HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/20/1956 VB minutes
The following communication was then read:
November 5, 1956
The Honorable Board of Trustees
Village of Mount Prospect
Mount Prospect, Illinois
Inasmuch as Herbert A. Gumz and Harwood Hoover no longer reside
in the Village of Mount Prospect, thereby creating two vacancies
on the Zoning Board of Appeals, I take pleasure in appointing
Russell A. Hartwig of 404 South Albert Street and Leonard W.
Snyder of 502 I-Oka to said Zoning Board of Appeals. Mr.
Hartwig's term will expire in May, 1959, and Mr. Snyder's term
will expire in May, 1960.
In addition, I take pleasure in reappointing Mal colm G. Young an
William T. Mott, Chairman, to the zoning Bo~d of Appeals. The
term of Mr. Young will expire in May, 1960, and that of Mr.
Mott in May, 1961.
Your concurrence in these appointments is respectfully requested
(S) Theodore A. Lams
Village President
A motion was then made by Trustee Viger, seconded by
Wilson, to concur on the appointments as requested. The motion
~as voted upon by acclamation, whereupon the President declared
the motion carried.
There being no further business to come before the
meeting, a motion made by Trustee Wier, seconded by Viger, that
the meeting be adjourned. The motion voted upon by acclamation,
whereupon the President declared the motion carried and meeting
regularly adjourned.
Villa' -.faerk I .
The meeting was called to order by President Lams at
8:45 P.M. and the Clerk was then directed to call the roll.
On roll call the .following Trustees answered "Present":
Airey, Schlaver, Viger, Wilson. Trustees Willer and Wier were
The Trus tees having previously received copies: ot: the
minutes ot: meeting held November 6th, a motion was made by
Trustee Airey, seconded by Viger, that the minutes be approved
as submitted. The President put the question, the Clerk called
the roll, with the t:ollowing response: Ayes: All; Nays: None.
Thereupon the President declared the motion carried.
The t:ollowing communication was then read:
November 11, 1956
President T. A. Lams
Village ot: Mount Prospect
Mount Prospect, Illinois
Dear President Lams:
The residents ot: Northwest Meadows t:eel that this area has been
unjustly snubbed by the Consoer, Townsend engineering report.
The report which blueprints the most comprehensive sewer and
construction program in the history ot: Mount Prospect stops
abruptly at Northwest Meadows - a portion ot: the town that has
su.rt:ered most due to poor drainage.
November 20, 1956
,; ~
The report states that the capacity of existing sewers is very
limited and that much of it was designed for low installation
costs, thererore relief is necessary. On May 5, 1956, Trustee
Wilson wrote to this association and said, n... the developer was
determined to get by at the lowest possible cost. He did. It
was not due to the Board as presently cons ti tuted. It is an in-
herited situation and is one that is going to be very expensive
ror the residents to remedy. You may be sure that any sewer system
installed will be paid for by the residents and not by the Village
as a whole." It seems '!:;hat what Consoer, Townsend says about the
Village in general is similar to what Mr. Wilson says about us.
Perhaps, because Consoer, Townsend designed our present drainage
system ror Arthur MacIntosh that it would be di.rricult ror them
to give an impartial surveyor Northwest Meadows. Ir that is the
case perhaps an independent engineering survey could be made to
see how we can rit into the Village plans.
The purpose of this letter is not to review the entire problem but
to suggest to you and the Board that Northwest Meadows is a part
or Mount Prospect. We the residents have inherited something done
by others - just as you have done. Ir in the Projected program
you included a minimum drainage system ror Withorn Lane to Forest
along MacArthur it would solve the most pressing problem. The
cost.or such a sewer would be about $11,500 or less than 1% or
the $1.5 million to be spent in Mount Prospect.
Residen~or Northwest Meadows intend to be present at the November
20th meeting of the Board to petition the members to reconsider
the plans so that this area will also receive relier in the rorm
or better drainage.
As the newly elected president or the Northwest Meadows Association
I wish to compliment you and the Board ~or the wonderful progress
that has been made toward providing a better sewage system for
the Village or Mount Prospect. We are not unaware or the many
problems that had to be overcome and we feel that ours can be
sol ved.
Yours very truly,
(S) Parker Ekren, President
Northwest Meadows Asso~.
