HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/05/1956 VB minutes 1 ~~. ."'<4- :r:._.~ 3. The lots do not conform to minimmu lot sizes for Cook County. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with thE following response: Ayes: A~l; Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried. 1here being no further business to come before the meeting, a motion was made by Trustee Viger, seconded by Airey, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was voted upon by acclamation whereupon the President declared the motion carried and the meeting regularly adjourned. ~ A t 7-... cle~k - ,', MI1WTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESID:8,'NT lU\fD BOARD OF TRUSTEES HELD IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, MOulfT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS ON TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 1956 ......... The meeting was called to order b~- President Lams at d:15 P. M. and in the absence of the Village Clerk, Trustee Schlaver was appointed clerk pro tem and directed to call the roll. C~": {f~:'L On roll call the fol101,ving 'fustees answered Ill:'resentll: Airey, Schlaver, Viger, Wier, Willer and Wilson. < (::~ The Trustees having previously received copies of the minutes of the meeting he~d May 15, a motion was made by Trustee Airey, seconded by Willer, that the minutes be approved as sub- mitted by the Clerk, and with minor corrections of n~les in letter from Zoning Commission appearing on Page 4. The President put the question, the clerk pro tem called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon, the President de- clared the motion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Airey, that the clerk pro tem be directed to write a letter of direction to Arthur F. IvIcIntosh & Co. informing them that the Village of Mount Prospect will subrogate interest in Fairview Park to the Mount Prospect Park District. This action was in response to the following letter from Charles W. Payne, President of the Mount Prospect Park District, addressed to H. G. Appleby, Village Manager Dear Mr. Appleby: Our attorney, Farrington B. Ki~~e, who is having a title search completed on the various park properties acquired from the Village advises us that at this point he needs two items: (1) Duplicate deed from the Village for the Registrar of Title to Owen Park. (2) An e:xp ressi on from the Village whether the Village . has any objection to the request of McIntosh & Company to waive interest of the Village in Fairview Park, so that NcIntosh can complete the conveyance of ti tl,e to this park to the park district. Will you please advise me what action is taken. Many thanks for your cooperation. Sinc ere ly yours, Charles vv. Payne A motion was made py Trustee Wilson, seconded by Viger, thai the Village IvIanager be authorized to purchase an upright street marking machine at a cost not to exceed ~15o.oo. The President put the question, the clerk pro tem called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon, the President declared the motion carried. A motion was made by Trustee 1!Jiller, seconded by irJier, that the Village IVIanager be authorized to purchase a tree saw at June 5, 1956 QQ Q.7 ,J a cost not to exceed $400.00. The President put the question, the clerk pro tem called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon, the President declared the motion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Wier, that the request of Viola Seidel, general chairman of the llilount Prospect Camp Fire Girls Committee, be granted for a hcuse to house fund drive on Tuesday, November 13, with perraission given to use the kitchen and adjoining hall of the Hunicipal Building and that no youth organization be given permission to hold a fund drive within three weeks of this date. The motion was voted upon b:r acclar(].ation whereupon the President declared the motion carried. Village Manager Appleby read a communication from Patience Lauriat, special census supervisor, declaring that a preliminary count of the returns of the special census, taken as of May 22, 1956, is 11,894, as co~ared vdth 6,113 on April 22, 1953 and 4,009 on April 1, .1950. 1rJhereupon, it wasdJfip.ved, by Trustee 1rJi~ler and second- ed by \''\Tilson, the. t payment of...Q'$E5:t4.'11r'Elxpense in connection with the specia~ census be authorized. The President put the question, the clerk pro tem called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon, the President declared the motion carried. The following communication was then read: Iv.:.ay 16, 19;;6 President and Board of Trustees IVIunicipal Building IVIount Prospect, Illinois Re: Paving of streets in Central- wood Subdivision, C.T. & A. #55.