HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/16/1957 VB minutes () &,~ j;"u MINU1'ES OF A HEGULAR MlmTING OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES HELD IN 'IRE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS ON TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1957 r:ehe meeting was called to order by President Lfu'11S at 10:05 P.M. and the Clerk was then directed to call the roll. On roll call, the following lirustees fu'1.m,rered "Presnetll: Airey, Schlaver, Viger, Wier, Willer and Wilson.. llAbsent": None. 1ne Trustees having previously received copies of the minutes of the meeting held April 2nd, a motion W8.S made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Willer, that the minutes be approved as submi tted and corrected by the Villaqe Clerk. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All, Nays: None. The~e- upon the Presiden t declared the motion carried.. A motion then made by l'rustee Schlaver, seconded by Airey, that the 1lreasurer t s Report for the period ending March 31st, 1957 be approved and placed on file. Tbe President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All, Nays: None. Thereupon tbe President declared the motion carried. A motion made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Airey, that the Treasurer's Report of the Special Assessment Funds be approved and placed on file. The motion voted upon by acclamation whereupon the President declared the motion carried. A motion made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Airey, that the bills for the month of March, as approved by the Finance Co~mittee, be approved for payment.. The President put the que s ti.on, the Clerk c aIled the roll, wi th the follow- ing response: Ayes: All, Nays: None. Tnereupon the President declared the motion carried. The ~ollowing communication was then read: April h, 1957 Hr. Theodore A. Lam.s, President, Board of Trustees, Village Hall s 112 E. Northwest Highway, Mt. Prospect, Illinois Dear Sir: We have been informed that the Mt. Prospect Villa~e trustees are seriously consider1:ng approval 0 f the plat of subdivision submitted by Mr. Bluett for the potential development of 200 homes on the former Schroeder farm property. We understand that otbsr subdividers and individuals have been requested to contribute land or monies to the pertinent school district prior to trustees approval of such developments within village limits, as well as within a mile and a half radius of village limits. As you may well know, most school districts are financially limited as to their capacity to build additions to the existing school plants 0 l'his scbool district is in just such a situation, since present school building is closely approaching its capacity. ~De addition of 200 homes in the school district wou_ld require substl?-D.tial addi tional construction at a cost far in excess of the districts present limited bondinp' power. We wou1d appreciate serious consideration on the part of the Village trustees towards secu.rinp; financial assi stance from the builder prior to approving his plat of subciv1.sion. vie understfl_nd the t on April 16th the villacJ'e trustees v.rill again consider approv81 of the Bluett plat of suo- divisi6n, and we wou1d apprecia~e an invitiation for o.fficial representation of tbi s school "hl)ard at thi s meet- ing"pril 16~ 1957 ... } "I , , .-:-- Very truly yours, n o.~.. pm..1 -/, .-":, Ji:L-d : & BOARD OF EDUCATION, School District #26 S/ I. A. Hanson Secretary A motion was then made by Trustee Willer, seconded by. Schlaver, that the revised plat of Bluett's Fairview Gardens, dated April 10, 1957, be referred to the Plan Commission for their study and recommenda tions. 'I'he motion vo ted u.pon bv acclama tion, whereupon the President declared the motion .., carri ed. lhe following cormnunications were then read: '.cO: tHE PRESILENT' AND 1l0AHI:' OF' TRUSTEES OFT liE VI LLAG E OF lilT. P PO SP .E~C T .