1003 Isabella, Mt. Prospect
Mr. Arthur Lewis o~ Consoer, Townsend & Associates, who
was present o~rered to have prepared a supplemental report on sewer
needs and a layout together with costs, ror Northwest Meadows. This
could be done at no additional cost to the Village.
The Trustees accepted this o~rer as voiced by Mr. Lewis.
The rollowing communications were then read:
Mr. Howard Wilson, Trustee
Village of Mount Prospect
Village Hall
Mount Prospect, Illinois
Dear Mr. Wilson:
October 13, 1956
I am submitting a print or the proposed entrance markers
ror the Northwest Meadows subdivision ror consideration and approval
by the Building Committee.
We would like to place one of these markers at the Forest-
MacArthur entrance and one at the Dale-Northwest Highway entrance.
The Forest-MacArthur marker we would like to place on the west side
or the street approximately two or three feet northwest or the STOP
sign. The Dale Avenue marker we would like to place on t he west
side of Dale Avenue approximately ten or twelve reet north or the
S TOP sign.
The Northwest Meadows Association reels that the placing o~
these markers will considerably enhance the beauty of our subdivision
and thererore the Village as a whole. The Association will be re-
sponsible ror the maJ.ntenance or these markers and we have already
secured the approval or the Public Service Co. to install a meter
ror the operation or the lights.
November 20~ 1956
We would greatly' appreciate early, r.avorable action on
our request by the Trustees so that we might install these
markers berore winter.
Very truly yours,
(S) James P. Mannelly, President
November 6, 1956
Mr. Harold G. Appleby, Village Manager
Village or Mount Prospect
Village Hall
Mount Prospect, Illinois
Dear Mr. Appleby:
In reply to your letter or October 22 regarding the
erection or entrance markers at the Northwest Meadows subdivisio:
I am pleased to inrorm you that the Northwest Meadows Associatwl
will procure a $10,000 indemnity bond for each marker it erects
to indemniry the Village against any liability that may accrue
to it by reason or these markers.
As you requested, I am also pleased to enclose a map o.f
the subdivision with the 100 ation pinpointed where we would like
to erect our rirst marker. I have placed a stake at the spot
indicated on the map. It is at the Forest-Northwest Highway
entrance to Northwest Meadows and is exactly 5 reet north or the
north property line on the Northwest Highway and 20! reet east
or the west property line on Forest Ave.
We anxiously await your early ravorable action on our
request so that we can build the marker berore the ground
C, .,;
Very truly yours,
(8) James P. Mannelly, President
A motion was then made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by
Wilson, that the request ror permission to erect the markers as
requested in the letters, under tennIS as stated in the letters,
be granted. The President put the question, the Clerk called
the roll, with the rollowing response: Ayes: All; Nays: None.
Thereupon the President declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Airey,
that the Treasurer's Report of Special Assessment Fund, ror the
period ending October 31st, 1956, be accepted and placed on rile.
The motion was voted upon by acclamation whereupon the President
declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Viger,
that the Treasurer's Report ror the period ending October 31,
1956, be approved and placed on rile. The President put the
question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following response:
Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the President delcared the
motion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Airey,
that the bills ror the month or October, as approved by the
Finance Committee, be approved ror payment. The President put
the ques tion, the Clerk called the roll, with the rollowing
response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the President de-
clared the motion carried.
Trustee Schlaver then presented the Auditor's Report
.for the Village or Mount Prospect ror the riscal year ending
April 30, 1956.
A motion was then made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by
Viger, that this report be approved and placed on rile. The
President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the
rollowing response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the
President declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Trustlr Schlaver, seconded by Airey,
that the building plan examination~or the Architectural Commis-
sion be raised rrom 75~ to $1.00 e.frective December 1, 1956.
November 20, 1956
, ~ ..",~"
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The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with
the following response: Ayes: All; NaJl's: None. Thereupon the
President declared the motion carried.
Trustee Schlaver then read and introduced Ordinance #525
Trustee Schlaver then moved that this ordinance be passed, the
motion was seconded by Trustee Airey. The President put the
question, the Clerk called the roll, with the rollowing response:
Ayes: All; Nays: None. '!hereupon the President declared the
motion carried and said ordinance passed and approved.
