HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/02/1957 VB minutes l>.~'''' ~~. '_."""''^',"~'''''.n''''.'''''''~~~~""^~._,r'''''''''_'--''",",._",,,",,'m~~__-O'..,.,-. C} f\ a~ o J ,~~~ The dust problem on that portion of Lincoln and Maple Streets immediately West of Lions Park was discussE A motion was made by Trustee Norris and seconded by Trustee Broad that the Village Engineers be authorized to prepare an estimate of the cost for paving that portion of Lincoln Street from Emerson to Maple, that portion of Maple Street from Lincoln to Sha-Bonee Trail, and that portion of Sha-Bonne Trail from Maple Street to the present paved surface. Standard I-II constructior to be used and proposed paving to be 31 feet in width. T~e President put the question and the Clerk called the r911, wi th the following response: Ayes: All, Nays: Nope. Absent: Trustees Airey and Willer. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried. A request for S top signs at the intersection of Emerson Street and Lincoln Street was submitted by citizens. This matter was referred to Cr.J. ef of Police Whittenberg. Village Manager Appleby referred to a permit No. 1957-106 from the Chicago Sanitary District. A motion was made by Trustee Norris and seconded by Trustee Broad that the Village Manager be authorized to sign permit No. 1957-106 on behalf of the Village of Mount Prospect. The President put the question and the vote was taken by acclamation. 'Ihereupon the President declared the motion carried. There being no further business to come before the board, a motion was made by Trustee Broad and seconded by Trustee Norris that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was voted upon by acclamation, whereupon the President declared the motion carried and the meeting regularly adjourned at 10:37 P.M. 2/~~.r71C~ William H. Keith Village Clerk :NINU'I'ES OF A REGULAR JYn~ETING OF 'CHE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF 'I~USTEES, HELD IN 'ThE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 111.0UN'T' PROSPEC T, ILLINOI S ON TT~~SDAY, JULY 2, 1957. The meeting Has called to order by President Lams at 8:40 P.M. and the Clerk was then directed to call the roll. On roll call, the following Trustees ro~swered "Presentll: Broad, Casterline, Norris, and Willer. All Trustees having previously received copies of the minutes of the meeting held June 25, 1957, a motion was made by 'I'rustee Norris and seconded by 'I'rus tee Broad that the minutes be approved as submitted. The President put the question and the Clerk called the roll, wi th the following response: Ayes: All, Nays: None. 1'hereupon the President declared the motion carried and said minute, approved as submitted. Trustee Willer read the following connnlli~ications: J1me 28, 1957 Village of Mt. Prospect 112 East Northwest Highweg Mt. Prospect, Illinois ATTENTION: H. G. APPLEBY Dear Mr. Appleby: Enclosed herewith please find original and one c~y .~_=______."_______.____"... Jul v 2 _ 1 Q 1;"1 "". "'l c. ,~ " ~ ~ v., "i../ each of Petition to Annex and Petition to Zone Certain Property. Very truly yours, sf Allan R. Bloch J"uly 1, 1957 Mr. H. G. Appleby Village of Mt. Prospect 112 Eas t North~..Je s t Highway Mt. Prospect, Illinois Dear Mr. Appleby: Enclosed herewith please find original and one copy of Petition to Annex fu~d Petition to Zone Certain Proper~J. Very truly yours, S./ Allan R. Bloch.. 'l'rustee l'>!iller pointed out that the Board has no ao.thority to rezone property. He further stated that all ter~itory annexed to the Village is automatically mlnexed QDder R-l classification. Both petitions to annex referred to in the above letters were referred to C Olrrm.i t te e . 'rrustee \;viller I"ead a proposed ordinance for the firs t time.. t! AN ORDINANCE AJV1E:NDING 'lEE VILLAGE OF IVl'I'. PROSPECT ZONING ORDINANCE. 