HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 2445 09/18/1973 AN ORDINANCE ~4~ PROVIDING FOR THE MAKING OF A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT IN AND FOR THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County Illinois: SECTION 1: That a local improvement shall be made in the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois, the nature, character, locality and description of which improvement is as follows: -- ----_._-----~-"_.--~-->=="""''''''''''---~--'-"--~~~-'''..',.",,==~~--~-'-'-------~~--,'"""""'- ~--" '" SECTION 2: That the recommendation of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Mount Prospect, providing for the im- provement, and the estimate of the cost thereof made by the President of the Board of Local Improvements, both hereto attached and made part hereof, be, and the same are hereby approved. SECTION 3: That said improvement shall be made and the whole cost thereof, together with an amount not exceeding six per cent (6%) of the estimated cost, to-wit: THREE HUNDRED SEVENTY FIVE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY AND 80/100 DOLLARS ($375,750.80), which is hereby provided for to apply towards the cost and expense of making, levying and collecting said special assessment and all other expenses allowed by law, being the amount included in the estimate thereof, shall be paid by special assessment, in accordance with the Illinois Municipal Code, Article 9, Division 2, and amendments thereto. SECTION 4: That the aggregate amount herein ordered to be assessed to pay the cost of said improvement against the property and against the municipality, if any, and also the assessment on each lot and parcel of land herein assessed, shall be divided as follows: So much of the aggregate amount of the assessment as repre- sents the cost of the construction and making of the improvements herein provided for shall be divided into ten (10) installments in the manner provided by statute in such case made and provided. So much of the aggregate amount of the assessment as repre- sents the compensation for property taken or damaged, easements ac- quired together with the cost of making and collecting the special assessment and all expenses allowed by law, shall be apportioned to the first installment of the said special assessment. The first in- stallment shall be due and payable upon delivery of the warrant by -2- O",-"_""""""""",,,,,,_,,,,=~~",,l'I;;o,,==N=""''''''''''''''=~'''~''''''''--~-----~' 0.. ',;0, ,,' the Clerk of the Court in which this proceeding is filed. The second installment of the said assessment shall be due and payable on the second (2nd) day of January next after the date of the first voucher issued on account of work done if the uncollected portion of the first installment shall have been returned delinquent to the authorized county officer as provided by law, but if the same shall not have been returned delinquent, then the second installment shall become due and payable one (1) year after said second (2nd) day of January. The third and subsequent installments shall be due and payable respectively at successive annual periods after the second installment becomes due and payable. All installments shall bear interest until paid at the rate of s~ven per cent (7%) per annum being the rate now permitted by law. Interest shall begin to run in accordance with the Illinois Municipal Code, Article 9, Division 2, and amendments thereto. In- terest on such first installment shall be due and payable and shall be collected at the same time as such first installment. Interest on the second and succeeding installments shall be due and payable and shall be collected with the installments respectively as in said Code relating to special assessments provided. It is hereby made the duty of the Board of Local Improvements of the VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, to file in the office of the Clerk of the Court in which such assessment was confirmed, a certificate signed by the Secretary of the Board of Local Improvements of the VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT of the date of the first voucher and the amount of the said voucher, within thirty (30) days after the issuance of the said voucher. SECTION 5: That for the purpose of anticipating the col- lection of the second and succeeding installments of said assessment for the cost of said improvements, the VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT -3- ~~. :)shall issue bonds payable out of said' installments, bearing interest at the rate of seven per cent (7%) per annum, signed by the President of the Board of Trus.tees of the VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, and at- tested to by the Village Clerk of said Village~ Said bonds shall be ..issued in accordance with and shall in all respects conform to the provisions of the Illinois Municipal Code, Article 9, Division 2, and amendments thereto~ SECTION 6: That the President of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect, be, and he is hereby directed to file a Petition in the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, praying that steps may be taken to ascertain the just compensation to be made for private property taken or damaged and easements to be acquired for the said improvement and to ascertain what property will be bene- fited by said improvement and the amount of such benefit, and also that steps be taken to levy a special assessment for said improvement; in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, and in the manner prescribed by law~ SECTION 7: That all ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict with this ordinance, be, and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 8: That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval thereof according to law. PASSED: This day of , 1973. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: APPROVED:This day of ATTESTED AND FILED IN MY OFFICE: Thislg~ day of S-er'.:.....l!>.<~ , 1973. JJiV~ -iuage Clerk President of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois~ -4- ., ,j That the owner or owners of property assessed for this improvement shall have the right to connect to said improvements subject to the reasonable regulations of the Village of Mount Prospect. That an easement and perpetual right, privilege and authority to construct and maintain a water main over, under and upon the following described property shall be obtained by condemnation: Northwesterly ten (10) feet of Lot 1 of Rand-Elmhurst Subdivision, being a Subdivision of part of the East half of the Southwest quarter of Section 27, Township 42 North, Range 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois. 1~1tIl'\~~1~ "f '!'I' i -/ RECOMMENDATION TO THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Gentlemen: We herewith submit an Ordinance for a local improvement entitled "An Ordinance Providing for the Making of a Local Improve- ment in and for the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois" as follows: _^_~~=_.~~~,".~.~~,=","_..,..,.,=__.",.".",.""""",,,.-=~,,,_""""""'==~_'~_"'~~;W""$.n<'t,~,<v~,-=-r.,,=,,"._,,,",,,,~""""""~'~""""-""""'===~"'''""""=~=="'''''''''''_'''''''''''''''''''''~ r " .. Eigh~ (8) inch internal diameter sanitary sewer from and connecting with the existing b/enty (20) inch internal diameter se'lter in Elmhurst Road Hesterly> northwesterly> and northerly on a line twelve (12) feet southerly> southHesterly ". . ' and 'tlesterly of the north> northeast and 'east right-of-\'tay line of Neadm'l Lane, . ,to a' point seventeen (17) 'feet northerly of the south right-of-\'/ay 1 ine of Euclid Avenue; also> an eight (8) inch internal diameter sanitary sewer line ; .' ;" seventeen (17) "feet northerly of the south right-of-\'/ay line of Euclid Av.enue from a pointthree-hundred-thirty (330) feet easterly of the east right-of-way , ' 'line of Headow Lane to a point se~en-hundred-twenty (720) feet \~est of the west ri,ght-of-\'1ay line of Neadow Lane> said line connecting into the aforedescribed , ' line on'Meadow Lane; also; an eight (8) inch internal diameter sanitary sewer , ~ line'ten (10) feet norther)y of the south right-of-way line of Stratford Place , ' ' "from a pointtwe.1ve ,(12) feet 'rlesterly of the east right-of-\'lay line of Neadow Lane 'to a point ,:1:en (10) feet westerly of the east ri ght-of-\'lay 1 ine of t~edge\'1ood Lane> said line connecting into the aforedescribed line on Meadow Lane; also~ . , an eight (8) inch internal diameter sanitary sewer line ten (10) feet westerly ,of the east right~o~-way line of Wedgewood Lane from a point two~hundred-five (205) fe'et southerly of the south 1 i ne of Stratford Place to a point one-hundred- eight-five (185) feetnortherly of the north line of Stratfor~ Place) said line connecting into the aforedescribed line on Stratford Place; also) an eight (8) . - inch internal diameter sanitary Se\'ler line tv/elve (12) feet north\.test of the southeast right-of-\'ray line of ~~edge\';ood Lane from a point t\'/elve (12) feet south- , wes~ of the northeast right-of-way line of Meadow Lane to a point sixteen (16) feet southwest of the northeast right-of-way line of Rand Road) said line connect- ing into the aforedescribed line in Meadow Lane; also) an eight (8) inch internal -2- , ' " J diameter sanitary sewer line sixteen (16) feet southwest of the northeast property line of Rand Road from a point six hundred (600) feet southeasterly of the south- .. east right-of-way line of Wedge~iood Lane to a point thirteen-hundred-twenty (1320) feet north~'iesterly of the north\'/est ri ght-of-'I,ay 1 i ne of Hedge','{ood Lane> said line connecting into the aforedescribed line in Wedgewood Lane; also> an eight (8) inch internal diameter sanitary se\'/er line from and connecting with the exist- ing twenty (20) inch internal diameter sewer in Elmhurst Road:> westerly on a line \. ten (10) feet southerlY of the north line of Oxford Place to ~ point t\'lo-hundred-. sixty (260) feet westerly of the west line of Elmhurst Road; also, an eight (8) inch internal diameter sanitary se\'ier line ten (10) feet easterly of the west. right-of-way line of Elmhurst Road from a point two-hundred-seventy-five (275) feet southerly of the south right-of-way line of Oxford Place to a point five- hundred-ten (510) feet northerly of the north right-of-way line of Oxford Place, said line conn~cting into the aforedescribed line in Oxford Place; and also, an eight (8) inch internal diameter sanitary sewer from and connecting into the existing twenty (20) inch internal diameter sevIer in Elmhurst Road, westerly on a line five (5) feet northerly of the south line of Euc)idAvenue to a point two-hundred-five (205) feet westerly'ofthe west right-of-way line of Elmhurst Road. ~. Together \1ith sanitary sewer services to subdivided lots, manholes and appurtenant construction) all as shown on the detailed plans hereinbefore described. The sizes; locations and extent of the water main installation shall be as follows, to wit: ': i . Six (6) inch internal diameter \",ater main from and connecting \.rith the existing tHelve (12) inch internal diameter water main in Elmhurst Road, westerly, northwesterly, and northerly to a point five (5) feet northerly of the south right-of-way line of Euclid Avenue; also, a six (6) inch internal diameter \'later main from and connecting with the existing sixteen (16) inch internal diameter water main in Elmhurst Road westerly on a line five (5) feet northerly of the south right-of-way line of Euclid Avenue to a point six-hundred-ten (610) feet -3- ",~,,",=",,=~-"''''''"'',==,,-,-~,~~~;,,,,,=,,,~",,--~ J westerly of the west right-of-way line of Meadow Lane, thence continuing on the same line as a ten (10) inch internal d~ameter water main to a point seven- hundred-h'lenty-five (725) feet \'1ester1y of the \'lest right-of-Hay line of Headow lane; also, an eight (8) inch internal diameter water main from aod connecting with the existing eight (8) inch internal diameter water main in Rand Road on a line three (3) feet southwesterly of the northeast right-of-way line of Rand Road to a point six-hundred-ninety (690) feet southeasterly of the southeast . right-of-\'lay line of Wedgewood lane, thence, continuing on the same l.ine from the last described point\'lith a ten 00) inch internal diameter \'Jater main to a point twelve-hundred.sixty (1260) feet northwesterly of the northwest right-of- way line of Wedgewood lane; also, a ten (10) inch internal diameter vlater main from and connecting to the aforedescribed line on Rand Road on a line ~e~. (10) feet northwesterly of the northwest lines of lots 10 and 4 of the Hayne Dell Villa Annexation to and connecting with the aforedescribed line on Euclid Avenue; also, a six (6) inch-internal diameter water main from and co~ne~ting to thee~isting sixteen (16) inch internal diameter water main in Euclid Avenue on a line three (3) feet easterly of the west right-of-way line of Elmhurst Road to and connecting with the existing twelve (12) inch line in Meadow lane; also, an eight (8) inch internal diameter water main from and connecting to the existing .- twelve (12) jnch internal diameter water main in Meadow lane on a line three {3} feet easterly of the Itlest right-of-\'Jay line of Elmhurst Road to a point t.,'/o- hundred-thirty (230) feet southerly of the south right-of-Hay line of r-1eadmv lane; also, a ten (1) inch internal diameter water main from and connecting to _ the aforedescribed line on Elmhurst Road on a line five (5) feet southeasterly of the southeast lines of lots 7 and 8 of Block 5 of Wedgewood Terrace Subdivi- - sion to and connecting with the aforedescribed line in Ran~ Road; also, a six (6) inch internal diameter water main from and connecting to the aforedescribed line in Headow lane on a line ten (10) feet easterly of the \'lest line of Hedgewood lane to and connecting with the aforedescribed line in Euclid Avenue; also, a six (6) inch internal diameter water main from and connecting to the aforedescribed line in Meadow Lane on a line ten (10) feet southerly of the north*right-of-way line of Stratford Place to and connecting with the aforedescribed line in Wedg~- vlOod lane; also, a six (6) inch internal diameter water main from and connect- -4- ______~._,__"_______~_--'-_~~~,~r.."