-285 Gentlemen: On IVIay 8, 1956 we transmitted for the approval of the Village two (2) copies each of plans and specifications for the construction of paving improvements in streets and alleys in the Centralwood Sub- di vision. It has been brought to our attention that the original plans trans- mitted to the Board did not plDvide for the construction of paving improvements in the alley southwesterly of Prospect Avenue from Lancaster Street to a point approximately 300 feet east. We wish to advise you that we have revised Sheet No. 1 of the plans previously transmitted so that the alley pavement is now included in the project. \'\Te hereby request, therefore, that the revised plan transmitted here- with be approved by the Board. ~~e addition of this alley pavement necessitates a revision to the estimate of construction cost provided with our letter of May 8th as follows: Tota~ Est~lated Construction Cost ( origina~ - May 8, 1956) $14,322.25. Additionalalley pavement (revision of May 15, 1956) $1,242.15. Total revised estimate of construction cost $15,564.40. Very truly yours, donsoer, Townsend & Associates By: William W. Townsend A motion was made by Trus teelrJilson, seconded by Airey, that correction of plans as recolnmended by the Village Engineers be ac- cepted. The President put the question, the clerk pro tem called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon, the President declared the motion carried. The Village IVlanager read communications from the }-10unt Prosp ect Ch~mber of Commerce and the state police in regard to routing of the July 4 parade. A motion was made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Schlaver, that the police committee be empowered to act in conjunction with the Chrouber of Commerce in regard to routing of such parade. The President p1..1.t the question, the clerk pro tem called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon, the President declared the motion carried. June 5, 1956 C") \L~ A motion was made by Trustee Viger, seconded by Willer, tha the opening of bids be authorized for construction of Highland Ave. feeder main, Contract No.4, C.T.A. File No. 54-03. The motion was voted upon by acc~amation whereupon the President declared the motion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Viger, seconded by Wier, that tabulation of bids on Contract No.4 be referred to the Village Engineers for study and recommendation. The motion was voted upon by acclamation whereupon the President declared the motion carried. Trustee Viger then introduced and read Ordinance No. 496 entitled: TlAN ORDINANCE M1ENDING tlAN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING WATER OPERATED AIR-CONDITIONING UNITS". A motion was then made by Truste Viger, seconded by Willer, that this ordinance be passed. The President put the question, the clerk pro tem called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: Trustees Airey, Schlaver, Viger, Wier Wille~, and Wilson. Nays: None. Absent: None. Thereupon, the President declared that the motion having received the affirraative votes of two-thirds of the corporate authorities the motion was passed and said ordinance passed and approved. ..- -'" A motion was made by Trustee Viger, seconded by Wilson, to authorize partial payment No. 10 on Contract No.2, 1954 Waterwork Improvements in the amount of ~13,903.00 in favor of John Erskine Company as recommended by the Vi~lage Engineers in view of the fact that the improvements are fully available to the Village for operat ion and that the Continental Casualty Company by letter consents to this release of retained percentage (8 of the 10% retainer). The President put the question, the clerk pro tem ca~led the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon, the President declared the motion carried. ~ c'Y:J (4.":l""" -' ~ o Trustee Wilson read a letter from Barrington Trucking Co., Inc., resubmitting bid for the garbage disposal for the Village of Mount Prospect as follows: For the period ending October 1, 1956 - $1.07 per month for family unit. For the period October 1, 1956 to April 30, 1957 - $1.~3 per month for fmaily unit. A motion was then made by Trustee Wilson, seconded by Aire~ that this bid of the Barrington Trucking Co., inc., be accepted and that contract be a"VJarded for period beginning June 1, 1956 and ending April 30, 1957. ThePresident put the question, the clerk pro tem called the roll, with the fo~lowing response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. wbereupon, the President declared the motion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Schlaver, that the tent~tive plat of Clearbrook Subdivision covering that part of the tITi of the NEi. of Section 13, rrownship 41 North.