HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. DRAFT MINUTES 11/21 & 12/20 MA YOR lrvana K Wilks VILLAGE CLERK M. Lisa Angell l\-1UUl1t Prosp'-'Ct VILLAGE MANAGER Michael E. ]anonis TR USTEES Timothy J. Corcoran Paul Wm. Hoefert A. Johel Korn Richard M. Lohrstorfer Michaele W. Skowron Michael A. Zadel Phone: 847/392-6000 Fax: 847/392-6(122 www.moul1tprosrect.org Village of Mount Prospect 50 South Emerson Street, Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 MINUTES VILLAGE BOARD STRATEGIC PLANNING WORKSHOP NOVEMBER 21,2005 The meeting convened at 5:30 p.m. in the Community Center of Village Hall. Present were: Mayor I,-vana Wilks; Trustees Timothy Corcoran, Paul Hoefert, John Korn, Richard Lohrstorfer, Michaele Skowron and Michael Zadel. Staff present included: Village Manager Michael Janonis and Assistant Village Manager David Strahl. Village Manager Janonis provided an overview of the intended purpose of the discussion. Village Board members discussed their vision of Mount Prospect and what issues are on the horizon that the Village and staff should be prepared for. There was discussion regarding big-picture items VS. internal items. Village staff was directed to summarize the items discussed for further follow-up and discussion at a fcJture date. The meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m. -~ ~ ~ ::;:;t:{f DAVID STRAHL Assistant Village Manager DS/rcc MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT December 6, 2005 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Wilks called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. ROLL CALL ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Irvana K. Wilks Trustee Timothy Corcoran Trustee Paul Hoefert Trustee John Korn Trustee Richard Lohrstorfer Trustee Michaele Skowron Trustee Michael Zadel PLEDGE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Trustee Hoefert led the Pledge of Allegiance. INVOCATION INVOCATION Mayor Wilks gave the Invocation. MINUTES APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Skowron, moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held November 15, 2005. Upon roll call: Ayes: Corcoran, Hoefert, Lohrstorfer, Korn, Skowron, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. APPROVE BILLS APPROVE BILLS Mayor Wilks stated the next item on the agenda, "APPROVE BILLS was noted by an asterisk, and all items further listed in that manner would be considered with one vote, as business item "IX. CONSENT AGENDA" MAYOR'S REPORT MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Wilks presented four (4) resolutions. "Prospect Marching Knights" In recognition of their outstanding musical achievements and participation in the January 2, 2006 Tournament of Roses Parade, a Resolution proclaiming, January 2, 2006 as "Prospect Marching Knights Day" was presented to Band Director David Morrison. Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Skowron, moved to approve Resolution No. 48-05: RES 48-05 A RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING JANUARY 2, 2006 AS MARCHING KNIGHTS DAY RES 49-05 RES 50-05 RES 51-05 APPOINTMENTS Upon roll call: Ayes: Corcoran, Hoefert, Korn, Lohrstorfer, Skowron, Zadel, Wilks Nays: None Motion carried. "Prospect Knights State Football Champions" A resolution recognizing the Prospect Knights Football Team as the 2005 IHSA Class 7A Football Champions was presented to Coach Brent Pearlman. Trustee Zadel, seconded by Trustee Skowron, moved to approve Resolution No. 49-05: A RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING THE PROSPECT KNIGHTS FOOTBALL TEAM AS THE 2005 IHSA CLASS 7 A FOOTBALL CHAMPIONS Upon roll call: Ayes: Corcoran, Hoefert, Korn, Lohrstorfer, Skowron, Zadel, Wilks Nays: None Motion carried. "Music Makes A Difference Day" A resolution recognizing the collection and distribution of musical instruments to Mount Prospect students who without the donated instruments would not have the opportunity to take music lessons was presented to the project's organizers. Community Relations Commission - Reverend Tony Tolbert Baird and Warner - Ms. Joanne Fulkerson Mount Prospect Lions Club - Mr. Fred Steinmiller John Jay Elementary School Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Skowron, moved to approve Resolution No. 50-05: A RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING THE "MUSIC MAKES A DIFFERENCE" PROJECT Upon roll call: Ayes: Corcoran, Hoefert, Korn, Lohrstorfer, Skowron, Zadel, Wilks Nays: None Motion carried. The Mayor read the Resolution for the Holiday Season. Trustee Korn, seconded by Trustee Lohrstorfer, moved to approve Resolution No. 51-05: A RESOLUTION FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON Upon roll call: Ayes: Corcoran, Hoefert, Korn, Lohrstorfer, Skowron, Zadel, Wilks Nays: None Motion carried. APPOINTMENTS None. 2 CITIZENS TO BE HEARD CONSENT AGENDA BILLS DEFERRAL PZ-27-05, 109 MAC ARTHUR BLVD RES 56-05 UTILITY BILLING CONTRACT OLD BUSINESS DEFERRAL PZ-27-05 NEW BUSINESS PZ-37-05 309 WESTGATE DRIVE COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS - CITIZENS TO BE HEARD None CONSENT AGENDA Trustee Zadel, seconded by Trustee Skowron, moved to approve the following business items: 1. 