_."".'>,,,."""""'~^'~""'~~.,'''='''''.c'''''''''''''',"",""'""":e=,,,.~-J;;.W1~':'''''iZ_'!;'''::''?~...;;n,''~='';'''''''''~'''~_.'------~------ ing to the aforedescribed line in Wedgewood Lane on a line twelve (12) feet northerly of the south ri ght-of-\./ay 1 i ne of. Oxford Pl ace to and connecting \.ti th the existing ten (10) inch internal diameter main in Elmhurst Road; also~ an eight (8) inch internal diameter water main from and connecting to the existing eight (8) inch internal diameter water main in the southwest sid~ of Rand Road to and connecting Vlith the aforedescribed line in the northeast side of Rand Road. Together with water service lines to subdivided lots~ valves and. vaults~ hydrants and appurtenant construction, all as shown on the detailed plans herein- before described. The undersigned hereby recommend the making of said im- provement, the extent, nature, character, locality and description of which is set forth in said draft of ordinance herewith transmitted, and also recommend to you the passage of said ordinance. The undersigned also transmit to you herewith an estimate of the cost of said improvement as finally determined by them and provided for in said draft of ordinancef erewith transmitted. ~sident of t~~ of-Local Improvements of the VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, Cook-County, Illinois. ,. . ~~;U,"~'~f-::: . ~?~4/.~~~#~.#L~ :: Members of the Board DATED: Thi day of , 1973. -5- "__""'"""=-....~~,~~=im':;!C$'=~,~m;...1""=""1"',,,,.V>"""'''^.,.~~.~^'..__._- -..- f t EST I HAT E TO THE BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT~ COOK COUNTY~ ILLINOIS Gentlemen: ',1 '-~, ~ , I herewith submit an estimate of the cost of making a local improvement in the Village of Mount Prospect~ lllinois~ as follows: That a system of sanitary sewers and \'Jater mains~ as hereinafter described in the roadways of Rand Road~ Elmhurst Road~ Euclid Avenue~ ~Ileadow Lane~ Wedge- wood Lane, Stratford Place, Oxford Place, and in two easements as shown on the plans~ in the Village of r~ount Prospect~ Cook County~ ,Illinois, together with house sewer services, house water services, manholes, hydrants, valves~ and appurtenantconstruction~ The exact locations, sizes~ elevations, points of connection and appurten- ant details affecting the installation of the improvements are more fully sholtln and described on the plans entitled lIWedgewood Terrace Sanitary Sewer and Water Main for The Village of Mount Prospect, Special Assessment Number 7211, attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. The sizes, locations and extent of the sanitary se\'/er installation shall be as follows~ to wit: "; , Eigh~ (8) inch internal diameter sanitary sewer from and connecting with the existing twenty (20) inch internal diameter sewer in Elmhurst Road westerly, northwesterly, and northerly on a line twelve (12) feet southerly, southwesterly and westerly of the north, northeast and east right-of~way line of Meadow Lane to a point seventeen (17) feet northerly of the south ri ght-of-way 1 i ne of Euclid Avenue; also, an eight (8) inch internal diameter sanitary sewer line seventeen (17) feet northerly of the south right-of-way line of Euclid Av.enue from a point three-hundred-thirty (330) feet easterly of the east right-of-way line of Meadow Lane to a point seven-hundred-twenty (720) feet west of the west right-of-way line of Meadow Lane, said line connecting into the aforedescribed line on Meadow Lane; also, an eight (8) inch internal diameter sanitary se\'/er 1i ne ten (10) feet northerly of the south ri ght-of-way 1 i ne of Stratford Pl ace from a poi nt twel ve (12) feet wes terly of the east ri ght-of-way 1 i ne of Meadow Lane to a point ten (10) feet westerly of the east right-of-way line of Wedgewood Lane, said line connecting into the aforedescribed line on Meadow Lane; also, an e.ight (8) inch internal diameter sanitary sewer line ten (10) feet westerly of the east right-of-way line of Wedgewood Lane from a point two-hundred-five (205) feet southerly of the south line of Stratford Place to a point one-hundred- eight-five (185) feet northerly of the north line of Stratford Place, said line connecting into the aforedescribed line on Stratford Place; also, an eight (8) inch internal diameter sanitary sewer line twelve (12) feet northwest of the southeast right-of-way line of Wedgewood Lane from a point twelve (12) feet south- west of the northeast right-of-way line of Meadow Lane to a point sixteen (16) feet southwest of the northeast right-of-way line of Rand Road, said line connect- ing into the aforedescribed line in Meadow Lane; also, an eight (8) inch internal -2- diameter sanitary sewer line sixteen (16) feet southwest of the northeast property line of Rand Road from a point six hundred (600) feet southeasterly of the south- /: east right-of-way line of Wedgewood Lane to a point thirteen-hundred-twenty (1320) feet northwesterly of the northwest right-of-way line of Wedgewood lane, said line connecting into the aforedescribed line in Wedgewood Lane; also, an eight (8) inch internal diameter sanitary sewer line from and connecting with the exist- ing t\'1enty (20) inch internal diameter sewer in Elmhurst Road, westerly on a line ~ ten (10) feet southerly of the north line of Oxford Place to a point two-hundred- sixty (260) feet westerly of the west line of Elmhurst Road; also, an eight (8) inch internal diameter sanitary sewer line ten (10) feet easterly of the west right-of-way line of Elmhurst Road from a point two-hundred-seventy-five (275) feet southerly of the south right-of-way line of Oxford Place to a point five- . hundred-ten (510) feet northerly of the north ri ght-of-~lJay line of Oxford Pl ace, said line connecting into the aforedescribed line in Oxford Place; and also, an eight (8) inch internal diameter sanitary sewer from and connecting into the existing twenty (20) inch internal diameter sewer in Elmhurst Road, westerly on a line five (5) feet northerly of the south line of Euclid Avenue to a point two-hundred-five (205) feet westerly'of the west right-of-way line of Elmhurst Road. Together with sanitary sewer services to subdivided lots, manholes and appurtenant construction, all as shown on the detailed plans hereinbefore described. The sizes; locations and extent of the water main installation shall be as follows, to wit: -3- ~ , Six (6) inch internal diameter water main from and connecting with the existing twelve (12) inch internal diameter water main in Elmhurst Road, westerly, northwesterly, and northerly to a point five (5) feet northerly of the south right-or-way line of Euclid Avenue; also, a six (6) inch internal diameter water main from and connecting with the existing sixteen (16) inch internal diameter water main in Elmhurst Road westerly on a line five (5) feet northerly of the south right-of-way line of Euclid Avenue to a point six-hundred-ten (610) feet westerly of the west right-of-way line of Meadow Lane, thence continuing on the same line as a ten (10) inch internal diameter water main to a point seven- hundred-twenty-five (725) feet westerly of the west right-of-way line of Meadow Lane; also, an eight (8) inch internal diameter water main from aod connecting with the existing eight (8) inch internal diameter water main in Rand Road on a line three (3) feet southwesterly of the northeast right-of-way line oi Rand Road to a point six-hundred-ninety (690) feet southeasterly of the southeast right-of-way line of Wedgewood Lane, thence, continuing on the same line from the last described point with a ten (10) inch internal diameter water main to a point twelve-hundred-sixty (1260) feet northwesterly of the northwest right-of- way line of Wedgewood Lane; also, a ten (10) inch internal diameter water main from and connecting to the aforedescribed line on Rand Road on a line ten (10) feet northwesterly of the northwest lines of Lots 10 and 4 of the Hayne Dell Villa Annexation to and connecting with the aforedescribed line on Euclid Avenue; also, a six (6) inch internal diameter water main from and connecting to the existing sixteen (16) inch internal diameter water main in Euclid Avenue on a line three (3) feet easterly of the west right-of-way line of Elmhurst Road to and connecting with the existing twelve (12) inch line in Meadow Lane; also, an eight (8) inch internal diameter water main from and connecting to the existing -4- "If ,-, . . twelve (12) jnch internal diameter water main in t1eadow Lane on a line three (3) feet easterly of the west right-of-way line of Elmhurst Road to a point two- hundred-thirty (230) feet southerly of the south right-of-way line of Meadow Lane; also, a ten (1) inch internal diameter water main from and connecting to the aforedescribed line on Elmhurst Road on a line five (5) feet southeasterly of the southeast lines of Lots 7 and 8 of Block 5 of Wedgewood Terrace Subdivi- sion to and connecting with the aforedescribed line in Rand Road; also, a six (6) inch internal diameter water main from and connecting to the aforedescribed line in Meadow Lane on a line ten (10) feet easterly of the west line of Wedgewood Lane to and connecting with the aforedescribed line in Euclid Avenue; also, a six (6) inch internal diameter water main from and connecting to the aforedescribed line in Meadow Lane on a line ten (10) feet southerly of the north"right-of-way line of Stratford Place to and connecting with the aforedescribed line in Wedge- wood Lane; also, a six (6) inch internal diameter water main from and connect- ing to the aforedescribed line in Wedgewood Lane on a line twelve (12) feet northerly of the south right-of-way line of Oxford Place to and connecting with the existing ten (10) inch internal diameter main in Elmhurst Road; also, an eight (8) inch internal diameter water main from and connecting to the existing eight (8) inch internal diameter water main in the southwest side of Rand Road to and connecting with the aforedescribed line in the northeast side of Rand Road. Together with water service lines to subdivided lots, valves and vaults, hydrants and appurtenant construction, all as shown on the detailed plans herein- before described. -5- ESTIMATE OF COST The follmIJing estimated cost for constructing the above described improvements includes, for each item, the cost of all labor, equipment and materials to install the improvements complete in place and ready for use. The estimate of the total cost of said improvements, as made by the President of the Board of Local Improvements, is $375,750.80 which 1s as fall ows: ' 8,093 Lineal Feet 2,724 Lineal Feet 89 Each 31 Each 162 Lineal Feet 1,312 Cubic Yards 73 Square Yards 488 Square Yards 70 Square Yards 1. 5 Acres SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION 811 Internal Diameter Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer or ABS Composite Pipe Sewe r @ $8.75 per lineal foot $ 70,813.75 611 Internal Diameter Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer or ASS Composite Pipe Sewer @ $5.50 per lineal foot 14,982.00 811 X 611 Vitrified Clay Wye Sewer or ASS Composite Wye Sewer @ $40.00 per each 3,560.00 Precast Concrete Manholes, 4811 Internal Diameter, with Frame and Lid @ $400.00 per each 12,400.00 1611 Internal Diameter Steel Casing @ $65.00 per lineal foot 10,530.00 Trench Backfill, complete @ $6.50 per cubic yard 8,528.00 Concrete Driveway Replacement, complete @$12.00 per square yard 876.00 Bituminous Pavement Replacement, Complete @ $9.00 per square yard 4,392.00 Concrete Pavement Replacement, Complete @ $16.00 per square yard 1,120.00 Topsoil & Seeding, Complete @ $4,000.00 per acre 6,000.00 215 Tons Pavement Maintenance Stone @ $8.00 per ton $ 1,720.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $134,921.75 ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION 13,492.18 LABOR AND MATERIALS $148,413.93 COST OF MAKING, LEVYING AND COLLECTING THE ASSESSMENT AS PROVIDED BY LAW, NOT TO EXCEED 6% 8,904.84 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT $157,318.77 3, 132 Li nea 1 Feet 801 Lineal Feet 8,513 Li nea 1 Feet 1,738 Li nea 1 Feet 89 Each 8 Each 2 Each 17 Each 26 Each 9,230 Pounds WATER DISTRIBUTION CONSTRUCTION 10" 1.0. Cast Iron Water t1ain @ $9.75 per lineal foot _$ 30,537.00 811 1.0. Cast Iron Water Main @ $8.00 per lineal foot 6,408.00 6" 1.0. Cast Iron Water Main @ $7.00 per lineal foot 59,591.00 III Internal Diameter Water Service Pipe @ $5.00 per lineal foot Water Services (Complete) @ $100.00 per each 8,690.00 8,900.00 10" Cast Iron Groundhog ~Jater Valve and Precast Concrete 601l Internal Diameter Vault @ $800.00 per each 811 Cast Iron Gate Water Valve and Precast Concrete 4811 Internal Dia- meter Vault @ $550.00 per each 6,400.00 1 1 nn nn I,IUV.VV 6" Cast Iron Gate Water Valve and Precast Concrete 4811 Internal Dia- meter Vault @ $475.00 per each Fire Hydrant with Auxillary Valve @ $450.00 per each 8,075.00 11,700.00 Cast Iron Fittings @ 1.00 per pound 9,230.00 -2- 65 Li nea 1 Feet 1,763 Cubic Yards 246 Square Yards 659 Square Yards /--=--.", 1611 Internal Diameter Steel Casing @ $65.00 per lineal foot Trench Backfill, complete @ $6.50 per cubic yard Concrete Driveway Replacement, complete @ $12.00 per square yard Bituminous Replacement, Complete @ $9.00 per square yard 101 Square Yards Concrete Pavement Replacement @ $16.00 per square yard 2.0 Acres Topsoil and Seeding, Complete @ $4,000.00 60 Inch Diameter Tree Removal @ $4.00 per inch diameter 285 Tons Pavement Maintenance Stone @ $8.00 per ton TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION TOTAL LABOR AND MATERIALS COST OF MAKING, LEVYING AND COLLECTING THE ASSESSMENT AS PROVIDED BY LAW, NOT TO EXCEED 6% TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENT TOTAL COST OF IMPROVEMENTS $ 4,225.00 11,459.50 2,952.00 5,931.00 1,616.00 8,000.00 240.00 2,280.00 '$187,334.50 18,733..45 $206,067.95 12,364.08 $218,432.03 $375,750.80 The foregoing estimates of cost do not include the cost of land or property to be taken or damaged in constructing any part of the improvement. I hereby certify that, in my opinion? the above estimates do not exceed the probable cost of the said improvement and all lawful costs attend- ing the same, as provided by law. ~~ resident, Board of Local Improvements, Village of Mount Prospect Cook County, Illinois -3- """" S P E C I F I CAT ION S SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION SECTION 10-5 Sanitary Sewer Construction 10.1-S Description. This work shall consist of sanitary sewer con- struction of vitrified clay pipe or cast iron pipe, as the case may be, of required size, laid and backfilled as specified herein, and conform- ing in all respects to the lines and grades shown on the plans or furnished by the Engineer. 