HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 Motion to accept bid for Booster Pumping Station #4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project in an amount not to exceed $103,950.00.4/15/2020 BoardDocs® Pro Agenda Item Details Meeting Feb 04, 2020 - of REGULAR MEETING OF THE MOUNT PROSPECT VILLAGE BOARD - 7:00 p.m. Category 8. VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT Subject 8.1 Motion to accept bid for Booster Pumping Station #4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project in an amount not to exceed $103,950.00. Access Public Type Action Preferred Date Feb 04, 2020 Absolute Date Feb 04, 2020 Fiscal Impact Yes Dollar Amount 103,950.00 Budgeted Yes Budget Source Water and Sewer Fund Recommended Action Accept the proposal for Booster Pumping Station #4 Motor Control Center Replacement as submitted by Newcastle Electric Inc. of Itasca, Illinois in an amount not to exceed $103,950. Public Content Information In the current budget, funds are available to replace the motor control center (MCC) at Booster Pumping Station #4 located at 117 N. Waverly Place. An MCC is an assembly to control electric motors that power water system booster pumps and other electrical equipment in a booster pumping station. It consists of multiple enclosed sections sharing a common power bus (supply). Each section contains a combination starter, which in turn consists of a motor starter, circuit breaker and a main power disconnect The Village owns and maintains five (5) MCCs. Each is located in one (1) of five (5) water distribution system booster pumping stations. The current MCC at Booster Pumping Station #4 is a Cutler -Hammer Freedom 2100. This MCC operates two (2) high service pumps, transformers, the facility's main disconnect, two (2) heaters, a recirculating pump, and an exhaust fan. Also, included is a Cutler -Hammer Westinghouse series 2100 MCC that operates the deep well at this site. The MCC at Booster Pumping Station #4 was last replaced in November 1997. Pictures of the existing MCC are attached. The life -expectancy for MCCs is 15-20 years. At 23 years of service, this unit has exceeded its anticipated service life. In addition, major components have begun to fail. During the past two (2) years, both a booster pump soft starter and variable frequency drive failed. The planned improvements include a base bid and pricing for optional work. https://go.boarddocs.com/il/vomp/Board.nsf/Private?open&login 1/3 4/15/2020 BoardDocs® Pro The base bid includes; a review of the existing MCC and well pump cabinet elevations as well as documenting the existing power and control connection. The work also includes procuring a specified replacement MCC with soft starts and relays required for a functional system, as well as the pump controller cabinet and pertinent components. The optional work includes relocating and condensing two (2) existing electrical panels and associated switches, boxes, and conduits, to an adjacent location. To secure a qualified contractor for this work, the Village hired Baxter & Woodman Consulting engineers of Crystal Lake, Illinois to prepare plans, specifications and bid documents necessary to secure competitive bids. Copies of these documents and plans are attached. The bid documents were sent to five (5) area firms who have experience in motor control replacement projects. In addition, the bid was publicly advertised on the Village's website utilizing DemandStar bid services. On Monday, January 20, 2020 a mandatory, pre-bid meeting was held with three (3) contractors attending, along with representatives from the Village and Baxter & Woodman. Based on inquiries at this meeting, two (2) addenda were issued for the project and this material was sent to all plan holders. On January 27, 2020, the bids were publicly opened and read as required by Village Code. The following three (3) firms submitted bids: Contractor Base Alternate Total Newcastle Electric, Inc. $92,500 $2,000 $94,500 Okeh Electric Company $95,900 $5,800 $101,700 Homestead Electrical Contracting $117,000 $11,000 $128,000 Engineers Estimate of probable cost $150,000.00 The bidders submitted a bid bond in the amount of 10% of their total bid as required by the contract documents. The bids were checked for accuracy. There were no errors. The bidders submitted all required documents, acknowledged both addendum and correctly signed their bid and bid bond. Newcastle Electric, Inc. of Itasca, Illinois (Newcastle) submitted the lowest cost, responsive bid. A copy of the firms bid submittal is attached. Newcastle Electric's clients include municipalities and private companies. The contractor has performed work for the Village in the past. They have ordered and replaced failed variable frequency drives and soft starts at all five (5) booster -pumping stations and have performed an electrical study for the motor control center located at Booster Pumping station #5. Newcastle Electric performed that work in a satisfactory and timely manner without incident and on budget. Staff is confident that Newcastle can successfully perform specified work at the bid price indicated. It is recommended that a 10% contingency be included in the project award to allow for unanticipated conflicts ($9,450.00). A 10% contingency would bring the project award total to $103,950.00 (the $92,500 base -bid plus the $2,000 alternate -bid plus the 10% contingency of $9,450.00). Alternatives 1. Accept the lowest cost, responsive bid for the Booster Pumping Station #4 motor control center replacement. 2. Action at discretion of Village Board. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Village Board accept the lowest bid from Newcastle Electric, Inc. of Itasca, IL to provide construction services for the Booster Pumping station #4 motor control center replacement project for a not to exceed amount of $103,950.00. https://go.boarddocs.com/il/vomp/Board.nsf/Private?open&login 2/3 4/15/2020 BoardDocs® Pro Pictures of Existing MCC.pdf (213 KB) Newcastle - Bid documents.pdf (916 KB) Bid Specifications. pdf (4,108 KB) 00 91 13il ADDENDUM No 1.pdf (113 KB) 00 91 13.02 ADDENDUM No 2.pdf (16 KB) Booster Station 4 Location Map.pdf (809 KB) Bid Bond - Newcastle.pdf (225 KB) Administrative Content Executive Content Motion & Voting Accept the proposal for Booster Pumping Station #4 Motor Control Center Replacement as submitted by Newcastle Electric Inc. of Itasca, Illinois in an amount not to exceed $103,950. Motion by Paul Hoefert, second by Michael Zadel. Final Resolution: Motion Carries Yea: William Grossi, Eleni Hatzis, Paul Hoefert, Richard Rogers, Colleen Saccotelli, Michael Zadel https://go.boarddocs.com/il/vomp/Board.nsf/Private?open&login 3/3 (05/18) 0091 13.02 ADDENDUM NO. 2 DATE: January 20, 2020 FROM: Baxter & Woodman, Inc., Consulting Engineers TO: Planholders of record for the Work titled: Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 The Bidding Documents are amended as follows: 1. PRE-BID CONFERENCE NO. 2 MEETING MINUTES The Mandatory pre-bid conference began at 10:00 A.M. with the following attendees: Casey Botterman —Water and Sewer Superintendent Village of Mount Prospect Public Works 1700 West Central Road Mount Prospect, IL 60056 847.870.5640 cbotterman@mountprospect.org Phung Van Tran —Electrical Engineer Baxter &Woodman, Inc. 815.444.3285 251.767.7195 (Cell) ptran@baxterwoodman.com Ben Dolan —Infrastructure Division Manager Homestead Electrical Contracting, LLC 815.363.1222 815.451.8687 (Cell) ben@homesteadelectric.com Shawn Fergus —Electrical Contractor Okeh Electric Company 847.577.7744 847.344.0632 (Cell) shawnf.okeh@outlook.com The meeting continued with the description of the work and visual inspection. ADDENDUM NO. 2 00 91 13.02-1 (191164.40) (05/18) 2. QUESTIONS & ANSWERS The following questions were brought up at the pre-bid conference. Question 1: Spec section 01 33 01 calls for approval drawings to be submitted through Submittal Exchange. Can this be omitted since there are very little approval drawings. Response 1: Submittal Exchange can be removed from requirements and approval drawings can be sent by email directly to Casey and Phung. Question 2: Is a building permit required for this project and will contractor need to cover the cost of the building permit and inspection if one is required. Response 2: Building permit will most likely be required but Village will be able to waive the fees. Question 3: What does contractor do with the demolished MCC? Response 3: Village would like to retain the MCC components for exchangeable spare parts for other stations. Contractor to coordinate with owner to retain existing components of MCC. MCC case to be demolished and removed from site for disposal. Question 4: Will temporary power be required for any loads during the outage for the MCC replacement? Response 4: Village would like to have temporary power for the HVAC if work is performed during summertime. Contractor responsible for keeping HVAC working during construction work. Question 5: Substantial Performance; Final Completion date is 105 days after Notice to Proceed. Will extension on this date be acceptable for the Village to avoid the liquidated damage provision in the spec? Response 5: Discussion with bidders indicates up to 20 weeks (140 days) for obtaining equipment and several weeks for actual work. Village is flexible with the Substantial Completion Date and will accept reasonable extension date beyond the tentative date listed in the spec. Question 6: Who is the Village integrator? Will integration work be required to connect the new MCC back to the station's SCADA? Response 6: Village will have their integrator coordinate with the Contractor for connecting the new equipment back to their system. Nothing in this Addendum shall be construed as changing other requirements of the Bidding Documents. Each Bidder shall acknowledge receipt of this Addendum where indicated in the Bid Form. END OF ADDENDUM NO. 2 ADDENDUM NO. 2 00 91 13.02-2 (191164.40) (05/18) 0091 13 ADDENDUM NO. 1 DATE: January 15, 2020 FROM: Baxter & Woodman, Inc., Consulting Engineers TO: Planholders of record for the Work titled: Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 The Bidding Documents are amended as follows: 1. PRE-BID CONFERENCE MEETING MINUTES The Mandatory pre-bid conference began at 1:00 p.m. with the following attendees: Casey Botterman — Water and Sewer Superintendent Village of Mount Prospect Public Works 1700 West Central Road Mount Prospect, IL 60056 847.870.5640 Nick Curkov New Castle Electric 847.313.1148 nickc(a_)ncelectric.net The meeting continued with the description of the work and visual inspection. 2. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS A. Due to a lack of contractors at the original Mandatory Pre-bid Conference, a second Mandatory Pre-bid Conference will be held on Monday, January 20, 2020, at 10:00 a.m., at the Booster Pump Station No. 4 located at 117 N. Waverly Place, Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056. Please note that if a contractor already attended the pre-bid meeting he/she is not required to attend the second one but may do so. B. The bid -opening date will be pushed back to Monday, January 27, 2020, at 1:00 p.m., at the office of the Village Manager, 3rd Floor, 50 S. Emerson Street, Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056. Nothing in this Addendum shall be construed as changing other requirements of the Bidding Documents. Each Bidder shall acknowledge receipt of this Addendum where indicated in the Bid Form. END OF ADDENDUM NO. 1 ADDENDUM NO. 1 00 91 13-1 (191164.40) Document A31 0 010 BOND AMOUNT: 10% Ten Percent of Amount Bid PROJECT: (Xaine, localloit or address, aitdIlroject titunber, if altiq Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 - 117 N. Waverly Place, Mount Prospect, IL 60056 The Contractor and Surety are bound to the Owner in Ibe ninount set forth above, for the payincitt of which the Contractor and Surety bind flicniselves, flicir licirs, executors, administrators, successors and assligilst jointly and severally, as provided licrcin. Tile conditions of this Bond are such that if the Owner accepts the bid of the Contractor within tile time specified I'll the bid documents, or within sucli tints period as tit ay be agreed to by Ilia Owner a ad Con trac to r, and t Ii e Coi i tractor el th a r ( I ) enters i nto a contract with the Owner iii accordance w *11 It the terms of such bid, and gives such bond or bonds as may be specited in the bidding or Contract I)octinients, with a surety admitted Ill tliejudsdiction of tile Project and otlier%vise acceptable to the ,0.iNvticr,, for the faithful performance of sucli Contract and for the prompt pkynient of labor and material furnished In the prosecution thereof. or (2) pays to the Owner the difference., not to exceed the nniotint of this Bond, between the amount specified *Ili said bid and such larger amount for ivhich the Owner may ill good faith contract with anotlier party to perl'orm the work- covered by said bid., hien this obligation sliall be null and void, otlierwise to remain in full I'Orce and ellect. Tile Surety li e reby waives ally li o tic e ol" un ugrecin e it I be live e n I li e 0 wit e r and Contractor to ex te ii d tile tulle 0 111 wil *1 ell the 0%, vne r may accept the bid. Waiver of" notice by [lie Surety sliall not apply to any extension exceeding sixty (60) day: in (lie aggregate beyond the (ince for uce eplu n ce o I* bi d s specified in the bid doc u I ii e ii Is, a n d the 0 wn e r und Con I rie to r sit a] I obtain 111 e S, Lire ly's co it se it I I or an exte n si o n beyond sixty (60) days. If this Bond is issued in connection with a subcontractor's bid to a Contractor, the tenni Contractor in this Bond sliall be deemed to be Subcontractor and the term Owner sliall be deenied to be Contractor. Wlien this Bond lints been I'Lirnislied to comply %vi fli a statutory or otlier legal requirement in [lie I ocation oI* tile Project. all , y pnwision I'll this Dond conflicting %viltli said statutory or legal requirement sliall be deenied deleted bereflrom and provisions con 110nii i ng to sucli .statutory or ollier legal requirement sliall be deenied incorporated herein. Wizen so 111imislied, [lie intent is that (his Dond sliall be construed as u s I at ti to ry bon d a it d n o I as a com Ili o it I aw 'bond. Signed and scaled this 27th day of January, 2020. OA9 -0,, "I'll D, , a M, S-0054/AS 8110 Newcastle Elerctrlc, Inc. (Seal) an MW W mfg West Bend Mutual Insurance Company RPOAAre, f 6 SEAL CAI� 'Iam R In -Fact (Title) W" I Il" � er in Conforms with The American Institute of Architects AIA Document 310 Bid Bond CONTRACTOR: SURETY: (Name, legal status and address) (Name, legal status acrd p Hi i c 11) ed place of h i Lvii iess) West Bend Mutual Insurance Company Newcastle Electric, Inc. 1900 South 18th Avenue 1505 Industrial Drive West Bend, WI 53095 This document has important legal consequences. Consultation Itasca, IL 60143 Mailing Address for Notices with an attorney Is encouraged with respect to Its completion or OWNER: modification. (Naive, legal sfalasnerd adds us) 011 Any singular reference to Village of Mount Prospect Contractor, Surety, Owner or other party shall be considered 50 S. Emerson Street plural where applicable. Mount Prospect, IL 60056 BOND AMOUNT: 10% Ten Percent of Amount Bid PROJECT: (Xaine, localloit or address, aitdIlroject titunber, if altiq Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 - 117 N. Waverly Place, Mount Prospect, IL 60056 The Contractor and Surety are bound to the Owner in Ibe ninount set forth above, for the payincitt of which the Contractor and Surety bind flicniselves, flicir licirs, executors, administrators, successors and assligilst jointly and severally, as provided licrcin. Tile conditions of this Bond are such that if the Owner accepts the bid of the Contractor within tile time specified I'll the bid documents, or within sucli tints period as tit ay be agreed to by Ilia Owner a ad Con trac to r, and t Ii e Coi i tractor el th a r ( I ) enters i nto a contract with the Owner iii accordance w *11 It the terms of such bid, and gives such bond or bonds as may be specited in the bidding or Contract I)octinients, with a surety admitted Ill tliejudsdiction of tile Project and otlier%vise acceptable to the ,0.iNvticr,, for the faithful performance of sucli Contract and for the prompt pkynient of labor and material furnished In the prosecution thereof. or (2) pays to the Owner the difference., not to exceed the nniotint of this Bond, between the amount specified *Ili said bid and such larger amount for ivhich the Owner may ill good faith contract with anotlier party to perl'orm the work- covered by said bid., hien this obligation sliall be null and void, otlierwise to remain in full I'Orce and ellect. Tile Surety li e reby waives ally li o tic e ol" un ugrecin e it I be live e n I li e 0 wit e r and Contractor to ex te ii d tile tulle 0 111 wil *1 ell the 0%, vne r may accept the bid. Waiver of" notice by [lie Surety sliall not apply to any extension exceeding sixty (60) day: in (lie aggregate beyond the (ince for uce eplu n ce o I* bi d s specified in the bid doc u I ii e ii Is, a n d the 0 wn e r und Con I rie to r sit a] I obtain 111 e S, Lire ly's co it se it I I or an exte n si o n beyond sixty (60) days. If this Bond is issued in connection with a subcontractor's bid to a Contractor, the tenni Contractor in this Bond sliall be deemed to be Subcontractor and the term Owner sliall be deenied to be Contractor. Wlien this Bond lints been I'Lirnislied to comply %vi fli a statutory or otlier legal requirement in [lie I ocation oI* tile Project. all , y pnwision I'll this Dond conflicting %viltli said statutory or legal requirement sliall be deenied deleted bereflrom and provisions con 110nii i ng to sucli .statutory or ollier legal requirement sliall be deenied incorporated herein. Wizen so 111imislied, [lie intent is that (his Dond sliall be construed as u s I at ti to ry bon d a it d n o I as a com Ili o it I aw 'bond. Signed and scaled this 27th day of January, 2020. OA9 -0,, "I'll D, , a M, S-0054/AS 8110 Newcastle Elerctrlc, Inc. (Seal) an MW W mfg West Bend Mutual Insurance Company RPOAAre, f 6 SEAL CAI� 'Iam R In -Fact (Title) W" I Il" � er in 'WE STBE�N'10 A MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY'* THE SILVER LINING" Bond Number: Bid Bond Principal: Newcastle Electric, Inc. POWER OF ATTORNEY Obligee: Village of Mount Prospect Know all men by these Presents, That West Bend Mutual Insurance Company, a corporation having its principal office in the City of West Bend, Wisconsin does make, constitute and appoint: William Reidinger lawfUl Att orneywln-Faact, to make,, execute, sea,[ and deliver for and on its behalf as surety and as its act and deed a, and all bonds, undertakings and contracts, of suret, hip provided that no bond or undertaking or co ntract of, suretyship executed unzer this authority shall exceed in, amount the SIUM of* Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000) This Power of Afto5rne,y is granted and is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority, of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of West Bend Mutual Insurance Comp any,at a melefing duly called and held on the 2111 day, of'Dec embler, 1999. 1 Appointinent ofAttornqy-1117- Fact The presidea or any, vice resident, or any other offitcer of-Wes-t8end' Mutual Insurance compait�y rnay appoint by writtence,11iflicate Attotey-In-Fact to act, on behalf'of the companyy in the execution oft"d attesti ng, of bonds a ander taklngs and other, written, obligotwy it1strainents offike nature. "riie,sign,a,tiire�ofa,ny,pfficel-out liorike,dhe,,reby and the corporatesealmaybe affixed' facsimile to any, such powei- of'attorney, or to "ally by certfacate relatingtherefore and any 1, 1 IV" such, Poweir ofattorneyor certificatebearing such facsirnfle signatures orfacsitnfle seall" shall be' valid and binding upon I company andany, such power so executed and certifted byfiacs Y natures andfacslitn,ile seal'shall be valid and binding upon 'I I, I I'm u e S,19 the Company, in, the 4 11, ,future with respect to, any bondior undertakingt or other 1VI iting oblig, atoty in nature to wl ch it is attached., Any such appointment may be revoked, for cause, or without cause, by any said officer at any time. In witness whereof, the West Bend Mutual Insurance Company has caused these presents to be signed by its president undersigned and its corporate seal to be hereto duly attested by its secretary this 22nd day of S,,, tember, 2017. Attest} � • ���✓ ya*"" � ,""� . / 1 , ye' Christopher C. ZW4art Kevin A. Steiner EA Secretary ISL Chief Executive Officer/President State of Wisconsin County of Washington On the 22nd day of September, 2017, before me personally came Kevin A. Steiner, to me known being by duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in the County of Washington, State of Wisconsin; that he is the President of West Bend Mutual Insurance Company, the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that is was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation and that he signed his name thereto by like order. DoT Ank JU1,11, All anedum III PUIDLIC-4 Senio, orporate Attorn-ey *Oeo,r ItP Notary Ptibfic, ashentomCo, W1, t #*###Wls OI 0,01A M,,y Coin rm"Ission is Permanent Signed and sealed at West Bend, Wisconsin this 27th day of January 2020 Z S "T 1, SIRA i, I Heather Dunn Vice President — Chief Financial Officer Notice:, Any questions concerning this Power of Attorney may be, directed to the Bond Manager at NSI, a division of West Bend Mutual Insurance Company. 1900 S. 18th Ave. West Bend, W1 53095 1 ph (262) 334-6430 1 1-800-236-5004 1 fax (262) 338-5058 1 v^nv.wbmi.com 1/28/2020 Booster Station 4 Location Map booster Station 4 LocationMap 1 6--t. 89 B 0 SII Waflmr E:a--- i I ifi-es KM https://cgweb08.cartegraphoms.com/MountProspectiL/Map/Printout?title=Booster Station 4 Location Map&timestamp=1580249267&orientation=landscape&printoutGuid=469Ob7ce-04aa-4c7l-b4ed-23 Bid Request For Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 MANDATORY PRE-BID: January 13, 2020 — 1:OOPM Local Time BID OPENING: January 20, 2020 — 1:00 P.M. Local Time Mount Prospect Public Works Department 1700 W. Central Road, Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056-2229 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Bid for Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 Sealed bids will be received until 1:00 p.m. on January 20, 2020 in the office of the Village Manager, 3rd Floor, 50 S. Emerson Street, Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056, In a separate, sealed envelope please submit bid clearly marked "Sealed Bid for Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020". The project includes, but is not limited to the following bid items: • Review existing Motor Control Center and Well Pump cabinet elevations and document existing power and controls connections. • Coordinate with Owner on retention of the existing soft starters and any salvagable component in existing MCC lineup. • Procure replacement MCC with soft starters and relays required for a functional system, the well pump controller cabinet and its pertinent controls component. • Coordinate shutdown of pump station for electrical work. • Perform any and all additional work, as required by the Director of Public Works, for the unit costs indicated on the Bid Sheet. Provide bid adder for relocation of two existing panelboards and associated light switches, boxes and conduits to adjacent wall. The Work shall be constructed in accordance with the Booster Pump Station No. 4 Replacement Project 2020 dated December 2019. The work includes a Base Bid plus pricing for Optional Work that the Village of Mount Prospect may require the Contractor to perform during the contract period. There will be a mandatory pre-bid walkthrough at 1:00 p.m. on January 13 at 117 N. Waverly Place, Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the Village of Mount Prospect website www.mountprospect.or_ /bids. All work under this Bid and the resulting contract shall comply with the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS 130/0.01 et seq. and the other applicable laws and ordinances. Offers may not be withdrawn for a period of ninety (90) days after the bid date without the consent of the Board of Trustees. 2 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 Any Bid submitted unsealed, unsigned, sent via email or fax or received subsequent to the aforementioned date and time, will be disqualified and returned to the bidder. The Village reserves the right in its sole discretion, to reject any and all bids or parts thereof, to waive any irregularities technicalities and informalities in bid procedures and to award the contract in a manner best serving the interests of the Village. Village Manager Michael J. Cassady Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 Table of Contents Section Pica e Notice to Bidders 2 Table of Contents 3 Instructions to Bidders 5 General Conditions 11 Special Provisions 32 Bid Form 155 Affidavit — Bid Certification Form 158 Bid Sheet 161 Contract 12 Labor and Material Payment Bond 168 Performance Bond 171 3 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1) Bid. Bid forms are furnished by the Village. All bids must be submitted on the forms provided, complete and intact, properly signed in ink in the proper spaces, and submitted in a sealed envelope. All bids shall be delivered to the office of the Village Manager, Village Hall, 3rd Floor, 50 S. Emerson Street, Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056, not later than 1:00 p.m. on January 20, 2020. Envelopes shall be plainly marked, "Sealed Bid for Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020" and with the following information: company's name, address, date and time of opening. Bids must be signed by an authorized official of the organization submitting the bid with the name of the official and his/her title typed below the signature. 2) Pre -Bid Conference. There will be a mandatory pre-bid conference at 1:00 p.m on January 13th, 2020 at 117 N. Waverly PI., Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056. 3) Bid Deposit; Surety. A bid deposit in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total bid amount, payable to the Village, is required, unless otherwise stated in the bid package. The deposit must be in the form of a bid bond, certified check, or a bank cashier's check. All bid performance deposit checks will be retained by the Village until the bid award is made, at which time the checks will be promptly returned to the unsuccessful bidders. The bid performance deposit check of the successful bidder will be retained until surety bonding requirements have been satisfied and proof of insurance coverage is provided. 4) Alternate Multiple Bids/Specifications The Specifications describe the services that the Village feels is necessary to meet the performance requirements of the Village. It is not the desire or the intent to eliminate or exclude any bidder from bidding because of minor deviations, alternates or changes. Bidders desiring to bid on services which deviate from these Specifications, but which they believe are equivalent, are requested to submit alternate bids. However, alternate bids must be clearly indicated as such, and deviations from the applicable Specifications should be plainly noted. The bid must be accompanied by complete Specifications for the services offered. Bidders wishing to submit a secondary bid must submit it as an alternate bid. There is to be only one bid per envelope. The Village shall be the sole and final judge unequivocally as to whether any substitute is of equivalent or better quality. This decision is final and will not be subject to recourse by any person, firm or corporation. If the bidder wishes to qualify its bid or make special stipulations thereto, such qualifications or stipulations shall be stated on standard letterhead size sheets of paper, all attached to the bid form. 5) Erasures. All erasures or revisions of the bid must be initialed by the person signing the bid. 5 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 6) Receiving Of Bids. Bids received prior to the time of opening will be securely kept, unopened. The Village Clerk or his/her designee, whose duty it is to open the bids, will decide when the specified time has arrived, and no bid received thereafter will be considered. No responsibility will be attached to the Village or its representatives for the premature or non -opening of a bid not properly addressed and identified, except as otherwise provided by law. 7) Late Bids. Bids arriving after the specified time, whether sent by mail, courier, or in person, will not be accepted. These bids will either be refused or returned unopened. It is the bidder's responsibility for timely delivery regardless of the method used. Mailed bids which are delivered after the specified hour will not be accepted regardless of post marked time on the envelope. 8) Bids By Email And Fax. Email and Facsimile machine transmitted bids will not be accepted. 9) Error In Bids. When an error is made in extending total prices, the unit bid price will govern. Otherwise, the bidder is not relieved from errors in bid preparation. 10) Withdrawal Of Bids. A written request for the withdrawal of a bid or any part thereof may be granted if the request is received by the Director of the requesting Department prior to the specified time of opening. After the opening, the bidder cannot withdraw or cancel his bid for a period of ninety (90) calendar days, or such longer time as stated in the bid documents. 11)Bidders Qualifications. All bidders must submit the following information on or before the time at which the bid is required to be submitted: a. The location of the bidder's permanent place of business. b. Evidence of ability to provide an efficient and adequate plan for executing the work. c. A list of similar projects carried out by the bidder. d. A list of projects the bidder presently has under contract. e. Any additional evidence tending to show that the bidder is adequately prepared to fulfill the contract. 12)References; Background Check. Bidders shall include with its bid, on a separate sheet attached to the bid, the names of three (3) references regarding its financial qualifications and three (3) references regarding its qualifications by experience, ability, personnel and equipment to undertake work of the nature and extent contemplated by the bid and Specifications. References must include company name, address, contact person, and telephone number. The Village reserves the right to reject bids not accompanied by the required references. All Bidders, as a condition of and prior to entry into a contract, agree that a complete background investigation of the principals of the Bidder and all employees who will work on the project may be made. Bidders agree to cooperate with the appropriate Village personnel to supply all information necessary to complete these investigations. The Village in its complete discretion may disqualify any Bidder, 6 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 including a low Bidder, and may void any contract previously entered into based upon its background investigation. 13) Consideration Of Bid And Contract. No bid will be accepted from or contract awarded to any person, firm or corporation that is in arrears or is in default to the Village upon any debt or contract, or that is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Village or had failed to perform faithfully any previous contract with the Village within two (2) years prior to the date of the invitation to bid. 14) Conditions. Bidders are responsible to become familiar with all conditions, instructions and Specifications governing this bid. The bidder is responsible to visit a site if necessary and its bid is based upon the knowledge of all information readily available at the site of such a visit. Once the bids have been opened, the failure to have read and understood all conditions, Specifications and instructions shall not be cause to alter the original bid or to request additional compensation. No extra compensation will be allowed the successful bidder for failure to inform or familiarize itself prior to bidding. 15) Interpretation Of Bid Documents. Any bidder in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the Specifications or other bid documents may submit a written request for interpretation to the Village, as provided in the Specifications. Bidders will acknowledge receipt of any addendum issued by so noting on the bid sheet. Oral explanations are not binding. 16) Prices. Unit prices shall be shown for each unit on which there is a bid, and shall include all packing, crating, freight, and shipping charges, and cost of unloading at the destination unless otherwise stated in the bid. Unit prices shall not include any local, state or federal taxes. The Village is exempt, by law, from paying state and village retailer's occupation tax, service occupation tax, and federal excise tax. The Village will supply the successful bidder with its tax exemption number. Cash discounts will not be considered in determining overall price, but may be used in an overall evaluation. 17)Qualifications of Contractors. Factors: It is the intention of the Village to award the Contract only to a bidder who furnishes satisfactory evidence that it has the requisite experience, ability, capital facilities, plant organization and staffing to enable it to perform the work successfully and promptly, and to complete the work within the time set forth in the Bid Documents. The Village shall consider the following factors: a. The lowest responsible bid. b. The ability, capacity, and skill of the bidder to perform the contract to provide the service required. c. Whether the bidder can perform the contract or provide the service promptly, or within the time specified, without delay or interference. d. The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience, and efficiency of the bidder. Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 e. The quality of performance of previous contracts of services. f. The previous and existing compliance by the bidder with laws and ordinance relating to the contract or service. g. The sufficiency of the financial resources and ability of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service. h. The quality, availability, and adaptability of the supplies or contractual service to the particular use required. i. The ability of the bidder to provide future maintenance and service for the use of the subject of the contract. j. The number and scope of conditions attached to the bid. k. Whether the bidder has a place of business in the Village. I. Responsiveness to the exact requirements of the invitation to bid. m. Ability to work cooperatively with the Village and its administration. n. Past records of the bidder's transactions with the Village or with other entities as evidence of the bidder's responsibility, character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience, efficiency and cooperativeness. o. Any other factor that the Village may legally consider in determining the bid that is in the best interests of the Village. 18)Award Or Rejection. The Village, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to reject any and all bids or parts thereof, to waive any irregularities, technicalities and informalities, and to award a bid in the best interests of the Village. Any bid submitted will be binding for ninety (90) calendar days after the date of the bid opening. Bidders shall make all investigations necessary to thoroughly inform themselves regarding the equipment or supplies to be furnished in accordance with the bid. No plea of ignorance by the bidder of conditions that exist or that may hereafter exist as a result of failure or omission on the part of the bidder to make the necessary examinations and investigations will be accepted as a basis for varying the requirements of the Village or the compensation to the bidder. Any bidder's exceptions to the terms or conditions, or deviations from the written Specifications must be shown in writing and attached to the bid form. No verbal exceptions or agreements with employees of the Village will be considered valid. Such exceptions or deviations can be cause for rejection of the bid proposal. Any exceptions not taken by the bidder shall be assumed by the Village to be included. A contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder complying with the conditions of the bid documents only when it is in the best interest of the Village to accept the bid. The Village shall be the sole judge of compliance with the Specifications. 19)Other Requirements. a. New Equipment. The bidder certifies that any equipment to be furnished shall be new, current model, standard production and fully operable, unless otherwise indicated on the bid form. s Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 b. Material, Equipment and Service Standards. Unless otherwise directed by the Specifications, all materials, equipment and services provided will meet standards or requirements which would normally be anticipated in common practice. The bidder guarantees that all applicable federal, state and local laws, including OSHA, are being complied with in connection with the bid and any resultant contract or purchase by the Village. c. Data; Proprietary. Complete and detailed brochures and specifications for vehicles equipment, materials, goods, supplies and/or services to be furnished must be included with each bid. Any reservations on the use of data contained in a bid must be clearly stated in the proposal itself. Unless stated otherwise, information submitted in response to the bid is not proprietary or confidential. d. Patented Devices, Materials, And Processes. Contract prices are to include all royalties and costs arising in the Work. It is the intent that whenever the Bidder is required or desires to use any design, device, material, or process covered by patent or copyright, the right of such use shall be provided for by suitable legal agreement with the patent owner. 20)Requirement Of Bidder. The successful bidder shall, within ten (10) days after notification of the award of the contract: a) enter into a contract in writing with the Village covering all matters and things related to its bid; and b) furnish the required certificate of insurance and bonds. 21)Bid Certification Form. All bid submittals must include a signed Bid Certification Form (copy attached) certifying non -collusion in the bid, and that the bidder is in compliance with Sections 33E-3 and 33E-4 of the Illinois Criminal Code regarding bid rotating and bid -rigging, 720 ILCS 5/33E-3, 33E-4, compliance with the Illinois Drug Free Workplace Act, 30 ILCS 580/1, et seq., and Substance Abuse Prevention in Public Works Projects Act, 820 ILCS 265/1 et seq., that it is not delinquent in the payment of taxes (65 ILCS 5/11-42.1) and that it has a written sexual harassment policy in place in full compliance with Section 2-105 of the Human Rights Act, 775 ILCS 5/2-105, as amended, Sections 33E-3 and 33E-4 states that it is unlawful to participate in bid -rigging and/or bid rotating. Therefore, all bidders must certify, under oath, that they are not barred from bidding on the contract as a result of a violation of Sections 33E-3 and/or 33E- 4, prohibiting bid -rigging and bid rotation. Therefore, the Bid Certification Form must be notarized. 22)Interpretation Of Bid Documents. Any bidder in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the Specifications or other bid documents shall submit a written request for interpretation to Casey Botterman at cbotterman@mountprospect.org, no later than five (5) calendar days prior to the date set for the opening of the bid. Any questions received after that time may be answered at the discretion of the Village. In the event that the Village finds a question to be adequately addressed in the existing bidding documents, the question may be answered in writing by directing 9 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 the requesting bidder to the applicable provision(s) in the existing bid documents. No further clarifications or interpretations will be issued. Bidders will acknowledge receipt of any addendum issued by so noting on the bid sheet. Oral explanations are not binding. Questions about this Request for Bids should be directed to: Casey Botterman Water and Sewer Superintendent Mount Prospect Public Works Department 1700 West Central Road Mount Prospect, IL 60056 Phone: 847.870.5640 Email: cbotterman@mountprospect.org 10 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1) Definition of Terms. In these specifications and the accompanying documents, the several terms hereinafter defined shall be understood to mean as follows: The term "Award" shall mean the decision of the Village of Mount Prospect to accept the bid of the lowest responsible bidder for the work, subject to the execution and approval of a satisfactory contract therefore, and bond to secure the performance thereof, and to such other conditions as may be specified or otherwise required by law. The term "Bid" shall mean a formal written offer of a bidder to perform the proposed work in accordance with these specifications. The term "Bidder" shall mean any individual, firm, or corporation submitting a bid for the work contemplated. The phrase "Bid Documents" shall mean the Notice to Bidders, Table of Contents, Instructions to Bidders, General Conditions and Special Provisions, Specifications, Bid Form, Affidavit — Bid Certification Form, Bid Security, Bid Sheet, Other Materials or standards provided or noted by the Village, Contract, Performance Bond form, and Labor and Materials Payment Bond form. The term "Board" shall mean the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois. The term "CCDD" shall mean Clean Construction or Demolition Debris. The term, "Contract," shall mean the written agreement between the Village and the contractor, or between the owner and the contractor. The phrase "Contract Documents" shall mean the Bid Documents, bidder's submitted Bid Form, Bid Security, Bid Sheet, Contract and required bonds or letter of cred it. The term "Contractor," as successful bidder, shall mean the individual, firm or corporation who shall have entered into an agreement or contract to furnish all necessary labor, equipment, tools and materials for the performance of the work under its bid and the Bid Documents. The phrase "Director of Public Works" shall mean the Director of Public Works representing the Village of Mount Prospect. The term "EPR" shall mean the Village's Engineering Project Representative. The phrase "Final Performance Date" shall mean the date that Substantial Performance and the punch list items must be completed. 