HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/17/1956 VB minutes
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pe:IT') I"'T' rJ1H-'" ''''TJ'TT(' I~'AT BUIT'D-N'J('
,.1I'H.JJ :,',1 ,L.l'~ ,;1. 1', _..J 1-' .LJ .', W. 1.; ,T,
<JANUARY 17, 1956
The meeting 1"vas called to order by President Lams at 8: 20
P. IiI. arid the Clerk 1NBS then directed to call the roll.
On roll call the following Trustees answered lIPresentiT:
~chlaver, Viger, 1ivier;1 'Viller and eVilson. Trustee Airev was absent
on roll call: U
The Trustees having previously received copies of the minutes
of the meeting held January 3rd. 1~56 a rnotion was made by Trustee
'Viller, seconded by Schlaver, that the ~inutes be approved as sub-
mitted. The Fresident put the question, the Clerk called the roll,
with the followin~ response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. ~her8upon the
Fresident declared the motion cBrried.
A motion was made by ~~lstee Schlaver, seconded by Villar,
that the Treasurerts Report for the period ending December 31, 1955,
be a.pproved and placed on file. Th.e Fresident put the question,
the Clerk cal~d the roll, with the followin~ response: ~yes: All;
Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the 111otion carried.
'\0-' .....
A mot:i.on was then made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Viger,
that the Treasurer's Report of the Special Assessment 7und beapprov-
ed and placed on file. The motion was voted upon b'y e.cclamatiorr,
whereupon the President declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by ~rustee Schlaver, seconded by VL;ser,
that the bills for the month of December as approved by the '~:{line.nce
Commi ttee be appY'oved for payment. The }:re sjdent put the que stion,
the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All;
Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Schle.ver, seconded by Viger,
that in accorde.nce with the amended water ordinance, the ~5.00 deposit
be refunded to consumers as listed on the Collector's renort of
January 17, and that disposition of the refunds be made as recomITlendea
The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with t0.e
following results: Ayes: All; Nays: Non.e. Thereupon the Tresi.dent
de clared the taotion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Viger, seconded by 1Vier, to
approve the installation of a six-inch water tap as requested by the
International Cash Register & Parts Company, this tap to be used
solely as a supply for the sprinkler lines in their fire protectj,'n
system. The President put the questinn, the Clerk called the roll,
with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the
President declared the motion carried.
Trustee Airey arrived and took his rlace at 8:.-38 I.'\f:..
A motion was made by Trustee ~ier, seconded by Willer to
refund the total of $155.00 to the applicant on Permit #4955 ~overing
bu5.lding that was to have been erected at 303 }IT. Dale. Thj,s refund
due to the fact that the proposed residence 1;ves not constructed. The
President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, wit;h the fol-
lowing response: Ayes: Pell; !\fays: None. '1~hereupon the Fresident
declared the motion carried.
A motion was then made by rprustee '"Jjer, seconded by 'Viller,
authorizing the Village Attorney to take necessary legal Elction to
cause removal of the tempora.ry structure from the location at 228
'':I. North'!Jest T-{:i.gh,rvay. The President put the; question, the Clerk
called the roll, ~.th the following resnonse: Ayes: All; Nays: ~one.
Thereupon tbe President declared the motion carried.
A motion was ~ade by Trustee Airey, seconded by Viger, that
the President illid Glerk be authorized to execute a five-year lease
on behalf of the Village with Chica':;o & Northlve stern Railroad for
railroad property as designated by plat for purpose of providing
metered off street parking, ffi1d pay to railroad an amount equal to
33 1/3;; of gross revenue of meters as consideration for lease. The
President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, vdth the
following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the President
declared the motion carried.
January 17, 1956
if) ,
,~J J
Trustee Viger asked fo:.."" and received permission to leave the
meeting at 9:20 P.M..
fA motion was then made by Trustee f.drey, seco[lded by ''liller,
8uthorizing the Village Attorney to prepare necessary ordinances
pertaining; to the installation of meters for off street parking and
iSS1),anCe of meter revenue bonds. The President put tbe question, the
Clerk called the roll, with the following resr::onse: Ayes: All; Nays:
None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried.
