HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/23/1957 VB minutes
ft_rc1:-1i tectl1r211 SOilrd t11at tl1.G -r,]~ age Code reqlllres
ontrance door swing out.
In thi s particular case ho';"re.ver, I respectfully reque st trat
an exceptiorJ be made based on tIle fa l101'1i rea suns:
:. rr1trt s is Sirrl[;l'J- a~ relocati on of~ t118 exis ti.n.g a.oar -- aIJ.
expensive alumin1.J1"n door - .",J11ich, at tbe time it Has incor-
porated in the pl"escn t store front wr:en. trlis buil.diIJg l'11-as
b11il t a fe-t~ yee.rs a,g'::), 1rJaS perrn:t tted to s~Ji.ng in.. $
Turning the door and fr8.J.ile arollll.d to permi t
:/,j"ould make it m'lilnvard to enter store"
3" The present aluminlJIll screen door would have to open in,
tbi s makin.g a hazal"dous condi tionvJr:en the entl"anc 8 door
stands open"
L~. ~'he only proper solution ifJould be a c01npletel.y new doo:""
and frame l..J!Jich at the Dresent cost of approximately ~;35o.00
would Hark an undue hardship on . Geisler, trle store Olrmer"
j" 'l'he othel" stores in this building all have insHingi.ng doors.
6. The fire hazard is not as great in a modern f'i 1'e '-proof
bLdlding as th:"Ls, nor is th:,re ever the VOl1.1111e of people in
a store like thi s such BS lfJould be the case in a drug store,
atvern, 8 tc 0
For these reasons I again respectfully request that it be
permitted to move the door to its nCH location :tn the store
front - that is - to swing in.
l:[1hanking you for YOUl' kind consideration., I remain,
It v'Jas moved by 'l'rustee t.Hller, seconded by 'l'rus tee AirGY, that
tlJe request contained in the foregoing letter be denied.
motion "JaS voted upon by acclam.ation, wb.ereupon the PresideD.t
declared the motion carried.
'l'he Village Hanager I'eported to tl18 Board tha t the
requireinen ts set up on June 18, 1957 in conne c tion wi U1 ,Joan
Euth1s Wa Pella Gardens subdivision have been con~lied. with.
'l'here being no further business to come befol'e the
Board, a motion 1J>Jas made by 'trustee Airey, seconded '')y 'Trustee
Norris, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion l'JaS voted
upon by aCClarl18.tion, whersupon the President declared the
motion carr-Led, and the r!1eetin{!, regularly adjourned, at 12:00
Deputy C1 erk
(. j W' rPU.'r.', S' TJ ,\ Y JTTL,"" ': 3 1057
_.IJ.J ..... _..:.1 J.J~..........., lj 'J_ C::, / .
The meeting was called to order by President Lams.
On roll
Airey, Broad,
l' t'~c> ':>0110\ Tl"Y\ C' 'I'r'].st.~ees 8.n:::p.Tcred llpresentil:
c a - ..J.., Ii....,.L ~, 0 ~~c" v ~ ".
Cas terlj_ne , Norris, Schlaver ,VJiller . Absent:
It wa s fi10ved by II'r~l1s t~e e iJ.l.=L- re y an d_ se CO:C1Q 8 ,~. 1;~;,7. f~~jrus te e
Schlaver that V:tllage Nanage~ Applehy, in tl}.eabser;cce of.' the
nOlI C..,.,- . , ", t Cl ""1',., f',l...,,,, mo."'~ "'n lfJ9.S
Vl_ a[~e J.J_erK, oe appoln-cecc .uepu y .;.,.G_ j<'~e .Lu.t:! I U..L..) "
vo ted - upon by acclama tion, 1rIThereupon the Pre sio.cnt de Clal"ed
the rno tion carried.
July 16~ 1957
July 23~ 1957
All trustees having previousl.,;r recei \Ted
copies of the minutes of Jul;y 16, 1957 meeting, a
motion -was made by trustee Broad and seconded by
'Trustee Norris that the minutes as sU':Jrni tted and
corrected be approved. The President put the questi
and the Deputy Clerk called the roll with the follow
ing response: Ayes: 6 Nays:. None. 'lnereupon the
Pre sident declared the mo tion carri ed 8l1.d said
minutes approved.
