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VB Agenda Packet 06/24/1986
lHaNKHaOray ox I w fu"-T.W. C! 6 p 10 IHOd" S a UHDVNVW HDVUUIA 0 11 IA SSHNISaS MaK ~ IIA &SAuN 9 PUP 9AV L go aqoA P Aq qsanbei sTtlq Au9P 04 P9Pu9=0093 sTvaddv go PJPOS BUTUOZ aus • s4Tun ATTwPJ-T4Tnw go uoT4onj4suoo qTwj;d oq sT -4senbei aql -Ajqunoo AuOTOD PJPq0JO PTO 5UTUJ9A06 B 99JDOG 4U9SU03 9q4 PU9WV 04 J9pJO UT 9SO TvToaft V BUTqSanbei ST 9SPO STtlq UT IaUOT4T49dm ;aql AjqunoD AU0100 PJVLJDJO PTO J9UTN Aqjods JS8-nS-09 VSZ SO a (Z 4TqTqxa) *4U9W9AOjdUaT AVMPPOJ S499J4S qjaqTV PUP 95109E) 9.44 Uo Xjom ubTsep jog Apnqs v ajpdajd o4 jo4opj4uoo aqq sazTjotl4np qopjquoo sTlql NVWGOOM -HHIXVS GNV 109dSOUd lKnOW ao HE)VqrlIA alll MMURS LLDVUINOD V aO NOIlnDHXa DNI ZI"HOBInV NOIlnqOSHH V 0S (v qTqTqxa) -S9164T4U9 TP4U9wUJ9A06 J9tJ40 PUP STOUTTTJ JO 94vqs aqq uaamqaq 6UTspqojnd quTol UT 94vdTDT4jPd a 0 9 04 96vTTTA 9q4 S9ZTJotlqnp 4�qtuqqJ6v,STXJJ 0 0 SINHW99HDV f)NISVHDHDd INIOr NI NOlVdIDIIHVd llOJ NOIIVZIEOHInV aO NOILl0rlOSa*H V OV SSHNIS08 cirio "IA ;LHOdHH S , HOJLVW *A auvaH as Oil SNUILLID - SKOIIIILEICI GKV SNOIIVDINQKNOD "AI STXSnPjnW PUIJON 99qsnil - KOJILVDOANI *III 5j9qu94qvM aiopoaql eaqsnil soioTa oaq 994snil u'990 uPA 96J09D aaqsnal A9TjPa pTpjaE) aaqsnil STksnpinw PwjoN 99qsnjLL jnqqjV x1dTP11 99qsniL asnpiX uAlojPD joAvW riqvo rirlou 'III HHGHO 01 riuvo *I 9861 `VZ aunt AppsenLI *W*d OE:L 9UITLL PUP 94PG BUT499W 0 8 95009 sTouTTTJ l4oadsoicl qunoW laHuls NOSHHWH Blaos 0S UHINHO HOINHS UOOUa 06S L WOOH DRUMN :UoTquoori BUT49ow a I .a0 a a G H 0 l0HdSOHd INOON aO HDVrIrlIA VGNHDV CIUVOG HDVrlrlIA aoiaao -0z -ON Noilmosau IXHN jcx EL9E *ON HONVNIGHO MaN Dua �l --Aaj4eW SL4; UL UOL;PAad000 inog jo� nok MuPU 986 L 1 16 Ono as; 6U L sepund ;U LO U L 9;ed L;.Aied o; noR io; 4; * 0 LO aLLJ uo aq ;snw SLq 0 a . ;P4; a;Ou-PLnom 1 -1 ;snsnV o; .AO Lid UOL;nLOsa� inok jo Xdoo P peau am 4e4; aaqwawaj 9sPaLd -os op 0-4 90UP40 2 UOLI.nPsad P passed JaAaU, aAPq o4m s.Aaqwaw aso4; aAL6.OSLR LLLM SL4J 'SLou LLLI ;o a4R;S ap 46noj4; asppind kLLPUOLSPOOO saop 4nq 06POL40 46noj4; sasp4oind ja6uOL Ou BOua.Aa;uoo aqj so6POL40 jo R;10 aq; 46noj44 6ULsp4ound 4ULOC pPq sjaqwaw a4; P awns XLuO Rq passed UOL;nLOsa�.PLO 944 se ua;;Pw 6ULdaajasno4 P RLaJaw SL SLqj a -1 ;snBnV o4 JOLjd aouaia.woO a44 0; UOL;nLOsab pau6LS 94; jo Rdoo P ujn4aj PUP UOL;nLOS9� APLLWLS JO PasOLOua aq; ss2d noX ;Pq; 6UL�SR SL �.;P;S a4; 4;P44 44 LM UOL4ounCuo:) u "986L cl ;sn6nV pa;uawaldWL aq 04 aJP 43L4m '6ULseqo.And ;ULOC 6ULP.AP6a.A . 6 0 sainpaooid PUP SaLOLLod s;L PaSLAaJ RL4uaOaJ a'uiJa-4U*O3 a41 a 986L ILI aune :31VO 6ULsepand 4u LOO S S LA dnS q sia6p eW a:) a,luoo ia6e e oyd, 9961 N1 a3ONnoj 000'096 U3AO JO NOliLvind0d V 0Nl1N3S3Hd3W SdIHSNMOi CINV SBlJLllVdl3lNnyy SION1111 :10 NOIIVIOOSSV IVN0103W V OWMN,,,-, *103pens : WNJ of sweig .0 �uelllw i0joeilo eAljnoex3 SUAPH UOIBUIIJV Japucils -vq qlauua)4 joinseei .L-AjejejoeS imlauum 118H ':D 9u'jvlO JuOP!Md-Oo'A Bu'l9a'4M zjjn4oS 'H ef!84S JuaP!SaJd SU301AAO -dm.L 5ujlaet4M -dm.L 6jnqwnvt4oS ,dm.L P181044JON ,dA& i jai .J.L mON *dm.L auieVy ,d/A.L jaAouOH 'dmJ. 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SS9UN::)Tlq-4 quauiaAed 6UTqSTXa allTMlaqap 04 PaJTnbaj se s6uijoq TTOS eons ap a 0 0 a 0 Pui aq o4 asn2n ao anew Z*T 9CTODS 4091OJd M9TA9a © ls:tU9waJTnb9a pup 0 JJv4s af)VUrlIA 9q4 glTM 499W T*T *4U9UI99J6V STqq 90 V 4TqTqxa UT paqTaosap se msroua aqq IOJ SaDTAJ9S BUTJ8aUT6U9 BUTMOTTOJ aqq go aouvwjogjad aqq jog 9TqTsuodsai aq jo wjoJjaa 04 aaJ.6e S%daRNIONa 9WL *T NOIlOaS :StAOTTOJ SP 99269 04aJ9q S9Tqled aqq lqq3Oj 4aS JaqJVUT92aq s4uvuaAoo Tpn4nui aqq JO UOTqeJ9PTsuOD UT 4Pq4 HLIaSSSNIIM asainpaooid e9aV 902A29S TeToadg a q6noaqq qOT P90UVUTJ aq oq ST qM lloaro%dd aqq se o Pa-jjaJqJ 3a,qJp 0 0 4 -UTaJ,Btl Is,4aaals qjaqTV Pup a6JOBO Jog SqUaUlaAOJdUlT AeMPPOJ pup aBleUTeJp go uoTqonjqsuoo aqq q4TM UOT409UUOD UT S90TAJaS 6UT3aaU, -T6Ua 30J JSHR2NI0Na aq4 PaTTVO 3aqJPUTaaaq 'UOTqVjoalOD STOU*TTTI UP 'SJaaUTBug TP4uawuOJTAUa. $*DUI OUem*poom I laqxes Pup Jaf)vqrjjA aq4 PaTTeO Ja4jeUTaJaq JSTOUTTTI 90 alvqS aqq go x000 go Aquno:) atl-4 UT Pa-4VOOT 'goads d, qunO,W 90 a6vTTTA aqq uaamqaq pup Aq 1986T -40 APP aq4 90 SP aPPW ST INHW22HOV SIHI INHWaaHOV SaDIAHaS NOISaa ONIEHaNIONa SLIMMIS I'HHSrIV (INV 25HOaD Hoa SINHWaAMNI 2IDVNIVHa GNV 9NIAVcT sioNivai liosasoua iNnow ao aDVUqIA 1.8 Copies of survey notes and sketches, charts, computa- tions and other data prepared or obtained by the ENGINEERS pursu- ant to this Agreement will be made available, upon request, to the VILLAGE by the ENGINEERS at their actual cost of reproduction* SECTION 2. The VILLAGE agrees to appoint an employee as Pro- ject Manager who shall be the VILLAGE's representative in respons- ible charge and direct control of the PROJECT at all times. The Project Manager will provide to the ENGINEERS all available reports, maps and data pertaining to the proposed improvements. SECTION 3. The VILLAGE agrees to compensate the ENGINEERS for the professional services enumerated in Section 1 hereof as follows: 3,1 The ENGINEERS shall be paid for their services on the basis of the following standard hourly rates of compensation for actual work time performed: Principal Senior Engineer Engineer Engineer Technician $64 to $76 per hour $50 to $62 per hour $40 to $50 per hour $20 to $40 per hour 3.2 The ENGINEERS shall be reimbursed for automobile travel expense at $0.21 per mile plus any out-of-pocket expenses at actual cost. 3.3 The ENGINEERS' total fee for services listed under Sections 1.1 through 1.8 shall not exceed $50, 000. 3.4 The ENGINEERS' total fee for engineering services stated in Subsection 3.3 hereof shall not exceed the stated amount unless the ENGINEERS justify and the VILLAGE concurs that the in- creased time or effort and/or incurred expenses are necessary and essential to complete the PROJECT. During progress of work under this Agreement, the ENGINEERS shall continuously monitor their costs and anticipated future costs, and if such monitoring indi- cates possible costs in excess of the amounts stated, the ENGI- NEERS shall immediately notify the VILLAGE of such anticipated increases so that a proper adjustment to the agreed compensation for engineering services can be made; however, if the ENGINEERS fail to so notify the VILLAGE of anticipated increases of engi- neering costs, the ENGINEERS waive any claim for extra compensa- tion after the work has been completed* 3.5 The ENGINEERS may submit monthly statements for pay- ment of services as the PROJECT progresses. lowiw tp 4u9PTS93d :10xiew AS NJaTO a6RTTTA (rival} *Ua44TJt4 aAoqe qSJTJ le9A PUP APP aqj JO Se SJ93TJJO PDZTjoqqne ATnp ITaqq Aq qU9Wa9J6V STqq JO UOTI -noaxa aqq pasneo 9Aeq Ojalaq satqied aqq laoaugHm 0 SS2[N;Lim Ni *R9V7qIA 9ql go uoTqezTjoqqne uaqqTjm aqq jnogjTM paqsTujnj aq TTeqs SHMNION9 9ql Aq paBaeqo aq TTTm uOT4es .uadmoD TeuOTITPPe UP qDTqm 109 90TOAJas ON *4u9w9aJ6V sTql 39pun 4uamAed Teuil 90 a4vP 9q*q aaojaq aWT4 go poTaad aaqqjnj e sque36 JaBueqo go uoT4 a JT40U 9ql 9ESSNION9 9q4 aDVqrTI,h 9q4 ssaTun 23T 0 S Aq qdTaOal JO alSp 9q4 MOJJ SAPP OE UTqlTm 6UTITJM UT UOTSTAOjd STq4 japun quam4sn[pe JOJ WTeTO Aug qiasse qsnw SUaaNIc.)Na aql *AT -6UTPJODDe 6UT4TJm*UT PaTJTpow aq TTeqS 4U9UlaaJ6V STqq PUP apew aq TTeqs quauiqsn[pe aTq24Tnba UP, 'japio Aug Aq pa6ueqo IOU 30 39qqaqm J4UaWa936V S,Tql japun saoTAaas Aug go aourmiogjad laoj pazinbai 91UT4 JO JJO SqSO0 ISUMNIONa aq4 UT aSPa339p JO OSeaJOUT UP asnpo sa6ueqo Bons j *SHMNION9 aqq Aq paui3ogiad aq ol Niom jo SaDTAJaS 