HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/03/1956 VB minutes B() ,~. 3 inCD discharge. E~ch has a rated capacity of 75 gallons per minute at 8. total head of 15 feet and is driven with a one-half horse-pm-ver motor. 'lhese pmnps are automatic in operation and equipped 1l\Ti~h electrode controls. 'I'he stand-by pmrlp has its electrodes set approx- ima te ly four (4) feet above the primar;y pu..mp. 'Ihis "wuld permit the stand-by pu..'11p to cut in if the prim8.ry pump could not handle the flow ~nd the liquid reached a point four (4) feet above the bottom of the nlanhole. Assuming a peak rate of sani tary flO\^T of' L~OO gallons per capita per da'j ( twice the average), four (4) persons per nome and one (1) puC"op inoperative, 67 homes could be satisfactorily served ,,-i;fIo,. only. I:" t pre "ent, the inlet and c8.tch basin openings are closed so that the chance of storm W8.ter entering this sewer for tne next few montrls is remote. \,Te estimate that it "rill take t.he contrs.ctor ajout 60 days to reach j.lle ~treet dfter construction commences. \ If' there are any questions concerning the \ ddvise. \.- (, t-. . t l 1 '. ~,.. j' ~ . oy nlS lns a~. atlon. ~nls lS, o. foregoing please course, based on sanitary flow) Very truly yours, CCNEOi.:.,H, rl'O",'N~'J1ND & A~,'sOCIATB:: By: 'rTilliam . 1'o-',msend ~here being no further business to come before the meeting, a motion was made by ~rustee Schlaver, seconded by iller, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion "ras voted upon by acclamation Itrnereupon the Pl"esiclent declared the motion cC1,rried und t.w.elJeeting regularly adjourned. ~~-::''E-.;.''~7-? if) /- c'. ~-;'7-c,;1;.'.-Z.~.~ "c( ('7/~<,.~ .~ \!ll~erl~' I) T'~INO'i'J..:,C '-'.i~r :c. ,i:1.G::}UL,-\.}i I"I:L~:t~~;lTN'C- () }~.: 1 J:-i J:-~ P j-{ I,-i' ;--: I .:\ RC"J~D (')1<' 1'.!1U~_.l'I~I:""C~ ':iLJJ~~~) I '_L'l-.Jw . LJ Ie Il~ .L bUILL'iIl\!CJ., CUl~:~' .:'"t---,_llL-..(;'l] J=J.JLl~\CI;:-, ~:l<l ;1'UI.-,~~r}\Y J,:\.~\:d"~'~.f(Y ), 19S6 1l'1e ,ne e t; i arc.'! tue Clerk Fas was called to order by' ~r'es~derl.t Lams at 9:15 f'.