The fol1o-vJing le t ter liJas theIl read:
July 23, 1 (;i57
The Honorable Members of
the Board of Trustees
Village 0 f i'JIOlill t Pro spec t
I take pleasure in appoint:Lng Herbert E.
Simpson Superintendent of Building until further
action of the Board.
Thi s appointment is made on the recormnenda tion
of the Village Hanager, and your conCUI'rence therein
J. s re spectfully reque sted.
Sincerel-y yours,
SI mb 0 A ,.
..L.c..eOGors . .LJEtIi1S
Vi 11 age Pre si c1en t
A motion l',Jas made by 'lirt1stee Ai:cey and seconde,
by f.:crus tee Norri s ths. t the reco:m:mendation of the
President be concurred in. fi.'he President put the
question, the DeplJ_ty Clerk called the roll, lrJith the
follovJing re sul t : Ayes:. 6; Ns_ys: Ilone. Tibe l"c: upon
tJ:1e PresicIent declarecl the rnot18rJ. c.~;~y~i8d
rninutes appr~c;.\,:ec:~.
Resolution No. l5-57, a resolution declaring a
policy for the construction of sidewalks in the
Village ~vas read by 'Trustee Willer. A memorandtlm in
connection Hi th the Resolution ,-"Tas read by Trustee
Airey as follows:
Py'e siden t Iiams
Trustee Casterline
'l'rustee Willer
Trustee Schlaver
fTrustee Norris
Tl"ustee Bl"oad
Village Manager Appleby
T'he pr'oposed resolution aD. sideHalk location,
if adopted, l.wuld con tinue "I'::;he prac ti. ce 0 f exc eption
based on personal preferences. I mrr opposed to the
1)l.J.rpose of the resolution and the practical effect 0:
application of it in the co:mmuI1ity. 'lhe reasons for
my opposition are listed below:
1. 'lihe requirement of a parkll\Tay sidewalk
system for resident:'Lal propE.;rt:v is not merely the
preference of this or preceeding Boards. It is
based on years of municipal experience, advice and
recorrnnenda tion s of' land planner, engineers, and sub-
division plaD~Gers. To permit occasional curb walks
is not being consistent in our policy. Not being
consistent is the very reason for our current side-
irJalk problems. It is OlJI' duty to bo persistant 1'01'
the r:i.ght in OUI' belief.
2. If f'rom the advj ce and experience of mu..Yl-
icipalities, planners, engineers and from its own
observations., this Board is satisfied that the
proper placement of ~mblic side"t-Jalk is a location
mvay from the curb line, it is then incuIa'oent upon
July 23, 1957
,r) ('~ ...-~
'l.) :L: ty
this Board to act in its best judgement and defeat the
3. The resohltion continues the requirement of
parkway sidewalks in new subdivisions. This is in
the public interest and welfare and should apply
equally to the public intel"est and Helfare in exist-
ina oroDertl."es as well as new. I see no distinction
-....-O..l..... .
between the Helfare and benefit in one location as
against another in residential property.
4. In the practical application of the proposed
resolution it will in actuality grant exceptions to a
limited, almost specific, group of citizens in certain
areas. In this instance, and due to the nature of
the Village I s case and the history of the sidewalk
progrma, f feel that a concession to a few, as this
resolution "irJOuld provide, should be completely un-
acceptable to thi s Board and to the publie, part:1eul-
2-rly to the other ci.tSzens who have been involved by
previous action.
5. The resolution, in my opinion would be an
appeasement of' those who have opposed village require-
ments with the greatest persistence, but not necessar-
ily .\,171. th the sounde st argwnent for changing the l"equJ.re-
ments as provided in the resolution.
6. The resolution would make possible the
establi shment of a double standard Hi thin a given area
ffild would be evidence of preferential consideration of
tb.ose contesting village l"equirements.
7. The Village has obviously been lax in the
past on sidewalk installation enforeement. I believe
the proposed resolution does not properly remedy this
and will only further confuse and perhaps compound
the pl"oble.'n.
