HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/23/1957 VB minutes
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I'EE PFC~;,sI AND EO"43D Oli' 'rBUS'J.1EES
1.:[ Olrp~r ) .ROSJ~:EC ~r, II-II-iIrTOIS CIT
fpTT"?STij\v ^ ppr' 23 lOc-'?
_l,L'k_ _~, .I'L,",l_L ,-'-/:>
The ilJeetinr; '\AlaS called, to oI'cler b:~ PI'esldent Lams
et 8:35 P. ., the CleI'k was then directed to call the
Cn poll call, the following Trustees answe~ed
ltpresent": Airf3Y, SChlaver, loller, vJillor and -~Vilson.
Trust~e Vicer was absent.
The follow1nc CocDJJunica tion was them re0.6:
1106 S. Home Ave.
Park R1dge, Illinois
.April 22, 1957
Board of ~rustees
Vi llage of Ft. Prospec t
Mt. Prospect, Illinois
I am the petitioner reqUeS'Glng a 20nin[: change on
the pronertv which is located on the West side of ~ain
St. ~nd- ext~nds from a ~oint 255 ft. North of Central Rd.
to Henry St. This ~Jetition is before the Villare f['n~stees
a"J&i t:l.n[~ final decisi on. rOhe reaues t is l' 01' a 70ning
change from B-2 to "EIl.
In v:te1rJ of the nroperty 1rJhicl~ lies o,n the West SlGe
of I'Jain St. and extends 25S ft l'Tol'th froFj Central Ed. bein2'
zoned !tE" cOC:irnercial I her~by petition the 'Tillage rrrustee~
of Mt. Prosnect to consider the followine:
e:eeas: 'l'he :()ro erty adj oininL~ the abclITo described
, ,." ' " 0 . t 2r'-' ~t -'T ' , f' ('I
area &"10. vrhlC::-l ex-renos I rom a y,oln' :;:>.::; I . I\Or'GD. 0' 'ven-
tral Rd. to. Henry St. is zoned R-2 I should like to have
the Villa;,:e rrrnstees De]3'r<L t thls aI'ea to be L1seo. for aff-
street parkinS?; facilities to. serve the cOYlrr:ercial develop-
FJent ~^Thicb 1jJ:Lll ad;1ain it to the sC'uth. The trrstees
would p Cr,'i]. t the p cti tlaner to c~ev" lop the nres ont:L;y zoned
business area with buildinzs to the full linear extent of
255 ft. '1'1:1ero 1'wuld be no b'uildLj[s beyond the point
Hhich l:Les 255 ft. ~Tcrth of CentrEl Rd. In:::res~, and
egress dri Ve1rJ2.ys vJOlJld be permitted to. reEwh thep8,'::"king
areas frc;'i the street.
Legal description of the parcels for which the
petitio:ner seeks 8. 7onin; variation i'or1')arking facili-
ties is horewit~ attached.
Hesp ec tfully svbnd tted,
sf :,jr1,Jin, 1--1. Hurt,
A relation Has then Y'lD,de hy Trvstee 'ilIiller, seconded
by Schlaver, to concur in the recrn~aendation of the Zonins
Co,0(:11ssio1,) as set forth :Ln their letter dated April 15th,
lQS7 regardinG rantin~ or ariations for off-street
1,0~;king~an th~ nronort~ covered in Cases 5~,7-1 and ~~7-2
~ ~.- v _ 7
and t'~;,at the Yil12.Le Attorne:r be t::u}t:1arlzeo. to. dratV' up
the necessar: pape:L"s. 'FC1e l)T'esident :Cmt trie (il,cestion, the
Clerk call-'c1 tbe raIl itJ:L t~,- the f'ollaH1nc res ans: Ayes:
Trl'stees AiI'ey, 2chlaver, idler and ~JiLLer. 11ay: Trustee
\vilson. Absent: ~rrustee Viger. 'l'hereL"':10n the President
dec18rerJ. the <lOtion carried.
