HomeMy WebLinkAbout6. MANAGERS REPORT 12/20/05 Mount Pmspcct INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM Village of Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois FROM: VILLAGE MANAGER MICHAEL E. JANONIS ASSISTANT VILLAGE MANAGER DECEMBER 7, 2005 ~.~. A~, . 1'2..\'20 tG TO: DATE: SUBJECT: ADMINISTRA liVE ADJUDICA liON COMPUTER AUTOMATION As the discussion regarding the implementation of an Administrative Adjudication program has evolved staff undertook preliminary research into reyiewing Administrative Adjudication . processes in other communities. Part of this research also entailed determining if there were computer systems present that would assist in maintaining and tracking all the necessary vi01ations and notice requirements. A computer database system was reviewed that is being used by Alsip and Orland Park, but it was determined that that system did not interact well with the existing database. programs created in house for property maintenance inspection tracking. Another system was reviewed that is being utilized in Palatine, Evanston, Freeport, and Des Plaines. This other system was created by a programmer that has performed work for the Village previously in Human Services to automate their client inventory and that project was successfully completed . The computer .' system would be based on a Microsoft Access ,format and allow numerous links to existing databases. - The Village already has several components' that could be linked to the Administrative Adjudication process for a single record of each address with a complete history of any violations. For example, the Village already maintains a property maintenance database that was created by the Environmental Health staff to track inspections. With the inclusion of the existing property maintenance database links with the GIS Master Address List the Administrative Adjudication database will allow the data to be tied together so that a single address listing will contain all relevant information on each violation including photos and confirmation of aU notices. This tie in will also take advantage of the existing LaserFische system for document managementfor archival purposes. The Administrative Adj udication system will be built to allow tra-nsfer to tablet PCs for field use at the- point that the inspectors -are issued tablet PCs. While- tablet pes are on the horizon the purchase consideration has not been scheduled with the Village Board as yet.' Staff would like to - have the Administrative Adjudication process and computer system firmly in place before . moving into the Tablet PCs. The use of the Tablet PCswould be a significant process improvement by reducing, staff time for inspections and possible violations. ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUDICATION COMPUTER AUTOMATION DECEMBER 7, 2005 Page 2 Staff is requesting Village Board authorization waive the bidding requirement and enter into a professional services agreement with Dacra to provide computer programming services in order to create an. Administrative Adjudication database system for tracking and maintaining all records and notices pertaining to any violations. This database would link to existing in house databases to create a comprehensive record of all violation related information. The proposed development cost of such a database program is $10,000 and includes 30 hours of custom programming services. Staff has worked with Dacra previously and that work was performed satisfactory. If the Village Board approves of the agreement for the development of the computer process it would be completed in time for the projected start-up of the Administrative Adjudication process in March 2006. If you have any questions regarding this request, please contact me. .. : I~'~.,) $t{tJ David Strahl c: Community Development Director Bill Cooney H:WILM\Admin AdjudicationWB Cover Memo Computer System Request.doc ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUDICATION COMPUTER AUTOMATION CONTRACT WITH DACRA TO BE PROVIDED --~----'----~-~~'-"""""'''''''.''''''''''-''':='''='-''=''~"'--<='~'=-'''-''-'''''."","",=,",=-,,,...,,,,..,,,=,,,,,,,,=,,,,,,",,,.~~--~-_..