HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/21/1956 VB minutes
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J:3LJI h\C.~., I'I()(flfT rt_;~~~(J ~~.FI/~1i, ILJ~Irl()IE-~
OI,-; rILL::_\~~JJ."\Y '0'I~T3F'(1J,\HY 21, 195C
T'[18 r'leet-1.nE~ 1I\T~Jf'
and the Clark was t~eD
ci:;l led to 0<:'0 eI'
I'ect,ed to cD.ll
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the roll.
On roll c8..1J_ t.!.18 .follo!flTiriE: ;.c'r'u.stee2 8"nEr~.~Ter>cci P~?r6'2el'ltf1j:
'irey, fchldver~ Vi r, Wier, Willer and ilson.
~he lrustees haviD8 previou~
reeet...voo c:
() S 0 f' t;.lle ", '1 "( ,::tlh 'I': (; ;:::.
of tile m8sting c).sld Pebrus
~ chlaver, Se(~011ded by ir
te6 the illaze Clerk~
7tll; 8 motion ~8S 0 e My ~!:ruptee
, t!lat too ~1.j.nl1te8 he approved .JS S111J8.~t-
'l'j18 }.lr8s5cGrl-C c.YL1t. trle q,Uf?Sti012, tl:Le G:~L.c.~7~cL~
Ctjll(jr} t~.l.e roll}) ~/,:=L trl tIle :follOirJi
res;:)c.~~sa ~
seE",~ ~ ',.11; 1'.;
;5: 1:] O{le 0
n.erGt.lIJorl "C,I~e i::res erJt cecluI'.3cl t.LJ.e 0';..:;58021 c,},rrie-d 9
'\. ~,~J. (I t i () .cl ~r.r 8. E.:' :v~, s dJ3
1 J:-11steo ;_CiJlEtVo:r s f;8C()r,r=~6Q O~7
t';':l~:i_t tJ..tG ;j.r~F~.9,St..~r8r~s Report~ fer trlo l)cr~Lo.j 8Y)UJ__{}[s J8.(}L1.3r~' ~)::; '~~e e-'.,-
TJrD\]ecl :.~,r~;Ci 1f3cecI or] J~ileo Ij~'l10 J:re8~Lcier:it ... t tt.lE.: 0. (::~,~~t:ion~ CiJC:; C181~.:"{
e~~:\11ed t~:'le roll.~ ,\,'TitL.l tl~!G J~()11()Tt.Tlr,c~' re::~:~='ci1~E;e~ s: "'~,11; s: l,or}e~
lhersupor '~lle Pr~sj.~ent de~lRred tb.A TIJcti~D ca~~l.ed~
i'.,,! i 1 E, en,
~, ~)1:)r (')"lI e (-,
n t -l0 .!.~L v~T B f) t .n,c [} c:.j d e i_ll~C'U;::' tee 1:. e ill ~?.'V t,'; I~:J 5 ":J C () I} C e c
-c.c~,8L' t~LLO i.L:re8.E:"tJr;Cr f ~~ F~erox't cf -crle :peci8~1 .t\SS8S8Y(}ertt Fl1nd. 1')(3
2iX} d_ ., l ,-I ~J:nf' ~ ~_ C '" 'Ill} e ':'''1 c.,: tic n ~,",T d ~.) "\) 0 toe: t)~/ JJ. c ~~ ..'.. ; :';' J' T J.. 0 Y}
'Tr.,T.:'l e r. (:~ 11 r~ 0 D
tt: e I)re 81 d.G1--::t
d eel Dr f:) d t~ h. e
otj_8rr G~)T~r'ie6~
S~C=L:.Jr r:
'j.' r: iJ, ;:::: l~ G (-;
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i~,~~~r T i 18 '~~"L;.,
,j"':'-' 0 0 r] '{,,'T;'J 8:C
t 'JS"C
~L rJ
gCSC~~:~CO ~Tith the
,:J..-"~ e rl d e (J ~:",T c~. t G J";
Ccl10c'tc)r'E Report of
refunjSlJ(\ 1~1~~G ~~~: recc
ClArk c81lA~ the roll,
:1 e ct c () n, s tlj'"rJ (; :~. 2 r:'~ p
?l;~~t~, rillcJ t,/~[t
"'"'.. , -,
J.. .~t 8 '1: C' Ci (-:. r~
r:'J. t ":~ ';'; l' ,i ~) t,' '3
':~ e ~~\c.' E-: i ~c -')e J"::' ,rt~ rl d (-} d ~G() CJ ;)_,.?..l-t
0~;)()sl iC)"(j r;f t:~Le
'j..!"J.C .I?res-tC8Dt lJl.lt -c,)'LA (J.ll.C);~ ~)_or},
foll~,y~"ri rs[~u.lt;~!~ c;8: 11;
~ 8 "~l;~;.
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C'.'I <to
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~.:J.ersu~or ~ne ?r~e2il13rlt Gelo.red 'CL8 a~l0D CJ0rr~ej.~
c:tJ_ D1l
2 'CIlf3l1 ~!~U1.cte
lr;Ll;~tGe .. cr.JIO,\lor, ~:bCC_:.~.Ciec~
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':~ ~=-' 1=-1 J.: C '\7 E; .f <) y'~:) 21 e {I t 'i~',~(l. e 1J ~~_ 11 r:: ,'\ r; ;:~ I; f': 1" C \r f;:: ',.'L
for ti."~8 orltrJ 01-': .Jc-J.i'11J_c~I'y" '~:_[Je l:)r~::.;:.)5.,cerit ....
c~-i,llec: 'b{:.<3 ~rcJ.ls ~:_t: .Tj.() foll~J';rTi )::C~;':: :"J..t;:::
GC, b .'_1 J_ ;"} e. II c~ (:7
\~1re:';J t,O
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:= ~,c; C) t-_ e ;:3 -c, =L (J ~( :
(J E.~: _'-~, 11 ;
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;~Lll (j r. ~3 ~J_~) 0 n t t~e ,er e [J 1. (3 tl t d Gcl;:l rc d tl~ G Jj_O t:i ~) ~J. C. '~'.:.-r"r~ .1.. e ct. ~
:'J.()t~Io '~',.,r (.( E' j~ruc.~t8e:~ cJ.-ll,..~8veI', ~~8c()rt6o;5
t~_rj.~;_t .t=~J.e ~'u_65t i'~e~p()r.;.:; cO\Jer clter [)e1)n~I.t~(;e(.~t ~:';.1.ID(~f:) f~c)r; l..;!i~~' fJ..~::C;:1l
T 11 1 " II l q c:; [~ - ).~ (:' r -) (, (. (.-.'~ e ('~. ) I.L -3. e. c: d () ."..1 fl....1 1-_' ^
v ......;..-'-J. ~... ~ , _1-..' _' -,",' ;; ,~, ..;I, ~ ........ -' __ -- '-" . -..
