HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/16/1957 VB minutes 14 by Trustee Norris that tbB meeting be adjou~led. 1ne motion "(i>)"as voted upon by acclamation v-Jhereupon the President declared the motion carried and the meeting regularly adjourned, at 9:50 P.lVI.. uLAA. 4'/~ ~~-- William H. Kei tbl ' Village Clerk l1INTJ'l'ES OF' A REGULAR IVIEE'I'ING OF' 'I'F!:E; PRESIDEN'I' ANC BOARD OF TRUSTEES HELD IN 'IRE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, IVl':C. PROSPEcrI, ILLINOI S ON TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1957 f1'he meeting was called to order by President Lam.s. In the absence of the Clerk, the President appointed Village Manager Appleby to act as Deputy Clerk. The Deputy Clerk Has then directed to call the roll. , On roll c all the fo llowinc; 'l'rus tee s answered uPre sen tft: Airey, Norri s, Schlaver, and v.Jiller. Trustees Broad and Casterline were absent. The following peti tion, signed by 132 people, v1Tas ~resented by Mr. Clark of 308 S. Pine Street who stated he 1r<Jas representing the home Olimer's of the 200 and 300 blocks on S. Pine, S. \~Jille, and S. Elm..nurst Avenues: l!1rJe the Th.."ldersigned, residents 0 f the southern section of the Village of lVIt. Prospect, do declare that the present drainage system is outmoded, inadequate, and completely unsati sfactory. 'I1hi s contention has been proven time and time again. We request that consider- ation be given the following: 1) Passage of an ordinance prohibiting connection of dOvmspouts to the sewage system - 2) Immediate dj,.version of water from the southern area of Mt.ProsDect in the event oi' rain 3) Investigation of ther possibilities for immediate relief such as installation of pumps or construction of additional facilities." About 50 people vJere present in the audience and many of them addressed the BOftrd in cODnection 1jJi th the flood caused by the heavy rain on the nj ght of JulJ?' 12th. General discussion on this matter continued for about 2 hours. A delegation of people from the 400 block on N. Elmhurst Avenue were present and protested to the Board regarding the parking of trucks in that block. 'They 'were informed tha t the matter was under consideration and that the Village Attorney was being asked to prepare an ordinance in regard to the parking of trucks on a . residential street. All Trustees, having previously received copies of the minutes of July 9, 1957, a motion l^laS made by Trustee Willer, and seconded by Trustee Airey, that the minutes be approved as submi tted. 'I'he President put the question, the De~uty Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. 'Ihereupon the President declared the motion carr:i.ed and said minutes approved as s1-lbmi tted. 'l'he follovJing letter was read by President Lams: July 16, 1957 July 16, 1957 $'") ....-'t ~~" ~15 Members of the Village Board Village of Mt. Prospect, Ill. We the undersigned being owners of barber shops in Mt. Prospect wish to go on record as being opposed to the nel,\T increase to $10.00 per chair on the barber chairs in Mt. Prospect. We feel that 4nO.00 pel' chair is too high in com- parison wi th other license fees in the Village, and wi th barber license fees in the surrounding area. Arlingtonl s license fe'e for barbers is iW5.00 per chair, and Palatine1s $15.00 per shop regardless of the nUlnber of chairs. A1ATaiting your consideration and reply in tlds matter vJe remain, Respectfully yours, " A'y"""", s/ James T. Conroy Esquire Barber Shop 109 S. Hain St. - Mt. Prospect, Ill. r.'''':~ J. V. lVIoleI' Moler's Bm'ber Shop 30 -~rJ. Busse Ave. IVIt. Pro spe c t, Ill. Jolm Szent 19 vJ. Busse Ave. Henry Eolz Bar ber Shop I t was the consensus of tb. e Board that the ordinance remain as it is. It "(rJas moved by 'l'rustee Airey, seconded by 'I'rustee Norris, that the 'I'reasurer t s repOl"t for the Village of Mt. Prospect, dated June 30, 1957, be accepted and placed on file. The President put the question, tho Deputy Clerk called the roll, with the following result: Ayes: 4 Nays: None. flihereupon the Pre sident declared the mo tion carried and the 'Treasurer I s report accepted. It was moved by 'l'rustee Airey, seconded by Trustee Norris, that the list of bills incurred during the month 0 l' J'une, 1957, as submi tted by the Village treasurer, be approved for payment. The President put the question, the Deputy Clerk called the roll, 1Arlth the f ollmrJing result: Aye s: All; Nays: None. 'Iihereupon the President declared the mo ti on carri ed. A motion vJas then made by trustee Airey, secon ded by 'I'ru stee Schlaver, that the 'I're asurer I s report of Special Assessment Funds for the Village of lVIt. Prospect, dated June 30, 1957, be approved 8...Dd placed on file. The motion was voted upon by acclamation, whereupon the President declared the motion carried. 