIOA ,,S uc,,Z-.Aam3 I's ON PaGscud Ir DO-,Iq' 10 a L 6 1 JaaUTbU3 aq4 mol aq °',9' 0 L s e m p T q q s a m o I aql r s quawnioa pTq a4l Aq p@.aTnbaj se AqTlTqTbT13 JO S@qeDTJTqJ@j U0Tjeqjodsuejj j quawqjedaa STOUT 111 pue spuoq pTq paqqTwqns sjappTq 11V SPTfJ .40 GTS yl e u V `6008SS� `6G 1$ Sem qjaV.ojd STqj JOJ @IBWTqs3 bUTJ9@UTbU3 @qj 0 L80'17L 1$ JO L4bTI4 e 0-4 "SL"0i78'86$ JO mol e wojj pabuej spTq @L41 10 Pa` N a1-1a j @ J M S P T q A T j JO leqo-4 V ,jaodad m @ N UOTqonT�suo� q b P () G at4l UT PUB aadedsmau laool 944 UT P@qSTlqnd ad@m S@01.tDu PTO I I 'N 100 03AI33'-16 SGI elesodoad aqq UT pauTj�no SE G@TlTquenb paqewTqsa aqq uo paseq jappTq qoea jcj p",,q aseq 1810-4 G4-4 JO UOTqewwns e st paL4z)eqlV .'.*pTq aseq le,loq e P@t4STlq'.eqc,;g p u e 8L n a L4 I L S W 9 11 .10 0 T ad I e q o -4 e papnjouT p'r q L4 a e M-6".w Vim W60A GIB epnole peaj PUB p@uado AIDTlqnd aaam SPTq pal eas OWT-4 ST4-4 qV eqoaCoad ,4U@W@AOjdwl auel poomsseq V auel @ajo,, @L44 J0j PaAT93ad ad@M SpTq pa leas *Weld 00:OL q8 `8861 'VZ AEW UO U a W @ A 0jdwj auel poomsseq PUB auel a@j3 j �l --icons 886 L L @unC : 3I v G J04BUTPJ003 bUTJ99UTbU3 'W083 jabeueW abet ITA 'U0XTG uoqlnA uqoC :til wrl 0 N" DKa w 3:)1dd0231N1 Cree Lane and � aswood Improvement June 1, 198B 3�11 Fiala Paving Co. %a J.A. Johnson Paving Co. Arrow Road Construction Co. Alliance Contractors, Inc. Callaghan Paving Co., Inc. QUALIFICATIONS OF LOW BIDDER $ 989840e15 999941 950 1019955.00 107,615e30 114,081 .30 The low bidder, Fiala Paving Company, has not performed work in town. However, this construction company has demonstrated to the Illinois Department of Transportation that it is a qualified contractor. R E C 0 M M E N D A T 10 N The project is to be funded from Account #22-071-04-8510, page 1 51 , which currently has $175,000. An MFT Resolution f o r $115,000,00, was passed by the Board of Trustees on May 17, 1988. SJ..nce the bid estimates are less than the Engineer's Estimate and all i ndications are that construction prices may increase later this year, I recommend awarding this Contract to Fiala Paving Co, for $98,840.15. 6W Fred Tennyson, P.E. Enqineering Coordinator IWA I concur with the above recommendation. Charles Bencic, Director of Inspection Services C., Herbert L. Weeks, Director of Public Works u m IF - 4 -lb ul Irl fu 00 ACD ;, cs:) ISO cm to Ch Mo >. L.2 IMP It& mo Alav ISO!ri * , w IMPc4 !4 P.A F., IMP 11D two 0-S;P et 1�t "It Qj 4� J vi CD cu IU U-3 1,-3;1 (5) -4 6 CD is) 43; PQ LJD 4SP 0Q co 0!a � d!S0 a ow co cc !Si 15+ ISO CQ -W OLD ln: OSIO T-) eso li-i w r-- IF k%j —i ".4 cn Cio Tli un C2 ip kl%i w cu ru -Ar 0 4n 40 cu in lul P) ZIP ID lwa O -D aDa: ep OR, cz .4r ISO 4r ow to 0% IF IF kD IWO 0! 