11 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 The term "Inspector" shall mean the authorized representative of the Director of Public Works assigned to make detailed inspection of any or all portions of the work or materials therefore. The phrase "Notice of Award" shall mean the written notice of award of the contract given by the Village to the successful bidder. The phrase "Notice to Bidders" shall mean the official notice included in the bid inviting bids for the proposed improvements. The phrase "Notice to Proceed" shall mean the official notice to the contractor that will start the performance period/ The phrase "Performance Period" shall mean the time allotted for contractor to perform the contract from start to Substantial Performance. The term "Owner" shall mean the Village of Mount Prospect. The phrases "Payment and Performance Bond" and "Letter of Credit" shall mean the approved form of security furnished by the contractor and its financial institution as a guarantee that it will execute the work and pay all material providers and subcontractors. The terms "Plans" or Contract Drawings" shall mean all official drawings or reproductions of drawings pertaining to the work provided in the contract. The phrase "Project Schedule" shall mean the critical path schedule submitted by Contractor to the Village, which includes targeted dates of completion through the Substantial Completion Date. The term "Punch list" shall mean a list of items to be completed after Substantial Performance. The phrase "Special Provisions" shall mean any special directions and requirements prepared to cover the method or manner of performing work on a particular project, or cover the quantities or quality of the materials to be furnished under the contract which are not covered herein. The special provisions included in the contract shall govern the work and take precedence over the general provisions and STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS noted above wherever they conflict therewith, but they shall not operate to annul those portions of the general provisions with which they are not in conflict. The term "Specifications" shall mean the general and special provisions, instructions and requirements contained herein, together with written agreements and all other executed documents which describe the method of performing the work, the quantities, or the quality of material to be furnished under the contract. 12 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 The term "Subcontractor" shall mean any individual, firm or corporation other than the contractor supplying labor, equipment, tools and materials for use in the work of the contract. The phrase "Substantial Performance" shall mean the date that the entire Project can be used for the purposes for which it was intended, i.e., only punch list items remain. The phrase "Substantial Performance Date" shall mean the date that substantial performance must be completed. The term "Village" shall mean the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois. The terms "Village Manager" or "Manager" shall mean the Village Manager of the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois or his duly appointed representative. The terms "Work" and "Project" are used interchangeably and shall mean the improvement advertised for letting, described in the bid form, indicated on the plans, and covered in the specifications and contract, and authorized alterations, extensions and deductions, including labor, tools, equipment, materials and incidentals necessary for the satisfactory completion of the project. The term, 1/2 stick" shall mean one-half the standard length of pipe, typically this is seven (7) feet. 2) Award of contract; Performance; Pa, ment. a. Award of Contract. The Village will issue a Notice of Award to the successful bidder, advising that it has been awarded the contract. Within ten (10) days of delivery of the Notice of Award, by personal service or registered or certified U.S. mail, posted prepaid and receipt requested, Contractor shall execute the Contract, attached to the Bid Documents, and furnish the Village with the required bonds and certificate of insurance. b. Notice to Proceed. Upon the Village's receipt of the executed Contract, required bonds and certificate of insurance, the Village will issue and send to Contractor a Notice to Proceed, which will start the performance period. c. Substantial Performance; Final Completion. i. The Contract shall be substantially performed within one hundred and five (105) days after the Notice to Proceed is effective (the Substantial Performance Date"). Substantial Performance is when the entire Project can be used for the purposes for which it was intended, i.e., only punch list items remain. Tentative date is May 7, 2020. ii. Final completion shall be within ten (10) days after the Substantial Performance Date (the "Final Performance Date"). 13 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 d. Project Schedule. Within ten (10) days after the Contractor executes the Contract, Contractor shall submit to Village a Project Schedule to include targeted dates of completion of all construction and other requirements of the Contractor through the Substantial Completion Date. Contractor shall monitor schedule progress and provide monthly updates and revisions of the Project Schedule, as needed to Village. e. Liquidated Damages for Inexcusable Delay. i. Time is of the essence. The Contractor agrees that all work included in connection with this project must be completed by the Final Performance Date, or sooner, after receipt of Notice To Proceed. It is hereby acknowledged and agreed by both parties that the damages to the Village are not readily ascertainable but that the failure to timely complete this Work will materially and significantly damage the safety and well-being of the Village, its staff and the public, and that therefore a sum of 1,000.00 per day is a fair and reasonable damage estimate to compensate the Village for any such delay. If the Contractor fails to fully complete the Work in that time, then and in this event, the Contractor further expressly agrees that, for each day this Work and this contract shall remain uncompleted after that date, the Village may deduct the sum of $1,000.00 per day after the Final Performance Date, from the contract price as payment to the Village, by the Contractor of the liquidated damages sustained by reason of failure of the Contractor to complete the Project on or before the time aforesaid. ii. Provided, however, that if the completion of this contract is delayed by the Village, by general strikes, acts of God, or casualty beyond the control of the Contractor, then and in such event, the time of completion of this contract shall be extended for such additional time as shall be caused by such delay. iii. Provided, always, however, that the Contractor shall, at the time of such delay, if any, demand of the Village, in writing, such additional time within which to complete the performance of the Contract. The Contractor will be required to notify the Village within three (3) days of such delay, stating the reason for same. If the Contractor does not notify the Village in writing, within three (3) days of the delay, no request for extension of time will be approved. f. Measurement of Quantities. All work completed under the contract will be measured by the Village according to United States standard measures. g. Payment. Payment under the Contract will be made in accordance with the Illinois Local Government Prompt Payment Act, 50 ILCS 505/1 et seq. h. Payment for Items Omitted when Partially Completed. Should the Village cancel or alter any portion of the contract which results in the elimination or non - completion of any portions of the work partially completed, the contractor will be 14 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 allowed a fair and equitable amount covering all items of work incurred prior to the date of cancellation, alteration, or suspension of such work. A written change order may apply. i. Partial Payment. When requested, the estimate, in writing, of the materials in performed, and the value thereof, at the so determined, there shall be deducted after completion of the entire Work to tr amount less than $500 will be so certified is less than $500. contractor will make an approximate place completed, the amount of work contract unit prices. From the amount ten percent (10%) to be retained until ie Village for payment, except that no unless the total amount of the contract In addition, an estimate may, at the discretion of the Village and upon presentation of receipted invoices and freight bills, be made for payment of the value of acceptable materials delivered on the Work or in acceptable storage places and not used at the time of such estimate. Ten percent (10%) shall be retained from the value of such materials until final payment. Such materials, when so paid for by the Village, shall become the property of the Village, and in the event of default by the Village, shall become the property of the Village, and in the event of default by the contractor, the Village may use or cause to be used such materials in the construction of the work provided for in the contract. The amount thus paid by the Village shall be deducted from estimates due the contractor as the material is used in the work. Partial payment for work or materials shall not be construed as an acceptance of the work or any part of it, or as a waiver of any provisions of the contract. Partial payment will only be granted if in the opinion of the Village sufficient labor and materials have been expended to warrant it. If partial payments are requested, the Contractor shall submit with each payment request a properly completed Contractor's Affidavit setting out, under oath, the name, address and amount due or to become due, of Contractor, each subcontractor, vendor, supplier or other appropriate party included in its cost, and for every party listed a full or partial waiver of lien, as appropriate. Beginning with the second payment request, and with each succeeding payment request, the Contractor shall submit Contractor's Affidavits and partial waivers of lien for each subcontractor and supplier showing that the amount paid to date to each is at least equivalent to the total value of that subcontractor's work, less retainage, included on the previous payment request. j. Acceptance and Final Payment. Whenever the Work shall have been completely performed on the part of the contractor, including Punch list items, and all parts of the Work have been approved by the Village and accepted by the Village, a final payment showing the value of the work will be prepared by the contractor as soon as the necessary measurements and computations can be made, all prior estimates upon which payments have been made being approximate only and subject to correction in the final payment. The amount of this estimate, less any partial or semifinal payments previously made and less any sums that have been deducted or retained under the provisions of the contract, will be paid to the 15 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 contractor as soon as practicable after the final acceptance, provided the contractor has furnished to the Village the required maintenance bond and satisfactory evidence that all sums of money due for any labor, materials, apparatus, fixtures or machinery furnished for the purpose of such work have been paid or that the person or persons to whom the same may be due have consented to such final payment. If final payment is requested, the Contractor shall submit a properly completed Contractor's Affidavit setting out, under oath, the name, address and amount due or to become due, of Contractor, each subcontractor, vendor, supplier or other appropriate party included in its cost, and a full and final waiver of lien for the full amount of the Work, less retainage. The Contractor shall assign over to the Village all manufacturers' and suppliers' warranties respecting any part of the Work. The Contractor shall also deliver to the Village the required maintenance bond prior to Final Payment and upon receipt of Final Payment a set of Plans and Specifications annotated to show the Project "as -built." The acceptance by the contractor of the final payment shall constitute a release and waiver of any and all rights and privileges under the terms of the contract; further, the acceptance by the contractor of final payment shall relieve the Village from any and all claims or liabilities for anything done or furnished relative to the Work or for any act or neglect on the part of the Village relating to or connected with the Work. k. Punch list. The Contractor shall notify the Village when it believes substantial performance of the entire Project has been achieved. The Village, and/or any independent consultant engaged by the Village, shall then inspect the Project site with the Contractor, and prepare and deliver to the Contractor within five (5) days thereafter, a written Punch list indicating items of construction which are not in material conformity with the Contract Documents. The Punch list items shall be completed by the Final Performance Date. Pending completion of Punch list items, the Village may withhold from amounts due to the Contractor an amount equal to but not greater than one and one-half (11/2) times the estimated cost to complete Punch list items. I. Final Policing of the Sites. Before the completed work will be ready for the Village's final inspection, the contractor shall have removed from the project sites all surplus equipment, machinery, materials, debris, barricades, and signs. The contractor shall leave said project sites in the best possible condition to the complete satisfaction of the Village. m. Final Inspection. The Village shall make final inspection of all of the Work, as soon as practicable after notification in writing by the contractor that the work is completed and ready for acceptance. If the Work is not acceptable to the Village at the time of such inspection, the Village shall inform the contractor as to the particular defects to be remedied before final acceptance can be made. n. Alterations, Cancellations, Extensions and Deductions. The Village reserves the right to alter the plans, extend or shorten the improvement, add such incidental 16 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 work as may be necessary, and increase or decrease the quantities of work to be performed to accord with such changes, including the deduction or cancellation of any one or more of the unit price items. Such changes shall not be considered as a waiver of any condition of the contract nor to invalidate any of the provisions thereof. A written change order may apply. All Work shall be done under the supervision of the Village's Director of Public Works, or a designated representative who shall decide all questions which arise as to the quality and acceptability of materials furnished, work performed, manner of performance, rate of progress of the work, interpretation of the plans and specifications, acceptable fulfillment of the contract, compensation and disputes and mutual rights between contractors under the specifications. I. Change Orders. The Village may from time to time require changes in the Work. Such changes shall comply with Section 33-E9 of the Criminal Code, 720 ILCS 5/33E-9. m. Right of the Village to Terminate the Contract. i. If the Contractor fails to begin the Work under the Contract within the time specified, or fails to perform the Work in accordance with the terms of the approved schedule or performs the Work in a manner unacceptable to the Village, or neglects or refuses to remove materials or perform anew such Work as has been rejected by the Village, or if the Contractor shall become insolvent or be declared bankrupt, or shall make an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or from any other cause whatsoever shall fail to carry on the Work in a manner required by the Contract, the Village shall give notice as hereinafter provided to the Contractor and its surety in writing specifying such failure, delay, neglect, refusal or default, and if the Contractor, within a period of ten (10) calendar days after the giving of such notice, shall not proceed in accordance therewith, then the Village shall have full power and authority to declare the this Contract and the Contractor in default, and to forfeit the rights of the Contractor in this Contract. ii. Upon declaration of Contractor's default, the Village may, at its option, call upon the surety to complete the Work in accordance with the terms of this Contract or may take over the Work, including any materials on the Work site as may be suitable and acceptable to the Village and may complete the Work by its own forces or on its own account, or may enter into a new contract or contracts for the completion of the Work, or may use such other methods as shall be required for the completion of the Work in an acceptable manner as the Village may in its discretion determine. iii. All costs and charges incurred by the Village, together with the cost of completing the Work shall be deducted from any moneys due or which may become due on this to the Contractor under this Contract. Following any payment due and received by the Village from the Contractor's surety following default, if the expense so incurred by the Village is less than the 17 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 sum paid to the Village by the surety under this Contract for work remaining, the surety shall be entitled to receive the excess difference paid to the Village. When such Contractor default costs incurred by the Village exceeds the sum paid to the Village for the work remaining under the Contract the Contractor and the surety shall be liable and shall pay to the Village the full cost of such additional expenses. 3) Performance of the Work. a. Accident Prevention. The contractor shall exercise every precaution at all times for the protection of persons and properties. The safety provisions of all applicable laws and ordinances shall be strictly observed. Any practice obviously hazardous, in the opinion of the Director of Public Works or his authorized representative, shall be immediately discontinued by the contractor upon his receipt of instructions from the Director of Public Works or an authorized representative to discontinue such practice. b. Barricades and Warning Signs and Lights. The contractor shall erect substantial lighted barricades to protect its work at all points deemed necessary by the Director of Public Works; said contractor shall place at such points the necessary warning signs, amber lights, caution tape, and other suitable devices to protect his work properly and to provide for the convenience and safety of the public at all times. The contractor shall maintain such barricades, signs, lights and protective devices until the need for them, in the judgment of the Public Works Director of an authorized representative, has passed. Contractor shall provide warning signs and barricades to safely mark any hazards or detours caused by the work. All such warning signs and barricades for work in, or affecting Village of Mount Prospect streets, access roads, and state highways shall meet all applicable requirements as stipulated in the latest edition of the Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices published by the U.S. Department of Transportation. All costs for barricades, signs including all labor and other associated materials shall be incidental to the fixed unit price bid for the specific repair or pay item. c. Cooperation with Utilities. It is understood and agreed that the contractor has considered in its bid all of the permanent and temporary utility appurtenances in their present or relocated positions that may be encountered during construction and no additional compensation will be allowed for any delays, inconvenience, or damage sustained by it due to any interference from the said utility appurtenances either by the utility company or by it, or on account of any special construction methods required in prosecuting its work due to the existence of said appurtenances either in their present or relocated positions. The contractor shall insure that prompt repairs are, to the approval of the inspector, made to any utility appurtenances damaged by it without compensation from the Village. During performance of the work, Contractor shall protect all utilities and property from damage. Contractor shall spot all utilities prior to any excavation work. 18 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 Contractor shall call J.U.L.I.E. one Call System (1-800-892-0123), and request utility locations as soon as possible for emergency repairs and within forty-eight (48) hours for non -emergency work prior to excavation in strict accordance with J.U.L.I.E. one Call System operation procedures. d. Clean-up. After all work under each task phase of the work is completed, the Contractor shall remove all loose debris and other materials not incorporated in the work from the site of the work. Any clean up or restoration to private property will be the responsibility of the Contractor. e. Construction Noise Restriction. All construction activities or alteration operations within the Village shall be performed only between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Variations from these time limitations shall be allowed only in the case of maintenance of operation of safety and traffic control devices such as barricades, signs and lighting, or to construction of an emergency nature. More stringent requirements may be assessed for work in state highway or railroad rights-of-way." Working hours outside these times must receive prior approval from the Village. f. General. The work to be performed under the contract includes the furnishing of all supervision, labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals of every kind and description necessary for construction, in accordance with the Contract Documents. g. Inspection. All materials and each part or detail of the work shall be subject at all times to inspection by the Village or its inspectors, and the contractor will be held strictly to the true intent of the Specifications in regard to quality of materials, workmanship and diligent execution of the contract. The Village or its inspectors shall be allowed access to all parts of the work and shall be furnished with such information and assistance by the contractor as is required to make a complete and detailed inspection. Materials, components or completed work not complying therewith may be rejected by the Village and shall be replaced by the Contractor at no expense to the Village. Any rejected material or component shall be removed at the entire expense of the Contractor, after written notice has been mailed by the Village to the Contractors that such materials or components have been rejected. The contractor shall, if the Village requests, remove or uncover such portions of the finished work as the Village may direct before final acceptance of the same. After the examination, the contractor shall restore said portion of the work to the standard required by the Specifications. If the work thus exposed or examined proves acceptable, the expense of uncovering or removing and the replacing of the parts removed shall be paid for as extra work; but if the work so exposed or examined is unacceptable, the expense of uncovering or removing and replacing of the same shall be borne by the contractor. h. Materials and Equipment. Except where the Specifications indicate otherwise, the Village is not responsible for providing any tools, equipment or storage under 19 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 the contract in order to permit its completion of any contractual obligations under the contract, which may be awarded as the result of the bid. i. Personnel and Equipment. The contractor shall provide an adequate number of competently trained personnel with sufficient supervision to provide the services required, and contractor shall provide identification of its personnel if requested by the Village. Any contractor's employee whose employment is reasonably detrimental or objectionable to the Village shall be immediately transferred from the work -site upon the Village's request. The exercise of this option shall not be construed as placing the Village in charge of the Work or making the Village responsible for safety. All on the road vehicles or equipment shall be identified by the contractor's name for purpose of identification. All tools or equipment required to carry out the operations within the scope of the contract shall be provided by the Contractor, and shall meet the standards of the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act and State of Illinois safety codes as may be required by law. The Village reserves the right to inspect the equipment that will be used prior to award of Bid. j. Property Protection. No vehicles of any kind shall be placed, parked or operated upon or over any sodded areas. k. Protection and Restoration of Property. It is understood that in the execution of the Work herein provided for there may be interference with and/or damage to trees, shrubbery, crops, fences, railroad tracks, overhead structures such as poles, wires, cables, underground structures such as sewers, gas mains, telephone conduits and cables, water mains, drains, service connections, wires, pipes, conduits, located along, adjacent to, and/or crossing the locations of the Work, and that it may be necessary to relocate or reconstruct certain of such structures, improvements, and installations and/or to make repairs to the same by reasons of doing the Work herein provided for, and it is therefore particularly and specifically agreed that the Bidder except as otherwise herein provided, shall do the Work necessary for such relocation, reconstruction, and repair and shall bear and pay all of the cost and expense of such relocation, reconstruction, and/or repair of, and all damage done to any and all such pipe line and other structures, improvements, and installations, including service connections, if any, to adjacent property, existing at the date of the execution of the contract and/or existing, during the period of the Work to be done under the contract, which may be interfered with, damaged, and/or necessarily relocated, reconstructed, or repaired in the performance of the Work herein provided for, including the restoration and resurfacing of unpaved portions of public streets and alleys, rights-of-way, easements, and private property damaged or disturbed by the Work, the same to be restored to as good condition as the same existed at the time of the commencement of any such Work or relocation. 20 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 It is further agreed that the owners of any structures, improvements, installations, referred to in the preceding paragraph shall have the right to do the Work or any part thereof necessary for the relocation, reconstruction, replacement, repair, and other Work required by reason of any interference with and/or damage to such structures, improvements, installations, due to the prosecution of the Work and upon completion of such Work by them done, said owners may render bills to the Bidder for the cost and expenses thereof which bills shall be paid by the Bidder without extra compensation therefore from the Village, upon demand by said owners, or upon demand made by the Village upon the Bidder for the payment thereof. I. Public Convenience and Safety. The contractor shall notify the Director of Public Works at least three (3) days in advance of the starting of any construction work which might in any way inconvenience traffic, and the contractor shall at all times conduct the work in such a manner as to insure the least obstruction to vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Whenever possible, the contractor shall provide and maintain at his own expense such temporary roads and approaches as may be necessary to provide access to driveways, houses, buildings or other property abutting the improvements. In no case will the contractor obstruct entrance ways into private property without first seeking the Village and private property owner's approval. m. Public Relations. The Contractor shall cooperate with the Village of Mount Prospect in maintaining a high degree of sensitivity to the needs of property and business owners along the project route. Contractor will distribute written public work notices to businesses and residences as required by the Village. n. Removal of Defective and Unauthorized Work. Work done without lines and grades being given, or beyond the lines shown on the plans or as given, except as herein provided, or any extra work done without authority will be considered as unauthorized and at the expense of the contractor, and will not be measured or paid for. Work so done may be ordered removed or replaced at the contractor's expense. All work which has been ordered to be removed or replaced shall be remedied or removed and replaced by the contractor in a manner approved by the Village at the contractor's expense. Upon failure of the contractor to comply promptly with any order of the Village made under this provision, the Village shall, after giving written notice to the contractor, have the authority to cause defective work to be remedied, or removed and replaced, or to cause unauthorized work to be removed, and deduct the cost thereof from any compensation due or to become due the contractor. o. Scheduling. The contractor shall consult with the Village's Public Works Director or an authorized representative concerning the details and scheduling of the work contemplated herein, and shall be governed by the decisions of said Director or representative. 21 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 p. Supervision. The contractor shall at all times have a competent person in charge of its work crew at the job site to whom the Village representative may issue directives. Such person shall be authorized to accept and act upon such directives. Such person shall be fluent in the English language. q. Traffic Control. Contractor shall maintain traffic flow(s) and accessibility to private property(s) as close to normal condition as possible. Contractor shall notify residents, Village of Mount Prospect and state/county officials, as appropriate, of any driveway or road closure. The contractor shall abide with the Illinois Department of Transportation's Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, latest edition. The Contractor shall also abide with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, latest edition. Contractor shall also provide sufficient flag persons to assist with traffic control during operation. Traffic control costs to close the street or ROW is to be included in the "all- inclusive" unit price of the pay item and considered as incidental to that pay item and will not be considered an extra line item. r. Tree Protection. All tree protection shall be incidental to the contract and shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the Tree Protection Ordinance and plan as specified by the Village. Tree protection fencing shall be paid for per FOOT of TEMPORARY FENCING. REMOVAL PROHIBITED UNLESS AUTHORIZED: All trees shall be maintained, saved, and protected from damage unless removal is approved by the Village. CRITICAL ROOT ZONE: To prevent unnecessary damage to existing public trees during construction, proper tree protection guidelines must be followed, particularly in the root zone where major support roots securely hold the tree in the soil. This Critical Root Zone (CRZ) is defined as the entire ground area within the vertical projection of the crown of a tree. This is also commonly referred to as the area within the drip line of a tree. Power equipment may not be used to excavate soil, change grades, or dig trenches in the Critical Root Zone. All soil excavation done within the CRZ must be done by hand, except as authorized in these specifications. Exceptions to the above shall be granted only with written permission from the Director of Public Works. FENCING: All unpaved ground on public property within the Critical Root Zones (CRZ) of existing trees subject to construction damage shall be fenced before any work is started. This Tree Protection Fencing will be paid for as specified in these contract documents. Once assembled, no fencing shall be removed without prior approval of the Engineer, and there shall be no construction activity or material including storage, stockpiling, and equipment access within the enclosure. Fencing material shall be orange polypropylene snow fence 22 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 supported with metal posts, and installed according to the detail which will be provided by the Forestry Division. CHANGES TO EXISTING GRADE: No changes to original grade shall be allowed inside the CRZ. ROOT PRUNING DURING CONSTRUCTION: All tree roots greater than two inches (2") in diameter that are encountered in any construction process shall be cut cleanly with an appropriate saw or pruning shear or other tool specifically designed for cutting wood. Axes or other such chopping tools shall not be used. Shovels or other tools designed for digging shall not be used. Contractor shall contact Forestry for a root inspection before backfilling. ATTACHMENTS TO TREES: No signs, placards or other objects may be nailed or stapled to trees. BRANCH REMOVAL: Tree branches shall not be cut, pruned or trimmed by the Contractor. If parkway tree branches interfere with the Contractor's work, he should contact the Forestry Division to request pruning. If Forestry deems the request reasonable they will endeavor to promptly prune the branches at the Village's expense. PENALTIES FOR TREE DAMAGE: Where limbs, trunks or roots of trees not approved for removal are damaged, the Village shall determine whether the tree can be repaired or must be removed. Repairs may include, but are not strictly limited to, pruning of broken limbs, removal of loose bark and proper shaping of wounds, thinning of the crown to compensate for root loss, fertilization, straightening and staking. Repairs shall be performed by the Village. The cost of such repairs shall be paid for by the Contractor to the Village, using rates listed in the current edition of the Village's Equipment and Labor Rate Charges. Additionally, the Village may fine the contractor for unnecessary tree damage according to the schedule listed in Appendix A, Division III of the Village Code. If in the opinion of the Village, the amount of damage warrants removal of the tree due to safety or aesthetic concerns, the Contractor shall remove the tree, along with its stump to a depth of 12 inches below grade. The Contractor shall pay the Village for replacement of the tree. Replacement cost will be determined by multiplying the diameter of the damaged tree, as measured 4-1/2 feet above the ground, by the rate of $150.00/inch. The Contractor shall be responsible for being familiar with and complying with all aspects of the Village of Mount Prospect Tree Protection ordinances and Arboricultural Standards Manual as they relate to the various site locations. Any questions regarding tree protection shall be directed to the Village Forestry Division and their response or direction shall be considered as the final word/decision on tree protection issues. Any costs for tree protection fencing, 23 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 posts, labor or other associated labor or material shall be incidental to the fixed cost per unit bid. s. Work In Street Right — of —Way. All of contractor's construction work in street rights-of-way shall be done in strict accordance with the applicable controlling public agency's construction specifications, permitting, bonding, rules, and regulations. All costs for necessary permits and bonds shall be borne by the Contractor and considered incidental to the fixed item price of the applicable work. Contractor shall coordinate with the proper public officials and receive approval from said officials prior to any street closings or detouring required due to the work to be performed. Contractor shall protect existing vegetation from removal or damage wherever possible. Contractor shall confine construction work to specified construction limits as shown on the drawings or defined in the specifications. Should Contractor damage or remove any vegetation outside the construction limits, Contractor shall restore the affected area to its original state at no expense to the Village. 4) BOND; INSURANCE; INDEMNIFICATION. a. Performance and Labor and Material Payment Bond. Upon submission of the executed contract to the Village, Contractor shall furnish to the Village a surety bond in the amount one hundred and ten percent (110%) of the bid for the faithful performance of the Contract and to indemnify the Village against loss. The Contractor shall also furnish a labor and materials bond in the amount one hundred and ten percent (110%) of the bid to ensure payment for all labor and materials, including compliance with the provisions of law relating to the payment of the prevailing rate of wages. The premium of such bonds is to be paid by the Contractor. The surety must be with a substantial surety company satisfactory to the Village and authorized by law to do business in the State of Illinois and endorsed by a local representative of said surety company. All payment and performance bonds shall name the Village of Mount Prospect as Obligee and be written upon forms prepared or approved by the Village. Said bonds may be satisfied with a Letter of Credit, in the form acceptable to the Village, from a bank or savings and loan within the Chicago metropolitan area. The bonds and Letter of Credit shall remain in effect during the full term of the Contract and any extension thereof. Failure to so provide these bonds or Letter of Credit shall result in forfeiture of the bid bond/Letter of Credit to the Village as liquidated damages and not as a penalty, and the termination of the contract and/or withdrawal of the award. b. Insurance Requirements. In submission of a bid, the bidder is certifying that it has all insurance coverages required by law or that would normally be expected for bidder's type of work. In addition, the bidder is certifying that, as successful 24 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 bidder/Contractor, upon execution of the Contract, it will provide Insurance of such types and in such amounts as may be necessary to protect itself and the interests of the Village against all hazards or risks of loss contemplated by the Contract. The Village shall be named as additional insured on all applicable insurance policies. Satisfactory certificates of insurance shall be filed with the Village upon execution of the Contract. The certificates shall state that thirty (30) days advance written notice will be given to the Village before any policy covered thereby is changed or canceled. Insurance coverage shall be in the following minimum amounts: Limit/ Limit/ Type of Insurance Ea. Occurrence Aggregate General Liability Bodily Injury $170007000 $370007000 Property Damage $1,000,000 $3,000,000 Contractual Ins. $1,000,000 $3,000,000 Automobile Liability Bodily Injury Property Damage Workers Compensation Employee Claims Employers Liability $17000,000 $170007000 $170007000 $170007000 Statutory for Illinois $1,000,000 per accident c. Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify -and save harmless the Village, its officers and employees from any and all liability, losses or damages, including attorneys fees and costs of defense, the Village may suffer as a result of claims, demands, suits, actions or proceedings of any kind or nature, including workers' compensation claims, in any way resulting from or arising out of the operations of the Contractor under the Contract, including operations of subcontractors; and the Contractor shall, at his own expense, appear, defend, and pay all fees of attorneys and all costs and other expenses arising therefrom or incurred in connection therewith; and, if any judgments shall be rendered against the Village in any such action, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, satisfy and discharge same. The Contractor expressly understands and agrees that any bonds, letters of credit or insurance protection required by the Contract, or otherwise provided by the Contractor, shall in no way limit the responsibility to indemnify, keep and save harmless and defend the Village as herein provided. Contractor agrees to defend and hold harmless the Village from and against all demands, claims, suits, costs, expenses, damages and adjustments based upon any infringement of any patent relating to goods specified in the contract, and on account of the Village's use of any copyrighted or uncopyrighted, composition, trade secrets, secret process, proprietary rights, patented of unpatented invention, article or appliance furnished or used under the bid Specifications. 