HomeMy WebLinkAbout0429_001MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT February 16, 1988 CALL TO ORDER CALL TO ORDER Mayor Krause called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M ROLL CALL ROLL CALL Present upon roll call: Mayor Carolyn Krause Trustee Ralph Arthur Trustee Norma Murauskis Trustee George Van Geem Trustee Theodore Wattenberg Absent: Trustee Gerald Farley Trustee Leo Floros INVOCATION IN'VOCATION The invocation was given by Trustee Wattenberg. APPROVE MINUTES APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trustee Wattenberg, seconded by Trustee Murauskis, moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees held February 2, 1988. Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Murauskis, 'Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays: None Motion -. APPROVAL OF BILLS Trustee "Van Geem, seconded by Trustee Murauskis, APPROVE BILLS moved to approve the following list of bills: General Fund $ 439,419 Revenue Sharing Fund Motor Fuel Tax Fund 4,461 Community Development Black Grant Fund 5,5803 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund 40,391 Waterworks & Sewerage Fund 460,286 Parking System Revenue Fund 1,153 Risk Management Fund 10,422 Downtown Redevelopment Const. 19870 P W Facility Construction Fund Series A Capital Improvement, Repl, or Repair Fund 3,125 Special Service Area No. 5 114,696 Downtown Redevelopment Const, Fund 32,250 P.W. Facility Construction Fund Series B 140,274 Debt Service Funds FlexCom.p Trust Fund Escrow Deposit Fund 51907 Police Pension Fund Firemens Pension Fund Special Assessment Funds X843,964 Upon roll call: Ages: Arthur, Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays: None Motion carried. Trustee Van Deem, seconded by Trustee Murauskis, moved to FINANCIAL accept the financial report dated January, 1988, subject to REPORT audit. Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Murauskis, Van Ge+em, Wattenberg Nays: None Motion carried. ...... .... 8861 19T Ajenjq93 - Z abed 1 0-9 JO 940A P Aq qsanbaj SJ9UOT4T4ad a44 buT4VeJb P9Pu9wwOD9J 4VZ JO APM9ATIP 944 sTeaddV go pjeog buTuOZ 9q1 *,,L 1 a APM9ATJP etAgpTS e qqTM bUOTP lqqpTM Oq quaoe[pe buTuunj XT 6 0 e -4iwiad oq UOTqelJeA e buTqsanb9j sT lauoTqTqad aT4,L cruel J9MOI 006 JL8-A-6L VUZ SSENISag MSN -PaTijeo uOTqOw 9uON *sAeN bjaqu9qjeLq 'w9aD uPA IsiNsneanw JjnqqjV :sqAV :Tleo Iloa uodn lDadSOUd INnOW ao SGOD S9Vq1IA alll ao ZZ USIdVHD aO uSSIVU QNV SUSlaWil GaIIIINS A SIDIIUV ONIGNSWV SDNVNIGUO NV E688 -ON 90ueuIPJ0 JO abessed JOJ p9AOW 'bjaquaqqeLA aaqsnjl Aq papuo3as ;jnqqjV 99qsnjj *juqqqAs qeqq buTiTnboe . 0 go qSOO aqq JaAO3 TTIM abjpqojns qolqm 'q3Tj4sTQ Jam9S AjvqTuvS smopeaW qoadsoid aqq m uTqqlsjasn ,zoo a6jqojns e 0 # Sqqe9jo pUP JS90TA19S aqq buTsn asoqq Jog sage) J9m9s Pue jaqem aqq saspajoul goueuTpio S141 *9POD 95eTTTA 9q4 JO ZZ ja-4deqo go ,S,9-4eU PUP S;1a-49Wm A 910IF-4-1V Puaule pTnom etp 'bu-Epeaj PuOm 09s 109 po4uasajd seaougulplo UV q *buTpeaj puoo;Ds,,,_EP _10 -4sT LjojeW paquesa;id aq TTTM 90UPUN .10 STLIJ, -UOTqQ6T4TT go qoaCqns e se papToap aq PTnom jaqqew aqq paquasaid sp qoueuTpip aqq passed pivou aq4 JT 4e44 aoueupjo pasodoid aqq