HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/06/1955 VB minutes ry '-ii ~ 1. ditch presently located on the south Slae of Forrest Ave. and provide a more desirable nome site for tne builder and any future occupant thereof. T;,le recommend that permissic:>n be granted to Johnson & Bidderman for the installation of the curb and gutter as outlined above plus the installation of narrow strip of pavement between the edge of the existing pavement and the flag of the proposed gutter. If such approval is rendered by the Board we wish to advise you that our field party will establish the necessary construction line and grade for this improvement. Very truly yours, Consoer, ~ownsend & Associates By: 1pJilliam ';fl. 'l'o\,msend A motion was then made by 'l'rustee 1!.Iilson,seconded by ~Tiller, to grant the request as per the Village Engineers letter of November 4th, regarding Forrest Avenue improvements, The motion was voted upon the acclamation v-rhereupon the President declared the motion carried. .-F4 A motion was made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Viger, to authorize the Village Attorney to file an appearance and answer in Case 55S16739 Superior Court of Cook County. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried. :-r: "'^'" ----- q:~~ <t. (~::) A motion was made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Viger, authorizing tne President and Clerk to sign the Harris Kathren Subdivision Plat on behalf of the Village after approval by Ylount Prospect Plan Commission. The motion was voted upon by acclamation, v-rhereupon the President declared the motion carried. There being no further business to corne before the meet- ing a motion was made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Viger, that tne meeting be adjourned. The motion was voted upon by acclam- ation "Thereupon the President declared the motion carried and the meeting regularly adjourned. .---'."" '_-"l - I //f:" /, _......-~ /.' ~_ .~-~ --_ ~ _ _._~//~ (/ I, / fr _///" c'/t:.,:, 7-Y?)k/~c~'-~,_ C ler1r-- /1 I./. '\ .I'J;INU'l'ES OF Pi HBDOL1~R ING OP 'hiE. PHE.~)IDENll' AND BOARD OF' TRU,:;,'lbl'..,s H.t.,LD IN l'tH... fv]Ul'~ICIPAL BUILDING, MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS, ON t Ul2,SDA Y DLCE;]\TBER 6, 1955 The meeting 'ATas called to order by President Lams at 8:10 F.M. dnd the Clerk was then directed to call the roll. On roll call the following T'rus tee s ansll1Tered tI Pre sent II" Airey, 'Viger, Schlsver, 1.Her, and "'ilson. '1'rustee ;,'!iller Fas absent. The Trustees having previously received copies of ~he minutes held November 15, a motion was made by Trustee AiDey, seconded by ~'Her, -chat the minute s be approved as submi tted, 'r'he President put the question, the Clerk called ~he roll, with tne following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. ~nereupon tne President declared tho motion carried. '1'he fOl1m,Ting petition :\TaSl,nen read: Case 5'6-1 To -che President and Members of tne Board of Trustees Village of Mount Prospect Mt. Prospect, Illinois Gentlemen: December 6, 1955 ~1 ~'.; 'The Lmd described belmv is presently owned by E'I'HEL BUSSE and is desio:nated as acreClo'e or farmld.nd l..JIlich has been annexed to the Vill~ge and as suc~'it h~s no specific zoning classification other thaD to consider it with an agricultural use, and the same being considered under normal circmilstances as land to chat zoned as HI or Residential. Your peti tioner is ....:ell aware of Ghe critical si tuation now existing in the Village in regard to parking, particularly in the business district of tne Village, and is also aware that the Vi llap-~e is de sirous of e s tab Ii sning off-stree t park:Lng, and it is with inis ~hou~ht in mind that ~our petitioner requests that a zoning classification be placed on part of the land so that the same can be used for motor vehicle parKing area. When this matter is heard by tne Zoning board, a plat of survey will be submitted snowing the inbended location of ~ne park- ing area and also two (2) lots at tile south end waich will bo for residential purposes. 