~1~ tnen directed to call the roll. 011 roll calJ_ t.tlG folJJ)T~ing "ru.stees ~1nsV\Te~t:ed H'Pr~8se11tn: ~~:chld~ver';; \,'i[~er, i"iler ~\.DO j.ller0 ii'l'tl[-:tet3 ilson \tJ88 8b:~~cllt~ i. r~ :J 'lr~~lstees tlcivj_r}q~ p:~('eviollslv r~8ceivec_ COl)ies of tb.d rr:in.u'ces oJ Lile yneeting heldj'ece((]~J'er 20, lCl5S: 8. (notion ;lTas '''10J..6(; ()"j 'l'rust;ee 'er:L16l:ver, E~eCCT}d8d b;j ,f:tller:; t.OdG l...c16 1i1.'I.rl1..1tes 'be di),pr("\/bd ciS corl'eet- eeL tSJ,e \lll18 (~lerk~ IJ.'1:18 l-"r;f~\slC.ent })ut l~l.l.e q,'u.es~Gion, GLlJ~ (~18r~k c2jllecJ, the roll" hiith the folloHing reqJonse: e3: i\ll; LI) :OJ; one. ~G8rdUpOn tae President declared tae mot~0n carried. ine following com~unicati0n wa,s tilOn read: J-c"-Al1l)EJ.ry ~i~ 1()5() C i t:y ~.; Ol.lY1C 11 V~lla~e of ount ~rospect "aunt Pro c"p ec t , Illinois ~:( e rl L, 181''1 G ri ~ 'leD our Eub6ivision ?lat was appr8ved, we erred in ma,ki ~De Sloe 8ase~eDts on twelve lots, ei3ht feet instead of five feet, ~Trlich is s-uf"f1ej.8nt d:nc eustornar"y 0 ~~.S ';j01J. are -\fer;;' 1/\T811 8.1(,!are" '.~'-ost of' OLll~ lot~ are 65 feGt, tnerefore, trlHre are only' S2 feet ;n ~f{lj_ch we can butld. Cl If 11',78 ~OlJ.~t Id to ttle fnax"LrJ,uy'Q, 1:,;(3 11'7111 encros..cr1 011 tLL(j 8aS8rnerlt ~ e flc;i..ve "Geiken Llp "[Jnls frlCttte:C"' ~/,Tit.t1 Jarrelis, "Gj'-le oi:""f-tce T,;rit.h. ~'\Trl-l.ch r.{lis property i~ registerod, and t;he~ are willinJ to 8.ccept a letter to ~ai;e the old 8dEGTcnt for tne ~eT~ S 1:oot G~sement, ~ro"viding we Get lGe consent of Public ~ervice, who bdve already a~reed to th~s dd Jus tment, plus tele c cHl;:;ent of tna V'l.ll8.ge, 0:s.k ps.rl' Nat:!.. onal as trustue, dDd ourselves. LtJG :C)d1;\J ei.:lS'~~YndDtE: ill lJG r~eqllt.rec5. dE f:::illo'(I'.TS~ January 3, 1956 8 est ine East 5' of lot 21 ine ~ast 5' of lot 23 Ihe ~'Jest S' of lot 2L~ in j.l.LFINI' S FIB2'I A DDT'lION '.LO tIOUN'..L' F.HO~.h"C'l. be ing a ~ubdlvision of Dart of tae ~outh 990 feet of ~he Half (~) of tne Kort~east ~uarter (~) and part of the Eouth 990 feet of 'cne bast Half' C~) of the Nortll".;est Cuarter (t) of 2ection 11, ~ownsnip 41 ~orth, Range II, ~ast of tne third Principal Meridian according to Plat thereof registered in the Office of the Registrar of Titles of Cook County, Illinois on December 2, 1953, as Docurnent No. l~-96955. The North 5' of Lot 53 the East 5' of lot 27 The west 5' of lot 26 Tue East 5' of lot 22 1~e West 5' of lot 21 'l.he bast 5' of lot 68 The West 5' of lot 69 Tne Last 5' of lot 74 1ne ~est 5' of lot 75 e:::~_ in ALFINI I S ;i.r./'~01\T.D A. DDI'l'I :~)N '1'0 liTO UN'I PIWi::.L.:,C'T be ing a 2ubciiv:Lsion of part of tue 20uth 990 feet of the bast Half Ut) of tIlo North:.,est 's.uart;er (;c.) of Section 11, 'l'o\^msr~ip L.f.l North, Range II, l~.ast of. tne T'ilird Principal Meridian, according to flat tneroof' regis- tered in the Office of the Registrar of' Titles of Cook County, Illjnois, on January 20, 1955 as Docu- ment No. IS714Po. 7 i'~ " ~ .