HomeMy WebLinkAbout5. NEW BUSINESS 12/20/05 Mount Prospect INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM Village of Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois FROM: MICHAEL E. JANONIS, VILLAGE MANAGER DIRECTOR OF FINANCE !>b. ~1li Iz.lzol~ TO: DATE: DECEMBER 13, 2005 SUBJECT: 2005 BUDGET AMENDMENT NO.2 PURPOSE: Present a recommendation that the annual budget be amended for fiscal year beginning January 1, 2005 and ending December 31, 2005. BACKGROUND: Ordinance 5475, adopted December 21,2004, established the annual budget for the year ending December 31,2005. Ordinance 5489 adopted on May 17, 2005 provided for amendment #1 of the 2005 budget. DISCUSSION: Each year the Village prepares two separate amendments to the current year's budget. Amendment #1, prepared in April or May, amends the budget for carry-over items from the prior year's budget. These are typically construction or other contractual service type projects that are started in the previous year but not completed. Amendment #2, prepared in December, amends the budget to account for material variations in revenues and expenditures. Many times these are the result of fluctuations in the economy affecting revenues (either positively or negatively) or extraordinary or unanticipated charges for expenditures that occurred during the year. A proposed ordinance amending the 2005 Annual Budget is attached for the Board's consideration. In total, we are increasing our revenue projections by $2,396,864 and increasing the budget for expenditures by $1,486,451. Amendments to the budget impacting revenues are made up of various adjustments to tax, fee and other intergovernmental revenue accounts, grant receipts and other reimbursements. There are only two significant budget adjustments related to expenditures. The first is a transfer to the 2003 Debt Service Fund from the Street Improvement Construction Fund ($167,824). This transfer was a carry-over item from the previous year. The second is for the purchase of water from JAWA ($473,000). This amendment was needed due to higher water usage as a result of the extremely hot weather experienced this past summer. Other expenditure amendments worth mentioning include $83,809 to comply with the Norwood Incentive Agreement, $82,572 for changes related to surviving spouse fire pensions and $66,680 for the purchase of motor vehicle fuel due to the spiking gas prices. I 2005 Budget Amendment No. 2 December 13, 2005 Page 2 RECOMMENDA liON: It is recommended the Village Board adopt the proposed ordinance amending the 2005 Annual Budget. V .. fZ- .I r:/ ~~/~~ _0' DAVID O. ERB DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Copy: Finance Commission Department Directors DOEI I :\Budget 2005\Amendments\Board Memo 12-13-2005.doc ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE MAKING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE ANNUAL BUDGET ADOPTED FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY 1,2005 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2005 PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES the _ day of ,2005 Published in pamphlet form by authority of the corporate authorities of the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois the _ day of , 2005. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE MAKING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE ANNUAL BUDGET ADOPTED FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY 1,2005 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2005 WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect have passed and approved Ordinance No. 2342 which sets the finances of the Village under the "Budget Officer System"; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the aforesaid Ordinance and the Statutes of the State of Illinois an annual budget for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 2005 and ending December 31, 2005 was adopted through the passage of Ordinance No. 5475 approved by the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Mount Prospect on December 21,2004; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect have passed and approved Ordinance No. 5489 on May 17, 2005, amending the annual budget for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 2005 and ending December 31, 2005; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect have further reviewed certain additions and changes to the aforesaid budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2005 and ending December 31, 2005; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect believe the changes, as specified on the attached January 1,2005 through December 31,2005 Budget Amendment No.2 to be in the best interest of the Village of Mount Prospect; and WHEREAS, the Village has now revised the revenue projections or has reserves in each of the Funds in which the budget is being increased adequate in amount to cover the budget changes reflected in Budget Amendment No.2, attached hereto. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: That the fiscal year budget for January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005 for the Village of Mount Prospect is hereby amended, as detailed on Budget Amendment No.2 attached hereto. SECTION TWO: That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. AYES: NA YES: ABSENT: PASSED and APPROVED this _ day of ,2005. Irvana K. Wilks, Village President ATTEST M. Lisa Angell, Village Clerk VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT BudgetAmendmentNo.2 Fiscal Year January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005 Revenues Original Amended Revenue Increase Revenue Fund/Program/Classification Account # Account Description Estimate (Decrease ) Estimate DUI Fine Fund (086) Fines and Forfeits 450465 DUI Fines 10,000 11,000 21,000 10,000 11,000 21,000 All other DUI Fine Fund accounts 100 0 100 Total DUI Fine Fund 10,100 11,000 21,100 Series 20038&1, Village Hall (190) Other Financing Sources 490560 Transfer from Street Imp. 0 167,824 167,824 0 167,824 167,824 All other Series 2003 B&I, Village Hall Fund accounts 927,912 0 927,912 Total Series 2003 B&I, Village Hall Fund 1,500,165 167,824 1,095,736 Capital Improvement Fund (510) Other Financing Sources 490550 Transfer - General Fund 0 16,695 16,695 Other Financing Sources 494600 Sale of Property 0 13,418 13,418 0 30,113 30,113 All other Capital Improvement Fund accounts 231,276 0 231,276 Total Capital Improvement Fund 231,276 30,113 261,389 Street Improvement Construction Fund (560) Other Taxes 410400 Food & Beverage Tax 155,000 25,000 180,000 Other Revenue 480900 Miscellaneous Income 0 14,750 14,750 155,000 39,750 194,750 All other Street Improvement Construction Fund accounts 1,210,165 0 1,210,165 Total Street Improvement Construction Fund 1,365,165 39,750 1,404,915 Water & Sewer Fund (610) Other Taxes 411200 SSA Taxes - Prior 10,000 26,000 36,000 Charges for Service 446300 Water Penalties 80,000 30,000 110,000 Charges for Service 446500 Water & Sewer Taps 30,000 18,000 48,000 120,000 74,000 194,000 All other Water & Sewer Fund accounts 8,373,217 0 8,373,217 Total Water & Sewer Fund 8,493,217 74,000 8,567,217 Risk Management Fund (690) Charges for Services 444000 MP Library Charges 314,283 110,717 425,000 Reimbursements 475100 Insurance Reimbursements 50,000 41,130 91,130 Other Revenue 487100 Employee Contributions 175,000 70,000 245,000 314,283 110,717 425,000 All other Risk Management Fund accounts 5,365,648 0 5,365,648 Total Risk Management Fund 5,679,931 110,717 5,790,648 Total Estimated Revenues Funds being changed 55,915,315 2,396,864 57,739,926 All other Village Budget accounts 15,545,793 0 15,545,793 Total Estimated Revenues After Changes 71,461,108 2,396,864 73,285,719 2 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT Budget Amendment No.2 Fiscal Year January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005 Expenditures Current Amended Budget Increase Budget Fund/Program/Classification Account # Account Description Amount (Decrease) Amount General Fund (001) Village Manager's Office Personal Services 0011101-500000 Full-Time Earnings 284,690 15,310 300,000 Personal Services 0011101-500700 Vacation/Personal Incentive 8,000 12,000 20,000 Finance Department - Administration Personal Services 0011701-500750 Retiree Sick Incentive 0 10,377 10,377 Contractual Services 0011701-540110 Other Professional Services 1,000 6,455 7,455 Human Services - Administration Commodities & Supplies 0013101-570065 Other Equipment 1,500 300 1,800 Commodities & Supplies 0013101-570080 Other Supplies 1,500 250 1,750 Human Services - Nursing/Health Services Commodities & Supplies 0013103-570200 Medical Supplies 2,860 250 3,110 Police Department - Administration Personal Services 0014101-500750 Retiree Sick Incentive 43,000 12,200 55,200 Police Department - Patrol & Traffic Enforcement Personal Services 0014102-500750 Retiree Sick Incentive 0 20,850 20,850 Fire Department - Operations Personal Services 0014209-500000 Full-Time Earnings 0 20,425 20,425 Personal Services 0014209-500300 Overtime Earnings 0 13,400 13,400 Employee Benefits 0014209-510100 FICA Costs - Medicare 0 400 400 Commodities & Supplies 0014209-570080 Other Supplies 0 1,350 1,350 Public Works - Maintenance Public Buildings Utilities 0015101-550100 Natural Gas/Heat 11,330 3,670 15,000 Utilities 0015101-550500 Water & Sewer 1,750 1,750 3,500 Public Works - Street Maintenance Personal Services 0015104-500200 Seasonal Earnings 18,464 8,036 26,500 Personal Services 0015104-500300 Overtime Earnings 35,960 5,040 41,000 Public Works - Snow Removal Personal Services 0015105-500300 Overtime Earnings 91,840 58,160 150,000 Public Works - Forestry - Maintenance of Grounds Personal Services 0015202-500300 Overtime Earnings 16,590 50,410 67,000 Contractual Services 0015202-540225 Other Services 3,770 5,000 8,770 Public Works - Forestry - Forestry Program Personal Services 0015203-500300 Overtime Earnings 24,360 13,640 38,000 Contractual Services 0015203-540225 Other Services 4,790 5,000 9,790 Contractual Services 0015203-540725 Tree Removal 79,935 3,000 82,935 Community & Civic Services - Community Groups & Miscellaneous Contractual Services 0016102:540955 Sister Cities Commission 6,000 7,500 13,500 Community & Civic Services - 4th of July & Civic Events Personal Services 0016103-500300 Overtime Earnings 54,420 5,580 60,000 Non-Departmental Contingencies 0018901-800051 Capital Transfer 0 16,700 16,700 691,759 297,053 988,812 All other General Fund Accounts 33,297.626 0 33,297,626 Total General Fund 33,989,385 297,053 34,286,438 Motor Fuel Tax Fund (050) Public Works - Engineering Contractual Services 0505405-540665 Traffic Control Program 0 25,000 25,000 Street Improvement Projects Infrastructure 0507706-690049 Resurfacing - MFT Fund 1,198,000 37,000 1,235,000 Infrastructure 0507706-690099 Bridge Rehab 218,040 6,960 225,000 1,416,040 68,960 1,485,000 All other Motor Fuel Tax Fund Accounts 745,632 0 745,632 Total Motor Fuel Tax Fund 2,161,672 68,960 2,230,632 3 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT Budget