__._-_.._......._._- INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM Village of Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois TO: VILLAGE MANAGER MICHAEL E. JANONIS FROM: ASSISTANT VILLAGE MANAGER DATE: DECEMBER 19, 2005 SUBJECT: ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUDICATION COMPUTER SERVICES CONTRACT Attached is the draft contract for consideration by.the Village. Board at the December 20 meeting. This contract was not provided in the. weekend Village Board packet due to the late delivery of the document by the consultant. The computer services requested are necessary to create a program for tracking and monitoring the Administrative Adjudication process in addition to integrating the existing computer databases so that each violation can be tracked under a single address record. The Village staff has worked with this programmer previously and the product was satisfactory, in addition the programmer has created similar systems in other area communities to. assist in . their respective Administrative Adjudication process, Staff is requestingthe bid be waived and the contract for services be approved betweeh the Village and Dacra in an amount notto exceed $10,000. This price also includes up to 30 hours of custom programming time. If you have any questions, plei:lsecontact me. c: Community Development Director Bill Cooney IT Director Joan Middleton Village Clerk Lisa Angell H:\VILM\AdminAdjudicationWB Cover Memo - Contract.doc -- - ---,.__._--~----------_.__._'--------_._-_._--~----,--._------ VilLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PROFE~SIONAl SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR CREATION OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING DATABASE COMPUTER SYSTEM This AGREEMENT is dated as of the day of " and is by and between the VilLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, an Illinois home rule village (the "Village") andDACRA,a sole proprietorship owned and operated by Ms. Chay~ Friedman, (the "Consultant"); and IN CONSIDERATION OF the recitals and mutual covenants and agreements set forth in this Agreement, and pursuant to the Village's home rule powers, the parties agree as follows: SECTION 1. RECITALS. A. The Village desires to hire and engage the Consultant t() create a computer softWare program {the "Computer System") for the Village's Code Enforcement- System, and provide training and support to Village staff members as well as provide continuing maintenance at the request ofthe Village for the Computer System (the "Work"). ' , B. The Consultant,represents to have the necessary experience and ability'to perform the services desired by the Village upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. SECTION 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES; A. Retention of the Consultant. The Village retains the Consultant to perform, and the Consultant agrees to perform, the Work. B. Commencement of Time and Completion of the Work. The COnsultantshall commence the Work as soon as possible-after the execution oUhisAgreement. The Computer System shall be operational by January 3t, 2006, and the Consultant shall diligently and continuously prosecute'the remainder of the Work, including training of Village employees and providing maintenance support to the Village, at the request of the Village. " ' C. Termination. Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, both'theConsultant and the Village may terminate this Agreement at any time upon ten days prior written notice (the "TerminatiorfNotice") to the other party. In the event that this Agreement is so terminated, the, Consultant shall be paid for Work. actually performed prior to the date of delivery of the Termination Notice. ""''''''''--'~'--""----'----"-'~-''-''=~~-'.=~-~,,,,",",.,,,~--~""''"''''''''=''''''''''==''''''''''''7''~.''''=:;:;:,,,,~.,,,,,,,,",.:,==,,,,=--",,''''''''''_''''-''=""'''''.",..,'''-==-<-,~-'--~''~'''''''''''''~=,='-..",~''s''''''',..,.=-'''- D. Compensation. 1) Work Fee. The Village shall compensate the Consultant $10,000 for the . Work. This price includes the basic program and 30 (thirty) hours of customization as per the specs provided by the Village. Additional programming requested by the Village shall be compensated at a rate of $125 an hour. Consultant shall provide an estimate of time required to complete any requested change or addition beyond the included customization. 2) Payment The consultant shall provide an invoice to the Village upon initial delivery of the Work. The Village shall pay the Consultant the amount stated in this or any invoice within thirty days of receipt thereof. 