HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 2560 03/18/1975
SECTION ONE: 1'hnt, purHuHnt to the fmtnority vested in the President Ilnd HnIH'd
of Trustees of the Villnge of Mount PrOHpect under Article VII of the 1970 COl18WUt!C,;
of the Stote of BUnois, Chapter 13 of the Municipal Cod,) of Mount PrOBpeet of J 957,
tllmmded. be ond the SlIme is hereby further nmended in Hs enU rety so thnt said Chi"
tel' 13 sholl hereafter be nnd rend tIS follows:
SECTHJN 13> 101. D<;fifd lions, Unless the context otherwlse l'equl reG, III
f'~,wjn!~ tf:-;~rl-;;;-'HS u'se~ri~ -ihi; Chnpter shllH be eonstrued nccol'dinf; t.o Ill!'
. definitions given below.
A1e()h{:E~. Liql!.or - Any Bpi ts, wine, beer, nle or other liquid e>l.
tnining' mol'c Uwn onc-'hnH of one percent or 01co1101 by volmne,
which is fit for hev(~rnge purposes,
Bnr- A bll1'1'ic1' or c(iuntcr nl nm.! ovcr w hieh alcoholic liquul'c Hnd
RumcU meR food are pussed or served,
BC(~r'- Meum; H beverage obtained by the nkoholic fCl'mentnthm of n
infusion or concoction of bllrley. or other g-rnin, malt. f!JHl h(lr'~: i
wntet', [md includes. tlmong- other things, beet', Ille, stout, !.iq;:.f
beer. porter Hnd the like,
Clllorer -.' A pet'son, firm. or corporation whose work is pr\lvid it)'
nnd service for 11 bnnquet or dinner, the recipients of such food
service being' persons specially invited to such banquet or dim"
rnthet' thim the g'enenil public,
Cnteri!!.1I r:!2.![j1?.'!!.:7hl!~gn~ - Prem:lscs utilized by !l cnterol' for pl'lv de
bnnqucts or dh!rwrs. which premises nre ullnvallnble to tbe !(cJW)
aI publie except by appointment, and whlch pl'crnises Hre not nt
the time of such entered banquet or dinner' utilized as a rcstmn'Hd
within the menning of this Section.
Club -- A cOl'porntinn organized under the laws of this Stutc, nol for'
pecuniary profit. solely for the promotion of some common ubject
other Hwn the sale or consumption or alcoholic liquors. kepI, m,pd
una Hlaintnined by its members. through the pnyment of IUmunl
dues, nnd owning Hno hh'lng or leasing H building or Spllt~C in II
building, of such extent and dwrncter H8 may be suHnble nnd
quate for the :f'cnsonnble /lnd comfortable use and accommodation of
its members and their guesls Ilnd pt'ovided with suitable ll!1d
qunte kitchen nnd dining roum spncc ond equipment Hno nwintuln .
1tlg n sufficient number of servnnts Ilnd employees for cooking. pre
rwring Hnd serving food Imd meals fot' Hs members Ilnd gucsts;
provided that such club rUes with the Locn] Liquor Conti'ol Cum n
missioner Ht the time of its nppllention for H license under this
Chapter, two (2) copies of it list of nnmes tinct residences of its
members, nnd similarly files within ten (10) days of the deeUun \
Hny lldditinnlll member his rwme nnd address. Hnd provided thnl
Hs nffllll'S and mmwgement are conductl~d by Il Board of Director:::"
Executive Committce. or similar body chosen by the mcrnberB ni
their nnnua] meeting nnd thut no member or nny ufficer, ng:erit, ';1'
employt>e of the club is pnld, or dheetly receives, in the fonn of
Rulnry or other eompensntion any profits from the distribution or
sule of okoholic liquor lo the duh or HG rnemhcj's or its g'uests i
troduced by members beyond the Imlount of r;uch sUJnry ns Inny Le'
fixed nnd voted ill Hny mmul1] meeting by Uw members or by He;
Bonnl of Directors or otl1er governing body out of the [;cner1:1 I'r'
venue of the club,
Drivc'-In Hestnur;mt - A food sel'vlee establishment ivlth 01' ivHlwut
"---"~..............._,.------.- "_.~,-
intcriul' fncilities for cnUn!;, which enters io nnd permits the ('(1n
sumpHon of fO(lctC!thcl' in customer's nutomobilc pnl'hing" on Hw
premises or in ilny othel' dCs!gTlIlteu nrea un the premises
the cstl1blishrflcnt VII here the foodls so pl'cpllred , "Drive-In Hest
nurnni" shaH not be construed 10 include Hfh.:stIlUl'anf!,
GenCl'~L.!:.ubH_::: ]'he whole body polItk hlCluding the people of Ow
twig'hhorhood, the ViHag-e of Mount Prospect. the Stnte nf flHnoj'
the United Stntes of j\mel'icn, nnd/or such people ilt Im'f~(' \VhUC\"'l'
shall trnvel !ht'Ii'lgh the Village of Mounl Prospect.
!.Lute! -- Every building or other structure. kept, 1lsed. !i1nintil1rwd, /HJ'
verUscd iJ held out to the ptlbllc 1,0 be n pInee w here food is 11
tunHy served nnd consumed und sleepIng' nceommodnUorls lU'e of'
fered for ndequntc pay to truvdel's Emu guests, whether irnnsient,
pCl'mnnent, 01' l'csidcnt!u!, in lvhieh twenty' five (28) or mot',,;
rooms In'\'; used for sleeping; IlccomnlOdnlions Hnd dining' romn F
inf,; conducted 01(' smne 'bunding or bujjdin~{s, structure' n1'
s!ructul'CS being' provided with ndequnte Ilnd snnHnry Idtehcu :;nd
dining l'onrn equIpment Ilnci cnpncHy .
Lkem<c' OJ' Li ot' L1ecl1sC - Thor f)fJct;ific grHnt of Ii [.;pecifi c prlv j
HtHhori zing n ]lccrwce tn sell or offer for snlc 1l1cohoHc 1 nl n'
tHi! in the nwnrwr se! furth l'n the \vOl'ding of the lkcnse /1'>-
",lfiention f tiS weD ilS in complillncc lvHh the rules !lnd i'f'guh
Huns set forth in this Chapter.
!:,}C9D2:2::.- 'that pcrs',n, firm, 01' cOl'pot'ntion v\lhkh hns been given th
riF!;ht 01' privilege by the eOl'pOl'utc nuihorHies of the VHIagC' of
1\1outll Pl'ospeet to engnge in the retail sale uf 1l1coholic liquor.
Uv~_~h~sI~ -, 'I'llat mus1C pNJduccd by II human being' ns dlstlnguislwc1
fJ'OId meehnnicul reprodudion Bnd pluyed in n restnul'nnt VdlCI'(' Pd
oihel' entertninment is permitted except under sf:pnt'nte Ih~('nt;p.