Amendment No.2 Fiscal Year January 1, 2005 through December 31,2005 Expenditures Current Amended Budget Increase Budget Fund/Program/Classification Account # Account Description Amount (Decrease ) Amount DEA Shared Funds Fund (085) Other Equipment 0854102-670151 Other Equipment 1,000 29,500 30.500 1,000 29.500 30,500 All other DEA Shared Funds Fund Accounts 0 0 0 Total DEA Shared Funds Fund 1,000 29,500 30,500 DUI Fine Fund (086) Other Equipment 0864102-670151 Other Equipment 1.000 25.200 26,200 1,000 25,200 26,200 All other DUI Fine Fund Accounts 0 0 0 Total DUI Fine Fund 1,000 25,200 26,200 Capital Improvement Fund (510) Village Improvements & Equipment Building Improvements 5107701-640035 Pistol Range Renovation 95,000 27,000 122,000 95,000 27,000 122,000 All other Capital Improvement Fund Accounts 570,914 0 570,914 Total Capital Improvement Fund 665,914 27,000 692,914 Downtown Redevelopment Construction Fund (550) Downtown Redevelopment Construction Contractual Services 5507703-540028 Real Estate Sales Expense 0 3,000 3,000 Contractual Services 5507703-540110 Other Professional Services 40,000 53,500 93,500 Other Expenditures 5507703-590750 NWE Sales Tax Rebate 89,577 50,423 140,000 Other Expenditures 5507703-590755 Norwood Incentive 0 83,809 83,809 129,577 190,732 320,309 All other Downtown Redevelopment Construction Fund Accounts 161,487 0 161,487 Total Downtown Redevelopment Construction Fund 291,064 190,732 481,796 Street Improvement Construction Fund (560) Street Improvement Projects Infrastructure 5607706-690084 Resurfacing - St Imp Constr Fund 1,161,709 66,000 1,227,709 Non-Departmental Contingencies 5608901-800019 Transfer to 2003 Debt Service 0 167,824 167,824 1,161,709 233.824 1,395,533 All other Street Improvement Fund Accounts 4,000 0 4,000 Total Street Improvement Fund 1,165,709 233,824 1,399,533 Flood Control Construction Fund (590) Flood Control Projects Infrastructure 5907704-690102 Weller Creek Improvements 35,875 53.125 89,000 35,875 53,125 89,000 All Other Flood Control Construction Fund Accounts 547,538 0 547,538 Total Flood Control Construction Fund 583,413 53,125 636.538 4 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT Budget Amendment No.2 Fiscal Year January 1, 2005 through December 31,2005 Expenditures Current Amended Budget Increase Budget Fund/Program/Classification Account # Account Description Amount (Decrease) Amount Water and Sewer Fund (610) Maintenance of Buildings Personal Services 6105502-500300 Overtime Earnings 4.220 3,080 7,300 Water Supply Maintenance & Repair Personal Services 6105504-500300 Overtime Earnings 45,120 4,880 50,000 Water Distribution Maintenance & Repair Personal Services 6105505-500300 Overtime Earnings 55,680 54,320 110,000 Lake Michigan Water Supply Contractual Services 6105512-540800 JAWA - Water Purchase 1.595,000 473.000 2,068,000 Contractual Services 6105512-540805 JAWA - Power Costs 150,000 (15,000) 135,000 Contractual Services 6105512-540810 JAWA - O&M Costs 185,000 65.000 250,000 Contractual Services 6105512-540815 JAWA - Fixed Costs 1,145.000 (190,000) 955,000 3,180,020 395,280 3,575,300 All Other Water and Sewer Fund Accounts 6,099,508 0 6,099,508 Total Water and Sewer Fund 9.279,528 395.280 9.674,808 Parking System Revenue Fund (630) Parking Lot Maintenance Personal Services 6305111-500000 Full-Time Earnings 15,675 14,825 30,500 Commodities & Supplies 6305111-570080 Other Supplies 0 1,700 1,700 15,675 16,525 32,200 All other Parking System Revenue Fund Accounts 250,394 0 250,394 Total Parking System Revenue Fund 266,069 16,525 282,594 Vehicle Maintenance Fund (660) Vehicle Maintenance Program Commodities & Supplies 6605702-570635 Vehicle Fuel - Gas 183,320 66,680 250,000 183,320 66,680 250,000 All other Vehicle Maintenance Fund Accounts 1 ,092,563 0 1,092,563 Total Vehicle Maintenance Fund 1,275,883 66,680 1,342,563 Fire Pension Fund (072) Fire Pensions Pension Benefits 7208203-530906 Surviving Spouse Pension 137,428 82,572 220,000 137,428 82,572 220,000 All other Fire Pension Fund Accounts 2,191,520 0 2,191,520 Total Fire Pension Fund 2,328,948 82,572 2,411,520 Total Village Budget Funds being changed 52,009,585 1,486,451 53,496,036 All other Village Budget Accounts 18,801,861 0 18,801,861 Total Village Budget after Changes 70,811,446 1,486.451 72,297,897 5 --"--""_""'._.~"~"~".',,,~.~,,,_~,,.,.W~_",,tr,",,,,,,,,=,,,.:,,.,,''''';~~f''<t:!DT".. ..," mla 12/13/05 RESOLUTION NO. -05 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE FOREST RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT WHEREAS, the Village of Mount Prospect and the Forest River Fire Protection District are desirous of entering into an Intergovernmental Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Intergovernmental Agreement being the subject of this Resolution provides for the Village of Mount Prospect to provide for the fire protection, fire prevention and emergency medical services for that area known as the Forest River Fire Protection District. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: The Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect do hereby authorize the Mayor to sign and the Clerk to attest his signature on the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Forest River Fire Protection District and the Village of Mount Prospect for the year 2006, a copy of which is attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof as Exhibit "A". SECTION TWO: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval in the manner provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED and APPROVED this day of December, 2005. Irvana K. Wilks Mayor ATTEST: M. Lisa Angell Village Clerk H:ICLKOlfilesIWINIRESIF orestRvrAgrmt, 2005. doc ! FOREST RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, HERETO AND THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, HERETO AGREEMENT WHEREAS, THE Village of Mount Prospect, hereinafter, referred to as "The Village", a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Illinois and the Forest River Fire Protection District, hereinafter referred to as the "District", a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Illinois, and WHEREAS, both the Village and the District are municipal corporations organized under the laws of the State of Illinois and as such have the power under State Law to enter into agreements for providing fire protection and emergency services, and WHEREAS, THE Village has agreed to provide such services to. the District in accordance with the terms hereinafter set forth. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE VILLAGE AND THE DISTRICT AS FOLLOWS: 1. That for the period beginning January 1,2006 to December 31,2006, at 12:00 midnight said day, the Village shall furnish all fire fighting, fire protection, fire prevention and other emergency services, including emergency ambulance service, by such volunteer or paid on call and/or regular firemen available to the Village as the Fire Chief of the Village shall determine, to the District for a certain area as shown and outlined in red on Exhibit 1 attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2. That for the period of time during which this Agreement shall be in full force and effect, the District agrees to pay and the Village agrees to accept as full payment for said fire protection, fire prevention services and emergency services, that amount of monies received from tax receipts, replacement taxes, interest and other miscellaneous income collected during the period beginning January 1, 2006 and ending December 31, 2006, less all reasonable costs of running the said District, including, but not limited to, all administrative legal salaries and other expenses incurred. (2 ) A. It is understood that the District shall levy taxes at the maximum rate authorized by statute without referendum, which shall not be less than .30% of the value of all taxable property within the District, and shall apply for and make all efforts to receive any available state and/or federal aid to fire protection districts as is now available or may be available during the term hereof. B. The District will retain the sum of $2,500.00 to handle any contingency or emergency matters that may develop during the year. All other monies shall be paid to the Village as follows: On January 15, April 15, July 15 and October 15, 2006 all monies over and above the aforementioned $2,500.00 contingency fund shall be paid to the village. C. In addition, the District shall provide the Village with the follows: ( I ) A copy of the schedule of meetings of the District for the year 2006, be furnished upon execution of this Agreement. ( ii) A certified copy of the Tax Levy Ordinance adopted by the District for the fiscal year 2005 thru 2006, to be furnished upon execution of this Agreement. ( iii) A copy of the District's audited financial statement for the period ending June 30, 2005, to be furnished within thirty (30) days after receipt by the District. ( iv ) A copy of the Minutes of each District meeting, to be furnished within (30) days after each meeting, when requested by the Village. ( v ) The District shall provide the Village with copies of its quarterly receipts and disbursements, for informational purposes only, it being fully understood right of pre-approval regarding said disbursements. (3) 3. That the Fire Chief of the Village shall have the sole and exclusive right, duty and responsibility to prescribe the manner and method of giving the alarm for fire and/or other emergencies occurring within the District's territory as outlined upon said Exhibit I.. , 4. That the Fire Chief of the Village or his authorized representative shall have the sole and exclusive authority and responsibility to direct and control any and all fire fighting, fire protection, fire prevention and other emergency operations carried on at the scene of any alarm or emergency occurring within that territory of the District shown upon the said Exhibit I. 5. That all fire fighting, fire protection, fire prevention and other emergency procedures conducted under the provisions hereof shall be conducted. in accordance with the regulations of the Mount Prospect Fire Department and the ordinances of the Village. Furthermore, the District agrees that within thirty (30) days of the execution hereof, if permitted by state statute, it shall pass and approve ordinances identical in form and content to the ordinances of the Village which deal with fire fighting, fire protection, fire prevention, building construction as related to fire safety and other emergency procedures. Certified copies of said Ordinance(s) shall be submitted to the Village within ten (10) days of their adoption by the District. 