25 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 5) Compliance with Laws. a. Collusion. If at any time it shall be found that the person, firm, or corporation to whom the Contract has been awarded has, in presenting any proposal or proposals, unlawfully colluded with any other party or parties, then the Contract so awarded shall be null and void and the Consultant and his sureties shall be liable to the Village for all loss or damage which the Village may suffer thereby, and the Village may advertise for new bids for said work. b. Observance of Laws, Ordinances, and Regulations; Certifications of Compliance with Applicable Laws. The contractor shall, at all times during the life of this contract, observe and abide by all federal, state and local laws which in any way affect the conduct of the work and with all decrees and orders of courts or agencies of competent jurisdiction. Likewise, said contractor shall be governed by all municipal ordinances and regulations which in any way affect the conduct of the work. The contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the owner, its officers, agents, and employees against any claim or liability arising from or based on his violation of any law, ordinance, regulation, decree or order. The bidder and contractor, as successful bidder, shall comply with all applicable state, federal and local laws, including, but not limited to the following: i. Bid Rigging/Rotating. By submitting a bid, the Contractor certifies that no owner, officer or director is barred from contracting with any unit of state or local government as a result of violating the bid rigging or bid rotating provisions contained in 720 ILCS 5/33E-3 & 33E-4. ii. Tax Payment. The Contractor certifies that it is not delinquent in the payment of any taxes to the Illinois Department of Revenue. (65 ILCS 5/11-42.1-1) iii. Drug Free Workplace Act. The Contractor will comply with the requirements of the Drug Free Workplace Act if the contract is $5,000 or more and it has more than 24 employees at the time of entering into the contract (30 ILCS 580). iv. Preference to Veterans Act. The Contractor will comply with the Preference to Veterans Act (330 ILCS 55). V. Substance Abuse Prevention Program. By submitting a bid, the Contractor certifies that the company has in place, to the extent not covered by a collective bargaining agreement that deals with the subject of the Act, a substance abuse prevention program that meets or exceeds the requirements of the Substance Abuse Prevention in Public Works Projects Act, 820 ILCS 265/1 et seq. vi. Non -Discrimination. The Contractor will comply with the Illinois Public Works Employment Discrimination Act (775 ILCS 10/1, et seq.) 26 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 vii. Equal employment Opportunity. The Contractor will comply with Article 2 of the Illinois Human Rights Act (775 ILCS 5/2-101, et seq.), including establishment and maintenance of a sexual harassment policy as required by Section 2-105, and the Rules and Regulations of the Illinois Department of Human Rights, including the EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY CLAUSE, which is a material term of all public contracts, as follows: EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY In the event of the contractor's non-compliance with the provisions of this Equal Employment Opportunity Clause or the Act, the contractor may be declared ineligible for future contracts or subcontracts with the State of Illinois or any of its political subdivisions or municipal corporations, and the contract may be cancelled or voided in whole or in part, and other sanctions or penalties may be imposed or remedies invoked as provided by statute or regulation. During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows: 1) That he or she will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, order of protection status, national origin or ancestry, citizenship status, age, physical or mental disability unrelated to ability, military status or an unfavorable discharge from military service; and, further, that he or she will examine all job classifications to determine if minority persons or women are underutilized and will take appropriate affirmative action to rectify any underutilization. 2) That, if he or she hires additional employees in order to perform this contract or any portion of this contract, he or she will determine the availability (in accordance with this Part) of minorities and women in the areas from which he or she may reasonably recruit and he or she will hire for each job classification for which employees are hired in a way that minorities and women are not underutilized. 3) That, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by him or her or on his or her behalf, he or she will state that all applicants will be afforded equal opportunity without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, order of protection status, national origin or ancestry, citizenship status, age, physical or mental disability unrelated to ability, military status or an unfavorable discharge from military service. 4) That he or she will send to each labor organization or representative of workers with which he or she has or is bound by a collective bargaining or other agreement or understanding, a notice advising the labor organization or representative of the contractor's obligations under the Act and this Part. If any labor organization or representative fails or refuses to cooperate with the contractor in his or her efforts to comply with the Act and this Part, the contractor will promptly notify the Department and the contracting agency and will recruit employees from other sources when necessary to fulfill its obligations under the contract. 27 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 5) That he or she will submit reports as required by this Part, furnish all relevant information as may from time to time be requested by the Department or the contracting agency, and in all respects comply with the Act and this Part. 6) That he or she will permit access to all relevant books, records, accounts and work sites by personnel of the contracting agency and the Department for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with the Act and the Department's Rules and Regulations. 7) That he or she will include verbatim or by reference the provisions of this clause in every subcontract awarded under which any portion of the contract obligations are undertaken or assumed, so that the provisions will be binding upon the subcontractor. In the same manner as with other provisions of this contract, the contractor will be liable for compliance with applicable provisions of this clause by subcontractors; and further it will promptly notify the contracting agency and the Department in the event any subcontractor fails or refuses to comply with the provisions. In addition, the contractor will not utilize any subcontractor declared by the Illinois Human Rights Commission to be ineligible for contracts or subcontracts with the State of Illinois or any of its political subdivisions or municipal corporations. Title 44, Part 750, Section 750, APPENDIX A, Illinois Administrative Code, viii. PREVAILING WAGE. This contract calls for the construction of a "public work" within the meaning of the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS 130/1, et seq., as amended (the "Act"). The Contractor and all subcontractors are required to pay wage rates in accordance with the Act to all laborers, workers and mechanics. The Village has adopted the prevailing wages as determined by the Illinois Department of Labor ("IDOL") for Cook County. The prevailing rate of wages is revised by the IDOL and is available on the IDOL website, www.state.i1.us/any/idol/rates/rates.HTM. The Contractor and all subcontractors are solely responsible for checking the Department's website for revisions to prevailing wage rates. In the event that the IDOL should revise the prevailing rate of wages, then the revised rates shall apply to this Contract. In no case shall any revision in the rates of prevailing wages result in an increase in the total Contract price. All bonds provided by the Contractor under the terms of this Contract shall include such provisions as will guarantee the faithful performance of the Contractor's obligations under this clause and under the Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS 130/1 et. seq. Contractor shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Prevailing Wage Act, including, but not limited to, the requirements of Section 5 of the Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS 130/5. The Contractor, and all Subcontractors and Sub -Subcontractors participating on the Project, shall make and keep those records required under Section 5 of the Prevailing Wage Act in paper or electronic format. In conformance with the Act, each 2s Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 contractor and subcontractor, or other entity performing work on the project, shall maintain records of all laborers, mechanics and other workers employed by them on the project, including the following information on each worker: (1) name; (2) address; (3) telephone number when available; (4) social security number; (5) classification or classifications; (6) gross and net wages paid in each pay period; (7) number of hours worked each day; (8) starting and ending times of each day; (9) hourly wage rate; (10) hourly overtime wage rate; (11) hourly fringe benefit rates; (12) the name and address of each fringe benefit fund; (13) the plan sponsor of each fringe benefit, if applicable; and (14) the plan administrator of each fringe benefit, if applicable. These records shall be kept by the participating contractor and subcontractor for a period of not less than five (5) years from the date of last payment on the contract or subcontract. No later than the 15th day of each calendar month, each participating contractor and subcontractor shall submit a monthly certified payroll to the Village consisting of the above -referenced information as well as a statement signed by the participating contractor or subcontractor that certifies: (a) the records are true and accurate; (b) the hourly rates paid to each worker is not less than the general prevailing rate of hourly wages required under the Prevailing Wage Act; and (c) the contractor or subcontractor is aware that filing a certified payroll that he or she knows to be false is a Class A misdemeanor. ix. Compliance with Freedom of Information Act Request. Section 7 of the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 ILCS 140/7, applies to public records in the possession of a party with whom the Village of Mount Prospect has contracted. The Village of Mount Prospect will have only a very short period of time from receipt of a FOIA request to comply with the request and there is a significant amount of work required to process a request including collating and reviewing the information. The bidder/contractor acknowledges the requirements of FOIA and agrees to comply with all requests made by the Village of Mount Prospect for public records (as that term is defined by Section 2(c) of FOIA) in the undersigned's possession and to provide the requested public records to the Village Mount Prospect within two (2) business days of the request being made by the Village of Mount Prospect. The bidder/contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Village of Mount Prospect from all claims, costs, penalties, losses and injuries (including but not limited to, attorney's fees, other professional fees, court costs and/or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs) arising out of or relating to its failure to provide public records to the Village of Mount Prospect under the contract. X. Work Guaranty 1. Maintenance Bond. A maintenance bond or a maintenance letter of cred it cred it cost; is required. This maintenance bond or maintenance letter of amount shall consist of ten percent (10%) of the final project it shall be posted by the contractor with the Village upon 29 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 completion of all Work; and it shall be valid and effective for a period of two (2) years after the final acceptance of such Work by the Village for the purpose of guaranteeing against and securing the correction of any defect in material or workmanship furnished for such improvements, latent in character and not discernible at the time of final inspection or acceptance by the Village of Mount Prospect. 2. General Guaranty. Neither partial or final payment, nor any provision in the contract, nor partial or entire use of the product/Work embraced in the contract by the Village or the Public shall constitute an acceptance of work not done in accordance with the contract, or relieve the contractor of liability in respect to any express warranties or responsibility for failure to comply with the terms of those contract documents. Unless otherwise expressly provided in the Specifications, in the event any defects or imperfections in the materials or workmanship to be furnished by the contractor herein appear within the period of two (2) years from the date of completion of all the Work and acceptance thereof by the Village, the contractor will, upon notice from said Village (which notice may be given by letter to said contractor to the business address of the contractor shown in the proposal), repair and make good at his own cost any such defects or imperfections and replace any defective or imperfect materials or workmanship with other materials or workmanship satisfactory to said Village, and furnish all such new materials and labor as may be necessary to do so; and in the event of the failure, refusal or delay of said workmanship or materials said Village may do so or have same done by others, and said contractor and surety or sureties on the bonds given for the faithful performance of the contract shall be liable to the Village for all damages and expenses occasioned by such failure, refusal or delay. All details of warranties shall be included with the bid. Warranty work shall be at no additional expense to the Village. Manufacturer warranties and guaranties shall be submitted with the bid and shall be considered a part of the contract where such specifications meet the minimum bid Specifications. A. Miscellaneous Contract Requirements 1. Contract Alterations. No amendment of a contract shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by the Village President, Village Manager, or their authorized representative. 2. Licenses and Permits. The Contractor shall procure at its own expense all necessary licenses and permits in connection with the work under the Contract. 30 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 3. Nonassignability. The contractor shall not assign the contract, or any part thereof, to any other person, firm or corporation without the previous written consent of the Village. Such assignment shall not relieve the contractor from its obligations or change the terms of the contract unless agreed by the Village at its sole discretion. 4. Notices. All notices required by the contract shall be given in writing. 5. Taxes. The contractor shall pay all federal, state and local taxes as may be applicable on all materials, labor and services furnished by it under the contract, and the amounts of such taxes shall be included in the unit prices bid. 31 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 SPECIAL PROVISIONS 32 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 BID FORM Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 Village of Mount Prospect Department of Public Works FROM: (hereinafter called "Bidder") TO: Office of the Village Manager, 3rd Floor 50 South Emerson Street Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 (hereinafter called "Village" or "Village of Mount Prospect") Bid For: Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 The bidders have familiarized themselves with the work and probable work conditions required under this Bid affecting the cost of the work and with the Bid Documents which include: Notice to Bidders Table of Contents Instructions for Bidders General Conditions and Special Provisions Specifications Bid Form Affidavit — Bid Certification Form Bid Security Bid Sheet — Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 Contract Document Labor and Materials Payment bond form Performance Bond Form Therefore, the Bidder hereby proposes to furnish all supervision, technical personnel, labor, materials, tools appurtenances, equipment, and services (including all utility and transportation services) required to construct and complete the Work, all in accordance with the above listed documents. Bidder agrees to perform all of the Work and provide the equipment and materials described in the Bid Documents, as follows: Bidder has bid on all items and has provided a price for all items. The Bidder acknowledges that it is responsible for verification of all pipe sizes and depths prior to the ordering of materials. 155 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 IIII IIID°°Illf'°';'° The Bidder will complete and provide all labor, equipment, materials and mobilization (if applicable) to perform the Work as incidental to the fixed item price for each item proposed. In submitting this bid, the Bidder understands that the Village of Mount Prospect reserves the right to add to or subtract from the estimated quantities. The Village of Mount Prospect intends to award one (1) contract (if at all) for the items bid. If written notice of award of this bid is mailed, emailed or otherwise delivered to the Bidder at any time before this bid is withdrawn, the Bidder agrees to execute and deliver the contract in the prescribed form and furnish payment and performance bonds, or letter of credit, and the insurance certificates required by the Bid Documents to the Village within ten (10) days after receipt. The Bidder, and as successful bidder/Contractor upon award of the Contract understands and agrees to the following: 1) The Contractor agrees to provide all Work and items and material to the Village as noted in the Bid Documents and comply with the requirements of the Bid Documents. 2) The Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable state and federal laws, rules and regulations, and county and municipal ordinances, as described in the General Conditions. All Addenda pertaining to this project shall be acknowledged by the Bidder in the spaces provided below: Addendum No. Addendum Date Acknowledgement by Bidder or Authorized Representative Date Acknowledged Failure to acknowledge receipt, as provided above, may be considered sufficient grounds for disqualification of the bidder and rejection of his/her bid submittal. A record of all Addenda and copies of same will be available to all qualified bidders from the Village of Mount Prospect Public Works Department, 1700 West Central Road, Mount Prospect, Illinois two (2) days prior to the letting. It shall be the bidder's responsibility to become fully advised of all Addenda prior to submitting its bid. 'iiii IIII � age 31 156 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 Upon award the contract the Village will send Notice of Award to the successful bidder, the bidder must then execute the contract and provide the required bonds or letter of credit and certificate of insurance to the Village within ten (10) days. The Village will then issue a written Notice to Proceed, which starts the performance period and the contractor then has ten (10) days to commence work. The contractor shall reach substantial completion within one hundred five (105) consecutive calendar days after the Notice to Proceed with final completion ten (10) days thereafter. Failure to complete the work in the designated time frame may result in the Director of Public Works withholding compensation due the contractor for failure to complete the said work in the designated time frame, calling the bonds, or taking such other action as may be available. Security in the sum of ten (10%) percent of the amount bid in form of (check one): Bid Bond Certified Check Bank Cashier's Check is attached hereto in accordance with the "Instructions for Bidders". This Bid Submittal contains the following: 1) Bid Form 2) Affidavit —Bid Certification Form 3) Bid Security 3) BID SHEET(S) —BOOSTER PUMP STATION NO. 4 MOTOR CONTROL CENTER REPLACEMENT PROJECT 2020 Respectfully submitted: Name of Firm/Bidder: 031 (Signature) Title: Date: Contact Information: Official Address: Telephone: Email: ONE (1) SIGNED COPY OF THIS BID FORM AND BID SHEETS (Pages 42-53) ALONG WITH THE AFFIDAVIT —BID CERTIFCATION FORM, AND BID SECURITY SHALL BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED MARKED ENVELOPE.VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 157 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 °IIII(11111 111 g AFFIDAVIT — BID CERTIFICATION FORM Bidder: Company/Firm Name: Address: As a condition of entering into a contract with the Village of Mount Prospect, and under oath and penalty of perjury and possible termination of contract rights and debarment, the undersigned, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and states that he or she is (sole owner, partner, joint ventured, President, Secretary, etc.) of and has the authority to make all (Name of Company) certifications required by this affidavit. Section I Non Collusion The undersigned certifies that this bid is genuine and not collusive or a sham, that said bidder has not colluded, conspired, connived or agreed, directly or indirectly, with any bidder or person, to put in a sham bid or to refrain from bidding, and has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement or collusion, or communication or conference with any person, to fix the bid price element of this bid, or of that of any other bidder, or to secure any advantage against any other bidder or any person interested in the proposed contract. Section II Bid Rigging and Rotating The undersigned further states that (Name of Company) is not barred from bidding or contracting as a result of a conviction for violations of state laws prohibiting bid rigging or bid rotating or any similar offense of any state of the United States, as provided in Sections 33E-3 and 33E-4 of the Illinois Criminal Code, 720 ILCS 5/33E-3, 33E-4. Section III Drug Free Workplace The undersigned further states that (Name of Company) provides a drug free workplace pursuant to the Drug Free Workplace Act, 30 ILCS 580/1, et seq., and has, to the extent not covered by a collective bargaining that deals with the subject of the Substance Abuse Prevention in Public Works Projects Act, 820 ILCS 265/1 et seq., a substance abuse prevention program that meets or exceeds these requirements of that Act. iiia 'ilii 'ilii c'a a 158 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 AFFIDAVIT — BID CERTIFICATION FORM Section IV Tax Payment The undersigned further states that is (Name of Company) not delinquent in payment of any taxes to the Illinois Department of Revenue, in accordance with Illinois Compiled Statues, 65 ILCS 5/11-42.1. The undersigned understands that making a false statement regarding delinquency in taxes is a Class A Misdemeanor and, in addition voids the contract and allows the municipality to recover all amounts paid to the individual or entity under the contract in civil action. Section V Sexual Harassment Policy Pursuant to Section 2-105(A) of the Illinois Human Rights Act, 775 ILCS 5/2-105 (A), every party to a public contract must: "Have written sexual harassment policies that shall include, at a minimum, the following information: (I) the illegality of sexual harassment; (II) the definition of sexual harassment under State law; (III) a description of sexual harassment, utilizing examples; (IV) the vendor's internal complaint process including penalties; (V) the legal recourse, investigative and complaint process available through the Department (of Human Rights) and the Commission (Human Rights Commission); (VI) directions on how to contact the Department and Commission; and (VII) protection against retaliation as provided by Section 6-101 of the Act. (Illinois Human Rights Act)." A "public contract" includes: ... every contract to which the State, any of its political subdivisions or any municipal corporation is a party." 775 ILCS 5/1-103 (M) (2002), The undersigned further states that has (Name of Company) a written sexual harassment policy in place in full compliance with 775 ILCS 5/2-105 (A) (4). It is expressly understood the foregoing statements and representations and promises are made as a condition to the right of the bidder to receive payment under any award made under the terms and provisions of this bid. The undersigned certifies that all information contained in this Affidavit is true and correct. Signed by: Signature Name Printed: Signed and sworn to before me this day of , 20 My commission expires: Notary Public Title: 159 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 BID SECURITY Included with this bid is a bank cashier's check, certified check or bid bond in the amount of , being ten percent (10%) of the total amount bid by the Bidder, in favor of the Village of Mount Prospect. It is hereby agreed that, should Bidder be awarded the Work contemplated under this bid and fail or refuse to execute a contract for said Work, or to provide the required payment and performance bonds, or letter of credit, and certificate of insurance, then this security, in the amount stipulated above, shall be forfeited and may be retained by the Village of Mount Prospect as liquidated damages and not as a penalty. All bids to remain firm for a period of ninety (90) days after bid opening date. SUBMITTED THIS SEAL (if corporation) DAY OF )2020. Bidder: Bidder's Agent and Agent's Title Title Note: If bidder is a partnership, the bid must be signed by at least two of the partners. Note: If bidder is a corporation, the bid must be signed by an authorized officer of the corporation, attested and sealed by the secretary or other authorized officer. If a corporation, note here the state of incorporation: Incorporated under the laws of the State of 160 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 BID SHEET SUMMARY OF PRICES: CONTRACT PRICE (the lump sum —BASE BID): Dollars and Cents (In writing) (In writing) Dollars and Cents (In figure) (In figure) CONTRACT PRICE (ALTERNATE A to be added to Lump Sum Base Bid —Relocation of Panelboards and associated electrical equipment): Dollars and Cents (In writing) (In writing) Dollars and Cents (In figure) (In figure) CONTRACT PRICE (the sum of BASE BID and ALTERNATE A -TOTAL BID): Dollars and Cents (In writing) (In writing) Dollars and Cents (In figure) (In figure) This project has Alternate A (Base and Alternate A). All alternates shall be bid, or bid shall be rejected and returned. The Village may award only Base Bid, or Base Bid +Alternate A. 161 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 CONTRACT THIS Contract (hereinafter the "Contract") is entered into on this day of by and between the VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, an Illinois corporation (hereinafter the "Village"), and , an (hereinafter the `Contractor") (Village and Contractor sometimes referred to as "Party" and collectively as "Parties"), , 2020, municipal individually WHEREAS, the Village has solicited competitive bids for its "Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020"; and WHEREAS, the Contractor submitted a bid to perform the work associated with the Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 (hereinafter the "Bid"); and WHEREAS, upon its review of the submitted bids, the Village has awarded the contract to perform the work associated with the Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 to the Contractor, subject to the execution of this Contract; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of their mutual promises, covenants, undertakings and agreements, the parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I — CONTRACT DOCUMENTS This Contract is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract Documents, which are incorporated herein as if fully set forth, and include the following Bid Documents with Bidder's/Contractor's Bid Submittals prioritized to be included in number 6*: 1. Notice to Bidders 2. Table of Contents 3. Instructions to Bidders 4. General Conditions and Special Provisions 5. Specifications 6. Bid Submittals, including Bid Form, Affidavit — Bid Certification Form, Bid Security, Bid Sheet (*Bidder's/Contractor's completed Bid Submittals) 7. Other materials or standards provided or noted by the Village 8. Contract 9. Applicable performance and labor and materials payment bonds, or letter of credit. (Collectively the "Contact Documents") ARTICLE II — PERFORMANCE BY CONTRACTOR 1. The Contractor agrees to perform the work, including all labor, materials, equipment and services, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract Documents (hereinafter the "Work"). 162 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 2. The Contractor acknowledges that the Village reserves the right to add to or subtract from the estimated quantities. 3. The Contractor certifies that it will comply with all state and federal laws and regulations, and county and municipal ordinances, as set forth in the General Conditions. ARTICLE III — PERFORMANCE BY VILLAGE The Village agrees to pay the Contractor for its performance of the Work in the manner and amount provided in the Contract Documents. ARTICLE IV - CONFLICT BETWEEN CONTRACT DOCUMENTS In the event of a conflict between any Contract Document and the terms of this Contract, the Contract shall control to the extent of the conflict. In the event of any other conflict between Contract Documents, the preceding Document shall govern to the extent of the conflict based upon the order of priority set forth in Article I of this Contract, unless otherwise specifically stated. ARTICLE V — COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETION OF WORK After the written Notice to Proceed is issued by the Village, which will start the performance period, the Contractor then has 10 days to commence work. The Contractor shall achieved substantial performance within one hundred and five (105) consecutive calendar days after the Notice to Proceed has been issued with final performance ten (10) days thereafter. The Contractor shall commence performance of the Work and complete performance of the Work, in accordance with the schedule set forth in the Contract Documents, but in no event shall any Work be performed prior to the Village's receipt of this Contract, executed by Contractor, and the Village's acceptance and approval of the payment and performance bonds, or letter of credit, and certificate of insurance required by the Contract Documents. ARTICLE V— NOTICE Unless otherwise provided, all notices required under this Contract shall be made in writing and addressed or delivered as follows: TO THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT - The Village of Mount Prospect 1700 West Central Road Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 ATTN: Director of Public Works TO CONTRACTOR- at the address set forth on the Bid Form, or: 163 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 Notices shall be deemed effective when received by personal service or registered or certified U.S. mail, postage prepaid and receipt requested, to the address so specified. Either Party may, by written notice to the other, change its own mailing address. ARTICLE VI — PRIOR AGREEMENTS; SUCCESSORS This Contract supersedes all previous agreements, understandings and representations of any nature whatsoever, whether oral or written, and constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties. The terms of this Contract shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and the partners and officials, successors in interest, executors, administrators, assigns and representatives and their respective successors and assigns, provided, however, that the Contractor shall not assign, sublet or transfer any rights or interest in this Agreement in whole or in part without the prior written approval of the Village, except to the extent that the Contract Documents provide otherwise. ARTICLE VII - DEFAULT BY CONTRACTOR If the Contractor fails to begin the Work under the Contract within the time specified, or fails to perform the Work in accordance with the terms of the approved schedule or performs the Work in a manner unacceptable to the Village, or neglects or refuses to remove materials or perform anew such Work as has been rejected by the Village, or if the Contractor shall become insolvent or be declared bankrupt, or shall make an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or from any other cause whatsoever shall fail to carry on the Work in a manner required by the Contract, the Village shall give notice as hereinafter provided to the Contractor and its surety in writing specifying such failure, delay, neglect, refusal or default, and if the Contractor, within a period of ten (10) calendar days after the giving of such notice, shall not proceed in accordance therewith, then the Village shall have full power and authority to declare the this Contract and the Contractor in default, and to forfeit the rights of the Contractor in this Contract. Upon declaration of Contractor's default, the Village may, at its option, call upon the surety to complete the Work in accordance with the terms of this Contract or may take over the Work, including any materials on the Work site as may be suitable and acceptable to the Village and may complete the Work by its own forces or on its own account, or may enter into a new contract or contracts for the completion of the Work, or may use such other methods as shall be required for the completion of the Work in an acceptable manner as the Village may in its discretion determine. All costs and charges incurred by the Village, together with the cost of completing the Work shall be deducted from any moneys due or which may become due on this to the Contractor under this Contract. Following any payment due and received by the Village from the Contractor's surety following default, if the expense so incurred by the Village is less than the sum paid to the Village by the surety under this Contract for work remaining, the surety shall be entitled to receive the excess difference paid to the Village. When such Contractor default costs incurred by the Village exceeds the sum paid to the Village for the work remaining under the Contract the Contractor and the surety shall be liable and shall pay to the Village the full cost of such additional expenses. 164 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 ARTICLE VIII - DEFAULT BY VILLAGE In the event of a material default by the Village under this Contract, the Village shall have sixty (60) days, from notice thereof by Contractor, to cure the default prior to Contractor's termination of this Contract. The failure to pay a contested invoice shall not be considered a material default. Upon termination, the Village shall be responsible to pay any uncontested payments due for work performed. ARTICLE IX — VENUE The parties hereto agree that for purposes of any lawsuit(s) between them concerning this Agreement, its enforcement, or the subject matter thereof, venue shall be in Cook County, Illinois, and the laws of the State of Illinois shall govern the cause of action. ARTICLE X - SEVERABILITY OF CONTRACT If any term of this Contract is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be void or unenforceable, the remainder of the Contract terms will remain in full force and effect and will not be affected. ARTICLE XI - CUMULATIVE REMEDIES The exercise or failure to exercise any legal rights and remedies associated with any act of default or breach hereunder by either Party will not constitute a waiver or forfeiture of any other rights and remedies, and will be without prejudice to the enforcement of any other right or remedy available by law or authorized by this Contract. ARTICLE XII - COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS Each party to this Contract will comply with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations, and county and municipal ordinances and regulations. ARTICLE XIII - DISPUTE RESOLUTION Should a dispute arise between the Village and the Contractor as to the terms and conditions of the Contract, or the responsibilities, limitations, or working relations of either Party, the designated project personnel will make every reasonable effort to resolve the difference in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract. If a dispute continues despite these efforts, it shall be referred to the Parties' Project Managers. If the above action fails to resolve the dispute, the Parties may, by agreement, elect to resolve the dispute through a mediation process. Each Party shall bear its own costs in preparing and conducting mediation, except that the costs, if any, of the actual mediation proceeding shall be shared equally by the Parties. The mediation process is defined as follows: The Parties shall select a mutually agreeable mediator from American Arbitration Association lists or any other agreeable list to aid the Parties in resolving the dispute. The mediator shall not be an employee or former employee of either Party. The first meeting shall be held at a location chosen by the Village. At the meetings, each Party may present materials and/or arguments to the mediator. The mediator's decision shall be not being binding upon either Party. 165 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 In the event that the foregoing steps fail to resolve the dispute, either Party may bring suit in the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois. ARTICLE XIV - ASSIGNMENT No rights or interest in this Contract may be assigned by Contractor without prior written notice being provided by Contractor to the Village and the Village's written approval. The Village shall not unreasonably withhold its approval of such assignment. In the event of an assignment, the Contractor shall not be relieved of its obligations under the Contract unless agreed to by the Village, at its sole discretion. ARTICLE XV - RECRUITING The Parties shall not, without the consent of the other Party, entice, encourage, offer special inducements, or otherwise recruit employees of the other Party during the period of this Contract and for a period of one (1) year thereafter. This clause is not intended to restrict any individual's right of employment but rather is intended to preserve the relationship intended under this Contract and to prevent the Parties from actively recruiting the employees of the other Party. ARTICLE XVII - COUNTERPARTS This Contract may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute one and the same agreement. ARTICLE XVIII - ENFORCEABILITY If any provision of this Contract is found to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that provision shall be severable from the rest of this Contract and the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions will in no way be affected or impaired. ARTICLE XIX - EFFECTIVE DATE The effective date of this Contract shall be the date of the last signature executing the Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Effective Date"). ARTICLE XX - ADVERTISEMENT Contractor shall not use, in its advertising, marketing programs, or other promotional efforts, any data, pictures, or other representation of the Village, except with the specific written authorization in advance by the Village. ARTICLE XXI - CAPTIONS; HEADINGS The paragraph headings which appear herein are included solely for convenience and shall not be used in the interpretation of this Contract. ARTICLE XXII — ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Contract, consisting of the Contract Documents, constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties for the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior arrangements, agreements, representations and undertakings, written or oral. This Contract may not be changed or modified except by a written instrument duly executed by each of the Parties hereto. 166 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Contract. Contractor: am Title: Date: ATTEST: Title: Date: VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT am Title: Date: ATTEST: Title: Date: 167 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND Principal Amount: Contract: KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the Village of Mount Prospect, an Illinois municipal corporation (hereinafter "Village"), has awarded to , as Principal (hereinafter "Contractor"), a written agreement with the Village dated the drawings and specifications prepared by: (hereinafter "Contract"), for in accordance with (Village of Mount Prospect or architect/engineer), which Contract is incorporated herein and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the Contractor is required to furnish a bond in connection with the Contract to secure the payment of claims of laborers, workmen, mechanics, material suppliers, and other persons as provided by law; NOW, THEREFORE, we, the undersigned Contractor and with main office at as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the Village in the penal sum of Dollars ($ ), lawful money of the United States, for which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these present. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the Contractor shall fully, promptly pay for all laborers, workmen and mechanics engaged in the work under the Contract, and not less than the general prevailing rate of hourly wages as required by the Contract and the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS 130/1 et seq., and for all material used or reasonably required for use in the performance of the Contract, and all duly authorized modifications, alterations, changes or additions to said Contract as may hereafter be made, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect, subject to the following conditions:. 1. A "Claimant" is defined as any person, firm or corporation having contracts with Contractor or with a subcontractor of Contractor to furnish labor, materials, or both, for use in the performance of the Contract. "Labor and materials" is construed to include that part of water, gas, power, light, heat, 168 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 oil, gasoline, telephone service, rental of equipment, and any other items for which a mechanic's lien may be asserted. 2. Any person having a claim for labor and materials furnished in the performance of the Contract shall have no right of action unless he shall have filed a verified notice of such claim with the Village Clerk within 180 days after the date of the last items of work or the furnishing of the last item of materials, and filed a copy of that verified notice upon the Contractor within 10 days after the filing of the notice with the Village Clerk. Filing must be by personal service or United States Mail, postage prepaid, certified or restricted delivery, return receipt requested, limited to addressee. The notice shall contain 1) the name and address of the claimant; 2) the business address of the claimant within the State of Illinois, if any, or if the claimant be a foreign corporation having no place of business within the State, the principal place of business of the corporation, and in the case of partnership, the names and residences of each of the partners; 3) the name of the Contractor for the Village; 3) the name of the person, firm or corporation by whom the claimant was employed or to whom such claimant furnished materials; 4) a brief description of the public improvement for the construction or installation of which the Contract is to be performed; and 5) a description of Claimant's contract as it pertains to the public improvement describing the work done by the claimant and stating the total amount due and unpaid as of the date of the verified notice. No defect in the notice herein provided for shall deprive the claimant of its right of action under the terms and provision of this Bond unless it shall affirmatively appear that such defect has prejudiced the rights of an interested party asserting the same. 3. No action shall be brought on this Bond later than one year after the date of the last item of work or of the furnishing of the last item of materials. Such suit shall be brought only in the circuit court of the State in the judicial district in which the Contract is to be performed. 