10.2-S Excavation and Foundation. The trench shall be excavated so that the flow line of the finished sewer will be at a depth and grade established by the Engineer. The trench shall be excavated at least six (6) inches wider than the external diameter of the pipe, to permit thorough tamping of the foundation material under the haunches and around the pipe, but the width of the trench at a point twelve (12) inches above the top of the pipe shall not exceed 1.4 times the external diameter plus twelve (12) inches. Care shall be exercised to avoid making the excavation deeper than the grade established by the Engineer. If excavation has been made deeper than necessary, the foundation shall be brought to the proper grade by the addition of well compacted sand or fine gravel at no cost to the Department. Bell holes shall be carefully excavated at proper intervals so that no part of the load is supported by bells or other types of pro- truding joints. Bell holes shall be adequate to allow the body of the pipe to have bearing on the trench bottom throughout and permit the making of the joint. No tunneling will be allowed except by written consent of the Engineer. When tunneling, the Contractor will excavate the material to such cross sections as may be designated, using timbering or other tunnel lining and shoring satisfactory to the Engineer. The Engineer shall have the right to limit the amount of trench which shall be opened or partly opened at any time in advance of the com- pleted sewer and also the amount of trench left unfilled. Excavated material shall be so placed as to cause a minimum of interference or inconvenience to pedestrians and vehicular traffic and to the occupants of adjoining property. The Contractor shall not, without permission from the Engineer, remove from the work any excavated material which may be suitable for refilling the trench until the same shall be refilled, and then only to such place as may be designated by the Engineer. - Page 1 S - The pipe foundation shall be well compacted sand or fine gravel of at least one inch in depth below the pipe and so placed that at least the lower one-half of the pipe will be uniformly supported for its entire length. Where pipe with bells or hubs is used, cross trenches shall be excavated to prevent non-uniform loading at the joints. The cross trenches shall be not more than 2 inches wider than the width of the bell or hub. Where a firm foundation is not encountered at the grade established, due to soft, spongy or other unsuitable soil, all such unsuitable soil under the pipe and for the width of the trench shall be removed and replaced with well compacted sand or fine gravel. The cost of furnishing and placing sand or fine gravel will be considered as incidental work, and no additional compensation will be allowed. 10.3-8 Rock Excavation. It is not expected that any rock or large boulders will be encountered in the excavation. If such material is found, it will be paid for under the unit price herein specified for rock excavation. In estimating the number of cubic yards of rock work, the actual yardage of rock removed will be paid for as determined by the measurements of the Engineer. Boulders nine (9) cubic feet and over in size will be measured as rock excavation. Hard pan, small boulders, clay, shale and similar material shall not be classed as rock, although it may be more economical to remove the same by blasting. The term "rock" is to be interpreted to include only large boulders or solid limestone or sand- stone rock in its original bed. No claim for amount of money in excess of the contract price of the work will be entertained or allowed on account of the character of the ground in which the trench or other excavations are made, except for the rock work heretofore specified. 10.4-8 Pumping and Bailing. The contractor shall furnish equipment and labor necessary to pump, bail, or otherwise remove any water which may be found or which shall accumulate in the trenches and shall keep trenches free of such water while the foundations and masonry are being constructed or the sewer is being laid. In no case shall water be allowed to run over the. invert or foundation or through the sewer until the jointing material is set. The disposal of the water after removal shall be satisfactory to the Engineer and no extra compensation will be allowed for equipment or labor necessary to perform the work herein described. - Page 2 8 - - 10.5-S Shoring and Sheathing. Whenever necessary, as determined by by Engineer, the sides of the trench shall be braced and rendered secure, using either open or closed sheathing as may be required for safety; such sheathing and bracing to be left in place until the trench is re- filled, all such bracing and sheathing being done at the Contractor's expense. When left in the trench, sheathing shall be cut off at a point one foot below the surface. The Contractor shall, at his own expense, shore up and otherwise protect any tract, building or other structure that may be endangered by the work. 10.6-S Interference with Existing Structures and Water Courses. In excavating and backfilling trenches and laying the sewer, care must be taken not to move any gas, water, sewer or other pipes, conduits or structures without an order of the Engineer. If necessary, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, sling, shore up and secure, and maintain a continuous flow in said structures and shall repair any damage done to them and keep them in repair until the final acceptance of the completed work, leaving them in as good condition as when uncovered. Should it be necessary to move the posi- tion of a pipe or conduit, this shall be done in accordance with the instructions of the Engineer, and the Contractor shall be allowed for material furnished and labor performed on such additional construction, but all other work shall be at his own expense. - All fire hydrants shall be left uncovered and accessible. The Contractor, at his own expense, shall provide for all water courses, gutters and drains interrupted by the work, and replace them in as good condition as he found them. All excavation embankments, rubbish heaps and other obstruc- tions incident to the work must be protected with barriers and lights to prevent accidents to pedestrians, vehicles and others on the streets. All ordinances relating to such precautions and safeguards must be faithfully observed by the Contractor. 10.7-S Sewer Pipe. Vitrified Clay Pipe shall conform to the American Society, for Testing Materials Designation C13~57T for Standard Strength Clay Sewer Pipe and C200-57T for Extra Strength Clay Pipe. Cast Iron Pipe (bell and spigot or mechanical joint) shall conform to Federal Specification WW-P-42la for Class 150 centrifugally cast pipe. Bell and Spigot joints shall conform to Federal Specification WW-P-421a. Mechanical joints shall conform to American Standards Association Specification A 21.11 for Mechanical Joints with neoprene gaskets which will not deteriorate upon long time contact with mater- ials likely to be present in sewage. - Page 3 S - Prior to laying the pipes which have been delivered for the work, they shall be subjected to a rigid inspection by both Contractor and Inspector, and those which do not meet the foregoing requirements shall be rejected. Tests shall include sounding of said pipe for cracks and close examination of all blisters and flakes. Before lowering pipes which have passed the inspection into the trench, they shall first be properly fitted together upon the sur- face of the work in the order in which they are to be used; and to facilitate the process of laying the top of each pipe, after such fitting shall be plainly marked with chalk or paint. All pipes in which the spigots and sockets cannot be made to fit together when on the surface, must be rejected, as no chipping of either socket, hub or spigot will be allowed. The faces of all spigot ends and of all shoulders in the hubs or sockets must be true and be brought into fair contact and all lumps or excrescences on said faces shall be carefully cut away before the pipes are lowered into the trench. 10.8-S Laying the Sewer Pipe. The sewer shall be so laid in the trench so that after the sewer is completed the interior bottom sur- face thereof shall conform accurately to the grades and alignment shown on the plan and fixed by the Engineer. The trench must in all cases be wide enough to admit the laying of the pipe as herein specified and whenever it has not been thus excavated, all necessary widening thereof must be done before the pipe is lowered therein, and no cutting away of the banks will be permitted after any such pipe has been set. All adjustments of the pipe to line and grade must be made by scraping away or filling in the earth under the body of the pipe and not by blocking or wedging up the sp~got, hub, or socket. Special attention must be paid to this part of the work, since the stability and permanence of the sewer de- pends largely upon the manner in which the pipes are bedded. Jointing Material for Vitrified Clay Pipe. In specifying the various types of joints which will be allowed, and the methods of making sarne, the Engineer and/or Department assume no responsibility regarding the Contractor's ability to meet the infiltration limits as set forth, as it shall be the Contractor's sole responsibility to meet these infiltration limits. If in the opinion of the Contractor, he cannot comply with the .infiltration limits as set forth herein and still meet with the specifications regarding the type of sewer pipe, the type of joints or the methods of making the joints, then the Contractor shall indicate this in writing when submitting his pro- posal. The following types of jointing materials for vitrified clay pipe will be permitted: (a) Bituminous Joints, Poured Type. Joints betw~en consecutive bell and spigot pipe shall be made with dry jute and a bitum- inous jointing compound, poured into place. - Page 4 S - - The bituminous compound shall be such that it will blow freely at 250 degrees F. with a melting point of not less than 300 degrees F. and shall harden to a consistency that will not result in a plastic flow at 80 degrees F. The bell and spigot of pipes to be jointed together, shall first be painted with a bituminous prime coat to insure adherency of the poured filler to the sides of the pipe. With the pipe at grade and butted, the.dry jute shall be caulked into position in such a manner as to leave a uni- form space all around. The joint shall be made in one pour. (b) Preformed Polyvinyl Joint. Self-centering push type flexible plastic compression joints shall be similar or equal to "Amvit" or "Wedge Lock" conforming with A.S.T.M. Tentative Specifications C425-60T. The preformed polyvinyl joint shall be bounded to the vitrified clay pipe during manufacture. Before jointing the pipe in the trench, the bell and spigot surfaces shall be wiped free of dirt or other foreign matter. A lubricant as recommended by the Pipe Manufacturer shall be applied to the bell and spigot mating surfaces just before they are jointed together. The joint when engaged shall be flexible enough to allow reasonable deflection in any direction and still maintain uniform compression. (c) "a" Ring Joint. When an "a" ring type joint is used, the joint shall be a true mechanical joint made from a plastici- zed polyester or polyvinyl chloride used in connection with the "a" ring seal. The joint shall conform with A.S.T.M. Tentative Specification C425-60T. The plasticized polyester or polyvinyl portion of the preformed joint shall be bonded to the vitrified clay pipe during manufacture. The "a" ring may be either factory or field applied. Before jointing the pipe in the trench, the bell and spigot surfaces shall be wiped free of dirt or other foreign matter. A lubricant as recommended by the Pipe Manufacturer shall be applied to the bell and spigot mating surfaces just before they are jointed together. The top or one side of the spigot end shall be positioned into the bell end of the pipe previously laid and shall then be shoved home to compress the joint and to assure a tight fit between the interfaces. Special compression adaptors or field unions shall be used where connections are made to street sewers, building drails, cut pipe, or to pipe lines already in place. The joint when engaged shall be flexible enough to allow reasonable deflection in any direction and still maintain uniform compression. - Page 5 S - In all jointing operations the trench must be dewatered to a degree which will permit satisfactory construction of the joint and provide adequate bedding conditions as herein specified. Methods of dewatering the trench will be sub- jected to the Engineer's approval. Any cost therefore shall be considered incidental to the contract and the Contractor shall include such work in his bid price per lineal foot of sewer. 