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Cc • CAR) *SSW, op_!20 06m, tz: ("Spo ke 54j, CD Cr I C; cli cu OSD Ar PD U-) t— -ir CD 133 ? w cr; f-; In M t.0 IF— .1 cu en ea %a CD --a la! ck.: I� co ru to ul) 16A --4 &S "m m CL U'l U-1 cw !p P9 so ei -W6> M IS; cu CNJ u 1 kru Mp 1,010) X: cu C%j u cv INTO a% OISD ps FlUr OV 01;o W9 09 0% GO 011;p 0%;w 0--o 'r. 05;1 111;# IND mg -w es, e", L 00 Ar ep ep ISO -cr If --4 d!p r.4)F LA-) d!p -W rw) m 2i 9 ry U") rSl r 9 03; -4r f -so > 01 CM -41r rw) cu ..d el; C%; C3L 1; V te a ic 0 -a -0-b N ru-,, IMS0 i0s, tai 5;l 49 'CI r 0 c1r; 0o; C%i cu cu u M a: — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — r gZ :? b-3 cu do ow 00 OSJ Ul A* "IQ ISO e;o /'900 r 000 4w 0530 — Sr00% AD le eso U-) -or PSO Arr cm rl_ ISO r- �4r rwl Fj e .0 Ile! 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SGOT ad TP -40 4 -4Suasaadaa qunotue aeTTop aqj - TI 'OSE?0T TA 0 PPOU a9ATOU "a 9fiL9 08*C6T $ )Uadve Is -did aq9v I uo-42uTaaleg TI 0 9Z9 X09 *O*d SZ*ZLT $ szxvq lvauD aDiud Giq 9-aaa cia SMOTT09 sp 9ap sqTnsea pTq eqj &SUTqqoT0 9AT4oaqoad go aspqoand pasodoad t'qq- a09 `NOV 00:OT 4P 4886T '8T APW uo pauedo aaem spTq P9TP@S ONIHIM0 SAI10SIOUd 0*10afqflS 886T 'SZ XVW 011aAVID OW CrdVMGR JaIHD all IJ :Woua NOXIG N01"Ill-3d NHOf H2[DVNUW HDVrIrlIA :01 wnaNVUOW3W 33HAOU31NI ��� SIONnii 11,11,11,11,11,1111OL, Adsoum"uLd jLNnow :10 3WIIA sqoeqqe PI/MIH SMJOM OTTqnd JOqOGJT(l S >`1 aa A I Ajaqj, AT *@Tnpaqos palepuiew-aSH aqq qlTm AT,dwoo U@44 TTTM 43T4M '886L 'L ATnC 04 JOTjd U 0 Tjonilisuoo 9DUaWWOO 04 @Tqe aq TTTM JOIDEJIUOD aqq 'MJOM UOT4BITTTqeqa1 aqj JO UOTqjod qnO16 T80TWeqJ aqq bUTP38ME Ae OS4083JU00 aGJqq asaqq ioj spTq bUTpuad aqq j 0 p8TJ TqOU as aM S WJ Tj L L j 0 T e I Oq V *UOTjePUGWWO3@J JTaql qjTm jn3UOJ I !PJeme Pue TBAoidde joj 4T PUGWWODGJ slue4iiiii[nsuoo Gql eGqeWlqSa bUlJa@UTbU@ moTaq sem pTq slql *3UI "T"BaS V ueaTJ jamaS-ns'A Aq 050 19Z'LL$ JO qunowe Gqq UT >JJOM STt4j JOJ PaATG39J . . ............................ i sem pTq auo gnas9 T83TWat4,3 JGM2S AlelTues - lijil 13 e J 440 j qGq8p j@qeT a le UOTqBp I -U9WWOJGJ 8 GAe4 TTTM @.M *IUGWGSTApe japun pTq sTqj aABq TTTqS I pue se ju T oossV V anqouo(] que q Tnsuoo bUT J aGUT bue jn,Q p a A T a 0 a i I w sem pTq auo )j J 0 pA U Tu-rT@H JamGS AJelTueS 9 4 a e 14 u 0 3 OPGAT@OGJ GJGM P"— - - ------ -- I spTq ON UOT481TT TqeqaH QTOqueW Jam@S AJ84TUBS - IIVAI qoLj,4LOJ *89,18 40TJISTa AJ`84TU`RS SMOPSOW qoedsOJd J@WJDJ aqq UTqjTM UOT4BqTTTqeqaj jamas uo sqoejquoo TBTquaqod aajqq joj pauado ajam spTq PaT809 '886[ IL aunC uo qoTjlsTa AjeqTuaS smopeaW qoadsOJd UOT184TTTqeq@d jamaS AjeqTueS aiO3c86s 1861 IZ aunC : 311G SjJOt4 JTTqnd 104OGJT(] JabBUBW ObETTTA :01 TT, 7 wn(INVIlOW3W 331:1-40113iNI 'to It"oll, SIOU1111 padsOld 4un1W :toedsoid :tunoLpj 4o e6ell"Al 4 SJJOM OTTqnd J0409JI(I a@M jaqjGH 6408148 PI/MIH * GTnpaqos PGIePUeW-(]SW 944 qjTM GOUeTTdwoo abeTTTA bUTTqeua snL41 '886L ' L AInC 04 JOTid uoTqonjqsuoo aouawwoo of JOqJeJluOJ aq4 @TqeuO TTTm @WT4 ST41 18 IOBJIU-00 STqA qsnC 6UTPJBMV *5Z*LOt'O�$ PaOOXG 04 qou qunowe