HomeMy WebLinkAbout4. OLD BUSINESS 12/20/05 Village of Mount Prospect Community Development Department Mount Prospect MEMORANDUM TO: MICHAEL E. JANONIS, VILLAGE MANAGER ~b. ~~ 8\1'-'105" FROM: DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE: AUGUST 12,2005,2005 SUBJECT: PZ-27-05 - CONDITIONAL USE (CIRCULAR DRIVEWAY) 109 MAC ARTHUR BOULEVARD MATTHEW AND GIGI O'MARA - APPLICANTS The Planning & Zoning Commission transmits their recommendation to deny Case PZ-27-05, a request for a circular driveway, as described in detail in the attached staff report. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard the request at their July 28, 2005 meeting. The Subject Property is located in the Northwest Meadows Subdivision on Mac Arthur Boulevard. The street pavement width of MacArthur Blvd is 27 feet, which is one foot narrower than current Village Code requires. The Petitioner intends to tear down the existing ranch house to construct a new, two story house and related improvements that include a circular driveway. The Zoning Ordinance requires Conditional Use approval for new circular driveways. Previous requests for circular driveways have been approved to address safety concerns, not for convenience or to provide additional parking. The Planning & Zoning Commission discussed the proposed amount of front yard lot coverage, the general character of the neighborhood, and construction of a turn-around as an alternative to a circular driveway. The Petitioner stated that he was most concerned about the safety of his daughter and wanted to provide a safe place for her to play. Neighbors addressed the P&Z and stated concerns regarding additional lot coverage and snow removal; however one neighbor confirmed that many drivers cut through the neighborhood using Mac Arthur Boulevard. The P&Z noted that the circular driveway would be constructed of brick pavers, but that a landscape plan had not been submitted. The P&Z further noted that a maximum of 11 cars could be parked in the driveway and garages, and reiterated their concerns about the front yard lot coverage in a neighborhood characterized by open, green yards. The P&Z also discussed alternatives to a circular drive with the Petitioner. They gave the Petitioner the opportunity to withdraw the request to explore other design options, but the Petitioner declined this option. The Planning & Zoning Commission voted 1-4 to recommend that the Village Board approve a request for a Conditional Use permit for the construction of a circular driveway at 109 Mac Arthur Boulevard, Case No. PZ- 27-05 subject to the following conditions: 1) overnight parking on the circular portion of the driveway is prohibited; and 2) the Petitioner shall construct the driveway of brick pavers In order to approve the request, a super majority vote is required from the Village Board since the P&Z did not make a favorable recommendation. PZ-27 -05 August 12,2005 Page 2 The Petitioner submitted a revised design that reduces the amount of front yard lot coverage. The attached plans indicate the driveway width has been reduced and the front yard lot coverage would not exceed 35%. In addition, the overall site has less than 33% lot coverage; 35% is the lot coverage limitation for the Subject Property. Please forward this memorandum and attachments to the Village Board for their review and consideration at their August 16,2005 meeting. Staff will be present to answer any questions related to this matter. ~~. . '. CP Ijlllc H:\PLAN\Planllillg & Zoning COMM\P&Z 200S\MEJ MClllos\PZ-27-0S MEJ MEMO (109 Mille Arlhur . CU . drivcwiIIY) due. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OFTHE PLANNING &: ZONING COMMISSION CASE NO. PZ-27-05 Hearing Date: July 28, 2005 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1 09 Mac Arthur Boulevard PETITIONERlO\VNER: Matthew andGigi O'Mara 109 Mac Arthur Boulevard, Mount Prospect, IL 60056 PUBLICATION DATE: July 13, 2005 PIN#: 03-33-423-012-0000 REQUEST: MEMBERS PRESENT: Conditional Use - Circular Driveway Chair Arlene Juracek Joseph Donnelly Marlys Haaland Ronald Roberts Richard Rogers MEMBERS ABSENT: Leo Floros Keith Youngquist STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Clare Sloan, Neighborhood Planner Jason Zawila, Long Range Planner Elizabeth Schuh, Planning Intern Christina Park, Planning Intern Ellen Divita, Deputy Director, Community Development INTERESTED PARTIES:" Gigi Matthew Bob Fata Jeffrey Everett Nancy Fritz Don Churchill Chairperson Arlene Juracek called the meeting to order at 7:30p.m. Richard Rogers moved'lo -approve the minutes of the June 23, 2005 meeting and Joseph Donnelly seconded the motion. The motion was approved 5-0. At 8:32 PM Ms.Juracek introduced Case No. 'PZ-27-05 a requesrforVarianceforaCircular Drive way at 109 . Mac Arthur. She said that this case would beVillage Board Final, . Elizabeth Schuh, Planning Intern, summarized the request. She said that the Subject Property is located on the north side of MacArthur Blvd between Withorn Lane and Forest Avenue. The Subject Property is zoned RX Single Family Residence and is bordered by singlt~-family zoning districts on alL sides: Thepetition~r intends to demolish the existing house anci construct a new house and related site improvements. Similar to other requests .' for circular driveways, this street does not have sidewalks or curb and gutter, and. the street pavement width is 27 feet (which is 1 foot less than the current code requirement). The Subject PrOperty is drained by a ditch and. culvert system. The Petitioner intends to construct a new house and related site improvements that will meet Village Code requirements. However, the proposed circular driveway requires Conditional Use apprOval. The proposed circular driveway measures 12-feet wide and would connect to a 'standard' 20 -30' wide driveway. The attached site plan shows that the proposed driveway, to be constructed of brick pavers, would cover 41 % of the front yard. Additionally, the Petitioner plans to construct a two-car garage and a single car garage. Staff discussed the need, for a Conditional Use for1he second garage,' which is attached to the house by a roofed, unenclosed porch. -' fZ-27-05 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting July 28, 2005 Page 2 However, the Director of Community Development determined that since both garages are attached to the house, Conditional Use Approval is not required for the proposed garages. If either or both garages had been detached, a Conditional Use Approval would have been required. The standards for Conditional Uses are listed in the Village Zoning Ordinance. The section contains specific findings that must be made in order to approve a Conditional Use. Ms Schuh summarized the standards and said that as with other requests for circular driveways, Staff evaluated traffic patterns in the neighborhood of the Subject Property. It has been Staff policy to support requests for circular driveways when the Subject Property fronts on an arterial street and/or the traffic volume is such that a circular driveway is necessary to resolve a safety conflict. In this case, the street has a minimally substandard pavement width (1 foot short of the 28 feet required), but it is a Local Street intended to serve only vehicle trips generated within the neighborhood. The Police Department reviewed the request and deferred to the Traffic Engineer's findings. The Village's Traffic Engineer did not find that the volume of traffic along Mac Arthur Boulevard would impede the Petitioner from backing out of the driveway. The Petitioner's submittal calls for a 12-foot wide, brick paver, circular driveway that results in 41 % front yard lot coverage. Historically,. Staff has used the 35% front yard coverage referenced in the Zonirig Ordinance as a guideline to determine the impact of the circular driveway on the neighborhood character. Although the site complies with overall lot coverage requirements and brick pavers are an attractive. alternative toa concrete driveway, the lot coverage in the front yard is an issue. The proposed 41 % front yard coverage would create an amount of paved surface in the front yard in excess of the coverage generally present in the neighborhood. Staff conducted a site visit and found two circular drives in the immediate vicinity of the subject property. The first is located at 212 Mac Arthur Boulevard on a corner lot and appears to have been installed before a Conditional Use Permit was required for circular driveways. Thesecond is located at 1006 W Isabella. The owner of this property applied for a conditional use for the driveway and front porch encroachment into the setback. The Zoning Board of Appeals recommended that the conditional use request for a circular drive be denied. However, the Village Board approved the request after the petitioner reduced the number of cllrb cuts from three to two, reoriented the garage, and reduced the lot coverage to comply with the 35% limit. After the staff report was completed, staff surveyed the full subdivision and found three additionalcircular drives, located at 401 Mac Arthur, 902 Gregory, and 303 Dale. 401 Mac Arthur appears to have been installed before a Conditional Use Permit was required for circular driveways. 902 Gregory and 303 Dale were installed in 1961 and 1992, respectively, and also before a CondItional Use Permit was required. The proposed circular driveway fails to meet the Conditional Use standards of the Zoning Ordinanc e because the circular driveway is not needed to resolve a safety issue and the amount of front yard lot coverage exceeds 35%. Based on these findings, Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission deny the follOv.'ing motion: "To approve a Conditional 'Use permit for a circular driveway for the residence at 109 Mac Arthur Boulevard, Case No.PZ-27-05." The Village Board's decision is final for this case. The property owner Matthew O'Mara and Architect Jeffrey Everett were sworn in. Matthew O'Mara spoke briefly aboutsafety issues on the street. Ms. Juracek confirmedthatthe current house will be demolished. Jeffrey Everett stated that the property was within the overall 35% lot coverage. The petitioners discussed options for reducing lot.coverage, such as a turnaround or narrowing the proposed width, with Joseph DonneHy_ Richard Rogers noted the size of the driveway and the large number of cars that could be parked onthe standard drive without using the circular drive. Mr. O'Mara stated that his concern was not for the number of cars that could be parked on the driveway, but to provide a safe place for his daughter to play. Ms. Jutacekaskedwhy the petitioner would choose to tear down his existing house and build anew house if the location was unsafe for his daughter. Ms. Juracekalso stated that she was concerned about the lot coverage in the front yard" and thought that the large lots in the neighborhood and the large, standard driveway provided ample play space without adding additional pavement to the front yard in an area where the large, green' Jots are a feature of the neighborhood. . I-Z-27 -05 Planning & Zoning Commission tvfeeting July 28, 2005 Page 3 Ronald Roberts asked the petitioner if safety was an issue when backing out of the driveway. The petitioner confirmed that cars speeding around the curve could be a problem, and that he had almost been hit by a van while backing out of his driveway that evening. 1\.1r. Roberts also asked if a landscape plan exists. Mr. O'1\.1ara stated that there is currently no final landscape plan. Marlys Haaland confirmed that both the standard and circular driveway would be constructed of brick pavers. Nancy Fritz of 103 Mac Arthur Boulevard was sworn in. She stated that although people do speed an the street, she does not consider it to be of greater concern than on any other street. She has also raised children in the neighborhood, but thinks that the yards provide enough space for children to play. Ms. Fritz opposes the circular driveway because the amount of pavement in the front yard would hurt the rural, green feel of the neighborhood. Bob Fataof I 10 Mac Arthur was sworn in. He stated that he understood the O'Mara's desire to have a circular drive, and he liked the.results at 1006 Isabella. Mr. Fata was concerned about the problem of snow removal because the removal of snow from 109 Mac Arthur leads to a large amount of snow being deposited near his driveway, which blocks visibility. Ms. Juracek confirmed that the Isabella Circular Drive was approved because it minimized lot coverage and included a landscape plan, and that Mr. Fata was concemedaboutthe snow being deposited on his property. Don Churchill of 107 MacArthur was sworn in. He said that he supported the Petitioner's request and confirmed that fast drivers were a concern in the neighborhood. Reconfirmed that he had also seen a van almost run into the O'Mara's while they were backing out of the driveway . earlier. that day.and stressed that many drivers coming . from the High School use the street as aeut through. Matthew O'Mara came forward to respond to Ms. Juracek's concerns involving snow removal and landscaping. Ms. Juracek also asked if the petitioner would instead install a turnaround with one curb cut rather than a circular drive. Mr.O'Mara stated thatthey were open to options like the turnaround, but that they had originally liked the circular driveway because it provided easy access to the front door and they were concerned about safety issues. Mr. O'Mara also stated that the he was unaware thathis show removal was causing problems for his neighbors, and that he had helped other neighbors remove snow from their yards. . . Mr. Donnelly asked the petitioner if he would agree toacondition that cars could not be,p~rked on the circular drive overnight. Mr. O'1\.1ara said that he would agree. '. Mr. Rogers noted that)! cars could be, parked on the driveway with the addition of the circular drive. Mr. O'Mara stated that 'he did not plan to park that many cars on the driveway,' and that they intended to install landscaping and brick paving which would add to the aesthetics of the area. Ms. Juracek asked if the Petitioner would consider installing a turnaround instead of a circular drive, and confinrted with staff that this would not require a conditional use. Mr.O'Mara stated that they hadbeen considerjng the project for some time,. and that the circular drive was something they wanted to pursue. Ms. Juracek offered the petitioner the opportunity to change his plans to include a turnaround and withdraw his case before the commission voted. The Petitioner chose to seek a vote. Ms. Juracek asked if there were any questions from the audience. There were none and the Public Hearing was closed. Joseph Donnelly made a motion to approve a Conditional Use to construct a Circular Drive as shown on the Petitioner's site plan, Case No. PZ-27-05, 109 Mac Arthur Boulevard, with the condition that no overnight parking be allowed on the driveway. Richard Rogers amended that request to include the condition that the driveway be constructed of brick pavers. Richard Rogers seconded the motion. PZ-27 -05 Planning & Zoning Commission MeetingJuly,Z8, 2005 Page 4 UPON ROLL CALL: AYES: Roberts NAYS: Donnelly, Haaland, Rogers, Juracek Motion was denied 1-4. lil H \Plo\N\PI"'UlilIIA2oIIin. COMM\P'~ 200~\Min.tcs\Pl.21..Q! 109 Mac AMw 8t"d. CU circu(.r driH 7.28~OS,dot Village of Mount Prospect Community Development Department CASE SUMMARY - PZ-27-05 LOCATION: PETITIONERS: OWNERS: PARCEL #: LOT SIZE: ZONING: I...AND USE: REQUEST: 109 Mac Arthur Boulevard Matthew and Gigi O'Mara Matthew and Gigi O'Mara 03-33-423-012-0000 0.44 acres (19,273 square feet) RX Single Family Residence Single Family Residential Conditional Use - Circular Driveway LOCATION MAP ;; -0 uup:-S.tu .., ~ > .1I3 312 :: 31.1 0: ~ ".lIir"lc,,, Park 311 lo.. 311 310 Q; ~fl. Prt)spf'u 310 = ;- .c -t Park District 309 308 1:: 309 308 ..ll: < co= u 0 307 "I 307 304 217 ;; "" 216 212 .. ::I = '" 208 ;. < '" 204 .. .. 