8. 'The 1Jllderlying cause for argurnent, in my
opinion, in noarly all cases, is the desire of the
property owner to usurp the public right of ""ray for
private real estate and enhance the appearance of
the property. This should not be a valid and accept-
able CRuse for the Board of ':[irustees to change the
reql.llrements for a fe"\,y ci tiz8ns, by the passing of
the proposed resolution.
The above objections have been list.ed in ',,yhat
I feel is the order of their importance, the latter
being of least significm~ce to the Board. Where
ci tizens have knoHingly acted contrary to village
requir.ements, it should not be required of this B08J."d
to grant exceptions in the citizen I s behalf. I .vJould
11.ot be opposed to sideHalk location variations which
WOUld be fair, practic8.1 and helpful due to physical
or engineering limitations at a given location and
provided the citizen was not negligent in his action
or contributory to the existence of the situation.
In my opinion, the l"esidential real estate in
the village is of such a similar and unj.form nature
that our present parkHay sidelrJalk pattern serves tbe
public adequately anci best and is applicable to alJ.
areas. If, hOHever, this Board .feels that the
public might be better served and better satisfied
with a varj.sd set of sidewalk stan.dards, then it
should be approached from the engineering vieHpoint
as to m.:'Hber of home s served, size of lots, size of
blocks, proxi:mi ty to public inst:i. t"Lltions, traffic and
other condi ti()lls. '.['he considerations should also
include the potential requirements of the village or
other mUll.icipali ty within the right offrJay. Variat:l.ons
based on such factors as the se, and applied u.:.<"dformly,
are the only basis for this Board's action and. not as
designed. by tf'.e resolution.
Trustee H" D. Airey
July 23~ 1957
..... ""'.
, k,i
It TtJas moved by Trus tee W:U.ler and seconded by
Trustee Casterline that Resolution liTo. 15-57 be
passed. The President put the question, the Deputy
Clerk called the roll with the follOT...Jing results:
Ayes: Trustee Casterline, Norris, Schlaver, Willer.
Nays: Trustees Airey and Broad. Thereupon the
President declared the motion carried.
Petition of the Exchange National Bank of
Chicago as Trustee under 'l'rust No. 2356 by its duly
authol"ized agent, Allan A. Bloch, requesting the
:r>ezoning of lot s 8 and 11 in Block 22 in Prospe ct
Manor, being a subdivision of part of the South 3/4
of the West 1/2 of the blest 1/2 of Section 3L~, 'l'm,m
L~2 North, Range 11, East of the 'l'hird Principal
Meridian in Cook County, Illinois from 11.-1 District
to Business District was read.. It "t'lias moved by
Trustee Willer and seconded by Trustee Norris that
the request of Exchange National Bank of Chicago be
referred to the Zoning Comraission for hearing, and to
the Village Clerk fa l' public a tion. J:'he mo tion "",ras
voted upon by acclamation whereupon the Pr'esident
declared the motlon carried.
An Ordinance enti tIed llAN ORDINANCE RES'l'RIC'llIJ:W
introduced for the first time.
The reco~mendation of the Plan Corrwission that
cel"tain areas surrounded on three sides by the
Village be annexed to the Villar:;:e, which T'ecornmendati
had been presented to the Board on July 16 and
referred to the Village Attorney was reread. An
opinion of the Village Attorney referI'ing to Sections
7 to 11, Chapter 24 of the Cities fu'l.d Village s Act
of the State of Illinois was also read. It was
moved by 'l'rusteevJi11er and seconded by Trustee
Norris that the piece of property north of Central
Road imrnediately livest of the 1st 1\.6.(5.:1. tic)]:} to C entral-
wood, being the only piece eligible for annexation,
that the Village Attorney be authorized and directed
to prepal"e an ordinance to annex this territory to
the Village. The President put the question, tlB
Deputy Clerk called the roll, with the following
re suI t: Aye s: All, Nays: None. 'l'hereupon the
President declal"ed tbe motion carried.