4. The Village shall not be liable for the payment of any costs or expenses of any such lawsuit, and the Village does not have any obligations to any Claimants who make claims on this Bond. Surety will pay for all such claims, and for all costs and expenses of any such lawsuit, up to a maximum of the amount of this Bond. Surety hereby expressly agrees that no extension of time, change, modification, alteration, deletion, or addition to the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions, and agreements of the Contract, or to the work to be performed thereunder, shall in any way affect the obligation of this Bond; and it does hereby waive notice of any such extension of time, change, modification, alteration, deletion, or addition to the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions, and agreements of the Contract, or to the work to be performed thereunder. Surety's obligations hereunder are independent of the obligations of any other surety for the payment of claims of laborers, workmen, mechanics, material suppliers, and other persons in connection with the Contract; and suit may be brought against 169 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 Surety and such other sureties, jointly and severally, or against any one or more of them, or against less than all of them without impairing the Village's rights against the others. Any payment by the Surety made in good faith pursuant to this Bond shall reduce the principal amount of this Bond. Signed and sealed this day of Contractor By: Signature Title ATTEST: Corporate Secretary (corporations only) STATE OF _ COUNTY OF I, hereby certify that (Insert Name of Attorney -In -Fact for Surety) who is personally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument on behalf of Surety, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledge respectively that he/she signed, sealed, and delivered said instrument as his/her free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes therein set forth. 2020. S u rety By: Officer Of The Surety Title Address: wlf%T w ov , a Notary Public in and for said county, do Given under my hand and notarial seal this 201 Notary Signature: day of My Commission expires: (Attach Surety's Power of Attorney) 170 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PERFORMANCE BOND Principal Amount: Contract: KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Contractor ,as Principal (hereinafter "Contractor"), and with main office at , a corporation of the state of ,as Surety (hereinafter "Surety"), are held and firmly bound unto the Village of Mount Prospect, an Illinois municipal corporation (hereinafter "Village"), in the penal sum of Dollars ($ ), lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Contractor has entered into a written agreement with the Village dated (hereinafter "Contract"), for the construction of in accordance with the drawings and specifications prepared by: (Village of Mount Prospect or architect/engineer), which Contract made a part hereof. is incorporated herein and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the Contractor shall fully, promptly and completely discharge the Contract and all duly authorized modifications, alterations, changes, or additions to said Contract as may hereafter be made, and during the life of any guaranty required under the Contract, and, if Contractor shall fully secure and protect the Village from all liability and from all loss or expense of any kind, including all court costs and attorneys' fees made necessary or arising from the failure, refusal or neglect of Contractor to comply with all obligations assumed by Contractor in connection with the performance of the Contract and all such modifications, alterations, changes, or additions, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. Upon receipt of written notice from the Village that the Contractor is in default, and performance by the Village of its obligations under the Contract, Surety will promptly (1) remedy the default; (2) arrange for the performance of Contractor's obligations under the Contract through the use of qualified contractors acceptable to the Village; or (3) notify the Village that it may hire a contractor to complete Contractor's obligations under the Contract. Surety will promptly notify, in writing, the Village of which option it is exercising. Failure of the Surety to elect an option within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the notice from the Village shall constitute authorization to the Village to complete the improvements at Surety's expense. The balance of the contract price shall be credited against the cost of completing and/or correcting the Contractor's performance under the Contract. If the cost exceeds the balance of the contract price, the Surety shall pay the excess amount to the Village, up to a maximum of the principal amount of this Bond. If the Surety arranges for completion and/or correction or remedies the default, the balance of the contract price that is required to complete, correct or remedy the default shall be paid by the Village to Surety. Surety will be responsible, up to the maximum of the principal amount of this Bond, for payment for correction and completion of the 171 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 Contract, any additional legal, design professional or delay costs arising from Contractor's default and/or resulting from action or inaction on the part of the Surety and liquidated damages, or, if no liquidated damages are provided for in the Contract, actual damages caused by delayed performance or non-performance by the Contractor or Surety. The Village shall not be required to pay Surety more than the balance of the contract price. The term "balance of the contract price" means the total amount payable by the Village to the Contractor under the contract, and any amendments thereto, less the amounts paid to the Contractor by the Village. Any suit under this Bond must be filed before the expiration of two years from the date on which final payment under the Contract is due or the applicable statute of limitations, whichever is longer. No right of action shall accrue on this Bond to or for the use of any person or corporation other than the Village or its heirs, executors, administrators or successors. Any proceeding, legal or equitable, under this Bond may be instituted in a court of competent jurisdiction in the location in which the work is located. Notice to any of the parties shall be mailed to the appropriate address listed above. Surety hereby waives notice of any modifications, alterations, changes, additions or extension of time in the Contract. Signed and sealed this day of Contractor By: Signature Title ATTEST: Corporate Secretary (corporations only) STATE OF COUNTY OF , 2020. Su rety Officer Of The Surety Title Address: NOTARY I, , a Notary Public in and for said county, do hereby certify that (Insert Name of Attorney -In -Fact for Surety) who is personally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument on behalf of Surety, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledge respectively that he/she signed, sealed, and delivered said instrument as his/her free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and notarial seal this Notary Signature: _day of My Commission expires: . 2020. 172 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 SPECIAL PROVISIONS 32 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 SECTION 01 14 11 CONTRACTOR USE OF PREMISES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY (02/15) A. This Section applies to all situations in which the Contractor or his representatives including, but not necessarily limited to, suppliers, subcontractors, employees, and field engineers, enter upon the Owner's property. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 - General Requirements of these Specifications. C. References: 1. (Reserved). 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawing Submittals — (Reserved). B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals — (Reserved). C. Certificates and Guarantees — (Reserved). D. Spare Parts — (Reserved). E. Provide a list of names and identification of all persons to be entering the Owner's property in connection with the Work of this Contract, and submit a copy of the list to the Owner at the preconstruction conference. 1. Advise the Owner of personnel changes at project meetings. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Promptly upon award of the Contract, notify all pertinent personnel regarding requirements of this Section. B. Require that all personnel who will enter upon the Owner's property certify their awareness of and familiarity with the requirements of this Section. CONTRACTOR USE OF PREMISES 01 14 11-1 (191164.40) (02/15) 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Do not store construction equipment, tools or materials on any area of the Owner's property except where shown on the Drawings as the "Contractor's Storage Area," or where otherwise directed by the Engineer. 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). 1.7 USE AND RESTORATION OF THE SITE A. Construct and maintain temporary roadways from the existing public roadway to the site and within the entire site for material and equipment transport necessary to complete the work. 1. Include necessary culverts for proper drainage. 2. Obtain necessary permits for the construction of access temporary roadways. 3. Obtain Engineer's approval for the location of the temporary roadways. B. Upon completion of the Work, restore areas used for temporary roadways to fully graded condition totally free of stones or crushed rock. C. Clean all permanent roadways used for construction activities by using motorized street sweeper that utilizes vacuum and water to pick up debris, when directed by Engineer. 1.8 CONTRACTOR'S INGRESS AND EGRESS A. Truck and Equipment access: 1. To avoid traffic conflict with vehicles of the Owner's employees and customers, and to avoid overloading of streets and driveways elsewhere on the Owner's property, limit the access of trucks and equipment to the route directed by the Engineer. 2. Provide adequate protection for curbs and sidewalks over which trucks and equipment pass to reach the work site. B. Contractor's vehicles: 1. Require Contractor's vehicles, vehicles belonging to employees of the Contractor, and all other vehicles entering upon the Owner's property in performance of the Work, to use only the Access Route directed by the Engineer. 2. Do not permit such vehicles to park on any street or other area of the Owner's property except in the area directed by the Engineer. C. Restoration: Clean and restore to at least the preconstruction condition all roadways, streets, sidewalks, driveways, and parking areas used during construction. CONTRACTOR USE OF PREMISES 01 14 11-2 (191164.40) (02/15) 1.9 ACCESS TO OWNER'S FACILITIES A. Restricted areas and structures: 1. Do not enter any designated restricted area or any existing structure, except as required to do specific work. 2. Obtain Owner's permission to enter restricted areas or existing structures to do specific work. 3. Remove all construction debris and clean work areas daily when working in restricted areas or existing structures. B. Equipment: 1. Do not use Owner's equipment or tools. 1.10 PROTECTION OF EXISTING PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT A. Property: 1. Repair or replace all property damaged during construction. B. Equipment: 1. Take all necessary precautions to protect all equipment from sand, dust, water and other debris which is produced during construction. 2. Wherever possible, cut concrete or masonry from outside the structure to prevent production of dust in areas containing equipment. 3. During dust -producing activities inside of structures, isolate work area from equipment using temporary impervious partitions or individual equipment encasement. 4. Under excessive dust conditions, ventilate isolated working areas as directed by Engineer. 5. Remove all temporary equipment protection facilities upon completion of construction activity requiring such protective measures. 1.11 SECURITY A. Restrict the access of all persons entering upon the Owner's property in connection with the Work to the Access Route and to the actual site of the Work. END OF SECTION CONTRACTOR USE OF PREMISES 01 14 11-3 (191164.40) (07/12) SECTION 01 26 13 REQUESTS FOR INTERPRETATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY: REQUESTS FOR INTERPRETATION (RFI) A. The Contractor may submit Requests For Interpretation (RFI) to the Engineer to expedite the Contractor's performance on the Project. RFIs will be submitted following the requirements, all as described in this Section. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Sections in Division 01 of these Specifications. 2. Individual requirements for submittals will be described in pertinent Sections of these Specifications. C. Work not included: 1. Incomplete submittals will not be reviewed by the Engineer. 2. The Contractor may require his subcontractors to provide drawings, setting diagrams, and similar information to help coordinate the Work, but such data shall remain between the Contractor and his subcontractors and will not be reviewed by the Engineer unless specifically called for within the Contract Documents. D. References — (Reserved). 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawing Submittals — (Reserved). B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals — (Reserved). C. Certificates and Guarantees — (Reserved). D. Spare Parts — (Reserved). E. Make submittals of RFIs in accordance with the provisions of this Section. F. Prior to submitting each RFI, the Contractor shall first carefully study and compare the Contract Documents, field conditions, other Owner provided information, Contractor prepared Coordination Drawings, and prior Project correspondence and documentation to determine that the information requested is not reasonably obtainable from such sources. REQUESTS FOR INTERPRETATION 01 26 13-1 (191164.40) (07/12) G. The Contractor shall submit each RFI sufficiently in advance of the date by which such information is required to allow the Engineer sufficient time, in the Engineer's professional judgement, to permit adequate review and response and to permit Contractor compliance with the latest construction schedule. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE — (Reserved). 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING — (Reserved). 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 This Subsection intentionally left blank. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 IDENTIFICATION OF SUBMITTALS A. Each RFI shall be submitted to the Engineer, in writing, on such form and with such accompanying information as the Engineer may require for such purpose. Each RFI shall identify the specific sources that were reviewed by the Contractor in its efforts to determine the information requested, and a statement to the effect that the information being requested could not be determined from such sources. B. Consecutively number all submittals. 1. When material is submitted for any reason, transmit under a new letter of transmittal and with a new transmittal number. 2. On re -submittals, cite the original submittal number for reference. C. Accompany each submittal with a letter of transmittal showing all information required for identification and checking. 1. Use Request for Interpretation (RFI) Form, Section 01 26 13.13. D. On at least the first page of each submittal, and elsewhere as required for positive identification, show the submittal number in which the item was included. E. Submittal log: 1. Maintain an accurate submittal log for the duration of the Work, showing current status of all submittals at all times, the date of the request, to whom the request was made, by whom the request was made, the nature of the request, and the Engineer's resolution thereof. 2. Make the submittal log available to the Engineer for the Engineer's review upon request. REQUESTS FOR INTERPRETATION 01 26 13-2 (191164.40) (07/12) 3. Review this log at each Project Meeting and make the resolution of RFIs a part of the minutes of such meetings. END OF SECTION REQUESTS FOR INTERPRETATION 01 26 13-2 (191164.40) 01 26 13.13 (05/06) REQUEST FOR INTERPRETATION (RFI) FORM RFI NO. Contractor requests for interpretation will be considered upon receipt of this completed RFI Form. By submission of this form, the Contractor attests to the fact that having carefully reviewed the Contract Documents, coordinated the Work with the appropriate trades, and reviewed field conditions, that the information requested cannot be determined from such efforts as called for in the General Conditions of the Contract. Date: To: Project: Description of Requested Interpretation: Specification References: Drawing References: Proposed method of resolving issue. Sketches and/or Pages Attached: Yes, No Potential impact on project cost: Response Date: List date by which response by Engineer is requested to maintain project schedule. (Allow sufficient time for response). Signed; , Project Superintendent Signature signifies acceptance of responsibility for accuracy and completeness of information. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE Notations listed below indicate the Engineer's action on method proposed by the Contractor to resolve issues or remarks in response to RFI when no Contractor recommendation has been provided. Changes to Contract Amount and/or project time shall be processed using standard Change Order Forms. Sketches and/or Pages Attached Yes No Signed: Date: REQUEST FOR INTERPRETATION (RFI) FORM 01 26 13.13-1 (191164.40) SECTION 01 31 19 PROJECT MEETINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY (08/16) A. Work included: To enable orderly review during progress of the Work, and to provide for systematic discussion of problems, the Engineer will conduct project meetings throughout the construction period. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 - General Requirements of these Specifications. 2. The Contractor's relations with his subcontractors and materials suppliers, and discussions relative thereto, are the Contractor's responsibility and normally are not part of project meetings content. C. References — (Reserved). 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawing Submittals — (Reserved). B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals — (Reserved). C. Certificates and Guarantees — (Reserved). D. Spare Parts — (Reserved). E. Agenda items: To the maximum extent practicable, advise the Engineer at least 24 hours in advance of project meetings regarding items to be added to the agenda. F. Minutes: 1. The Engineer will compile minutes of each project meeting, and will furnish three copies to the Contractor and required copies to the Owner. 2. Recipients of copies may make and distribute such other copies as they wish. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. For those persons designated by the Contractor to attend and participate in project meetings, provide required authority to commit the Contractor to solutions agreed upon in the project meetings. PROJECT MEETINGS 01 31 19-1 (191164.40) (08/16) 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING — (Reserved). 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 No products are required in this Section. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 MEETING SCHEDULE A. Project meetings will be scheduled at the Preconstruction Meeting. B. Coordinate as necessary to establish mutually acceptable schedule for meetings. 3.2 MEETING LOCATION A. The Engineer will establish meeting location. To the maximum extent practicable, meetings will be held at the job site. 3.3 PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING A. Preconstruction Meeting will be scheduled to be held within 20 working days after the effective date of the Agreement. 1. Provide attendance by authorized representatives of the Contractor and major subcontractors. 2. The Engineer will advise other interested parties, including the Owner, and request their attendance. B. Minimum agenda: Data will be distributed and discussed on at least the following items: 1. Organizational arrangement of Contractor's forces and personnel, and those of subcontractors, materials suppliers, and Engineer. 2. Channels and procedures for communications. 3. Construction schedule, including sequence of critical work. 4. Contract Documents, including distribution of required copies of original Documents and revisions. 5. Processing of Shop Drawings and other data submitted to the Engineer for review. 6. Processing of Bulletins, field decisions, and Change Orders. 7. Rules and regulations governing performance of the Work; and PROJECT MEETINGS 01 31 19-2 (191164.40) (08/16) 8. Procedures for safety and first aid, security, quality control, housekeeping, and related matters. 3.4 PROJECT MEETINGS A. Weekly updates will be held throughout progress of the Work at intervals agreed to by Owner, Engineer and Contractor. B. Contractor's project manager, job superintendent, major subcontractors and suppliers shall attend, as appropriate, to address agenda topics for each meeting. Contractor's representatives shall have authority to bind Contractor to decisions at the meetings. C. The project schedule shall be updated monthly and shall be reviewed at each progress meeting. Contractor shall provide the following information in written form at each meeting. 1. Construction progress, including: a. Activities completed this reporting period. b. Activities in progress this reporting period. C. Activities scheduled to commence this reporting period. 2. Description of problem areas. 3. Current and anticipated delays. a. Cause of the delay. b. Corrective action and schedule adjustments to correct the delay. C. Impact of the delay on other activities, on milestones, and on completion dates. 4. Changes in construction sequence. END OF SECTION PROJECT MEETINGS 01 31 19-3 (191164.40) SECTION 01 32 16 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY (08/16) A. Prepare and maintain the schedules and reports described in this Section to assure adequate planning and execution of the Work so that the Work is completed within the Contract Times, and to assist the Engineer in appraising the reasonableness of the proposed schedule and in evaluating progress of the Work. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 - General Requirements of these Specifications. 2. Requirements for progress schedule: General Conditions. 3. Construction period: Form of Agreement. C. References — (Reserved) 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawing Submittals — (Reserved). B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals — (Reserved). C. Certificates and Guarantees — (Reserved). D. Spare Parts — (Reserved). E. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01 33 01. F. Construction schedule: Prior to submission of the first Application for Payment, but no later than 30 calendar days after Contract Times commence, submit to the Engineer one reproducible copy and four prints of a construction schedule prepared in accordance with Part 3 of this Section. G. Periodic reports: Update the construction progress monthly and submit it to the Engineer prior to submittal of each Application for Payment for completed work. 1. Submit four prints of the construction schedule updated as described in Part 3 of this Section. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULES 01 32 16-1 (191164.40) (08/16) 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform data preparation, analysis, charting, and updating in accordance with standards approved by the Engineer. B. Reliance upon the approved schedule: 1. The construction schedule as approved by the Engineer will be an integral part of the Contract and will establish interim completion dates for the various activities under the Contract. 2. Processing of the first Application for Payment will not be completed by the Engineer until the construction schedule has been submitted in accordance with 1.2 F. above. 3. Processing of the 50 percent and 80 percent progress payment applications will not be completed by the Engineer until the periodic reports have been submitted in accordance with 1.2 G. above. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING — (Reserved). 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 CONSTRUCTION ANALYSIS A. Graphically show by Critical -Path (CPM), Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), Precedence Methods, bar -chart, or other means acceptable to the Engineer, the order and interdependence of all activities necessary to complete the Work, and the sequence in which each activity is to be accomplished, as planned by the Contractor and his project field superintendent in coordination with all subcontractors whose work is shown on the diagram. B. Include, but do not necessarily limit indicated activities to: 1. Project mobilization. 2. Work elements. 3. Special material and equipment installation and testing. 4. Final cleanup. 5. Final inspecting and testing. 6. All activities by the Engineer that affect progress, required dates for completion, or both, for all and each part of the work. 7. Contractor's anticipated working dates. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULES 01 32 16-2 (191164.40) (08/16) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE A. As soon as practicable after receipt of Notice to Proceed, complete the construction schedule in preliminary form, meet with the Engineer, review contents of the proposed construction schedule, and make all revisions agreed upon. B. Submit in accordance with Paragraph 1.2 F. above. 3.2 PERIODIC REPORTS A. As required under Paragraph 1.2 G. above, update the approved construction schedule. 1. Indicate "actual" progress in percent completion for each activity; 2. Provide written narrative summary of revisions causing delay in the program, and an explanation of corrective actions taken or proposed. 3.3 REVISIONS A. Make only those revisions to approved construction schedule as are approved in advance by the Engineer. END OF SECTION CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULES 01 32 16-3 (191164.40) SECTION 01 33 01 SUBMITTALS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY (10/19) A. Provide submittals required by the Contract Documents, and revise and resubmit as necessary to establish compliance with the specified requirements, all as described in this Section. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 - General Requirements of these Specifications. 2. Individual requirements for submittals will be described in pertinent Sections of these Specifications. a. The process for securing approval of proposed substitutions is described in Section 01 62 01, "Product Options and Substitutions". C. Work not included: 1. Submittals not required by the various Specification Sections of the Contract Documents will not be reviewed by the Engineer. 2. The Contractor may require his subcontractors to provide drawings, setting diagrams, and similar information to help coordinate the Work, but such data shall remain between the Contractor and his subcontractors and will not be reviewed by the Engineer unless specifically called for within the Contract Documents. D. References — (Reserved). 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Provide submittals of Shop Drawings, Samples, Substitution Requests, progress schedules and other items required in the Contract Documents in accordance with the provisions of this Section. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Coordination of submittals: 1. Review and coordinate all aspects of each item being submitted. 2. Verify that each item and the submittal for it conform in all respects with the specified requirements. 3. Certify that this coordination has been performed by affixing the Contractor's signature to each Contractor's Submittal Transmittal Form Attachment 01 33 01. SUBMITTALS 01 33 01-1 (191164.40) (10/19) B. Resubmittals and reimbursement of Engineer's costs. 1. The Engineer will record all time used by the Engineer in the review of any third and subsequent submittals. 2. The Owner will reimburse the Engineer at the Engineer's standard hourly rate for all time spent in such third and subsequent reviews and deduct such costs from payments due the Contractor. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING — (Reserved). 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Provide Shop Drawings accurately to a scale sufficiently large to show all pertinent aspects of the item and its method of connection to the Work. 1. Shop Drawings are not required for manholes, valve vaults, catch basins, pipe, and appurtenances needed for infrastructure systems (storm sewers, sanitary sewers, and water distribution) so long as the items are the materials and manufacturers specified in the project manual. B. Submit Shop Drawings electronically to the Engineer as a single .pdf file set. 1. Attach, as the first page of each Shop Drawing, a completely executed Contractor's Submittal Transmittal Form Attachment 01 33 01. 2. Collate the electronic .pdf file to include all data pertaining to the Shop Drawing Submittal in one .pdf set. a. Separate .pdf files submitted will be cause for rejection and the Shop Drawing will be returned to the Contractor. 3. In cases where Electronic Shop Drawing files exceed a size that is practical for electronic transmission via electronic mail or through an FTP site, the Contractor may and will be required to submit up to five (5) .pdf file shop drawing submittals on separate compact discs or removable USB storage, if requested, plus the quantity of discs or removable USB storage that will be required to be returned to the Contractor. C. Submit all required shop drawings for a specification section at the same time under one Contractor's Submittal Transmittal Form Attachment 01 33 01. D. Do not submit partial submittals of an item within a specification section or use a separate Contractor's Submittal Transmittal Form for separate items within a particular section. SUBMITTALS 01 33 01-2 (191164.40) (10/19) E. Identify exceptions or items that do not comply with the specifications and provide explanation for exception or non-compliance. F. For Shop Drawings required to be resubmitted for review, include the following: 1. A completely executed cover sheet Contractor's Submittal Transmittal Form Attachment 01 33 01. 2. A cover letter responding to each of the review comments returned to the Contractor by the Engineer with the previous review and specifically stating: a. If the equipment and resubmitted data provided complies with the review comment(s) then provide: (1) How the equipment complies. (2) Specifically indicate where support documentation can be located in the shop drawing. b. If the equipment and resubmitted data provided cannot or does not comply with the review comment(s) then provide: (1) What is being provided to comply instead. (2) Justify why the Contractor feels the Engineer should consider it is acceptable to allow the Contractor to not comply with the specification. 3. Resubmission of a complete and fully -inclusive shop drawing with all data pertinent to the item(s) being submitted. a. Partial submission of data that only addresses the Engineer's specific review comments, or a portion thereof, and does not include all data for a complete resubmittal, will be cause for immediate rejection. G. Upon completion of the Engineers review of the Shop Drawings, one electronic .pdf file will be returned to the Contractor for their distribution. 1. Upon the request of the Engineer or Owner at any time, the Contractor shall provide up to four (4) color, hard copy, shop drawing submittals. 2. Upon the request of the Engineer or Owner at any time, the Contractor shall provide up to four (4) .pdf file shop drawing submittals on separate compact discs or removable USB storage. 2.2 MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE A. Where contents of submitted literature from manufacturers includes data not pertinent to the submittal, clearly indicate which portion of the contents is being submitted for review by highlighting, circling, or other means, or by crossing out contents that do not pertain to the submittal and are not to be considered. 1. This also applies to specifically indicating, when applicable, which optional items will or will not be provided with items specified. SUBMITTALS 01 33 01-3 (191164.40) (10/19) 2.3 SAMPLES A. Provide Sample or Samples identical to the precise article proposed to be provided. 1. Identify as described under "Identification of Submittals" below. B. Number of Samples required: 1. Unless otherwise specified, submit Samples in the quantity that is required to be returned, plus one that will be retained by the Engineer. 2. By prearrangement in specific cases, a single Sample may be submitted for review and, when approved, be installed in the Work at a location agreed upon by the Engineer. 3. Because submittals shall be submitted to the Engineer in an electronic format as described herein, the Contractor shall specifically indicate on the Contractor's Submittal Transmittal Form Attachment 01 33 01 included with each submittal (when samples are required) when and where the physical samples will or have been transmitted for physical observation. 4. Include as part of the electronic submittal a .pdf copy of any and all transmittals, shipping information, signatures of receipt, etc. identifying the transmission and receipt of the said sample(s). 2.4 COLORS AND PATTERNS A. Unless the precise color and pattern is specifically called out in the Contract Documents, and whenever a choice of color or pattern is available in the specified products, submit accurate color and pattern charts to the Engineer for selection. 2.5 MANUFACTURERS' RECOMMENDED INSTALLATION PROCEDURES A. Maintain in a safe place at the site one copy of manufacturers' recommended installation procedures for all equipment and materials. 1. Make these installation procedures readily available to the Engineer for reference. B. When the manufacturers' recommended installation procedures are submitted as part of the shop drawings required by the Contract Documents, approval of such installation procedures by the Engineer will not be required. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 IDENTIFICATION OF SUBMITTALS A. Consecutively number all submittals, beginning with identifying number "001" for the first submittal delivered by the Contractor. 1. When items are submitted for any reason, transmit under a new Contractor's Submittal Transmittal Form Attachment 01 33 01 and with a new transmittal number. SUBMITTALS 01 33 01-4 (191164.40) (10/19) 2. When material is resubmitted for any reason, cite the original identifying submittal number followed by insertion of a letter "A" for the first resubmittal, "B" for the second resubmittal, and so on. B. Accompany each submittal with a letter of transmittal showing all information required for identification and checking. 1. Use Contractor's Submittal Transmittal Form Attachment 01 33 01. C. On at least the first page of each submittal, and elsewhere as required for positive identification, show the submittal number in which the item was included. 3.2 GROUPING OF SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings may be submitted for different specification sections under one Contractor's Submittal Transmittal Form Attachment 01 33 01 provided the items are specifically and directly related to each other such that review of the items from different specification sections is pertinent for a complete review. 1. Identify any and all items and their specific specification section(s) if included with and submitted under a differing main specification section submittal. 2. Partial submittals may be rejected as not complying with the provisions of the Contract. 3. The Contractor may be held liable for delays so occasioned. 4. Do not submit unrelated items in group submittals. 3.3 ELECTRONIC SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES A. Summary: 1. Transmit submittals to Engineer in electronic (.pdf) format using Submittal Exchange, a website service designed specifically for transmitting submittals between construction team members. B. Setup: 1. Obtain and pay for the Submittal Exchange subscription for this Project. a. Contact Russell Bell at Submittal Exchange at 515.631.6543 or Russell.bell@oracle.com to verify cost prior to bid. b. The minimum time frame to maintain the Submittal Exchange account for this project shall be the number of days for Final Completion, or up to and including the Date for Final Completion, plus any contract time extensions. 2. The Engineer will set up and define the requirements of the Project to be submitted, transmitted, and maintained through Submittal Exchange. 3. At Contractor's option, training is available from Submittal Exchange regarding use of website and .pdf submittals. a. Contact Submittal Exchange at 515.631.6543. 4. Internet Service and Equipment Requirements: a. Email address and Internet access at Contractor's main office. SUBMITTALS 01 33 01-5 (191164.40) (10/19) b. Adobe Acrobat (www. adobe - com), Bluebeam .pdf Revu (www.bluebeam.com), or other similar .pdf review software for applying electronic stamps and comments. C. Procedures: 1. Submittal Preparation -Contractor may use any or all of the following options: a. Subcontractors and Suppliers provide electronic (.pdf) submittals to Contractor via the Submittal Exchange website. b. Subcontractors and Suppliers provide paper submittals to General Contractor who electronically scans and converts to .pdf format. C. Subcontractors and Suppliers provide paper submittals to Scanning Service that electronically scans and converts to .pdf format. 2. Review and certify by signature that the submittal complies with the requirements of the Contract Documents including verification of manufacturer/product, dimensions and coordination of information with other parts of the work. 3. Transmit each submittal to Engineer using the Submittal Exchange website, www.submittalexchange.com. 4. Engineer review comments will be made available on the Submittal Exchange website for downloading. 5. Contractor will receive email notice of completed review. 6. Distribution of reviewed submittals to subcontractors and suppliers is the responsibility of the Contractor. D. Project Close-out: 1. Submit three copies of the complete record of Submittal Exchange documents in .pdf format to the Engineer at the end of the Project. a. Provide each copy on a separate compact disc or removable USB storage. 3.4 TIMING OF SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals far enough in advance of scheduled dates for installation to provide time required for reviews, for securing necessary approvals, for possible revisions and resubmittals, and for placing orders and securing delivery. B. In scheduling, allow at least ten working days for review by the Engineer following the Engineer's receipt of the submittal. END OF SECTION SUBMITTALS 01 33 01-6 (191164.40) ATTACHMENT 01 33 01 CONTRACTOR'S SUBMITTAL TRANSMITTAL FORM TO: BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. DATE: 8678 RIDGEFIELD ROAD CRYSTAL LAKE, IL 60012 ATTN : PROJECT NAME: FROM: SPEC NO. 1. ENGR. DWG. NOS. TRANSMITTAL NO. The following submittals are forwarded for your review: No. of Copies Manufacturer Description 2. Have all field measurements, field construction criteria, materials, dimensions, catalog numbers, and similar data been determined and verified? 3. Has work indicated in this submittal been coordinated with all trades? 4. Is work by all trades being provided as necessary to accommodate this submittal? 5. Contractor's description and justification for deviations from Contract Documents (Use additional sheet if necessary.) 6. Re m a rks : 1/15 -IL Signature: SUBMITTALS ATTACHMENT 01 33 01-1 (191164.40) (10/19) Drawing No. Date Yes No Yes No Yes No SECTION 01 41 26 PERMITS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY (05/19) A. This Section describes permit requirements for building, work in highway rights-of- way, work in railroad rights -of way, and for stormwater discharges. B. Related Sections: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessary limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 - General Requirements of these Specifications. 2. Other permits requirements may also be described in other Sections of these Specifications. C. References - (Reserved). 1.2 SUBMITTALS - (Reserved). 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE — (Reserved). 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING — (Reserved). 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). 1.7 BUILDING PERMITS A. Obtain all permits required, and pay all inspection fees for the respective work requiring such permits. END OF SECTION PERMITS 01 41 26-1 (191164.40) (07/12) SECTION 01 42 13 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section describes abbreviations referenced in the Contract Documents. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 - General Requirements of these Specifications. C. References — (Reserved). 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawing Submittals — (Reserved). B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals — (Reserved). C. Certificates and Guarantees — (Reserved). D. Spare Parts — (Reserved). 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Promptly upon award of the Contract, notify all pertinent personnel regarding requirements of this Section. B. Require that all personnel who will enter upon the Owner's property certify their awareness of and familiarity with the requirements of this Section. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING — (Reserved). 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). 1.7 ABBREVIATIONS A. Referenced Standards: 1. Where the Contract Documents reference any published specifications or standards of any organization or association, comply with the requirements of the specification or standards that are current on the date of ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS 01 42 13-1 (191164.40) (07/12) Advertisement for Bids. In case of a conflict between the referenced specifications or standards, the one having the more stringent requirements shall govern. 