uT 44joi PUe 9AT43TJ4S9J 00 i 4 aJP 41 qas suolqTPUOD aqq qeqq paqeqs Jaumo aqq Jog Aauioqqe 941 -Aliadoad qoa[qns aqq go quedn000 Aup Aq qaw aq qsnw qeqq squawaiTnbai oq se suolqTpuoo oijToads ggTM qnq seoed's bUTXjPd 8V qTwjad oq suOTqPTJeA qupjb pTnom 4OTLIM 'OTSE *ON a0ueuTPJ0 Te9uGJ PTnom qeqq 6uTpPaj qsjTj �oj paquasaid svm 9aueuTpjo uV anuOAV qoadsoid qsea TOL '88-A-8 VUZ -Apm_jo_qqbij oiTqnd e bUTqQDeA bUTU114e 9AO5 SUOTnbai aqq qqTm ATdwoo oq Japjo uT bu1qqqw* qeqq qQ PT.axj sq osTP TjTm buijeaH oilqnd V *9bPTTTA 9q4 UT q0_.E-J_4s'E0C1 ail "_4sj_[J S114-4 JO UOT.qe9,JD aLp oq quouiqjad s-4,uawnoop 1 1 94 -4 0 Ll -4 � m buOTe140aeW uo PJeOR_ 959TTTA 9qq JO bulq99U11�eTn60a qxau 9�q 4P s5u,pegj puo0as joj paquasq;id aq TT,'-T,m s90uPu_.EP-10 "941 -paqsanbai se apOD quelb PUe JSUOTqPTJeA quauidolaAaG Gq4 U1OJJ SUOTqPDT.Jlpow pa-[j-Eoad�s-4uejb -1-4ubwdOT9A9(j 4TUn, P9uueTd F go ain,4eu 974q pTP que6 j qoaCqns aqq auozaj TTTm WE asn oqds ;1•,Aqjado d 4pqq sbuippal qsJ13 Jog pqqu;D�ajd ajam seoupuTpio a -40qunoW adsod;i T'r Ll d '188-z_v vuz ;0 96PTTTA T IuPR Aq aujOH 188-A-9 "22-flS-S Ssamisau Clq* I 9UON luod2u SlUO)Ww DUON allVaH 29 01 SNSZIIID - SNOIIIJad GNV SNOUVOINOWWOD *Nq •t. LB -A -6L VSZ a S a JIV"d HSM USIVm Z Z I HD GNSWV keg 94 8 PHT, to K m 0 0 'ISARG q1IHdW3A I IT# ail 88-A-9 188-nS-S '88 -Z -v vez Trustee Arthur, seconded by Trustee Wattenberg, moved to concur with the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Aoneals and grant the variation requested in ZBA 79-V-87 and permit a total width of 241 7" for a sidewalk and driveway. Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays: None Motion carried. An Ordinance will be presented March lst for first reading. ZBA 2-V-88, 322 Marcella ZBA 2-V-88 The Petitioner is requesting a variation to permit a 15 322 MARCELLA foot front yard, instead of the required 30 feet, in order to construct an attached garage. The Zoning Board of Appeals recommended granting the request by a vote of 6-0. Trustee Arthurr seconded by Trustee Wattenberg, moved t concur •with the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals and grant the variation requested in ZBA 2-V-881 Upon roll call.- Ayes: Arthur, Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays-. None An Ordinance will be presented for first reading on March lst, ZBA 3-V-88, 1005 Cypress ZBA 3-V-88 The Petitioner is requesting variations to permit a parking 1005 CYPRESS pad, which would result in a driveway width of 27-1/2 feet and a side yard of 6-1/2 feet instead of 7.3 feet and a zero foot front yard. The Zoning Board of Appeals recommended granting these requests by a vote of 6-0 provided the driveway taper to 21 feet at the sidewalk, It was noted by the Peoner that they apparently misunderstood the motion at f Board which .4 was t* taper the parking pad to 21 feet wide at the sidewalk, which the Petitioner felt would make maneuvering very difficult. Trustee Murauskis, seconded by Trustee Arthurr moved to lirant the variations requested in ZBA 3-V-88, allowing the requested driveway width of 27-1/2 feet to the sidewalk and to have the driveway taper to 21 feet wide between the cur* and