-j..i Request is hereby maCie by the undersigned, BRICKI'1AN HO]VIB BUILDERS, INC., to pave a certain Dortion of Hip'hland Avenue wi thin the limits.. of the Villa~e ~ 8 S defined h~re- inafter, and upon t~e following conditions: (1) The pavinp' is to be on Hi ryhland Avenue and extend from tbe east line of Lot 12 in Block 16 to the west line of Lot 11 in 810ck 12, both in Randview Highlands Subdivision. ''Y'" ,"" .,.. ;~...". '--" ~If .--- <i: C'::l (2) The street is to be paver] in accordance wi th the specifications Im.m,rn as 1-11 fmd be twenty-seven (27) feet as m.easured from back to back of the curb. (3) It is understood that IVIichael Babiarz is the owner of Lot 12 in Block 14 and Lot 11 in Block 13 in said subdivision, and that he Hill pay his prorata cost for such pavins. It is also understood tn.at Lot 11 in Block IL! and Lot 12 in Block 15 'lre owned by Unkn01^m Persons and tha t any lien or rJ.ght that the undersigned may have ae:ainst s aid property or the O1r-mers tbereof for h'iproving sai d lots by paving are not llvaived, but that the undersigned may pUrS1Je them as he sees fit. (4) No pavinp is to be done in front of Lot 11 in Block 16 in Randview Highlands, or Lot 88 in Castle Heights lmless the O1Jmer of these lots agree to pay treir proportionate share of tbe cost. BRICE}:jAN HOLvIE BlJ'T.LDERS, INC. BY: .eL.!llan R. Bloch Its duly authorized agent Aprj.l 16, 1957 "' Mr. Robert Teichert Chicaso, Illinois Dear Mr. Teichert: I herevJi th deliver to you the request of Brickman Home Builders, Inc. to the Village of Ht. Prospect for a permi t to pave a portion of Highland Avenue. ~ : I want to affirm, however, Mr. Brickrnan's ag,reement that in the event the Village wishes all of Hip:hla.nd Avenue to be paved from Forest to ~lain Street, Mr. Brickman is willir to pave th:is entire distance on HiGhland Avenue if this improvement goes in by way of special assessment, and Brick- man is willing to accept as payment for d05.ng the paving work, all of the special assessment bonds. In the event such a program is adopted, Brickman will tben cancel those bonds. wbich apply against the property of persons to whom he has sold residences and will enforce the assessment liens only against lots owned ~y third parties. In accordance with a previous conv ersa ti on Hi th the Village officials, I will hand.le all the legal work in April 16~ 1957 ), () f(!' ~:J ita t) 0 connection \Nith the assessments without charge to the Village. Very truly YOL~S, sj Allan R. Bloch These communications were referred to Com.mittee for study. A motion made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Wier, that the plat of Hatlen Heights Estates #2 be referred to the Plan Comm.ission for their study and recornmendations. Tl'1e motion voted upon by acclamation whereupon the President declared the motion carried. The meeting was recessed at 10:50 P.I'1. and reconvened at 11:05 P.M. The following comnmni ca tion was then read: April 16, 1957 The President and Members of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect Gentlemen: Attached hereto are two prints and the original tracing of Hatlen Heights Estates, Uni t #1 which Has referr'ed to the Plan Commission for study and recorr~endation. This plat conforms to ordinance requirements with the fol..,.. lowing two exceptions: a. Utility easement is 5 feet instead of 8 feet. b. No dedication of land for Dublic use is made thereon. It is recommended that the plst be approved subject to the utility easement being increased from 5 to 8 feet and sub- ject to the conveyance by deed or deeds of the 10 acre site shown as IlSchool and Park Sitell on the preliminary subdivision plat of Hatlen Heights Estates dated March 5, 1957, to the Village of Mount Prospect or to its nominees. Respectfully submitted, sf A. C. Dresser Chairman of the Plan Commission sf H. G. Appleby Secretary A motion then made by Trl..ls tee Willer, seconded by Wier, that the President and the VillaR:e Cler.Kbe authorized to siQ'n the PIa t of Uni t #1 of Hatlen Heights Estates on behalf of '-, the Villap"e and that said D1at be--delivered to J:vlr. Robert J. D01>Jnin:C;: for him to deli ;'er to the Hatlen Organization 'VIThen 10 acres -~f land_, as ind:i.cated in a preliminary subdivi sion plat of Eatlen Heights Estates, has been duly registered in separate deeds of 5 acres each, 5 acres for the benefit of School District No. 56 and 5 acres for the benefit of School Distrl ct No. 57, in the Torrens Office. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, wi th the following respdmse: Aye s: All , Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried. The following communication was then read: April 16, 1957 To the Presiden t and Members of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect Gentlemen: T'ransmi tted h8rewi th are the original tracing and a print of Hatlen's Resubdivision of Lots 1 to 8 botb inclusive and lots April 16t 1957 ,. ."._..._~,-.._.__.._---~-"." :? ~~ Q 11 to 17 both inclusive of ParbTiew Manor which were, submit~~d to us for study and reco~mendation. Thls plat meets the ordinance requirements with the exception that the utility easement is 5 feet wide instead of 8 feet wide. 1he Plan Co~~ission reco~~ends the approval of the plat sub- ject to the utility easement being changed to 8 feet as required by ordinance. Respectfully submitted, S/ A. C. Dresser Chairman of the Plan Commission ~""i ,~'"\'" '" ~ ~"'-. "-' S/ H. G. Appleby Secret.ary A motion was then m~de by Trustee Willer, seconded by 1;lJier , that the plat of Hatlen' s Resubdi vision 0 l' Lots 1 to 8 both inclusive and Lots 11 to 17 both inclusive, of Park- view Manor be approved and ths. t the President and Village Clerk be authorized to sign the plat on behalf of the Village, subject to requirements of Village Ordinances. The President put the qu.es tion, the Cle rk called the roll, wi th the follo\-.Jin response: Ayes: All, Nays: None. l'hereupon the President declared the motion carried. r~ A motion made by fl'rustee Schlaver, seconded by 11ilson, to authorize the transfer of' $166,567.64 from General Fund to Vehicle Road and Bridge Fund. Tbe President put the question, the Clerk called the roll. with the following response: Ayes: All, Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried. -" --~J.... c::) Yne following communication was then read: LillS/57 Board of Trustees, Village of Mt. Prospe~t, Ill. Gentlemen: The Zoning Commission held, the regular February hearing on 2-22-57, hearing Case 57-1. At the March hearing held on 3-29-57 Case 57-2 1>IJaS heard. There were four members present to hear Case 57-1. There were three members present to hear Case 57-2. Case 57 -1: 'The Commission voted unanimously to deny the petition for reclassification. Case 57-2: The CommJ. s sion voted unanimously to deny the peti tion for reclassification. 'J'he Commission voted unanimously to recommend offering the peti.tioner variations of R-l and B-2 for off-street parking. S/ E. F. Martin CheJ.. rman This matter was referred to the Judiciary Committee for their study. A motion made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Airey, to grar>t permission to the Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreipn v\Jars, Prospect Post No. 1337 to hold their annual Poppy Day on Hay 29, 1957. 'The motjJm voted upon by acclamation, whereupon the President declared the motion carried. A motion made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Schlaver, tha t Ordinance No. 5u6 enti tled 11 AN ORDINANCE 'TO ANNEX CER'J'AI 1'ERRI'I'OROES 1'0 'lEE VILLAGE OF 1\1'I'. PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILL- INOIS" be passed. l'he President put the question, the Clerk April#$ 1957 /4. [~..~. "1~.. (....A. ., 1;. ~ I!;\ kJ U called the roll, with the ~ollowin? response: Ayes: T~ustees Airev, Scblaver, Vi~er, Wier, Willer and Wilson: Nays: None~ Abse;t: None ~ Thereupon the President declared. tha t the mot5 on havinIT received affirmative votes of tl'\To-thirds of the corpor-ate autbo~ities, the motir)n liJaS passed and said C"rdina.YJ.ce passed and approved. A mot:\.on made by 'l'rustee 1l'/iller, secnnded by \.