HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/07/1957 VB minutes - A
A Yi'.otioD made by TI'l'stee vIier, seconred. by t'Jiller, to
grant pOIT:Jits to Al:fini Constrvctic'n CO[(lpany :for signs to be
located at 1000 W. Lincoln and 1300 W. Lincoln.
A motion l<>J8.E: en made by 1'1'1..1 s te e ,'J iller, seconded by
'IIier, that the ':::revious DIotion be table d. 'Fhe Pres ident 'Jut
the C1.1eS tion, the CleT'k c aIled the roll, 1I>J1 th the; :fol101<>Jillg
res:'Jons e: .Ayes : ~{j.ll, 1: ay s: None. ThePGv:,)on the President
declared the motion carried.
There be1n.G; no :further business to COliIe before t:rlO
meeting, a Kotion made by Trustee ~ier, seconded by Willer,
that tb.e Irl()eting be adjourned. The [;lOtion voted upon by
accl81uation, vJhe::;."euy)oD the Pr8s:Ldent ('eclareo. t}le '('wtion
carried and the J:rJO eti l'>ogl'.larly ad j O"L-Lrneo.
9J~~ 4~
r~ vtft'~rk~~
I', nTTJ'I':.<;s OF' A
, (\UFT
jU~~ IJ ~:rtrST
'.' FITICIj' All m ILDI::'-G,
P.L=LOSj:)J:~cfr, IJ.-1:LIl'~-OIS Cj~Y
AY 7, 1957
The mC:'etlng liJ8.S called to order b'JT ~)resjJe:(ct Laxus at
8 :40 P. . and the Cle::o}: Has then directed to call the roll.
On roll call, the
Airey, Schlaver, Viser,
followinc; 1'1'1:'.':: tees ansvH3red llpresent":
er, lIeI' and 'vVilson. "AbseEtrt:
The iJ'>L'stees h2.vinZ previousl;, receivec copies o:f the
minutes oi' the rOf1J.lar neting held April 16th, a pwtion
was vade by Trustee Willer, seconded by Wilson, that the
minutes be apprvoec1 as s'...1brr"i tted. 'I'he Pr'esident Y)l..1t the
quos tion, the Clerk called the roll, \.-Ji th the follmving
response: Ayes: All, Nays: l-Tone. 'I'herel1.Don the President
dec Im'>ed the l:lotion c8.rri("d.
The Tl'>'c:stees also having '(>revlov.sly received coples
f t. . t f tl~ ., ., , . ., , 1" t ."1 '"'3 1
0': -['.e F:lnu 8S o-fje aC.]U11rne0. FH::el:;lnLc no 0. .iprl..L. :::. po., a
rnoti on made by r'FL'_S tee vi ilson, seconded by Alrey, tbE'c t the
:n.inutos be apppo ed as corrected by the V:Lll2ce Cl8Pl=.I'he
Pres:I.dent T'1.Jt te rt11est5_on, the Clerk called the roll, '1Ji th
tl1e f'c)J_~Lo1,'I YJ8S":)Ollse: es: l~ll, lTa;,'s: :r:fcrJ8. Tl:.el~e-
lxnon the j~)resiC:'ent declare6 the iLotion car'r5.ecL
iT e f 011 c>\^J.i.nr' C Onlrf11J.l1:L c a ti c, 11 v-JEt~? t~'-l ell. J~ e RcI:
7 1 C C~7
I' -'-..'./ I
B08.rei of' :rr;].steAs
V:LllaE.e o i.' ~ OL'Y.l.t I'ros')E:ct
Gunt ~rospect, I~linois
On behC"ilf of. tlJ.c; 1?(3 E: ~lJ.-}eD.ts of I1['~n,(1 ';Ti.C1r,J TI cls, [1rlC1
:92l1~tj..cl)la.rl:~ t~.~.o2e ljOE~id.ey}ts l'J1J_oE,e }J.ouses ar~e loc2_tc6 on
.0. anc_ li"'ler~.'.~0, ~t}jJ~ ~~ecq)est Is r-e rG r'lacle of ~'Ol~ to clil"}8Ct
t:JJ.at t]~tc,se frLr;(ls CD, v.Jore I)ELld O~.lel'") to i.-;b.G fJiJ_ C:e of
1"JJ:os'()8ct ~eor \ract3..tiort ot~ oerJ.D_C- i:..\rerll1e b:: 1J~3ed for t}J.e. ntl~r-
~JOS8 of lr.lE~tel f';' slcle"t,'\Tall::::s orl I~: c1 -,:~\Tcrue.