A motion was then made by 'J'rustee '}\liller, seconded by Schlaver,
that the T-'resident and Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement, to
be prepared by the Village P'ittorney, between the Linn's Club and the
Village of 'Mount Pro spe ct for the purchase of' Meter revenue bond s in
connection wi th the parking property lease from the C},icago 8:: "'Torth-
western Railroad. The President put the q1J.estion, the t;lerk called
the roll, 'lVith the following T"esponse: !I~yes: 1\11; ?>Tavs: None.
ThereuDon the Fresident declared the moti'l1. carried.
A motion was made b~T TrtJ stee C!.ch18.ver, se conded by 'Her,
that the President and Clerk be aut}JOrized to sirsn t'he lease agreement
bet1veen T\10unt rl"os'Cier;t lark i)lstrict and t"}e 'iljllar~e for lease of
the parks, under control of the District, by the Villa~e for period
from November 1, 1~55 thru ,June 30, 195Fi. 'T''he 1:re sident put the que stion,
the Clerk called the roll, with the followin~ resnonse: Ayes: 11;
Nays: None. Thereu~)on t:l.e rre sident declared the motion carried.
r~ motion VV8.S then finde '0y 'Trustee 'Vilson, seconded by AJ.rey,
to authorize cont:;nu8.nce of the Tree Trimming FrogrmYl thru the month
ofi'ebI'uary, 1956. The Ire s:'Ldent put the qne stion, the Clerk called
the roll, vvith the folloning resronse:Ayes: All; Fays: f\Tone.
Th.erelJpon the rres:tdent declared the mati '1'1 carried.
rrr1).stee 'Vilson then :1.ntroduced and T"ead Ordinance ;/flJ:'72
l'LA1\' Tl .
A 'JlotioD '[vas then made by 'T'r'lstee ''1:1.1801'1" sGconded by Sch1nver,
that this ordinance be DaSSeo.. f1'he Fres5.dent rJ1).t the q1..lestion, t11,e
Clerk called t~e roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nay!
1\!one. ThereuDon the President declPcT'ed the notion carr:1.ed and s8,.td
ord~.nance :oassed and apprr,ved.
'T''h.e following co'C1m;lnic8tion '",ras then read:
.TaIluary 1'7, 195rJ
l'res~,dent and Soard of T:'11stee
\Tl1J~ ar2~e ~_-I 8.1l
~lmt }ros'rec'i~; Illinois
.~e: Northwest Meadows Qubd5vision
811 Starrn c'8've r'
'~Te have made aCinal 1nsl:.'ection of' t}),j 81'b ,iect S8vver .q:nd -;'i1'1o the
work to 1,Rve been const'('ucted j.n sl1.'bstnntial cO"lformance with the
rIans and spec:LCicatiClns :.I'f3Vi01"sly 8T;1)I'oved th.e 'J:1.11r,'-;e, ',':Ie
therefore, 1"'e commend that th.is improvement be 8.ccepte d by the Villap'e..
"/e understand that certain cle annp I'vor': on this }'ro ject '[vas performed
by others and not by the c~ntractor, ~ene Cosentino. 'T'he writer
:'las di,scussed this "dth the contract(Jr and he is 11ing to provide
the Villap:e with 8 credit of,p25.00 for cleanuI) not done b' hirr. Tn
our oDi':1ion th:ts credi.t i.s equitable and I'm recommend th8t the
amoun t due the CO'} trnctor, l140. no, be paid at 'vour ~onvenienc!).
'-r-r1e a1~10l1nt d1.J.8 1J.2..3 been deterrn".ned PS i')ollo\';rs:
~ot81 8JTIOunt of Contrnct
1'3 ss credi t
$800. 66
less reco~TIended for
pa'yment C.T. " A lette':, 4-29-5::5
'lal ance no v,' due
Con S 0 e r:~ q' 0 riT1:1 S 811 ct ~~~. !;_ S SO cia t e s
R;r: ".!:n. '''l. TiJ'NnSC3nd
January 17~ 1956
M 5v
J ~'
A motion 'Jvas then made by Trustee '7ilson, seconded by'f:i11er~
that this improvement be accepted by the Vil18 :::'8 as recommended by
.tne iT-i1l" ~1''''' o:;'ncdn""e1"C C)"""d t1-,"'t T')n,r;m"'Y't bo ""'''de as Y>ec......;'l1m~na"C>d en'::"""
_.1. .. ~,~ t:t~.)v ,,:J. r~...,.. v -'. U, C-'.l.~ .Jj"LC.\- _' O',.;L v....:....J 'J r.;L-::,").. ,j,...... ....t;lL.~.:...j.j':;_ 'v\.. -J"J1.'.J
Fresident put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the
following response: ryes: All; Nays: ~one. Thereupon the Fresident
declared the motion carried.