~iilson; thEi~.. t'nA ~018 t of Frank Serafine's Second Addi tion be s1Jbmi tteo. t.~) :;:he -,~ .i.' . 1. rPb t., Plan Conrrn.ission for their study and recommenc~~lons. ~ .,e r~o t:~on voted UDon by acclamation, whereupon the Preslaent decl,9.rea .>ne motion carr:i.ed. . t. e follo"\rring commlmlNl J.on was the:o. r~e April 16~ 1957 The President and Memb~rs of the Board of Trustees of the Vill~S8 of t P~G2DE'ct (, 3utn1.i tted her'ewi th is a copv of' the ':~'3:C. .t:.s:t;:~ 'Ie of lIT" J" F'Lmk's Subdi Tri siOJl:,-ifrhi.ch 1,,ras submitted to us for study artd reconlmendati on ~ Upon examination it has been found that this plat meets the Village I s requIrements wi th the excEmtion of showing .the public service easement and a ded- ication of land for plJ.hlic use. The Vil18.ITe has been informed that JYIr. Punk has agreed to make a payment of ::))200 to the Feeh~l.n.vill~ School District in lieu of a dedication of land for Duhlic use~ 11}:lis subdi vi sian ~i s 01) tside the limi t8 of'the Village. The Plan COrITrnission recommends accepta....Ylce of the sl.'bject plat subject to the req.uired covenants end utili t-y' easements being shmm on the o~('iginal trac- ing he:r'eof and e,ridence that the \p200 has been paj_ d to tbe Feehanvil1e School Di strict. Respectfully submitted, Sf A. D. Dressel'" Chairman of the Plan Cornrrlission sj H. G. Appleby Secretary of the Plan Co:rnrnission A mo"tlon then made by Trustee Willer, seconded by lAfler, that the final plat of :N. J. Fun.k's subdivision be submitted to the Plan Commission for their study and recoY!1..Y1lendations. Tbe motion voted upon by acclamation, whereupon tbe President declared the motion carried. T1:: e following communicH.tion was theD reed: LlI.pJ::'il 9, 1957 Mr. Theodore A. Lams, President Vi11ape of MO\...u~t Prospect ViII age Ball ]'J[ount Prospect: Illinois De ar Mr. Larns: In connection '.'\Tith the proposed project for our acquisition fu1.d constr1J.ction of a combined SEmi tary relief seHer system in the Village of Mount Prospect, as a RevenuB Bond Project~ we are now in the process of preparing the necessary Test Sui t that will be req1...1ired to establish the consti tutionality of the 1 ml! and to approve the legality of the Revenue Bonds we propose to issue" It will be necessary for your Village Board of T~J.stees to now adopt a Resolution, supplementing the Resolutinn heretofore adopted by your Board on October 16, 1956. A draft of a Resolutinn no,;'\T considered necessary is attached in triplicate. Ap'dl-d$ ~ 1957 I~ lYlay we ask that your Village Board consider this propose2 ~~ Resolution and if in satisfactory form, have it adopted at your earliest Board meeting and send a certified copy to the lc'letropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago, to the attention of the undersigned. We propose filing the Test Sui t as soon as the Detachment Suit is heard (set for April 16th) so that we may have the Test Suit disDosed of at the earliest date possible and our appeal then :ei1tered in the IvIay l'erm of the State Supreme Court snd a decision handed down a t the September Term thereof. 11he Resolution herewi th submitted has been drafted by the writer and tne PCd.Dts '~GS~ red to be covered in the Supreme Court case have been therein. embodied at the suggestio of Mr. Schroeder, our Special Counsel, and by Chapman and Cutler, the Attorneys for the propspective Revenue Bond purchasers. With the kindest personal regards, I am Sincerely, Lawrence J" Fenlon Principal Assistant Attorney .,..--..'.....t ~". '.' -....., A motion l^ras then made by 'llrustee Willer, seconded by Wilson, that Resolution No. ~L-57 as submitted by the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Chicago be adopted. ':Phe Presiden t put the question, tbe Cle rk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: Trustees Airey, Schlaver, Viger Wier, Willer and Wilson. Nays: None. Absent: None. 11hereupon the President declared the motjon carried and said resolution adopted. A motion made by rrrusteeWilson, seconded by Willer, to gra.11. t permission to the residen ts to close off the 400 Block on So. Main Street on May 11 between 7 P.M. and 12 P.M. for the holding of' a block party. 