1he property in question is described as follows: '1'hat part of tile Eas t Half (~) of the Northl.,Te s t ~;'cuar ter Cl:-) of fection 12, 10wn 41 North, ~ange 11, E~st of ~he ~hird Principal Meridian aescribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the South line of the l~as t Half (~) of said Northl11T8 st Quarter (,~) 379-4/10 feet East of the ~outh West corner of said ~ast Half (i) tDenca East along said South line to a point 754-85/100 feet West of the South East corner of said East Half (!) tnence North parallel with the East line of said East Half (~) to the South line of bhe right of "tTay of the C. & N. 'iT. Ry. Co. thence Nor thitve::, terly along said fouth line of Ri\,;ht of 1!\Iay to a point North of the place of begin- ning ctnd thence ~outn parallel with GDe West line of said bast Half (~) to che place of beginning containing Your d.ndF"orty-t,nree one llundred (4-43/100) acres more or less in aforesaid Section 12, Town 41 North, Ran~e 11, E~st of the ~hird Principal Meridian, excepting from above described premises the South thirt~-three (33) feet of the :"est 190.25 feet ~nereof dedicated for public street by Plat of Friedrich Schafer's Addition to Mount Prospect registered as Document No. 339239; also except ~hat pd.rt ther00f described as follows: Commencing at a point in tne ~,outh line of the Lctst Half (~) of said ~orthwe2t ({uarter (t)chat is 379.40 feet East of Ghe ('.outh'"iec~t corner of said East llalf (~), runninp:; thence North paral- lel with Ghe west line of said E~st Half (i) a aistance of 830.15 feet ~o a point of beginning; thence continuing North along said parallel ~ine a distance of 181.06 feet to a point in tile ~outh- w8Eterly line of Prospectivenue, said line being 50 feet [outh- westerly of and parallel with the ~ou~lNesterly right of way line of the Cilicago & orth",estern Railway; thence ~)outheasterly along said Sout.hl,resterly line of Prospect Avenue, a distance of 58.63;' feet t~once South, parallel with the est line of aforesaid ~ast Half (~;) of North l,Je2C ,~.uarter (?), a diEitclnce of 150.L~4 feet; thence west 50 feet to the point of beginning. lour petitioner encloses, here,~d_th, check in tne SUY[l of 0.00 1ATldch is Lohe required fee for a nearing on zoning matterse Very truly yours, Ethel Busse Attorney f6r Petitioner Robert L. ~tanton 515 S. Nawata ~venue Yount Prospect, Illinois :l,motion "Has then (Clade by il'y'ustee 'Her, i3ec onded by Schlaver, that this petj_tion be referred to the ~oniLg Commission f~r Glle holding of a public nearing and uheir reconrcnenda tions. 'l'he ,notion ',.ras voted upon by ace lamat:1- on, '"rnereuponc.i:le .Fre L ident dee lc';l.:ced t~_,e motion c,.:Lrried. ihe iollowing aetition was then read: ::;ase 56-2 fro Zoning Comrdssion Village of Mount Prospect "ount 2roi:pect, Illinois December 6s 1955 P'<'W ., J -{ (II <0 Attention Hobert Milligan Village Clerk, Village rl~ll 112 La s t NorthlATes t ltighirTa;y Mt. Prospect, Illinois PE1ITION FOR VARIATION Petitioner, Dr. Edward J. bkrysak, Herein affirms that he is the owner of proper ty and a :re s ideDt in tne Vi llage of nt. Prospect, Illinois, said property being located at 2 North Maple ftreet, Mt. Prospect, Illinois, and the le~al description of same being as follows: Parcel No,! 1: 'i1he South Ninety-nine (99) feet of Lot flt\!W in Lauderrnilk Villa being a Subdivision in the Southeast Quarter of Section 1'hirt'J'-four (3~-) 'l'ownship Forty-ti,'JO (LI.2 North, Range Bleven (11) East of the Tnird Principal riIeridian; ALSO: ....,.., P~rcel No.2: The North Ninety-eight (98) feet of the E,()uth one hundred ninety-seven (197) feet of Lot H),!" in Laudermilk Villa being a Subdivision in the Southeast C~:uarter of ~~ect i on 'l'hirt;y-four (34) I'OvmShip Fort;y-tl^ro (Lj.2) North, R-,-nge Eleven (11) East of tne third P:~incipal J'leridian: ALSO: '"Y'1 ~ 0- r.:) "''''( <e~ o Parcel ~o. 3: Lot Eighteen (18) in tne ~ubdivision of that Part of th-e- .E,ast .J.i.alf of the Soutln'\Test ,(.