~ R!:1!1ge 11, East of the 3rd Principa~ Meridian lying North of the center line of Golf Road be referred to the Plan Comrl1is sion for s tl;u3_~- and recommendation. The motion was voted upon by acclamation whereupor the President declared the motion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Viger, seconded by Wil~~ to authorize partial payment No.6, together with No.7, a total amount of $28,392.52 in favor of Chicago Bridge & Iron Co., these representing the completion of the Firm's contract with the VillagE on Water Improvements Contract No.3, as recommended by the VillagE Engineers. The President put the question, the clerk pro tem called the roll, v'lith the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: NonE Thereupon, the President declared the motion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Viger, seconded by Wilson, to approve plans, specifications and cost es timate for stonn sewers, sanitary sewers, water mains and paving in We-Go Park Subdivision Unit No.3, C.T. & A. #55-120. The President put the question, the clerk pro tem called the roll, with the following response: AYE All; Nays: None. Thereupon, the President declared the motion carri ed. A motion was made by Trustee Viger, seconded by Willer, to return all bid checks on the Highland Ave. water main project June 5, 1956 .c A1 ~. L~ except those of A. Scully & Son, Rosetti Contracting Co. and Cassidy, Inc. The motion was voted upon by acclillnation whereupon the President declared the motion carried. A motion was made by Trus tee Airey, seconded by VJiller, to authorize purchase of an additional timer for the Police Department at a cost not to exceed ~~500.00. The President put the question, the clerk pro tem called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. 1hereupon, the President dec~ared the motion cflrried. A motion was made by Trustee Airey, seconded by Schlaver, to refer the railroad parking lots' lease to the Village Attorney for study and clarification. The President put the question, the clerk pro tem called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon, the President declared the motion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Willer, seconded byv-lier, that the tentative plat of Munao Bros. 1st Addition be subnlitted to the Plan Comraission for study and recommendation. The motion was voted upon by acclamation whereupon the President declared the motion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Viger, that the final plat of Gleich's Industrial Park be referred to the Plan Cor.Qffiission for study and recommendation. The motion was voted upon by acclamation whereupon the President declared the motion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Wille~ seconded by Wier, that the Village Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance setting forth three sub-districts for the B-business classification. Within each of these sub-districts certain business operations will be per- mitted and only those mentioned. It was further moved that the Village Clerk be directed to write a letter to the Mount Prospect Planning Commission inviting that body to a joint meeting with the Village Board on Friday June 22, when the Village Attorney will be present, to work out details and that after said ordinance has been drafted that the Village Clerk be authorized to publish notice of a public hearing to be held on July 26 by the Mount Prospect Zoning Commission and that they be so advised by the Clerk. The President put the question, the clerk pro tem called theroll, vii th the fol- lowing response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon, the President declared the motion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Viger, that the Village Attorney be authorized to appear in behalf of the Village of Mount Prospect in the Case #56-C-6634, Circuit Court of Cook County. ThePresident put the question, the clerk pro tem called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. There- upon, the President declared the motion carried. A take from and 56-9. President motion was made by Trustee Wille~ seconded by Wilson, to the table Zoning Cornmission items noted as Cases 56-8 The motion was voted upon by accls.mation whereupon the declared the motion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Schlaver, that Case #56-8 involving a proposed amendment to the present zoning ordinance relating to setbacks be dropped. The motion was voted upon by acclamation whereupon the President declared the motion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Wier, that in Case #56-9 the Building Comraission be directed to allow E. S. Gleich construction of a temporary residence as an office until such time as all construction and sale in his present subdivision is completed, this in accordance with the recomrQendation of the Zoning Commission. The President put the question, the clerk pro tem called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. wnere- upon the President declared the motion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Willer, seconded b\J Airey, that a refund be made to the India Tea Co. in amount of $30.00 for a claimed duplication of business license. The ~resident put the question, the clerk pro tem called the roll, with the following re- spoJ?