3) Records. The Consultant shall maintain records showing actual time devoted, and shall permit the authorized representative of the Village to inspect and audit all data and records of the Consultant for work done under this Agreement. The records shall be made available to the Village at reasonable times during the Agreement period, and for a year after the termination .of the Agreement. E. Ownership. 1) Designs, drawings, plans, specification, photos, reports, information., observations, calculations, notes, and any other documents; data, or information, in any form,prepared, collected, or received by the Consultant in connection with any or all of the Work to be performed under this Agreement (the "Documents") shall be and remain the exclusive property of the Village~ At the Village's request, or upon termination of this Agreement, the Documents shall be promptly delivered to the Village. 2) The Consultant agrees and acknowledges that the customized Computer System prior to and upon its completion is the sole intellectual propertyofthe Village. The Consultant shall not sell, lease, or license the Village's . c~stomized Computer System to any other municipality, corporation, or person without the expressed written consent of the Village. SECTION 3. WARRANTY OF SERVICES; The Consultant warrants that the Work shall be performed in accordance with the highest st~ndards of professional practice, care, and diligence 'practiced by recognized consulting firms in performing services of a similar nature in existence at the "time of performance of the Work. . SECTION 4. CONSULTANT AGREEMENT GENERAL PROVISIONS. A. Relationship of the Parties. The consultant shall act as an independent contractor in providing and performing Cill Work. Nothing in, or done pursuant to, this Agreement shall be construed to create the relationship of principal and agent, . employer and employee, partners, or joint ventures between the Village and the Consultant. The Consultant sl1all take direction solely and directly from the Village. --'-'-~'---~~~'~"~~='-""'~""'_""~=""""""""__'c,.,~"...,.""_,=,,,.~.,''''''''''<~_ B. Conflict of Interest The Consultant represents and certifies that, to the best of her knowledge, (1) as of the date of this Agreement neither the Consultant nor any person employed or associated with the Consultant has any interest that would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the obligations under this Agreement; and (2) neither the Consultant nor any person employed by or associated with the Consultant shall at any time during the term of this Agreement obtain or acquire any interest that would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the obligations under this Agreement. SECTION 5. GENERAL PROVISIONS. A. Amendment. No amendment or modification to this Agreement shall be. effective unless and until such amendment or modification is in writing, properly approved in accordance with applicable procedures,and executed by both the Village and the Consultant. B. Assianment. This agreement may not be assigned by the Village or by the Consultant with()ut the prior written consent of the other party; C. !!m!. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT By: .Irvana K. Wilks . Mayor DACRA By: Chaya Friedman . Consultant Attest: By: M. Lisa Angell . Village Clerk Dated: "__'_'_"_--~._-,..~.~,.-.~,_.-,.."..,~".~",,,,,,,-=.,,,,,,,-..,,=.,,..,,..=='="~'''''''''--'~-''''''''''==z.'''':C;.;;:-''_'':n~7''O(i',~",~"===""",>,=,,,,,,__,_________._._~_..____."_.,~.=__"~_~__..,_...____._...~ INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM Village of Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois FROM: IT DIRECTOR TO: ASSISTANT VILLAGE MANAGER DAVE STRAHL DATE: DECEMBER 6, 2005 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL TO WAIVE BID AND TO PURCHASE ARCSD UPGRADE FOR GIS The Village's ESRI geographic information system (GIS) database has been in development for a number of years and has reached the point where multiple departments can utilize the data for department-specific applications, such as mapping crime sites for crime analysis. Also there are opportunities to link GIS to other programs. For example, a link from GIS to document imaging would allow a user to easily pull up an ordinance relating to a particular address. A link to GIS from Community Development's Microsoft Access database of available properties could send a query to GIS to highlight the available sites on the map. In order to proceed to the next level of GIS implementation, it is necessary for the Village to upgrade the existing desktop version of GIS to ArcSDE, the enterprise version to allow access to multiple