HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/07/1957 VB minutes .) u n 4.:t:d (1 ~J Tv:IITIJ"TES CI~Fl Ii RJ~G'TTLA_!.-;L C:F' AnD BCAnD (iF HELD IF T~IE I-i!"UNICIP AI, BreI eN CTJ1Ji[1 BeT, =!= JAY 7, 1957e OIS The II](3etinr::, was called to or(ler by :Fresident Lmns at 9:50 r. . ane the Clerl~ v.T8.S then direc tea to cEll the 1"0 1J\;on roll call, the follovvinC, 'J:1rustees ans1\Jered Airey, Casterline, ~orris, Schlaver, er and Willer. None. i1PreserltH: lIAbsentll: The follow::tng letter vJaS then read: April lL~, 1957 The President and Board of Trustees Village of ~te prosnect Nt. PrOSDect, Illinois Ger} tle~-'lerl : Please accept ~0.y resignatj_on as a Villa gret that this action is made necessary by the of my business. 'I'rl:S tee. I re- increased demands Sincerely yours, sj Robert J. Wier. A ~otion was then made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Trustee :!:iOY'LLB tr).at the Board reluct~!:nt accept t ,.e r'esignation of 'rI"l'E~ tee I"Her. 'Ihe Pres j_cen t i'ut thc; oues tion, the Clerk called tb.e roll, vvi th the follolrJinC result: Ayes: All, Na~\ s: None. reunon the Pr'esident declared the motion carried. The follo1>'>Iing letteI' i,,yas tben read b~' President LaClS: I'er;) 7: 1957 The Honorable . embers of The BOElrd of ~~rl)S tees Vil e of T1cunt PrOSt)8 ct. C~'e~n t =L Gn- e 1'1 : Since a vacanc~/ ~91-")esentJ-~', eX:LS -cs G1J.8 t~o of Trustee Robert J. Wier, I t~ke pleaslre in n_f_.. 'V'Y' Ti' "ank 1<' 1='1"0'" 0." hl(\ QOD' +-1, T)l"'~ '" C' t-Y'i' et ~ .L L.. _ 1 c. _, _. .,::) o. _, ;1 ,.. U u, ~ J - LI v 0 ~ .-. , t Of' -', 11 c' '" l" Q' -"R C 0, .n .. ':' en r: l" n ". -1 -" " v 1 C; c"' 0 -'- _ h:)c:;.. "c:~ C~'+'_""",-," .~...V. '(~::: _1.': - C't,' -,-.::J /. the resie.natIon the a:p}Joint::nent as \Iillac'e Tr1JS tee Yo])r CCnCl)r:,.,ence in ti::.i s aPT,oint(.:.ent i ~j respe Ctfl11ly re- ques ted. sj Theoc'oI'8 A. Lans Village President A motion was then qade by Trustee Willer, seconded by Trustee Schlaver, that the Board ccncur in the recmm:endation of PJ'esident La;;is to aproint Franl( Broad t.o the Board of r.rr')stees. I"ne Pl"esident rut the ol._'cstion, the CIeri<: c2.11ec tb.e roll, T,d th ttLe follo\'..Jing: J.:631)1 ts: 1\.::res: .r~,.ll, s: 1\!OY18$ !llhere"L1.fJOn the President declared the motion carried. Dr. Robert J~ Wier v~catod his seat, and T'~r6 31'013.0 I,/as slrJOrn in by the Villae C;Ier}.: and took the "\/illt1E8 13oard., T71 ..c. " s ~p 18..c e OIl INSTil'l -3> . r1 ..- PreS:L{..~en.T~ j.J8~:~n_s then l~efl.d t ~:l, e followin::: letter: Cj7 10r7 , , / _? , t.errG"~ ~N dPpOs/rG Sp'r ~ J' 0- A The EOGorE1.ble l'e.Y'bers of The Board of r~'rustces Villate oi' ount Prosper;t, Mount Prospect, Illinois 1'1ay 7, 1957 2~~ President Lams then read the following letter: May 7, 1957 The Honorable Members of The Board of Trustees Village of Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois Gentlemen: To enable the Board of Trustees to operate in an order- ly and efficient manner, I take pleasure in appointing the following standing committees as required by ordinance. 