-se: /"res: None; Nays: All. Whereupon, the President declared the motlor gefeated. June 5, 1956 11 ~ A motion was made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Wilson, that the Village Attorney be authorized and directed to carry the Bolger Vs. Mount Prospect case to the Illinois Supreme Court. lne President put the question, the clerk pro tern ca~led the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Whereupon, the President declared the motion carried. 'The Vi~lage Attorney pr' esented a deed of Conveyance prepare by Louis Ancel, attorney for School District #57, and certified cop. of ordinance adopted by the Board of Education of said school district requesting conveyance of Lots 71 and 72 in Alfini's First Addition to Mount Prospect, etc. ~~ C'/;) Trustee Willer, seconded by Wilson, then moved adoption of Resolution 9-56 authorizing the conveyance of real estate described as Lots 71 and 72 in Alfini's First Addition to Mount Prospect, being a subdivision of part of the South 990 feet of the West Half of the North East Quarter and part of the South 990 feet of the Eas Half of the North West Quarter of Section 11, Township 41 North, Range 11, East of the Third Principal rlleridian according to plat thereof registered in the office of Registrar of Titles of Cook County, Illinois on December 2, 1953, as Docuraent No. 1496955. The President put the question, the clerk pro tem called the roll, with the followi~~ response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. wbereupon, the President declared the Resolution adopted. c < <t rl'c:n~ ~",..;j Trustee Willer introduced and read Ordinance No. 497 en- ti t~ed: "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE II1REASURER fl'O P,EBATE 1rJATER DEPOSITS. II A motion was then made by Trustee Willer, seconde by Viger, that this ordinance be passed. The President put the question, the clerk pro tern called the roll, with the follmJing response: Ayes: Trustees Airey, Schlaver, Viger, Wier, Willer and Wilson. Nays: None. Absent: None. 1nereupon, the President de- clared that the motion having received the affirmative votes of two-thirds of the corporate authorities the motion was passed and said ordinance passed and approved. Trustee Willer' introduced and read Ordinance No. 498 entitle II AN ORDINANCE .AHb'1JDING CHAPTER IX OF THE NOUNT PROSPECT BUILDING CODE ( ORDINANCE NO. 225).11 A mC,-L;ion was then made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Wier, that this ordinance be passed. The President put the question, the clerk pro tem called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: Trustees Airey, Schlaver, Viger, Wier Willer and Wilson. Nays: None. Absent: None. Thereupon, the President declared that the motion having received the affi~2ative votes of two-thirds of the corporate authorities the motion was passed and said ordinance passed and approved. ., Trustee Willer then read the following letter from Richard F. Babcock, reI: Mount Prospect Zoning change: Hay 28, 1956 Hr. Frank Opeka Attorney at Law 10 S. La Salle street Chicago 3, Illinois Re: Mt. Prospect Zoning Change Dear Mr. Op eka : ~nis letter follows up our brief conversation today with respect to the proposal by Earl G. Iversen & Sons to have erected eight (e) multi-unit apartment dwe~lings on the west side of Elia- hurst Road, between Lincoln Street and Sha-Bonee Trail, in Mount Prospect. It occurred to me that my client has the choice either of going directly to the Circuit Court for an injunction and a declar- atory judgement to permit the erection of these dwellings, or of first petitioning the Village of Mount Prospect for an mnendment to the zoning ordinance. I rea~ize that short of an official petition and hearing, no Village official can officially give any indication as to what may be the reaction of the Village: but it seemed to me perfectly within reason to ask that you take up with the Village, in an informal manner, this proposal and see what re- June 5, 1956 A~. 0 ,,-. /:, f.t" "h.{.-' ."""'- ~,'J\.'