The follm1Tinr ne t:'L t:Lon vJaS then read:
AT)r:Ll 1,:), 1957
TO: The }:~'(;sideDt and the l'ijembers of tbe
Board of stees af the Villase of
April 239 1957
"'-KZI ,"
1& 4
l.ount PI'OSIl8 C t, Il11ncls
G(~n- t,~;_8"' en.:
As tbe O~j~ers of the ~rorert: heJ~8iD ~.escribGd" we renllost
-t,11e J?()zoYlin"c~ of' SElic: r;,o~}o:r-t:," f"rorn. l.tS '-:0:: c:se:r:lt. St8.t~;;3' of 11~3
J\-p .aJ~t~~'''le ~::-: t s toe Oi:r'.2"1e rc i ~i 1.
11~le ~~)ro'oeJ~t7',
;') Q
1~o1_1.o-vJS :
16, ~L 7 c111 (~j }, I..~
1.1. .,
Berr:; Co f s Cnlonietl Fanor
bein[ a svbdivision
of' :JfJ..rt
; _L
-th8 ~r0rt~.least qlJ,arter
! ~! \ -:J
" ..) 01
See t i 0 rl J~ J_ , s.n d "Y"~ ar t eft '!(l ()
st Quarter (" ) of Section
12 all in Tm'\JDsr n L1 l\Torth,
e 11: ERst of ~he Third
FI~iD.cipfll T..T8~ei
cl("\~~ :3c1 p 1,~::;8.2 r:;
~, .
J" l
O'Llr chr::::clc intl1e
St"~~l cf
08cn, to ccver costs. YCll.I' attention
t}\ls :n18. t t e:~
\rv:~_l J_ lje
ec:l.a ter.1 $
I{8 Be tfll.J_ "vo'u.rs :.
t.i-eo:pce II. Bt..ls::'~e t. COe
.f:.. "', () ~G l ():Cl 1tJS~~:, t r~ C'IJ. ~::~ad e 1:'~lX)l~;3 t c: (': v~J ~~_ller, 8 G C o.n(~A d l)~T 8J.'? J
tll.at tt.is ~oet.:l t:LO{l bfJ l~efcJ:~J~e(1 tC) th.8 Z011 in-c' CO~!!:;_i.!.is9,ion .:for tll.o
1101c5irlL~ of 2,- :PllC.lic 'heariD[ E'tr!eJ_ t'~~L8ir r~GCO{fi"f:.~er1aa L.l.on. ~.che -j;'.i.Ot:L()lJ.
1"T~3.S '\':0 "":E:0. 1,.~00Tl 'b':~' 8.cclanl2ltior' 1>vl"l(:~rs111)o:(-1 t~~~8 ?resicler.t: declareci.
t~?l'3 .L::J.oticYJ c8.J?~21c(I.
T11e fol101-Jip[ c
C2~t.::L01) 1/TflS t~~lc'rJ :.eoC',-cl:
AjJr~Ll 23, J.957
Villare President and
Board of ~r~stees.
'I'tl'3 Plan, Co C"lission recO".i:x;Jends "Gil.e 8Tynpoval o:C the attached
plat of ~. J. Funk'S Subdivision.
F{CSFjec tf1~-'~11~r Sll i ttecle
.!~I. ~ D .. Dr e sse l'
Chairc!8.n ,
l)larl. C o~Lrn:ni s s iorl
i~ 'Ii ~c :~~'s 11 :
s / ~L C:-.
2.ecre tEtr:~T e
l (, n'\7"
l~ t:1otio~Cl 1/vB..S l=:~r!_8Y} -n}ac~e Gl~, secoj~.c3.ed_ b:V-
A:lrey, to ConCl)I' in the J::'oc tion of the ? COi'ilYiJ.is-
sion, a~r~ the Presi~eDt and ViII Clerk be ffilt~.or:~:e~, to
sign the plat on behalf of the Villa . The ljresident put
~t}:}e q"L";_estj~olJ., tllG CleJ~}{ Cft=Llf::~Ci ~t.hG roll 'hTit.~~: tl:t8 follo1riing
re s~! oriS e : Jl~~:: e s: all, J? Et':7' S : 1-T c rl e . TIJ.E;rG"Ll~~) on -th.o J?J:e s 1 G.on t
decle.:C>Gc! the snoticn carried.
