HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/20/1955 VB minutes 15 Gentlemen: 'I'he Llons Club of l'/!ount Pros Ject nereb-y requests that permi s sion be ,~;ranted -chem to ins tall Lions Interna ti'Jnal signs, six in number, at tne fOlloHing locations: Central Road at tne east and wast limits. North~'Test lii;shvay at the northT,Test and soutLodst limits. Route 83 at the north and south limits. The signs will be attached to 4 x 4 posts ~mich will be sunk into the ground at least five feet. Respectfully requested, LIONS CLUB OF MT. PROSPECT By Robert L. Stanton 'iice Pres:'Ldent 1'<"'-~ cCc motion pas mude by lrus tee Viger, seconded by~irey, that this request be granted. 1'he motion WdS voted upon ~y acclamation limereuponche President oeclared -ehe motion curried. "V'\ '- '" <::) .!(~ A motion was m~de b-y Trustee Viger, seconded by ~chlaver, to authorize Mr. O'Brien to use wdter from a fire hydrant to flood the Jot at 209 N. Pine btreet for use as a skating pond. I'ne"1oticn 1,Tas voted upon b-y dcclamcition T,mer'eupon tne l)resident declared cne motion carried. .~~.....t (~ A motion was then mude by ~rustee Vi3er, seconded by Wier, to aucc"orize a refund of ':i:L~O.:)O to j\lr. Petterson ROO lives at Ncrcheast Corner of Golf Road and niLusi. This refund covers an overchdrge on a water -cap which was put in dS a snort tap instead of a long tap for TAwich Mr. Pe-cterson had paid. '.l.Cle l:resldent put tile question, the Clerk c.:1,lled the roll, 'rd th t,i:1e folloTrJing re sponse: hye s: ,11; Nay s: None. Iher upon 1:;1:1e Pre sioent dec leered the motion cctrr5ed. A motion Has m~de by ~rustee ~cnldver, seconded b~ ilson, ~o aUGnorize expenditure of d sum not to exceed ?50.00 fo the purchase of steel transfer files i'or use in the 1'reasurer and Clerk's offices. ~he President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the followin~ response: Ayes: hll; Nays: None. l~ereupon Ghe Presi~Gnt declared the ~otion cdrried. ~Cne Clerk tnen read a reque st under dj" te of L'ecevnber 1 s t from the 'oy ~couts of ~merica asking permission ~o n0ld ~Qeir ~ln~nce Drive on the evening of February 6tn plus a few days cIJereafter for c18an-up.o. motton '\fIaS then madE:) by 'j'rustee ~ chlaver, seconded oy l"ier, that tuis request be e;ranted. 'l'ne motion was voted upon b;y acclamation liVhereupon the Pre sident declared the motion carried. ~here being no furt.Cler business to come before ~ne meeting a motion \,.,as mude by 'l.rustee \liGer, seconded by ':,iilson, ~hat the meeting be adjourned. Tne motion was vo-ced upon by accld.mation irTnereupon tne President declared the motion carried and ~ne ~eeting regularly adjourned. ~f#.f'1 _: ..... U-~ I'1I:'TlJ'LE2 OF' A HEGUL"l.R l~lELTING OF 'lHE PRl~~IDENt 'INJ) f30f.\.RD OF 1 RUS'l'E."LS iJ~LD IN 'IHL J'[iJtdCI.?ilL BuILDING, ['WUNl' P ROSPLC'l', ILLINOIS, ON 'lU2..~)DAY BE.R 20, 1955 'Ihe meeting was called to order by President Lc.>.ms at 8:30 PN ano the Clerk was then directed to call the roll. On roll call the follo1fring rlrustees anSltoTered "pres,:::nt!!.: Airey, SChlaver, Viger, ~ier, and Willer. 'lrustee Wilson was absent. 'Ihe Trustees having previously received copies of ~he December 20, 1955 76 minutes of meeting neld December 6th, a motion was made oy ~rustee Airey, seconded by Scalaver, thut tae minutes be a~proved as submitted. 'Ihe Pres"dent put LIle question, the Clerk called the roll, 'rith the fol101trine; response: Ayes: all; Nays :!I[one. 'l.hereupon the Presic,ent decldred "Ghe motion carried. , at ion ',ras made bS '1 rUB tee ~ chlaver, sec cnded by ire~! , that the ~reasurer's Heport for tae period ending November 30, 1955 be approved and placed on file. The President put tDe question, ~he Clerk called bhe roll, vdth tHe follo:,ring response :';Y es :\llj a) s: one. Thereupon the President declared tne r'lotion carried. A motion was mdde by ~rustee fCHlaver, seconded by ~irey, ~nat the ~rectsurer's Heport of the ~pecial Assessment FUGa be approved and placed on file. The motion was vo~ed upon by acclamation limere- upon the President declared tIle motion carried. ~ motion Has made by Trustee ~chlaverJ seconded by Airey, tilat the bills for the month of l\Tovember as approved by the Finance C ommi ttee be approved for payment. '1'1:18 Pre sident put the que s t; ion, the Clerk called the roll, with the follol,r1n,': response: es: ~)ll; Nays: None. ':i.'hereupon the President declared the 'i!otion carried. .". motion 1r-TaS made by 'l'rustee Vlger, seconded b~\{ ~)chlaver, to authorize the Village Attorney to prepare an ordinance amending tne water Ordinance to increase the cost of water meters from ~35.00 to ,::50.00. The f'l"esident put the question, the Clerk called the roll, Hi th the fa 110'\o-JinF>; re sponse: 'eye s: i~ll; Nay s: None. 'lhereupon the President declared the motion carried. ~ motion was made by ~rustee ~irey, seconded b~ vt~er, authorizing the Public ~',ervice Company to install a 'r11:-1st arm t;ype street lignt at HorUnrJest Hig'm.ray and .',lbert ,:)treet. 'l'he Presiasnt put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: \11; :Jays: i':one. 'lhere,Jpon the President declared the motion carried. '='ne follo"i'ine; cornrnunication \A)a,,1 'Chen read: December 19, 19S5 President Board of ~rustees Village naIl ,to Prospect, Ill.. He: Owners fine ~t. Livision C n, . .1. . 53-38 1e ntlem,en: On .u3ust 8, 1955 we made a final inspection of tne pdvement, curb md ITutter and sidewalk constructed in South Pine St. in the subject d eve lop'J:ent. lie have found the '.Tork to llave been completed in substantial comf'ormance with the plans and specifications previously ap roved by the Village Board. ',,,e therefore recommend these improver'lents be accepted by the Village and that monies due the contractor Edward Haseman of Palatine be paid at your earliest convenience. Very truly yours, ~ i,:'I\: b C1bR, !.L()l/>T N ~ j~I\~iD ~<: J\_ E..;:. OC I/~~ll'l~.1~~' By ~illiam w. Townsend A motion was Lhen made by trustee Airey, seconded by Willer, tnat the improvements be accepted bj the Village and tne con~ractor palO as recommended. .lhe Presldent put the question, ~ne Clerk called tne roll, with the following response: es: All; Nays: ~one. Ihere- upon the .?resident declared the motion carried. ".1 motion irJas made by 'lrustee Vi';;er, seconded by 'drey, autnorizing the payment of ;;;;200.00 to ellieI' \(nittcnberg for special expense. Tne President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, Fi th tIle follm,rinp; response: e s :.\11; ,[\!ay s: l\JO 'Je. 'l'.clereupon the President declared the motion c~rried.. 'l'lle follmrlng petition 1,Tas then read: '..!dER:;,!~;:', this School Distrlct o"ms real es-eate situated in unincorporated territory adjac~nt to the Vil1a~e of Mt. Prospect, County of Cook and ~ta-ee of Illinois: dnd December 20~ 1955 R ~y i 'i :i,Jcl.t..?J:~,J\,S, 'Che said real estate is conlJl1only called the Foundry Road Si te and the ,'Jchool District, pursuant to 'author- ization by the voters, is progressing with plans for the construction of a schoolhouse on the said site and the use thereof for school purposes; and ':!'LJi:'.tRE.,~S, it "Jill be to the advantage of the ~)chool District to Have tHe said reiJ.l estate annexed by the Village of l'Jft. Prospect to the end that the contemplated schoolhouse Hill have and adequate water supply and will receive the benefit of police and fire protection affored by the said Village; N01tJ, 'lihEREFOHE, I'll HbSOLVED that the~oard of .Gduca tion of 'l'oTimsl1ip rligh School Di s Gric t Number 21Lj, Cook County, Illinoi s, does hereby recommBnd the annexation by the Village of Mt. Prospect, Count'Y of Cook and ~Jtcite of Illinois, of the folloHing described real estate, being the aforesaid Foundry Road ~ite: _-M 'Ine Northeast (~uarter (NE~) of the Northeast Quarter (NEi) and the North Half (N!) of tne Southeas t C:uarter (SE4-) of the Northeast ~uarter (NEt) of Section 33, Township 42 North, Range II East of the Tnird ~rincipal Meridian in Cook County, Illinois .C:H~ with the understanding that the said annexation will in no wise interfere vJith tne construction upon Ghe said real estate ,of an appropriate schoolhouse by this Scnool Vi.strict and the use of the said real estate as a school site. "",A. ~ ., ,,,,,,", '-.".