6. That all expenses and cost of maintaining equipment, apparatus, salaries, insurance premiums and any and all other items of expenses connected with the several services contemplated herein to be supplied by the Village to the District shall be borne by the Village. The only expense falling upon the District shall be in the form of the payments scheduled to be made hereinabove under Paragraph 2b. 7. That, within seven (7) days of receipt of notice of annexation by an municipality of land and territory within its district (as shown in orange upon the said Exhibit I hereto), the District shall forward a copy of said notice (with the legal description contained therein) to the village by addressing same to the attention of: Village Clerk 50 South Emerson Street Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 (4) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective offices and have affixed hereunto their respective corporate seals, all having been authorized by the adoption of a suitable Resolution passed and approved by each of the respective parties hereto. Village of Mount Prospect By: Attest: Village Clerk Forest River Fire Protection District C2 President /1 Attest: Secretary . j/~7 (//.{j~~~ I;/) / Dated this 5 day of .J-1j'.~'>7b/ , 2005 " ORDINANCE NO. 2005-D.2. ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING TAXES OF THE FOREST RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, COOK COUNTY. ILLINOIS FOR 2005 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Trustees of the Forest River Fire Protection District, Cook County, TIlinois, as follows: Section One: That the sum of FORTY-THREE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND TffiRTY-FIVE DOLLARS (543,335.00) be and the same is assessed and levied from and against all taxable property within the limits of the said Forest River Fire Protection District as the same is assessed and equalized for State and County purposes for the current year, 2005, and which ordinance was duly published as provided by law, and the specific amount hereby levied is set forth under the column entitled "Amount To Be Raised By Tax Levy," as follows: AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY: CORPORATE FUND Corporate Fund Levy $40,335.00 The foregoing amount is hereby levied for corporate expense purposes pursuant to the provisions of 70 n.CS 705/14. AUDIT FUND Audit Fund Levy $1,000.00 The foregoing amount is hereby levied for audit expense purposes pursuant to the provisions of 50 ILCS 310/9. TORT LIABILITY FUND Tort Liability Fund Levy $2,000.00 The foregoing amount is hereby levied for audit expense purposes pursuant to the provisions of 745 n..CS 10/9-107. -1- -----~._--..-..--~----~~"~="''',''''!,,.==_,.,''''O"'''''''=.=<'.'j="'''''''',-",~~_____ LEVY SUMMARY TOTAL CORPORATE FUND TOTAL AUDIT FUND TOTAL TORT LIABILITY FUND GRAND TOTAL $ 40,335.00 1,000.00 2.000.00 S 43.335.00 Section 2: That the Secretary is hereby directed to file certified copies of this ordinance with the Cook County Clerk within the time specified by Jaw. Section 3: That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval as required by law. ADOPTED this 1st day of November, 2005, pursuant to a roll call vote as follows: AYES: .3 NAYS: ABSENT: ."~ . .,' ~ ATTEST: Secretary, Board stees Forest River Fire Protection District -2- STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) ) SS COUNTY OF COOK SECRETARY'S CERTIFICATE I, Adam Baczanski, Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Forest River Fire Protec- tion District, in the County of Cook, State of Illinois, do hereby certify that attached hereto is a true and correct copy of that certain Ordinance now on file in my office entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 2005__ ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING TAXES OF THE FOREST RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, COOK COUNTY. ILLINOIS FOR 2005 which said Ordinance was adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Forest River Fire Protection District at a regular meeting held on the 1st day of November, 2005. I do further certify that a quorum of said Board of Trustees was present at said meeting, and that the Board of Trustees complied with all the requirements of the llIinois Open Meetings Act. 2005. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, r have hereunto set my hand this 1st day of November, (SEAL) s~~~~./ Forest River Fire Protection District \\server\prola w\documents\FOREST RNER FPD\SF200T\Ordinances\2038.doc - -.~~"""" -~~~----_._-~----_..- _~~~-=",...,,,,,,,,,,.=o,,,-~~~~~_~__~~~,,,,,,, FOREST RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT TRUTH IN TAXATION CERTIFICATION I, Robert L. Fey, hereby certify that I am the presiding officer of the Board of Trustees of the Forest River Fire Protection District, Cook County, Illinois, and as such, I hereby certify that the District's 2005 levy ordinance, a copy of which is appended hereto, was adopted pursuant to, and in all respects in compliance with, the provisions of Section 18-60 through 18-85 of the Truth in Taxation Law, 35 ILCS 200/18-55 et seq. The provisions of Section 18-60 through 18-85 of the Truth in Taxation Law are inapplicable to the District's 2005 levy. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have placed my signature this 1st day of November, 2005. resident, Board of Forest River Fire Prot \\server\prolawldocuments\FOREST RIVER FPO\s F2001\Ordinances\2038.doc Des Plaines, Illinois, United States E Old Willow Rd <v 'htec Ln E Seneca {I) !!! A78 Shawn Ln 3 en - E Marion Ave Claire Ln ..... (/) IU E Olive Ave WT2 Grego Ct c: a: z E Clarendon St Prospect Heights A58 Old Orchard Country Club "C 0:: c: C) ...J .S IU Q) c.. ,~/y IU lU ~ ::E ~ (/) (/) A59 it, ~ IU ~O' 83 J: ~O' Randhurst Shopping Center - ~ :::l .r; E jjj z W Highland St 12 Hill Street +- Park W Memory Ln "C 0:: W Gregory St i E Gregory St :::l W Isabella St ~ E Isabella Cb\ J.LI- (/) W Thayer St Z 5 E Thayer St ~ IU E E Henry St UJ Z ~ CiSt .