10.8 (a)-S Protection of Water Supplies. Water Supply intercon- nections: There shall be no physical connection between a public or private portable water supply system and a sewer, or appurtenance thereto which would permit the passage of any sewer or polluted water into the portable supply. Relation to Water Works Structures: While no general state- ment can be made to cover all conditions, it is generally recognized that sewers shall be kept remote from public water supply wells or other water supply sources and structures. Relation to Water Main: Horizontal Separation: Whenever possible, sewers should be laid at least 10 feet, horizontally, from any existing or proposed water main. Should local conditions prevent a lateral separation of 10 feet, a sewer may be laid closer than 10 feet to a water main if: (a) It is laid in a separate trench, or if (b) It is laid in the same trench with the water mains located at one side of a bench of undisturbed earth, and if (c) In either case the elevation of the top (crown) of the sewer is at least 18" below the bottom (invert) of the water main. Vertical Separation: Whenever sewers must cross under water mains, the sewer shall be laid at such an elevation that the top of the sewer is at least 18" below the bottom of the water main. When the elevation of the sewer cannot be varied to meet the above re- quirement, the water main shall be relocated to provide this separa- tion or reconstructed with mechanical joint pipe for a distance of 10 feet on each side of the sewer. One full length of water main should be centered over the sewer so that both joints will be as far from the sewer as possible. Whenever it is possible to obtain proper horizontal and vertical separation as stipulated above, both the water main and sewer should be constructed of mechanical-joint cast iron pipe and should be pressure-tested to assure watertightness. - Page 6 S - Jointing Material for Cast Iron Pipe. In all jointing operations the trench must be dewatered when joints are made, and kept dewatered until sufficient time has lapsed to complete the joints. Bell and spigot ends of the pipe shall first be wiped clean before actual jointing operations are started. (a) All open bell and spigot pipe joints shall be made with molded or tubular neoprene rings, asbestos, or treated paper rope, and best quality virgin pig lead, conforming to American Society for Testing Materials Serial Designation B29-43 Grade 1. The spigot end of each pipe shall be properly seated in the bell of the next adjacent pipe and shall be adjusted to give a uniform all around space. The cut off material shall be driven against the back of the hub so as to leave a space of at least two and one-half (2~) inches in depth to be filled with lead. Materials shall be completely dry when placed in the joint. During the process of pouring the joint, the bell holes shall be kept free from water and care shall be taken that the surface of the pipe which comes in contact with the jointing material is clean and free of dirt, oil, grease, blisters or lumps of tar. The lead jointing material shall be handled and poured in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, using a round asbestos or rubber runner. Each joint shall be run at one pouring and the gate shall be set slightly off center when pouring so that the joint- ing material runs around the pipe in one direction only. The jointing material shall be poured continuously into the joint until it is entirely full. (b) In making the mechanical joint, the spigot shall be centrally located in the bell and just prior to inserting the neoprene gasket the surface with which it will come in contact shall be thoroughly brushed with a wire brush to remove all loose rust or foreign material. Except where manufacturer's instructions provide otherwise, the following range of bolt torques to be applied to Standard Cast Iron Bolts in a mechanical joint are as follows: Diameter of Bolt in Inches Torque in Foot Pounds 5/8 40 - 60 3/4 60 - 90 1 70 - 100 l~ 90 - 120 The required torque shall be applied with torque measuring or indicating wrenches. When tightening bolts, it is essential that the gland be brought up toward the pipe flange evenly, maintaining approximately the same distance between the gland - Page 7 S - and the face of the flange at all points around the socket. This shall be done by partially tightening the bottom bolts first, then the top bolt, next the bolts at either side, and last the remaining bolts. Repeat this cycle until all bolts are within the above range of torques. If effective sealing is not attained at the maximum torque indicated above, the joint shall be disassembled and reassembled after thorough cleaning. Under no conditions will overstressing of bolts to compensate for poor installation practice be permitted. 10.9-S Backfilling. The Contractor shall not backfill sewers, above the top of the" pipe, until the sewer elevations, gradient, alignment, and the pipe joints have been checked, inspected and approved by the Engineer. Unless otherwise directed, all trenches and excavations shall be backfilled as soon as joints have acquired a suitable degree of hardness and the work shall be prosecuted expeditiously after it has been commer.ced. All pipe sewers as soon as laid shall have the space between the pipe and the bottom and sides of the trench packed full by hand and thoroughly tamped with a shovel or light tamper, as fast as placed, up to the level of the top of the pipe. The filling shall be carried up evenly on both sides. Care shall be taken that no rock, frozen material, or other hard substances are placed in contact with the pipe. The pipe shall then be covered by hand to a depth of at least eight (8) inches. The material shall be placed in layers not exceed- ingfour (4) inches in depth, and each layer thoroughly tamped and compacted, with at least one map tamping for each man depositing material in the trench. Material for backfilling the space between the pipe and the bottom and sides of the trench, and for covering to a depth of two (2) feet shall be clean, dry earth, free from stones larger than two (2) inches, frozen material or other hard substances (except for condi- tions hereinafter defined.) The remainder of the trench shall then be backfilled by using the material originally excavated from the ditch except as may otherwise be provided in the "Special Provisions." No heavy rock shall be dropped into the trench or placed within three (3) feet of the sewer. In de- positing rock in the trench care must be taken so that the rock does not injure the pipe or structures. All spaces between pieces of rock shall be filled with earth to insure there being no voids. - Page 8 S - ~ All backfill material shall be thoroughly flushed and jetted into place immediately after placement, and all depressions formed shall be filled to a point slightly above the original elevation of the top of the ditch. Backfilling shall not be left unfinished more than 600 feet pehind the completed masonry or pipe work. Unless provided other- wise the. surface after backfilling shall be placed in the same or better condition than that which existed before excavation. In all streets that are paved or macadamized, after backfilling as herein specified, the pavement surface shall be relaid carefully and thoroughly in a manner accepta ble to the Engineer. In the case of macadamized surfaces, the replaced surface shall in all cases consist of at least eight (8) inches of surface type gravel thoroughly rolled and com- pacted in place. All surplus excavated material which is not used in backfill- ing shall be loaded and disposed of by the Contractor at his own expense. Upon receipt of written notice and for a period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance of the sewer, the Contractor shall to the satisfaction of the Engineer, repair any settlement of the back- fill below the original ground surface. SECTION ll-S Manhole Construction ll.l-S Description. This work shall consist of manhole construction of brick masonry, concrete masonry units or monolithic concrete to- gether with necessary cast iron frames and lids, at the location and to the dimensions shown on the plan or details. 11.2-S Brick Masonry or Concrete Masonry Units. Brick masonry shall be constructed in horizontal courses with a running bond using a header course every sixth course, or any standard bond of equivalent strength. The brick shall be grade SW building brick, made from clay or shale, or Grade A concrete building brick. Concrete masonry units shall be constructed in horizontal courses, wi~h vertical joints broken. Brick masonry and concrete masonry units shall be laid in mortar com- posed of one part cement to three parts sand, by volume, based on dry materials. The Contractor will be permitted to use an admixture of natural cement in the mortar not to exceed 50 percent of the Portland cement required, provided the natural cement meets the requirements of the "Standard Specifications for Natural Cement", (American Society for Testing Materials, designation: C-10). No additional compensation, however, will be allowed the Contractor for the natural cement so used. Mortar which has been mixed longer than 30 minutes, or which has de- veloped its initial set, shall not be used. 11.3-S Monolithic Concrete. Monolithic concrete manholes shall con- form to the following construction methods: (a) Forms. The Contractor shall provide forms of wood or metal, so designed, constructed, braced and maintained so that the finished concrete will conform to the required dimensions, contours and thickness. They shall be designed to withstand - Page 9 S - the pressure of the concrete, the effect of vibration as the concrete is placed and all other loads incidental to the con- struction operations without distortion or displacement. They shall be mortar tight. When forms appear to be unsatisfactory in any way, either before or during the placing of concrete, the Engineer shall order the work stopped until defects have been corrected. Forms shall remain in place until, in the opinion of the Engineer, it is safe to remove them. Methods of form removal likely to overstress or mar the concrete shall not be used. (b) Composition of Concrete. The concrete shall have an air- entrainment of not less than three percent or more than five percent of the volume of the concrete. The proportions of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and water will be determined by the Engineer before the work begins, so as to produce a workable plastic concrete having a compressive strength of not less than 3500 pounds per square inch and a modulus of rupture of not less than 650 pounds per square inch at the age of 14 days when tested by standard methods. The quantities of aggregates for each batch of con- crete shall be measured by weight, and the Engineer may change the proportions of cement to water to aggregates at any time as the work progresses. The Engineer will furnish to prospective bidders, upon request, the approximate proportions by weight necessary to produce con- crete having the required workability and strength using ag- gregates from any established and available commercial source designated by the bidder, it being expressly understood that this information is only for the convenience of the bidder. (c) Mixing. When mixed at the site of the work, the concrete shall be mixed only in the quantity required for immediate use. Con- crete which has mixed longer than 30 minutes or has developed initial set shall not be used. The mixing shall continue for a period of not less than one minute after all the materials except water are in the drum. (d) Mixers. The mixer shall be of the approved batch type having a capacity of not less than seven (7) cubic feet of mixed con- crete. The mixer shall be equipped with a water measuring device capable of measuring and discharging the specified amount of water within a limit of accuracy of one (1) percent. - Page 10 S - If a truck mixer is used it shall be either the type having a closed water-tight revolving drum, suitably mounted and fitted with adequate blades attached to the drum, or the type having an open-top watertight trough-like container, suitably mounted and fitted with adequate blades revolving about an axis parallel to the trough. Truck mixers shall be capable of combining aggregates, cement, and water into a uniform mixture, and of discharging the mixture without segregation. The mixer shall be equipped with a water measur- ing device capable of measuring and discharging the specified amount of water within a limit of accuracy of one (1) percent. (e) Placing and Compaction. Concrete shall be placed in the forms immediately after mixing. The method and manner of placing each batch of concrete shall be such as to avoid segregation or separation of the aggregates or displacement of forms. The concrete shall be compacted with a mechanical vibrator or other device insuring that vibration is started immediately after the concrete has been deposited in the forms. The operation of depositing and compacting shall be conducted so that the structure will be completely monolithic and the concrete, after removal of the forms, will be free from aggregate pockets and honeycomb. All structures and concrete which do not meet these requirements shall be removed and re- placed by the Contractor or shall be repaired as directed by the Engineer. Concrete shall not be placed without authority of the Engineer when the air temperature in the shade is 450 ~ or less. If the temperature falls below 400 F. at anytime during the first five (5) days after the concrete has been placed, the concrete shall be adequately protected by straw which shall remain on the structure until the concrete is ten (10) days old. (f) Curing. Curing shall be conducted as directed by the Engineer. 