2. In case of conflict between the referenced specifications or standards and the Contract Documents, the Contract Documents shall govern. B. Abbreviations: 1. The following are definitions of abbreviations that may be used within the Project Manual: AA - Aluminum Association AASHTO - American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ACI - American Concrete Institute RISC - American Institute of Steel Construction ANSI - American National Standard Institute ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials AWG - American Wire Gauge AWS - American Welding Society AWWA - American Water Works Association CBM - Certified Ballast Manufacturers Association CRSI - Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute ICEA - Insulated Cable Engineers Association IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. ISA - Instrument Society of America FS - Federal Specifications NAPF — National Association of Pipe Fabricators NEC - National Electrical Code (NFPA 70) NECA - National Electrical Contractors' Association NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturer's Association NFPA - National Fire Protection Association or National Forest Products Association NSF - National Sanitation Foundation OSHA - U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Department PS - United States Products Standards IDOT "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS" - Illinois Department of Transportation "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction" including Recurring Special Provisions and Interim Special Provisions. SSPC — Society for Protective Coatings UL - Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. END OF SECTION ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS 01 42 13-2 (191164.40) SECTION 01 50 00 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section describes construction facilities and temporary controls required for the Work. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 - General Requirements of these Specifications. 2. Comply with pertinent safety requirements and regulations for temporary facilities and controls. 3. Equipment normally furnished by the individual trades in execution of their own portions of the Work is not part of this Section. 4. Permanent installation and hookup of the various utility lines are described in other Sections. C. References — (Reserved). 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawing Submittals — (Reserved). B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals — (Reserved). C. Certificates and Guarantees — (Reserved). D. Spare Parts — (Reserved). 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Promptly upon award of the Contract, notify all pertinent personnel regarding requirements of this Section. B. Require that all personnel who will enter upon the Owner's property certify their awareness of and familiarity with the requirements of this Section. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Maintain temporary facilities and controls in proper and safe condition throughout progress of the Work. TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 01 50 00-1 (191164.40) 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). 1.7 REQUIREMENTS A. Provide construction facilities and temporary controls needed for the Work including, but not necessarily limited to: 1. Sanitary facilities. 2. Enclosures such as fencing, tarpaulins, barricades, and canopies. 3. Fire extinguishers. 4. Security. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SANITARY FACILITIES A. Provide temporary sanitary facilities meeting federal, state, and local health department requirements. 1. Maintain in a sanitary condition at all times. 2.2 ENCLOSURES A. Provide and maintain for the duration of construction all scaffolds, tarpaulins, canopies, warning signs, steps, platforms, bridges, and other temporary construction necessary for proper completion of the Work in compliance with pertinent safety and other regulations. 2.3 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS A. Provide and maintain not less than two fire extinguishers, multi-purpose dry chemical type with UL rating of 4A-60 B:C, 10 -pound capacity, Amerex Model ABC, or equal, enclosed in suitable protecting cabinets and conveniently located for proper protection. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 MAINTENANCE AND REMOVAL A. Maintain temporary facilities and controls as long as needed for safe and proper completion of the Work. B. Remove such temporary facilities and controls as rapidly as progress of the Work will permit, or as directed by the Engineer. TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 01 50 00-2 (191164.40) 3.2 DUST AND MUD CONTROL A. Take necessary precautions to control dust and mud associated with the Work, subject to the approval of the Engineer. 1. In dry weather, spray dusty areas daily with water in order to control dust. 2. Apply calcium chloride having a minimum chemical content of 77 percent calcium chloride at an application rate of three pounds per square yard of surface covered at locations as directed by the Engineer. B. Take necessary steps to prevent the tracking of mud onto adjacent streets and highways. 1. Wash mud resulting from the construction traffic off the adjacent streets and highways. 2. Clean all permanent roadways used for construction activities by using motorized street sweeper that utilizes vacuum and water to pick up debris, when directed by Engineer. 3.3 SECURITY A. Take whatever measures are necessary to protect the safety of the public, workmen, and materials. 1. Provide inspection of work area daily. 2. Provide the security of the site, both day and night. END OF SECTION TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 01 50 00-3 (191164.40) (05/15) SECTION 01 61 01 GENERAL EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section describes the general equipment requirements applicable to all equipment and supplements the detailed equipment specifications. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 - General Requirements of these Specifications. C. References — (Reserved) 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Provide Attachment 01 61 01-1, Manufacturer's Certificate of Inspection; Attachment 01 61 01-2, Contractor's Verification of Equipment Inspection; and Attachment 01 61 01-3, Contractor's Equipment Guarantee for equipment as identified in Part 1 of the particular equipment specifications. B. Provide field service reports as specified below. C. Comply with pertinent provisions of Sections 01 33 01. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE — (Reserved). 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING — (Reserved). 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 LUBRICANTS A. Provide lubricants of the type recommended by the equipment manufacturer for each item of equipment in sufficient quantity for start-up and initial operation of equipment. GENERAL EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS 01 61 01-1 (191164.40) (05/15) B. Provide lubrication fittings readily accessible from the outside of all equipment without removing covers or guards. 2.2 SAFETY GUARDS A. Cover all drive belts, chains, and couplings with suitable guard fabricated of 14 gauge or heavier steel designed for easy installation and removal, unless otherwise specified. 2.3 ANCHORS A. Provide the size and number of anchor bolts, mechanical anchors and adhesive anchors determined by the equipment manufacturer unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. B. Provide Type 316 stainless steel anchor bolts, threaded rods, nuts, washers, mechanical anchors, adhesive anchors, and other fastener parts for installing equipment, complying with ASTM F593 and F594. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 SHOP ASSEMBLY AND MATCHMARKING A. Assemble, inspect, and test equipment in the manufacturer's shop as far as is practical. B. Provide accurate shopmarking and identification for items to be field erected in accordance with erection details furnished with the equipment. C. Provide all fasteners and miscellaneous small parts to be field erected individually packaged for shipment, and identify as to location in accordance with a schedule of fasteners with the equipment. 3.2 INSTALLATION, INSPECTION, TESTING AND OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS A. Provide the services of a qualified field service technician from the manufacturer of each piece of equipment to: 1. Inspect the equipment installation including alignment, clearances, field erection where applicable, and initial lubrication where applicable. 2. Ascertain that equipment has been installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended procedures and is ready for operation. B. For each site visit of the manufacturer's field service technician, submit a field service report from the field service technician within five (5) working days of the visit. GENERAL EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS 01 61 01-2 (191164.40) (05/15) C. After the installation has been completed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and in the presence of the manufacturer's field service technician, test the equipment and its appurtenances for proper operating condition and for performance in accordance with these Specifications. D. Provide three (3) copies of the Manufacturer's Certificate of Inspection and the Contractor's Verification of Equipment Inspection to the Engineer certifying and verifying that the equipment and all appurtenances supplied with it have been installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and that the test operation was satisfactory. 1. Use the forms, Attachment 01 61 01-1 and Attachment 01 61 01-2. E. Instruct the Owner's personnel in the proper operation and maintenance of the equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 3.3 EQUIPMENT GUARANTEE A. Guarantee all equipment, motors, electrical controls, and other mechanical devices to operate in accordance with the requirements of these Specifications and replace and repair any guaranteed item found to be defective within two years, or longer period if specifically stated for any particular item, from the date of the Owner's acceptance for use of the equipment without additional expense to the Owner for labor or materials. 1. After obtaining Owner Authorized Representative's signature, provide three (3) copies of a Contractor's Equipment Guarantee WITH ORIGINAL SIGNATURES to the Engineer, using the form, Attachment 01 61 01-3. END OF SECTION GENERAL EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS 01 61 01-3 (191164.40) ATTACHMENT 01 61 01-1 MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION Date of Inspection: Project Name Contractor: Equipment Manufacturer: Equipment Specification: Equipment Type & Name: This will certify that I, the manufacturer's representative, have completely checked and inspected the installation of this equipment and it has been properly installed in accordance with our instructions and requirements. I also certify that the equipment has been satisfactorily tested and is now ready for normal operation and use. I have instructed the Owner's personnel in the proper operation and maintenance of the equipment which we have furnished for this project. Attendees: Name and Title Name and Title Name and Title Name and Title Name and Title Name and Title Manufacturer's Representative's Signature Name and Title Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature GENERAL EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS ATTACHMENT 01 61 01-1 (191164.40) ATTACHMENT 01 61 01-2 CONTRACTOR'S VERIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT INSPECTION Date of inspection: Project Name: Contractor: Equipment Manufacturer: Equipment Specification: Equipment Type & Name: We, the Contractor for the subject project, hereby verify that the equipment manufacturer's serviceman has inspected and tested the installation of this equipment within the last 30 days and has certified that the equipment which we have furnished and installed for this project is now ready for normal operation and use by the Owner. Contractor's Representative's Signature Name and Title GENERAL EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS ATTACHMENT 01 61 01-2 (191164.40) ATTACHMENT 01 61 01-3 CONTRACTOR'S EQUIPMENT GUARANTEE Date: Project Name: Contractor: Equipment Manufacturer: Equipment Specification: Equipment Type & Name: We, the Contractor for the subject project, hereby guarantee this equipment for a period of years from the date of the Owner's acceptance and use of this equipment, and shall replace or repair the equipment or any parts thereof which become defective or do not function properly during normal operation and maintenance without any additional expense to the Owner for labor or materials. Contractor's Representative's Signature Name and Title ACCEPTED this day of , 20 , for Owner's use and initiation of Contractor's Equipment Guarantee. The Owner hereby accepts responsibility for operation and maintenance of said equipment as of this date. Owner's Representative's Signature Name and Title GENERAL EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS ATTACHMENT 01 61 01-3 (191164.40) (07/12) SECTION 01 62 01 PRODUCT OPTIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section describes product options available to bidders and the Contractor, plus procedures for securing approval of proposed substitutions. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 - General Requirements of these Specifications. 2. Make submittals after Effective Date of the Agreement in accordance with pertinent provisions of Section 01 33 01. C. References — (Reserved). 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawing Submittals — (Reserved). B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals — (Reserved). C. Certificates and Guarantees — (Reserved). D. Spare Parts — (Reserved). 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Promptly upon award of the Contract, notify all pertinent personnel regarding requirements of this Section. B. Require that all personnel who will enter upon the Owner's property certify their awareness of and familiarity with the requirements of this Section. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING — (Reserved). 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). PRODUCT OPTIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 01 62 01-1 (191164.40) (07/12) 1.7 PRODUCT OPTIONS A. The Contract is based on standards of quality established in the Contract Documents. 1. In agreeing to the terms and conditions of the Contract, the Contractor has accepted a responsibility to verify that the specified products will be available and to place orders for all required materials in such a timely manner as is needed to meet his agreed construction schedule. 2. Neither the Owner nor the Engineer has agreed to the substitution of materials or methods called for in the Contract Documents, except as they may specifically otherwise state in writing. B. Materials and/or equipment specified by name: 1. Where materials and/or equipment are specified by naming one single manufacturer and/or model number, followed by words that indicate no substitution is permitted, only the material and/or equipment named is approved for incorporation into the Work. 2. Should the Contractor demonstrate to the approval of the Engineer that a specified material or method was ordered in a timely manner and will not be available in time for incorporation into this Work, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer such data on proposed substitute materials and/or equipment as are needed to help the Engineer determine suitability of the proposed substitution. C. Where materials and/or equipment are specified by name and/or model number, followed by the words "or equal": 1. The material and/or equipment specified by name establishes the required standard of quality. 2. Materials and/or equipment proposed by the Contractor to be used in lieu of materials and/or equipment so specified by name shall in all ways equal or exceed the qualities of the named materials and/or equipment. 3. Major equipment and materials as listed in Form 00 43 33: After Effective Date of the Agreement, if the Engineer decides to evaluate any proposed alternate major equipment and materials listed in Form 00 43 23, the Contractor shall submit sufficient information in accordance with Paragraph 6.05.A.2 "substitute items" of the General Conditions for the Engineer's review. a. The Engineer will not evaluate any proposed "substitute" or "or equal" items for the major equipment and material items not listed in Form 00 43 23. b. The Engineer will evaluate the proposed alternate major equipment and materials listed in Form 00 43 23 as "substitute" items. 4. Non -major equipment (items not listed in Form 00 43 33): The Contractor may propose "substitute" or "or equal" items for non -major equipment in accordance with Paragraph 6.05 of the General Conditions. a. If in the Engineer's sole discretion an item of material or equipment proposed by the Contractor does not qualify as an "or equal" item, the Engineer will notify the Contractor in writing that the item will be PRODUCT OPTIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 01 62 01-2 (191164.40) (07/12) considered as a "substitute" item. If the Contractor wishes for the Engineer to continue the evaluation, the Contractor shall submit additional information in accordance with Paragraph 6.05.A.2 of the General Conditions. 5. The Engineer will record all time used by the Engineer to evaluate proposed substitute items. Owner will reimburse the Engineer at the Engineer's standard hourly rate for all time spent evaluating proposed substitute items and deduct such costs from payments due the Contractor. Costs associated with review of proposed "or equal" items will not be charged to the Contractor. D. Products specified by reference to standard specifications such as ASTM and similar standards do not require submittal except for interface within the Work. 1.8 DELAYS A. Delays in construction arising by virtue of the non-availability of a specified material and/or method will not be considered by the Engineer as justifying an extension of the agreed Contract Time. END OF SECTION PRODUCT OPTIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 01 62 01-3 (191164.40) (04/14) SECTION 01 66 11 STORAGE AND PROTECTION OF MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Protect products scheduled for use in the Work by means including, but not necessarily limited to, those described in this Section. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 - General Requirements of these Specifications. 2. Additional procedures also may be prescribed in other Sections of these Specifications. C. References — (Reserved). 1.2 SUBMITTALS — (Reserved). 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE — (Reserved). 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Comply with Section 01 14 11 for Contractor's storage area. B. Comply with the requirements of this Section for off-site storage. 1. The Engineer reserves the right to visit and observe the off-site storage areas. C. Store equipment and materials in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. D. Provide temporary weathertight enclosures to protect products from damage by the elements. E. Protect finished surfaces through which equipment and materials are handled. F. Provide protection for finished floor surfaces in traffic areas prior to allowing equipment or materials to be moved over such surfaces. G. Maintain finished surfaces clean, unmarred, and suitably protected until accepted by the Owner. H. Do not store plant maintenance equipment, furniture, and laboratory equipment on site until they are needed by the Owner or for progress of work. STORAGE AND PROTECTION OF MATERIAL &EQUIPMENT 01 66 11-1 (191164.40) (04/14) 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). 1.7 MANUFACTURERS' RECOMMENDATIONS A. Except as otherwise approved by the Engineer, determine and comply with manufacturers' recommendations on product handling, storage, and protection. 1.8 PAC KAG I N G A. Deliver products to the job site in their manufacturer's original container, with labels intact and legible. 1. Maintain packaged materials with seals unbroken and labels intact until time of use. 2. Promptly remove damaged material and unsuitable items from the job site, and promptly replace with material meeting the specified requirements, at no additional cost to the Owner. B. The Engineer may reject as non -complying such material and products that do not bear identification satisfactory to the Engineer as to manufacturer, grade, quality, and other pertinent information. 1.9 REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS A. In event of damage, promptly make replacements and repairs to the approval of the Engineer and at no additional cost to the Owner. B. Additional time required to secure replacements and to make repairs will not be considered by the Engineer to justify an extension in the Contract Time of Completion. END OF SECTION STORAGE AND PROTECTION OF MATERIAL &EQUIPMENT 01 66 11-2 (191164.40) SECTION 01 73 29 CUTTING AND PATCHING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY (07/12) A. This Section establishes general requirements pertaining to cutting (including excavating), fitting, and patching of the Work required to: 1. Make the several parts fit properly. 2. Uncover work to provide for installing, inspecting, or both, of ill-timed work. 3. Remove and replace work not conforming to requirements of the Contract Documents. 4. Remove and replace defective work. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 - General Requirements of these Specifications. 2. In addition to other requirements specified, upon the Engineer's request uncover work to provide for inspection by the Engineer of covered work, and remove samples of installed materials for testing. 3. Do not cut or alter work performed under separate contracts without the Engineer's written permission. C. References — (Reserved). 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawing Submittals — (Reserved). B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals — (Reserved). C. Certificates and Guarantees — (Reserved). D. Spare Parts — (Reserved). E. Request for Engineer's consent: 1. Prior to cutting which affects structural safety, submit written request to the Engineer for permission to proceed with cutting. 2. Should conditions of the Work, or schedule, indicate a required change of materials or methods for cutting and patching, so notify the Engineer and secure his written permission and the required Change Order prior to proceeding. CUTTING AND PATCHING 01 73 29-1 (191164.40) (07/12) F. Notices to the Engineer: 1. Prior to cutting and patching performed pursuant to the Engineer's instructions, submit cost estimate to the Engineer. Secure the Engineer's approval of cost estimates and type of reimbursement before proceeding with cutting and patching. 2. Submit written notice to the Engineer designating the time the Work will be uncovered, to provide for the Engineer's observation. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE — (Reserved). 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING — (Reserved). 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. For replacement of items removed, use materials complying with pertinent Sections of these Specifications. 2.2 PAYMENT FOR COSTS A. The Owner will reimburse the Contractor for cutting and patching performed pursuant to a written Change Order, after claim for such reimbursement is submitted by the Contractor. Perform other cutting and patching needed to comply with the Contract Documents at no additional cost to the Owner. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS A. Inspection: 1. Inspect existing conditions, including elements subject to movement or damage during cutting, excavating, patching, and backfilling. 2. After uncovering the work, inspect conditions affecting installation of new work. B. Discrepancies: 1. If uncovered conditions are not as anticipated, immediately notify the Engineer and secure needed directions. 2. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. CUTTING AND PATCHING 01 73 29-2 (191164.40) (07/12) 3.2 PREPARATION PRIOR TO CUTTING A. Provide required protection including, but not necessarily limited to, shoring, bracing, and support to maintain structural integrity of the Work. 3.3 PERFORMANCE A. Perform required excavating and backfilling as required under pertinent other Sections of these Specifications. B. Perform cutting and demolition by methods that will prevent damage to other portions of the Work and provide proper surfaces to receive installation of repair and new work. C. Perform fitting and adjusting of products to provide finished installation complying with the manufacturer's recommendations for specified equipment, products, tolerances, and finishes. D. Perform slight alterations needed to make adjustable parts fit to fixed parts to provide a complete installation. E. Refinish surfaces as necessary to match adjacent finishes. END OF SECTION CUTTING AND PATCHING 01 73 29-3 (191164.40) (07/12) SECTION 01 74 23 FINAL CLEANING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Throughout the construction period, maintain the buildings and site in a standard of cleanliness as described in this Section. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 - General Requirements of these Specifications. 2. In addition to standards described in this Section, comply with requirements for cleaning as described in other pertinent Sections of these Specifications. C. References — (Reserved). 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawing Submittals — (Reserved). B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals — (Reserved). C. Certificates and Guarantees — (Reserved). D. Spare Parts — (Reserved). 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conduct daily inspection, and more often if necessary, to verify that requirements for cleanliness are being met. B. In addition to the standards described in this Section, comply with pertinent requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING — (Reserved). 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). FINAL CLEANING 01 74 23-1 (191164.40) (07/12) PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 CLEANING MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT A. Provide required personnel, equipment, and materials needed to maintain the specified standard of cleanliness. 2.2 COMPATIBILITY A. Use only the cleaning materials and equipment that are compatible with the surface being cleaned, as recommended by the manufacturer of the material. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PROGRESS CLEANING A. General: 1. Retain stored items in an orderly arrangement allowing maximum access, not impeding traffic or drainage, and providing required protection of materials. 2. Do not allow accumulation of scrap, debris, waste material, and other items not required for construction of this Work. 3. At least twice each month, and more often if necessary, completely remove all scrap, debris, and waste material from the job site. 4. Provide adequate storage for all items awaiting removal from the job site, observing requirements for fire protection and protection of the environment. B. Site: 1. Daily, and more often if necessary, inspect the site and pick up all scrap, debris, and waste material. Remove such items to the place designated for their storage. 2. Weekly, and more often if necessary, inspect all arrangements of materials stored on the site. Restack, tidy, or otherwise service arrangements to meet the requirements of Paragraph 3.1 A. 1. above. 3. Maintain the site in a neat and orderly condition at all times. C. Structures: 1. Weekly, and more often if necessary, inspect the structures and pick up all scrap, debris, and waste material. Remove such items to the place designated for their storage. 2. Weekly, and more often if necessary, sweep interior spaces clean. a. "Clean," for the purpose of this subparagraph, shall be interpreted as meaning free from dust and other material capable of being removed by use of reasonable effort and a hand-held broom. 3. As required preparatory to installation of succeeding materials, clean the structures or pertinent portions thereof to the degree of cleanliness FINAL CLEANING 01 74 23-2 (191164.40) (07/12) recommended by the manufacturer of the succeeding material, using equipment and materials required to achieve the necessary cleanliness. 4. Following the installation of finish floor materials, clean the finish floor daily (and more often if necessary) at all times while work is being performed in the space in which finish materials are installed. a. "Clean", for the purpose of this subparagraph, shall be interpreted as meaning free from foreign material that, in the opinion of the Engineer, may be injurious to the finish floor material. 3.2 FINAL CLEANING A. "Clean", for the purpose of this Article, and except as may be specifically provided otherwise, shall be interpreted as meaning the level of cleanliness generally provided by skilled cleaners using commercial quality building maintenance equipment and materials. B. Prior to completion of the Work, remove from the job site all tools, surplus materials, equipment, scrap, debris, and waste. Conduct final progress cleaning as described in Paragraph 3.1 above. C. Site: 1. Unless otherwise specifically directed by the Engineer, broom clean paved areas on the site and public paved areas adjacent to the site. 2. Completely remove resultant debris. D. Structures: 1. Exterior: a. Visually inspect exterior surfaces and remove all traces of soil, waste materials, smudges, and other foreign matter. b. Remove all traces of splashed materials from adjacent surfaces. C. If necessary to achieve a uniform degree of cleanliness, hose down the exterior of the structure. d. In the event of stubborn stains not removable with water, the Engineer may require light sandblasting or other cleaning at no additional cost to the Owner. 2. 1 nterior: a. Visually inspect interior surfaces and remove all traces of soil, waste materials, smudges, and other foreign matter. b. Remove all traces of splashed material from adjacent surfaces. C. Remove paint droppings, spots, stains, and dirt from finished s rfaces. 3. Glass: Clean inside and outside. 4. Polished surfaces: To surfaces requiring routine application of buffed polish, apply the polish recommended by the manufacturer of the material being polished. E. Schedule final cleaning as approved by the Engineer to enable the Owner to accept a completely clean Work. FINAL CLEANING 01 74 23-3 (191164.40) (07/12) 3.3 CLEANING DURING OWNER'S OCCUPANCY A. Should the Owner occupy the Work or any portion thereof prior to its completion by the Contractor and acceptance by the Owner, responsibilities for interim and final cleaning shall be as determined by the Engineer in accordance with the General Conditions of the Contract. END OF SECTION FINAL CLEANING 01 74 23-4 (191164.40) (02/18) SECTION 01 77 01 CONTRACT CLOSEOUT PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section describes an orderly and efficient transfer of the completed Work to the Owner. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 - General Requirements of these Specifications. 2. Activities relative to Substantial Completion and Contract closeout are described in the General Conditions. C. References — (Reserved). 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawing Submittals — (Reserved). B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals — (Reserved). C. Certificates and Guarantees — (Reserved). D. Spare Parts — (Reserved). 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Prior to requesting that the Engineer issue a certificate of Substantial Completion in accordance with Paragraph 14.04 or 14.05 of the General Conditions, use adequate means to assure that the Work is completed in accordance with the specified requirements and is ready for a joint inspection by Owner, Contractor, and Engineer. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING — (Reserved). 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). CONTRACT CLOSEOUT 01 77 01-1 (191164.40) (02/18) 1.7 PROCEDURES A. Substantial Completion: 1. Prepare and submit the list required by the first sentence of Paragraph 14.04.A of the General Conditions and submit it along with a written request that Engineer issue a certificate of Substantial Completion. 2. Within a reasonable time after receipt of the list, Owner, Contractor and Engineer will jointly inspect the Work to determine status of completion. 3. Should the Engineer determine that the Work is not substantially complete: a. The Engineer will so notify the Contractor, in writing, giving the reasons therefore. b. Remedy the deficiencies and notify the Engineer when ready for reinspection. C. Owner, Contractor and Engineer will reinspect the Work. 4. When the Engineer concurs that the Work is substantially complete: a. The Engineer will prepare a tentative "Certificate of Substantial Completion," accompanied by the Contractor's list of items to be completed or corrected, as verified by the Engineer. b. The Engineer will submit the tentative Certificate to the Contractor for acceptance. C. After Contractor signs and returns the tentative Certificate to Engineer, Engineer will submit the tentative Certificate to Owner accompanied by a tentative list of items to be completed or corrected before final payment. d. Owner will have seven days after receipt of the tentative Certificate during which to make objection to Engineer as to any provisions of the Certificate on attached list. (1) If Owner objects, Engineer will consider Owner's objections. If, after considering Owner's objections, Engineer concludes that the Work is not substantially complete, Engineer will, within fourteen days after submission of the tentative Certificate to Owner, notify Contractor in writing, stating reasons therefore. If, after considering Owner's objections, Engineer considers the Work substantially complete, Engineer will within said fourteen days execute and deliver to Owner and Contractor, a definitive Certificate of Substantial Completion (with a revised tentative list of items to be completed or corrected) reflecting such changes from the tentative Certificate as Engineer believes justified after consideration of any objections of Owner. (2) If Owner has no objections, Engineer will within fourteen days after submission of the tentative Certificate to Owner and Contractor issue a definitive Certificate of Substantial Completion. e. At the time of delivery of the tentative Certificate of Substantial Completion, Engineer will deliver to Owner and Contractor a written recommendation as to division of responsibilities pending final payment between Owner and Contractor with respect to security, CONTRACT CLOSEOUT 01 77 01-2 (191164.40) (02/18) operation, safety, maintenance, heat, utilities, insurance, warranties, and guarantees. Unless Owner or Contractor advise the Engineer in writing of any objections within seven days after delivery of the tentative Certificate of Substantial Completion, the Engineer's aforesaid recommendation will be binding on Owner and Contractor until final payment. B. Final Completion: 1. Prepare and submit the notice required by the first sentence of Paragraph 14.06A of the General Conditions. 2. Verify that the Work is complete including, but not necessarily limited to, the items mentioned in Paragraph 14.07.A of the General Conditions. 3. Certify that: a. Contract Documents have been reviewed. b. Work has been inspected for compliance with the Contract Documents. C. Work has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents. d. Equipment and systems have been tested as required, and are operational. e. Work is completed and ready for final inspection. 4. Owner, Contractor, and Engineer will make a joint inspection to verify status of completion. 5. Should the Engineer determine that the Work is incomplete or defective: a. The Engineer will so notify the Contractor, in writing, listing the incomplete or defective work. b. The Contractor will remedy the deficiencies promptly, and notify the Engineer when ready for reinspection. 6. When the Engineer determines that the Work is acceptable under the Contract Documents, he will request the Contractor to make closeout submittals. C. Closeout submittals include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Project Record Documents described in Section 01 78 39. 2. Manufacturer's Certificate of Inspection, Contractor's Verification of Equipment Inspection, and Contractor's Equipment Guarantee for each item of equipment as required in Section 01 61 01. 3. Warranties and bonds. 4. Keys and keying schedule. 5. Spare parts and materials extra stock. 6. Evidence of compliance with requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction including but not necessarily limited to: a. Certificates of Inspection. b. Certificates of Occupancy. 7. Certificates of Insurance for products and completed operations. 8. Evidence of payment and release of liens. 9. List of subcontractors, service organizations, and principal vendors, including names, addresses, and telephone numbers where they can be CONTRACT CLOSEOUT 01 77 01-3 (191164.40) (02/18) reached for emergency service at all times including nights, weekends, and holidays. D. Final adjustment of accounts: 1. Submit a final statement of accounting to the Engineer, showing all adjustments to the Contract Price. 2. If so required, the Engineer will prepare a final Change Order showing adjustments to the Contract Price which have not been made by previous Change Orders. END OF SECTION CONTRACT CLOSEOUT 01 77 01-4 (191164.40) SECTION 01 78 26 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY (01/18) A. Provide operation and maintenance manuals described in pertinent Sections of these Specifications and as specified herein. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 - General Requirements of these Specifications. C. References — (Reserved). 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Submit Operation and Maintenance Manuals electronically to the Engineer as a single .pdf file set. 1. Attach, as the first page of each Operation and Maintenance Manual, a completely executed Contractor's Submittal Transmittal Form Attachment 01 3301. B. Revise and resubmit as necessary to establish compliance with the specified requirements, all as described in this Section. C. In cases where Electronic Operation and Maintenance Manual files exceed a size that is practical for electronic transmission vial electronic mail or through an FTP site, the Contractor may and will be required to submit up to five (5) .pdf file Operation and Maintenance Manuals on separate compact discs or removable USB storage, if requested, plus the quantity of discs or removable USB storage that will be required to be returned to the Contractor. D. Upon completion of the Engineers review of the electronic Operation and Maintenance Manual, one electronic .pdf file will be returned to the Contractor for their distribution. 1. Submitted Manuals found to not be in compliance will be returned with the Engineers comments for the Contractors revision and resubmission. 2. Submitted Manuals found to be in compliance will be returned with the Engineers comments and marked "Submit Required Copies", at which time the contractor shall provide the number of electronic .pdf Manuals on individual compact discs or removable USB storage and/or hard copy Manuals organized and bound as specified herein. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 01 78 26-1 (191164.40) (01/18) 3. Upon the request of the Engineer or Owner at any time, the Contractor shall provide up to four (4) color, hard copy Operation and Maintenance Manuals. 4. Upon the request of the Engineer or Owner at any time, the Contractor shall provide up to four (4) .pdf file Operation and Maintenance Manuals on separate compact discs or removable USB storage. E. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01 33 01. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE — (Reserved). 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING — (Reserved). 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS A. Where operation and maintenance manuals are required to be submitted under other Sections of these Specifications, prepare in accordance with the provisions of this Section. B. Hard copy format: 1. Size: 81/2" x 11' 2. Paper: White bond, at least 20 Ib. weight. 3. Text: Neatly written or printed. 4. Drawings: 11 " in height preferable; bind in with text; foldout acceptable; larger drawings acceptable but fold to fit within the manual and provide a drawing pocket inside rear cover or bind in with text. 5. Flysheets: Separate each portion of the manual with neatly prepared flysheets briefly describing contents of the ensuing portion; flysheets may be in color. 6. Binding: Use heavy-duty plastic or fiberboard covers with binding mechanism concealed inside the manual; 3 -ring binders will be acceptable. 7. Provide front and back covers for each manual, using durable material, and clearly identified on or through the cover with at least the following information: OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS ( Name and address of Work ) ( Name of Contractor ) C ) ( General subject of this Manual ) OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 01 78 26-2 (191164.40) (01/18) ( Engineer, and approval date ) C. Electronic format: 1. Provide in .pdf format as a single document. 2. Provide an index and bookmarks for the sections. 3. Insert blank pages as required to permit two sided printing of the manual. 4. Format document for printing on 81/2" x 11" and 11" x 17" paper size. D. Contents: Include at least the following: 1. Index near the front of the manual, giving immediate information as to location within the manual of all emergency information regarding the installation. 2. Complete instructions regarding operation and maintenance of all equipment involved including lubrication, disassembly, and reassembly. 3. Complete nomenclature of all parts of the equipment. 4. Complete nomenclature and part number of all replaceable parts, name and address of nearest vendor, and all other data pertinent to procurement procedures. 5. Complete recommended schedule for maintenance of equipment and recommended schedule for replacement of parts and components. 