It was moved by 'I'rus tee vHlle 1'" 8nd seconded by
Trustee Schlaver that the ;:A+OO.OO fee paid by the
Veterans 0 f Forelgn l.vars fol" a sound ampli fi cation ,
sys tem curing their c arni val be reflmded to them.
The President Dut the question and the Denuty Clerk
~ ~
called the roll, with the following results: Ayes:
6, Nays: None. Thoreupon the President declared the
motion carried.
It was moved ~y Trustee Ail"ey and seconded by
r:L'rustee .~rJ"iller that all property Oirmers desiring to
install sidewalks in accordar:ce TpJi th Hesolution No.
15-57 of the Boa1~d of 'I'rustees passed on July 23, 195
must do so prior to September 1.5, 1957 or in the
event a material shortage prevents the installation
prior to scdd date, the property OvJ11er must file wi tl1.
the Village Manager a signed contract with an approve
contractor providing for j_rr.ill1ediate construction of
said sidew~k in accordance w:Lth all specifications
on f'ile vIi th the Village l1anager. In addi tion the
.\t .r:Jp.~tP'propel"ty OlcJner must deposit a SUIIl of money equal
ji'-' v to the cost of constructing the inlprovement provided
for in said con,:ract plus lO~:S for unforseen i te[(lS of
construction either in escrow in a b~Dk designated
by the President and Board of ~rustees of the
Village of Mount Prospect or with the Village
l'reasurer to be placed in a ape cial f"Lmd of the
Villae:c-e of Haunt Prospect at the direction of' the
Villai;e Board. Upon deposit of said funds the
, .. J. ,,!~.,
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escrow agreemeYl t shall provide that in the event
July 23, 1957
q.. 'L~ "2,'-"
0~ ..,~
".he,,: aid property OHner fails to complete said con-
s.tructioYl in accordance Hi tlJ tt e contract 1rJi thin
the time, provided in sajd escrOH, the Village of
Mo.cnt Prospect shall be authorized to use all or
such portion of said escrovv money as may be
1"eql.:;ired to enable the Village of Haunt Prospect
to comple te, the cons truc ti on of the improvements
involved. In the event tLe foregoing provis :ions
are not complied l'lii th, special assessment proceed-
ing shall apply to said sidewalk. 'Ite .President
put the que stion, the Deputy Clerk called the
roll, with tJ:e follofN"ing result: Aye s: 6, Nays:
None. 'I'he reupon the Pre si r: ent de clared the
motion carried.
following letter was read:
July 12" 1 957
the President and ll!lernbers of the Boal"d
of 'l'rustees of the Village of l\10unt Prospc~ct
Attached hereto is the original tracings of Gleich's
Industr:'Lal Park which vJas referred to the Pl8.:n. Comm-
ission for study and recom;:nendation.
~ tis :.....ecom:mended tL8. t tbe plat be approved sub je c t to
dedi C8. U on 0 f land fox' public use as required by
ordinance in an industrially zoned area.
Res p e c t full :', s ubnli t t ed,
s/ A. C. Dresser
ChaiY'man of the Plan Comm-
s/ lL G. Appleby
Secre tarJ'~ e
It was moved by '1'1"ustee ~Jjller and seconded by
TY'ustee Norris that tbe plat of Gleich's Industrial
Park be approved. and that the President and the Clerk
be a"u.,tl'1ori zed. ..to sig:n said plat 011 b,ellalf of tb.e
Village. The President put the q-L18stion, the Deputy
Clerk called the roll, wi th the follo1rJing 1'0 suI t:
Ayes: 6, Nays: None. 1~erel~on tb.8 President declared
the motion carried.
rr1.:G follov]j_11t~S letter) ~Jas reacl:
The President 8J1d Ivlerr:::!crs of the Board
of 'I'rustees of the Vjllage of rJJo'~n.t ospect
GeI1 tl erne 11- :
F"- t tach~eci l'lere to is tr1e orj c'i ~Ql9.1 t.J~aClr12; n.r-' ~:i" ftt~18D.
1-lA~ o'l,tr"'l 'qsi-;:'-:-es 'U~'lJ'" +- i/~ -:;: T.\rh-i (1:n l''''.:JQ --~Ai:-Cr.-~,-,'")_..,...:J -:-
-~V_J"L/'-'-";,':j ..L.:J J?l....I./, l.~ _ v _ . I!' ,};~ ..' ..."... .,J._..... N - -' . ' . . . '.