0 ... ,... v, M <> <> co co co '" 21.1 206 ~ '204 c ~ ~ MEMORANDUM Village of Mount Prospect Community Development Department TO: MOUNT PROSPECT PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION ARLENEJURACEK,CHA~ERSON FROM: ELIZABETH SCHUH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT INTERN DATE: JULY 21, 2005 HEARING DATE: JULY 28, 2005 SUBJECT: PZ-27-05 - CONDITIONAL USE (CIRCULAR DRIVE) 109 MAC ARTHUR BOULEVARD (O'MARA RESIDENCE) BACKGROUND A public hearing has been scheduled for the July 28, 2005 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting to review the application by Matthew and Gigi O'Mara (the "Petitioner") regarding the property located at 109 Mac Arthur Boulevard (the "Subject Property"). The Petitioner has requested Conditional Use approval to allow the construction of a new circular driveway. The P&Z hearing was properly noticed in the July 13, 2005 edition of the Journal Topics Newspaper. In addition, Staff has completed the required written notice to property owners within 250-feet and posted a Public Hearing sign on the Subject Property. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION The Subject Property is located on the north side of Mac Arthur Blvd between Withorn Lane and Forest Avenue. The Subject Property is zoned RX Single Family Residence and is bordered on all sides by the RX District. Similar to other requests for circular driveways, this street does not have sidewalks or curb and gutter, and the street pavement width is 27 feet (which is I foot less than the current code requirement). The Subject Property is drained by a ditch and culvert system. SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL The Petitioner intends to construct a new house and related site improvements that meet Village Code requirements. However, the proposed circular driveway requires Conditional Use approval (Sec. 14.2215 .A.l). The proposed circular driveway measures 12-feet wide and would connect to a 'standard' 20 -30' wide driveway. The attached site plan shows that the proposed driveway, to be constructed of brick pavers, would cover 41 % of the front yard. GENERAL ZONING COMPLIANCE As previously noted, the Petitioner plans to construct a new, two-story, single-family residence. The proposed house and related improvements will comply with Village regulations. The table on the following page compares the Petitioner's proposal to the bulk requirements of the RX Single Family Residence district. PZ-27-05 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting June 23, 2005 Page 3 RX Single Family District ReQuirements Proposed MINIMIJM SETBACKS Front 40' 40' Interior 10' or 10% oflot width 10' (both) Rear 30' 72' LOT COVERAGE 35% 35% Additionally, the Petitioner plans to construct a two-car garage and a single car garage. Staff discussed the need for a Conditional Use for the second garage, which is attached to the house by a roofed, unenclosed porch. However, the Director of Community Development determined that since both garages are attached to the house, Conditional Use Approval is not required for the proposed garages. If either or both garages had been detached, a Conditional Use Approval would have been required. CONDITIONAL USE STANDARDS The standards for Conditional Uses are listed in Section 14.203.F.8 of the Village Zoning Ordinance. The section contains seven specific findings that must be made in order to approve a Conditional Use. The circular drive is listed as a Conditional Use in the parking section of the Zoning Ordinance (Sec. 14.2215.A.l). The following list is a summary of these findings: · The Conditional Use will not have a detrimental effect on the public health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare; · The Conditional Use will not be injurious to the use, enjoyment, or value of other properties in the vicinity or impede the orderly development of those properties; · Adequate provision of utilities and drainage and design of access and egress to minimize congestion on Village streets; and · Compliance of the Conditional Use with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Code, and other Village Ordinances. As with other requests for circular driveways, Staff evaluated traffic patterns in the neighborhood of the Subject Property. It has been Staff policy to support requests for circular driveways when the Subject Property fronts on an arterial street and/or the traffic volume is such that a circular driveway is necessary to resolve a safety conflict. In this case, the street has a minimally substandard pavement width, but it is a Local Street intended to serve only vehicle trips generated within the neighborhood. The Police Department reviewed the request and deferred to the Traffic Engineer's findings. The Village's Traffic Engineer did not find that the volume of traffic along Mac Arthur Boulevard would impede the Petitioner from backing out of the driveway. The Petitioner's submittal calls for a 12-foot wide, brick paver, circular driveway that results in 41 % front yard lot coverage. Historically, Staff has used the 35% front yard coverage referenced in the Zoning Ordinance as a guideline to determine the impact of the circular driveway on the neighborhood character. Although the site complies with overall lot coverage requirements and brick pavers are an attractive alternative to a concrete driveway, the lot coverage in the front yard is an issue. The proposed 41 % front yard coverage would create an amount of paved surface in the front yard in excess of the coverage generally present in the neighborhood. Staff conducted a site visit and found two circular drives in the immediate vicinity of the subject property. The first is located at 212 Mac Arthur Boulevard on a comer lot and appears to have been installed before a Conditional Use Permit was required for circular driveways. The second is located at 1006 W Isabella. The owner of this property applied for a conditional use for the driveway and front porch encroachment into the setback (case number ZBA-16-01). The Zoning Board of Appeals recommended that the conditional use request for a circular drive be denied. However, the Village Board approved the request after the petitioner reduced the PZ-27-05 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting June 23, 2005 Page 4 number of curb cuts from three to two, reoriented the garage, and reduced the lot coverage to comply with the 35% limit. RECOMMENDA nON The proposed circular driveway fails to meet the Conditional Use standards contained in Section 14.203.F.8 of the Zoning Ordinance because the circular driveway is not needed to resolve a safety issue and the amount of front yard lot coverage exceeds 35%. Based on these findings, Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission deny the following motion: "To approve a Conditional Use permit for a circular driveway for the residence at 109 Mac Arthur Boulevard, Case No. PZ-27-05." The Village Board's decision is final for this case. I concur: ~!-7 ~o~brector of Community Development Iii H \PlAN\Pl;6/uIUlg &. ZOlllJl@ COMM\P&Z 2005\Slilrr MC:lllo\PZ.27.0~ MEMO (I 09 M~c At\hur Blvd. CU circul.., dli\lc)doc 'VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT Mount Prospect ~ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - Plarining Division 50 S. Emerson Street Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 Phone 847.818.5328 FAX 847.818.5329 Application for Conditional Use Approval Z Case Number 0 P&Z - - - Eo-< -<- Development N amel Address ! ~~ 00 ~ t: Date of Submission ~S :.><8 ~ Hearing Date Q Z - I z o ..... Eo-< -< ~ 0::: C ~ Z - ~ ~ ..... r.n I.-' Z - ~ r.n ~ ~ z o 1=. < ~ ~ I o _ '"" d Z ~ - .- Qo.. Z 0.. ;l< o I a: ~ ;:,c: u <: = Address(es) (Street Number, Street) S' Lot Coverage (%) N Side JD Side Adjacent Land Uses: orth . j 'oQ Tax !.D. Numb", 0' County Assigned Pin Numbe<(s~ _ :::n- ~'d':r D\ Q. _CX:Q:(j South East West Proposed Conditional Use (as listed in the zoning district) Q ~ I-< ~cn o~ ;;"'0' ~~ :E~ ;:JO cn- I-< U , Hours of Operation ~z !::O cn- QI-< ~~ ~O O~ ~z ~- D Address(es) (Street Number, Street) Please note that the application will not be reviewed until this petition has been fully completed and all required plans and other materials have been satisfactorily submitted to the Planning Division. Incomplete submittals will not be accepted. It is strongly suggested that the petitioner schedule an appointment with the appropriate Village staffso that materials can be reviewed for accuracy and completeness at the time of submittal. In consideration oftbe information contained in this petition as well as all supporting documentation, it is requested that approval be given to this request. The applicant is the owner or authorized representative oftbe owner of the property. The petitioner and the owner of the property grant employees oftbe Village of Mount Prospect and their agents permission to enter on the property during reasonable hours for visual inspection of the subject property. Applican Date If applicant is not p I hereby designate the applicant to act as my agent for the purpose of seeking the Variation(s) described in this application and the associated supporting material. Property Owner Date Mount Prospect Department of Community Development 50 South Emerson Street, Mount Prospect Illinois WWw.mountprospect.org 3 Phone 847.818.5328 Fax 847.818.5329 TDD 847.392.6064 June 29, 2005 Zoning Commission Proposed Conditional Use Request We are requesting condition use approval for a proposed circular driveway to be installed as part of our new house that will be built on our existing property at l09 N. MacArthur. The following safety issues exist that provide reasons for our request: · Traffic flow is very heavy due to easy access for the Meadows Park baseball fields, Meadows Park pool and all events that take place at Prospect High School. The visibility to our house heading southbound on MacArthur from the high school is poor because our property is right after a curve in the street. · Related to the above reasons, speeding is also an issue. The village installed a counter device in front of our house because of the heavy flow of traffic and complaints of cars racing down the street. · A neighbor's child was hit by a vehicle last spring which resulted in a broken ann along with cuts and bruises. · We have an eight year old daughter who enjoys rollerblading and riding her scooter, however, do to the heavy flow of traffic and the absence of sidewalks it is impossible for her to enjoy these activities. With the installation of a circular driveway she can enjoy these outdoor activities safely. · Minimize traffic congestion on MacArthur, when we have visitors at our home, there is minimal space for traffic to get through when our visitor's vehicles are parked on the street. Please consider the above stated safety and congestion issues and grant our request for condition use approval for a circular driveway. Thank you. Matthew & Gigi O'Mara ] 09 N. MacArthur Mount Prospect, IL 60056 z o - 1- <: ~ '-ul 5 I Corporation '- ~ zo - >. Qt:: z 0) ;:;;J c- O 2 c::c... \.:)1 ~ U <: c:l elephone (day) :\,OCL \ Ql,) ~ 166. ~O- 185 Pager Telephone (day) Address Fax Attorney Name Telephone (day) Address Fax Surveyor ;Z Name Telephone (day) 0 I - E-< '" Address Fax ~l O~ ~ 0 ;Z ... _A. ~ s:: Engineer ;Z 0) ;:l E Name Telephone (day) o go ~o e,:I :- Address Fax ~ <:.l UO -(I = Architect V Name Telephone (day): : Address Fax Landscape Architect Name Telephone (day): Address Fax Mount Prospect Department of Community Development 50 South Emerson Street, Mount Prospect Illinois www.mountprospect.org 2 Phone 847.818.5328 Fax 847.818.5329 TDD 847.392.6064 . V CD t Affidavit of OV\'nership II COL'NTY OF COOK ) ) STATE OF ILTlfi~IS ) !, JY1Q'-H\ ~DD A" tiWCL , under oath, state that I am the sole ~an an authorized officer of the ) ) owner of the property ) co and that such property is owned by o rYu,Q) as of this date. Subscribed and sworn to before me this d <6'~ day of ~\'1e.:- ,20122. ~o.~~ tary Pub] c "OFFJCIAL SEAL" KELL Y A KELLER Notary Public, State of illinOIS My Commls51on Expires 11/25/07 Mount Prospect Department of Community Development 50 South Emerson Street, Mount Prospect Illinois www.mountprospect.org 4 Phone 847.818.5328 Fax 847.818.5329 TDD 847.392.6064 CONS" ~o~y .ns :'9':; ~~ I}j.JD .CO!OJ IE~ 'E.N~E.R :ONCE ~i4o.sF :. 'lND ~L ':)~ N;~ ~21D.1 E: .0--9" , -V-"'rJ'I~'O /<ADIU-, -. ::-:::1 .. 110,0 - I'" f'\ fO\ Q.. _ I -r-- I + ~~" " 0tr~ 1t~ ~\0N\3) ~ f<+ & ..t- OJ cO ~ q C'l Q; ~ ~I -+ '?l I:: ,~~',i-\.- ''j -;; -J', =- C'~ R>< S!NQ.:"E. t::p..:v1! Ly f<E'5!:;F;~..j CE LO-;- S:"2E .. 1'1'173 5;:: f-LClOR f>.,REp.R",-;-:O 1>-:":"0\y'p..::,L..=: - ,,::;' + <0 7~:; ::,~ 111 '" ::::l r> 6 u .{ (() 1'1 -R=5IQi:NCE 1'::lT' ;:::..oo~ ~O~C:Hi:~ LI'<'INGt G;..R"'GE:, 'j,f...;;) rLDD.:<' t'Op/'CH L.lvING: :--:-Oi!>-L F/l-R, ?;,GJ i I Sp l!' o rJ3 (1 ~ ~7: 5:: <:l.! 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" -l / -- i I j' y r \,. !l; III ! " ,Ii om or~ recj\c\€f\c-e I C) 9 1\ ~)cC 'd'rt\rJr- dy.\ Ve. f1\? II' s S~ I \ I OIS \ l',a, (.oj i, 05 (r-ey 15-ed G, 0..t> 10 s) ... . c ... , T. C .. Ite_,.. .......~.....C"I __....c.......,. ....0.. ..7,.'0,0.'" mla 10/11/05 mla 08/08/05 jc 08/10/05 '- ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 109 MAC ARTHUR BOULEVARD WHEREAS, Matthew and Gigi O'Mara (hereinafter referred to as "Petitioner") has filed a petition for a Conditional Use permit with respect to property located at 109 Mac Arthur Boulevard (hereinafter referred to as the "Subject Property") and legally described as follows: Lot 10 in Block 7 in Arthur T. Mcintosh & Company's Northwest Meadows, being a Subdivision in the East half of Section 33, Township 42 North, Range 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian, In Cook County, Illinois. Property Index Numbers: 03-33-423-012-0000 and WHEREAS, the Petitioner seeks a Conditional Use to construct a circular driveway; and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held on the request for the Conditional Use permit being the subject of PZ-27-05 before the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Village of Mount Prospect on the 28th day of July, 2005, pursuant to proper legal notice having been published in the Mount Prospect Journal & Topics on the 13th day of July, 2005; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has submitted its findings and negative recommendation to the President and Board of Trustees in denial of the request being the subject of PZ-27-05; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect have given consideration to the request herein and have determined that the same meets the standards of the Village and that the granting of the proposed Conditional Use would be in the best interest of the Village. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, ACTING IN THE EXERCISE OF THEIR HOME RULE POWERS: SECTION ONE: The recitals set forth hereinabove are incorporated as findings of fact by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect. A Page 2/2 PZ-27 -05,109 Mac Arthur Boulevard SECTION TWO: The President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect do hereby grant a Conditional Use permit, as provided for in Section 14.203.F.7 of the Village Code, to allow the construction of a circular driveway, as shown on the Site Plan, prepared by Jeffrey William Everett, revised August 1, 2005, a copy of which is attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof as Exhibit "A". SECTION THREE: That the Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to record a certified copy of this Ordinance with the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County. SECTION FOUR: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED and APPROVED this day of ,2005. Irvana K. Wilks Village President ATTEST: M. Lisa Angell Village Clerk H:\CLKO\fiIes\WIN\ORDINANC\C USE, 109 MacArthurBlvd, circular drive.doc I, f/ .', j.. "'e,,,",,,,,>;>> '# t;.i" PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE A public hearing on the proposed 2006 Budget for the Vil- lage of Mount Prospect will be held on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Village Boord Room at Village Hall, 50 South Emerson Street, Mount Prospect, Illinois. The proposed budget may be ex- amined on weekdays in the Office of the Village Clerk In the Village Hall, 50 South Emerson Street between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. All interested persons will be given on opportunity to present oral or written comments. . The proposed spending plan is for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2006 and ending December 31, 2006. Following Is a summary of the proposed budget bv fund type: Village Funds: General Fund Special Revenue Funds Debt Service Funds Capital Proiect Funds Enterprise Funds I nternal Service Funds Pension Funds Total Village Funds Library Funds Total Village and Library Funds MICHAEL E. JANONIS Village Manager Published in Daily Herald December 8,2005 (3649675)N $33,397,322 6,705,995 3,833,577 9,713,7~ 10,375," 8,893,_ $~ ~ Mount Prospect INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM Village of Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois TO: MICHAEL E. JANONIS, VILLAGE MANAGER FROM: DIRECTOR OF FINANCE DATE: NOVEMBER 29, 2005 SUBJECT: 2005 PROPERTY TAX LEVY AND ABATEMENT ORDINANCES PURPOSE: To obtain approval of the attached three ordinances related to the tax levies of the Village, the Mount Prospect Public Library, and the Village's special service area. BACKGROUND: Prior to December 27, 2005 the Village must have on file with the County Clerk its 2005 tax levy and abatement ordinances. The Village will receive the proceeds from the 2005 tax levy in 2006. The Village Board first discussed the proposed 2005 tax levy at its October 25th Committee of the Whole meeting at which time the proposed Village levy was $12,698,307. At the November 8th Committee of the Whole meeting, the levy was modified to account for changes in the amount allocated for the General and Refuse Funds. The levy as presented in this ordinance is $13,020,278, an increase of 7.66% over the prior year. The Mount Prospect Library Board approved their tax levy request at its meeting on October 20, 2005. They are asking for a total levy , inclusive of a 2% provision for loss and cost, of $7,418,165. This represents an increase of 4.89% over the 2004 levy. DISCUSSION: The following table compares the proposed 2005 levy to the 2004 levy for the Village and Library. The amounts presented in the table are net of abatements and are inclusive of the 2% provision for loss and cost. 2004 Levy 2005 Levy $ Increase % Change VILLAGE General 6,624,249 7,220,738 596,489 9.00% Refuse 2,289,820 1,929,053 (360,767) (15.76%) Debt Service 1,201,599 1,415,924 214,325 17.84% Police Pension 964,304 1,271,893 307,589 31.90% Fire Pension 1,013,943 1,182,670 168,727 16.64% Total Village 12,093,915 13,020,278 926,363 7.66% LIBRARY Operations 5,457,211 5,809,344 352,133 6.45% Debt Service 1,615,349 1,608,821 (6,528) (0.40%) Total Library 7,072,560 7,418,165 345,605 4.89% TOTAL 19,166,475 20,438,443 1,271.968 6.64% 2005 Property Tax Levy November 29,2005 Page 2 A detailed spreadsheet of all proposed levies, including detailed levies and abatements for each outstanding bond issue, is also attached. The Village's 2004 equalized assessed valuation (EAV) was $1,491,117,145. Our 2005 EAV is estimated to remain unchanged from the prior year. The Village's 2005 tax rate is expected to increase to $0.873 from the 2004 rate of $0.811. The Library's 2005 tax rate is estimated at $0.497, compared to the 2004 rate of $0.474. For illustration purposes only, a home with an EAV of $86,545 (a market value of approximately $350,000) in 2005 will pay taxes of $755 to the Village of Mount Prospect and $430 to the Library for the levy extended in 2004. This represents increases of $53 and $20, respectively, over the levy extended in 2003. Special Service Area No.5 was created in the mid-eighties to help fund the bringing of Lake Michigan water to the Village's water system. It is recommended the 2005 levy remain the same as the 2004 levy ($1,545,773). The resulting tax rate is estimated to be $0.125. The Village Board is being asked to consider three ordinances related to the 2005 tax levy. Two of the ordinances establish the initial levy of the Village (including the Library) and the Village's special service area. There is also one abatement ordinance that reduce a portion of the debt service tax levies established by the various bond ordinances. The proposed ordinances reflect the numbers as presented in the proposed 2006 budget. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Village Board approve the attached 2005 tax levy and abatement ordinances. , , :;"':~-".t..~<.-:.~.~...,., ^^~ /-" - --- DAVID O. ERB DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Attachment DOEI 1:\Property Taxes\2005 Levy\Levy and Abatement Ordinance Cover Memo to Board - 2005.doc VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT AND THE MOUNT PROSPECT PUBLIC LIBRARY SUMMARY OF 2005 PROPERTY TAX LEVY 2% Net Provision Total 2005 2005 Loss and 2005 Levv Abatement Levy Costs Extension VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT General Corporate Fund 7,079,155 0 7,079,155 141,583 7,220,738 Refuse Fund 1.891,228 0 1,891,228 37,825 1,929,053 Police Pension Fund 1,246,954 0 1,246,954 24,939 1,271,893 Firefighters' Pension Fund 1,159,480 0 1,159,480 23,190 1,182,670 Debt Service Funds Series 1987A (Ord. 3782) 405,000 0 405,000 8,100 413,100 Series 1996A & B (Ord. 4780) 213,815 213,815 0 0 0 Series 1998A & B (Ord. 4917) 65,345 65,345 0 0 0 Series 1998 Taxable (Ord. 4977) 155,675 155,675 0 0 0 Series 1999 (Ord. 4999) 839,800 839,800 0 0 0 Series 2000 (Ord. 5114) 492,228 492,228 0 0 0 Series 2001 (Ord. 5212) 386,453 0 386,453 7,729 394,182 Series 2002A & B (Ord. 5236) 0 0 0 0 0 Series 2003 (Ord. 5301) 911,708 315,000 596,708 11,934 608,642 Total Village 14,846,841 2,081,863 12,764,978 255,300 13,020,278 MOUNT PROSPECT PUBLIC LIBRARY library Operations 5,695,435 0 5,695,435 113,909 5,809,344 library Debt Service 1,577,275 0 1,577,275 31,546 1,608,821 T otallibrary 7,272,710 0 7,272,710 145,455 7,418,165 TOTAL - VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT AND PUBLIC LIBRARY 22,119,551 2,081,863 20,037,688 400,755 20,438,443 SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NO.5 1,515,464 0 1,515,464 30,309 1,545,773 Mouru Prospect INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM Village of Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois TO: MICHAEL E. JANONIS, VILLAGE MANAGER FROM: DIRECTOR OF FINANCE DATE: NOVEMBER 29,2005 SUBJECT: 2005 PROPERTY TAX LEVY AND ABATEMENT ORDINANCES PURPOSE: To obtain approval ofthe attached three ordinances related to the tax levies ofthe Village, the Mount Prospect Public Library, and the Village's special service area. BACKGROUND: Prior to December 27, 2005 the Village must have on file with the County Clerk its 2005 tax levy and abatement ordinances. The Village will receive the proceeds from the 2005 tax levy in 2006. The Village Board first discussed the proposed 2005 tax levy at its October 25th Committee of the Whole meeting at which time the proposed Village levy was $12,698,307. At the November 8th Committee of the Whole meeting, the levy was modified to account for changes in the amount allocated for the General and Refuse Funds. The levy as presented in this ordinance is $13,020,278, an increase of 7.66% over the prior year. The Mount Prospect Library Board approved their tax levy request at its meeting on October 20,2005. They are asking for a total levy, inclusive of a 2% provision for loss and cost, of$7,418,165. This represents an increase of 4.89% over the 2004 levy. DISCUSSION: The following table compares the proposed 2005/evyto the 2004 levy for the Village and Library. The amounts presented in the table are net of abatements and are inclusive of the 2% provision for loss and cost. 2004 Levy 2005 Levy $ Increase % Change VILLAGE General 6,624,249 7,220,738 596,489 9.00% Refuse 2,289,820 1,929,053 (360,767) (15.76%) Debt Service 1,201,599 1,415,924 214,325 17.84% Police Pension 964,304 1,271,893 307,589 31.90% Fire Pension 1,013,943 1,182,670 168,727 16.64% Total Village 12,093,915 13,020,278 926,363 7.66% LIBRARY Operations 5,457,211 5,809,344 352,133 6.45% Debt Service 1,615,349 1,608,821 (6,528) (0.40%) Total Library 7,072,560 7,418,165 345,605 4.89% TOTAL 19,166,475 20,438,443 1,271,968 6.64% 2005 Property Tax Levy November 29, 2005 Page 2 A detailed spreadsheet of all proposed levies, including detailed levies and abatements for each outstanding bond issue, is also attached. The Village's 2004 equalized assessed valuation (EAV) was $1,491,117,145. Our 2005 EAV is estimated to remain unchanged from the prior year. The Village's 2005 tax rate is expected to increase to $0.873 from the 2004 rate of $0.811. The Library's 2005 tax rate is estimated at $0.497, compared to the 2004 rate of $0.474. For illustration purposes only, a home with an EAV of $86,545 (a market value of approximately $350,000) in 2005 will pay taxes of $755 to the Village of Mount Prospect and $430 to the Library for the levy extended in 2004. This represents increases of $53 and $20, respectively, over the levy extended in 2003. Special Service Area No.5 was created in the mid-eighties to help fund the bringing of Lake Michigan water to the Village's water system. It is recommended the 2005 levy remain the same as the 2004 levy ($1,545,773). The resulting tax rate is estimated to be $0.125. The Village Board is being asked to consider three ordinances related to the 2005 tax levy. Two of the ordinances establish the initial levy of the Village (including the Library) and the Village's special service area. There is also one abatement ordinance that reduce a portion of the debt service tax levies established by the various bond ordinances. The proposed ordinances reflect the numbers as presented in the proposed 2006 budget. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Village Board approve the attached 2005 tax levy and abatement ordinances. , , .:...--:."".!:...<.-c<__...... ~' / [/C-- DAVID O. ERB DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Attachment DOEI 1:\Property Taxes\2005 Levy\Levy and Abatement Ordinance Cover Memo to Board - 2005.doc VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT AND THE MOUNT PROSPECT PUBLIC LIBRARY SUMMARY OF 2005 PROPERTY TAX LEVY 2% Net Provision Total 2005 2005 Loss and 2005 Levv Abatement Levv Costs Extension VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT General Corporate Fund 7,079,155 0 7,079,155 141,583 7,220,738 Refuse Fund 1,891,228 0 1,891,228 37,825 1,929,053 Police Pension Fund 1,246,954 0 1,246,954 24,939 1,271,893 Firefighters' Pension Fund 1,159,480 0 1,159,480 23,190 1,182,670 Debt Service Funds Series 1987A (Ord. 3782) 405,000 0 405,000 8,100 413,100 Series 1996A & B (Ord. 4780) 213,815 213,815 0 0 0 Series 1998A & B (Ord. 4917) 65,345 65,345 0 0 0 Series 1998 Taxable (Ord. 4977) 155,675 155,675 0 0 0 Series 1999 (Ord. 4999) 839,800 839,800 0 0 0 Series 2000 (Ord. 5114) 492,228 492,228 0 0 0 Series 2001 (Ord. 5212) 386,453 0 386,453 7,729 394,182 Series 2002A & B (Ord. 5236) 0 0 0 0 0 Series 2003 (Ord. 5301) 911,708 315,000 596,708 11,934 608,642 Total Village 14,846,841 2,081,863 12,764,978 255,300 13,020,278 MOUNT PROSPECT PUBLIC LIBRARY Library Operations 5,695,435 0 5,695,435 113,909 5,809,344 Library Debt Service 1.577,275 0 1.577,275 31,546 1,608,821 Total Library 7,272,710 0 7,272,710 145,455 7,418,165 TOTAL - VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT AND PUBLIC LIBRARY 22,119,551 2,081,863 20,037,688 400,755 20,438,443 SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NO.5 1,515,464 0 1,515,464 30,309 1,545,773 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF TAXES FOR THE CORPORATE AND MUNICIPAL PURPOSES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2005 AND ENDING DECEMBER31,2005 PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES the day of , 2005 Published in pamphlet form by authority of the corporate authorities of the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois the day of , 2005. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF TAXES FOR THE CORPORATE AND MUNICIPAL PURPOSES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2005 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2005 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois, as follows: Section 1: That the sum of Twenty Million Thirty-Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty-Eight ($20,037,688), the same being the total amount to be levied of budget appropriations heretofore made for the corporate and municipal purposes for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2005 and ending December 31, 2005 as approved by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect, be and the same is hereby levied on all taxable property within the Village of Mount Prospect according to the valuation of said property as is, or shall be assessed or equalized by the State and County purposes for the current year 2005. Section 2: The budgetary appropriations having been made by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect were passed and approved by Ordinance No. 5475 at a meeting hereof regularly convened and held in said Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois, on the 21 st day of December, 2004, and as amended by Ordinance No. 5489 passed and approved on the th day of June, 2005, thereafter duly published according to law, the various objects and purposes for said budgetary appropriations are heretofore made and set forth under the column entitled "Amount Budgeted", and the specific amount herein levied for each object and purpose is set forth under the column entitled "Amount Levied", in Articles I through XIII. VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS 2005 TAX LEVY Amount Amount Budgeted Levied ARTICLEI-GENERALFUND 01 Public Representation 01 Mayor and Board of Trustees Personal Services 25,000 0 Employee Benefits 2,643 0 Other Employee Costs 2,000 0 Contractual Services 66,702 0 Utilities 500 0 Commodities & Supplies 5,000 0 Total Mayor and Board of Trustees 101,845 0 02 Advisory Boards and Commissions Personal Services 9,690 0 Employee Benefits 3,248 0 Contractual Services 2,000 0 Commodities & Supplies 600 0 Total Advisory Boards and Commissions 15,538 0 Total Public Representation 117,383 0 11 Village Administration 01 Village Manager's Office Personal Services 325,760 0 Employee Benefits 79,949 0 Other Employee Costs 9,000 0 Contractual Services 2,750 0 Utilities 4,500 0 Commodities & Supplies 3,650 0 Office Equipment 300 0 Total Village Manager's Office 425,909 0 02 Legal Services Contractual Services 350,000 0 Total Legal Services 350,000 0 03 Personnel Services Personal Services 171,362 0 Employee Benefits 51,648 0 Other Employee Costs 19,450 0 Contractual Services 30,650 0 Commodities & Supplies 1,300 0 Office Equipment 300 0 Total Personnel Services 274,710 0 2 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS 2005 TAX LEVY Amount Amount Budgeted Levied 04 Management Information Systems Personal Services 224,218 0 Employee Benefits 81,035 0 Other Employee Costs 5,100 0 Contractual Services 431,008 0 Utilities 2,510 0 Commodities & Supplies 3,900 0 Office Equipment 16,300 0 Total Management Information Systems 764,071 0 05 Public Information Personal Services 47,001 0 Employee Benefits 18,791 0 Other Employee Costs 2,250 0 Contractual Services 62,500 0 Utilities 520 0 Commodities & Supplies 2,000 0 Total Public Information 133,062 0 Total Village Administration 1,947,752 0 12 Television Services Division 02 Cable TV Operations Personal Services 69,010 0 Employee Benefits 27,573 0 Other Employee Costs 2,450 0 Contractual Services 7,217 0 Utilities 2,000 0 Commodities & Supplies 5,350 0 Other Equipment 54,250 0 Total Cable TV Operations 167,850 0 04 Intergovernmental Programming