ue UT *DUI sTBaS V UBGTJ jamaS-nsTA liappTq ATUO aql o4 papieme aq >Ijom qnOdb TBOTWGqD JOJ q3eJjUO 0 044 qeqq pUaWWODai 49OUI lsaqaToossV,j? anqouoa 'SJGGUTbua bUTITnsuoo aql oaqew -TqS9 bUTJa@UTbue aqq mOT@q sem pTq STql *5Z*L0t'U$ JO qunowe 9144 UT oJuI 'TEGS I? UBGTJ jamas-nSTA Aq 11311 :1313JIU03 JOJ PGAT@09J ;4 W-WM6� sem pTq poTeas auo qnOJO TBOTWGqJ a9ma!g AJe4TueS 11311 4O'8J'4uOJ' *G48P JG4eT 8 le UOTlepUaWWOOaJ e bUTPJeMJOJ aq TTTm Pue JUGWaSTAPE japun 4T aAet4 I PUB 4uelTnsuoo bu -IJGaUT,6ua 9, qoeaquoo STqj 10 PGAT@DGJ sem pTq auo >ijoM bUTUTT@8 J@MaS AJe4TUeS - 11911 qoeiquoj B qB UOTqepUOWWOOGJ E aABq TTTM PUB 4U@WGSIAPB japun pTq JBTnOTqjed STqq aABq I pue que4Tnsuoo bUT'JGGUTbUG Gql 'O;J,JOM STqj JOJ P�GATOOGJ sem pTq auo s i -r a d a nor PUB UDTqe-4T TTqeqad GT04ueW 1@m9S AjeqTuBS - ilvil q3Bjquo0 :smOTTOJ s8 GJB -s4Tnsai P T 0 • s4JBJquOO TanPTATPUT aajqq oquT paqejedas SBM )JJOM STql *W94SAS JGMGS P9umO-@6BUTTTTA @4q . >IJOM UOT,qe4TTTqeqaj JGMGS AialTues job, pauado ajam spTq PaTBGS '886L IL aunC up UOTqe4TTTqeqaH JGm@S AJ84TuBS ab8TTTA :I33cens 8861 IZ aunC : 31ba SJJOM OTTqnd JOqOaJT() :WHA jabeueW abeTTTA 001 a wnaNV"d*OW3W 3313:102831NI siouilli 1padsOld junoW :to8uso.Acj :tuno:IN ;o ;36e,ll1A Pq/ SjJ0M OTTqnd J043GJT(] S >1 a a qj a q!j al 11 *U0Tq8PUGWW00aJ @Aoqe aqq qqTm inouoo qU9PU0qUTjadnS qaajqS *@0UeUaqUT8W JUGWGABd wqaq Aq paqqTwqns se'TesodOJd- bUTT8aS >1 a e i j a q q q d a o o e P J e 09 868TTTA a t4 q q e L4 q P U G w w 0 0 @ J I 'SUOT 4ePU@WW009J s, G0uGJGJu00 TediOTunW qsGmqqJON 9qq UO PGseg * (0S L abed) 000'491$ Se4 ATqUGJ -ano qoTqm 16VL9-VO-LLO-ZZ# qun000V wojj saiuow ggTM papunj aq TTTM joa Coad ST41 *PGJTnbei ST . TeAoidds PJeDG GbeTTTA 'IDBJqUOJ @qq 10 UOTqjod siabeTTTA aqq qqTm paaooid oq japao ul *WeJbOJd buTTeaS lOeJJ 886 L Gqq JOJ bUTUado pTq Gqq JO sqTnsai aqq 6UTq80 -TPUT aDuaJaJU03 TedToiunW lsaM44JON aql WOJJ Owaw 8 ST. PaL43eqqv W9 -co -00000-88 PTO bUTTEGS MOBJJ JO SqTnsad 13 3cons 8861 'LZ ABW : 31V(l quapuaquijadnS qaajqS : w 0 8 1 J968ueW abETTTA :01 wnGNV*dOW3W 331-4-40NUNI slomill 'IndsOld �unoW ZoadsoftAd qunoLAI 4o ooell,,!,Ai Ilk �I NW,.M NORTHWEST MUNICIPAL CONFERENCE 10 S. EMERSON STREET MOUNT PROSPECT. ILLINOIS 60056 A REG K)NAL N OF ILLINOIS (312) 253-6323 MUNICIPAL#TIES AND TOWNSMPS RF.PRESENTIM A POPULATION OF OvEA ,' , O.Wo MEMBER COMMUNITIESp FOUNDED IN ISI! Arlington Heights Barrington TO: Participants in the Crack S "ing ng B~ Buffab Grow Services Program $ Des Plaines Elk Grove Village � Evanston Glencoe B ri, 7C . Hi gb o r , Administrative sistant Glenview Hanover Park SUBJECT: Program Up da t e Highland Park Hoffman Estates Inverness DATE: May 4. 