-;~T";r::,(~~,- ent, ~~",---;t, t::'0:: es =~_O~J; tf_JO (;ler~h~ c~il1od. tlla r~o11:; 1";,TJ_GLJ tll(} f';~)l--
1- 0":;,,7 1..:l ~',; I"' e 2 I~l ~) n E~: e: ...i.;S e s : 11; ~\] d.~;, [; 1\: () Ii C: ~ j.'.:-l C' y. (-0U. lJ~) iJ t,.;.}(-j i' I~ p ::~, ~:_ C (__~ l~ "[,
declared the Botion carri.edo
1 le
\. ~~J()Lic)rl \,~Tc-~E~ .y~[I,r:5e il'r':-;'I;::tE:ie ~l:3cl~;; 8(:~e(J:n(jed b~' ;.~ el~j t'iJ.a.t
E~~;j 2 C 113 t ~ 0 n I,- 0 G 2 -~' 6 e 1:1 t: =- t.l e d.: n .f(T,!;~, ().L I,J1 I C.!\] }\~;.::~ r)}:..,~, I Cr L:,.'\' T I 0 nT-i" '; 11'
'I iJl'!I) Tj~. -"-'~:iT~, .: 'T:'''~ IllS' .~~{ \; ,'\.'.K ~/,. l'i: 1J e :ec ve Q G 1 1 l,":< _ .Jj" \~ ;::, ~ (J r-; C_l:; i;ll-C
T:~.}e ql18stj.or1!) th.e CJeI,;Lr c8l1(-~c tYte r~()ll, ~,\Tit:;l':L tile flo :c,!,~; re (-r:::~(?;~;
C:.fs: ',ll.: s'~ oJ:.1eo f.1- E;reu_l)o:n t.r:;8 flres-L:~'er;t Qoc.la:t'eo -c:(lC :~''J.,'.)t-ioj+'}
c 8,rr~i_ ec.,
~, '" ~
;~\.:~') 0. s D, ~ C.
resolution passed and approvedo
r~.ot:lon. ~,~,'I8.S jl'~2dG l~~7 '.tx~.tlstoc~ \,'filf'::C;l'1, EG-cCiJded J~er~ i~1.t'~--
cjrizi 'slJG ! 1 13 ~..x)e()1"8 to [)re},)8re IJIL:l:ns 8 fjd (;.~lrJ,.rJ ()raern l:n.
~r~; \] i 1) a,n. S lJrlde:e i',1~F~jII ,(.,e c t j~ 0 n 7 ,.r."C ~~ , to i tiC ltlct e ::; t:J_8 ~J 8. ,7 i n ~~: () _f tl"l6
half streets of or 8IJd (~'re8o ch ~rG outsi_de tIle Villace
l~~itso rile Presj~dent put the qU8s.tioYl, i~ne :~18rk co,llod tne roll~
1,~.'~L tr... t tie fo 1.1 O\,~J i rlp; 1'; e f~lJ or} 8 e ~ :J C S: 1:1.11; 1\ 0. ',] S : 0 l':} u- (I ;..Li,r'-'~~.e r 211:J on -c.CJ.8
~r8s~.dent dccla.red the rrJotior1 csrried3
:1'.1:18 :Co 11 o11\Tl [1[~ C or:-rnL1Yli C [1 t ion 1,\T e 8 "[ ,rlOr.' =r e 8. d. :
F'e oruary
.L1j_ ,
Pre f; i (~ e 11 t en (] 13 Q ~~. r d C) ,t 1 r 1..1 ~ t e G S
\i:t 11
~ ount ?rospect, Illinois
f{e ~ l~__l:tllset. 1:.:.02_
"vi s::t en
I';o-u_rlt~ j?~e~)Sr-::()ct, Illinc)is
C f) 1'. ):.. 55-c;Ll-8
(~errt lerl.eri :
February 21t 1956
',Te llave been infor:n.ed b,y t:JC :::l8nitary i:J:'Lstrict of Cnicago that thE
subject subdivision is ou-c-side the present boundaries of said
Sdni~d~yDistr~c~. .Conss~uently,~he. it8ry Listrict nas infor~E
us tna T; tcey HllL I/n tMlOlo ap provl:-l.L of tile sani tary sS"Tage outfall
COllnec on in Can Dota and llan-a-l,r8. and 2~ 1 related sel.-Jer con-
, , . , . 1 " . ".p 1 -'-' .p .
st;ruc CJ.cn un'Cl -cney ere l.n rGCe:LpT. oJ. 8 _0 ,,-cer j rom. tt10\ijllage
st8tin~ that tae Village of 00unt Pro ect will take steps to have
i-'-L'].<" s.u.br-:~\T.:!c.i-!()'Y'\ €,").,r'y")(':,-'-er'i -t--o .L.>'c, C'r~'n"t8-''i :- ~ 1- ~-:-. {'(." t
...... - I-. : ,.,.l..L,.t~)...L....l.J. C'l":',...:.I:;;../- ~'-..,A u.... lol.l,:;.. :..)(.-,.u.l.,lcrJ SGr_.:-.cu OJ.. vL1J_ca.f;o 2\..1
tne next meetine of the Illinois State Legislature.
, ~)
I1' t~:..ere ar-2 anJ7 cll18stloDS cOIlcern:LrJG t118 a;;o'\le, '[;:Lst::lse 2d'vis8.
Very truly y ::mrs,
Consoer, ~}ownsend ~r ~sscciates
B~: W. C. Rasm,ussen
,~~ r'1otio.n \.'1TP,~ ':18.de b:; fllr1Jst:ee ~~,ijlEon, seC'JDced b.~/ ~/Jiller,
tC:lat the Village Clo rk be 8U trlo:c-ized to 8 C.V:1.3 e theSani tary
strict in line ~'Titn tlle forepoing letter. 1!~.e motion was voted
upon b:J ac c 18"'1' ti on Hller'jUpon the .t're sideDt dec 18 red the motion
'ihe follorr,rin,g letter VI88 tnen r eael:
February 16, 1956
President and ~oard of ~rustees
llage hall
Mount Prospect, Illinois
'" ..
He: ~~lfinirs ~,ecnnd Addition
o r..L0 ~ ~ NO ~i_lol~
v. . '-..u ."., j) -,-', 0 .::':H.+ '-'
S 81.\Ter 3,
:,.10 b.8"\l8 :rarJe on
a :ncl 1"T8 t er rn8. iJ:J.s
. i ' .0" j .
~nspec~lon.O..L ~ne s~~rm 88we~s, s~nl~ary_
lnst9.1J.ed Hl. t no subJect proJect 'JY ,joe b.
if; hcJve found tllS 'ATork to LLClve been completed in substantia
conforn'Jil.nce 1/7:1.t11 tne plans 8ncl specifications and, .t,iwrefore, re-
commend tlwt these improvements be accepted b;y the Village.