It s st1~r!!..i ttec: tYiat tl'1rcJlJ_c:r} t.t~c L1cti.o~n of' t;r1E" ~iJl1=L.EL~e
in y:.erc:ittir'c t.~l-e ';:acation of' Eoem8.c I:venue, and in vie;;,,)' o:~
tl'18 fl.}t'L1.re o-')enin.c~ oj' t}l8 Fiicrl SC}'1oo1 to -Ctl0 vJest: oi~ ti.~:_is
are2~ ~m 'lln\)-~nlally heavy traffi~ c~n '08 expected, o~ the ,
sid e1~Ja 1-]:;:8 of J~an. (1 i;:~ 'IC)Y;.1.i.8 . _L t-, l S r"t; S -CG eJ t i":a ~c f 2" "]OrB. t) 1 e
act~LoXl G.n t~~.:i_s 1'?0 ,'.)st b~: ~Tf)1)r~21'{J8S It'JOtTlc_ .be Y)l'doper, lJJ.EtS-
much as Villar e action in\/ac8.ti](l [: I' OCC";8.C .\ venue irTi.11 be a.
May 7, 1957
e Etl)~S C:
f.'r'j" S". C":l
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lD~Cl"}eEL~j eo
'''''f'5 (~ c'y--:
i 1 ~ ] ~"~ {.., ,J ;0 ()1:' (tl (
~ l ';-,4'0 c.:
it is :f0r tbe )ublic bO~8fit t~!Et tJ~is rart~.c~lRr street he
seI")1J5.c8_,bl'~3 ~
-;.1.8 [=) ~;:) e c
sf l'~ob~rt ~. Telc~.G~t<<
1:~ rj'\ () ~c l C 11 \i\Ta ~:: t"J.~'~ f:i1
Trustee ~110r, 80C-o~de(3
trl:?'. t
CJ_cr~~ cB~11,c3d t.:he :inolJ~, "hT1tb. tl1s' J,'-;3S-~lOlj~:,8: 88: l:.J_l.,
s: }>ToYle ~ :eelJ-") Of} tl:~e rI~esiCJeJl,t CGcJ_f.l:e~::,cl t':l(~ -n:ot.::LC)Y1 eS.J::rise] G
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11Y1G i'ollo1/\Tir~L:, c
C L t~ =L all \>J2,- s .t ~'j,; rl rG a c.:
6, J.-957
r& Le Willer
CI!,aIr]~'\E\.::L, ~T1)clj".c ial~;}' C ttce
-';.:'1118.[:0 C ',.c n1.J.IJ,t; }~'ros--:-:lec t
333 .l\] OJ:: ~{or~l;:
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Dear T,'~~r $ '~i\II llelr,):
~ ,.j t ,
~1ej~"r(;IlCe is
I}~C"es icten,t 8.
r.lillU tes
of tY~e ad:j cu,rx1ed.
(1. () J_ d 0 y.t 1:C:...~ (~' ::.:'
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of rI'l":ll.istees
of vari2tioDS fer
1") e ~p t::tr e T) 13::") () l~ s
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COYlcerriDc the rro1Josed
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57-1 O.DO 57-2.
e IIJ..,=_~0.Di2 st~.3,t~r:.tes ( LjclT)l_-(::-c~ 21-;.., :(:)cc. 73..-L:) }:r~ov:i.(es _l~LI.