1988 Lake Forest Lmcoinwood Morton Grave Mount Prot Bids for the 1988 Crack Sealing Services contract were Niles opened at 1:30 P.M. on Monday, May 2. Although many Nonhbrook No field contractors inquired ,about theram ro only two submitted p g � y Palatine proposals. The low bidder was Behm Pavement Maintenance. Park Ridge Prospect `ts Behm has been the successful bidder in previous years and RollogM" is f ami iar with the pro8 raga. Rossile Schaumburg Behm will apply one pound of sealant for 85+; regardless Skokie Streamwood p then off` �t real is rely red. With b get of Wheeling $110,000, ill be applying 2';- ; , 412 lbs. of sealant. wdmette winnetka The other C r, A.Z. Pavement Striping, quo ted Elk Grow Twp. dif ferential, dependingth r or not r `t1O, Ham' Twp. Meme Twp. was, required,,,,w` t type of surface, was being sealed. New for Trop. t1 O t O the 1 7 e 7` 4' .$110,000, NorthfWW Twp. we have, available, Schavnftgl Twp. wheeling Twp. It is recorded Behm be approved for the OFFICERS President Clarine C. Hal wirx►etka Vice-Preesdent k John E. Seitz Dee Plaines Secretary- Treaswrer Bruce Trego Bvrington Execuave Director William G. Grams a �I (02.fr) 0 LLS VIS Uld PUO"g 04$ ;C AUVd (leas) I (lvnpjA!pu1 uv jl) UVol PUOD*$ 091 ;0 AUV41 .......... jo Own wjjj aqi japun ssauang Sum 6 . IP Mulled (Fos) .......... (leal S) (diqsj*ujjv&o:) v j 1) sna pooDes 0%" OPP DU 0:)UUU04UT V :IUOUIO AVd WI -9 a I It i U OWEN airiodioj (uotiviodioa v jj) (IlicaS amodjo:)) ""On" RNMIN"111 wo coor v r o v :119213 Uva IUM, a%" 10 Auva VOID jo *P2UOIIUOW OAoqt alip aqj U0 swasaid asatli painom *Avq go"iLod pjvS OqjL `A03V3 SS3 IM I 't HM NI M *joajaq Ind ir me put latiluco P.qi jo smawn-nop lv!luma 11e erre 40m� 8861 S1.0ull11JO DIMS 043 J0 tionevoclsuvi.L jo mawindoo aqj AqpOAojddv mo 1021clsoaa IN Ul wr6 0(m:.. -Sq 1,10130*s JOJ Itut1d OqI ptm 'Patlainin 01=4 PU08 j0wju0:) pull lnodojd,1suo;stAojd pnoodS 1sjoj*vj3uo:) of a21,30N DIP lvql POOAV Put) P00IsjOpU'n ocle st I! Puv 14 J10PUn J OQUIVU3 Oqljo nuatuatinba; sq' i pux juOt'UOOJS1V. tP JOSM101 441J n M-4,11MAOtmil 4 Wc",. "rj: ut PUT * paqYMOP "U'RUMV4 SU1011'"gpods put'sunid aqj ql,tm 1 .11 It linil, 111JOIM10141 IF mIrpio"t ul-l',10m aqi, wjdtuw olAnww" Joq�'ff HE Pull 31EIMEW 1`141M op oi,*vjadx* pug, noo, j�odbjd umo,jj,4jjPq, it Ind I"nu ;q) jo Au'rd Pigs' qltm SMAR tind pucms oAjjnd* liu, mid osatli 01 f'utJ,,J,0J*J PU08 *41 Ul Pm, *Axa swal aqj of out, 1 0', ove pu 041 AP cm I 11v Ed 1,111j, 0111, jo Aved, atlj Aq powiopod pur opew oq oj ,, paqoatrj, IV, 010144 jewdoij aqj ut pau'Ou'u,ow ovow0ai've Pur slug he oql jo uojIej*p!guo* ul put j0j In # 0 . U :IMSS�UJA% •'t -lied puooes 944 10 Abid 041913 UMOUX 1BUB19918 J0 sioss000ns'BJOIVJISlulwpolsiolnoexoJls4ilsl,w INM43AY'd MMU PUIR'lied ISA61 844 jo Alied 04129 UMOUMi, all 45=41 pus Aq Bullos Mm WrIIIA 12 Maia lloadsoud 16 m a0n11I1i 044 ueem4eq jo Asp 041 pepnjouoo Pus GPDw f1N3VG3UDV SIHI 7, k SI0N1111 .40 31VIS FA 00T,k], NATM&� Cond #S100-3501 Municipalities Village of Buffalo Grove Village of Glenview City of McHenry Village of Mt. Prospect Village of Streamwood