HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/08/1986 COW MinutesL lie IV* MINUTES COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE APRIL 22, 1986 ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 7:31 p.m. Present at the meeting were: Mayor Carolyn H. Krause; Trustees Ralph Arthur, Gerald Farley, Leo Floros, Norma Murauskis, George Van Geem and Theodore Wattenberg* Also present at the meeting, wereloo, Village M,a,n,ag,e,r Terrance Burghard, Assistant to the Village Manager Michael, Janonis, Director of Finance David Jepson, Director of Public Works Herbert Weeks, Deputy, Director of Public Works Glen Andler, Street Superintendent Melvin Both, Superintendent of Forestry Sandy Forgacs, and Director of Economic Development Ken Fritz, Also present at the meeting was Hal Predovich, Chairman of the Business District Development and Redevelopment Commission one person from the print media. MINUTES The Minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting of April 8, 1986 were accepted and filed. CITIZENS TO -BE HEARD There being no citizens present who wished to make a presentation before the Committee of the Whole, the Committee moved on to the next item of business. PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY REPORT The Committee of the, Whole r'eVii wed the Report prepared by the Village Manager's office which analyzes th6 needs of the Department of Public Works and 0, makes recommendations for a new Public Works facility. Mayor Carolyn Krause opened discussion among Committee members by stating that she was in favor of keeping the existing facility and expanding it through acqu1's,11W*' tion of property *Immediately to the north of the Pine Street loca,tion* The Mayor felt that such expansion would cost approximate.1y one-quarter of that, proposed' for a new faci,litty and that adequate parking could, be created by converting the Ten South P*ln;e Street building to parking. The Mayor noted that any subsequent use of the existing Public Works, city would require, Varilations for, parking and front and side yards. With regard to the proposed location of the new Public Wor' '* *1 ty, I ks taci,, i* the Mayor *Indicated that a western siting would" have the effect of decreasing service levels to the neighborhoods because, of the loss of a central location. The Mayor also indicated that she would like the Board to consider other priorities such as ambulance service on the northwest side of the Village, residential street repaving and expanded Police service,, Trustee Ralph Arthur stated that he recognized the need for some kind of expan. sion of the Public Works facility and offered a plan as a compromise position that would utilize the existing facility with extensive additions including expansion to the north of the present site and the construction of a second floor on the present garage structure. Trustee Arthur's plan called for the demolition of the Ten South Pine facility in order to provide additional parking. Trustee Arthur stated that his compromise- plan would provide approximately 70,000 square feet of space at a cost estimated at 70% below that of a new facility. Trustee Arthur asked that his plan be turned over to the various reviewing Commissions for their Input. Also, it was his feeling that no Referendum would be required to carry out his plan. Trustee Wattenberg stated that he was in favor of following the recommendations of the Report issued by the Village Manager's office and that the Village should proceed with hiring an architect to begin work on a new building. It was also Trustee Wattenberg's feeling that no Referendum was required to construct a new facility and he also stated that he was not in favor of Trustee Arthur's plan because it would be a piecemeal solution to the space problems at the present facility. Trustee Leo Floros indicated that he sensed the recognition on the part of most Board members that there was a problem with the existing facility at least as far as inadequate space. It was Trustee Floros' opinion that the need for a larger facility had been demonstrated and that other factors such as the current facility's disruption of downtown traffic and lost revenue potential through the inability to develop the site as commercial business warranted the construction of a new facility at' an alternate site. With regard to the latter consideration, Trustee Floros noted that interest had been expressed in the purchase of the existing facility. It was also Trustee Floros' feeling that the economic climate with low interest rates and easier credit was right and that the Village was in a financially strong position. Trusiee Floros further stated that he would wait to make any final decisions until after he had heard from all Advisory bodies that had been asked to comment on the proposed facility. Trustee Floros also stated that he supported further study of Trustee Arthur's proposal. Trustee Farley stated that he supported further study of Trustee Arthur's proposal and that in deliberations on this wsub)ect, it was necessary to factor in the other needs of the Village such as waste disposal, an aging infra -structure and the obsolescence of other public facilities. Trustee Farley also stated that he recognized a feeling on the part of the Board that something needed to be done to the present facility. Trustee Farley agreed with Trustee Floros that the economic climate was right, but that he wanted to hear from the various Advisory Boards as to their feelings on this matter. Trustee Farley proposed that the Village under take a formalized space evaluation study so that actual needs of the Department of Public Works were more clearly identified. o"2"o Trustee George Van G e e m stated that he supported a thorough review of Trustee Arthur's proposal, however, he had some concerns regarding piecemeal Construction and the adverse impact that keeping the facility in the downtown area would have on future downtown redevelopment. It was Trustee Van Geem's feeling that other Village priorities should be considered in deciding a course of action on the Public Works facility but that these other concerns should not be used to deflect the need to address the Public Works space problem. Trustee Van Geern also stated that there was a need for a long-term capital expenditure plan so that the Trustees would be in a better position to make important capital improvement decisions. Trustee Norma Murauskis stated that she had previously stated her views against a new facility and that the administration would have to Justify such a large expenditure. It was her opinion that they had not presented such justification. Trustee Murauskis admitted that alternatives should be studied in great detail but that she was convinced that the present location of the Public Works facility was adequate. I After discussion by each Committee member, the Mayor asked for comments from those persons in the audience,. 