9q4 UT 4U9lUaaJ6V STq4 JO UTqITM sa6ueqD 0 9dODS TeJ9u8b aql $ aNvul 'JaPJO Ua44TVA Aq 'aUIT4 AUe 49 'Aew S0VUqIA 9ql 5&V 3,6 Payments to the ENGINEERS shall be due and payable within thirty (30) consecutive calendar days from the date of the ENGINEERS' invoice to the VILLAGE, 3.7 The ENGINEERS will complete all work as outlined in Section 1.1 to 1.8 within 90 calendar days after receipt of a notice to proceed from the VILLAGE. SECTION 4. The parties hereto further mutually agree: 4.1 This Agreement may be terminated, in whole or in part, in writing by either party if either of the other parties substan- tially fails to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement through no fault of the terminating party; or the VILLAGE may terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, in writing, for its convenience. However, no such termination may be effected unless the terminating party gives the other party (1) not less than ten (10) calendar days written notice (delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested) of intent to terminate, and (2) an opportunity for a meeting with the terminating party before termination. If this Agreement is terminated, the ENGINEERS shall be paid for services performed to the effective date of termina- tion, including reimbursable expenses. 4.2 Neither party shall hold the other responsible for damages or time delays in the performance of the PROJECT caused by acts of God, strikes, lockouts, accidents, or other events or circumstances beyond the control of the other party. 4,3 The ENGINEERS shall acquire and maintain statutory worker's compensation insurance coverage, comprehensive liability insurance coverage, and professional liability insurance cover- age. The ENGINEERS agree to hold harmless, indemnify and defend the VILLAGE and each of its officers, agents and employees from any and all liability claims, losses, or damage arising out of or alleged to arise from negligence in the performance of the ser- vices under this Agreement, but not including liability that may be due to the sole negligence of the VILLAGE, or other consul- tants, contractors, or subcontractors working for the VILLAGE, or shall be for any warranties for which the VILLAGE may be found liable to third parties by reason of having hired the ENGINEERS for this PROJECT; however, the VILLAGE agrees not to require the ENGINEERS to maintain professional liability insurance coverage of more than one million dollars ($1,000,000) for such warranties due to the ENGINEERS' professional negligent acts, errors, or omis- sions. 4.4 The ENGINEERS shall be responsible for their profes- sional quality, technical accuracy, timely completion, and coordination of all services furnished or required under this Agreement, and shall endeavor to perform such services with the same skill and judgement which can be reasonably be expected from similarly situated professionals* a to'-.-PAemXjpd 9deDsPueT pue isuoide AeMaATIP TTe 90 IU8W90vTd9J TeTqaed aNpw !(Iaaj VZ) aopjjns aaTque aqq aApdaj i (quawojqad) TRTJ94eUI T034UOD NOPJO 9AT40algaJ 93PTd iaoej3ns snoUTtunqTq 6UT4TX9 Oqj (TTTul) J30 dTlqS !qU9Ul9APd 6UTqSTXa U9PTM p9JTnbai se liamas wjojs M9U PUe JSUTspq qoqeD Isl9TUT mau qonjqsuoo f(Xoeq o4 Moeq joag LZ) qnoq6nojqq aa4qn6 pue qjno aTTJO'd MOT e ITe4suI :UOTtTIOS9U q3 9EO:tcl peoU qoadsoad qunoW o4 laaz4g 96309D 90 4sam XOOTq Z/T - 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a aq:i le 3uasajd a,q jjjM SeiSTA aqa go S9AT:jU:3U9sajd9-d -Avm-jo-sjqSjj juaoeCpP o:), Sju- :IOU qn v q) amos ajew pue IsAgiol,s 9 O:j " a,Wa,AOadmT, (TTv jq2Taq, asea.ioap 'SJTun, go ad aqj 92,ueqo (99L) sjTun jo j9qmnu aqj *;a,;>np9;i pTnom, as Coad STqj I;sea3uoo ul opaijT.oadls aaam Svm-jo-sjq2,t,;E PUP, skempeoi :1u90vcpv 03 8:1U9MaAOadmtIRJ9A,9S PUV PaMOT'JR 0J;RM SiTun SUITTOmP 9911T go mnMTXUM V OsXajois Z1 o,:j do pue sAaa,ols Isamoq -UMOJ JO S2UTpTjnq 9TdijTnm P9mOTTv qDTqm aajoaa lu0suOD ZL61 P9Aojdde aqq 03 UOTIVOTJTPOM aOj ST qsanbea ST4:3 "A'arimmns ul 0. d, -saaj quaiano uvq:j J9q1vi 5993 ZL61 0:1 •P'TTnq o-1 j't10�ut PUP :IqSTJ aq P9U1VjUTPM SR4 0918 aado,19A9P 94,1 --Sj,Tun aSno,qumo:j a q:3 JO 2UTJ9T)JUTjds%OOT JO UOT -1d4oxe aqq qjTM` SUOTj.8pU,aM -WO09i S,warm zedea as T3 aqj JO ITE 01 paea2v se4 a a dOT9A9P a q I *ui,eua9i, uoll,oal,oad aJ,Tgl ppe saaj go siansST aye4AIJUUTJ • UO Tuido ano UT q2jq TTTiS ST :juamdoj9A9(j aqq j o -AjTSU9jUT,, pine& 0 # Aq1'SU0'p 9qI -2UTUTVU19a JJT:JS S90U9J9 jjP # " #, jPj:juvjsqns air, ajaq:1 S a, IVD T 0 j IF .PUT * 9,Tqvj, paqovjje aqj se lanq Tesodoad aq:1 oi uaa pappe q 1 :1 U 90 a,J 9 Apq S:j'UeUa9AOadmT 'OTlqn,d, aq:1 go amoS o9ouds uado, ;aTqesn aqj 12utseaaoap ul ijnsaj, Aeua :Inq IT.19Ua se q r9PT ST41, 'SP99U 2UT:j,Jed aaninj joj ,12U'T)jUPq, puerj,, go A:31-[IqTssod aq*q pasodoid seq j9doj9Aap a qj, * Boa Co,ad aq:1 :3noq2noaq:l sansS T aces asaq:1 P9SS9JPPV 9Avq sTeaddV go PJUOq 2UTUOZ aqj 01 sluqmmoo 3381S -pasodoad iou aa6M S3UOMOAOjdmT oiTqnd Xaess9oajq *E • alunbOPEUT SUM pap jnand .SUT�jPd aqI -Z * 9ATSSODX9 SUM SVUTPITnq go qq2T9q pue ails aqq uo sjTun go jaqmnu 9qI -1 0 0 & pa:>vg in s sanSST UTUM 99Jq3 inq POO? SUM U2TS9P 91TS 9qj 01 qoeoadde aql 419J saaqmam aq:j, I'T'ejauai2 •uj 9 - T JO 930A 9 Aq UOP:) a 'U I Tdde s �i. >Aoidde 'Bu�Tpuemmooaa :3 s u i v,12, V, paf 40A P eOq 12 9 10 T t 1 UOz aqj "WUT:19�9,W, PW 943 3V *S2UTO 996T '6Z A JV94 JP29AaS qiTM, sTvaddV jo Papoa Wujuoz; aqj q2noaqj, passao;oa' ip d sum 3,UOM9JI/Se:jSTA aqj, 0 986T 'OT 3Nflf *21IVG GXVHDXO Qq0 IV HUOD JqOD aNIN XIXOdS SUVOX GRVX GNV XD3qNa0HDS XaNUOD ISaMHIXON :N01IVD0q GUVHDUO GIO IV SVISIA IVIR 'UNUI IIVHSHVW '58-flS-09-VqZ DNINOZ QNV DRINNVId JO NOIDTaIG 'X-dVd *W NaHdHIS :W011d UHDVNVW aDVIIIA 'GUVHD"aflq "I HONVIdUaI : as 000" Wn(INVNOW3W 3)LIJON31NI tus*AgA &AAW, 10'`4 1 siouilll lz3adsOld zunoW a0edsoid aunoLAI 4o e5ejj!A 6/10/86 Planning & Zoning Dept PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT COMPARISON VILLAGE CODE RECOMMMATION VISTAS PROPOSAL 5/29/86 �5 4 =97 4 IM Street width 4 Lane (South 41' (North 3 Lane (South) 2 Lane (North) Sidewalks 5' required None Parkway trees 40' spacing None Street lights 300' spacing (max.) Proposed Curb and gutter Both sides required None CM p MacDonald Road t Sidewalks 5' required Proposed Parkway trees 40'spacing None Street lights 300' spacing (max.) 1 at entrance Curb and gutter South side required None To I Sidewalks 5' required None Parkway trees 40' spacing None Street lights 300' spacing (max.) None MOT may require 150') *H*d IpTpuoaow dwpo qtV 44jaqTTE) XUPJa *Hsd JPH PTPuoa ow dwpo V L V JsuTjTo0 *aW uoT4PT0ossV sieumoeuioH Aj4unoo AuOTOD 6UT4U9S9jd9U 4SUTP4S 449UIMH XlPd qoadsoid 5UTquasajda-d 'ss0A aG s9uMf S4146T9H 4oadsoad 6uT4u9s9id9,d ; a J9691M PTVuOG = SHOloarso TTTaonjqaa uaq INESEV HHEWHW VaZ AvW,0 UATTJVW ugaiD uqor APTSSVD PTVUOE SJ9q40J8 STOq j95pj4q9jS 4jaqo-d UPUIJTPqD 'XTusvS 4jeqTTD 0 :LLNHSgHd S'dHSWHN VEZ *s4uaw9AoidWT Apmpeoi pup ppoH XoaquaoqoS uo sXjEmapTs 04 9AT4Vj9J 0 9910ac quasuoo aq4 Aq pajTnbei sp s4uauiaAojdUIT OTTqnd aq4 o4 pa4sanbaj aip SUOTSIA9J JATTPuOT4TPPV *s4Tun BUTTTamP Z 9 6 Pup 4q6TT 9q U4a9j OLL go WnWTx-em a 0 1 V qqTM SBUTPTTnq E 4Tmjad oq ZL6L a UT Paja4ua aajoau 4uasuoo/4u9wdoj9AaG 4TUn PaUUVjd 04 SU0T4V0TjTP0lU pasodoid go TvAoiddv aoj UOT4VoTTddV a :lsanoau S86L JL jaqo400 :HIVC NOIlVDIU90d ppoll pTpuoa ow dwpo go xl4noS pup NoaquaoqoS go 4saM JPuv'd JO qWON A14unoD AUOT00 PJPq0J0 PTO desinoD JTOD aTOR 6 A4jodS :Aluadosd loareas jaujnl TTVqSJRW :UaNOIlIlZd 986t J6Z APW 986L 