>~uarter of tne ~~'outheast C;uarter of Secti0n 'l'hirtl-four (34) 'l'o1tmsnip Forty-two (42) North R~nge Eleven (11) East of the T I'd Principal lVIeridian, Lying 1"Test of the East three hundred forLy-nine and twenty one hundredths (349.20) feet thereof, Your Petitioner further states that the property herein referred to is a corner residence with a frontage on County Road G (Cent~al Road) of 169 feet and a frontage on Maple Street of 97 feet. Petitioner further states that he has been practicing the Prcfession of Dentistry in the City of Chicago for 23 years and has been a resident of the Village of Mt. Prospect for the past 4 Jears; and that among h,is patients there are a substEntial number from the villages of Mt. Prospect, Palatine, Arlington Heights, Des Plaines, Roselle, Glenview, Niles and Park Ridge. Petitioner desires to utilize his residence as his Dental office and since Petitioner's residence is in a classification of R-l district in the Mt. Prospect zoning ordinance covered by Section 4; and since Sub-section 5 of said zoning ordinance specifically excludes from the district a professional office for the general practice of the profession involved, Petitioner is nerewith requesting that he be granted a variation from said regulation of the zoning ordinance so as to permit him to use nis residence for tne general practice of J~:entistry. Petitioner states that in order to so use his residence for the general practice of Dentistrl he will make no changes in che architectural appear~nce of said residence. Petitioner represents that his residence is presently located upon a he avi ly tra ve lIed ar.terial h~_ch1^Tay and that Ghi s higlnvay would not in any way be made moy'e hazardous 'co ttw neighbors by patients visiting the residence of Petitioner. Petitioner further states that cDere is sufficient parking area adjacent to his residence so that no parking problem 1rJill be created. Petitioner further repres~nts tha~ modest size lettering will be used at the side entrance of the residence merely announc- ing ~he name, title, and profession; and that no conspicuous or gaudy signs shall be displayed on the structure to detract from its normal residence appearance, in conformanco with tne code of ethics of the Dental Society. Petitioner further represents that the variation which he is seeking would not in any way depreciate the value of the neighboring properties; and that the public convonience of the Dedember 6, 1955 1 L1 citizens of Mt. Prosnect and of nei oring villages would be served in the use of facilities devoted to the care and improvement of public health Hi t[lOUt any injury of any kind to the neighboring properties; Petitioner further represents that he has consulted with the owners of nei~hboring properties and chdc they have no objection to Petitioner's use of his residence in tbe manner herein outlined as is evidenced by tneir signatures in support of ~lis Petition. '~JHbRSFORE PETITIONER PH/\.YS that the Zoning Commission of tne Village of Mt. Prospect grant him 2:i variation so as to allow him to use part of his reSidence for a Dental Office for the general practice of his Profession. Dr. Ldward J. ~krysak 2 N. Maple Street (Clearbrook 3-3864 Mount Prospect, Illinois Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of December A.D. 1955 ;'"al ter Kirchoff Notary Public A motion was then made b~ irustee Schlaver, seconded by Viger, ttld.t tll.is peti tion be referred to tile Zoning Commission for the holoing of a public hearing and their recommendations. The motion ",Tas voted upon by acclamation lrThereupon the President decl~red the motion carried. The follC1^Jing petition was then reCld: December 6, 1955 Village of ~t. Prospect t. Prospect, Illinois ~ttn: Mr. Robert Milli~an :Jent1emen: Please accept ~y request to have the following lots on tne North- we~t .tiighiJ'Tay rezoned from residencial to bu.siness. Lots 8 and 9 in Block 21 in ~ussels E~stern addition to Mt. Prospect. Also lots 24, 25, 26 and 27 in Maplewood Hei ,^hts, also on the J:ilzhFay.. I am enclosing my cneck for ~;90.00, wt1J,ch I understand you are nC1^r reque sting. Very truly yours, V. 13. 