HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/07/1956 VB minutes 8. ,', t: ~resident and 'Soard of Trustees Villa~e of vt. Prospect Mt. Frospect, Illinois ';,entlemen: I respect~llly requ0st that the followin~ described real estate to-wit: Lots One, 'r'.:vo, <"hree and Lot "'our in vfaple- wood qei~hts, bein~ e ~ubdivision of the ~ast l~~OO chains of that nart lying North of ~ail- r09.d of Soutb.east 0.uarter of Section 12 (ex- cept the Southerly Sixtv-six feet for road, also of Block '1'v,renty-six in P,nsse' s 3astern Addition to Mt. FroSDect in the Sast ~alf of Section 12, Tc)wn 41, (To,.,th, Ran 11, -;:ast of the Third 1rinc10al ~eridian. located on the Horth side of NorthHe st !~'i st betvveen -Sdward and Lincoln be rezoned from residential use to commercial use; and resrectfully request that :TOU refer this petition to your ZoninG Eoard of i\.ppe81s and trust that I may 'have ail,earin's on this matt8r at a very early date. There is enclosed with this fetition my check to the order of tlie V'i llaete of IJIt. :t ro S'(>8 ct in the amonnt of !~90 .00 to cover -- ..- .-1' :< publication fees and expenses of the Zan5,n: BOP,rd. Very truly yours, 'by '~1. CollisJ;non d motion was then made by Trustee Wilson, seconded by Airey, t~at t~is netition be referred to the Zoning Commission ~or the holdinr;; of a public hearIng and their recommendations. 'i1he President put the Question, the Glerk called the roll, with th9 followinS re- svonse: Aves: All: Nays: Honee Thereupon the }resident declared the motion carried. ' . Ther,::; being no f'urther bnsiness to come before the meetinr;, a matton was made by T~ustee Airey, seconded by 7ilson,thet the rneeting be adjourned. rrhe p'otion 'iilaS voted ur;on the acclamation, whereupon the fresident declared the motion carried and thB 0eetin~ regularly ad'iQ"\J.rned. -' ~~Jt:'..~ 'lLll"~ ",/- .~ l'Ur~Ui'E~; e'F !\. ;lli;C;TJV\l: Th!G f) F' T J? oil. L: ~ I J.) ~.~ ',i '11 C~]! 1'RLTE:iJ~' c ::tJ5..;J..J _L i1 "+]~ ~ U-I\'f~CCI:.P:\L 13lJI.L :)I~, l}:; 01": IIG~!SI)j-:,~':i' ~,.';,C il.l l<f{O~" PJ:~i.~J;l:; ILlJII\TC1IS .L..J3 r,' LJ 1\ F?"Y 7, 1956 snd 'G:~,e ~ne Geetin~ was called to order Cler_{ was t(len ci.rected b~ call iJ ";/ 1':'1- e ::31 (1 e r.l t ttL8 roll ~ 1-1a.Ln s fit E~ ~ 55 "(> 0.0 roll cDll tl18 10oJ_lo1I\Tj.D5J: 'l'rlJstees ~(O>'l've-r. Vi I' 'ler v'iller ar,<~<~I,Jl.I"o<n ," .._ .......L..