11 A summation 0 f this ord- inance Hill be published in the Mount Prospect Herald and considered at a subsequest meeting of the Board of Trustees. Trustee Willer exulained proposed Ordinrolce No. 558. "AN ORDINANCE AJVIENDING SECI1ION 6 OF AHrI'ICLE II OF 'IRE VILLAGE OF' NT. PROSPECT VILLAGE PLANlI and pertaining to the dedication of lends for public use. A motion Has made by 'l'rustee!fiiller and seconded by Tr'u.s tee Norris that Ordinance No. 558 be passed. TI~ President put the question and the Clerk called the roll, wi th the following response: Ayes: All, Nays: None. Absent: Trustees Airey and Schlaver, Hhereupon the President declared the motion carried and said Ordinance passed. Trustee Willer referred to a tentative plat relative to the 1st .Addition of Country Club Terrace, Mount Prospect, Illinois, which was submitted by Glenview Westbrook Homes. It was moved by Trustee Willer and seconded by Trustee Casterline that the tentative plat referred to be referred to the PlmL Co%~ission for study and recommendation. The President put the question and a vote was taken by acclamation. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried. Trustee Willer read a communication from the Secretary of the Illinois CoxlImerce Commission. 'I'his letter referred to a hearing to be held at the office of the Comrnission at Cbicago on 'I'rusday,<july 11, 1957 at 10:00 .A.M. The hearing concerned the matter of the proposed change in Municipal Street Lighting Service. Mr. Appleby was requested to acknowledge the cormnunication and to attend the hearing, if possible for him to do so. Village JYlanager Appleby read Resolution No.. 13-57 referring to the appropriation of ~3500.00.of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the purpose of maintaining 4 arterial Streets from July 1, 1957 to December 31, 1957 July 2~ 1957 It was moved by 'I'rustee Broad and seconded bY311 Trustee Norris that Resolutions No. 13-57 and 14-.57 ...... ..:. ' be approved and adopted. The President put the que stioD and, the Clerk called the roll, wi th the follov>1irJg response: Ayes: All, Nays: None Absent: Trustees Airey and Schlaver. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried and said Resolutions adopted. There was some discussion concerning the dust problem on tha t portion of Lincoln and Maple Streets at the entrance to Lions Park. Village Manager Appleby was authorized to investigate possible measures that could be taken to alleviate the dust problem. The intent being for the Street Co~~ittee to take immediate action. President Lams read a letter from Mr. James J. Murray pertaining to a street party to be held on Saturday, July 13, 1957 starting at about 8 P.M. and requesting permission to have the area between Main and Emerson Streets on Berkshire Lane blocked off. This matter was referred to Village Manager Appleby for his consideration and action. :";"'''';< President Lams referred to a proposed ordinance designa ted as the "ANNUAL APPROPRIA'fIOH BILL1' for the period beginning May 1, 1957 and ending April 30, 1958. A motion was made by Trus teevJiller and seconded by Trustee Broad that the appropriation ordina~ce be placed in the hands of the Village Clerk for publication and inspection during the coming week. The Presiden t put the question and a vote was taken by acclamation, whereupon the Pre siden t declared the motion carried. ....~.,........ "t.'.~t A representative of the citizens of the 300 Block on S. Emerson Street complained to the Village Board of traffic violations in that area. Chief of Police ~Vhittenberg advocated reduction of speed limits on residential streets. Mr. Appleby referred to a previously received letter in wliich it was requested permission to paint house numbers on curbs. Mr. Appleby recommended that permission be denied and the Village Board concurred in his recommendation. There being no fuxther business to come before the board, a motion was made by Trustee Broad and seconded by Trustee Casterline t hat the meeting be adjourned. The motion was voted upon by acclamation, whereupon the President declared the motion carried, and the meeting regularly adjourned at 9:30 P.M. aJda~ ~~ William E. Keith Village Clerk MINU'I'ES OF A REGULAR II1.EETING OF 'lBE PRESIDENT A1"'D BOARe OF TRUSTEES HELD IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS ON TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1957. The meeting was called to order by President Lams a 8 :42 P.M. and the Clerk was then directed to call the rol On roll call, the following Trustees answered "Pres Casterline, Norris, Schlaver, and Willer. Trustees Airey and Broad were absent. All Trustees having previously received copies of t: minutes of the meeting held July 2, 1957, a motion was made by Trustee Willer and seconded by T~~stee Norris tha the minutes be approved as submitted. The President July 9$ 1957