Village of Wheeling', Village of Winnetka Secti on Wo Rehm Pavement Maintenance Incor2orated . . ....... as PRINCIPAL, and . .......... llashinQ44:on InternationaL Insurance Cospany as SURETY 10,11*41, 0@1 "11"p, Ill 11 @WIN 1 01 Nww 00 0, 1 IM0004111"m Now -go I I are held and" firmly bound unto the above Local Ag cies (hereafter ref,,,,erred to as "LA") in the penal sum of One Hundred TenThousand OWN NONTMONWO-401 I ars ( 1109000 00 ) I awf'u I money ,, the United Stateswell and truly to be paid unto said U, for the payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, jointly to pay to the LA this sum under the conditions of this instrument. WHEREAS THE CONDITION OF THE FOREGOING OBLIGATION IS SUCH that, the said Principal has entered into a written contract with the LA acting through its awarding authority for the construction of work on the above section, which contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, as if written herein at length, and whereby the said Principal has promised and agreed to perform -said work in accordance with the terms of said contract, and has promised to pay all sums of money due for any labor, materials, apparatus, fixtures or machinery furnished to such Principal for the purpose of performing such work and has further agreed to pay all direct and indirect damages to any person, firm, company or corporation suffered or sustained on account of the performance of such work during the time thereof and until such work is completed and accepted; and has further agreed that this bond Shall inure to the benefit of any person, firm, company, or corporationg to whom any money may be due from the Principal, subcontractor or otherwise, for any such labor, materials, apparatus, fixtures or machinery so furnished and that suit may be maintained on such bond by any such person, firm, company, or corporation, for the recovery of any such money* NOW THEREFORE9 if the said Principal shall well and truly perform said work in accordance with the terms of said contract, and shall pay all sums of money due or to become due for any labor, materials, apparatus, fixtures or machinery furnished to him for the purpose of constructing such work, and shall commence and complete the work within the time prescribed in said contract, and shall pay and discharge all damages,, direct and indirect, that may be suffered or sustained on account of such work during the time of the performance thereof and until the said work shall have been accepted, and shall hold the LA and its awarding authority harmless on account of any such damages and shall in all respects fully and faithfully comply with all the provisions, conditions, and requirements of said contract, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. .........................(�uapLsa.Ad/.AokeW/ueuu L2411-- 44LAo44nV BULPJRMV) -- - - ------ I j%A9 Lo :4SO44V NOMPROW .............. 