'if ery truly yours,
COY} ~ 0 e r , :.L' 01/l.! rl s e Xl. d 0t. ;\ s ~: 0 C i 8. t e s
By: j,'Til1iarl . 'lownsend
Ii motion "ras tnen:nade by ':L'rustee llson, seconded O~7
~^,irey, cIla t the improvement s be accepted as reCO'urJenc ed. '..Che
President put tLIC question, the Clerk c",lled the roll, Hittl the
following response: Ayes: ~rustees \irey, Schlaver, Wier, and
"v,:ilson. Nay s: 'l.Tustees Viger ClDd 1,,Jiller. 'l'hereupoD the President
declared tne01otion carried.
.1\ motion Has wdde by 'l;rustee Vii.,;er, seconded bJ E-'cI11aver,
to approve tb.e plDYLS and specifications Jor iiJater ::1:.i.in8 in .cb.e
~_unset j:Jeight8 ':J1J.CJdivision, C.T. .'<;; j~. No. 55-24r as sub:,nitted by
tne Village ~nglneers on the date of February 1st. T~e President
put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with tne following
reSIJonse: es: /:_11; l\ja~rs: J'lonelt l'llereupon t}:16 i)reslcie'ot (1e-
clared tne motion carried.
1\. motion "[.Jas '1,Jde by 'l'.rustee Airey, seCODaea by Viger,
authorizing the Village Engineers to ~epare 8 survey covering
lnstalfaT.ion of ;c' idm,.raL,:s '""here same arc; not presently installed
within the Village, and to submit an estimate of cost for instal-
laL;:i..or; e\f Llese sidelfwlks. 'Ihe President put t:;he question, the
Clerk called the roll, wiT.h the following response: es: ~rustees
/\:1rey,<:::;chlaver, Viger, trJier {mc TIllson. Nay: 'Tr"lJ.steei:Jiller.
Tihereupcn the President declared the celotion c8rried.
The follo"\,\Ti
C. ()<1'}.?TJ."Li.D i C [J t i on ~,'IT as t.c.eJ:i 1:""'68,,0.:
~Tr~. 'llneod(:'re J.. (< S
Pebrl).ar~T 7 l 1956
'/illage Pre s:ldent
112 .E.l1 l':~ c) r thl~T e 8, t J:Ji ~.~!.1:'~.T a~:r
Mount Prospe0t, Illinois
p.,o~. ....-,~~LI,.inn 117-'Rl8_~!~~ nCn~~0' 8ri.
~ v ~':- -'->-_~__ -L, ..~_'" " .L::...J..,. \~.I.-.-',..,.__I....CJ~;.. _4.......
Cn.lce~'.~c 8.}:;0. l'jOJ~t.Q 'L",:es~ern RaJ..ITrJflY'
Gr8d3 Cro8si~g Protection
Feb. 21 t 1956
.l~ --
!)e;3r ~:~T;~
;lll~-L18 tee s \.;-,;:1.1 S () 11
arn :~irey of ycur Villoge 8tten~.ed a ~e~'Gl Thursd
(j;,Jl~ c.c"u.fererlce =~I=)(}til f,'~'r 8. d.isCl:Lssic\ll (),f .t-,(jr; S!_.~c ,:)ct
Februax7 21-,d ~
:~rac1e c ro S ;::,l
~'C) '3.=rr~i.'ved_ D,t tLe follo':Ti
tentative 0ecisj.oD$
J_ "
P8ve~8nt ~id8ning .to
intorsoc'tion epp.t~ ~f
. ..1 '
ODe island in the
"the tracks for traffic si
tr:\si~8] 1qt-:-r:J.or: 8.,no. OCiG' i~:~l:lrld l^Te;.=t of t11C:; trac1~~E. f(lr
!Jrct.eotj.\Tf3 oe\tiS6 insta,~LI8,t~1:=)r} B,.ne!. tr" f~ftc E'J_
~ t~~
i c~ {}8 r'oc~ ~
78VGD_ent contract to incJ.ude
6 ('l~1~?+
G:f 1~):ce f'~er'::'1:, I{e ::tIT-,T
~, ~ ~_c; ':: ~, L: i
j'_-) [:::t. \.7 e -n e~ n -~:. l'J
t-:' Q
I~: e CJ
vision to "procure l.ocati.o},} of ti.i.e {lGV
e eEl!) }. e i:n ;~ t .:.-~, ]_1 a. t :.. .; :i.'~~. E~ !_:-;:. t t..t] J r: 1 C) c. (.~ t~ ~~. t'
3e 11 :10 Ie
'~.l c1 c~ l-~ c::' (~~{ :f C: }~'" i j ,::; ~~-~ ~r (.) 1." C l"! C (:; "~.<~ i L~}l 'p~t'. o"[) 0 f~ e cI i T"1. [~ t n, 118 t i.:::' fl 8 ~
_." Jt
:rl18 i \11s 3-0[: n-C n ~:<,-G U."i'"
I 1 'L. ~', ') r of .;.- .;- :"-1 ,t.::.
~~ _L ;.) I;:':: /::J 10 :.... 0 '. '. _l.. "-'
50% to tJJG Ra~1~8: (~
\3XI-~8rl ~~e t;, t.t~e 8.,de cr'or~ [:i:L
8, ?5% to t~~1e CC'tlllt~/
~ fer t'~\e i_.~~t81.18i~~~n cf
.~[ ~3 :?: 1."',
C~i T'
"", '-'
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S~1} t C) l'C t:1 ~: 1. I::;
sl~.cr'; t :;;:,.~J..~il [j '., t e ~3 ;)
~.f 1 e, f~:J_i E: ~L '::11 :! :i' C a,11l;~. Iv' :::.;~:- :::-~ "1a J.~ s
1J ec~ e ;:; t~ ri ~=t n pe l,-"rKT~ ll. ~..ll '.,~ b 0 11, 8,11 En....-;. tn;:r~,[l "S ~~_ C. L? 11"S'"'
contr~l d ~T tll track cir~cuit2e li.he osti1'v:sto6 c~st
J.. or t.~li s ~i E~ t;::31. 1 [:i._t 10:0 =1. f~
~:J i.' C; :'< -~. i' f::~ 'r, t;
~ '-J...... QJ
G n your
,~:~\T 8.1
() :c t. 5.1 ':;
{~J..l~'. 0 \1 e :;
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(:~ :r'~ e '(} t EiD C.