A FlOticD PJade Tr', stee';J:LllcI', seco'JdecJ. by ~'I:;~lson, that
Ordinance ~TO. 51~7 ortitlp.d "./\',": Y:-A C:: Ul' ?'1 VI (!F )::OrlFf.'
}';iCS:C' T, C (Cre C ( ,IT L::'C~:S'IACA!I'I( !:~. - C3r~::: en U? A C,:'::UAIN
Pl~'3IJIC' sr~~;ll. be ~)E~ssed. lJ111e rJ~esic1.erL.t ~p11t t~}J.e q_-uest~Lon, t.ll.8
Clerlr= c2..11ed the J~oll, "IrJi tt~. tl~.e .folJ_ol,~Tir;.L, r~ecJJon.se: os:
rll-y)"lst.~eC! j'--irO"iY C.'icl,....,'1,;'J';rc'....... T',r~!r.;l~ 1t,.:c~.[llQ~ sn( '(rT11Qon -\Ta\-so. "i:'r.'or.ie.
.l..:;- L ",_')"') ~~--'- _ ""',,)' ;.,. ~_~_,~l..l(;'-\', I: "j., .'i'..,.;.......-' , .', __ _ ~...,.JJ. ~~-'---_.' -"..~ - -L:....> ) .!.. ~.. - ~
.J.0j.cserJ~c: 'll~~l-'stee \\ilc;er. T.c~erei-.:'...)O:r1 T~J:l(-:) L!rep,lctoTJ.t clecl&rect t.he
rn,oti on ca=~_--ri G d [;lr1 c~ s a:i.c'~ C'l~(ilr~,2.rJ c e T) as E; e (! aD d [!..y) ~Ol~O "'v"'e (J.
April 23 ~ 1957
2 "'..7 r.~.
. J "
, Q U
fJ. ~1.'r10 ,......'..1. ".., "0 ~ "~,, ~"O' 'lr ~.... ~ "I I , -
~~, ,. \) , J' ,',' ,;~ : ./,L 'l';:;; iJCt"J 'tel:iel' , s econdeQ lJY
'lJier, thp,t Ordir~nce Nc. 5L~8 entitloQ llidT A"IiJ-JD;;'
ni'G I'LL en' COD, C:;; 'I'. pg EC'! 01"1957, LS Aj'i:Elm.SD
BY i{':2 CEj:;:'Ilj;.,,-~: l:lIC}TS AFj: BY ADOll FG CERTAIN .Al'lEND-
T., iT'S Cj1T~T",)";TT1C,1I 'oe l"lCYCSPOl rplle T)y>eSl"C'eY1T. 'n'l+- t'~a "0'ct,.o
L ~. __~_."':"'..J..L_,_.L .,:" ctu... ....,.. _. ..1_ . -' ~. _ .... .L1.J ,:"J \..."., u Ltc qL:.c u J_ n,
the Clerk called the roll, with the following ~espons: Ayes:
All, Na:'s: Hone. ':['here1"con t1:L8 l'resident declared the
Flotj.on carried anc' said Ordinance passed and ap:proved.
The tol101oJin[ coy(munica tion was then read:
, . 1 - ,j - 057
Aprl..l. J..>, .L /
Village of Mount Prospect
Eor::r:d of 'I'ri'stees
cunt Prospect, Illinois
GeEtlen:en of the Boar6.:
Tbis letter is written ~n the hope of obtaining per-
mission to lltap intoll : 01-".1' I'lt. ?I'OS)ect sel;,lerage s:,{stem.
1\:;~.;- pro bler:r is as ~Col.lo1r,Ts: I arr.~ plan.ltinF~ l~l~_e C()rlS tr1JC-
tion of a hO;"(:8 on tl;e N. E. corner 0;' Oal: a~l6 GreGory St.
in the "[.lac Intosh sljbdiv::.sio:n of 1;,Gllr-c Pros-oect.~'Jithin
t1.'\TO hundred fifty f',)Gt (250) 01' my prO~10S eO. hOrTle the Village
se\,,!erase s;;-stel" terminai~,()s. For this roason I E'Xil seeking
perliliss:Lon to lay a f:8il'Jer :pipe 1'rom n';)' hOice to the terninal
point of ~tOl.1.r s~.'~ste~.~.;,.