'ZZ AVW 986L 'LZ qDIPW 986L 'LZ Ajpnjqaa S 8 6 L IS jaqwaoaa S 8 6 L 'L jaquiaAoN 986L JLL jaqo400 :94PG BuTipaH 98-O5-09 *ON asvo VEZ srivaclCIF-1--l) GaVOR DNINOZ 102[dscl INOON SHS allalaw UvrifID21H alll A ifiNiW ZBA► 60 -SU -85 May 29, 1986 Page 2 of 8 Messrs, Howard Borde, Norman Samuelson, Robert Babbin and Marshall Turner presented this case, which was continued from May 22, 1986. Mr. Borde gave a brief summary of the proposal as presented at the last meeting and of the Consent Decree entered in 1972, being case 65 CH 3500. The proposed development of this 38 acre parcel would include 3 "W" shaped buildings built in a step type design starting with 2 stories up► to a height 8 stories, as opposed to the 10 story height originally proposed in this case. Clusters of 110 townhouses are included in the the total units, which has been reduced from 797 at the last meeting to 788, Mr. Borde stated that several questions were asked at the last meeting and he would like to answer some of those questions at this point. Mr. Borde explained that the proposed development would have security access, with the residents being able to enter using cards at one gate with the second entrance being a security entrance with a guard on 24 hour duty at the other gate. In response to some questions asked at the last meeting, Mr. Borde stated that their traffic engineer has calculated that approximately 320 traffic -movements would take place in per hour in the peak periods, from 7:15 A.M. to 8:15 A.M. The petitioner stated that this development would be compatible with the surrounding area and would act as a transition area between the existing single family and the commercial property to the west. It was also stated that in their opinion this development would have not adverse effect on the surrounding property values. It is proposed that the area would be very well landscaped, using much of the existing vegetation surrounding this parcel. As to the marketability of this type of rental development, Mr. Borde stated that according to their market study there is a strong demand for luxury rental units in the area with low supply. *oTJJP34 90 9wnTon aq4 buTaapTsuoo 'supTjgsapad off. aabupp P aq pTnoM qT aouTS pEo-d puPJJ buoT�e paTIVgSUT aq qou pTnogs sXTvMapTs 4vtR 6uTT999 aT9g4 SPm 4T 4vg4 P94v4s a9uoT-Tg9d aq4 ' x9Tduoo aaTquu ago punoa�e BXTvMupTs buTAvq off. see sZ�eaddv Jo paPog buTuoZ 9tJ4 Jo aagivau P o uoTgSanb P off. asuodsaa u= buTpTTng goTagsTQ xava Pnoaow AjPD aq4 off. Toogas aqq wojj Tanvab aqq go ggpTm uT 499j 9 go buTAvd go uoTgpooTTv aangng P pup bu- Xjvd Toogos aaMoquasTa oq buTpuagxa pvo-H Xoaquaogos go aauaoo gsvagqiou agq qv sxjv�apTs ao j ATTvoTjToads uoTgvuop E aoj uanTb aq osTv pTnoM uoTgVJ9pTSUo3 •4oT-4no aqq go Aa-npunoq 4SP9 9qq off. SVM gaTgM ' pasodoad ATTvuTbTao sv uvg4 a9g4vJ 'Agiadoad aqq jo Aavpunoq gsaM aqq o4 pTvuOUoW duvo go apTs ggnos aq4 buoTv papTnoad aq pTnom SXTvmaPTS 4vg4 p94v4s apJog *JW ' SXTvMapTS off. SV • asTap paau aq4 pTnogs aTgPTTenv sT aopds uado TvuoTgTppv * pa4v4s ATsnoTnuad suT4Tuawr a9g4O auk. SP TTaM sa ' uuapTTgo log Fame punoibApId E apnZouT TTTM S9T4TTTDP; TPuoT4V9Joa*d 'ubuva amps aqq uzggTM 4u9a pTnoM sasnouuMo4 aqs • p pt' L $ o4 p p L' L $ moa j s4Tun asnoq-.uad pine wooapaq aaagq 'puv :OS L ` L$ - OS6$$ JOJ 4u9a pTnoM s4Tun uooapaq oM4 : ppp' L$ - 058$ moaj uap u4TM woojpaq auo = 008$ - 5L9$ uaamgaq wojg 4u9a pTnoM s4Tun uooapaq auo aqs • 4Tun a 009$ off. OQS$ ATaq ewTxoaddp aoJ BUT4u91 s4uau 4jpdv oTpn4s OZ pasodaad agp go auo UT .Tnsaa pTnoM goTM 'abeaPb pie 4PPq 'buTUaT4Tpuoo aTP snTd '400j ajpnbs a ad s4u90 S6 off. S8 go abpaaAv up uodn paspq aav s4Tun 9s9t14 JOJ s4uOU •94v4s padoTanapun 4uasaad 4T uT uvg4 j jo--unj abpuTvjp ssaT aq pTnoM aaag4 A4a udoad sTg4 go quawdoTanap u4TM 4vgq paqv4S SPM 4T ' 96LUTPIP o4 9nT4VT91 u19ou00 aq4 off. SV ' abVTTTA Jo S4U9 zaaTnbaa aq4 off. anp Agjadoad 4oa[gns aq4 go saauaoo 4spag4nos PUP 4SP944JOr aqq UT suoT4PDO j uqq UT pasodoad aav spuod UaTgUO4aa aqj 8 30 £ abed 986L 46Z APW 58--as--09 vez ZBA 60 -SU -85 May 29, 1986 Page 4 of 8 The fencing proposed is for security purposes only, and in accordance with their research, this is desired by future residents of the complex. As to the density proposed, the townhouse area results in 11 units to the to acre, with the remaining units being approximately 24-1/2 to acre. Combining both areas the total units per acre the density would equal 20.76 to the acre. These calculations include all the open space for the 38 acres. The height to i of i of i would be i approximately 90 feet from approved grade. The height depends on the type of mechanical equipment and size of the lobby, As to the question of rental units versus condominium units, the petitioner acknowledged the concerns expressed, but stated that the developer will not be going for bonds and depending on the market, conversion could happen at some time in the future. Parking for this development would be at a ratio of 1.65 spaces per unit for a and 2.25 spaces per unit for the townhouses, The peoner stated that parking is of great concern to the developer and that while the proposal is as stated, there would be some "land -banking" so that addonal parking spaces could be provided if needed, It is proposed that the parking spaces located outside would be 8-1/21 x 18' and 9' x 181 for indoor parking. These standards are recommended by Barton/Ashman for all future multi -family dwelling structures. As to concerns expressed relative to the effect of the development on the school population, the petitioner stated that based on the projected population of at 1,368 in is anticipated that 78 grade school and 26 high school children. These calculations are based on statistics of condominiums since there is not information available on this type of rental units, AUOTOD U9qm 4vq4 P94OU Svm 41 *9U90S atJ4 UO 9ATJJV oq quaui4jvd9a 9J T3 9qq JOJ seqnUTul L o4 do 9XV4 4LIBTUI 4T 4-eq4 40VI atI4 o4 anp JqTun 0 a Aj9A9 UTtl4TM SJ9T5[UTids TT'e4suT 04 P9;J6V Slelq JaUOT4Tqad aq-4 J4sanbaj 0 S,4uaul4jvd9G as TJ 9tJ4 tlgTM 90UVPJ003V Ul 4V114 Pa4V4S SUTV4S *JW 4uauldolaAap STtJ4 PUnOJP P9pTA0jd aq OsTv pTnoqs SXTvmaPTS ospvo-d NoaqueolqoS pup PTvuoGoW dwvo 4v PaPTAOid aq PTnoqs sauvT 6UTUjn4 pup UOT4VJ9TaO9P Pup Avm a0uVJ4Ua 9q4 4v apTM 4a9J LS aq PTnoq; pvoa Xo9qu;oxloS 'Ajqunoo AU0103 9q4 UT SJ9UM09Ul0tJ 9t14 JO UOTUTdo 9tlq UT 4Vqq P94OU 0SIV SVM qJ opa-44Tmjad aq qou qvxl4 4Vq4 XSV PJn0M Pup BUTOU9J NUTT UTV110 pasodoid 9LI4 04 9AT4VJ9J UJ90UOO 41 8 0 rh V ST 9J9tJ4 4VtJ4 P94V4S PTP SUTV4S OJW 66UT5[J-ed ain4ng aTqTssod jog BUT5[�vq puvT, go vapT axI4 saXT1' ATTVToadse pup aovds uaej6 BUTUTV49J U 0 0 u; qol 6UTpuv4sqno up auop svq j9uoT*4T49d aq4 4vq4 paqvqs 9H oveiv atl U S9UTJ atI4 aq pTnom paquesaid see quawdolaAap STXJq JO UBTS9P 4 T 4 a m a aq4 qvT4q snsuesuoo JTaLI4 ST 4T 4VT44 P94V4S Jquatudol9A9P Al4unOD AuOTOD PJvq0IO PTO aqq. UTtJqTM SJ9UM08Ul0tJ 6UTJU9S9jdai JSUTVqS 449MUIa *IN *S40TPH 4oadsoid go AqT0 9q4 JO JTvtlaq uo P944Tmqns SVM UOT4oaCqo ua4qTjm V *VBJV bUTPUn0JJnS 0 4 v 9LIq g4TM alqTqvduioo qou ST Tpsodoad STtlq 4VT44 pa4V4S SVM qJ '90UPUTPIO BUTUOZ 97qq go spippuvqs atlq japTsuoo ATuo, pTnoqs slvaddV JO PIVOS BUTUOZ 9tl;L *-4sanbaj STX14 6 0 19PTsuOD oq mnjoj 94VTadoiddv aqq sT 4anoD atlq pup PJv06 96vTTTA 9q4 4vq4 Pup qanoo uT pauoTqsanb 6uT aq ST 99109a 4ugsuoD atilt qvqq BuTqvqs Js4J6TqH409asoigo uoTqoalqo atlq passajdxa lS4q5T9H qoadsoad go AqT3 aqq Jog AquJoqqv JJ9699IN IIW . XaTduioo aTqq UTtlqTM S9914 AUVUl 9AOIU 10/PUV 4T UTV491 