:~'rank H. Opeka,8squire
10 South LaSalle Street
Chicago, Illinois
~he following letter was then read:
Septern~er 22, 1955
De 8.r S:.tr:
As owner of real estate described as follows:
Lots 3, 11, 21 and 22, all in Block 4 in Frospect
Park Sll.bdivision No.1 being a subdiv:i.sion oJ.' the
'Ve st half of the North bO Rods of the Southwest
quarter of Section 12, TOi.vn 41 North, r~ange 11,
I respectfully re~lest the Village of Mount Frospect to file a
special assessment foreclosure suit on the above described real
'- ..
llccording to the enclosed ChicaG';O 'ilitle and ~rust ConJpanyT s
report on ti tIe /14411261 the Q,elinqu.int. pr5.1'1cipa.l of speci21
8.ssessments assessed on the said property totalsJ1;529.45. I am
guaranteeincs a minimlJ.m bid of 'i~190.00 at the sale. \
I .
It is agreed that the undersi"~ned will pay attorney's fees
incurred in the litigation as well as incidental fees. If possible,
it WOlJ.ld be appreciated if this matter TNere expedi ted.
Very truly yours,
,Toseph P. Sokal
A motion was then made by T'('ustee '''!U.ler, seconded by Airey,
that the Villaq::e Attorney be authorized to TreDare a resolution
for the forecl~sure of s~ecial assessment l~in~ as requested sub4ect
to t'"le approval of Leonard (;. 1"Ieade. 'rhe I=resident p'lt the CllJ8stion,
the Clerk called the roll, with the fol10~ing response: Ayes: \11;
Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the ~otion carried.
The followIng cO.::Y'ill1unication was then read:
Judiciary Go~~ittee
Village of Mount Prospect
Mount Prospect, Illinois
,Tanuary 17, 1956
It is respectfull:r requested that you cause a snec5,al
assessment foreclosure suit to be filed covering ~'Tount P::::>ospect
special assessments on thefollo-.ving described property:
Lo t 36 :tn ~Torninr;s -i. de 0ardens, a sub-
division of part of the Northeast 1/4
of Sect:ton 12, TO':'JDship 41 North "Ran~e
11 East of the ~hird Principal Meri1ian
in Cook County, Illiriois.
The undersLc~ned 'marantees the m-i.nim'1m bid remdI'ed nv the
Village of a percentage 6f the r~inci9al of tho unraid speciais.
'l'he undersic~ned agree s to ray all co S':- 8 i'0 th,i s nro ceed5.n,\ includ-
ing~5.00 per lot for clerical expense necessary because of tlJ.e
foreclo sure.
Yours very truly,
"Robert In-nigor
January 17. 1956
l 1 ,r',,~
f.~ ib;
!...,~.. \}
A motion was then made by Trustee ller, seconded by Airey,
that the Villace ,4ttorney be authorized to prepare a resolution
covering foreclosure of special assessment liens as requested subject
to the approval of Leonard C. Nleade. The rresident put the question,
the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All;
Nays: 1'ione. Thereupon therresident declared the motion carried.
Trustee Willer then introduced and read Ordinance /1:473
fA v,'~T\mE ,L\.ND Fi\.RT J'i' f\.LLJ~~Y I'iLi: VILL/\.GI-<:: OP 1\1OUNT }~q{JS1~:;;cr.r, ILLINOIS!!.
A motion was made by 'Tru steev,lj,ller, seconded by Sch18ver,
that th:ts ordinance be rassed. The I'resident rm.t the question, t'-le
Clerk called the roll, with the followins response: Ayes: All; Nays:
"Tone. Thereupon the Fresident declared that the motion having received
the affirmative votes of two-thirds of the corporate 21}thorj.ties,
the motion was passed and approved.
Trustee 'Niller introduced 00:::1 read Ordinance l/4'74 entitled:
ll/'eJ,T m~0PJi\NCE }i~'.TENDrCTG '['TIE VILLTI,r:;.-:;:: (y:,' rlfC)THTT pr\nSL"~CT ZOVTNG 0Y1DJNi't\F~E
AS Dl=i;DH.