11.4-8 Furnishing and Placing Castings. Castings shall be set in full mortar beds. Mortar for setting castings shall conform to the mortar herein specified for brick masonry or concrete masonry units. Castings shall consist of a Cast Iron ring and closed lid similar to and equal in quality to R-l030 as manufactured by Neenah Foundry Company. 11.5-8 Excavation and Backfilling. In order to permit the joints to be mortared properly and also to permit proper compaction of the backfill material, the excavation shall be made to a diameter of at least six (6) inches greater than the diameter of the structure when - Page 11 8 - using brick masonry or concrete masonry units. When monolithic con- crete manholes are being constructed the excavation shall be such so as to insure adequate space for placing and removing exterior forms but in every instance such excavation shall be at least six (6) inches greater than the diameter of the structure. Backfill material shall be adequately compacted as directed by the Engineer. 11.6-5 Conformance to Plans and/or Detail Drawings. Manholes of brick masonry, concrete masonry units, or monolithic concrete shall conform strictly to the plan and/or detail drawings concerning dimen- sions, location and inlet and outlet pipe details. 11.7-S Basis of Payment. This work shall be paid for at the unit price each for Manholes to be Constructed or Monolithic Concrete Manholes to be Constructed as the case may be which price shall in- clude all required materials including concrete and the specified frames and lids, equipment, tools, labor, earth excavation, backfilling, and incidentals necessary to construct a manhole, as herein specified and as shown on the detail drawings, which is satisfactory to the Engineer. 11.8-5 Pre-Cast Reinforced Concrete Risers. Pre-cast reinforced concrete risers for manhole construction shall conform to the require- ments for Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain and Sewer Pipe, A.S.T.M. Designation C 76-60T and in accordance with the following schedule: Depth of Manhole Class of Pipe Up to 12 ft. 12 ft. to 24 ft. Over 24 ft. II III IV Precast reinforced concrete riser units shall be of the diameter shown on the plans and shall be constructed in horizontal course. The units shall be laid in mortar composed of one part cement to 3 parts sand, by volume, based on dry materials; or approved bitumin- ous mastic. The Contractor will be permitted to use a mixture of natural cement and portland cement in the mortar. The quantity of natural cement used shall not exceed 50 percent of the total cement required. The natural cement shall meet the requirements of the "Standard Specifications for Natural Cement," A.S.T.M. Designation: C 10. No compensation, however, will be allowed the Contractor for the natural cement so used. Mortar which has been mixed longer than 30 minutes or which has developed its initial set, shall not be used. SECTION l2-S Final Inspection and Measurement l2.l-S Final Inspection. Upon notification by the Contractor of the completion of the work herein contracted for, the Engineer will carefully inspect all sewers, appurtenances and all other work done - Page 12 S - by the Contractor. In each stretch of sewer intended to be straight, light shall be visible from one end to the other. Any broken or cracked pipe shall be replaced with sound ones. Any deposits found in the sewers, protruding cement or packing, shall be removed and the sewer bore left clean and free throughout its entire length. Leakage or infiltration of water into the sewer shall not exceed the following rates of flow; said leakage or infiltration to be determined by actual measurement by the Engineer. 500 gallons per inch of pipe diameter per mile per day. All manholes, lampholes and other appurtenances shall be of the specified size and form and of a neat appearance and their tops shall be set to the proper grade. In general, the work shall comply with these specifications, and if found not to do so in any respect, shall be brought to the proper condition by cleaning, paint- ing, or if necessary, excavating and rebuilding, all at the expense of the Contractor. But if it be found after uncovering any pipe or other work at the order of the Engineer that no defect exists, or that the defect was not due to any fault of the Contractor, then the expense of this shall be borne by the Department. ALTERNATE TESTING TECHNIQUE: In areas where it is determined that the ground water table present is less than two feet above the crown of the sewer pipe at the upper end of the section of pipe to be tested the following exfiltra- tion test will be required. Unless otherwise specified or directed by the Engineer the first section of sanitary sewer constructed of approximately 1200 feet in length or the entire length of the sewer if it is less than 1200 feet shall be tested by the exfiltration method before additional excavation is permitted. The Contractor may at his option divide the first section of sewer into subsections of more convenient length for testing. If the section or subsection tested does not pass the leakage tests it shall be repaired and the test repeated until a satisfactory test is obtained. Excavation shall not proceed beyond the first 1200 foot test section until test results for the entire 1200 feet are satisfactory. In the event the first 1200 foot section of sewer did not pass the leakage test on first trial (or if tested in subsection in the first trial for each of the subsections) the next se8tion of sanitary sewer of approximately 1200 feet in length shall also be tested, repaired if necessary, and retested until a satisfactory test is obtained before additional excavation is started. When favorable test resutls are obtained on first trial on a full 1200 foot section of pipe, the Engineer may designate additional sections for testing as conditions in his opinion warrant. The - Page 13 S - Engineer reserves the right to select the location and lengths of additional test sections when construction operations or materials change or where construction difficulties indicate leakage may be present or in sections selected at random. The Engineer shall notify the Contractor of the location where a test is to be required not later than 15 days after the sewer installation has been completed in the section to be tested. Unless otherwise authorized, the Contractor shall arrange to commence the test within 15 days after the sewer has been installed or 15 days after re- ceiving notification by the Engineer whichever date is later. TESTING TECHNIQUE: All wyes, tees and stubs shall be plugged with flexible jointed caps, or acceptable alternate, securely fastened to withstand the internal test pressure. Such plugs or caps shall be readily re- movable, and for their removal the Contractor shall provide a socket suitable for making a flexible lateral connection or extension. The section of sewer to be tested shall be sealed by in- serting inflatable rubber bags in the pipes or by other means approved by the Engineer, and then water shall be introduced into a manhole until the section is completely filled. The Contractor shall fill the pipe to the test level at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the time of exfiltration testing to permit normal absorption into the pipe walls. Throughout the test period of at least one (1) hour, the water level in the upper manhole shall be maintained at least two (2) feet above the crown of the upper end of the pipe or at least two (2) feet above the ground water table, whichever is higher. The length of pipe tested shall be limited so that the pressure on the centerline of the lower end of the section tested shall not exceed twelve (12) feet of water column. The leakage shall not exceed one (1) gallon per hour per inch of diameter per one hundred feet of sewer pipe. Payment for tests will be considered a cost incidental to the bid price per lineal foot of sanitary sewer. Contractor shall pro- vide all labor, material, tools, equipment and water necessary for making the test. If any section fails to meet the test it shall be repaired at the Contractor's expense and retested until it meets the leakage limitation. 12.2-8 Engineer's Measurements and Classification, Final and Conclusive: The Engineer shall in all cases determine the amount, quality, acceptability and fitness of the several amounts of work and materials which are to be paid for hereunder and shall decide - Page 14 8 - all questions which may arise as to the measurements of quantities and the fulfillment of this contract on the part of the Contractor. The measurements given on the plans are approximate and the Engineer's measurements must be in all cases final and binding for settlement. The Engineer shall determine all questions respecting the true construction or meaning of the plans and specifications and his determination and decision thereon shall be final 'and conclusive and such estimate and decision shall be a condition precedent to the right to receive any compensation for anything done or furnished under this contract. - Page 15 S - SANITARY SEWER ADDENDA 10.7-S Alternate Sewer Pipe ABS Composite Pipe If the alternate ABS Composite Pipe is used, it shall be installed in accordance with the Standard Specifications and or the A.S.T.M. Recommended Practice D 2321, for Underground Installation of Flexible Thermoplastic Sewer Pipe. If the alternate ABS Composite Pipe is used, it shall be Armco Truss Pipe (8" dia.) or Armco Solid Wall Pipe (6" dia.) con- forming to Armco Spec. 41-M-3 and 42-M-2 respectively, or equal, but conforming to A.S.T.M. Designation D-2680-68T. Joints for this pipe shall be of the chemically welded type made in accordance with the pipe manufacutrer's recommendations. S P E C I F I CAT ION S WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION SECTION IO-W Water Main Construction IO.I-W Descri~tion This work shall consist of water main construc- tion of the requ1red size and material laid and backfilled as specified herein, and conforming in all respects to the lines and grades shown on the plans or furnished by the Engineer. IO.2-W Excavation and Foundation The trench shall be excavated so that the distance from the existing surface or surface established by the Engineer, to the top of the finished water main shall be five and one-half (5~) feet. The trench for the pipe shall be excavated at least six (6) inches wider than the external diameter of the pipe, to permit thorough tamping of the foundation material under the haunches and a- round the pipe, but the width of the trench shall not exceed the exter- nal diameter of the pipe by more than twelve (12) inches. Bell holes shall be carefully excavated at proper intervals so that no part of the load is supported by bells or other types of protruding joints. Bell holes shall be adequate to allow the body of the pipe to have bearing on the trench bottom throughout and permit the making of the joint. No tunneling will be allowed except by written consent of the Engineer. When tunneling, the Contractor will excavate the material to such cross sections as may be designated, using timbering or other tun- nel lining and shoring satisfactory to the Engineer. The Engineer shall have the right to limit the amount of trench which shall be opened or partly opened at any time in advance of the com- pleted water main and also the amount of trench left unfilled. Excavated material shall be so placed as to cause a minimum of interference or inconvenience to pedestrians and vehicular traffic and to the occupants of adjoining property. The Contractor shall not, without permission from the Engineer, remove the work any excavated ma- terial which may be suitable for refilling the trench until the same shall be refilled, and then only to such place as may be disignated by the Engineer. Where a firm foundation is not envountered at the grade estab- lished, due to soft, spongy or other unsuitable soil, all such unsuit- able soil under the pipe and for the width of the trench shall be re- moved and replaced with well compacted sand or fine gravel. - lW - The cost of furnishing and placing sand or fine gravel will be considered as incidental work, and no additional compensation will be allowed. 10.3-W Rock Excavation It is not expected that any rock or large boulders will be encountered in the excavation. If such material is found, it will be paid for under the unit price herein specified for rock excavation. In estimating the number of cubic yards of rock work, the actual yardage of rock removed will be paid for as determined by the measurements of the Engineer. Boulders nine (9) cubic feet and over in size will be measured as rock excavation. Hard pan, small boulders, clay, shale and similar material shall not be classed as rock, although it may be more economical to remove the same by blasting. The term "rock" is to be interpreted to include only large boulders or solid limestone or sandstone rock in its original bed. No claim for amount of money in excess of the contract price of the work will be entertained or allowed on account of the character of the ground in which the trench or other excavations are made, except for the rock work heretofore specified. 