Personal Services 26,459 0 Employee Benefits 9,194 0 Other Employee Costs 4,254 0 Commodities & Supplies 2,500 0 Other Equipment 3,500 0 Total Intergovernmental Programming 45,907 0 Total Television Services Division 213,757 0 3 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS 2005 TAX LEVY 4 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS 2005 TAX LEVY 5 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS 2005 TAX LEVY Amount Amount Budgeted Levied 06 Housing Inspections Personal Services 209,631 0 Employee Benefits 77,253 0 Other Employee Costs 2,250 0 Contractual Services 14,077 0 Utilities 4,168 0 Commodities & Supplies 2,400 0 Total Housing Inspections 309,779 0 07 Health Inspections Personal Services 71 ,510 0 Employee Benefits 27,112 0 Other Employee Costs 857 0 Contractual Services 13,950 0 Utilities 2,390 0 Commodities & Supplies 1,150 0 Total Health Inspections 116,969 0 Total Community Development Dept. 1,693,426 0 31 Human Services Department 01 Human Services Administration Personal Services 107,331 0 Employee Benefits 31,768 0 Other Employee Costs 1,900 0 Contractual Services 14,940 0 Utilities 11,500 0 Commodities & Supplies 5,230 0 Office Equipment 1,500 0 Total Human Services Administration 174,169 0 02 Social Services Personal Services 233,340 0 Employee Benefits 79,780 0 Other Employee Costs 1,950 0 Commodities & Supplies 1,000 0 Total Social Services 316,070 0 03 NursinglHealth Services Personal Services 89,791 0 Employee Benefits 31,222 0 Other Employee Costs 350 0 Contractual Services 29,800 0 Commodities & Supplies 34,435 0 Total Nursing/Health Services 185,598 0 6 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS 2005 TAX LEVY Amount Amount Budgeted Levied 04 Senior Center Leisure Programs Personal Services 22,738 0 Employee Benefits 7,258 0 Contractual Services 13,800 0 Commodities & Supplies 900 0 Total Senior Programs 44,696 0 Total Human Services Department 720,533 0 41 Police Department 01 Police Administration Personal Services 893,543 0 Employee Benefits 1,409,006 0 Other Employee Costs 87,500 0 Contractual Services 76,000 0 Utilities 46,400 0 Commodities & Supplies 16,283 0 Office Equipment 650 0 Total Police Administration 2,529,382 0 02 Patrol and Traffic Enforcement Personal Services 5,427,752 3,610,370 Employee Benefits 999,085 0 Contractual Services 505,740 0 Commodities & Supplies 47,125 0 Office Equipment 500 0 Other Equipment 11,300 0 Total Patrol and Traffic Enforcement 6,991,502 3,610,370 03 Crime Prevention & Public Services Personal Services 200,881 0 Employee Benefits 22,370 0 Other Employee Costs 3,000 0 Contractual Services 2,400 0 Commodities & Supplies 6,050 0 Total Crime Prevention & Public Services 234,701 0 04 Investigative and Juvenile Program Personal Services 1,025,538 0 Employee Benefits 161,244 0 Contractual Services 22,970 0 Commodities & Supplies 3,000 0 Total Investigative and Juvenile Program 1,212,752 0 7 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS 2005 TAX LEVY Amount Amount Budgeted Levied 05 Crossing Guards Personal Services 25,476 0 Employee Benefits 1,949 0 Commodities & Supplies 150 0 Total Crossing Guards 27,575 0 06 Equipment Maintenance & Operations Contractual Services 635,081 0 Commodities & Supplies 13,540 0 Other Equipment 10,950 0 Total Equipment Maintenance & Operations 659,571 0 Total Police Department 11,655,483 3,610,370 42 Fire Department 01 Fire Administration Personal Services 583,072 0 Employee Benefits 1,419,624 0 Other Employee Costs 58,250 0 Contractual Services 21,960 0 Commodities & Supplies 8,050 0 Office Equipment 4,000 0 Other Equipment 13,000 0 Total Fire Administration 2,107,956 0 02 Fire Department Operations Personal Services 5,205,440 3,468,785 Employee Benefits 793,930 0 Other Employee Costs 28,600 0 Contractual Services 137,350 0 Commodities & Supplies 13,150 0 Building Improvements 4,000 0 Other Equipment 41,350 0 Total Fire Department Operations 6,223,820 3,468,785 03 Fire Training Academy Personal Services 9,000 0 Employee Benefits 131 0 Commodities & Supplies 4,000 0 Total Fire Training Academy 13,131 0 8 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS 2005 TAX LEVY Amount Amount Budgeted Levied 04 Fire Prevention Personal Services 355,221 0 Employee Benefits 124,110 0 Other Employee Costs 5,490 0 Contractual Services 1,750 0 Commodities & Supplies 7,660 0 Other Equipment 1,000 0 Total Fire Prevention 495,231 0 05 Fire Communications Contractual Services 15,300 0 Utilities 42,500 0 Commodities & Supplies 300 0 Other Equipment 4,000 0 Total Fire Communications 62,100 0 06 Equipment Maintenance Personal Services 111 ,831 0 Employee Benefits 40,415 0 Other Employee Costs 1,000 0 Contractual Services 238,212 0 Commodities & Supplies 52,010 0 Other Equipment 500 0 Total Equipment Maintenance 443,968 0 07 Emergency Preparedness Other Employee Costs 1,000 0 Contractual Services 3,300 0 Commodities & Supplies 5,880 0 Total Emergency Preparedness 10, 180 0 08 Paid-an-Call Program Personal Services 20,300 0 Employee Benefits 1,855 0 Other Employee Costs 8,525 0 Other Equipment 1,000 0 Total Paid-an-Call Program 31,680 0 Total Fire Department 9,388,066 3,468,785 9 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS 2005 TAX LEVY 10 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS 2005 TAX LEVY Amount Amount Budgeted Levied 07 Storm Sewer and Basin Maintenance Personal Services 113,502 0 Employee Benefits 37,392 0 Contractual Services 11,090 0 Commodities & Supplies 6,630 0 Total Storm Sewer and Basin Maintenance 168,614 0 08 Maintenance of State Highways Personal Services 21,247 0 Employee Benefits 6,797 0 Contractual Services 16,846 0 Commodities & Supplies 21,271 0 Total Maintenance of State Highways 66, 161 0 09 Traffic Sign Maintenance Personal Services 70,230 0 Employee Benefits 22,025 0 Commodities & Supplies 18,850 0 Total Traffic Sign Maintenance 111,105 0 Total Public Works - Streets/Bldgs/Parking 1,919,827 0 52 Public Works - Forestry/Grounds 01 Forestry Division Administration Personal Services 155,691 0 Employee Benefits 47,100 0 Total Forestry Division Administration 202,791 0 02 Maintenance of Grounds Personal Services 229,242 0 Employee Benefits 68,890 0 Contractual Services 121,100 0 Commodities & Supplies 6,460 0 Other Equipment 8,800 0 Total Maintenance of Grounds 434,492 0 03 Forestry Program Personal Services 252,012 0 Employee Benefits 82,817 0 Other Employee Costs 3,350 0 Contractual Services 404,077 0 Commodities & Supplies 9,805 0 Total Forestry Program 752,061 0 11 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS 2005 TAX LEVY Amount Amount Budgeted Levied 04 Public Grounds Beautification Personal Services 22,249 0 Employee Benefits 6,965 0 Contractual Services 7,060 0 Commodities & Supplies 8,175 0 Total Public Grounds Beautification 44,449 0 Total Public Works - Forestry/Grounds 1,433,793 0 52 Public Works - Engineering 01 Engineering Services Personal Services 485,701 0 Employee Benefits 151,067 0 Other Employee Costs 5,100 0 Contractual Services 51,928 0 Commodities & Supplies 6,270 0 Office Equipment 500 0 Other Equipment 1,500 0 Total Engineering Services 702,066 0 05 Traffic Control & Street Lighting Personal Services 74,969 0 Employee Benefits 24,422 0 Contractual Services 4,120 0 Utilities 100,000 0 Commodities & Supplies 11,000 0 Total Traffic Signals & Street Lighting 214,511 0 Total Public Works - Engineering 916,577 0 61 Community Service Programs 01 Community Groups & Misc. Contractual Services 83,900 0 Other Expenditures 7,500 0 Total Community Groups & Misc. 91,400 0 03 4th of July & Civic Events, Etc. Personal Services 54,420 0 Employee Benefits 8,836 0 Contractual Services 26,870 0 Utilities 300 Commodities & Supplies 13,005 0 Total 4th of July & Civic Events, Etc. 103,431 0 12 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS 2005 TAX LEVY 04 Holiday Decorations Personal Services Employee Benefits Contractual Services Utilities Commodities & Supplies Total Holiday Decorations 05 Blood Donor Program Personal Services Employee Benefits Commodities & Supplies Total Blood Donor Program Total Community Service Programs 82 Retiree Pensions 01 Miscellaneous Pensions Pension Benefits Total Miscellaneous Pensions Total Retiree Pensions 89 Non-Departmental 01 Contingencies Interfund Transfers Total Contingencies Total Non-Departmental TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL BUDGET FOR GENERAL FUND AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY ADD 2% FOR LOSS & COST OF COLLECTION TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY FOR GENERAL FUND 13 Amount Amount Budgeted Levied 6,950 0 2,245 0 58,000 0 100 11,530 0 78,825 0 1,850 0 142 0 800 0 2,792 0 276,448 0 54,630 54,630 54,630 o o o 805,000 805,000 805,000 o o o 33,989,385 7,079,155 33,989,385 7,079,155 141,583 7,220,738 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS 2005 TAX LEVY ARTICLE II - REFUSE DISPOSAL FUND 56 Public Works - Refuse Disposal o I Refuse Disposal Program Personal Services Employee Benefits Other Employee Costs Contractual Services Utilities Insurance Commodities & Supplies Total Refuse Disposal Program 2 Refuse Leaf Removal Program Personal Services Employee Benefits Commodities & Supplies Total Leaf Removal Program TOTAL REFUSE DISPOSAL FUND TOTAL BUDGET FOR REFUSE DISPOSAL FUND AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY ADD 2% FOR LOSS & COST OF COLLECTION TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY FOR REFUSE DISPOSAL FUND ARTICLE III - SERIES 1987 A DEBT SERVICE FUND, PUBLIC BUILDINGS 81 Debt Service 02 G.O.Bonds - Property Taxes Bond Principal Interest Expense Bank and Fiscal Fees Total G.O.Bonds - Property Taxes Total Debt Service TOTAL SERIES 1987A DEBT SERVICE FUND TOTAL BUDGET FOR SERIES 1987A DEBT SERVICE FUND, PUBLIC BUILDINGS AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY ADD 2% FOR LOSS & COST OF COLLECTION TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY FOR SERIES 1987A DEBT SERVICE FUND, PUBLIC BUILDINGS 14 Amount Budgeted Amount Levied 82,017 0 27,633 0 1,685 0 3,320,897 1,891,228 560 0 7,651 0 6,430 0 3,446,873 1,891,228 134,936 0 38,643 0 14,275 0 187,854 0 3,634,727 1,891,228 3,634,727 1,891,228 37,825 1,929,053 99,460 99,460 305,540 305,540 0 0 405,000 405,000 405,000 405,000 405,000 405,000 405,000 0 405,000 8,100 413,100 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS 2005 TAX LEVY ARTICLE IV - SERIES 1996A DEBT SERVICE FUND, FLOOD CONTROL 81 Debt Service 04 G.O.Bonds - Flood Control Bond Principal Interest Expense Bank and Fiscal Fees Total G.O.Bonds - Flood Control Total Debt Service TOTAL SERlES 1996A DEBT SERVICE FUND TOTAL BUDGET FOR SERlES 1996A DEBT SERVICE FUND, FLOOD CONTROL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY ADD 2% FOR LOSS & COST OF COLLECTION TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY FOR SERlES 1996A DEBT SERVICE FUND, FLOOD CONTROL ARTICLE V - SERIES 1998A DEBT SERVICE FUND, FLOOD CONTROL 81 Debt Service 04 G.O.Bonds - Flood Control Bond Principal Interest Expense Bank and Fiscal Fees Total G.O.Bonds - Flood Control Total Debt Service TOTAL SERlES 1998A DEBT SERVICE FUND TOTAL BUDGET FOR SERlES 1998A DEBT SERVICE FUND, FLOOD CONTROL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY ADD 2% FOR LOSS & COST OF COLLECTION TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY FOR SERlES 1998A DEBT SERVICE FUND, FLOOD CONTROL 15 Amount Budgeted Amount Levied 205,000 0 8,815 0 900 0 214,715 0 214,715 0 214,715 0 214,715 0 0 0 60,000 0 5,345 0 300 0 65,645 0 65,645 0 65,645 0 65,645 0 0 0 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS 2005 TAX LEVY Amount Budgeted Amount Levied ARTICLE VI - SERIES 1998C DEBT SERVICE FUND, DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT 81 Debt Service 03 G.O.Bonds - Tax Increment Bond Principal Interest Expense Bank and Fiscal Fees Total G.O.Bonds - Tax Increment Total Debt Service TOTAL SERIES 1998C DEBT SERVICE FUND TOTAL BUDGET FOR SERIES 1998C DEBT SERVICE FUND AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY ADD 2% FOR LOSS & COST OF COLLECTION TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY FOR SERIES 1998C DEBT SERVICE FUND, DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT ARTICLE VII - SERIES 1999 DEBT SERVICE FUND, DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT 81 Debt Service 03 G.O.Bonds - Tax Increment Bond Principal Interest Expense Bank and Fiscal Fees Total G.O.Bonds - Tax Increment Total Debt Service TOTAL SERIES 1999 DEBT SERVICE FUND TOTAL BUDGET FOR SERIES 1999 DEBT SERVICE FUND AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY ADD 2% FOR LOSS & COST OF COLLECTION TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY FOR SERIES 1999 DEBT SERVICE FUND, DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT 16 140,000 0 15,675 0 600 0 156,275 0 156,275 0 156,275 0 156,275 0 0 0 655,000 0 184,800 0 600 0 840,400 0 840,400 0 840,400 0 840,400 0 0 0 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS 2005 TAX LEVY ARTICLE VIII - SERIES 2000 DEBT SERVICE FUND, FLOOD CONTROL 81 Debt Service 04 G.O.Bonds - Flood Control Bond Principal Interest Expense Bank and Fiscal Fees Total G.O.Bonds - Flood Control Total Debt Service TOTAL SERIES 2000 DEBT SERVICE FUND TOTAL BUDGET FOR SERIES 2000 DEBT SERVICE FUND, FLOOD CONTROL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY ADD 2% FOR LOSS & COST OF COLLECTION TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY FOR SERIES 2000 DEBT SERVICE FUND, FLOOD CONTROL ARTICLE IX - SERIES 2001 DEBT SERVICE FUND, PUBLIC BUILDINGS 81 Debt Service 02 G.O.Bonds - Property Taxes Bond Principal Interest Expense Bank and Fiscal Fees Total G.O.Bonds - Property Taxes Total Debt Service TOTAL SERIES 2001 DEBT SERVICE FUND TOTAL BUDGET FOR SERIES 2001 DEBT SERVICE FUND, PUBLIC BUILDINGS AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY ADD 2% FOR LOSS & COST OF COLLECTION TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY FOR SERIES 2001 DEBT SERVICE FUND, PUBLIC BUILDINGS 17 Amount Budgeted Amount Levied 390,000 0 102,228 0 600 0 492,828 0 492,828 0 492,828 0 492,828 0 0 0 195,000 195,000 191,453 191,453 600 0 387,053 386,453 387,053 386,453 387,053 386,453 387,053 386,453 7,729 394,182 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS 2005 TAX LEVY ARTICLE X - SERIES 2003 DEBT SERVICE FUND, PUBLIC BUILDINGS 81 Debt Service 02 G.O.Bonds - Property Taxes Bond Principal Interest Expense Bank and Fiscal Fees Total G.O.Bonds - Property Taxes Total Debt Service TOTAL SERIES 2001 DEBT SERVICE FUND TOTAL BUDGET FOR SERIES 2003 DEBT SERVICE FUND, PUBLIC BUILDINGS AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY ADD 2% FOR LOSS & COST OF COLLECTION TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY FOR SERIES 2003 DEBT SERVICE FUND, PUBLIC BUILDINGS ARTICLE XI - POLICE PENSION FUND 82 Retiree Pensions 02 Police Pensions Pension Benefits Contractual Services Commodities and Supplies Total Police Pensions Total Retiree Pensions TOTAL POLICE PENSION FUND TOTAL BUDGET FOR POLICE PENSION FUND AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY ADD 2% FOR LOSS & COST OF COLLECTION TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY FOR POLICE PENSION FUND 18 Amount Budgeted Amount Levied 465,000 465,000 446,708 131,708 600 0 912,308 596,708 912,308 596,708 912,308 596,708 912,308 596,708 11,934 608,642 2,363,990 1,246,954 2,250 0 200 0 2,366,440 1,246,954 2,366,440 1,246,954 2,366,440 1,246,954 2,366,440 1,246,954 24,939 1,271,893 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS 2005 TAX LEVY ARTICLE XII - FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION FUND 82 Retiree Pensions 03 Firefighters' Pensions Pension Benefits Contractual Services Total Firefighters' Pensions Total Retiree Pensions TOTAL FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION FUND TOTAL BUDGET FOR FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION FUND AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY ADD 2% FOR LOSS & COST OF COLLECTION TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY FOR FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION FUND ARTICLE XIII - MOUNT PROSPECT LIBRARY FUND 95 Mount Prospect Library 02 Library Services Component Unit Expenditures Bond Principal Interest Expense Total Library Services TOTAL MOUNT PROSPECT LIBRARY FUND TOTAL BUDGET FOR MOUNT PROSPECT LIBRARY FUND AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY - Component Unit Expenditures AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY - Bond Principal and Interest ADD 2% FOR LOSS & COST OF COLLECTION TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY FOR MOUNT PROSPECT LIBRARY FUND 19 Amount Budgeted Amount Levied 2,328,248 1,159,480 700 0 2,328,948 1,159,480 2,328,948 1,159,480 2,328,948 1,159,480 2,328,948 1,159,480 23,190 1,182,670 6,953,318 5,695,435 680,000 680,000 897,275 897,275 8,530,593 7,272,710 8,530,593 7,272,710 8,530,593 5,695,435 1,577,275 145,455 7,418,165 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS 2005 TAX LEVY SUMMARY Amount Total to be Raised Amount Tax Levy Amount by for Loss Incl. Loss Article Fund Budgeted Tax Levy and Cost and Cost I General $ 33,989,385 7,079,155 141,583 7,220,738 II Refuse Disposal 3,634,727 1,891,228 37,825 1,929,053 III Series 1987 A Debt Service, Public BIds. 405,000 405,000 8,100 413,100 IV Series 1996A Debt Service, Flood Ctrl. 214,715 o (a) 0 0 V Series 1998A Debt Service, Flood Ctrl. 65,645 o (a) 0 0 VI Series 1998C Debt Service, TIF 156,275 o (a) 0 0 VII Series 1999 Debt Service, TIF 840,400 o (a) 0 0 VIII Series 2000 Debt Service, Flood Ctrl. 492,828 o (a) 0 0 IX Series 2001 Debt Service, Public Bldgs 387,053 386,453 7,729 394,182 X Series 2003 Debt Service, Public Bldgs. 