2,mi th mO-Clon "lATaS then mclde by i,L'rustee 'riter, seconded by Vieer, th-,-t tbis pet:Ltion be referred to tbe Zoning Commission for the nolding of a public hearing and their reco:mmendations. The motion !!vas voted upon by acc lama. t ion, l"rhereupon t.tle Pre s ident dec lared the ~otion carried. A zoning notice from the Zonin~ Board of Appeals, ~ook County, regarding proposed rezonine of property Northwest corner of 'louhy Avenue and ~jlt. Pro;-;pect Road from rtFH Farming strict to 1-2 Heavy Industry Dtstrict was then read. A motion was made by Trustee Scnlaver, seconded by ilson, tnat the Village Attorney be authorized to represent ~he Village at this hearing. The President put the question, tDe Clerk called t,he roll, l.rith the following response: l\.yes: -,'~ll; Nays: None. Thereupon tne President declared the motion carried. 'lhe foll01,Ting commun5cation ipras tnen read: December 6, 1955 President, and Members of Hoard of Directors Village of Mount Prospect ~ount Prospect, Illinois December 6~ 1955 75 Gentlemen: fhe Llons Club of Mount Pros Ject hereb~ requests ~hat permission be:;ranted them to install Lions International signs, six in number, at tDe following locations: Central Road at tho east and wast limits. Northv'Test lLi?;h",'ay at the north,^Jost and soutU,odost limits. Route 83 at the north and south limits. the signs 1:,Jill be attached to 4 x 4 posts v.rllich ",rill be sunk into the ground at least five feet. Respectfully requested, LIONS CLUB OF MT. PROSPECT 3y Robert L. Stanton Vice President ,\ motion vas r'dde by trustee Viger, seconded by idrey, that this request be granted. The motion was voted upon ~y acc lama tion 1:wereupon the Pre s ident ciec lcC:i.red the mot i on cdrried. ~,..j ~~ o ~ ,,,"'I" ,~ A motion was m~de by Trustee ~iger, seconded by ~chlaver, to autu0rize Hr. O'Brien to use water from a fire hydrant to flood the lot at 209 N. Pine ~treet for use as a skating pond. 'The Ploticn \^Tas voted u.pon by ticclamation ".Thereupon tne President cieclcired bne mo~ion carried. A motion was then made by ~rustee Viger, seconded by Wier, to i:l.uclwrize a refund of ,;{'l.j,O.JO to Ylr. Petterson '\^mo lives at Norcheast Corner of Golf Road and rtilusi. ~his refund covers an ovorc,Clarge on a '(-Tater tap Hnich 'lITas put in b.S a snort tap instead of a long tap for wl1ich Mr. Petterson had paid. ~ne President put t-,18 que stion, "tIle Clerk ccil1ed the roll, 1:ii th the follo"dng Y'e sponse ~ )1-ye s ~ ,II; Na-y s: l~one. 'lher'cmpon tne lJre sicient dec ldred the motion c~rrjed. A ~o~ion was m~de by Trustee ~cnldver, seconded by ilson, bo autDorize expendi ture of a sum not to exceed ",25"0.00 fa, tDe purcDase of steel transfer files for use in the Treasurer and Clerk's office s. '-l'he Pre sident put the qUG s t ion, the G 1 erk called tns roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; ays: Nore. ibereupon the President declared the motion cdrried. Cl'he Clerk tnen read a request under d,-,-te of L'8cember 1st from the 'oy fcouts of ~merica ~sking permission to hold tneir Findnce 0rive on tne evening of February 6tnplus a few days GGereafter for clean-up. ~ motion was ~hen ~ade by ~rust8e ~chlav8r, seconded by Vier, that 'cilis request be granted. 'ine motion 1:J'dS voted upon by acclamation li,rhoreupon toe _:.Jresident declared tl:1e motion carried. ~here being no furtDer business to come before ~ne meeting a motion was made by ~rustee ~iger, seconded by vilson, 'chat tne meeting be adjourned. Ine motion was vo~ed upon by acclamation whereupon tDe President declared tn8 motion carried and ~he Meeting regularly adjourned. ~#FI ~, (J HI:'HJ'lES O:F A HEGUL:,R l:rEf.'I n:;G OF p~aE~":,IT)EN'jT ;~ll\lr) .f.30fARD OF 'l'RJSfIJiJisS ~LLD IN friL _J~ICIPAL bUILDING, MOUNt PROSPECT, ILLINOIS, ON 1TI~SDAY T"" "f ""'6' .-R 20 195r:' j)J.:J../i:.::'"i "r E...l .., ,:; The meeting was called to order by President Ldms at R:30 F~ and the Clerk was then direc~ed to call tb~ roll. Airey, On roll call the f;c'nlaver, Viger, follo~ring Trustees anS1'ITered Hpresent!l: ier, and Willer. trustee Wilson was absent. 1ne Trustees having previously received copies of thB December 20, 1955