HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/09/1957 VB minutes
It was moved by 'l'rustee Broad and seconded by 3. 1 iJ
Trustee Norris that ResolutionsNo. 13-57 and lL~-57 . - Jt
be approved and adopted. The President put the
que stion and the Clerk called the roll, wi th the
following response: Ayes: All, Nays: None Absent:
Trustees Airey and Schlaver. Thereupon the President
declared the motion carried and said Resolutions
There was some discussion concerning the dust
problem on that portion of Lincoln and Maple Streets
at the entrance to Lions Park. Village Ma~ager
Appleby Has authorized to investj_gate possible
measures tha t could be taken to alleviate the dust
problem. The intent being for the Street Committee
to take immediate action.
President Lams read a letter from Mr. James J.
Murray pertaining to a street party to be held on
Saturday, July 13, 1957 starting at about 8 P.M. and
requesting permission to have the area between Main
and Emerson Streets on Berkshire Lane blocked off.
This matter was referred to Village Manager Appleby
for his consideration and action.
President Lmas referred to a proposed ordinfuLce
de signa ted as the II ANNUAL APPROPRIA'rION BILLlI for the
period beginning May 1, 1957 and ending April 30, 1958.
A motion was made by 'I'rus teeltJiller and se conded by
Trustee Broad that the appropriation ordinance be
placed in the hands of the Village Clerk for publication
and inspection during the coming week. 'Ihe President
put the question and a vote was taken by acclama tion,
whereupon the Presiden t declared the motion cal"ried..
.. +
A representative of the citizens of the 300 Block
on S. Emerson Street complained to the Village Board of
traffic violations in that area. Chief of Police
v~Littenberg advocated reduction of speed limits on
residential streets.
Mr. Appleby referred to a previously received
letter in wbich it was requested permission to paint
house numbers on curbs. IV[r. Appleby recommended that
permission be denied and the Village Board concurred
in his recommendation.
There being no furtber business to come before
the board, a motion Has made by Trustee Broad and
seconded by Trustee Cas terline t ha t the :m.eeting be
adjourned. The motion was voted upon by acclamation,
whereupon the President declared the motion carried,
and the meeting regularly adjourned at 9=30 P.M.
aJ~~ ~~
William H. Keith
Village Clerk
TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1957.
The meeting was called to order by President Lams a-
8:42 P.M. and the Clerk was then directed to call the rol:
On roll call, the following Trustees answered uPresE
Casterline, Norris, Schlaver, and Willer. Trustees
Airey and Broad were absent.
All Trustees having previously received copies of tr
minutes of the meeting held July 2, 1957, a motion was
made by Trustee Willer and seconded by Trustee Norris thai
the minutes be approved as submitted. The President
July 9, 1957
put the question aDd the Clerk called the roll, wi th the
follmving re sponse : Aye s : All, Nays: None.. Thereupon
the President declared the motion carrj.ed and said
minutes approved as submitted.
Trustee Norris, reporting for the Street Committee
stated t.hat the dust situation on Lincoln Avenue at the
entrance to Lions Park was being given prompt attention.
Village Manager added that the grading was completed and
tha t the streets would be oiled wi thin a fe1rJ days.
Trustee Schlaver, reporting for the Water Committee
reported that the Water Corr..mittee would take under consider-
ation the advisability of fencing in certain well sites in
the interest of public safety.
Trustee Casterline commended the Police Department
personnel in their devotion to duty during the past week
which included a holidy and much increased traffic. He
further stated that no traffic accidents had occurred during
the L~ th of July holiday period in the Village of lVlount
Trustee Schlaver resubmitted three bids to paint the
words IIMOUN~: PROSPECrl'lI on the water t ower and to provide for
the replacing of lamps on top of the tOHer. A motion '"Jas made
by Trustee Schlaver and seconded by Trustee Casterline that the
bid of the Naumann Company, 946 W. 69th Street in Chicago in
the amount of $250.00 for Ie ttering "NOUlh' PROSPEC~:" on the
tank, and in the amount of ~rl)8. 50 per hour for replacing lamps
be accepted, subject to the Naumann Company furnishing their
own liability insurance. The President put the question and
the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes:
All, Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion
Trustee Willer discussed the petition of Mr. Alan R.
Bloch to zone certain property and to annex certain property
to the Villa8;e of ]\/loTh'1.t Prospect. A motion was made by
Trustee Willer and seconded by Trustee Norris that publica-
tion be made in regs.rd to a public hearing by the Zoning
Cornmission pertaining to the property I'eferred to j_n said
petitions and submi tted under trust No. 5891. Said
property being a portion 0 f land immedia tely north of Central
Street and immediately lJIjest of Rand Road and legally descri bed
as follolfJs:
That part of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter
of the Southwest Quarter of Section 35, Township L~2
North, Range 11, East of the Third Principal Meridi&'1.
lying West of Rand Road and East of the West 579.0
feet thereof; Also a strip of land in the East Half
of the South West Quarter of Section 35, 'l'ownship 42
North, Range 11, East of the Third Principal Meridian
Hhich lies South of the Southerly line of Rand Road
aDd West of a line described as begirill.ing at a point
on the South line of said Southwest Quarter
1318.91 feet v.lest of the Southeast corner of said
Southwest Quarter; thence running North along a line
which makes an angle of 900 with the South line of
said S01.J.thwest Quarter to the Southerly line of Rand
Road, all in Cook County, Illinois.
The President put the question and the Clerk called the roll,
with the following response: Ayes: All, Nays: None. Absent:
'I'rustees Airey and Broad. 'l'hereupon the Presiden t declared the
motion carried.