1")rO{lOSsd variatioY1S of z nr(Ji]1n~Ce th2t
\r8.y~i.f_t:LoDS 1
~cr' lJOf:.lT~cl
i-i. r~.:: C-vJ C~C t>tC ~\l=L ~ t~~ cf'
cf Er:'"):)C'9.1s '~~'I"~ ~OI~..r~;o-~e..tc:' :~).i..t~:}orltj,'3f~ 19
:'OD,nt rro ~~ Or &n,ce 182ds tc the cone 'sior~ tl~at the
Zon,inL.J J-~o D. -r(; cJ~t' l~_'p ~J:: o~l8 Ii as iJ '~~ c.rJ. t; c c: t,}'~J:; S () 1 e
eOlJ.E.:: icIer ar}d tey"~(~~l.rl rY,tB. t t erE. ",") ert 8viJ:l
t ~L cr.s ~t;~~.e 2:~o '~~Li ~ C~ C ~0C~, ix"! [J~rL c e . In.8~s-nJ1J. cl} ~;1..2 t.~~.C iIJ ,s t 8.~C} -L r~ e ct', G S t J_ 8
fo~ 2 v2riation to pon:Jit af~ strc-e.t arlc
as l~ -- 2 C 12~E~ S i eft -t ~L orl, 1.''C is r ec Ol':l~'i,;.eTLc1.e c[ t~~~'.~2~ t
feJ:'re6 'co t.l1e iJil,J_ ';'0 O~C' 01..:U:lt ":)~POS-'J8Ct~
~ Q
..1_ "-'
c t-:LOD to
ests for the varia~
2D arG2 designated
s ~J~_ELt ter~ oe r/G-
f02: COYle,
eration in accor6ance
F<)'OP,r")rl ('-)T"" t:\-,')-Y) A 91q
"..... _ ~ _ ....,. \.-'_ .i......... 1: ,-,C.A. h-'
th Section Ib of 'the Loning
lrlaD.ce $
c:;j -D ". t. ..
k.. ~locer, ,.I.
f on W2G then e Trustf'e lIar, seconded. by on
t;1J.CI.t, t;. n al:,"Ccr ()c: erred to tl'~.c-; Z,O 13oEtrd. of~ ~::D...L8p as
].")ec or:~i.:-:lr-:~D (l.ee.,f O~ ~Gh, e -~lO lcli n,[~. of.' c~ ~:':l'I-D 1. :~_. e t:LU 8.ri]l,C~ arl d t;ll. c- i r 1~3 corn.-
r.'ien.(]a"c:lo11S 13 :T1J,2 I)J~~esi(:erlt )l.~it t}~e !::"stiorJ~ t,}'l:~-; Clel:l~.:: c8.1J~e(1 tl'!8
1~cl1, 1(J}~tJ~ t::_c ~Col]~()l.\j"l. :)~esr:ortf;e~ j:I.:~Tes: :~'Crl'E:::.teefJ JiiJ7 , 2clllE~\lEr,
1'J,\T i J_18 l~ tlY1 C.. 1 so n. ]T S.;.' S : lrr:'l:; s t c: e s , R2.J. d ".'ill eT~ I] !~~~'!~.':.C:'~ }'")(-)1).... r.l:.t.. t'h,c
Presi6.e.r:Lt (Jeclc~=~"GcJ t1:,.at t}'-.,c l.:totio:n [.It:l l~eC8i'If"6.. El ~:najor~=~.t~r ':T(}':~CJ
tl:'lG '~t'~,otlon. ~8.SE;8d..
'r c J.l o1rJi 11.C~ C cr- _. \1', ~(i :1.. C 2. t i. C1'1 1ry"',~1 n t '1~1 e 1.1 r Gael :
1 0, f"u l c<7
../ , -J-,1 ~...'
Boar~cl ot~ .., s to es
\lillai:-~'e o.,~ l"'t. J?::r"Jcs!IGc't::.
Kt. Pros~ect, Illinois
GEt:! t1e:: en:
Y01-:r zoni:rt~ C
Ea~l on Iiirj.da~TJ Anril
57-3 ::md 57-~.'.