04 J9U0TqTq9d alqq JO UOT4U94UT 9tJ4 ST 4T pup Aqjadoid 9q4 UTq4M bUTdvospupls eTqvj9PTsuOD ST aJ9111 oueamqaq.UT qBTLI .8 a 0V AT94vwlxoaddp s9Tod U0JT-qT46nojm tl4TM qq5T9q UT 499J 9 AT94VWTxojddv sqsod XDTaq 9AVtl S96P9 JaqDO jetlqo 9LIq 4vqq pasodoid ST qJ 4aj oq sos 11 J9Tjjvq 0 Tvinqvu aqq 0 uTvp JXuT,T UTVtID 99IJ aDUVU9qUTVUl aq p1nom veav STq4 IOJ 6UTOU9J pasodoid ;Dqtl 0aAVS 04 93[TT p1nom jadoT9A9p atiq qVqq UOT49496aA ainqvua AAV9tl ST aiatiq pvoH pup -a 6uoTv -sjapjoq 40UTqSTP E SVT40V9JV 9'qq qVXJq 409qTqDl�e adpospupT aqq Aq paqvqs spm qT Jpasn aq SIPT194PUl BUTOU9J 4U94STSUOO 8 0 a 4PT44 P94p4s jjvqs qptl4 qopg atlq pup pasodoid 5UT0U9J 9114 04 SV a 8 go S 95vd 986t J6Z AVW S8 -11S-09 vez ZBA 60 -SU -85 May 29, 1986 Page 6 of 8 Country was developed land was dedicated for a fire station at Euclid and Elmhurst Road and the fact that no fire station was built and sprinklers were not installed in that development would appear unfair to the existing homeowners. Mr. Stains also stated that that water from sprinklers can cause more damage than fire itself. The Prospect Heights Park District has requested $100 per unit donation and Mr. Stains stated that this amount should be justified by the Park District and that the petitioner should not be penalized without presenting a formula for that calculation. It was also stated that rental units would not bring people that are involved in the community such as owners. As to the drainage and sewers, Mr. Stains stated that the existing sewers may not be adequate, noting that although the Colony Country went through the expense of bringing their sewer system to comply with the Village, the Village has still not accepted the sewers as a part of the Village's system. It was also noted that he would hope the water supply was adequate so that the existing homeowners would not be affected with lack of pressure. Mr. De Voss, Director of Prospect Heights Park District, asked at what point the recreation facilities would be built. The petitioner stated that it would all be done in phases, with the first recreational facilities to be built 22 months after construction begins. Mr. De Voss repeated that he feels this development would place a hardship on the Park District. In response to Mr. De Voss' question as to facilities to be provided, the petitioners stated as follows: Three tennis courts (possible lighted) Olympic size pool Lockers and showers Meeting rooms Ping Pong Billiards Board games Jogging paths with fitness exercise areas Suana Jacuzzi :qsanbai STqq UO aqOA v o4 T ioid slvaddV go p1poa BuTuoz aq4 go saaqmaw aq4 Aq p8'0TOA ajam suoTuTdo, a 6uTmoTloj aql OSAPAPPOI TTV uo saajq ApmXjpd pup 'S4qbTl 49914S Jsj944n6 Isqjno 4s%Tvm9PTS TTV4SUT o4 paiTnbei aq PTnom jauoT4T49d aq4 J9POD 969TITA 9q4 qqTIA 90UPPIODO�e UT qgq4 paqV4S JJV4S ls4uawaAojdWT OTlqnd go UOT4S9nb aq4 o4 sV a 8 9 0 -ain4nj 9q4 UT papeau aq BUT%Ivd TvuOT4TPPV PTnOqs "Xupq puelu v 109 uvTd sTq tRTM 80UPPIODOR UT 4T 90 9UIOS P99U qq6TW 9q P94P4S qnq 'pa4u9said sv aopds uado aq4 qupUqAoD 04 9915V PT'nom aq 4vq4 P94 -e -4S -79UOTaxaad aqq iaopds uado 04 9AT4VT91 uJaDuoO v oq asuodsaj uI %8L AJ94VWTxoiddP req 4Tuijad pTnom Gna v p1nom spaeoxa Tesodoid aql a 'Gnd s 04 JJ9sqT spuaT Aqaadoid STq4 4Vq4 p9ppV OSTV JJV4S epaqqTuijad 0 aq PTnom s4Tun 899 (Gaa) qu9uidOT9A9G 4TUn P9uuvTd v japun JJ9AaMOq 'suOT,4vTn6aJ 9POO 6UTqSTX9 japun ajov jed s4Tun 9L aq pTnoo ajaqq 'Taojpd STqq JO 9ZTS 9q4 UO paspq 4vqq paqp4s jjp4S *SUOT4pin6aj 6UT48TX9 japun paq4Twjad aq pTnom A4Tsuap 4vqm paXsp OSTP XTus-eg *JW sq46u9T &8L aq4 g4TM maTqojd ou ppiq Aaq4 4piqq pup p94pT4upqsqns aq 4'q6TUI g4pTM Z/ L-8 aqq IT40lVaSal 4UaOqj jTqq4 a uo paspq 4PT44 paqp4s jjp4S omoijpu oo4 aq p1nom 49q4 UOTUTdo sT UT 4PX14 BUT-4RqS lsaopds apTM * 0 a &Z/T-8 JO A4TTTqvSTAPV 9LI4 PaUOT-sanb pup 0 - 0 .4 iOZ x j6 aJV 6UTXjpd -log sPIPPuv4s 96PTITA 8q4 491q4 paqv4s XTUSPS `iii exaldwoo atlq UTq4TM SXTPm9PTS pup Apmpvoj atI4 uaam4aq vaiv Avm%jpd go adA4 amos aq PTnolqs aja-qq qvtp BUTqP4S 'SUOSP91 BUTMOTd mous pup A4agps joj q4oq Jqjno atp 4p P90PTd aq s%Tvm9PTs 9LI 6�T4 go aAoiddr 4OU PTP aq 4vq4 pad els OSTP u991f) *IW T • qam aq quawqjpdaU 9JT3 9q4 JO SUOTqVpU9MWODaJ J9q4O ITP sv TTOM sv queuiqjpdaG aJTa aqq JO UoT4RPU9=0091 9LIq 90UPPJOODP UT Jja4aureTp a q�TM UT qaaj OO aq siops ap Tno 9LIq qpxlq a PaNsp uqaJD uqor : smolloj SP SU19OU00 ITOqq passajdxa sjaqwew sT-eaddV go papog BuTuoz aql 'A49jvs jog padOTS aq TTTM sNuvq aq4 4pq4 pup spuod aq4 UT qSTJ aq TTTm ajaq4 4pq4 paqv4s svm 4T Ispuod UOT4U949J 9q4 04 SV 0 a 0 8 10 L 95vd 986L '6Z APyr 58' -its -O9 vez ZBA 60 -SU -86 May 29, 1986 Page 8 of 8 Mrs. Brothers stated that while she likes the project, she would like have the total number of units reduced. Mr. Cassidy stated that the 8 story height proposed is too high and that in his opinion people moved from the city to the suburbs to get away f rom high buildings. Mr. Green expressed his feeling that the quality of the proposal is very good if it was able to meet Village standards, noting that many improvements have been made to development standards over the past 14 years and he can not ignore those improved standards in this project. Mr. Basnik stated that while he felt this is a good development, he felt that 18% increase over the permitted density is too great and stated that this case is a perfect candidate for compromise. Mr. Brettrager also stated that he likes the project but the parking and public improvements are a concern to him. Mr. Cassidy, seconded by Mr. Brettrager, moved to grant the request in Case ZBA 60 -SU -85 in accordance with the testimony presented. Upon roll call: Ayes: Brettrager Nays: Brothers, Cassidy, Green, O'May, Basnik Motion failed. Mr. Borde asked if he was correct in interpreting the Zoning Board of Appeals vote as being taken was done so as considering it a Special Use from the existing Village Code, rather than considering it an amendment from the Consent Decree, stating that in accordance with the Consent Decree the Village Manager would present a requested modification to the Village Board and that Board would have 30 days to issue their recommendation. Mr. Basnik stated that the Zoning Board of Appeals did consider this case as a request for a Special Use for existing regulations since the legalities involved with the Consent Decree are not within the jurisdiction of the Zoning Board of Appeals. Carol A. Fields Recording Secretary Aiqunoo AuoToo Jsnpo-d UPTATA aopTd Llqnouijv.