.'.Yl e P18.:n. C OlP.JT2.5_ s s j on for s t'Ll..(l~y 8_11C re COTIJYt1811cLa.t tcxJ. 0
r-. y
i..) J..
land for pUb~lC use
lJ e CoOp ',;:r r) ';.J" (~(~!. <:' I: e die 8. t; i (~rl
area was previously made.
.J. ij
~LS recorrnnen.cled tl~nt
n.l'::, +
J~./ __L_.. ....
R.eSl')ectf~-Lllly s'tjbrnitted,
IS,/ l~, 0 C $ I:;r~~~;:; ;:}e::r'J
Cha:i..r(,~a;). 0 f the Plan Comrr::.i ssion
cc/ r. ('. II". 1~.1 ".
U _.,. _'. .1:\ pp c; 0;)
Se c re tar:l Gl
~the :rn8..tt.ex" T4e.s refel~red. to tj~8 Jl1~c5_icj,.flr7:T C
t~t~e(~ ()
TLe folloHing letter was read:
July 23~ 1957
July 22, 1957
Village of IVlount Prospect
112 East Northwest High"V1Jay
IVloun t; Prospe c t, Illinoi s
The School Board desi1"es to cornplete the parln'<iay side-
vm1k along Can-Dota Avenue from Lincoln. to Milburn
Avenue. This will provide our Lincoln School site
hJith complete sidewalk protection.
A pD.rt of the public park\t>.iay at this point is n01rJ used
for teacher off-street Darking. To install this
5 foot parlDlJay walk at the customary point of one foot
from tree property line 1cJould materially reduce the
area available for teacher parking at a time when need
for teache r par king is greater due to the 8 clas s-
room addi ti on DOL'! beiLg comple ted.
The School Board asks apI)roval to place thi s 5 foo t
parkvmy sidev.Jalk on the school s ide of the property
line except at t:be po:1nt of tie in \tIith the exist-
j_ng 1pTalk at IvJilburn Avenue" 'I'he proposed Halk 1piOl'.ld
be made compatible ",lith the existing 1cJalk at that
po:5-n t so a s to look proper.
'}'bis vIill permit full tvl.c~tb use of the ';\lalk at all
,times for pedestrians, and pc;rm:'Lt maxjmum .u.se of the
parkway area for teacher parkjng.
e School 30ar6 Hould like to proceed Hith this work
nOvJ so as to have tr:is improvement ready for fall term
and asks approval of the Village before authorizing
thi s wor],.:.
Very trtIly yours s
.Q./ :-'"'1T':>r;; Ji"'llson
"-"I ......-J./, C<.__ -<- 0 I/~.......
Bus:Lne ss l'la:rlager
It T;\lasi(ioved by T'r1J.s tee irJill er and seconded by trustee
AiI'ey that the request of School strict No. 57
contained in the Ie tter be gran ted. 'lhe PI'e siden t
IJut the questi on, the Deputy Clerk called the roll,
with the followin~ result: Ayes: 6, Nays: None.
'J.'hereupon the Presiden t declared the motion carried.
It Has moved by Trustee 0chlaver and seconded.
by Trustee Norris that Building PerTit Fees of ~240.00
be refl...mded to COmmUl~2- ty P::ee sbyterie.Yl Church. 'l'he
Pn:;sident put the question, the Deputy Clerk called
the roll, with the followinE-:; re sul t: Aye s: b, Nays:
None. 'l'}:;.ereupon the President decls_1"eeJ the motion
ResolutiC:<Il 16-57, a resoluU.(_,n for i.r:provement
by mGrdcipali ty under the IvJotor Fuel 'l'ax L8.~;f
p1"oviding for the bi tuminou.':'] resurfacing (Subclass
1: -11) and appropria ting ~?7 0,000. 00 therefore vJ8.S
1"ead. It 1pTas frJcved by T'r1..1.stee [,aIleI' and seccrndeCL by
Trustee Schlaver that the Resolution be adopted as
read and the Deputy Clerk authorized to certify it.