10.4-W Pumping and Bailing The contractor shall furnish equipment and labor necessary to pump, bail, or otherwise remove any water which may be found or which shall accumulate in the trenches during construc~ tion. The disposal of the water after removal shall be satisfactory to the Engineer and no extra compensation will be allowed for equipment or labor necessary to perform the work herein described. 10.5-W Shoring and Sheathing Whenever necessary, as determined by the Engineer, the sides of the trench shall be braced and rendered se- cure, using either open or closed sheathing as may be required for safe- ty; such sheathing and bracing to be left in place until the trench is refilled, all such bracing and sheathing being done at the Contractor's expense. When left in the trench, sheathing shall be cut off at a point one foot below the surface. The Contractor shall, at his own expense, shore up and otherwise protect any tract, building or other structure that may be endangered by the work. 10.6-W with Existin In excavating an ac 1 1ng trenc es an aY1ng t e ma1n, care must be taken not to move any gas, water, sewer or other pipes, conduits or structures without an order of the Engineer. If necessary, the Con- tractor shall, at his own expense, sling, shore up and secure and main- tain a continuous flow in said structures and shall repair any damage done to them and keep them in repair until final acceptance of the com- pleted work, leaving them in as good condition as when uncovered. Should it be necessary to move the position of a pipe or conduit, this shall be allowed for material furnished and labor performed on such additional construction, but all other work shall be at his own expense. - 2W - All fire hydrants shall be left uncovered and accessible. The Contractor, at his own expense, shall provide for all water courses, gutters and drains interrupted by the work, and replace them in as good condition as he found them. All excavation embankments, rubbish heaps and other obstruc- tions incident to the work must be protected with barriers and lights to prevent accidents to pedestrians, and safeguards must be faithfully observed by the Contractor. 10.7-W Pi e otherwise prov~ e ~n t e Proposa a 150 Centrifugally Cast Pipe (bell and spigot or mechanical joint) conform- ing to Federal Specification WW-P-42la and shall be a minimum of twelve (12) feet long. follows: Pipe thickness corresponding to various sizes shall be as Nominal Size in Inches Thickness in Inches 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0.32 0.35 0.38 0.41 0.44 0.48 0.51 0.54 Prior to laying the pipes which have been delivered for the work, they shall be subjected to a rigid inspection by both Contractor and Inspector, and those which do not meet the foregoing requirements shall be rejected. Tests shall include sounding of said pipe for cracks and close examination of all blisters and flakes. Bell and Spigot Joints shall conform to Federal Specification WW-P-42la. Mechanical Joints shall conform to American Standards Assoc- iation Spec~f~cat~on A 21,11. Plain rubber gaskets shall be furnished unless otherwise provided in the IISpecial Provisions" or IIProposalll. All Bell and Spi~ot Fittings shall conform in all respects to American Water Works Assoc~ation Specification ClOO-08 for Class D fit- tings or American Standards Association Specification A2l.l0, for Short- Body Cast Iron Fittings for 250 psi Water Pressure. All Mechanical Joint Fittings shall conform in all respects to American Standards Association Specification A2l.l0 for Short-Body Cast Iron Fittings for 250 psi Water Pressure and American Standards Association Specification A2l.ll for Mechanical Joint. - 3W - Slip Type Joint pipe similar or equal to Clow "Bell Tight" may be used. The joints shall be prepared by cleaing the inside of the bell, the entire gasket assembly, and the spigot end of the joining pipe for the length of the proposed insertion. After cleaing the assem- blies the molded rubber gasket shall be placed in the bell and then both the gasket and spigot end shall be lubricated prior to insertion of the spigot end. The pipe shall be laid in strict accordance with the Manu- facturer's installation instructions. Whenever a Municipality has standardized on a specific type of hydrant and/or valve which is in conflict with the types herein spec- ified, the Contractor shall furnish and install the type required by the Municipality at no additional cost. Valves shall be gate valves of standard manufacture and of highest quality both as to material and workmanship. All valves shall have the name, monogram or initials of the manufacturer cast thereon and shall be identified by catalog mumber. Gate valves of the size and at locations shown on the plans shall be double disc type with non-ris- ing stems and shall be designed to take a minimum 150 psi working pres- sure on either face. Valves shall be constructed with bolted bonnets provided with stuffing boxes having bolted followers. The stuffing boxes shall be so arranged so as to be readily accessible and shall be packed ready for use. The double-gates or discs of each valve shall have parallel or tapered seats and each disc shall be controlled and operated with wedges. The wedges shall be entirely independent of the operating nut and screw. Each NaIve shall be of the highest quality cast iron and all working parts inside valve, including main stem and nut, shall be made of the best quality Government Bronze. The valve must work equally well with pressure on either side of the gate. Each disc shall fit into the corresponding seat so as to make an absolutely water-tight joint. The stem shall have a tensil strength of not less than 35,000 pounds per square inch. The wrench nut shall be of a size set as a standard by the Department and each valve shall open by turn- ing left. Unless valve vaults are specifically shown on the plan or indicated in the Proposal, each valve shall be provided with a cast iron valve box of highest quality. H~drants shall be of the compression type conforming to the latest spec1fications of the American Water Works Association and shall be of a make, if possible, that has been adopted by the Department as a standard. Hydrants shall be designed for a 300 pound test pressure and 150 pound working pressure. Hydrants shall be furnished with two (2)- two-and-one-half (2~) inch hose nozzles and one (1) four (4) inch steam- er nozzle. Threads on nozzles and caps, and operating nuts shall corr- espond to those adopted by the Department as a standard. Hydrants shall be located and have a pipe connection of the size as shown on the plan with a five (5) inch valve opening. The main valve shall shut off with the water pressure. The bronze valve seat shall be screwed directly - 4W - in iron and shall be removable without digging up the hydrant. The hydrant drain including drain cylinder, shall be removable without digging up the hydrant. Operating threads shall be above the stuff- ing box so as to be protected from water and freezing and shall be lubricated through an oil hole without dismantling the hydrant. The hydrant shall be so designed so that the barrel may be removed and replaced without shutting off the water to the hydrant. 10.8-W La*inq the Pi~e The pipe shall be laid in the trench so that after t e water ma~n is completed the alignment shall conform to that shown on the plans or fixed by the Engineer and the distance from the existing surface, or surface established by the Engineer to the top of the pip~ shall be five and one-half (5~) feet. All bends, 22~ degrees or greater, tees, crosses and plugs shall be securely block- ed to the sides of the trench with concrete block, brick or stone to prevent movement of the pipe in the joints due to internal or external pressure. Hydrants shall be set in locations designated on the plan and shall be of such length that, with the frost ring nearly at the ground surface grade, there will be five and one-half (5~) feet of cover over the connecting pipe. They shall be placed on a large flat stone with three (3) cubic feet of gravel or crushed stone around the base to provide drainage for the hydrant drip. Where the water main is to be laid within ten (10) feet of an existing or proposed sewer it shall be laid on an undisturbed shelf to one side of the sewer and at an elevation such that the bottom of the water main is a least 18 inches above the top of the sewer. Whenever water mains must cross house sewers, storm sewers, drains, or sanitary sewers, the water main shall, when possible, be laid at such an elevation that the bottom of the water main is 18 inches above the top of the drain or sewer. This vertical separation shall be maintained for that portion of the water main located within 10 feet, horizontally, of such sewer or drain. Where this minimum vertical sep- aration cannot be maintained or it is necessary for the water main to pass under a sewer or drain, the water main shall be laid with mechan- ical -joint cast iron pipe for a horizontal distance of 10 feet from such sewer or drain. The trench must in all cases be wide enough to admit the lay- ing of the pipe as herein specified and whenever it has not been thus excavated, all necessary widening thereof must be done before the pipe is lowered therein, and no cutting away of the banks will be permitted after any such pipe has been set. All adjustments of the pipe to line and grade must be made by scraping away or filling in the earth under the body of the pipe and not by blocking or wedging up the spigot, hub, or socket. Special attention must be paid to this part of the work, since the stability of the water main depends largely upon the manner in which the pipes are bedded. - 5W - All open bell and spigot pipe joints shall be made with mold- ed or tubular rubber rings, asbestos, or treated rope paper and the best quality virgin pig lead, conforming to American Society for Test- ing Materials Serial Designation B29-43 Grade 1. The spigot end of each pipe shall be properly seated in the bell of the next adjacent pipe and shall be adjusted to give a uniform all around space. The cut off material shall be driven against the back of the hub so as to leave a space of at least two and one-half (2~) inches in depth to be filled with lead. Materials shall be handled with care to pre- vent contamination and material shall be completely dry when placed in the joint. During the process of pouring the joint, the bell holes shall be kept free from water and care shall be taken that the surface of the pipe which comes in contact with the jointing material is clean and free of dirt, oil, grease, blisters or lumps of tar. The lead jointing material shall be handled and poured in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, using a round asbestos or rubber runner. Each joint shall be run at one pouring and the gate shall be set slightly off center when pouring so that the jointing material runs around the pipe in one direction only. The jointing material shall be poured continuously into the joint until it is entirely full. In making the mechanical joint, the spigot shall be central- ly located in the bell and just prior to inserting the rubber gasket the surfaces with which it will come in contact shall be thoroughly brushed with a wire brush to remove all loose rust or foreign material. Except where manufacturer's instructions provide otherwise, bolt torques to be applied to Standard Cast Iron Bolts in a mechanical joint are as follows: Diameter of Bolt in Inches Torque in Foot Pounds 5/8 40-60 3/4 60-90 1 70-100 l~ 90-120 The required torque shall be applied with torque measuring or indicating wrenches. When tightening bolts, it is essential that the gland be brought up toware the pipe flange evenly, maintaining approx- imately the same distance between the gland and the face of the flange at all points around the socket. This shall be done by partially tight- ening the bottom folts first, then the top bolt, next the bolts at ei- ther side, and last the remaining bolts. Repeat this cycle until all bolts are within the above range or torques. If effective sealing is not attained at the maximum torque indicated above, the joint shall be disassembled and reassembled after thorough cleaning. Under no condi- tions will overstressing of bolts to compensate for poor installation practice be permitted. - 6W - 10.9-W Pressure Testing When a portion of water main and appur- tenances has been completed, and before sterilization and backfilling, the Contractor shall furnish proper equipment, fittings, and facilities for testing and draining the same, without injury to the work or sur- rounding territory. He shall test by filling the pipe with clear wat- er under a minimum hydrostatic pressure of one hundred (100) Pounds-per square inch. In no case shall there be any visible leakage, nor shall any leakage in any stretch of pipe exceed one hundred (100) gallons per 24 hour day per inch diameter per mile, as measured over a period of two (2) hours in a manner approved by the Engineer. The above allow- able leakage is for standard 12 foot lengths of pipe. If 16 or 18 foot lengths of pipe are used, the allowable leakage shall be reduced in the ratio of 12 feet to the length of pipe actually used. Water for making tests shall be furnished by the Contractor at his expense. Any defects, cracks, or leakage that may result from the above tests either in the joints or the body of the casting or appurtenances, shall be promptly ~epaired or replaced to the satisfaction of the Engi- neer. No additional compensation shall be allowed the Contractor for any repairs or replacement necessary to correct such defects, cracks, or leakage. Depending on traffic conditions, public hazard, or other rea- sons, the Engineer may direct when tests of completed sections of main shall be made, and he may order such tests to be made in relatively short sections in order that hazardous sections may be backfilled prompt- ly. No additional compensation shall be allowed the Contractor for making such tests. 