- ~ ~ o IT' F URT'HE,H Fii;~')OLVED that tne Secret ary of tni s board of Education is hereby directed to trans~it a copy of these resolutions to the corporate authorities of tne said Village of ?It. Prospect. I, HU!IA C. I>Ol'T'1'iGNE, do hereby certify that I am "che duly elected, qualified and acting Secretary of the Board of Bducation of TOTrJDsnip High E,:;chool District Number 21L~, Cook County, Illinois; that the foregoing is a true, correct and complete copy of resolutions relating to annexation by the Village of Mt. Prospect duly adopted by the unanimous vote of the members of the Board of Education of the said School ~istrict at an adjourned regular meeting of said Board held on Monday, December 19, 1955, at T^TIlich a quoruIn T:Ias pre sent. Alma C. Fontaine Secretary, Board of Education, 'l'olrJDShip Hip;h ~:chooluistrict Number 214, Cook County,Il1inoi A motion ,,'as then made by l'rustee >.iiller, seconded b'Y Vt~er, authorizing the Vill~ge .ttorneJ to prepare an ordinance covering the annexation of tnis property. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with tho follo~ing results: j~:jes: ;:.,11; Nays: l\!one. l'Llereupon the President declared the motion carried. 'The follovring Ie t ter Has then read: November 22, 1955 President and Board of Trustees Villdge of Mt. Prospect Nt. Prospect, Illinois Gentlemen: With reference to our agreement with you regarding payment to the school district, we nereby request modification of that agreement. Ine letter calls for a payment of ~300.00 per residence upon tne issuance of certificate of occupancy, or 120 days after securing a building permit from tne Village of Mt. Prospect. Our request for modification refers to the time of pciyment of ~he $300.00. We believe it more equitable to make payment at the time the house is occupied by the owner, the burden of payment Hould be lessened, as we are speculative builders and do not receive our operating monies until just before occupancy. December 20, 1955 >'1 Q ~ C':!J " '-' Modification of the agreement would allow us to maintain continuity of corstruction, d~ we must do to retain project efficiency and cost, and put us in a position to make regular payments to the school district. ~e ~ave contributed the sum of ~1200.00 to ~he scnool district covering four homes on Blmlmrst Road. xours very truly, :3LEk\7IElrJ T[J.!,~'ll3R()(\K rt~H.lc,S By: R. C. Gillespie, President A motion was tnen made by ~rustee Willer, seconded by SC.Cllaver, to authorize the Village "ttorney to draw up an amendment to the original agreement as requested by :J.lenview estbrook Hom,es. ',L[le President put ~ne question, the Clerk called the roll, Hith the follo1,Ting response: ,""ye s :,11 ; Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried. The following communication was tnen read: November 21, 1955 ~oard of Trustees Villa~e of Mt. Prospect "It. Prospect, Illinois :1ent lemen: 'TIre Zoning Commission had a special meeting on Priday, - , 10 ' . d ' , .. . 1" , f ~ovemoer u, ana arrlve a"G oeClSlons concernlng app lca~lons .or rezoning on the following cases: Case 55-12 - Four members present voted unanimously to aporove the request for rezoning as presented. Case 55-14 involved Pcircel B. ~pecial meetings were neld ~ith the School District and tne Planning Gommission concerning revision in this particular parcel. 7.152 acres nave now been optioned to the t. Prospect Park Oistrict. 1~e remaining area, bounded by the following streets, Should be rezoned for apartments as requested: i,Tilliam E-t., bd\^Tard ~:,t., i:;,i],abonee 'l'rail IouI' !