1. Building - Trustee Broad, Chairman, Trustees Airey and Norris 2. Finance, Public Buil~ing and Grounds, Sidewalks - Trustee Airey, Chairman, Trustees Casterline and Schlaver. 3. Fire and Water - Trustee Schlaver, Chairman; Trustees Norris and Willer. 4. Judiciar~ - Trustee Willer, Chairman; Trustees Airey and Schlaver. 5. Police and Light - Trustee Casterline, Chairman; Trustee Broad and Willer. 6. Public Health, Safety and Streets - Trustee Norris, Chairman; Trustees Broad and Casterline. Your concurrence in these appointments is respectfully requested. sj Theodore A. Lams, Village President. A motion was then made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Trustee Airey, that the Board concur in the appointment of Committees, as suggested by President Lams. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the follow- ing results: Ayes: All, Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried. May 7, 1957 Gen tle~(len : q () 11 ~, (j) 1 Purs~ant to statute, followine. a:~)>ointEJ:;nts ana currence thereof: I take pleus~re in lliaking respectfully recuest your .' u~. ~ the con- Village Attorney - Robert J. Downing Superintendent of BUildjng - Earolc1 G. Appleby Villace lI'reas~rer and Collector - Herman nz Chief of PolIce - George E. Whittenberg Lievtenant of Police - illilbrose Kranz Seargent of Police - Newell Eswond Patrc<'.rlen - Robert Creamer; vIm. J. CrecLmer; Fred Healund; :~di,~in Hac:r~.rr18is tel"; J-ohn Savage; Kenn.eth Zs chbach; HaYl0.ond Les sner; John HO:'101a; Gerry Stevens and George 1.Iucciante (Radio Operator) Fi l'e l:arshal - Bd1,Tin Haberkamp First Ass It. Fir'e l"larshc.l - Ral-ph v-iille Second A2slt. Fire Yarshal - Roy Wille sf 'flheoQ"or'" fI 1..,- '''''os ......t. '.~ ....~' ..t""..L. Jc-w.:l Villa(8 President. :.:<) A r:lOtion 1'\TaS then made by ~C'r1)stee Norris, sec0l1cleo by 1'1'1)8 tee Broad, that the Board concur in all appoint-Hen ts sug[es ted by President La:.'is. The Fresident put the q1}estion, the Clerk called the roll, with the followinc result: Ayes: All, ITa; s: NODe. 'I'heI'Gl)Y10n the Presj dent c~ec12_n')c: the I!'otiOD carried.. Pres5_dent Lanis then T'ead the folloHing letter: ay 6, 1957 The E(1no:C'able I' erl1bers of Tb.e Board of '['rus tees Villa of Mount Prosnect. Gent en: I take pleELsure in reapt,ointinc I r. ~'Jal tel" Kirchoff to the 20lice Pension Board .for a t\^JCl :;rear term, endins in l'.ay, 1959. Fu.l"therr:lOre, since the establishJuent of a re and Pollce CO~:J!L5_ 88j.on Tlla,s aJyproved by the electorate on ril lb' IO~7 T -C'<ol.-8- .,,1c.s,Q1'T'''' .1..1-1. o,.).,.,o.jn.t-~nc' T<'Y>"1r,lr T 7~'-ie""'(,ann. -'- , -'- -;.-/ , -- c....,~~, .,:'- ......\.... Lr'-l-....'..... _ t;, _ _ Cl.,," . ........,.. . -1-.--l..__ ._ _ c~.,-L._ t). D__ J.. .__4' .t.. .,., JEtr1es T'/illrrEJ.:r, 8.1').d. J-er:polc: r~~. i:3hlJ.ttJ J.'(\e:~nb~~~J:~s of s8.id COnY'll S s lon. fl.l_1J_~;.- YOllr concurrence re 0t": e s te C' . t1.~ese a~c )OiJlt:'~:'.-~er'tts =Lf1 l')es~"'::'leci::;- sj odore J:... . .