The President put tbe question, the Deputy Clerk calle
the roll, with the following result: Ayes: b, .Nays:
None. 'l'herellpon the Pl"'esiden t declared tbe motion
carried and tree resoluti :In adopted.
Hesolution No. 17-57, a resolution for irrrnrov8-
ment by fI1Ull.icipality l.:mder the l';]otor Fuel Tax Ls.w of
ProSDect Avenue betl<>Jeen Emerson Street and Pine Street
by ~idening the existing concrete pavement and
construction of curbs and appropria ting :jp22, 000. CO
therefor 1-Jas read in full. It was moved by 'l'rl.lstee
Norris and seconded by Trustee Casterline that the
Resolution be adopted as read and the Deputy Clerk
directed to certify the same. {i'l'ls.President put the
July 23, 1957
question, the Deputy Clerk called the roll, with
the following result: Ayes: ~rustees Airey,
Casterline, Norris, Scblaver, Willer. Nays:
'l'ru s tee Broad. 'Therel.:Lpon the Pre siden t declared
the motion carried and the resolutinn adopted.
There beLJg no further business to come
before the board, a motion \AlaS made by tr"LLstee
Airey and seconded by 'I'rus tee Norris that the
meeting be adjourned. 'l'he motion "TrJas voted upon
by acclmnation vJheroupon the President declared
the motion carried and the meeting regularly
adjourned at 12 olclock P.lvl"
J1!i f)_PI f)jJE_lkA _____..__
F. G. ~F~-r;-J<-.O
I:eputy Clerk
1957 .
In the absence of President L~1s, the meeting
ivas called to order by the Village Clerk at 8:l.i2 P.N.
Upon roll call, the following fl'rustees a,'"lS1rJered
llpresentll: Airey, Broad, Casterline, Noy'r'is, Schlaver,
and Willer. Absent: President Lams.
A motion was made by 'l'rustee Schlaver and
seconded by 'Trustee Broad that Trustee Willer be
appointed President Pro-'l'em to serve in the absence
of President Lams. 'l'he Clerk put the questio,n and
a vote was taken by acclamation, whereupon the Clerk
declared the motion carried and 'l'rustee vJiller ass,.,:ul1ed
the President's chair.
A motion was made by Trustee Airey and seconded
by 'l'rustee Broad that the minutes of a meeting held
July 23, 1957 be approved as corrected by Trustee Airey.
the President Pro-'l'em put .t,.'1e question a:C1.d a vote Has
taken by acclamatj_on whereupon the motion 1rJas declared
carried and said minutes approved as corrected.
Trustee Norris then read the following report:
This is a reply to the corr..rnunication vJhich 1rJ8.S
P1"esented to the Nt. ProSDect Village Board of Trustees
.~it the 'rue sday, J-uly 16 meetin2= of the BOEH'd. A formal
report "VJ8.S requested by Mr" 11iam Clark who read the
July It: com.,llunication to the Board of 'l'l'ustoes as spokes-
man for the group of 1"esiden ts on South lfJi11e, South Pine,
and South j:;lmhurst AveEue in J'!lt. Prospect. 'Ibis reply
vJaS prepared by 'l'rus tee Norri s and is concurred in by
the other members of the Board of 'Trustees, Village
Pre si den t 'l'ne ado re Larns, and Village JYlana r;e r, Hal"old
Apple by .
My report ~,yill cover the points "TrJf:.ich were out-
lined in riLl'. Clark I s cori'l.i.'!1unication to the Yiount Prospec t
Village Board.
Point 1. Passage of an ordin8.llce prohibiting
connecti 'n of downspouts to the sewage system.
The building code adopted January 2, 1957 provides
tha t ilre sidential roof drains sl"Jall no t be COYlJle cted to
sanitary or combination sewers, but may be connected to
separate storm SelNe1"S only.1f 'llhis provision :'Ls being
enforced on new buildings. The Village Attorney is
exploring the possibili t.y 0 I~ legislation requiring the
disconnection of downspouts now connected to seHers.
July 23~ 1957
Aug. 6~ 1957