users. ESRl's ArcSDE software can only be purchased directly from ESRI at $10,000. Discussion In our current setup the GIS Analyst in Public Works creates and publishes all GIS data on his local PC. The data is then copied to four different locations on the GIS server. The first area is a file repository used for safekeeping. Also a couple times a year data is used to update PV.Web, which provides web-based GIS access for network users. GIS data is also copied to designated directories for Community Development and Information Technology GIS users to work with and update. The Community Development and Information Technology users cannot update the master GIS database since it resides on the local drive of the GIS PC. All updates and mapping requests for all departments must be handled by a single person, the GIS Analyst at Public Works. See the "Existing Scenario with Desktop GIS" in Appendix A. Information Technology has recently hired an analyst to assist in expanding the use of GIS to multiple departments. In order to accomplish this he needs to be able to update the GIS database directly. An upgrade to ArcSDE would make it possible for multiple users to simultaneously read and write to the GIS database. A review process will be established to ensure the validity of the data before it is used to update the master GIS database. Also determinations would be made regarding who is responsible for any given data set such as zoning information, and permissions would be defined accordingly. For example, GIS users in Community Development would maintain the zoning layers in GIS, since they are responsible for zoning. (See the "Proposed GIS Scenario with ArcSDE" in Appendix A. -----.' ---u------~."__._.___^'~""""'~"..'"'''''''~;"'="''~.,.,_''~_''''r'',,_...,= ~=".."''',.''',-"."''''=''''''''''.,'''''=,="''''''''''''''''''',''',_,,;w''''_'''''''"'''''=_''~.,.,,,'""~ Request for Approval to Waive Bid and to Purchase ArcSDE Upgrade for GIS December 6,2005 Page 2 To further expand GIS functionality, a "Master Address lO" field has been created to act as a unique identifier. This field will be used to correlate parcel-related data between multiple departmental applications. This is the key to making it possible to view an ordinance in document imaging from GIS, or to display selected sites on a GIS map with data pulled from an Access database of available sites. Staff can use this 10 to begin implementing these types of links to provide easy access to data from multiple sources. After the Master Address 10 has been added to PV.Web, other applications can interface with it. For example, the active cases from the Planning and Zoning database could be mapped in PV.Web. Through the Master Address 10, historical parcel and address information would be made available for any given parcel. This type of information would be important if a specific Planning and Zoning case is up for review. Recommendation I recommend that the Village waive the bid process and purchase the ArcSOE from ESRI in amount not to exceed $10,000. Funds are available for this purchase in 2005. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. r-~ Joan Middleton IT Director Attachment I:\VB Request Memos\2005 ArcSDE Requesl.doc I I I I I I I I~ I I I L___________l Existing Scenario wi DesktoD GIS ~-.:;. i.i......................'...... Q . . '.' ~ > Data copied Desktop version of GIS at Public Works holds current master GIS database. Only one user at Public Works can access the database directly. Proposed GIS Scenario with ArcSDE SJ~' . ).,' .,';:~: , ,";cd'.. _j~; -;, ~',';':,'.<.;< .....",..,... ," Public Works GIS Users Designated directories for safekeeping Designated working directory for use by Community Development Desig nated working directory for use by Information Technology PV. Web for network users (web-based) GIS Server with ArcSDE holds master GIS database Community Development GIS Users II",.' ..... '.- ~;..'.:,,'-. -~'. .," ....'.......... '.'I<",:., ~'" ,<:.-/::/;',~;-'::-:';<;, Y.,'" ',-, Data is used to update PV. Web for network users (web-based) Information Technology GIS User ._'--"'--_.._".-~._-~,-_.~~---~"---_._-------_.__._.-~~~--,_.'- ...----'~-~---.""....,.."~""""?"..'o/,,",.,'""'-"7'=_.,,)<.7',..,._'"="'=~.,,,."'~_,",...__,"_~___.