61 a* v's L44 P8AojddV & :),Lt,qnd '4�1?10' . . . . . . . ............ � -• 5 - StIJLdxa UOLSSLWWOO BCW 61 10 Sep SL44 Leas LPLJ240U PUP puP4 Sw japun UaALD 'a0v►e !, S. 0 va 4ZJOJ 48s ULaJ944 0 sasodind pup sasn 941 joj Zoe Ajejun LOA PUP 99JI JL941 sp juawnjZSUL PrPS pagan LLap PUP 6pajteas 6paUBLS haqZ 4244 649ALoad sag pa6PBLmOuVe PUP uO* siad UL XPP SLqj aw ajolaq pairadde 6A1.3uns Pup lVdIONIU 10 JL24aq uo 4uawnjZSUL BULOBajoj 944 04 pa%josqns aje saweu 9SO4m suosiad owes 944 aq o4 aw of umOu� XLL2WSJOd 43e9 acre 04m (Aj3Nns v ivdi2mu..4.0 lle4aq uo BULuh LS S'j,enp.'LAERUl A2 SclWeU 4jasul') zsoi a• o zi, pue w4 a S r we L I I �jkj op d AJVZON 2 slcqlll ;o ""S amlqna An" ;.mHiDnoo v iowo 46TVSS IWX"O" zSoj a a 0 0 4 IOP3-Ut-,A,'aujo44,'v I -o ajnjeo� P, i*P9XLIIP aq Isnw 0 guedwoo 941 ssioppiluoo J%.,JaLldnoi ow loje3 GI a � e 1 30 AINnOO 4SIONIIII JO 31VIS MWLeeas 41ajn o MINI AUedwoo aouejnsur 1eUOLIeUJ9IUj U04bUL4sell A13HnS ujV 4ove jo sajn4edp PaZLJo44ne pup sLeas Ismeu ow jo om4 ;o ajnjlUaA ZUJOC e SL lVdIONINd 1I 0 0 lVdIONIbd PU�6 T aO v bj 10 Rep 4 1 lb, L sXq4 pax�;jv olunaj94 aq 04 SLVOS 94ejodjoo J044 Pup SJODJ;;O OApoadsaj JL844 Xq pauB!s aq off. juawnj4SUL SH4 pasneo OAV`4 A1L3Hns Pdes a44 Pup lVdIONIUd PPS a44 4303H3HM ANOWIJLS31. NI 1 C -T I -" , "a POWER OF ATTORNEY � KNOW ALL GTHESE TS 4'That t as in on, I la ati l I swuran e, C d r a corporation organized tt1 I �`° the 1 f the StateStatef Arizona having itsprincipal office i t i/. of Schaumburg,, ll i is does hereby, constitute, and appoint s e * Carol A. DouShorty, R.O. Drost, J.S. Pohl, and Jim Sulkowski * s * its true and lawful attorneys } -in -fact too execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all, bonds and, "de,rtakings, recogniz ances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or say be allo"d, required, or permitted by 1 aw , statute, rule,, regulation, contract or othe rwi se , and the execution of such instrument t O in pursu encu of these presents, shall be as binding upon the said Washington International Insurances Company an fully and amply, to all intents and purposest as if the same has boon duly executed and acknowledged by its President at its principal office* k This Power of Attorney shall be limited in amount, to #500,000.00 for any singles obligation. This Poorer of Attorney is issued pursuant to authority granted by the resolutions of the Board of Directors adopted February 4. 1979, and January 17, 1984, which read, in part, as follows: 1. The president may appoint Attorneys -iia -Fact, and authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds, and undertakianss, recognizawnces, contracts, of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and to appoint Special Attorneys- in -Fact , who " hereby authorized to certify to copies of any pcew*r-of -attorney issued in pursuant to this section and/or any