~}8rrJbers of the Zoning Commission present voted unanimously in favor of this rezoning. Case 55-18 - After a special meeting 1:'.1i th t1:le'li, ~,cnool I~~08rd of Lducatj.on, tile 60n:l.ng Commission, T.ritn four ,nernbers present, unanimously recmnmended that this petition be deniec. ,L,ttached is a copy of tbe hiGh SCHool ~~)istr':Lct letter of Novenlber P vith their resoluti:,n attacbed. Kindly return this letter dnd ~he resolution for the Zonin'::~ Commission files. Your s trul~, S. W. Goodenough, Secretary ,'cpproved: L. F. iT. I!Iartin, Ch:cinnan ii. motion T,ras tnen::na.de b;y Trustee J,Tiller, seconded by :!Tier, to concur in "GIle recommendations of' the ,c:,oniny Gommisslon i j Case 55-12 ctnd that the Villd~e ,ttorney be autnorized to prepare an ordinance covering this rezoning. Ihe ~resident put the question, tne Clerk called the roll, with the followin3 response: Ayes: 11; Na'Y s: 1ione. 'I'nereupontne ?res:1.dent declared the n;otion carried. . '."10-el8n vas '1:s.de by 'l'rustee !I}iller, secorided bJ Viger, to concur in t.he rec oelmendations of the Zoning Commi ssion, in Case 55-14,and tnat the Villcige Attorney be authorized to prepare an ordinance covering tne rezoning. The President put "Ghe question, 'ene '~;lork ci:illed tho roll, Hi th the follo'V,dng response: ,~.yes: :\'11; Na'Ys: None. Inereupon the President declared the motion carried. December 20~ 1955 ry f."" 91 ~. ^ ~otion was then made by lrustee Willer, seconded by SClllaver, to concur in tne recO'r:lmendations of the Zoning Commission in Case 55-18 and that the petition to rezone the property be denied. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following results: Ayes: ~ll; Nays: ~one. Thereupon tne President declared the motion carried. A motion was made by lrustee Willer, seconded oy ~iger, autnorizing the Village Attorney to file aD appearctnce and answer in the following cases: 55c17553, 55C16922, 55c16920, 55618491. lhe President put the question, the Clerk called tne roll, Hith ~he following response: Ayes: All; Nays: ~one. ~hereupon the President declared the motion curried. ~ motion was made by ~rustee Willer, seconded by Airey, to authorize the Villcege\.ttorney to file an appearance and answer in Case 55c18146 which covers "Gne rezoning of the lots north of Central Road on the East side of 0ain btreet, these lots being owned by John A. Bolger and Adelaide Bolger. ~ne President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. ~hereupon the President declared the motion carried. ~, ", 'i. motion v.Tas chen made by ~l'rustee 'rliller, seconded by lrJier, to autnorize the Village .'~ ttorney to engage tne services of I"1r. Everett Kincaid or some other qualified expert to appear for the Village in Case 55C181Lj.6. 'l'he President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following results: Ayes: ~ll; Nays: None. Ihereupon the President declared the motion carried. 'Y" "" ...,.! ,,-, '-.,./ ,~ ~ ,"'"'" ~ A motion was made by trustee Willer, seconded by Viger, to authorize tho Village Attorney to prepare a sprinkling restrict- ion general ordinance and to set up proper forms for use of the Police Department in case of violations. The President put the question, tile Clerk called the roll, \,Tith the following response: Ayes: ./lll; Nays: HODe. 'I'hereupon the President declared the motion carried. A motion was made by ~rustee Willer, seconded by Wier, authorizing the payr'1ent of ~2300 to :~,llen Bloc[1, attorne;y for Frank and EdHina 2kora, in order to satisfy judgement as recommended by the Village Attorney under date of December 20th. fhe President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: ~yes: ~ll; Nays: None. ~hereupon the President declared tile motion carried. ^ motion WctS made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Airey, authorizing the pa;yment of ;jV661.20 to T"rilliam J. nannion, ?!Iaster in Chancery, to cover fees in ~he case of Knight vs. tne Village of 110unt Prospect as referred to in the Village !\ttorney' s letter of December 20th. The President put tne question, the Clerk cal~d the roll, with the following response: ~yes: All; Na~s: None. 'l'fl0reupon tne President declared the rnotion carried. 