-"""'- '-....... ",.."'f" ".':>. o .e nave submitted the change to Mr. Opeka wno has approved it. We will need one si~ned copy for each lot. It is hoped tnat you will agree to favor us with your approval and we wish to thank you. Very sincerely yours, ALfINI CON~~~RUCTION CO., I~C. Alfonso :-\.lfini A motion was then made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Viger, to agree to the adjustments requested for ease~ents on tne above listed lots and that the President and Village Clerk be authorized to si2n agreements WDen presented by dlfini Construction ComPBnv covering ievised easemen~s requested in the f'oregoing letter: The Presi.dent put Gne question, the ';Jerk called the roll,hritIl tile follo'dng re sprmse: 1:; e s: ,II; 1\!a;;i s: NOlle. Ll.ereupon tne .Pre sident declared the motion carrled. 'l:c-ustee iller tHen introduced and re8.d Ordinance 1\0. 467 entitled: n !~N O.RDIj\/d~CE.NN.LXIlvG Ld.FDf:. :)r BO,oIW OF' LDUCATIGN OF I P dI:}H f)CdOOL ~~~I f,'l'EIC'l' II; UT', 13ER 214 '.1.'0 '.i.'fL" VILLt~GE OF OURI' n , A motion was tnen mad~ by trustee Willer, seconded b~ Wier, ~CLat this ordinance be pb.ssed. 'I'he Presicent put tile questicn, the Clerk c aIled tile roll, 'cd tn CIle fOllo,..Ting re sponse: j''.~ e s: All; Nay s: None. 'l'aereupon the President decldred that tne motion naving re- ceived tile affip:dtive votes of ~CTrTo-t{drds o.f tile (~orporate ;~utnori- ~ies tne notion was pussed 8.nd said ordinance passed and approved. lrustee ~riller ~hen introduced and read Ordinance ~o. 468 anti tIed: "..,N O~.,j)INA~\;CEAl'f } 'hi.e.; VILL,Gh OF HOUNT 2E0~,.PLCil Z C) I.N G 0 liT) I l<L::i~\ C b ~ t ~ i\.I\:ll~I\- LJll.!~D n . A motion l^,as then made by 'i'rustee iller, seconded by \,rier, taat tnis ordinance be passed. ~he President put the question, tae Clerk called the roll, with the following response: RJes: all; Na~s: None. thereupon cae President declared tn8 'lotion carrted and said ordinance passed and approved. Trustee Willer tnen introduced and read Ordinance io. 469 "AN (IRDIPd\'CEi-\.T!lLldJING '1.::11:', VILL;:~GL OJ IVlOUN'l' PEO;)h...C'l Znl\!ING ri.H;:jIi"JJ~I' C~ 2\l~) J"iTJr~~_ri_DLD. H ~~-2~-.J.