HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/16/1956 VB minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR I"1EETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUS'l'EES HELD IN TEE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS, ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1956 """ b The meeting was called to order by President Lams at 8:20 P.M., and the Clerk was then directed to call the roll. On roll call, the following 'l'rustees answered "Present Airey, Schlaver , Wier, and Willer. Trustees Viger andWil son were absent on roll call. The Trustees having previously received copies of the minutes of the meeting held September 25th, a motion made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Wier, that these minutes be approved as submitted. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ases: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried - ""'"' .....',~ I"""" '-'" <. -< o The Trustees also having received copies of the min- utes of the rooeting held October 2nd, a motion made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Willer, tha t these minutes be approved as submi tted. The President put the question, the Clerk called the rolJ.., wi th the ~ollowing response: Ayes: A:U., Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried. A motion made by Trustee Wier, seconded by willer, to grant permission to the Pure Oil Company for erection of two (2) signs at 200 S. Main Street. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following response Ayes: All; Nays: None. 'lhereupon the President declared the motion carried. Trustee Viger arrived and took his place at 8:29 P.M. A motion made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Wier, tha the Village Attorney be authorized to draw up a comprehensive si ordinance, as restrictive as possible, which would still be legally defensible. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. 'lhereupon the President declared the motion carried. A motion made by Trustee Wier, seconded by Schlaver, to refund the $75.00 permit fee on Permit #5666 covering 1008 W. Pendleton Place as the home was never built. The second was wi thdrawn and the motion wi thdrav.m. A motion then made by Trustee Wier, seconded by Willer to refund the plan examination fee on permit for sign erected at 726 N. Main Street as this fee was charged in error. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the Pres- ident declared the motion carried. A motion made by Trustee Wier, seconded by Willer, to approve the application for a sign to be erected at 662 E. North west Highway. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the follov.ling response: Ayes: 'Irustee Viger; Nays: Trustees Airey, Schlaver, Wier, and Willer. Absent: Trustee Wilson. Thereupon the President declared the motion defeated. A motion made by Trustee Wier, seconded by Willer, to grant permission for a six (6) months permit for erection of a temporary building at 412 W. Northwest Highway, subject to evidence of access to toilet facili ties, and subje ct to a satis~actory bond being furnished assuring that the building wil be removed at the end of the building owner's lease term for the property upon which the building is to be located. 'Ihe Presiden put the question, the Clerk called the roll, wi th the folloltIing response: Ayes: None; Nays: Trustees Airey, Schlaver, Viger, Wie and Willer. Absent: Trustee Wilson. Thereupon the President declared the motion defeated. A motion then made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Airey, that the bills for the month of September, as approved by the Finance Committee, be approved for payment. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, wi th the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. 'lhereupon the President de- clared the motion carried. October 16, 1956 .~ 9 ti A motion made by 'l'rustee Schlaver, secoTlded by Airey, that the Treasurer's report for the period ending September 30~ 1956, be approved and placed on file. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. 'Ihereupon the President declared the motion carried. A motion then made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Willer, that the Treasurer's report of Special Assessment Funds, for the period ending September 30, 1956, be placed on file. 'lhe President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, wi th the following response; Ayes: All; Nays: None. 'rhereupon the President declared the motion carried. A motion made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by wier, to authorize the expenditure of a sum not to eMceed $500.00 for an accoustical ceiling in the Council Chamber, that is being re- modeled for office space. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, wi th the fo llowing response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. 'lbereupon the President declared the motion carried. A motion made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Wier, to authorize expenditure of the sum not to exceed $1,000.00 for partitions to be used in the Council Chamber in revamping for office space. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the follo"tITing response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. 'lhereupon the President declared the motion carried. A motion made by Trustee Viger, seconded by Willer, that Ordinance No. 519 be passed. The second w a,s wi thdrawn and the motion withdrawn. A motion then made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Schlaver, that action be rescinded on Resolution No.6-56 that was adopted March 3, 1956. 'lhis resolution pertaining to establish- ment of a Water Commission. 'I'he President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: A;les: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried. A motion then made by Trustee Viger, seconded by Willer, tha t Ordinance No. 519 entitled: II AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR 'l'HE JOINT ACQUISITION OF A CO~~ON SOURCE OF WATER SUPPLY FOR THE VILLAGE OF IvIOUNT PROSPECT, 'UIE VILLAGE OF ARLINGTON HEIGlPI'S, AND 'l'FlE VILLAGE OF PALATINE, AND TEE FORMATION OF A PROPOSED WA'l'ER COlvlMJSSION TO BE KN01iJN AS TEE NORTliWEST SUBURBAN WATER COMMISSI ONu) he' ITfk~'C/Presiden t put the question, the Clerk called the roll, wi th the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the mo tion carried iU~ j'r:;t/d,o""d'J1CU1C'2. PQJI<2q q.4EI/ ~/'cv:2.L/.: A motion made by Trustee Airey, seconded by willer, to authorize the opening of the bids for the installation of parking meters to be installed on the railroad parking lots. The motion was voted upon by acclamation, whereupon the President declared the mo ti on carried. The two bids received were opened and tabulated as follows: 1 - Dual Parking Meter Co., to tal $9,185.00 for installation of 193 meters. 2 - Park-O-JVJeter Go., total $11,580.00, for ins tallation of 193 meters. After some discussion on the merits of the two meters and the reading of recommendations of Trustee Airey's Committee, a motion was made by Trustee Airey, seconded by Viger, to accept the bid of Magee-Hale Park-O-Meter Co. of Oklahoma City, and that the President and Village Clerk be authorized to sign the contract subject to confirmation of acceptance of one-third (1/3) of the monthly gross receipts in payment for the meters. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. 'lhereupon the President declared the motion carried. A motion made by Trustee Airey, seconded by Schlaver, to authorize th~ ~urchase of six (6) School Crossing s~gns for an a~ount not to exceeQ $150..00. The Presldent put the questlon, the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried. A motion made by Trustee Willer, seconded by -Idler, that the Village Treasurer be instructed to cease collection of the $10.60 per home from the builders in Country Club Terrace Subdivision as the home-o'wners now pay directly for garbage collection under the October 16, 1956 ~} present ordinance. 'l'he President put the question, the 1 Clerk called the roll, wi th the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. 'l'hereupon the President declared the motion carriec i:-;'~ A motion made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Wier, tha the plat of Feuerborn's Bonnie Brook Subdivision, which is out- side of the Village, be referred to the Plan Commission for thei study and recommendations. The l\1o ti on 'Vias voted upon by acclamation, whereupon the President declared the motion carried Trustee Willer introduced and moved that Ordinance No. 520 entitled: "AN ORDINAliJCE AIvIENDING 'n-]E MOU1\TT PROSPECT ZONING ORDINANCE AS AjvIENDED (ORDINANCE NO. 52)" be passed. 'l'rustee Schlaver seconded the motion. 