HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 2330 12/21/1971
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WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the V~llage of Mount Pro~pe~t hereto"
fore on December 17, 1971, conducte4 a public hearing under Case No.
7l-18P on a reques~ for a zoning classification change fr~m R-X (Singl~
Family Residence Di~trict) to R-l (Singl~ Family Resi~enc~ District)
of certain property hereinafter described; and
WHEREAS, a notice of the aforesaid public hearing was made in the
manner provided by law; and
WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has recommended to the P~esident and Board
of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect that th~ zonin& changes
request~d ~herein be granted; and
WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Vill~gp o~ Mount
Prospect ~ave determined that the best interests of the Village of
Mount Prospect will be attained by the adoption of the Plan Cpmmissiou's
recomme~dations under Case No. 7l-l8P regarding the subject propertie~l .
SECTION ONE; That Maps 26N through and including 33N find Maps 43N
through and including SON (which maps are attached hereto. find made a
part hereof) of the Zoning Ordina~ce of the Village of Mqunt Prospect,
as am~nded, be and the same are hereby further amended by reclassifying
from R-X (Single Family Residence pistr~ct) to R-l (Sing~e Family Resi-
dence District) the following described land and tevrltory:
, '''That part 'of; So:.;:tions 24, ~5, ~6, 35 and 36, 'TQwnphip 4~
~o~th~ Range 11, East of tho Thir4 Principal .Meridian ae~cri~e~
as fo1low$;
B~9inning ~t the intersection of the SQ"th line of the
Southw~st 1/4 of Section 26, aforesaid, with the East l~ne of ~ot
350 extended South in Brickman Manor First Addition Uqit3, beir9 a
subdivision of pprt of the South\-Jcst 1./4 of Secti.on 26, Township
42 North, Ra~ge'11 East of the Third Princ~pa~ Meridian, iq Cook
County, Illinois;
Thence North along the East: Li,nt"! of said Let;. ~~O ap.<=! p"f.c:!
line extended to th~~Ncrth lin€l of ;rronviood prive, as laid out in
said Unit No.3:
Thence East along selid NQrth linE~ of 1.ronwood Quive to
the Southeast corner of Lot 345 in sairl tlnit 3;
Thence North along the East H.ne of said Lot ~45 to tile
most' Northerly corn(~r of: ~.;()ic1 Lot 345;,
. Thence Northwest€:r~.y cllong the N0rthec)str~~ly li.l'l~s of Lots
346, 347, 348 and 349. in said Unit ~o. 3 to the most E~(;terlr ~Qrn~1i
of Lot 192 in Brickman Mc:llIor ItirstAdditi.on Unit No.2, being a sub..
division of part of the West 1/2 o~ the Soutlw:cst 1/4 pf Seo.tJ.on 26,.
Thence contim:ling NorthH~sterly along the Northea~terly
lines of Lots 192, 193" 194 and 195 in said Unit ~q. 2 and ~aid
lines extended, to the centerline of GreenwoodDr~ve, as ~a~d,out
in said' Unit No.2:
r' ~""'''~.,.,...,,,,
Thence Northeaster~y along
Drive, as laid out in said Units No.
the Southw'esterlv line of llot 270 in
. / ' ~
the center.line of Greenwood
2 and 3 to the extensio" of
Upit No.' 3. aforesaid;
Thence Northwesterly alohg the Southwesterly line of $aid
Lot 270 and said line e~'(tendec1 to the most v;resterly corl1er 'of said
Lot 270;
Thence Northeasterly along the Northwesterly line of $aid
" !Jot .270 to the Southwest corner of IJot 272 in said Unit No" 31
Thence Northwesterly and Northerly along the West lines
of Lots 272 to 280. both inclusive, in said Unit No. 3 to the North~
west corne~ of said Lot 280;
Thence Hest along the South line of !Jot 259 in said Unit
No. 3 to the Southwest corner of said Lot 259;
Thence North along t~e West line of said Lot 259 ~nd sa~d
extended to the North line of Barberry Lane, 'as laid out in
~o. 2, pforesaid;
Thence East along said North line of Bar~er~y Lane to the
Southwest corner of IJot. 251 in Uni t No. 3 # aforcsClic1;
Thence North along the West lines of Lots 251 and 2S0 in
said Unit No. 3 to the Northwest corner of said Lot 250i
Thenc~ West along the Soufh line of Alder L~ne, as l~id
out in Unit. No.2. afo.t"csaic1 t.o the extension of the t\'est line of
Lot 227 in lhlit No.3, aforesaid;
Thence North along the \vest. line of said Lot 227 and said
line extended in Drickmun Manor .First Addition Uni t No.' 3, afore...