'lhe motion voted upon by acclamation, whereupon the President declared the motion carried. A motion made by Trustee Wilson, seconded by Airey, that the Village Manager be authorized to open the bids received on Garbage Disposal for the fiscal year 1957 to 1958. The motion voted upon by acclamation, whereupon the Presiden t declared the motion carried. The bids were then opened and tabulated as follows: 1. Evanhouse Bros. Disposal Service of Glenview - $1.22 per uni t per month. 3. Laseke Disposal Co. of Arlington Heights - $1.21 per unit per mon tho Barrington 'l'rucking Company - ~?l.l 7 per unit per month wi th an al terna ti ve of $1.15 per unit per mon th if no performance bond is required. 2. A motion 1tJas then made by Trustee Wilson, seconded by Willer, that Barrington Trucking Company's proposal of $1..15 per unit per month be accepted. The President put the questic the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All, Nays: None. Thereupon the Presiden t declared the motion carried. A motion made by Trustee Vi~er, seconded by Wier, that the proposal of Electro Rust Proofing Corpora~ion of New JersE on System #8130 be accepted in the amount of $377.00 as indicated. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, wi th the foll('Hi.:ng response: Ayes: All,. Nays: NonE Thereupon the President declared the motion carried. April 16, 1957 , . f12 A notion made b~} Trustee ::>1i11 e:(' , seccndec by Airey that the votes cast at the Vil12[8 31ection held on this date, April 16, -lor:'7 "DC. cqY1\TcoQs""d 'Te!'1P Y(1ct':on ;,''!c, vo-~e'.'.{ '~T)OD "by cocC,'~F'iq-~.':OY1 . /.:;J. v C~J.t. c...,,-,~..~. J.....,,,... _'.l ..~_ . VJCvLi . 0 ,/~..'\.. l.-._,:. " v c:t ..L0...1-_C..l.J_ .J..., wl1sre-L-''.)OD tt~e })resicter:-t deelEtre6_ tt:.G r:jotJ.OY} ct:1rriod $ After tbe official canvas of the votes cast, tho Clerk then read Hesol-ution No.5-57 entitled II CLr'TIC)}'T DECLAilIliG Hi~;- SLLTS CIi'TTE; TIel1 err 'I'lL~S!;AY, PIJ?J:L 16,1957 IN AiTD FC:'.~ VI CF I'CTFT r:l'CSj:'ECT, C( CCL:yr'ry, ILL:::\TCJS." A motion liJaS tbEn made b~T Tn..lsteo Aire:y, seconded by VJilson, V_l.2, t this Hes olutionoe ado:pteo. The President ;:Yrtt the qlws tion, the Clerk called the roll, liLl th tho follov,dn{ reslJlts: Ayes: All, Nays: None. T11.erol,)roD the President declared trw m.oti on cs,rried and caid resolution adopted. c.}) T T C ~~,,~ l~~I, F I }-;1 '~':i: thop read Hesolutioe 6-57 entitled II CLT'T'IC1' DE- r"L'T'S CF =-; ELSC ON ('N l'E.OPOSI'l'IOi} T'O ADOPT CLTCE C S~<[ C!"[liL:;'S AC'I' FOR T::.:..r:0': VI' OF'. CCT]:)rp:{,ILLIT\rC':s (Y'\T Tt.~SDAY, APHIL Ie), 1957.il 'rhe Clerk CLAHI'fJC- rrJ"::Ii~ ?ECOS?:B:CT, CC"OL J, r('.otlon thenmaoe by TrHstee Viger, seconded b~T ~1ier, that tllJ, s re soll,tion be ad.o}:) ted.. The I'resi t P"Ll t th.e 01.;0 s tion, tho Clerk called -c11.s roll, ~d tL tho fc'llmdng res=)onse: Ayes: All, l'ays: iTone. There-upon the Pres ider}t 6eclared the l'0otion carried ancl said resoll1tion adopted. A rJ.otion J.ade by 'I'rnstoe illor, seconded by T.Jilson, that tll.e .., _, ., '1 "j'" _,~ ... ", ".,-.. t.. '1 '" __.. <>"" Jll_o[:es ane Clep!ccs of the l:~l.eC t:Lon bepa lO_ ;:,2c:. 00 eac.n, ln 1.1l,.8vT:d~ri recor::nendations ot t'"o Vi11a[0 Clerk. The Presidert put the ouestion the Clerk calIco the roll, Hi -ell. the followl respon.s e: Ayes: All. N8YS: J'~one. TherelH)On t"l-Tle President declared tJ....Le motion caJ:'riod. A moticn was t~en e by Trustee ~illcr, seconded by Wilson, that the lC1.:etin2: '00 adjorned, until 'Tuesday, April 23 at 3 ~).. . 'l'he motion :;Jas vo i-ed upon by acc18.TfJat:i.on wherol.r;lcm the Fresic.ent declared the ~otion carriec. and the Jwet adjourned. a/~~~ ;;1~~97/~~ April 16~ 1957