~J f-!X:~ S . A r,o::;:::..on J:J~1J.S te {~ r~rJ. s 1rlc'-.S t):lerl ;~ilede l)~T ~rrlJ.s t~.:, e tl1at Board concur in Aire:r, seco~aed by tJ~le J~ec()rj':.:(_:ertcI2ct;lon c.r P I"e s i cle:n t ~Lar:ls. Tl:_e i? l'c; S 1. (er} t ~pu t tb.e ql-: est i OJ"!., Clerk calle6 the roll, wi the followin[ results: .t~~ll, ro' ~~s: 1-1on8$ TJ1.Gl~elr)On.tlJe T1resicent c1ecle,I~Gc1 motion carried. t~~~e q .. l-., ~ L\. "TiO +:-') on 'fAT a, c )~:"'acle" l)"\T ~"flr(l Q tAP 'VJ;: 'll eX) q PC o~;rle(i b"\T 4;-. .'_...:.- ...... ...;._ 1.,- - VV' U '.," -A. t-.. J .._ ..._~ ~ .....I _ -,_..J.. , ,._.....1" .1'_' ,--,...-_ <<,. :~;~lrl] S tee Cas t er lirle, tll.a t the '\li lla['8 Ji ttol~nE:JT 1181) ~/)e s e IJ_t tb.8 Vill~.f:. e o:Cc~nt P!~OSl'c~t in any fOJ"cc~OS1):'~ 31;,i t -~b_e_,t t arl.se fro:.] Lasc.;o. 5(-~)-5998. e PreiHCerq:; .(l1.C tl1e Cl18S"tio11, t118 Clerl.~ ca~l.led, th,e ]~oll, ',vitl"l ttt8 :folJ..O\;,TilJ.,-~;, re- slllts: s: 1~11, s: :)orl8. ~rb.e]~Enr'-"O}J tb.8 i)J~esiderlt declared the ~oticn carried. Tr-L:.stee v"jlller l~e8_d 2~ CO"L~nt~T Zon:lT1E. Dllbiic heEr :Ln ~Jheoli(z 'I'OTrmship to be i957 at the VillaLe Hail in Arlington Ee lecal notice on 1'18 Ie OYJ. 16, ts, Illinois. rrrl!_S tee 1,.<]iller tl18D. l'")eacl_ .tr'~e :Lolloi;'..ri letter: 2 loc7 , ~/:;J1 PresidBnt and embers of t}lG Boa.rc o-L~ lllr1.lstees of l';-c. -;'")(;ct May 7, 1957 H2 Gell tlsiJ:e:n.: ~etl).:rr:.ecl rlel~el,~Ji tl~_ is tl~le ol~iL'11J.8wl t~I~O_C See on. cJ C! 1 t J_O r'l 1,~~11i ell "\;\,. t::~.S S~1_1)i.~~i t; t~, e d t () tl1e ~l? It?.:r of k Ser~finei8 c ()'(~ ;"'1.1 s E:~ icy} fOl--J , S T~ 1}_ 8.n.~~ ~ee c tions It is understo00 that a dedication of land for lic < see ('I ~Te J:-' this subdivision was e~JlolJ.sl~r In.D.,de. T118 -nlat F~.; ets tbe '\.TillaC';eYE~ recn."<Ly;(jf:I(:<nts an.cl_ It is :i..--;'O- c O~Y~Irlen{1 e ( t~}'ls., tit T) e ar:I) ro 'Ie cl. ~~esp3ctfully sub~,itted, sj A. C. Dresser Cl1c~ ~L I~r.L8Jj. of' tll. G }J 12\.D C ssion (' In r'. ler, , ~J\r 01 -'__c.. '....-I It __ 00J, Secretary of P COi\Ul1is s ion. J':.. ~:(lotion "VTE:.S tl1811 rl[l(~e b'JT T2-~lJ.stec .;~iller, soc()nd_e(~_ ;):T TJ:1}stee Scl1.1aver, i:l1.2~t the BO~1rct C()r1Cl1:r~ in tll0 r~8cor:tL~_eXld2~t;:torl of the Plan C ssion, 2ubject to all ordinances. Pr~esi6er~_t-; rn.1t, ~A cD.esticn'J" tIle CIC1~lc cSvllec -cr-l.P l'"}oll, v\T2.t3J. 1.0 llo"t-Jl rl2" ~ee S l11 t : l'~~T e s : .l~J_l, .\T S : 'J'}n rle '" 'Ill18 reD.-~1 orl i~11e Pres:i.I:~en.t~ ctecJ_8~1~ACi tl~Le .c'tOt='L011 cctrl"}iecL, Tr~stee Willer then read the following con~lunication: l\:'a\::; 10 C:7 J. .le.:::.) _ , -L././; ?r-esid,eD.t Y>'(':nJll:le~r of the 30ard of ?~lstees of t$ Prospect Gentele,1jon: ~:l.lhd ttoo r1ero\tJi tll are tJ:il; 0 ta:f:l.e 0:[' Golf '1leifJ J~stc:ltes, T.J}lits 2 a110 3 le.n lr.Te~ee sL~b(,!lttec1 to tJl(~ })larJ. Cor.jji:ission for s tU(l~T anc: recoy:mel'lclat::ton. It h.B.s been foun~ l~cn e nation tha.t this pla"t meets tb.c \Ti lla.e:e f s Y~eq.ll.i J~ 8Inerlts, '(r,]' 1. t!:l the: e .xce~p ti on of' (Ie cJ i C8~ t 5. OD. of l~nd for nublic use. The subdividers however, have offered, and a copy of the offer is attc:ched herewith, to pay to School strict liCe .57 a:o 8wount of '::J,OOO in li81J of dec'j_cetion of land for Dub C Dse in the 3 llnits of G.olf View =states$ r.rl~e ? lt1..rl C s s i 011. l~G CO'((LElE31'J.C}S t11G 2t.