said to the intersection wi.th the l:Torth line of Euclid .f\venue;
Thence East along the North line of Eucltd Avenue to its
intersection with the llcstcrly linG of the Minneapolis, St. faul and
Sault Ate. Marie Bailroad (Son Line) right of way:
Thence Northwe~terly along said Westerly line to the West
line of the North'iJCst 1/4 of :::;ectior: 20;
Thence North along sa~d West line to the South line of
I!ot 84 of Brick:'nan Hanor Sf'::cond 1~(Jc1ition, Uni.t No. 4i
ThenCe Fa st:e'Cly a long sc:~.'.d S01.tth line to the ~lesterly
line of Indigo Drj.ve;
Thence Northerly and !:l'c:r:the.asterly along said W~sterly
line to the Westerly line of Indigo Court:
:. .~
Thence Northwesterly, Northerly, Easterly, Southerly apd
Southeasterly along tho. right-cf'-\'lay line pf Indigo Cou~t tQ the
~~~terly line of Indigo Drivei
Thence Northeasterly along' said Westerly line to ~h~
Westerly line of Mandel Lanei
Thence Northerly along said Westerly line and We~terly
ii~e extended to the North line of Camp McDonald Roadi
Thence Easterly along said North line to the East line of
a subdivision known as Feuerborn's Parmettes;
..""C..",,, '.~"'~',"'1":"',~'7,",""_,,'_''''"'''''''-'''''" .,- 'n~-',"_-..""';"
. Thence North along. said East line to the North line of the
South 1/2 of Section 24;
Thence East along said North line to the Easterly line,of
bes piaines River Road;
Themce Southwesterly along the Easterly line ~f Des Plain~~
h~~~r'ft6ad to its intersection with a line 50 feet South of and
parpl1el with the North line of Section 36 aforesaid;
Thence West along the line 50 feet South of and paral~el
to the North line of Section 36 aforesaid to its intersection with
a line 50 feet East of and parallel to the West line of Section 36
Thence North along a line 50 feet East of and parallel
to the West line of Sections 36 and 25 to its intersection with a
line which is 1330 feet North of and parallel to the South line
of Sections 25 and 26;
Thence ~'lcst along the line 1330 feet North of and pa.ralJ.el
to the South line of Sections 25 and 26 aforesaid to its intet"~ect.ioll
",ith a line which i[; 635.0 feet Eclst of and parallel to the 't'lest
line of the East 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 26 afo~esaid,
Thence South along the line 635.0 feet East of and parallel
to the West line of the East 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Seet.iQn ~6 .
aforesaid to its intersection with a line 600 feet North of and
parallel to the South line of the Southeast 1/4"of Section 26 afore-
Thence West along a line which is 600 feetNo~th ~f and
parallel to the South line of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 26 afo~~~'
said to its intersection wi th a line 'Vlhich is 260 feet West of and
parallel to the East line of the West 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4
of Section 26 aforesaid;
Thence South along the line 260 feet West of. and para-
llel to the East line of the West 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of .
Section 26 aforesaid and cont.inuing South along a line \vhich is 260
feet West of a~1 parallel to the East line of the West 1/2 of the
Northea~t/l/4 of Section 35 aforesaid to. its intersection with p
line 50 feet South of and parallel to the North line of Section 35
Thence West along the line'~O feet South of and parallel
. to the North line of. Section 35 aforesaid to its intersection with
the East line of Ilot 350 extended South in Brickman Manor First
Addition Unit No.3 aforesaid;
Thence North along the aforesaid extension 50 feetto
the place of beginning, all in Cook County, Illinois. ".
. ~
, .
SECTION TWO: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect
from and after its passage, approval, and. publication in pamphlet
form in tne manner provided by law.
21 day of
J 1971.
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111age Cl~ '
May 0 r