11 Mr. Hal Predovich of the Business District Development and Redevelopment Commission, stated that his Commission supported the recommendation that a new building on a new site be built if the economics supported such a decision. Mr. Predovich stated by economical, he meant that the cost benefit was positive and, therefore, he suggested that the Village undertake a detailed cost benefit analysis of locating a new facility outside of the downtown area. Mr. Predovich stated that it was his Commission's feeling that the present site was improperly located and was, therefore, a hinderance to future downtown redevelopment. It was also Mr.. Predovich's opinion that the economic climate was correct and that the Board should not hesitate too long or they might lose that favorable "window" with which they could act. It was Mr. Predovich's opinion that a Referendum was not needed and that long-term capitol planning was something that the Board should undertake. Several other citizens who live near the Trade Services' property indicated that they were against the siting of a new facility on that property because it would adversely. impact the neighborhood directly to the west. Trustee Floros indicated that the Village was currently considering a site at Melas Park and that the impact of the Me las Park site would be minimal. Further discussion by Committee members resulted in a clear 4-3 split in favor of a new facility and a consensus among Committee members to wait to hear the recorn mendat 'ions of the other Commissions before taking any official action in this matter. It was also the consensus of the Committee that a Referendum would be necessary if a new facility were built or if expansion of the old facility required the 'issuance of debt to cover the cost. Trustee Van Geem asked that this item be placed on the next Committee of the Whole Agenda so that the reports of the various Commissions could be heard and that thereafter be included as a item on subsequent Committee and Board Agendas. M Trustee Van Get!�;,rn stated that his concern in this area was that he was perhaps not I i getting as much information as he could, regard*ng Village operations and citizens' co , l l ;its so that he could better understand the wants and needs of the citzenry. Trust,ee Van, Geem felt that he needed this type of information so that he could be a better Trustee through greater understanding. Trustee Farley supported Trustee Van Geemls*request stating that such additional information would be helpful in making determinations which faced the Board. Mr.. Louie Velasco, of the Plan Commission, stated that it was his feeling that the Board would hear more from the people if the Board went back to the old Committee system whereby each Trustee sat on a number of Commissions, each dealing with specific subjects. Trustee Farley stated that he was op,posed, to the old Committee system because it was redundant and took up an inordinate amo,tint, of time without having a superior result. It was 'the consensus of the Board, that the return to the old Committee system was not practicable. Mayor Krause indicated that she would in the future make more periodic reports either oral or written to Board members regarding those activities or problems with which she became "Involved. Committee members felt that this was adequate to satisfy their need for more information. VI. EXEMPT VEHICLE LICENSE POLICY In 1977, the Village Board. passed a Resolution which* exempted certain persons from 1, Ulage, his licenses. S nce that time, the Vi paying for Mount Prospect motor vehicle U 0 1 1 allowed churches within the Village to obtain f ree motoir vehicle licen,se stickers for their buses and= church vehicles. Lately-, however, an "increasing number of reque,st's for vehicle stickers were coming in from church organizations; specifically, the Illinois Chicago Mission, located at 500 West Central Road, who requested 52 licenses for 1986-1987. The Village administration expressed its concern over these 0 increasing ncreaSLng numbers and asked the Board to give it guidance in granting such requests in the future. After discussion among Committee members, it was decided that in the future, all church buses operated within, the Village would be allowed to receive a motor vehicle licens,le sticker free of charge and that up to, two other ch urc h v eh'c e which, had "CV" ll icensepilates, would be allowed vehl'cle, sticker's, f r6,e, of ch,large. All other church vehicles would be required to purchase vehicle stickers at the present fee* VII. MANAGER'S REPORT Village Manager Burghard reported that he had scheduled a meeting on May 10 of an eastside neighborhood who had recently re,quested that the Villa,ge study the of replacing curb and gutter along their streets. Mr. Burghard restated possibility that it was the Village policy in these situations that any improvements be made under a Special Assessment arrangement and that the purpose of this meeting was to convey that message and to lay out the cost of such improvements* .4. VIILANY OTHER BUSINESS Trustee Van Geem asked the advice of Board members as to the propriety of Trustee Van Geem writing a letter on Village letterhead on behalf of the Mount Prospect Historical Society in a fund-raising effort. It was the consensus of Board members that the use of Village letterhead was ' ill-advised and set a bad precedent., It was suggested in the alternative that Trustee Van Geem use some type of modified letterhead which stated that he was a Village Trustee but however did not purport to be the official letterhead of the Village. IX,o ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to be discussed,. the meeting was adjourned at 99.45 p.m. on Respectf ully submitted, MICHAEL Es JANONIS Assistant to the Village Manager MEJ/rcw _5-