A motion was then made by 'I'rustee7ille r, ~je conde d :;ytdre:;"
that th:i,s ordinance be passed. 'The I'resident pl.J.t ~:,he 01.H:3C'tion, the
Clerk called the :'('011, with the follo'.ving re;3}::.onse: r,yes: J',ll; Nays::
None. Thereupon the Fresident declared the motion carried and said
ordinance passed and approved.
1\ motion was then made by Trustee :liller, sec~oncled by ldrey,
tl'lat the J:-resident and Clerk: be aLJthorized to si.gn the revised agree-
ment between rPown & COll.ntry Gonstrllcti"lD Com}..!any, Incorporated, f1,nd
the Village amending the agreement dated ~arch 19, 1955 regarding
t'.l.e payr;ent of "$300.00. per. home in Goun try '~~,:b. Subd:l '~i .s:ton, ,', after.
the revlsed agl'eem(:mt lS Engned by prorer 01 IlCJ_als 01 '1'o';'In ., Coun'Gry
Construction Co., Inc.. The Fre sio,ent put the que stion, the Clerk
called the roll, with the folloNing response: Ayes: All; Nays: ~one.
ThereuDon the lresident declared the motion carried.
1"he folloHing communications were then read:
,January 10, 1956
F:oard of '!:'rustees
Village of Mt. Prospect
~t. Prospect, Illinois
On ::j1riday, ,Tanuary 6, t08 '7on::~.ng (;om'nission, ith all
members pre sent, conducted a publiC heari_ng 8t the '/ll18g8 Hall for
various petitions re~lesting variations in t~e zoning ordinance and
also re zoni_ng.
Case 56-1 involving a re~lest for variation in tbe zDnin~
ordinance to "C:ermit the use of ~propertv descr'loed in their petitIon
for the installation Gnd operating of a paricinf7, lot for motor vehicles..
{!._ ttorney stanton repre sented the owners end provided ;uroof of o~tmer-
ship. There were no objections to t;h,e reqnest for t."r!.s variation.
r]lhe Zoning Commission voted. l'nan:tmously to ,,;rant this
variation, but only with the followin~ stipulations: T~at the parkin~
lot be operated only and sole:W for the use of self-propelled
passenger vehicles, 8.nd to exclude multi-passen?;er bllsses. !\.lso, the
Soning Co~nission was not in favor of the variation unless the 00ners
immediately (,3P~reed to the dedic8.tlon of 33ft. runninr~ from Lincoln
C;t. to FC'ospect Ave., to the. 'Tillage f~)r use as a street.
(jase 156-2 was presented by Dr. r~dward ,T. Skrysnk 'N11.0 r'rovided
proof of' oV'!Ylers~ip. f-{e was 81so rerresented b::T Attorney Ti'rank.
'7h11e petition, as presented, refers t;o two pRrcels of ::',and,
his petit5_on, as submitt.ed to the '\lillage D08.rd, req119st.S the non-
conforming use of his residence only. ~ petition was s~bmitted,
si;~;1ed by proper'ty mvners irn'!TIed:iately s1.),rroundin;~ h:ts restdence,
:c'ec:u88tin,'7 the.t the vari,ance be (':ranted. 'T.'l!:8 Zonin,~ (;O't':lE1ission is
In i'8,vor O"r tll1 s ~Q.on-cont"}ol)~'!_iTln; 1188 l)~:r a ~Tote 0.0 1: -[Fe 1.
January 17~ 1956
r~ :n:\W
,yase SG,-3 'vas ,'J"e sente?_ by Tory>. ere rne SlYli th '.tJi t11 the propel:'
proof OL ownersh5p. ~he DY'onert.y in (11'Jestjon L" J'107J classi',"':Lec1 as
B-1 re sidence and the Zoning (jor(rmi S sion Vel te r1 1),nSYl:1.l'l10usly to re zone
to classification? BusiYles2.