sidewalk, Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays: None F =_ An Ordinance will be presented for first reading on Plarch lst. ZBA 1 -SU -88, Lexington Homes Development at Old Orchard ZBA 1 -SU -88 Sporty Nine OLD ORCHARD, The Petitioner is requestinga Special Use in the nature of LEXINGTON a Planned Unit Development in order to permit 332 townhouses. The Subject,Property 4 iisunder a Consent Decree which presently permits 772 multi -family dwelling units, and if this request is granted the Consent Decree will have tIII be amended by motion of both the Village and Petitioner. The Zoning Board of Appeals recommended granting the requests by a vote of 7-0. t Page 3 - February 16, 1988 886T 'qT Ajpnzgaa V abed p n4W ' 6xaquaggph1 aagsnzs Aq papuooas ' znuggjV aagsnjI •p'aquasaid sem goT;jgdzQ uoTgoagojd ajig 19ATU sazoaquaamgaq S90TA19S�t quawgjedap ajij Aoua jewe jog quawaajbV Te,nuue aqI •paTajaa uoTgoW d.zaquaggeM lu999 ueA 'sz->IsnejnW rjnggjV :sa V :TTea TToj undo SDI, URS 2UI3 V SSNI'VId SSG aO )UID 'SHS GNV SDSdSOUd INnOW 3O SJ►VrIrIIA SHJ, N331,41219 ZNSWSSU9 QIV DIIVWOInV Ned ONI Z IUGHIDV NOIIn7OS2S V 88-6 'ON uoTgnTosaU go abessed jog panou I jnggjV aagsnj l Aq papuoaas lwaaD ueA aaqsnjI •sauTeTa Saa Jo AgTD auq pup 9beTTTA aqq uaamgaq uoTgoagojd ajTj jo;j quauzaajbe pTe aTgewogne up aZTjoggne pTnom gegq paquasaxd sem uoTgnIos9E V paTileo uOIgow auoN :sAPN b�aquagga�� ' uza9D uPA sT ,�isne nW ' jnggjV . saAV O TTUD T Ioa uodn N qd INSWSDVNVW SISVM GIqOS 3DNZUSaNUD IVdIDINnW ,ISHMHI�ON RHJ NI NOIJVdIDIJ?3Vd Q31INI,LNOD ONIZIUGHInV N I,IDIOSSU V 88-8 -ON uoT gnTOSG 90 abessed JO J PaAOW 'jnggjV aagsnas Aq papuooas 'bjaquaggvt4 aagsnjI, TedToTunW gsamgqJON agq q Paganpuoa . iuT q uz a io d qu9uI95euew agsPm PITOS a4q uT gjoddns S , adPTT TA aqq ssajdxa pTnom 4egq paq.uasead sem uo q.nTOsa V •qsI gOJPW uo p,xeog adeTT A agq 30 bu T g9au1 JvTnbai gxau aqq oq penu T quoo sem UoT gnTosau sTgq i sbuijeaq ga6pnq buiwoodn, aqq qe passnosTp aq TTTM, pasodojz buTaq swej ojd aqq gpuq goeq a4q oq anG •p -L Jo agora e Aq sajngTpuadxa pup swe.xdojd snoTaen aqq duTgdaaoe papuewwooaj seq uoTSsTluwOD uvTd ags '8861 JOJ uozgeaoTTe ue,zdoad quawaTgTquH qUeJ9 No'oTS quawdOTanaQ AgTuntuwoD aqq anoidde p1nom qpqq paquaaazd seri uoT gnTas@- -uoTgeaTpap uIew lageM pue lamas 5uTgsTxa aqq gdaoae o:q Ajesss oau sda;gs aqq u gseq PTnogs a6 T T TA aqq pup ' AemPeoJ Jo C eul aqq buaTe Pal: T e4su T aq PTnogs sXTPmapz s quawdOTanap paeodo d: aqq jog es903e A3uadaaui'9 AJepuoaas e oq anzgPTal Sulaauoa seg TTTq aq "seaa�e i algojd TeTquagod Aueu qno paXiom SPq J9UOTgT4ad 944 aTTgm gegq pagegs jquauidoTaA@Q uoTo°D PJag3JO PTO aqq UT uoTgPTaoSse eJ9u oauzoq aqq buTq.uasGidaj 'gbTaTed ZTZ 'SUTPgS ggauzuzS *JW •qsT g0jew uo pjeog abeTTTA aqq go buiqaaw jeTnbaj gxau aqq qe uTebe pequasaid aq TTTm asea eTgq 'bUTgaaUI sTgq puaq-4e oq, aTgeun secs JauoT gTgad aqq gv4q goej aulq oq anG # I�I';;IM11 I�q Or # . SUIa #ISAIU ISSUOa SSNIV7d S30 HZIM SSNOdS331 HU I A D I ZVWOJI V WIZ902id 91SWA ♦# # Vd SWVUDMId # tt for passage of Resolution No. 10-88. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT AND THE FOREST RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT FOR 1988 Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays: None I V "10 , An Ordinance was presented for first reading that would amend Chapter 21 of the Village Code (Building Code) in order to establish minimum standards for sound impact levels between units within multi -dwelling structures. Trustee Arthur, seconded by Trustee Wattenberg, moved to waive the rule requiring two readings of an Ordinance. Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Murauskis,, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays: None Motion carried. Trustee Arthur, seconded by Trustee Van Geem, moved for passage of Ordinance No. 3894 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE III OF CHAPTER 21 ENTITLED "BUILDING CODE" OF THE VILLAGE CODE Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nayso. None Motion carried. The following items were considered by the Safety Commission: I Request to remove abandoned vehicles from Boxwood Drive and create a mid -block pedestrian crossing. The recommendation of the Safety Commission was to have the Police Deoartment monitor the abandoned vehicles in the area, it was also stated that mid -block crossings are more of a hazard that help. Trustee Arthur, seconded by Trustee Wattenberg, moved to concur with the recommendation of the Safety Commission. Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays: None Request to install STOP sign on Milburn at Emerson, instead of the existing YIELD sign. The Safety Commission recommended granting this request. Due to the fact that the Trustees requested additional information, this item was continued to the March lst meeting. Request to install a YIELD sign at Deborah Lane at Rusty Drive. The Safety Commission recommended denying this request. Page 5 ­ February 16, 1988 WRONTSIMERYIP 8 8 6 T 19T Aienjqaa - 9 abed uewpoom pup jaqxeg - jeauTbua buTqTnsuoo s &9beTTT,A aq q q4Tm J91paATaDal GM SpTq UaAaS -seqnuiw asaqq oq paqopqqV, sT uoiqeTnqeq TTnj v 40 paquasaid 9J9M S931AJaS U01409dSUT 6UTJ9aUTbU9 PUe (9 -ON P91V 901,A19S TPToadS) qU9Ul9Aojdwi qj9qTV/@bioaq aqq joj sqTnsai pTq aqj, *s4Tnsaj PTq snoTjVA paquasaid uOXTG uoqlna or jabeueW 9beTT-EA o(apoD oigjvjj) 81 jeqdeqD buT.PuawP qsT qOJPW P94uasa�Jd aq TTTOM 90UPUT.PlO UV -PaTileo uoTqow qUON :SAPN bj9qu9qqeLq Juieaq upA 'sTXsnpinW linqqjV OS9AV *TTeD TTOJ uoda a -s4OT buiNaed P9sPaT JO/pup paqejado 'PautAO Tedioiunw uT 6uTXjed qqblUJ9AO qTqiqojd pup uoissiwwoD AjejeS aqq go uoiqepuauiwoo9ai aqq qqTm anouoo oq p9AOUI 'jnqqjV aaqsnil Aq papuooes JbiaquaqqPM aaqsnal -qsanbei aqq bulquej5 papuqwUlO3qj UOTSSTUIIUOD Aqajes qqj 'S40T buTXjed POSPaT jo/pup paqejado 'P9UMO Tpdioiunw ui bui�jjpd qq6TUJ9AO qiqTqojd oq qsanbaU 'T9A9T qpqq qp penUTIU00 aq JGqqeUI STqj 4eLP PJQ`O2 af)PT-[TA' 9q-4 go s.;Iaqwaw Aq papuawwooei sem IT 'bUT4a9lU UOTSSTUIUIOD A49jeS aqq puaqqe oq aTqeun svm laupq uoqqejqs -N TZT isnber -jW iqsanbea STqq bUT-51PUI 4U9pTSGl aqq se qonuiseuj oqsanbei STqq 6UTAU9p PaPU9UlWO09J UOTSSTWUIOD A49JPS 0qj quel uoqqpjqs uo buixied 40TJ499J oq qsanbaa *PGTJJP0 UOT40W 9uON :sAeN bjaquaqqeM Jwaao upA 4sTXsnvjnW JinqqjV :s9AV OTTeD TTOJ uOdD '49OJqS OTdeW qqjou