<. _ 'J. .L, J.. , _ :; .. '. ___ -'- _ ' _ ..1..,), /- _ 121 '- G 8~:-C sl/,rered. f're seLl t n : )\ b s e n t: j\ 0 lJ e . .J~ ~Lre~\T , :li118 l-L.r'ustees x"a,Virlg pre~Tiou_slJ: rec-G':Lved (~O e~~ of 1.::;,(18 ::-{j].r:~l).T~es of 'cue "'eet 1181d J8In;U3:1:'S 17, 1956 a 1Jlotion i,'!aS m.ade by 'lT1istee Schlaver, seconded by Willer, thut the minutes be approved as sub- mltted. ',Ule ~)re2:i,6ent put the quest:ic)n, tIle Clerk Ctzlleo the roll~ t11 tl"18 fo=LlcT'.Ti.rl~""; J::8sporlse: (jS: f~.ll; ~): L~one" 1.L't"le:(?8Ul)Orl tC18 President declared the motion carried. '..ep"US te e ;"/ i ].1 er t.-clel~ re;3 d i-~e S 011), t i c>rl Tiel-56 8r} t t t 1e ct il Fu:. ~~_~ (')IJU'11 I C)y 'i-I(: l-::C<2LCLC;( E.; C<Fio, ~ }l.LJC I,L\.I.J >,.;::' :::.- ~~": ::~.,J<.I~:.{'~'TS If $ /~:'_ y,'iO J.C.l liJ8.S t.l1e:~1 ift8.c3 e 'Irust.ee il.J_sr) secor:deo, b~/ ;~)G.:~l.~'ler, T~J:J3_t l~.t'l:ts resrJlution be 2.C!c)1)ted,. ij_iJ_-~0 })resid_GiJt pU.t tilE:' Ql18st.ion, L~lJ.e (~lC::l~~{ (~';'-l11ed, t,Clf:: ro:.Ll.~ 1t,1i-:~lJ tY.LG fcll()T.\Ti:!_""J,r~~ re por:tse: 0.:j: ~1.11; S~ .\.\in:ue,,,, '.,L'I1er or: -ellS };re sid 81-:: t G.6 c la.I' (~;d. t.tJ e ~~'1.0 t i e'Yl G El~r ~:i_ cd 0__',':\6 s e l (1 r/~;'j c 11Jt i Ol-.l 8 U 0 -l. )~J (- d ~ nl.~'J<Clon 1'11:8 ~:: 'l.:<J.18l,} '.T.B_cle b"\] '_Lr-;'iJE;ter; "iller;, r:eC0!~lc:e ;_-:'C.t.".__i_,E1.'vej'7, T;C' ~g~~l~ 0~S~';";n;~~;elP~};;:e~7 Jlenc;e1'orth t 'e'=~~er nf' acee.'::>~=:L ,,' )~;:r!e'()t; c f' ~ ~~I<~ ~,r~.:~,_ -1, ~.:: 1:1_,~ ~, =,~ ;,' ;, ',", 8 ;] :3 e E~;: n .c':: i.:;:' '1, n for eel C 2 U :C' "::' 2ttJ._tS. ter dis(1)Ss=Lcr: J~_',~ _'_,_,_ ,_'__,-, _', "\r.r;::1_5 j,it I~8T.'1Tn;:]. I:e.1-'er~r8.j, t{) t.:~.lG February 7, 1956 Jud:'Lc5,8-C'~ COD]Y'littee for furt':l(~r :"tud~i. ~n, v~ i~C;:l e f' () 11 oTp,Ti comml~nlcation ~ras tuen re8d: 6 ~ 195'6 J u die :;, a ry C 011m:1. Gte e 0 r Ll e Village of 00unt Prospect 'Count Prospe c t, Illinois CeDtlG:~i'J.en : It lS respectfully requested that you cause a sp8c~al asses- sment foreclosure suit to be filed covsri nt Prospect special 8.sses~'JP]enl;8 1,11 Gile follo,,::L def\Cr~,bed pr8pert:y: Lot 9 in Block 4 in. the I!nrttHrTe s t II, East of tl~e I1I1D.:'Jl.s. in = eier's Jiddttion to Mount Prospect II}, ".c. ,':,AC~--; r'n '1? ""'''TF ) 1 ,':: '.' ''-'8' rr- . -} ...-: .:~~ ~~').""'J. ~,.)