& ImaToU Axlqojo(3 a0vTcl q4nomip7j, OOVL Jje5[1'eM Aou*eN *H*d JmOTTTM SOE J00eTTM UPT§Jviq sHea Jpu plimou ow diuvo V L V JsuTTjoD -jW UOT4PTOOSSV SJ9UM09UIOH AJqunoo AuOT00 BUTquasajda-d 1SUTV a qs 449URU51 40TI-s 5[lVd 5 6 qoadsoid bUT4UOS91d JssOA 9G s9ulVr UOT4PTOOSSV A4Tunuauioo Ajqunoo AUOT00 4uaPTS91d JUVWXOTMOS aue6na sqqBTaH qoedsojd BuTquasajda-d 696naix PT'euOCI :SHOIDS.CGO TTT9OnJ49d u9rI J95piq-49ija qjaqoH :LINHSiUV SUBS EM VSZ A-eW,0 uta TTJPyr uaajE) uLlor APT ssPO PTPu011 slag -4011 STOU uvuilTpqo JNTUSVS -4.iaq 0 TTE) :LINHSREd SUaSWHW VSZ osquauiaAojdwT Apmppoi pup ppod X59queotloS uo s5[Tvm9PTs 04 9ATqRI93 aajoaa quasuoD axlq Aq P9JTnbaj see squawaAoidmi oTlqnd axlq oq pa-4sanbea aiv SUOTSTA9J 'AIIVUOTqTPPV -sqTun 6UTTT9mP Z96 Pup 4q6T,9xl uT. 4999 O L L go wmTxvw v g4TM SBUTPTTnq E 4Tuijad off. ZL6L UT P9JaqU9 991o9G qu9suo0/4u9uidoT9A9G 4TuO P9uuPTd 04 su0T4v0TjTP0ul pasodoid JO TVA0jddv joj UOT4V�TTddV m 0 5861 JL iaqoqoo HIVG NOILVDIrIGOd PPOU PTPuOG oW dw-e0 go LlqnoS pup NoaqueoqoS go 4saM JPuv*d JO xJ410N Ajqunoo AUOTOD PlvqDIO PTO Jasinoo JTOD 9TOH 6 AqjodS :Alliaclolid losrans jauinl TTRlIsJleW :UHNOILIlad 986L JZZ APP 986L 'LZ xlDlvW 986L 'LZ Ajpnjqaa 986L JS jaquiaoac S 8 6 L 1L jaqui9AON 9861 JLL jaqo*400 :aqpa BuxivaH 0 98-nS-09 'ON SSVO V9Z SrIVgcldV,,,4-Q GHVOS DNINOZ 1DaclSO*d;4-,..,,lNflOW 9BI doTjjaaw UvarlDRU 'HHS do ZBA 60 -SU -85 May 22, 1986 Page 2 of 5 Messrs. Howard Borde, Norman Samuelson, Robert Babbin and Marshall Turner presented this case, which has been continued for several months. It was noted that numerous meetings with staff have taken place and the proposal is a result of those meetings. Mr. Bordie gave a brief summary of the Consent Decree entered in 1972, being case 65 CH 3500, in which there is verbage that the Village President and Board of Trustees shall consider any modifications, however it was at the direction of the Village Board that this matter is brought before the Zoning Board of Appeals. It was noted that the original Consent Decree permitted 1,158 units with 3 buildings not to exceed 12 stories in height along with and townhouses; that buildings permit fees would be those in effect at the time the Consent Decree was entered; and, that amendments to the Zoning Ordinance made after the date of the Decree would not affect this development and that no donations would be required of the developer* It is proposed that this 38 acre parcel be developed with 3 "W" shaped buildings built in a step type design starting with 4 stories to 8 stories. The plan presented in October, 1985 proposed buildings 10 stories in height. There would also be clusters of townhouses. Mr. Babbin explained that the townhouse clusters sters were designed in a way as to accomplish a feeling of community within that type of housing. There would be approximately 430 underground parking spaces in the elevator buildings* This proposal calls for 788 dwelling units, as compared to the original proposed in this case last year of 952 units, which is a reduction of 16%. Included in this number is 119 townhouse units, which number was reduced from 128 on the plans submitted Mr. Babbin stated that this development would have security access, with the residents being able to use their entry cards at one gate and a security guard on 24 hour duty at the other gate. The security guard would also have visual contact with the un -manned gate via a televised security system. The gate houses would be 2 -stories, with the second floor to house staff and the first floor housing garden equipment and the actual guard station. Parking for the high rise development would be at a ratio of 1.65 spaces per unit. Construction would be of a decorative brick with lime -stone. The townhouses would have bay windows, wood siding, pitch roofs, and garage doors set back to minimize the appearance of the arage door. Guest parking would be provided. D'eio ad q gA4 4-eqm ,..pa,4 iaua6 aq TTTm aTjj IV9JIe Otlq UT 4q6T9q STq4 JO SBUTPTTnq go uoT-4,eoOT 4s9sOTO 9q4 ST 4vqM 'SUPId 9qq M9TA91 04 94TI PjnOA SqqbTaH qoadsoicl 0 41 :sqqBTaH qoadsoid puz qoadsoid qunoW go squapTsaj Aq passaafte ajam suiaouoo buTmoTTog aql 9 a -S4ST104OW JOJ J9JPS sppo-d NoaqueoqoS PUP PUPE 4V JVUBTS OTJJVJ4 pasodoid aqq pup pvoE pup pTlona qP IPUBTS 6 a 9 OTJJPJ4 9LIq uaamqeq 90UPqSTP 9qq O%vw PTnom pup 99JD9G 4u8suOD 9q4 JO 0 0 quawaiTnbai P ST qOTqM JqS9M 499J OOE AT94VWTxojddv pvo-d 5[oaquaoqoS go q 89 pnlouT Tpsodoid aqj •-sApmpvoi Aqunoo air omq jeqqo qUqwULTTPaa age. Oqq PUP APMPPOJ aqP4S V ST PPO -d PUV-d *pTpuoaoW dwvD pup Xoaquaotjog Ippoll pur-a air A4j9doid 4oalqns aq4 BUTpunojjns sAPmpPoj aajqq aql J9UOT *UTVW91 aAVq 04 94TT p1nom 4Tqad 0 0 9LI4 qOTtjM UOT4V4969A AAVOq t14TM SP91P 911 al9q4 9DUTS 'Pair jvTnoTqjvd 9LI-4 Uo puadep pTnom S19TI94VW 6UTOU'9j go adA4 aql *S9DU9 L16TIJ 400J 9 UTqqTM JAqTjnoes jog Jpasojoua aq p1nom quawdol9Aap 9JTqUO 9LIJ -qqpd aqq go spaiv snOTIVA UT sp5[ aip qno.jom ssauqTj L14Tm stlqpd 0 0 6UT6601 JbUTdpospupT ainqpw pup spuod UOTqU949J 16UTpITnq UOT4V91091 BUTWWTtAS JSqlnOD STUU94 E air pasodoid S9T4Tu9wv Ovf4 JO 9WOS T00a 0 0 0 0 e qj obs 65£'t sqj obs OOZIL *,4j obs OOLIL *49 *bs 5L6 eqj obs OSL -4j -bs OSS JO UlnWTUTUI •• •_• aejql snTa swoojpaq oml sq4eq Z/L.Z swoojpaq oml s4Tun woojpaq oml sqTun woojpaq auo s4uamqjvdv oTpn4s 0 :SMOTTOJ s 91P S4S9ZTS pasodoid aqL Tun 90 a epaiaT3juiads %Oot aq TTTm sqTun 6UTIT9MP TTV Weq4 P94P-4s OSTV jauoT-4T-.ad eq;L -quamdTnbe ajTj go saoaxd SnOTIVA 9tJ4 JOJ SBUT400J 94pnbapp joj SbUTPTTnq 104VABT9 9q4 4P svaj� Ops 9P -ono atl4*uT bUT449M ssvj6j9qTJ 9PTAOid oq peeift sv--q jadoT9A9p 9t14 J4uaui4jPd9G ;JTq"9q4 go 4sanbei axI4 xl4TM 9ouvpi000v uI eqj -bs 00V Ala4VWTxojddv go Pair uado use 9APq TTTm P91P SbUTpTTnq J04PA9T9 9q4 JO 194U90 9LIJ a s go E 95va 9860 'ZZ APW 58 -ns -09 vez ZBA 60 -SU -85 May 22, 1986 Page 4 of 5 Ls the proposal compatible with the surrounding area? What price range would the rents be? Why is Schoenbeck Road shown as 41 feet wide and why is it proposed at the indicated location? What type of recreation will be offered the residents and what impact would the increased population have on the Prospect Heights Park District? Will the developer make donations to Library and Park District? will there be sidewalks to the Park District building? Is there a need for rental property in this area? will there be any subsidized housing? What is the construction schedule? What will happen to the 18 hole golf course? will there be sidewalks around the development? The following responses were given to the questions and concerns expressed: As to Compatibility, it was the opinion of staff that multi -family is a good use for this area. The rents would range from $500 - $600 for a studio apartment, 2 bedrooms would rent for between $950 - $1,150, and between $1,100 to $1,400 for a 3 bedroom. The width of Schoenbeck Road is proposed to be 2 lanes from Camp McDonald to the entrance and 3 lances from the entrance to Rand Road. The relocation is part of the Consent Decree and would make the traffic signal more useful at the proposed location. The recreational facilities would include 3 tennis courts, Olympic size swimming pool, jogging paths with exercise areas along the pathway* AIP4910as 6UTP1009H a SpTaTa V Tolleo *W-cl OE:OL -4P P9UJnOIPV SIM 5UT-49;aUl 9ql &p9TllVD UOT40W SnOUITUVUn S 9A -V 0 TIVO TTOJ uodn *6uTqeaw sTqq ujnoCpp Pup 986L 16Z AvW oq aspo sTtlq anUT4UOD 04 p9AOM 'S�9q4ojEm*siw Aqapapuooes ivaajD eaW *986L 16Z AEW JAepsinill buTmoTjoj 9LIq 04 9SPO STq4 anUT-4UOD 04 PIVOE 9LI4 JO UOTST08P 9LI4 SPM 4T 0 a a a 'J9UOT4T-49d aqq o4 SUOT4sanb asod oq aoupqo v pvxl 4ou ppq sTpaddV go PIP08 BUTUOZ 9LIq go sjaqwaw atI4 qvT44 4ovj atI4 pup inotl a4vT 9LI4 o4 ana APMPPOJ AUP 94VUTPIOOO esupld asoq4 q4Tm s4uaw9,&ojdWT 6 PTnom jauoT4T49d 8LI4 41elq4 V91V 9q4 UT SKVAPPOJ aqq aAojdMT oq supTd spq A4unoo Noon 4ptI4 pa4v4s 19UOT4T4ad aqj 5 a 'A49jPS IT9XI4 10; P9PTAojd aq pTnoqs sqqbTl pup s%TemepTs ajojajaq4 TooXIDS 04 5[Tvm 04 9APq ua'PTTxID atI4 pup 4uemdolaAap STq4 04 asOTO Al an ST TOOLIOS J9MOtjUaSTa 4Rq4 P8JV aqq go S4UqpTSqJ Aq P;qpqs svm 41 equawdolaAep aq4 punojp SV91P UT SnOTIVA 0 a P91IP4SUT aq TTTtA sXTvmapTs 4pq4 pasodoid si 4T JaAoqe pa4pqs sV osqsTxa A14uesaad 4T Sv 99109G 4u9suOD 9q4 uO 499T sJv9A SE spq asinoo JTO6 9TOq U 9ql apazTTruTj aq oq q9A sTTP49P asoqq pup saspqd JOJ TTPO PTnom 9Tnpaqos uoTqonxqsuoo 9141 equ9uidOTaA9P STq4 UT BUTsnoil P9ZTPTsqns ou aq TTTA 9J91ql a 0. 