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~reDqre 8 ~1~8ft 0f
S 1.) b~~}"li tit t; () ~i C.t1
t J'~. e 1- ~ ('"-~. .~
C .:(:lP
=('or terlt[3t5.\Ie
0'1 G~_L (p
-\ ~'-CU.!<.s,
11:tf~~L :f" I-'.:Jrtl)T;.el~
Cook County, Illin0is
\ ~:;'iO G i 0 11 l.~T 8.. ~~ T; r'_8 -n _~:~ a c~ E: ::--;-S. 11.: I~U:3 t~ e e ,Tll C 11, se C (){Jd. (-) ij ::.~C L~lr:l\l e r 9
t,~Clf:-l't: tl"lG \J5..118~~;G GJ8~:Y~ bo 8.-:"'lt}lorlr;cJd tc, T'-.Trlte a. letteT to tj~;'3: ~)~) f:}rt--
:}Jsnt OJ~ F].~l_ 8.J' 8 E,-cceptj_112; tile c 1 tio:n~:i ~J.~3 se-c fJo~r =_n. ti:}(; f",)l~e-
Ljoj..r,g letter. e :^(icltion 1>'7E;~; \loted l-1-qD:n ';JJ? 2CCI.;:,~~']E~.';,:~l.':;D T^.Ti~lcrc.:.;~1)0D
tD8 President declared ~.tlO otioD carried~
~ nlcticn 1~as sdc
l'rustee 'i18031, seconded
~ ,
(_)-:~~ n\70 tl16 .~) 1 f:l i'j S d/} 6 8 Y) (:; c. i.. c ci,-t~ :t C' l'! S C. ':)"\/ C r~ ~~1,_ ti i'" S (;:~~r,J C r~ ;:~~ c~ __.." -0 c!','\] I. r} t~ -~ 1"1
SUD2et Hei 8 2~bdivisicn, C~T~&_~~& Oe S~-~~P. 8,8 submi"t~ed
the Village reer2 under date of Fel~ru~r~-ll~~, 1956~ ~~ne
rres1.der}t ~}u,t tL~e q~.e8ti:)11, t.t.~e Cler~1= c8.11ed thE':; I'c)ll, 1,~T~Lt_(.} tl.\e
f'ollcl/1T r8s~ponse: s: }.~ll; 1~'a:lS: NOL;e~ rGtlrjOXl tI10
J?1~88ident~ ciGclarecl tl"lel_~loti()n c,a~r:]~iedo
[\ lTIotion was e by trustee iller, sec0nded ()chlaver,
authorizin~ the ViI e Attorney to 9repR~e a~ ordinaDce
tile ~'=OU.Dt :Frc~:-~~pect ?,orli OrdinEUJCe tel r)~:o\l5_c.~e offO><'",ptreet I)f1 u
of T.:;a E:: ~~ol18er \TeLJ.i. c Sill l'lg n: -bu.siD.C:.'S S zoning 8~r8a.2 j c-t. rid to stl'b:C(il t
the proposed ordinar1ce 'bo tne ~oning Comni2~ion for tne fiolding of
8. public r168.rl i~([te :roE.:iclerlt~; -;"1:}t tfle q"u~esticr2., t~ile CIG-J~l[
callec. tt_~_e roll, 1r,Tit.'tL tt:.G fol.,1.o1rl=tn,,[j r8sI)or~?,;3; es~ (11; l\,la~I"R:
1::on8 ~ '.!..l1o:reU}Jon the f' r e ~:-~ i c{e [I t (1.ee lar ed t.Ll e "'D.C)"C i o:n ci:Jr1~~L od lOt
.. O~:Lon 1JRS "i12ae
'l:J~lJ.stee ;,'J:L116r, SciCotld.8eJ b~! (~:~cn18~\''''eJ~9
be (lu.t.rJorj,13Gc1 tel 3:..~~r! tl'~..(] ~:)1[1t Cr.f
"Gl1et t.'C1G J.-J:G[~j d,C3L;t: G.od ;;16]~1:(
e-80 ~3rk 3rt f~e~j_tioD nfter said ~lat i~8,S been s
i".'01~l:~~I_ t i.- 1'0 ;~-?O e t 1) la:n C o.i'n.:!l:L E si 0 f1 ~ ano. trIG fo 110'itJ
!~eel! ~1flc3.e 'JD the plat:
S flEi"vi
1. i11118_t tl-J.e 8I~e8. ciesj etecl as e-(}o r8..r~,{ be s1:10vln
as ~Te~Go Garden ?arkQ
('~~ tI1G l~lrotective COV8l1arlts h':~ CLJari.'_~ec5 it1 T)18~t
to read aCne storv house :,rtth utility room -
lIC),:) sq~ & :ft. ~~ "J
i~\. ;'}otior: 1".1'8.2 t.l'l8.r:, T(lc:1e b~T rl'rU.~3tee \:i:ilsoD, seCOll.cIec1
;AtiJ~181'7, 8:C t.~.C18 fore,goi.l):'~; :"i1otiOYl be 8-_!'1Sn0Qci't;() [1&\7(:) tr1e ~o18_t
81"1011'.7 31 i S t:r 8 G t lr,.:rj_ d. tll.S (C iThe flre 8 i d. e 1'1 t ~;)":). t:; t rlC q_'ue.s t:l () 1~:1 t 1-10
Clerk calle~ ti18 roll, tn the followi respo8s,e: ~ycs:
Trustees Air~y, Vi r ~:lson~ l~R~78: 11rusteos ~jChJ_Rv8r,
l:'.ii e r 8,(1C1 1!Jt 1183': $ L :~e,s i c~e Y1t ~L.18.rcJ ,~3 t.Ll.ell va t cd 21r1 C' <5, (:; c 19J~; 8(1
1 e .. .~
C-;.,J -C 1. 0 n. e D:-; YOJ.. 8 Cl ')
February 21$ 1956
The President put the
on the full amended ~otion of
fo 110Hing re suI t~,: Aye s: l~ll;
declared the motion c~rried.
P tc.
tji III
question, -ens Clerk called the roI~,
t~e signing of the plat, ~ith the
Na~s: None. ~nereupon the President
The followin8 petition
Has theY.' read:
fro: ~lrle ?re2=Lde:nt arjci I3oL'~rd of lrru;:)tees~
of the Village of ['IL. Prospect, Cook
County, Illinois.
Your Petitioners, Herman Cehlerking a:; d Clara OehlerkinG,
as joint tenants, represent that they are the owners of record
in fee si~ple of tns following described land Bnd territory
located in tnc lounty of Cr;ol{ aD d '~jtat e of I llin',)l s:
Lot 2 in Oehlerking's Division of the East half of
t.ne ,jout,hes,st C~l1,arter aDd t~~e Ji,a,st I{alf of' t~n,e jdest
Half of the:~outheast~u8.rter of Section 12,
'fownship !-I_l North, Raw;,:e 11 E,c,st of 'che third
Princ ipal Herioian, (except tne Chi~~ ago acd l"orth
Irf estern Hal1road right-of-way, al so except that
part of the ~ast l5.D chains of said Southeast
,,~uarter lyin;z North of said rai lroad rh"ht-of-Hg<:r
and al30 exc e'pt therefron the [:i;as t 8. 6 ~hains of~
said Southeast Ouarter lvtng South of said Rail-
1"'oad right-of-I,{ayj, in C~ok Oounty, Illinois.