~ql)ro \!f:J.l of tn.8 S 1J,b j oc t -plElts l.xoon c;';/id_GD.ce t~l'-'at tr~e oi'f'ered. H) t rl.as bs-er.", IJao.e. l::ie s rJ 8 C tf1.11 S t11Jl',.1 1. t .t~~; c, '.'j" r ~ .-... A IJ !'PB,q"'pr c-... .. _"" 011 J-/__ l-._ l.... .-' ChaiI'rll23!. of the Plan C 0 ':__C~:(i. 5_ s s j_ 0 rl C; /TT n A. ~T. " D 'T'T ~~ ....ft. ~ \...., It 1.';..1) j~) __ v L,..;; Secretary of tbe Plan COHlJnis sion A notion was tb~n made by Tr~stee Willer, seconded by :TrlJ.stee J~ire::r that t118 B08.1~d corJ,Cl.lr in tl~(:" 1~ecor:'llTLen.cJf:1tl.()11 or the ?laI1 CO(';lnission to approve Units =o~ 2 ane: 3 of' Cfolf Viov,j T~~st2.te2, SlJo.ject to ~;:~3COO.OO }")a~rrlCYlt to the Scb.ool [1:Istrlct. The ?residcnt .,~n't e CF'8stiOl" , t:1C Clerk callocJ the roll, leJit11 the f ollm,dnt.: T'e,,\.' 1 ,~'s : es : )\11, lTcne 0 '1'here1':;)on tb.C1 President decl~~ed the ~~lotion carried, s tee ;,,[5_1101' tbeJ" Y'SHe: the follolJirw cO~lrrunlcat.lon: .0. '1. a:;:."" l 0 c:" ~(' , _ c:., ~_:~) Pre s ic~en_ t ar~o 1-')8 or t~~.C:) 308~r6_ C) I." j_lrlJstee~) 01"} t. ~Pi~OSr)eet May 7 ~ 1957 Gen tlelc!en : 00 c; -p F~ -\ .kJ '-..Y C' The orie~:inal trac IDe of Hatlen sh.t s Es ta tes, ::n1 t Ho. 2, vihJ,c1n vJE""? sl'bmitteo to us for st1J.dy and recoliLi:enda- tlon is returned horewith. Upon examlnat:Lon it tl8.S been found that this Dlat meets the Vllla[:e1s reql'irements. Le,Ilo dedication for .'lubllc use 1;\'as made at the time Unit no. 1 was approved. It :1s thel'efore reco:0TendeG. that the subject plat be approved. Hespectfully subrli tted, sj L. D. Dresser Chairm.an of the: Plan Conm::1.ssion sj E.G. kpuleby Secretary of the ?lan COFJmisslon. ~.~ A motion was made by Trustee Willer, seconded by 'I'r'ustee 3chlaver, tbat tbe President and Clerk be directed to sign the .nlat specLCIGd in the a'()O'Ie letter. The PresideLt pl.'.t the oyestion, the Clerk called the roll, 1"rith the fa Ilm-Ji resell t: A;~ces; All, ]\Jays: NODe. TheroF)on the President declared the motion carried. ,-.~ '.....p' ,...... '--' ,~t l'~:t CJ Trl) s tee ~Jille:r' then sl)bm:L t tea Ordinance !To. 551, en- ti tleo HAlT ORDITJIIJ"CE A~\ FG TIL~; ]\"lTtTICIPAL C OF Ii017I,n P PECT OF 1957 BY i'1. CEI\.PTEF~ 2, Sr;C'I'IO]:T 2.10311. A motion vIaS rr,ade b'T 'I'n.1stee l'JillGr, seconded bv Trnstee Airey that Orcinanr: e Eo: 551 be app I'oved. The President put the question the Clerk called the roll, with the following re- sponse: Ayes: all, Hays: J<Tone. Thereunon the Pl'esident declared the motion carried and sa:td Ordinance passed and approved. A pl'oposed Crdinance increasinz the license fee for an arnplifyinS device used in a moving: vehicle \"Jas referred to the Judic:i_ar;l COI;'lrli tteo J'or further investigatIon. Trustee Schlaver read a letter i'rom the Boy Scouts of /uneriea concerning their F:'Lnance Canpaisn in 1957. l'O action was taken on this letter but it was placed in file. A lett.;er was read froll Shipley L. Cerlson, Secretary A:n:erican Legion Auxiliary, 30'/ S. 'Jille Street, ~. Olint Prospe ct, Illinois. 