2. Bills, dated November 10-30, 2005 PZ-27 -OS, 109 Mac Arthur Boulevard Request for a Conditional Use Permit deferred until December 20, 2005 Village Board meeting RES 56-05: A RESOLUTION CONSENTING TO ASSIGNMENT OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS FRANCHISE AGREEMENT Accept proposal for three (3) year contract with Third Millennium for printing and mailing the Village's utility bills (not to exceed $47,281.40) 3. 4. Upon roll call: Ayes: Corcoran, Hoefert, Korn, Lohrstorfer, Skowron, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS Deferral of PZ-27-05, 109 Mac Arthur Boulevard, request for a Conditional Use Permit was approved under the Consent Agenda. NEW BUSINESS Community Development Director William Cooney presented for a first reading an ordinance to grant a Development Code Exception to allow deeper lot depth than is permitted by Village Code and a Resolution authorizing a Plat of Resubdivision that creates two (2)-lots from one at 309 Westgate Drive. The Planning and Zoning Commission has has recommended approval of the Development Code Exception and Plat of Resubdivision by a 5-0 vote. (The petitioners were not present for the discussion.) Mr. Cooney stated Village Code dictates a depth lot of no more than 206.7' However, consistent with the other properties on the block the petitioners have designed the two-lot subdivision in excess of the Village Code requirement. The petitioner is requesting lot depths of 253.79'. Mr. Cooney noted that the increased lot depth would comply with the Village's Comprehensive Planning and Zoning Ordinance. Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Lohrstorfer, moved to waive the rule requiring two readings of an ordinance: Upon roll call: Ayes: Corcoran, Hoefert, Korn, Lohrstorfer, Skowron, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. Trustee Skowron stated, for the record, that while she and the petitioners share the same last name they are not related. 3 Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Lohrstorfer, moved for approval of Ordinance No. 5521: ORD 5521 AN ORDINANCE TO GRANT A DEVELOPMENT CODE EXCEPTION FOR PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 309 WESTGATE DRIVE Upon roll call: Ayes: Corcoran, Hoefert, Korn, Lohrstorfer, Skowron, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. Mr. Cooney stated the accompanying resolution authorizes the Approval of the a plat of resubdivision to create two (2) lots of record from the one lot. Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Lohrstorfer, moved to approve Resolution No. 52-05: RES 52-05 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPROVAL OF A PLAT OF RESUBDIVISION FOR PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 309 WESTGATE DRIVE. Upon roll call: Ayes: Corcoran, Hoefert, Korn, Lohrstorfer, Skowron, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. PZ-41-05 1705 VERDE DRIVE Mr. Cooney presented for a first reading, an ordinance to grant a Variation to construct an unenclosed porch and create a 22' 8" front yard setback and a Variation to construct a second story addition with a 27' 8" front yard setback at 1705 Verde Drive. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 5-0. Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Lohrstorfer, moved to waive the rule requiring two readings of an ordinance: Upon roll call: Ayes: Corcoran, Hoefert, Korn, Lohrstorfer, Skowron, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. Mr. Cooney responded to several questions from the Village Board regarding the variation for the unenclosed porch. Trustee Skowron stated that she could support the variation for the 27' 8" front yard set back for the second story addition but not the 22'8" set back for the unenclosed porch. The petitioner, Mr. Neuhaflen, stated that in order to comply with Village's 25' front yard set back he had looked at several options for an unenclosed porch. However, with a 25' foot front yard set back he would be limited to a 3-foot porch. Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Lohrstorfer, moved for approval of Ordinance No. 5522: ORD 5522 AN ORDINANCE TO GRANT A VARIATION FOR PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 1705 VERDE DRIVE 4 PUBLIC HEARING 2005 PROPERTY TAX LEVY Upon roll call: Ayes: Corcoran, Hoefert, Korn, Lohrstorfer, Zadel Nays: Skowron Motion carried. Mayor Wilks opened the public hearing for the 2005 property tax levy at 7:50 p.m. It was noted that notice of the public hearing was published in The Daily Herald on November 25, 2005. Finance Director David Erb noted that the tax levy for the Village is $13,020,278, an increase of 7.66% over the prior year. He then stated the Mount Prospect Library Board had approved their tax levy request of $7,418,165, a 4.89% increase over the 2004 levy. There being no additional comments from the Village Board or the audience the public hearing was closed at 7:56 