Locnl 1..,i Control Commission - The Office of the Mnyor or the 1'1"
sideni of Hw nOHI'd of Trustees of the VnlHgc of Mount Prospect
nssbted by the LC'gnlDepnrtment of the ViUnge uf Mount
os well HS such other person or persons the Mayor mny nppolni in
aid him in the exercise of the powers and Uw IH'lrfonnnnce of O\!>
duth~s herein provided for such Local Liquor Control ComndHshlH'
-. ~ .,-
:1 3 <~ 0
Local Lf C01_1,~~~!L~2_or~~mi~;sJoner- The May(w 01' President
of Tl'u"'h~cs-Z;ftl~'~ VUlngc of 1\10unt Prospect, [';hnU
be the L,oen! Liquor Control CUlTnnlBsioncr for th(~ VHJn!/,c of
Mount Pl'ospect.
Orig:l~lI~L~~!E.~~jge ,- Mel1ns any boWe, flflSk, jug-. elm; cnsk, b,ll'1'"
heg, hog-shend or other l'eecptncle or cont1l1nel' WfwisoevPl',
used, corked, or clipped, scaled nne! Inbelcd j,y Uw rnnn:Jfnc-
turcr uf likoholic Jlquor to contn1n Hnd to cotlV!::y any u1cul1ul
Ie liquor.
L{(~~trnll~!:!'l~ - Any public plnee !;f'pt, used, rrwintnined. IIdvertic:
Imd held out to 01(1 public ilS n plnee where ITlpnls Eire netunJ
tlnd l"cf;ulnrly served, without slecphw; nceornmodations, s\wh
splice being provided with ndequnte and snnHnl'Y kitchen tine!
dining' roum equipment Ilnci cnpllcHy Hnd having cmployc'd
tbel'eEn n sufficient numr;et' Hnd kind or employees to IH'cpnr:;;
eool\: nnd serve suii able food for its g-uests. tlRestau l'iInt Ii
shaH not be construed to include HDrivc--In Restaurant!!.
Het~dl_S~~~~ -- The sale for use or consumptic>1! rind rIOt for 1'0 f:~ll1c~,
!il~~i!!: ' Menns un:.. beVel'llg"c which contllins nlcoho! obtained
sHllution, mixed with wflter or nthe}' solution, unci include,;
. rum. whiskey, g-in, or other spirituous I1quors, I11H1
HqUU!'B when rectified, hlended or OHlel'W1SC mixed w Hi!
nleuhol 01' oihe1' substances,
~~___.' :Menns nny a1euhoHc beVCl'ngf! obtllhwd by the fprr!1cntat!on
jhp twtuY'ul contents of fruits, or vegetnbks, contrdn
HugUl', Ineluding: such hcvern[!;cs when fortified by the nddl
or u1cohol or spirits, as nbove defined,
t.'t'C"I"rJN. 1'!. -'f)" ti. . "." d
~_.:.._~,~____,__:.,,:,~~.2..:..~_:__~~~~~,_.!.:eq~_~ re ._ '
A. It shnU be uhlHwfuI to sell at retail llhy alcoholic liquor without first
hinTing obtnined Il ViUoge retnHcl"s license for eilch locnHon,
ot' prernises where the retnHer Is located to sell the snme,
13, Where two or more such locnUons. plnces, or premises ore under the
SHme rouf or fit [l street nddress. II sepnt'nte Village retailer's llcelF;e
shaH he obtnined for each such locHHon. plnce, or premises; providec'
that nothing herein contained shuH be 80 construed as to prf~Vel1t llny
motel opcrntor Hccmsed under the provisions of this ChHpter from S('I'\"
ing- liquor to his registered g-uests in ony roorn or pnrt of his motet, if
such liquor so served shaH be kept in and served from Il licensed !rICH-
Hem. plncc' or premises in said motel.
ALCOllOLlC uqnon DEA
l;;, In
(:.. f.flle iSHllnli.Ce to {'!iT' pflS~.lC~:;sj{}n arl~.r n rct.iril .11rftl0r' den1.cr-
lax stn je:;sued fen' Ii thcn- existing tax IJcl'iud the llnited StntCf;
Oovprnment 01' uny of its it." be unci eonstitute primn lie
evidence that such is ,subject to the pl'ovIsions of this Ch
1:1 103.
icnUon fm' HctnHcr's Uc:ensc.
/'1. clltllm 11 locnl rdn:lcl,ls liquor license shnH he Innde to the vn
Ing'e h't~8jdcnt m,; Locol f,iquor Control Commissioner, which nppJ kntil
shuB be in W1'ithll'~, upon forms provided by the Local Liquor Control
Cummlsslon, n:nd si~pwd hy Ow nppHcllnt, if nn indlvidunl, 01' by a du
nuthorized ng'ent thereof H II club or corporation. vertHied hy 01\lh 01'
IdTldllvH, Bnu shall eontnin Hw !oIlowing informntion:
1, The name, vdol'css, d11te of birth, SOc1ul Security 11l1mhN', ilnd
telephone number of the nppHcnnt in the case of 1m individunL 1
the CIlRe of a c(t-pnrtw:.'l'Rhip. the nnmes, Ilddres:.;es, dutes of hi,-(
SOc1ul Seem-ity numhers.. nnd telephorw nU!T.bcn; of the ' "
HUed to shnre in the pl.,,(jtS thereof; nndin the cnse!Ff t! Cfn'lH!1 i'.
tion, Oil? objects for h' bleh O1'[,;lmi zed. the nmncs, Ilddn",sses, cia! ,'f,
of birth, Social Security numbers, Ilnd telcphone numbers of the oi'
fleers Hnd directors, rind (if un nggregnte of more fhnn five
(G of the stock of sneh corporntion owned by flDC person or his
nominee) the name, neidl'pss, date of birth, Sodnl Security numJH',',
nnd 'telnphone number of such stockholder or his nominee.
2. The dtizenship of Hw nppIicnnt, his plncc of birth, and H' !l fwhn"u
'zed eHizcn, the time nndplHce of his l1ntura1iznUon;
:J. e elHl'rHct.cr of lJtlf-d.ness of tlll:- Hl)fJ].icant; uncI ill the cuse of H cor~
, the objeets for which HWHS formed;
t!. The length of time silid nppHctmt hus been in business of thnt dHn"-
nctcr, nndln the case of n corpornUol1, the dnte w hen its ell!!r!!:r
\\' V}, issued;
;/ - '1'11(0 nmount of goods '- wnres, ilnd merchllndise on lwnd lit the time
IlppHcnUon wos mlldc;
fj. '.Ie he locnUon Hno description of the premises or plflce of business
which is to be opernted under such Heense;
'7. 1\ stntement whether the I'IppHcnnt has mlldc: nppHcntion for n slmi--
IIII' or other license on pt'emises other than those described In ihis
nppHcation ono the disposition of such uppHcnUon;
ALCOlloucuquon IlEALEHS
'1 <'}li
.) .,., ~:l
8, A htnten1enl I1wt Ilpplicnnt lws never been convicted of Il feJony nnc1
is nut dj~;q\1ldined to rcceive H license by reason or ilny mnttel' nr
thing euntaincd in this Chapter. laws of this State OJ' the Ul'din"
of this Village;
fL Whether II previous license by Bny state or subdivision thereof, i>!"