Your Fc"titioners further represent:
1. l'he !-)b ove de 8cri bed land 8n d ter<:'i tor;; is not irTi thi n
the c0rporate limits r;f ar::YTIunicip81ity;
fl111e abO\le
described land
to ebe Vi II ,a~.~ e
Llnd terri toqr is
of [lit. .Pr02l='G c t,
3. The above c'3scr:i.bed land and territor~T nas
no electors and inhabitants residing trloreon
<'9.n d tela rein;
iri your Petitioners pray that 38id a:kwve
described land and territory be annexed to and become a
part of the Villa::;e of' .Nt. Prospect, Cook Count.~y, Illinois.
i);~'I'ED this 2l day of Februar;y-, ii. D., 1956
l-:[arC!1ar:. Oehlerking and
Clara Oe:llerking, as joint
State of Illinois)
County of Cook )
Herman Denlerking anc C::.ara Oehlerking, being first duly
sworn on oath, ciepose and say that the;y ar e tnE: feti tioners in the
above enti tled ynatter, t}:1&t tlJey hDve read tne above Pcti tion by
them s.cLbscribed, knovT the contents thereof ar,c ti1e S9me is true in
substance and fact.
Herman Oehlerking
Clara Oehlerking
S;UB.:.:CHIBLD AIm ~)~1TOBI'T '1'(1
hefore me this 21 day
of Februar-y, 19'jb.
William A. Atles
Notary Public
A motion 'Ims tnen made by trustee ~H1ler, seconded by Vige:
that the Villa;~c Attorney be 81J thorized to prepare an ordinance
covering this annexation. 'i'hePresl.dent put the question, tne CleJ
calJ.ecl the roll, Hith the foll0\1:Lng re:..:ponse:: A.-;)'es: l-\.ll; Fays:
None. Ihereupon the President declared the motion carried.
'rhe follmrin~~ :Jetition i,Ta;:~ then read::
February 21, 1956
Q ,.~
~~~ ,-,~
F:ebruar~, 8, 1956
F"resio_ent r:111d _ er2 of tJ:.le '!illa,ge T3of?l~ed~
Villago of Mount Prospect
T10unt Prospect, Illinoise
~2'e j:1t le-neD. :
p "!-1; ;r
,- nl
_L J.
I 0 1\:
e, undersigned, bei tne ('wners of Record and all
tlJG elGctor~s rosicLt t118rGin, of t.rld teI<:r:ttor~r .here ~ftor
clef~cri,becls 8 lJ~r t112. S ,pet1 t:l.()D 8.s1-: trlat t.ne SEttne be 011lD<-::Ked_ to
Vills.sa of ~1ount Pro~pGct: respectfully, petition and sub~
:!.ui t, tllt: t .~
'1' he land
corporate limits
lleI~{:3il18ftG~C c.8ser;i1Jud~ :ts ccr}t;~Le~lJ:.Ol.}E~
of 1'~ount ::?rospoct, Il1inl~)18.
~C~l.a.t it is our desire ttlU.t satd -cerritn ::)0 8J:Jr}8~\~f~::l
f:C) t.C18t =Lt 1l eor.1.EJ Tt.Jit,LLin tIle cnrpordte 1 ts ~.f tJ.-).(; ViJ_l
of ~ount ProspGct, a:ld submit copies of t~e territo
t:c ;;.;la.t
~?ai c1 t erri t or~.!', ':)ei
d, e 2 e r i 0 8 d F.J S f 011 O.tiT S i
Tl-1at ~O~trt of Lot;~, H'J~t 8~~ tty=n lr1 I"CircllJl()ffts ~;()jJ& lD tile
l\o\r~;c ~ of' fec<,.J..11 Iio Ll- i3' l{$ 11 E. of tJ~e .3v;c 2. L'1o 1 bo
t~~le corltcr 15- c of T.)el1eT; Cr0el<, "i}ore ~~8..rt:tc'u.IB,J:; c8ser~ Dc~d Ftfl 8..
~LirJe IJesinlJ.ID.f~~ at a };)('\tllt on t.h,IS: l\T~ l_ine ()f~ Lot HJH 3()? 0 ft 0
Eo of' tI10 I\T~ /0 cc)r'Cter tl1or;eof', Sa5_0~) 1'1t; 1:-)<::1 on t:;~cl..e l'I~ line
of :Spc 11 6:~(; ll() 1~1+: Tl-: ot t>)8 hT "":,y C0rn.er n ~:"c:P,. 11~ t~h._(~r.j,f';(::;
~ v 0 _, ,.../ _/ 0 \..... ..L _ It -,-.. e --, .J.._. ~_, It CI '!. ,," ...../ ...... -- -- ;c' - - ,,-. ~'
81y& 306097 ft. to a, point 6S2e58 ft~ B~ af t~8 jJ line of 38
;~ nc. 11 en Sl line drm.,rn p8Tsllel to tIle E. line of Lot 8 aFj~ &
!iJH fll'"?O.:} .~?;. ~)Oirlt OJ:1 sa.id_ \rJ c lille l'")32a18 J~to Q of t~[~le :'::..01.,To ccrr}.e~
O.r.o c:: a J; (::1' T...-, -i- 1 i-F" n 0 .J- >, e'''''''' r) Q C" J -r 1 c' "l ) I 7 ..p ,t_ +- 0 n p (" -i '/"") ~l.. "7 t') (1 (\ ') ..,.---: ..(..
'-.1 :~~ J.. 'J. ..L.;l...... l.J , Ln..~. ..;3-': '....... (.~ ~ ~;)' 01 ......:;c::.. (l. '-r. ..l.- ~. V o. ._~~.J _,1- L, L,. l V '-'.0 "}....'" .1. t.' e
of tile ~ J._:tn8 Cfl S2 E;<2c. lIon 8. liJ:10 c~r8.1.^Tr) T)iq,~r 1.10J, tc; tl_lG i~' G
liLl.~.~ of Lot s .LJ'- c':":'uC; :: J!~: t ~,...)).'~.~.'.,l.D. (8.>, ,,? C.;j] n t 880 G. .If:'."l f.:~iJ.'~'J.,u_ .1':,; 0' ,. c:.' '~
corner of said _ ~ _'; _ ~ -_. ~ . ~. paint 7?S&5~
ft~ .~~ 0f ~1Q linc3 of said ~ec~ 11 nr 8, line dr8wn sralJ.el l~C.
l~.(le lii~le of sD.id l.ct~ nFH 8~ H~Trt' fl~O:crJ. [j "o:)irlt O.c) t"j)~ 0 nJ
'L--,t:.0 .- .":'rY1'r ().e c;,a-1d T,O+-' nl-~lHo -l-}~PD .~:.ly,. ..':-r;11p cj-..r....,c._~,..\rT(';., .~.)Pl" 1 ]._(~l.