p.m. The following ordinances were presented for a first reading: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF TAXES FOR THE CORPORATE AND MUNICIPAL PURPOSES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2005 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2005 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF TAXES FOR THE MUNICIPAL PURPOSES OF SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER FIVE OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2005 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2005 AN ORDINANCE TO ABATE A PART OF THE TAXES LEVIED FOR CORPORATE AND MUNICIPAL PURPOSES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2005 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31,2005 The Mayor stated the ordinances will be held for a second reading at the December 20, 2005 Village Board meeting. The Mayor presented for a first reading of an ordinance to adopt the Village's 2006 annual budget. Finance Director David Erb provided a summary of the proposed 2006 Budget for the Village. Mr. Erb stated the proposed budget total $77,815,943 which represents a 9.85% increase over the current 2005 Budget. Additionally, he stated the Village's projected revenues for 2006 are $78,382,263; a 9.69% increase. The Mayor opened the discussion to residents with comments or questions. Ms. Maureen Heltzel, 1213 West Sunset, had several questions regarding the Village's decision to change the residential solid waste program. Ms. Heltzel stated the existing system worked very well and was concerned with the decision to go to an unlimited collection program. 5 Trustee Corcoran stated the Village Board and staff had conducted a comprehensive evaluation of local solid waste services in an effort to provide Mount Prospect residents with the most efficient and effective solid waste services. Trustee Corcoran identified several factors that necessitated the Village's decision to implement the automated collection system with unlimited collection. He further explained that regardless of the collection method, the cost for solid waste services would have gone up. However, with the efficiency of the automated collection process and unlimited collection, the overall increase was less than it would have been under the current system. Trustee Corcoran also stated the Village Board's decision to implement this system did not impact their decision to direct bill residents for a small portion of the cost for residential services. The direct bill approach was a budgetary decision. Both Trustee Corcoran and Trustee Hoefert shared their insights on the benefits of the automated collection system for recycling. Recycling and waste diversion reports from the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC) illustrate the significant increase in recyclables diverted from the landfills when residents have additional capacity for the materials. The data strongly suggests that even with unlimited collection the Village will realize an increase in the amount of waste diverted from the landfill with the larger carts for recycling. Reverend Anthony Tolbert, 112 South Waverly Place, asked the Village Board to reconsider the direct bill approach and keep the cost for solid waste services on the property taxes. He stated there is a greater tax benefit to residents when the cost for municipal services is in the property tax. The Village Board agreed with Reverend Tolbert that there are pros and cons to this issue. However, after discussing many of the same points raised by Reverend Tolbert, the Village Board decided the direct bill was the most equitable approach for residents and the business community. Ms. Mya Segun, 814 South We-Go Trail asked how billing would be processed for individuals who may be gone for an extended period. Finance Director David Erb stated arrangements could be made for those individuals to prepay. Mr. Bill Dosek, 1712 North Beech, asked for clarification on the use of the prepaid sticker. Village Manager Michael Janonis responded that the prepaid sticker will be needed for the collection and disposal of yard waste only. However, he added, the contract includes an option for subscription service for yard waste collection that may be more cost effective for individuals who have weekly set-out. Mr. Janonis also noted that although the new contract takes effect January 1, 2006 the automated collection system will not begin until May 2006. He stated that a comprehensive community education program will be in place before the new program is implemented. The second reading of the ordinance adopting the 2006 annual budget for the Village will held at the December 20, 2006 Village Board meeting. 