HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 2279 12/22/1970 " . .~ ~ ",. ORDINANCE NO. 2279 AN ORDINANCE AMENDmG SECTIONS 19.1, 20, 31 OF THE ZONING ORDmANCE OF THE VILLAGE OFIVDUNr PROSPECT WHEREAS, pursuant to proper legal notice, the Plan Comnission of the Village of Mount Prospect at the hour of 8:00 P.M. did hold public hearings in the Village Hall on Noverrber' 21, 1969, under Case No. 69- 36P, and on Iecember 19, 1969, under Case No. 69-38p; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission recoIIm3nded to the President and Board of Trus- tees of the Village of Mount Prospect the approval of changes to Section 19.1 and Section 31 of the zoning ordinance under Case No. ~~~36P, and the ap- proval of changes to Section 20 .gjif) the zoning ordinance under Case No~ 69-38p; and WHEREAS, the Judiciary Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect net on Maj. 21; 1970, and reviewed the subject matter herein under Cases No. 69-36P and 69-38p; and WHEREAS, the said Judiciary Committee has recoIIm3nded to the President and Board of'rrustees of the Village of Mount Prospect concurrence with the recoIIm3ndations of the Plan Commission under Cases No. 69-36P and 69- 38p; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect have reviewed the subj ect matter herein and have determined that the same is in the best interests of the Village of Mount Prospect; NOW, THEREFDRE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUsrEES OF THE VIILAGE OF IVDUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, TILINOIS: SECTION ONE: That Section 19.1 of the Mount Prospect zoning ordinance, as aJ'IEnded, be and is hereby further amended in its entirety, so that the said Section 19.1 shall hereafter be and read as follows: "Section 19.1. B-3 District. In the B-3 District the only uses which may hereafter be established are: 1. Uses permitted in the B-2 Districts. 2. Temporary carnival or circus, operating not longer than ten (10) days.. 3. Cleaning, dyeing, and laundry establishments where no actual Cleaning, dyeing, or laundry is done on the premises. 4. Coin operated cleaning, dyeing, and iaundry establishments. 5. Hotel, lodging house, or motel, with sleeping rooms or units in nunber not exceeding one (1) for each five hundred (500) feet of lot area. 6. Parking lots for private self-propelled passenger autbrnobiles. 7. . Restaurant ( except drive-in variety), tavern, or confectionery. 8. Private music, dancing, business, vocational, or other school or college. 9. Retail busineSS establishments ,whether retail sales or retail service, except the following us~s hereby specifically exclUEied: a. Abattoirs b. Advertising signs, billboards, or poster panels r .. ~ <1 ~ i ( ..,.........". rn .... .,-- ...... c. Animal hospitals, including dog pounds d. Amusement centers, including: theaters~ in- door and outdoor.; a.rcades; dance halls; mJ..nJ..- ature golf courses; and golf driving ranges e. AI'S enals f. Automobile garages, laundries, sales operations, and/or service stations g. Bag cleaning establishments h. Boiler works 1. Bottling works j. Bowling Alleys k. Building material storage yards; including coal~ coke, or wood yards, and lumber yards 1. Bus passenger stations or passenger terminals m. Gleaning, dyeing, and laundry establishments where cleaning, dyeing, or laundry is done on the premises n. Coke ovens o. Crematories p. Rock crushers q. Dance halls r. Incineration or reduction of garbage, dead animals, offal, or refuse s. Orphanages, homes for the aged, and any use which includes the use of living quarters upon the premises t. Central mixing plants for cement, mortar, plaster, or paving materials u. Golf driving range and miniature golf courses v. Drive-in restaurants w. Skating rinks x. Junk, iron, or rag storage or bailing y. Storage warehouses z. Smel ters aa. Commercial swimming pools bb. Truck and bus terminals, and milk distributing stations cc. Trampoline centers dd. Public utility substations and facilities ee. Wrecking or junk yards" SECTION TWO: That paragraph one (1) of subsection B of Section 20 of the zoning ordinance of the Village of "Mount Prospect, as amended, be and is hereby amended by substituting the letter "E" for the existing letter "D" in the last line thereof, so that the said pa.ra- graph one (1) shall hereafter be and read as follows: 1. "Off-Street Parking Space shall be 20 feet x 10 feet. Such space shall be exclusive of accessory drives, ramps, and aisles, and shall be located on the same lot that it serves, or within lnOO feet of the premises served as provided in paragraph E herein." SECTION THREE: That subsection E of Section 20 of the zoning ordi- nance of the Village ofM.ount Prospect, as amended, be and is here- by further amended by making certain changes which will require the owner of an off-premises parking lot to restrict the use of said lot by certain covenants, so that said subsection E shall hereafter be and read as follows: "E. CONTROL OF OFF-PREMISES PARKING FACILITIES: Where required parking facilities are pro:vided on land other than the zoning lot on which the building or use served by such facilities is located, they shall be and remain in the same possession or ownership as the zoning lot occupied by the building or use to which the parking .. ~ ,.i .