'lhe following Ie tter Has road: J 1..11 Y 9, 1 Y57 Board of Trustees Village of Mt. Prospect Gen tlemen: Case 56-15 July 16, 1957 r,I '1 {'i;; -(..O ~.JJ Wi th furthcT reference to our lette!'':.; of July 30, 1956 and AUg1.ISt 4, 1956, the Zoning Commission, -~\Tith three of' four members voting 3 to 0, make the follovJing recommendetions: B-1 Shopping Center, lidth a..."l paved off'street parking provi sion expre ssed in a minimurn percentage of the total area to be occupied. B-2 present 7(7); 7{16 B-3 present 7(3); 7(2); 7(4); 7(5); 7(6);.7(11);7(13) 7 (l~. ); 7 (15 ) ; We further recoramend the establisb~aent of a separate off- street parking classification to the present Zoning Ord- inance. 'l'he uses should be perrnitted in any Zoning class- ifications, subject to an application &'1.d a hearing. P-l paved off-street parking ~)ot for fee of moving passenger vehicles. P-2 paved off-street parking for fee of mnving pass- enger velli cle s" P-3 unpaved off-street parking not fOI' fee of moving passenger vehicles. P-4 unpaved off-street parking for fee of moving passenger vehicles. ',de di "'cussed al so the tr'uck and the bus parking problem$ Upon roviehr of the Zoning Ordinance, it Has notj_ced that this is specifically cared for vnder 8 A(5). Q / "', Tj1 W/ .!.....! e J... CIla i rmE.L.'1. lvIar tin 'lhe Village Hanager Has directed to find out the percentage of total area to be reser'ved for off-street parking space and to submi t this information to the Village Attorney in order that a..."l ordinance can be prepared. It; vIaS moved by 'l'rustee vJiller, seconded by 'l'rllstee Norris, that the ple.t of Schavilje & Knuth, Inc. re-sub- division be referred to the PIBrl Commission for study 8...Yld reC0111'l1endation. the motion was voted upon b~T acclamation, whereupon the President declared the motion carried" '1'he following letter vJaS read: July 12, 1957 'l'ne President and Members of the Board of Trustees of the Village of MOQYlt Prospect Gentlemen: It is recoITil11ended that the Village Board talre steps to ar.Ilex the follmving areas v\Thich are bO"Lmded on three sides by the Village: 1. 'l'he Kirchhoff home s tead located on the nOI'th sic"ie 0 f Central Road and west of Kenilworth Ave. 2. 'l'he property north of' Ce:ntr8,1 Road im.media tely "\1Test of the First Addition to Centralwood. 3. The property near tne southeast cornor of Country Club terl"'ace bOlJnded on the south by Golf Road, on the liVest by Lo ts 137 and 136 of CO'L1Jl try Club '1'er'race, and on the north and east by the public park. ~.. the area be tween vveller ere ek a.'l.d Golf' Road bounded on the we s t by Country Club Terrace and 2iaiAIa tha 'I'ra:Ll Subdivision and on the east by Clearbr'ook Estates Respe ctfu11y s1..1..bml tted, sj A. C. Chai rman. 8,/ H. CT. Dresser of Plan Comrn:i.ssion A',onlebv. Secretary _ .J... 'U "" .... July 16~ 1957 PAG:E ~:2~ A STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) SS. COuNTY OF COOK ) I, WILLIAM E. KEITH, being the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the Village of Mount Pro~ect, Cook County, Illinois, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that according to the records of said Village am the 4th day of February, 1958 the following motion was duly adopted by said Village Board, which said motion was made by Trustee Willer and seconded by Trustee Sch1aver. tlTha t the minutes of December 18, 1956 insofar as they pertain to Ordinance No. 532, in the third paragraph on page 5 of said minutes, be and the same are hereby amended nunc pro tunc to read as follows: Ordinance No. 532 entitled 'An Ordinance amend- ing Ordinance No. 519 passed October 161 was presented by Trustee Willer and seconded by Trustee Viger. The President put the question. The Clerk called the roll, with the following response: AYE: Airey, Schlaver, Viger, Wier, Willer, vJilson. NAY: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried and said Ordinance passed and approved.11 That on said motion to amend the minutes as afore- said the following Trustees voted: AYES: Airey, Norris, Schlaver, and Willer NAY: None. ABSENT: Trustees Broad and Casterline. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried and ordered the minutes of December 18, 1956 amended as aforesaid. IN WITNESS "WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my official hand of office at Mount Prospect, Illinois, this 4th day of February, 1958. W~a-rr? // ~ Clerk, Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois The matter was referred to the Village AttorneY<31 to check and advise. 'line following letter was r'ead: July 13, 1957 Hon. Theodore Lams, President Members of the Board of ~rustees I'-'Iolmt Prospect, Illinois Gentlemen: 'I'hi s Po st re cen tly acquired ti tIe to the property formerly owned by George Kirchhof on the north sj_de of Central Road facing Busse Road. We are outside tb.e Village limi ts but we WOll1d like to tap in to the line y' ecently run across our lot by Br'lming which carries Village water. Your favorable consideration of this request would be greatly appreciated by the members of this Post. He spe c tfull y , ,- C!