912,308 596,708 (a) 11,934 608,642 XI Police Pension Fund 2,366,440 1,246,954 24,939 1,271,893 XII Firefighters' Pension Fund 2,328,948 1,159,480 23,190 1,182,670 Village Totals 45,793,724 12,764,978 255,300 13,020,278 XIII Mount Prospect Library Library Services 6,953,318 5,695,435 113,909 5,809,344 Series 2002 Library Bonds Debt Service 1,577,275 1,577,275 31,546 1,608,821 Library Totals 8,530,593 7,272,710 145,455 7,418,165 Village and Library Totals 54,324,317 20,037,688 400,755 20,438,443 (a) Amount to be raised by tax levy has been reduced by planned abatements totaling $2,081,863. 20 Section 3: The sum of $278,065 is estimated to be received from personal property replacement tax revenue during the fiscal year commencing January 1, 2005 and ending December 31, 2005 and has been included herein as funds to be derived from sources other than property taxes for general obligation bonds and interest, pensions, library services and general corporate purposes. Section 4: That the County Clerk is directed to add 2% to the requested tax levy as a provision for loss and cost. Section 5: That the Village Clerk of the Village of Mount Prospect is hereby directed to certify a copy of this Ordinance and is hereby authorized and directed to file a copy of the same with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois, within the time specified by law. Section 6: That, if any part or parts of this Ordinance shall be held to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, such constitutionality or invalidity, shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of this Ordinance. The President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect hereby declares that they would have passed the remaining parts of the Ordinance of they had known that such parts or parts thereof would be declared unconstitutional or otherwise invalid. Section 7: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, publication in pamphlet form and recording, as provided by law. AYES: NA YES: ABSENT: PASSED and APPROVED this _ day of December, 2005. Irvana K. Wilks, Village President ATTEST: M. Lisa Angell, Village Clerk 21 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF TAXES FOR THE MUNICIPAL PURPOSES OF SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER FIVE OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2005 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31,2005 PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES the _ day of , 2005 Published in pamphlet form by authority of the corporate authorities of the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois the _ day of ,2005. e ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF TAXES FOR THE MUNICIPAL PURPOSES OF SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER FIVE OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2005 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2005 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois: Section 1: That the sum of One Million Five Hundred Fifteen Thousand Four Hundred Sixty- Four Dollars ($1,515,464), the same being the total amount to be levied of budget appropriations heretofore made for the municipal purposes for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2005, and ending December 31,2005, as approved by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect, be and the same is hereby levied on all taxable property within the Special Service Area Number 5 ofthe Village of Mount Prospect according to the valuation of said property as is, or shall be, assessed or equalized by State and County purposes for the current year 2005. The budgetary appropriations having been made heretofore by the President and Board of Trustees ofthe Village of Mount Prospect were passed and approved by Ordinance No. 5475 at a meeting hereof regularly convened and held in said Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois on the 21 5t day of December, 2004, and as amended by Ordinance No. 5489 passed and approved on the 7th day ofJune, 2005, and thereafter duly published according to law, the various objects and purposes for said budgetary appropriations were heretofore made are set forth under the column entitled "Amount Budgeted," and the specific amount herein levied for each object and purpose is set forth under the column entitled "Amount Levied" in Article I. Section 2: That the County Clerk is directed to add 2% to the requested tax levy as a provision for loss and cost. Section 3: That the Village Clerk of the Village of Mount Prospect is hereby directed to certify a copy of this Ordinance and is hereby authorized and directed to file a copy of the same with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois, within the time specified by law. Section 4: That, if any part of this Ordinance shall be held to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, such unconstitutionality or invalidity, shall not affect the validity ofthe remaining parts of this Ordinance. The President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect hereby declares that they would have passed the remaining parts of the Ordinance if they had known that such part or parts thereof would be declared unconstitutional or otherwise invalid. 1 Section 5: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, publication in pamphlet form and recording, as provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED and APPROVED this day of , 2005 Irvana K. Wilks, Village President ATTEST: M. Lisa Angell, Village Clerk 2 ARTICLE 1 - SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NO.5 610 Lake Water ACQuisition 6105512-540800 6105512-540815 SSA #5 JAWA Water SSA #5 JAWA Fixed Costs TOTAL APPROPRIATED FOR SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NO.5 LAKE WATER ACQUISITION AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY ADD 2% FOR LOSS AND COST OF COLLECTION TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX lEVY FOR SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NO.5 SUMMARY Article Special Service Area No. 5 Amount Budaeted 2,740,000 Amount to be levied 1,515,464 Amount Budgeted 1 ,595,000 1,145,000 2,740,000 Amount for Loss & Cost 30,309 Amount levied 370,464 1,145,000 1 ,515,464 30,309 1,545,773 Total Tax ~ 1,545,773 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE TO ABATE APART OF THE TAXES LEVIED FOR CORPORATE AND MUNICIPAL PURPOSES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2005 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31,2005 PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES the _ day of , 2005 Published in pamphlet form by authority of the corporate authorities of the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois, the _ day of ,2005. :D ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE TO ABATE A PART OF THE TAXES LEVIED FOR CORPORATE AND MUNICIPAL PURPOSES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1,2005 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2005 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: Section One: The President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect find as follows: A. That pursuant to Village Ordinance No.4 780 adopted March 6, 1996 and authorizing issuance of general obligation bonds for financing flood control capital improvement projects within the Village there was levied for the year 2005 the sum of$213,815.00 for bond principal and interest payments. B. That pursuant to Village Ordinance No. 4917 adopted March 18, 1998 and authorizing issuance of general obligation bonds for financing flood control capital improvement projects within the Village there was levied for the year 2005 the sum of $65,345.00 for bond principal and interest payments. C. That pursuant to Village Ordinance No. 4977 adopted December 1, 1998 and authorizing issuance of general obligation bonds for financing land acquisition costs and other redevelopment costs within the Village's District No.1 Tax Increment Redevelopment Project Area there was levied for 2005 the sum of$155,675.00 for bond principal and interest payments. D. That pursuant to Village Ordinance No. 4999 adopted March 2, 1999 and authorizing issuance of general obligation bonds for financing the acquisition ofland within the Village's District No.1 Tax Increment Redevelopment Project Area there was levied for the year 2005 the sum of$839,800.00 for bond principal and interest payments. E. That pursuant to Village Ordinance No. 5114 adopted June 6, 2000 and authorizing issuance of general obligation bonds for financing various flood control capital improvement projects there was levied for the year 2005 the sum of$492,228.00 for bond principal and interest payments. F. That pursuant to Village Ordinance No. 5301 adopted January 21, 2003 and authorizing issuance of general obligation bonds for financing a portion of the costs of constructing a new village hall and community center as well as a multi-level 1 '\. , parking deck there was levied for the year 2005 the sum of $911,708.00 for bond principal and interest payments. G. That as of December 1, 2005 there has been collected, deposited to and on hand in the Series 1996A General Obligation Bond and Interest Funds the sum of $213,815.00 for application to bond principal and interest payments for the bonds issued pursuant to Village Ordinance No. 4780 adopted March 6, 1996. H. That as of December 1,2005 there has been collected, deposited to and on hand in the Series 1998A General Obligation Bond and Interest Funds the sum of$65,345.00 for application to bond principal and interest payments for the bonds issued pursuant to Village Ordinance No. 4917 adopted March 18, 1998. I. That as of December 1, 2005 there is available in the Village's Downtown Redevelopment Fund the amount of$155,675.00 for application to bond principal and interest payments for the bonds issued pursuant to Village Ordinance No. 4977 adopted December 1, 1998. J. That as of December 1, 2005 there is available in the Village's Downtown Redevelopment Fund the amount of $839,800.00 for application to bond principal and interest payments for the bonds issued pursuant to Village Ordinance No. 4999 adopted March 2, 1999. K. That as of December 1,2005 there is available in the Village's Series 2000 General Obligation Bond and Interest Fund the sum of $492,228.00 for application to bond principal and interest payments for the bonds issued pursuant to Village Ordinance No. 5114 adopted June 6, 2000. L. That as of December 1, 2005 there has been collected, deposited to and on hand in the General Fund the sum of$315,000 for application to bond principal and interest payments for the bonds issued pursuant to Village Ordinance No. 5301 adopted January 21, 2003. Section Two: It is hereby declared and determined by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect that the amount of $213,815.00 levied for G.O. Bond and Interest payments for the purpose of financing flood control capital improvement projects within the Village pursuant to Village Ordinance No. 4780 be and the same is hereby abated in the amount of $213,815.00 being the entire amount levied for such bond and interest payment purposes for the fiscal year commencing January 1,2005 and ending December 31,2005. Section Three: It is hereby declared and determined by the President and Board of Trustees ofthe Village of Mount Prospect that the amount of $65,345.00 levied for G.O. Bond and Interest payments for the purpose of financing flood control capital improvement projects within the Village pursuant to Ordinance No. 4917 be and the same is hereby abated in the amount of$65,345.00 being the entire amount levied for such bond and interest payment purposes for the fiscal year commencing January 1,2005 and ending December 31,2005. 2 Section Four: It is hereby declared by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect that the amount of $15 5 ,675.00 levied for G. O. Bond and Interest payments for the purpose of funding property acquisition and other redevelopment costs within the Village's District No.1 Tax Increment Redevelopment Project Area pursuant to Ordinance No. 4977 be and the same is hereby abated in the amount of $155,675.00 being the entire amount levied for such bond and interest payment purposes for the fiscal year commencing January 1,2005 and ending December 31, 2005. Section Five: It is hereby declared by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect that the amount of$839,800.00 levied for G.O. Bond and Interest payments for the purpose of funding property acquisition within the Village's District No.1 Tax Increment Redevelopment Project Area pursuant to Ordinance No. 4999 be and the same is hereby abated in the amount of $839,800.00 being the entire amount levied for such bond and interest payment purposes for the fiscal year commencing January 1,2005 and ending December 31,2005. Section Six: It is hereby declared by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect that the amount of$492,228.00 levied for G.O. Bond and Interest payments for the purpose of funding various flood control capital improvement projects pursuant to Ordinance No. 5114 be and the same is hereby abated in the amount of$492,228.00 being the entire amount levied for such bond and interest payment purposes for the fiscal year commencing January 1,2005 and ending December 31, 2005. Section Seven: It is hereby declared and determined by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect that the amount of $911,708.00 levied for G.O. Bond and Interest payments for the purpose of financing a portion of the costs of constructing a new village hall and community center and parking deck pursuant to Ordinance No. 5301 be and the same is hereby abated in the amount of$315,000.00 leaving a balance of$596,708.00 as that amount levied for such bond and interest payments for the fiscal year commencing January 1,2005 and ending December 31,2005. Section Eight: Village Ordinance Nos. 4780,4917,4977,4999,5114, and 5301 are and each is hereby amended with respect to the tax abatements declared herein and set forth in Sections Two through Seven of this Ordinance. Section Nine: The Village Clerk of the Village of Mount Prospect is hereby authorized and directed to file a certified copy of this Ordinance with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois within the time specified by law: 3 Section Eleven: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form and filing as provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED and APPROVED this _ day of , 2005. Irvana K. Wilks, Village President ATTEST: M. Lisa Angell, Village Clerk 4 Mount Prospect INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM Village of Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois FROM: MICHAEL JANONIS, VILLAGE MANAGER DIRECTOR OF FINANCE ~.