10.10-W Sterilization All sections of the completed water main and all fittings, valves, hydrants and appurtenances forming a part of a potable water supply, shall be sterilized in a manner acceptable to the Engineer. The following method, or other method acceptable to the State Department of Public Health and the Engineer shall be used. Flush out the new pipe lines until the water runs clear. This shall be done after the pressure test and before disinfection. Each valved section of the newly laid pipe shall be flushed separately with potable water form the public supply. Disinfect the pipe lines with lines with chlorine applied either as a gas from cylinders through a portable solution feed chlor- inator, or by introduction of a hypochlorite solution. Calcium hyp- chlorite in commercial grades contains about 65% to 70% of free chlo- rine. Hypocqlorite powder shall first be made into a paste and then thinned to about 1% chlorine solution. This will require about 7.50 gallons of water to each pound of powder. Solution shall be prepared in a wooden barrel and the solids permitted to settle out. The clear supernatant shall be applied to the main through a rubber hose by grav- ity, syphonage injection or by suitable pump feeder. - 7W - The point of application of the chlorinating agent shall be at the beginning of the pipe line extensions, or any. valved sections thereof, and through a corporation cock inserted in the top of the newly laid pipe. Water from the existing distribution system shall be controlled so as to flow slowly into the newly installed p~pe line during the application of chlorine. The rate of chlorine mixture flow shall be in such proportion to the water entering the newly installed pipe that the chlorine dose applied to the new pipe shall produce at least IOP.P.M. after 24 hours standing. Valves shall be manipulated so that the strong chlorine solution in the pipe being treated will not flow back into the line supplying the water. Permit the treated water to remain in the pipe being treated for at least 24 hours, following which period the line shall be thor- oughly flushed until all of the heavily chlorinated water is removed. If for any reason a shorter retention period must be used, the chlorine concentration shall me increased accordingly. Collect bacteriological water samples from the end-most out- let of the treated pipe line through two successive full days. If, at the end of this period, the samples show safe results, the new pipe line may be placed in service. If, however, the results are unsafe, the chlorine treatment shall be repeated until samples show safe results. Bacteriological analyses will be run by the Department at no cost to the Contractor if a laboratory operated by the Department's forces is avail- able. If a laboratory is not operated by the Department, samples must be picked up by the Contractor and run by a commercial or other labor- atory approved by the Engineer, employed and paid by the Contractor with the cost of such tests being incidental to the contract price. IO.II-W Backfillin~ The contractor shall not backfill water mains above the center of t e pipe, until pressure tests specified in Section IO.9-W have been completed and approved by the Engineer. Unless other- wise directed, all trenches and excavations shall be backfilled as soon as pressure tests have been performed and approved by the Engineer and the work shall be prosecuted expeditiously and diligently after it has been commenced. All water main, as soon as laid, shall have the space between the pipe and the bottom and sides of the trench packed fully by hand and thoroughly tamped with a shovel or light tamper, as fast as placed, up to the center of the pipe. The filling shall be carried up evenly on both sides. Care shall be taken that no rock, frozen material, or other hard substances are placed in contact with the pipe. After pressure tests have been performed and accepted by the Engineer the pipe shall then be covered by hand to a depth of at least eight (8) inches. The remainder of the trench shall then be backfilled by using the material originally excavated from the ditch except as may otherwise be provided in the "Special provisions". No heavy rock shall - 8W - be dropped into the trench or placed within three (3) feet of the water main. In depositing rock in the trench care must be taken so that the rock does not injure the pipe or structures. All spaces between pieces of rock shall be filled with earth to insure there being no voids. All backfill material shall be thoroughly flushed and jetted into place im- mediatley after placement, and all depressions formed shall be filled to a point slightly above the original elevation of the top of the ditch. Unless provided otherwise the surface after backfilling shall be placed in the same or better condition than that which existed before excavation. In all streets that are paved or macadamized, after backfilling as herein specified, the pavement surface shall be re-laid carefully and thoroughly in a manner acceptable to the Engineer. In the case of macadamized sur- faces, the replaced surface shall in all cases consist of at least eight (8) inches of surface type gravel thoroughly rolled and compacted in place. All surplus excavated material which is not used in backfilling shall be loaded and disposed of by the Contractor at his own expense. Upon receipt of written notice and for a period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance of the water main, the Uontractor shall, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, repair any settlement of the backfill be- low the original ground surface. lO.12-W Horizontal Separation a. Whenever possible, a water main should be laid at least 10 feet horizontally from any existing or proposed drain or sewer line. b. Should local conditions prevail which would prevent a lat- eral separation of 10 feet, a water main may be laid closer than 10 feet to, or in the same trench as, a storm or sani- tary sewer provided the main is laid in a separate trench or on an undisturbed earth shelf located to one side of the sewer and at such an elevation that the bottom of the water main is at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer. c. If it is impossible to obtain proper horizontal and verti- cal separation as stipulated in (a) or (b), both the water main and sewer should be constructed of slip-on or mechan- ical-joint cast-iron pipe, asbestos cement pressure pipe, or prestressed concrete pipe, and be pressure-tested to assure watertightness before backfilling. 10.13-W Vertical Separation a. Whenever water mains must cross house sewers, storm drains or sanitary sewers, the water main should be laid at such an elevation that the bottom of the water main is 18 inches above the top of the drain or sewer. This vertical separation - 9W - should be maintained for that portion of the water main located within 10 feet, horizontally, of any sewer or draincrossed,said 10 feet to be measured as the normal distance from the water main to the drain or sewer. b. Where conditions exist that the minimum vertical separa- tion set forth in (a) cannot be maintained, or it is nec- essary for the water main to pass under a sewer or drain, the water main should be laid with slip-on or mechanical- joint cast iron pipe, asbestos cement pressure pipe, or prestressed concrete pipe, and the pipe should extend on each side of the crossing until the normal distance from the water main to the sewer or drain line is at least 10 feet. In making such crossings, it is preferable to cen- ter a length of water-main pipe over the sewer to be crossed so that the joints will be equidistant from the sewer and as remote therefrom as possible. Where a water main must cross under a sewer, a vertical separation of 18 inches between the bottom of the sewer and the top of the water main should be maintained, along with the means to support the larger-sized sewer lines ~o prevent their settling and breaking the water main. 10.14-W Water Service Lines The horizontal and vertical separation between water service lines and all sanitary sewers, storm sewers, or any drain should be the same as for water mains, as detailed in Sections 10.13-W & IO.14-W, except that when minimum horizontal and vertical sep- aration cannot be maintained, brass, copper, or lead, in addition to slip-on or mechanical-joint cast-iron pipe, asbestos cement pressure pipe, or prestressed concrete pipe, may be used for water service lines. IO.15-W Engineer's Measurements and Classification, Final and Conclus- ive The Engineer shall in all cases determine the amount, quality, acceptability, and fitness of the several amounts of work and materials which are to be paid for hereunder and shall decide all ques- tions which may arise as to the measurements of quantities and the ful- fillment of this contract on the part of the Contractor. The measurements given on the plans are approximate and the Engineer's measurements must be in all cases final and binding for settlement. The Engineer shall de- termine all questions respecting the true construction or meaning of the plans and specifications and his determination and decisions thereon shall be final and conclusive and such estimate and decision shall be a condition precedent to the right to receive any compensation for any- thing done or furnished under this contract. - lOW - SECTION ll-W WATER VALVE MANHOLE (VALVE VAULT) CONSTRUCTION 11.1-W Description This work shall consist of water valve m~~ole (valve vault) construction of' brick masonry or concrete masonry units together with necessary cast iron frames and covers, at the location and to the dimensions shown on the plans or details. 11.2-W Construction Brick masonry shall be constructed in horizontal courses with a running bond using a header course every sixth course, or any standard bond of' equivalent strength. The brick shall be grade SW building brick, made from clay or shale, or grade A Concrete building brick. Concrete masonry uni ts shall be constructed in horizontal courses, with vertical joints broken. Brick masonry and concrete masonry units shall be laid in mortar composed of one part cement to three parts sand, by volume, based on dry materials. The contractor will be permitted to use an admixture of natural cement in the mortar not to exceed 50 percent 01' the Portland cement required, provided the natural cement meets the requirements of the "Standard Specifications for Natural Cement," (American Society for Testing Materials, designation: C-lO). No additional compensation, however, will be allowed the Contractor for the natural cement so used. Mortar which has been mixed longer than 30 minutes, or which has developed its initial set, shall not be used. 11. )-W Furnishing and Placing Castings Castings shall be set in full mortar beds. Mortar i'or setting castings shall conform to the mortar herein specified for brick masonry or concrete masonry units. Castings shall consist of a Cast Iron ring and closed lid similar to and equal in quality to R-l030 as manuf'actured by Neenah Foundry Company. 11.4-W Excavation and Backfilling In order to permit the joints to be mortared properly and also to permit proper compaction of the backfill material, the excavation shall be made to a diameter of at least six (6) inches greater than the diameter of' the structure. l1.5-w Basis of Payment This work shall be paid for at the contract unit price for t:1at"er Valve Manholes or Valve Vaults to be constructed, which price shall include all reqUJ.red materials including the specii'ied frames and covers, equipment, tools, labor, earth excavation, backfilling, and incidentals necessary to construct a water valve manhole (valve vault), as herein specified and as shown on the detail drawings, which is satisfactory to the Engineer. -Page w- WEDGEWOOD TERRACE Specifications Except as may be herein modified, the IIStandard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction" adopted January 2, 1971 by the Illinois Department of Transporta- tion shall govern on this project. Said specifications are on file at the office of the Village Clerk, Village of Mount Prospect, and are hereby adopted by reference. The order of reference for this project shall be; the Detailed Specifications and the various details included in the plans, the Specifications - Sanitary Sewer COnstruc- tion and the Specifications - Water Main Construction, the Specifications - General Provisions, and "Standard Specifica- tion for Road and Bridge Construction. ".----.--'--~~~..~,."'=~,,=..,..="^=""<='''''''''~:'..''''''''m=,?~''''''''''''''~'''''''''''''~,_=_=-~';.<<>,_''''__='''''''='''_"..'''''''''~'''''''''"''''''''~=,~.