881011 C01).01~;cte(} a I)ll.blic "1(1Gf1ring 8_t: tt.8
26. '['1,vo cas ES '(;'Tere considered, ra 'Ilo1y,
-'- " I <>
L-rar s crl-p"Gl on
.for11\J[Jr6AO to
of the he2ring is now b8in;~
u.ncler Se~02~!~at(j COV,(3~.
'l'be conr'ilete
and idJ.ll be
:8'O'll1' m.embcrs of the CU'loi Sf'; ion Her(-'
May 7~ 1957
It 1iJ2.S the 1..1nanimOl..1S decision of all Illembers of the
Zoni Commission t-nat botb. of thesl' :or'oposals be denied.
Yours tru l~T ,
Attest: sj E. F. Martin
S I S TiJ Gooc;enn"(p:
!..... / ............. ~ .. ~ .~ ~.J v-c:.'Cl
A :motion ,\;TaS then Hie.de by Trustee v.J::Lller, seconded by
idier, to concur in the recoYi!mendations of the Zoning Com-
rdssion. 'rJ:lO Fres~Ldent T'ut the qV.estion, the Clerk called
the roll, with the fal response: Ayes: All, Kays:
J\To'.'J.e. ':rherev')Qn t::'le Pres:Lde.n t declar'eci. tbe r':1otion c2rrio(.
'- <>'
A ~otion was made by Tr~stee lIeI', seconded b~
l.^lilson. that the Zoninc: Co:mlission C8se '1':0. r::;~I(-L_ reC'ardino:
i# ........'..",./ I '--' <"...;
rezoning of lots .2 thT'Cl1 9 inclusive in J. A. 'vleber's
Add:L tion to ~'Jlo'Unt Pros-oect be referred to the },o1..'.nt Prosyect
Zonin[ Boare of Ap-,:::Jeals 1'0 J:' the ho1di nc of' a :oublic ':]carini~
and their recor'llneIJc~atior1s. 1'1:Ie Presioent f'1.Jt the ql.lestion,
the Clerk called the roll, wi th the following res,:'onse:
Ayes: All, Na:"s: l-'one. Thereupon the President declE'cred
the motion carried.
- ~~.~
The following proclamation was then read:
nml nm~ n~ ~TT-INnTQ.)
o _ .t-~....:.. .J~ \..'1:' 1- L!-w_'_;., V -LL~
) SS
I, Robert F. I~illigan, Clerk of the Villa[e of
Mount Prosnect, Cook County, Illinois, havin~ charge and
custCQ,r o.f tbp, rocorc.s and files thereof, do herebv certify
that ai en election held on the 16th day of April,v1957, .
the follm-Jine: nEtneanersons "vJere duly elected to the o.ffice
set 0'0)081 te their res'(,ec ti VG na(oe s and each of them has
filed in my oJ'ficA the oath of office :::J"e'Tuired b;y 1m<>J:
'I'heodore A. La.<TlS
William E. Keith
Halph E. GOl'ld
Hichard L. .iJ.irey
liJilliarl G. 02.S terline
Lloyd 11. Horris
Bertha 'f. E:herQ
Howard P. Harnden
Village President
Villa~:e Clerk
Police Magistrate
Village Trl'.s tee
Vi 11qe True} te e
VillaGe T1"'\).s tee
I.Ji brary DLeec tor
Library Director
lIT Tl! J~~S S
day of 1',[a;y A.D.
I have hereunto set nry' hand this
sj Robert F. Milligan
Village Clork
There bsin[: no fl1.rther business to CU':le before the
meeting, a motion made by Trustee Wilson, seconded by
Willer, that the meetine be adjourned Sine Die. The
motion '(r..Tas voted upon b:? acclarnat:1.on, 'vJbereu:Jon the
President Qeclared the motion carried and the meeting ad-
j O1..1.rne d.
aJ~~ ~/~
1f:J8E'.RT /o//LL /C /!N'
V:l.llage Clerk
May 7, 1957