To give a better understan
pronosed syste~, I have attached
essary details.
of the location and
a draw:LYiL show:I,ng: tl-:.e nec-
Knm.;lr:[' th" val,:o of LOoc1 Se'LoTSrace to the cO::'':rrJt'nity,
.1 s~~ncerely 1'lO:rO t1-1G.t a f8.vorable solution relay be evolvec'.
Thanking Y01 for Y01:1' consideration, T reL8,i n
s-j Ti'rank G. Poczatek
Boyne address: 3419 W. ShakespeaI'e
ChicaQ:o, I'll.
Ho""e '"lhone: Albany 2-L~791
This n:atter 'trms rei'errecJ, to COU)rJi t tee 1'01" th.eir study.
fA. rloticn nade by 'I'l"'I.!stee Tdiller, seconded by Airey,
tha t tlJ,e VilIs re Board concur' It'li IJr'. Bayne l..Jho is 3n reading
the AS3essment~on the Special Asses~ment ~7 to allow 15~
public benefi t. I1he Pre sideD t lYL't t}:.le ques tion, the r;lerk
called the l~oll, Hi th the follo'LoJing res~)onse: A~es: All,
11a;T2: I'ene. ':Phe:C'el1:?On the President declared the noti on
fA FlOtionClade b:; Tn:~, tee \tJ:Lller, s econde6 b.;,Viier , that
Standard Accident Insuran.ce Comnany Bond 1To. 95L~7L~9 :Ln the
amount of ,000.00 covering President LWDS and Standard
Accident Insure.nce Com',)any Bond Nc. o5L~7L~6 in the w,lcunt of'
;;;;2,000.00 covering Clerli: Kei th be accepted. The F:.'esident
p"Llt tb0 qvc s tion, the Clerk called the ro~l, wi th t}?e f.?llo~-
ing response: ,f~yes:. ,All, Na~cs:, yrcne. ,i.'nOreF]Jon 1~b,e ..t'l~eSl-
dent declared 'ce.a mO'GJ.on ca~('rl8Q.
The follOL~~in[ cor:mmnication irJaS the:n~eao:
IvIarch 8, 1957
lTr. Harold G. Aopleb;y
V:1.11ace fTg,naEer
Villa:e Hall
Pount Prospect, Illinois
TIe: Special Assessnent -os. 55 ~ 56
April 23, 1~57
Dear }Y!-r IJ
Ie 'o;J :
I enclose herewith for action b: the Board of Trustees a req-
uest of JOG Pezzette that bonds in ths above special assess-
n:crtts be i;:~Sl~ec. in D.U~j":lerical or(~Jer l~fLttlGr t:"(} ["tD, b~"- il'J.stfl11r:len.ts
t02:ether vIi th an ordinance in Gach C8,38 to bE; 8.(:01y[e(5 by the
These ordinances
is eJ:::ec;~]te(J e
be ad,OT)tec). G"\10D_ before tJ:l.8 Fl~Lnfl1 CerJeificEt to
YOl.-1l'S, ver:' truly,
S / F11 [UJ.l~~
. C~9 e 1[8..
l' ,,' , 1 ., (' r'7
I'll 'C': J""--:: f"li \1. ..I ,!.......
.... __.C_', _ \....I.... , _ .'...,)
})resideD.-t ,~~ BOal~(~i, of rllr~l1.s'Gees
VLla2:e of 1"IOlmt Prospect
~"oLmt Prosp8ct, Illinois
He: Yount Prospect Special
sessnJent J'-To.55
I hereby re~uGst that when you arc prepared to issue bonds in
the 2,bo'v~e Speci,9.1 .i\sseSSI'!ent l!\Till ~/ou ldndly :isSl)e the:cr' pa,yable
S erial17 ins tead of b~-: ins tallmonts.
Ili.is l~e crt} 8 s t; :L;7: ;:l8~cle -,'ll}l~S ll.al~L t to t.he s t2~ t.~). te ill 81.: cl:. cas e Irlacle
anCll)l~O\I:L(]e(l 8j.1C1 I lJ.GI)eb::F re0.1J.esi~ tl-ltlt ~TOl.l }!2MSS aD oro.inEl.YJCe to
so iSS1)_e the lX'Dc1s.