~~ \'-11.. 1 oS- TO: DATE: NOVEMBER 29, 2005 SUBJECT: PROPOSED 2006 BUDGET PURPOSE: To present for the Village Board's consideration an ordinance adopting the annual budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1,2006 and ending December 31,2006. BACKGROUND: The Village Manager released his proposed budget on October 7, 2005. Over the past two months the Finance Commission met four times to review the document. The Village Board, meeting as a Committee of the Whole, reviewed the document on October 25th, November 9th and November 22nd. DISCUSSION: Attached hereto are changes to the proposed 2006 budget and 2007 forecast that resulted from the above-mentioned meetings held with the Village Board and Finance Commission. Chanaes to the 2006 Proposed Budaet Total Village revenues decreased $161 ,563 from the proposed budget amount. Actual new revenues totaled $2,243,909, but an accounting change to the way property taxes for Police and Fire pension are recorded reduced this amount by $2,405,472. Total Village expenditures decreased $2,490,377, but again changes in the accounting for Police and Fire pensions increased this amount by $2,405,472. Absent these accounting changes, total Village expenditures decreased $84,905. Included with this memo is a spreadsheet detailing the changes from the proposed budget for total Village revenues and expenditures. General Fund: Total revenues for 2006 for the General Fund are projected at $34, 161,176. This is a decrease of $724,736 from the original proposed budget. Excluding accounting changes for the police and fire pensions, actual revenues increased $1,680,736. The additional revenue is primarily due to changes to three items; property taxes ($669,092), vehicle license fees ($225,000), and ambulance billing charges ($748,000). Total expenditures for 2006 for the General Fund are projected at $33,397,322. This is a decrease of $2,539,777. Reductions in staffing ($134,305) and an increase to spending for f 2006 Proposed Budget November 29,2005 Page 2 civic events ($1,000) accounted for all of the non-accounting type changes to budgeted expenditures. A surplus of $763,854 is projected for 2006. Utilization of the surplus funds will be discussed later in the budget year and will be based on results of operations at that time. Refuse Fund: Total revenues for the Refuse Fund for 2006 are projected at $4,033,827. This is an increase of $638,173 from the original proposed budget. A reduction in property taxes of $353,552 and a new direct bill for residents generating $1,019,025 account for most of the change in revenue. Motor Fuel Tax Fund (MFT): Total expenditures for the MFT Fund are projected to increase $50,000 from the original proposed budget. This was due to an adjustment for the cost of infrastructure improvements. The George Street bridge rehab is expected to cost $150,000. Only $100,000 was included in the original budget amount. 20028 B&I, Public Buildings: The budget for this fund was reduced to $0 as all the debt related to this issue has been paid off. $600 that had been budgeted for banking fees was removed since this expense will no longer be incurred. Street Improvement Construction Fund: 2006 total revenues for this fund are projected to decrease $75,000. This is due to the reallocation of vehicle license fees ($225,000) to the General Fund and an increase in the municipal motor fuel tax ($150,000). There remains sufficient ongoing revenue for the street program from other sources to support this change. Library Fund: At the time the proposed budget was prepared and distributed, the Mount Prospect Public Library budget, included in the Village's budget as a component unit, was not yet available. The Library's budget for 2006 reflects revenues and expenditures of $8,113,291. Included in their budget is $1,578,275 for debt service on the Series 2002 Library bonds the Village issued on their behalf. Chanaes to 2007 Forecast Budaet Total Village revenues decreased $190,201 from the proposed budget amount. Actual new revenues increased $2,562,677, but as in 2006, an accounting change to the way property taxes for Police and Fire pension are recorded reduced this amount by $2,752,878. Total Village expenditures decreased $2,919,000, but again changes in the accounting for Police and Fire pensions increased this amount by $2,752,878. Absent these accounting changes, total Village expenditures decreased $166,122. Summary With the aforementioned changes, the proposed 2006 Budget for the Village totals $77,815,943. This represents a 9.85% increase over the current 2005 Budget. Projected revenues for the Village in 2006 are $78,382,263. This is an increase of 9.69%. 1:\Budget 2006\Ordinance Cover Memo - 2006 Budget.doc 2006 Proposed Budget November 29; 2005 Page 3 A public hearing on the proposed budget has been scheduled for December 20th. Notice of the public hearing will be published in the Dailv Herald on December 8, 2005. The proposed ordinance attached would officially adopt the budget for the Village of Mount Prospect. Once the ordinance is passed, the Finance Department will revise the budget document to incorporate the approved changes. We expect to have the approved budget document produced no later than January 20th. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Village Board pass the accompanying draft ordinance adopting the 2006 annual budget. ," A fi 1/ .,' t" / /~/( 4-fi-'. '(:7- t'l ./ 'I . . p. ./(- --- L ./ DAVID O. ERB DIRECTOR OF FINANCE DOE/ Attachment 1:\Budget 2006\Ordinance Cover Memo - 2006 Budget.doc VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 2006 PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDED CHANGES - REVENUES 2006 2006 Original Proposed Proposed Recommended Budget Account Name Account Number Budget Change As Amended VILLAGE GENERAL FUND Property Taxes Property Taxes - Current 0010000-400100 6,407,240 669,092 7,076,332 Property Taxes - Police Pension 0010000-400371 1,246,455 (1,246,455) Property Taxes - Fire Pension 0010000-400372 1,159,017 (1,159,017) Other Taxes Food & Beverage Tax 0010000-410400 578,056 13,644 591,700 Licenses, Permits & Fees Vehicle Licenses 0010000-4201 00 1,140,000 225,000 1,365,000 Dog Licenses 0010000-420200 10,000 (10,000) Intergovernmental Revenue Use Tax 0010000-430400 616,100 10,000 626,100 Personal Property Replacement Tax 0010000-430600 293,275 25,000 318,275 Charges for Service Ambulance Billing 001 0000-441200 35,000 748,000 783,000 Other General Fund Revenues 23,400,769 23,400,769 Village General Fund - Total Revenues 34,885,912 (724,736) 34,161,176 REFUSE FUND Property Taxes Property Taxes - Current 0300000-400100 2,244,024 (353,552) 1,890,472 Charges for Service S/F Refuse Disposal Charges 0300000-445050 1,019,025 1,019,025 S/F Refuse Penalties 0300000-445150 4,000 4,000 Sale of Refuse Stickers 0300000-445300 300,000 (24,550) 275,450 Investment Income Interest Income 0300000-460100 30,000 3,000 33,000 Interest -IPTIP 0300000-460110 22,000 (10,000) 12,000 Other Revenue Miscellaneous Income 0300000-480900 750 250 1,000 Other Refuse Fund Revenues 798,880 798,880 Village Refuse Fund - Total Revenues 3,395,654 638,173 4,033,827 STREET IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION FUND Other Taxes Municipal Motor Fuel Tax 5600000-417400 150,450 150,000 300,450 Licenses, Permits & Fees Vehicle Licenses 5600000-420100 225,000 (225,000) Other Street Improvement Fund Revenues 1,469,505 1,469,505 Village Street Improvement Fund - Total Revenues 1.844,955 (75,000) 1,769,955 Page 1 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 2006 PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDED CHANGES - REVENUES Account Name Account Number 2006 Original Proposed Budget LIBRARY FUND Property Taxes Library Services IMRF & FICA Building Maintenance & Repair Insurance & Audit Bond & Interest Other Revenues Library Fund - Total Revenues Page 2 Recommended Change 4,761,899 545,749 295,312 92,475 1,577,275 840,581 8,113,291 2006 Proposed Budget As Amended 4,761,899 545,749 295,312 92,475 1,577 ,275 840,581 8,113,291 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 2006 PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDED CHANGES - EXPENDITURES 2006 2006 Original Proposed Proposed Recommended Budget Account Name Account Number Budget Change As Amended VILLAGE GENERAL FUND Village Manager's Office Information Technology Personal Services 0011104-500xxx 281,838 (48,000) 233,838 Employee Benefits 0011104-510xxx 108,231 (20,137) 88,094 Other Employee Costs 0011104-520xxx 6,900 (900) 6,000 Office Equipment 0011104-650xxx 32,000 (2,000) 30,000 Community Development Housing Inspections Employee Benefits 00121 06-51 Oxxx 82,018 (11,650) 70,368 Police Administration Employee Benefits 0014101-510xxx 1,611,470 (1,246,455) 365,015 Other Employee Costs 0014101-520xxx 129,000 (8,015) 120,985 Contractual Services 0014101-540xxx 94,950 (950) 94,000 Patrol & Traffic Enforcement Personal Services 0014102-500xxx 6,047,664 (47,433) 6,000,231 Employee Benefits 00141 02-51 o xxx 1,116,353 (688) 1,115,665 Commodities & Supplies 0014102-570xxx 93,425 (3,225) 90,200 Fire Administration Employee Benefits 0014201-510xxx 1,421,584 (1,159,017) 262,567 Public Works Forestry Personal Services 0015204-500xxx 23,086 (70) 23,016 Engineering Personal Services 0015401-500xxx 502,033 3,298 505,331 Employee Benefits 0015401-510xxx 164,672 584 165,256 Engineering-Traffic Control Personal Services 0015405-500xxx 77,777 3,298 81,075 Employee Benefits 0015405-510xxx 26,603 583 27,186 Community & Civic Services 4th of July & Civic Events Contractual Services 00161 03-540xxx 2,500 1,000 3,500 Other General Fund Expenditures 24,114,995 0 24,114,995 Village General Fund - Total Expenditures 35,937,099 (2,539,777) 33,397,322 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND Street Improvement Projects Infrastructure 0507706-690xxx 100,000 50,000 150,000 Other MFT Fund Expenditures 2,100,835 2,100,835 Village Motor Fuel Tax Fund - Total Expenditures 2,200,835 50,000 2,250,835 Page 1 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 2006 PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDED CHANGES - EXPENDITURES 2006 2006 Original Proposed Proposed Recommended Budget Account Name Account Number Budget Change As Amended 2002B B&I, PUBLIC BUILDINGS Debt Service Bank & Fiscal Fees 2008102-720xxx 600 (600) Other 2002B Fund Expenditures Village 2002B Fund - Total Expenditures 600 (600) LIBRARY FUND Salaries & Benefits Salaries 1101 0 3,591,031 3,591,031 Medical Insurance 1102 0 327,021 327,021 IMRF Pension 1103 0 281,951 281,951 FICA & Medicare 1104 0 274,713 274,713 Unemployment Compensation 1105 0 5,500 5,500 Sub-Total Salaries & Benefits 0 4,480,216 4,480,216 Other Administrative Costs Audit 1201 0 3,325 3,325 Legal Fees 1203 0 15,000 15,000 Printing 1203 0 25,000 25,000 Other Operating Expense 1204 0 18,000 18,000 Community Services 1205 0 17,500 17,500 Youth Programs 1207 0 17,000 17,000 Professional Memberships 1208 0 5,200 5,200 Board - Training & Development 1209 0 6,000 6,000 Staff - Training & Development 1210 0 26,500 26,500 Telephone 1301 0 33,880 33,880 Insurance 1302 0 91,000 91,000 Processing Supplies 1304 0 31,200 31,200 Office Supplies 1305 0 14,800 14,800 Library Supplies 1306 0 35,700 35,700 Postage 1309 0 27,100 27,100 Consulting Fees 1310 0 5,000 5,000 Contractual Services 1311 0 71,300 71,300 Data Processing Costs 1312 0 34,700 34,700 Sub;..Total Other Administrative Costs 0 478,205 478,205 Building Maintenance Costs Building Maintenance 1401 0 50,900 50,900 Equipment Maintenance 1402 0 55,440 55,440 Equipment Rental 1403 0 27,088 27,088 Janitorial Expenses 1404 0 48,000 48,000 Equipment 1408 0 60,000 60,000 Heating & Air Conditioning 1501 0 100,000 100,000 Water & Sewer 1502 0 4,500 4,500 Sub-Total Building Maintenance Costs 0 345,928 345,928 Page 2 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 2006 PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDED CHANGES - EXPENDITURES 1401 0 243,300 243,300 1402 0 68,200 68,200 1403 0 105,000 105,000 1404 0 26,000 26,000 1408 0 19,000 19,000 1501 0 25,800 25,800 1502 0 93,367 93,367 0 580,667 580,667 0 100,000 100,000 0 450,000 450,000 0 100,000 100,000 0 1,578,275 1,578,275 0 2,228,275 2,228,275 0 8,113,291 8,113,291 Account Name Account Number 2006 Original Proposed Budget LIBRARY FUND (cont.) Books & Library Materials Adult Book Adult Audio-Visual Youth Books Youth Audio-Visual Periodicals Microform Electronic Resources Sub-Total Books & Library Materials Other Funds Gift Fund Building & Equipment Fund Capital Improvement Fund Debt Service Fund Sub-Total Other Funds Library Fund - Total Expenditures Page 3 Recommended Change 2006 Proposed Budget As Amended ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AN ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 2006 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31,2006 IN LIEU OF PASSAGE OF AN APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES the _ day of ,2005 Published in pamphlet form by authority of the corporate authorities of the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois the _ day of , 2005. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AN ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 2006 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31,2006 IN LIEU OF PASSAGE OF AN APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect in accordance with State Statutes, have provided for the preparation and adoption of an Annual Budget in lieu of passage of an Appropriation Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the tentative Annual Budget for the Village of Mount Prospect for the fiscal year beginning January 1,2006 and ending December 31,2006, as prepared by the Budget Officer for the Village and submitted to the President and Board of Trustees, was placed on file in the Office of the Village Clerk on October 7, 2005 for public inspection, as provided by Statute; and WHEREAS, pursuant to notice duly published on December 8, 2005, a public hearing was held by the President and Board of Trustees on said tentative annual budget on December 20, 2005, as provided by Statute; and WHEREAS, following said public hearing, said tentative Annual Budget was reviewed by the President and Board of Trustees and a copy of said tentative Annual Budget is attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: The Annual Budget for the Village of Mount Prospect for the fiscal year beginning January 1,2006 and ending December 31,2006, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby approved and adopted as the Annual Budget for the Village of Mount Prospect for said fiscal year. SECTION TWO: Within thirty (30) days following the adoption of this Ordinance there shall be filed with the County Clerk of Cook County a copy thereof duly certified by the Village Clerk and Estimate of Revenues by source anticipated to be received by the Village in the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2006 and ending December 31, 2006, duly certified by the Chief Fiscal Officer. SECTION THREE: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED AND APPROVED this day of ,2005. ATTEST: Irvana K. Wilks, Village President M. Lisa Angell, Village Clerk VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 2006 BUDGET SUMMARY TOTAL VILLAGE BUDGET 2004 Actual 2005 Budget 2005 Estimate 2006 Budget 2007 Forecast REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES Property Taxes 11,177,088 11,980,598 11,775,079 10,441,909 10,670,612 Other Taxes 13,040,975 12,838,924 13,999,039 14,566,963 14,912,855 Licenses, Permits & Fees 