6. Manufacturers' bulletins, cuts, operation and maintenance manuals, and descriptive data, where pertinent, clearly indicating by highlighting or boxout the precise items included in this installation and deleting by cross - out or elimination, or otherwise clearly indicating, all manufacturers' data with which this installation is not concerned. 7. Measurements: Provide all measurements in U.S. standard units such as feet -and -inches, lbs., and cfm; and, where appropriate, provide additional measurements in the "International System of Units" (SI). 8. Such other data as required in pertinent other Sections of these Specifications. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 TIMING AND PAYMENT A. Make submittals far enough in advance of scheduled dates for equipment installation to provide at least ten (10) working days for review by the Engineer following the Engineer's receipt of the submittal. B. Submit required manuals for each item of equipment to the Engineer no later than 30 days following the Engineer's approval of shop drawings for said item of equipment. C. Payment for the fabrication, delivery, or installation of any equipment will be withheld until the Engineer has received the required operation and maintenance manual(s). END OF SECTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 01 78 26-3 (191164.40) SECTION 01 78 39 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY (07/12) A. Throughout progress of the Work, maintain an accurate record of changes in the Contract Documents, as described in Paragraph 3.1 below and, upon completion of the Work, submit the recorded changes as described in Paragraph 3.2 below. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 - General Requirements of these Specifications. 2. Other requirements affecting Project Record Documents may appear in pertinent other Sections of these Specifications. C. References — (Reserved). 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawing Submittals — (Reserved). B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals — (Reserved). C. Certificates and Guarantees — (Reserved). D. Spare Parts — (Reserved). E. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01 33 01. F. The Engineer's approval of the current status of Project Record Documents may be a prerequisite to the Engineer's approval of requests for progress payment and request for final payment under the Contract. G. Prior to submitting each request for progress payment, secure the Engineer's approval of the current status of the Project Record Documents. H. Prior to submitting request for final payment, submit the final Project Record Documents to the Engineer and secure his approval. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Delegate the responsibility for maintenance of Record Documents to one person on the Contractor's staff as approved by the Engineer. PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS 01 78 39-1 (191164.40) (07/12) B. Accuracy of records: 1. Thoroughly coordinate changes within the Record Documents, making adequate and proper entries on each page of Specifications and each sheet of Drawings and other Documents where such entry is required to show the change properly. 2. Accuracy of records shall be such that future search for items shown in the Contract Documents may rely reasonably on information obtained from the approved Project Record Documents. C. Make entries within 24 hours after receipt of information that the change has occurred. D. Do not conceal any work until the required information is recorded. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Maintain the job set of Record Documents completely protected from deterioration and from loss and damage until completion of the Work and transfer of all recorded data to the final Project Record Documents. B. In the event of loss of recorded data, use means necessary to again secure the data to the Engineer's approval. 1. Such means shall include, if necessary in the opinion of the Engineer, removal and replacement of concealing materials. 2. In such case, provide replacements to the standards originally required by the Contract Documents. 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 RECORD DOCUMENTS A. Job set: Promptly following receipt of the Owner's Notice to Proceed, secure from the Engineer at no charge to the Contractor one complete set of all Documents comprising the Contract. PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS 01 78 39-2 (191164.40) (07/12) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 MAINTENANCE OF JOB SET A. Immediately upon receipt of the job set described in Paragraph 2.1 A. above, identify each of the Documents with the title, "RECORD DOCUMENTS - JOB SET". B. Preservation: 1. Considering the Contract completion time, the probable number of occasions upon which the job set must be taken out for new entries and for examination, and the conditions under which these activities will be performed, devise a suitable method for protecting the job set. 2. Do not use the job set for any purpose except entry of new data and for review by the Engineer. 3. Maintain the job set at the site of Work where designated by the Engineer. C. Making entries on Drawings: 1. Using an erasable colored pencil (not ink or indelible pencil), clearly describe the change by graphic line and note as required. 2. Date all entries. 3. Call attention to the entry by a "cloud" drawn around the area or areas affected. 4. In the event of overlapping changes, use different colors for the overlapping changes. D. Make entries in the pertinent other Documents as approved by the Engineer. E. Conversion of schematic layouts: 1. In some cases on the Drawings, arrangements of conduits, circuits, piping, ducts, and similar items, is shown schematically and is not intended to portray precise physical layout. a. Final physical arrangement is determined by the Contractor, subject to the Engineer's approval. b. However, design of future modifications of the facility may require accurate information as to the final physical layout of items which are shown only schematically on the Drawings. 2. Show on the job set of Record Drawings, by dimension accurate to within one inch, the centerline of each run of items such as are described in Paragraph 3.1 E. 1. above. 3.2 REVIEW AND SUBMITTAL A. Submit the completed set of Project Record Documents to the Engineer as described in Paragraph 1.2 H. above. B. Participate in review meetings as required. PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS 01 78 39-3 (191164.40) (07/12) C. Make required changes and promptly deliver the final Project Record Documents to the Engineer. 3.3 CHANGES SUBSEQUENT TO ACCEPTANCE A. The Contractor has no responsibility for recording changes in the Work subsequent to Final Completion, except for changes resulting from work performed under Warranty. END OF SECTION PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS 01 78 39-4 (191164.40) (08/16) SECTION 26 05 19 LOW -VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL POWER CONDUCTORS AND CABLES PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Provide low -voltage electrical power conductors and cables as shown on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work under this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 -General Requirements of these Specifications. C. References — (Reserved). 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawing Submittals — (Reserved). B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals — (Reserved). C. Certificates and Guarantees — (Reserved). D. Spare Parts — (Reserved). 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with the following requirements: 1. NFPA 70 National Electrical Code (NEC). 2. Local codes and ordinances. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01 66 11. 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). LOW -VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL POWER CONDUCTORS AND CABLES 26 05 19-1 (191164.40) (08/16) PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Comply with the following standards: 1. UL 83 and ICEA S-61-402 for thermoplastic insulated wire and cable. 2. UL 44, ICEA S-19-81 and ICEA S-66-524 for rubber or rubber -like and cross-linked thermosetting polyethylene insulated wire and cable. B. Provide copper wire only. C. No underground splices allowed unless approved by the Engineer. 2.2 WIRE AND CABLE IN RACEWAY A. Power, light, and control conductors: 1. Insulation: Rated for 600 volts. a. Use dual rated type THHN/THWN in temperature controlled indoor locations. b. Use Type XHHW in underground locations and unheated concrete structures. 2. Use stranded wire for control conductors. 2.3 JOINTS, TAPS, SPLICES, AND TERMINATIONS A. Conductors No. 10 AWG and smaller: Use twist type insulated wire nut solderless connectors. B. Conductors No. 8 AWG and larger: Use solderless compression type connectors of type that will not loosen under vibration or normal strains. C. Control and instrumentation conductors: Use crimp type spade connectors where control wires are connected to screw terminals of equipment. D. Joints, taps, and splices located in enclosures subject to moisture: Use watertight splice kits. 2.4 PERMANENT WIRE MARKERS A. Provide type -on, self -laminating vinyl, heat shrink polyolefin or nylon clip -sleeve, alpha -numeric, permanent wire markers. 1. Use fine -line, black, permanent ink pens where field marking is necessary. 2. Cloth tags are not acceptable. LOW -VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL POWER CONDUCTORS AND CABLES 26 05 19-2 (191164.40) (08/16) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install low -voltage electrical power conductors and cables in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. B. Install wire and cable in conduit unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. C. Maintain barrier or conduit separation between power conductors and instrumentation conductors to avoid magnetic interaction where such conductors enter and pass through same manhole, handhole, casing pipe, box, or enclosure. D. Provide individual wiring compartments or barrier for separation between intrinsically safe and non -intrinsically safe conductors inside enclosures. 3.2 WIRE AND CABLE IDENTIFICATION A. Install permanent wire markers on wire and cable in junction boxes, pull boxes, wireways, and wiring gutters of panels. Markers to identify wire or cable number. B. Provide schedule identifying various power and lighting conductors from power source to equipment or device served. 3.3 FIXTURE OUTLETS A. Use minimum AWG No. 12 wire for conductors supplying power to single fixture. END OF SECTION LOW -VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL POWER CONDUCTORS AND CABLES 26 05 19-3 (191164.40) (08/16) SECTION 26 05 23 CONTROL -VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL POWER CABLES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Provide control -voltage electrical power cables as shown on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work under this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 - General Requirements of these Specifications. C. References: 1. (Reserved). 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawing Submittals — (Reserved). B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals — (Reserved). C. Certificates and Guarantees — (Reserved). D. Spare Parts — (Reserved). 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with the following requirements: 1. NFPA 70 National Electrical Code (NEC). 2. Local codes and ordinances. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01 66 11. 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). CONTROL -VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL POWER CABLES 26 05 23-1 (191164.40) (08/16) PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Comply with the following standards: 1. UL 83 and ICEA S-61-402 for thermoplastic insulated wire and cable. 2. UL 44, ICEA S-19-81 and ICEA S-66-524 for rubber or rubber -like and cross-linked thermosetting polyethylene insulated wire and cable. B. Provide copper wire only. 2.2 WIRE AND CABLE A. Shielded instrumentation cable: 1. Conductors: Stranded No. 18 AWG tinned copper. 2. Insulation: Polyethylene or fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP), color coded, rated for 300 volts. 3. Jacket: Polyvinyl chloride or FEP. 4. Shielding: Aluminum polyester, 100 percent coverage. a. Includes stranded No. 20 AWG tinned copper drain wire. 5. Provide Belden, or equal, copper instrumentation cable systems: a. For 2 -conductor requirements: (1) Belden No. 8760 suitable for outdoor. (2) Belden No. 88760 suitable for outdoor &burial. b. For 3 -conductor requirements: (1) Belden No. 8770 suitable for outdoor. (2) Belden No. 88770 suitable for outdoor &burial. C. For 2 -twisted pair requirements: Belden No. 9552. 6. UL Listed for use. 7. Provide shielded instrumentation cable suitable for flooded burial and freeze/thaw conditions where installed in duct banks, underground conduits, or conduits in and on unheated structures. B. Multi -conductor shielded instrumentation cable: 1. Conductors: Stranded No. 16 or 18 AWG tinned copper. 2. Insulation: Flame-retardant ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) Type II or cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE). Color code per ICEA Method 1; pair — black &white. One conductor in each pair is printed alpha -numerically for easy identification. 3. Shield: Individual pairs shielded with aluminum/polyester in contact with stranded tinned copper drain wire and overall shielded is aluminum/polyester in contact with stranded tinned copper drain wire. 4. Outer jacket: Flame-retardant thermoplastic chlorinated polyethylene (CPE). 5. Volts: 300V or 600V. 6. Conductors: Class B stranding per ASTM B8, tinned annealed copper per ASTM B33. CONTROL -VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL POWER CABLES 26 05 23-2 (191164.40) (08/16) 7. Application: In free air, raceways or direct burial in accordance with NEC. Permitted for use in Class I Div. 2 industrial hazardous locations per NEC Article 501-4(b) for UL Type PLTC cables. 8. Acceptable manufacturers: a. General Cable. b. Omni Cable. C. Or equal. C. Multi -conductor thermostat cable, low voltage: 1. Conductors: Solid No. 18 AWG copper. a. Minimum of 4 conductors per cable. 2. Insulation and jacket: Polyvinyl chloride, color coded, UL listed for use, rated for circuits operating at less than 50 volts. D. Telephone cable: 1. Conductors: Solid No. 24 AWG tinned copper. a. Minimum of 4 twisted pairs per cable. 2. Insulation and jacket: Polyvinyl chloride, color coded, UL listed for use. E. Data cables: 1. Verify unique cable requirements of individual data systems shown on Drawings with Systems Integrator. 2. Provide Belden or equal, copper data cable systems: a. DeviceNet Applications: (1) No. 3083A CPE (Thick). (2) No. 3085A CPE (Thin). (3) No. 3082A PVC (Thick). (4) No. 3084A PVC (Thin). b. ControlNet Applications: (1) No. 3092A RG -6 PVC Quad shield coax suitable for outdoor. (2) No. 3093A RG -6 FEP Quad shield coax, plenum, suitable for outdoor &burial. C. E/IP application: (1) Belden No. 7953A Cat 6 — 4 pair, bonded, indoor rated, stranded, shielded, 600 Volt rated. (2) Belden No. 7937A Cat 5e — 4 pair, bonded, burial rated, stranded, shielded, 300 Volt rated. d. Profibus DP (Decentralised Peripherals) Applications: (1) No. 3079A 22AWG 300V Twinax. (2) No. 3079E 22AWG 300V Twinax, Flex Version. e. Profibus PA (Process Automation) Applications: (1) No. 3076E Type A, 18 AWG Stranded (7x26) Tinned Copper Conductors, Beldfoil (100% Shield Coverage), Tinned Copper Drain Wire, Polyolefin Insulation, IS Blue PVC Jacket, 300V 105°C. CONTROL -VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL POWER CABLES 26 05 23-3 (191164.40) (08/16) f. Modbus application: (1) No. 9841 multi -conductor - low capacitance computer cable for EIA RS -485 applications, 1 -pair conductors, 24 AWG, chrome PVC jacket, with overall foil/braid shield. 3. Provide data cable suitable for flooded burial and freeze/thaw conditions where installed in duct banks, underground conduits, or conduits in and on unheated structures. 4. Provide data cables UL listed for intended use. 5. Crimped -on "male" connectors are not allowed for E/IP cable terminations. E/I P cables are to be "punched -down" in "key -stone" type jack that is to be supplied by panel manufacturer as specified in other cabinet/panel specifications. 6. Utilize 600 Volt rated cable inside electrical enclosures that contain more than 300 Volts. F. Fiber optic cables: 1. Number of fibers in cable: 6 fibers. 2. Type of fiber (optical): 9.2 micron Singlemode. 3. Outer jacket: a. Polyethylene (PE). 4. Storage and operating properties: -40 to +70 deg C. 5. Rated for both indoor and outdoor application and burial in conduit. 6. Flame resistance UL 1666. 7. Strength Member Material: Aramid Yarn, Fiberglass Epoxy Rod. 8. Gel filled, loose tube construction. a. Buffer Tube Material: Thermoplastic. b. Buffer Tube Filling Material: Gel. 9. Minimum installation bend radius: 4.9". a. Acceptable manufacturer: (1) Belden No. B9W045T. (2) Or equal. 2.3 JOINTS, TAPS, SPLICES, AND TERMINATIONS A. Conductors No. 10 AWG and smaller: Use twist type insulated wire nut solderless connectors. B. Control and instrumentation conductors: Use crimp type spade connectors where control wires are connected to screw terminals of equipment. C. Joints, taps, and splices located in enclosures subject to moisture: Use watertight splice kits. 2.4 PERMANENT WIRE MARKERS A. Provide type -on, self -laminating vinyl, heat shrink polyolefin or nylon clip -sleeve, alpha -numeric, permanent wire markers. 1. Use fine -line, black, permanent ink pens where field marking is necessary. CONTROL -VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL POWER CABLES 26 05 23-4 (191164.40) (08/16) 2. Cloth tags are not acceptable. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install control -voltage electrical power cables in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. B. Install wire and cable in conduit unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. C. Maintain barrier or conduit separation between power conductors and instrumentation conductors to avoid magnetic interaction where such conductors enter and pass through same manhole, handhole, casing pipe, box, or enclosure. D. Run instrumentation conductors into control cabinets or MCC only if terminated therein. Maintain separation of power and instrumentation conductors inside cabinets. E. Provide individual wiring compartments or barrier for separation between intrinsically safe and non -intrinsically safe conductors inside enclosures. F. Provide an LC type connector to terminate both ends of all fiber optic cables into a fiber optic patch panel. 3.2 WIRE AND CABLE IDENTIFICATION A. Install permanent wire markers on wire and cable in junction boxes, pull boxes, wireways, and wiring gutters of panels. Markers to identify wire or cable number. B. Provide schedule identifying various control and instrumentation circuit conductors based on equipment tag numbers. END OF SECTION CONTROL -VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL POWER CABLES 26 05 23-5 (191164.40) (08/16) SECTION 26 05 53 IDENTIFICATION FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Provide identification for electrical systems as shown on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work under this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 - General Requirements of these Specifications. C. References: 1. (Reserved). 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawing Submittals — (Reserved). B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals — (Reserved). C. Certificates and Guarantees — (Reserved). D. Spare Parts — (Reserved). 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE — (Reserved). 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01 66 11. 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 NAMEPLATES AND TAGS A. Provide nameplates or tags for identification of panels, panel components, and field mounted devices with the following requirements. 1. Engraved laminated plastic. IDENTIFICATION FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 26 05 53-1 (191164.40) (08/16) 2. White or black letters on background of opposite color. Match and coordinate color of nameplate or tag background with other panels. B. Panel nameplates to have 1/2 -inch high letter engraving. C. Device and component nameplates or tags to have 3/16 -inch high letter engraving. D. Engravings include the following: 1. Alpha -numeric number. 2. Descriptive title. 3. Range, where applicable. 4. Engineering units, where applicable. 2.2 ARC FLASH INCIDENT ENERGY STUDY AND ARC FLASH WARNING LABELS A. An Arc Flash incident energy study shall be done in accordance with the IEEE 15841 "IEEE Guide for Performing Arc Flash Hazard Calculations" for the following per NEC Article 110.16: Switchboards, Switchgear, Panelboards, Industrial Control Panels (3 -Phase), Meter Socket Enclosures, and Motor Control Centers. B. Based on the results of the incident energy study, install Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) warning labels for each piece of equipment as specified above, in accordance with ANSI 2535.4. 1. The label shall include the following information: a. PPE category. b. Equipment name. C. Limited, restricted, and prohibited Approach/Flash Hazard Boundaries (inches). d. Arc Flash Incident energy value (cal/cm2) and working distance (inches). e. Voltage rating of equipment. f. Upstream protective device. g. Study report issue date. 2.3 AVAILABLE FAULT CURRENT AND SERVICE ENTRANCE LABELS A. Label service equipment with maximum available fault current per NEC article110.24 (A). B. The contractor is responsible for obtaining the Available Fault Current from the power company. 2.4 ELECTRICAL COORDINATION STUDY A. Coordination Study in accordance with IEEE 242 "Buff' to determine the proper overcurrent device settings that will balance system reliability through selective coordination while minimizing the magnitude of an electrical arc flash hazard incident. IDENTIFICATION FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 26 05 53-2 (191164.40) (08/16) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install nameplates and tags on enclosures, panel mounted components, and field mounted devices. END OF SECTION IDENTIFICATION FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 26 05 53-3 (191164.40) (08/16) SECTION 26 09 17 GROUND DETECTION SYSTEM PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Provide ground detection system as shown on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work under this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 - General Requirements of these Specifications. C. References: 1. (Reserved). 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawing Submittals: 1. Electrical schematic, physical dimensions, and manufacturer's detailed specifications. B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals — (Reserved). C. Certificates and Guarantees — (Reserved). D. Spare Parts: 1. Twelve (12) pilot light lamps. 2. Three (3) fuses. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with the following requirements: 1. NFPA 70 National Electrical Code (NEC). 2. Local codes and ordinances. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01 66 11. 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). GROUND DETECTION SYSTEM 26 09 17-1 (191164.40) (08/16) PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Provide ground detector system for each 480 volt, 3 phase, 3 wire, ungrounded electrical service. B. Acceptable manufacturers: 1. Erickson Electrical Equipment Co. a. Model YXVAP-480 ground detector. b. Model GDFB fuse box. 2. Or equal. 2.2 GROUND DETECTOR A. Provide a factory prewired ground detector and ground detector fuse box as follows: 1. Red pilot light to indicate fault condition. 2. Normally open dry contacts for remote signaling of fault condition. 3. Pushbutton labeled "Alarm Acknowledge" to reset dry contacts. a. When a ground occurs, the red pilot light will light and the dry contacts will close. b. Depressing the alarm acknowledge pushbutton will release the dry contacts, but the red pilot light will remain lit until the fault is corrected and the alarm circuit automatically resets. 4. Three white push -to -test type pilot lights to indicate which phase is grounded. a. Under normal conditions, each white pilot light will glow dimly. b. When a ground occurs, the white pilot light connected to the grounded phase will dim, and the other two white pilot lights will burn brightly. 5. 100,000 AIC, 600 volt primary fuse protection. 6. Baked enamel finished, NEMA 1 enclosures. 7. Panel mounting frame for ground detector. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install equipment in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. B. After power is available, test system for correct operation. END OF SECTION GROUND DETECTION SYSTEM 26 09 17-2 (191164.40) (08/16) SECTION 26 09 95 PUSHBUTTONS, SELECTOR SWITCHES, AND PILOT LIGHTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Provide pushbuttons, selector switches, and pilot lights as shown on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work under this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 - General Requirements of these Specifications. C. References: 1. (Reserved). 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawing Submittals: 1. Manufacturer's detailed specifications. B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals — (Reserved). C. Certificates and Guarantees — (Reserved). D. Spare Parts: 1. Two (2) pilot light lamps of each type. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with the following requirements: 1. NFPA 70, National Electrical Code (NEC). 2. Local codes and ordinances. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01 66 11. 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). PUSHBUTTONS, SELECTOR SWITCHES, AND PILOT LIGHTS 26 09 95-1 (191164.40) (08/16) PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Provide oil -tight, heavy duty NEMA 4 rated pushbutton switches, selector switches, and pilot lights. B. Provide all devices with legend plates. 1. Material: Non -tarnish metal or laminated plastic. 2. Use white or black letters on background of opposite color for laminated plastic. C. Use two -circuit contact blocks (one N.O. and one N.C. contact set) for pushbutton switches and selector switches. 2.2 PUSHBUTTON SWITCHES A. Stop pushbuttons: 1. Provide non -illuminated momentary operation type operators. 2. Use red color button. B. Start pushbuttons: 1. Provide non -illuminated momentary operation type operators. 2. Use black color button. C. Provide pushbuttons for other functions as shown on the Drawings. 2.3 SELECTOR SWITCHES A. Provide selector switches including the operating knob, operating cam and contact block(s). B. Use black color operating knob. C. Select operating cam and contact block combination to provide operating sequence as required. 2.4 PILOT LIGHTS A. Provide pilot lights with colored plastic lens as shown on the Drawings. B. Provide 120 volt or 24 Vdc, push -to -test type with LED lamp. PUSHBUTTONS, SELECTOR SWITCHES, AND PILOT LIGHTS 26 09 95-2 (191164.40) (08/16) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install pushbutton switches, selector switches, and pilot lights in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. END OF SECTION PUSHBUTTONS, SELECTOR SWITCHES, AND PILOT LIGHTS 26 09 95-3 (191164.40) (08/16) SECTION 26 09 96 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS CONTROL DEVICES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Provide electrical systems control devices as shown on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work under this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 - General Requirements of these Specifications. C. References: 1. (Reserved). 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawing Submittals: 1. Manufacturer's detailed specifications. B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals — (Reserved). C. Certificates and Guarantees — (Reserved). D. Spare Parts — (Reserved). 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with the following requirements: 1. NFPA 70, National Electrical Code (NEC). 2. Local codes and ordinances. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01 66 11. 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS CONTROL DEVICES 26 09 96-1 (191164.40) (08/16) PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Provide suitable mounting brackets in conformance with manufacturer's recommendation for each control device required. 2.2 MOTOR PROTECTORS A. Provide 3-phase motor protector relays where shown on the Drawings with the following requirements: 1. Monitors over -voltage, under -voltage and phase sequence. 2. Adjustable from 390 to 480 volts under and from 440 to 540 volts over. 3. Form C contacts rated 3 amps at 600 VAC. 4. 550 VAC maximum input voltage. 5. Automatic reset. B. Provide fuse protection on each incoming phase lead. C. Acceptable manufacturers: 1. Diversified Electronics, Inc., Cat. No. PBD -440 -ALE. 2. Or equal. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install control devices in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. B. Adjust devices for proper operation as intended. END OF SECTION ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS CONTROL DEVICES 26 09 96-2 (191164.40) (08/16) SECTION 26 22 13 LOW VOLTAGE DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Provide low voltage distribution transformers as shown on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work under this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 - General Requirements of these Specifications. C. References: 1. (Reserved). 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawing Submittals: 1. Physical dimensions, nameplate data, electrical ratings, and manufacturer's detailed specifications. B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals — (Reserved). C. Certificates and Guarantees — (Reserved). D. Spare Parts — (Reserved). 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with the following requirements: 1. NFPA 70 National Electrical Code (NEC). 2. Local codes and ordinances. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01 66 11. 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). LOW VOLTAGE DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS 26 22 13-1 (191164.40) (08/16) PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL PURPOSE TRANSFORMERS A. Provide transformers manufactured and tested to meet or exceed NEMA ST 201 UL 1562, ANSI C57.12, and IEEE standards. B. Provide KVA rating and voltages as shown on the Drawings. C. Provide overload capacity of not less than 10 percent for intermittent operation. D. Construct transformer to include: 1. Below 30 KVA: Class F or better insulation having a 115 degree C. rise average maximum over a 40 degree C. ambient temperature. 2. High grade, non -aging cores with sheet silicone steel laminations having core plating insulation on both sides of each lamination. 3. Two 2-1/2 percent primary taps above and below nominal voltage. 2.2 CONTROL TRANSFORMERS A. Provide UL listed transformers designed to handle high in -rush currents associated with contactors and relays. B. Provide continuous VA rating: Size for 1.25 times capacity required for all components in circuit. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install low voltage distribution transformers in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. B. Adjust voltage taps for required system voltage when necessary. END OF SECTION LOW VOLTAGE DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS 26 22 13-2 (191164.40) SECTION 26 24 19 MOTOR -CONTROL CENTERS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY (08/16) A. Provide motor control centers (MCC) as shown on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. MCC to be replace in similar layout for reconnections and must not exceed existing dimensions. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work under this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 - General Requirements of these Specifications. C. References: 1. (Reserved). 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawing Submittals: 1. Schematic diagrams for each compartment. 2. Wiring and interconnection diagrams. 3. Frontal elevation and dimension drawings. 4. Listing of ratings, sizes and style of all components, including bus work. 5. Nameplate listings. 6. Manufacturer's detailed specifications. B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals — Submit operation and maintenance manuals in compliance with pertinent provisions of Section 01 78 26. C. Certificates and Guarantees — (Reserved). D. Spare Parts — (Reserved). 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with the following requirements: 1. NFPA 70 National Electrical Code (NEC). 2. Local codes and ordinances. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01 66 11. MOTOR -CONTROL CENTERS 26 24 19-1 (191164.40) (08/16) 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Comply with the requirements of UL 845 and NEMA ICS -18. B. Rating: 480 volt AC, 3 phase, 3 wire, 60 Hertz unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. C. Provide individual units in MCC sized and rated as shown on the Drawings and specified herein. D. Acceptable manufacturers: 1. Cutler -Hammer / EATON Series 2100 2. Allen Bradley CENTERLINE 2100 Motor Control Center. 3. Siemens. 4. Or equal. 2.2 MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT A. Provide structure as follows: 1. Sectionalized construction of one or more totally enclosed, dead front, vertical sections joined together to form a rigid, free-standing assembly. 2. Steel base channels and steel lifting angles per manufacturer's standard. 3. NEMA 1A 20 -inch wide by 20 -inch deep basic sections with gasketing. Other widths and depths for special sections as required. 4. Laminated plastic engraved tag number identification nameplate on each MCC with 1/2 -inch high white or black letters on background of opposite color. 5. Prime coated, baked enamel finish. 6. Open bottom and removable top plate on each section for conduit entry. 7. Overall size not to exceed allocated space or maximum dimensions shown on the Drawings. 8. Labeled to indicate suitability for use as service entrance equipment when Drawings show service wires terminated to MCC. B. Provide bus bars and terminations as follows: 1. Front accessible, silver or tin plated copper over entire length, braced to withstand a fault current of 65,000 RMS symmetrical amperes. 2. Minimum 800 amp continuous horizontal bus or greater as determined from frame size of protective device feeding bus. MOTOR -CONTROL CENTERS 26 24 19-2 (191164.40) (08/16) 3. Minimum 300 amp continuous vertical bus or greater to accommodate total connected load with all connected circuit breakers or fuses considered at full rating. 4. Bus barriers with plug-in openings at 1/2 space factor intervals and snap - in closing plates for unused openings. 5. Bottom covers over vertical bus. 6. Continuous horizontal ground bus in bottom of MCC sized at 28 percent minimum of main horizontal bus cross-sectional area. 7. Provide line and load terminations accessible from front, suitable for the size, number of conductors, and conductor material as shown on the Drawings. C. Provide wiring as follows: 1. Provide complete wire labeling per Section 26 05 19 3.2 and Section 26 05 23 3.2. Label all wiring/cables in the MCC at both ends of each cable run. 2. NEMA Class II, Type B wiring. 3. Track -mounted, pull apart terminals in unit. 4. Vertical wireway with separate door in each section, isolated from bus and control units. 5. Continuous horizontal wireway, top and bottom, throughout entire length. 6. Pre -wired for Ethernet communications as shown on the Drawings. D. Provide MCC units as follows: 1. Combination across -the -line starters: a. Comply with Section 26 29 13.13. b. Use draw out type through NEMA Size 3 inclusive. 2. Combination reduced -voltage starters: a. Comply with Section 26 29 13.16. 3. Molded case thermal magnetic circuit breakers: Comply with Section 26 28 00. 4. Operating handles for unit -mounted circuit breakers and disconnect switches: a. Engaged with device at all times. b. Up and down motion with down as OFF. C. Interlocked with unit door. d. Position for padlocking in off position. 5. Fuses: Comply with Section 26 28 00. 6. Transformers: Comply with Section 26 22 13. 7. Pushbuttons, selector switches, and pilot lights: Comply with Section 26 09 95. 8. Self -aligning, silver or tin plated, plug -on connections to vertical bus. 9. Doors: a. Pan type. b. Rugged concealed hinges. C. 1/4 turn latches or captive knurled thumb screws engaging with cage nuts. MOTOR -CONTROL CENTERS 26 24 19-3 (191164.40) (08/16) 10. Padlock provision to lock unit with plugs disengaged from bus. Units supported and guided by unit support pan: a. Pan easily relocated without tools. b. Unit manufacturer's identification tag fastened to unit saddle. 11. Engraved laminated plastic unit identification nameplates: a. Use 3/16 -inch high white or black letters on background of opposite color. b. On each unit. 12. Unit compartments enclosed and isolated from adjacent units, busses, and wireways except for openings for conductor entrance into units. 13. General purpose relays, time delay relays, timers and power control relays: Comply with Section 40 95 92. 14. Current metering relays and current metering transformers: Comply with Section 40 97 96. 15. Motor protectors: Comply with Section 26 09 96. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install MCC in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. B. Install on existing concrete pad as shown on the Drawings, and secure with steel bolts. Recoat paint as needed for clean finish look. 3.2 ADJUSTMENT AND CLEANING A. Furnish to Owner one can spray paint matching original finish for future touch-up as required. END OF SECTION MOTOR -CONTROL CENTERS 26 24 19-4 (191164.40) SECTION 26 28 00 LOW -VOLTAGE CIRCUIT PROTECTIVE DEVICES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY (08/16) A. Provide low -voltage circuit protective devices as shown on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work under this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 - General Requirements of these Specifications. C. References: 1. (Reserved). 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawing Submittals: 1. Electrical ratings, physical size, interrupt ratings, trip curves, 12t curves, and manufacturer's detailed specifications. B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals — (Reserved). C. Certificates and Guarantees — (Reserved). D. Spare Parts —Provide the following spare parts to the Owner that match items specified: 1. In three phase circuits: Three (3) fuses of each type and rating. 2. In single phase circuits: Two (2) fuses of each type and rating. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with the following requirements: 1. NFPA 70 National Electrical Code (NEC). 2. Local codes and ordinances. 3. Provide overcurrent protective devices by same manufacturer for each type of device. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01 66 11. 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). LOW -VOLTAGE CIRCUIT PROTECTIVE DEVICES 26 28 00-1 (191164.40) (08/16) 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 FUSES A. General purpose fuses for protection of motors, transformers, feeders and main service: 1. Use UL Class RK -1 fuses: a. Single end rejection or to fit mountings specified. b. 0-600 ampere rating. C. 200,000 ampere interrupting capacity. d. Dual element, time delay. e. Use Bussman Low Peak LPN -RK, or equal: 250 volt rating. f. Use Bussman Low Peak LPS-RK, or equal: 600 volt rating. 2. Use UL Class L fuses: a. Bolt -in type. b. 601-6,000 ampere rating. C. 200,000 ampere interrupting capacity. d. Time delay. e. Use Bussman HI -CAP, KRP-C, or equal: 600 volt rating. B. Acceptable manufacturers: 1. Bussman. 2. Littelfuse. 3. Mersen. 4. Or equal. C. General purpose fuses for protection of motor control circuits, lighting ballasts, control transformers, and street lighting fixtures: 1. Use UL Class CC, fast acting, single element fuses. 2. Rated for 0-30 amperes. 3. Provide 200,000 ampere interrupting capacity. 4. Use Bussman Limitron KTK-R, or equal: 600 volt rating. 2.2 MOLDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKERS A. General: 1. Comply with UL 489 requirements. 2. Provide thermal and magnetic protection. B. Provide permanent trip lighting panel circuit breakers as follows: 1. UL listed SWD (switching duty) on 120 volt circuits where switched circuits are indicated. 2. Short circuit rating (integrated equipment rating): a. Up to 240 volt: 10,000 RMS symmetrical amps minimum. b. Up to 480 volt: 14,000 RMS symmetrical amps minimum. LOW -VOLTAGE CIRCUIT PROTECTIVE DEVICES 26 28 00-2 (191164.40) (08/16) C. Provide permanent trip power panel and MCC circuit breakers as follows: 1. Single magnetic trip adjustment. 2. Bolt -on type. 3. Short circuit rating (integrated equipment rating): a. Main: 42,000 RMS symmetrical amps minimum. b. Branch: 14,000 RMS symmetrical amps minimum. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install low -voltage circuit protective devices in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 3.2 ADJUSTMENT A. Set and record adjustable settings on circuit breakers to provide selective coordination and proper operation. END OF SECTION LOW -VOLTAGE CIRCUIT PROTECTIVE DEVICES 26 28 00-3 (191164.40) (08/16) SECTION 26 29 13.13 ACROSS -THE -LINE MOTOR CONTROLLERS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Provide across the line motor controllers as shown on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work under this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 - General Requirements of these Specifications. C. References: 1. (Reserved). 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawing Submittals: 1. Enclosure dimensions, nameplate data, electrical ratings and characteristics, wiring diagrams and manufacturer's detailed specifications. B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals —Submit operation and maintenance manuals in compliance with pertinent provisions of Section 01 78 26, including the following: 1. Documentation showing final configuration of each solid state (electronic) overload relay if applicable. C. Certificates and Guarantees — (Reserved). D. Spare Parts — (Reserved). 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with the following requirements: 1. NFPA 70 National Electrical Code (NEC). 2. Local codes and ordinances. B. Provide all motor starters of one manufacturer. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01 66 11. ACROSS -THE -LINE MOTOR CONTROLLERS 26 29 13.13-1 (191164.40) (08/16) 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Provide motor starters as follows: 1. Comply with NEMA ICS -2 Standards. 2. International -European (I.E.C.) standards are not acceptable. B. Provide overloads sized to match motor nameplate full load amps (FLA) rating. 2.2 MAGNETIC MOTOR STARTER A. Minimum acceptable short circuit withstand rating in combination with motor circuit protective device: 22,000 symmetrical amps. B. Provide magnetic motor starter: 1. Mounted in vertical position, gravity dropout. 2. Double break silver alloy contacts. 3. Solid state (electronic) overload relay: a. Manual reset button. b. Visible trip indication. C. Use NEMA Class 20 adjustment for general applications. d. Use NEMA Class 10 adjustment for submersible pump motors. e. Provide communication module to transfer data on PLC communication network as shown on the Drawings. 4. NEMA Size 1 minimum or as shown on the Drawings. 5. Compatible with Allen Bradley CENTERLINE 2100 Motor Control Center. 6. Provide I/O communication module for: a. Ethernet communications. b. H -O -A switch. C. DSACW signal from auxiliary contact in safety disconnect switch. 2.3 COMBINATION MOTOR STARTER A. Inter -wired combination of magnetic motor starter and thermal -magnetic circuit breaker or fused disconnect switch within a common enclosure or motor control center unit. B. Provide operating handle with means for padlocking in off position. ACROSS -THE -LINE MOTOR CONTROLLERS 26 29 13.13-2 (191164.40) (08/16) 2.4 MANUAL MOTOR STARTER A. Minimum acceptable short circuit withstand rating in combination with motor circuit protective device: 10,000 symmetrical amps. B. Provide manual motor starter: 1. Double break silver alloy contacts. 2. Thermal overload units. 3. Provision for padlocking in off position. 4. Green pilot light. 2.5 CONTROL CIRCUITS A. Provide maximum 120 Vac, 60 Hertz. B. Size transformer for 1.25 times capacity required for all components in circuit. 2.6 CONTROLS A. Provide running time meter mounted in enclosure cover when shown on Drawings as follows: 1. 6 -digit, non-resettable. 2. Registered in hours and tenths of hour. 2.7 ENCLOSURES A. Provide motor starter enclosures as follows: 1. Indoor locations: NEMA 1 steel construction. 2. Outdoor or wet locations: NEMA 3R or NEMA 4 steel construction. 3. Corrosive locations: NEMA 4X stainless steel. 4. Hazardous locations: NEMA 7/9 cast iron or copper free cast aluminum. 2.8 NAMEPLATES A. Provide engraved laminated plastic type. B. Use 3/16 -inch high white or black letters on background of opposite color. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install across the line motor controllers in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. B. Coordinate electronic overload parameter settings with supplier of process control panels. ACROSS -THE -LINE MOTOR CONTROLLERS 26 29 13.13-3 (191164.40) (08/16) 3.2 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Conduct field tests prior to energization as follows: 1. Megger check wire insulation levels (do not megger check solid state equipment). 2. Record and provide results of tests to Engineer. END OF SECTION ACROSS -THE -LINE MOTOR CONTROLLERS 26 29 13.13-4 (191164.40) SECTION 26 29 13.16 REDUCED -VOLTAGE MOTOR CONTROLLERS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY (08/16) A. Provide Solid State Reduced Voltage Starters (SSRVS or RVSS) as shown on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work under this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 - General Requirements of these Specifications. C. References: 1. (Reserved). 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawing Submittals: 1. Enclosure dimensions, nameplate data, electrical ratings and characteristics, wiring diagrams and manufacturer's detailed specifications. B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals — Submit operation and maintenance manuals in compliance with pertinent provisions of Section 01 78 26, including the following: 1. Documentation showing final configuration of each SSRVS. C. Certificates and Guarantees — (Reserved). D. Spare Parts — (Reserved). 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with the following requirements: 1. NFPA 70 (latest edition) -National Electrical Code (NEC). 2. Local codes and ordinances. 3. Furnish products listed and classified by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. as suitable for purpose specified and indicated. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01 66 11. REDUCED -VOLTAGE MOTOR CONTROLLERS 26 29 13.16-1 (191164.40) (08/16) 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Design programmable microprocessor controlled SSRVS utilizing a thyristor (SCR) bridge consisting of at least two SCRs per phase to control starting and stopping of industry standard motors. B. Protect driven motor from solid state component failure by means of isolation contactor that opens when the motor is stopped or when the controller detects a fault condition including a shorted thyristor. C. All protective features and deceleration control options to be available even when a shorting contactor is employed. D. Provide complete with magnetic only circuit breaker for Type 1 short circuit protection. Short circuit withstand rating shall be based on the motor horsepower as defined in UL 508. E. Acceptable manufacturers: 1. Cutler -Hammer / EATON. 2. ABB 3. Allen-Bradley. 4. Square D Company. 5. Or equal. 2.2 RATINGS A. Provide SSRVS with the following ratings: 1. Ambient temperature range: 0 to 40 degrees C. 2. Humidity: 93% @ 40 degrees C, non -condensing. 3. Voltage tolerance: +/- 10% of nominal rating. 4. Frequency tolerance: +/- 5% starting, +5% or -15% steady state operation. 5. Capable of supplying 300% rated full load current for 30 seconds at maximum ambient temperature. 6. SCR P.I.V. rating: 1400 VAC (minimum). 2.3 ADJUSTMENTS AND CONFIGURATIONS A. Provide accessibility to all display units, configuration switches and adjustment potentiometers on the front of the control module. Exposure to control circuit boards or electrical power devices during routine adjustments is prohibited. REDUCED -VOLTAGE MOTOR CONTROLLERS 26 29 13.16-2 (191164.40) (08/16) B. Provide digital indication of the following as a minimum: 1. SSRVS status — ready, starting/stopping, run. 2. Motor status — current, torque, thermal state, power factor. 3. Fault status. C. Provide SSRVS specifically designed to reduce surges during starting and stopping of centrifugal pumps. D. Provide built-in keypad to configure the following operating parameters. 1. Motor full load amps. 2. Current limitation on starting. 3. Torque ramp. 4. Initial torque. 5. Torque limit. 6. Maximum start time. 7. Selection of freewheel, soft stop, or braking. 8. Adjustable soft stop torque ramp time. 9. Selection of Class 10 and 20 motor thermal overload protection. 2.4 INPUTS AND OUTPUTS A. Provide the following output relays: 1. One Form A and one Form B minimum for indication of fault or control of an isolation contactor. 2. One Form A for indication that torque ramp is complete and current is below 130% motor FLA (End of start). 3. One Form A for indication of FAULT status to remote Pump Control Panel. B. Provide the following additional 1/0: 1. One logic input for force to freewheel, indication of external fault, force to local control, or external motor overload reset. 2. One analog output for 4-20 or 0-20 milliamp indication of motor current, torque, thermal state or power factor. C. Provide relay and 1/0 functions listed above isolated with respect to common. 2.5 PROTECTION A. Provide microprocessor controlled thermal protection system which continuously calculates the temperature -rise of the motor and SSRVS and provides: 1. An overload pre -alarm which indicates by relay contact that the motor has exceeded its rated temperature rise by 110%. 2. A thermal fault condition which stops the motor if the temperature -rise exceeds 120% of the motor thermal capability. 3. An analog electronic circuit with a time constant adjustable to the motor's thermal cooling time constant ensuring the memorization of the thermal state even after power supply disconnection or shorting out of the power semiconductors. REDUCED -VOLTAGE MOTOR CONTROLLERS 26 29 13.16-3 (191164.40) (08/16) B. Provide phase loss, phase reversal, under -load, stall, and jam protection 2.6 CONTROLS A. Provide control transformer within the enclosure to operate soft start control circuitry 120 Vac, 60 Hz. B. Provide door -mounted operator devices as shown on the Drawings. C. Provide Ethernet communication module to communicate with PLC. (Optional if it does not affect bucket size from that of original soft starter bucket) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install SSRVS in electrical enclosures or motor control centers as shown on the Drawings and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 3.2 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Conduct field tests prior to energization per manufacturers recommendations. B. Record and provide results of tests to Engineer. 3.3 START-UP AND TESTING A. Provide programming, calibration and operational testing. B. Set operating parameters as required. END OF SECTION REDUCED -VOLTAGE MOTOR CONTROLLERS 26 29 13.16-4 (191164.40) (08/16) SECTION 26 43 00 SURGE -PROTECTIVE DEVICES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Provide surge protective devices as shown on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work under this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 - General Requirements of these Specifications. C. References: 1. (Reserved). 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawing Submittals: 1. Manufacturer's detailed specifications. B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals — (Reserved). C. Certificates and Guarantees — (Reserved). D. Spare Parts — (Reserved). 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with the following requirements: 1. NFPA 70 National Electrical Code (NEC). 2. Local codes and ordinances. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01 66 11. 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). SURGE -PROTECTIVE DEVICES 26 43 00-1 (191164.40) (08/16) PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SURGE PROTECTION — NON SERVICE ENTRANCE MOTOR CONTROL CENTER A. Design surge -protective device to protect AC secondary power line from line transients and other damaging voltage spikes. B. Provide surge -protective device with the following requirements: 1. Meets or exceeds the following standards: a. ANSI/IEEE C62.41, C62.45 and C62.11. b. UL 1449. 2. Suitable for operation on 480 volt, 3 phase, 3 wire system, at 60 Hertz. 3. Capable of repeated operations. 4. Replaceable modular protection. 5. Backup redundant protection. 6. 100,000 amperes per phase surge current capacity. 7. Monitoring of normal operation, protection event and protection reduced through indication lamps. C. Acceptable manufacturers: 1. EATON 2. Square D HWA series. 3. MCG Electronics, Inc. 4. LEA International. 5. Or equal. 2.2 SURGE PROTECTION — 120 VOLT A. Design surge -protective device to protect AC secondary power line from line transients and other damaging voltage spikes. B. Provide surge -protective device with the following requirements: 1. Suitable for operation on 120 Volt, at 60 Hertz. 2. Capable of repeated operations. C. Acceptable manufacturers: 1. Mersen STT21201 PG. 2. Or equal. 2.3 SURGE PROTECTION — LOW VOLTAGE/CONTROL A. Design surge -protective device to protect control devices from line transients and other damaging voltage spikes. B. Provide surge -protective device with the following requirements: 1. Suitable for operation on low voltage DC. 2. Capable of repeated operations. SURGE -PROTECTIVE DEVICES 26 43 00-2 (191164.40) (08/16) C. Acceptable manufacturers: 1. Pepper -Fuchs FN -LB. 2. Or equal. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install surge -protective devices in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. END OF SECTION SURGE -PROTECTIVE DEVICES 26 43 00-3 (191164.40) (04/12) SECTION 40 95 92 RELAYS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Provide relays as shown on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 - General Requirements of these Specifications. C. References: 1. (Reserved). 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawing Submittals: 1. Manufacturer's detailed specifications. B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals — (Reserved). C. Certificates and Guarantees — (Reserved) D. Spare Parts: 1. Provide one spare relay for each type of relay installed. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE — (Reserved). 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01 66 11. 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). RELAYS 40 95 92-1 (191164.40) (04/12) PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL PURPOSE RELAYS A. Design general purpose relays to operate as follows: 1. On application of control power to relay coil, contacts reverse state. 2. Contacts return to de -energized state on removal of control power. B. Provide general purpose relays with the following requirements: 1. Plug-in blade type. 2. Contacts: a. Material: Silver cadmium oxide. b. Rating: Minimum of 10A at 120 VAC. C. Two Form C, minimum. Provide number of contacts for each relay as required for application. 3. Duty cycle: Continuous. 4. Relay sockets with barrier -type screw terminal connections for external wiring: a. Surface or DIN rail mount. b. Relay hold-down clips. 5. Lamp indication when relay is energized. 6. Acceptable manufacturers: a. I DEC, RH Series. b. Or equal. 2.2 DELAY -ON -MAKE (ON -DELAY) TIME DELAY RELAYS A. Design delay -on -make time delay relays to operate as follows: 1. On application of voltage to the coil, the relay contacts remain in the "off state" and timing cycle begins. When the set time has elapse the relay contacts transfer to the "on state". The contacts remain in the "on state" until the timer is reset. The timer is reset upon removing the coil voltage. Timer is then ready for the next operation. B. Provide delay -on -make time delay relays with the following requirements: 1. Plug-in blade type. 2. Repeat timing accuracy: Plus or minus 1.5 percent. 3. Minimum setting: 10 percent of full range. 4. Duty cycle: Continuous. 5. Timing range: 0.1 sec. - 10 min. 6. Contacts: a. Material: Silver cadmium oxide. b. Rating: 10A at 120 VAC. C. Two Form C. 7. Relay sockets with barrier -type screw terminal connections for external wiring. a. Surface or DIN rail mount. b. Relay hold-down clips. RELAYS 40 95 92-2 (191164.40) (04/12) 8. Acceptable manufacturers: a. IDEC, RTE Series. b. Or equal. 2.3 DELAY -ON -BREAK (OFF -DELAY) TIME DELAY RELAYS A. Design delay -on -break time delay relays to operate as follows: 1. Voltage is applied to the coil at all times. When a momentary or maintained start signal is supplied the contacts immediately transfer to "on state". The set time begins when the start signal is removed. When the set time has elapsed, the contacts transfer to the "off state". The contacts remain in the "off state" until the next start signal is supplied. The timer can be reset by application of a reset input or by removing coil voltage. B. Provide delay -on -energize time delay relays with the following requirements: 1. Plug-in blade type. 2. Repeat timing accuracy: Plus or minus 1.5 percent. 3. Minimum setting: 10 percent of full range. 4. Duty cycle: Continuous. 5. Timing range: 0.1 sec.- 10 min. 6. Contacts: a. Material: Silver cadmium oxide. b. Rating: 10A at 120 VAC. C. Two Form C. 7. Relay sockets with barrier -type screw terminal connections for external wiring. a. Surface or DIN rail mount. b. Relay hold-down clips. 8. Acceptable manufacturers: a. IDEC, RTE Series. b. Or equal. 2.4 MOTORIZED RESET TIMERS (BACKSPIN TIMERS) A. Design motorized reset timers (backspin timers) with synchronous timing motor driven reset timer suitable for door panel -mounting and reverse clutch operation to operate as follows: 1. Timing cycle begins when control power is removed from the clutch. Control power must remain applied to the timing motor for the timing cycle to begin. 2. Four sets of contacts that operate as follows: a. Two sets change state when the "clutch" is energized and return to normal state when the clutch is de -energized. b. One set changes state when the timing cycle has been completed. C. One set changes state at approximately 5 percent of the timing cycle and will stop the timing motor ending the timing cycle RELAYS 40 95 92-3 (191164.40) (04/12) B. Provide motorized reset timers with the following requirements: 1. Control power: 120 VAC, 60 Hertz. 2. Timing range to be 0 to 10 minutes. 3. Calibrated scale and adjustable knob with red progress pointer. 4. Reset time: One-half second at maximum setting. 5. Contacts: a. Rating: 10A at 120 VAC, 5 amps at 240 VAC. b. Four Form C that function as described above. 6. Power indication: Neon pilot light. 7. Standards recognition: U.L., CSA, and F.M. 8. Acceptable manufacturers: a. Eagle Signal Control, Model HP5-4-A6-01-00. b. Or equal. 2.5 POWER CONTROL RELAYS A. Design power control relays to operate as follows: 1. On application of control power to relay coil, contacts reverse state. 2. Contacts return to de -energized state on removal of control power B. Provide power control relay for heavy-duty switching operation with the following requirements: 1. Screw -mounted type with screw type terminals. 2. Contacts: a. Material: Silver cadmium oxide. b. Rating: 25A at 277 VAC, 1 horsepower per movable arm at 120 VAC. C. Two Form C, minimum. 3. Duty cycle: Continuous. 4. Coil operating voltage: 120 VAC. 5. Acceptable manufacturers: a. Potter and Brumfield. b. Or equal. 2.6 MULTIFUNCTION TIMERS A. Design multifunction timers with synchronous timing motor drive suitable for flush panel mounting. B. Provide multifunction timers with the following requirements: 1. Control power: 120VAC, 60 Hz. 2. Running reserve: 100 Hr. 3. Minimum switch time: 20 minutes. 4. Interval: 10 minutes. 5. Contacts: a. Rating: 10A at 120 VAC, 5A at 240 VAC. b. Form C. RELAYS 40 95 92-4 (191164.40) (04/12) 6. Acceptable manufacturers: a. IDEC Model GT3D4AF20. b. Or equal. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install relays in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 3.2 CALIBRATION A. Calibrate and program equipment to meet system requirements. 3.3 START-UP AND TESTING A. Comply with the manufacturer's recommended testing procedures. END OF SECTION RELAYS 40 95 92-5 (191164.40) (08/12) SECTION 40 97 96 PROCESS SWITCHES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Provide process switches as shown on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 - General Requirements of these Specifications. C. References: 1. (Reserved). 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawing Submittals: 1. Manufacturer's detailed specifications. B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals — (Reserved). C. Certificates and Guarantees — (Reserved). D. Spare Parts — (Reserved). 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE — (Reserved). 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01 66 11. 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS — (Reserved). 1.6 MAINTENANCE — (Reserved). PROCESS SWITCHES 40 97 96-1 (191164.40) (08/12) PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 CURRENT METERING RELAYS A. Design current metering relays capable of sensing current on a 3-phase alternating current (AC) system and operates as follows: 1. Toggles switch contacts when the current in any of the phases reaches the set value. 2. Resets contacts when the current in all 3 phases drops to a value at least 10 -percent below the set value or by interrupting the power supply. B. Provide current metering relays and three phase current transformers with the following requirements: 1. Current metering relays. a. Operating voltage: 120 VAC. b. Contacts: One Form C rated at 10A, 120 VAC. C. Setpoint adjust: Knob on face of relay. d. Indication: LED for "ON" indication. e. Hysteresis: Approximately 10 -percent, adjustable to 75 -percent with external resistor. f. Mounting configuration: Plug-in 11 -pin (octal), DIN rail mounting with hold down spring. 2. Current metering transformers. a. Current ranges: (1) 0.5 to 5 Amperes RMS. (2) 2 to 20 Amperes RMS. (3) 10 to 100 Amperes RMS. (4) 50 to 500 Amperes RMS. b. Output voltage: 0.1 to 4 Volts peak. 3. Acceptable manufacturers: a. Electromatic Controls Corporation Model SM 115 relay with Models MP 3005, 3020, 3100, or 3500 current transformer. b. Or equal. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install process switches in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 3.2 CALIBRATION A. Calibrate and program equipment to meet system requirements. PROCESS SWITCHES 40 97 96-2 (191164.40) 3.3 START-UP AND TESTING (08/12) A. Comply with the manufacturer's recommended testing procedures. END SECTION PROCESS SWITCHES 40 97 96-3 (191164.40) BID FORM Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 Village of Mount Prospect Department of Public Works FROM: (hereinafter called "Bidder") TO: Office of the Village Manager, 3rd Floor 50 South Emerson Street Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 (hereinafter called "Village" or "Village of Mount Prospect") Bid For: Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 The bidders have familiarized themselves with the work and probable work conditions required under this Bid affecting the cost of the work and with the Bid Documents which include: Notice to Bidders Table of Contents Instructions for Bidders General Conditions and Special Provisions Specifications Bid Form Affidavit — Bid Certification Form Bid Security Bid Sheet — Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 Contract Document Labor and Materials Payment bond form Performance Bond Form Therefore, the Bidder hereby proposes to furnish all supervision, technical personnel, labor, materials, tools appurtenances, equipment, and services (including all utility and transportation services) required to construct and complete the Work, all in accordance with the above listed documents. Bidder agrees to perform all of the Work and provide the equipment and materials described in the Bid Documents, as follows: Bidder has bid on all items and has provided a price for all items. The Bidder acknowledges that it is responsible for verification of all pipe sizes and depths prior to the ordering of materials. 155 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 The Bidder will complete and provide all labor, equipment, materials and mobilization (if applicable) to perform the Work as incidental to the fixed item price for each item proposed. In submitting this bid, the Bidder understands that the Village of Mount Prospect reserves the right to add to or subtract from the estimated quantities. The Village of Mount Prospect intends to award one (1) contract (if at all) for the items bid. If written notice of award of this bid is mailed, emailed or otherwise delivered to the Bidder at any time before this bid is withdrawn, the Bidder agrees to execute and deliver the contract in the prescribed form and furnish payment and performance bonds, or letter of credit, and the insurance certificates required by the Bid Documents to the Village within ten (10) days after receipt. The Bidder, and as successful bidder/Contractor upon award of the Contract understands and agrees to the following: 1) The Contractor agrees to provide all Work and items and material to the Village as noted in the Bid Documents and comply with the requirements of the Bid Documents. 2) The Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable state and federal laws, rules and regulations, and county and municipal ordinances, as described in the General Conditions. All Addenda pertaining to this project shall be acknowledged by the Bidder in the spaces provided below: Addendum No. Addendum Date Acknowledgement by Bidder or Authorized Representative Date Acknowledged Failure to acknowledge receipt, as provided above, may be considered sufficient grounds for disqualification of the bidder and rejection of his/her bid submittal. A record of all Addenda and copies of same will be available to all qualified bidders from the Village of Mount Prospect Public Works Department, 1700 West Central Road, Mount Prospect, Illinois two (2) days prior to the letting. It shall be the bidder's responsibility to become fully advised of all Addenda prior to submitting its bid. 'iiii IIII � age 31 156 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 Upon award the contract the Village will send Notice of Award to the successful bidder, the bidder must then execute the contract and provide the required bonds or letter of credit and certificate of insurance to the Village within ten (10) days. The Village will then issue a written Notice to Proceed, which starts the performance period and the contractor then has ten (10) days to commence work. The contractor shall reach substantial completion within one hundred five (105) consecutive calendar days after the Notice to Proceed with final completion ten (10) days thereafter. Failure to complete the work in the designated time frame may result in the Director of Public Works withholding compensation due the contractor for failure to complete the said work in the designated time frame, calling the bonds, or taking such other action as may be available. Security in the sum of ten (10%) percent of the amount bid in form of (check one): Bid Bond Certified Check Bank Cashier's Check is attached hereto in accordance with the "Instructions for Bidders". This Bid Submittal contains the following: 1) Bid Form 2) Affidavit —Bid Certification Form 3) Bid Security 3) BID SHEET(S) —BOOSTER PUMP STATION NO. 4 MOTOR CONTROL CENTER REPLACEMENT PROJECT 2020 Respectfully submitted: Name of Firm/Bidder: 031 (Signature) Title: Date: Contact Information: Official Address: Telephone: Email: ONE (1) SIGNED COPY OF THIS BID FORM AND BID SHEETS (Pages 42-53) ALONG WITH THE AFFIDAVIT —BID CERTIFCATION FORM, AND BID SECURITY SHALL BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED MARKED ENVELOPE.VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 157 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 °IIII(11111 111 g AFFIDAVIT — BID CERTIFICATION FORM Bidder: Company/Firm Name: Address: As a condition of entering into a contract with the Village of Mount Prospect, and under oath and penalty of perjury and possible termination of contract rights and debarment, the undersigned, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and states that he or she is (sole owner, partner, joint ventured, President, Secretary, etc.) of and has the authority to make all (Name of Company) certifications required by this affidavit. Section I Non Collusion The undersigned certifies that this bid is genuine and not collusive or a sham, that said bidder has not colluded, conspired, connived or agreed, directly or indirectly, with any bidder or person, to put in a sham bid or to refrain from bidding, and has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement or collusion, or communication or conference with any person, to fix the bid price element of this bid, or of that of any other bidder, or to secure any advantage against any other bidder or any person interested in the proposed contract. Section II Bid Rigging and Rotating The undersigned further states that (Name of Company) is not barred from bidding or contracting as a result of a conviction for violations of state laws prohibiting bid rigging or bid rotating or any similar offense of any state of the United States, as provided in Sections 33E-3 and 33E-4 of the Illinois Criminal Code, 720 ILCS 5/33E-3, 33E-4. Section III Drug Free Workplace The undersigned further states that (Name of Company) provides a drug free workplace pursuant to the Drug Free Workplace Act, 30 ILCS 580/1, et seq., and has, to the extent not covered by a collective bargaining that deals with the subject of the Substance Abuse Prevention in Public Works Projects Act, 820 ILCS 265/1 et seq., a substance abuse prevention program that meets or exceeds these requirements of that Act. iiia 'ilii ilii " 'ilii iiiirll 0 i Iage 2 158 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 AFFIDAVIT — BID CERTIFICATION FORM Section IV Tax Payment The undersigned further states that is (Name of Company) not delinquent in payment of any taxes to the Illinois Department of Revenue, in accordance with Illinois Compiled Statues, 65 ILCS 5/11-42.1. The undersigned understands that making a false statement regarding delinquency in taxes is a Class A Misdemeanor and, in addition voids the contract and allows the municipality to recover all amounts paid to the individual or entity under the contract in civil action. Section V Sexual Harassment Policy Pursuant to Section 2-105(A) of the Illinois Human Rights Act, 775 ILCS 5/2-105 (A), every party to a public contract must: "Have written sexual harassment policies that shall include, at a minimum, the following information: (I) the illegality of sexual harassment; (II) the definition of sexual harassment under State law; (III) a description of sexual harassment, utilizing examples; (IV) the vendor's internal complaint process including penalties; (V) the legal recourse, investigative and complaint process available through the Department (of Human Rights) and the Commission (Human Rights Commission); (VI) directions on how to contact the Department and Commission; and (VII) protection against retaliation as provided by Section 6-101 of the Act. (Illinois Human Rights Act)." A "public contract" includes: ... every contract to which the State, any of its political subdivisions or any municipal corporation is a party." 775 ILCS 5/1-103 (M) (2002), The undersigned further states that has (Name of Company) a written sexual harassment policy in place in full compliance with 775 ILCS 5/2-105 (A) (4). It is expressly understood the foregoing statements and representations and promises are made as a condition to the right of the bidder to receive payment under any award made under the terms and provisions of this bid. The undersigned certifies that all information contained in this Affidavit is true and correct. Signed by: Signature Name Printed: Signed and sworn to before me this day of , 20 My commission expires: Notary Public Title: 159 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 BID SECURITY Included with this bid is a bank cashier's check, certified check or bid bond in the amount of , being ten percent (10%) of the total amount bid by the Bidder, in favor of the Village of Mount Prospect. It is hereby agreed that, should Bidder be awarded the Work contemplated under this bid and fail or refuse to execute a contract for said Work, or to provide the required payment and performance bonds, or letter of credit, and certificate of insurance, then this security, in the amount stipulated above, shall be forfeited and may be retained by the Village of Mount Prospect as liquidated damages and not as a penalty. All bids to remain firm for a period of ninety (90) days after bid opening date. SUBMITTED THIS DAY OF -32020. SEAL (if corporation) Bidder: Bidder's Agent and Agent's Title Title Note: If bidder is a partnership, the bid must be signed by at least two of the partners. Note: If bidder is a corporation, the bid must be signed by an authorized officer of the corporation, attested and sealed by the secretary or other authorized officer. If a corporation, note here the state of incorporation: Incorporated under the laws of the State of 160 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 BID SHEET SUMMARY OF PRICES: CONTRACT PRICE (the lump sum —BASE BID): Dollars and Cents (In writing) (In writing) Dollars and Cents (In figure) (In figure) CONTRACT PRICE (ALTERNATE A to be added to Lump Sum Base Bid —Relocation of Panelboards and associated electrical equipment): Dollars and Cents (In writing) (In writing) Dollars and Cents (In figure) (In figure) CONTRACT PRICE (the sum of BASE BID and ALTERNATE A -TOTAL BID): Dollars and Cents (In writing) (In writing) Dollars and Cents (In figure) (In figure) This project has Alternate A (Base and Alternate A). All alternates shall be bid, or bid shall be rejected and returned. The Village may award only Base Bid, or Base Bid +Alternate A. 161 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 CONTRACT THIS Contract (hereinafter the "Contract") is entered into on this day of by and between the VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, an Illinois corporation (hereinafter the "Village"), and , an (hereinafter the `Contractor") (Village and Contractor sometimes referred to as "Party" and collectively as "Parties"), , 2020, municipal individually WHEREAS, the Village has solicited competitive bids for its "Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020"; and WHEREAS, the Contractor submitted a bid to perform the work associated with the Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 (hereinafter the "Bid"); and WHEREAS, upon its review of the submitted bids, the Village has awarded the contract to perform the work associated with the Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 to the Contractor, subject to the execution of this Contract; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of their mutual promises, covenants, undertakings and agreements, the parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I — CONTRACT DOCUMENTS This Contract is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract Documents, which are incorporated herein as if fully set forth, and include the following Bid Documents with Bidder's/Contractor's Bid Submittals prioritized to be included in number 6*: 1. Notice to Bidders 2. Table of Contents 3. Instructions to Bidders 4. General Conditions and Special Provisions 5. Specifications 6. Bid Submittals, including Bid Form, Affidavit — Bid Certification Form, Bid Security, Bid Sheet (*Bidder's/Contractor's completed Bid Submittals) 7. Other materials or standards provided or noted by the Village 8. Contract 9. Applicable performance and labor and materials payment bonds, or letter of credit. (Collectively the "Contact Documents") ARTICLE II — PERFORMANCE BY CONTRACTOR 1. The Contractor agrees to perform the work, including all labor, materials, equipment and services, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract Documents (hereinafter the "Work"). 162 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 2. The Contractor acknowledges that the Village reserves the right to add to or subtract from the estimated quantities. 3. The Contractor certifies that it will comply with all state and federal laws and regulations, and county and municipal ordinances, as set forth in the General Conditions. ARTICLE III — PERFORMANCE BY VILLAGE The Village agrees to pay the Contractor for its performance of the Work in the manner and amount provided in the Contract Documents. ARTICLE IV - CONFLICT BETWEEN CONTRACT DOCUMENTS In the event of a conflict between any Contract Document and the terms of this Contract, the Contract shall control to the extent of the conflict. In the event of any other conflict between Contract Documents, the preceding Document shall govern to the extent of the conflict based upon the order of priority set forth in Article I of this Contract, unless otherwise specifically stated. ARTICLE V — COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETION OF WORK After the written Notice to Proceed is issued by the Village, which will start the performance period, the Contractor then has 10 days to commence work. The Contractor shall achieved substantial performance within one hundred and five (105) consecutive calendar days after the Notice to Proceed has been issued with final performance ten (10) days thereafter. The Contractor shall commence performance of the Work and complete performance of the Work, in accordance with the schedule set forth in the Contract Documents, but in no event shall any Work be performed prior to the Village's receipt of this Contract, executed by Contractor, and the Village's acceptance and approval of the payment and performance bonds, or letter of credit, and certificate of insurance required by the Contract Documents. ARTICLE V— NOTICE Unless otherwise provided, all notices required under this Contract shall be made in writing and addressed or delivered as follows: TO THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT - The Village of Mount Prospect 1700 West Central Road Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 ATTN: Director of Public Works TO CONTRACTOR- at the address set forth on the Bid Form, or: 163 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 Notices shall be deemed effective when received by personal service or registered or certified U.S. mail, postage prepaid and receipt requested, to the address so specified. Either Party may, by written notice to the other, change its own mailing address. ARTICLE VI — PRIOR AGREEMENTS; SUCCESSORS This Contract supersedes all previous agreements, understandings and representations of any nature whatsoever, whether oral or written, and constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties. The terms of this Contract shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and the partners and officials, successors in interest, executors, administrators, assigns and representatives and their respective successors and assigns, provided, however, that the Contractor shall not assign, sublet or transfer any rights or interest in this Agreement in whole or in part without the prior written approval of the Village, except to the extent that the Contract Documents provide otherwise. ARTICLE VII - DEFAULT BY CONTRACTOR If the Contractor fails to begin the Work under the Contract within the time specified, or fails to perform the Work in accordance with the terms of the approved schedule or performs the Work in a manner unacceptable to the Village, or neglects or refuses to remove materials or perform anew such Work as has been rejected by the Village, or if the Contractor shall become insolvent or be declared bankrupt, or shall make an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or from any other cause whatsoever shall fail to carry on the Work in a manner required by the Contract, the Village shall give notice as hereinafter provided to the Contractor and its surety in writing specifying such failure, delay, neglect, refusal or default, and if the Contractor, within a period of ten (10) calendar days after the giving of such notice, shall not proceed in accordance therewith, then the Village shall have full power and authority to declare the this Contract and the Contractor in default, and to forfeit the rights of the Contractor in this Contract. Upon declaration of Contractor's default, the Village may, at its option, call upon the surety to complete the Work in accordance with the terms of this Contract or may take over the Work, including any materials on the Work site as may be suitable and acceptable to the Village and may complete the Work by its own forces or on its own account, or may enter into a new contract or contracts for the completion of the Work, or may use such other methods as shall be required for the completion of the Work in an acceptable manner as the Village may in its discretion determine. All costs and charges incurred by the Village, together with the cost of completing the Work shall be deducted from any moneys due or which may become due on this to the Contractor under this Contract. Following any payment due and received by the Village from the Contractor's surety following default, if the expense so incurred by the Village is less than the sum paid to the Village by the surety under this Contract for work remaining, the surety shall be entitled to receive the excess difference paid to the Village. When such Contractor default costs incurred by the Village exceeds the sum paid to the Village for the work remaining under the Contract the Contractor and the surety shall be liable and shall pay to the Village the full cost of such additional expenses. 164 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 ARTICLE VIII - DEFAULT BY VILLAGE In the event of a material default by the Village under this Contract, the Village shall have sixty (60) days, from notice thereof by Contractor, to cure the default prior to Contractor's termination of this Contract. The failure to pay a contested invoice shall not be considered a material default. Upon termination, the Village shall be responsible to pay any uncontested payments due for work performed. ARTICLE IX —VENUE The parties hereto agree that for purposes of any lawsuit(s) between them concerning this Agreement, its enforcement, or the subject matter thereof, venue shall be in Cook County, Illinois, and the laws of the State of Illinois shall govern the cause of action. ARTICLE X - SEVERABILITY OF CONTRACT If any term of this Contract is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be void or unenforceable, the remainder of the Contract terms will remain in full force and effect and will not be affected. ARTICLE XI - CUMULATIVE REMEDIES The exercise or failure to exercise any legal rights and remedies associated with any act of default or breach hereunder by either Party will not constitute a waiver or forfeiture of any other rights and remedies, and will be without prejudice to the enforcement of any other right or remedy available by law or authorized by this Contract. ARTICLE XII - COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS Each party to this Contract will comply with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations, and county and municipal ordinances and regulations. ARTICLE XIII - DISPUTE RESOLUTION Should a dispute arise between the Village and the Contractor as to the terms and conditions of the Contract, or the responsibilities, limitations, or working relations of either Party, the designated project personnel will make every reasonable effort to resolve the difference in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract. If a dispute continues despite these efforts, it shall be referred to the Parties' Project Managers. If the above action fails to resolve the dispute, the Parties may, by agreement, elect to resolve the dispute through a mediation process. Each Party shall bear its own costs in preparing and conducting mediation, except that the costs, if any, of the actual mediation proceeding shall be shared equally by the Parties. The mediation process is defined as follows: The Parties shall select a mutually agreeable mediator from American Arbitration Association lists or any other agreeable list to aid the Parties in resolving the dispute. The mediator shall not be an employee or former employee of either Party. The first meeting shall be held at a location chosen by the Village. At the meetings, each Party may present materials and/or arguments to the mediator. The mediator's decision shall be not being binding upon either Party. 