_ 0......... .... . j~ l...~.~ .J...J V ... :; It"~....-, J -'P.-r) Q r~~..l-.<...__.. ..L;.. - _.........._-
.co 'C~".lE~ t"!o lillG r"f< Lot Hy~H ~fr'orl 8. l)o:trlt 37t 0(12 ",C ~ elf' t.t:le G \~' t!\
"0" ,,_.~ 0 ~"'..I r'J T~.t HTTn. +.>">'-"8 C:lv 203 07 .G.!_ .r~ q .,r .~.,..
\_~ l~i-.(~'..:.' ,,~L l:.:c_l._.....J.. l..JU.' .;.'\.;; (jl_'.~>Llv .:; i~'-!-J ~ ~._'. \ i 1. L/$ ~,r.,) c.,. 1:-......)IJ...i;..;
776 0 .3:~ ~~t c .;.:~~ of t,ile ',< 0 =Li1'18 r;:r f~D:id ~~',:::c. 11 on t.;-'1.,(:- 2 ~ lilJe f"
88.icL L~~-..t ~T d~ ~:"re SOE.I l)Ci.-l.,.3 ~::;l~1'"),5(~ct t:o ;3.t} e f:8lnc':nt :C~.J'"
-, v-, t.o t 1<8 '(:ElDi Di::-:::,tr;'let nf CJ:J.~l.G 0, tlJ.e c.(-)rltc~::: 1:L1J.E2'
t~}le :. "
G~S6mGDt ~ei ~'cribed 8.S 1J GlY)ll ~! at a pnin-b 1~
l~l..ne r:.f' s:,~~~,icl Lot 1~ r";;~~~~90 ft1> }~~ ().f ~~h,e r!~i';n ~t ()i.'
::. ? i. c1 ;~. :':.;.:;~, 1 J~ ~ t~h_ f) Cl n F)' 1-; (1)
t:.r-.ie ~;~\j I) 1 -? ~'lA () f t.~,l:.1.e rf ~ \,J c
-lS'o it} a strDj~.:it lire -to 8
~ of said Geo , 722022 f'b
E" () f~
t:tv:: I O~) l:?;or11er tll.ereof, 1.?"".l Cook CaUl'1 ('I.S ~
16g76 ~fta to [1 J!cint 75C;o ~ft$ t~., of' t~L~~_e T,..!" 1.i!::J.e C)0 ,c;E;Co 11 orl 8~
f? f::' 2lJ [j C. t~ ~r\).11. -:/ ~ l::~-'b :i"J. _!_. t; t. ;3 c3, ~
(s:i~~~"; c';) ~,;al\T tnre TJ1J.J~i.'.I.-u..cci
C j..l[t.:C 1.::; B n' 0 .1:::.: G
i-To 'Be
C 01)j.} t-;:
C;':J clc
) SS
;:; t. 2ut 3
r, +"
I 11 :_ /l'=~ i S
, ll(......v:"'l~.::) ~ ""-""" \.J'....... Clo.- l{c L)...... '~'-.l (;"L~:~~l._r."~_~~~_c.,ttJ.;?~___._j"..,.._Bel'";_r':y~riI8~?:
~,: ~:~ ;;.i- 6 '~1J..Y~);1~"'~:'~'~ :"-;n n~:;~~,' c.' de s l\r~~: ::~'S~~~';~~: " - ~,,--~~T ,c;"i~ ~tl~ =, S . . ~ (;3 -
C:T~T'r}(~1 r Ci f "~if} C OI:G <:J. 'n.c~f t.;_-l f~: e 1 c: c t~ 0 r s I"i 0 S. i 6. i 'CtL: t"::le y (;.;. r~, of t. j'~ e
torritc nerein doscribed an~ 2 t teL be a!1Y18Xed ~ne
Villd2;c of' 1'.lo-,:;~1}t ...' rCE..'qee t, Illj'-_r:<Jir~, /,....:. t,cclt t.LJ.(3' ~L~ore j.
~:J ", ,-:".,3:1 if tr11G -1.n s'uJ)stc::ll1ce ,(lr1(1 Jr: fe.ct.
E.~. :)~ -:; f; C r i l~' d l~ D"l.:ci 8T~T 0 J.~:0 t. 0 l-~ ':.J ~~' () r e roB
? J_
c: :C' :p1 i~3 -~:'
--; Ci~<''',
'" ""'-,' _", '..>" G
ot q _.,?u-:Jlic _d3r~~]83'1 F1 (j
A "uotion ~Ja.s then
~~Y~~18~a8 ~Til18r, 80coD6ed
e::;; L}lat t.JJ'~:':; '1111 '~'U __.c.-c.~[~.r,Y-':Je:y. 'be d.Lt-G.clorl',:dd t,':..) (')~rG r'~~
~Y' ol'7din3~lC(1 cover.i t.Yl1_S iorlo es:i..d.sr}t I)U,t t/JJ3
I~l;)~e;:~t:~()r~.; "t,)_:.(j Clerl~ callE~:e~-:: tXle rolJ_, "';'rit.r:l. t.cJ.o i....ollo..;,.-rj.
J:~ e f-i:J O"t"i f..: f::~: .:- -~' C 8: ;.:'-\.11; N ~::: .flT 0 Y) e " Tilsret-l ;~\ 011 tC'lCj ""Jr e 31 (~.e r.1. t
60clsrcd the 'n0~lO~ CJrrJ~0a&
February 21~ 1956
j.erle fOllO\tJixlg :)eti.tiorl Tt.Jaf; tilen read:
Village of Mount Prospect
ITo"Llnt r~rr'i s pe \3 t, ~: 11iL~oi s
C-en t le!"~en:
I, ';JJ_lboT't T:. El.18Se, and Dorothy ;.31.1':::: SEl ,.uy Hife,
respectfully request rezonin,S of our lots as described
below from present zoning to '3usiness propGrty.
Lots 17 clL~cl lr", except t.ne FioI~t.(}. na.1f
locat ed :Ln Elocl,: 7 in ~:nunt .Frospect bc:t a
di'Tis:Lon in 5:ecti0D I?, 'l'oT^rn ill, N0T'th HCiD
of I'd Prj.nciple eridian.
tf181-ie cf" j)
ll, East
It is need.e6 in business op0ration for 28DY
reasoni~, t:r.ro are li sted be 10(,.'):
1. Pl~o\T:tde off-.street I)8_r~kir12; fOl~ 6nlplo~Te;'~s t ce~s.
2 4 S tor 9 g e I~ f ()1rI rl C [1 r;3 .