'l"he letter concerned the recl.',est that the Villa[;e rp"'''''''-e- es 'oroc' al',.., 7',.Tav 2lltb 19c'7 a" of'f'" r:'j 01 p.'o,.)".,v D\a'.; f'or' _...L l..,...'1-..,j U "" J:- -L.Ci,.. J..... 1., u 1-';'" :..J I 0 ...... - --- ~_C'~-J- _,:' J.:1u' t).- the Villace of ~ount Prospect. Ar(lotion wa,:: then [;lade by Trust" 0 Schla ';TeI', seconc~ed by Trustee Casterline that the Villa~e Board grant the re- ('''est to bnld PO."Y)\i Dev 'in "'ount Pros,,,pct 0." c,:ia\7 ?4tl:. lQC::7 :. v.. ..J... .../ .::-' J.' u' -" ,-I - - .... -. .;, ..J .... '. .< ~ ~ e-I <-- - , /.-/ I . The President I,ut the fJu,8stion, and a vote vJaS te,ken by acclam- ation. TheI'8lJpOn the President declared the:ilotion carriee:1. Villac:e Tanager A]iJ:)lehy read the .folloHinc; letter: 1"1o.rch 18, 1957 I,ll'. Theodore A. Laws Villa~ce President IT1.micipal Building 112 E. No rth1,v' s t Higbway Mount Prospect, Illinois De ar I'JIl". I,ar'ls: The annual DOl.lE;'mut Day of' the Salva tioD Arny 1,v:LIJ_ be held on Fr:l_day, June 11~_th. May 7, 1957 84 ',.]e i:~ol)ld again like DeT! dss ion to corJCuc t; O1.r tafj:lng effort in Mount Prospect. LEist: ear, W3 had the cooperat~~on. of lL;(, t01ATrS and ill s on -Ga[ dRY. e raised 2 total of ,396.L~1 in Cook Cm.mty and MetroDolitan area towns, which was used to provide service 1"01" '0/' '.0. '2 l'Y1C~J"\TlC"'l~l" ..l. ...L v,.-1..:J .c.... ~" _ V -'- '.t....ct....l-t..~ & Plans axe be1nC:Tcade to establis.h S2.1vat:'.on Lrlny local service units in CooL COllDty 1'mIns. A 5006 m.:nrlber of tbese 1rdll be 01"- ~anized this year. As these units are set up, twont.y percent ">_' U of Dou[b.nut Day funds 11 be left in the COi!JlCLmi ty for e:cnerCency ant disaster work. It is ou:!." sincere hope that your Board \'Jill their favorable considpration. You use ope for your reply. "\18 E~ re a'Ll est the enclosed 0DVG1- On behalf of the Salv2tion Arny anC1 our Doughnut Day C I 'idsh to thanJ::~ yuv. and all th(:C!CnlbeI's your Boar>o for coo~'Jer8MticY1. EtDcl S17.T)Dort~ '"TOU. lJ.fi..\re gi '\Terc 1)_8 i11 O;.lr 1tJ01~1{it t te e, the Sincerel:r, sj Dorot1'.y Olson :'\1"3. EOvJ8J'O A. ()lson Sutn':lrban Cb.airman A Y'Jotion Has .chen made b7'T 'J'rust;cJe ',Jiller, secondec by Trtlstee C8_ster:li.ne .tb.at 'bllO \Jillac'e ~Boalr}Q r:l~~:1l1t tIlt) reC!1-,18st l'")o:r per!Jiss:Lon to holo. a Doughnut ~r.2~e; Day on Jl~ne l~_, 1957. :rhe President Dut the question, and a vote was taken by acc18~ation. Therel1:;on the President declaJ:'ec! thet'lotion carrie,:;. A motion Schlaver, tbat tr.LC' arr1Cl'J:+'1t of' TI'eaSl;I'Cr of q1.Je2 ti011, the P<y.es : All, notion ca:rried. was th8I1 madebv 'I'rFs tee vJiller , secorD eel b," rrrl'S tee 'V v . a Stancard Acc ident Insurance CO[1J)anV Bond in O,COO.OO, Serial ~o. 29236 for the ~illace ount Prcs:..ect be acce:JtecL ~Che l'residnnt :r,nJt the ClerL cB.lled the 1'011, t:b. the follol.Ji res'Jlt: s: None. Thereupon tb.e :2residr:::nt declarec' tb.e A mot::l.on ~IiIas t~}.en mad ri'p1' S tc.'P if'J-LIl PI" C(Of'OYFl('(] '1-",' '_', :'- -'- '- , '" _'" +;,~ _ ~, ;: _. ~_~ tv V ~ :,' :_~ J _. IJ cJ 'I:rlJ.stc:o I~Y'oacl that a con;! of [\eSol.ul:lon 1-10. j-j7, ",;1).18:0. ,,yas previously nassed be sent to the ineers of Vetropolitan Sanitar:i' T)ist:;l~ict of C:'reater Cl~icago. 