A motton was made by rrrustee Willer 8.l'ld seconded by
Trustee Norris that publication be made in regard to a public
hearing by the Zoning Comnission pertaining to certain property
sl.J.bmitted as 'I'rust No. 1686 and pertaining to a section of
property lying immediately north of Highland Street and
immediately west of Rand Road, and legally described as follows:
July 9~ 1957
~ 11 (.':':
V .t ':.:
That part lying South of Rand Road of the Northwesi
Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 34, Tov
ship 42 North, Range 11, East of the 'l'hird Principal
Meridian, also that Plli"t lying South of Rand Road c
the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of
Section 31-1- described as follows: COmJ:nending at the
Southwest corne r of said No~['thwest Quartel" of the
Nortl....east Quarter of Ser;t:I.CY' ;,L:~ thence East along
the South line of said Northwest Quarter of the Nor
Eas t Quarter for a di stance of 574.L.3 feet for a
point of beginning, thence North along a line aDd
parallel to the North aDd South quarter linG of
Section 34, for a distance of ~.33.58 feet; thence
East along a line and parallel to the South line
of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter
of Section 3)~- for a distance of 533.91 feet to an
intersection with the center line of Rand Road,
thence Southeasterly along said center line of Rand
Road for a distance of 85.01 feet to the point of
tangency of a curve, thence continuing Southeasterl
along the said center line of Rand Road being a
curved line convex to the Northeast and having a
radius of 3657.30 feet for a distance of 503.25
feet to an intersection wi. th the South line of the
Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said
Section 34, thence West along the South line of
said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and
the South line of the Northwest Quarter of the
Northeast Quarter for a distance of 929.54 feet
to the point of beginning in Cook County, Illinois,
containing 7.181 acres more or less.
The President put the question and
roll, with the following response:
Absent: Trustees Airey and Brord.
de'clared the motion carried.
the Clerk called the
Ayes: All, Nays: Non
Thereupon the Pre side:
President Lams discussed ORDINANCE NO. 559 DESIGNAT
increases in tbi s appropriation and the cause of the
increase. A motion was made by Tnlstee Willer and second
by Trustee Norris that the Appropriation Ordinance No. 55
be passed, a~d that a copy be placed on file in the
Village Clerkls Office for public inspection. The
President put the question and frke Clerk called the roll
wi. th the following response: Ayes: All, Nays: None 0
Thereupon the President declared the mo tion carrie d and
said Ordinance passed.
President Lams declared a recess at 9:.15 P.M. 'I'he
Board reconvened at 9:43 P.M.. and President Lams read
the report of the Library Board for the year ending
April 30, 1957. A motion was made by 'I'rustee Norris and
seconded by Trustee Willer that the Library report be
placed on file. The President put the question and a
vote was taken by acclamation, whereupon the President
declared the motion carried.
Trustee Willer read Proposed Ordinance No. 560, AN
was made by Trustee Willer and seconded by 'l"'rustee
Schlaver that Ordinance No. 560 be passed. The President
Dut the que stion and the Clerk called the roll, vIi th the
following response: Ayes: All, Nays: None. Absent:
Trustee Airey and Trustee Broad. Thereupon the President
declared the motion carried and Ordinance No. 560 passed.
There being no further business to come before the
Board, a motion was made by Trustee Schlaver and seconded
July 9, 1957
by Trustee Norris that thB meeting be adjourned. TIle
motion was voted upon by acclamation whereupon the
President declared the motion carried and the meeting
regularly adjourned, at 9:50 P.M..
William H. Keitbl
Village Clerk
'rhe meeting was called to order by President Lams.
In the absence of the Clerk, the President appointed
Village Hanager Appleby to act as Deputy Clerk. The
Deputy Clerk was then direc ted to call the roll. .
On roll call the following 'l'r"llstees answered
llpresentll: Airey, Norris, Sc:t.laver, and Hiller.
Trustees Broad and Casterline were absent.
The following petition, signed by 132 people, 1>>Jas
.~resented by Mr. Clark of 308 S. Pine Street who stated he
1'.iaS representing the home owner's of the 200 and 300 blocks
on S. Pine, S. Wille, and S. Elmhurst Avenues:
lI1;Je the undersigned, residents 0 f the southern
section of the Village of lVlt. Prospect, do
declare that the present drainage system is
outmoded, inadequate, and completely
unsatisfactory. This contention has been proven
time and time again. We request that consider-
ation be given the following: 1) Passage of an
ordinance prohibiting connection of downspouts
to the sewage system - 2) Im.1nediate diversion of
water from the southern area of Mt.Prosnect in the
event of rain 3) Investigation of ther possibilities
for immediate relief such as installation of pumps
or construction of additional facj_Iities."
About 50 people were present in the audience 8nd many
of them addressed the Board in cO~Ylection with the flood
caused by the heavy rain on the nj ght of July 12th.
General discussion on this matter continued for about 2
hour s .
A delegation of people from the 400 block on N.
Elmhurst Avenue were present and protested to the Board
regarding the parking of trucks in that block. They
were informed that the matter was under consideration
and that the Village Attorney was being asked to prepare
an ordinance in regard to the parking of trucks on a .
residential street.
All Trustees, having previously received copies of
the minutes of July 9, 1957, a motion was made by Trustee
Willer, and seconded by Trustee Airey, that the minutes
be approved as submitted. The President put the question,
the Deputy Clerk called the roll, Hith the following response:
Ayes: All; Nays: None.. 'Ihereupon the President declared the
motion carried and said minutes approved as subrr..i tted.
The following letter was read by President Lams:
July l6~ 1957