165 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 In the event that the foregoing steps fail to resolve the dispute, either Party may bring suit in the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois. ARTICLE XIV - ASSIGNMENT No rights or interest in this Contract may be assigned by Contractor without prior written notice being provided by Contractor to the Village and the Village's written approval. The Village shall not unreasonably withhold its approval of such assignment. In the event of an assignment, the Contractor shall not be relieved of its obligations under the Contract unless agreed to by the Village, at its sole discretion. ARTICLE XV - RECRUITING The Parties shall not, without the consent of the other Party, entice, encourage, offer special inducements, or otherwise recruit employees of the other Party during the period of this Contract and for a period of one (1) year thereafter. This clause is not intended to restrict any individual's right of employment but rather is intended to preserve the relationship intended under this Contract and to prevent the Parties from actively recruiting the employees of the other Party. ARTICLE XVII - COUNTERPARTS This Contract may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute one and the same agreement. ARTICLE XVIII - ENFORCEABILITY If any provision of this Contract is found to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that provision shall be severable from the rest of this Contract and the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions will in no way be affected or impaired. ARTICLE XIX - EFFECTIVE DATE The effective date of this Contract shall be the date of the last signature executing the Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Effective Date"). ARTICLE XX - ADVERTISEMENT Contractor shall not use, in its advertising, marketing programs, or other promotional efforts, any data, pictures, or other representation of the Village, except with the specific written authorization in advance by the Village. ARTICLE XXI - CAPTIONS; HEADINGS The paragraph headings which appear herein are included solely for convenience and shall not be used in the interpretation of this Contract. ARTICLE XXII — ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Contract, consisting of the Contract Documents, constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties for the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior arrangements, agreements, representations and undertakings, written or oral. This Contract may not be changed or modified except by a written instrument duly executed by each of the Parties hereto. 166 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Contract. Contractor: am Title: Date: ATTEST: Title: Date: VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT am Title: Date: ATTEST: Title: Date: 167 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND Principal Amount: Contract: KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the Village of Mount Prospect, an Illinois municipal corporation (hereinafter "Village"), has awarded to , as Principal (hereinafter "Contractor"), a written agreement with the Village dated the drawings and specifications prepared by: (hereinafter "Contract"), for in accordance with (Village of Mount Prospect or architect/engineer), which Contract is incorporated herein and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the Contractor is required to furnish a bond in connection with the Contract to secure the payment of claims of laborers, workmen, mechanics, material suppliers, and other persons as provided by law; NOW, THEREFORE, we, the undersigned Contractor and with main office at as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the Village in the penal sum of Dollars ($ ), lawful money of the United States, for which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these present. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the Contractor shall fully, promptly pay for all laborers, workmen and mechanics engaged in the work under the Contract, and not less than the general prevailing rate of hourly wages as required by the Contract and the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS 130/1 et seq., and for all material used or reasonably required for use in the performance of the Contract, and all duly authorized modifications, alterations, changes or additions to said Contract as may hereafter be made, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect, subject to the following conditions:. 1. A "Claimant" is defined as any person, firm or corporation having contracts with Contractor or with a subcontractor of Contractor to furnish labor, materials, or both, for use in the performance of the Contract. "Labor and materials" is construed to include that part of water, gas, power, light, heat, 168 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 oil, gasoline, telephone service, rental of equipment, and any other items for which a mechanic's lien may be asserted. 2. Any person having a claim for labor and materials furnished in the performance of the Contract shall have no right of action unless he shall have filed a verified notice of such claim with the Village Clerk within 180 days after the date of the last items of work or the furnishing of the last item of materials, and filed a copy of that verified notice upon the Contractor within 10 days after the filing of the notice with the Village Clerk. Filing must be by personal service or United States Mail, postage prepaid, certified or restricted delivery, return receipt requested, limited to addressee. The notice shall contain 1) the name and address of the claimant; 2) the business address of the claimant within the State of Illinois, if any, or if the claimant be a foreign corporation having no place of business within the State, the principal place of business of the corporation, and in the case of partnership, the names and residences of each of the partners; 3) the name of the Contractor for the Village; 3) the name of the person, firm or corporation by whom the claimant was employed or to whom such claimant furnished materials; 4) a brief description of the public improvement for the construction or installation of which the Contract is to be performed; and 5) a description of Claimant's contract as it pertains to the public improvement describing the work done by the claimant and stating the total amount due and unpaid as of the date of the verified notice. No defect in the notice herein provided for shall deprive the claimant of its right of action under the terms and provision of this Bond unless it shall affirmatively appear that such defect has prejudiced the rights of an interested party asserting the same. 3. No action shall be brought on this Bond later than one year after the date of the last item of work or of the furnishing of the last item of materials. Such suit shall be brought only in the circuit court of the State in the judicial district in which the Contract is to be performed. 4. The Village shall not be liable for the payment of any costs or expenses of any such lawsuit, and the Village does not have any obligations to any Claimants who make claims on this Bond. Surety will pay for all such claims, and for all costs and expenses of any such lawsuit, up to a maximum of the amount of this Bond. Surety hereby expressly agrees that no extension of time, change, modification, alteration, deletion, or addition to the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions, and agreements of the Contract, or to the work to be performed thereunder, shall in any way affect the obligation of this Bond; and it does hereby waive notice of any such extension of time, change, modification, alteration, deletion, or addition to the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions, and agreements of the Contract, or to the work to be performed thereunder. Surety's obligations hereunder are independent of the obligations of any other surety for the payment of claims of laborers, workmen, mechanics, material suppliers, and other persons in connection with the Contract; and suit may be brought against 169 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 Surety and such other sureties, jointly and severally, or against any one or more of them, or against less than all of them without impairing the Village's rights against the others. Any payment by the Surety made in good faith pursuant to this Bond shall reduce the principal amount of this Bond. Signed and sealed this day of Contractor By: Signature Title ATTEST: Corporate Secretary (corporations only) STATE OF _ COUNTY OF I, hereby certify that (Insert Name of Attorney -In -Fact for Surety) who is personally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument on behalf of Surety, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledge respectively that he/she signed, sealed, and delivered said instrument as his/her free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes therein set forth. 2020. S u rety By: Officer Of The Surety Title Address: wlf%T w ov , a Notary Public in and for said county, do Given under my hand and notarial seal this 201 Notary Signature: day of My Commission expires: (Attach Surety's Power of Attorney) 170 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PERFORMANCE BOND Principal Amount: Contract: KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Contractor ,as Principal (hereinafter "Contractor"), and with main office at , a corporation of the state of ,as Surety (hereinafter "Surety"), are held and firmly bound unto the Village of Mount Prospect, an Illinois municipal corporation (hereinafter "Village"), in the penal sum of Dollars ($ ), lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Contractor has entered into a written agreement with the Village dated (hereinafter "Contract"), for the construction of in accordance with the drawings and specifications prepared by: (Village of Mount Prospect or architect/engineer), which Contract made a part hereof. is incorporated herein and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the Contractor shall fully, promptly and completely discharge the Contract and all duly authorized modifications, alterations, changes, or additions to said Contract as may hereafter be made, and during the life of any guaranty required under the Contract, and, if Contractor shall fully secure and protect the Village from all liability and from all loss or expense of any kind, including all court costs and attorneys' fees made necessary or arising from the failure, refusal or neglect of Contractor to comply with all obligations assumed by Contractor in connection with the performance of the Contract and all such modifications, alterations, changes, or additions, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. Upon receipt of written notice from the Village that the Contractor is in default, and performance by the Village of its obligations under the Contract, Surety will promptly (1) remedy the default; (2) arrange for the performance of Contractor's obligations under the Contract through the use of qualified contractors acceptable to the Village; or (3) notify the Village that it may hire a contractor to complete Contractor's obligations under the Contract. Surety will promptly notify, in writing, the Village of which option it is exercising. Failure of the Surety to elect an option within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the notice from the Village shall constitute authorization to the Village to complete the improvements at Surety's expense. The balance of the contract price shall be credited against the cost of completing and/or correcting the Contractor's performance under the Contract. If the cost exceeds the balance of the contract price, the Surety shall pay the excess amount to the Village, up to a maximum of the principal amount of this Bond. If the Surety arranges for completion and/or correction or remedies the default, the balance of the contract price that is required to complete, correct or remedy the default shall be paid by the Village to Surety. Surety will be responsible, up to the maximum of the principal amount of this Bond, for payment for correction and completion of the 171 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 Contract, any additional legal, design professional or delay costs arising from Contractor's default and/or resulting from action or inaction on the part of the Surety and liquidated damages, or, if no liquidated damages are provided for in the Contract, actual damages caused by delayed performance or non-performance by the Contractor or Surety. The Village shall not be required to pay Surety more than the balance of the contract price. The term "balance of the contract price" means the total amount payable by the Village to the Contractor under the contract, and any amendments thereto, less the amounts paid to the Contractor by the Village. Any suit under this Bond must be filed before the expiration of two years from the date on which final payment under the Contract is due or the applicable statute of limitations, whichever is longer. No right of action shall accrue on this Bond to or for the use of any person or corporation other than the Village or its heirs, executors, administrators or successors. Any proceeding, legal or equitable, under this Bond may be instituted in a court of competent jurisdiction in the location in which the work is located. Notice to any of the parties shall be mailed to the appropriate address listed above. Surety hereby waives notice of any modifications, alterations, changes, additions or extension of time in the Contract. Signed and sealed this day of Contractor By: Signature Title ATTEST: Corporate Secretary (corporations only) STATE OF COUNTY OF )2020. Su rety Officer Of The Surety Title Address: NOTARY I, , a Notary Public in and for said county, do hereby certify that (Insert Name of Attorney -In -Fact for Surety) who is personally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument on behalf of Surety, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledge respectively that he/she signed, sealed, and delivered said instrument as his/her free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and notarial seal this Notary Signature: _day of My Commission expires: . 2020. 172 Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 o r-1, r Cic e BID FORM Booster Purrip,sUtloon No. 41 Motor Control Center Replacement Project2020 Village of Mount Prospect Department of Public Works FROM: NEWCASTLE ELECTRIC INC. 1505 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE, ITASCA, IL 60143 (hereinafter called "Bidder") TO: Office of the Village Manager, 3rd Floor 50 South Emerson Street Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 (hereinafter called "Village" or "Village of Mount Prospect") Bid For. Booster Pum Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Pro* Ilect 2020 The bidders have familiarized themselves with the work and probable work conditions required under this Bid affecting the cost of the work and with the Bid Documents which include: Notice to Bidders Table of Contents Instructions for Bidders General Conditions and Special Provisions Specifications Bid Form Affidavit — Bid Certification Form Bid Security Bid Sheet — Booster Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 Contract Document Labor and Materials Payment bond form Performance Bond Form Therefore, the Bidder hereby proposes to furnish all supervision, technical personnel, labor, materials, tools appurtenances, equipment, and services (including all utility and transportation services) required to construct and complete the Work, all in accordance with the above listed documents. Bidder agrees to perform all of the Work and provide the equipment and materials described in the Bid Documents, as follows: Bidder has bid on all items and has provided a price for all items. The Bidder acknowledges that it is responsible for verification of all pipe sizes and depths prior to the ordering of materials. 155 Booster .Pump Station No. 4 Motor Control Center Replacement Project 2020 r rn 2 The Bidder will complete and provide all labor, equipment, materials and mobilization(if applicable) to perform the Work as incidental to the fixed item price for each item proposed. In submitting this bid, the Bidder understands that the Village of Mount Prospect reserves the right to add to or subtract from the estimated quantities. The Village of Mount Prospect intends to award one (1) contract (if at all) for the items bid. If written notice of award of this bid is mailed, emailed or otherwise delivered to the Bidder at any time before this bid is withdrawn, the Bidder agrees to execute and deliver the contract in the prescribed form and furnish payment and performance bonds, or letter of credit, and the insurance certificates required by the Bid Documents to the Village within ten (10) days after receipt. The Bidder, and as successful bidder/Contractor upon award of the Contract understands and agrees to the following: 1) The Contractor agrees to provide all Work and items and material to the Village as noted in the Bid Documents and comply with the requirements of the Bid Documents. 2) The Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable state and federal laws, rules and regulations, and county and municipal ordinances, as described in the General Conditions. All Addenda pertaining to this project shall be acknowledged by the Bidder in the spaces provided below: Addendum . ......... Addendum - ----- Acknowledgement by Bidder or Date No. . ........... Date Authorized Re reseptative Acknowledq d # 1 1.15.2020 -,,ZO7, ZOZo �Z- 1. 20. Zo2o 7,7 -o,- ZO W Failure to acknowledge receipt, as provided above, may be considered sufficient grounds for disqualification of the bidder and rejection of his/her bid submittal. A record of all Addenda and copies of same will be available to all qualified bidders from the Village of Mount Prospect Public Works Department, 1700 West Central Road, Mount Prospect, Illinois two (2) days prior to the letting. It shall be the bidder's responsibility to become fully advised of all Addenda prior to submitting its bid. id Four) 1,J e 3 Upon award the contract the Village will send Notice of Award to the successful bidder, the bidder must then execute the contract and provide the required bonds or letter of credit and certificate of insurance to the Village within ten (10) days. The Village will then issue a written Notice to Proceed, which starts the performance period and the contractor then has ten (10) days to commence work. The contractor shall reach substantial completion within one hundred five 10 i (_1015'j c,onsecutive calendar days after the Notice to Proceed with final com let'lion ten (10), gay's there�after. Failure to 000 0 complete the work in the designated time frame may result in the Director of Public Works withholding compensation due the contractor for failure to complete the said work in the designated time frame, calling the bonds, or taking such other action as may be available. Security in the sum of ten (10%) percent of the amount bid in form of (check one): X Bid Bond Certified Check Bank Cashier's Check is attached hereto in accordance with the "Instructions for Bidders". This Bid Submittal contains the following: 1) Bid Form 2) Affidavit— Bid Certification Form 3) Bid Security 3) BID SHEET(S) — BOOSTER PUMP STATION NO. 4 MOTOR CONTROL CENTER REPLACEMENT PROJECT 2020 Respectfully submitted: Name of Firm/Bidder: NEWCASTLE ELECTRIC INC. By: _R OWN {Signator Title: THERESA MALONEY -PRESIDENT Date: JANUARY 27TH 2020 Contact Information:, Official Address: 1505 INDUSTRIAL DR. ITASCA, IL 60143 Telephone: 630-773-0171 Email,-, mikem@ncelectric.net ONE (1) SIGNED COPY OF THIS BID FORM AND BID SHEETS(Pages 42-53) ALONG WITH THE AFFIDAVIT — BID CERTIFCATION FORM, AND BID SECURITY SHALL BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED MARKED ENVELOPEXILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 157 I . i Fo rrn 11"I a g e 1 Company/Firm Name: NEWCASTLE ELECTRIC INC. Address: 1505 INDUSTRIAL DR. ITASCA, IL 60143 As a condition of entering into a contract with the Village of Mount Prospect, and under oath and penalty of perjury and possible termination of contract rights and debarment, the undersigned, THERESA MALONEY being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and states that he or she is PRESIDENT (sole owner, partner, joint ventured, President, Secretary, etc.) of NEWCASTLE ELECTRIC INC. and has the authority to make all (Name of Company) certifications required by this affidavit. Section I Non Collusion The undersigned certifies that this bid is genuine and not collusive or a sham, that said bidder has not colluded, conspired, connived or agreed, directly or indirectly, with any bidder or person, to put in a sham bid or to refrain from bidding, and has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement or collusion, or communication or conference with any person, to fix the bid price element of this bid, or of that of any other bidder, or to secure any advantage against any other bidder or any person interested in the proposed contract. 0 Section 11 Bid RJqwi-ngand otatir The undersigned further states that NEWCASTLE ELECTRIC INC, (Name of Company) is not barred from bidding or contracting as a result of a conviction for violations of state laws prohibiting bid rigging or bid rotating or any similar offense of any state of the United States, as provided in Sections 33E-3 and 33E-4 of the Illinois Criminal Code, 720 lLCS 5/33E-3, 33E-4. Section 111111 'Drug Free Work lace The undersigned further states that NEWCASTLE ELECTRIC INC, (Name of Company) provides a drug free workplace pursuant to the Drug Free Workplace Act, 30 ILCS 580/1, et seq., and has, to the extent not covered by a collective bargaining that deals with the subject of the Substance Abuse Prevention in Public Works Projects Act, 820 lLCS 265/1 et seq., a substance abuse prevention program that meets or exceeds these requirements of that Act. iu jl�l',j,'�!1,1, Foy 2 1.58 XT- A AX -4--- 1-1-4-111 ')Wln AFFIDAVIT — BID CERTIFICATION FORM Section IV Tax Payment The undersigned further states thatNEWCASTLE ELECTRIC INC. is . .......... (Name of Company) not delinquent in payment of any taxes to the Illinois Department of Revenue, in accordance with Illinois Compiled Statues, 65 ILCS 5/11-42.1. The undersigned understands that making a false statement regarding delinquency in taxes is a Class A Misdemeanor and, in addition voids the contract and allows the municipality to recover all amounts paid to the individual or entity under the contract in civil action. Section V Sexual Harassment Policy Pursuant to Section 2-105(A) of the Illinois Human Rights Act, 775 ILCS 5/2-105 (A), every party to a public contract must: "Have written sexual harassment policies that shall include, at a minimum, the following information: (1) the illegality of sexual harassment; (11) the definition of sexual harassment under State law; (111) a description of sexual harassment, utilizing examples; (IV) the vendor's internal complaint process including penalties; (V) the legal recourse, investigative and complaint process available through the Department (of Human Rights) and the Commission (Human Rights Commission); (VI) directions on how to contact the Department and Commission; and (VII) protection against retaliation as provided by Section 6-101 of the Act. (Illinois Human Rights Act)." A it public contract" includes: ...every contract to which the State, any of its political subdivisions or any municipal corporation is a party." 775 ILCS 5/1-103 (M) (2002), The undersigned further states that NEWCASTLE. ELECTRIC INC. has (Name of Company) a written sexual harassment policy in place in full compliance with 775 ILCS 5/2-105 (A) (4). It is expressly understood the foregoing statements and representations and promises are made as a condition to the right of the bidder to receive payment under any award made under the terms and provisions of this bid. The undersign certifies that all information contained in this Affidavit is true and correct. Si Title. PRESIDENT gby" Signature 01 Name Printed: THERESA MALONEY Signed and sworn to before me this 27TH day of JANUARY, 2020. My commission expires: Notary Public OFFICIAL SEAL MICHAEL P CLEARY NOTARY PUBLIC - STATE OF ILLINOIS My COMMISSION EXPIRES1 1/27/20 Included with this bid is a bank cashier's check, certified check or bid bond in the amount of , being ten percent (10%) of the total amount bid by the Bidder, in favor of the Village of Mount Prospect. It is hereby agreed that, should Bidder be awarded the Work contemplated under this bid and fail or refuse to execute a contract for said Work, or to provide the required payment and performance bonds, or letter of credit, and certificate of insurance, then this security, in the amount stipulated above, shall be forfeited and may be retained by the Village of Mount Prospect as liquidated damages and not as a penalty. All bids to remain firm for a period of ninety (90) days after bid opening date. SUBMITTED THIS *27TH DAY OF JANUARY 1,2020. SEAL (if corporation) 10 am R M-7 Bidder's Agent and Agent's Title Title Note: If bidder is a partnership, the bid must be signed by at least two of the partners. Note: If bidder is a corporation, the bid must be signed by an authorized officer of the corporation, attested and sealed by the secretary or other authorized officer. If a corporation, note here the state of incorporation: Incorporated under the laws of the State of ILLINOIS loll S,t,JM"'MA,,',,R''V'OAF'PRICES,, 1000 CONTRACT PRICE (the lump sum — BASE BID): N/NT 'Tiglp '?'�FfOUa�}�11f0 FL VF, #uA1W$ollars and — 0 ---- Cents (In writing) (In writing) Dollars and — 0 ---- 2�o Cents In. figure) (In figure) CONTRACT PRICE (ALTERNATE A to be added to Lump Sum Base Bid — Relocation of Panelboards and associated electrical equipment): . . . ...... . ................... . ..... -Dollars and Cents (In writing) (In writing) _-2o0a .. . . . ......... . .............. ­­"_ Dollars and 00-0 Cents (In figure) (In figure) CONTRACT PRICE (the sum of BASE BID and ALTERNATE A - TOTAL Fill Aily Foute lrkou5AA) io Ave �wmooeeb (In writing) Dollars and 0 --- Cents (In writing) Dollars and Cents (In figure) This project has Alternate A (Base and Alternate A). All alternates shall be bid, or bid shall. be rejected and returned. The Village may award only Base Bid, or Base Bid + Alternate A. 161 T7J,_-_*,_ ir)..4-.,4-.-- XT_ A A 4-4--- f),IA AIA Document A305 Contractor's Qualification Statement 1986 Edition (Modified) This form is approved and recommended by the American Institute ofArchitects (AIA) and The Associated. General Contractors of America (AGC) for use in evaluation the qualifications of contractors. No endorsements of the submitting party or verification of the information is made by the AIA or AGC. The undersigned certifies under oath that the information provided herein is true and sufficiently complete so as not be misleading. SUBMITTED TO: Village of Mount Prospect ADDRESS: 50 S. Emerson, Mount Prospect, IL, 60456 SJ113MITTED BY: Theresa Maloney NAME: Newcastle Electric, Inc. ADDRESS: 1,505 Industrial Drive Itasca, 1160143 PHONE.- 630-773-0171 FAX: 630-773-0183 PRINCIPLE OFFICE: Same NAME OF PROJECT.- Village of Mount Prospect Generator Installation. of Booster Pumping Station 1.7 Type of work (file separate form for each classification of work): General Construction HVAC PlumbingX Electrical . ......... — Other (please specify) AIA305 1. 1 How many years has your organization been in business as a contractor: 13 years 1.2 How many years has your organization. been in business under its present Business name? 13 years 1.2.1 Under what other or former names has your organization operated? None 1.3 If your organization is a corporation, answer the following: yes 1.3.1 Date of Incorporation: March 2000 1-3.2 State of Incorporation Illinois 1.3.3 President's Name Theresa Maloney 1.3.4 Vice President's Name: Joseph Maloney 1.3.5 Secretary's Name: Theresa Maloney 1.3.6 Treasurer's Name: Joseph Maloney 1.4 If your organization is a partnership, answer the following: 1.4.1 Date of Organization: 1.4.2 Type of partnership: 1.4.3 Name(s) of general paftn.er(s):, 1.5 If your organization is individually owned, answer the following: 1.5.1 Date of Organization: Name of /► 1.6 If the form of your organization is other than those fisted above, describe it and name the principals: 2. LICENSING 2.1. List jurisdiction and trade categories in which your organization is legally qualified to do business, and indicate registration or license number, if applicable. Electrical Contractor Registered in the City of Chicago license #ECC92746 2.2 List jurisdiction in which your organization's partnership or trade name is filed. a I 3.1 List the categories of work that your organization. normally performs with its own forces. Our Staff of Professionals allows us to offer the following services in-house: 3.2 Claims and Suits. (If the answer to any of the questions below is yes, please attach details). 3.2.1 Has your organization ever failed to complete any work awarded to it? no 3.2.2 Are there any judgments, claims arbitration proceedings, or suits pending or outstanding against your organization or its officers? no 3.2.3 Has your organization filed any lawsuits or requested arbitration with regard to construction contracts within the last five (5) years? no 3.3 Within the last five (5) years, has any officer or principal of your organization. ever b►ee a officer to principal of another organization when it failed to complete a construction contract? no 3.4 On a separate sheet, list major construction projects your organization has in progress, giving the name of project, Owner, Architect, contract amount, percent complete and scheduled completion date. Attached 3.4.1 State total worth of work in progress and. under contract: $ 100,000.00 3.5 On a separate sheet, list the major projects your organization has completed in the past five (5) years, giving the name of project, Owner, Architect, contract amount,, date of completion and percentage of the cost of the work performed. with, your own forces. 3.5.1 State average annual amount of construction work performed during the past five (5) years. REFERENCES 4.1. Trade references: I Active Electric Supply 4240 West Lawrence Avenue Chicago, IL 60630-2798 773-282-6300 fax #773-282-5952 Contact.- Linda Fox 2. Advance Electrical Supply Co., Inc. 263 N. Oakley Blvd. Chicago, IL 60612 3 12-421-2300 fax #-312-421-0926 Contact: Theresa 3. Idelwood Electric Supply 114 Skokie Valley Road Highland Park,, IL 60035-4495 847-831-3600 fax#847-831-3980 Contact: Dave Worth ,4.2 Bank ReferenceZ L LaSalle Bank. Chase Bank 6300 K""ingery Highway Boughton and Janes I 104 Willowbrook IL 60527 Bollingbrook, IL 630-654-4599 Option 3 fax#630-654-0868 630-783-9231 Contact: Branch Manager Contact: Branch Manager 4.3.1 Name of Bonding Company: West Bend Mutual Agent Donna Tyler Assurance Agency 1750 Golf Road Schaumburg, IL 60173 5.1 Financial Statement: on request 5.1.1. Attach a financial statement: Net Fixed Assets: Other Asset: Other liabilities (e.g. capital, capital. stock, authorized and outstanding share par values, earned surplus, and retained earnings): 5.1.2 Name and address of firm preparing financial. statements and date thereof TRACY F. BENNINGTON, CPA 1133TIMBER TRAILS ROAD DOWNERS GROVE, IL 60516 630-910-0620 FAX@ 630-985-6162 5.1.3 Is the financial statement for the identical organization named on Page I? 5.1.4 If not, explain the relationship and financial responsibility of the organization whose financial statement is provided (e.g. parent -subsidiary): 5.2 Will The organization whose financial statement is attached as a guarantor of the contract for construction? 6.1 Date at Itasca Location this 23rd Day of October, 201.3 Name of Organization: NEWCASTLE ELECTRIC, INC. By: Theresa Maloney Title: President 6.2 Theresa Maloney, being duly sworn, deposes and says that the information Provided herein is true and sufficiently complete so as not be misleading. Subscribed and sworn before me this 9" day of July, 2013 Notary Public 111Aj . . . ........... . ..... .... My Commission Expires - OFFICIAL SEAL 1F MICHAEL P CLEARY NOTARY PUBLIC - S7ATE OF ILLINOIS M�y C'OMMIISSION EXPIRES: 11/27/20 Arcon Associates Inc 2050 S. Finley Road, Suite 40 Lombard, IL 60148 (630) 495-1900 Contact: Michael Hantel A.I.A. Patrick Lynch A.I.A. Ref.- 2007 Addition and Remodeling at Hoffman Estates H.S. Original contract amount $2,625,000.00 to Nicholas & Associates, Inc., Amsco Engineering Inc 5115 Belmont Rd, Downers Grove, IL 60515 (630) 51.5-1555 Contact.- Dale Johnson P.E. Reference: District 211 and District 21 Projects. .. IN * * W, * & * * * * * 6 r. * 'W A, * 0 0 a I V A 'i AN * A, A *' �O 0, 1i (0 * * 0 # * * 0 * #, * * 4 W M N 4, M, ff 41, # 140, # * 0 # M A M * 0 41 W, * * * * 4 * # A W, * # * # #I .. 4 W 4, Palatine Public Works Department 148 W Illinois Avenue, Palatine, IL 60067 (847) 705-5200 Contact: Jim Vleck Reference: Generators at Multiple sites 2008 - $2005000 Ssada System Retrofit 2008 - $136,000 Heron Drive Pump Station 2004 - $405000 Generator replacement Northpumping station 2011-$223 ,000 Kluber Skahan & Associates 901 N Batavia Avenue # 3 01 Batavia, IL 605101 (630) 406-1.213 Contact: Jonathan Wentzlaff P.E. [-w ,eference: Northbrook J.H.S. Mechanical renovation 2007. - $ 24904 Mechanical Service Associates Corporation 780 McArdle Drive # X Crystal Lake, IL 60014 (81-5) 788-8901 Contact: Mark Carlson P.E. Reference-, SD U-46 Glenbrook Elementary School 2003 - $ 465,000 SD U-46 Generators at Multiple sites 2008 - $250,000 SD U-46 Mobile Classroom Relocation 2007 - $251,000 SD U-46 Ontarioville School lighting replacement 2011-$206,300 SD U-46 Laurel Hill School Lighting replacement 20114125,540 9,4-0 **10 ****10 N'#M N 1 4 MINI &NA W''# 4, ** to* Deerpath Construction and Development 998 Lombard Rd Lombard IL 60148 630-261-8060 Attn; Chris LeVoi FGM Architects Engineers Inc 1211 W 22 nd St Oak Brook IL 60523 630-574-8300 Reference; South Prairie Elementary School, Sycamore IL 2008-$2251001 Williams Architects 450 E Gunderson Dr Carol Stream IL 60188 630-221-1212 Berg Engineering Consultants 801 W Wise Rd Schaumburg IL 60193 847-352-4500 Reference-, Langendorf Recreation Center 2009-$781,000.00 235 Lions Dr Barrington IL 6001.0 BJB Partners LLC 324 W Touhy Ave Park Ridge IL 60068 1-312-961-7155 Architect; Kutl.esa Hernandez 647 Berkley Dr Romeoville IL 60446 1-312-315-7146 Reference; 2007 2008 1010 W Waveland Chicago $5 00,000' 2007 2008 1048 W Waveland Chicago $190,000 2008 2009 1038 W Wavelaago $180,000 2008 237 W Northwest Highway, Park Ridge IL $240,004 Burbank School District 111 7600 S Central Ave Burbank IL 60459 Attn; Daniel Smith 708-496-0500 Reference; 2010 electrical upgrades at three schools $330.,00* Arcon Associates Inc 2050 S. Finley Road, Suite 40 Lombard 1160148 630-495-1900 Contact; Brian Rominski Amsco Engineering Inc 5515 Belmont Rd Downers Grove IL 60515 630-515-1555 Attn.; Corey Clarke Centaur Construction Co 833 N Orleans Suite 300 Chicago IL 60610 312-799-1119 Attn..- Nick Martorano Reference; 2450 N Lakeview I I TH floor, Chicago 2012 $536,004 City of Elmhurst 209 N York St Elmhurst IL 60126 Attn: Pat Morley 630-330-0888 Reference; Emergency Generator Replacement, 404 N York Rd, 2008 $10200 Generator Replacement, 625 S Route 83, 2012 $3.20,000 Wight Construction Inc 2500 N Frontage Rd Darien IL 60561 Attn.- Josh Warriner 1-630-769-7000 Reference; Central Elementary School Des Plaines, 2011 $670,855.00 Iroquois Elementary School Des Plaines, 2012 $1,222,500.0-117 W Arcon Associates 2050 S. Finley Road, Suite 40 Lombard, IL 60148 630-495-190* Reference: 2013 Lighting Replacement at Conant High School $245,000., Arcon Associates 2050 S. Finley Road, Suite 4* Lombard, IL 60148 630-495-1.900 Reference-, 2013 Auditorium Upgrades at Hoffman Estates High School $315,930. Cashman Stahler Group, Inc. 1910 S. Highland Avenue, Suite3 10 Lombard, IL 60148 630-889-8800 M!.,hen Cashman A.I,Ar, Reference: New Trier Township High School District 203 Electrical Renovations — Winnetka and Northfield Campus 2013 $584,004., ARCON Associates Inc. 2050 S. Finley Road, Suite 40 Lombard, IL 60148 630-495-1900 Contact Michael Hantel A.I.A. Reference: Township High School District #211 Hoffman Estates High School Auditorium Upgrades 2013 $315,930.00 ARCON Associates, Inc. 2050 S Finley Road Lombard, IL 60148 630-495-1900 Contact: Mike S,-.?,jier Reference: Cooper, Holmes and Jack London School 2015 Maintenance and Renovation Work Owner: School District #219 99 W Dundee Road Wheeling, IL 60090 847-537-8270 Contact-, Mike Brown Amount of Contract-, $195,062.00 Completed August 2015 AI CON Associates, Inc. 2050 S. Finley Road Lombard, IL 60148 630-495-1-900 Contact: Michael Hantel Reference: Conant and Fremd High School Auditorium Upgrades 2015 Owners: Township High School. District #211 1.750 Roselle Road Palatine, IL 60067 Contact: Ch-ris. Kontney 847-755-6600 Amount of Contract: $661,840.00 Completed August 2015 ARCON Associates, Inc. 2050 S. Finley Road Lombard, IL 60148 630► -4'95-1900 Contact.- Michael Hantel Reference: Schaumburg and Palatine High School Auditorium Upgrades 2015 Owners.- Township High School District #211 1750 Roselle Road Palatine, IL 60067 Contact: Chris Kontney 847-755-6600 Amount of Contract: $611,800.00 Completed April 2015 F.E. Moran, Inc. 2265 Carlson Drive Northbrook, IL 60062 847-498-4800 Contact.- June Tucker Reference: Anne M. Jeans Elementary School District # 180 Electrical Upgrades Owner: Willowbrook School District #180 16W361 91st Street Willowbrook, IL 60527 Contract amount $165,000.00 Completed August 2017 F.E. Moran, Inc. 2265 Carlson Drive Northbrook, IL 60062 847-498-4800 Contact.- June Tucker Reference: Crystal Lake Bemotas and North Elementary School Electric work 2017 Owner.- Crystal Lake School District #47 300 Commerce Drive Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Contract amount $421 1000.00 Completed August 2017 Pepper Construction 411 Lake Zurich road Barrington, IL 60010 630.918.8162 Contact Josh Warriner Reference.- 2017 Capital. Improvement at Crystal Lake South High School Owner: Community High School District #155 1 South Virginia Avenue Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Contract Amount $146,879.00 Completed August 2017 Amber Mechanical 11950 S. Central Avenue Alsip, IL 60803 708.597.9700 Contact: Bill Beukema III Reference: Mechanical Upgrades at Canton. Middle School Owner: School District U-46 Canton Middle School 1100 Sunset Circle Streamwood, IL 60107 Contract amount $448,453.00 Completed August 2017 Drummond Advisors 324 W. Touhy Park Ridge, IL 60068 847.873.6084 Contact: Kevin McGing Reference-, Fletcher Lofts 3141. N. Sheffield, Chicago Electrical Improvements 3141 N Sheffield Chicago, IL Contract Amount $1,358,950. Completed September 2017 Marquardt School District 15 Winnebago Elementary school 195 Greenway Dr Bloomingdale IL Contract amount $868,000.00 To be completed November 201.8 City of Crystal Lake 100 W, Woodstock Street Crystal Lake, IL 60014 815-459-2020 0 Contact: Andy Resek —Water & Sewer Superintendent Itackup Generator and associated equipment for WWTP#4/WWTP#-3 Contract amount $975,,000 le -I k,ompleting February 2020 IHC Construction Companies 1500 Executive Drive E *1 0 igin, IL 60123 Job #18153-215 East Maine School District #63 Gemini Middle School Additions and Remodeling 2018 8955 N Greenwood Niles, IL 60714 Contact IHC — Jim Leppert 847-214-3942 Contract amount $4,225,000. Completed December 2019 NEWCASTLE ELECTRIC,INCI 1505 Industrial Dr. I Itasca, IL 60143 630-773-0171 FAX 630-773-0183 mikem@ncelectric.net To whom it may concern-, T1-ewcastle Electric, Inc. does not have any fillings for protection from creditors under federal bankruptcy laws and/or placement under receivership or similar restrictions in the I ast ten G 0) years. Thank you Theresa Maloney President Newcastle Electric., Inc. NEWCASTLE ELECTRIC, INC. 1505 Industrial Dr. Itasca, IL 60143 630-773-0171 FAX 630-773-0183 mikem@ncelectric.net To whom it may concern-, Newcastle Electric, Inc. has no claims on bid bonds and have no outstanding claims on bids in the past five years. Sincerely, Theresa Maloney President Newcastle Electric, Inc. NEWCASTLE ELECTRIC,INCI 1 1505 In, d,''Ustrial Dr. r-WU143 Itasca, IL 630-773-0171 FAX 630-773-0183 mikem@ncelectric.net Bidders Qualifications Form Location address: 1505 Industrial Drive, Itasca, IL 60143 Electrical Contractor — City of Chicago License #ECC92746 References attached with similar projects Work under contract — City of Crystal Lake Backup Generator for WWTP#3 and WWWP#4 contract amount $975,000.00 7e Theresa Maloney President Newcastle Electric, Inc. NEWCASTLE ELECT RIC, INCI '1505 Industrial Dr. I Itasca, IL 64143 630-773-0171 FAX 630-773-0183 mikem@ncelectric.net . . . . . . . . . . . J T1,7'ewcastle Electric Inc. - Electrical Contractor Incorporated March 200$ Financial References Tracy Bennington, CPA, 1133 Timber Trails Road, Downers Grove, IL 60516 708.951.5416 email tfl,)� C rlet . . . . . . ... . . —" . . . ................. ............ . . . . Assurance Agency — Donna Tyler, 20 N Martingale Road #100, Schaumburg, IL 60173 847.463.7355 email dt�! West Bend Mutual Bondina Company Bank of America, 6300 Kingery Highway, 630.654.4599 #3, fax 630.654.0868 Willowbrook, 11, 60527, Branch Manager Reference sheet attached with names, address and phone numbers and job description. Trade References Amperage Electric, 3 59 W. Irving Park Road, Roselle, IL 60172 63 0.894.8 100 Advance Electrical Supply, 263 N Oakley Blvd., Chicago, IL 60612 847.247.5899 Idelwood Electric Supply, 114 Skokie Valley Road, Highland Park, IL 60035 847.831-3600 Michael Maloney Superintendent of Newcastle Electric Inc. with 33 years' experience with IBEW Local 134 Newcastle Electricdoes not have any fillings for protection from creditors under federal bank-ruptcv laws and/or placement under receivership or similar restrictions in the last ten (10 years), Newcastle Electric Inc. has not claims on bid bonds and have no outstanding claims on bids in the past five years. 1"ha,111'., YOU 01, Theresa Maloney President Newcastle Electric, Inc.