11'18 PreslcleJJ.t '[)lJ.t tlJ.e qll es tion, tllF) C called the roll, 1-75_ tll t1,e i'ollo1:,r:Lng resl,ll-~: Ayes: All, None .L'her81.lpon the ?r'esident declarec: the rnotlon c[G'ried. The follol^T1nec corY~ll).nlcation ~.Jas then J:"ead: ADril 19, 1957 HI'. HE~l"016 Ap~:;leby l:t. Prospect, Illinois Dear l'Jr. Ap'i:lleby: Hith 1'8 P to Ol::r conversation on J:,i1 12th 12~3i.~, I am sonci- iDg ~TOt.:. a f)lat Sh01',T:i.nE--:~ Cr'.n-Data Str'~~\et 1'1';>OE1 I!0n.r~q.1. is's I)D.rJ:.~=-VJ2<~r t~() I'~e~,n- IiTiJa Tl~8_:1.}~ III IT1b.e s118.c1e c; -:~l ort~L on. :'Ln. d,l c ~".te s t~r1e 9..r~8a t}j.a t~ vJe 1~1()L~.lcJ to rO\,Te 1~]'i t'.J_ cl),rl)s, ~9D_-v'i , 2.Y10 sid,8\/J2;..J_lcs, acccra2.DCC ~Jitll the renUil~e::1ents. l"-,Titb. the exc81:J"tioD of \rv"a-l)eJ_l&. /~"'vGn.l)~e, the other str'.~f;.!cS are ic:~proved. iXl -the {GE'J:!.ller S~C101rJn. Ill. tt1.c: E:~'v..~rIt t~~:~.8-.,i: El11-J~1~Ja :.Ilrc.i.l is :C:l.rl:LslJ.0Cl -v.ri.t:,ll. 8. 8~peci8Hl a.ssCSSll}8nt, liTe l,'\J'ol}lCt be \TC;r~,?" h.ar)~PY- t~o ~()[3~7r Ol11~ l)ro~cort-:.ioIl.ate sr.ar~p $ I)u:<:, lots on Ca:n-Dota 8re inc~icat8d nUlibnrs ~U1C, blocL: nu::~.bers. May 7~ 1957 285 Tharlldng JOtl in advance 1'01" ;your cooperation in ex()edi ttj_s, I :v.-er:.ain, Y'I,G' ~-,:.--. ~V'er~~-r trl:1.J..~T :'-OlJ.rs, <::! / I'=? ~ ~.'.-) on''::; i-.-'/ <.-c.J'. ..l-. v~ A. sene fTl;..-.C ~L.LJ. ,.... ELc)O\T~; lc tter 1.ms l-efcl'")reci to t~h"e J17dici2,FJ' Comi ttee. The follotJinc letteI' 1fJClS then read: .l~")rll J-9, J-957 'Iillnce of I:!Ol.mt PJ:-os~qc ct ~iol)nt Prospe ct, Illinois (relit Enclosed find two copieR of nroDosed For wa~Ar 8](tcrls:1..o11 to s-c:p~p 1,.Ja';~er f'or tIle Ct:.arles P.rl~ COl. ',<p , 11l.C. ~o IB.D_ t 10 C E1. t e d 8~ t 1800 Tv-_J AS t Cent]'"2_1 r~O[l(~, }:' Oi,,:.11 t ~i?ros~~ e c t, I~Llino:1-s . "''''''' ~:}:18S('. (~.ral.J:tr:c;s t12-\.'le OeeYl re 3eCi "'"(1 accorCfi."Liee T^vTJ_ -G.~:} t}-.i.e 1'")8- CO}:31-.'18n.c18. t iOJi of C01l_~: oer ;1' O"C"J":Cl s C~~;.l.( ,:'.. il;:! s oe ~La to s; hOL~Te TI(~l"";, P. t tllis tij~;J.e, "hie 8_T~e still lJll.8..ble to G_G t 8rr".!,~'L~n ~vl"}e t~nel" tho Cot:rlt-:I I-Ii 3.1"trJ.cl1-t I.~Till ~9rOC1.JI~e 8~ ::;C) r 1')iL~11t-of:-~.Ja~T D..lorr.~,.; tl1C er)tire rC'Tlte of Cerltl~E'Ll r~o8.(:l. cY~ r-""A"'t.\ '-=-'" ~~ o ")6 11D~\o;-e re'':7isec the Il-} l(:~,~Tollt to 1:erJ2..i~l il'J t.h.8 e.-"~:Lst ri2~.1'J.t-oil-1"Ja.~! J~rOrii. tlJ.8 cOY}.rect;iOli to Ol".r ~')r e::,eD.t C~L 1:~!.22.~Q 8.t n ,., ~ ~HO~~h.!.A\~-03~U=,_, :o;:~ ~.c.~r~:~~-.;:a ~~ 1?~1-1 ;.c;.o ~;.I_' ~~.~ 1 t2~~ ~~~~l:~ :,v8,-, ,~CL..L. C,"""Surl.CL; 0.,........ ""...',-,_ nJ..J. ,._... G~".., P.c,_..:...ouec jV e_."v\_~..s_o"", 2.1jcl 1r,J2 1,..,JOlJJ_(,; 0:.::;i~aj_rl aYi ease:CIen.t 10' 1/iicln f()I~ th~e :r}~tiT.~,t~er)ar.:.ce of thl s'Lai:n. ~~ is o~r vnCc:v.-stundin[ that in nrovid should anyone 6esire to tap into this n, a pro ;/.JOl:'.lc1 lJC d to the r)2.rt~: rnakinz t'~J.8 tcn ]:'8vert ": (j'''.arles Brnn}j~C: C':;o{ripany, Inc. ~:L s 1~J8. t er - "2~i 1:1 rat~a cost ni'":':.lE:S \.'"\1e vJot'1d 2.I)!')r)8cifit2 :::.?