<\ .. ,.~. " , ~ I , '0 ~ '"., .. y. ,'~ ::) ',," .. '" ,. " facilities are accessory. 1. Such lot upon which said parking facilities are proposed shall be located'within 1000 feet of the lot on which the building or use served by such facilit"i:cs is located and such lot must first be zonedP-l before the approval of the President and Board of Trustees may be sought. Z. An applicant for off-premises parking facilities as contemplated by this paragrq.ph E shall be re- 9.uir~~ to guarantecthat the o:ff-prenises parking lot shall. be used solely in conj unction l'/i th the bu~lding or use served by s.uch off-premises facil:j.1:ies. This guarant~e shall be given and es tabl:j.shed pursuant to' the fo.l10win.g procedure: (a) Warranty Deed (or Trustee's Deed in the case of a lot held in a land trust) for the off..premis.es parking lot to a third party fro~ the cr,.mer. (b) Warranty Deed (or Trustee's Deed in the case of a lot held in a land trust) for the said off-premises parking lot from the aforement::toned third party to the appli- cant, which deed shall contai:1. the fol- lowing restrictive covenants: '(1) This tract is to be used solely as an off-street parking facility in con- junction ~\Ti th the use of land legally described as: (insert legal description for lot(s) to be served by these parking faCilities) (2) These restrictions or covenants Cl,-re to: run with the land and shall be biD,d~ng on all the narties ~nd all firms claiming under them, including the Village of Mount Prospect, a municipal corporation. If the parties hereto, or any of them, or their heirs or assigns shall violate or at'::empt to violate any of the cove- nants herein, it shall be lawful for the other partieshoreto including the Village of Mount Prospect to prosecute any proceeding at la.,;, or in 0qui tyagains t the person OT persons violating or attempting to vio 1a te anJ~ such covena1'l t - - and ei ther t'o prevent him or them f:;.::im so doing or to recover damages 01" other dues for such violation. l (3) 3. Such guarantee m,ust be furnished to the Plan Gommission of the Village of Mount Prospect for its consideration in making its recommendation to the President and Board of T .ustees of the Village of I'liount Prospect. 4. No building permi';: shall be issued vJhenever off- premises parking facilities are proposed to be utilized to fulfill the parking requirem.ents under this code for any proposed building 01" proposed additio~ to an sxisting building, unless ~nd until . ,", . # the President and Board of Trustees have approved the off- pt'emises parking facilities purSuant to the provisions herein and above contained." SECTION FOUR: That Section 31 of the zoning ordinance of the Village of Mount Prospect, as ~nded, be and is hereby further axrended by refining the existing definition for "lot", by substituting a defin- ition of "lot for purpose of planned unit developrrent" for the existing definition of "lot for purpose of planned developrrent", and by adding thereto - in alphabetical order - definitions for "storage warehouse" and "wholesale business"; so that hereafter the said changed, substituted, and added definitions under Section 31 shall be and read as follows: "LOr: Portion of platted territory rreasured, set apart, and subdivided as a distinct parcel having its pr:i.ncipal frontage upon a street and shown upon a plat of subdivision or resub- division approved by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect and so recorded by the Recorder of Ieeds of Cook County or registered by the Registrar of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois." "LOr FOR PURPOSE OF PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT" Portion of platted territory rreasured, set apart, and subdi vised as a c~ parcel, to be used in accordance with this ordinance, with such required open space and with its principal frontage upon a street or public place and iJhown upon a plat of sub- di vision or resubdivision approved py the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect and so recorded by the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, or registered by. the Registrar of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois." "sroRAGE WAREHOUSE: The business of receiving and storing goods of others for corrpensation or profit." "WHOLESALE BUSINESS: The business of selling goods in gross for resale to retail dealers and not to ultimate users thereof." SECTION FIVE: That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in the manner provided by law. AYES: 6 NAYS: 0 PASSED AND APPROVED this 22nd day of December, 1970. ~ ~:_age - s. eh-- - . A'ITEST: 'di~