'l'he President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, wi th the following response: Ayes: Al Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried and said ordinance passed and approved. Trustee Viger then introduced and read Resolution No. 17-56 pertaining to relief sewers. A motion was then made by Trustee Viger, seconded by Wier, this resolution be adopted. Th President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, wi th the following response: Ayes: Trustees Airey, Viger, and Wier. Nays Trustees Schlaver and Willer. Absent: Trustee Wilson. Presiden Lams then voted HAyen, and declared the resolution adopted. '{~ ~ C ~1 ~:: o A motion then made by 'l'rus tee Airey, seconded byllllier, that the Village Clerk be instructed to send a certified copy of Resolution 17-56 to the l\1etropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago. The motion was voted upon by accl~nation, wher upon the President declared the motion carried. Trustee Willer introduced Resolution 18-56 pertaining to shopping centers as permi t applications to be forwarded to th Coun ty Superin tenden t 0 f the Hi ghways . A mo ti on was then made b' Trustee Willer, seconded by Schlaver, this resolution be adopted The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Ihereupon the President declared the motion carried and said resolution adopter A mo ti on then made by 'l'rus tee ~1Tiller, seconded by Aire~ that Ordinance No. 521 entitled: "AN ORDINANCE AI\,IENDING TEE VILLAGE OF NOUNT PROSPECT ZONING ORDINANCE AS AIJfENDED" be Dassed -'. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, wi th the following response: Ayes: Trustees Airey, Schlaver" Wier, and v'Jiller. Nays: None. Trustee Viger passed. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried and said ordinance passed and approved. A motion made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Viger, tha t Ordinance No. 522 enti tled: "AN ORDINANCE A...1VJENDI NG nIB VILLAGE OF r-lOUNT PROSPECT ZONING ORDINANCE AS AI\1E1'DED" be passed. 'l'he President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. 'Ihere. upon the President declared the motion carried and said ordinancE passed and approved. A motion made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Viger, th~ Ordinance No. 523 en ti tled: II AN ORDINAN CE AMENDING 'rRE VILLAGE OJ MOUNT PROSPE CT ZONING ORDINANCE AS A~1ENDED" be pas sed. 'The President put the question, the ,Clerk called the roll, wi th the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the Presi- dent declared the motion carried and said ordinance passed and approved. A motion made by 'Irustee Willer, seconded by wier, to gr&~t re.quest of the 7th Day Adventists to solicit in the VillagE of Mount Prospect on Monday, October 22nd. 'rhe motion voted upor by acclamation, wDereupon the President declared the motion carried. A motion made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Wier, thai the plat of Munao Bros. 1st Addition to Mt. Prospect be submittec to the Plan Commission for their study and recornmendation. The motion was voted upon by acclamation, Whereupon the President declared the motion carried. The following communica tion was then read: October 16, 1956 Octo~r 15, 1956 Mr. Barold G. Appleby Village Manager Municipal Building Mount Prospect, Illinois. RE~ Alfini1s Second Addition C. T. & A. No. 54-116 Dear Mr. Appleby: We have made an inspection of the pavement, curb and gutter, and dr~inage appurtenances in Alfini's Second Addition to Mount Prospect, which have recently been completed by Milburn Brothers, Inc. We have fo und the HO rk to have been completed in subs tan tial conformance with the plans and specifications, and, therefore, recommend that these improvements be accepted by the Village. Very truly yours, CONSOER, TOWNSEND & ASSOCIATES By: William W. Townsend. Ii motion then made by Trustee Wiiller, seconded by Airey, that the improvements be accepted as recommended. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All~ Nays: None. 'rhereupon the President declared the motion carried. A motion made by r:I'rustee Willer, seconded by Airey, to authorize the Village Manager to obtain the services of a sign painter to change the Village population signs on the highways at a cost not to exceed ~50.00. The President put tt:..e question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: A~l; Nays: None. 'l'hereupon the President declared the motion carried. The following communication was introduced: April 5, 1956 Nr. Theodore A. Lams, President Village of Hount Pro spect 112 East Northwest Highway ~ount Prospect, Illinois. Dear 1'1r. Lams: Enclosed herewith are three (3) copies of a proposed contract for preparing the planning studies which were discussed wi th the Plan Comraission, Village Board, and representatives of other public bodies of recent date. In view of the work which has already been done for the Park District and assuming that the recommendations of the park planners will prove constructive to the Village Plans, I have allowed a credit of $500 from the $14,000 quoted verbally during the course of our discussion. I am sure you appreciate that there will be numerous matters arise during the course of the planning program which may require our attention, which cannot be itemized in the Schedule of Work made a part of this proposal. I am referring particularly to applications for rezoning and applications for new subdivision developments Hhich may be presented to the Plan C~ission and Village Board of Trustees for consideration. 