____ ... ~ GIS users from Community Development and Information Technology send copies of data back to Public Works to be published into master database Community Development GIS Users Information Technology GIS User Network Users (PV.Web) All GIS users access the master database directly, although they can create working copies. Permissions are defined to limit users to only updating data they are responsible for, such as zoning. A review process would be implemented to ensure the validity of data submitted for updates before it is' published. I I I I I I I I I I I I I :... I II'., .:,:..'.'....':..-:'.. """,:,,',".i B1 Network Users (PV.Web) Appendix A Access to GIS INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM Village of Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois TO: MICHAEL E. JANONIS, VILLAGE MANAGER FROM: DIRECTOR OF FINANCE DATE: DECEMBER 12, 2005 SUBJECT: 2006 PROPERTY AND WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE PROGRAM PURPOSE: To present a recommendation for the property and workers compensation insurance program for the policy year beginning January 1 , 2006 and ending December 31 , 2006. DISCUSSION: The Village's current property and workers compensation insurance policies are set to expire on December 31,2005. As with the insurance renewal for 2005, staff negotiated with the existing broker and insurance companies to secure coverage for 2006. Due to the lack of brokers and insurers in the marketplace, no alternatives from other insurers were sought. The following is a brief summary of our expiring insurance program, an analysis of the proposal received, and a summary of the insurance package being recommended by staff and its consultant. Expiring Program Attached is a current schedule of insurance in force, showing the type of coverage, the carrier, policy limits, and the broker of record (Attachment I). Village buildings and vehicles were insured this past year by Chubb Insurance Company. The amount of coverage was $54.9 million, with a $25,000 deductible. The annual premium was $91,960. The broker offering the coverage was Arthur J. Gallagher and Co. The Village was self-insured for liability insurance for 2005. This was based on a recommendation from our insurance consultant and the results of an actuary study. The Village elected to self-insure for liability coverage up to the point where excess coverage is available from HELP, the high-level excess liability pool ($2,000,000). This program went into effect for the first time on January 1, 2005. PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE PROGRAM 12/12/2005 Page 2 Excess workers compensation coverage was purchased from Safety National, which insured the Village for individual claims in excess of $350,000. There is a $1 million aggregate limit for worker compensation claims. The annual premium was $36,436. The broker was Arthur J. Gallagher and Co. Proposal Received Attached is a report from Nugent Consulting Group, the firm that assisted the Village in securing proposals from our broker and underwriters (Attachment II). Mr. Nugent presents a summary of renewal offered by Arthur J. Gallagher and Co. for the upcoming policy period and a breakdown of premium by coverage type for the current policy year and 2006 renewal. The renewal quote for property coverage increased slightly (2/10ths of one percent) from $91,960 to $92,122 while total insurable values increased 11.75%. The increase in insurable values was due to the final construction values of Village Hall being added to the total coverage amount. The renewal quote for excess workers compensation coverage actually decreased 3.9% from the prior year from $36,436 to $35,000. The decrease in premium is due to the self- insured retention being increased from $350,000 to $400,000. New legislation and difficulties in managing police and fire workers compensation claims is responsible for the increase in the retention amount. Mr. Nugent feels that the self-insured retention will continue to rise for future renewals. The total for all premiums and commissions as quoted is $137,309, a decrease of .5% from the 2005 premiums. A total of $151,129 is included in the proposed 2006 budget for this coverage. The insurance companies being recommended are very sound financially and have an excellent claims payment history. Chubb Group is rated A++, XV (Superior) by A.M. Best, a recognized insurance company rating service. Safety National Casualty Corp. is rated A, IX (Excellent). RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Village purchase property and excess workers compensation insurance from Arthur J. Gallagher and Co. with premiums and broker's fees totaling $137,309. ,~~ DAVID O. ERB DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Attachments 1:\lnsurance\Memos\2005\2006 Renewal Memo to MJ.doc ATTACHMENT 1 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE IN FORCE December 31,2005 Deductiblel Specific Aggregate Self-Insured Excess Excess Expiration Policy Type of CoveraQe Carrier Retention Limit Limit Date Number Broker ~ Property, Building & Contents Chubb 25,000 54,873,523 none 01/01/06 35826710 Arthur J. Gallagher $91,960.00 Auto Physical Damage, Boiler Workers Compensation Safety National Insurance Co. 350,000 Statutory 1,000,000 01/01/06 SP-7620-IL Arthur J. Gallagher $36,436.00 General Liability N/A 2,000,000 Auto Liability N/A 2,000,000 Employment Practices Liability NIA 2,000,000 Police Professional Liability N/A 2,000,000 Public Officials Liability N/A 2,000,000 (Errors and Omissions) Fiduciary Liability - Police Pension Federal Insurance Company 25,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 08/01/06 8158-54-99 Marsh USA $10,840.00 Fiduciary Liability - Fire Pension Federal Insurance Company 25,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 08/01/06 8169-89-92 Marsh USA $9,538.00 Excess Liability High-level Excess Liability Pool 2,000,000 12,000,000 12,000,000 04/30/08 nla nla $135.954.00 Public Employee Dishonesty ITT Hartford 5.000 500,000 none 05/01/06 83BPEAD4895 Hobbs Group $:1,424.00 Depositors Forgery ITT Hartford 1,000 100,000 none 05/01/06 83BPEAD4895 Hobbs Group Incl. in above Public Officials Bond - President ITT Hartford - 100,000 100,000 05/01/06 83BSBDK7589 Hobbs Group $400.00 Public Officials Bond - Manager ITT Hartford - 100,000 100,000 05/01/06 83BSBCQ9763 Hobbs Group $400.00 Public Officials Bond - Treasurer ITT Hartford - 250,000 250,000 05/01/06 83BSBAK8746 Hobbs Group $1,150.00 Contingent Tax Interruption Chubb 25,000 9,000,000 9,000,000 01/01/06 35826710 Arthur J. Gallagher Incl in Prop Employee & Retiree Health Ins. Intergovernmental Personal 20.0001 Benefit Cooperative 75,000 none none 06/30108 nla nla Varied Third Party Administrators Workers Comp Claims Admin Cambridge Liability Claims Admin, GAB Robins A TT ACHMENT II _NUGENT CONSULTING GROUP INSURANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT CONSUL T1NG November 18, 2005 Mr. Dave Erb Village of Mount Prospect 50 South Emerson Street Mount Prospect, IL 60056 Dear Dave: I have completed my review of the insurance renewal terms offered by Arthur J. Gallagher. Please read below and refer to the attached spreadsheet. The attached spreadsheet provides a summary of the renewal quotes from the current insurers ProDertv The property premium will increase slightly from the current term. Total insurable values are increasing 11 %. Effectively, the Village is receiving a 10% decrease in the rate. Excess Workers ComDensation The excess workers compensation premium will decrease slightly but the self- insured retention is increasing to $400,000 (from $350,000). Note that the self- insured retention also increased at the last renewal. New legislation signed into law in June will increase benefits to injured employees. Because of this, the excess workers compensation market remains very limited and those few insurers in it are generally requiring $400,000 self- insured retentions as the minimum. This new legislation combined with difficulty in police and fire workers compensation claims makes me believe the self insured retention will continue to rise over the next few renewals. There are no other finanpially attractive options. The original premium was quoted at $36,767. I was able to negotiate this down to $35,000. -- ----------'----~--_._~----...,..,~"""""'..".,."='"."~~.",..,..~,--.-_..~ Page 2 Mr. Dave Erb November 18, 2005 Gallaaher Fee Gallagher is requesting a 5% increase in fee. I have no problem with this increase. Please note the GAB renewal terms are sent directly to you. You should work directly with GAB on their terms. I have not been asked to review them. I am happy to meet with you to review this report. I will call shortly. Sincerely, Mike Nugent Michael D. Nugent, ARM President VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 2006 INSURANCE RENEWAL 2005 2006 Property $ 91,960 $ 92,122 Excess Workers Compensation 36,436 35,000 Gallagher Fee 9,702 10,187 $ 138,098 $ 137,309 Property Values $ 54,873,523 $ 61,321,483 Property Deductible $ 25,000 $ 25,000 Auto Physical Damage Deductible $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Workers Compensation Self-insured Retention $ 350,000 $ 400,000