~ ~ .3 ~O' Z Wheeling ~ ~ ~ ... Cl r:: IU .... "C '0 () E Camp McDonald "C 0:: 1i ~ Rob Roy Golf Club o..;;b Dr t o () c: o - <( E Maya Ln o ~ <l' z E Wood Ln C~ib Ln ~ E Taro l.1) 21 Lake Ave Woods Forest Preserve 'IV LaKe Ave Camp Pine Woods Forest Preserve 0.8 1.2 Woodland Trails Park E Euclid Ave A59 .A Ln E Barbe \' , E Cedar Ln E Dogwood Ln e. Greenwood Dr Mount Prospect d- IU C) lU ~ .... IU J: E Tano l.n E C(,ee Ln 12 Ivy Ln 12 Hopi Ln 45 Omi 0.2 "C 0:: E Kensington Rd ... Copyright @ 1988-2003 Microsoft Corp. and/or its suppliers. All rights reserved. hllp:/Iwww.microsoft.comlstreets e Copyright 2002 by Geo9rephic Data Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. @2002 Navigetion Technologies. All rights reserved. This deta includes information taken with permission from Canadian authorities e 1991-2002 Government of Canada (Stallslles Canada and/or Geomaties Canada), all rights reserved. E BusineSS Ce,~ ~ o ... ~e0"0Nille Rd E Lowden Ln CJ E Ardyce Ln E Thayer St } ~ Made/yO 0 - 0.... ~ .... Z OuP/~ Dr Des Plaines 0.4 0.6 FOREST RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 207 LEE STREET MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS 60056 October 4, 2004 MEETING SCHEDULE Notice is hereby given by the Board of Trustees of the Forest River Fire Protection District, Cook County, Illinois, of the regular open meetings covering calendar year 2006. They are to be held at the Forest River Community Hall, 207 Lee Street, Mount Prospect, Illinois at 7:00 P.M. The meetings will be held on January 3rd, February ih, March 7t\ April 4th, May 2nd, June 6th, July 11th, August 1 st, September 5th, October 3rd, November 7th and December 5th. Thank You, /'.-:1 ~ ~ /~(! ~/;-~,. - . Adam BaczaI)ski Secretary ~----,._-~'-~--~._---'_.,--~-'---_.__._---~.,,",.~'"...-..."",=,,,,,====,,, RESOLUTION NO. -05 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MOUNT PROSPECT LIBRARY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO PURCHASE OUT-OF-STATE SERVICE CREDITS THROUGH THE ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND WHEREAS, the Executive Director of the Mount Prospect Library certifies she was an employee of the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, Ohio from November 1974 to August 1978; and WHEREAS, the Executive Director of the Mount Prospect Library certifies she was an employee of the Indianapolis Marion County Public Library from January 1979 to September 1986; and WHEREAS, the Executive Director of the Mount Prospect Library has irrevocably forfeited all service credits from the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System and the Indiana Public Employees Retirement Fund; and WHEREAS, the Executive Director of the Mount Prospect Library has met the requirements of the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) authorizing the granting of service credits for out-of-state service with out-of-state " governmental units; and WHEREAS, the Library would reimburse the Village of Mount Prospect for any employee related expense levied by IMRF. . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE- That the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect authorize the Mount Prospect Library Executive Director to purchase Out'-Of-State Service Credits through the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund. "" SECTION TWO' . That this Resolution shall be in full force and effective from and after its passage and approval in the manner provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED and APPROVED this . day of ,2005. Irvana K. Wilks Mayor ATTEST: M. Lisa Angell Village Clerk H:\ClKO\files\WI N\RES\IMRFoutofstatecreditauthorization.doc K. O"'-~--"'"-~-_',_._____~""~~c~.,""""'"".,"'",,,=,~_,,=,,"~,'.'<m',n"'~,'... M"-""-"""'~~"''7.:i;;::=''''';~'',~;:r,':=;;:;t','.Y:!i;:::'~.='"M,"..m.=,~;'''==-~~'=~'~~=~_=.._~,~__.__.,____".______ Mount Prospect ~ Mount Prasp!3ct Public Works Department INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM FROM: VILLAGE MANAGER MICHAEL E. JANONIS PROJECT ENGINEER DECEMBER 15, 2005 ~.MI~ 1Z-/2P cb TO: DATE: SUBJECT: MFT IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION - 2006 Attached is: Resolution for Improvement by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code in the amount of $1,250,000.00. This includes $120,000.00 for the 2006 Resurfacing Program and $50,000.00 for related Material Testing. The bid opening is scheduled for February, 2006. This resolutron is required by the Illinois Department of Transportation before the Village 9an expend Motor Fuel Tax funds. I recommend that the Village Board adopt this resolution at the Village Board Meeting on December20, 2005. . /kt A\0~Uk ~j~1 Ml~alik I concur with the above recommendation. Glen R. Andler, Public Works Director c: Village Clerk M. Lisa Angell ~ ---~--.....