Case 50-4 was presented b;f r'1r1)steo Iler who 'Has re'present-
in,,; the \.rtllQr~e of T''lt. Prosvect. r'roof of ovmershiD 'Nas not ~tmned-
iately available. Actual owners of tb.8 t:>T'or.:,erty were not '0resent
at the hearing. ~he Zonin~ Oommission is referring this ~8tter to
~ttorney Jpeka for his opinion before recommendations are sub-
mitted to the Villege Board. It is expected t.hat the c:"econmendat5.ons
vdl1 be s11rnJitted \vi thin the next week.
Yours tn.'ly,
S. ''if .~~oodenough, Secr'etary
,r,pproved: Ii;.
i1 (II
January 12, 1953
R08.rd of Trtlstee s
Village of Mt. Prospect
T~t. rrospect, Illinois
To supplement our letter dated January R, the members of
the Zoning COYrJTlission voted unanimOl..'sl~T to 3:rant the variation
req118sted b}' the \Tills_::se of I\/Tt. 1;rOSP8ct in C8.se 56-4.
Yours trul:,:i',
S. ,~. :foodeno1Jgh, Se CT'etaY'i!
Arproved: S. F. Martin, Chairman
A motion VV8.S then made by Trl:.lstee 'Viller, seconded by 'Yler,
to 18Y on the table consideration of Case 5G-l. The motion was
voted upon by acclamation whereupon the rre sident declared tb.e
motion carl':i.ed.
A motion was then made by Trustee qiller, seconded by
''filson, to concur in the recof::mendation of the Zoning (~OY',lillissio:n
5.n Case .53-2. 'The F re siden t p"ut the que stion, the Clerk calle d the
roll, with the following res'ponse: Aye: Trustee Schlaver; '.Jays:
Trustees Airey, ~ier,Viller and Wilson; Absent: mrustee Viger.
Thersu~on the President declared that the motion was defeated.
A motion was then Dade by Trustee Willer, seconded by
Wilson, to concur in the recornmendation of the Zoninr; Commi.ssion
in Case 56-3, and that the Villa~e Attorney be ffiJthorized to
prepare an ordinance covering the rezoning as requested. The
President put the Q1).est:i.on, the Clerk called the roll, 1wi.th the
follo'rdng response: Ayes: All; Nays: ':'To':le. Thereupon the l'res5dent
declared the motion carried.
p" motion 'V8.S then made hy ~ru8tee "Liller, seconded b~~Vier,
to lav on the ta1-)le considerati:)n of Case 56-4. '1'he motion was
voted upon by acclan18.tion, whereupon the iresl.dent declared the
motion carr-i,ed.
The Clerk then read a request from the Chic2~0 ~ederation
of {\~~erl. &11(1 A,dlllt Charities on .lC11.8 elate O~~ ~Tanu.ar;T ~3, reCHl6stinp;
permission to hold their annual tag day on 'T'uesday, Nfay 8, 1056.
A motion was made by ~rustee Schlaver, seconded by ~ir8Y,
that this re~lest be granted. The motion was voted upon by
acclam8.tion, whereupon the Pre siden t de clared the motion carrie d.
A motion was made by T~lstee 7iller, seconded bv 7ier, that
the Village Attorney be antbo:rized to draw up an agpee"lent between
'813 ine s &,~ 'T'indall and the 'lTi llage retarding the rernoval of the 1'e 8.1
estate building now located at 208 S. Main Street. The Fres~dent
put the Question, the Clerk called the roll, with the :follovd,ng
response:' ~\yes: j""ll; Na;rs: None. Thereupon the l'resld.ent declared
the motion carried.
~he following petition was then read:
,Tanuary 12, 1956
January 17t 1956
Iresident ann. 'Soard of Trustees
Village of Vt. Frospect
T!ft. 'Prospect, 11linois
I re spe ctfnlly reaue st that the follo'w'Ln,! de scribed real
estate to-wit:
Lots One, Two, ~hree and Lot Rour in Maple-
wood qeights, bein~ 8. ~utdivi8ion of the East
l~.OO chains of that part lying North of Sail-
road of Southeast Cuarter of S~ction 12 (ex-
cept the Southerly sixtY-six feet for ~08dJ
also of Block ~wenty-six in "::\u8se's ':i:astern
Addition to Mt. FrosD8ct in the Sast qalf of
Section 12, To'i1T'n. 41, i'To.,..,th, 'fian';e 11, ::;;ast of
the Third Irincipal ~eridian.