by the Fcdel'ul goveri lInen! has been revoked IInd Uw reason;.;
1 {1. A Rtntement illllj the IlppHcnnt wBl not violnte any of the law 5 of (Lc
Stnte of IHlnuis 01' of the Ul)ju~d States or /lny Ol'dinanee ur Vi)
hgc of f\lount Pl'{)sIIi~et in fht' conduet of his place uf husiness"
B. Such appliciltion mllY require Ow nppHellDt to furnish other rOllsoHi1bic'
infol'fllation liS mllY be detormined l)y Uw Loca] Liquor Control Com!lli~)
c, neful'e any license slllIH he issned h, the applicant:
1, The npIJlicnnt shaH I'urnitjh the VUluge of Mount Prospect u surety
tWl.ld in U10 amount of $1 ,oon ilcccptable to the Village. Such ho; 1
shllH provide Ilgnblst Ilny viullltion by Hw principal, his IIp;enls, (
employeos, of uny of the tenns of CIWplGi' 13 of Ow Munkipnl C(,,!t:
of 1 D;i7. tlS amended, or Hny Ordinances. rules and l'cgulutions
now in furce OJ' wllich nwy hereafter be in fOl'ee in said ViHngc uf-
footing the rrpl'nltion of his husiness,
:>., The applicllnt shall see to it Uvd the names of uU bUl'tendeI't-;, milEil
gel'S, Iln principllls, the llppliel1nt himBelf (i~ the case of Hn 1\1 i
dual), 1111 partner's, and (in the eHse of u corpol'ation) , ull offieei's,
and aU stockholders owning un ngg-regHte of more than five prreunt
(5 i,) of the stock of such corporation are submitted to the Moun!
Prospect Police Depnrtrnent Hnd that all of the aforesaid persons Rqb
mit themselves for nn~rerprintlng by the sHid Mount Prospect PUb2~'
Depnrtment in order that the Mount Prospect Police Dcpartmtmt mu)'
perform adequate invE~stigation of such persons to enuble the LOCid
I-iquor Control COllnnission to Hscertain that issuunce of Hny SIH
license wiU cornply wHh the statutes of the Stute oflUinois Hnd HU
upplieablo Ordinances of the Village of Mount Prospect,
D" Upon issunnee of Ilny lieel1se, the licensee thereof shull keep t!lH
rrwtion contained on his npplieation current by furniShing the LOCHl Li-
quor Control ConulJission with such informHtion within thirty (30) ""
of ilny dHJDtre in stlltw; regarding ownership. residency, I1Hlnng'ernenl,
und/or SUl'ety bund.
--~'-------_.~,~--,.- _._~----~_.~-,-",,-,~-~.~~".~,~-,-,.._,-~
SECTiON 1 :1.1 fP. Hestrietion on Lh;ow-;Ci',.
No such liquor licenses s)wU
be issued to:
1. A person who is not H resident of the ViUag'e;
2. A person who is not of good churucter /lnd rCiH!tl1tion in the ('om
munity in which he !'esides;
~:l, A person WilD is not H citizen of the United States;
<1. A pen:ion\vho hHb lHcen convicted of a felony uncle!.' <my Fedcl'!!l
Stllte Inw, if tho Comrnissionor determines, afteI' investig'lllioll, lllUt
such porson hW:i not been sulTieienUy rehnbHitntecl to WIHTilnt the
public trust;
5. A person ".rho has been C<;I1vicied of being' the keeper of 01' is la,np-
ing 11 house of Hl-fmne;
6. A person who hilS been convicted of pandering 01' other crime (,1'
Inisdcmoanor opposed to decency find morlllity,
'7 > A person whoso Hcense under this ChHptel' has been l'cvo]<ed for
8. A person who lit the time of applieution for rencwBl of any license
issued hereunder would not be eligible for such license upon H
first Ilpp1icuHou,
fl, A Co-pliI'tnership, unless all of the members of such Co-plll.'tnersh
shaH be qualified to obtain H license; .
10. A corporation, if llny olTicer, mlJrlager. or director thereof, or vny
stocld101der or stockholders owning in the aggregute more than
five P{H'CELnt Ui~,) of the stoc}{ of sueh corporation, would not be
eligible to receive H license hereunder for any reason other Hwn
cHi zenship und r'f:sidence within thl:~ political subdivision;
11. A corporation unless it is jncorpo1'lif"d in Illinois, or unless it i8
11 fm'eign corporation which is qunJHiod under the Illinois Busl'
ness Corporation Act to trnnsact businel:is in Illinois;
12, i\. rW1'SOfj \vhose plnc'e of business is conducted by a mnnager or
Dg'en\. unless said Hllmng'e:r or agent possesses TtH.~ same quaU'
flcatimls J'{'Hluir'ed of the licensee;
J 3.104
J. :1 ,I
l:l. A person who has heen convicted of a viulution of Hny Fedora] 0:"
Stote law concerning tile munufllcture, possession. or sale of HI
eoho11e llquor, or who shall hHVQ forfeited his bond to nppeHl' in
court in UnRWCI' to ehaqres for tiny such violation;
14, A person who does not beneficially uwn the premises for "which
II license is sought. 01' does nut have H lease thereon for the fl."
period lur which the license is to be issued,
15, Any law enforcing public official, the ViHllg'c Pl'csidcnt. member
of tbe BUllrd of TruEtees, ilW:.I no such offIciu] shall he intcl'es!i'd
in any WiJ.y, (~Hher directly or indirectly in the lTlllHufncture, salt,
or distribution of alcoholic liquor;
16" /'1.
, firm 01' curporation nol eligible for u Stllte l'etllilliqlHH'
eiCHler's Ii ec'nSQ;
17. A pel'sun wholE; not Il bf~nefidlll owner of the bllsine~;s to be opu'
HtL.d by the lieonsce;
18. l\ person who hus heen cunv ictfld of 11 gmnbling offence as pn'"
~-;cl'ibed by nny HLlbsections (0) (3) Hlr(H~gh (It) nO) of SecUon
2H- 1 of, or ns IH'eserihed by Section 28-:1 of. the Crimhwl Code
of 1 HGl, ilppr'uvect tluly 2B, HHlJ, HS horetofore amended. or :us
prescribed by /I statuto replHccd by any of the aforesaid statutory
1 n, A person to whom il Federul gaming device stamp 01' II Federal
wugel'ing' slamp hus been issued by the Fedel~al govel'mncnt {rH'
the current tnx period;
20. A co- partnership to w hieh u Federal g'aming device stump or H
FedeI'll! W Iige1'ing stamp has been issued by the Federlll guvern"
ment for the current tax period, or if Hny of the purtners have
boen issued 11 Federal g;nming device stump or FedeI'ul wH[,ering
stamp by the Federal government for the current tax pel'iod;
21. A corpo!'ution ,if any of'fic(H', nwnu["l' or director thereof, of
Hny stockholder owning- in the aggregate more than 20% of the
stock of such corporation has been issued u Federal gaming de--
vice stamp or H Forlernl wagering stump for the current tax period;
22. Any premises for which it FederIJ! gaming dovice stamp or Ii
Federal wagering ::,;tmnp has been issued by the Federal govern"
ment for the CU1'!',,::nt tux
-- ()-
j :3, lOG
13 ~ .1 OG
:,ECTION J:i,] OG. Tcrm- Pro- Hilt! Fce, Elich such license shaH tcrminnle
un Llw thirtieth day of April next following Uw dute of IssUiil1ce, The foe
10 be paid shaH be l'uducod in proportion to the full cUlcndar months which
hnve expired in the yeur prior to the issuance of the license.