~~Tr~j. t t; >3 1:1 a.1J};Jr' ov a.l of tile 8.6. j (.~.irti r~t~ l)r o~pe rt-y ()0f rlor s
to use lots fOl' a'Jovc purpose.
121grJe S E: E3J:l d
at rear of property.
egress to property will be fro~ alley ch i
l\jO trs,ffic tr.rill floT~J or.1. to J_18 E treet e
Enclosed find check for ~qO.OO to cover cost of rezoning.
Nay 'H0 receive your favorabLe conEiider9tion.
\rIilbert'A! 13usse
Dorotby 30,S se
~"- elotion 1"TaS tilen pJ.adce ~bJ~ Jl~rustao ~T,,'''illG~~, seccnO:eo. OJr
Viger, tDat this request for rezoning be referred to Zoning
Cor:LTIissic)11 :f'or ttle L101cIlrlg O~L a IJ1J.r)lie llearine~, fl11C:L ti'leir
reCO~rll'":1en(.ia.-Clons. 1ille })resid.erlt p tn.8 qllGstion, t~2e CleI"J; called~
the roll, l:,T::_ tD the follmdng r.e anse ~ 8: All; s: ~'. one.
Thereupon the President declared the motion carried.
J~ 1:J.otioXI1f,j8..S rrlt:lo_8 b-'\?" '1"rl1stee \.Jlller, 28corldcct b:l i-~irGy,
t,(la.t (J'i .',1'" C1,"'.i-F~r. lvT~l"C;l IQ+- 102,6 no 'r.e(:"e~t -for tne f"orer>J.oqu~r:e
- ......,l..i. "- (....,._v........... .~,.,....,._..~ ,,-,v, /_/, ''''-$'.J-'....~;,- __ ..l-l.. __ v~ J.-;l...
of the Gns of sp30j~al assessments will ~e con~idered. unless the
g{wranteed bid 18- equ8.1 to at lea~;t lOO% of t::::.e :JI'incipal a010unt
c\uee rllne ~~/Ye~)ide:1t ~Jut tl-lf:; cllle~:)tJ..on, r;r18 Cle:;~k called. ttjJ) r(lll,
lT~1t"Cl Jrnl ~oZ>. f\.~}J.-l('T/rlnO' ~PS~~'1oDc.etl GQ" i~'ll. ~\' Q~ or}o. _L.tleJ~0l1';'~)On
I\.~'.~. V.V ,.J....j\i-<- o....,J iJ _.l.,). I-.JO ....."~--:.... "---fl' .I"
the l"resldent declared the Tot on carried.
A ~otion wa3 then m3~e by Tru8tee ~iller, seconded by
~.~~c.rllct\ler, tlJ.at ti18 -'V'illa.t~G '\.ttoI7fle:y be atJ..t,tlorized to f~.18 8J.18..p--
pe8.raJ1Ce arid ar}S"\"Ter Ol1 E;l)J~lrJOnS 5682278 l'ior COUl'.t of Cook
County. 'l'he President ptlt:; t!.lG question, tne Clerk called tIle roll
l~Jith 'l~,:']_e J~ollcn,1ing ]:-e31Jon86: f::.:ISEj; /~~ll; s: Y\iOl.:E;. iJ..1llereU,t)OD tl~le
.?resjdent declared t.re motion c8r:~:1ed.
'J:1rustee "Tiller tlJen introcJucod a.nd re8d Ord:Lnanco No.
475 entitled: i! C),RDIN ....T(jJ..~ G}~,~'~\{J_IIl\J- .:~ il= F~1:~,1J.":T .trl:~~ ~Pli()\II~)I()i
C~lj1 'lll-~I~~ ('!tfi:;iII .PR(),~fLC'll ZCJ:::I~~rG ...:1\10.81.1i.
A motion W8S then ada oy ~rustee Will0r, seconded by
\Tiger , that tlli s 0~,jinanc e 1)0 IJassGd 0 1113.9 .~?re s ident pl.:tt. t.L"18
':luest:Lon, tne Clerk called the roll, 1rJi t1:1 tne folloipiing response;
.:~:Tes: fill; ~Na:Y's.,: L\JofJeo ili.b.eroupon. t.(10 .president cleclar'od. t118 rnotiOJ
c3..J.~ri.ed 8J"1cl 8Qic1 ord.iJ:18Dce pasf~ed a,nd~ 8lJIJrOVeae
'l'ruste e ie'Ii lIe I'
t.I~E~OLU1110N ~o F;ORL~
'1' HE
read Hesolution
]~II~N' Ol? ~.: ,P DC I./\L
o. 3 - 56
i\ ~'~l :f~: I~ S
ent:L tIed:
A motion ~Tas then made by Trustee Wilson, seconded by Air(
that th:Ls resolu.t::'Lon be Elclopted. The President put the qU6fotion,
the Cle:rk called tne roll, Hi th the follm^ling re2ponse: f\,~ es: All;
l'!a;y s: None. 'l'hereu:::)Qn the President declared the moti.on c8rr'ied
a~d said resolution adopted.
February 21, 1956
A l~otion 1~'as made Trustee Wilson, seconded
::,Tiller, to a~;prove expendI t;,H'O of a sum Dot to exceed
to cover tf1.8 cost of removal of fOil!") treC's, 'olallT~l
of tT;\TO tl'l{:::CS in 1)8.rkl^ra-::l in i-:;'ro~~;r)8ct I~_v'er}u.e, het~~jeeD IIain
~:;treet 8 no. I~r(ler8on tr;o8t~ 'll.rle Il~esi(1611t r)ut tl18 C1L8sticrl,
th.e Clerk called tho roll, witn tho follow~ resl)cI1se:
s: All; N s: r~0De~ Thereupon the Presidel1t decJ.ared the
f'1otioll car:-et0 0
Trustee Airey t.nen introduced and read Ordinance ~O.