.I action there is, in order that we can better deterr~ne what our next step should be. The property consists of 24 lots, each 25 x ~50 ft. It is presently zoned R-2 (Duplex). In order to accomplish what our client vJishes done, it w01..11d be necessary (a) to rezone these lots to R-3 (Apartment district); and (b) to amend the text of the zoning ordinance to provide that for each faraily unit in an R-3 district, there need only be 1125 sq. ft. of lot area. Our client's proposa~ calls for d bui~dings laid out as shown on the attached plot plan. Each building would contain 10 apart- ments; b wi th one bedroom, 2 with hJO bedrooms. There would be 80 apartmentsin all; 64 of which would be I-bedroom, and 16 of which would be 2-bedroom. These apartments would be in design very similar to certain apartments which have been erected on Harlem Avenue, two (2) photographs of which I enclose. In determining whether or not such an amen&rrent would be in the public interest, I think the following points should be kept In mind: 1. ~~e plot plan will provide that, in the total area, only 37.4% of the land will be occupied by buildines. Contrast this with what would be permitted under the present zoning: A building could occupy 51~ of the tota~ space. Thus, insofar as light, air and recreational space is concerned, the proposed development would appear to be more in the public interest than would be the present permitted develop- ment. 2. Note that of the 80 apartments, 64 are I-bedroom. That means, there -dill not be large families occupying these units. The impact upon public schools and upon other facilities would appear to be .far less than if you were to have 20 large family duplex apartments on the property. 3. Consider bo-th the nature of the highway in front of this proper- ty, which is heavily travelled, and the character of the development immediately across EL~urst Road. Does it appear reasonable to re- strict our client's proposal in view of these eY~sting conditions. vilien you have had an opportunity to review this matter in- forma~ly with the Village officials, I would appreciate obtaining your unofficial reaction. Very tI'uly yours, Richard F. Babcock The Board took no action upon this letter. It was moved by Trustee Willer, seconded by Airey, that the Village Board of Mount Prospect go on I'ecord as being interested in the appeal, as friend of the court, in the City of nockford sidewalk case. The motion was voted upon by acclaraation whereupon the Presi- dent declared the motion carried. It was moved by Trustee Wille~ seconded by SChlaver, that the Preside:nt appoint a committee composed of three businessmen and three COI~uuters with one member of the P~an Corrmlission to consider a bond issue or other propositions for better lighting of the business district. ~~e motion was voted upon by acclamation with one dissent- ing voice whereupon the President declared the motion carried. President Lams read the fol~owing communication to the Board of Trustees: Gent 1 81'1en : I take pleasure in the reappointment of Hr. Edward Glaeser to the Police Pension Board for a period of two years, said term ending in May, 1958. Your concurrencein this reappointment is respectfully re- quested. Theodore A. Larns Vi~lage President June 5, 1956 .~ (< -A'- A motion was then made by Trustee Wier, seconded by Airey that the Board concur in this reappointment. The motion was vote upon by acclamation whereupon the President declared the motion carried. President Lmas then read the annua~ report of the Mount Prospect Public Library f or May 1, 1955 to April 30, 1956 togethe wi th a budget totaling ~t18,50o, toward \rJhiCh anticipated income from fines and rentals and non-resident fees of ~il, 000 is an- ticipated. The report was placed on file. The following communication was then read from Consoer, Townsend and Associates: Nay 29, 1956 President and Board of Trustees Municipal Building :Hount PrOS1Ject, Illinois Gentlemen: ~':t. As discussed at our informal meeting on May 28th, we give you herewith our proposal for preparing an engineering report and preliminary drawings for a village-wide system of relief sewers for Mount Prospect. Our services will include a~l work and services necessary for the initiation of a revenue bond ordinance including the following genera~ features: .....;-.J ~ "'l"" c. ~ .-..."""" -- "-""t o 1. We will re-examine the report made by us in 1949, including the results of a postal card survey of flooding made at that time. 2. We will investigate the adequacy of-all existing sewers, make general economic studies of alternate possible solutions and make preliminary designs for sewers required to relieve inade- quacies in the existing system, both for present conditions and future predictable conditions. 3. We will make designs predicated on a unified Village system 0; sewers irrespective of present Drainage Subdistrict boundarie~ 4. \^Je 'trJill prepare preliminary estimates of cost of all proposed work in accordance with current price levels. 5. We will make a financial study, including all data on capital costs, amortization costs, and operating costs, sufficient fo: bond ordinance purposes, and will give our reconmendation as to proper sewer service charge. 