/ AS' . u . 'Gler Commander. cv: ~'^' t,"-Q-"; ~: This letter was referred to tbB Village Attorney and 'I'rustees Schlaver andVJiller. ...- -".../"" ft>>i?",,-, i-.J It was the consensus of the Board that water should be turn on at the O'V,Jen Street Playground until the end of the season without a meter and at a m.imu,m charge to the Park Dis tri ct. A motion Tl'JaS made by 'I'r1.wtee Schlaver, seconde' by Trus tee ~1iiler, that <,p125. 00 be au 'i.:;hori zed for an exaust J~an. in the west wall of' the fire station for ventilation. l'he Presiden t put the question, and the Deputy Clerk called the roll, \Nith tl'le folIo' ing results: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried. It }!as moved by 'I'rustee "vviller, seconded by 'I'rustee Norris tha t the Village IJarlager be directed to request a perlni t to jJ]terconne ct the F'eehanville and vJellel" Creek Drainage Districts between Ridge and N. Elm.hurs t Avenue along EenI'";)T Street. The motion Has voted upon by acclamation, Hhereupon tbe Presj.dent declared tfJe motion carried. The Village Manager reported vBrbally on the hearing held July ll, 1957 before the Illinois Commerce Commission on the proposed change in Nun- iciDal Str'eet LightiniZ Service stated in the second revised sheet #2~ and~first revised sheet #26 to schedule E- 3, Illinois Conrcnerce Commission No.3, filed by tt~e CorrmlonIrJeal th Bdison Co. (Public Servi ce ". .. ) " . .. f J.. I! '~3'~ '" .. ' lJ:LVlSlon , oeJ.ng a reVJ.S:Lon 0.,' raGe ire:. lor l'.UlJ.lClpa. Street Lighting a"1d provicUng a l"ate schedule for thl installat:Lon of street lights on other' than distrib'LJ. tion poles of the Public Service Co. The Village M8nager was directed to check the rate 'charged on lighting syste'ms inst.s.lled and maintaineo. by other than the Public Service Co. 'The following letter was l~ead: Jul] 15, 1957 Village of MO'lmt Prospect Building Department Gentlemen.: ~Ji th respect to tbe attached .alan for tl--:le remodeliniZ of the store fron~ for Geisle; Shoe Store, 25 w. ~ Prospect Ave., I have been advised by your July 16s 1957 318 Architectural Soard that the Village Code requires that the entrance door swing out. In this particular case however, I respectfully request that an exception be made based on the follo11ine; reasons: 1. 'I'his is simply a relocation of the existing door - an expensive aluminUli] door - 'which, at the time it Has incor- porated i.n the presen t store front when this building Has buil t a feH years ago, lrJas permi tted to sHing in. 2. Turning the door and frame around to Dermi tit to swing out T"j'ould make it aWkl'\Tard to enter store .". 3. The pI'esent ah.1J11inuyn screen door would have to open in, tr1is rnakij:1g a hazardous condi tioYt 'wh.en th_e entrance door stands open. l.~" The only proper solution 1--JOuld be a completely neH door and fra.me which at the present cost of approximately ~d50. 00 would work an undue hardship on Mr. Geisler, the store owner. '" ,./. The other stores in this building all have inswinging doors. 6. The fire hazard is not as great in a modern fire-proof building as this, nor is tb.'3re ever the volmue of people in a store like this such as would be the case in a drug store, a tvern, etc. For these reasons I again respectfully request that it be permitted to move the door to its new location in the store front - that is - to swing in. Thanking you for your kind consideration, I remain, Sincer'ely, PE'I'lmSON S rl'ORE FRON'I'S It was moved by 'Trustee 1<'Hller, seconded by ~Crustee Airsy, that the request contained in the foregoing letter be denied. The motion was voted upon by acclamation, whereupon the President declared the motion carried. 'I'he Village .fJlanager reported to the Board tha t the requirements set up on June 18, 1957 in connection with Joan Ruth's Wa Pella Gardens subdivision have been complied. with. '1'here being no fUl'ther business to come before the . Board, a motion "0Jas made by 'Irustee Airey, seconded by 'Irustee Norris, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion Has voted upon by acclrouation, whereupon the President declared the :'Ilotion carried, and the meeting regularly adjourned, at 12:00 P .1\11. ~- Deputy Cl erk lVlINU'I'E5 OF A RI~GULl~R HJ:~L'l'ING OF' 'lEE PRESIDENT AND BOAPJ) OF' TRUS'I':GES, BELC IN 'l'El~ IvlUNICIP AL BUILDING, IvlOUl'J'I' PROSPEC'l', ILI,INOIS ON 'IUESDAY, J1JLY 23, 1957. 'llhe meeting Has called to order by President Lams. On roll call, the following Trustees answered IiPresentfl: Airey, Broad, Casterline, Norris, Schlaver, Willer'. Absent: None. It was moved by rl'rustee Airey and secondse'. 'l'rustee Schlaver that Village l'vlanager Appleby, in the absence of the VillaGe Clerk, be appointed Deputy Clerk. fl'h~ moticm was voted-upon by accl~1ation, whereupon the Presldent declared the motion carried. July 16~ 1957 July 23, 1957 ._-~~