^"l:L ",or~n, " noG lrd ~rlnClpal 1 erlolan ln COOK County, l~e unders ned SUR,r8Dtee[~ tne rliDi~llm OlO re(lulred. t.he Ville-::ce of' a. percent; of tne pr'lncipal of' t,ne 'lmpai c'; sr)8cials. also agree to 311 costs in this proceeding includi .00 per lot for clerical ~xpense necess because of the foreclosure. T J, """"",,- ~ ~ ,""'-' --- ~~ (.:i! J~r; ~' r e ;:"' IJe c t f'llll ~~'." (Sj.~rled: ohert Irmj_ger) .-- , '- A T!wtion ".r:::: tllen made i.Ttlstee J_1er, I:jec:jnc.ed b;y '1180[13 T:c.t.::1.C tr16 \/ill "~lttoY:rle=:; :'.)e 3..)-C.l.:.nri..zeci 'CO Cir8.1!"T 1)..p a I;esol1J~tJ.c;n for "tl18 f0reclosure of t;rl8 lieD of special Ass8srmer.lts 82 ~equested suj)jeet tn t(lG aI)1,)J.~o1lC11 of I~eor~!arc! c. l' 8~id.e. I~L.J.e Prer.:,}.c-LerJt _~J'Llt tj..J.s que;:3 ti on, ene (Jlerk c u lIed the ro 11, 1."i tn tnefollmliI:.s re ~pon se ~ ~.-2f: ':~11; H.)S: ('IJ'1(:. Jflel~c:l.lpOn t~Cle IJr6[-:<.den.t ci.ecla.reeJ tJ18 nlct:lOYl carI'ied. l-i r~otlorl 1.~I9[=- t.Ll.On ace 1)~/ iJrtlstee =1,.11er, 28c0.n6ed V"}].GJ::, a~ ciiscussioD OD Caf;e j56~1, Rezoni riequest, be reopened ana tllat tLe v8rie-:~i()n be :':;1ilL;e6 as req__,e steo [F' reCOt:py'ended b~ the Zoning C()y:fc',ssion T,r:],tIJ, tlle understand::L::,(: e'lat a p8rcel of' 1[1nd 33 feet Hide Ui ,-"ple; treet ext8nd~,'C:'s fro,:,} F'rospeet ,',venLJ.e to tllS south boundary of Lot 1 in J. "'..3bGrls AdcUticn to jilount F'rosrJect be dedicated foy' street purposes. '.I:L:e F'r-es'joent t tile q!)8st~i.:)n, tile Cler'k callea tHe 1'011, Tr:,tll tne follm,Ting :c'esponse~ es: i-lll;,\.t'JYs: l\!One. 'iner'?u.T)on tue Pres ent decl~J.red tl:J.8 YOotior:, carried. ~l:otioL 1;'/8_8 d.de b~:/ '.l'ru.:_'tee !r!'il1er, secorJcled ~)~.; ir.e:/, dc', trwI'iz 2, tile ~Jj,llageG torney to dr81rT up an a0;reer-:en t to purcha Be property ,':cS set forth in ttle optlon froYI1 ,] ..~ . Ueber, to provide ''.:,1,000.00 as d01.m payment, i3n additioDf.:l1 ,,3,00'0.00 Eeptember 1, 195'6 L::U'''''] ()alance ai~ tr"e raGe of ,000.00 on L,e first da~ of JuT:v' of eaCh ~ear until eotal of ~20,000.OO is ide ~ne President put t~je qJ.estion, tile Glerk called tLe roll, TrJitC] tIle fol101r~ir~~ response: '\~.e'3: All; iI's: Lone. 'll18r('upon tns Fres::Ldent (:.ecL'J:c-ed the motion carried. ;,ummon 's if56s10L~8 Superior Court of CO():.