uo 41WTT P99ds HdW ST joj qsanbai aqq Auap pup uoisslwuloD Aq9jPS a JO 4 W U0TPPU9UIUJO09J 944 qqTM anouoo oq p9AO o 'STXsnejnW aaqsnjl Aq P9PuO39s lula9D ueA aaqsnil *qsanbei STqq bUTAU9p p9pU9UIUIODaJ UOTSSTURUOD A48jeS 9ql HdW ST 04 HdW SZ UlOJ9 qaG14S 9TdeW q4JOU uo qTull,T p9ads aonpa;i oq'qs9nb;aU -palileo UoTqow 9uON :sAeN bj9quaqqPtj 'w999 uPA lsi,>jsnejnW oinqqjV -9s9AV :TTeD TTOJ uodn 'aATJG AqsnU qP aupq qpjoqea IV UbTs G12I7., Q joj qsanbai aqq Auap pup UOISSTIUUIOD A qqjeS aqq go uOjqppuqUjwooq.T aqq Lj-4Tm jn;Duoo o-4 0 p9AOW ibjaquaqqpm aaqsnal Aq papuo0as linqqjv aaqsnal IN2WSAMIdWI lU32qv/30UO2q 9 'UN V3dV SDIAU2S qVIDSdS M I ": PM4_ kyl to I M, recommending accepting the low qualified bid submitted by Callaghan Paving, Inc. in the amount of $554,788.20. Also presented was a general construction administration agreement between the Village and Baxter and Woodman as consulting engineers on this project at a cost not to exceed $63,000. Trustee Arthur, seconded by Trustee Wattenbergr moved to concur with the recommendation of the Village Manager and the consultants to accept the low bid submitted by Callaghan Paving, Inc. in the amount of $554,788.20 for the George/Albert improvement and to accept the proposal of Baxter and Woodman in the amount of $63,000 as consultants for this project'. Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Murauskisr Wattenberg Nays: Van Geem It was noted that the i• •` establishes a quorum as a majority of the President and Board of Trustees then holding officer therefore requiring 4 affirmative votes for passage. Due to w of this project and the fact that the attendance by all members of the Village Board is anticipated at the Committee of the Whole meeting on February 23rd, members of the Board requested a portion of that meeting be declared a Special Meeting in order t# discuss the George/Albert improvement, Barbara Benham, 223 S. George, expressed her concern that a member of the Village Board would vote against a project that the court had ordered to proceed. I Mr. Dixon presented a request to purchase an automated VIDEO PLAYBACI video playback machine, notina that the Village Board had EQUIPMENT: authorized this purchase last year however the successful ROSCOR CORP. bidder was unable to meet the commitment. It is now recommended that this piece of equipment be purchased from Roscor Corporation. Trustee Wattenbergr seconded by Trustee Arthur, moved to cM ncur with the recommendation of the administration and authorize the purchase of an automated videotape playbacl, machine known as the TECH 5 system from Roscor Corporation at a cost not to exceed $14,818. 1 Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays: None Motion carried. Mr. Dixon presented a request for funds in order to WILLOW LANE conduct sewer repairs on a portion of the Willow Lane SANITARY SEWER sanitary sewer. The proposal is for $25,900 from REPAIR Insituform Midwest, Inc., which technique has been used successfully in other areas of the Village. Trustee Arthurr, seconded by Trustee Wattenberg, moved to waive the bidding procedures in order to purchase specialized materials for a sanitary sewer repair project. Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Murauskisr Van Geemp Wattenberg Nays: None Motion carried. Page 7 - February 23, 1988 886T '9T Ajenjgaa 8 8 Z 016 Z T $ go junowe 9q'4 u'c T Z z oe3 ' DOSSV i SnHONOG SXJOM oTTgnd ,eau aqq uo pawjoja ed '�zom jog sogeToos V :2UIgIDva I ongouoa wojg paquesaid sem queuiAed jog gsenbei V SXHOM DI19nd pa z j eo uo T goJj 5jaqueggeM 'W990 ueA 'siXsneinw _linggjv =sa v -ZTeo TToi uodn • oD quawdT n g e T 3 e01OTd IuOJJ quawgjedac gal 3 aqq jog jodwnd e bui segojnd o'q qpiwoo oq ponow ' 5JaquoggeM e9gsnal Aq papuooes ' inggjv aagsnjy 9beTTTA aqq Oq gsoo ou le quTod Aue qe mejpgglm ueo 9beTTTOA aqq pue quauIgTwwoo jog gsonbai e gsnC_ 'japio u1JT,J e qou ST sTqq paqueJ6 JT gegq pagou sem ill. •uaTqu9nuoo aqq jaggeTagezpauIuzz AJGATTap se TIam se 1000100 04 do go SbUlnes a 9zTTP9J. pTnom 96eTTTA au4 'mou W94q ggTm .zop, O ue 6uTOPTd uT pa4sajaq'ul ST 9beTTI.A 9q;4 JT pue gsnbn UT uoTJua�uoD S,JaTgD 9jTd buTwoodn ue Jog jadwnd e 6`uipTTnq aq TT m Nogg gegq jjegs odeTTIOA aqq paw.zo ju T seq quauzdT n a eoi a T d I onaMoq ' AJ anT T ap Jog suquoui 8T .rano s9Xeq ATTPnsn 'suoigPoi jTaads oq 4TTnq 4 quawd nbe go ad d. sTgs � qu uzq,�pdaG HDUsid eiT3 oqq jog .zadusnd P go asegojnd aqq sapnTouT gebpnq 68/886T pasodoid aqq gegq pagggs Je eueW 96PTTTn aqz `ZdaG sui3 .Joggew sTgq go uoTgeuTuzj.agap e 04 auJoo aneq SJ9 euz meT aqq . T T qun pauodq sod aq jaggeW slgq uo uoTgoe zag4jnj Aue gegq uoTgejgsTulwpe aqq go uoTqepuouwooaj aqq sem 41 anssT ue gons goaj`je pTnoo gegq pTaT;.buTjdS uT paonpojquT uaaq seq uoT qeT sT 9T 9WI4 4egq aauT s J.anamoq I spuoq , pT9Tjj99a, oqq uz uoTgedTozqjed s a�eTTTA oq4 pazTjoggne peq PJeog 959TITA eqq geuq p94o►u uoxTQ *JW SCIN09 CIISI3'dSEQ * paTJJeo uoTgoW auoN s s.leN ice/aa..guagqe „ 'u1999 ueA 'siXsneanW 'inggjV : saAv : TTeo TTOJ uodn '886T J G 9Li 9q "T JoJ OO' SZ8' 9 p000Xa oq qoU .Soo e qp suoigeoTunuutoD quo , ggTm quauasa6e 9oueu94uTetu 9q4 gd9ooe off. p9AOW ' 5j9quaggeM aagsnjl Aq papuooas l inggav 99gsnjI *00*5Z8'9 gsoo pTnom quemael5e pasodo d a'qs OSjeaA TeJ9n9s jog qT buTulequTeui uoaq seq pue wa4sAs aq4 paTTe-4suT suolgeoTunwuioo ouoi'-suoTgeozunwvjoD quos g4Tm W94s s SNOIIVDINnWWOD euogdaTaq ebeTTTA 944 Jog 4u9uz99jbe aoueualuTeuz e 3NOI o uoT enuz uoo aq jog 'aoueuT3 go aogoajiG 'uos+dar :23NVNSINIVW pTneQ uaoi j Tesodoid e paquasead j beueW a5eTTT, A aq�, R�T Hd 'ISZ *paTjjeo uoTgoW 9uoW :seN 'u oe uel� 'sTXsneinW 'jngq,z :saAV =TTea TTOJ uodn worTsul 3� , �,pp�� .. ,o: -a� �n T,:"U"': t e , b q q oz -, ,o 4,4 TIP , M �n'J' ,,I, !'4 uts p o1 � � 6 ������ ;" ,,, WH.O3HSI SNI o u�a� n �o �n�,�t ......... . .. .... ....... ...... Trustee Arthurr, seconded by Trustee Murauskis, moved to aLfthorize the expenditure of $129,018 for Donohue & Associates. 10 Upon roll call: Ayes: Arthur, Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg Nays: None Motion carried. ANY OTHER BUSINESS None. ADJOURNMENT ADJOURN Trustee Arthurr, seconded by Trustee Murauskis, moved to adjourn the meeting. Upon roll call: Ayes: Unanimous Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:21, P.M. Carol A. Fields Village Clerk Page 9 - February 16, 1988