~.,.,.",.,..,"'"""'-""""'-~..,,"'''''''''''''''"'''=''''''''''..''''''''',,_.''' Resolution for Improvement by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code BE ITRESOL VED, by the Mayor and Board of Trustees Council or President and Board of Trustees Village of Mount Prospect City, Town or Village that the following described street(s) be improved under the IllinoiS Highway Code: Illinois Name of Thorouahfare Route From To 2006 Resurfacina Proaram (various locations) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, 1. That the proposed improvement shall consist of Pavement removal, 1.5" bit. concrete binder course, 1.5" bit. concrete surface course, curb and gutter replacement, bituminous and PCC driveway repairs, PCC sidewalk replacement, drainage structure repairs, parkway restoration and other appurtenant work. Also included, is Material Testing (separate agreement) related to the various itemsofwor'k. and shall be constructed (varies) wide and be designated as Section 06-00147-00-RS 2. Thatthere is hereby appropriated the (additional 0 Yes ~ No) sum of One Million Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ( $1,250,000.00 ) for the improvement of said section from the municipality's allotment of Motor. Fuel Tax funds. 3. That work shall be done by Contract ; and, Specify Contract or Day Labor BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportation. Authorized MFT Expenditure I, M. Lisa Angell Village of Mount Prospect City, Town or Village County of Cook Clerkin and for the , hereby certify the Date foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Mayor and Board of Trustees Council or President and Board of Trustees at a meeting on December 20, 2005 Date IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day of Department of Transportation Regional Engineer (SEAL) . City, Town, or Village Clerk Page 1 of 1 Printed on 12/15/2005 7:49:20 AM But 09111 (Rev. 7/05) RESOLUTION NO. Mount Prospect Mount Prospect Public Works Department INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: VILLAGE MANAGER MICHAEL E. JANONIS FROM: PROJECT ENGINEER '& l-.t~ 12-(~~ DATE: DECEMBER 15, 2005 SUBJECT: MFT MAINTENANCE RESOLUTION - 2006 Attached is the following: Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code (BLR 14231) in the amount of $397,835.00. Included in this Resolution are the following: Account No. Page Item BudQet 1. 0505105-570540 209 Salt & Calcium Chloride $122,950.00 2. 0505405-540660 234 Traffic Signal $81,885.00 3. 0505405-550220 234 Electric $99,270.00 7. 0505104-540515 208 Crack Filling $49,440.00 8. 05051 04-540535 208 Pavement Markings $44,290.00 $397,835.00 This Resolution is required by the Illinois Department of Transportation before the Village can expend Motor Fuel Tax funds. I recommend that the Village Board adopt these resolutions at the Village Board Meeting on December 20, 2005. ~Mi~~L I concur with the above recommendation. Glen R. Andler, Public Works Director C: Village Clerk M. Lisa Angell rv\ ~11Iinois~ of ltansportation Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs to 12/31/2006 Section Number 06 - 00000 - 00 - GM Municipality Village of Mount Prospect Period from 01/01/2006 Estimated Cost of Maintenance Operations Maintenance For Groun I II or III (Material Eaui[Jment or Labor) Operation Group Unit Operation (No. - Description) (I.II.III,IV) Item Unit Quantity Price Cost Cost 1 Salt Ton 3960 30.00 118800.00 118 800.00 2 Calcium Chloride Gal 8300 0.50 4150.00 4,150.00 3 Crack Fillino Ton 49440 1.00 49440.00 49,440.00 4 Pavement Markina Ft 44290 1.00 44290.00 44,290.00 5 Traffic Sional Maint. L.S. 1 81885.00 81885.00 81,885.00 6 Electric L.S. 1 99270.00 99270.00 99,270.00 . . Total Day Labor Costs Total Estimated Maintenance Operation Cost $397,835.00 Preliminary Engineering Engineering Inspection Material Testing Total Estimated Engineering Cost Total Estimated Maintenance Cost $397,835.00 Submitted: December 20,2005 Date Approved: Date By: Glen R. Andler Municipal Official Dir. of Public Works Title Regional Engineer Submit Four (4) Copies to Regional Engineer Page 1 of 1 Printed on 12/15/20057:34:24 AM RESOLUTION NO. BLR 14231 (Rev. 7/05) "~^".",~-,..,'-'Y-~~"""'~'''''-''''"",,,~.,..,.,,,,,,,..,.",,",,~~~,q'~""~"=""_"""''''''''''W'~'''_''-_'"____~__'~m~=__._.'__'__'__,~___~"""""""",=;;.~""""~,=~,,,,,,,~,_.~_________ Mount Prospect Public Works Department INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM FROM: VILLAGE ENGINEER TO: VILLAGER MANAGER MICHAEL E. JANONIS VILLAGE CLERK LISA ANGELL DATE: DECEMBER 12, 2005 SUBJECT: PARKWAY BANK / 1590 SOUTH ELMHURST ROAD Attached please find the Village Board Approval and Acceptance form for the subject project. The project has been satisfactorily completed and I recommend approval of this project. Please place this in line for inclusion at the December 20, 2005 Village Board Meeting. ~. Cc: Glen R. Andler, Public Works Director X: \files\engineer\dev\boardacc\ParkwayBank1590ElmhurstMm VILLAGE BOARD ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AND/OR PRIV A TE IMPROVEMENT APPROVAL PROJECT: Parkwav Bank LOCATION: 1590 South Elmhurst Road DATE: December 12,2005 STAFF APPROVAL ENGINEERING DRAWINGS APPROVED: PLA T OF SUBDIVISION RECEIVED: PLAT OF SUBDIVISION RECORDED: AS BUILT PLANS REVIEWED AND APPROVED: PUBLIC WORKS APPROVAL: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL: FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL: j~~ 'NIt>. NJA. . ~. ENGINEER CLERK CLERK ENGINEER PUB.WKS.DIR. COMM.DEV.DIR. FIRE PREVENTION PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR ACCEPTANCE BY VILLAGE WATER MAIN N/A SANITARY SEWER N/A ROADWAY PAVEMENT NM CURB AND GUTTER N/A SlDEW ALKS N/ A STREET LIGHTS N/ A PARKWAY TREES 3 PARKWAY LANDSCAPING N/A PRIV A TE IMPROVEMENTS APPROVED WATER SERVICE SANITARY SEWER SERVICE STORM SEWER DETENTION POND LANDSCAPING PARKING LOT LANDSCAPING Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THIS DAY OF ,2005. Village Clerk Mount Prospect Mount Prospect Public Works Department INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM FROM: VILLAGE ENGINEER TO: VILLAGER MANAGER MICHAEL E. JANONIS VILLAGE CLERK LISA ANGELL DATE: DECEMBER 12, 2005 SUBJECT: AM PINNACLE HOLDING TOWNHOMES 321 EAST RAND ROAD Attached please find the Village Board Approval and Acceptance form for the subject project. The project has been satisfactorily completed and I recommend approval of this project. Please place this in line for inclusion at the December 20, 2005 Village Board Meeting. ~~ Cc: Glen R. Andler, Public Works Director X: \files\engineer\dev\boardacc\321Rand Mm ~~~,""'"""o"e"'''''=''''''='''';''''''''''_"'1''''''''=m'n=="">,>,:==,,,,1'",":::<C'''''==:~~~-~'===~"",O~=7'Y'l:0l=1====-~_.