A motion was then made by Trustee Viger, seconded by Wilson,
to authorize an expenditure, not to exceed $$00.00, for the purchase
or a second resuscitator ror the Fire Department. The President
put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following
response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared
the motion carried.
The rollowing communication was then read:
November 20, 1956
President and Board of Trustees
Municipal Building
Mount Prospect, Illinois
Re: Village-wide Sidewalk Program
Some time ago we received rrom the Village Manager the result or a
survey which was conducted by Village employes to determine the
locations of missing sidewalk throughout the Village. We were
verbally requested to proceed with plans and special assessment de-
scriptive material ror the construction of the sidewalks. To date,
we have received no written request rrom the Board or Trustees to
perrorm these services.
We wish to advise you, as we have in the past, that this firm has
established a policy in connection with the perrormance or engineer-
ing services on special assessment projects. The writer, on several
occasions, has discussed this policy with various members or the
Board or Trustees.
As you know, all costs, including construction, legal, and engineer-
ing in a special assessMent project are paid from the actual
assessment. Thererore, until such time as the assessment or asses-
sments are conrirmed in the Court and subsequently rinanced, there
are no monies available to pay the above costs.
A special assessment project requires that a major portion or the
engineering work, such as rield surveys, preparation of the ac-
curate plans, specirications and estimates"must be completed even
berore the public hearing takes place. Until the project is
financed, there is no guarantee that the assessment will become a
reality, thereby providing funds ror payment of even the bare cost
of the above work.
Due to this situation, this rirm, in the past, surtered substantial
rinancial losses in connection with projects in which the assessment
never became a reality. 'lhererore, we have been compelled in these
special assessment projects to establish a policy whereby we secure
a Village guarantee, .at the outset or the engineering work, for a
portion or the engineering charges involved. In this way, we can
be assured of at least a major portion of our out-or-pocket costs
should the assessment tail, or should the Village elect to delete
portions of the project. In the event or con.firmation, our charges,
based on our normal rates, are paid out o.f the assessment and the
guarantee is no longer necessary. The runds for such a guarantee
must be appropriated by the Village Board of Trustees so that they
will be available if required. .
We have estimated that the amount or guarantee which will cover
labor costs on a project of this type it; 2% or the total construct-
ion cost. Other costs and profits will be covered only in the
November 20~ 1956
event of successrul special assessment proceedings. The
estimated construction cost of this project, including engineerj
and legal fees, is about $150,000. Thererore, the guarantee
required is $3,000.
q ~~ C'
~~i":l .:
We have performed some preliminary engineering services on this
project but wish to advise you that we will be unable to proceed
any further with our engineering work until we have been inrorme
in writing, that the Board of Trustees has taken the necessary
action to appropriate for and guarantee the above amount. The
writer, as stated above, has discussed this procedure with
various members or the Board or Trustees who have stated in the
past that such action would be taken by the Board, but to our
knowledge, no action has been forthcoming. It is ror this
reason that this letter, informing you or our policy, has been
delayed ror such a long period or time.
We trust that you will understand our position in connection
with the. guarantee or a portion or our engineering rees and we
will gladly rurnish rurther inrormation ir there are any questio
regarding this procedure. Other municipalities in the Chicago
Suburban area ror whom we have perfor.med engineering services,
are providing us with similar guarantees r or the initation or
such special assessment projects.
Very truly yours,
(S) William W. Townsend
..... .,.J
A motion was made by Trustee Airey, seconded by Viger.
to authorize Consoer, Townsend & Associates to prepare plans and
specirications ror sidewalks that have not been installed as re-
quired by Village ordinance and that the Engineers rees o.f 2%
or estimated costs be guaranteed. The President put the questiol
the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes:
All; Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion
The rollowing communication was then read:
September 11, 1956
President and Board or Trustees
MuniCipal Building
Mount Prospect. Illinois
Re: Paving in Centralwood Subdivision ror
Mr. L. R. Delgado, Mount Prospect
C. T. & A. No. 55-285
We have given rinal inspection to the paving improvements; i.e.,
one-haIr width paving in Prospect Avenue and rull width paving
in Waverley Place and Lancaster Street rrom the alley at the real
of Prospect Avenue to Prospect Avenue and alley paving in the
alley at the rear of Prospect Avenue between Waverley Place and
Lancaster Street.