~ COlmtJ V,'8S tben read. I\. motion T/JaS t.CJen Clade by 'l'nlstee \rJil1er, secondeC'_ by leI', tnae the \iillege\ttorne;y be 81.1 tnorizeri to file an a:ipearurce and anS""Ter in tniE case. 'lite PreS::LClenC put t;tle '=iuestion, tile Clerk cal180 the roll, T,itn tJ::le follovdng re~~ponse: es; All; l\jays: None. '.L'nereupon the PresIdent declared tile mo'sion carried. 'l'ru;o;tee iller teen Tead tlJe foll01fdng co:mmunication: ~ro Ra)'mond L. -1iller CLairman, JuciciarJi Comilli ttee Village 110.11 IIount fI'08~)8Ct, Illinois cTanuar;y 26, 1956 n rLe .. Bolger vs. Village lJe ar T,IIr Q lIeI' : PUTsuant to notice served upon me I appeared before Judge Fisher this morning 1trho entered an Order of Heference of tl18 above entitled cause to T'.!Ias"'cer" i_Ii C!la.n,cer~;; i-\.lbert 1'1" :~;J.'lepparcl. The dates :Cor tne hearings of course lr'Lll be set b;y the r:aster. In February 7, 1956 9CO) .,. e~J ar j y ca~e I ','TOllld lLke to rlJake the f'cllm.ring ob~~eI'vat:lon. I co:rn:'fiUnicated;rr:Lth r. Lverett Kincaid iAT;,th reference to testi 'I;:',s; on be.[Jctl~f of "G118 \rillae~e~ '\8 ';YOt'- J{rlO'l"YJ {18 test~iJ'ie(1 B.t~ a. ~prG\7ious heari He indica"ted that befo~e he tJould testif~ ne would have to j,nvestie;ate existing zon:Lng 'je8.sures In t'le Village aI!d tc'"en give Tile hi s an SHer. '1'0 date I have not he 8 I'd from hirrl. I might add in this connectlo?:! that one of' the test,s tc be Plet \rrilll)e Tl\rl~~_e tJ'l e r or D.ot -G_t18 \F i l.la.ge .i~s., ~:~ IJr ov 1. c1 e d. <b 11.3 i rl e s s ftrf~ a zo n:L rl[~ 8 C (f(nrne 11- s~r8.be ~ith tns growth of the Villa 1he recent Skora case il:~~~at- ed L,at there ;rT8.S IV)t much business properts 8.vailable in the Villae:e 8. Del tl1Bt fact rJl~l~/ have some be8.rtrig orl tiJ.e if)SU6. It ~1.S cOD~:ic1ere(1 opinion t[18,[:; the ViLLage j:',oard should take inm.ediate steps tc' y"evie10' tue amount of' business propert~ available with the intent of pravia- iD~ additional areas for that purpose thereb~' Keeping up tlJ -tile rapid growth of the V-j.llage. Y_ OIJ.r" S *\; e I'i ~. t r 1....1 f,'rank , (Jpeka motion was then made by Trustee Willer, seconded ~y er, triat tne Villa'7e PresidentJe autrlOrized to contact :lr. bverett ,-' T:lncaid regarciing {ds serviCdS to meet 'Ni th the haunt PrOSy8et Plan Corilm5_ s sion con eerning pos sible future bllS iDe p s ar'ea 20 ni '1.:L8 mo t1 on ,.,78.3 voted upon by ace la:']dtion irJiler lCupon '[,he 1;1'6 s ident declared ~he m,otion carried. A:Dotion 1fTasmade by lrLu~tee ',;iller, seconded -'leI' J t;~lac ttl8 })res1oe:ot (~111d Clerl{ 1)0 a-ut.t101'"izE3d. t~o 8 tr'1fl sl).ocl1vislOD 'Dlat of' flLnueci I E He~'ubdi\d,sion, on behalf of 'GIle V 11 e, after tne Plan Com- r::1.:5.23ioD 1"18.