Yours very tru
sj Joe Pezzette.
A y,:,ot:Lon vJas then mec.e by 'rus te8 VJiller, seconded by ,Airey,
that Ordinance no. 549 8n,ti tIed llAN OnJ.~I 'C;~ F;{C'IIILIFG 'li'-=rE
ISSr ()::!~ S .eIBClj~I. l\SS~SS,S,T E~\'.T fT ""cL'L :ric. 55 '2 ~8IJE lIT
11lJ6EHICAL CEDI~~~lI be passed. The i~resident rrut the quest on, the
Clerk called thp roll, with the following response: Ayes: All,
:rays: Ilona. Tbere1X~)on tl1,G President declared the motion carried
anD said Ordinance passed and a.'proved..
The follOl,'ii
letter was then read:
I',D.j'ch 1, 1957
President t, Board of TrtJ,stees
Villa:e of Mount Prospect
FO'L1J!,t ProE1'(J ec t, Illinois
lie: l'lmmt P:r'os:Ject Special
Assessment No. 5~
I tlel'el)~T ~:)eCrl:est t}lO.t lrJ~J_er) :.,T()l) s~rG IJrepareo_ to iSS1)(-; OOI1C1s in tb.e
above Sp8ciELl Assossment vdll you kine';}J iSEn.'e ther:l p8.yable ser-
ially iDS tead of b~ ins tall;:-jen ts.
Tl-:ts req,-L1cst is :clade Yr\J.rsl~ant to t11c statl)_te irJ s::1c11 C8~se ln2..ce
2.nd Drovideci 8l'J,d I here'o~; request that YOlJ '(lass aD ordinance to
so issue the bonds.
Yoprs vpry truly,
S/ ~Toe }'ezzette
u mO-CJ.or, wa:::: 'G":)r ~"C'.6e b'i." '1'l','St08 vJ:Lller, seconded by tVilson,
that Circ3.il~_d3_!j.ce .Ce,., 5~r:;o erlti tle2[ n O~:~IY~~_-- l~ r~~(: }?OJ.-[ I1T-{I~~
ISST."E OJ:;' E:):i~CIAL AE:S,::;Sm .2:;~':r Be:,"!,,;:,::, Li}'iTJ;L'~ },'l' KC'. 56 P j\Yi:.BLE
13.'J CAL CIWE fI be passed. ':Che President put th~ questIon,
the Clerk called the roll, 'Hi tc the follolrring re8ul ts: A:fes: All,
Na3s: None. Thoreunon the President declared the notion carried
and said Oroinar:c e pas sed aD (1 8.nprovod.
April 23, 1957
A mO'Glorl 111ade by 'llrl'stee ~Jier, secon/'eo. by 'vJiller, to
grant perl'd.ts to Alf1n1 Constr11ctic,n Cornpany 1'01' signs to be
located at 1000 W. Lincoln and 1300 W. Lincoln.
A ',YJotion was then made try I'rl1 s tee v~ iller, secondeo. by
iel', that tile nreViOl)S rnotion be table O. 'l'he Pres iC:ent Dut
the al'es tion, the Clerk called the roll, '\AJj. th the f'ollovJing
res';)Onse: Ayes: "L.ll, N2,;YS: Y~one. '1:her81.Jpon the President
declared the motion carried.
There being no further business to come before the
l'Yleet:tng, a :010tion FJade hy 'rrl:'stee 'Jaer, seconded byv-Jiller,
that the rneeting be adjourned. The !ilotion voteo. upon bJ
acclaxnation, 1rJhereu:i1oD the Pres:Ldent 6eclared t}:'18 l:'wticn
carried and the meeting regularly adjourned.
r~ ~~ ~~
ifD~~e Clerk U
TJrI~\TTJTJ~S CII? f-:..
~. l
l):i.~c~~~IrIET"rT 130};.1.~I) C)I~ fTTn)'ST:L~IDS
._1 ',' U7TI CIl) l':J, mILDn-c~,
licunT I) :,:[0 Sf'~:::C 'r, I S C'
TrT;'(~ T)' 11 '.F T.T ,', 'r '7 1..'" 9 t=:7
'.' ,...:J"JJ .I:"'_i..' ......0._ I' ../
....... 'III
The :m0etins was called to order by :C're2icent Latus at
8 :~.O P.j. and the CleJ:'}c Has then dj,rec teo to call the roll.