6. We will investigate the possibility of securing an HB and FA advance to pay for this Teport and preliminary plans, and will assist the Village officers in preparing an application for same. 7. l'\Je will attend a~l needful conferences vii th Village officials and with any governmental agencies having jurisdiction over the sewer system, up to the time of an effective bond ordinance. For the above services Dollars, payable upon drav-Jings. irle es tinra te three (3) months. our charge will be Three-Thousand (~p3,OOO) completion of the report and preliminary that the work to final completion will takl Respectively submitted, Consoer, Townsend & Associates (signed: Robert A. Schiller ~ Arthur H. Lewis) It was then moved by Trustee Wilson, seconded by Wier, thl an expenditure of $3,000.00 be authorized for such a survey. The President put the question, the clerk pro tern called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: Trustees Airey, Schlaver, Vige: Wier, Willer and Wilson. Nays: None. Absent: None. Thereupon, the President declared the motion carried. June 5, 1956 ~. 1 There being no further business to come before the meeting, a motion was made by Trustee Viger, seconded by Airey, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was voted upon by acclamation whereupon the President declared the motion carried and the meeting regularly adjourned. ~~~./. -: .Ler ' () J.1I:NuTES OF A REGULAR HEETIN"G OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOAHD OF TRUSTE1:3 HELD IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS, ON TUESDAY JUNE 19, 1956 The meeting "tv-as called to ordeI' by President Lams at 8: 15 P. E. and in the absence of the Village Clerk Trustee Schlaver was appointed Clerk Pro Tem and directed to call the roll. On roll call the following Trustees answered "Presentff:Airey, SchI2.ver, Viger, ~1Tier, and Wilson. Trus tee 1rJiller was absent on roll call. 'l"'he Trustees having previously received copies of the minutes of the meeting held June 5, a motion was made by Trustee Airey, seconded by Wilson, that the minutes be approved as submitted. The President put the question, the Clerk Pro Tem called the roll, with tree following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. 'l'hereupon the President declared the motion carried. Trustee Schlaver then read Ordinance No. 499 entitled: ilAN OHDINANCE HAKING APPROPRIATIONS 1'0 DEFRAY THE EXPENSES OF TEE VILLAGE OF HODNT PROSPECT FOE IvIUNICIPAL PURPOSES DESIGNATED AS THE "ANNUA.L APPROPRIATION BILL'1 FOR THE PEnIOD BEGINNING HAY 1, 1956 AND ENDING APRIL 30, 1957tf. A motion was then made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Wilson, that this ordinance be passed. The President put the ques- tion, the Clerk Pro Tem called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: Trus tees Airey, Schlaver, Viger, 1Alier and Wilson. Na;Ts: None. Absent: Trustee Willer. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried and said ordinance passed and approved. "''''''':''''''''', A motion was then made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by JUrey, that the rfreasurer's Report for the period ending Nay 31 be approved and placed on file. The President put the question, the Clerk Pro Tem called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion car- ried. A motion was made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Airey, that the Treasurer's Report of the Special Assessment Fund be ap- proved and placed on file. The motion was voted upon by acclamation whereupon the President declared the motion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Viger, that in accordance with the amended water ordinance the $5.00 Water Deposit be refunded to consumers as listed by Water Rate Collector and that disposition of the refund be made as recommended. The President put the question, the Clerk Pro Tem called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Airey, that the bills for the month of ]\1ay as approved by the Finance Committee be approved for payment. rfb.e President put the question, the Clerk Pro Tem called the roll, with the folloliJing results: Ayes: A.Ll; Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion car- ried. A motion was made by Trustee Viger, seconded by Wilson, that the Village Engineers hE" authorized to prepare contract for the low bidder, {I,chille Scully (~Son for work to be done on Contract lJo. 4, Higl:land Avenue 1:'<.ceder JYlain, in the amount of $29,97.5.00. The President put; the qvestion, the Clerk Pro Tem called the roll, vJith ThA following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the i'resident declared the motion carried. June J.9,. 1956 _.".~_~,~~~~~~~._~~._~,.,..,.____."",~><.=,,.,,_.'a,"'.""'"''''''''i""",,""~:""<""""'''''''''''''''...z~_,,