6 CHAPTER 20 LICENSING APPENDIX A GASOLINE TAX CHAPTER 8 AMBULANCE FEE TIF NO.1 AMENDMENT Mayor Wilks presented for a first reading an ordinance to amend Chapter 20, Article II, "Dogs and Cats" by deleting the annual licensing requirement. Although the Village would no longer require licensing, owners would be responsible for tagging their pets with the owner's name and up to date rabies inoculation. Village Manager Michael Janonis responded to questions from the Village Board regarding the use and reading of the identification chips implanted in the animals ear, and enforcement of the rabies inoculation. Mr. Janonis stated the Village would be able to facilitate this process and the enforcement of the rabies inoculation will be discussed at a later time. The second reading for the ordinance amending Chapter 20, Article II, "Dogs and Cats", will be held at the December 20,2005 Village Board meeting. Mayor Wilks presented for a first reading an ordinance to amend Appendix A, Article II, "Tax Imposed" to reflect the increase in the per gallon gasoline tax from $0.01 to $0.02, effective January 1, 2006. The funds will be directed to the Village's street improvement! construction program. The second reading for the ordinance amending Appendix A, Article II, "Tax Imposed" will be held at the December 20,2005 Village Board Meeting. Mayor Wilks presented for a first reading an ordinance to amend Chapter 8, Article X, "Nonresident Ambulance Fee" to reflect changes in the Village's ambulance billing program to include resident ambulance fee billing. Finance Direct David Erb explained the billing to insurance companies would be outsourced. He noted that residents who do not have insurance nor Medicare will not be billed for ambulance service. Finance Commissioner Ann Smilanic, 409 South Can Dota, expressed her concern that the ordinance does not clearly state that residents without insurance or Medicare will not be billed. Village Manager Michael Janonis stated he would discuss this point with the Village Attorney. The second reading of the ordinance to amend Chapter 8, Article X, "Nonresident Ambulance Fee" will be held at the December 20, 2005 Village Board meeting. Community Development Director William Cooney presented for a first reading an ordinance proposing the amendment of Downtown TIF No. 1 Redevelopment Project, convening a Joint Review Board and calling a public hearing. Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Lohrstorfer, moved to waive the rule requiring two readings of an ordinance: Upon roll call: Ayes: Corcoran, Hoefert, Korn, Lohrstorfer, Skowron, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. 7 Mr. Cooney stated the ordinance establishes January 4, 2006 as the date for the Joint Review Board meeting and February 7, 2006 as the date for the public hearing. Mr. Cooney stated the required public notification will be made and letters sent to the appropriate parties. Mayor Wilks announced that Governor Blagojevich had recently signed the Bill that extends the TIF program. The extension will allow the Village to continue with the redevelopment of the downtown area. Trustee Corcoran, seconded by Trustee Skowron, moved for approval of Ordinance No. 5523: ORD 5523 AN ORDINANCE PROPOSING THE AMENDMENT OF DOWNTOWN TIF NO.1 REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT, CONVENING A JOINT REVIEW BOARD AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING Upon roll call: Ayes: Corcoran, Hoefert, Korn, Lohrstorfer, ladel Nays: None Motion carried. CLASS 6B INCENTIVE PROGRAM Community Development Director William Cooney presented two (2) resolutions to extend the Class 6B Incentive Program. 1. C-Line Products, 1100 Business Center Drive 2. Braun Manufacturing, 1350 Feehanville Drive C-L1NE PRODUCTS The extension will allow C-Line Products and Braun Manufacturing to continue in the Cook County program that provides real estate tax incentives to businesses developing new industrial facilities, rehabilitating existing industrial structures or reusing previously vacant industrial buildings. Mr. Skip Robertson, Vice President, asked the Village Board for their support in his application for the extension. He stated how pleased is to have the business located in Mount Prospect. C-Line looks forward to business growth and adding more jobs. The Village Board expressed their support for C-Line and thanked Mr. Robertson for locating his business in the community. Trustee ladel, seconded by Trustee Skowron, moved to approve Resolution No. 53-05: RES 53-05 A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF C-L1NE PRODUCTS, 1100 BUSINESS CENTER DRIVE, TO EXTEND THE CLASS 6B INCENTIVE PROGRAM. Upon roll call: Ayes: Corcoran, Hoefert, Korn, Lohrstorfer, Skowron, lade I Nays: None Motion carried. BRAUN MFG. Mr. Michael Braun, Braun Manufacturing, stated the business had relocated to Mount Prospect from Chicago. He stated that it is difficult to be a manufacturer in Illinois with many jobs going overseas and asked for the Village's support. Stating that Braun is pleased to be in Mount Prospect he noted that a number of employees including the President reside in the Village. 