On roll call, the following '1'1'1"2 teE-;s anSv,Tereo ilpresentll:
Airey, Schlave1', Viger, hJ:Ler,iJJiller and \'Vilson. llAbsent":
The ~CY"us tees he. ving },reVi01)S l;j rece i vea copios of the
mlnu tes of the reC,v.lar l'l' etlr:c; he 10. April 16th, a moti on
was made by Trustee Willer, setonded by Wilson, that the
minutes be apprvoecl as 3~}brd tted. '['he Ppes ident'~)ll t the
ques tion, the Cler1r called the roll, 10'i t}:l the f'ollol0'ing
response: Ayes: All, I-Ta'ys: J:Tone. 'I'be:c'el1.T)Qn the Pres ident
declD,J"ed the ~notion cEl.rried.
Tl"e Trvste '2S als 0 ha vinE ::>reviorsly recei ve6 copies
of ~he mi~utes ~J' the a(c~~ O1.1rned neetin!,~ ?elo." April ,23~~d, a
motlon mao.e bY'T'l'stee ,vllson, secono.eo oy Alrey, tJ>2c'C the
Ininutes be appro'TocJ as corpected b:'T the Villsco Clcrlc. Ihe
Pres:Ldent Iyut t~e rt'\,:iest5.on, t~le Clork called tb.e roll,f,Ji th
the f'oll01iJinc' respons.e: os: All, s: l'Tc,ne. There-
l.1"OOn the Presic'erlt declared ther,fotion, carrJecio
IT~"e fO~Llc:\'.Jlrll~:) COr;ln}.l1nictl.tio11 ~{a~: t::1Cjl. J7ead:
. ft~,;' 7, 19~)7
BOEtro of' fl1rl: s teAS
'\h.llt:\i'e 01' ~ O'l'nt I'roS'tiect
MCVDt P~ospect, Illinois
On behalf of the residents of Randvi~w Hi lands, and
:qa.l"Jtic1;18.rl~/ 2,(:: Ij8Sidents 1>J"t1GE;8 1'10D.ses Etl'}t3 J_OCB.teo. on.
:I{.l.{~D.la:D,d_ t~'Ier:l10, -t}~e l~)ecrl)est. is to re "'Iacle of ~T()l~ to clirect
th.at tlj,Qse ~1-,.Y'I(ls ~Jhic}-l wel~E) r;8...ic: O\leJ~ to r0C3: \TiJ_ ,'..'03 of I<;Ol}rrC
I-)~eo8-0ect for \Tacatio:n. of .~, oer:1EtC j':,.\7er}~le lJ28d for t:J.E: nlJl~-
T)OSe of =L.rJstcl S 8l.cleT,.ral1,':s orJ. }-~:i (1 l.l'lc'r'~Lle.
It is .sl"1~1':1.ittecJ tl:i.at -;::;l'lrclJ tl1e t9_ct~Jorl of~ ttle \Jil18_c~e
ill "'nerl-;}.ittillC t11e \1.ac8..tio.n, Cjf IIJloe::'}EtC j~..\/erl}e, 2\.11.011: VJ_G1'l of
tlie f'u_t1J.re o-oerliD.e~ 01'") t}).O F[ SC:"1t'")ol t~C) the t!JC?-st or t}:is
l1re8., Etn 1.~.n.1)sl"8_11~r l!.eai.]"::/ tl'")af'fic call "be e~oect8cl_ or} tb~e
sid evJ21.11-cs of IIiC;h 18I1 (1 i~ \I';:~~.Dll.e . It., i s S'i.~.,~ S t~ cd tl~l8.. t 1~ 8~ \rorftl)le
fiction. on tl~_5_s 1-"}8cn (.:;s.t b:y ~TC1)r2eJ_vcs l\TOD_lci "[Jo "")roper, irJ.as-
much as Ville,;8 action in. 'face.tinr? l'oenac Avenu.e l~Till be a
May 7 t 1957