0 a a sbuTsnoq TP4U9J A4TTunb joj 49NIPM 9 ST 939q4 qPq4 94POTPUT S9Tpn4s 4;xjeji 0 OTPUT 0 espeap snOTIVA UT SXTRMaPTS 9UIOS TTV4SUT a 0 a TTTm jadOT9AaP 9ql *SUOT4PUOp a Dons aNvui qou peau jadol9A9p 9t14 4Pq4 S94P4S a9109a 4ugsuoz) aqq PUP - 90UPUTPIO UOTqeuop Nid P 9APq qOU 0 a S90P 95PTITA 9qLl S go S abvd 9861 "ZZ APW 58-rls-09 vez *4uamaaaft 1puTj P jog auiTq 94pnbapv a a 9AT95 04 19PIO uT sTpaddV go papog buTuoZ 9q4 ' JO 6UT499UI FUZZ APP aq4 anuT4uooo4 SPM U0T 04 'SAVP 09 l9q4OV 9SPD STqq 4PPU'qmwo0qJ JJV48 qqJ 0 0 0 *Aqjadoid qoeCqns aq4 go 4uawdoTaAap aq4 jog IaAal 4inoo atlq 4P quawaaaft UP 04 9SOTO AJ9A 9JP 96PITTA 9q4 PUP JOUOT4T4ad a aqq 4pq4 paqp4s JjauoT4T4ad aq4 6UT4U9Sajdaj 0 lj9qoPqi9XoTuX 95joaf) -jW 11 'SUTP4S 449UIM8 4OT14STG XJVd 4oadsoid 6UT4UaS91d JSSOA as S9WVr UOT4PTDOSSV A4Tunwwoo Aj4unoo AuoToD 4U9pT89Jd JUPUIXDTTqDS auefina S4q6T9H 4oadsoad 6uT4uasajda-d 'jaBnaaX PTPUOG :suoloarso TTTaoni4ad uarl jabPj449jE 4aaqoH :,Lxassv SuRaNaw vez APW,O uATTJvW UqqjD Utlor APTSSPD PIRUou siaLl4ols STOU uPwaTP,qo JXTuspq 4jaqTTE) :lmssaud S'dzswaw vez -0 P -e 0-a NoaqueoqoS uo SXTPm9PTs 04 9A14PT91 aajoaa 4uasuoo aq4 Aq pajinbai sp S4U9W9A0jdwi OTTqnd aq4 o4 pa4sanbaj aiv SUOTSTA91 Jk[TVUO' vT4TPPV •-s4Tun ftiTlamp ZS6 PUP 4q5T9LJ UT 499J OLL JO M�UITXPW a 0 a V q4TM SBUTpTTnq E 4Tmj9d o4 ZL6L UT paaa4ua 99joac 4u9suoD/4u9uidoT9AaQ 4TUa P9UUPTd 04 SUOT490TJTPOw 41 a pasodoid 90 TVAOiddv jog UOTqPDTlddV :lsanoaa S 8 6 L It jaqo400 :alva NOUVOIquad pead pTruoG oW dwpo go iq4noS PUP XoaquaoiloS go qsaM 1puPH go il-4joN Ajqunoo AuoToo pjpxlojo plo, Jasinoo JTOD 9TOH 6 AqjodS :Ajivadolld loarens jaujnl TlvLlsjvW :Halloililad 986t 'LZ qDavW 986L 'LZ Ajpnjqaa 986L IS jeqwaoaa S 8 6 L 'L jaqui9AON 586L 'LL jaqo400 :94-eG buTipaH a 98-A-09 *ON HSVD V9Z SqVHddV,,,�, GHVO8 DNINOZ 1OHdSOHJ-----N]OW RHI do, laaw uvqnDau alll do �Niw ZBA 60-V-85 March 27, 1986 Page 2 of 2 It was stated that the petitioner would like proceed earlier than May 22nd, possibly April 24th since the next court date is May 28th and they would like to have the opportunity to reach an agreement prior to the court date. It was noted by staff that the docket for the Zoning Board of Appeals is extremely full and that there would be no time at the April 24th meeting to present this indepth case. It was the decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals that this case should be continued one final time to the May 22nd meeting. If the petitioner was not ready to proceed at that time then this case would be withdrawn and a new petition must be filed, Carol A. Fields Recording Secretary peATosai u9aq qaA qou SPq TAOTtIM UOTqP5T4Tj go qoaCqns 9LI4 ST aSPO STtIll epivaq aq oq AqTun4joddo up paujaouoo seTqjvd TTS' Pup s4u9PTs9l 9AT6 04 19PIO ST slpaddy 8 0 JO PJPOB BUTUOZ aqq ajojaq BUTIVOq DTlqnd v 9APq qsnm 99joaG, quasuoD a 0 0 aq4 04 UOT4VDTJTPOW AUP 4Pq4 ADTTod P tlqjoj qas Svxl PIPOS 96PTTTA aq,l *sTpaddV go PIVOS 6UTUOZ 9q4 JO SBUT499M 586 JS aaqwaoaa pup 5861 1L jaqujaAOIJ jaqoqoo auk wo�j panuTquoD SVM 9SP0 STlqL 'S86L 'LL 1 0 : sailuva 9UON CHISHUHINI/SHOIDarRO APN.O UATTIVW j9bPj4q9jq 4jaqo-a :INHSSV SUHSWSW VSZ TTlaonl4ad Uqq U99jo Uqor APTSSPD PTVUOH slaq4ojs sToq UPIUJTpqo JXTUSPS -..TagTT :lNaSHHd SHH9WaW VSZ P-eOH NoaquaoqoS uo skTvmapTs 04 9AT4VT9J aaaoaa 4uasuoo eqq Aq P9JTnb9j seea squawaAoiduii OTTqnd eqq o4 paqsanbai eav SUOTSTAal 'ATTVuOT4TPPV os4Tun 6UTTT9AP a ZS6 PUP 4q5T9q UT 4991 OLL JO W;MTxew 0 0 0 S6UTpITnq E 4Tu'Jad o4 ZL6L P q4Tm a -UT P9194U9 99109a 4UaSUOD/quawdoT9AaG 4TUn PaUUVId 04 SUOTqPDTJTPOUI a a pasodoid go IvAoiddp JOJ UOT4VDTlddV 0 0 :JisanDad S 86 IL jaqo400 :aIVG NOIIVDIqgnd PPOH PTPuOG oW dumo go q4noS pup 5[o9qu9oqoS go 4s914 ipup*d go q4joK AJ4unOD AUOTOD PJPqDJ0 PTO Jasinoo ;TOD 9TOH 6 A4jodS :,Xluadoud loareas jaujn,L TTvqs'PW :HaNOIIILHd 9861 'LZ Ajpnjqaa :p9nUTqUOD a 5861 JS jaquaaoaa 9861 JL jaqmaAON 5861 JLL jaqo400 :a4va buTiveR 0 58 -HS -09 *ON HSV3 VSZ SqVHddV GHVOS DNINOZ 1DadSOV,=---.IX0OW HHI d( :lHaW EVUnDaH HBI JO "I QNIW ZBA 60 -SU -85 Page 2 of 2 February 27, 1986 through the Courts and therefore it requested that it be continued at the Zoning Board of Appeals level for another 60 days. Mr, Norm Samuelson stated that this matter is scheduled before the Court on March 6th and that many of the factors and factions of this case have been under negotiation and that a decision might be f orthcoining from the Court sooner than the date suggested by staff for a continuance, specifically April 24th, It was the request of the petitioner that this matter be continued to March 27th, being the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals, Carol A. Fields Recording Secretary P94OU OSTP SWA 41 -9-41ep 04 9SPO STLI-4 ..go s4uaAa axI4 go A.7vwwns ga-rxq 0 4 P aAP6 PUP BUTJP91q P9nUTqU00 P ST STXJq qPtfq 9plog oiw Aq paqou spm 41 a a a 0 -uoiqpnuT4uoo aq4 o4 pe4oalqo Alsnonual4s Aat[4 4vq4 pup Jquasaad al;am sassuu4TM 4jadxa s,JqUOT449d a44 TT 4 6UT40U JU0T0 4P4u9s9jd 9L4 t4Tm paaooid o4 Ap'a' SPM 4UaTJ0 STL4ptqpaqv4s qpjoa -jW -00CS Ho 59 a9pun saTqiadoad pjvqoio plo aq4 6uTUIOA06 99JO9G 4u9suOD aq4 94POVA 04 4ojja up sT qDedsoad 4unoW 0 io e6PTTTA 9q4 Aq paTTj uaaq pvq 4Tns v 4pq4 aoT4ou panus uaaq ppq aq Jq4t jaqweoaa IAPPUOW Uo qvq4 pa4vqs JjauoT4Tq9d aq4 jog Aaujo44v Japiog *jW a sUTP6P p9nUTqU00 10 9MT4 qvtlq -4-e pavatl aq Arm aspo atlq JU0TqV6TqTT aq4 90 SnWe4S 9q4 UO LUTpuadap pup 0 a 0 J986L JLZ Aj-enjq9a jog paTnpaLlos sTvaddV go P1908 BUTUOZ 9q4 JO BUT499W jpTnbai aqq oq p9nUTqU00 aq pTnom aspo atiq qpqo 11 4 P94v4s XTusP9 *JW *U0T4V6T4TJ go 4oalqns 9q4 ST Aqjadojd aq4 0 9 qvL14 -4ovg atlq o4 anp panUT4U00 aq pTnotls as�eo STL14 'aLVTTTA OtI4 JOJ TasunOD TPToaft 9LJ4 JO 9STAPP 9t14 UO qPtlq p94V4S PUP Japan 04 bUT499M aq-4 P9TTPD 'sTvaddV go pipog BuTuoZ 9tlq JO UVIUITPtlo 'XTUSP* 0 9 El 19 aw TTTeonjqad uaq slatl4ole sTorJ 0 :lKasav suaswaw vee AvW,O uATTJvW U991D Utlor APTSSvD PTPuO-d jabvjq4ajq 4jaqoH UVUlJTPtlo 'XTUSVU 4jaqlTE) :ILNHSHHd Suaswaw vez pleo-d XoaquaoqoS uo sXTvm9PTB 04 9AT49T91 99joaa 4uasuoo ail -4 Aq pax -.i n L aa s v squaweAoidlUT OTlqnd atI4 o4 pa4sanbaa eip 0 a SUOTSTA91 JATTVUOT4TPPV es4Tun BUTT19AP a 0 0 a ZS6 PUP 4746T9tl UT 4999 OLL JO WnMTXVM v tMm s6uTPTTnq E 4Tullad o4 ZL61 UT Paja4ua 99109c qu9suoo/qu9mdoJ9A9G 4TUfl P9UUeTd 04 SUOT-4VOTJTPOW pasodoid go TPAojddP jog UoT.4VDTTddV :lsaD0a*d 5861 JL iaqo400 :Hlva NOUVOiasna ppo-a pTpuou ow dumo go q4noS pup XoaquaoqoS go qsaM 'puell go xl4joN A14unoo AU0100 pjvqojo plo Jasinoo J10D 9TOB 6 AqjodS : All uadoud loareas jaujnl TTP4sJPW :HHNOILLILIEd S86L IS jaqui9oaG off. panUT4U0D 9861 JL jaqtu9AON 04 p9nUT4U00 6 9861 JLL jaqoqoo :94PU bUTJP9H 8 58 -As -09 *ON asvo vaz 41 We ZBA 60-V-85 Page 2 of 2 December 51 1985 that the staff report on this case was a very well prepared report including areas of planning, public health, safety and welfare, and whether the plan meets reasonable tests for the Village, Mr, Borde also stated'that the petitioner tioner had complied with the requirements of the Consent Decree and questioned whether the Zoning Board of Appeals should be considering this case. Several questions were raised at the original hearing and the petitioner stated that he and the -witnesses for the petitioner were ready to proceed and answer the questions. It was also stated that if the Village is successful in having the Consent Decree declared invalid, the 50 year covenant, providing for the 18 hole golf course to remain open space, would "be up for grabs". Finally, Mr. Borde stated that the petitioner is being hurt by the continuance and once again expressed his objection to the action. It was noted