'rhese services and others will be considered a part of our responsibility and the review of these matters shall be understood to be included within the contract cost and not billed as extras -- subject, of course, to some unusual situation which may require extended periods of time and cost to us. If you sbDuld find this proposal to be satisfactory, I will be pleased to have it approved by t~ Board and work will be started shortly thereafter. Thank you for this opportunity, and I shall look forward to the pleasure of working under your able administration. October 16~ 1956 Respectfully submitted, (S) Evert Kincaid . A motion was then made by Trus tee Willer, s econdea q C by Viger, to accep t the proposal of Evert Kincaid & Associates~'> and that the President and Clerk be authorized to sign the contract on behalf of the Village. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, wi th the folloW. ng responsE Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried. The fol101-Jing communication was then read: September 26, 1956 The President and Members of the Village Board of Houn t Prospect Re: Hatlen Heights Uni t No. 4 Gentlemen: I"'>""~ Attached hereto is a copy of Hatlen Heights Subdivision plat whi was referred to us for study on September 24, 195 6. The lots shown on said plat meet the Cook County r equiremen ts, however, some of the lots do not conform to our Village Ordinance requiring 65-ft. frontage on inside lots and 75-ft. for corner lots, nevertheless, we have, on this date, signed the original plat pursuant to your recent oral request. ,........r>:lt" .... "",' c ~.."~,, Respectfully submitted, (S) A. C. Dresser Chairman of Plan Commission ~ C~ Richard R. Young Secretary. P.S. Mr. R. Milligan - In Hatlen Heights 61, 62, 85, 86, & 9-25-56 sent. me. included to equal Village Clerk Sub'd Unit 4, lots 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 87 were listed in copy of minutes It appears lot #88 should have been 11 lots. The following co~~unications were then read: Ell 219295 MAHERAS/ee CHICAGO TITLE & TRUST COMPANY Sept. 25, 1956 PAUL M. SMITH, 134 N. LaSalle, Ra. 6-0332, will deposit a Warranty Deed from Hatlen Construction Co., Inc., a Corp. of Ill. to VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, a Municipal Corp. of Ill. conveying: Lots 56 thru 62 both inclusive and Lots 85 thru 88 both inclusive in Hatlen Heights Unit #4 a sub- division of the S 1/2 of the NE 1/4 in Sect. 10-41-11 E. of the 3rd P.M. in Cook County, Ill. FRANK M. OPEKA, 10 N. LaSalle, St. 2-2963, on behalf of Village of Mount Prospect. You are directed to retain the above described Warranty Deed, until you r~ve been advised in writing by Messrs. Smith and Opeka as to delivery of same. In the event you have not been advised in writing by the undersigned as to delivery of deed, on or before 6 months from date hereof, you are then to continue to retain said deed, on the sole wri tten order of Frank H. Opeka. In the event the above described Warranty Deed has not been received herein within 10 days from date hereof, you are then to continue to comply with instructions herein until Frank M. Opeka advises you in writing that thiJs escrow is to be cancelled Each of the undersigned pay 1/2 escrow fee incurred hereunder. VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT a Municipal @or,pora tion by Frank M. Opeka Village Attorney HATLEN CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. by Paul M. Smith its Attorney.. October 16, 1956 :r:;-"~ ~/. ~ A~l' i)', ~l u September 26, 1956 T-1r. Raymond L. l'Jiller Chairman, Judiciary Comrrdttee Village Hall MountjProspect, Illinois Dear Mr. Willer~ In connection wi th the Hatlen escrow pertaining to dedication of lands for public use I wish to advise as follows: Mr. Smith and myself conferred with the trust officer in charge of land trusts and learned that tre method outlined las t night was not feasible and reconnTIended that the title be placed in escrow instead. We accordingly opened up an escrow with the Chicago Ti tIe & Trus t Company as of t his date under escrow #219295, a signed copy of which is enclosed herewith for the village files. I t was impossible to make specl fic provisions for the ten acres because