SECTiON 13.1 or;. Licensos Ilnct Permits.
A. Except us mny be provided 1'01' Hw issuance of certain permits undor
UlC torms of i;ubsedlon B heroin. every person, firm, or cOl'Jwl'utiun
cni-rH{fed in the l'cla11 sale of alcoholic lIquor in the Village of Mount
Pl'ospect shaH H1'st hove obtained II suitable liquor license nuthurizi
the f3pecjfJe type line! character of such i1kohoHc liquor sale 1\S may be
contcmpllltefi j n ~-,uch retail bus iness.
1. Euch ::;uch licensee shllll puy nB unnulll license fee for I:>uch llctms,-"
2. Such licerwcs shuUbc divided into Hw following c1assificlltions ,
w hieh shuH include the annulll fees for mwh licenses as indkilh~d
CLASS IIA 11 license ,which shulllluthorize the licensee to seU and
offcv fur 8111c Ilt retail in the premises spceificd in such license
nleohulic liquor for consumption on suid premises IlJld 111:-,0 al-
coholic 1 lHJr In its original plleJ.;:nge. The annual fee thm'dor
shull he $1,500.
CLASS If un license. vlhjch shull authorize the licensee to seU and
offer for sulc at retail in the prernises specified in such license
alcoholic liquor only for consumption on the suid premises.
The Hnnuul fee therefor shuH be $1,000. '
CLASS lie" license, -which slwH authorize the licensee to sen Hnd
offer for sale ut retail in the premises specin~~d in such license
ulcoholic liquor in its originul IH!clo.lge only. The /:Hlnuu} fee
therefor shall be $1 .(100,
CLASS liD" license for issuance to private clubs Hnd civic or frnternnl
organizations not operated for pecuniary profit, which shull uuthOl'-
ize the licensee to sell and offer for Bule ut retail in the prendses
specified in such license ulcohoHc liquor to its members und guests
only for cunsumption on the said premises. The annual fee therefur
shull be $250.
CLASS !lEI! license, for issuance to caterers, which shall authorize
the licensee to seU and offer for Bu!e at retail in the premises
spocified in such license alcoholic liquor for consmnption on o--w
premises where sold.
1 ~l. lOG
1. Cunsumption of alcoholic liquor at or over' u bur :slllllllle
pel'miHeG, but vB eonsumptlon shull be limited .10 those
patrons who Hl'(! invited guests Ilnd dining on Hw (11'C-
rnises specified in such license,
2. The llnnual fee therefor shall be $250,
CLASS 11 hconsc, for issuuTlce to l'CstuUl'unts offering live music
us entcrtainrnent at least four (4) evenings of eueh weel<. whh'h
shall authorize the licensee to seH and offer for sale ut l'oiHU.
in the lwemises specified for such license. alcoholic liquol' fu\'
eonsu1Jlption on the premises where sold.
1. Consumption of alcoholic liquor shaH be per'mitted for 11
longer period of time eHeh dny than shull be permitted
other liquor license clnssificuthms-- pursuant to the
iel'fHB of Section U. 115.
2. The mmuul feu therefor stwIl be $2. non.
CLASS 11]\1" license. for issuance to hotels, motels, motor inns. or
motor lodg'os which shall authorize the licensee to sell and nfft5l'
fot' sule Ht retail in the premises specified in such license. aleo"
hollc liquor, wiwther for consumption or in itA original pllckllge.
nwy be nwde to g'uests of such hotel , motel. motor inn. or mojor
!<Jdge in the rooms occupied by such guests on such premises>
The annual fce therefor shall be $2,000.
CLASS "HII license, for issuance tu restaurants. which shull uuthori:r>_,
-- the licensee to sell and offer for sule at retail' alcoholic liquor for
consumption on the premises where sold.
1. Consumption of ulcoholic liquor Ilt or over u bur is specificnlly
prohibited ilnd any consumption of alcoholic beverngeD shull
be UmHud to those patrons who are dining in such restHUl'lmt,
2. The flnmwl fee tfwl'efoI' shan be $1, 000.
CL./\.SS H'V" Hccnse, which sludl authorize the licensee to sell and
ofler for sole at retniI in tho premises specified for such license,
wine in Its orig'inul pllcIJ,;Hge only.
1. SmnpHngs of wine in conjunction with SHIes promotional eHoris
shall be allowed pursuant to the regulations contained in
$ceHon 13 ^ 113 of this Chnpter,
2> The annual fee therefor shulllH.! $ 750.
1 a. lOG
CL^Si'L~~ license, for issuance to l'CstIlUl'lmts, wldch shaH IlUH1Uri;~L:
the licensee to sell IlDd offer for sul!:! at l'etllil heel' und \Ai ine for
COD1:iUmption on the premise::; where ljold.
]. C()nt:HHnption uf lJleohoHc liquor 111 01' over 11 bul' is specifically
prohibited Ilnd llny consumption of becr ilnd wino shull be
limited to those plltl'UnS who lll'e dining in such restuul'ant.
2. The anmwl fee therefor shull be $1,000.
13. The Local Liquor Control Commissioner mny grunt n daily permit lu ilny
non-profH ol'ganizution 01' dub located within the ViHug'e of Mount Pl'OLi
pect such HS U church, fraternal order or lodge. veterans ol'~rllrdzlltif)n,
civie ol'gHnizaHon, fire depul'tnwnt, or other similar orglluiz!ltion, ilU-
thorizing Uw Side of alcoholic beverages Ilt any picnic, curnivlll, OJ' sj-
milar function sponsored 01' given by such o}'gnnizution. No more than
twenty (20) such daily permits shall he issued to anyone such
zution during' the period of one (1) YOlH',
SECTION 13. J 07. NUfnbel' of Licenses. There shull be issued in the
~ -
Village of Mount Prospect no more than:
(a) Five (5)
(b) Ten Oil)
(c) Seven (7)
Cd) Two (2)
(e) One (1)
(n Three (3)
(g) One (1)
(ll) Three (3)
(1) One 0)
(j) Two (2)
C luss A J"icenses
ClUBS B Licenses
Cluss C Licenses
Cluss D Licenses
Class E License
Cluss L Licenses
Class !VI License
Cluss R Licenses
Cluss V License
ClUBS W Licenses
SECTION 13,108. Disposiiion of Feos. All such fees shull be mude pay-
able to the Village of Mount Prospect and submitted to the Local Liquor Con-
trol Commissloner at the time application is made, and such fee shall be
forthwith turned over to the Village Treasurer. In the event the liconso np~
plied for is denied, the fee shaH be returned to the applicant; if the license
is granted, then the fee shaH be deposited in the general corporate fund (w
in such other funds HS shull have been designated by the Board of Trm;h,es
by proper action.