8 The Village Board expressed their support for Braun Manufacturing and thanked Mr. Braun for locating his business in the community. Trustee ladel, seconded by Trustee Skowron, moved to approve Resolution No. 54-05: RES 54-05 A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF BRAUN MANUFACTURING, 1350 FEEHANVILLE DRIVE, TO EXTEND THE CLASS 6B INCENTIVE PROGRAM. Upon roll call: Ayes: Nays: Corcoran, Hoefert, Korn, Lohrstorfer, Skowron, ladel None Motion carried. Mayor Wilks presented a resolution calling for county action with respect to vicious animals. This resolution supports Trustee Corcoran's request to have the Cook County Board of Commissioners adopt regulations covering the status of vicious animals on a county wide basis. Trustee ladel, seconded by Trustee Skowron, moved to approve Resolution No. 55-05: RES 55-05 A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR ACTION WITH RESPECT TO VICIOUS ANIMALS Upon roll call: Ayes: Nays: Corcoran, Hoefert, Korn, Lohrstorfer, Skowron, ladel None Motion carried. The resolution will be sent with a cover letter signed by all the Trustees to the Cook County Board of Commissioners. Mayor Wilks will also present the resolution to the Northwest Municipal Conference. NORWOOD BUILDERS Ms. Jennifer Tammen, Norwood Builders presented a request to modify construction design of the wall assembly and development status at the Founders' Row Development. Ms. Tammen and Mr. Michael Breclaw, OKW Architects presented information in support of Mr. Breclaw's recommendation to alter the exterior wall system to a 2 x 6 wood stud wall with a brick exterior, in lieu of the concrete block and brick currently in the construction documents. Mr. Breclaw stated the modifications were recommended to increase the R-Value which will result in a reduction of the owners' heating costs and increase the usable square feet in the interior of the units. Mr. Breclaw and Ms. Tammen responded to several questions from the Village Board regarding the requested modifications. The Village expressed their confidence in the quality of buildings constructed by Norwood Builders and the need to maintain the same quality in the Founders' Row Development. Trustee Hoefert recognized Norwood Builders for wanting to "green-up" the development. He asked if there was another way to increase the R-Value by keeping the concrete block. 9 MANAGER'S REPORT WINTER FESTIVAL WEEKEND COFFEE WITH COUNCIL OTHER BUSINESS WATER MAIN BREAKS NO SMOKING BAN VEHICLE STICKERS It was the general consensus of the Village Board that the sound proofing for exterior noise would be significantly compromised by replacing the concrete blocks with the 2 x 6 wood stud wall. Planning and Zoning Commissioner Keith Youngquist, 200 North Forest Avenue, shared his concerns regarding the request to modify the construction design using the 2 x 6 wall stud rather than the concrete block. He stated that the solid masonry remain the greatest barrier against sound and encouraged the Village Board to keep the concrete block construction. After considering the Village Board's request to explore other options to increase the R-Value without altering the use of the concrete blocks, Ms. Tammen asked to withdraw Norwood's request for the modifications. The Village Board accepted the request for withdrawal. (Later in the meeting Ms. Tammen asked for clarification on procedures should Norwood be able to increase the R-Value and keep the concrete block construction. The Village Manager responded that if the integrity of the building construction was maintained the request would not have to be brought before the Village Board.) VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT The Village Manager recognized and thanked all the organizations responsible for the events during the Village's Winter Festival Weekend. A special thanks was extended to the Public Works Department and the Chamber of Commerce. The Village Manager announced Coffee with Council would be held Saturday, December 10th from 9:00 a.m. to 11 :00 a.m. in Village Hall, 50 South Emerson Street. OTHER BUSINESS Mayor Wilks commented on the number of water main breaks the Public Works Department has had to respond to over the last month; average 2-3 a day. She stated the water main breaks are unforeseen consequence of this year's extended drought. Trustee Hoefert stated that the water main breaks are evidence of the Village's aging infrastructure and reinforces the need to do infrastructure improvements. Referencing the City of Chicago's move toward a smoking ban, Trustee Hoefert asked that a local smoking ban be included for discussion in 2006. Trustee Skowron indicated her support to discuss a smoking ban. Trustee Corcoran asked the Village Board's consideration and support to allocate $20,000 to optimize the vehicle sticker administrative process. He would like to amend the 2006 budget ordinance to include the expenditure. Trustee Hoefert stated would support the budget amendment and would like to see the same concept applied to other administrative processes. 10 ADJOURN ADJOURN Trustee Kom, seconded by Trustee Skowron, moved to adjourn the December 6, 2005 Village Board meeting at 10:21 p.m. Upon roll call: Ayes: Corcoran, Hoefert, Kom, Lohrstorfer, Skowron, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. M. Lisa Angell Village Clerk 11