10 cated on the rrorth side of North'Ne st Hi ,iust between Ed~Nard
and Lincoln be rezoned from residential use to commercial use; and
resrectfully request that :TOU refer this petj.tion to your Zoning
:?08rd of Appea,ls and trust that I may have a 11.earin':s on this ma,tter
at a very early date.
There is enclosed with this Fetition my check to the order
of tlle Vi llage of ?;It. I ro sr,e ct in the amonnt of :~90 .00 to cover
Ptlblication fees and expenses of the Zonhu: Board.
'Very truly yours,
Hoy '7. Collj.i;non
A motion was then made by Trustee Wilson, seconded by Airey,
Ulat this :oetition be referred to the Zoning Commission foT' the
holding of a pt1blic hearing and their recommendations. The :Fresident
put the Question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following re-
sponse: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the fresident declared the
motion carried.
"'here being no further business to come before the meetin:;,
a mot-ion was nade by '1'pustee Airey, seconded by .'1ilson,th8t the
meeting be ad,iourned. 'T'he motion Vlas voted upon the acclam8tion,
whereupon the President declared the motion carried and the 4eeting
rec;u18rly ad "ol).rned.
~":~I rJ [J'rl~~-; ()l~' .:\ l~U~n
;'~IF-; T __.1: ,.F'1-?L'J~ I ~0l~L"" i.L1
!'JI\ Is
'1 HU:::"EIJ L
T3LJIL,!~)I I,-~, ()
eN TU:LSI);l
11' i_t;_~~ U-l\TICI f) L
il' nW~.;PLC'l, ILLINCI2
G'lJI\FCi 7, 195c)
and t;.'J.8
'I'n.e neet ll]C !^ldS
Cleri.(~ l,ras tne(l
called to order by Presiden~ Lams at
lrected t~ call the roll.
-:) ~
_:, "
On roll csll the following ltrustess
ver, Vtger, Wier, Willer and Wilson.
-: 'n' .-, ' l~
an S1pTerea ., rre sent" :
i\, b sent: None.
J\~.rey ,
'l'i:1e 't:c'us tee s r avi 11;;; prevj.ouslv ree e:L ved co pie s of tr,e minu,te s
01 'cue ~leeting IlGld J8Xlu.ar) 17, 1956 '8. motion vJaS rrJacle by i.Lrustee
Schlaver, seconded by Willer, that the minutes be approved as sub-
mitted. '-LtJG }'res:1.dent put ttie quest:Lon, t~ue Cler~i:\ calloo the roll,
t~ll the folloTI\Tirlr~ ~re8porlse: os: 11; 9.: NOt"ld4 fl'LJereUpon trle
President declared the motion carried.
frustee iLLer tClen read Hesolution 171-56 entitled n'iL00LU'.L'IC11'i
f1;(: l~Oi~LCLO~"E _~~ 011-' l~~F'LCI/\.L '\~'~,:~~.,:..~-::':_'.I1l~~j\'!-II~HIt ~(J.()Lio(} ";rJU-S G.l1el1 [(,8..(:l6
i1IJ:,"ustee Ti IJ_er:J seconctec5_ -b~y ~;e:'~ ld.ver, tl18 t CL'll s re so lu.tic){) oe
e_doI)tec~. i_r[lC~ })rG.~;ic~erlt !-)ut tile C~P)Of3tiorl, G.::J.e (;ler<~( c~A,lled tIle ro :;
1r.Ti"tlJ_ t.r~te follO;~.Ti:c.'~ ~~:efj_pOr}se: 0:-~: 11; :L"'-!a.',-'/s~ nilb.. 'l'rlsr OYl tile
Preside2t declared. tne mctiorl carr~e6 and said resolution 8 opted.
r10 T:; lor} -r.~ras t.:n81,} ~De_d"e t);] i~Lrl,)stee ~";il1er, ~~eer)I'I08(1 0CL.lai,le:r-;,
t a8 i1l8':.;e polley (Jeneeforth 'cliO l1:~tl:er f' ace,p2Jt:L. C;')c:,;ment;
C?f 'pr'=L12c:iI)Cll S;.i).e o;J.. SI)f)cial 8_SSeE:f~~rter:-cs In ans j:'oy'eclo8ur;e
~fter G1SCUSSlon tU1S ~otion was ~TithdrawD and referred to the
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February 7. 1956