, ,
i i\
1] . .112
;1':( 'TION i:l. JOD.
90 n~..E::!l Sit t.___.~!I~ Ll t i 0:-:'. 0 f .!:::~~~':!!..i; o~U.E:::l
[,I{iJJ~IJ'lill~S~iJt'}er "
Tho Local Liquor Control COlnmissioner shall receive m; compensation
the sum of $2. fJOO IlDfllwHy, payable in 12 equal monthly installments.
'rho Loc1l1 L Cuntl'ol Commissioner shuH hnve aU of the pOWf:I'S,
function,:;, dud dutii'::-; lieleg'all:d tl} him tbruugh the Illinois Heviscc1
Stututcs ilnd ilw 0 unces of Hle Village of TI/(ount Prospect.
~EC'[:J..t!.N !.:), L!.J!-=-_^"Tru[~sj!L~~~~LI~.L~::~z2.~~2:' A license shaH be purely 14 p~;J'-
SOfWJ privileg'c, fur nol tu exceed one yeu!' UnCI' issullnce I unless
sooner l'cvo;..,ed HS Uds Clwp1er pruvickd, ilnd shaH not constitute pru"
perty, nor it be ::-,ubj(:Cf to nHllc2HHent, g'Hl'nishrnent, or execution,
nor 8111<11 11 be nHeTwbl(> or trni1sfm'liblc, volunl ly or involuntarily, nr
subject tn twing' encumbered 01' puthecllted, fiuch license shaH cease
upon the duath of the lkunsec wA descend by tIw 1nv/;, of tcslnte
cU' inte~;tllh: devul:1t ,provided [hat i::XL!C'utors OJ' m:lminL tnltoI'S of Hw
estllte or nny t:k:ce,,:-ied J eensee, Ilnd tlw L'usteo of lmy insolvent or hnnk
t license." 1Nh{;fj Slwh 0;3tute CLflSl:;ts pHrt of alcoholic liquor mHy
f"'ontinuc Hw busines::; of the t:wle Of' rmmufnetlH'e of uleuho}ie liquor under
onJol' of the iJppropl'iute court, Hnti mny ex G the privileges Dr H:e
deccHsed or h,sulvent or bunkrupt liconsoe after the death of dee-cuent, or
such insolvency (H' lwnkruptey (he expiration of such license I but
not lung'c!' Hwn Bhlntl1::J anDX' the death. bunJo'uptcy or insolvency of
such Hecnsee. l~ refund shaH be lfwde uf Hwt portion of the lic(!Hse fee
;, 'ld for Hny peri.,u in whieh ~he licensee sJ)I111 be prevented from operuting'
under the license IlCeOrdHnee with the provisions or this pal'agrnph.
SI~QTlO~~ 13 .}Jl...:....-1~c~~w'02f Licens~. Any licensee'may l'enew his Ii
cense tit the expiration thereof, provided that he is then qualified to reee)v
H Hcense und the premises for vvhich tmeh nmewHl license is sought <n'{, sui
able for the purpose; provided further Hwt the renew HI privilege herein pI';;
vided for shull not be construed us u vostcd right which shall in Hny case
prevent the Local Liquor Control Commissioner from decreasing the number
of licenses to be issued within his jurisdiction.
SECTiON 13,112. Chunrre or Location, A retail liquor dealer I s license
shall permit the sllle of alcoholic Hquor only on the premises described
the application and license. Such location mny be changed only upon a
written perrnission to make such chunge issued by the LOCHl Liquor Control
Commissioner. No change of location shall be permitted unless the propus
cd new locution is Ii propel' one for the retail sllle of alcoholic liquor under
the laws this StHtc and the ()rdinnnccs of the VUlage.
-~ 12..-
1 ::; 4 1 1':3
1 :"j ~ 11 "i
~) 1-: (~rf! 0 r.J
on Premise::;.
1t ,.
No liquor shall be sold, offered for snle, for sale, displayed, ur
'ld\jel.ti~)nd for 8al<) <It :retllil tit' del1vel'od tu any person 'purehmiing'
sume Ht retnU except at H locution, pliice, or IH'omlses described in a
rutllilliquor dcwlm.ls Heense.
~ ).
:<,.,} "
it ;.;lwU be unluwful for an,yone not having' u license fn'oviding; fur- cun'
sumption on tlw premises w here sold, 1.0 offer fue snle, sell 01' dUlWh~
fiTlY nkoholie bevenlg'e for consmnption un /.lny pl'cHniscs open to the
general public. or to perrnH !llf, SWIJi_, to be consUDlcd w hero suJd u1'
1. The Local Liquor' Cuntrol Cpmmisslonor, however, nHlY gTimt Ii
allOy permit to Hny ClasH 'ICI1 or C.!u~-'s 1!Vll licensee under' th b Chill'-
tel', which permit mny HuUlOrize the dOli l/lon of Ideoholic bt'VCl'ilg'C';;
by such lkcnsec for sumpllng- ,nly in conjLmdion with
sHk~s pl'omotlOwll efforts on t11e pl'omhw:, of sueh licensee. und ilU
thol'j zed lmd spunsoi'ed by such Hccnsee" Nu more than twelve (12)
siwh duDy permits shul] be issued 10 <my one such lIcensee du
the period uf one (1) yeaX'.
2. It shall be unlllwful to eOjWUlll(" or permit lLo consumption () /lieu
hoHc lwverHg'cE; in puh1icl'estmu'lints and/or cllteri,ng estllb
ments not hHVhJ.g il license for the Hide OWl'COr.
At shaH be unlnwful fnr any to seB
tuil IllcolwHe liquor in "UWl' OWll its originul
sumption on the premiscswlH?re sold,
101' f)ffer for snle Ht 1'('
rwcJwg'e, except for cun,
SECTION 13. 114, Hestrietiuns
A. No license shaD be issued for the sule of retuil of uny HleohoHc Hq \lor
vllindn 100 {{:ot of IJny church, school. hospital, home for aged or iIHll-
gent pe\'SOj1s. or for veterans, their wives or children or any mjJHItl'Y
or naval station; provided that this prohibition shall not apply to mU!i.>b
of! ng restaurnnt , regularly org'unized clubs, or to restnu-
runts, food shops or other plnees w here the sale of nleohoHc liquors b:;
not the principal business on, if such place of business so ex
cmpted shull have been established for such a purpose prior to !h(;~ ink
of this S . Nu ~]lwl1 hereafter engage in businesb
as n J'(}taHer of any alcoholic liquor within 100 feet of any undertllldng'
Hshrncnt or rnortulJry.
