JANUARY 20, 1986
In the absence of the President, the Secretary called the meeting to
order at 8:20 AM
Nominations were taken for President Pro -Tem.
Ron Olsen, seconded by Alan Labbe, made a motion for Richard Jesse to
be the President Pro -Tem.
There being no further nominations, the motion was called.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Unanimous
Motion carried.
Present upon roll call: Richard L. Jesse, Treasurer
Carolyn H. Krause, Mayor
Ronald Olsen, Firefighter
Alan Labbe, Firefighter (arrived late)
Carol A. Fields, Village Clerk/Secretary
Del Ulreich, Firefighter (arrived late)
Absent: Lawrence A. Pairitz, Fire Chief/President
Del Ulreich, Firefighter (arrived late)
Village Attorney
At the request of the President Pro -Tem, the Actuarial Report listed
on the agenda under Old Business was brought up as the first order of
David Jepson, Finance Director, brought up the Actuarial Report
conducted by A. H. Hansen, Inc. This report on the financial condition
of the Firemen's Pension Fund indicates that the Fund has a level of
funding of 191.6%. The average funding throughout the State of other
Firemen's Pension is 60 - 65%. State law requires total funding by the
year 2020, which indicates Mount Prospect meets the law as of this
Mr. Jepson stated that inasmuch as the Fund is in such good standing,
the Village Board was once again this year able to abate that portion
of the real estates designated for the Pension Fund. The amount abated
was $245,000.
The average annual interest rate on the investments is 11.5%. Based on
Firemen's Pension Fund Meeting
January 20, 1986
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the history and figures provided, it was determined that projected
total of the Firemen's Pension Fund in 1996 would be $22,000,000.
Mr. Jepson also stated that given the responsibilities involved and the
expertise necessary to make proper investments of the present
$10,000,000 portfolio, it would be advisable to retain a financial
advisor to recommend investments. It was anticipated that such an
advisor would cost approximately $500 per month, however, with proper
investments the Fund would benefit greatly and more than likely make
more than an advisor would cost.
It was the majority consensus of the Board that Mr. Jepson should look
into the availability of such a financial advisor for the Fund.
Carolyn Krause, seconded by Ron Olsen, moved to approve the minutes of
the regular meeting of the Mount Prospect Firemens Pension Fund Board
held October 21, 1985.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Jesse, Olsen, Labbe, Krause, Fields,
Nays: None
Motion carried.
Richard Jesse presented the Treasurers Report, noting that the total
par value of the Fund is $9,672,099.37. The various investments were
Ron Olsen, seconded by Carolyn Krause, moved to accept the Treasurers
Report as presented.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Jesse, Olsen, Labbe, Krause, Fields,
Nays: None
Motion carried.
Del Ulreich arrived at this point.
Firemen's Pension Fund
January 20, 1986
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Medical Committee: No report
Finance Committee: No report
Richard Jesse distributed the annual report of contributions by each
member of the Fund.
Carol Fields, Secretary, stated that Robert Fend ius would be applying
for retirement within the next few months. Documents on file indicate
that an opinion was received. from the Department of Insurance in 1964
that inasmuch as Firefighter Fendius had been a member.of the Fire
Department for approximately two years, left for a year and then was
hired again - having left his contributions in the Fund, that he was
entitled to count the 2 years of previous employment when calculating
years of service. The Secretary asked if the Board would accept the
opinions of the Department of Insurance or, in an effort to save time
and not hold up the pension when requested, if a new opinion would be
required. It was the opinion on the members that the documents on file
would be sufficient.
It was also stated over a year ago the Department of Insurance filed
action against the Pension Fund on the eligibility of Pau -1 -Watkins to
be a member of the fund, due to his age when originally hired.by the
Forest River Protection District, which was subsequently annexed to the
Village. A Court Order governing that annexation in 1971 made
provisions for the Village to retain Paul Watkins as a firefighter in
good standing. The Village filed a response to the State's action
stating that the Fund maintains Paul as a member in good standing.
Since that time the State has not issued their findings on the matter.
Paul Watkins is now recovering from a heart attack and that if a
disability pension is requested, the Board should be aware of the lack
of action on the part of the Department of Insurance
Del Ulreich, seconded by Ron Olsen, moved to adjourn the meeting.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Unanimous
Motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:58 AM.
Carol A. Fields