~~._,~_~~"~__,~__^_._~~_,,",~_~~,_.,___"~,,'^"_'__'__~___,___,___,_~,~__~~______________ WEDGEWOOD TERRACE Detailed Specifications DS-Ol General.. Wherever, herein, these Detailed Specifications shall be -in conflict with the General Provisions, Specifications-Sanitary Sewer Construction, or Specifications- Water Main Construction, these Detailed Specifications shall govern and take precedence. However, they shall not operate to annul those portions with which they are not in conflict. DS-02Sanitary Sewer. This work shall consist of sanitary sewer construction of vitrified clay pipe, a inch or 6 inch, laid and backfilled as specified, herein, and conforming in all respects to the lines and grades shown on the plans. This work shall also include the setting of all Sanitary Sewer Wyes as specified on the plans and as directed by the Engineer. This work shall include the restoration of the drainage ditch systems to the lines shown on the "Ditch Grading Plan" or as directed by the Engineer. The resetting of all driveway culvert pipes shall conform to the Ditch Grading Plan. Alternate. If the alternate ABS Composite Pipe is used, it shall conform to Section 10.7 S of the specifications and shall include all work specified in this section. The determination of the use of the alternate pipe shall rest solely with the Owner. This work shall be paid for at the contract price per lineal foot for SANITARY SEWER (al'), SANITARY SEv-lER (6"), or at the contract unit price for SANITARY SEWER WYE (8" x 6"). DS-03 Water Mains. This work shall consist of the installation of cement lined, Class 2, Ductile Iron water main of the size specified conforming in all respects to the lines and grades shown on the plans, or as specified by the Engineer. This work shall include the restoration of the drainage ditch systems to the lines shown on the "Ditch Grading Plan" or as directed by the Engineer. The resetting of all driveway culvert pipes shall conform to the Ditch Grading Plan. This work shall be paid for at the contract price per lineal foot for WATER MAIN of the size specified, or at the contract unit price per pound for CAST IRON FITTINGS. 1 DS DS-04 Water Services and Water Service Pipe (l"). Water Service Pipe (lit) shall consist of the installation of Type "K" Soft Copper water service lines from the tap in the water maLns to the box at the property lines at the locations specified by the Engineer. Water Service(Complete) shall consist of installing a double strap saddle, Mueller No. H-10525, making a tap with Mueller H-15020 corporation stop with quarter bend and installing Oraseal Roundway? Mueller No. H-15151 with MinneapOlis Pattern Box, 6 foot long adjusted to grade, one foot off the property line. This work shall be paid for at the contract price per lineal foot for WATER SERVICE PIPE (111) and at the contract unit price for WATER SERVICE (COMPLETE). DS-05 Steel Casing (16"). This work shall consist of jacking or pushing steel casing pipe in the locations shown on the plans in accordance with these specifications and the requirements of the Illinois Department of Transportation. This work shall be paid for at the contract price per lineal foot for STEEL CASING (16"). DS-06 Trench Backfill. Trench backfill as a pay item will include disposal of material excavated from the trench and backfilling the trench with granular material at all locations designated on the construction plans. Trench backfill material shall consist of sand, stone sand, stone screenings, or chats reasonably free from an excess of soft unsound particles and other objectionable matter. Trench backfill shall be uniformly graded, and when tested by laboratory sieves, shall conform to the following limits: Passing 3/4 inch sieve 100% Passing No. 4 sieve 85%-100% Passing No. 100 sieve 0% -30% The amount of material finer than No. 200 sieve shall not exceed 10 percent. No material removed from the trench during excavation shall be used as trench backfill unless it conforms to the above gradation. All excavated material unsuitable for use as trench backfill shall be disposed of by the Contractor at his expense to the satisfaction of the Engineer and none shall be used in backfilling the trench. The Contractor shall obtain and file with the Engineer permission in writing from any property owner for the use of public or private property for the disposal of such materials. 2 DS Any material excavated from trench which in the opinion of the Engineer is suitable material shall be used for backfilling the trenches. However, no compensation will be ,allowed as trench backfill for the portion of the trench backfilled with excavated material. Trench backfill shall be placed and compacted as follows: Method 1 - The material shall be deposited in uniform layers not exceeding 12 inches thick (loose measure), and each layer shall be compacted by ramming or tamping with tools approved by the Engineer. Method 2 - The trench shall be backfilled with loose material. Immediately after placement of the backfill material, the trenches shall be thoroughly compacted with a gas driven, self propelled hydraulic tamper or other tamping device of such size and design that will insure development of the proper density. The tamping device or any alternate mechanical method of ditch compaction shall be subject to approval of the Engineer. Work will not be permitted to commence or continue until one or more approved mechanical tamping devices are on the site of the work. Method 3 - The material shall be deposited in uniform layers not exceeding 12 inches thick (loose measure) and each layer shall be either inundated or deposited in water. Method 4 - The trench shall be backfilled with loose material, and settlement secured by introducing water through holes jetted into the backfill to a point approximately 2 feet above the top of the pipe. The holes shall be spaced as directed by the Engineer, but shall be no further than 6 feet apart. The water shall be injected at a pressure just sufficient to sink the holes at a moderate rate of speed. The pressure shall be such that the water will not cut cavities in the backfill material nor overflow the surface. If water does overflow the surface, it shall be drained into the jetted holes by means of shallow trenches. Water shall be injected as long as it will be absorbed by the backfill material and until samples taken from test holes in the trench show a satisfactory moisture content. The Contractor shall bore the test holes not more than 50 feet apart and at such other locations in the trench designated by the Engineer. As soon as the water soaking has been completed, all holes shall be filled with soil and compacted by ramming with a tool approved by the Engineer. Backfill material which has been watersoaked shall be allowed to settle and dry for at least 10 days before any surface 3 DS course or pavement is constructed on it. The length of time may be altered if deemed desirable by the Engineer. At the end of the settling and drying period, the crusted top of the backfill material shall be scarified and, if necessary, sufficient backfill rnaterial shall be added~ as specified in Method 1, to complete the backfilling operations. The method used for backfilling and compacting the backfill material will be the choice of the Contractor. However, if the method chosen by the Contractor does not produce results satisfactory to the Engineer, the Contractor will be required to alter or change the method being used so that the resultant backfill will be satisfactory to the Engineer. Should the Contractor be required to alter or change the method being used, no additional compensation will be allowed. Trench backfill shall be furnished for backfilling to the full width of the trench. It shall be measured in place except that the quantity for payment shall not exceed the volume of the trench computed using the following trench widths: Sewer Size Trench Width 2411 21" 18" 15" 12" 10" 8" 4 Feet 4 Feet 3 Feet 3 Feet 3 Feet 3 Feet 3 Feet Any trench backfill required in ~xcess of the maximum quantity herein specified shall be furnished by the Contractor a-t his expense. Trench backfill will be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic yard for trench backfill. Such price shall include all labor, material, and equipment necessary to dispose of excavated material unsuitable for trench backfill, and deposit and compact trench backfill as shown on the plans and as herein specified. DS-07 Concrete Driveway Reolacement, Bituminous Pavement Replacement, and conc~ete Pavement Replacement. This work shall consist of the removal and replacement of 4 DS ~--_'_--"_~'""""'~W~"~~=~==''''''''''''''''c,,<...,...~.~m''~","~='====~"""""'-'f=."'-'="=.=~__"O''''~''''''''_''''~'''==_'~,,",_''''=~<~".""'="._~~~~~~~_'..'__""_~..,_~_.~__,____.~_._,.,._.___.____.________~._ pavement and driveways as designated on the plans and in accordance with the appropriate details, and in accordance with Section 619 of the Standard Specifications for Road and. Bridge Construction adopted January 2, 1971 by the Illinois. Department of Transportation. This work shall be paid for at the contract price per square yard for CONCRETE DRIVEWAY REPLACEMENT, BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT, and CONCRETE PAVE~illNT REPLACEMENT. DS-08Topsoil and Complete Seeding. This work shall consist of furnishing and placing topsoil to a minimum depth of four inches and seeding the area all in accordance with Sections 216, 642 and 717 of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. The contractor shall submit his proposed seeding mixture to the Engineer for approval prior to beginning this work. This work shall be paid for at the contract price per acre for TOPSOIL AND SEEDING (COMPLETE). DS-09 Tree Removal. This work shall consist of the cutting and removal of trees as designated on the plans and shall be done in accordance with the Section 201 of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. t, This work shall be paid for at the contract price per inch diameter for TREE REMOVAL. DS-IO Protection of Property. The con-tractor shall not use private property for stor-age of materials without written permission of the Owners. Care shall be taken to protect all private property, trees and bushes from damage. Tree trimming and bush trimming.shall be kept to a minimum and all trimming shall be approved by the Engineer prior to commencing. OS-II Pavement Maintenance Stone. This work shall consist of placing stone in the trenches across the various roadways in order to open the road(,vays to traffic during the construction operations. The amount and type of stone shall be at the discretion of the Engineer. This work shall be paid for at the contract price per ton for PAVEMENT ~~INTENANCE STONE. DS-12 Shoring and Sheathing. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to provide all necessary shoring or sheathing as may be required to protect all adjacent utilities, roadways and private property during the construction operations. The cost of this shoring and sheathing shall be incidental to the contract. 5 DS The Contractor will be required to cooperate with all Utility. Companies involved in connection with the removal, temporary relocation, reconstruction or abandonment of these agencies of any and all services or facilities owned or. operated by them within the limits of this improvement. Be fore doing any work which I'lill damage, disturb or leave unsupported or unprotected any utility lines or appurtenances~ encountered, the Contractor shall notify the respective owner thereof, who IvilI make all arrangements for relocating, adjust- ing or otherwise maintaining or abandoning service 'on lines that fall within the limits of the proposed construction without cost to the. Contractor, including the removal of all cables, manhole covers and other appurtenances which the owner desires to salvage. After such arrangements have been made the Contractor will ~roceed with the work as directed by the Engineer. All - utility lines and appurtenances \vhich are abandoned by the O"iller shall be removed and disposed of by the Contractor. No extra compensation will be al1m.red the Con-tractor for any expense incurred by complying with these Tequirements,~r. because of delays, inconvenience or interruptions in his work re- suIting from the failure- of any Utility Company to remove, relocate, reconstruct or abandon their services. The responsi- bility for the prompt and timely removal, relocation, reconstruc- tion or abandonment of their facilities by all Utility ~ompanies involved, and the coordination of his own work with that of these agencies to the end that work on this improvement is not delayed because of necessary changes in the existing utilities, public or private, shall rest upon the Contractor. 6-DS "~,""~'=~~_"';"~'""C"",",__""="=""_.,.""",._,,,,,,,,,.~7-="""~"="-~=""""="'"="="'=""""":''''."_'''~''''''''''-''''''''''''''''''''''''~""",",",,~'.,,",,",,'~_9"~_______ " DS-14 Permits. The Contractor shall secure all necessary permits, post all bonds, and otherwise comply with all requirements of the Illinois Department of Transportation. Th~ Owner shall secure all necessary permits from the State of Illinois? Environmental Protection Agency, and the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago. However, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to secure all necessary inspections and otherwise comply with all applicable rules and regulations thereof. f- 7-DS .-----:..~,-_.,-,'-,.~"^~"-'".~-,~,~-~.~~,._~~-_._._~..-~~,~,-~._~~----~--~--^-------~--~_."--_._--_._--~~~-- ( WEDGEWOOD TERRACE o at u m: The Datum established for the Wedgewood Terrace Special Assessment District shall be that established by the United States Geologic Survey (U.S.G.S.) as elevation above Mean Sea Level. The elevations are established by a series of benchmarks related to an lIX" chisled in the south- . east bolt of the fire hydrant on the southwest corner of the intersection of Elmhurst Road and Meadow Lane. Said benchmark is established as an elevation of six hundred sixty-nine and seventy-three hundredths (669.73) U.S.G.S. "__,_._._____._...,..___..,.~_._..,__.___.__"_...,""_>~..,.~.~~~_''"''''''"''''''=,''''''.'.,''''"__'''_.;.",=''''''~"_'''''''='''''''''''====''''''''o=:o=,,.t_..,'',-'c.'."'~,,______.__