H. The 1IY or sale of aleOf'iolic liquor in its odg'inal pucknge undt:'ll' H
Class l1CH Ucense in pJ'ernises where any other commodities, excepHnrr
such items us cig'ars, , und those items customarily assocllltcd
"vith pnc}"afre liquor SiO!'{lB, nre f.ook1 or offered for sale, shall be eun-
1 :1,1 '{
dueled only in Ii portion of the premises set aside or physically Sepal'!!'
ruted from th(\t pUl'Uun of Uu: premises tUied in conjuncUun with Ow
pIny or sale of "ueh other commudities,
St:C'i~!ON 13..1 15_:_ Cl~2d[llL.!_!.!lm's_.: St~].1dny Closi~.
A. !1 shan be l1nlllwful for licensees llOlding- Class A. B, C. D. E, M. n .
V Ilnd W liquor licenses created lmder the terms of this Chapter to ,';i.'
or offer rue sillt' any 1l1eohu!ic liquor at retnil in the Village, or In pe;'
InH any pen.ion to consume Ilny uleohoUc liquor in or on any prt.mdsc~';
1'01' which lJ license providing for consumption on the premises hw. 1"
issued purbw1nt to this Chapter 13 between OlD hours of two A.M. to
six A. M. on !\londay through Friday ilwlusive; between the hours of
three A.1\'1. to :;A.M, un Sntm'day; imu between the hours of three
A.M. to twelve noon on Sunduy, Hnd on ~IHnwH':V 1 of each yenr sldd
dosing hours t-huH be from four A.M. to twelve :noon,
B. H ',hull be 1mlm,vfHl for licensees holding Class L liquor licerHws CrUll!"
cd under thj~ tc~j'ILS of this Clldptcr to seH 01' offer for sale any HkoJ",Jjc
liquor nl retun Hw V HInge. OX' to permit any person to consume H,;y
1l1cohulie uo!' or on /IllY prerliiaes for which a lic(;:nse providinf': fiJ'.
cunsumption on Hw premises bas heeL issued pursuant to this ell r
13, between tiie hours of four A, 1\1. and twelve noon on Sundu}'s lind
on ,January 1 of CHell year, ,mo between the hours of fouX' A ,1\'1, HWJ
six A.J\'l, on uB other dnys of Ow yem'.
C, H shaH be unlllwful for Ilny premises forwhieh f:l retail liquor dealers
license hus been issued Fnu'slwnt to this Chapter 13 to keep open fur
business or to nandt the public to uny premises in or on which 1Jlc(hd~c
liquor it> sold at retail during' Hw hours wHhinwh:ich the sale of su:b
liquor is prohibHe{lj provided, that retuil establishments. l'eSiHLH'1W
und clubs may be kept open during the 8uid hours. but no alcoholic i
quo I' may be sold or consumed by the public during such hours. tnJ.t
nothinfI containcd in this Section 1 a .115 shan be deemed to Hull/or:z.c
uny such retail establishment, restaurant. or club to keep open for
business or to udrnH U-w public to such premises at or during uny bou!'
when st,Jch premises are required to be closed by virtue of the re~Tli
110n8 or restrictions impol.wd by Hny other provis:ions of this Municipul
Sl"""'Fl.0N 1 'I 1" ,," nndd1'j.'-HT
" "ell ~''!__.:~~~_~-=-,.2...:,~ .
in the Village.
It shall be unlawful to peddle alcoholic 1
L)ECTION 1:{. 11? S Conditions. All premises used for the retail
sale of vlcoholic liquor, or for the (,;torage of sueh liquur for snle shall h
kept complillHce with thc ordinances regulating the condition of pre
mises u sed for the stol'nge or Hille of food for human consumption,
~ ...;
-~ ~ .;:.:~--
~]~ lIB
"1 ::1 . 120
___._'~~~~QJ:~l :!.:J 1 ~L __J~!l!J~!oZ~~.!:l_. It shall be unlmvl'ul to ernploy in /illY pn:
mises US(:u for the l'etuil Hide of ll1euholic liquor Hny persun vllho is 11 kk:d
ill, or who IS 11 cmTier nf nn:y conlllgious, infestiotjs or vonerclll (jj~iC,,:";()
u;nd it i::ihuH be unlmv1'ul for ilny person who Is arnieted with or is Ij em'.!'!,','
of sneh dh;l.lUbe ioworlt: in or ahout ilny premibcs or to be cn{J;ngcd in !lny
,Jlry in the lwndlhlg'. prcpnl'ution. 01' distribution of sllch liquor.
~il~gTION!.~._ll~I~.!)r(2.tlihil.~5:L.CondllC~. The foll, nNinl:r hinds or con, Iud on
premises in Ud:, Village licensed to [->ell lllcuholic liquor are pl'ohibHt:d:
A. The performnnco of ilets. or simulnted Het::;, of sexunl jntel'COun"l~, 1"dC;
turlwtio:n, bodomy, bestiality. o1'ul copulation, fllli{eUlltion OJ' <my s, x .,
uul !lets v\!hich In'e prohibited llY luw.
H. 'I'he w:::ttwl 01' simulated touching'. caressing, or fondling on the hr,\<l,;t;
buttocks, IiDUb, or genitals,
C The uctunl or si.mulnted displllyinp; of the breusts, pubic hidr, ,\nUS,
vulva. or genitllls.
D. The pcrmHling' by 11 licensee of llny person to remnlTl in 01' upon OF!
licensed pccmlses who exposes to public view Ilny portion of his OJ'
her genitnh; or .mllS.
E. The displayinc: of films 01' pictures depicting nets, !l live pel'forIlHlJWf~
of which is Vl'oIdbHed by this Section,
SECTION 13,120. Unohstrueted View or Lieensed Premises.
-_............-_----------.-..-~.... -~-
~,.^ t"l'cmlses upon which the sole of u1cohoHc liquor for, consumption upon
the premises is licensed, other thun tiS a restaurant. hotel, cluh. or llny
bowling establishment. no bCl'CCn, blind, curtain, partHion. Hrticle OJ'
thing shuH lH3 permittcd in the window s or upon the doors of such licensed
premisos nor inside sueh premises, which shall prevent 11 clear view into
the interior of such licensed premises from the street. roud or sidcwan: ot
all limes, and no booth. screen, purtition. or other obstruction no!' any
arrangement of ligbts or lig"hting shall be pel'mHled in or ilbout thc intel'iul'
uf licensed pl'errdses which shull prevent a fun view of the entire inter
lor of such premises from thc strcet. road or side1tiulk, Hnd the premises
must be so locatod that thcre shnHbe II full view of the entire interior of
such premises from the street. road or sidcwalk. AU rooms where liquor
is sold for consumption upon the premises shall be continuously lightod
during business hours by rwtul'nl light or artificial white light so thnt uH
uf the intedor of the premises fire clearly visible.' In case the vim\'
into nny licensed premises required by the foregoing pJ'ovision is wi!
obscured the or by him wilfully BUffC'l'cd to be obscured or in
vny manner obstructed> then sueh Heonse is subject to revocation in the
manner herein provided. In order to enforce the provisions of this SecU(;)1 ,
- ] :1-
1 :L 120
;c Locu} Liquor COnil'ol CUlilll1lSsirJlIDl' has the rig'hi tu l'equirc the fHhlt~'
"ith ldm uf p!nns, dl'm,Jin!:~:s and !,ho!og'l'apils Showing- !he elelll'anee of the
Ii k~vJ ns 1l1love llired.