______..._______.__ VILLAGE BOARD ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AND/OR PRIV ATE IMPROVEMENT APPROVAL PROJECT: AM Pinnacle HoldiDl!: Townhomes LOCATION: 321 East Rand Road DATE: December 8. 2005 ST AFF APPROVAL ENGINEERING DRAWINGS APPROVED: PLAT OF SUBDIVISION RECEIVED: PLAT OF SUBDIVISION RECORDED: AS BUILT PLANS REVIEWED AND APPROVED: PUBLIC WORKS APPROVAL: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL: FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL: JAW- ~)A NJA , ~ ENGINEER CLERK CLERK ENGINEER PUB.WKS.DIR. COMM.DEV.DIR. FIRE PREVENTION PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR ACCEPTANCE BY VILLAGE WATER MAIN COMBINATION SEWER ROADWAY PAVEMENT CURB AND GUTTER SIDEW ALKS STREET LIGHTS PARKWAY TREES PARKWAY LANDSCAPING N/A 55 L.F. 10" PVC 250 S.Y 465 L.F. 1.530 S.F Covenant 7 Complete PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS APPROVED WATER SERVICE SANITARY SEWER SERVICE STORM SEWER DETENTION POND LANDSCAPING PARKING LOT LANDSCAPING Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THIS DAY OF ,2005. Village Clerk Mount Prospect ~ Mount Prospect Public Works Department INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: VILLAGER MANAGER MICHAEL E. JANONIS VILLAGE CLERK LISA ANGELL FROM: VILLAGE ENGINEER DATE: DECEMBER 12, 2005 EUCLID AVENUE UTILITY MAIN EXTENSIONS 1903 - 1909 EAST EUCLID AVENUE SUBJECT: Attached please find the Village Board Approval and Acceptance form for the subject project. The project has been satisfactorily completed and I recommend approval of this project. Please place this in line for inclusion at the December 20, 2005 Village Board Meeting. ~ Cc: Glen R. Andler, Public Works Director X: \files\engineer\dev\boardacc\EuclidUtilityExtensionMm "--'--~-~=".~."'="'=$''''o",""_''''''';='='''';'',",,,,,,_===,,,<==,,,,,,,-,,,,=,,,,,,~ -- _.._-....,...~'''-"'"'.=-='''''''.11''''':::';,-,.,'=..'1,=-~~ VILLAGE BOARD ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AND/OR PRIV ATE IMPROVEMENT APPROVAL PROJECT: Euclid Avenue Utility Main Extensions LOCATION: 1903-1909 East Euclid Avenue DATE: December 8, 2005 STAFF APPROVAL ENGINEERING DRAWINGS APPROVED: PLAT OF SUBDIVISION RECEIVED: PLAT OF SUBDIVISION RECORDED: AS BUILT PLANS REVIEWED AND APPROVED: PUBLIC WORKS APPROVAL: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL: FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL: ~ t'J)~ . ~ ENGINEER CLERK CLERK ENGINEER PUB.WKS.DIR. COMM.DEV.DIR. FIRE PREVENTION PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR ACCEPTANCE BY VILLAGE WATER MAIN SANITARY SEWER STORM SEWER ROADWAYS SIDEWALKS STREET LIGHTS PARKWAY TREES PARKWAY LANDSCAPING N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Complete PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS APPROVED WATER SERVICE I lAW A MAIN SANITARY SEWER SERVICE I lAW A STORM SEWER SIDEWALK LANDSCAPING Complete Complete N/A N/A Complete APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THIS DA Y OF ,2005. Village Clerk Mount Prospt.'Ct Mount Prospect Public Works Department INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: VILLAGER MANAGER MICHAEL E. JANONIS VILLAGE CLERK LISA ANGELL ~~:r lZ.,.,a:;- FROM: VILLAGE ENGINEER DATE: DECEMBER 12, 2005 SUBJECT: HARRIS BANK 1450 SOUTH ELMHURST ROAD Attached please find the Village Board Approval and Acceptance form for the subject project. The project has been satisfactorily completed and I recommend approval of this project. Please place this in line for inclusion at the December 20, 2005 Village Board Meeting. ditu~ Cc: Glen R. Andler, Public Works Director X: \fiIes\engineer\dev\boardacc\HarrisBan k1450ElmhurstMm ----.-.~_.,---"._,-'_.,--~-".,""'--<-.=".,',"~..-'."""'.,~.'''~=''''==''-~--'''''---"'--''''''''''-~''-'='''--~~-'---~',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,=,~,,-wO=~"1'0'=~.;>"''=''M<~______.~~.____ VILLAGE BOARD ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AND/OR PRIVATE IMPROVEMENT APPROVAL PROJECT: Harris Bank LOCATION: 1450 South Elmhurst Road DATE: December 12, 2005 STAFF APPROVAL ENGINEERING ORA WINGS APPROVED: PLAT OF SUBDIVISION RECEIVED: PLAT OF SUBDIVISION RECORDED: AS BUILT PLANS REVIEWED AND APPROVED: PUBLIC WORKS APPROVAL: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL: FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL: ~ N/A NIp.., . ~ ENGINEER CLERK CLERK ENGINEER PUB.WKS.DIR. COMM.DEV.DIR. FIRE PREVENTION PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR ACCEPTANCE BY VILLAGE WATER MAIN N/A SANITARY SEWER N/A ROADW A Y PAVEMENT N/ A CURB AND GUTTER N/ A SIDEW ALKS N/ A STREET LIGHTS N/ A PARKWAY TREES N/A PARK WAY LANDSCAPING N/ A PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS APPROVED WATER SERVICE SANITARY SEWER SERVICE STORM SEWER DETENTION POND LANDSCAPING PARKING LOT LANDSCAPING Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THIS DAY OF ,2005. Village Clerk