3,026,687 2,801,736 2,873,700 2,880,166 2,880,388 Intergovernmental Revenue 14,561,956 15,620,370 15,632,304 16,035,572 16,164,742 Charges for Service 14,976,941 16,118,285 16,176,345 20,422,428 21,333,192 Fines and Forfeits 609,118 527,100 545,250 547,200 558,355 Investment Income 6,401,585 4,591,120 3,705,038 4,211,275 4,247,265 Reimbursements 542,261 452,592 498,046 339,662 349,159 Other Revenue 4,159,627 4,325,383 4,574,270 4,762,088 5,125,001 Interfund Transfers 1,040,567 805,000 805,000 315,000 - Other Financing Sources 784,014 1,400,000 2,188,150 3,860,000 60,000 Village Revenues and Other Sources 70,320,8 I 9 71,461,108 72,772,221 78,382,263 76,301,569 Mount Prospect Library Revenues 6,614,640 8,536,993 8,536,993 8,113,291 (a) Total Revenues and Other Sources 76,935,459 79,998,101 81,309,214 86,495,554 76,301,569 BUDGET EXPENDITURES Village Operating Budget 45,884,297 48,639,639 48;699,010 48,631,192 50,839,572 Village Capital Budget 14,362,108 5,962,204 5,447,075 12,592,144 11,059,066 Debt Service Budget 5,925,436 4,541,053 4,54 I ,052 3,833,577 4,179,828 Pension Systems Budget 4,369,921 4,750,018 4,530,791 4,951,821 5,058,708 Internal Services Budget (b) 6,608,764 6,945,233 6,876,469 7,807,209 8,233,413 Total Village Expenditures 77,150,526 70,838,147 70,094,397 77,815,943 79,370,587 Mount Prospect Library Budget 18,426,148 8,536,993 8,536,993 8,113,291 (a) Total Expenditures 95,576,674 79,375,140 78,631,390 85,929,234 79,370,587(d) CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES (d) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues & Other Sources Over Expenditures (18,641,215) 622,961 2,677,824 566,320 (3,069,018) Fund Balances Start of Budget Year 118,662,535 100,021,320 100,021,320 102,699,144 103,265,464 End of Budget Year 100,021,320 100,644,281 1 02,699,144 103,265,464 100,196,446 Less: Pension Fund Balances ( c ) (72,345,849) (75,022,814) (74,082,561) (76,246,769) (78,659,727) Available Fund Balances 27,675,471 25,621,467 28,616,583 27,018,695 21,536,719 (a) Not available as of December 20,2005. (b) Internal Services Budget includes Vehicle Maintenance Fund, Risk Management Fund, and Capital Fixed Assets. The Equipment Replacement Fund and Computer Replacement Fund are included in the Village Capital Budget. (c) Pension Fund Balances are reserved for pension benefits and not available for appropriation. (d) Does not include the results of operation of the Mount Prospect Library. VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 2006 BUDGET SUMMARY REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES BY FUND 2004 Actual 2005 Budget 2005 Estimate 2006 Budget 2007 Forecast GENERAL FUND 31,514,962 33,124,588 35,009,308 34,161,176 35,047,456 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Refuse Disposal Fund 3,248,213 3,341,773 3,351,359 4,033,827 4,121,096 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 1,672,114 1,669,600 1,66 I ,315 1,639,215 1,632,215 Law Enforcement Block Grant 11,165 10,000 100 1,000 1,000 Community Dev. Block Gmt 524,620 499,000 611,419 499,317 437,422 Asset Seizure Fund 605 500 5,000 1,100 1,100 DEA Shared Funds Fund 33,960 12,250 1,500 2,500 2,500 DUl Fine Fund 21,159 10,100 22,200 23,300 24,455 5,51 1,836 5,543,223 5,652,893 6,200,259 6,219,788 DEBT SERVICES FUNDS G.O. Bonds - Property Taxes 1,796,152 1,991,366 2,002,2 I 3 1,726, I 05 1,309,740 G.O. Bonds - Tax Increment 1,008,503 1,075,650 I ,087,900 1,046,250 1,157,057 G.O. Bonds - Home Rule Sales Tax I 1,183,170 1,154,175 1,335,733 1,311,897 1,351,688 G.O. Bonds - Home Rule Sales Tax 2 1,184,331 335,000 256,027 Special Service Area Bonds 24,217 29,057 5,172,156 4,580,408 4,710,930 4,084,252 3,818,485 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Capital Improvement Fund 253,630 231,276 301,326 156,900 19,500 Series 200 I Project Fund Series 2003 Project Fund 26,506 Downtown Redevlpmnt Const 1,243,352 2,122,075 2,058,182 5,167,911 1,361,145 Street Improve Const Fund 1,517,479 1,365, I 65 1,608, I 79 1,769,955 1,678,300 Flood Control Const Fund 18,331 12,000 42,000 27,250 25,000 3,059,298 3,730,516 4,009,687 7,122,016 3,083,945 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Water And Sewer Fund 7,963,339 8,493,217 8,658,445 10,512,211 10,973,740 Village Parking System Fund 330,855 116,236 105,640 102,756 102,978 Parking System Revenue Fund 80,557 236,825 101,425 109,000 109,000 8,374,751 8,846,278 8,865,510 10,723,967 11,185,718 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Vehicle Maintenance Fund 1,242,211 1,309,945 1,315,245 1,450,058 1,495,106 Vehicle Replacement Fund 1,003,103 1,058,035 1,078,441 1,083,413 1,087,413 Computer Replacement Fund 227,899 161,201 171,038 180,Q20 168,044 Risk Management Fund 5,217,732 5,679,931 5,746,355 6,316,682 6,780,481 7,690,945 8,209,112 8,311,079 9,030,173 9,531,044 .. "'. "." . VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 2006 BUDGET SUMMARY REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES BY FUND 2004 2005 2005 2006 2007 Actual Budget Estimate Budget Forecast FIDUCIARY FUNDS Police Pension Fund 4,713,693 3,686,073 3,017,344 3,654,043 3,840,710 Fire Pension Fund 4,283,178 3,740,910 3,195,470 3,406,377 3,574,423 Benefit Trust #2 Fund 8,996,871 7,426,983 6,212,814 7,060,420 7,415,133 MOUNT PROSPECT LIBRARY FUND 6,614,640 8,536,993 8,536,993 8,113,291 (a) (a) Figures not available as of December 20,2005. (b) Does not include the Mount Prospect Library. VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 2006 BUDGET SUMMARY REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES BY REVENUE TYPE 2004 2005 2005 2006 2007 Actual Budget Estimate Budget Forecast PROPERTY TAXES 11,177,088 11,980,598 11,775,079 10,441,909 10,670,612 OTHER TAXES Home Rule Sales Tax 3,538,587 3,456,825 3,863,232 3,914,197 4,031,638 Food & Beverage Tax 660,998 603,800 691,710 725,505 758,800 Special Service Area Taxes 1,495,756 1,555,942 1,551,517 1,524,100 1,524,100 Property Tax Increment 1,538,261 1,815,025 2,027,995 2,397,911 2,501,952 Real Estate Transfer Tax 1,143,518 928,500 1,100,000 1,075,000 1,100,000 Utility Taxes 4,285,846 4,137,692 4,408,160 4,468,900 4,530,550 Municipal Motor Fuel Tax 156,914 152,440 148,950 300,450 303,450 Other Taxes 221,095 188,700 207,475 160,900 162,365 13,040,975 12,838,924 13,999,039 14,566,963 14,912,855 LICENSES, PERMITS & FEES Vehicle Licenses 1,350,316 1,365,000 1,365,000 1,365,000 1,365,000 Other Licenses 363,037 346,500 358,500 348,000 348,000 Permit Fees 563,822 456,000 520,000 517,000 517,000 Infrastructure Mtc Fee Franchise Fee 338,5 I 8 340,000 340,000 340,000 340,000 Other Fees 410,994 294,236 290,200 310,166 310,388 3,026,687 2,801,736 2,873,700 2,880,166 2,880,388 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE State Sales Tax 7,964,169 9,056,295 8,604,295 8,862,500 9,128,375 State Income Tax 3,575,784 3,436,580 3,961,055 4,000,665 4,040,670 State Motor Fuel Tax 1,635,705 1,647,100 1,625,115 1,625,115 1,625,115 Other State Taxes 803,016 754,740 902,900 950,875 959,960 Community Devl Block Grant 422,048 449,000 511,419 449,317 387,422 Other Grants 161,234 276,655 27,520 147,100 23,200 14,561,956 15,620,370 15,632,304 16,035,572 16,164,742 CHARGES FOR SERVICE Water & Sewer Charges 6,383,121 6,892,392 6,998,470 8,846,611 9,308,140 Parking Charges 158,706 211,250 194,325 202,000 202,000 Refuse Disposal Charges 999,656 1,044,800 1,056,800 1,058,330 1,088,885 Internal Service Fund Charges 6,686,002 7,200,412 7,200,412 7,778,405 8,173,956 Other Service Charges 749,456 769,431 726,338 2,537,082 2,560,211 14,976,941 . 16,118,285 16,176,345 20,422,428 21,333,192 FINES AND FORFEITS 609,118 527,100 545,250 547,200 558,355 INVESTMENT INCOME General Fund 123,421 156,000 211,700 204,700 204,700 Pension Funds 5,847,770 4,113,500 2,909,064 3,519,425 3,592,615 Other Funds 430,394 321,620 584,274 487,150 449,950 6,40 I ,585 4,591,120 3,705,038 4,211,275 4,247,265 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 2006 BUDGET SUMMARY REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES BY REVENUE TYPE 2004 2005 2005 2006 2007 Actual Budget Estimate Budget Forecast REIMBURSEMENTS 542,261 452,592 498,046 339,662 349,159 OTHER REVENUE Village Police & Fire Pension Contributions 2,137,267 2,295,580 2,250,524 2,448,272 2,688,819 Developer Donations 17,990 25,000 162,450 14,500 14,500 Employee & Retiree Contributions 1,698,484 1,762,103 1 ,796,306 2,036,391 2,178,287 Other Revenue 305,886 242,700 364,990 262,925 243,395 4,159,627 4,325,383 4,574,270 4,762,088 5,125,001 TOTAL VILLAGE REVENUES 68,496,238 69,256,108 69,779,071 74,207,263 76,241,569 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 1,040,567 805,000 805,000 315,000 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES Bond Proceeds 3,800,000 Installment Note Proceeds 705,000 Sale of Property 79,014 1,400,000 2,188,150 60,000 60,000 784,014 1,400,000 2,188,150 3,860,000 60,000 MOUNT PROSPECT LIBRARY REVENUES 6,614,640 8,536,993 8,536,993 8,113,291 (a) CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES (b) Total Revenues & Other Sources 76,935,459 79,998,1 OJ 81,309,2]4 86,495,554 76,301,569 Total Expenditures 97,155,102 79,375,140 78,631,390 85,929,234 79,370,587 Additions to <Use of> Fund Balances (20,219,643) 622,961 2,677,824 566,320 (3,069,018) ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES (b) Additions to Pension Fund Ba]ances 4,680,722 2,731,595 1,736,712 2,164,208 2,412,958 Additions to Other Fund Balances <Use of> Other Fund Ba]ances (24,900,365) (2,] 08,634) 94],112 (1,597,888) (5,48],976) (20,219,643) 622,961 2,677,824 566,320 (3,069,018) (a) Figures not available as of December 20,2005. (b) Does not include the Mount Prospect Library. VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 2006 BUDGET SUMMARY BUDGET EXPENDITURES 2004 2005 2005 2006 2007 Actual Budget Estimate Budget Forecast VILLAGE CAPITAL BUDGET Village Improvements & Equip 6,825,899 662,455 394,226 1,4J9,500 4,905,020 Community Improvement Projects 172,578 100,914 79,884 90,000 410,000 Downtown Redevelopment Constr 2,575,688 290,566 462,155 6,045,926 1,119,593 Flood Control Projects 311,233 583,413 268,548 527,538 427,538 Street Improvement Projects 3,479,753 2,785,521 2,757,967 3,433,000 3,011,100 Motor Equipment Replacement 871,448 1,339,635 1,304,295 930,380 944,265 Computer Replacement 125,509 199,700 180,000 145,800 241,550 Totals 14,362,108 5,962,204 5,447,075 ]2,592,144 ] 1,059,066 DEBT SERVICE BUDGET Debt Service - Property Tax 2,019,965 1,979,1] I 1,979,111 1,450,361 1,700,959 Debt Service - Tax Increment 911,206 1,096,145 1,096,145 996,675 1,069,675 Debt Service - Home Rule Sales Tax 1 1,498,866 ],427,997 1,427,996 1,386,541 1,409,194 Debt Service - Home Rule Sales Tax 2 1,495,399 Debt Service - Special Service Area 37,800 37,800 Totals 5,925,436 4,541,053 4,541,052 3,833,577 4,179,828 PENSION SYSTEMS BUDGET Miscellaneous Pensions 53,772 54,630 54,689 55,609 56,533 Police Pensions 2,154,355 2,366,440 2,309,051 2,375,46] 2,431,058 Fire Pensions 2,161,794 2,328,948 2,167,051 2,520,751 2,571 , 117 Totals 4,369,921 4,750,018 4,530,791 4,951,82J 5,058,708 VILLAGE INTERNAL SERVICES BUDGET Vehicle Maintenance Services 1,292,488 1,275,883 1,384,521 1,450,029 1,495,058 Risk Management Casualty and Property Insurance 1,310,223 1,260,047 1,196,784 1,325,485 1,338,191 Medical Insurance 4,006,053 4,409,303 4,295,164 5,031,695 5,400,164 Capital Fixed Assets Totals 6,608,764 6,945,233 6,876,469 7,807,209 8,233,413 MOUNT PROSPECT LIBRARY BUDGET 18,426,148 8,536,993 8,536,993 8,] 13,291 (a) (a) Figures not available as of December 20,2005. (b) Does not include the Mount Prospect Library. VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 2006 BUDGET SUMMARY BUDGET EXPENDITURES 2004 2005 2005 2006 2007 Actual Budget Estimate Budget Forecast VILLAGE OPERATING BUDGET PUBLIC REPRESENT A TION 108,883 117,383 118,373 118,893 121,160 VILLAGE ADMINISTRATION Village Manager's Office 2,101,739 1,947,752 1,900,959 2,049,512 2,354,211 Television Services Division 161,905 213,757 209,536 164,551 183,288 Village Clerk's Office 163,658 171,874 174,443 192,826 197,705 Finance Department 1,351,085 1,570,355 1,588,669 1,636,761 1,699,287 Totals 3,778,387 3,903,738 3,873,607 4,043,650 4,434,491 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Community Development 1,481,617 1,693,924 1,673,379 1,774,953 1,878,242 Community DevelopmentlCDBG 524,621 746,973 611,419 499,3 I 7 437,422 Totals 2,006,238 2,440,897 2,284,798 2,274,270 2,315,664 HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT 702,816 720,533 699,508 731,373 767,619 PUBLIC SAFETY AND PROTECTION Police Department 11,396,121 11,664,483 11,645,237 11,532,928 11,875,477 Fire Department 8,867,002 9,388,066 9,353,210 8,722,426 9,103,351 Totals 20,263,123 21,052,549 20,998,447 20,255,354 20,978,828 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Administration 994,314 1,104,481 1,107,306 1,181,208 1,257,276 Streets/Bldgs/Parking 2,856,331 2,529,296 2,611,123 2,602,883 2,745,781 Forestry 1,287,298 1,447,993 1,493,804 1,553,262 1,655,362 Engineering 982,063 1,327,067 1,307,237 1,166,352 1,259,509 Water/Sewer 8,399,750 9,279,527 9,446,263 10,099,876 10,838,189 Refuse Disposal 3,435,696 3,634,727 3,633,994 3,950,243 4,117,610 Totals 17,955,452 19,323,091 19,599,727 20,553,824 21,873,727 COMMUNITY & CIVIC SERVICES 274,492 276,448 319,550 338,828 348,083 "..: . '-,' -', .,' '. "- - ... '.. ".:."-'-.- "'-,' ,,,> . :.,ERA'flNG Bo'i>Gi 794,906 805,000 805,000 315,000 CONTINGENCIES & EQUITY TRANSFERS VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 2006 BUDGET SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY FUND 2004 2005 2005 2006 2007 Actual Budget Estimate Budget Forecast GENERAL FUND 32,105,287 33,989,385 34,055,008 33,397,322 34,716,843 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Refuse Disposal Fund 3,435,696 3,634,727 3,633,994 3,950,243 4,117,610 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 2,247,050 2,186,672 2,178,748 2,250,835 1,731,855 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant 11,123 1,000 1,000 1,000 Community Development Block Grant 524,621 746,973 611,419 499,317 437,422 Asset Seizure Fund 7,000 1,000 1,100 1,100 DEA Shared Funds Fund 18,653 1,000 27,852 2,500 2,500 DUI Fine Fund 10,144 1,000 23,227 1,000 1,000 Totals 6,247,287 6,577,372 6,477,240 6,705,995 6,292,487 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS G.O. Bonds - Property Taxes 2,019,965 1,979,111 1,979,111 1,450,361 1,700,959 G.O. Bonds - Tax Increment 911,206 1,096,145 1,096,145 996,675 1,069,675 G.O. Bonds - Home Rule Sales Tax 1 1,498,866 1,427,997 1,427,996 1,386,541 1,409,194 G.O. Bonds - Home Rule Sales Tax 2 1,495,399 Special Service Area Bonds 37,800 37,800 Totals 5,925,436 4,541,053 4,541,052 3,833,577 4,179,828 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Capital Improvement Fund 441,899 665,914 288,384 1,635,500 5,315,020 Series 200] Project Fund Series 2003 Project Fund 6,556,578 22,000 56,271 Downtown Redevelop Const Fund 2,250,000 291,064 462,955 6,046,726 1,120,393 Street Improvement Const Fund 2,446,971 1,165,709 1,165,709 1,504,000 1,738,000 Flood Control Const Fund 3] 1,233 583,413 268,548 527,538 427,538 Totals 12,006,681 2,728,100 2,241,867 9,713,764 8,600,951 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Water and Sewer Fund 8,399,750 9,279,527 9,446,263 10,099,876 10,838,189 Village Parking System Revenue Fund 132,722 262,485 197,148 143,798 148,253 Parking System Revenue Fund 405,487 266,069 284,753 131,410 161,718 Totals 8,937,959 9,808,081 9,928,164 10,375,084 11,148,160 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Vehicle Maintenance Fund 1,292,488 1,275,883 1,384,521 ] ,450,029 1,495,058 Vehicle Replacement Fund 871,448 1,339,635 1,304,295 930,380 944,265 Computer Replacement 125,509 199,700 180,000 145,800 241,550 Risk Management Fund 5,322,282 5,683,550 5,506,148 6,367,780 6,749,270 Capital Fixed Assets Totals 7,611,727 8,498,768 8,374,964 8,893,989 9,430,143 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 2006 BUDGET SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY FUND 2004 2005 2005 2006 2007 Actual Budget Estimate Budget Forecast FIDUCIARY FUNDS Police Pension Fund 2,154,355 2,366,440 2,309,051 2,375,461 2,431,058 Fire Pension Fund 2,161,794 2,328,948 2,167,051 2,520,751 2,571,117 Benefit Trust #2 Fund Totals 4,316,149 4,695,388 4,476,102 4,896,212 5,002,175 (a) Figures not available as of December 20,2005. (b) Does not include the Mount Prospect Library. VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 2006 BUDGET SUMMARY AVAILABLE FUND BALANCES 12-31-2006 Estimated Balance 12-31-05 2006 Budget Revenues 2006 Budget Expenditures Estimated Balance 12-31-06 GENERAL FUND 9,211,814 34,161,176 33,397,322 9,975,668 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Refuse Disposal Fund 1,613,066 4,033,827 3,950,243 1,696,650 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 527,132 1,639,215 2,250,835 (84,488) Local Law Enf. Block Grant (737) 1,000 1,000 (737) Community Development Block Gmt 499,317 499,317 Asset Seizure Fund 53,605 1,100 1,100 53,605 DEA Shared Funds Fund 56,082 2,500 2,500 56,082 DUl Fine Fund 21,738 23,300 1,000 44,038 TOTAL 2,270,886 6,200,259 6,705,995 1,765,150 DEBT SERVICES FUNDS G.O. Bonds - Property Taxes 34,154 1,726,105 1,450,361 309,898 G.O. Bonds - Tax Increment 521,208 1,046,250 996,675 570,783 G.O. Bonds - Home Rule Sales Tax I (346,356) 1,31 1,897 1,386,541 (421,000) G.O. Bonds - Home Rule Sales Tax 2 6,400 6,400 Special Service Area Bonds 2,002 2,002 TOTAL 217,408 4,084,252 3,833,577 468,083 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Capital Improvement Fund 1,765,160 156,900 1,635,500 286,560 Series 2001 Project Fund Series 2003 Project Fund (904,896) (904,896) Downtown Redevelop Const Fund 1,086,230 5,167,911 6,046,726 207,415 Street Improvement Const Fund 984,574 1,769,955 1,504,000 1,250,529 Flood Control Const Fund 819,283 27,250 527,538 318,995 TOTAL 3,750,351 7,122,016 9,713,764 1,158,603 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Water and Sewer Fund (a) 2,982,095 10,512,211 10,099,876 3,394,430 Village Parking System Fund (a) 115,622 102,756 143,798 74,580 Parking System Revenue Fund (a) (104,421 ) 109,000 131,410 (126,831) TOTAL 2,993,296 10,723,967 10,375,084 3,342,179 (a) Estimated balances reflect cash and investment balance, not fund equity. VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 2006 BUDGET SUMMARY AVAILABLE FUND BALANCES 12-31-2006 Estimated 2006 2006 Estimated Balance Budget Budget Balance 12-31-05 Revenues Ex enditures 12-3]-06 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS (b) Vehicle Maintenance Fund 410,000 1,450,058 1,450,029 410,029 Vehicle Replacement Fund 5,170,724 1,083,413 930,380 5,323,757 Computer Replacement Fund 663,028 180,020 145,800 697,248 Risk Management Fund 464,563 6,316,682 6,367,780 413,465 TOTAL 6,708,315 9,030,173 8,893,989 6,844,499 PENSION FUNDS (c) Police Pension Fund 36,324,722 3,654,043 2,375,461 37,603,304 Fire Pension Fund 37,757,839 3,406,377 2,520,751 38,643,465 TOTAL 74,082,561 7,060,420 4,896,212 76,246,769 Totals - Village Funds 99,234,631 78,382,263 77,815,943 9~,800,951 Less: Pension Funds (c) (74,082,561 ) (7,060,420) (4,896,212) (76,246,769) (b) Estimated balances for Internal Service Funds reflect unrestricted net assets only. (c) Pension Funds are restricted for future pension benefits and do not constitute "Available Fund Balances." (d) Not available as of December 20,2005. (e) Does not include Mount Prospect Library. Mount Prospect INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM Village of Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois TO: MICHAEL JANONIS, VILLAGE MANAGER FROM: DIRECTOR OF FINANCE DATE: DECEMBER 2, 2005 SUBJECT: PROPOSED REVENUE CHANGE ORDINANCES RELATED TO TH BUDGET During budget discussions with the Village Board and Finance Commission, several alternatives for new revenue tosupport the 2006 budget were discussed. The attached three ordinances support the recommendations of the Village Board for eliminating the licensing of dogs, increasing the rate for the municipal motor fuel tax and modifying the ambulance billing program to include billing of residents. Discussion on each of these ordinances is to follow. Dog Licensing Article II, Chapter 20 entitled "Dogs and Cats" and the accompanying sections of Appendix A have been modified to eliminate the requirement of owners of dogs to acquire licenses on an annual basis and provides for monetary fines for impoundment of animals in violation of this section of the code. These sections of the code have been replaced with requirements that all dogs and cats be inoculated with the rabies vaccine and collar and identification tags are mandated when pets are off the property of the owner. Future proposed changes regarding the remaining sections of the Village Code pertaining to Animal Control are being reviewed by Environmental Health staff and will be brought to the Village Board at a later date. The impact to revenues for the General Fund budget by eliminating the dog-licensing requirement is a reduction of $10,000. Municipal Motor Fuel Tax Section 8.1802 of Appendix A of the Village Code is amended to reflect the increase in the per gallon gasoline tax from $0.01 to $0.02. The rate increase is effective January 1, 2006. Monies generated by this increase in tax ($150,000) will be allocated to the Street Improvement Construction Fund. Existing revenue from the sale of vehicle stickers ($225,000) will be reallocated to the General Fund resulting in a net decrease in revenue to the Street Improvement Fund of $75,000. Sufficient funds to support the street program are available from other sources to maintain the street program. ~-\-\ Proposed Revenue Change Ordinances December 2,2005 Page 2 Ambulance Billing Program Article X, Chapter 8 entitled "Nonresident Ambulance Fee" and the accompanying sections of Appendix A have been modified to reflect changes in the ambulance billing program for the Village. Currently only nonresidents are being assessed a charge for utilizing ambulance transport services provided by the Village. The new program as modified now assesses a charge to residents as well. Fee for all users will be according to approved Medicare rates and based on type of service (BLS, ALS1 and ALS2). There is also a component for mileage. Listed below are the 2005 Medicare rates for ambulance transport service. Information on the 2006 approved rates is not available at this time. Resident Rate $313.00 $371.69 $537.97 $5.90 Nonresident Rate $413.00 $471.69 $637.97 $5.90 Total revenue generated by the modified ambulance-billing program is projected to be $783,000. The monies will be allocated to the General Fund to defray a portion of the costs for providing the service. Please place these items on the agenda for December 6 for Board approval. Please review the information and let me know if you have any questions. Thanks. t /;~<A/_/()I (,/C DAVID O. ERB DIRECTOR OF FINANCE DOE/ Attachments 1:\Budget 2006\New Revenue Ordinance Cover Memo - 2006 Budget.doc ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE II OF CHAPTER 20 ENTITLED "DOGS AND CATS," AND APPENDIX A - DIVISION II OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES the _ day of ,2005 Published in pamphlet form by authority of the corporate authorities of the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois the _ day of , 2005. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE II OF CHAPTER 20 ENTITLED "DOGS AND CATS," AND APPENDIX A - DIVISION II OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, ACTING IN THE EXERCISE OF THEIR HOME RULE POWERS: SECTION ONE: Section 20.201, entitled "License Required: Term of Payment; License Year," of Article II, entitled "Dogs and Cats," of Chapter 20 of the Village Code of the Village of Mount Prospect is hereby deleted in its entirety and the following new Section 20.201, entitled "Rabies Inoculation - Dogs and Cats," to be and read as follows: Section 20.201. Rabies Inoculation - Dogs and Cats: Every owner, except animal shelters, animal impounding facilities, and laboratory animal facilities, of a dog or cat four months or more of age shall cause such dog or cat to be inoculated with rabies vaccine by a licensed veterinarian at such intervals as approved by the Illinois Department of Agriculture. SECTION TWO: Section 20.202, entitled "License Application: Fee," of Article II, entitled "Dogs and Cats," of Chapter 20 of the Village Code of the Village of Mount Prospect is hereby deleted in its entirety and the following new Section 20.202, entitled "Collar and Identification - Dogs and Cats," to be and read as follows: Section 20.202. Collar and Identification - Dogs and Cats: Every dog or cat, when off the property of the owner, shall wear a collar, attached to which shall be the identification of the dog or cat's owner, along with the serially numbered tag, issued by the Cook County Department of Animal and Rabies Control, or similar agency of another county, evidencing the dog or cat's rabies inoculation. Every dog or cat found in the village without such collar and identification will be deemed to be in violation, and shall be impounded as provided in this chapter. SECTION THREE: Section 20.203, entitled "Issuance of License," of Article II, entitled "Dogs and Cats," of Chapter 20 of the Village Code of the Village of Mount Prospect is hereby deleted in its entirety and Section 20.203 is hereby reserved. SECTION FOUR: Appendix A, Division II of the Village Code of the Village of Mount Prospect shall be amended to delete Section 20.206 in its entirety and insert a new Section 20.206, to be and read as follows: Section 20.206: IMPOUNDMENT PROCEDURES C. 1. Dog or cat impounded as stray: $25.00 Horse impounded as stray: $150.00 Any species of animals other than a dog, cat or horse: $25.00 plus mandatory application for permit to own if species is covered by any other protective law. SECTION FIVE: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED AND APPROVED this day of ,2005. ATTEST: President Irvana K. Wilks, Village M. Lisa Angell, Village Clerk ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING APPENDIX A - DIVISION II OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES the _ day of , 2005 Published in pamphlet form by authority of the corporate authorities of the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois the _ day of ,2005. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING APPENDIX A - DIVISION II OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, ACTING IN THE EXERCISE OF THEIR HOME RULE POWERS: SECTION ONE: Appendix A, Division II ofthe Village Code of the Village of Mount Prospect shall be amended to delete Section 8.1802 in its entirety and a new Section 8.1802 is inserted to be and read as follows: Section 8.1802: TAX IMPOSED Rate: $0.01 per gallon (effective 10/01197). Rate: $0.02 per gallon (effective 01101/2006). SECTION TWO: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 2005. Irvana K. Wilks, Village President ATTEST: M. Lisa Angell, Village Clerk I:\Ordinances & Resolutions\Amend Local MFT - November 200S.doc ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE X OF CHAPTER 8 ENTITLED "NONRESDENT AMBULANCE FEE" AND APPENDIX A - DIVISION II OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES the _ day of ,2005 Published in pamphlet form by authority of the corporate authorities of the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois the _ day of , 2005. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE X OF CHAPTER 8 ENTITLED "NONRESDENT AMBULANCE FEE" AND APPENDIX A - DIVISION II OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, ACTING IN THE EXERCISE OF THEIR HOME RULE POWERS: SECTION ONE: Article X, entitled "NONRESIDENT AMBULANCE FEES," of Chapter 8 of the Village Code of the Village of Mount Prospect is hereby repealed and replaced in its entirety with a new Article X, entitled "AMBULANCE SERVICE FEES," to be and reads as follows: Section 8.1001: PURPOSE: An ambulance service fee is established for the purpose of defraying a portion of the costs associated with the medical care and transportation of patients by the Mount Prospect fire department. Section 8.1002: DEFINITION: For the purpose of this article, the following definitions apply: A. "Ambulance services" is the provision of medical care by the Mount Prospect fire department and transportation by the Mount Prospect fire department ambulance to a hospital or other approved medical facility B. "Patient" is any person who requires medical care and transportation of any type, whether knowingly or unknowingly, by the Mount Prospect fire department ambulance. C. "Resident patient" is any person, who resides within the corporate limits of the Village of Mount Prospect. D. "Nonresident patient" is any person, who resides outside of the corporate limits of the Village of Mount Prospect Section 8.1003: FEE ESTABLISHED: A. If a resident patient receives ambulance services, a fee in the amount set forth in appendix A, division II of this code, shall be due and owing to the village upon receipt of a bill issued by or on behalf of the village. B. If a nonresident patient receives ambulance services due to an injury related in any way to a motor vehicle accident, a fee in the amount set forth in appendix A, division II of this code, shall be due and owing to the village upon receipt of a bill issued by or on behalf of the village. C. If a nonresident patient receives ambulance services due to an injury or illness occurring at any location other than within a residential dwelling unit, a fee in the amount set forth in appendix A, division II of this code, shall be due and owing to the village upon receipt of a bill issued by or on behalf of the village. D. If a nonresident patient receives ambulance services due to an injury or illness which occurred within a residential dwelling unit in the Village, the nonresident patient shall be considered a resident patient for billing purposes and a fee in the amount set forth in appendix A, division II of this code, shall be due and owing to the village upon receipt of a bill issued by or on behalf of the village Section 8.1004: COLLECTION: A. The Director of Finance of the Village shall cause an invoice for ambulance services to be issued to patients in accordance with this ordinance. The Village may enter into a contract with an independent billing service and/or collection agency in order to facilitate this process. B. Invoices shall be provided directly to the patient's insurance company or companies, self-insurers, Medicare, Medicaid or Public Aid. Assignments of insurance benefits for resident patients shall be accepted as payments in full. Fees, assessed by insurance carriers, as "deductibles" or "co-payments," shall be waived for resident patients, in consideration of municipal/property taxes paid to the Village. C. In the event of hardship or special circumstance, the Director of Finance is authorized to waive, on an individual basis, fees charged to resident patients under this ordinance, but not paid by insurance, Medicare, Medicaid or Public Aid. SECTION TWO: Appendix A, Division II of the Village Code of the Village of Mount Prospect shall be amended to delete Section 8.1003 in its entirety and a new section 8.1003 is inserted to be and read as follows: Section 8.1003: FEE ESTABLISHED: A. Level of medical care, i.e., BLS (basic life support), ALS 1 (Advanced Life Support level 1), or ALS2 (Advanced Life Support level 2), and mileage, based upon the Medicare rate and definitions effective at time of transport. B. Level of medical care, i.e., BLS (basic life support), ALS 1 (Advanced Life Support level I), or ALS2 (Advanced Life Support level 2), and mileage, based upon the Medicare rate and definitions effective at time of transport, plus $100.00. C. Same as for B. D. Same as for A. SECTION THREE: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED AND APPROVED this day of ,2005. ATTEST: Irvana K. Wilks, Village President M. Lisa Angell, Village Clerk