[-:. 8,,-pproved L.~cle plato '1'118 IJresid,e:nt [Jl..lt t1'1e C/,uestj 0:0, ttle Clerk called tue roll, \.,Tit:.l G.Cle 1'o110t<Ji response: 8s~i\11; NaJs: ODe <) jI'iler.-:;11po:n t~;~ltJ }")resi.C1.e:DNC d.ec18r"'ed tilG rnotiofl ear~l~}_eo_. Ii Y1'lotiorl 1tT21S rnacie _Ciru_::::tee ";,i!iJ.ler', E?6COrloed. b~r /i=1_~ee;Y"'J tLu3t Dimucci's proposed subdivis5.on of propert~. west of Kenil~T~rt(l be submitted to t.ti8 Plan f~tl.1d'J7 EtDcl r~ecorrunerid_ationll liiJ8 "(C)t io:n ~wa~~ \..r()'i~ed reupcn the President declared the otion -C.rle tGIJtative r:,l~'l.t of~ E~Cll tr1 of C e~(rb rEtl s.o. COMmi8s~on for their upon b~ 8ccl~ndtior . c C8,r=r]_8C~o the follohTing communication ~'Tas tilen re8d,: February 1, 1956 President and30aru of frustees \.1illu ~'e ~.La,ll aunt ~ros~ect, _llinois Its: ;:,un8et r~' n'" 0' >\ t- c' :-., 1 : >, -~." ..,,- ~ c-; J: n c:;..L,:.:J!.~ ''), ~'>,vt'JQJ.VJ_0..LO ~~\. ~ No. ,?5,..2Lt8 c ~ .LI c ':.~ C-on t 1 ern 6:l : e -[-;-"8"';""!:;;' r'E~-"Pl^r~"l"'il '!-,.TO (?) cor,]'p~ r,f' ~IJ"n"l"ln'l'C'-.l'OI' ,f()l'''' ~.I.. v....,__.I_,.I~..LV ._..l..)..J.. '-...>.,-L J4-_ LJ"" ,_ ;:_ ,'-'~ >,., """'.L ,'_J_ __I__C ,.I _. 2J8.nj_t.,:lrs' ~):Lstrict of Crlj_cn.,~~o per;nlit {'or t_,~J.O con.s-crl..lction of Sel~.TerS J..rl ~De subject development~ "i.:TOLllcI ;YOll l)lsase d.t 'solJ.r ear-iiest Or)-port~urli .tla\re O~L-G(Ll3r the \Iill e PresicIeYlt or tL18 Cler:1( :='L5.. sa~tcl perrnit 111 tIle space 1;)I'O\T~;'_6ed~ ai~jd retllrn ODe (1) COp~j to -tnis office. r'lTe will tllerl forw8.rd the oermit witn the necessary plans und specifications rectl~ to the ~:Bn.i.tar~ i~)iE:trj_.ct of C.LLic~lg;O 1rJ .for.:;'l8...1 a~p:911Gatior} .for <..t r)ern~.it to construct these sewers. ncl\]ise~ If trley-e are Qn~l qT)er3tioll8, concerlling ,S r}rOCeOil1'~e l:)leafle Ver) tr yo~rs, COY1C00r, ownsGDd ssociates ( ~):i. i 11 :1. a Y0,l. '-"'J n S 8 n d ) ~~~Yno t 10}:J. I/'J a E~ r;;~1d e b~y 'J.'1:1J. s te e T",ti 1 S orl, see orlcJ ed b~y ;~crl18 IJer , tIlat t.