'TI'l8 follOTrring co"nmunication 1..Jas then read: December 16, 1955 President and Board of Trustees Villa,:;e lictll Nt. Prospect, Illinois Gentlemen: In accordance with your request we have inspected the pumps l^ihich have been installed in the illannole at the :Ln"Gersection of lll:Llle and ,aigDland by Brickmdn liome Bu-tlders. '.lhe se pumps JATere put i1 by the deve loper as a temporary measure to pump sanitary sewage from the later01 sewer recently constructed in Wille north of Highland into the existing sewer in Wille south of rlignland. This was necessary because of tile delay in obtaining easements for Ghe construction of tne Rand Road- tlighland {,venue trunk se'Ner to Which the lateral se'Vwr in 'rHlle 2treet and in other streets would be connected. 'Ihere are tv!O (2)'ieil submersible sewage ejectors in the :f1.anhole referred to above. Both are of the if e il SER20 type, T..Ji th December 20$ 1955 80 3 incn discharge. E~ch has a rated capacity of 75 gallons per minute at a total head of 15 feet and is driven with a one-half horse-power motor. 'l'hese plL.'1lpS are automatic in operation and equipped If\Ti ~h electrode controls. iDe stand-by pump nas its electrodes set approx- imately four (4) feet above the primar;y pump. 'l'his ",ould permit "Ghe stand-by pmnp to cut in if tne primary pump could not handle the flovJ C)_nd the liquid redched a point four (1-1) feet above the bottom of the manhole. .:i.ssuming a peak rate of sani tary flmA! of 400 gallons per capita per day ( twice the average), four (4) persons per nome and one (1) pump inopera-eive, 67 homes could be satisfactorily served . !~. only. :'I,t preEcent, the inlet and catch basin openings are closed so that the chance of storm water entering this sewer for the next few frlontlJs is remote. 1:Te estimate that it '^Till take the contractor about 60 days to reach Fille street :dter construction commences. If there are any questions concerning the foregoing please ddvise. -,. (by thi s inst alIa tion. 'I'hi. s is, of course, ba sed on sani tary flm..r) Very truly yours, CONSOER, TO~hS~ND & ASSOCIATES By: T,Tilliam . 'l'm"msend There being no further business to come before the meeting, a mO"Glon T"Tas made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by -'Tiller, that the meeting be adjourned. 'lhe motion was vo'ced upon by acclamation ""Thereupon the President declared the rn.otion cCl.rried dnd t&:;ie l1eeting regularly adjourned. 1\ ~ T ':,\ I~ I , 1. .t-( .L~ ,~} U 1) ~ ~ f~ l'Jl.G17~ '1-' I ~T G- OFI 'l'.ti~ 2t1E;~-~.IL-;L!\j'll NJ)BO/~_RT) O~~ 'L.R U ~ 1'IG:~<~~~ = l.~ '11-.1.1..:.. uN I 8! l'" .f~.L bU IL.I.l\G, .',ClJ:\'l' F:t,~ ;;PLC'J.' 3 I :JI\f >lUl:~5,rj/.'~Y N'U.l~-iR-Y 3, 1S:l56 NO I~) ihe meeting was calle~ to order by ~resldent Lams at 9:15 P.M. and toe Clerk was CDen ~irected to call th8 roll. On roll call "Ghe folloHing ~rustees chl:3.ver, Viger, 1,ii.er ,",nd tIler. Trustee :::i.nSit"ereo. il;3on TrT8 S n' PI~ e s e 11 t H : a"bsent. ire:y, The irustces having previously received copies of ~he ~inutes of tne meeting held ;ecember 20, 1955, a ~otion was ~ctde My rrustee ~. chlaver, E eccnded by 'ri ller; tGd G L,(),e minute s be (:.1,PPu>\'ed 2!.S correc t- eO. 'b~1 tIle \,Tj_118ge Clerk. :J..tJJj ~'rC-)3 erlt put -Li.18 q_u.cEtion, t{le r:'lsI'k called tlle roll, v,ith tIle fo=_lmr1.n's r8Eiponse: es: ,~ll; Na)fi: ,"'one. .U18rd llpon the Pre sident declared tile ('(lotion car.:"1ed. ~ne following co~munication was ~nen read: Jdnwu;y 3, 1956 C i t~~/ OllrlC ~L 1 lla~e of ount Prospect 'ount Prospect, Illinois (}erJ'cleYn.erl : :;J.en our Eubdivision Plat TATa[j o..pprC"ved, i,ie erreG ln ~r.8KLoS tI1e side e&S8nJerlts OD tilJel\le lots, ei;sht feet instead of i1i\l8 feet, ~'T.clicr'1 i~) sufficient and customary. "S you are very 1tTell a,/Tare, ost of our lots are 65 feet, ther~fore, "Gnere are only ~2 feet on ch we can build" If "'irJe lJu=~.ld "'co tne maxlrr1l.:rrn, ':r,rG ir.Till encYioach on tile: easenlent. e hcive ~dk0n up ~his mdtter witn ~orrens, the offi.ce with wnlch tnls property iE cegistered, and ~he~ are willing to accept a letter to 'lTaive the 010. ease:nent for tHe neT,.! S foot Gasement, pr'ov::.cing i,Te t GelS consent 01' Public ;:eI"vice, lAma n&vs already 1:3 eed co tllts adjustment, plus tne c OEfi8nt ofctle V:L 11 e, Oak Parle 1\)8 ti onal C;ank, as trustee, and ourselves. the new Basements ~Till be required ~s f811ows: January 3, 1956