-%-6 January 3, 1956 82 'Totion "BS trwn maos by 'l'I'ustee iller, seconded by Scolaver, ~h~t tnis orainance be p~ssed. 10e Prefident put toe que stion, 'ene Jerk called toe: roll, Hi en tna fol1oi'T'Lno: refiponse: ,ves: ,r.:,ll: N s: one. 'lnereupon tne Fresidenc declared [;1181notion v 0 c~rried and s~id ordinance passed and approved. :~. i\ 1\; 0 ~~I) I l\f .':t~\r C E ()RDINiNCJ:C '--~, '" eX i}(~l\I).ED (I H '",!:lL :Lntroduced VILLc 01' and read Jr-clind.nce o. L!-70 00~1' PR()21'~C~ ZONING Trustee iller tnen !I. motion ,Tas tnen made rrylrustee iller, seconded by ihiroy, t;.t1at this ordjnance be passed. 'The }rGsident put Clle question, che Cler'k called tile roll, "Tith tne foll01.Jing respunse: es: 11: 8.Ji S: 0::,3. tnereupcn t.ne P:res ent declared toe motion cd.rri.sd cJ,no E3aid ordinance passed urld as)provede .\ i:"1otion "S...r8S m,8_de b~l jlrlJ~,:~te8 \.,Tl11er 3 seCOflclecL ()Jf ,,'~ire:; s tn.a.t -L tlG \,/ i lld.r~;e /\ t t or;ne~/ be ci u_ tl:1CJ: i zed. <t::' 0 f i Ie c1D apTJE3 a.r El11C e [ll~i. (5 c:Lr1 f~1;'.Te r '1" -r'AY"J..\7 TO c"mO^10'(\Qe'~ C::C:;r!'lFI,Q')t... ,"[lid' C::C::01P,lJ..' 110 ('J.Y;C1'~1'" ,-'nup-'- nf I~onk- -'_...._ _.vj:.J V U I ...,u~..,~d......_..l."".,"""",' ......_,....1.. - _)l)~... ...--../,j,.,)... Il-t. J,_...l.. ..1..~U "..'''-' __0 ...--- J,".~_..... County. ~he President put toe question, toe Clerk c~lled tDS roll, l~;j_th .t~.le follovin~ resp(~nse: es: All; N8~S: one~ reupon the ~?re s iceD t dec lc-ll'ed 'Cr.1G {'not ion Cd rr-L 3d s YJO t t onhT8 S Elad e by 'l'ru~;c ee '1 ller, sec (,need dro-:/ , Llnd'C the Villa(.';e ,,-ttorney be 8,.d~1.1Or:Lzec1 to file an appearC:i,nce dnc a.rl21.rsr .'tn reply to ; ummon~' 55s10710 ~;uperinr :.:ourt of Cook Count;.,. the Pre8ident~ put the quest~ion, trle Cler'~ c,),.lledcIle roll, ,,'1 tn L..t'le :Collo1,'1Ti ref~<pollse" 'l.~/GS~ Jill; .l\ra~Y8: OLe~ rl.'~~lereupon tr18 President declared -tt18 otion carriedQ aU'CflOr:i, z i . t. 'ens V3ca -:'_on mOlJion ~aG made by rrustee the \Till_l;:e d;torn to 'iller, ~)r8I")[;'\re ['ec;)rlc'iec r, C G\] er i [12; &n ordincJ.nce of' -cI1G fol10"i;:p; L,md: II'h l\.lt l~ "'~RIT (~r T('! .'~'.'''';_'--V ~ ill ;~;.; J~ Ti ~\J>J Ci '.'" ,,- c; )'.'\.-'- :-. <<> j~/J ~J I ~: ~_ ;1 ~J~Ll~.L; I;-Y I ~~ i...~' J ".L:~ ~_;, T ji, ~:: '1' [:~) }!/L'\T i~JLl~ T~ !\ (....Ijl T T1\iC' J....J :..l.._.J.. ~'_<_.;.,:.l__,1 'V1~N DE, tHi~r1 T"R'l' OlE: 1) ., ',~ I LL I_'-:~j-,:; ~~.' '}; iJ} J..:.. L... en c"J\ Ut: .L ~~_ 11.