(18 ViJ_la~e Clerk be authorized to si this ap..lication for l~;fl.lJttar:>. :Districb ot~ Gille perrrlit as rOCrLJ~est8d. J...Lbe 'nO-C,:LOI1 \,"IT&S vo~ced Uf)Oli accl~lTns.tj..on i;,T~1er(';upon tk18 1)res1cLe11t clecl,::ireo. tile ''c:lottor1 carriedtt 'liw f 0 110'",7 C onmunicacion F8.i:3 , , G.c.l.erl T-8BC: J (muary l"( ~ 1 S'S6 Presid.8Dt slDcl '~,O(lrc] of '.L'I'lj2t8e;~, Villa ,call "ount Prospect, Illinois February 7, 1956 He: T,Te-(}o Park Subd1 vi 810n Unit 1\0. 1 C. Ii. ,~(. LJ. _ 5Li--9L.J- 9"'" '<. 1 '}entlernen: '.ole have inspected the paving :Lnprovements i. e. curb and gutter, 7n ~Taterbound macadaFl, 2f! bituminous concrete Eu.rfacine;, side,\,'Jalks and drainage appurtenances constructed in the above refereDced subdivision oS I'lU_burn'~:roti:18rs, Inc. Ve .hsye 81so inSIJected the sanitary sewers, storm sewers and water ains installed in this slJbdj_vIsior1 by' J08 JJ. I)e\lito. l~ll of tIle B..'bove deSCY'=L8ed. irrrI)rOve.~'l ments are cornplete in accordance i,fitn the approved plans d,nn spec Lfica tions EmG Tile recon]cO erlC tiJ.at tIley be accepted by;, tlle Vil18_[~e . V8r~ truly yours, Consoer, ~ownsend ~ssociates ( .s i e d = j,l:L 11 i B m oJ. (; ad i (0; an) '\ motion l/ias t.nen maGe by l'ru[-3tee j,lson, seconded by rey, tn2,t tIle L;'1prove':Jents ')8 accepteo fc,8 reC~;:-.;lenc5ed tIle Villa~:e r1eeT~2. 1':18 :rnotion It-TB,E!, "'\lnted l.lI) c\ rl 1J'] .:::lcclB.'y(:,Dtion v-TClere-CL-oon t.c16 Presldent declbred [:;11e :'lOtloD carrled. II';"~, ~n()tiorl ~1~![iE~, 8(le bJr iL~rtLfjtee i\ire:y, seC01}ctect \':'~_;:-~;er, tt18.-C "Cf18 "Villclt!;e .'\.t corr} I.J8 t.l.l) th.orj_zed. t8 l)rerJB.:r;e 8i1 01'":c1-: r)(3.IJCe 8)(texld.j_l tile h.ro-hou:r parkj,ccs lirni t to cover streets 8S reCO(Yrlonoec tbe .Police '.]om,,:ittee. ,['ne 2Jre;j;Clent )utLbe q1:i.8s0j,on, tne Cle:!:'k callee tCle roll, I\:,:ttn tt'o follm,d re2poxse: os: i!"ll; s: Hone. 'Thereupon the Pres:ident decln'ed t}loyotien carr'j eo. ~"'r- .....,..... .. ~ ~ ,--- l;"'-"~'" ~ notion was made by ~rustee Air ,seconded Viser, to autnorize the Durchase of a steel filt cabinet for tne Folice Depa:c-t'-;cnlt for' 8. ['urn. not 'co exceed. 75.00. '.Lue PI'Gr.:ident put tne qLJe sti on, t1:18 Clerl{ call eO. t:18 roll, T-ri t.:.'L the folloTrij. re sponso: (~s: J'~~11,; ~\j8-:is: .C):l8.& 111erupoD. t.t18 F're::::i6~erlt, decl=:.i~'ee(l tIle rnotJorl c8rrieci'l' /\. 