(YL r O:~~i.:Jt cClr}sicl.er8_tj_o~J. o~e t:~J.~Ls as ws ~~ve dc12yed this nroject COD8ido~abJ.y, awe.it Etct:tcrj f'ro(.-. CGol: C01.1J:1t;i [JJJ/'Ta~'~ al~tnJeD.t. 8.t:tr=~J}, D~ f al. tr:Jly ~Tc"urs, /~~. IJ <II (JI9-C les (") Xl C or:l}J t1ri.~T s/ Pral11c J8 Heid.enrGich TJ,:!. s letter 1,yas also ~C'efC'rred to t1,-l(~\/illace ..on:,.;i:neers. J)~ J_C['s.J_ notIce O~.' ~'i1..1b15_c l"leariu[ in CTI~o\le ~i_:oll',Jrl_Srli~p t:;o De held on :.',2c;'.. 23, ls;57 in the ]\'!onnt PTOS~:J8 ct 'Ii Fiall on t~:~1 e' Y~8 01) e.s t f OI~ Et 1""8- j~ OJ:"::.i ~~~.) c)j~-' 8J]J) ~~OY~.:Li!'ia te ~L~i l.~() f::Cl-~8 sat tl:.8 S 01} th~:Je' s t c O~~J:I.er 0 f co lrl a (1 f~rl (.~: 1~,l)_~j S<::-: ..:.-",(C 2,.,Q !'l~OJ.L '<, ( p p ,..,.,-c J' n ,.,,) rj.l. cd-r'l ,. {- i, c' +},:c, .'.. _11...,'._ ( T.:.l' c., ~ -_,_ (1 P_,^_, C'. "} 1 0 . C:,O l') S r'<... . ,'" .lv- . ) .,. \..... -'~""'. '. !_, - .'. .t, ~_ J _ h,.. V. _" '-"' l.,J ~.' ~.J ,,. . ".J _._ _ "--' 'ofi.- '-"" _ \,., _ ,.. ... \..' .J- District bei~ol-~e trlC) ~~()n_irJ.~- I3oEt.}:d of e::1.18~ o:c CooJ-c COU_:tlt~T \:"Jf28 r c' 8.. U It T.-Tr.. -"')-0181) TrJ:L J_1 8. t t e."nc3 t~t~. c.: r-.~e e -tj_ ni';~~ . Ii ~nei.':'LO J'ro:'i. t~.'le '\Tillcl~~':e =\;[lrJag;()r~ cl.ated 1 19, 1957 ~ reco'~.:"TlGD.(tn~~ t~8.t l';otOI~ 1 ;rs.}:: -D :.3 or: S('T:; l)-IJ E_S follows was then reaa: 1. P.ll1ett ;3ec 03J. - Seal COEtt - I~s. t to '"'nc. f"""'\n J :;, \..} ) . 1...'\,,; 2. (;Ol.;.ll.tl~:;,;- Cll)l) lSPct,~LO:::~. - ~;':~el)tJ.-'; r c,.Dr} re-Sl~r:C'8.,CA .L~Jit;J') I-II - ~.T;Sti..:YtEt ,8 ,leo.co 3. llcr:2:st Sect:~LOll - ~le-Sl~Jr:ef:.C(; T'T5_t~..) 1-11- ~S~l:~ate - ,COC.OO II 1"10 t ~:.J['.S t'-~2~r: Xu.8..C.G O~;? b~)~ }lr1.1stee .I31"")Oaci, .t:l"'J.E'~t t~,llC \Tl~~l '0 .tee SC}llaver, seccn~ed neers be directed to pre-p2.re lotor 1~1.1el J~roject8 as l"";OCO'([J:lor::.cJecl.. rTr~.(~~ ~::~}~esicJ(}rLt nu.t tJ."1e ql~8Stio_~.", tlJ.C: Clsr1-:. calloci t~:,8 l~cll, jlittt. -c}-te f'ollol:J- ~DC resl11 t: es: Pl.l1, ~":'a:/ s : 01'"18. ~-[1}~el'")811..:.)OrJ. tl-.l8 :?rJcs ic1GDt t1ay 7, 1957 t:) (', ~. ~t;o (1eclf:l.J~e(1 the: TrJ.OtlOl'l C ar~~~Led.. t~. reees S o.f 10 12:15 1~_.1'-. at .~').llicrJ. V-;e Board t ec1 l~royr1. 1.2: 05 .l~. * ar.'ain Cf;Ui1 e tc ctJ}cier. to ,1.11.1:' t 8 S ItJas u ",.",.Ll" n-n 'T" S -'-1-- . c,.' , r" ..L.I. .: .;.'-- G "-'__ _. tf-_ 0..,,- L.. J...LGl1 rea 0.0 '! 1~~11 f! -c p.. e ,--: (1 h la vc--':'r C1 ,~ r- en (:: e,..l l):r ':~rl- C1 +...." 0 --: J _7 I 1 0 _ .1,. ~ .'_ ';,., -.,..~ ......, ~-- .-- - '~. .-: ~...'_... ." ~~'> C__, _.' ,'.. .~ ~ t.,! '.. - "., .~t,.". J, .J_-'-~.;X" kau ,.. '... 2{>0 In J ,~llr.rc("r"e be 1---Lrec' "S I'" c: C ~ Q J_ t- (~"'y,,\ A~'":l -1_ c> -r1 ,_ -_-.:. --,-- ~.'I J..;', '-'~. oJ ~.~L ~ .1..:'.. -. -;. t. ct k,~c,"-'-,-,u2cn, vl,."",.L ut:,D.,IenL; OJ. t'''e "'J8ter 11p.~,,"rtplC~.t; 8.c.2 cq:,1nr-.- ,-,1---;' n""",(~ 00 _~ _.....n ... ....., .1.._"...., '-. .'........." C" L:\~lt._:j C.'-1 " 00__L(";'., ~:' ....J.L \-J\)).' ~ .pel. "'SAEtJ~ ~'Jlt,'J. 8. CEtr all.o"t-v.Et~_ce OJ~ .".:2L.. (Jei (lel~ Tnn'n+-;'j '-:-1"1 --i "'I' . Ii -~. .',,_~_,__..l ...JJ._ <<0 ~ne ~reSlQeDL; Jut t~e Question, the Clerk calJ.06 t~e~ ~nJJ vi-'-~ thp fO'JCH~ ae".'l-i-' nJ>'7 . ]',1J . ,.,,_. ~'~-_.., ,"_C'L - ," ~- -..1... ~.