-:: (} I.1I.I..~iL O~-l '_:_I.:-~l:o f'{ 0 l~ i1 ~:l J,' _~;-' II ~_'.: .,~~ -- B ~'; .N~J.~ it Fe: l. I IJ ).~_i\ _U .1.. i)I~ ;:: .F~C I' /l. "\].i L~l_'.JN .l.IJ::~ F\~.)~:l)~:Cill /i..~l ~j}!.;, ;Ltii'.J }"; lRfl c) ?UbI~IC :r,~. 'J.,-"ELY OF LO'l'S 1 to 8, Ij\jCLU~)IVL 17!J I .~~~LUCK 1, 'i31~111:,.;-l:. .~;N :~_'HI:.: :r.T.LJ1~~,II; I:I}:TL.I ()Ii' Z.:, 9 l~~IJi,-.r/-\F{l) t~!j,~~~~~ O"Ff- !~'. L.lJ;.- T~. ~~,li 1'~i~1 ;11J. ..~III ;?,'\I-1iI elF: ""-;J __I,Ie E',.'l:J'Iii. ~.[\rJj i~ OUTII.!~\!\TL~;. ;.L'I..I1I.r~[ ()F: LCJiS 1 to 11, I cr.! ~. I CT"I .LeITE, 12 lij\TI) 2t) II\! F~IJC)CK 2, }3I~,lI; ;J'.:.~'.:l~ 1,.i~_:.J(- i.C =:..TT,-o-I:.: OF: ~) ~ IrOlJIS :. l' 'INT) 'Ii~ll~,~ ~;'~~~\.~,i~r LI OFI~: & .~;\rILLT.iL\.I\T , TI\f P "1 If.: ill;. ~ ~ ~~~. I ;'~ U ~ ~~)lt~1m L~~ N~t:L'~ ;: :f:ii~i~ ~~ F' ~ N ~. ~~.C ~:~~~' S 1 ~ ,'~(~:T~t E:~ I }'C'LdLL~:~i,~'::~ ! ~) t-{ C~.}i 11 E./.\~,III OFI 1l-lJ..I~( il.tl I .RD ?h.Il-TC I :PJ\IJ l\!rl~I~I L1I ~~b], ~ iLf.-18 J?r e E3 i c. e D. t ~pu t t:.'le (~uec-;tion, tile C:JeI'k Cc;llled Gne y'oll, ,,'i.tb tiJe fc-llo1.d. r8~3~)o:lE'e: e~: -I.J.1-; s: ~srone. !j.'.c1ereu..poD ttlr.~ j:'l~es ent (iecl;:l..~~ed. '"CCJ.o ()l~:J.(.:r). l"~" U .L 1"1 ~_L~) '1l:..f~. L .~t I.! I IJ .t~ C }. IJ~:: 11"[ G i~_ () U il'_ci.,""i Nl) I(~ O;J 1'11- C .L(}iIS 9 l\n) i.-{I~~J .~11 ',^".i>j' TJ l~,..i '1' y C 9 r r =_ e d . ~;rustee Viser 1~L)en introduced 8 dread OrJtnance o. )-i71 erlti tIed..: n 11\T (\FDIJ\J.j.-J\iC}~ 'i~"~ }\:i':i)T () I l~.-~~.,:~:.II I)~'\J1 ('IF F.b. Cq~: ;. U~'_:,.....I"\l~.'~~i.'_{-:P 1) 3 C<8' ,~. ~t~~C'ljI()r: 'VIII ()T" CF'T)IN.:'-~N.CL.. ~:~'O 0 It:1L).. /'~~~-' L:'cI~H.F~'J_ :.. ~~T:j.r, :,.~ mot~_0n ~as Gllen ~'~ade b~! rus~ee Vii~er, 81:~C od iller, t,[:Lut tr:.~iE; oy;dit1&,.Llce be pasf:od..o iIhe l"reE:idt::,{,t pu,t tLl8 Cluesti"::n, c.ue Clerlc called. tile roll, .!;,~~_tb til("5 f'c111o,."Tlr\g res~qorlse~ es: ?,~ll; J\1 S: l\J01'18. i.i''-clerr---:uJ)f)11 tlJ.6 ,:-,."ro sid.erlt cl8clu.red_ tIle ::!otion c:.J.rr~';.ed. & '..L:.~ler-::-:: be='Lr]~~: rlO f'-urtiJ.er~ hU.sineS3 to COlEe ljeiore tJ.1.8 rn.eeti. , n rl~oti(1n T!\r8.S ((iEiCle 1J'Jl IIr'ustee ;/i r, ~.)ecorlded ~.cL}.ldv8r!) -eClst tiJ8 ~~eetin~ be adjourred$ 1ihe motion waf \?oted upon ac~laTu.Gi~n .L....L..ereUi'JOI} t:l"}8 ~..re 21derl-G doc.lar'6d trle tlot.ic.D c_.lr:l-ied 5.J')C. t,t"tG '."'jeet5. re[~ularl~ a,djcllrned,e ~~ ~~~-€m~",-:l= January 3~ 1956