HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 2223 02/03/1970
WHEREAS, the Plan ComrrJ.ssion of the Village of Mount:',Prospect did hold
a public hearing on July 18, 1969, at the hour of 8:00 p.m. in the
Village Hall, pursuant to proper legal notice under Case No. 69-28p; and
WHEREAS, the Plan Commission recommended approval of the changes to the
B-1 Zoning District as well as changes to general height regulations and
general definitions within the zoning ordinance of the Village of Mount
Prospect; and
WHEREAS, the Judiciary Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Village
of Mount Prospect have on January 8, 1970,',-reviewed the subject matter
herein, and have recornrn.=nded to the President and Board of Trustees con-
currence with the recommendation of the Plan Commission under Case No.
69-28P; and
WHEREAS, the President and Boarer of Trustees of the Village of l\lount
Prospect have reviewed the matter herein and have determined that the
same is in the best interest of the Village of Mount Prospect;
SECI'ION ONE: That Section 17 of the Mount Prospect Zoning Ordinance,
as amended, be and is hereby further amended, i:rl llts entirety by making
certain changes concerning lot area, so that the said Section 17 shall
hereafter be and read as follows:
"Section 17 B-1 District:
A. In the B-1 District the only use which may hereafter
be established is:
Shopping Center with an ad;Joining paved, off-street
parking area to provide four (4) square feet of
parking area for every one (1) sq. foot of floor area
in said shopping center. which shall be located
on one lot not less than two and one half (2 1/2)
acres in area.
B. In the B-1 District the following uses are hereby
1. No shopping center use shall be permitted on
a tract of land less than two and one half (2 1/2)
acres in size.
2. Drive-in and/or automotive service type oz:>,
sale facilities."
SECI'ION 'l'WO: That Section 26 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of
M:>unt Prospect. as amended, be and is hereby further amended in its
entirety by upgrading and enlarging the standards of general height
regulations of the said zoning ordinance. so that the said Section 26
shall hereafter be and read as follows:
"Section 26. Height Regulations:
A. Residential Districts.
I. In the R-X single fe>mly residence district
the ceiling level height of a building shall
not exceed twenty-four (24) feet and the
maxirrum height of a building shall not exceed
twenty-eight (28) feet.
2. In the R-l and R-A single farrJ.ly residence
districts both the ceiling level hei~pt and
maximum height of a building shall not exceed
twenty-four (24) feet. .
3. In the residential districts other than those
inurrerated in paragraphs I and 2 above, the
ceiling level height of a building shall not
exceed twenty-eight (28) feet and the manimum
height of a building shall not exceed thirty-
four (34) feet.
B. Business Districts.
1. In all business districts, the ceiling level
height of a building shall not exceed twenty-
eight (28) feet.
2. In all business districts, the maximum height of
a building shall not exceed thirty (30) feet.
C. Industrial District.
1. In all industrial districts, the maximum height
of a building shall not exceed thirty (30) feet.
2. In all industrial districts, no gOOds stored
in the open shall exceed twenty (20) feet in
heif!,ht .
D. All Zoning Districts.
1. The maximum height of any building or structure
shall not exceed three (3) stories.
2. No habitable rooms shall be permitted on any
floor below the finished grade level.
3. Flag poles, and chimneys shall be excluded
from the regulation found in this Section 26.
It. This Section shall not be deemed to conflict
in any manner with additional heights allowable
under Section 5.1 above. when a given tract of
land is improved as a Planned Unit Development in
accordance with the terms of the said Section 5.1."
SECI'ION 'llIREE: rI'hat Section 31 of the Zoning Ordinance of IVIount Prospect,
as amended. be and is hereby further amended by placing therein, in
alphabetical order. additional definitions; or by changing existing
definitions, so that hereafter the following definitions shall be found
in Section 31 and shall be read as follows:
"CEILING LEVEL HEIGHT of a building or structure shall
be the verticle distance in feet as Ireasured from grade
as established in this code to the finished bottom edge
of the uppermost ceiling line of the topmost habitable
room in the toprrost story of a building.
"GRADE OR GRADE LEVEL is that the elevation established
the Village of Mount Prospect for the proper level
of the sidewalk at the street lot line. v,lJ:1ere the
sidewalk does not adj oin the street lot line, grade
at the street lot line shall be determined by taking
the elevation established by the Village for the
street or curb and adding thereto an amount equal to
one-third of an inch for each foot of horizontal dis-
tance between said edge of street curb and said street
lot line; on an alley, grade shall be that elevation
which is commonly termed 'alley grade at the property
line. '
lfrllAXIMUM HEIGHT" of a building or structure shall be:
1. In feet, the verticle distance from grade as
established in this code to the highest point of
the roof or parapet, whichever is greater, of a
building; provided, that penthouses, towers, or
steeples shall not be counted in Ireasuring the
height .of buildings.
2. In stories, the nurrber of habitable stories in
a building, exclusive of basements. cellars.
penthouses containing no habitable room, towers, and
lor steeples.
"RESIDENI'IAL DEVELOP.f'ilENT is a tract of land not less
than twenty-seven thousand (27,000) square feet which
is developed as a unit under single ownership or con-
trol. Said tract may be composed of one or more lots
1. That each lot shall not have less than nine thousand
(9,000) square feet,
2. That the- F. A. R. is observed as to each lot,
3. That no lot be improved by more than one building
thereon, unless such lot is improved as a planned
unit development under Section 5.1 hereunder.
"SHOPPING CENTER": A business development containing
four (4) or more indoor retail stores, connected
by party walls, developed under one ovmership, with
an integrated building arrangement having an ap-,gregate
floor area of more than twenty thousand (20.000) square
feet, which development with its off-street accessory
parking facilities shall be considered as a single unit.
The term "Shopping Center" shall not include drive-in
and/or automotive service type or sale facilities but shall
include all other retail sales and service facilities.
"STRUCTURE": Any construction or any production or
piece of work artificially built up or composed
of parts joined together in some definite rna:rmer,
the use of which requires permanent location in
or upon the land or requires attachment to some-
thing having a permanent location in or upon the
land: including but not limited to stadia, gospel
and circus tents, reviewing stands" platforms,
radio towers, air-conditioning compressor units,
coal bins, fences, display signs, advertising
signs, billboards, and poles connected by wires
for the transmission of electricity."
SECTION FOUR: That all other ordinances or parts of ordinances
in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
SECTION FIVE: That this ordinance shall be in full force and
effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication
in the manner provided by law.
PASSED AND APPROVED this..l...day of February, 1970
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Village C erk