--'lJ\!.J... r~n"';..._., u... .c:l..\,'GSe ::"-L~, 8. I1nn.e. J..r1ere1-:roYl i~,he Presi t declt1T'cd the m~.,tion carried.-d- n! -".. _c_ A l"rlO'"GlCID tl'.TE~S t:rlC}l. rn2~cie '-il171'IQ+ee- lrJ '*11. ' - b -.- ,.~ '-' . l _er, seccnaec! y 'l'1'1:IS tee Broad tLa t 8- vote of tb.anks be gi vcn to re tir-i yw '1"Y'11 R tC-'CR fLnd ..; ] o.~ r~ r:le1-"'>l. rp1..... _ I''': -1'-," ,'> 'n _.,. .!_ -; __ -~ c.;. ~,- . .....-I.-! ......'.-';...; -- _c..(y v ".K. ~.ue ,.,.,O,-dcn l-]clC, IJo"cn ,rnon In' accln.,;oaL;.lon aY'_(/'"": C" "') -'" '"1 ,;','; ~_". .. '"\r Q d .. -- -_.J~...' tJ -i-C.-<..J.,J. - J., _ u. ..",,1.0. C.I'.O ulon carJ"J_e _. 11 .-, 0 +: 0",.L ,,-'. , 1 ., ~-:. 11,. v-'- ~" GO CJ_o-J ourD was L;{len mac,e s econc_ed hy. ']lr1)S tee iI:Lllcr. The F!.';C tire rpr"ste i'. ..L ~v_ .I -0 -"j.lre"J', adjourned at 12:20 A. . ~~~ 1" .. ..,. -- .. dllllaril h. l(el th \/illar-c Clerk MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND '30ARD OF TRUSTEES HELD IN THE lJiTJNICIPAL B1JILDING, MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS ON TUESDAY, 1lJ.AY lL!_, 1957 The meeting was called to order by President Lams at 8:37 P.M. and the Clerk was then directed to call the roll. On roll call, the following Trustees answered "Present": Airey, Casterline, Norris and Schlaver. "Absentll: Trustee Broad and Trustee Willer. The Trustees having previously received copies of the minutes of the regular meeting of the old Board held IVla~y 7,1957, a motion was made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Trustee Casterline that the minutes be approved as submitted. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All, Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared tp.e motion carried. The T:~,stees also having received copies of the minutes of a regular meeting of the ne1-J Board held on Nay 7, 19.57, a motion was made by Trustee Norris, seconded by Trustee Casterline, that the minutes be approved as corrected by the Village Clerk. The President put the question, tne Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All, Nays: None. 'I'hereupon the President declared the motion carried. President Lams opened the meeting to comments from persons pre sent. A delegation 0 f ci ti zens living in the 400 Block on See GW1Jm were present ard spoke to some lengtb upon the si tuation 0 f proposed enforcement of sidewalks in their neighborhood. Questions were directed to mf;mber's of the Boa rei of Trus tees. 'llrus tee Ai rey, Scblaver, Cas terli.ne and President Lams answered questio:ns pertaining to the side1eralk Ordinance. Trustee 1;,Jiller arrived and took his seat at 9:~.5 P.M. Tr1..lStee Broad arrived and took his seat at 10:05 P.M. President Lams closed the debate on the sidewalk Ordinance and opened the meeting to petitions and communications. Village HanaS8r Appleby read the fol1mving Lf com'11,unicatioB: Hay 10, 1957 The President and lvlembers of The Board of Trustees Mt. Prospect, Illinois May 14, 1957