;,,;>CTION 1:{. L}\. P!)l'~;nns nnd(~T'
/\ i' ,No licerlsee rHY'C !inj!' officer, nSbuciHte il rnernber ~ rel1rcse11tutive, Vf{Cll1
01' employee or such licensee shull sdl, g-ive> 01' del ivm' ulcollOlie 1
U01' to Hny persun under the ilgQ uf 21 :,'em's, except as provided in
piiPllfP'uph 1 of this suhsu:tion A, or tu llny intoxicated person 01' io
!lIlY pen:>on 1<:110\\'1 by him tu be II 11llbitullI drunkard. spendthrift. in-
r~m]n. men! ill, menUdly defident or in need of mentnl t1'olltment.
No pet'iJH1, Hft(~l' purelwsing^ ur otiwrwbe obtaining ulcoholic liquor"
t>haH sull, l~ive, or dchvel' sllch lllcoholic liqu()l' to another person
under tlw HgC of ?1 yem'B except the pCl'rormanc(~ of H religious cel'l.'-
rncny or ;;eI'V l,ee l1S provided in lwrngraph 2 of this subr,cct1on A,
i. r:ubsection l\ or lilL Section cloes ;not IIpply to the sule. frHt or
delivery of beer <nul wine to persons under the age of 21 yeUl'i::J
hut at hwst HI )'!.Wl'S of ng"e; nor slwH Subsection Ii of this See'
jjon vpplyto IlhY person undel' Ole Hg'e of 21 years but nt 1ellsl
HI years of Ilgt: whUe such performing' the duties
his ernp"loyment us employee or "goc"t or /lny such licensee,
2, It shnH bl' unlHwful for Hny holder of II retail liquor dcnler's
license. OJ" his agent or ernpioyce, to suffer or permit any person
under Ilge tn be or remain in any room or compurtment adjoining
or ndjacent to or sHuuted in the l'omn or plaec where such licensed
promises is located; provided tllnt this pnrngr.nph shall not Hpply
to nny person under Ilge who is accompanied by his or her pm",nl
or gUlli'dian. or to lmy licensed pl'em.ises which derives its princi
pal business frorn the sale of service or other commodities Hwn
alcoholic liquor.
H, It siwH be unlmvfnl 1'01' /Jny person to whom the sllle, gift, or delivery
of Imy nleuholic liquor is prohibited bcclJuse of ilge to purchase. llceepl
H gift of such alcoholic liquor, or huve such alcoholic liquor in hb
1, If H licensee or his ugents or empluyees bclievcs or has l'cason to
h [eve Hud 11 stile or deUvery of Hny alcoholic liquor is prohibHE.~d
bccmlH~ of the age of the prospecUvc recipient, he shull, before
lr;il rig such Side or delivery demand presentotion of Borne forrn
,,j' positive ificntion, conin ng proof of Hge, issued by a pub,
c officer in the performnnco his officiHl duties.
-</: ,r;,
.~ 1;
. 1 ~~ 1
~ ~
(~ L:kl
13. 121
2" {"-In l}crsol) stll.dl trnrlfjfe1' 1: a]ler or (lernce 51lel1 Hn j(lentificnrio:n cnrd;
~;e tJ:ie ident'i.fIcHt CHrt1 ;)1' HlloiJlor; cnrr'y or lJSe H fnlsc (il" \.;;
identificn!lon cllrd; ubtain tHicuticin caJ'd meun,,; (if fub _
m'Hllltion; ill' otherwise his nge kn" the ptll'pUST.~ 1;
pvn::husing' Dr obtilininl:X ale ;, liquor or lH.'Vcl'iJf;e in llny tuve'-
(II' 01her p1i!ce in the \THlun'e of l\'hmnt Prospect where! ~;ueh ilko!),
U1' hevurngc h., ;:wld.
ii. No pC'Ysnn i.;hal1 pU1'CI1I1"=10, ,WC(:pt deHvcl'Y, or have
P'),;:".;.')f),jOn of nkobolic U(pJ.or in violll1iofl uf tbis suk
~-wcl lOB B.
'l'l'lf: eCtJ1r:;uni})t
1~rl{lel' L; 1 )lell'C[r)
uf IlkohuHc liquor by Imy person
Ilg'e j.b ftH'biclde:n, except that a
1 D yevrG of iip,'e nwy eonmune twcc
pU'bon Iltlenst
ilnd ";t\ i ne .
:1 ~ iJ'he l)ossessilHlli disf)Crlsirlg 8 nIl eurlSUHlrY{ilHl t:y U !>C}\S(H1 lJ11d(fr'
Ilge of nleohuljc liquor in Hw perforllHUWo of H l'e11gious service
or cerernony. tH' nH~ consumption by n person under nge unde]'
1he diroet ;:>upf'l'vision IInd upprovul of Hw parents or parent (.t
such person under llg;e the privucy uf 11 home. is not prohibited
by this subfiCctlon B.
C. in every t,lIf(:rn or nther pAlIca in the Village where l.J1coholie Ijquo~' 18
::wld there shaH be displnyed ut nIl times in II prominent place Ii pdn!ud
Ciil'r.l which shan be supplied by Locnl Liquor Control COlnmj l\i
Ilnd which dwH rend substantiHUy us foBows:
P):'ou v:re subject to H fino up to $200 under the ordinance
of Hw Villug'c of Mount Prospect if you purctwse uny uJ-
coholic liquor or misrepl'e~;cnt your age for the purpose
of purchllsing or obtHining' Hny Hleoholic liquor. I
it shuH he unl,nvful for Hny
under age of which he or
Id'uviL of fhb Section.
pHrent or [p.wrdiun to permit any person
mny be pHren! or guardian to violutf! Imy
l~L 122
LL :J,]
S LeT! 0 N J} . 1 2 ?_:..-J) ill~~~ I Xl 1 } xi C H t cd P e ri:9Ils _..:::__!l~~_)i l~~_'!l_J!I~:}} h Ii rei s _
It shaH be unlawful for /iny ho"idc;:-;,I' a l:ct~'Jilllquor (kaler's He(~nsi;l-;~-~) ,il,
deliver or give Ilny Illcohu1ie liquor to Ilny jntoxic1ltt~d person 01' to ilny p,~r-
bOn IUlUwn 10 him to he II hl1bitulll drunkard, spendthrift or in;,;une, feeble--
minded or dist i'Hcted person.
e.~CT10N ,l:3.123_:...-.-!'enllltiys __~1L(!~_JJ.0.:~l'inli.J:ero~e _UH~_ L()~,~HI_!.:~(l~L(!.!:..