the legal description was not available and without it it could not become a subject of either a trust agreement or the escrow. In order that the agreement may be carried out it is suggested that a letter be written by the village to the Hatlen Construction Company advising that their letter making an offer of ten acres of land be retained by the village and that said ten acres is not to be considered in addition to the eleven lots in tIle escrow; but rather, if the ten acres is deeded to the village or its nominee then the eleven lots are to be returned to Hatlen. A proposed form letter is enclosed herewith. Yours very truly, (S) Frank M. Opeka September 26, 1956 Hatlen Construction Co., Inc. 1340 Long Valley Road Glenview, Illinois. Gentlemen: Your letter of September 20, 1956 is acknowledged relative to your agreement to dedicate, within six months from date, ten acres of useable land to the Village or its nominee for public use only. In accordance with the agreement reached at the Board meeting on September 25, 1956, the Village Attorney and YOllr Attorney entered into an escrow agreement wi th the Chicago 'ri tle & Trust Company under escrow #219295 dated September 25, 1956 whereby ti tIe to Lots 56 thru 62 both inclusive and Lots 85 thru 88 both inclusive in Hatlen HeilZhts Uni t #ll a sub- division of the S 1/2 of the c..'NE 1/4 in Sect. 10-41-11 E. of the 3rd P.M. in Cook County, Ill. is to be deposi ted vd th the Chicago 'l'i tIe & Trust Compan:ys for a period of six months a t the expiration of whi ch time the ti tl e is to be delivered or vested in the Village of Mount Prospect or returned to yourself. 'This is to supplement said agreement by the above mentioned letter of September 20, 1956 to the extent that if the said ten acres of useable lands are conveyed to the Village or its nominee within the said six month period then in that event the title to the aforesaid lots will be returned to you. In the event that you do not, within said period, convey title to the ten acres to the village or its nominee, then in that event the eleven lots above described will become the property of the village or its nominee. October 16, 1956 Please acY~owledge acceptance of the contents of this letter. (~ ~-) < ,( ~ y ~ ,,,cd \..... _,~_ Yours very truly, VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT By: T. Lams President A motion was then made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Wier, that the President and Clerk be authorized to sign such a letter'and forward to Hatlen Construction Co., Inc. The President put the question, the Clerk cal1e d the roll, wi th the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried. There being no further business to come before the meeting, a motion was made by Trustee Wier, seconded by Viger, tha t the meeting be adjourned. The motion was vo ted upon by acclamation, whereupon the President declared the motion carriec and the meeting regularly adjourned. _:~ /'t ?I ~~~ ViI . lerk, : " ",.',,--,... ... '-,r"'. '., oil ~'~.~, MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEE'l'ING OF 'THE PRES IDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES HELD IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, MOVNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS, ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1956. ."'......,) The meeting was called to order by President Lams at 8:08 P.M., and the Clerk was then directed to call the roll. On roll call, the following Trustees answered ~Present Airey, Schlaver, Wier, and Wilson. Trustees Viger and 1Miller were absent on roll call. The Trustees, having previously received copies of minutes of the meeting held October 16th, a motion made by Trust Schlaver, seconded by Airey, that the minutes be approved as sut mitted. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. TherE upon the President declared the motion carried. Trustee Viger arrived and took his place at 8:10 P.M. The following communications were then read: November 2, 1956 The President and Members of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mt.Prospect. Gentlemen: Kindly be advised that we have on this date selected and electe( Virgil M. Tosch as Secretary of our Plan Commission. Mr. Young the retiring Secretary, will continue as a member of the said commission. This report is being sent to you so that you may keep your reco: accordingly. Respectfully submitted, (S) A. C. Dresser Chairman of Plan Commission Richard R. Young Retiring Secretary. Oc tober 31, 1956 Board of Trustees Village of Mount Prospect 112 East Northwest Highway Mount Prospect, Illinois. November 6, 1956