for those in the audience that the Chairman of the Zoning Board had given permission to informally and unofficially use the Board Room after the meeting was adjourned to answer any questions from members of the audience. Mr. Cassidy, seconded by Mrs. O'May, moved to adjourn the meeting. Upon roll call: Ayes: Brettragerr Cassidy, Greeny O'May, Basnik Nays: None Motion carried. This case will be scheduled for the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals on February 27, 1986. Carol A. Fields Recording Secretary AiV4910as buTP1009-d SPT9T4a -V T0JV0 -W-d EO:8 -4v P9ulnO[PP SPM Buiqaaw slpaddV go papog BuTuoZ aqq 4ssauTsnq jailqjnj ou buTaq ajagl *5861 IS jaqm9oaa uo 6uTipaq sTq4 g4TM paeooid IlTm slpaddV go pipog BuTuoZ aql -uoT4vnUT4UOO STL14 JO sjadpdsmau TV00T 9q4 UT UOT4PDTlqnd sv TTam sp sque a a PTS9.1 BUTjoqLl6T9U 04 4U9S 919M S9DT40lq L IS jaquiaoaG o4 penUTqUOD a 0 a S86 a SPM 9SPO STqq 1paATaoaj uaaq qou pvtj jjp4s Aq pa4sanbaj s4uawnoop jTv qvxl4 4ovj 9LI4 o4 anp pup JjauoT4T4ad axlq go 4sanbaj 9LI4 4V TTTqDnjqqd uaq U991D uqor :SlNagv suaswaw vee APW.O UATTJPN APTSSRD PTPUOH SJ9qqOle ST0q ja6vjqqqja qjaqoli UVWITPqo JXTuspq qjaqlTg :Ixasa*dd ssaewaw vez -Pppou %oaqueogoS uo sXTW49PTs 04 9Aa 4V191T aajoaa quesu.00 aqq Aq p9JTnb9j se SqU9M9A0jdUIT DTlqnd aq4 oq paqsanbaj axe SUOTSTA91 9 0'ATTvuOT,4TPPV *s4Tun 6uTTT9mP Z S 6 Pup 4qbl,9tl ul 4999 01 JO w;wT,xvm v q4Tm SBUT,PTTnq E 4Twlad o4 ZL61 -ui pajaque aajoau qu9suo0/4uawd0TaAaa 4Tun P9uuPTd 04 su0T4v0TJTP0m pasodoid 90 TVA0jddv JOJ UoT4VOT-CddV :1san0a'a 5861 41 jaqo400 :Hlvu Noilvoiriand PPO'd PTPUOG oW dumo go q4noS pup XDaquaoqoS go 4s914 IpupH go lq4joN A14unoo AU0100 piptlojo pT0 lasinoo J10f) 9109 6 A4jodS UUHMOUd IDHrSDS jeuin.1 TTvqs'RW :HaNOILLilad S86L JL jaqw9AON 04 panux4uoo 5861 'LL jaqo400 :94PO 6UTJP9H 98 -ns -09 *ON asvo VSZ sqvaddv a-dVOU DMINOZ lozdso-d�--7now -6iaaw BRJ; ao Uvallf)HE HHS ao ,NIW lassn-d -N LOZ J9UTOVI 31UPH 4(isold IAauj0q. ;4L16TaH 09 4v AqT3 I labajs PT-euoCl &H 04ff JPTVUOG ow dwpo OOL 'TTTTZZT.11ad qdasor *H*d 1plpuou ow dwvo S L V 194joo-erl earj PaTvzv LZBL 'Tapi pjvuoarl -H*a JpTpuoa ow dwpo -M VLV 'SUTTTOD PH UOT4PDossv A4Tunmmoo Aj4unoo AUOT03 ;5[ajvw XqTv L14nouijpX OOVL 'PUTT UOP10f) 90PId 11519TP'H Z L Z 'SUTV4S 449UIMa s4q6TaH qoadsoid go ioAPW JU'eBTTTTE) uqOr 40IJ4STCI XlPd S4115T9H 4oadsoad aLI*4 JXPTMONVIX PH :SgjlliVd GaLjSaHRLLNj/SUOj0arSO 90 4u9PTs9Jd 0 Tilaoniq9a u9a AvW-O UATTIVN uqqjD uqor APTSSVD PTRUOH Sl9q4018 STOU Ja6pjqqqjs qja4o-d UVUIITPqo INTusve qiaqTTE) suaswaw vez Peou %oaqu9oqoS uo s%lvmapTs 04 9AT49191 a aajoaa 4uasuoo aqq Aq P9JTnbaj sr 0 S4U9W9A0idWT OTTqnd age.oq paqsanbei aip . a SUOTSTA91 JATj�U0T4TPPV -S4TUn BUTTIalAp 0 0 a a Z96 Pup qTq6T9q UT 499J OLL JO W�WTXVW 8 9 0 V q4TM SBUTPITnq C qTuijad oq ZL6L 0 -UT P9194U9 99109C qUqSU00 & /quawdoT9AOG 4TUn P9UUPTd 04 SU0T4V0TJTP0lU 4 f pasodoid JO TPAOiddp .raj U0T4V0TTddV 4 9 :lsanosll S 8 6 L It iaqo400 :HIVG NOVOIquod PVOU PTPUOG ow dump go qqnoS pup %oaquaoqoS go qsaM pupH go xlqjoN Ajqunoo AuoToD P'vqDJO PTO Jasinoo JTOD OTOR 6 A4jodS :AlldadoHd LiDarens jaujnl TlvqslvW :HaNDiadlad 986t JLL jaqoqoo :eqpG BuTivaH a 58-rls-09 *ON asvo vez SrlVRciclV C118VOS DNINOZ 1DadSO-dd-4Nfl - 01 H 141 aO Zaaw uvqnDau HH1 ao ""INI ZBA 60 -SU --85 Page 2 of 5 Howard Border attorney for the petitioner, presented the following witnesses for the petitioner: Norman Samuelson, Attorney Robert Babbin, Development Co -Ordinator Marshall Turner, Developer Niel Ring, Real Estate Appraiser Charles Kenig, Traffic Consultant Glen Steinberg, Owner of Subject Property Tracie Kross, Marketing Study John Martin, Landscaping John Buenz, Architect Joseph Rezek, Civil Engineer Mr. Borde stated that changes to a Planned Unit Development (PUD) must be presented to the Village Manager and village Board, and that in order to give notice to residents of the area, as well as give them a chance to hear the presentation and offer their opinions, the Village Board instructed the petitioner to go before the Zoning Board of Appeals. It was noted that notices of the hearing were sent to property owners within 300 feet of the property lines of the subject property. The proposal, known as The Vistas, is proposed to be located on the portion of - !OrchardColony Country! ! presently known• the Sporty Nine Golf Course, which is west of Schoenbeck Road and north ofRand Road. • It was noted that Mr. Steinberg purchased the property in 1955 and that the development, as previously noted, was the subject of a Court Consent Decree entered in 1972. That Consent Decree requires the 18 hole golf course to remain open for period of 50 years. The subject property was addressed in the Consent Decree, which was to develop the subject property. The following are changes proposed from the Consent Decree: To decrease the floor area ration (PAR) from 1.0 to .72; To decrease the number of dwelling units from 1,168 to 952; To decrease the number of dwelling units per acre from 30.58 to 24.92; To increase the number of parking spaces to be provided per dwelling unit from 1.65 per unit to 1.76 unit; To decrease the total number of parking spaces to be provided from 1,927 to 1,680; *j9doT9A9P aqq Aq POPTAOid aq pTnom qDTqM 19AJnO 394JOS P q4TM P9qSTTdw000v 4T t'jje4qaq aq pTnom ebupqo STq4 9 0 9q4 qPq4 J9UOTqT49d aqq go UOTUido 9q4 ST JJ9A9MOq JppoH Xoaquaoos JOJ UOT .4VJn6TjU0O M9U P JOJ P9pTA0jd 99109G 4U9SUOD JVUTbTJ0 9-ql 0 0 a sSqq6T9q BUTPTTnq l9mOT 6 0 pup BuTXjpd 9200 SaPTAojd Js4Tun SSOT apnTOUT s4sanbea aq4 4ptI4 BUT40U JaAoqp Pa4STJ SP JsTpsodoad snOTJVA 9q4 PaM9TAal jauinl *IN a a a a OSP91V U0TqU9q9P/U0TqU9q9J jaqvm sp aAjas osTp qnq spaiv padpospuel aq4 off. ppv ZZTM LJOT14A spuod aq TTTm ajaql -punoibiepun aq TTTm BUTXJpd aq4 go %0V Josm-[v 46UTUTPM9J A4j9doid 4oalqns 9q4 BUTpunoijns 1 Jaqqnjtjs bUTqSTX9 9q4 tl4TM J;Duqj P UT pasoToug aq pTnom 4uamdoTeAep ajT4ua 9qjos94P6 jaqqo 4P ssao3p joj s4uapTsei o4 panssi aq ITTM SPIRO PUP 94VB 9OUVJ4U9 UTPIU 9LIq 4P paqsod aq jjTm pjpnb inoq VZ V -A4Tjno9s PUP S4Jn0O STUua4 apnToui S914Tu9mv J9q4O *9UPT 9JTJ P sv aTqnop TjTm ijoTqm 1papTAojd aq TTTM 9UPT 6UT660C V -peAps aq pTnom A4jadoid 4oalqns OL14 UO s99J4 TqS944 TTS BUTX9-4pxjq pa4p4s jauinj *jW J4u9md0T9A9PwTvnqv oaq4 o4 sV a 0 *Ll-4U0w P OWLt Pup 05Lt uaam4aq snag lv4u9l q4Tm squeuiqivd-e woojpaq Z oq squawqxede AOU9TDTjj9 U10IJ aq p1nom quawdoleAep aql 4 a Js-4Tun Tv4u9l eeopds uado sp 6uTuTpwaj sajov fir aq p -[nom 9.xeqq J,4u9wdo-[9,&9p jaqje pup isajov a 0 8E AT9qV1UTxojddP ST quawdolaAap pasodoid ailq go aqTs aqq qptlq peqvqs jauinj *jW o4u9wd0T9A9P SUOUIWOD U046UT.4unH 9q4 Ulq4Tm P94POOT S4TUn 9q4 6uT,6PUPw MOU ST. Pup 's9x9TdwoD quawqjpdV auvTJaqwTl pup 9XVTJaqWTI 0 UT P9UMO BUTAPq lqoadsoid qunoW go abvTTTA 9q4 q4TM 4u9ul9Aj0A8 JO AJ04ST4 R SVq aq qVqq P9qVqS JjadoT9A9p Jjeujnl TTpqsavm a w appou %o9qu9oqoS BuoT-'v- pvoH pTvuoG ON dmpo buOTP sXTPm9PTS oiTqnd go uoT4vTTP4su 9q4 JOJ 4U9W9JTnbaj 9q4 JO UOT4VDTJTPOW pasodoid aq 0 a 9 1 i9suafte s,jadol9AOP 944 qv p9qoniqsuoo aq off. aip SqU9W9AOjdWT AVMPPOI qOTqM 1991096 papuauiv aq4 jad paqpoolai see JpvoH 5[0qqu9oqoS 04 S4U9W9AOjdwT AVMPPOI 9q4 JO SPIPPUVqS UbTS9P aqq JO SU0T4RDTjTP0W pasodoj* 0 0 0 cl iSan qani qs Ajoqs.V xis pup 01 l' go -4Tq6Tatl uinwTxvw v T44Tm a w sainqonjqs 99jxl4 o4 sain-4ona4s asnOxlum04 OtL pup sain4onj4s Ajo4s-V inoj J,OVL go 4qBTatj wnwTxvw v 6uTApq sain4ona4s s woj sainqonj4s p944w (9) xis go' p jaqwnu axlq asajoap os 0 1 a iqaaj OLL 4 4991 OVL uioij sainqoni-4s P944TwJad0 4q6T9q wnwTx-etu aqq as-eajoap