Cont 1'01 Comm isslonm',
A, After n hcnring on /IllY Hllcged viollition, if the VUlllg'c Pl'csidcnt liS Lu
cal Liquor Control Commissioner finds that there WitS llny vi()Ltiun ,,f
the Ordinances of the' VBhq;e ufi\lount Prospect or StlltutP.S ,,! ,ne Sink
of Illinois, he HillY fiusIH:nd or revoke Hny retllil liquor dealer' ;,,) icenc.:c,.
und/ur nne such Uecnsee for uuy vicdHtion of nny provision of this CLdp
tel' or I'm' the vio1n!Jon of uny :;tute 1m-\' pertuininp; (0 the sale 01 u1cnhu'-
lie liquor,
1, If Hie C;ummbsionel' detf~l'mjnes to susp,:nd such license, the ten"
of H1C su~,pensinn shaH not Lic less Own one U) dllY nor mure tlwn
thirty CHi) dnys.
2. If the Commissioner elect;,.., to fine such licensee, the Ilmount uf sueh
fine shlllJ not be lctofj thun Fifty DoHm'tJ ($fiO) nor IlH'd: thllH One
'fhowwnd DoHars ($1,000),
B, AI! proceedinl;'s lJefore Ow Hllid Loc1I1 Liquor Control Commissioner
shuH be rec{Jrded iind plilccd in 11 certified official record of such pl'd'
cooding's tlllwn Ilnd pl'cplil'l...'d by tl certified court l'eport(~r.
C, The appcul procedure liS b(~t forth by the Peesidmlt Ilnci Buard of
Trustees of the Villnge of Mount Pl'(,spec! under Resolution No. a 72 uf
the Village of Mount Prospect are IlS set forth in this Section. inelud
1. !n the event of any appeal fa'om nn or'del' or netion of the ViHage
Pl'csidcnt of the V illi1g'c of [\10unt Pl'ospeet in his ex ulTicio role as
Local L!fjUOr Control Comulissioncr, the Ilppenl to the Illinois St;l!f'
Liquor Commission shuH be limited to n review of the official ,'{!
cord of tho proceedings before said Local Lirjuor Control Comnds
siemer. The only evidence which 8hl111 be considered in Hw re-
view by the said State Commission shall he the evidence found j
the certified official record of the proceedings of tho Local LiqwlJ'
Control Commis~,;ioller.
2, In Ow event of un appeal from UD order or nction of the sald LCle1l
Liquor Control Commissioner, the suid Local Liquor Control Corn
missioner shaH fUe vvith the Hllnois State Liquor Commission Ow
certified official record of lhe proceedi:ngs within five (5) days
1 a. ) 2;-;
,dier noticL' uf Ow nHng of [jue!1 an Hppe1l1, The sniel Stntl' CUll\UH:
,-dun ~;hHll review the Pl'UP1'j of Uw order or Ilction of Ow suid
Locnl Liquor Control COHunissinner on tlw sald certified offlcinl r(~-
corel, and Uw t-inid State Commim3ion shnH consider the funo\\' lilt"
~ -"
q ue:;tluns:
11, Where the Locnl LiqUOl' CUiitl'OI COHlmis!:donm' lws pl'ocpcuud
in the mnnner pl'o\'jded by Inw;
b. W heUwl' his order or action is supported by the findings; :i!H!
e. Wlwthel' the findings Hre supported llY substllntial evidenc{; in
Ugh! of tho whulc record.
SECTiON 1 :1.124. PenHlt leI-> I'm' l\li sdcnwunor.
It h; il misdememlOl' for ilny person to violni
thi:-; (;lwptf.j' unless such violation is by
tlw Sinh) of lllino!s df'dHl'ed to be 11 felony.
, Ilny of tho pj'ovisions of
Chapter or uthel' juw of
B. E vm'y pCI'sun, firm, or eorporilUon convicted of' rnisdemcilDol> fur lJ v~o
11lLion or uny of the provishlI: of this Chnptel' shnU be punished 11Y u
fine of not less than Ten Doll l'h ($10) nor more tlWD Five Hundred Dul
Iill's ($:lOO) ('Hell offense; und n HCjJ1ll'llle uffense shaH he dOCllWd j(,
have been cOlJ1i.,iHed un each dHY during' or on which II violation Ocelli';-
01' continues.
sr:CTHJN 1:.1.125. Dj ion or Fines. For offenses committed within the
corporate limits uf the Vil1Hgi.~ of Mount Prospect OJ' within the limits Iltld jUH
l'i~djction of tile ViUllge of Mount Pl'os!-)ect, fines unG perwHios l'ccoven'{j
under the pl'ovisiono uf this Chapter Bhal1 he puid over to the Treasurer Hj
Hw Village of Mount Pl'ospncl.
SECTION TWO: That aU othnr ordIrlllHces or parts of ordhlllHcns in coonIer with Udb
~n'diwmce~u;e-iHJl'HbY repenInd, oxcept Hwt this Ordimmce shaHin no way uffect Ow
status of those existing liquor licenses Hnd licenses horetofore authorized undor Uw
former Chapter 1:5; with tho furHw!' oxception that thit; Ordhwnce shnH in no VVIi:? :n
fl~ct Ul'rests <mdior complaints filed for vlo1utions of tho fm'mel' Chnpter 13 Deeu
prIor to tho (}j'feetivo date of thi1:l OrdhHmee in tIw manner provided by law>
SEC'l'ION }'HHEE: That Chllptm', A rtich) , Hnd hemHngs contained herein
slwU not be deemed to govern, UrnH, modify, or in Hny mnnne:r llffect the seopn,
Hlclming', ur intent of the provisions uf llny fl, rliele or SEH;t10:n hereof.
SECTION, FO~ll: That, if any pH!'t or [Hll'tfi of this Chllpter shull be twlct to be uncon
HtHutiomli. suchunconstHutlonnHiy shnn not HUeet tho VIlUdity of the l'emninjn~; piu'hi
of this Chapter. The HOHrd of Trustens hereby Hwl It would have
:remaining; parts of this C.twptm' if it hHdknown Uwt 8W3h pal't or parts thoronf would
be declared unconstitutional,
SEgTI0N FIV.!~; That, for offensos comrrrltted within tIw corporate Hmih~ of Hw Vii
or Mount Prospect or within the UmHs und jurisdiction of tho ViUag(1 of Nloum
fines unct penalties recover-ed under '!he pl'ovisl0HS of this Chul)ter shull be paid uVur'
to the Tl'eaSUl'or of the Village of Mount Prospeet.
?ECTION SIX: That the VUlnge CierI,; be Imd hereby directed to publish thb
nance in pamphlet form, pUI'swmt to the stututes of the Stute of Illinois. made End pr'o
SECTI0N-,~INEN: That this OJ'dhwnce slwH be in fuB force una effect Hi:> of 12: a i c ill. ,
May 1, H),lf.'), Hnd after HH pW31'wge, HpprovHl, Hnd publication in the mmmm' pruv
by law.
PASSED und AJ)PROVED this_~~~,__ day of ___.~~CH _ . 1975.
VHJag~J President
~J/ V ^....~_____~
Village Clerk