of the By -Laws of the Company, and to remove, at any timet any such Attorney -in -Fact or Special Attorney -in -Fact and revoke the authority given his." 2. The signatures of the Cha ixuan of the Board, the President, Vice firersident, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Secretary, and the corporate seal of the Company. may be affixed to any Power of Attorney, certificate, bond or unde"rtakins relating thereto, by facsimile. Any such Power of Attorney, certificate bond or undertaking bearing such facsimile: signature or facsimile sea l affixed in the ordinary course of business shall be valid and binding upon the company. IN 'TESTIMONY WHEREOF9 the Washington International Insurance Company has caused this instrument to be signed and its corporate seal to be affixed by its authorized officer, this 21th day of April, 1995 /N TO IN TIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY SEAL' D. tuns , Frea E OF ILLINOIS ' ��� STA T LLI } COUNTY OF COOK On this 21th day of April, 1999, before a* came the individual who executed the preceding inatrument, to me personally known, and, being by so duly sworn, said that he is they therein described and authorized officer of the Washington International Insurance Company; that the seal affixed to said instrument i4 the Corporate Seal of said Company; IN TESTIMONY W 0F, i- ve hereunto sot my hand and off Ixed my Official Seal . they deer and year first above written. 004 P4 P% P*AW &A " OFFICIAL SEAL " riComission . shop, oto Public �lLL M. ®ARSHOP' Expi res March 13 , 1991 'OTARY PMC, 'STATE OF IWNCIS 9Y CMI SS I ON EXPIRES 3!13191 CTIFICATE STATE OF ILLINOIS } COUNTY OF COOK } I. the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of WASHINGTON INTE"t+tNNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, an ARIZONA Corporat ion , DO HEREBY CST I FY that the f oreco ins and attached POS OF ATTORNEY remains in full force and has not been revoked, and furthermore that Article III. Section 5 of the By -Laws of the Corporation, and the Resolution of the Board of Directors, set forth in the Pourer of Attorney, are now in force. 11th May 8$ Signed and sealed in the County of k,*, date t deer of 19� Lenvis M. Moollor. . S,ecretsry r 88 61 30 Avo SIH1 SI0NI III AINno3 A003 131dS08d 1Nnow 3O ADVI3I A 3H1 3O S331SA81 30 08VOO 3H1 A8 03AO8ddV @beso qS adTd punoi6iopup SVI'd 'd N I N3I 3G/NQI 1N3138 u e I d poAosddV J9d 9NIdV3SaNV l ` S a A 0S oa Z SI Ol ON I AdVd S3-1IW V/N Avmavod was a go", AZ L- 1 9� L `ii� L- i 6► `iib L- i S9 ` 11 '/ Z i i 19 L ` 1 i L Z i i Z '/ L* 3ZIS `13 83M3S W8O1S 3ZIS I69 -I68 '13 a Z S MAS AdVIINVS 3ZIS i1Z 13 89L NIVW 831VM U3A021ddtf �1N3W3AO8dWI 311dAI8d 'd N SV18V N011N311a/N011N1138 poS ` A' S S D°NTAV3SaNVI AVMAHVd ON S3381 AVMA8dd ON 0 S1H9I1 133d1S 0 SNOIS AdOIVIAO38 133815 ` 13 ` 0S .. . ...... .. 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