We find these paving improvements to be complete in all respects
and in conrormance with the plans and specirications and authori~
ed changes thereto and recommend that they be accepted by the
Village or Mount Prospect.
Very truly yours,
By: William J. Cadigan
A motion was then made by Trustee Wilson, seconded by
Schlaver, that the improvements be accepted as recommended by
the Village Engineers. The President put the question, the
Clerk called the roll, wi th the i'ollowing response: Ayes: All;
Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried.
The following communication was then read:
October 30" 1956
November 20, 1956
.&-.~,' _.f.'...
Mr. Haro~~,G. App:;Lel:>y,V;i.~lage Manager
Municipal Building .'
Mount Prospect, Illinois
He: Brickman's Forest Avenue Improvements
C. T. & A. No. 54-30
Dear Sir:
We have made a rinal inspection or the sewers, water mains, paving,
curb and gutter, sidewalk, and drainage appurtenances in the sub-
ject subdivision and find that this work has been completed in sub-
stantial conrormance with the plans and specifications heretofore
approved by the Village and, thererore, recommend that these improve-
ments be accepted by the Village.
Very truly yours,
(S) By George H. Sawyer
. A motion was then made by Trastee Wilson, seconded by
Schlaver, that the sewers, ~ ving, curb and gutter, be accepted as
recommended. 1he President put the question, the Clerk called the
roll, with the rollowing response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. There-
upon the President declared the motion carried.
The rQllowing request was then read:
November 19, 1956
!resident and Board or Trustees
Village or Mount Prospect
Mount Prospect, Illinois
We have recently rormed an organization called Mt. Prospect
Funds for Hungary to aid the distressed Hungarian people.
We would be appreciative ir you would grant us permission
in the Village Board meeting Tuesday night to make a house to house
canvas ror runds on December 2, 1956.
Thank you very much.
Very truly yours,
(S) Frederick A. Thulin, Jr.
A m~tion was then made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Airey,
that this rquest be granted. The President put the question, the
Clerk called the roll, with the rollowing response: Ayes: All; Nays:
None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried.
The rollowing communication was then read:
November 2, 1956
The President and Members of the Board
or Trustees or the Village or Mount Prospect
Submitted herewith is the plat identified as ~erborn's
Bonnie Brook Subdivision which was sent to us ror examination.
The plat meets all requirements save ror the public land
dedication, which in this instance, would romount to slightly under
5/6 of an acre. The Subdivider has informed us that he will send
you a letter making an offer or $1,000.00 in lieu or a land
dedication. Inasmuch as the proposed Subdivision is outside or
our Village limits the said $1,000.00, ir acceptable, should be
given to some other body as designated by your Board.
We recommend approval or the plat upon your acceptance or
monies orfer in lieu of public land dedication.
Respectfully submitted,
November 20~ 1956
(S) A. C. Dresser
Chairman or Plan Commission
Richard-R. Young, Secretary
November 5, 1956
Mr. A. C. Dresser, Chairman
Plan Con:rrnission
Village or Mount Prospect
Mount Prospect, Illinois
Re: Feuerborn'S Bonnie Brook Sub.
Dear Mr. Dresser:
Pursuant to the discussion Mr. Feuerborn and I had with
you on Saturday, November 3rd, regarding the dedication ror
public use or a parcel or land in connection with the above
captioned subdivision on McDonald Road, west of Wolf Road,
Wheeling Twp., please be advised that inasmuch as this is but
a small subdivision o.f but rorty-nine lots, Mr. Feuerborn prerer
to give a sum of cash to either the School District or the Park
Dis tric t.
Upon being notified by you or a village orricer as to
whom should receive the sum or money in lieu of a dedication ror
publiC use, Mr. Feuerborn will issue his check for Two Thousand
($2,000.00) Dollars.
"... .....
Yours very truly,
(S) Frank E. O'Reilly
Attorney for Joseph H. Feuerborn
A motion was then made by Trustee Airey, seconded by
Schlaver, that the plat of Feuerborn1s Bonnie Brook Subdivision
be approved and that the President and Village Clerk be authorizl
to sign the plat, subject to the sum or $2,000.00 being paid to
Feehanville School District No. 26, in lieu of dedication or
public lands. The President put the question, the Clerk called
the roll, with the rollowing response: Ayes: Trustees: Airey,
Schlaver, Viger and Wilson. Nays: None. Absent: Trus tees Wille:
and Wier. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried.