os —4 a lk . .. ... s go C 96p(i S8-rls-09 v9z ZBA 60 -SU -8i Page 4 of 5 If the proposal is approved, Mr. Turner estimates the first phase of construction would begin in March, 1987 with occupancy anticipated for the fall of 1987. The second phase would begin in spring of 1988 with occupancy that fall, etc. A traffic study was presented indicated the traffic patterns and flow presently and what the anticipated volume and direction would be. The peak hours for volume is between 7 AM and 9 AM and between 4:30 PM and 5:30 PM, The traffic study also anticipated the direction of the increased traffic. Included in the traffic study was the proposal to have a traffic signal installed on Rand Road at Schoenbeck Road. Other areas discussed were water supply, storm water and sanitary sewers. It was noted by those given testimony for the petitioner, that the design and landscaping would have no adverse effect of the neighborhood and that the visual impact would be minimal, noting that there are many areas in the northwest suburbs that having developments with 10 story buildings and they have been well received. Also mentioned was the financial effect this development would have on the School District, Park District and the Village. Mr, Hank Lacine, 207 M. Russel, expressed support for the proposal if it including subsidized housing, in line with the recent Bishops letter asking for consideration to be given to the less fortunate. The following concerns were expressed by parties, asked questions or stated their reasons for opposing the proposal: A petition was presented with 511 signatures opposing the proposed multi -unit development as it "is inappropriate to the site, conflict to adjacent residential property and area communities, decreasing property values, increased traffic congestion, potential drainage problems and increased and and undue demands on municipal and country resources and services". City of Prospect Heights would like additional information in order to give an informed opinion on the project and the impact on the City, and well as having an opportunity having viewing the site plan and reviewing additional material to cross examine the petitioner; The Prospect Heights Parks District expressed concern relative to the additional demands that would be made of the Park District facilities with the additional residents, since the development is located within that Park District. It was noted by the Park District that this type of development should include a donation of land, 3.8 acres, as well as facilities and equipment; AjvqqJDqs 6UTPJODqH SpTala -V Toho OS86t 'L jaqmaAo&i 'Appsinql 04 P9nUT4UOO AITPTOTJJ0 SPM 9SVO 9LIJ 0 a 0 ewaqq Aq pasod suoT4sanb oq sasuodsaj a aq4 jvatl o4 pup papaq aq o4 puaqqp oq p94TAuT ajam pup anuTquoo 0 9 p1nom asvo TApv sTq4 qoTqm 4P aqpp aqq go pasajam 9ouPpu944v uT TTV a a a 0 *9 86L 1L jeqw9AON - UTPqJa0 9 -.pp P oq panUTqUOD aq p1nom aspo STq'4 J9DU9Tpnv atI4 a - ,Kq passajdxa suiaouoo aq4 o4 ;Jamsup JT9tJ4 94PTnuij;j 04 UOT.4I 9 -eWIOJUT IPUOT4TPPP 9PTAOid o4 A4Tun4joddo 94pnbapp jauoi4T49d aq4 9AI6 04 19PIO UT qpTqq pa4p4s sl JO PIPOS 6UTUOZ 9tJ4 JO UVUIITVLID a-ql a 6 9 -UOTSTOOP IT9qq q4TM paaooid pTnoo Aatlq ajojeq 9 a a aAoqp pasod SUOT4sanb aq4 o4 siamsup PUP UOTqPUIJOJUT TvuOT4TPPV 9q4 a 40 aAPq 04 91TS9P JT9q4 passajdxa sTpeddV go pjpos 6UTUOz, exlq go sjaqmaN -uoTqpwjojuT paqsanbai aqq quasaid off. AqTunqjoddo UP JaUOTqTqad aqq eAT6 of JaPJO �T UTP4JaD 94PP 0 2 0 0 P off. panUTqUOD aq aspo sTtlq qvqq paqsanbaj spm 41 opassaippp uaaq SOU 8APLI 4PI14 SUOTSTAoid pup sqTqTqxa SnOTJPA PUP J9UOTqTqad aqq Aq 0 4 a a pajamsuv aq o4 qaA SUOTqsanb Auvw aiv ajaqq q-exlq paqou sjaqwaw g;p4S i(91TJ PUP 90TTod) Ajpssaoau aq pTnom Tauuosiad aDTA39S AOU9619IU9 TVUOTqTppg AlqTssod 0 6 iqOT14STP JOOq0s aqq go BUTPMOJD-JaAo a a 0 is6uTpITnq Aq pajaAoo aq off. vain 0 ipooqjoqqBTau 9q4 MOIJ 4OV149P PTnOm s6uT,PlTnq Ajoqs OL 9q4 90 M9T*A spapnTouT PTO pup bunoA isuvTjqsapad pup oTjjvjq qqoq go A49gps pup quawdOTaA9p pasodoad aq4 UT SXTvm9PTS go 5[orq eqsanbaj go adAq STqq JOJ UMJOJ 6UOJM 9qq ST slvaddV JO PJV08 BUTUOZ atlq ajogaq 6UTJV9tl STqq qPtlq PUP lxaldmo Auoloo pjvqojo plo aq4 ggTM Aqjadoid go aTqSJOUM0 UT MOU S9T4jvd aqq apnIOUT 04 9AVLI PTnOM 99JD9G 4UeSUOD 9q4 WOJJ UOT4;OT 0 a JTPOW Auv 4vxll -qoadsoad qunoW uT sqTun Tvquaj TpuoT4Tppp jog peau aqq uo pasTpa ajam suoTqsano a a a 0 isjoqq6T9U JO A4TJOIPW P 04 UJODUOD 4V916 JO SPIA UOTqS96UOD DTJJPJ4 P9SP9JOUI 0 0 il S go s 95ed 58 -as -09 vez PDA19093 JaX IOu a"Ll 9m 4014m, I aa,qoqoO uo, pa,2s;anb9a UOT3VInJOjUI TeUOIITppe ��UTJTEMP XT4maxano ie,xe� am, pur p9a m u 01 W a sue un 4gal 3jels aq3 Aq SUOT;senb jo zaqwnu �V a9qtn;a:3da.3 90 �99M 39el 944 UTSUOT:jeojdde p' 0 # 0Taii#1 puqns �pue uOT:=J� Tdde STq� aOj VUlae9q JeToads v palsanbaa s,aadOTOA9,p aq'I *�Oafoad ST44 jo SjSKj'eUe 0 IT941 pa3ajdmoo 40u, seq jge3s aq,j, 1 4 S'T q .1 :IV SIRNWOO DNIMOZ GNV DMIMMvrId peoa aq� ,jo uVTsap qq:j I�oaquaoqoS o3 S3U9Ua9AOadmt JO SUOT�eOTJTPOW pue speo'a aq,uaoiqOs* pue PTuUOUOvW id,tue:)i VuOTV aazoe(I aq:z Xq p9a,T"nbal 94-1 go UOTI VUTMtTO VUT3sanbaa osle sr '4ueDTTddv aqj oggol jo OT, ;'Fa Wupaefd 0, 10 e PuR 8, 9 T 1 1, 1 u n j 0 a, a qtun, u, j,' o 3 e q I t m (4 4 VT 9 4 uT iaa;' odPnq Xalo�s-aAjem3 99at4l PUR. 'S2UTpTjnq 0 17 1 'a ,n) s�UuTTT Xaao�s-anoij Isasnot4u,mo:j P'iaMOTTR 9Aeq p1nom 9aao9Cj aqj *:iT�n x9d saoeds 9L'T 10 OT:49a gu,iT:Iaed v pue s:ijun SuTTT8mP Z96:10T914 UT 399j 011 mnmtxem v jo s5luipITnq aeaqq asoudoad Xaq3 IXae=ms U, " P9At aoaa noX qop4m uotqvio�tj,,idde aqi Ut p9UTlqno ale sisanbead-. - 0 s eqj *ZL61 'i7Z ITadv uo :janoo aqq Xq P9AOjddv SVM 40TRM 4uamdojDA9p, JO urld e go suoT �3 v 0 jj' I POM ;t' s- pasodoad jo IvAoaade aouoT42adod j ST Ij,vatjdde 9LIj,, log pedoT9Aap aq PTnoo :Ieqm uo suoTqe:jTWTj Oil UT P94STIqe3se sem aaaoaa quasuojjioads, pvq, PuP ZL61 a qj qnj'O, Xa�junoo PI'VROJO' PTO qu asanoo J109 quIN 92aodS atp aoj gall -09a IUasuooa43 0:3 avueq'O v Pasodo-ad 9AU4 'a9u*anj jjvqsavW 01 IW Xq pawaseadai. I sa,9d,,oiTe;A9,'p Otj,1 9961 '01 URGOIDO 211va aVO'H GIVNOG OVw awva ao MIMS QMV aVOU XDR9NaOHDS aO ISM 'aVOX GMVE 90 HISON Milvool IVIS "UNURI IrIVHSEVW '58-[IS-09-VJIZ unruns DNINOZ aNv DNINavrid ao U0103dia Inva •Ow RaHdals :WOu'q NVW"dIVHD SIV3ddV JO GUV02 ONINOZ 'XINSVq 'IID : oil WrICNV�JOW3W 3:)1AJ0*d31NI siouijjj'i:)adsOJd iunoW quno'AN ;o BtSell!A, Gil Basnik -* Page Two ZBA-60-SU-85 October 10, 1985 A project of thi 4, S' magnitude must involve an 'extremely thorough analysis before approval,. We have the benef it of the site plan and some engineering drawlings but we have not received infor- mation,'on the architectural plans, on the fiscal impact analysis, and on the marketing study. There are additional ques,tion-s that must be resolved, on the structure, its fire safety, and security in order to assess the impact that the project would have on both our Fite and Police Departments. We would suggest that the Zoning Board of Appeals take testi"Mony from the applicant and his expert witnesses and testimony from interested parties and residents, Additional questions may come out through this te,stimony and some of the current questions may have, answers expressed at the public hear-ing. We would then, request that, the Zoning Board continue this matter to a future meeting to allow the developer the opportunity to submit the add i t i �n,al Information needed., After the additional information is rec'elved, the staff can then prepare the type of analysis needed for this size of project'..