)+76 enti.tled: HJ\I\ C:RDll\T }>1'(]E J~I':'.I I,:.\!G. .:) G. f':~F1 VF~iICLES (jl:r
I:J I I 1\ ~; iI r{l~, L~IIi 2. 11 ~
A motion was tllcn made by Tru~tee Airey, secondod by
Vi ~, that t.~j_s ord.irlance be passed. The President put tl~e
qt.::~.esti.orl, the Clerk called tile roll, "\irl.ttL t.t16 J~ollolI'J=~.J1[S rosl)oDse:.
s: All; s: ~ODeo ~hGreupon the President declared the
motion carried and saId
" -,-
J..flflrlC- e 1';8. S8eo~ dD.u a.:).;~.JI~O\.T
, .. .."
i\. T'lot=Lon '/.ras lnade h-:r r.C~u_stee Viger, 86C011dod~ '\"Itllor,
that (Jrdirl8.Dcf; N'oo 372 1"~e ed so th~;t Bir-corldi tiol~tin[~ unitE'
'be i11Etallecl 11sirlf~ 1~T8,ter 1.,J118):'0 pro"\led.. "i:~Tatcr~ sovirlg
c.evices are j_.r}2t~8,11ecl -Ln conrloctioll T..~Titti tiJ.G finits;: tl:nd su.ch
l..lll,its fJIJ:)ro\red t~n.e B.uil(}i CO,xrnnitte6e '11}:i8 1?reE~id.8~nt
tt;.8 (111e<:~-~ic:Cl, t.t"le CleJ~~-{ called t.l'lE? roll, T"Tltl1 tL.8 f'o11oT-7:LrlE;
resl:'oll!SO: s: .all; ~:J~1~TS': }~'oDe~ '.l.ilero'upon tJ.18 ~?resido!Jt
declared the motion carried.
}~ "(notion 1,"lTaS :~il,2~(le b,;;' iI1rustee Ti".TieI~, ~:(-;c,orld_ed. ~)J _:'\.~~l-:C~"i"'J
that in a,ccordar1ce Wj_tll past a.ctice refunds of Idj_ng
?Gr~:1J.t Flees 1)e 9..D.tec;~ e.s ~Lollo"t"lTs':
r:OL1.:n-c 2ro S'Dect ~,cl1ooJ~ Dirtrict
in tel(; arnount of' ;;:500.00
'!\T r
.~\iU 0
I"~ ')
-.\', .,
LLL:_L{..6 :;
c:: 0
, i ~.;cop8,.1 Cl'll:LI"C.tl, .FI~
~:'? 1(16 9 (JO 0
t ~O. 3325, in ~lle a:~1ount of
:rr.esic~ertt ~9U.t tile.; .(J,1...10e nV'l t"v'''e C''Lnr;l,'" c~':: -11 en '1-:~;,:~ "1.....01'1
trw fo 1101'7 ins :r e 'sp 0 ;,1 s e: J.e",' e s ; 0'":, }_l~; J I~ -;: ~~lT c; ;(~_.: -'1. ;'~(~~:~ 2:~J p 0;'
:f:'e e s j_ del), t d e c 18. J:e d tho "'!J 0 t i 0 T1. C [i~r r i 8 d .
?,:, i t 1'1
I.. ~-l n
lJ-L.'. ~f
A motion was then ill8de 1JY iIr'ustee ~chlaver, seca Q
ier, ttJ(~~.t ill tIle f~lIt-lll'G '1.r.T1Jere J3'u1.1ding; f'el~rn.i.t l~l~Jes 8.]:<(;
eollcGt.o(:_~ ir} corJ.:(lcction ,,.lith C}ll:~.rches, ;::nd~ ctrcLrclJ. E:e.l1oo1s,
t]:lf-I.1.:; 1~,llCl1 .fGcr~ be J1e1d i.D 0f.crC)'J'J D.CeOll~:-JtE;~ ~L;tl(} ll"ef-?;:~Ldcllt;
pllt tYIO cr-:~e.s OIJs t.ne G181-=1{ c8.11co. t;C1-G rc)ll, l~Ji tll C118 f:oll01.~'--
J7e~~p0nse.: e8~ 4.1J_; a~rs: ~\JCjle9 .L~(lere1).~!on tIle' 1-'re81de,n_t~
(leclared th3 Ination. c.ar:c:ieo_e
./\.. ,~'Y..:.()t.tC)n 1;-JUEJ tXlen IYJ,5Lde h\j ~.Ljrl..lstee 11 "-v: .......-:-l;()Qll(~C '1--,
,.., ,_ < '1 -r.-'t " -'-'" 0 ",.7 "u. . l,l. r",..::~:.' ;r. ;=0 - '.: ~~~ .!_ L~'
Vi ~, ,,0 8UL,nO~'.Lz,: ',ilt:: e b.Lng of dr'. ,l;JV<J~"~t,, LlnC8.lQ .LOX' a
. -'- , .(', r-' n () (., , -, -I" -'- . '1'
811m l1lJ~ t;rJ e.x:ceea ~"?:)~'J 6'. ....r -GO 110.1(\ a ~Jre.....].:r'LlrlD_lr:JT rleo LlllS l~.r1 .C.Li.G
T..j.ount ~~-;r02~')oct; 8Xl Cormnis o~n, on ~pro~:~osed. J"i)~t~llre blJ.sirieSf]
Z (J l' l' '"J ()' ;-.Lr: }-.! e T:-Jr F~ (~e 1'1 t :")1,1-, +: r~J (.~ q '1"1 p c:; ~;l-J -1 1'"') y-; 'j-.il, ,(.~ I'; 1 t-'- ~ 1r n.s:.l 1 "; ;'..~ r; ~:- '"1,0 'Y'(J"" ~1 1
.'.. ~'" _ ~.),'" r.,"'-. ...... --: '-'l...... .l-,-Lt... .....--'.... ....J........>..,........ ~.. ._-'-3....... ..J..\.;.' '- __.......i.~ \-'........._-:-..:.."-'"~.< v.J....,"-.. ..I.' ~l,.,.-'-)
1~ltn ~nc Iollo~lng response: es: ~~~l; Na~s: \'oneo ~ilQreUDOn
;::r~e J?resid.Gl,.t cleel~lr8d. tj.1C ."10tic)D c(~,.rried.1't
A motion ~es then Tsds by frustes WIller, secondei by
g;6:C, ta ar:tt pGJ:ll1isf~icl1 to 11C' let Il.ous6 t:o 110U~SO CSDVRS OD.
:L.'I8~I"}ch. lIt!.} f'or -t~lJe solici tation of s J~0r Crla{jI'lsl. 110 ~111e
;JJotiOIl ;,"J8S "\Joted l.I'pon b'JT E1Cc18.Xc.a on L"Tl1.ore:..JIJOrl tile rrosido{}"t
dec la:.:Gcl tJ:1G ~rlotion c St.rr'l eel"
Tllore being 110 .fllrtr.JC';: tn.J8 i:ne 8 s to C 01'f c~:b .c 'J}"e t.he
'~eGting, a motion was vade by 'rrustee il~on~ secor}ded by
Vizer, t~at the '~eeting be adjollrnede l:he motion was votAd
l:t~pOll b:;/ aCCla_~il.~ltiorl T~'; erOll:pOl'l. t.t1C~ Prcs:tde:r}t cleclared tlle
motion carried al~ the 0eeti regularly adjourned.
February 21~ 1956