A motion was then made by Trustee Viger, seconded by
Airey, that the plat o.f Meier's Subdivision at Busse Road and
Lincoln Street outside or the Village be submitted to the Plan
Commission ror their study and comments. The motion was voted
upon by acclamation whereupon the President declared the motion
_ A motion was then made by Trustee Airey, seconded by
Viger, that the Charles Bruning Co., Inc. water main layout as
shown on A. Epstein & Sons Inc. drawing No. MX-l, under date or
November 19, 1956, be submitted to Consoer, Townsend & Associatel
.for their examination and recommendations. The President put thE
question, the Clerk called the roll, with the rollowing response:
Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the
motion carried.
, A motion was made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Wilso!
to authorize expenditure or a sum o.f $1,046.50 ror the purchase
of a Model C-8-TB snow plow from John Garlisch & Sons. '!he
President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the
rollowing response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereuponthe
President declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Viger, seconded by Schlaverj
that the revised plans ror Clearbrook Estates improvements as
submitted by Consoer, Townsend & Associates under date or
October 25th be approved. The President put the question, the
Clerk called the roll, with the .following response: Ayes: All;
Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Viger, seconded by Schlaverj
tha t the revised plans for improvements in ~oan Ruth's Wapella
Gardens Subdivision, as submitted by Consoer, Townsend &
November 20, 1956
r'i> -,'I
"} ~
Associates under date or November 14, be approved. The President
put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following
response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared
the motion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Viger, seconded by Wilson, to
authorize the signing or the application to the Metropolitan
Sanitary District or Greater Chicago for a permit for the sewers
in Joan Ruth's Wapella Gardens Subdivision. The motion was voted
upon by acclamation whereupon the President declared the motion
A motion was made by Trustee Viger, seconded by Schlaver,
to approve the application for a sign on Lot 1 in Block 5 in
Prospect Park Subdivision. The President put the question, the
Clerk called the roll, with the rollowing response: Ayes: Trustee
Viger. Nays: Trustees: Airey, Schlaver and Wilson. Absent:
~rustees Wier and Willer. President Lsms then voted Nay and de-
clared the motion dereated.
A motion was then made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by
Viger, that the meeting be adjourned until 9:l5 P.M., Tuesday,
November 27th. The motion was voted upon by acclamation whereupon
the President declared the motion carried and said meeting adjourned.
. i1i~l~r~ 7- ~ -0-
The meeting was called to order by President Lams at 9:35
P.M. and the Clerk was then directed to call the roll.
On roll call the following Trustees answered "Present":
Airey, Schlaver, Viger, Wier and Wilson. Trustee Willer was absent.
Trustee Schlaver then presented Surrrraonses 56C-l5429 Circuit
Court of Cook County and 56S-19967 Superior Court or Cook County, .
and moved that the Village Attorney be authorized to rile an
appearance and answer in both these cases. . The motion was seconded
by Trustee Viger. The President put the question, the Clerk called
the roll, with the rollowing response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. There-
upon the President declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Viger, seconded by Wier, to
authorize the employing or Mr. Edward Crebo in the Water Department
at a salary or $6,600 per year, with car allowance or $25.00 per
month. Mr. Crebo's employment to start December lOth, 1956. The
President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the
rollowing response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the President
declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Wier, seconded b.Y Viger, to
refund $75.00 permit ree on Pennit No. 5644 covering 104 N. Main
Street, to the Mount Prospect Bible Church as in similar cases.
The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the
rollowing response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the President
declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Wier, seconded by Schlaver,
to grant rerund, on Permit No. 5666, in amount or building permit
ree to Alfini Construction Company. The President put the question,
the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All;
Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Wier, seconded by Viger, to
grant Mr. Moehling's request ror the renewal or sign permit for
sign at 101 W. Berkshire Lane. The motion was voted upon by ac-
clamation whereupon the President declared the motion carried.
The rollowing communication was then read:
November 27~ 1956
November 26, 1956
flo..!, /1. 19~~v