1~(] '.;t 10 n T/'J !J.. S '~n ade ;J.l"; u.. S t~ e e ~ ,C (':.ld, \16 r, see orJ(}e c. -t er , a'utnoriz tl..i8 \75-11 e l.ttorJe~/ to 1rlv8st5..sB.te tiLe rJossi'bi11t:y of reDealil~g ()rd.iY:.,(j\.~. ce /r396 entltleri: ~~J.~.I.! ()I-{l~:~:= .C.b Il\]Tl<;(} lTO ~ '-' ;./~iCI'~L (I~CJ~ql~11Y' _1=)};.1 j..~.J.~:'Irr~)n- arid ifl s ell a reDeal 5 S 'possible tllat an ordi_nance be prepared to repe&l C)rdirJa,n~e 0'3Q6. l'he esident pllT~ t~j.e (lu.estiorl, -CtlEJ ~~'lel~l{. c~illGd L:.i,"l6 r~o11, -:,rl.'0.Cl tl.l8 i'ollo'p!i res>lorlse: es: l.ll; s: Lone8 '.L'tce rel.l.p on. t.r18 l'rc~::~lc3eDt. (tecla.rec ~he otion carried. A No,tioD waE; made .L'r~u8toe V er3 seconaea ~~ ~~iller, autnorLz! e: -::;ile exound L ture of ,/165.00 to cover f-}c~c.itlon81 expense incu,rrslJ dUG ~0 a larger electric sa~~ice line bel reQu1red ~~~t ~"J(j~ 5 eJA-L pl1Pl~JrlOl)"Se~ I~C.(:l\a 88-' OL:t J~'ut t e CliJ.estiOllJ tL18 Cle}~1~ called tl"l8 roll, 1.>,:ritt: t.c~e fOllclIr,:-irJg resIJOxJ~)8: es: I.~ll; l<;cr,~'s: rJoDA. .L;Ll.ereu_pOY1 tf18 ~Preslder}t c3.eelt~red, t:t18 0'l.otioY1 carrl.eC'It i-i. ynotiol".1 1,'!8.S trJad.e '}i.r;'ustee Sctll;~~J,\]er, r-:eCDnoec '. 8'-'f) ttlat tne Vil]_af~e ~'reasurer be 8,uthorized to rei'Dvest a Run rlot to e~{cec:d 1:.SO,tJ;JO.OCI of ft1D(~S i'ro'''c ;:Jf},ter Re"verJ'ue Barlets In. U. ~:. J'o"\TerrcrJ e~ t ,~~}.~ or t i~;G r'll} ot e ':3 9 jl.'j~ie P~e sic. 8rft I)i.~~ t tr-18 qtl est i all, the CJ.erk c~110d the rol.]_, torith the f'ollowi. re'sults: ;~:'es: All; N s: one. 1hereupon tne Presl ent rteclared the ~otion carried. :lir1e Clerk toen r8~d rcq118s'b[ frorr t.Tr~ C~ E. ~enrt Fund ~anvp~ on ~ebrua 26t~, a~d fro~ rso to llOJd Cancer Drive Ta3 on i1 IGth c1al t:, 1:101c'. ,-. _'1 [~.Pl~; 0 rl d tn~'t 10J::1 \/,T[l;~ tIJ.8D ~n~lcle .Lr1.1.2tee iller, secor~c,ed oJ? \li[;sI', t(lc1.t t,_~:le~~G tT,~JO 1'0.~~t1eEtE' 1)8 rlted. 1':."18 :~notl:Jl:'j T/lT8.S voted l1por1 u.c c l~l. ilc? t i ori '\..,T;';, e rellIJ Ojl t_;~lG e L: ide 11t de c l~..Lr eel t "')~G frl ~-~~t i or1 C &y; ~r --L ed. . T~lere being no fur'G:~er business en co~rie bofore t~e eetlng a 'T10"GlOY-, T,~Ta8 Due 11'rl.J;::;tee \.liger, secC'-rldea b~: .L\5_re,;':; 0X1Li-G tile Y:-1eetj. be E.j,,~j.jo-,:_rL]G. 1/18 ~'r1C~=,_~~Y- ToT,~S \/OLeo U.pOD bS 8..cclc~:.r.}atioD ~.!rler'eD~porl t1.18 Pres~tdent c}eclu..r'ed tCL() l'D.otlo:o cal'r~iGd ,~'Jr.1.c.l t[18 m.esti re ":llla.rl~1 adjcurned. -- February 7, 1956